Re: [Biofuel] briquette machine

2012-03-04 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Kirk,
briquettes and pellets from wood chips are ment to be from shavings and 
of regular production facilitys.
I have since 2000 a briquttpress in my woodshop here in Quebec.
At first the ministry of environment didnt allow me to heat my shop with 
Oil was ok
Pellets are a good source of heating,but for a woodshop not ideal because 
very sensytive
about different shavings,you need allways the same shavings as per wood and 
sice of the shavings.
Thats ok for big manufactures of woodenfloors,wich would have allways the 
same kind of shavings!
All in all,a very good way of recycling wast.
Not so for direct production of pellets and briquettes.
The breaking down and drying of green wood takes to much energy and is 
therefor not the best solution!
So the slogan:  make your own biomass products is only good for woodshops of 
a certain size!

-Original Message- 
From: Kirk McLoren
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 9:04 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] briquette machine
make your own biomass products

Nemo dat quod non habet

From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 12:51 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Throwing Out the Free Market Playbook: An Interview with 
Naomi Klein

Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Feb 2012

Throwing Out the Free Market Playbook: An Interview with Naomi Klein

Perhaps one of the most well-known voices for the Left, Canadian
Naomi Klein is an activist and author of several nonfiction works
critical of consumerism and corporate activity, including the best
sellers No Logo (2000) and Shock Doctrine (2007).

In your cover story for the Nation last year, you say that modern
environmentalism successfully advances many of the causes dear to the
political Left, including redistribution of wealth, higher and more
progressive taxes, and greater government intervention and
regulation. Please explain.

The piece came out of my interest and my shock at the fact that
belief in climate change in the United States has plummeted. If you
really drill into the polling data, what you see is that the drop in
belief in climate change is really concentrated on the right of the
political spectrum. It's been an extraordinary and unusual shift in
belief in a short time. In 2007, 71 percent of Americans believed in
climate change and in 2009 only 51 percent believed-and now we're at
41 percent. So I started researching the denial movement and going to
conferences and reading the books, and what's clear is that, on the
right, climate change is seen as a threat to the Right's worldview,
and to the neoliberal economic worldview. It's seen as a Marxist
plot. They accuse climate scientists of being watermelons-green on
the outside and red on the inside.

It seems exaggerated, but your piece was about how the Right is in
fact correct.

I don't think climate change necessitates a social revolution. This
idea is coming from the right-wing think tanks and not scientific
organizations. They're ideological organizations. Their core reason
for being is to defend what they call free-market ideology. They feel
that any government intervention leads us to serfdom and brings about
a socialist world, so that's what they have to fight off: a socialist
world. Increase the power of the private sector and decrease the
public sphere is their ideology.

You can set up carbon markets, consumer markets, and just pretend,
but if you want to get serious about climate change, really serious,
in line with the science, and you want to meet targets like 80
percent emissions cuts by midcentury in the developed world, then you
need to be intervening strongly in the economy, and you can't do it
all with carbon markets and offsetting. You have to really seriously
regulate corporations and invest in the public sector. And we need to
build public transport systems and light rail and affordable housing
along transit lines to lower emissions. The market is not going to
step up to this challenge. We must do more: rebuild levees and
bridges and the public sphere, because we saw in Katrina what happens
when weak infrastructure clashes with heavy weather-it's catastrophe.
These climate deniers aren't crazy-their worldview is under threat.
If you take climate change seriously, you do have to throw out the
free-market playbook.

What is the political philosophy that underscores those who accept
climate change versus those who deny it?

The Yale cultural cognition project has looked at cultural worldview
and climate change, and what's clear is that ideology is the main
factor in whether we believe in climate change. If you have an
egalitarian and communitarian worldview, and you tend toward a belief
system of pooling resources and helping the less advantaged, then you
believe in climate change

Re: [Biofuel] Learn To Make Terror Your Friend

2012-01-11 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
here post I received from Greta Berlin (Irish-Gaza Friends)
It seems to me this would fit well the topic

HR bill 3131 is in committee according to this website under the full 
text number 21. Our captain on the Free Gaza boat, the first boat into Gaza 
in 41 years,  John Klusmire, is specifically named as violating Greek 
orders. But it's much more than that, as you can see below:

To direct the Secretary of State to submit a report on whether any support 
organization that participated in the planning or execution of the recent 
Gaza flotilla attempt should be designated as a foreign terrorist 
organization and any actions taken by the Department of State to express 
gratitude to the government of Greece for preventing the Gaza flotilla from 
setting sail in contravention of Israel’s legal blockade of Gaza, and for 
other purposes.

(21) Greek authorities boarded ships and took into custody several 
individuals, including Captain John Klusmire of the ship Audacity of Hope as 
it violated Greek Coast Guard orders by setting sail without permission.

We are gathering names of those of us who will INSIST on putting our own 
names on this bill if our representatives do not remove John's. If you are 
an American citizen and you want your name added to this evil bill, please 
email me directly, and I will send the names on to the American contingent. 
The only way we can defeat something like this is if we are all willing to 
stand up for John and stand up for justice.


-Original Message- 
From: Keith Addison
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Learn To Make Terror Your Friend

Hi Dawie

Interesting, if a bit vulgar-libertarian towards the end.

Yes, it's at the Lew Rockwell site, but I thought it was useful
anyway. So it seems did Tom Feeley at ICH.

But conspicuously absent is mention of the West's long-standing use
of the military in general and wars in particular as sinks for
inevitable surplus output. And though much may indeed be said about
current electronics-based innovations it
is very easy to lose sight of the fact that the manufacture of basic
electronic hardware is more dependent on maintaining volume and, hence,
dumping surplus than perhaps any manufacturing practice in history.

I think it's also a sink for dumping surplus labour.

If unemployment was calculated the way BLS did it in 1994 and
earlier, it would be 22.4%.
-- Unemployment Drop Masks Ongoing Decline
9 JANUARY 2012

The US poverty rate is higher than that.

I wonder where the troops returning from Iraq are going to find jobs,
and how they'll view Obama's glowing tribute when they don't.

(I've yet to undertake an analysis of computing
outside chip mills and the Future Machine. It is a daunting task for
which I fear I lack the necessary technical detail.The theorists in
the field tend to be technophiles who proceed from an unreasoned
assumption of the
simple thereness of the requisite hardware, without the need to
manufacture it or to buy it: I would be wary of their assistance.)

However, though war is a long-established way of creating economic
demand out of thin air it is quite probable that the world is
running out of the
ability to respond to that demand as we speak. Something has to give.

Indeed. Meanwhile, here's a fight to be savoured:

Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street - Financial Elite Start
Turning On Each Other
By David DeGraw -
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

All best



Dawie Coetzee

  From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 13:34
Subject: [Biofuel] Learn To Make Terror Your Friend

Learn To Make Terror Your Friend

By Doug Casey

January 08, 2012 Lew Rockwell --  As you know, I think we're moving
into an era of intense international conflict. And during the next
ten years, you can plan your life around the US being in the middle
of anything and everything that even vaguely resembles a war. It
promises to be unpleasant, inconvenient and dangerous.

This article - which is long, but not nearly long enough to cover the
subject in as much detail as it deserves - explains why military
conflicts are in store, what they're going to be like and what might
be the morality of the matter. This last has some importance, because
we're talking in good part about terror. And, to paraphrase
Nietzsche, you may not be interested in terror, but terror is
interested in you.

A Matter Of Definition

Re: [Biofuel] Bill Gates's Nuclear Miracle?

2011-08-25 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Sometimes one have to think,the whole world is going mad with those 
My self I am pretty convinced that a methane-digester would be much cheaper 
to produce
and instead letting methane escape in to the atmosphere collecting it and 
produce electricity
would be at least a part solution for the energie problem on hand!
It works in Nepal on small scale why should this not work in big citys on a 
larger scale
Stopping citys like Vancouver to dump theire wast in to the ocean should be 
a priority
for everyone rghh!

-Original Message- 
From: Keith Addison
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bill Gates's Nuclear Miracle?

:-) Well put. A Windoze nuke, aarghh!!

These are by far and away the safest reactors ever designed.

As long as they remain unbuilt, they will remain so.

- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 8:12:08 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Bill Gates's Nuclear Miracle?

Mini nuclear plants to power 20,000 homes
£13m shed-size reactors will be delivered by lorry
John Vidal and Nick Rosen
The Observer, Sunday 9 November 2008
South African Govt Halts Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Project
16 September 2010
Aim High!
Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor



Bill Gates's Nuclear Miracle? John Gilleland Says TerraPower Needs
Discipline, Not Divine Intervention

Gregory T. Huang 3/23/10

John Gilleland's first day on the job was a little different from
most people's. The nuclear physicist showed up at Intellectual
Ventures in Bellevue, WA, and sat down at the conference table with
his new boss, CEO Nathan Myhrvold, and another, shall we say
prominent, techie.

The guy on my left looked familiar, Gilleland says. It was Bill Gates.

Gilleland had been on the job for all of three minutes when Myhrvold
said jokingly, John, you're late on your deliverables.

That was back in December 2006. Gilleland is now CEO of TerraPower,
the spinoff from Intellectual Ventures that is focused on creating a
fundamentally new kind of nuclear reactor. It's the invention firm's
biggest research project to date, spinning out as a separate entity
in the fall of 2008 with 30-some staff and untold amounts of funding
from Gates and other investors. It is a project that Intellectual
Ventures likes to cite as a potentially transformative, homegrown

The basic idea is to create a reactor that needs only a small amount
of enriched uranium to get started, and then uses depleted uranium
(spent fuel) or natural, unenriched uranium to produce the
nuclear-fission reactions necessary to generate power for 60 years or
more without refueling. The design is called a traveling wave
reactor, and the idea dates back to the early 1990s. If it works, the
key benefits would be cheaper power, much more plentiful fuel, more
efficient nuclear waste disposal, and less risk of nuclear

Gates has been gushing about the project as of late. He mentioned
TerraPower prominently in his talk at the TED conference in
California last month, calling out the proposed reactor design as a
possible miracle innovation in the effort to provide clean energy
to more of the world's population without increasing carbon emissions
in the atmosphere. (Nuclear power provides about 20 percent of the
electricity in the U.S.)

Gilleland (see photo, left) has been given the keys to Gates and
Myhrvold's nuclear kingdom for good reason. Previously, he co-founded
and led Archimedes Technology Group, which developed improved
techniques for cleaning up nuclear weapons waste, among other things.
Before that, he was chief scientist and vice president of energy
programs at Bechtel, and U.S. managing director of the International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) program for fusion energy,
and he spent 16 years at General Atomics doing fusion research.

The traveling wave reactor is certainly an intriguing idea, and one
that could be a true breakthrough. But the question, skeptics say, is
whether it can be made to really work-and how long that will take.
The idea is that the reactor makes its own fuel and uses it as it
goes along: the neutrons emitted by a small amount of enriched
uranium convert depleted uranium into plutonium, which splits to
produce energy and also emits more neutrons that continue to breed
new fuel. There is no precedent for TerraPower's particular design,
and the project faces some major challenges-technical, business, and
regulatory. So far the physics has only been tested in computer
simulations, albeit

[Biofuel] a sample of good bavarian musik for Gustl

2011-07-03 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Sorry List,
I hade to take the List as medium for a message to Gustl,I lost his adress!
But than this would be a good occasion to get to know the real bavarian 

Hello Gustl,
here a little sample of good bavarian musik

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[Biofuel] Murakami puts a bomb under his compatriots' atomiccomplacency

2011-07-03 Thread Fritz Friesinger
I have a little problem in praising Angela Merkl as the weise women in this 
In fact Angela Merkl (she is a nuclear physicist) was before the Fukushima 
a strong supporter of nuclear industry!
The german government came hard down on anti-nuclear protestors and it needet 
a nuclear desaster to wake up to the dangers of it!
Even Merkl came to her senses, the path was prepared by the strong anti-nuclear 
in Germany
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[Biofuel] Trees no cure for global warming

2011-06-23 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Thanks Thomas for pointig this out!
It is rather nonesence to say that trees have a warming effect!
What about the natural low-pressure over forest-areas? Any
Glider-pilot can tell about the thermic effect over grassland and so.
Beside,walk thru a forest and feel the fresh and cool air!
It seems to me the autor of this study got a steak in forestindustry
My non qualified fife cents
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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: New Engine 100 MPG

2011-06-03 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Chip,
when I startet out with my first car,a Lloyd Alexander Ts , 19hp the 
consumption was not that a big of a deal (1966)
but just the same one did not drive just to burn fuel.
I dont recall how much that yellow streetsinger burnt at the time,but there 
have been cars around then with less than 3liters
consumption per 100km witch comes closed to the 100Mper Gallon thing.
some Vehicles like the Messerschmitt cabinscooter or the little Gogomobil,and 
than the Renaults or the500Fiat.
Big enough to get your But around,but not to impress lotsa girls! And there we 
go: A man and his symbols
The Americans startet with the oversize Bathtops,lately I saw a 500 Fiat in 
Montreal ,shorter that little thing as a Chevy wide!
My Brothers BMW Isetta, The one who opened the door to the front parked cross 
as well as long! You came a long a parking spot
pulled the Handbrake and the thing jumped in the spot (Cross) and it never 
failed to do so
The are all gone and I really dont know why Fiat shoud get the Price they ask 
for the new 500!
Its all a rip off!
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[Biofuel] 100 MPG Cars

2011-06-03 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hey Chip,
you are much wors than me only 16  count in 45years discount 3 years I went on 
horseback only...
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Re: [Biofuel] fukushimachernobyl

2011-05-30 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello KeithAll
in my books those papermasks are as efficient as a Umbrella in a halestorm with 
eggsize ice-pellets!
Its at the most a placebo of no value! Skinnexposure is also a big factor in 
the contamination process.
In the army we had metalfoil-blanketts to cover all bodyparts,special soaps to 
wash and... and...
The wors is,that all our Governments are lying the hell on any subject witch 
could find critisism !
So the canadian government conveniantly left out the Alberta Oilsandspollution 
from the report filed with the 
And when bad things happen nobody is accountable for it!
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[Biofuel] The Emperors New Hydrogen Economy

2011-05-17 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Darrel,
first my congratulations to the runner up award!
Is there a online version of your book available or how can we purchase a copy?
Thank you
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[Biofuel] Carbon storage in Saskatchewan

2011-04-27 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Chip,Darrel,
was` nt  the japanese nuclear industrie considered the safest in the world?! 
So and what are the guaranties now for the rest of humankind about the fall 

The safest carbonstorage to me is growing back our forests, it could be 
enhanced with composting to accelerate new growt! I wonder how many jobs could 
be created
this way and how much we could achieve by that way?

