Re: [Biofuel] BYU professor's group accuses U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

2006-04-15 Thread Gary L. Green

On 15 Apr 2006, at 03:14, Keith Addison wrote:

 Okay, let's take this recent chunk then, from Peter Solem:

 Today on the University of California, Santa Cruz campus, an
 organized group of student protestors succeded in shutting down the
 campus job fair until the military recruiters were forced to  
 leave! [snip]

 Please apply your thinking to this case. Was it useless? Was it just
 a riot waiting for an excuse to happen? Was it all a waste of time
 and effort anyway because it didn't make Page 1 in the NYT and FauxTV
 didn't run a special?

It did make coverage, at least on the net.  If something is seen it  
can be a benefit.  If it's not seen it can't.  I've never said  
anything different.

 How many hundreds of similar incidents have happened worldwide this

I don't know.  None?  I hope more than that.

 But it doesn't matter anyway because they didn't make Page 1 or
 a FauxTV special either so they might as well not have happened for
 all the good they did, right?

No Keith, those are your words and your interpretation, not mine.

 Do you agree with all that? You should do, it's what you've been
 saying. Or will you say it's just an exception that proves the rule
 or some such similarly specious nonsense?

No, I think this is an excellent case that proves that if there is no  
violence or the threat of violence then nothing gets accomplished.

To read the above account of what happened, you would think they were  
all sitting in a circle peacefully singing Kumbaya and We Will  
Overcome.  Such is not the case.

Take a look at the pictures on the net.  Look at what was really  
happening.  Look at the ANGRY protesters right in the face of the  
recruiter.  Look at the signs saying Fuck You, yes those words  
exactly.  Look at the other negative messages also.  Look at the in- 
your-face actions of these angry people.  People acting in an  
aggressive manner.  I read a report that stones were thrown after the  

Is this non-violent protest?

Yes.  It is.  I'm sure this is just the way it happens many times.

Please don't read anything that I've said to say that this is bad.   
It's not.  Protest needs to happen.  The recruiters were there to  
seduce young people to become cannon fodder for an illegal action  
brought on by a fascist US government.

I just believe that there is what we are told, and then there is the  
way things really are.  I don't believe the squeaky clean images of  
Ghandi, MLK or anyone else.   We see the protests, we see the  
speeches, we don't see the back room discussions and deal making.

 Meanwhile you're sitting there in your pontificator's armchair
 suitably buttressed with cushions and comfortable assumptions and
 telling yourself you're part of the solution not the problem eh?

Keith, I really think you are trying to paint me a color I'm not.   
That comment was a bit mean spirited.

Am I part of the problem?  Yes, in ways I am.  I still burn gasoline  
in my vehicle.  I don't have PV on my house nor do I have wind power  
generators.  I do vote and I try and make correct choices but what  
good does that do I sometimes wonder.  A 12 hour work day is the norm  
for me, most times longer.  My free time is taken up with projects  
that I'm doing with other companies.  I live in a house that is a  
part of a row of houses and there is not much room for planting  
things though I'm trying to grow some food rather than all the herbs  
my wife and bro in law have got planted.  I'm facing resistance.   
When I talk about getting a diesel for our next vehicle I meet with  

I'd like to build a nice rammed earth / mudbrick/ strawbale earthship  
house with PV and wind and everything be recyclable and have it be  
it's own little ecosystem and have a positive impact on the planet  
but I'm not there yet.  I'm still earning my money for retirement and  
sending my kid to college.  I'm doing it in an economy where the  
local currency is not very valuable.  I'm planning for the future,  
I'm reading all the posts here and I'm gathering info from the  
website.  I'll get there and have something good to pass onto my  
daughter or sell to someone else interested in being clean or cleaner.

Took me all day to type this between patients.  That's all I've got  
to say this time.  Launch the missiles again.


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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] MLK Thread

2006-04-15 Thread Gary L. Green
I'm not embarrassed.  There's been a gallon of verbiage here but I've seen little for me to change my mind.  On 14 Apr 2006, at 22:56, Mike Weaver wrote:I think reading a little history might save you future embarrassment. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

2006-04-14 Thread Gary L. Green
Gandhi I've only got a passing familiarity with, even though he seems to be referred to as the father of non-violent protest.Maybe he was perfect and maybe his followers were never incited to riot or to violence.  If so, then in this case I'm wrong.  I hope I'm wrong.  I'd like to be wrong.  I wish my cynical world view was wrong and that if you really are pure of heart then the truth will win out in the end and peace will fall on the land but I guess I just haven't seen it in my life time.On 14 Apr 2006, at 10:20, Keith Addison wrote: ask: what would Martin Luther King Jr or Ghandi do?  Who would Jesus bomb?  The moneylenders in the temple?  "Peaceful Protest" always had the promise of riots behind it.  I don't think so.  So what about Gandhi? And indeed Jesus? Let's have a look at the  global protests since Seattle in 1999, what about them? I see lots on violence on the TV where protests are going on.  Where are the peaceful ones?  I'm serious.  Educate me.  Maybe I'm turning blinders to peace because it seems to me that all there is, is evil and violence in the world at large.  Little people being crushed under the wheel of US empire building and Globalization monster.This Jesus guy though. The more I read about the true, historical Jesus he is looking less and less like the guy in the Wholly Roman Bible and more like an Iraqi insurgent.    He was closely associated with the Zealots who were fighting against the Roman occupation.  When his plans of political ascension fell apart, looks like he high tailed it out of there and maybe joined Mary Mag in France.Keith, educate me.  Where am I wrong?___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

2006-04-14 Thread Gary L. Green

On 14 Apr 2006, at 11:05, Appal Energy wrote:

 Whenever MLK came to town you knew you either gave him what
 he wanted or you would have violence on your hands.

 Violence at who's initiation?

 Something about having a foot in the middle of your back just doesn't
 cotton too well towards the idea of peace.

Exactly.  I'm saying he didn't lead a band of trained peace  
protesters, there were those but not all.  The majority were regular  
folk, of whatever race, that were pissed that things were the way  
they were and if they didn't see things progressing they were prone  
to display their displeasure.  When I read about MLK, I also read  
about unrest.

 That's why he had to be killed.

 Excuse me? Advocating equality is justification for murder?
 Let me guess..., I misunderstand what you wrote.

