[Talk-hr] Mikromapiranje raskrizja

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Ivan Delac
Primijetio sam da neki korisnici, po mom mišljenju, previše detaljno crtaju
raskrižja, na način da doslovno crtaju svaku traku kao posebnu liniju. Na
većim križanjima je to OK, ali na manjim je nepotrebno kompliciranje i
jučer je dovelo do greške u routingu. Evo primjer kako je izgledalo
sporno križanje i što je jedan korisnik prigovorio:
a ovako izgleda ispravljeno:

Molim mišljenja.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Mikromapiranje raskrizja

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Janko Mihelić
Slažem se sa donjom slikom. Ucrtavanje kompliciranih traka ne dodaje puno
informacije, a povećava potrebu za turn restrictionima. Dapače, na slici sa
satelitskim snimkom mi se čini da je okomita cesta nepotrebno ucrtana sa
dva puta, ali snimka nije dovoljno široka da vidim jel se trake možda
odvajaju u zasebne putove izvan slike.


Dana 2. svibnja 2014. u 20:43 Ivan Delac ivan.ne...@gmail.com je

 Primijetio sam da neki korisnici, po mom mišljenju, previše detaljno crtaju
 raskrižja, na način da doslovno crtaju svaku traku kao posebnu liniju. Na
 većim križanjima je to OK, ali na manjim je nepotrebno kompliciranje i
 jučer je dovelo do greške u routingu. Evo primjer kako je izgledalo
 sporno križanje i što je jedan korisnik prigovorio:
 a ovako izgleda ispravljeno:

 Molim mišljenja.

 Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] readysaster hackathon OSM talk

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Eugene Alvin Villar
Oh yeah, Leaflet JS is always a mainstay if you're developing hybrid
HTML5-based mobile apps and you want to display a map.

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar sea...@gmail.comwrote:

 Overpass API and Overpass Turbo as you have mentioned in a separate email
 is probably the best OSM resource that developers can use.

 Of course they can also use the various routing APIs such as OSRM. Or use
 the Trimet trip planner software such as the one tried by the developers
 during last year's App Challenge.

 On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 7:31 PM, maning sambale emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com


 data.gov.ph is organizing a 2-day hacktahon event on May 10-11
 labeled readysaster [0].  The organizers are looking for someone to
 talk about OSM and its potential for use in developing DRR related

 The talk will be on May 10 before the invited participants to start
 Anybody interested?  Any specific ideas/tools we should share?

 [0] http://data.gov.ph/events/readysaster/

 Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden
 wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
 blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

 talk-ph mailing list

talk-ph mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Strava - Routing problems

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
Strava has released a tool that shows the tracks of their users (cyclist,
runners, etc.) The users can also indicate where the routing goes wrong.
Here is an example
http://labs.strava.com/routing-errors/#1000/16/4.01603/50.88423 near
Denderhoutem. Some missing paths.

Is there someone on this list that is familiar with that area ?


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attributing OpenStreetMap at Mapbox

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-04-30 20:48 GMT+02:00 Richard Weait rich...@weait.com:

 I feel that the attribution that you currently use provides
 insufficient recognition for OpenStreetMap.

there was also a discussion one year ago on a similar topic (attribution by
an icon instead by a text) to which I'd like to point:

AFAIR that time this idea was not approved.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Guideline review: Substantial

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman

From: Luis Villa [mailto:lvi...@wikimedia.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:09 AM
To: Licensing and other legal discussions.
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Guideline review: Substantial

 Without going further into the details of the many drafting shortcomings 
 of ODBL (which, to be clear, are partially my fault!) suffice to say 
 that I think that the interactions of 6.0 and 2.2(c) are not 
 well-defined, especially in jurisdictions where there is no applicable 
 statutory law, and/or where applicable caselaw says there are no 
 database rights. 

I view 6.0 as equivalent to 2.a.2 from CC 4.0 licenses, which state that 
you do not need to comply with the license where fair use or similar 
applies. In the ODbL case you might be dealing with a jurisdiction where 
fair use type rights don't exist because data-type licenses are only 
under contract law. I haven't seen this as a practical issue for three 

1. The ODbL doesn't impose requirements in a number of use cases (4.5 and 
   6.2 most obviously), making it a moot point in those cases

2. Most of the interesting use cases wouldn't be fair use anyways, dealing 
   with using most or all of the database for commercial purposes in a 
   public manner

3. I live in BC, where was a case involving someone doing essentially what 
   I do for OSM mapping and it was covered by copyright. The OSMF is in the 
   UK, where database rights exist. 
 I agree that in practice, courts are likely to find ways to work around 
 it. But the EU CJ was quite explicit in BHB about comparing to the 
 entire size of the dataset, so best not to rely on that as a primary 

Something else that hasn't been touched on is the crowd-sourced nature 
of OSM and use of other databases. Regardless of the exact threshold for 
substantial, I can easily imagine a scenario where a sub-set of OSM is 
not a substantial part of OSM, but is entirely from a smaller 
third-party database and is a substantial part of that third-party 

I frankly don't have a clue how this would be considered. I'd expect the 
third-party database owner would have no problem suing in case of a 
license violation (e.g. failure to attribute), but could the OSMF? 