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Re: [Biofuel] Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power (George Monbiot)

2011-04-01 Thread Fritz
On 11-04-01 12:29 AM, Chris Burck wrote:
 been hoping this thread wouldn't die out before finding a moment to adress
 the topic.  fortunately, much of what i wanted to say has already been said
 so i don't have to try and carve out as much time!

 clearly, life as we in the developed world (and increasing numbers of
 people in the developing world) live it, is unsustainable.  as has been
 rightly pointed out, we *will* change how we live.  the only question is
 whether we participate in and shape that change.

 this discussion hinges on two words (which i really thought would've come up
 sooner than they did):  paradigm shift.  it's not about sacrificing this or
 that, but opening our eyes to what's real and shifting our priorities.
 deciding what we really need.

 the world right now is a freaking gigantic mess.  changing it. . .OMG just
 think about that for a second (change *that*!?!).  makes you feel pretty
 tiny and helpless, right?  I mean where the devil do you start?

 as bakunin would say, start with yourself.  that helpless feeling i
 mentioned a second ago?  well, pretty much everyone around you feels the
 same way.  what's the best antidote?  do stuff.

 i'm pretty tired and since i can't keep my train of  thought i'm starting to
 sermonize which is one of the worst forms of human interaction.  i think it
 was chip who said that one of the best forms of communication is to *do*.
 couldn't agree more.

 anyway, hoping everyone is well,

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But than Chris,
Einstein allready sayd it:
You cant change the courrent state of mess we are in
with the same thinking that brougth as in at first!

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[Biofuel] Biodiesel in Canada

2011-03-30 Thread Fritz
Hello Seth,
i would call for ice in the line!

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Re: [Biofuel] How is Keith Doing?

2011-03-14 Thread Fritz
On 11-03-14 02:23 PM, Dave Hajoglou wrote:
 I see that you're about 750km by road to Fukushima and closer by
 the crow.  I send my wishes that you and others get through everything
 as safely as possible.

 -dave hojo

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Hi Dave,
if i am hopefully not mistaken is Keith now in South Africa!
If this is rigth i wonder how he did get to know about the upcoming 
disaster!But than Keith to me is a wise man and they know things
All the best

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[Biofuel] Gun cracy

2011-01-12 Thread Fritz
While and before my miltary service in germany we had discussion of the 
merrit of any army
The word was,you need the army to defend against the bad people.
And then after years you find out,that the bad people is your own
Thats all whats left on the gunlovers argument.
Part of the hidden need for guns is shure to be found in man and his 

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[Biofuel] greenhouse farming

2010-12-04 Thread Fritz
Hello Doug,
i think you are on the rigth track with your model greenhouse.
there is two things i miss on your description: shading on hot days

on hot summerdays it is crucial to limit heatbuild up in the greenhous.
Verry efficiant are stroh mats wich you roll over the glasspanels to 
limit sun entrance in to your glasshouse.
outside shades are better than inside ones so the heatbuilding is 
reduced before it hits the glass.
Cross-ventilation will help to keep the temp at a reasonable level.
The heatbuild up in greenhouses is probably the biggest inconveniant 
when you consider to work or live in a greenhouse environment and need 
as much to beeing studied as the heating aspect!


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[Biofuel] Georges Galloway

2010-11-25 Thread Fritz
Hi Darryl,Joe,
the political scene in Canada is pretty wrotten at this time,undermined 
by zionist rigthwing politicians!
The Jewish defence ligue with Weinstein had been the origin of Galloways 
banning from Canada.
The JDL is still today considered as a terrorist group in the US,but a 
canadian Minister acts on ther request to declare Galloway a terrorist.. 
funny eh?!
When Libby Davis criticised Israel about the Free Gaza Flottilla 
incident,Mulcair called for her dismissel as Partyvice,
Layton called the israel Ambassador with excuses and assured the 
Ambassador,that Libbys opinion was not the Partys!
Guess what it was and is the Partys opinion (at least the grassroots-op)
The Partys,all of them are so disconnect from the reality as they can be.
The Block from Quebec has no stand on this issues and feeds on the 
uncertainity of the rest of them all.
In Quebec the liberals are in hot water over illegal 
campain-contributions and one single MP (Amir Khadir) from 
Quebec-Solidaire is figthing a lonely battle to expose the crucked deals 
of Charest.
Meind you,the Charest,the Block,Bouchard had all been Conservatist 
before under Mulroney,Rae was NDP,everyone hangs his flag in the wind!
Layton still is under a sort of protective umbrella because of his 
cancertreatment,but wait when he is again well,he gona get the heat for 
the Mulcairaffair!
For short,we are turning in circles arkkk!

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[Biofuel] Georges Galloway

2010-11-24 Thread Fritz
Hello Keith,
Georges Galloway apeart yesterday on Steve Paikins Show and he did not 
seem to have lost any fervor on the canadian adventure!Paikin tried hard 
to put Georges in to a corner but Galloway is not shy of a good answer
Today he visitet the Calgary Office of Jason Kenney, Kenney was not 
there (see video at,so he will go on to Ottawa.
Anyway soon it will be criminal to critisize Israel in Canada( if it 
goes the way of Irwin Cottler and Friends)
I am as Canadian kind  ashame for our Governments stand on Tarsands and 

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Re: [Biofuel] Georges Galloway

2010-11-24 Thread Fritz
On 10-11-24 08:55 PM, Joe Street wrote:
 Fritz wrote:



 I am as Canadian kind  ashame for our Governments stand on Tarsands and

 That makes two of us Fritz.
 As far as I can see we are just USA north.
 Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.


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Hey Joe,
thanks God there are some more than us two!
But when you hear Ignatievs stand on intrusive screening on airports one 
feels like throwing up!

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Re: [Biofuel] A metalworking question

2010-11-06 Thread Fritz
Hi Keith,
one more nickl of mine:
a VW classic hubcup musst have the rough shape already fur the dome,
Fill the cup with cement,make a box with wood press an other hubcup in 
the cement filled box and get positiv and negative form out of this. let 
the ciment dry good out.
A framepress with a hydaulic jack should do the support the 
coment take some steelplates and protect your ciment with them.The 
sheetmetal,160mm dia you put between the two forms and press them.
Hammer the rest till you get to the rigth domeshape.A piece of tiretube 
could soften the pad for the thin.

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Re: [Biofuel] A metalworking question

2010-11-02 Thread Fritz
On 10-11-02 02:30 PM, Keith Addison wrote:
 Hello all

 If you don't mind my asking, I could use a little help with some info
 at the Journey to Forever website.

 It's about Chinese watering cans, at this page:

 Appropriate technology  Chinese watering cans

 High-power rose -- tricky to make, it says. We haven't figured out
 how to make new roses yet, but we're working on it. We're trying twin
 male/female moulds using our friend Graeme Morris's recipe for a
 rock-hard putty made of glass-fibre resin and lime -- that way we
 should be able to get the holes right. See Watering can plans for

 It didn't work.

 I've made eight of these cans over the years, and when I leave I
 abandon the cans themselves and take the roses with me. The cans seem
 to be ubiquitous, they're what veg oil, methanol and so on come in.
 This pair is the current version:

 The cans in action:

 They're very efficient - using both cans at once, two passes gives
 you 1 a litre per sq yd/sq metre coverage.

 I seldom use them for actual watering or irrigation though, no need.
 That time it was diluted compost tea, being applied to a pasture I'd
 just disked in before the next crop in the succession - grains, field
 beans, roots or whatever (or sugar-cane, maize, soy, rapeseed/canola
 if you like), followed by a dressing of compost and then back to
 pasture. (See Ley farming Also seaweed
 emulsion, or diluted urine sometimes, though the urine usually goes
 in the compost. Always to feed the topsoil, not to fertilise the

 These cans haven't been made since the 1970s, or not in Hong Kong
 anyway, nor in China, as far as I know. They used to be made in local
 metalworking shops with fairly basic, simple equipment. But how did
 they make the roses? Any ideas?

 Better pictures:

 FYI, this is a useful small book on fertilising with urine:

 Liquid Gold: The Lore and Logic of Using Urine to Grow Plants, by
 Carol Steinfeld


 Guidelines on the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production,
 EcoSanRes Programme, Stockholm Environment Institute, 2004, 43-page
 pdf, 2.4 Mb

 Urine Diversion: One Step Towards Sustainable Sanitation, EcoSanRes
 Programme, Stockholm Environment Institute, 2006, 76-page pdf, 2.9 Mb

 TVM - all best


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Hello Keith,
i found in my library an old book for thinsmiths and in it is a plan for 
the pattern of the cuts.
Its not chinese but old bavarian and with some imagination you may be 
able to make a chinese out of it. give me some time tonigth and i will 
scan the thing and post it to you.The book is from 1922...
can i post this on the list or some other adress?

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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel powered radiant heat (was Nigera)

2010-10-27 Thread Fritz

Hi Seth,
if you doing the heating of the floor only occasionall you want feel the 
heat at all. This radiant heating works well if it is a ongoing 
thing.The circuit in floorheating should always be closed ,no airbubbles 
otherwise the circulation to parts of the system could be cut of.A 
circulation pump could take care for this.If the intake of the fuel is 
high enough,the drain should be low.You would not really circulate the 
hot stuff but rather only run trough.The difficulty would than be to 
get all your circuits even flow!
Therefore a heatexchanger would maybe the better design ,so you can kepp 
the heating circuit closed and draw the heat when available

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[Biofuel] Biodiesel powered radiant heat

2010-10-26 Thread Fritz
Hi Seth,
i guess you want to recover the cooling of new batches of BD to heat the 
floor.Keep in mind thath floorheating is verry slow to respond and 
should therefore be a continuing thing.Take in account to separate the 
glycerin upfront!
The basic idea is good,sinze you dont need a lot of heat to heat the 
floor (25deg. is enough).The thing is to coordinate your input to get 
even heat to the floor! The Flexpipes should do the tric.To compensate 
for any cold-periode (lack of BD)
i would poor electric cables,the ones that are sold to de-ice the 
eavedrougths,parallel to the Flexpipes.
I did this in two of the houses i built lately and it workes very 
good.2400 watts are heating a whole house if solar has a break during 
nigth and cloudy conditions.You can install a thermostat or a timer to 
switch them on and off.
If you run your BD heater,dont forget to install a heatexchanger before 
going in to the cementslab otherwise to much heat wont be very good!
good luck with the project
Fritz from Quebec

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[Biofuel] japanese facility aimed at creating sun on earth

2010-09-30 Thread Fritz
Hello Keith,
your post remindes me on a rumor of an french physicist who develloped 
topoint cero eregie
(not to shure of the rigth name anymore)
Hes Shop blow up on very dubious circumstances,the paperwork disappeared 
and anything about it was like suppressed!
There is an other rumor,that Wernher von Braun was working on the 
project also.My dad worked with him,before he died very quick on Lucemia 
and the familiy always suspected a massive dose of radiation was the 
cause of it!
Maybe there are related technologies?
To say the same rumors say that the oilindustrie was behind the 
disapearance of the technologie!?

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[Biofuel] Netanyahoo exposed

2010-07-17 Thread Fritz
Hello all,
it is not that we didn't know before,but its high time that the US Folks 
know about this too

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Re: [Biofuel] The Other Oil Giants? Just as Unready as BP

2010-06-25 Thread Fritz

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Sorry Keith,
i tend to disagree with you on this!
The Oilsands prove the contrary!

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[Biofuel] 12% renewable energie in electrical production

2010-06-14 Thread Fritz
Hello Keith,
as always you are able to put my thougths in better words,but than,thats 
what journalists du best!
My poor english does not help either
but at least there are some idias on the table andto say it bothered me 
always to see so much waste not put to good use!
By the way,my TDI runs beautiful on BD
All the Best

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[Biofuel] 12% renewable energie in electrical production by 2025

2010-06-13 Thread Fritz
When i read your post,it seems to me that Biomass is wether woodchips 
or  sweetgrass  or
how about putting thins together and combine all of it.Including Manure 
and  humanwast !
The 8% agricultural could be replaced by wood or other forest dropings

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[Biofuel] more mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Fritz
Hi Keith and all,
first time i see a major Newspaper coming out with an article puting the crimes 
of Israel in the rigth ligth!
Its all in french but worth reading it fore the ones able to.
The tide is changing

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Re: [Biofuel] Scum of the earth

2010-05-31 Thread Fritz
James Machin wrote:
 Fact is, there is probably not such a document anywhere, so in case this is 
 the case, perhaps we should start drafting the document ourselves.
 We can start with John Vidals comments ref the oil industy:

 'If the billions of dollars of annual subsidies and the many tax breaks the 
 industry gets were withdrawn, and the cost of protecting oil companies in 
 developing countries were added, then most of the world's oil would almost 
 certainly be left in the ground'.

 This probably being somewhere near the truth, perhaps  that the initial task 
 will be to nationalise all oil corporations and run them on a 'not for 
 profit' basis -

 - Original Message - 
 From: James Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 31, 2010 1:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Scum of the earth

 I like the idea that 'when the people lead, the leaders follow' when 
 contemplating  how we are to control corporations.
 However, even though we now have the power of the internet to unite us, we 
 remain (almost) totally ineffective.
 Yes, we have Avaaz and similar groups that are succeeding quite well in 
 collecting names, but a list of names alone will not control corporations, 
 however long that list is.
 I'm wondering if anyone has drafted the terms of a world wide applicable 
 piece of legislation, designed to limit the power of corporations. Seems 
 to me that with such a document in hand, the lists of names would have a 
 concrete entity about which to focus..
 We could then start working out the best way that 'the people' could 
 'hold the feet of our noble leaders firmly to the fire, and to be 
 relentless about it'.


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Hi James,
wasn't that what Iran did, before the Amis took their elected government 
out and replaced it whit the sha?!

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[Biofuel] first batch

2010-05-17 Thread Fritz
Hello Keith  all,
now a view weeks after my first batch of 40 liters a quick report!
My WVO was after standing in the drum pretty kleen and dry.
My first liter of new oil came out nicely and clear,pased the 
methanoltest and the steerwash test.
My test with one liter (titration 2 +3.5 ) came out clear,good 
separation of the glycerine,methanoltest good and washtest with fast 
separation all as by the book! Meanwhile i made my self a processor from 
a stainless steel beerbarrel an took on a 40ltr. batch.same titration,i 
practiced 6 times.Good separation,Methanoltest and washtest,so i 
proceedet wit the wash for the whole batch!
The thing was that the stuff would not get clear-translucend after a 
couple of days!
So i put that stuff on the side and forgot about for a week or so!
Today i went to check on it ... and the miracle happened all my stock 
was clear as it can be!
My Jetta got rigth away a good can of it in the tank 50/50 to start out 
and it run beautiful ! A spare fuelfilter is on standby if needet !
Thanks Keith and all contributors to the archive to get me that far!
Fritz a biofueler

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[Biofuel] getting there

2010-04-27 Thread Fritz
Hello Keith,
after reading and rereading and rereading it hit me!
My ratio washwater -biofuel was just not rigth...
same quantity oil -water solved the problem!
naturally less water meant more concentrated dirt
now the separation is clearly demarked with a fine line of white,
the first wash still murky but nevertheless water.
The sample before washed out nicely to and the third washing gave almost 
clear water!
Next step is getting a spare fuelfilter and poor that good stuff in my jetta
Thousand thanks for the patience with me

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[Biofuel] stirwash

2010-04-26 Thread Fritz
Hello Keith,
after my samples passed the Methanoltest with flying colours,
the stirwash test thrown me back a bit!
My washwater settled out ok,not to fast 1 hour about.
The thing is,its opake white,a bit yellowish towards the 
separation line demarked the oil and the water.
To say ,i did shake the water good in my oil!