 Todd Swearingen

Maybe.  He was a proponent for change, for equality.  In the great  
scheme of U.S. empire building that comes contrary to profit.  I'm  
saying the same people that had Kennedy killed had MLK killed.   
Justified?  I never said that.  I didn't say he should die.  I said  
that the powers that be were not about to leave him alive.


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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

2006-04-14 Thread Gary L. Green

On 14 Apr 2006, at 15:45, D. Mindock wrote:

  We could make progress in the way of gettinga true representative  
 government if:
   we had a true watchguard media.

When, I think it was during the Regan era, they pushed through  
legislation that allowed the media to be owned by only a few people.   
I didn't realize at the time that this would be the result.

  [if]  we had representatives in Congress who valued the common man  
 corporate interests.

This is the true crux of the matter, the revolving door between  
government and industry.  When we look at a candidate we need to know  
who his corporate backing is.  Who is he beholding to?  This could  
all be done away with if we have proper funding of elections.   
Everyone gets the same amount.

 some exceptions, the majority is eager or at least amenable by arm  
 to do corporate bidding.

What major politician isn't a corporate stooge?

   we had a fired up electorate which continuously harassed their  
 reps. This is growing and may our only hope.

Yes, I keep writing and calling my lesbian senator from Wisconsin but  
I never really get replys.

 Is it at the point of critical ignition? Maybe. It
 depends on the sensitvity
 level of our reps. Do they fear not being re-elected enough to do  

Money is in getting into politics and then getting out and collecting  
that paycheck for life from your corporate buddies.

You'd have to say that overall, MLK was a positive agent of change.
  His assassination was inevitable.

Or at least a real good bet at the time.

 The U$A is not at peace with
 itself. I still hear racial slurs these days. It is sickening. How can
 people let fear and hate fester on for

My Chinese wife got called a chink by blacks and in an accident  
(MVA) she was in, which was causes by a young white kid driving too  
fast for conditions, the white cop who showed up ignored her and  
refused to file charges against the kid.  My wife was in shock and  
couldn't get her mouth to work at the time.  The cop had left by the  
time she was coherent.  Despite her condition no paramedic was called.

Somethings just stay the same.

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

2006-04-13 Thread Gary L. Green
Don't get me wrong.  You are high on the list of people I'd like to party with.On  13Apr, 2006, at 11:53 AM, D. Mindock wrote:Peace with justice, D. Mindock ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

2006-04-13 Thread Gary L. Green
Whenever MLK came to town you knew you either gave him what he wanted or you would have violence on your hands.The man was not a saint but he was very good at what he did.  That's why he had to be killed.On  14Apr, 2006, at 4:41 AM, Keith Addison wrote:"Peaceful Protest" always had the promise of riots behind it.  I don't think so. I ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Bring the Sixties Out of the Closet

2006-04-13 Thread Gary L. Green
May I be so bold as to make my own suggestions to you sir?Brian Protheroe:  I/You, PinballPeter Gabriel:  The first album only, right after leaving Genesis- very eclectic, even has some barbershop quartet.  Everything after that was strictly commercial.On 14 Apr 2006, at 06:26, Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:find Willis Alan Ramsey.   He  only  made one album and it had his name.  Every song on the  thing is a winner.  My taste in music is eclectic in the extreme. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Revolution!? [was] BYU professor's group accuses...

2006-04-13 Thread Gary L. Green
Damn!  Be quiet man.  That's my retirement strategy.

On 13 Apr 2006, at 22:26, Michael Redler wrote:

 Canada may see an exodus of stupid white men entering their country  
 from the South. They will deny that they are seeking exile and  
 insist that they are simply moving to the next State.

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

2006-04-13 Thread Gary L. Green
Okay, let's take this in chunks.Yes, there is peaceful protest but how effective is it really?  It's not.  It doesn't get much media coverage and gets ignored or forgotten if it is reported.People Power in the PI?  Again the threat of violence was there, there were isolated incidents if I remember correctly.Where MLK went there were often riots, big or small okay, small riot is an oxymoron but you get the idea.  MLK spoke constantly of non-violence but there were the agitators in the back that kept things on edge.  Did MLK secretly coordinate with them?  Who knows.  All I'm saying here is without the iron fist inside the silk glove you won't be taken seriously.Sorry if it appears I'm stomping on one of your heros but I see very few people as saints be they good or bad.  Politics are everywhere no matter what your agenda be it for good or bad.  Someone once said that if you were not into politics, you will be done in by politics.  On 14 Apr 2006, at 10:20, Keith Addison wrote:Whenever MLK came to town you knew you either gave him what he  wanted or you would have violence on your hands.  The man was not a saint but he was very good at what he did.  That's  why he had to be killed.  And so that proves your point, there's no such thing as peaceful  protest, it's just a sham?  Why not answer the rest of the question Gary? It went like this: ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [Fwd: [IP] Is the US preparing to bomb Iran?]

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
Yes!  HuZah!!!

On 12 Apr 2006, at 03:47, I. S. wrote:

 Today on the University of California, Santa Cruz campus, an  
 organized group of student protestors succeded in shutting down the  
 campus job fair until the military recruiters were forced to leave!

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: New American Bumper stickers - Oh boy

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
You mean the day after tomorrow?  Looked like him but the name was  

The day after was a tv, nuke waste movie.

On 12 Apr 2006, at 13:24, Terry Dyck wrote:

 Wan't Dick Cheney the bad guy in the Global Warming movie, the Day  

 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] New American Bumper stickers - Oh boy
 Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 12:38:18 -0400

 Terry Wilhelm wrote:

 Not sure who you and your friend have for a Vice President, but the
 rest of us support Dick *_CHENEY._*

 Terry Wilhelm

 I pray the gods that I'm excluded from the crowd of us that  
 supports Dick

 doug swanson

 Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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 No Microsoft databits have been incorporated herein.
 All existing databits have been constructed from recycled databits.