For that matter, how does this work with Wikipedia? Say a European 
Wikipedia contributor assembles a database and then inputs that into 
Wikipedia. How are those database rights treated? 

 While I don't like the 100 feature reference (it seems awfully arbitrary 
 to me, and small) it could be salvaged if one explained _and justified_ 
 that in the common case, mapping 100 features is likely to represent a 
 substantial investment of time, effort, etc., in gathering the data. I 
 just don't know enough to know if that is doable. 

Is 100 features qualitatively substantial? I'd say, it depends. 100 
place=village nodes with no other tags mapped from aerial imagery is
probably not qualitatively substantial. 100 POIs tagged in great detail 
might be.

Does the fact that mappers do not receive compensation from the OSMF 
influence what qualitatively substantial is? Does the small OSMF budget?

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] overpass api tips and tricks

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden maning sambale

Looking for hidden Overpass resources (other than the ones I saw below).
IMO, overpass is one of the good ways to introduce OSM data to developers.

Advance thanks for sharing your tips and tricks!


Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden
wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Hi

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Hans De Kryger
Has anyone ever thought of developing a program to compare street names
from tiger to street names in osm? I know I've come across plenty of errors
in which the street name is misspelled or completely wrong.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] overpass api tips and tricks

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Eugene Alvin Villar
Generally, the Overpass API and Overpass Turbo documentation is enough for
developers to understand. What they really need to know also is the OSM
data model (nodes, ways, relations, tagging) in order to make the most out
of Overpass.

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 7:13 PM, maning sambale


 Looking for hidden Overpass resources (other than the ones I saw below).
 IMO, overpass is one of the good ways to introduce OSM data to developers.

 Advance thanks for sharing your tips and tricks!


 Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden
 wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
 blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Invisible character LRM in some website values

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Glenn Plas

On 01-05-14 21:51, John Packer wrote:

At least for now...

Changeset: http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/22071440

I suppose I hit the same problem as you, Glenn: JOSM wasn't 
recognizing that the data was changed.
But that was because I removed these characters in the OSM file 
itself, not inside JOSM.
The solution was to add the attribute action=modify to each object 
in the file before opening it in JOSM. (I did this with a VIM macro)

I tried both methods, in josm itself and manually, but I lacked the 
knowledge on that action attribute.  I'm still strugling with getting 
josm to recognise it.  It's probably down to the java flavour (oracle vs 
openjdk).  I'll verify on a VM this weekend to know for sure what is 
causing it.

See followup: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/9960

Tx for information

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER to OSM comparison

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Mike N

On 5/2/2014 7:29 AM, Hans De Kryger wrote:

Has anyone ever thought of developing a program to compare street names
from tiger to street names in osm? I know I've come across plenty of
errors in which the street name is misspelled or completely wrong.


  I'm not sure if it only compares geometry, or if it also compares 
names.  It would be an easy platform to begin with to add a test for 
name comparison.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER to OSM comparison

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Murry McEntire
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Mike N nice...@att.net wrote:

 On 5/2/2014 7:29 AM, Hans De Kryger wrote:

 Has anyone ever thought of developing a program to compare street names
 from tiger to street names in osm? I know I've come across plenty of
 errors in which the street name is misspelled or completely wrong.


   I'm not sure if it only compares geometry, or if it also compares names.
  It would be an easy platform to begin with to add a test for name

Are you assuming the Tiger values are more accurate than what is in OSM? If
so, rethink that.
I have encountered numerous incorrect spellings in Tiger data when compared
to street signs or plat maps. I have seen Tiger use 3 variations of
spelling on different sections of the same street. It is also common for
Tiger to have incorrectly labelled streets, putting a name on a nearby
street rather than the correct one. I might use a Tiger value where there
is no OSM entry, but would not replace an existing OSM value that differed
from Tiger without a local survey.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Hi

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Goss

Am 5/2/14 13:29 , schrieb Hans De Kryger:

Has anyone ever thought of developing a program to compare street names
from tiger to street names in osm? I know I've come across plenty of
errors in which the street name is misspelled or completely wrong.