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[Biofuel] first batch

2010-04-25 Thread Fritz
Hello Keith,
as you suspected,my first 20ltr was'nt fully proceedet,since i skipt
titration for some obvious reasons (hardhaeded old foul)
So after reprocessing 2 liters of that first bad batch the pleasant 
surprise: 2 liters of WVO clear and golden passed easy the Methanoltest!
(My first liter of fresh oil was good to)
The rest oft the batch 18ltr. are in the processor now!
I made my vessel from a 60ltr beerbarrel of stainlesssteel wich i fixed 
a valve on the deepest point to drain out.
Half of the barrel is painted black to get the sun to du the heating part
steering is done with a selfmade propeller and electric drill.
Glycerin is in a separate container to be passed in a still later on 
(once enough accumulated)
stearwashing i will kep for a later point to (exept for a testwash) 
since with small batches the loss of good oil is some bigger than with 
graeter batches.
I am working on a washing tank made from a 20Gal Barrel ,circulating 
pump and sprinklerlike waterdispenser!
After seeing,wath comes out of 20 ltr WVO i can not immagine how people 
like the young couple i mentioned last time get away with teir method 
of straigth WVO in the tank after filtering
Thanks Keith for all the advice and now i am going to practice titration

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[Biofuel] first batch

2010-04-20 Thread Fritz
Hi Keith,
i did my first liter of new oil on sunday!
Mixing 4ltr of methyl-alcohol with 70grams of Homeplumber 
sewerline-cleaner .there is no indication of what i used on the 
container,so i took a chance.The granules a bit pincisch-white-semi 
Mixed with the liter of new oil,the reaction was very swift and it 
cleared after a few minutes...
So i draw 3 liters of my WVO wich was almost the same colour as the new 
oil,increased my Methoxide for 30grams of draincleaner for a total of 
100g per 4Ltr. (less the 200ml drawn for the New oil) mixed the new mix 
with the 1.Liter of WVO! The reaction was the same than with the new 
oil, a bit more cloudy in the reaction but very quick settling to!
two more samples like the secound each increased by 30g of 
draincleaner,before the last sample i mixed 17 liters of WVO with the 
mix 0f Methoxide 130g-4ltr. and at last added the last 30g per 
Volume=6gramm of draincleaner!
This morning there is almost no difference to be seen on my 
testbaches,the big char is half way done,the top half is golden 
clear,the bottom havy cloudet.All the litersamples are at the same point 
approx 75% clear and 25% cloudy,the new oil the cloud is ligther.
At this point i dont know if i used KOH or NaOH The Methanol was 100% 
(veryfied by calling the  Manufacturer) so i know,there is no 100% of 
Methanol  i tok it as the 99%
The Titration i skipped because of to many anknowns in my supply of 
The frustrating part is here (Quebec) that non of the salespersons at 
the stores is qualified to answer technical questions as per content of 
there products and the labelling ist bad anyway!
So  there is the alternativ in learning in doeing it!
Tomorrow i will test my samples with the stirwash and the Methanoltest. 
the rest of the same drum of oil (550ltr.) i will proceed with the 
recepy of the best result (if there is a good one)
Thanks Keith for the help and the respond so quick
Ps.: I think the big char is not as far with the reaction because of a 
lack of heat in my shed it should be better during the day with the good 
old sun!

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[Biofuel] first batch

2010-04-19 Thread Fritz
Hi Keith  all,
after so long time on theorics  i'v made my first batch
4 hrs ago and the settling is halfway down in my 23ltr. glassbottle!
My WVO collectet more than two years ago had so nicly separated from the 
water it looked almost like fresh oil!
I pushed myself to start after an airing on CBC2 Ottawa of a couple of 
young people told listeners that you only have to filter the WVO and its 
ready for use in their Van!
Their homepage does not mention anything of
FFA's and the whole procedure just straigth after fitering poured in to 
the tank!
And they campain in schools and give some kind of advice how to due!
I was curious to know and invited them to come up here (and offert a 
free filling) but they haeded the same day for Kingston! So what i had 
to start and it looking not to bad!
Buying Leye  here is a bit of a challenge! The only thing i found was
Draincleaner, a bit pink in colour but it seems working!
i let you know  more after my washing is done
Thanks Keith for the excellent  description of procedure on your  site
and all the contributors of it

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[Biofuel] It gets worse and wors

2010-03-25 Thread Fritz

  Israel escalates its repression, stoking the fires of division

Hi all,
here a newsclip of new repressions against civilian population in Palestine!
This must be bias as the Goldsteinreport!

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[Biofuel] Aftermath of Copenhagen

2010-01-24 Thread Fritz
Hi Keith,Darryl,
the low-energie-home i am building at the moment is equipped with Solar
heating as warmwater will flow thru pipes poured in to the concreteslab.
Once this is collected to the heatexchanger it will heat the Floor 
during dayhours! At nigth electricheating cables will take over the 
Fore the time beeing only the electric cables are doeing the job!
2400watts are in 3 circuits poored in to the concrete slab! They heat 
the house 26x30ft,thre floors at 10 to 12 degrees centigrad,but this 
feels warmer because it is radiation heat!here in Quebec the consumption 
cost me some 100$ a month.Thats pretty low in compare to heating in 
other houses!
For the comfort i have built a masonry-tile stove for woodburning!
I guess the heatsource could be anything... the point is the storage of 
the heat instead of heating the air!Hot air is more costly to produce 
and keeping hot,is more likely to carry airpollutants,is more humide and 
so on!With radiation heat you can lower the airtemperature to 18 degree 
C and feel confortable like 22 degrees!
I think buildingcodes should be reevaluated to allow for storage of heat 
in walls and slabs!

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Re: [Biofuel] Electric vehicles, touted as next big thing, still in their infancy [Japan]

2009-10-16 Thread Fritz
Darryl McMahon wrote:
 It's the Chevy Volt in Opel skinning.

 Is the Volt for real?  That's an on-going debate.  Originally announced 
 in 2006 to be on sale in Q32009.  That's last month.  Most recent 
 announcement is for availability in mid-2011.

 I saw a Volt prototype a couple of weeks ago at PHEV09.
 (see my blog item at

 It's not ready.  Current specs (which I don't expect to survive) are 60 
 km on a charge, and gas engine kicks in to power the electric motor, but 
 does NOT charge the batteries.  Based on my experience and what others 
 are doing, that configuration is bizarre.

 Also, don't count on GM to provide the quick charging stations in any 
 quantity or to maintain them (based on past experience in California and 
 Arizona).  Also, the automakers are currently throwing a wrench into the 
 home charging deal by starting a whole new debate on what an electric 
 vehicle charging plug should look like.  (Don't get me started - I'm 
 already in the trenches on this one, though it turns out I may have dug 
 in on the wrong battlefield.)

 I'm skeptical about the automakers in general in this field, and cynical 
 about GM in particular.  In my opinion, the Volt / Ampera is just GM's 
 current attempt to kill the electric car - again.  There current PR / 
 whispering campaign has convinced the Ontario government to not provide 
 any incentives to homebuilders and converters, or small manufacturers, 
 or LSVs (NEVs) or hybrid-upgraders when the grants come into effect 
 middle of next year.

 I'm currently writing curriculum material for a course on converting 
 cars to electric power.  One of the things I say in the introduction is 
 that waiting for the automakers for the past 40 years has not been 
 effective.  If you really want an electric car, the only way to be sure 
 you will have one is to make your own.

 Darryl McMahon
 (lecturer, Fundamentals of Electric Vehicles course, 1981, 1982, 2009 
 and EV owner since 1978)

 Ivan Menchero wrote:
 A bit of good news! maybe

 Opel! yes Opel form GM! I could not believe it but yes! (may be Detroit 
 finally got their shit together)

 I thought, if it is for real, in Europe will do wonders, in USA so so, since 
 the people in USA drive much longer distance a day, but hey! with half a 
 quart a day you are done!
 Basically a like 150CV car, maximum speed 160 k/h (remember you have full 
 torque from the get go), around 100km autonomy on batteries and then if you 
 need more, the gas engine kicks in to charge again the batteries, plug it in 
 at home for an overnight charge or a 30 minute quick charge.

 SOUNDS GREAT! is it really? anyone knows if it is really true?



Hi Darryl,
now i am a little confused!
Opel as far i know is in the process of being sold to Magna and an 
russian Partner!
So if that deal is going true it coul well be that the criterias for the
plug ins and so well be more for the european market!
And than would this not give our want to be Priminister Linda a good
image as savior of the world?!

just an other angle of view

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[Biofuel] [Fwd: Solar Collector Window]

2009-08-20 Thread Fritz

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[Biofuel] solar collector window

2009-08-20 Thread Fritz

Hello Keith,
at first like a miraclesolution...
but than,maybe the end of interiorplants etc.
as long as americans still live in an age where you need the 
fireplacetools to open the windows
(famos clip by Disney with Donald Duck)
and where people shrinkwrap their windows every begin of winter those 
windowimproovements dont impressme a lot!
second,the references like can.Government,Embassys and Army is far from 
good references to me
Fritz,the Windowman

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Re: [Biofuel] Pigdozer update.

2009-07-22 Thread Fritz
Guag Meister wrote:
 Hi Keith ;

 Quick update for you about our pigdozer project.  Our previous system for 
 preparing a field for planting was the normal Cambodia way :

 1) Plow in dry season to upturn roots and kill them.
 2) Wait for some rain, this will germinate the remaining weed seeds.
 3) Plow again.
 4) Plow one more time before wet season to level for planting.

 This always infuriated me, because the naked earth was baking under the hot 
 sun during the dry season.  This KILLS the soil.  But the concept was lost on 
 them.  They could see no other way to kill the weeds.

 We set up an electric fence. There was a bit of a learning experinence for 
 the pigs, but they are not stupid.  Now they will not touch the fence.  My 
 staff report that they could be running away from something and they stop at 
 the fence like a car puts on brakes.

 We flood the field with water every two days.  The pigs kill the grass and 
 dig out all the strong roots of bamboo and other plants.  Their weight is 
 increasing, but slower than if fed by commercial feed.  We also let them eat 
 oil palm fruits, which they accept readily.  They also love breadfruit, and 
 we planted local water spinach and just let them get it by themselves.

 We hit a bell when we give them table rice scraps in the evening. They follow 
 the guy with the bell like puppy dogs.  If they ever do get out of the fence, 
 we hit the bell and the pigs come running.

 Everyone is amazed, even the guy that took care of pigs for many years.  He 
 never thought it possible for the pigs to follow him around like puppy dogs. 
 The report back is that the rice is growing VERY well in the area dug by the 
 pigs.  This is making big news with the locals.

 Now I get a wet, dug, and fertilized field without doing any work, without 
 killing the soil, and without spending any money on diesel or pig food, and I 
 get pig meat (and biogas later when we get to it).


 Best Regards,

 Peter G.


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Hi Peter,
congrat for the achievement!
My uncle had some 80 pigs or so and they have been kept in a half open 
stall.The sleeping area was with a ligtly heatet tilefloor and the r was 
a sort of gullyarea where the pigs did their manurething.this was kind 
of selfcleanig.
I have never seen a pigplace as clean and almost no smell at all!
The pasture was with real black earth and a little pond was there so 
they could get nice dirty!
Pigs are smart!

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Re: [Biofuel] okay, question that is almost topic-relevant. Safe vegetable oils?

2009-07-20 Thread Fritz
Chip Mefford wrote:
 In short,
 I have a small chainsaw powered sawmill.

 Now, I'll not try to defend the chainsaw as environmentally sensitive,
 nor sustainable. I'll leave that be for now.

 But the bit that I'm stuck on right now, is that running this sawmill
 generates a lot of sawdust. Some folks will argue that chainsaw mills
 suck because of the kerf, and bandmills are better due to the smaller
 kerf. Again, I don't want to argue. On wide planks, my chainsaw mill
 gives me really flat and accurate cuts. Bandmills wander a bit. So
 -to me- it's a question of do I want to leave the sawdust at the
 milling site, or at the planer later. Machs nix.

 But with the thought of composting all that really nice and very
 fine sawdust, it occurs to me that the bar-oil content is an issue.

 So, no big deal I think, I'll just use this fancy environmentally
 friendly vegetable oil based bar oil. But being the person I am, I
 decided to critique this concept. Seems that all commercial
 'environmental' bar oils are canola based. And even though one isn't
 supposed to, it's possible to get that bar and chain pretty hot.
 'cooked' canola oil doesn't seem like the stuff with which I want to
 amend my food garden soil.

 So I start looking at other vegetable oils, since these products
 are used in forestry all over the world where forestry is a more
 careful practice than here in the US, and I see that all over
 europe and parts of africa, vegetable based bar oils are the standard.

 But is this stuff really superior in an environmental sense than
 ole dinosaur bones? Esp when it's been heated/cooked?

 What is a good vegetable oil lubricant that isn't a GMO product?

 Any and all clues deeply appreciated. .

Hello Chip,
despite you dont wont to deal with this rigt now,
your Chainsawmill is far from sustainable or economical!
The kerf on a chainsaw is at least 10mm to 12mm in compare to a 
Bandsawmill 3mm!
Your claim bandsawmills wander a bit... only if your blade is dull or 
badly maintained!
I cut on my Bandsawmill up to 4000pmp a day,average 2000pmp depends how 
the wood is!
You can not possybly mach that nearly with a Chainsawcut!
But than thats what you got and you may as well use  it!
My boards are cut 1''  on center,  i plane  them down to 3/4  and have 
therefore very little  sawdust  or  shavings,my shavings are  pressed to 
Briquettes so  i have allmost no  loss!

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Re: [Biofuel] A wind turbine for your home

2009-06-22 Thread Fritz
Dawie Coetzee wrote:
 Indeed. The conventional wisdom with wind turbines is, the bigger the 
 better, and with reason.

 The interesting thing is the claim of rooftop suitability, which the same 
 conventional wisdom warns us against. I wonder if that is purely a function 
 of the small size: the literature does not elaborate. And I wonder if the 
 problems with vibration apply only (or more particularly or equally) to North 
 American timber and/or steel construction. I am not aware of any experience 
 with heavy-masonry construction. Surely it is something one can detail out if 
 the building is designed from the start to have a 16' turbine on top of it?

 Best regards

 Dawie Coetzee
Hi Dawiee,
you can hardly call thath a timberconstruction!
In my books this is named Toothpic technique
Timber as i see it would not have any problemes with it

Best regards

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Re: [Biofuel] Power Consumption of Lighting Timers

2009-05-13 Thread Fritz
Ken Dunn wrote:
 Hi all,

 I hope the cross-post is OK.  I'm looking at adding a photo-sensitive
 lighting timer for my lamp post light.  However, I'm having a hard
 time finding the energy consumption of the timer itself.  Our lamp
 post light is already on a photo sensor and we use a CFL bulb.
 Ideally, the timer will only consume energy while the light is on and
 it should consume a watt or less in order to make it practical and
 beneficial.  I can't seem to find that information, though.  Any help
 you might be able to provide would be appreciated.