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Fwd: Globalization vs. Growth

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
Perkins talks a lot about this in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

On 12 Apr 2006, at 17:18, Keith Addison wrote:

 They can't help lying, it's compulsive, I doubt they're even aware
 they do it. Confront them with the lie and they'll shrug it off with
 a bit of bluster and go on doing it with a clear conscience. No doubt
 they do have a conscience, but a selective conscience isn't a lot
 different to no conscience at all. - K

 Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 17:15:08 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject: Globalization vs. Growth

 Action Alert

 Globalization vs. Growth
 NYT op-ed omits stats that debunk pro-corporate claims


 The April 10 New York Times devoted half its op-ed space to an
 elaborate attempt to demonstrate the benefits of globalization, with
 charts showing that more globalized nations do better than less
 globalized on measures ranging from average inflation to the rule
 of law. But one obvious measure of economic health, the economic
 growth rate, is conspicuously absent - perhaps because those
 statistics would have directly contradicted the op-ed's point.
 f=sloginGlobalizing Good Government, written by Richard W. Fisher
 and W. Michael Cox of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, chided
 opponents of a French law that would have made it easier to fire
 young employees (the law has since been scuttled) for
 misunderstanding the realities of our globalizing economy. Fisher
 and Cox argued that the more globalized nations tend to pursue
 policies that achieve faster economic growth, while the least
 globalized countries are prone to policies that interfere with
 markets and lead to stagnation.

 It is clear that countries with solid policies will be more
 successful in the global economy, the op-ed concluded. If our data
 demonstrate anything, it is that globalization prompts a race to the
 top by pushing countries to abandon policies that burden their
 economies in favor of those that fuel growth and economic

 It's true that on several of the policies favored by the authors,
 like favorable corporate taxes and capital market openness,
 countries did do better - from Fisher and Cox's point of view - the
 more globalized they were. But do such policies actually result in
 faster economic growth? The obvious way to begin to answer such a
 question is to compare the various groups of countries in terms of
 growth in gross domestic product. Since the op-ed authors neglected
 to do this, FAIR looked up the most recent statistics available from
 ortId=148United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - the
 change between 2003 and 2004 - and found some surprising results.

 Contrary to the op-ed's claims, the most globalized group - which
 includes the U.S. and Canada, Australia and New Zealand, several
 European countries and Singapore - actually had the lowest average
 growth rate, at 3.6 percent. The more globalized group, including
 Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Panama and most of the other European
 countries, did just slightly better, with an average growth rate of

 Growing much faster than either of those groups were the less
 globalized - a category that includes Asian countries like Taiwan
 and Thailand, African countries like Uganda and Nigeria, Latin
 American countries like Mexico and Argentina, and Europe's Romania
 and Ukraine. These nations grew at a 6.2 percent clip. (Statistics
 on Taiwan, which are not kept by the U.N., come from the CIA Fact

 The fastest growth rate was found among the least globalized - in
 other words, the group with policies that interfere with markets
 and lead to stagnation. This group, which includes China, India,
 Russia, Brazil and Venezuela, had an average growth rate of 6.3
 percent. (Of course, the fact that China is counted among the least
 globalized when its exports amount to 42 percent of its GDP -
 versus 7 percent for the U.S. - calls into question the whole
 classification scheme used by the op-ed.)

 Do such figures prove that resisting globalization leads to faster
 growth? Of course not; there are many variables involved, including
 the fact that the least globalized countries generally start at a
 lower level of development. But looking at the actual growth rates
 does call into question the op-ed's facile assertion that
 pro-corporate policies are the same thing as policies that achieve
 faster economic growth. The New York Times op-ed page should have
 done some factchecking before offering this misleading opinion piece
 to its readers.

 ACTION: Please contact the New York Times op-ed page to ask 

Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Biodiesel test results

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
No idea.  If they are in the way of commercial development they're dead.On  12Apr, 2006, at 9:14 PM, Keith Addison wrote:How're the mangroves doing round  there these days? ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: New American Bumper stickers - Oh boy

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
No, no.Go to imdb.comThe Day After was a made for tv movie from 1983.The Day After TOMORROW was the flick from last year with the Dead-Eye Dick look alike.On  12Apr, 2006, at 9:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:The movie The Day After Tomorrow was shown in theaters, not  just on TV. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Loose Change -- new video sheds new light on 9/11 -second thoughts

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
For the impact on our psyche.

We actually SAW an attack, like Pearl Harbor.  Lots of parallels  
there.  It was meant to be a show.

This WAS the best way.

On  13Apr, 2006, at 1:41 AM, I. S. wrote:

 if the 'CIA' wanted to blow up the twin towers, why didn't they  
 just put a huge truck bomb underneath them?

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Fw: Honoring the Sacred Core of Islam

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
That would have been The Running Man 1987.  Post Terminator, 1984.On  13Apr, 2006, at 3:30 AM, Keith Addison wrote:Schwarzenegger,  forgotten what it was called, pre-Terminator, low-budget SF with lots  of great cheepnis.  ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Fw: Honoring the Sacred Core of Islam

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
Just to be sure you're "That" kind of person.  I'm one too.Never forget my introduction to Zappa.  In my teen years listening to the college radio station, someone had the cajones to play Dinah-Mo-Hum.  I was hooked.The cover art will keep a stonie entertained for hours. On  13Apr, 2006, at 3:30 AM, Keith Addison wrote:Keith,  Got you copy of Overnight Sensation on the shelves somewhere?  Sure do Gary. Why do you ask? ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S.officialsoflyingabout 9/11

2006-04-12 Thread Gary L. Green
On 13 Apr 2006, at 10:18, D. Mindock wrote:A revolution is what we need here. Peaceful, of course. Well, that won't happen.Would somebody PLEASE get me my orbiting nuke platform?  I need to make some changes here.I guess we need  to ask: what would Martin Luther King Jr or Ghandi do?Who would Jesus bomb?"Peaceful Protest" always had the promise of riots behind it. Peace with justice, D. Mindock Did that ever really exist?___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Fw: Honoring the Sacred Core of Islam

2006-04-11 Thread Gary L. Green
Keith,Got you copy of Overnight Sensation on the shelves somewhere?On 11 Apr 2006, at 23:45, Keith Addison wrote:You might enjoy this. 1981. Nobody listened.  Frank Zappa on Crossfire, 1986 
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lyingabout 9/11

2006-04-10 Thread Gary L. Green
I hear they are going to be reconvening the Warren Commission again.  Spector is once again going to show that it was a single bullet that did the whole thing.  They will have the theoretical physics to prove it too.On  10Apr, 2006, at 1:34 PM, D. Mindock wrote:Another unanswered question: why were the massive steel beams quickly  gathered up and ship off for scrap? Is it because the beams might've shown that they were  torn apart by massive explosive charges? etc___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: More Gardening News

2006-04-10 Thread Gary L. Green
Honestly, the only thing in Rock Island I ever really made a point of knowing about was a liquor store that had a good selection of imported beer.What really makes the QC special is that in 17 years of marriage, it's the only place I saw my wife really knock-down drunk.  It was at a wine tasting and they had lots of ports, her favorite.  Sneaky things ports.On  10Apr, 2006, at 12:37 PM, Jason  Katie wrote:BTW the Villa de Chantal in rock island burned to the ground about a month after we had our wedding reception there.___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Gardening and Tires

2006-04-10 Thread Gary L. Green
Guess there's always earthships:  10Apr, 2006, at 2:13 PM, Keith Addison wrote:33 million tyres a year, which "tremendously outstrips"  the demand for recycled rubber. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [Fwd: [IP] Is the US preparing to bomb Iran?]

