[Talk-TW] weeklyOSM #519 2020-06-23-2020-06-29

2020-07-06 Thread weeklyteam
每週 OSM 新聞匯集文摘,# 519 期,如今已經發佈台灣華語版本,涵蓋開放街圖世界的大小事情!



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Talk-TW mailing list

[Talk-ca] NRCan lakes

2020-07-06 Thread Hannes Röst

I am a contributor from Toronto and I have a question regarding how to
treat some of the CanVec 6.0 - NRCan imports, specifically for lakes.
I came across this lake here:


Which is strangely split up into 3 parts and I wonder how to proceed:
should we fix this and create a single way out of these 3 parts or is
it beneficial (for comparison to future NRCan database entries) to
keep them that way and create a relation out of the three? Also, does
somebody know why the NRCan dataset does this, is this an import
artefact (splitting into tiles?) and should be corrected when encountered
or is it part of the original dataset?


Hannes Rost

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] (no subject)

2020-07-06 Thread Hannes Röst

I am a contributor from Toronto and I have a question regarding how to
treat some of the CanVec 6.0 - NRCan imports, specifically for lakes.
I came across this lake here:


Which is strangely split up into 3 parts and I wonder how to proceed:
should we fix this and create a single way out of these 3 parts or is
it beneficial (for comparison to future NRCan database entries) to
keep them that way and create a relation out of the three? Also, does
somebody know why the NRCan dataset does this, is this an import
artefact (splitting into tiles?) or is it part of the original


Hannes Rost

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Porqué no figuran las aguas territoriales de Ceuta y Melilla y la frontera de Marruecos está sobre las costas de esas ciudades?

2020-07-06 Thread David Marín Carreño

Sobre las aguas territoriales.

Si no recuerdo mal, la política de OSM respecto a fronteras en disputa es
mostrar las fronteras no según reclamaciones territoriales sino según el
status-quo de control en la zona.

Por lo que sé, España patrulla y ejerce el control sobre las aguas
territoriales de Ceuta y Melilla, aunque podría estar equivocado.