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Hi Ken,
i think this is very neglegible it my be a fraction of a watt all depens 
the model

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[Biofuel] composting woodchips/sawdust

2008-08-18 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Bernard,Keith,
thanks for your posting on the matter,its very encouraging to know that i am on 
the rigth track!
About woodchips starting fire while composting: indeed the heat generated in a 
damp pile of sawdust
can actually start a fire.In my apprenticetime,we the apprentice had been often 
warned about leaving dump
sawdustpiles under the Tablesaw,because it could start fire there!
I have not experienced any mishap sofar but this maybe because of extra care 
since we had been warned so many times.
It  happens not often in a cabinetshop to cut wet wood but once in a while you 
run in to that situation and i remember allways to clean out
under the tablesaw becaus of this,it becomes a habit!
Jean Pain also states clearly,to pass the woodchips twiced in the chipper,so 
clearly there is no cutting corners here! An other point important 
is to wet the stuff very well when building the reactor and compacting the pile 
as you built it up!
The whole sounds also quite labourintensive but when you consider the time to 
spend to cut firewood,splitting it,pileng to dry and than carriing 
the whole in the house,not to forget maintaining a woodshed,than the time to 
prepare your compostpile seems less work in general!
The beneficial effect on clearing underbrush,specially in havily wooded aereas 
shold not be underestimated as well.
Forest fires would have a harder time to reach your house if no underbrush is 
I guess the viability of the project is fully dependet on where you live and is 
not good in urban aereas,but makes good sence up here in northern
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[Biofuel] concerns over Nova Scotia and Biofuel

2008-08-17 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
thanks fore your reply!
The concerns about chopped wood i appreciate fully!
My woodshop was located for more than ten years in Montreal.There i had a 
dustcollector (for shavings),a towerlike silo,with a big (7'x7'x7') Industrial 
The rip was filled from the Tower two times a week into the bin.Naturally some 
of the woodshavings fell allways aside.
So from time to time i had to clean up the mess around and i noticed there was 
allwas beautiful black compost earth under the toplayer of the shavings!
For a long periode i did not pay any attention to this,but now i know that i 
created there the very best compost environment.My shavings had been only from 
very dry wood,not more than 8% of residual humidity,since the wood was for 
interior furnitures and millwork!
Now  i count on the physical laws not to let me down and produce in my 
compostpile the heat,Jean Pain describes in his experiment!
I am fully aware,that the keyrequirement is a very fine chipping of the 
The methanedigester wont be any issue in this pilotproject,my goal is only the 
creation of enough heat for Floorheating and warm watersuply!
For the Floorheating,it wil be done with antifreeze in a closed circuit.
The hotwater with separate piping connected to the elecric hotwatertank and 
circulated to preheat the water going in to the electrictank instead of filling 
the hotwatertank with coldwater!
In my mind i think if geothermal heating can du the job,biothermal creates more 
heat,it only has to be harnessed!
I also keep in mind thaqt heystocks caqn devellop great heat,to the point the 
may ignite them self!
What concerns the Jean Pain method,i can not understand why this idea was never 
given more consideration,but in ligth of the general energie policies nothing 
surprises me anymore!
Thanks for your attention
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[Biofuel] concerns over Nova-Scotia and biofuel

2008-08-16 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Shan,Keith,

burning biomass is one way of generating energie,composting it is probably less 
harmful to the environment!

I am building at this moment two woodhouses in doubleblocksystem (see my 
website house on Lac Labelle)

The estimatet insulationvalue will exeed R32,so i can consider the house as low 
energie building

The principal heating will be done by a compostreactor as per Jean Pain's 
method (Keith, i live in a havily wooded aerea and underbrush is available more 
than i need)

Every concretesurface (Slab and basementwalls) wil be used fore heating via 
warmwaterpipes running trough the bioreactor!

In 35 hrs we collected about 15 tons of material to be shreded.My only concern 
at this moment is how far du i install the bioreactor from the house,since i 
dont know if thereis any

unplaesant smell to expect from the biomass!

I would appreciate any input from listmembers to improuve my pilotproject!

A comment to the pressuretreated wood discussion!

here in Quebec pressuretreated wood is considered as toxic wastematerial and 
have to be disposed accordingly!

Despite of this reglement Hydro Quebec gave away thousands of decommissioned 
Hydropoles to anyone who wanted to have them!

People did not know how toxic this material is,i was asked many times to go 
with my portable sawmill to cut them down into boards and beams!

Giving them away saved them a lot of money to dispose of them properly!

Still pressuretreated wood is sold and used for decks and landscaping without 
considering the toxic washout that hapens over the years!


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[Biofuel] *Lorne Gunter, National Post *Published: Monday, July 21, 2008

2008-07-22 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi all,here is an article from the national postnow everything seems ok? or 
whatFritz Do as Al says, not as Al does

*Lorne Gunter,  National Post  *Published: Monday, July 21, 2008

Jim Young/Reuters

On Thursday, former U. S. vice-president Al Gore delivered a major address
calling on his country to abandon all fossil fuels within 10 years. By 2018,
U. S. electricity and fuel should come entirely from renewable energy and
truly clean, carbon-free sources, he said. Tickets to the event encouraged
attendees to please use public transit, bicycling or other climate-friendly
means to reach the lecture hall.

So how did Mr. Gore and his retinue arrive? In two Lincoln Town Cars and a
full-sized SUV that sat idling with the air conditioners blasting while the
Gore party was inside.

It was 34 C in Washington. Al Gore can't be expected to get into an
overheated vehicle after he's worked up a sweat telling others how to save
the planet.

Remember, too, the Nobel prizewinning environmentalist lives in a Tennessee
mansion that produces a carbon footprint 20 times that of the average
American home. A sizeable chunk of his personal fortune comes from royalties
on a zinc mine which had to be temporarily closed five years ago in part
because the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ruled it one of the
worst-polluting mine sites in America. Illegal toxins were frequently
discharged into nearby rivers.

Mr. Gore's Live Earth benefit concert last summer flew scores of rock bands
to stages around the world in carbon-spewing private jets. To cover the
emissions from his own frequent use of private jets, Mr. Gore set up a
company that buys carbon offsets, so that in effect he is paying himself for
his carbon indulgences, writing off the expense on one hand, while pocketing
the proceeds on the other.

Apparently if the world is ever to reach the carbon-free future Mr. Gore
dreams of, it will have to get there without Al's help.

But take heart, there is increasing evidence that man-made carbon dioxide
may not be causing global warming. Indeed, there is increasing debate in the
scientific community whether there is even any warming occurring at all. Mr.
Gore might just be able to keep going from jet to limo to estate guilt-free
(if not carbon-free) for as long as he wishes.

On Tuesday, the Associated Press reported that seven mountain glaciers in
northern California were advancing. They joined glaciers in southern Norway,
Sweden, the New Zealand Alps and the Hindu Kush mountains of Pakistan.
Indeed, worldwide, there are nearly half as many glaciers advancing as

How did the AP explain this? Well, all the shrinking glaciers it mentioned
in its story were melting due to global warming, while the growing ones were
benefitting from changing weather patterns. Glacier melt is proof of a
climate crisis, while -- on the same planet, under the same global
conditions -- glacier advance is chalked up as a mere natural phenomenon.

Facts that don't fit the global-warming dogma -- call them inconvenient
truths -- are to be dismissed as unimportant. Only those that feed the
environmental hysteria are proof of something ominous.

So I'm sure they're entirely inconsequential, but here, anyway, are some
anecdotes that cast doubt on the notion that emissions from our SUVs and
power plants are dangerously harming the climate.

Greenland isn't melting. And while Arctic sea ice may have thinned in the
past three decades by about 3% per decade, according to the U. S. National
Snow and Ice Date Center, Antarctic ice (which is about 20 times as
voluminous as the Arctic kind) has grown by 1% per decade,

Also, after last summer's record melt in the Arctic, this summer's melt in
Antarctica was the smallest on record. And NASA satellites have found that
Arctic Sea ice coverage this year is more than one million square
kilo-metres greater than last year's, greater than the average of the last
three years and 10-20 centmetres thicker than in 2007. According to
observations by the Danish Meteorological Institute, we have to go back 15
years to find ice expansion so far south.

Snow coverage in North America this winter was greater than at any time in
recorded history. China had its worst winter in a century, and the southern
hemisphere its worst in the past 50 years.

And while global temperatures increased slightly in June, through the end of
May, the nine-month decline in temperatures beginning in September was
greater (0.8C) than all the warming of the 20th century (0.6C).

All of this may prove nothing (although if these signals pointed toward
warming, you can bet they'd be billed as proof a coming climate
catastrophe). But they should at least give Mr. Gore comfort that he need
not sacrifice his high-carbon lifestyle just to prove he can walk the walk.

lgunter at
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Re: [Biofuel] *Lorne Gunter, National Post *Published: Monday, July 21, 2008

2008-07-22 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Darryl,
is'nt the national pest part of the Asperclan?! But than they always could say 
the opinion of a columnist is not allways the opinion of the paper,depens the 
reaction of readers! ant than who reads it anyways
And shure this Lorne does know more than guys like James Hansen!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Darryl McMahon 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 4:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] *Lorne Gunter, National Post *Published: Monday, July 
21, 2008

  This is the kind of writing (I won't call it journalism) that makes the 
  National Pest a bit of a laughingstock outside of Canada's industrial elite.

  Original column is here:

  As a former U.S. VP, I don't think Mr. Gore gets much say in his 
  transportation entourage.  Perhaps the writer could take that up with 
  the U.S. Secret Service.  I'm sure they would welcome probing enquiries 
  into their protocols and procedures.

  As for the rest of the muck-raking, it's old news and has been addressed 
  already.  Interesting that the NP did not provide for comments and 
  responses to that column.

  Clearly, Mr. Gore's most recent exhortation to move the U.S. electrical 
  grid to sustainable sources within a decade has somebody heated up.

  Go get'em Al!

  This quote is attributed to Mahatma Gandhi:
  First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, 
  then you win.

  Looks like Al Gore is at step 2, maybe even step 3.


  Fritz Friesinger wrote:
   Hi all,here is an article from the national postnow everything seems ok? or 
whatFritz Do as Al says, not as Al does
   *Lorne Gunter,  National Post  *Published: Monday, July 21, 2008
   Jim Young/Reuters
   On Thursday, former U. S. vice-president Al Gore delivered a major address
   calling on his country to abandon all fossil fuels within 10 years. By 2018,
   U. S. electricity and fuel should come entirely from renewable energy and
   truly clean, carbon-free sources, he said. Tickets to the event encouraged
   attendees to please use public transit, bicycling or other climate-friendly
   means to reach the lecture hall.
   So how did Mr. Gore and his retinue arrive? In two Lincoln Town Cars and a
   full-sized SUV that sat idling with the air conditioners blasting while the
   Gore party was inside.
   It was 34 C in Washington. Al Gore can't be expected to get into an
   overheated vehicle after he's worked up a sweat telling others how to save
   the planet.
   Remember, too, the Nobel prizewinning environmentalist lives in a Tennessee
   mansion that produces a carbon footprint 20 times that of the average
   American home. A sizeable chunk of his personal fortune comes from royalties
   on a zinc mine which had to be temporarily closed five years ago in part
   because the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ruled it one of the
   worst-polluting mine sites in America. Illegal toxins were frequently
   discharged into nearby rivers.
   Mr. Gore's Live Earth benefit concert last summer flew scores of rock bands
   to stages around the world in carbon-spewing private jets. To cover the
   emissions from his own frequent use of private jets, Mr. Gore set up a
   company that buys carbon offsets, so that in effect he is paying himself for
   his carbon indulgences, writing off the expense on one hand, while pocketing
   the proceeds on the other.
   Apparently if the world is ever to reach the carbon-free future Mr. Gore
   dreams of, it will have to get there without Al's help.
   But take heart, there is increasing evidence that man-made carbon dioxide
   may not be causing global warming. Indeed, there is increasing debate in the
   scientific community whether there is even any warming occurring at all. Mr.
   Gore might just be able to keep going from jet to limo to estate guilt-free
   (if not carbon-free) for as long as he wishes.
   On Tuesday, the Associated Press reported that seven mountain glaciers in
   northern California were advancing. They joined glaciers in southern Norway,
   Sweden, the New Zealand Alps and the Hindu Kush mountains of Pakistan.
   Indeed, worldwide, there are nearly half as many glaciers advancing as
   How did the AP explain this? Well, all the shrinking glaciers it mentioned
   in its story were melting due to global warming, while the growing ones were
   benefitting from changing weather patterns. Glacier melt is proof of a
   climate crisis, while -- on the same planet, under the same global
   conditions -- glacier advance is chalked up as a mere natural phenomenon.
   Facts that don't fit the global-warming dogma -- call them inconvenient
   truths -- are to be dismissed as unimportant. Only those that feed the
   environmental hysteria are proof of something ominous.
   So I'm

[Biofuel] Pantone-Reactor

2008-05-02 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello all,
i received lately a Video showing a Dieseldriven car with a modified engin!
Apparentli this results in great fuelsavings beside very clean burning!
I have some trouble to put the Video in the List,but you could go to  
and get more Info from there Website! Everything is in french maybe Frantz coul 
help a little with this
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[Biofuel] Pantone-Reactor

2008-05-02 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Well the thing is,in this video a young french guy shoes a Renault Diesel 
modified by him to run on partly water! I dont have the knowledge to judge if 
there is anything good about it! The website looks like serios,thats where 
Frantz could give us a hand !
I would like to put the video in the List,Keith also give me some instructions 
how to due,but i am a double lefthand when it comes to handling a computer!
I will send the video to Frantz maybe he could due better than me
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Re: [Biofuel] Bidets: Eliminate Toilet Paper, Increase Your Hygiene

2008-04-30 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Zeke,
i consider to install at my Toillet a handheld shower beside the bowl similar 
to the ones you find in kitchensinks.I need to find only a easy to handle and 
reliable one with a good valve
  - Original Message - 
  From: Zeke Yewdall 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bidets: Eliminate Toilet Paper, Increase Your Hygiene

  On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Keith Addison

I am also interested in creating a toilet that combines a bidet with
a composting sawdust toilet. Since these toilets can cope with urine,
I'm sure they could cope with the small amount of water that a bidet
produces. See the Composting Toilet Systems Book and Humanure
Handbook for more information.

  Composting toilets actually have a bit of trouble dealing with urine,
  especially the small self contained units.  Too much liquid drowns
  them and makes them go anerobic instead of aerobic.  This is why most
  of them have electric heaters in them... the non heated ones that only
  have a vent fan to aid in evaporation can handle a much lower loading
  than the ones with heaters.   Now.. there is no reason that you
  couldn't use a solar thermal system to aid in the heating and
  evaporation instead of an electric heater...  but I know that too much
  liquid can be a problem.

  I still think that a bidet would be good to avoid using so much paper.
   In africa I used a little tea pot of water, and it was fine.  For my
  current situation, in the winter the outhouse is well below freezing
  most of the time, so it might get a bit frozen up. but perhaps I
  could think of a way to incorporate a solar thermal system on there


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[Biofuel] american Trucks

2008-04-28 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi all,
a friend of mine wants to buy a 250 Pickup to pull a 5.whealer trailer
What model should he look for to be able to run on BD.We think to look for a 
2tank system.Up here in Canada we have very cold winters
Thanks for your help
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[Biofuel] american Trucks

2008-04-28 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Thank you Zeke
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Re: [Biofuel] cure for incurable viral disease

2008-04-23 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Kirk,
why are tose Videos all fall short of explaining how to built that device an 
use it
would you know?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kirk McLoren 
  To: biofuel 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:25 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] cure for incurable viral disease
Beck video

  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it 
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Re: [Biofuel] cure for incurable viral disease

2008-04-23 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Thanx Bruno
  - Original Message - 
  From: Bruno M. 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] cure for incurable viral disease

  Fritz  Kirk,

  You can make that bull-crap device ( as useless as an Hulda Clark zapper )
  yourself easely :
  1 of the many links:

  But did you guy's noticed that this crap has nothing to do with Biofuels...?