2006-04-10 Thread Gary L. Green
People have also got to quit voting for who ever puts on the best dog and pony show at election time.  Democraps  Republickends and the same fat cat, just a different color.  We need to get independents, greens and others in.  As long as we keep voting for corporate dupes we're dead.Scary but Nader is looking better all the time.On  10Apr, 2006, at 7:58 PM, D. Mindock wrote:I continuously write my Congress people, 2 Demo senators and a Repug rep,  and they just ignore my letters ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [Fwd: [IP] Is the US preparing to bomb Iran?]

2006-04-10 Thread Gary L. Green
ARE the same fat cat.On  10Apr, 2006, at 9:06 PM, Gary L. Green wrote:People have also got to quit voting for who ever puts on the best dog and pony show at election time.  Democraps  Republickends and the same fat cat, just a different color.  We need to get independents, greens and others in.  As long as we keep voting for corporate dupes we're dead.Scary but Nader is looking better all the time.On  10Apr, 2006, at 7:58 PM, D. Mindock wrote:I continuously write my Congress people, 2 Demo senators and a Repug rep, and they just ignore my letters ___Biofuel mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): ___
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Re: [Biofuel] BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lyingabout 9/11

2006-04-10 Thread Gary L. Green
Bull pucky, mate.

Have a look.  When you figure in the angle of the supposed snipers  
nest there is just no way.

That dog don't hunt.

I collected a variety of Kennedy assassination information from so  
many sources.  Most of it destroyed when my hard drive got nuked.   
It's an addictive subject.  The smoking gun always just seems a  
little bit out of reach.  If only I can put the facts together just  

I  finally had to just quit.  It was taking over my life.

On  10Apr, 2006, at 9:33 PM, Michael Redler wrote:

 However, if you simply move the seat where it belonged and  
 positioned Connolly's body correctly, there is an excellent chance  
 for the magic bullet to have passed through Kennedy and Connolly  
 with a straight line trajectory

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Re: [Biofuel] small oil presses, WVO and sustainability

2006-04-10 Thread Gary L. Green
I agree but isn't it a case where they are Green-er than a nuke plant or a coal fired power plant?Is there somewhere where someone had compared the pollutants from PV mfgr and say 10 years of pollution from an electric plant for one house?Thanks.On  11Apr, 2006, at 3:17 AM, Chip Mefford wrote:As much as I like PVs, and i do, I'm not convinced of their 'green-ness'. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: More Gardening News

2006-04-09 Thread Gary L. Green
Little known?  Only by 30% of the chiropractors on the planet.  Davenport is the home to the Palmer College of Chiropractic.  I lived there from 91 - 93.Not a bad little place.  Very strange to see these mansions standing in the ghetto areas.  Huge homes you can't give away in certain areas.  In other areas they've been redone and a just gorgeous.  Lot's of good bike riding.  Wineries, lots of stuff if you know where to look.  I enjoyed my time there.On  09Apr, 2006, at 2:03 PM, Jason  Katie wrote:a little-known place called the quad  cities. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: New American Bumper stickers - Oh boy

2006-04-09 Thread Gary L. Green
"Us" I take it to be the self-lobotomized?On  10Apr, 2006, at 12:38 AM, doug wrote:I pray the gods that I'm excluded from the crowd of "us" that supports Dick Cheney! ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Suspended delivery

2006-04-08 Thread Gary L. Green
I'm just a lover of Belgian style ales.  When you include ingredients don't forget the yeast unless you're brewing a lambic in which case god adds the yeast.Partei auf Gecken!On 8 Apr 2006, at 08:24, Fritz Friesinger wrote:Hi Gary,i am not shure of the Belgian beer,but bavarian beer is brewed under the "Reinheitsgebot" a law AD 1716  by the bavarian Duch and falsly called the "German Purity Law" since it did apply in the begin only to Bavaria!And it calls:   Beer should only be brewed with Barley,Hops and water from deep wellsWhat a wise man this bavarian HerzogProstDrink ma a Massal guates echtes gsueffiges gschmackiges boarisches BierFritz___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Suspended delivery

2006-04-08 Thread Gary L. Green
Yes!  So true.On 8 Apr 2006, at 17:11, Hakan Falk wrote:When it comes to vine, nothing beats the Spanish average quality. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Suspended delivery

2006-04-08 Thread Gary L. Green
Okay but don't tell it to the guy whose job it is to pitch the wort.  Could get god into trouble with the union.On  08Apr, 2006, at 8:45 PM, Fritz Friesinger wrote:god adds the yeast anyway what a good brewmaster is doeing is only refine it___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Garrison Keillor on Bush II

2006-04-08 Thread Gary L. Green
Speaking of beer, and I was, ... Mike, I read they are going into  
bars and arresting people for being drunk.  Pre-crime.  I never  
thought I'd see it in my life time.

On  09Apr, 2006, at 2:40 AM, Mike McGinness wrote:

 However, this Texan would rather see him sent to Iraq to fight his  
 own war. We don't need him back in Texas, and we can't leave him in  
 Washington either. By the way I voted against the republicans and  
 the Bushes since 1990, so don't blaim me.