Un cordial saludo,
David Marín Carreño 

El lun., 6 jul. 2020 a las 9:59, Miguel Sevilla-Callejo (<
msevill...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> Estimado yopaseopor,
> Aun pudiendo estar o no de acuerdo con parte de lo que escribes en tu
> correo quiero pedirte que no uses ese lenguaje en la comunicación con el
> resto de la comunidad.
> Me consta que muchos de los insultos y el lenguaje agresivo que has usado
> no es directamente tuyo si no de las propias palabras y comentarios del
> usuario @jlcc78 (el que suscribe el primer correo de este hilo, supongo)
> pero este no era ni el momento ni el hilo.
> Os rogaría, como le he pedido en privado a @jlcc78 que elimineis ese tono
> agresivo y desapruebo, y creo que el resto de la comunidad me apoya pues es
> de sentido común, que se utilicen insultos o descalificaciones en la
> comunicación que nos llega a todos.
> Tampoco este es el foro para tratar otros asuntos fuera de OpenStreetMap.
> Así mismo, pues parece necesario, voy a abrir un hilo exclusivo para
> debatir las ediciones y contra ediciones que se ha desatado con los cambios
> que ha habido con el usuario en cuestión pues considero que este hilo es
> para tratar el tema de las aguas en torno a Ceuta y Melilla.
> Un saludo
> --
> *Miguel Sevilla-Callejo*
> Doctor en Geografía
> On Sun, 5 Jul 2020 at 22:46, yo paseopor  wrote:
>> Saludos desde la lista
>> Respecto al tema de aguas territoriales debo informarte que hay varios
>> cambios. A ver si lo entiendes: en Madrid y Castilla - León se habla
>> español y no te lo vas a creer, se escribe en español a pesar de los
>> políticos antiespañoles que sufre España. He dicho.
>> Sin embargo , en Villacastín, varios (te estoy esperando). Así que
>> Guadarrama, areglo edificaciones que obviamente estaban hechas con el
>> Catastro, esto es, muy mal. (no me des la paliza).
>> Seguramente Ola, varios, granjas, pueblo, etc (¿me estása siguiendo
>> crtno?). Más Villacastín (Segovia), sigo. (¿Vas a dar la paliza?)
>> Si Carretera , si Penalba o Trabadelo o Manzanal Puerto. Pero es que
>> Villacastín (Segovia): rehago parte de los destrozado por un vándalo y
>> añado algo más del casco urbano y la periferia. Aviso para algunos: vive y
>> deja vivir. Haz tus ediciones y deja en paz de las de otros. No existía
>> Villacastín hasta ahora... La Mata, comienzo. Ojo, si algo no te gusta, lo
>> modificas. Cuidado con las reversiones. En el tiempo que llevo editando, y
>> me califica bien OSM, solo he creado y a veces modificado dibujos penos.
>> Vive, deja vivir.
>> Villacastín, urbano... Para los que me seguís, acoruños: yo no os sigo,
>> no me obliguéis. Pero si continuáis en el empeño, si algo no os gusta, a
>> modificar sin tocar el resto. Vive y deja vivir. Y seguid con lo vuestro,
>> sin molestar los colaboradores OSM.
>> Villacastín, sigo. Ojo, el de Crespos, no me toques las narices y
>> dedícate a lo tuyo. De Ávila tenías que ser. En casa del herrero cuchillo
>> de palo. En la castellana Avila, acoruños... hay qu ser paleto .Prado
>> Encinas ... la paliza que vas a dar subnml. ¿Que nás te da perceb? Está OSM
>> lleno de chapuzas que no vas a tocar y la tmas conmigo, glplls. Segunda vez
>> que tengo que dibujar los elementos al norte de la carrtera de La Coruña...
>> Ciertamente veao que disfrutas con esta historia subnorml. Iré a por tus
>> ediciones en cualquier momento... Villacastín sur. A ver ¿Jesús Lopez?,
>> Jeslop, deja de dar por c. y no me toques lo que no sea la aaacarretera de
>> la coruña los cjns. No seas mendrugo y haz tu vida que yo estaba muy
>> bien sin saber de ti y supongo que viceverssa. A la espera...Segóbriga
>> (parte) y prox. Continuará.Saelices sur - Perfilando chapuzas varias de ...
>> otros. Así está OSM. La Gudiña, varios. No comento porque las chapuzas me
>> enervan. Voy arregalando poco a poco. !Dios mío! cuanto inútil
>> bienintencionado pulula por OSM... Chaval, te has cargado modificaciones
>> del pueblo que había hecho yo antes y nadie más. Cambia los nombres que te
>> de la gana pero no destruyas las ediciones decentes, tontoelculo. Te he
>> denunciado por vándalo, maldito payaso. Según OSM: Un área
>> predominantemente con casas o edificios de apartamento. NO ES el campo de
>> futbol, ni el campo en general, ni la zona industrial, etc. 64 cambios en
>> La Gudiña que espero se respeten... Si no procederé a denunciar al idt como
>> vándalo. Villacastín: reconstruyo plaza de toros y otras partes de la villa
>> destruidas por el vándalo "jeslop". A ver si dura. Ya tocaré la carretera
>> de La Coruña cuando proceda. Saludos a mis seguidores. La Gudiña: tercera
>> vez 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tag pour les services d'un établissement, quand ils sont adaptés aux fauteuils roulants

2020-07-06 Thread Violaine_Do


Un peu de contexte, je me suis rendue compte que je n'en avais pas donné 
beaucoup, dsl! Ma question intervient dans le cadre d'un projet 
polynésien à origine bretonne "CartoMobilité" (je pense qu'une partie 
ici en a entendu parlé, projet porté par Louis Julien à Brest, essaimé 
dans différents endroits de France). Notre version polynésienne 
s'appelle "Cartomobil 'ite" ou ite renvoit à la connaissance... Notre 
objectif = avoir/mettre à dispo une carte web limitée à Tahiti/Moorea 
(en Polynésie française) qui permette de visualiser et contribuer dans 
OSM (et dans une base libre indépendante quand c'est nécessaire) sur 
l'accessibilité fauteuil roulant manuel dans un premier temps. Ce projet 
est (évidemment) monté/pensé avec les premiers concernés. J'ai aussi 
fait un recensement des besoins avec les référents au handicap au 
gouvernement local, et les responsables d'assocs travaillant sur la 
problématique du handicap. Les aveugles n'y voient que peu d’intérêt, et 
ils étaient tous enclins à commencer sur la problématique fauteuil 
roulant. C'était là ou il y avait le plus de demandes, une loi...(la 
Polynésie francaise est un territoire autonome et dispose de ses propres 
lois pour un nombre de sujets)