In Germany we have a tool that compares street names in OSM to a simple 
List of names in a wiki page.


For Example Munich: 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER to OSM comparison

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Mike N

On 5/2/2014 11:32 AM, Murry McEntire wrote:

Are you assuming the Tiger values are more accurate than what is in OSM?
If so, rethink that.

  For armchair mapping, the only thing that might be safe is that new 
TIGER is more accurate than old TIGER.   But any such TIGER comparison 
must not override a previous correction from a mapper (who should also 
remove the tiger:reviewed=no to help notify other mappers that the name 
is derived from a survey or local knowledge).

  For best results, name comparison should only flag differences 
against unedited or bot-edited TIGER ways.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Permission for names for Dublin Bus bus stops?‏

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Larry O'Neill
Hi Colm,

Did a reply ever go back to Peter with regard to this?
If they'd be willing to release the data under ODbL then that would be
Rorym mentioned Public Domain, but I'd doubt they'd release it under that.


On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 10:57 PM, Colm Moore colmmoor...@hotmail.comwrote:


 Peter Cranny is the project manager for the NTA Journey Planner. See
 e-mail exchange below.

 I did a lot of external testing on the stops and routes for the journey


 Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
 change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

 From: Peter Cranny
 To: Colm Moore
 Subject: RE: OpenStreetMap

 Hi Colm,

 This is the data set you need


 It is always as current as the NJP and is open data.

 There is some doubt as to the Re-Use of PSI Licence (link on the page)
 being suitable for Open Street Maps.  If you find that this licence isn’t
  we are happy to consider another licence that does suit the OSM community


 Peter Cranny

 Senior Transportation Planner

 National Transport Authority
 Dún Scéine
 Harcourt Lane, Dublin 2.

 From: Colm Moore

 To: Peter Cranny

 Subject: OpenStreetMap


 I've been editing OSM for the last few weeks, concentrating on railways,
 speed limits and land use. It gives an interesting insight into the maps
 part of the journey planner.

 There is a current query as to whether the Dublin Bus stops database can
 be used as a whole. On the one hand, it is proprietary information from
 Dublin Bus, but on the other, I understand the NTA can (has?) taken
 ownership of that data and it can be reused
  under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information regulations.

 You sent me a copy of the data you exported to Google Transit a while
 back. We would need the up to date information.

 Any advice or comments welcome.

 Thank you

 Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-br] Fw: Correção

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden thundercel
em especial os residentes em Porto Alegre.

Recebi a mensagem abaixo e como ando atarefado não estou tendo tempo de atender.

Se alguém se habilita. Por favor.


From: Marcos Nagelstein 
Sent: Friday, May 2, 2014 1:39 PM
To: Márcio Soares - GPS Info 
Subject: Re: Correção

Márcio. Não sei como fazer mas na avenida Padre Cacique, aqui em porto alegre, 
conforme as últimas obras na via, a mesma terá duas vias, cortada no meio por 
um corredor de ônibus BRT. No mapa cocar, só consta uma faixa, não sei como 
fazer essa grande alteração, pois é uma via de + - uns 4 km. para isso creio 
que vc pode mexer com mais maestria. pelas imagens de satélite é possivel ver 
essas mudanças na via.

Marcos Nagelstein
Repórter Fotográfico
Fones: (55 51) 9901.7146 e (55 51) 2111.3142   

  My profiles: 
  Contact me:  marcos.nagelstein  marcos.nagelstein 
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação de dados em Naviraí - MS

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Lists
Olhei algumas objetos, e parecendo muito que fui importado. Tem tags muito 

Também ultimo atividade registrado e 2 meses atras.

Aun Johnsen

On Apr 30, 2014, at 21:17, Nelson A. de Oliveira nao...@gmail.com wrote:

 O João achou esse changeset em Naviraí - MS:
 Reparem nas informações dos objetos: 
 Enviei mensagem a ele (o autor dos dados) perguntando sobre a origem
 deles. Seria bom mais alguém também perguntar.
 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação de dados em Naviraí - MS

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho
São tags mal convertidas do formato Polish.  Não são tão crípticas assim.

Em 30 de abril de 2014 21:30, Lists skipp...@gimnechiske.org escreveu:

 Olhei algumas objetos, e parecendo muito que fui importado. Tem tags muito

 Também ultimo atividade registrado e 2 meses atras.

 Aun Johnsen

 On Apr 30, 2014, at 21:17, Nelson A. de Oliveira nao...@gmail.com wrote:

  O João achou esse changeset em Naviraí - MS:
  Reparem nas informações dos objetos:
  Enviei mensagem a ele (o autor dos dados) perguntando sobre a origem
  deles. Seria bom mais alguém também perguntar.
  Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Fw: Correção

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho
Se for esta aqui:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/209587901#map=18/-30.06784/-51.23660 já
consta como duplicada.