 Mike McGinness

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lyingabout 9/11

2006-04-08 Thread Gary L. Green
But can't you just hear that annoying Dubya voice saying:Them towers have GOT to come down.  If their still standin' then they can be fixed or ignored or sumthin'.  They won't be the symbol we need.  Make sure them towers come DOWN!On  09Apr, 2006, at 5:29 AM, Mike Weaver wrote:And the towers were designed for impact by large aircraft. I read an interview with the architect - he said the buildings were  designed to withstand a hot from the planes ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Suspended delivery

2006-04-08 Thread Gary L. Green
Sports ya know, I just don't get it.People spend money, waste energy, waste time, sitting on their collective asses watching millionaires get some exercise and racking up imaginary points that mean nothing at the end of the day.  No one is helped, nothing is built, no real good is done.I am guilty of all the above offenses but I never made a jock rich.Hee heeGaryOn  09Apr, 2006, at 1:21 AM, Keith Addison wrote:Do they pitch the worst in soccer? I thought that was baseball. -K ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: More Gardening News

2006-04-08 Thread Gary L. Green
Huh?  Us Americans?  Who dat?You speak as if we / they were a unified whole.Definitely NOT.I was born into it.  By choice I left, not that it really makes any difference.  My tax money?  If they didn't have a single tax payer left all they'd have to do is go to the Federal Reserve (it aint federal and there are no reserves) and print more.  Except for becoming an assassin of those on high, it was about all I could really do.  Stay in and change the system?  Oh please.On  09Apr, 2006, at 7:08 AM, robert luis rabello wrote:I like the forum a lot, even though some of the discussion gets a  little hard for us Americans to read at times ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Donald Rumsfeld Rakes in $5 Million For Tamiflu

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
Missed that last line.Please type slower in the future.  I'm getting old. ;-DGaryOn  07Apr, 2006, at 8:34 PM, Chip Mefford wrote:In the case of H5N1, 2 of the three criteria are met, and the potential for the 3rd exists.  Did you read my post? ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Donald Rumsfeld Rakes in $5 Million For Tamiflu

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
On  07Apr, 2006, at 10:37 PM, Michael Redler wrote:here is a serious effort to fight the bird flu out there and a belief that wild birds are spreading it. This seems to be a contradiction to the report we discussed earlier that wild birds are not as much the problem as factory farms. This doesn't reflect my position on this - it's only an observation.In "factory" settings the birds can be out and loose.  Even if not loose, their waste might become mingled with food and that food (floor sweepings, whatever) be available.  Wild birds could land, eat, become exposed and fly away.  Highest concentrations have always been where the birds were kept together.  There is no stopping it.  It will be in all parts of the world.  Some birds will die.  People who get too close to infected birds may die (fecal oral route) but not in the thousands.===PAUL Ewald is someone who thinks differently in the fight against diseases. He has taken the evolutionary point of view of the germ.While he is concerned about the possibility of global pandemics, he isn’t too bothered about the possibility of a global pandemic caused by the H5N1 influenza virus, otherwise known as the bird flu.Ewald has made something of a career saying it’s not going to happen. It’s just not. For it to happen, the world has to change. Not the virus. Not H5N1. The world.While it is widely accepted that the virus is mutating, this is not something unusual for Ewald because that is what viruses and other pathogens do. But evolution is random mutation coupled with natural selection.For bird flu to evolve into a human pandemic, the strain that finds a home in humanity has to be both highly virulent and highly transmissible. Deadliness has to translate somehow into popularity; H5N1 has to find a way to kill or immobilise its human hosts, and still find other hosts to infect. Usually that doesn’t happen. The idea that Ewald has brought to the understanding of infections is that evolution is all about trade-offs, and in the evolution of infections the trade-off is between virulence and transmissibility."We know that H5N1 is well adapted to birds," Ewald says. "We also know that it has a hard time becoming a virus that can move from person to person. It has a hard time without our doing anything. But we can make it harder. We can make sure it has no human population in which to evolve transmissibility."There is no need to rely on the mass extermination of chickens. There is no need to stockpile vaccines. By vaccinating just the people most at risk we can prevent it from becoming transmissible among humans." Apart from a contrarian perspective on the bird flu pandemic, his thinking extends to other diseases as well, that practically all medical disorders are caused by germs. So treat the infection and you get rid of the problem.He published a list of diseases he believes will be found to have their origins in infections and the dates when the medical fraternity will come to accept such facts: childhood leukaemia (2015), breast cancer (2015), and Type 2 diabetes (2025). His contention is that in 50 years common counter-measures like vaccines, antibiotics and improvements in hygiene will prove highly effective, as in the past.Paul Ewald, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Louisville, the US, made the above contentions in the December issue of Esquire magazine.___
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Re: [Biofuel] Suspended delivery

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
Only if it's good microbrewery beer or an authentic Belgian style beer.If it's Amerikan corporate corn and rice fermented chemical soup, please not one in my name.GaryOn  08Apr, 2006, at 2:43 AM, Joe Street wrote:Cheers all. I'll have a beer for each and every one of you LOL :-s ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: More Gardening News

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
"Consume for Victory"On  08Apr, 2006, at 2:49 AM, Keith Addison wrote:I'm sure it's that too. Do you think "Dig for Victory!" is out of  date now, shouldn't it be "No-Dig for Victory!"? ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Pollution: Where have all the baby boysgone?

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
That's WHY not WHERE.The answer to Where is Bangkok.On  08Apr, 2006, at 7:23 AM, I. S. wrote:Ummm.. China?  --- Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  4) Girls are more intelligent  Then why do they hang out with men? ;-) ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Bring the Sixties Out of the Closet

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
Disco yuck.Being stoned is good though.  That's why god invented Amsterdam and British Columbia.On  08Apr, 2006, at 8:04 AM, Mike Weaver wrote:We had all these great ideas, then we got really stoned and it drifted away.  Then it was the 80's.  Bummer ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Suspended delivery

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
I demand Budvar, not the rip-off Amerikan version.

On  08Apr, 2006, at 8:06 AM, Mike Weaver wrote:

 I demand Budweiser.


 Gary L. Green wrote:

 Only if it's good microbrewery beer or an authentic Belgian style  

 If it's Amerikan corporate corn and rice fermented chemical soup,
 please not one in my name.


 On  08Apr, 2006, at 2:43 AM, Joe Street wrote:

 Cheers all. I'll have a beer for each and every one of you LOL :-s


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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: David Ray Griffin speaks on facts of 9/11.