Pour avoir parcouru le doc "SIG & Accessibilité Cartographie de 
l’accessibilité de la chaîne du déplacement Rapport du partenariat 2018 
- 2019", qui tente de dessiner un standard sur l'accessibilité (groupe 
de travail piloté par le Cerema), on peut dire qu'on a un paquet de tags 
manquants dans OSM, et qu'ils ne s'attachent pas à réduire la quantité. 
Donc pourquoi pas un tag sur le service; je ne vous embête pas encore 
avec la chaîne de cheminement... (largeur de passage utile, dévers... ). 
Tout ça pour dire qu'avoir des tags plus nombreux mais plus fin, c'est 
mieux qu'un tag fourre-tout, d'après moi encore une fois...

Ce que j'essaie d'expliquer c'est que de toute façon ça va être 
difficile de faire rentrer chaque handicap dans un tag, et que pour 
être vraiment utile, il faut compléter avec un tag description.
C'est déjà le cas, avec blind, ou alors je ne comprends pas ce que tu 
entends par la... Une autre vision est de qualifier au mieux avec 
wheelchair, détailler le pourquoi dans description (tout en restant dans 
le cadre de wheelchair) et spécifier dans des tags désaggrégés (par 
exemple, wheelchair=yes prend en compte le fait que l'entrée soit 
accessible, je rajoute un point au niveau de la porte d'entrée, et des 
informations sur la largeur de la porte, si elle est automatique ou non 

On pourrait avoir quelque chose comme wheelchair=yes + 
wheelchair:description="activité parapente accessible pour les 
personnes avec tonicité et sans respirateur"

La définition sur le wiki de wheelchair dit : "Indique si le lieu peut 
être utilisé avec un fauteuil roulant". Pour moi c'est du détournement 
de tag de rajouter un info supplémentaire dans description.
Et comme l'idée c'est de catégoriser / structurer la donnée pour 
permettre son analyse/visualisation après, et que l'outil a pour but 
d'être utilisé (au moins à Tahiti/Moorea), je ne me vois pas utiliser le 
tag wheelchair:description. Il vaudrait mieux je crois un nouveau tag.

Pour avoir l'expérience d'un système similaire au tiralo 
, il peut-être aussi utilisé par des personnes 
ayant plutôt des handicaps mentaux ou neurologiques mais qui marche.

Comment décrire ça avec des tags avec des valeurs yes/no ?

Avoir le dispositif adapté c'est bien (tiralo 
 pour la baignade, tandemflex 
 pour le ski, une escargoline 
le la rando pédestre ou avec un âne…)…

Avoir le sytème de "transfert" c'est mieux ;)
j'irais vers un truc du genre service=tiralo et 
service:wheelchair=yes/no/limited, ou service:wheelchair indique 
l'accessibilité au matériel (ici celà incluerait la barre de transfert). 
C'est ce qu'on a pour les toilettes dailleurs.. 

Exemple d'un école Relation 1461377 

• access:blind=limited
• access:deaf=yes
• access:mental_disabled=yes
• wheelchair=limited
• toilets:wheelchair=no
• blind:description:fr=Accès possible aux aveugles et aux malvoyants 
au niveau RDC. Présence de marches et absence de mains courantes sur 
le cheminement. Étage inaccessible.
• deaf:description:fr=Accessible aux sourds et malentendants. Entrée 
non conforme, absence de dispositif adapté.
• mental_disabled:description:fr=Accessible aux handicapés mentaux. 
Entrée non conforme, absence de dispositif adapté.
• walking_disability:description:fr=Accès difficile aux fauteuils 
roulants et aux PMR au niveau RDC. Présence de marches sur le 
cheminement principal. Absence de mains courantes. Étage inaccessible.