Em 2 de maio de 2014 14:15, thunder...@gpsinfo.com.br escreveu:

 em especial os residentes em Porto Alegre.

 Recebi a mensagem abaixo e como ando atarefado não estou tendo tempo de

 Se alguém se habilita. Por favor.


  *From:* Marcos Nagelstein marcos.nagelst...@gmail.com
 *Sent:* Friday, May 2, 2014 1:39 PM
 *To:* Márcio Soares - GPS Info thunder...@gpsinfo.com.br
 *Subject:* Re: Correção

  Márcio. Não sei como fazer mas na avenida Padre Cacique, aqui em porto
 alegre, conforme as últimas obras na via, a mesma terá duas vias, cortada
 no meio por um corredor de ônibus BRT. No mapa cocar, só consta uma faixa,
 não sei como fazer essa grande alteração, pois é uma via de + - uns 4 km.
 para isso creio que vc pode mexer com mais maestria. pelas imagens de
 satélite é possivel ver essas mudanças na via.

 *arcos Nagelstein**Repórter Fotográfico*
 *Fones: (55 51) 9901.7146 e (55 51) **2111.3142 *
 mailto:marcos.nagelst...@gmail.com marcos.nagelst...@gmail.com
 My profiles: [image: Instagram] http://instagram.com/marcosnagelstein 
 Flickr] http://www.flickr.com/nagelstein [image: 
  [image: Twitter] http://twitter.com/nagelm [image: 
 Contact me: [image: Google Talk] marcos.nagelstein [image: 

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Restrição de conversão

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Paulo Carvalho
chave e valor são reservadores de espaço para que você possa,
OPCIONALMENTE, colocar mais tags/valores além das mínimas obrigatórias que
você já colocou.

Os membros da relação já estão lá (from, via e to).

Criar relação monta o objeto que depois será enviado dentro do changeset.

Em 2 de maio de 2014 13:24, Gerson Barcelos gbst...@gmail.com escreveu:

 Tenho que preencher os campos chave,valor,membro de relação e criar
 relação?ou basta fazer o upload para adicionar esta restrição.

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Primeiro contato e descrição do problema (geocode reverso BSB)

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Marcel Mitsuto F. S.

Acabei de me registrar aqui na lista, esta é minha primeira mensagem.

Estou trabalhando em projetos bigdata e uma das minhas responsabilidades é
o geocode reverso de milhares de endereços (centenas de milhares!).

Meu problema é que muitos desses endereços são referências de kilometragem
em rodovias, p. ex: BR357 km331, e claro, DF/Teresina/Palmas/GO, onde o
sistema de endereçamento postal utilizado é o de quadra/lote ou lote/casa.

Alguém aqui conhece alguma solução que consiga resolver o caso da
referência em kilometros nas rodovias? Sei que algumas ferramentas consegue
fazer interpolação linear no shapefile da rodovia, indicando uma
aproximação linear da kilometragem. Esse algoritmo chama-se LRS (linear
referencing system), tem alguns problemas ao não considerar a curvatura da
terra, etc. Estou lendo a documentação do Nominatim mas não encontro nada
relacionado a LRS.

Quanto a DF/Palmas/TO/Teresina/GO onde alguns municípios (olhem Águas
Lindas de Goiás), possuem um sistema no mínimo esquizofrênico de
endereçamento postal, alguém já utilizou alguma ferramenta que conseguisse
realizar geocode reverso com alguma precisão no parse do endereço?

Obrigado desde já.
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação de dados em Naviraí - MS

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Fernando Trebien
Nenhuma dessas tags faz sentido no OSM.

Tratar de uma importação mal feita exige um pouco de criatividade.
Reverter só deve ser feito quando a região tiver muita gente editando
e a importação acabou de ser feita. Nos outros casos, o melhor tentar
consertar. O próprio usuário pode fazer, se dissermos como fazer. Daí
na próxima, ele evita o mesmo problema.

Uma olhada rápida e me parece que a correção consiste em:
- baixar os objetos dos changesets desse usuário (para cada changeset:
JOSM  extensão Reverter  informar changeset  Ctrl+Z)
- remover as tags: marine, mp_type, nod1, nod2, nod3, nod4, nod5,
nod6, roadid, routeparam (JOSM  Ctrl+F várias vezes, cada uma com uma
busca por uma tag diferente  selecionar a tag no painel das tags 
remover a tag)

2014-05-02 15:11 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho paulo.r.m.carva...@gmail.com:
 São tags mal convertidas do formato Polish.  Não são tão crípticas assim.