  Bruno M.
  At 17:19 23/04/2008, Fritz Friesinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Kirk,
  why are tose Videos all fall short of explaining how to built that device an 
use it
  would you know?
- Original Message - 
From: Kirk McLoren 
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:25 AM
  Beck video

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Re: [Biofuel] WVO supplies on the wane?

2008-03-13 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Olivier,
they just top it off every day, you hit the nail rigth on!
When i inquiered once at a greesy spoon chain in Quebec,the Manager told 
me,there is no wvoil,they have apparantly so much turnover that they dont need 
to change any oil! since this time i make a big detour when ever i see a  
Labelle Province Restaurant
  - Original Message - 
  From: Olivier Morf 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:15 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] WVO supplies on the wane?

  Hi Keith,

  Regarding your last paragraph, I can confirm that here there is no or very
  little WVO. Either they just keep using it and top it off every day or the
  cooks are taking it home. I visited an instant noodle factory and there's no
  WVO, they keep adding unless it really becomes really rancid. I think it is
  not only a question of choice, it is also a question of education. They just
  don't know always that it is not good for health. As long as it tastes ok
  they keep using it.

  An other example; they prefer white rise. Brown rise does not looks clean
  to them. Although here there is an other more practical reason. You need to
  cook brown rise longer thus more energy. But if you ask an urban person,
  they think the rise as not been cleaned. They don't know that there's good
  stuff for human as well in the bran. They use it as animal feeding.


   From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 00:29:07 +0900
   Subject: [Biofuel] WVO supplies on the wane?
   The price of cooking oil went up.
   The supply of WVO from the restaurant we usually get it from went
   right down, from more than enough to much less than enough (though we
   also have other sources, so no big problem).
   The FFA content went up, doubling from a titration of 0.8 - 1.2 ml
   0.1% NaOH solution to 2.0 - 2.35 ml. Also not a problem.
   So it seems they keep costs stable by using the oil longer. That's
   probably a common practice. This is quite a good restaurant (you can
   tell from the previously low titration levels), not very good
   restaurants will probably keep it going even longer.
   Again, probably not a big problem for most, all indications are that
   there's still really a lot of WVO that goes unaccounted for in most
   of the industrialised countries, though for a couple of years now
   backyard brewers have been telling of increasing competition for
   local supplies.
   In poorer countries though, from what I've seen elsewhere and from
   what I can gather, there might not be much to spare for diesel motors
   - people just keep using their oil until it's all used up. Not very
   good for them, but they might not have much choice.
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[Biofuel] Farmer in Prison

2008-02-27 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello all,
for those reading french,here the story of the quebec farmer put in prison for 
producing organic milk!Sorry no english version available

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Re: [Biofuel] biofuels, agriculture, health, welfare, et al. (Part 1)

2008-02-18 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello all,
some news from Montreal:
a Quebec Farmer is Jailed for not paying the fine he was imposed for producing 
Bio-milk and not adding Vitamine D to his Milk
I will try to get more info soon
  - Original Message - 
  From: Chip Mefford 
  Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 1:21 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] biofuels, agriculture, health, welfare, et al. (Part 1)

  Hash: SHA1

  Originally Posted to the list, on Monday, feb 11, 2008:

  - -

  It's now been two days since the final keynote speech of the
  Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture 2008
  conference ended.

  I've slept 2 nights, and still have not assimilated the information
  I gathered -almost by osmosis- by attending. Was just about the best
  money and time I ever spent.

  The final keynote was delivered by Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures
  Dairy in California. Mr McAfee's
  dairy is one of the two licensed raw milk dairies in California,
  and one of one certified organic raw milk dairy in that state.

  In his keynote, he made a lot of tall claims for his product
  specifically and raw dairy in general. And I, being who I am
  somewhat skeptical in nature, had a bit of a problem with it
  all. However, taking anecdotes for what they are, was pretty
  overwhelmed by some of the claims of his customers. Throughout
  the whole presentation, the line from Frank Zappa's 'cosmic debris'
  kept floating to the top of my consciousness, And you may not
  believe this little fella, but it'll cure your asthma too.

  Seems the LA region of California is suffering from a literal
  epidemic of asthma. The stats he gave were 1 in 5, that's 20
  percent of children in that part of the state. Of his customer
  base, many began using raw dairy with asthma, and have put their
  pills and inhalers away, because the symptoms are all gone. All,

  Caveats apply of course, folks who are living with the western
  modern 'heath' or rather, anti-heath of cancers, massive pharmaceutical
  dependencies, esp hormones and antibiotics could quite literally be
  killed by a switch to raw dairy. The baseline of general health must
  be there. The probiotic nature of raw dairy is pretty strong stuff.

  The general thesis is, that we, esp in the west, but basically all over
  the world, never really made it anywhere, without the cow. We have
  co-evolved over the last few tens of thousands of years. We are
  in point of fact, symbiotically co-dependent, we are our dairy,
  we are our gardens and farms, and they are us.

  Now, for me, this rather flies in the face of what I have read and
  studied, I was under the impression (and still somewhat still am) that
  homo sapiens relation with 'cattle' is way too young for there to be a
  symbiotic relationship, but apparently, there is a context. homo sapiens
  the hunter/gatherer and homo sapiens the cultivator are very different
  in lifestyle, diet and lifespan. Apparently, homo sapiens from the farm
  like other homo sapiens, live between 70 and 100 years, keeping their
  working strength for pretty much all that time, from adolescent onwards.
  Homo sapiens post-farm, (homo novus if you will) also go 70-90+ years
  but begin their decline almost as soon as they hit reproductive
  maturity, and that curve starts turning downwards quickly after 45+
  years. Now, it's interesting to note that in our 'pharmaceutical
  rich' biosphere that we have created over the last 50 years, that
  'People' in the west, due to presence of real and artificial growth
  and reproductive hormones in the food chain, are starting to show
  signs of early onset of puberty at insane ages, I overheard folks
  talking about studies showing signs in 1 year old girls.

  The dairy, the meat, the vegetables, and by immediate one-jump
  extension, Us, are totally tied to the soil, and the pasture.
  Seems like, the funding for the ARS pasture research work has been
  completely gutted by President Bush. As if, the pasture no longer
  had any meaning in this day. Seems, this day of patented gmo grains,
  antibiotics, and 'feed lot' type 'cattle' factory farming has precluded
  the science of the pasture. As if the pasture no longer has any

  One could get the impression that here in the US, as well as the
  rest of the developing world, large multinational organizations
  are running a full court press to remove the farm aspect from
  food production entirely.

  Seeing as -at least the anecdotal- evidence strongly implies,
  if not outright insists, that factory food production leads to
  long term dependence on pharmaceutical products, at a much reduced
  quality of life, the only reason for this it seems, would be to increase
  the wealth of a few, at the expense of the heath of the whole.

  Gee, do you think

Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel or Byproduct Powered Boiler

2008-02-10 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Willie,
there comes Jean Pains Reaktor for Compost to my mind.Depend naturally on 
availability of composting materials and probably a little burner to heat the 
water a bit more than the 60 degree cel. a composter can make
As a second way could be Solarheat (only in summer?)
  - Original Message - 
  From: Will Kelleher 
  Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 2:38 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Biodiesel or Byproduct Powered Boiler

  Hello everyone,

  I'm involved in a student run project to construct a 400 gallon batch
  reactor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  We cannot use
  electricity as a source for our reaction heat, so we have been looking for a
  product or byproduct fueled boiler to heat water that will pass through a
  heat exchanger to heat the oil.  Does anyone have any recommendations?  I
  came across a product from Agsolutions that claims it can burn a mixture of
  product and byproduct, the ideal solution for us, but their site does not
  provide very much information.  I also read a few threads in the infopop
  forum that mention the hazards of burning byproduct.  Is our goal feasible?


  William Kelleher
  Sophomore, Electrical Engineering
  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Re: [Biofuel] Before You Vote for Hillary Clinton Read This

2008-02-09 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Tony,
as long i rememberd i heard those storys about changes on the way and yet 
things always turned out wors than they seemed at the point!We can always blame 
the few who are doeing those bad things and say,it is not our fault,we cant doe 
nothing about and it gets worse and worse!
Change has to come from the grassroots up and have to be swift and dramatic and 
as long you yankees are more concerned about keeping your Livestil there will 
be no change! And as a analog conclusion: if those Palestinians deserve 
collectiv punishment for those homemade rockets,maybe the Israelis deserve that 
same outcome to and therefore the US citicens should be treated the same way! 
Logic or not?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tony Marzolino 
  Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 10:59 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Before You Vote for Hillary Clinton Read This

  Hello Keith,
Thanks for the post.  I absolutely agree that the current parties or 
candidates are NOT the answer nor will they offer or implement any meaningful 
However, I believe change is on the menu and there are other solutions.  
Mike Bloomberg is one option and even if he does not run, he is influencing the 
national debate.  There are many Internet sties concerning this topic.  I have 
listed just two.
Also the GAO (General Accounting Office) has some GREAT publications on the 
current and future financial crisis facing this country.  Our time is running 
short.  Two excellent GAO reports are listed below.
This and much else (i.e. declining dollar, housing crisis, US war, etc) 
will force change.  Hopefully.
Tony Marzolino
Berkshire, NY

  Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Keith Addison wrote:

  IMHO it's worth taking another, good, long, hard-eyed look at the 
  Clinton presidency these days, just for the sake of a little 
  perspective. Not much different from GW Bush, essentially the same, 
  but with gloves on, not so in-your-face, less extreme. Not the 
  solution. I'm not saying it's Hillary Clinton who's not the solution, 
  it's the Other Business Party as a whole that's not the solution. 
  It's time for change, and it's not on the menu.

  If voting worked it would be illegal. (British graffiti, 1980s.)



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Re: [Biofuel] Green Developer?

2008-02-08 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Tom,
i believe thats a little eyewash.
a house could be ready for photovoltaic technologie only in orienting an 
inclining roof-tops to the south,so there is no real readynes or so.Nothing to 
be exidet about!
Grenn building starts with the selection of the least energieconsuming 
components,least toxidity of materials used and so on.An other factor woud be 
energie consumption of the new house as far as heating or cooling 
concerns!Architecture is a third factor as well selection of landsites!
To achieve real green and sustainable construction,buildingcodes and techniques 
have to be completly reshuffled
  - Original Message - 
  From: Thomas Kelly 
  To: biofuel 
  Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 9:50 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Green Developer?

  Hello All,
   I recently attended a presentation by a developer. The presenter used 
the words green and sustainable in reference to the development.
  I would appreciate a bit of help.
   What does it mean when one says that many of the houses will be 
photo-voltaic ready?
   I understand that it suggests that they will support the addition of PV 
cells. Is there anything specifically different about the construction of PV 
ready houses that makes them different from other houses?

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[Biofuel] Accross America.......

2008-01-18 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
you nailed it again! 
It seems nobody is learning from history (or wants to learn)!
Way back the thirty year war was exactly the same result of unhappy warriers 
whoo did all that plundering and murdering accross Europe.
Nothing changed since
So Friedrich Schillers Song of the Bell comes to my mind:

Dangerous it is to wake the lion,  
Ruinous is the tiger's tooth,  
But the most terrible of all the terrors,  
That is the mensch [1] when crazed.

And nobody should blame anyone else for his very own crimes

It's been the same since the beginning of warfare.  Train a civilian to
kill, maim, rape and pillage. Turn him into a highly tuned fighting machine
with hair-trigger responses.

If you let  them train you to the abouve things you can not foreward the 
responsability of your actions to the trainers. it is still you whoo dit the 
dirty job!
Who lives with the gun dies with the gun!

my fife cents
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Re: [Biofuel] We need these cars *#

2008-01-11 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi all,
there was a radioshow on CBC 1 on thursday afternoon talking about the new 
lowcost car from India!Cost here in Canada approx.2 300$can.So this stupid 
announcer said: People who can not afford a more expensive car should walk or 
take public transport!
What a qualifiing statement (for his very own intelligence)
And he went on whit statments that can Cars should have much more than a 30HP 
or so engine,you need more power on the road!
Well my first car ,a LLoyd Alexander TS had a full 17HP and run top 125Kmh!
And further the guy went... we dont need those cheep cars the gonne excellerate 
the pollution level ! 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 9:51 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] We need these cars *#

  Dear Kirk,

   I don't know whether this particular model is for
  me, but I am sure there will be many competitors over the next

   The Zenn folks are to be congratulated.  I think the U.S. balance of 
payments deficit would improve over time if we were to
  import large numbers of Zenns and less gasoline/diesel/crude.

   I think we need to be concerned with battery safety
  and the mine-to-landfill environmental impacts of the batteries.

   In my case, the electricity would come from wind
  and small hydro when parked at home; so I welcome the age of the electric car.



  From: Kirk McLoren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 2008/01/11 Fri AM 01:57:22 CST
  To: biofuel
  Subject: [Biofuel] We need these cars

The ZENN (zero emissions no noise) car. Video, 10 min
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Re: [Biofuel] Forget oil, the new global crisis is food

2008-01-08 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
so it looks i am on the rigth track with my Fishys!
In Summer 2005 i have put 15 000 Brooktrouts of 4cm size in my two Lakes!
They reached to day up to 60cm in size and are delicious!
During the Newjears Hollydays we went eicefishing and had a good catch!
I smoked a part of them cold.On a Bagel with creamcheese a deligth!!
The most beautiful thing,the fishys sponed already 3 times.Food for the fishys 
is plenty,one trout had 3 shrimps in her stomach and the holes in the ice 
filled in no time with plankton!
so i am somehow pretty exited !
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 8:48 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Forget oil, the new global crisis is food

  Forget oil, the new global crisis is food

  BMO strategist Donald Coxe warns credit crunch and soaring oil prices 
  will pale in comparison to looming catastrophe

  Alia McMullen,  Financial Post  Published: Friday, January 04, 2008

  Scott Olson/Getty Images

  A new crisis is emerging, a global food catastrophe that will reach 
  further and be more crippling than anything the world has ever seen.  The
  credit crunch and the reverberations of soaring oil prices around  the
  world will pale in comparison to what is about to transpire,  Donald Coxe,
  global portfolio strategist at BMO Financial Group said  at the Empire
  Club's 14th annual investment outlook in Toronto on  Thursday.

  It's not a matter of if, but when, he warned investors. It's going  to
  hit this year hard.

  Mr. Coxe said the sharp rise in raw food prices in the past year will 
  intensify in the next few years amid increased demand for meat and  dairy
  products from the growing middle classes of countries such as  China and
  India as well as heavy demand from the biofuels industry.

  The greatest challenge to the world is not US$100 oil; it's getting 
  enough food so that the new middle class can eat the way our middle  class
  does, and that means we've got to expand food output  dramatically, he

  The impact of tighter food supply is already evident in raw food  prices,
  which have risen 22% in the past year.