Que veut dire "Entrée non conforme, absence de dispositif 

Re: [Talk-us] Streaming JOSM -- suggestions?

2020-07-06 Thread stevea
Hello again, Martijn:  This might not be a perfect fit, but perhaps helpful.  I 
(and others) have refined how TIGER data for rail in the USA might or should be 
"Reviewed" (cleaned up over the long term) at


Like TIGER data themselves, this is rather rough, but it has proven to "get the 
job done," even as it might do so slowly.

If you could make a similar write-up (text-based instructions of your workflow 
to clean up TIGER data, whether roads, rail or whatever) that gets shared 
widely, I think many people might find that helpful.  It is the experience of 
what people do and how they do it that makes for this sort of transfer of 
experience at "how to map" quite successful in OSM.  I've seen it, it works and 
people tend to not only like it, they sort of crave it.

"When the student is ready, the teacher arrives."  Sometimes this is a "live 
streaming JOSM editing session," (great!), sometimes it's a "here are the steps 
of my workflow, read them, re-create them at your own pace, I hope you can 
learn from my examples."

You never know!

Thank you for offering your "streaming JOSM" session, it's a great idea,
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Building a tile-server

2020-07-06 Thread Tom Browder
On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 12:56 Tom Browder  wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 15:18 Tom Browder  wrote:
> > Yesterday I took my first try at using osm2pgsql on a pbm file and,
> > too late, I realized I didn't take full advantage of the server's
> > large RAM and multi-core capability.
> ...
> Okay, I'm making progress, thanks to you all.

But got stopped again running out of space trying to import
north-america-latest.osm.pbf (approx 10 Gb pbm file).

I had a 256 Gg SSD added and moved both the osm user and the postgresql
data files to it. The failure was at approx 147 Gb pgsql and 60 Gb osm.

So, which should I move away? If I had my choice I would keep the pg on SSD
for serving, but is there enough space?

I can get a larger single SSD up to 1 Tb but my budget is not unlimited.
Does anyone have ball-park figures available on space really needed during
and after import?

Thanks for any hints.

talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] UPRNs & INSPIRE Polys

2020-07-06 Thread SK53
Many of you may have seen a tweet
 from Owen
Boswarva last night. It's prompted me to do what I planned to do anyway.

Owen looked at West Bridgford, a suburb/town within Greater Nottingham, and
found 77% of INSPIRE polygons could be directly associated with a single
UPRN. West Bridgford is a wealthy area and predominantly owner-occupied
houses, although there are some blocks of flats.

I've repeated this for Nottingham which has much more social housing. There
are in total 102.5k polygons for Nottingham, of which 77k contain only a
single UPRN. I then linked those to UPRNs I'd already linked to OSM
buildings and joined the two datasets. I retained 26.5k polygons, or about
a third of the candidates. I tweeted
 some images.

I've only used addresses on building polygons: a significant proportion of
addresses are still mapped, or will continue to be mapped, as nodes.
Extending the matching to use these would, I anticipate increase the
matched proportion to 50% or slightly better.

In some areas improving alignment of OSM data would also make a difference.
One of the main things I notice is that it highlights fairly simple
improvements one can make in OSM data.

Polygon coverage is very high: the things which I've noticed missing are :
churches, some public open space, allotments (of great antiquity), some
schools, almshouses, railway land, and Army Reserve Centres. At least one
set of allotments has separate INSPIRE polygons for each plot. Large
polygons in residential areas tend to be leasehold or social housing

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] New Bing Imagery

2020-07-06 Thread Cj Malone
I was splitting houses in Portsmouth/Southsea this morning. The imagery
is great, I don't know if it was part of this update, or if it's been
like this for a while.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Codici postali

2020-07-06 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Le linee guida che hai ignorato non sono state dettate da entità superiori,
ma sono state costruite sugli errori del passato.
Uno di questi, recentemente citato [1], è "I wish I had designed this
process so the work could be divided between mappers. I'll keep this in
mind for my next import".