 Em 30 de abril de 2014 21:30, Lists skipp...@gimnechiske.org escreveu:

 Olhei algumas objetos, e parecendo muito que fui importado. Tem tags muito

 Também ultimo atividade registrado e 2 meses atras.

 Aun Johnsen

 On Apr 30, 2014, at 21:17, Nelson A. de Oliveira nao...@gmail.com wrote:

  O João achou esse changeset em Naviraí - MS:
  Reparem nas informações dos objetos:
  Enviei mensagem a ele (o autor dos dados) perguntando sobre a origem
  deles. Seria bom mais alguém também perguntar.
  Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

Nullius in verba.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Atenção Mapeadores do DF

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Antonio Albuquerque

no OSM Albuquerque (alb.anto...@gmail.com)

Não tenho colaborado muito com o OSM, mas quero colaborar mais.   No
momento estou envolvido no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação web com

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação de dados em Naviraí - MS

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Ele tinha me dito que:

   - O Mapa Municipal, obtera na prefeitura de Naviraí;
   - Editou os shapesfile e os converteu para .osm usando o GlobalMapper,
   upando estes.

Parece que esqueci de passar essa informação a vocês. Mas passara o que
após minha assinatura (abaixo).

Alexandre Magno

Em 1 de maio de 2014 01:20, Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros 
alexandre@gmail.com escreveu:

 Parte de conversação segue minha assinatura.
 No final da mensagem, ele pediu para eu repassar (autorização).

 Vou perguntar sobre o tal mapa municipal *atualizado*.
 Vou pedir para ele participar do fórum ou da lista talk-br.
 Vou apontar a ele esta mensagem no histórico da talk-br.

 Alexandre Magno

 1 de Maio de 2014 às 03:48

 On 2014-05-01 03:24:22 UTC Alexandre Magno wrote:

 On 2014-05-01 03:17:42 UTC pdnzjr wrote:

 é que eu editei os shapesfile e converti para osm usando o GlobalMapper,
 depois upei os arquivos. Talvez esta a diferença.

 Quais shapesfiles?

 Não entendo bem estas codificações.

 Nem eu.

 Atrapalha muito isto?

 A questão é se os dados não estão protegidos por direitos autorais. Peço
 que você interaja com a comunidade para dar e obter mais esclarecimentos.

 Nem sabia que tinha como corresponder com usuários

 Foi o seguinte: (Não entendo muito bem; só quis colaborar, rsrsrs)

 Vi um mapa municipal atualizado e o osm tinha poucas informações. Criei
 linhas onde não existia e foi formado as novas ruas e nomeando. Algumas
 para não ficarem sem nomes, tem algumas como caminho sem título, rua, e
 etc. Pensei em ir atualizando com o tempo, mas não sobrava tempo.

 Os editores que eu usei foram GpsMapEdit, Trackmaker (para criar os nós de
 roteamentos) e GlobalMapper para converter de .shp para .osm.

 Nem tive muita preocupação com codificaçãoSe alguém puder me dar umas
 instruções para seguir o padrão. para evitar falhas futuras, estamos aí pra

 Fontes: Mapa municipal e Mapas do site do IBGE.

 Repassa para os demais...

 Valeu, obrigado pela atenção.

 Em 30 de abril de 2014 22:49, Arlindo Pereira 
 openstreet...@arlindopereira.com escreveu:

 O problema não é a pessoa ter usado Caminho sem título, mas sim a falta
 de resposta quanto à origem dos dados.


 2014-04-30 22:43 GMT-03:00 Nelson A. de Oliveira nao...@gmail.com:

 2014-04-30 21:59 GMT-03:00 Paulo Carvalho paulo.r.m.carva...@gmail.com:
  Caminho sem título é um nome default do editor Trackmaker.  Ele deve
  editado o mapa no Trackmaker e convertido para OSM.  Quanto a isso não
  pecado.  Tem que verificar a fonte.

 Então se a pessoa ignorar a mensagem pergutando sobre a origem a gente
 deixa, é isso?

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Mapnik nicht für MOB AC und Oruxmap

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 30. April 2014 11:39 schrieb Lars Schimmer l.schim...@cgv.tugraz.at:

 Wenn einzelne Apps die freien Services von OSM kostenlos nutzen und
 ausbeuten (sprich: die Apps setzen keinen eigenen Tiles-Server auf und
 nutzen den OSM Server um Geld zu sparen) um einen eigenen Vorteil zu
 haben, muß man hin und wieder mal einschreiten. Schreib den App
 Entwicklern das Problem.
 Alternativ: OpenAndraMaps - offline, aber super!