  Mr. Coxe said in an interview that this surge would begin to show in  the
  prices of consumer foods in the next six months. Consumers  already paid
  6.5% more for food in the past year.

  Wheat prices alone have risen 92% in the past year, and yesterday  closed
  at US$9.45 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade.

  At the centre of the imminent food catastrophe is corn - the main  staple
  of the ethanol industry. The price of corn has risen about 44%  over the
  past 15 months, closing at US$4.66 a bushel on the CBOT  yesterday - its
  best finish since June 1996.

  This not only impacts the price of food products made using grains,  but
  also the price of meat, with feed prices for livestock also  increasing.

  You're going to have real problems in countries that are food short, 
  because we're already getting embargoes on food exports from  countries,
  who were trying desperately to sell their stuff before,  but now they're
  embargoing exports, he said, citing Russia and India  as examples.

  Those who have food are going to have a big edge.

  With 54% of the world's corn supply grown in America's mid-west, the  U.S.
  is one of those countries with an edge.

  But Mr. Coxe warned U.S. corn exports were in danger of seizing up in 
  about three years if the country continues to subsidize ethanol 
  production. Biofuels are expected to eat up about a third of  America's
  grain harvest in 2007.

  The amount of U.S. grain currently stored for following seasons was  the
  lowest on record, relative to consumption, he said.

  You should be there for it fully-hedged by having access to those  stocks
  that benefit from rising food prices.

  He said there are about two dozen stocks in the world that are going  to
  redefine the world's food supplies, and those stocks will have a 
  precious value as we move forward.

  Mr. Coxe said crop yields around the world need to increase to  something
  close to what is achieved in the state of Illinois, which  produces over
  200 corn bushes an acre compared with an average 30  bushes an acre in the
  rest of the world.

  That will be done with more fertilizer, with genetically modified  seeds,
  and with advanced machinery and technology, he said.

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Re: [Biofuel] WVO in Diesel Generators

2008-01-07 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Tom,
you could have achieved the low startload of havy motors with a Star Delta 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tom Thiel 
  Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 9:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] WVO in Diesel Generators

  Regarding starting motors in our off-grid woodshop: we treat 1 
  horsepower motors as intermittent-use, starting and stopping them at 
  will. Larger motors are paired with a 1 horsepower motor to start each 
  machine. After it is up to speed, the main motor is turned on. This 
  system reduces the start-loading of the large motors almost down to 
  full load amp rating, and its elapsed time to less than a second, since 
  the rotor is already spinning.

  If he has an inverter / battery system, the battery bank will charge 
  variably as (headroom) power is available, reducing the light-load wet 
  stacking potential in the system.

  I await the SVO discussion with great interest.

  Tom Thiel

  On 6 Jan, 2008, at 8:52 PM, Zeke Yewdall wrote:

   Seems to me like an engine running an 8 hour shift would be ideal for
   SVO -- you'd have to start it on biodiesel till it got up to operating
   temperature, then just make sure the incoming SVO is as hot as you can
   get it -- 180F or higher.  The schemes to just thin SVO with biodiesel
   and ethanol seem pretty risky.
   One thing to think about is wet stacking the generator depending on
   the loading of the shop -- many diesel generators cannot be run at
   less than 20% of full load, and if the generator is sized for starting
   large motors, it may not operate at this level consistently.
   On Jan 6, 2008 6:01 PM, Thomas Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hello All,
   On 9/25/06 Pagandai Pannirselvan wrote:
   The small co generation of electrical energy based on the bio diesel 
can make possible the use of pure used vegetable  oil and  also 
   some e 5 porcent hydrated ethanol , making possible to lower the 
   viscosity of used vegetable oil  in deiesel engine, removing  
   dependence with Conventional deisel.
   Thus the blend of used vegetable oil 70 percent, hyrated ethanol 10 
   percent  and biodeisel 20 porcent   can be used with less problem 
   for motor maintainence in rural areas.
I've recently been contacted by a former student who would like 
   to generate his own electricity for his woodworking business. He is 
   considering a diesel generator and asked about biodiesel. I suggested 
   he look into using a BD/WVO blend rather than processing it all into 
   BD, as he would be using about 3 gallons (11.4 L) per hour (120+ 
  1.  Does anyone have experience using a  blend such as that 
   suggested by Pagandai Pannirselvan in a diesel generator?
  2.  Hydrated ethanol:  What % water would be tolerated?
In the U.S. it is possible to get a permit to distill ethanol. 
   Only that which leaves the premises must be denatured to prevent 
   human consumption. 85-90% ethanol is do-able, and used on premises 
   would not have to be denatured
  3.  Could E-85 be substituted for the hydrated ethanol?
   I've heard of commercial suppliers adding small amounts of gasoline 
   to their diesel. Since the E-85 would only constitute 10% of the mix, 
   the total gasoline would only be .15 X .10 = .0150   (1.5%)
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Re: [Biofuel] WVO in Diesel Generators

2008-01-06 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Tom,
i have a 100KvA 600V Dieselgenerator with a 140 HP Mitsubishi Engine.The 
consumption by staedy 30A is a little less than 8 liters/hr.
I would not take the chance and run the Gen on straigt WVO or even a blend of 
the same. The Genset has to perform staedy in a woodworkshop.A braekdown would 
be to costly,specially it would always happen in the worst time!
My Genset by the way is for sale,it has 370hrs on and is in mint condition.
If your woodworking student is interested please give him my coordinates 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Thomas Kelly 
  To: biofuel 
  Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 8:01 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] WVO in Diesel Generators

  Hello All,
  On 9/25/06 Pagandai Pannirselvan wrote:
  The small co generation of electrical energy based on the bio diesel  can 
make possible the use of pure used vegetable  oil and  also some e 5 porcent 
hydrated ethanol , making possible to lower the viscosity of used vegetable 
oil  in deiesel engine, removing  dependence with Conventional deisel. 
  Thus the blend of used vegetable oil 70 percent, hyrated ethanol 10 percent 
 and biodeisel 20 porcent   can be used with less problem for motor 
maintainence in rural areas.

   I've recently been contacted by a former student who would like to 
generate his own electricity for his woodworking business. He is considering a 
diesel generator and asked about biodiesel. I suggested he look into using a 
BD/WVO blend rather than processing it all into BD, as he would be using about 
3 gallons (11.4 L) per hour (120+ gal/week). 
 1.  Does anyone have experience using a  blend such as that suggested by 
Pagandai Pannirselvan in a diesel generator? 

 2.  Hydrated ethanol:  What % water would be tolerated?
   In the U.S. it is possible to get a permit to distill ethanol. Only that 
which leaves the premises must be denatured to prevent human consumption. 
85-90% ethanol is do-able, and used on premises would not have to be denatured

 3.  Could E-85 be substituted for the hydrated ethanol?
  I've heard of commercial suppliers adding small amounts of gasoline to their 
diesel. Since the E-85 would only constitute 10% of the mix, the total gasoline 
would only be .15 X .10 = .0150   (1.5%) 

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[Biofuel] Jean Pain Video

2007-12-18 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,Eric,
the Video does not talk technical details at all.
I have read about Jean Pains project long time ago in readers Digest,but first 
time i seen this Video.The whole thing looks pretty easy.
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Re: [Biofuel] Jean Pain Video

2007-12-18 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
thanks for this.I am a hopeless dreamer
But everyonce a while there is this urge to due somethings with this endless 
waste here.Sitting on a former graphitmine,stript to the rocks i would like to 
help nature to recover faster.Aldoe Mother Nature is doeing a pretty good job 
without me.So we found a spot under the Hydroline with more than 50 Orchids 
(Ladyslippers) and there you know Nature is very strong and beautiful.
The digester is an other thing,a porcfarmer here has a lot of problems to get 
rid of his manure.
Naturally his reservoir is open air and therefor rain and snow goes in the 
manure and its again a lot of wast to carry all that good water with the manure 
out in the fields all done by dinofuels.The guy dont want to invest anymore in 
his operation specially now the price of porc is below cost.It is quite 
frustrating to see whats going on there,and there are a lot of those pigfarms 
out there!
Producing electricity from that stinky gold would be the rigth thing i guess.It 
is because nowbody wants to invest in the future of this planet.
Pains model would be good here in Quebec for communities.We have lots of 
shrubs,manure and other biomass and cold enough winters.Last week we had -26 
and w got more than 60cm of that with stuff!
Chrismas is therefore aledy in the bag!
Have a peaceful Hollidayseason
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 1:51 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Jean Pain Video

  Hi Fritz

   Hi Keith,Eric,
   the Video does not talk technical details at all.
   I have read about Jean Pains project long time ago in readers Digest,but
  first time i seen this Video.The whole thing looks pretty easy.

  Not very complicated anyway, if you're not deterred by 50-ton compost
  piles (about 100 cubic metres).

  I think you have to shred the branches and stuff, just chopping it up
  won't do.

  We make 1-cub-metre compost piles, four or five of them in series, more
  than that would really up the hassle factor.

  Tom Kelly makes somewhat bigger piles, but I doubt he'd want to make them
  much bigger than that, like 100 cub metres.

  It should be doable on a smaller scale, people like us or Tom should be
  able to use it.

  I doubt you need so much compost, and I think you could get more biogas
  out of a smaller unit, by feeding it say oilseed cake and biodiesel
  by-product for instance, as well as the forest stuff. Small-farm-type
  by-products and waste products should improve it, and/or wastes rescued
  from the local waste stream.

  Pain used big machines for shredding and so on, IIRC, from what I could
  make out from the French website(s). His system would be more usable if it
  were more adapted to small mixed organic farms (which should have trees
  anyway). A 5 or 6hp chipper shredder should be able to handle it,
  something a small organic farm needs anyway (though you can do without it,
  like most things).

  Actually there's not that much to adapt. You don't really need to put the
  biogas digester inside the compost pile to maintain the temperature. You
  can use a much smaller compost unit to heat water (as well as passive
  solar), and use a heat exchanger to keep a smaller digester warm (it only
  has to be warm, not hot, and I think it's only necessary in cooler
  countries). There are lots of ways of doing it I think.

  Probably you could just dismantle Pain's system into its component bits
  and use the bits you require, as they fit in with your situation and
  resources, linking them together again as and where it works well for you.
  Organic growing, composting, heat exchangers, passive solar, hot water,
  biogas. Easy enough.

  And keep Jean Pain's system for forests.



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Re: [Biofuel] Sustainable Subsoiler and Other Questions

2007-12-17 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi David,Keith,
if got an older Farmbook from Germany,there they show a Chickenstall on an old 
Heywagon.The Floor of it is done with a metalkind of Grill,so the Chickenwagon 
stays mostly clean. The Chickenwagon is parked on a pasture and from time to 
time moved,so the Manure is spread over the pasture.The Chickens feed on the 
Grassland and need little other food complementary.
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Re: [Biofuel] recycled building materials

2007-12-14 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Jason,Bruno,
those styrofoam insulations have a good insulationvalue but are very easy to 
There is,beside the fact that your insulation could very well be gone after a 
few years due to incompatibility of chemicals near the insulation.
I worked lately with insulation made from recycled paper.this recycled stuff is 
treated with bore,so mites and bugs wont go inside.It is also kind of fire 
resistent and the best of all it lets the insulatet wall breathing,as long 
there is no vaporbarrier installed.
A small House,wich i have buildt this year is done with 6' studdwalls,a hybrid 
between post and beam - and conventional 2x6 lumber.Covered inside and outside 
with 2x4 tongue and grouve Cedarwood. My estimate is,that i reach a R 30-32 
Insulation value.A second feature is,the house was built on very low budged.
You con have a look on my website:  go to 
Photos-House near Lac Labelle
grts Fritz

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Re: [Biofuel] Open letter from Islam to Christianity

2007-10-21 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Fox,
beside this,there where no mention of the letter in the can,news today!For them 
it was the Pope who called for peace between the religions!Seems to me ongoing 
with the brainwash...
  - Original Message - 
  From: fox mulder 
  Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 6:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Open letter from Islam to Christianity

  You have been brain washed by the western media which
  reinforces your evangalical belief. How do you know
  they did it. A great many number of muslims died in
  the world trade centre.
  --- swalms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Perhaps they should state they deplore the attacks
   of 911. or do they?
   -Original Message-
   On Behalf Of
   Bob Molloy
   Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2007 6:26 PM
   Subject: [Biofuel] Open letter from Islam to
   138 Muslim Scholars Issue Open Letter to Christian
   Religious Leaders 
   | IslamToday / Agencies|
   11 October 2007
   138 of the world's leading Muslim scholars and
   intellectuals from all
   branches of Islam (Sunni and Shia, Salafi and Sufi,
   liberal and
   conservative) had come together to write a letter
   entitled A Common Word
   Between Us and You, to the world's Christian
   The drafting of the letter was organized by the
   Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute
   for Islamic Thought in Amman, Jordan. Though its
   message has been said by
   Muslim scholars many times before, it is the first
   time so many high-profile
   Muslims have come together in public to make such a
   unified call for peace. 
   The letter was launched first in Jordan this
   morning, and then in other
   countries over the course of the day, the letter
   gets its final unveiling at
   a joint press conference in Washington D.C. this
   afternoon by Mustafa Ceric,
   Grand Mufti of Bosnia, and John Esposito, Director
   of the Prince Alwaleed
   Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding
   at Georgetown
   In a display of unprecedented unity, the letter -
   which calls for peace
   between the world's Christians and Muslims - is
   signed by no fewer than 19
   current and former grand ayatollahs and grand muftis
   from countries as
   diverse as Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Syria, Jordan, and
   Palestine. War-torn
   Iraq was represented by both Shi'ites and Sunnis. 
   It is addressed to Christianity's most powerful
   leaders, including the pope,
   the archbishop of Canterbury and the heads of the
   Lutheran, Methodist and
   Baptist churches, and, in 15 pages laced with
   Qur'anic and Biblical
   scriptures, argues that the most fundamental tenets
   of Islam and
   Christianity are identical: love of one (and the
   same) God, and love of
   one's neighbor. 
   On this basis the letter reasons that harmony
   between the two religions is
   not only necessary for world peace, it is natural.
   As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not
   against them and that
   Islam is not against them - so long as they do not
   wage war against Muslims
   on account of their religion, oppress them and drive
   them out of their homes
   . Our very eternal souls are all at stake if we fail
   to sincerely make every
   effort to make peace, the letter reads. 
   If Muslims and Christians are not at peace, the
   world cannot be at peace.
   With the terrible weaponry of the modern world; with
   Muslims and Christians
   intertwined everywhere as never before, no side can
   unilaterally win a
   conflict between more than half of the world's
   inhabitants, the scholars
   Our common future is at stake. The very survival of
   the world itself is
   perhaps at stake,
   It's an astonishing achievement of solidarity,
   says David Ford, director
   of the Cambridge University's Interfaith Program. I
   hope it will be able to
   set the right key note for relations between Muslims
   and Christians in the
   21st century, which have been lacking since
   September 11. 
   One profound obstacle to establishing positive
   relations among mainstream
   Muslim and Christian groups, argues Ford, has been
   the lack of a single,
   authoritative Muslim voice to participate in such a
   dialogue. This letter
   changes that. It proves that Islam can have an
   unambiguous, unified voice,
   says Aref Ali Nayed, a leading Islamic scholar and
   one of the letter's
   Emily Flynn Vencat, Giving Peace a Chance Newsweek
   October 11, 2007
   Peter Graff, Unprecedented Muslim call for peace
   with Christians Reuters
   October 11, 2007
   Jumana Farouky, Muslim Leaders Send Peace Message
   Time October 11, 2007  