Il lun 6 lug 2020, 15:47 Luigi Scuotto  ha

> No e sinceramente mi sono capitati per caso controllando osm Inspector se
> ci fosse ancora qualche errore in bergamo.
> Non voglio più saperne di civici e di codici postali :).
> ciao Gigi
> Il giorno lun 6 lug 2020 alle ore 15:40 Alessandro Sarretta <
> alessandro.sarre...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> On 06/07/20 15:33, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> >> On 6. Jul 2020, at 14:58, Luigi Scuotto 
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Non ha civico ha come indirizzo add strada e città ho eliminato solo
>> il cap la strada e la città lo lasciata anche se lallio non e di sicuro una
>> città
>> >> ciao Gigi
>> > penso che potresti togliere tutti i riferimenti di indirizzo se non c’è
>> civico. Strada e città / comune si possono dedurre dalle highway e dai
>> confini amministrativi
>> >
>> > (vicinanza ed inclusione)
>> Concordo con Martin, non vedo motivo di aggiungere tag addr: a parcheggi.
>> Hai per caso chiesto (tramite commento nel changeset) a chi ha inserito
>> tali tag il motivo?
>> Ale
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
>> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Codici postali

2020-07-06 Thread Luigi Scuotto
OK direi che con questo ho finito sono 20392 nodi il comune ne ha 20395 ma
ho lasciato civici e cap a edifici di interesse biblioteche scuole
accademia ecc ecc.

Il giorno lun 6 lug 2020 alle ore 18:08 Martin Koppenhoefer <
dieterdre...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> sent from a phone
> > On 6. Jul 2020, at 16:55, Luigi Scuotto 
> wrote:
> >
> > Comunque mi mancano dei civici che overpass non vede quelli assegnati ai
> palazzi.
> li trovi cambiando “node” con “way”
> Ciao Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Le retour du rendu "QA" et des "layers"

2020-07-06 Thread Thibaud Hulin via Talk-fr

Formidable, merci beaucoup !

Kioska Journo

Le 06/07/2020 à 09:35, Christian Quest a écrit :

Le 04/07/2020 à 18:04, Thibaud Hulin via Talk-fr a écrit :
Excellente nouvelle ! ça m'a bien aidé pour repérer les imports 
partiels de cadastre en Normandie (liés aux fusions de commune).

Par contre, je ne sais pas si c'est mon navigateur, mais le bleu 
s'arrête en plein milieu de la France, il y a d'autres personnes qui 
ont le problème ?

(Et je ne connaissais pas cadastre.damsy.net, je faisais toutes les 
fusions comme un vieux dinosaure ... :( )

Problème sur "le bleu" (le manque de bâtiments) est corrigé.

J'ai remis à jour les données carroyées à partir de celles publiées 
dernièrement pas l'INSEE, qui datent de 2015 (on n'avait que des 
données 2010 avant cette mise à jour).

C'est donc corrigé et plus à jour qu'avant !

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] UPRN Locations Map

2020-07-06 Thread Paul via Talk-GB
On Sunday, 5 July 2020 18:42:43 BST Mark Goodge wrote:
> On 05/07/2020 18:35, Robert Skedgell wrote:
> > On 05/07/2020 17:58, Mark Goodge wrote:
> >> Just out of interest, is there any simple way to export data from
> >> GeoPackage (eg, to GML or GeoJSON) via the command line on Linux? I've
> >> tried ogr2ogr, but that doesn't seem to recognise GeoPackage as a
> >> source. I can do it manually by loading it into QGIS desktop and then
> >> exporting it, but I'd prefer something I can automate.
> > 
> > This worked for me to import a copy of the USRN GeoPackage file into my
> > local OSM database:
> > 
> > ogr2ogr -f PGDump -s_srs EPSG:27700 -t_srs EPSG:3857 \
> > osopenusrn_202007.sql osopenusrn_202007.gpkg
> > 
> > Is it possible that your installation of GDAL doesn't include support
> > for the GPKG vector driver?
> Yes, I get the error
> Unable to open datasource `osopenusrn_202007.gpkg' with the following
> drivers
> followed by a list of drivers, and GPGK isn't one of them. But GDAL
> seems to be up to date, so I'm not sure how to add it.
> Mark

You may have been caught by the current heavy development affecting GDAL and 
PROJ  in the spatial field. 