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
Okay fine but just because someone doesn't buy the party line doesn't make them a nutcase.Do buildings really implode inwards on their own?  If so, then what about all these highly skilled blasters?  Are they lying?What about the aircraft debris at the Pentagon "attack"?  Not so much as a seat belt.Does anyone here really believe a lone nutter shot Kennedy?Conspiracy Theory are just a label hung on an idea that the status quo isn't comfortable with.On  08Apr, 2006, at 6:43 AM, I. S. wrote:Note: I'd be pretty skeptical about a lot of the 9/11 'conspiracy theories'; many of them are so blatantly ridiculous ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Suspended delivery

2006-04-07 Thread Gary L. Green
Dang Checks... why can't they learn ta speek inglish like the rest of  
the world?

They make some good beer though.  I guess the proper name is  
Budweiser Budvar to diff it from the cruddy stuff.

On 8 Apr 2006, at 08:53, Mike Weaver wrote:

 I believe that's Czech for strong beer

 Gary L. Green wrote:

 I demand Budvar, not the rip-off Amerikan version.

 On  08Apr, 2006, at 8:06 AM, Mike Weaver wrote:

 I demand Budweiser.


 Gary L. Green wrote:

 Only if it's good microbrewery beer or an authentic Belgian style

 If it's Amerikan corporate corn and rice fermented chemical soup,
 please not one in my name.


 On  08Apr, 2006, at 2:43 AM, Joe Street wrote:

 Cheers all. I'll have a beer for each and every one of you LOL :-s


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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: the end of big biodiesel?

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
I say one of those in Perth, WA a couple of years back.  Very cool in that when you hit the accelerator all you hear is a little hiss noise and away it goes.Not cool was the little stream of water it seemed to urinate out the bottom.  Incontinence just isn't sexy.On 6 Apr 2006, at 03:36, Mike Weaver wrote:Fine.  I'm stockpiling wood for my new Stanley Steamer. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Donald Rumsfeld Rakes in $5 Million For Tamiflu

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
It isn't a hoax but it also is not going to turn into t a pandemic.  The powers that be keep referring back to the "Spanish Flu Pandemic" which was during war time where everyone was shoved together and in each others faces, feces, etc.The people that are dying of bird flu and just about living with their fowl and the fecal - oral route is alive and well in their lives.Big pharma is using this to generate huge profits.  Relax people.  Don't sleep with your ducks ( you kinky so and so's) and you will be just fine.On 6 Apr 2006, at 02:16, Chip Mefford wrote:But there isn't anything there to indicate that H5N1 is a hoax. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Pollution: Where have all the baby boysgone?

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
Hormones!  Gotta love 'um.On 7 Apr 2006, at 03:34, Mike Weaver wrote:4) Girls are more intelligent  Then why do they hang out with men? ;-) ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: New EPA Rules

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
Heartless not mindless.Corporations and their take over of governments, their empire building, is very intelligent indeed.On 6 Apr 2006, at 21:42, Chip Mefford wrote:Michael Redler wrote: I agree that corporations by themselves have all the attributes of mindless machines.  ___
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Re: [Biofuel] David Ray Griffin speaks on facts of 9/11.

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
Hey!  Have you been snooping around my computer?  How did you know that?

I feel so . ordinary.

On 6 Apr 2006, at 20:48, Michael Redler wrote:

 can be found in the favorites folder of many computers along side  
 BBC world news and The Guardian.

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: the end of big biodiesel?

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
Exactly.  How can "Pis" ever compete with VARM?On 6 Apr 2006, at 22:13, Zeke Yewdall wrote:Yeah -- but how about the severe halitosis that affects ICE cars?  Somehow, marketing has made people overlook that... ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: David Ray Griffin speaks on facts of 9/11.

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
No, but if done right it can be humorous which is valuable in it's own right.On 6 Apr 2006, at 21:36, Keith Addison wrote:scepticism's useful (but cynicism isn't useful) ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Pollution: Where have all the baby boysgone?

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
Yeah, I'm prejudiced since I've got a daughter and I think she's the greatest little being on the planet.  She's just like daddy... which drives mommy nuts.On 6 Apr 2006, at 19:35, Steve Knox wrote: You're entitled to your opinion sexist!    Steve   - Original Message -   From:   Gary L.   Green   To: Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 1:43   AM  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re:   Pollution: Where have all the baby boysgone?  Just my opinion but girls are better anyway.On 6 Apr 2006, at 07:58, mark manchester wrote:  Every year, thousands of British babies who should   be boys are borngirls. The answer to this mystery could lie in a   small town inCanada. Geoffrey Lean   reports  ___Biofuel mailing   listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org   at Journey to   Forever: the   combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000   messages): mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Donald Rumsfeld Rakes in $5 Million For Tamiflu

2006-04-06 Thread Gary L. Green
No, the 3rd one is not met or at least I don't think so.  It is NOT spreading easily.  If it were there would have been 10's of thousands of deaths by now, not just a few hundred.I don't believe all the cases have been caught.  There has been the opportunity for it to spread.  I do believe that if we saw thousands of deaths in a location we would hear of it.  Like you said earlier Chip, not trying to be contrary but I don't believe something just because those in authority tell it to me through the media.GaryOn 6 Apr 2006, at 21:30, Chip Mefford wrote:The WHO (who could be pawns of big -insert whatever here-) calls a pandemic when 3 criteria are met:  -the emergence of a disease new to the population -the agent infects humans, causing serious illness -the agent spreads easily and sustainably among humans ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] off-topic [Hydroponic gardening]

2006-04-05 Thread Gary L. Green
I've got some really good dvd's on how to grow top quality marijuana  
hydroponically.  Other than that... sorry.

On 5 Apr 2006, at 06:43, Evergreen Solutions wrote:

 Just wondering if anyone out there is into hydroponics. I'm getting
 more into it myself, hoping to find a mentor w/ a little more

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Nice energy usage breakdow for a car

2006-04-05 Thread Gary L. Green
Over 60% lost as heat.  Should be some way of recovering that energy.

Ideas folks?

On 5 Apr 2006, at 02:34, Tomas Juknevicius wrote:

 Hi folks,
 news entry at green car congress article @
 has some nice pictures with percentages of where the energy
 from the fuel burned in the car engine is spent.

 Or, use direct link: 

 The article itself is not very interesting though
 Tomas Juknevicius

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Pollution: Where have all the baby boys gone?