Re: [Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't count as clean Power

2007-10-17 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Terry,
my comment was made more as a joke :)),
But so or so Water taken from the River will have a negative effect on Fishes!
We should focus on reducing electric consumption and not increasing production!
A small example,Northamerican Machines of almost any kind are swiched directly 
to full power! This takes about threfold the consumption as if they where 
switched Star -Delta,wich means in layterms you start your Motor slowly up an 
then when it reaches the full rotation  you swich to delta!Any  european 
Machine of 3HP or so is equiped with such a switch!cost a little more for the 
Machine but you save on consumption!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Terry Dyck 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 2:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't count as clean Power

  Hi Fritz,
  Sorry for taking so long to get back to you and answering your questions.  In 
BC the mountains are very high and there are rivers in these high mountains.  I 
believe that it is possible to have some high river water diverted to a hole 
made in the mountain to create a drop for the water to create electricity.  At 
the lower end of the mountain the water simply goes back to its original stream.
  Terry Dyck From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 08:23:42 
-0400 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't count as clean Power  Hi 
Terry, and how do de get the Water on top of the mountain?? :)) But wont this 
water be missed in the river it belongs? Fritz - Original Message -  
From: Terry Dyck  To:  Sent: 
Saturday, October 06, 2007 3:19 PM Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't 
count as clean PowerHi Fritz,  A new Hydro project in BC, Canada is 
being planned which does not involve a dam. The water will spill into a hole in 
the top of a mountain and produce a lot of electricity. The project will not 
interfere with fish or the forest. Only damage will be roads to the facility. 
 Terry Dyck From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: 
Sat, 6 Oct 2007 08:47:12 -0400 Subject: [Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't c!
   ount as clean Power  Hi Keith and all, if one counts how sloppy 
Hydro-dams have been built here in Quebec,Valleys had been flooten with little 
clesn up before flooding!Whole eareas of Forest submerged (a lot of them also 
in BC),wich creates on top of the Methane also a high Mercury-pollution (via 
Tannin/zyanide),so the Government recomend only restrictet Fishconsumption! 
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Re: [Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't count as clean Power

2007-10-07 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Terry,
and how do de get the Water on top of the mountain?? :)) But wont this water be 
missed in the river it belongs?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Terry Dyck 
  Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 3:19 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't count as clean Power

  Hi Fritz,
  A new Hydro project in BC, Canada is being planned which does not involve a 
dam.  The water will spill into a hole in the top of a mountain and produce a 
lot of electricity.  The project will not interfere with fish or the forest.  
Only damage will be roads to the facility.
  Terry Dyck From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: 
Sat, 6 Oct 2007 08:47:12 -0400 Subject: [Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't count as 
clean Power  Hi Keith and all, if one counts how sloppy Hydro-dams have been 
built here in Quebec,Valleys had been flooten with little clesn up before 
flooding!Whole eareas of Forest submerged (a lot of them also in BC),wich 
creates on top of the Methane also a high Mercury-pollution (via 
Tannin/zyanide),so the Government recomend only restrictet Fishconsumption! 
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Re: [Biofuel] Hydro Quebec....

2007-10-07 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Jess,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jesse Frayne 
  Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 11:44 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Hydro Quebec

  Does sound cool, Fritz.  Could you provide the French
  language link?

  --- Fritz Friesinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I just received a Brochure from HQ anouncing their
   sustainable development!!!
   I translate from french:
   Take an example the new hydroelectric centrale of
   :Rocher-de -Grand-Mere on the river St.Maurice,built
   in an resraint urban milieux.
   Hydro Quebec installed ramps to access the river
   with boats,Bycicle paths and Belvederes to favorice
   Recreotourism.And this in respect to the
   Sounds good eh???
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  Jesse Frayne
  Neighbourhood catering and general joie de livre

Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to 
Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at

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[Biofuel] Hydropower doesn't count as clean Power

2007-10-06 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith and all,
if one counts how sloppy Hydro-dams have been built here in Quebec,Valleys had 
been flooten with little clesn up before flooding!Whole eareas of Forest 
(a lot of them also in BC),wich creates on top of the Methane also a high 
Mercury-pollution (via Tannin/zyanide),so the Government recomend only 
restrictet Fishconsumption!
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[Biofuel] Hydro Quebec....

2007-10-06 Thread Fritz Friesinger
I just received a Brochure from HQ anouncing their sustainable development!!!

I translate from french:
Take an example the new hydroelectric centrale of :Rocher-de -Grand-Mere on the 
river St.Maurice,built in an resraint urban milieux.
Hydro Quebec installed ramps to access the river with boats,Bycicle paths and 
Belvederes to favorice Recreotourism.And this in respect to the environment!
Sounds good eh???
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Re: [Biofuel] Twentynine steps to the unthinkable

2007-09-29 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Doug,
not going into the discussion if the Holocaust killed 6 Million Jews,my beleive 
is,if it was only one,it was one to much!

But talking about Dachau,my Childhood was not to far from D. und i know for 
fact,that my Grandfather was interned for about 3 Weeks in Dachau,because he 
refused to let his Sons (my Oncles) to the Hitlerjuths.My Grandfather had real 
Arien ancestors (wich i dont care about)
  - Original Message - 
  From: doug swanson 
  Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 10:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Twentynine steps to the unthinkable

  There's a documentary on Google video, I think it was directed by Alfred 
  Hitchcock, with footage and commentary.  Looks like proof to me that the 
  holocaust happened.  Having been to Ausschwitz and Dachau, I can 
  believe, without having been through it, just having looked at the site, 
  and the photos in their museum, that it wasn't just an elaborate hoax...

  the link is:


  for those that want to check it out.  It is quite disturbing...

  doug swanson

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[Biofuel] OilsandsTruth

2007-09-18 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Thanks Keith for posting the Info about can.Oilsands.
There is more Info at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
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2007-09-18 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello all,
when i tried the link,it didn't work,so i got the good spelling of it
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[Biofuel] Watch this

2007-09-09 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Kirk,
did you watched the whole Video?
I found a small (or big ) Mistake towards the End!
Albert Einstein was presented as an other Austrian Scientist!
In my books Einstein was born in Ulm Germany and this makes him a German 
Not very important in my Philosophie but why the misrepresentation?
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Re: [Biofuel] Who owns you World

2007-09-07 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Skak,
its good old bavarian (the language of the haeven :)) )
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kåre Skak Pedersen 
  Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 6:14 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Who owns you World

  Now I got curious; Exactly what language was that?

  I know the languages from the countries surrounding DK, and it's none of them.

  Greetings from Denmark, Europe

  On 07/09/2007, Fritz Friesinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   eh Ken,
   thats simply the language of resistance!
 - Original Message -
 From: Ken Provost
 Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 7:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Who owns you World
 On Sep 6, 2007, at 11:19 AM, Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:
  Grüaßdi Fritzl,
  Jawoi,  Bua! Leida heitztaag denga in d oid Hoamatl vuizvui Leit wia d
  Saupreiß. Göid und no Göid. Jamei Bua, so a Schmarrn!
 Whoa! That ain't the German I learnt in college!
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Re: [Biofuel] Who owns you World

2007-09-07 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Well sayd Gustl
By the way,du you know the boarische Weltg'schicht von Michel Ehbauer?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Gustl Steiner-Zehender 
  To: Kåre Skak Pedersen 
  Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 8:25 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Who owns you World

  Hallo Skak,

  It  is  our dialect called boarisch or Bayerisch in standard German or
  Bavarian  in  englisch.   Boarisch  is getting rare I think.  I am the
  last  one  in  our family to speak it and I now speak it poorly as the
  only  other  one  I  could speak it with, my grandmother, died decades
  ago.   I  tried teaching it to my children and now to my grandchildren
  but  they  didn't/don't  want to be different than their friends so it
  doesn't  stick.   When my oldest hit 28 she told me she wished she had
  learned  German/Bavarian when she had the chance.  Told her so. hehehe

  One  of  my  young friends from Bavaria, Uli (52), comes here once a
  year  and  we  speak in boarisch on and off.  Mostly he is with others
  who  don't speak the dialect so we have to use standard German which I
  also  don't  speak very well any longer.  Other than the bible I don't
  read  much in German so once a year isn't enough to keep me fluent.  I
  am ashamed of myself but such is life I suppose.  Anyhow, Uli tells me
  that he hears less and less Bavarian spoken in Bavaria and then mostly
  out on the land and mostly among older folks.

  Fritz  has called it the language of resistance. I never thought of it
  that  way  but  I  like  the  idea. It is the language our people used
  before  predatory  culture  became  the norm, the reality. It is the
  language  of the land, the family, the community. There is a smallness
  (in  the  best sense) and cohesiveness about it as well as a plainness
  and  honesty  of expression. We don't say feces when shit will do.
  It  is  the  language of the common person full of life and humor. The
  name  of  those  things  which  dangle  between a mans legs are called
  Glockngspui  in Bavarian which translates to Glockenspiel or chimes.
  I  can't  imagine  that  in standard German. It is the language people
  (used to) speak at home among family and friends.

  This  is  probably  more  than you wished to know but it is what it is

  Happy Happy,


  Friday, 07 September, 2007, 06:14:27, you wrote:

  KSP Now I got curious; Exactly what language was that?

  KSP I know the languages from the countries surrounding DK, and it's none of 

  KSP Greetings from Denmark, Europe
  KSP Skak

  KSP On 07/09/2007, Fritz Friesinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   eh Ken,
   thats simply the language of resistance!
 - Original Message -
 From: Ken Provost
 Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 7:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Who owns you World
 On Sep 6, 2007, at 11:19 AM, Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:
  Grüaßdi Fritzl,
  Jawoi,  Bua! Leida heitztaag denga in d oid Hoamatl vuizvui Leit wia d
  Saupreiß. Göid und no Göid. Jamei Bua, so a Schmarrn!
 Whoa! That ain't the German I learnt in college!
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  Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
  We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
  The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 

[Biofuel] says Jews abuse Holocaus to curb critics resigns

2007-09-07 Thread Fritz Friesinger
From Haaretz - Last update - 11:37 06/09/2007 
U.S. prof. who says Jews abuse Holocaust to curb critics resigns By The
Associated Press 
A Chicago university professor who has drawn criticism for accusing some
Jews of abusing the legacy of the Holocaust agreed Wednesday to resign
immediately for everybody's sake. 

DePaul University officials and political science professor Norman
Finkelstein issued a joint statement announcing the resignation, which came
as about a hundred protesters gathered outside the dean's office to support

Finkelstein, who is the son of Holocaust survivors, was denied tenure in
June after spending six years on DePaul's faculty. His remaining class was
cut by DePaul last month. 


His most recent book, Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and
the Abuse of History, is largely an attack on Harvard law professor Alan
Dershowitz's The Case for Israel. In his book, Finkelstein argues that
Israel uses perceived anti-Semitism as a weapon to stifle criticism. 

Dershowitz, who threatened to sue Finkelstein's publisher for libel, urged
DePaul officials to reject Finkelstein's tenure bid. 

Finkelstein said in the statement that he believes the tenure decision was
tainted by external pressures, but praised the university's honorable role
of providing a scholarly haven for me the past six years. 

The school denied that outside parties influenced the decision to deny
Finkelstein tenure. The school's portion of the statement called Finkelstein
a prolific scholar and an outstanding teacher. 

Finkelstein called that acknowledgment the most important part of the

I felt finally I had gotten what was my due and that maybe it was time, for
everybody's sake, that I move on, he said at a news conference that
followed a morning rally staged by students and faculty who carried signs
and chanted stop the witch hunt. 

Finkelstein added: DePaul students rose to dazzling spiritual heights in my
defense that should be the envy of and an example for every university in
the United States. 

The professor would not discuss financial terms of the resignation
agreement, which he said was confidential, but noted that it does not bar
him from speaking out about issues that concern him, including the
unfairness of the tenure process. 

He also said he does not know what he will do next, but came to realize
before Wednesday that the atmosphere had become so poisoned that it was
virtually impossible for me to carry on at DePaul. The least I could hope
for is to leave DePaul with my head up high and my reputation intact. 

Dershowitz was critical of the school. DePaul looks like they caved into
pressure, he said in a telephone interview. The idea of describing him as
a scholar trades truth for convenience. He's a man who is a propagandist and
is not a scholar. 

Still, Dershowitz said, I'm happy he's out of academia. Let him do his
ranting on street corners.

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[Biofuel] Who owns you World

2007-09-06 Thread Fritz Friesinger
We are even worse in Australia- we are a nation which longs to be   
 Americans, but can't quite pull it off. We live their culture   
 vicariously throught the tellie and movies. America may be the last   
 original culture on earth, as all others strive to be like them.

Hey Mike and Josh,
good news for both of you!
There is still a bunch of real Bavarians und as i know for shure a lot of 
Quebecers who resist the trend of americanism!
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Re: [Biofuel] Who owns you World

2007-09-06 Thread Fritz Friesinger
eh Ken,
thats simply the language of resistance!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ken Provost 
  Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 7:19 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Who owns you World

  On Sep 6, 2007, at 11:19 AM, Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:

   Grüaßdi Fritzl,
   Jawoi,  Bua! Leida heitztaag denga in d oid Hoamatl vuizvui Leit wia d
   Saupreiß. Göid und no Göid. Jamei Bua, so a Schmarrn!

  Whoa! That ain't the German I learnt in college!

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Re: [Biofuel] I'm tired of being afraid...

2007-08-16 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hey Doug,
I'm afraid of only one thing,
humanity will never learn lessons from the past
  - Original Message - 
  From: doug swanson 
  To: Biofuel List 
  Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 12:58 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] I'm tired of being afraid...

  The following is my attempt at a chain letter sort of email.
  Feel free to add to this incomplete list of things not to be afraid of.
  Pass it on to someone if you think it's worth the while.
  Or flame me if you think I'm being unpatriotic for not maintaining a 
  patriotic sense of fear.

  Maybe I'll get it back one day.
  Or not.- - doug

  I'm tired of being afraid. 
  Fear paralyzes.
  I'm over it. 
  I'm taking my personal power back from those who peddle fear.
  I'm not afraid of the media's stories.
  I'm not afraid of terrorists.
  I'm not afraid of conspirators.
  I'm not afraid of peak oil.
  I'm not afraid of poisons in the food.
  I'm not afraid of poisons in the air.
  I'm not afraid of poisons in the water.
  I'm not afraid of weird diseases killing everyone.
  I'm not afraid of nuclear disasters.
  I'm not afraid of global warming.
  I'm not afraid of asteroids destroying earth.
  I'm not afraid of burning in hell.
  I'm not afraid of believing the wrong god.

  I can do something about some of those dangers.
  About those, I will do something.

  I'm not afraid that I can't do something about all of them.
  started Aug 14, 2007

  Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  All generalizations are false.  Including this one.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  This email is constructed entirely with OpenSource Software.