The LTS releases of various linuxes are significantly behind on this, and the 
projects that use GDAL and PROJ as upstream are catching up slowly. There are 
major changes.

My Ubuntu bionic (due for upgrade to Focal shortly) claims to have a current 
GDAL - using an ubuntigis unstable repo, but that's behind as well - I'm on 
GDAL 3.04 while upstream is 3.11.

Paul Bivand

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] UPRN Locations Map

2020-07-06 Thread Mark Goodge

On 05/07/2020 18:42, I wrote:

On 05/07/2020 18:35, Robert Skedgell wrote:

Is it possible that your installation of GDAL doesn't include support
for the GPKG vector driver?

Yes, I get the error

Unable to open datasource `osopenusrn_202007.gpkg' with the following 

Just as a follow-up note, I tried it with a fresh install of GDAL on a 
different server and it works fine. So there clearly was something odd 
about the version I'd originally used. But that's immaterial now, 


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-us] Streaming JOSM -- suggestions?

2020-07-06 Thread Martijn van Exel

Hi all,

I've been running 'Streaming JOSM' sessions on Tuesday evenings for the 
past couple of weeks and I am planning to do at least one more tomorrow 
at 7pm Mountain time[0].

The original idea stemmed from a tweet about cleaning up TIGER[1] and 
that is what I have been streaming the past couple of weeks.

I would like to do something different and would love to hear your 
suggestions. What would you like to watch me map? (Assuming you'd be 
interested in watching a random person map OSM in the first place...)

Suggestions very welcome!


[0] Links to join here: 

[1] https://twitter.com/mvexel/status/1274812416337952768

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-bo] [OSM-talk] Panels, workshops, lightning talks and more at SotM

2020-07-06 Thread Christoph Hanser
Muchas gracias, Marco!

En la presentación *How to publish a multi-modal journey app based on OSM
with Trufi App* la Llajta esta presentado. :)

... y Samuel que viene de Cochabamba esta en la Q Session.

Muchos saludos!


... von unterwegs

El lun., 6 de jul. de 2020 20:14, Marco Antonio 

> On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 23:04, Marco Antonio 
> wrote:
> >
> > Mañana Sábado y el Domingo desde las 6:00 a 18:30 podremos ver vía
> > stream live las sesiones del «State of the Map 2020», el enlace:
> >
> > https://streaming.media.ccc.de/sotm2020
> >
> > Igual los vídeos estarán publicados para después verlos.
> Los vídeos se pueden ver desde:
> https://streaming.media.ccc.de/sotm2020/relive
> Abrazos,
> Marco Antonio
> ___
> Talk-bo mailing list
> Talk-bo@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-bo
Talk-bo mailing list

Re: [Talk-bo] [OSM-talk] Panels, workshops, lightning talks and more at SotM

2020-07-06 Thread Marco Antonio
On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 23:04, Marco Antonio  wrote:
> Mañana Sábado y el Domingo desde las 6:00 a 18:30 podremos ver vía
> stream live las sesiones del «State of the Map 2020», el enlace:
> https://streaming.media.ccc.de/sotm2020
> Igual los vídeos estarán publicados para después verlos.

Los vídeos se pueden ver desde:


Marco Antonio

Talk-bo mailing list

[Talk-ca] Import du Réseau Vélo Métropolitain

2020-07-06 Thread Pierre Béland via Talk-ca
Un contributeur a démarré la discussion Montreal Bike lanes import sur la liste 
Import  dans le but d'importer les données du réseau métropolitain.  Je l'ai 
invité a venir discuter sur la liste Talk-ca, qui me semble la première place 
où discuter avant de soumettre à la liste import.
voir https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/imports/2020-July/006291.html