2006-04-05 Thread Gary L. Green
Just my opinion but girls are better anyway.On 6 Apr 2006, at 07:58, mark manchester wrote:Every year, thousands of British babies who should be boys are born girls. The answer to this mystery could lie in a small town in Canada. Geoffrey Lean reports 
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: The Age of Autism: Hot potato on the Hill

2006-04-05 Thread Gary L. Green
Public sanitation!  Ya just can't beat it.On 6 Apr 2006, at 08:41, Bob Molloy wrote:dumped sewage directly onto the lines. Once this had been addressed polio outbreaks decreased and were geographically more randomly distributed. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Recent PBS report Persons of Interest TALON program - US AirForce

2006-04-04 Thread Gary L. Green
Just picked up Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.  Lets you know who is really in control.]On 31 Mar 2006, at 15:02, Keith Addison wrote:People definitely seem to be waking up en masse. About time too. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] The Age of Autism: Hot potato on the Hill

2006-04-04 Thread Gary L. Green

On 4 Apr 2006, at 08:54, robert luis rabello wrote:

   This may be true.  But I also remember polio, whooping cough and
 other nasty, debilitating diseases for which there was no cure and no
 effective treatment before vaccination.

Don't look now but Whooping Cough is still around.  Polio was  
decreasing by the time the vaccine was released.  My public health  
instructor used to say that more lives were saved by proper  
sanitation than all the vaccines in the world.  I think she was right.

Also, people that are vaccinated still come down with the diseases  
they were vaccinated for.  Huh, how about that?

 She's lucky she didn't grow up among a large population of other
 children who likewise DIDN'T get vaccinated.

But she did.  Rural Malaysia and lots of kids don't get vaccinated.   
Pretty filthy conditions with the chickens running around everywhere.

 I have spent many years in classrooms and I have YET to see a child
 adversely impacted by vaccinations.

Maybe the disabled children weren't in your classes.  They might have  
been too disabled to make it in.

 My own children have been
 vaccinated and routinely get their booster shots.  Neither of them
 suffer from health issues or learning problems, nor have any children
 in my extended family.

So you say.  You might be mentally omitting.  Also, who is to say  
what will develop?

 There has to be a better solution to this issue than either blithely
 believing every vaccine is harmless, or espousing a desire to rid the
 world of vaccines altogether.

Here we agree.  Like I said, I'm not an anti-vaccination wacko but  
they just aren't safe enough for me or my family.  Me?  Lots of  
problems.  I don't know that I blame the vaccines but I don't think  
they helped all that much.  I certainly got plenty of childhood  

You do it your way, I'll do it mine.


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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: The Age of Autism: Hot potato on the Hill

2006-04-03 Thread Gary L. Green
Gee Bob, I wish (NOT) that I had your faith in medical science and their desire to properly research and police themselves (ha ha ha ha ha).Here's a completely unscientific, unauthorized but unadulterated observation.Twelve years ago when I was just starting out as a Quack, I knew there were anti-vaccination wackos out there but I wasn't one of them.  Hell, I'd been in the military and run the Vaccination Gauntlet and had a dozen boosters in that 4 years.  Later on I ended up in a small Australian town that had a "Handicapped Developement Centre".  Ttime after time patients kept appearing with their "developmentally disabled" children.  All I could do was some muscle work and manipulation which seemed to help a bit but not much.  Sure there were the usual trisomy 21's, CP's, cord asphyxiation's but by far the majority had a different story.  With slight variations, A child was born, normal, healthy, 10 on the APGAR scale.  Then came the first vaccination.  Something happened either a fever, convulsion, something.  Then out the other end of the vaccination came a damaged child.How often does this happen?  Obviously a "statistically insignificant amount" but it's only statistically insignificant when it isn't your child.My daughter?  Oh, I've doomed her to certain death by never vaccinating her here in germ infested Malaysia.  Eleven years plus and going strong.  Seems to get sick less often than her vaccinated counterparts.  Just my quack delusional view of the world, I know.GaryOn  02Apr, 2006, at 12:13 AM, bob allen wrote:Directly injecting an infant with thimerosal laden vaccines is criminal.  nonsense, the body of epidemiological data shows little or no correlation with autism and exposure  to thimerosal. I'm not promoting Hg exposure, but point out that if one is sincere in finding the  cause for autism, that time and money are being wasted barking up the wrong tree. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: cracking the glycerine

2006-04-03 Thread Gary L. Green
At what point does this all go BOOM?  ;-DOn  02Apr, 2006, at 11:32 AM, Appal Energy wrote:This leaves the alcohols (methanol and glycerol) and water to aggregate. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Greenhouse theory - smashed by biggest stone

2006-03-29 Thread Gary L. Green
Did he cut out Lividicus?  That's the best part.On 29 Mar 2006, at 14:25, robert luis rabello wrote:I put the Bible and scissors on his  desk and asked the pastor to cut out the parts he didn't want me teaching. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: [off topic]US marines 'massscred Iraqi civilians'

2006-03-22 Thread Gary L. Green
In 1980 I was stationed in Incirlik, Turkey with the Armed Forces  
Radio and Television Service (A-fARTS).  They had me go out and get  
sound bites from different units to use on the air with station IDs  
and holiday promos.

I wandered over to a hanger and some gear head goes: Happy Holidays  
from the Nuke Pukes.  We keep the Air Force from being just another  

For some reason, Command didn't want word getting out that we STILL  
had nukes in Turkey.

I had a real knack for getting into trouble in the military.  Happy  
to say, I still got out with an honorable discharge.

On  22Mar, 2006, at 11:22 PM, Michael Redler wrote:

 You think that placing nuclear missiles in Turkey didn't provoke  
 the Cuban missile crisis or that having the vast majority of WMD's  
 in the world, then pointing the finger at others is a way to  
 promote peace?