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[Biofuel] Pepsi Forced to Admit It's....

2007-08-04 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hey Jeromie,
whats wrong with kids running in the streets?

my daugther as prez of the CSU,kikked Marriott out of Concordiacampus,the had 
an exclusivecontract with the University and charged.$can 18.00 for a 
pitcher of water at a speakers event.A little to greedy i guess! After a short 
campaign of bad puplicity against Marriott,the gready bastards had to leave 

This example shows,things can be done on small scale,but with the notorious 
complicity of mainstreammedia it is not so easy to tackle big buissnes!

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Re: [Biofuel] SVO congres sept 2007 + Trade fair nov 2007

2007-07-01 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Bruno,
thanks for that posting!
when i look at a major sponsor of this event,Nova Gmbh,i cant help to think at 
NOVA,a Dinosponsored PR organizer,working so hard to deny global warming!
I could be wrong and anyway its not important anymore!
At this point i would like to see Keith in the ranks to get a first hand look 
at the merits of this congress,after all its him who worked so hard to get the 
biofuels known an in the rigth directions.
My call is to everyone on this list to sponsor a trip for Keith to attend this 
congress,so we get a qualified feedback on this german brew.Its worth to me to 
pledge a couple hundred bucks to help pay,so Keith could attend the congress!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Bruno M. 
  Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 9:22 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] SVO congres sept 2007 + Trade fair nov 2007

  First International Congress on Plant Oil Fuels 6 
  + 7 September 2007 Erfurt Germany.   ( in German )
  The same in English :

  And in November also in Germany (Munich):
   Oils+fats 2007

  International Trade Fair for the
  Production and Processing of Oils and
  Fats made from Renewable Resources
  20 - 22 November 2007

   oils+fats is the only international B2B 
  exhibition that focuses on the
manufacture and processing of oils and fats.
It presents the latest trends and 
  information about recent technological developments,
covering everything from raw and 
  auxiliary materials to processing, quality assurance,
packaging and logistics. As a result, 
  it is the most important industry gathering for experts
and decision-makers in the oils and fats industry.

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[Biofuel] SVO congres

2007-07-01 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
thanks for putting me things in the rigth perspectiv,sometimes i am a hopeles 
dreamer,but you are all rigth with your views!
Anyway them arrogant Dr.s and german industrials with all their titles would 
not pay attention to sombody who does not have profits in the aim!
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Re: [Biofuel] Time is running out to Save Raw Almonds!

2007-06-14 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Dawie,
there was once a town in old Germany,Schilda:
the towncouncil desided to put the grass growing on top of the townwalls to 
good use and let the towns cow feed on it.
So the good people strang the cow up to the top of the wall
but the cow did not wanted to eat anymore grass
  - Original Message - 
  From: Zeke Yewdall 
  Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 9:21 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Time is running out to Save Raw Almonds!

   I don't see cows being kept on rooftops. Cow-sized staircases would just
   consume too much space! But I do see small dairy operations within easy
   walking distance of city centres.

  LOL.  Probably not cows.  But a goat could.  And chickens.  Milk and
  eggs.  They eat the scraps from the rooftop garden and turn it back
  into protein for the humans and fertilizer for the garden.  We need to
  start seeing our roofs as something other than wasteland helping
  generate a heat island and view it as a land area that we could use
  for food and energy production.

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Re: [Biofuel] Hybrid Solar House

2007-05-28 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Mike  all,
i had a quick look at the Website of enertia,there are some very good aspects 
in their aproach,but i think this is a kind of overkill!
We talking here of basically two Housshells wich are probably very costly and 
not ment for everybodys means!
A significant aspect of full Woodhouses is not even mentionned in this website
the ability of wood to even out differences of  humidity and therefore act as a 
Everone owns a Loghome would be able to tell that the Klimate in a Loghome is 
much more natural and better than in conventional built studdwallstructure with 
all kind of windbarriers and vaporbarriers!
The only disadventage,Loghomes are very labourintensive and therefore expensive.
I am working since a while on a constructionmethod with double Woodwalls 
insulated with natural fiber insulation,not using vaporbarriers at all,so the 
whole wall is considered as a full Logwall.
This method is costefficient, easy to assemble for homebuyers and 
ecological,since the protection of the wood is mainly to constructiv means!
My Modelhome should be up by the end of this summer!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Mike Weaver 
  Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 10:25 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Hybrid Solar House

  Swiped from Digg

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Re: [Biofuel] Hybrid Solar House

2007-05-28 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Kirk,
sheetrock is known to make Livingaereas very dry as its absorbs lots of 
humidity from the air with the disadventage of creating mildue!
Furniture absorb very little humidity in compare.
Evaporativ cooling does not harm furnitures but is not suitible for 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kirk McLoren 
  Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 10:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Hybrid Solar House

  sheetrock does absorb water as does furniture etc. I know because when I 
lived in the Coachella valley (Indio - Palm Springs) I used evaporative cooling 
until humid air moved north from the gulf. For the next couple of days the ac 
condensate line ran water as the house dried out and the ac didnt pull down 
fast. Then once dried ran normally.


  Fritz Friesinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Mike  all,
i had a quick look at the Website of enertia,there are some very good 
aspects in their aproach,but i think this is a kind of overkill!
We talking here of basically two Housshells wich are probably very costly 
and not ment for everybodys means!
A significant aspect of full Woodhouses is not even mentionned in this 
the ability of wood to even out differences of  humidity and therefore act 
as a catalizer.
Everone owns a Loghome would be able to tell that the Klimate in a Loghome 
is much more natural and better than in conventional built studdwallstructure 
with all kind of windbarriers and vaporbarriers!
The only disadventage,Loghomes are very labourintensive and therefore 
I am working since a while on a constructionmethod with double Woodwalls 
insulated with natural fiber insulation,not using vaporbarriers at all,so the 
whole wall is considered as a full Logwall.
This method is costefficient, easy to assemble for homebuyers and 
ecological,since the protection of the wood is mainly to constructiv means!
My Modelhome should be up by the end of this summer!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Mike Weaver 
  Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 10:25 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Hybrid Solar House

  Swiped from Digg

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[Biofuel] Siafu, the ant scares the eleph ant

2007-05-18 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,and all members,
i am very proud to anounce my daugthers magazine Siafu 
is finally on the web!

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: patent for transesterification of oil to Biodiesel

2007-04-27 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
to my knowledge,anything belong to the public domaine kan not be patented.A 
simple dokumentet description of the process should be enough to dismiss any 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Keith Addison 
  Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 2:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: patent for transesterification of oil to Biodiesel

  I'd appreciate some opinions on this, if anyone would like to comment.

  Just to stir it up a bit, a somewhat ridiculous small company in 
  Japan called Someya Shoten which feels it leads the world in matters 
  biodiesel took out a patent on transesterification some years ago.

  So is Ben Gurion University infringing on Someya Shoten's patent?

  Or is the whole thing preposterous, since transesterification was 
  invented/discovered about 150 years ago and is thoroughly in the 
  public domain no matter who decides to patent it, and no matter which 
  dumb patent office that doesn't check anything decides to grant the 

  Would the best advice to the Sahel group be to ignore it and just get 
  on with it?

  Has anybody patented the human nose yet, or failing that, the air 
  noses breathe?

  All best


  I had this email from a group working with biodiesel in the Sahel. If
  it's true, it seems ridiculous to me.
   Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:20:52 +0200
   Subject: Fw: patent for transesterification of oil to Biodiesel
   - Original Message -
   Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 11:16 AM
   Subject: patent for transesterification of oil to Biodiesel
   Dear Sirs,
   We are supporting NGO 's and cooperatives in Afrika,
   there is a big need to produce oil from all possible plants, nuts ,
   seeds of any other vegetable origine , for human consumption or for
   producing energie.
   One of the NGO ' s in the Sahel-region helps the local population to
   organise the collecting of the fruits and nuts
   to improve their oil production from the nuts of the Balanites tree.
   The Balanites tree is very popular by the population , the fruits
   are sweet amere but the  juice is used as a drink and sold to the
   town , the nuts are very hard and inside, the kernel  contains 40 to
   48% of oil.
   Sometimes the used as lamp-oil.
   The whole tree is very interesting for public health , on
   internet is a lot of information about that.
   The NGO will make the use as lamp-oil better by transesterification
   to obtain biodiesel that the should burn in
   small diesel cookingoven ,so that they don't have to use the wood ,
   which is one of the biggest problem in this region.
   Further the don't have electricity ,  the have diesel generator ,
   but the irrigularity in delivery and the high prices of gasoil makes
   it to difficult in using them  all the time.
   The problem :
   There is a pattent on the invention to make biodiesel from
   BALANITES OIL .(WO/2006/126206) dated november 2006 by the BEN
   Please can you inform us, Is it  possible to take a patent on the
   transesterification process of oil to produce Biodiesel?
   Is this ALL Patent possible?
   Is this NEW  and what is new on this invention?
   Is this not in contradiction with statements of many Organisations -
   World Wide - for the devellopment of POOR COUNTRIES ,
   Thanks for your attention
   we remain with kind regards
   marc van de velde
   Leningstraat 19
   2140 ANTWERP
   production and office in POLAND
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Re: [Biofuel] Earth Hour

2007-03-30 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi James,
i suppose there is a certain point in this.The simultanious cutting off 
consumtion is a way off showing on great scale how many people are ready to cut 
back 1 hour of consumption! But if everyone continues afterwards with the 
regular consumption,the point is missed.
Real reduction is needed and you get it in long term only trough rigorous 
chanche of behavior.
Homeinsulation is a good thing to start on.Most houses (in Montreal by example) 
have such poor insulation,its a shame,Industrial Buildings next to no 
insulation,Windows,single pane,draghty like hell and the buildings with old 
steamboilers overheatet,because people are used to work in short sleeve shirts.
This is reality,i see it every time i go down to Montreal,and nowbody cares 
about it,
because heating is payed by the tenant!
I am working since 40 years building higly efficient woodwindows and i have 
seen a lot of crappy stuff here in Canada .
  - Original Message - 
  From: James Machin 
  Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 6:25 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Earth Hour

  Hi all
  I forwarded the Earth Hour initiative to various local environmental groups
  and just received the following message back from one of them...

  Although as with the first power off campaign I think it is a great way to
  bring reality of climate change closer, nevertheless I still have concerns
  about power surges (and not personal equipment longevity or damage) and
  whether this is a totally wise thing to do over a huge area? I am mainly
  concerned about massive power surges if this is not staggered and the
  pressure on power plants especially if they are not in on the act and not
  prepared. This could potentially cause more problems than it is pretending
  to solve?
  I am holding back from promoting too widely because I have not thought
  through all possible outcomes, have you?
  Comments on this issue please?

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Re: [Biofuel] If It Weren't for Worms

2007-03-29 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hello Robert,
the Sawdust will help to aerate your compost,its important doe to turn the 
whole thing over once a while.
For transplanting trees,my advice is,cut back at least 1/3 of the 
branches,better moore then not enough,the roots you miss since the 
transplantation have to be balanced by lesser foliage!
Good gardening!
  - Original Message - 
  From: robert and benita rabello 
  Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] If It Weren't for Worms

  Fritz Friesinger wrote:

Hi Robert,
try to get some dry sawdust or shavings of wood (rip),this is composting 
very well.

  I can do this, as my father-in-law enjoys woodworking and always has a 
sawdust collection available.

I had in Montreal a sawdustbin,wich was not tite on top,so a lot of rip and 
dust went over.Every once a while i cleaned the edge of the bin and past a 
toplayer of dry stuff,i always digged out very nice and well composted black 
earth ! And this on a gravel underground! There where no worms around,but 
fayrly moist.

  It's a good idea, and I'm going to try it.  But I still believe that the 
anaerobic nature of my composting indicates I need more air in the process.  
We've had WEEKS of hard rain recently.  I'm certain that the wind has driven 
some of that rain through the holes I'd drilled into the compost bin, and this 
resulted in soggy material that couldn't compost properly.

Keep up good gardening,
we here in the eastern are eager to start too

  Thanks, Fritz!  I'd transplanted a tree a few weeks ago because the 
ground had FINALLY softened enough for me to dig.  I broke my favorite shovel 
in the process, and I'm certain that I cut enough roots to kill the tree.  
Everything on our property is blossoming right now EXCEPT for this Japanese 
Maple . . .  My fruit trees have more buds on them this year than I've ever 
seen before.  It's exciting!

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [Biofuel] If It Weren't for Worms

2007-03-28 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Robert,
try to get some dry sawdust or shavings of wood (rip),this is composting very 
I had in Montreal a sawdustbin,wich was not tite on top,so a lot of rip and 
dust went over.Every once a while i cleaned the edge of the bin and past a 
toplayer of dry stuff,i always digged out very nice and well composted black 
earth ! And this on a gravel underground! There where no worms around,but 
fayrly moist.
Keep up good gardening,
we here in the eastern are eager to start too
  - Original Message - 
  From: robert and benita rabello 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 4:48 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] If It Weren't for Worms

   . . .  I'd be a complete failure at composting!

  After doing some weeding this morning I thought I'd check my new compost 
bin.  The 200 liter food grade plastic bin has multiple holes drilled into it 
for air circulation and a two piece lid that screws onto the top.  (It's kind 
of like a canning jar, and the lid doubles as a bird bath after it rains!)  
When I tipped the bin over I felt very disheartened, as the open bottom of the 
composter had a plug of slimy muck that I had to dig through with a shovel in 
order to remove.  The contents at the bottom of the bin simply REEKED.  It's 
obviously too wet and there's not enough air getting inside.

  But thankfully, the bin is CRAWLING with big, fat worms.  A lot of the 
material we've loaded into the composter has decomposed already, and while 
that's nice it isn't finished yet.  I really wanted to get some fresh compost 
on my flower beds before things really began blooming around here, but the new 
bin is a big disappointment thus far.

  My youngest son has a pet bunny.  Whenever he cleans out the bunny cage, 
he's been dumping its entire contents into the composter--sans bunny, of 
course.  The newspaper he uses to line the bottom of the cage is often soaked 
with urine (and stinks!), and he doesn't want to touch it, so he's just put 
everything into the compost in the hope that it will go away.  My wife has 
encouraged this, after reading an article on vermiculture in which newsprint is 
one of the recommended feed sources.

  Worms don't have teeth, though, and unless the paper is shredded, all it 
does is clog the composter and hold moisture that might otherwise evaporate.  I 
cleaned out the mess, mixed the bin contents and added some dry material to 
absorb excess moisture.  I think I may need to redesign the thing to promote 
aerobic decomposition.

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page


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[Biofuel] 4 and moore crows

2007-03-20 Thread Fritz Friesinger
Hi Keith,
the only and best way to solve your birdbroblem would be to cover the 
chickenaerea with a net or a wiremesh.
I had a similar problem years ago with owls,wich made me realize (i love owls) 
that it was my choice to raise poultry and ducklings in a wooden aerea and i 
had to conceed to the rigth of the local birds of prey.
Nevertheless covering your yard may be very costly,so a good compromise would 
be to restrickt the chickens to a smaller aerea and cage the place completly in.
By the way,your response to my (or Busches) Crowtrap was in a way expected and 
i can not withold my high regards for your journalistic skills as per the 
quality of your research.
Best regards
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