Le mercredi 13 novembre 2019 15 h 56 min 00 s UTC−5, Alouette955 
 a écrit :  
 Bonjour, En examinant les documents de la CMM (Communauté Métropolitaine de 
Montréal) je réalise que plusieurs segments du futur Réseau Vélo Métropolitain 
existent déjà et peuvent être utilisés pour créer le squelette de ce réseau en 
développement. J’ai adapté la page décrivant le réseau:    
afin de faciliter le travail collaboratif et guider le travail. Afin de ne pas 
encombrer cette liste je suggère à ceux que ça intéresse de discuter ce 
document grâce à l’onglet “Discussion” de cette page afin de l’améliorer et de 
finalement en approuver le fonctionnement. Il pourrait être pertinent de 
l’ajouter à votre liste de suivi (la petite étoile en haut du document). Merci 
Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Asociación OSM España

2020-07-06 Thread Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso
Resumen de algunas cosas que he sacado de conversaciones antiguas sobre los

Listado de cosas que he visto que se comentaron en una reunión que podría
ser necesario cambiar de los estatutos:
* Art.5: domicilio social.
* Art. 25, 2: baja por no pagar X cuotas.
* Art. 30: patrimonio fundacional.
* Número de vocales en la descripción de la junta
* Forma de mover el dinero, que tengan que firmar 2 de 3 personas. Presi,
tesorero y secretario.
* Suposición de adaptarse a nueva ley, incorporando los aspectos de
protección de datos y demás.
* Poner en los nuevos estatutos que las asambleas son virtuales.
* Los estatutos se cambian en una asamblea extraordinaria.

Enlace a la parte de la conversación que se habla del tema

Enlace a la lista de correo sobre el tema

El jue., 22 sept. 2016 a las 15:40, Alejandro S. ()

> Hecho,
> He enlazado al archivo de la lista con la convocatoria[0].
> [0]:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-es/2016-September/014352.html
> Salud y mapas,
>   Alejandro Suárez
> 2016-09-22 13:57 GMT+02:00 Jaime Crespo :
>> 2016-09-19 19:44 GMT+02:00 Miguel Sevilla-Callejo :
>>> *C -- Establecer quedadas virtuales regulares vía IRC/Hangout/lo que
>>> sea,*
>>> a modo de reuniones formales de la comunidad. Yo mismo me puedo hacer
>>> cargo de coordinarlas. Es más, dado que a la encuesta para celebrar la
>>> próxima quedada virtual solo la han respondido dos personas y no parece que
>>> nadie más vaya a responder, creo que lo más lógico es hacer una
>>> convocatoria en firme. Por tanto os convoco el primer martes de cada mes a
>>> las 22:00 para tener una reunión de máximo hora y media. O lo que es lo
>>> mismo, la siguiente reunión sería el martes día 4 de octubre a las 22:00
>>> horas en el canal de IRC del OSM-es
>> Hay que añadir el evento a la wiki, en concreto a
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Template:Calendar (portada) y un
>> enlace explicando lo básico. Lo puedo hacer luego, pero a ver si alguien se
>> me puede adelantar.
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
>> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es

Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso - Sanchi
Blog http://jorgesanz.es/
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Table request still running even though requesting server has already timed-out the request

2020-07-06 Thread Daniel Patterson via OSRM-talk
No - OSRM doesn't have any code to interrupt a thread that's working on a
calculation.  We'd need to add code that periodically checks if it should
cancel a long-running algorithm.


On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 9:50 AM ryan.bis...@etruckbiz.com <
ryan.bis...@etruckbiz.com> wrote:

> So I have a server that request a table of 100+ locations this can take a
> bit of time so when the server gets overloaded it times out on waiting for
> the response, but as far as I’m aware that doesn’t stop the table from
> continuing to process or from being removed from the queue. Is there a way
> I can do this?
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list
> OSRM-talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/osrm-talk
OSRM-talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Stallo disabili situato in parcheggio coperto

2020-07-06 Thread Paesi senza Barriere
Ciao come posso taggare uno stallo riservato ai disabili ubicato in un
parcheggio coperto?

geom. Andrea Facchinelli
Consigliere e referente "Paesi senza Barriere"
AsTRID Onlus - Associazione Trentina per la Ricerca Integrata e la
Disabilità Onlus
sede legale: Via Padre Eusebio Chini, 9 - 38123 Trento
TM: +39 339 4323016
M: paesisenzabarri...@gmail.com

IBAN: IT 29 D 08304 01819 21349458 – Cassa Rurale di Trento

Dona il tuo 5x1000 ad As.Tr.I.D. Onlus e ci aiuterai ad aiutare! - C.F.