MOBAC habe ich selbst früher (vor einigen Jahren) mal genutzt, weil es da
auch eine Symbian Version davon gab. Damals konnte man auch eigene Tiles
einbinden, so dass das Problem mit dem Download vom OSM Server umgangen

Gruß Martin
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Mapnik nicht für MOB AC und Oruxmap

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Steffen

Hallo tshrub,

schau mal in das Forum von MOBAC [1]. Vielleicht kannst du 
dem Autor helfen.

Gruß Steffen


--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender: tshrub
Datum: 30.04.2014 10:52

Am 30.04.2014 08:42, schrieb Simon Poole:

Am 30.04.2014 02:45, schrieb tshrub:

Kennt jemand ggf. eine Möglichkeit, Mapnik in o.g. wieder
nutzen zu können?

Aktuelle Versionen der Apps zu nutzen.

Alte Version der Apps sind gesperrt weil Sie sich nicht an
die tile
usage policy gehalten haben,

logisch ... die gabs wohl noch nicht so

IMHO sollen bei den beiden erwähnten
Programmen das bei neueren Version behoben sein.

beim MOB AC habe ich ein Update gemacht - ohne Ergebnis
bzgl. Problems. Vielleicht müsste man ihn einmal komplett
inkl. Einstellungen
von der Platte löschen ...

Allg. ist das aber Seitens OSM nicht ok. Kommt der Dongel
nicht von da? Wieso sehe ich nicht, was ich online sehe kann
auf den Geräten?
Das lief doch vorher. Wieso wird man gezwungen, neue Geräte
zu kaufen?
M.E. hier zu kurz gedacht.

Gruß, t.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] XML von einem Objekt exportieren

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden fly
Am 30.04.2014 23:50, schrieb Markus:
 - in JOSM einen Link zum ausgewählten Objekt

 Versuch mal Strg+i bzw Umschalt+Strg+i wenn Du ein Objekt ausgewählt
 Super! man lernt nie aus... :-)

Schön, wenn es möglich ist Wissen zu teilen.

 PS: Hatte früher mal aus Frust über fehlende JOSM-Doku eine Wiki-Doku
 geschrieben: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/de:JOSM/Guide
 Dort habe ich Deine Tastaturkürzel eingetragen
 (bin aber nicht sicher mit der Sortierung).

Naja, da hat sich doch so einiges getan, wobei es doch an Übersetzungen
ins Deutsche noch fehlt. [1]
Die beiden oben genannten Funktionen sind erklärt [2]+[3] und wer es
ganz genau wissen will findet sogar eine automatisierte Liste der
Tastaturkürzel [4].

cu fly

[1] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/De:Help
[2] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/Action/InfoAboutElements
[3] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/Action/InfoAboutElementsWeb
[4] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/DevelopersGuide/ShortcutsList

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Holger Mappt

Am 30.04.2014 18:21, schrieb fly:

Am 27.04.2014 13:59, schrieb Frederik Ramm:


gerade ist mir aufgefallen, dass mein JOSM, wenn ich ihn auf Deutsch
einstelle, die Tags neuerdings als Schlagwörter bezeichnet.

Dazu fallen mir mehrer Punkte ein:

1. Josm wird in Lauchpad übersetzt und mit einer Emailaddresse kann
Mensch loslegen, was zu Fehlern und Ungereimtheiten führen kann.

Hat eben alles seine Vor- und Nachteile. Wenn es nicht offen wäre, dann 
würde es viele Übersetzungen nicht geben. Die Ungereimtheiten gehen 
manchmal schon im Quelltext los, wenn verschiedene Autoren Begriffe 
verschieden verwenden.

2. Wichtige Begriffe sind, im Unterschied zu anderen Seiten/Software,
bei Josm klar definiert und daran hat sich die letzten Jahre keine
Person gestört. [1]


JOSM übersetzt Tag mit Merkmal. Die Schlagwörter wurden auf Launchpad 
inzwischen zu Merkmalen geändert (Danke Dirk).

Grundsätzlich würde ich ein offizielle Seite für wichtige Begriffe un
deren Übersetzungen im Wiki begrüßen, denn dann wäre wenigstens ein
Vereinheitlichung möglich und solche Schnitzer wie Schlagwörter würden
noch unwahrscheinlicher.

Dem kann ich mich voll anschließen. Aus meiner Sicht ist es wichtiger 
etwas einheitliches zu verwenden, als es perfekt machen zu wollen. Aber 
wir sind hier ja bei OSM, da gibt es eh keinen Konsens. Da hat JOSM zwei 
Vorteile gegenüber dem Wiki: Es ist klar, wer das Sagen hat, und man 
kann sich seine eigene Sprachversion basteln, wenn man will.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] come comportarsi quando due wayId puntano allo stesso Oggetto e un'Oggetto è puntato da una RelationId e da una wayId?