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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse

2006-03-20 Thread Gary L. Green
How are people supposed to get through the Bush years without drugs?Oh yeah, religion.   That's one drug that 	REALLY makes you stupid.On  20Mar, 2006, at 2:39 AM, Keith Addison wrote:"Today's big news is the drug war. The president says so, so  television says so, newspapers and magazines say so, and the public  says so." T ___
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[Biofuel] Two biofuel plants planned in Kuantan, Malaysia

2006-03-20 Thread Gary L. Green
Two biofuel plants planned in KuantanBy ROSLINA MOHAMADWong Soon FahKUANTAN: Two companies have expressed interest to set up biodiesel plants in the Kuantan Port Industrial Area (KPIA), with production expected to begin next year. Kuantan Port Consortium Sdn Bhd (KPC) chief operation officer Wong Soon Fah said the companies' decision to locate their businesses in KPIA was partly due to their wish to be close to an export point to save on logistics costs. “Some industries are good to be located in such an area as they need to export large volumes or in bulk. KPIA offers facilities such as direct pipeline and tank farms,'' Wong told StarBiz. KPC, which operates the Kuantan Port and manages KPIA, looked forward to having such investments as this would be good for the local economy, encourage downstream industries and value-added activities, he said. He added that KPC's revenue and Kuantan Port's throughput would increase as well. Wong said the companies, one local and the other foreign, would each produce 100,000 tonnes annually. “The plants will take up 4ha each and the biodiesel production will be the first in the East Coast,'' he added. Wong said biodiesel had become increasingly popular in the past few years and that in Malaysia, it would be fully commercialised and ready for general use from Jan 1, 2006. “KPIA has strong advantages in terms of availability of palm oil, downstream oleochemical activities as well as other raw materials to produce biodiesel,” he said. Wong said Kuantan Port was prepared for potential biodiesel investors and had a proven record in promoting investments in petrochemical and palm oil.  ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Scientists Racing to Ease Painful PTSD Memories

2006-03-15 Thread Gary L. Green
Yes,I've noticed that quinine (in effervescent form)  when mixed with ethanol and juniper essence has a very blurring effect on me.On  15Mar, 2006, at 10:36 PM, Zeke Yewdall wrote:How about anti-malarials?  Some of those can have some pretty wierd mental effects.   ___
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Logic out the window at the White House

2006-03-13 Thread Gary L. Green
Federal Reserve.  It isn't federal and there are no reserves.  There are no assets to back up your money, just the BELIEF that there is.Believe brother, believe!On  13Mar, 2006, at 7:05 PM, Hakan Falk wrote:Money is an instrument, at the end  secured by the assets of the country of origin ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Scientists Racing to Ease Painful PTSD Memories

2006-03-12 Thread Gary L. Green
Dude!Without writing a 20 page response of minutia into the heart of your feelings, let me just say I'm glad to hear from someone who feels like I do.The heros of the Vietnam conflict are now all Canadian citizens.The current Christo-fascists have made me so ill that I left my own country.  Hope to go back one day and lend a voice to reason and light.  Most likely though that won't happen.  Married a woman from another country and she doesn't want anything to do with the USA after living there for 4 years.Peace bro.GaryOn  12Mar, 2006, at 2:39 AM, Michael Redler wrote:By the way, does anyone think that development of this drug represents a failure in root-cause analysis for people effected by killing for their country? Hmmm...What else could we do to treat traumatic events? Maybe NOT HAVE THEM by not adopting a policy of preemptive strikes toward unproven, "eminent attacks"! But then again, maybe I'm missing the point here. People wanting to change their career to something that involves dispensing pain and suffering now have something to treat those pesky messages from their conscience. One final note: There is an epidemic of kidnapping in Africa for the purpose of building armies of children. This is partly because they haven't fully developed the concept of right and wrong (by enlarge, a ta ught behavior). Could this be an indication that the US military is running out of teen-age recruits? ...just a thought. Mike___
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Re: [Biofuel] The Brutal Christ of the Armageddonites -Religiousfanaticism in American foreign policy

2006-03-08 Thread Gary L. Green
Trouble is, the fanatics don't listen.On 7 Mar 2006, at 12:18, lres1 wrote:There is a very fine line between fanaticism and belief. When belief becomes fanaticism better to stop the belief. Fanaticism blinds.
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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: Party Hacks - The fix is in for 2008

2006-03-04 Thread Gary L. Green
Amen Bro,I voted with my feet and left.  I saw this coming a long time ago.They won't get my tax dollars but then again, all they do is print what they need so I really don't count anyway.GaryOn  04Mar, 2006, at 11:57 PM, robert luis rabello wrote:I used to complain that the German people  of the 1930's essentially did nothing to check the rise of the  National Socialists to power, but now that I see the same kind of  thing happening in my own country, I have a broader appreciation for  how difficult it is to swim against the tide. ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Quackbuster Busted in Court

2006-03-01 Thread Gary L. Green
There are more kinds of Doctors in the world than just medical  
doctors and some of us ARE concerned with health.

On  01Mar, 2006, at 10:04 PM, Joe Street wrote:

 I agree Kim;

 Doctors are not in the business of health, they are in the business  
 of treating disease.

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Re: [Biofuel] Quackbuster Busted in Court

2006-02-28 Thread Gary L. Green
That was fun.

As a Chiropractor I get lots of this kind of  stuff thrown at me,  
both information and accusations.  As chiros are at the heart of  
Barrett's hate I'm very familiar with him.  It was nice to get a  
glimpse behind the curtain to see how he is funded and the trouble  
he's in.

Yeah, anybody who is constantly photographed in front of military  
equipment wearing dark glasses like this Bolen guy must have a few  
screws loose.  Still got some good info out of him though.

OTOH, Barrett isn't completely wrong either.  Too much of  
Chiropractic IS practiced like a for-profit religion.

On 28 Feb 2006, at 11:27, Kirk McLoren wrote:

 Kirk McLoren wrote:
  American health system rated #72 by WHO and the #1 killer of  
  Incidentally also the most expensive health care in the world

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Re: [Biofuel] Any other lister in Malaysia?

2006-02-18 Thread Gary L. Green
Now that's a place with tons of trash that could be reused for all  
sorts of stuff.

On  18Feb, 2006, at 6:53 PM, Manick Harris wrote:

 My name is Edward Monickavasagam. I'm ret'd from Rubber  Research  
 Institute of Malaysia. I live in Penang now.

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[Biofuel] Any other lister in Malaysia?

2006-02-17 Thread Gary L. Green
In line with what Josh just asked, is there anyone on this list from  

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Re: [Biofuel] Any other lister in Malaysia?

2006-02-17 Thread Gary L. Green

On 17 Feb 2006, at 21:59, Khin Wei Chong wrote:

 Hi...Im KW.Chong from KL, Malaysia

Hello Mr. Chong.  I live in Taman Seputeh, near Midvalley Megamall.   
My Chiropractic centre is in Brickfields.

Good to see other folks here from KL.  Are you involved in any local  
energy projects?

 --- Gary L. Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In line with what Josh just asked, is there anyone
 on this list from

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