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dell'art. 28 del Codice Deontologico. La diffusione e la comunicazione da
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c.p. ed al D.Lgs. n. 196/03. Se la presente e-mail fosse ricevuta per
errore, siete pregati di distruggerla e informare il mittente
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Bus Routes on OSM

2020-07-06 Thread BD
Matt,   How about this well organised source (Im surprised that this 
isnt actually feed back to OSM)  bustimes.org bustimes.org   This is a 
great website covering the entire UK and probably all operators.   Cheerio!  
BartHi,   How are Bus Routes added into OSM? I have noticed that bus routes 
in Basildon (my local area) are a few years out of date with some service such 
as the 5 and 8Ahaving been  withdrawn and the route 2 being renumbered 28   
Matthew Scanlon  Service Analyst (Journey Planner)  Technical Serivce Operations
Talk-GB mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Table request still running even though requesting server has already timed-out the request

2020-07-06 Thread ryan.bis...@etruckbiz.com
So I have a server that request a table of 100+ locations this can take a bit of time so when the server gets overloaded it times out on waiting for the response, but as far as I’m aware that doesn’t stop the table from continuing to process or from being removed from the queue. Is there a way I can do this?

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Bus Routes on OSM

2020-07-06 Thread David Woolley
the Open Government Licence which I believe is compatible with OSM 

As the wiki says, you can't rely on this without further enquiry.  The 
problem is that it only gives rights to intellectual property owned by 
the government, and datasets often include intellectual property from 
other organisations, e.g. TfL in this case.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] UPRN Locations Map

2020-07-06 Thread ndrw

On 02/07/2020 17:38, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:

I'm not completely sure if/how we can best make use of the new OS
OpenData (UPRNs, USRNs and related links) in OpenStreetMap, but as a
first step I've set up a quick slippy map with the UPRN locations

https://osm.mathmos.net/addresses/uprn/ (zoom in to level 16 to show the data)

I've been reading about the geopackage file format used for encoding 
UPRN and USRN data and played with the databases a bit. Below is a 
summary of what I've learned.

Geopackage files are really sqlite databases with a gpgk extension. The 
extension can be downloaded from 
https://bitbucket.org/luciad/libgpkg/src/default/ and compiled. The 
extension is needed for accessing geometry values (blobs), a similar 
concept to the one used by the mod_spatialite extension but not 
compatible with it.

The gpgk_contents table serves as a main entry point specifying the name 
of the table containing data, last change date, spatial extents along 
with a spatial reference system (here EPSG27700/OSGB1936).

Gpgk_geometry_columns specifies names of the table+column holding 
geometric data, their types, their spatial reference system, z 
(elevation) and m (measure) values. The latter two are not used in these 

Gpkg_spatial_ref_sys provides definitions of WGS84 and OSGB1936 
reference systems, only the latter is used by the data tables.

Gpkg_tile_matrix and gpkg_tile_matrix_set tables are empty, no 
pre-generated tiles.

Tables with names starting with rtree_ are spatial indices for geometric 
data. This is defined by an extension to GeoPackage 
(http://www.geopackage.org/spec120/#extension_rtree) - I haven't tried 
using this feature yet.

1. UPRN file

This file contains UPRNs and their locations (Point) in the 
osopenuprn_address table. In addition to the GEOM field containing point 
coordinates it duplicates the coordinates in separate fields in both 
OSGB1936 and WGS84 formats. So, if necessary, this file can be used 
without the pgkg extension. Unfortunately, despite fancy packaging it is 
still "a proprietary number+coordinates" data format, so, unless there 
are additional open data available specifying the meaning of each UPRN, 
UPRNs are (IMHO) only useful as a reference.

Script for accessing contents of the geopackage file:

sqlite3 -batch -echo osopenuprn_202006.gpkg