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-05-02 2:31 GMT+02:00 Tommaso Grenga tommasogre...@yahoo.it:

 Vorrei avere una vostra opinione in merito; nel frattempo riporto come mi
 comporterei io nel caso in cui queste situazioni non fossero volute ma dei
 semplici duplicati

 *wayId che puntano al medesimo Oggetto*

   *Ponte Sant'Angelo*
 definito dalla wayId *25752465 *e dalla wayId *134399939*

*Area sacra dell'Argentina *
 definito dalla wayId *23955329 *e dalla wayId *125566956*

Immagine che in questi caso si possano aggregrare in un unica wayId
 riportando le differenze da una all'altra

   *RelationId e WayId che fanno riferimento al medesimo Oggetto*

   *Palazzo Torlonia*
 Definito dalla RelationId *1624311 *ma anche dalla wayId *30002936 *
 Ipotizzo che la wayId possa essere eliminata inserendo la building = yes e
 tourism = attraction nella Relation

*Istituto Centrale di Statistica*
 Definito dalla RelationId *2705767 *ma anche dalla wayId *27412179*
 Ipotizzo che la wayId possa essere eliminata inserendo build = yes nella

 *Palazzo Senatorio *
 Definito dalla RelationId *1691910 *ma anche dalla wayId *136630993*
 Ipotizzo che la wayId possa essere eliminata inserendo tourism =
 attraction nella Relation

in generale, quando si tratta di veri duplicati, cancello l'oggetto più
recente (quindi con id più alto) assicurandomi che tutti i tags sono anche
sull'elemento vecchio.

Nei casi descritti sopra da te lo vedo cosí:

Ponte Sant'Angelo:

http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/134399939  - versione più
http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/25752465   - originale*

*Si tratta di un ponte pedonale, dove una versione è lineare e l'altra è
un'area. Non vedo grossi problemi nell'attuale mappatura, volendo si
potrebbe cambiare i tags dell'area e mettere invece del highway=pedestrian
area=yes il tag area:highway

*E' un tag per l'area di una strada (e da usare insieme ad un elemento
lineare sovrapposto del tipo highway=*)*

*Largo Argentino:http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/23955329
http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/125566956  - da cancellare*

*i ways sono membri di questi
http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1709798 - da cancellare (perché il
verde fa anche parte dell'area sacra, si tratta di mapping per il

* - da cancellare (perché il verde fa anche parte dell'area sacra, si
tratta di mapping per il
http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1729222 - da cancellare (vedi
sopra, edifici invece di verde, ma è la stessa cosa)*

*Palazzo Torlonia:http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/30002936
http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/30002936  - definisce il perimetro, non
puo essere cancellato, ma il tag building=yes dovrebbe andare sulla
relazione (descrive la struttura meno il buco, non tutto interno alla
http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1624311 - la relazione che
descrive il palazzo (edificio con cortile), dovrebbe avere il tag building*

http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/27412179 - non dovrebbe avere il tag
building, la relazione invece lo dovrebbe averlo (lo mantiene), vedi
Torlonia*http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2705767 - già ha un tag
building, il tagging potrebbe essere precisato, perché oltre al nome non
c'è tag specifico per descrivere l'oggetto.

http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/136630993 - non è un way chiuso, non
può avere quindi tags del tipo building ecc. (questi vanno nella

*Oltre a fare le correzioni scriverei agli autori che hanno introdotto
questi errori spiegandogli perché è sbagliato.*

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] surface per mulattiera

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-04-28 12:21 GMT+02:00 solitone solit...@mail.com:

 A me è piaciuta la proposta emersa in una discussione sulla mailing list
 internazionale [1]: aggiungere historic=mule_path [2]. Se siete
 d'accordo, potremmo cercare di incoraggiare l'uso di questo schema.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Violazioni

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-05-01 1:21 GMT+02:00 Aury88 spacedrive...@gmail.com:

 e difficilmente si risolve
 con la minaccia del nome sul wiki.

La minaccia di una causa legale per copyright infringement rimane comunque,
il fatto che la OSMF potrebbe decidere di installare una wall of shame
non vuol dire che ci si ferma lí, ma sono d'accordo con te, nel caso che
non reagiscono i violatori, si dovrebbe andare anche avanti, e questo non
lo vedo finora. Ancora la mappa della Apple non ci conferma il copyright e
non nomina la licenza (attribuzione probabilmente sbagliata, share-alike
probabilmente negato), oramai da più di 2 anni e decine di millioni di
volte (in ogni iOS-device)...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Come mappare un'area IGP

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-04-25 12:32 GMT+02:00 Aury88 spacedrive...@gmail.com:

 onestamente non sono d'accordo. non si tratta di per se di un area protetta
 e quindi sottoposta a particolari vincoli economico-paesaggistici. L'IGP è
 una protezione posta sull'indicazione di provenienza del prodotto quindi si
 fa riferimento ad un area (diciamo ad un place o boundary ) ma non è l'area
 ad essere IGP, è il prodotto;


 Quindi non è l'area ad essere protetta, ma lo
 sono (alcuni) prodotti su di essa coltivati-prodotti che vengono in qualche
 maniera tutelati per le loro qualità determinate dalla loro origine

sarebbe da inventarsi un nuovo tag evventualmente, però le area geografiche
non mappiamo pratticamente mai, perché non hanno confini precisi. Forse nel
caso del IGP è diverso (in questo caso: nuovo tag).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden aborruso
Iniziano a uscir i primi building:

Ma quanto sono contento? Non riesco nemmeno a prendere una misura :)

Andrea Borruso 

email: aborr...@tin.it 
website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it
feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden gianfranco gliozzo
Complimenti Andrea e grazie!
On May 2, 2014 11:42 AM, aborruso aborr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Iniziano a uscir i primi building:

 Ma quanto sono contento? Non riesco nemmeno a prendere una misura :)

 Andrea Borruso

 email: aborr...@tin.it
 website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
 my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it
 feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto
 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E
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 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Piero Paolicelli

Inviato da iPhone

 Il giorno 02/mag/2014, alle ore 12:50, gianfranco gliozzo 
 gfrem...@gmail.com ha scritto:
 Complimenti Andrea e grazie!
 On May 2, 2014 11:42 AM, aborruso aborr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Iniziano a uscir i primi building:
 Ma quanto sono contento? Non riesco nemmeno a prendere una misura :)
 Andrea Borruso
 email: aborr...@tin.it
 website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
 my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it
 feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto
 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
 Talk-it mailing list
 Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] conferenza SOTM: early bird in chiusura

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
mannaggia, visto troppo tardi per motivi di vacanze ;-)
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Parcheggio

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-04-25 21:04 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi sim...@cortesi.com:

  parcheggio da chi poi parte da lì per un'escursione a piedi, posso lo
  taggarlo come amenity=parking? in altre parole anche se non ci sono
  disegnate in terra le classiche strisce dei posti auto?

 Noi mappiamo la realtà. se c'è il parcheggio. Lo si mappa IMHO.

lo vedo anch'io cosí, credo (al meno in Germania è così) che fuori i centri
abitati si può lasciare la macchina dove si vuole al meno che non sia la
carreggiata o un'area privata o c'è un divieto.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Uso di OSM ad Amburgo per il trasporto pubblico

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-04-28 17:16 GMT+02:00 Davio davide@gmail.com:

 L'agenzia della mobilità di Roma utilizza il layer MapQuest con base dati
 come sfondo: http://www.muovi.roma.it/percorso/js/

ad Amburgo usano le nostre mappe anche in forma cartacea:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Aree naturali minori della regione Veneto (Open Data Arpav)

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-04-28 20:01 GMT+02:00 Leonardo Frassetto kinetocor...@gmail.com:

 Peccato. Non c'è nessun altro tag adeguato? È inutile caricare gli shape
 con solo il tag name.

I shape molto probabilmente non sono da caricare (già per la
scala/generalizazzione). Invece si potrebbe vedere se alcune aree sono già
in OSM, e vedere se ne manca il nome. Visto che si tratta di aree
naturali non credo che ci sia un unico tag per descriverne la tipologia,
invece tocca capire nel singolo caso di cosa si tratta (e forse non ci sarà
un unico tag ma una combinazione). In generale non mappiamo aree
topographiche per motivi di incompatibilità con il nostro modello dati (non
abbiamo modo per inserire aree con confini sfocati).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Andrea Musuruane
premesso che apprezzo questo import, ma sei sicuro di aver seguito
tutte le guidelines?


Ad esempio, l'import non è stato fatto con un utente dedicato e non trovo
traccia sul wiki del piano di import.

Ti dico questo perché il rischio è quello di vedersi cancellati gli edit...



On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 12:41 PM, aborruso aborr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Iniziano a uscir i primi building:

 Ma quanto sono contento? Non riesco nemmeno a prendere una misura :)

 Andrea Borruso

 email: aborr...@tin.it
 website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
 my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it
 feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto
 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden aborruso
Ciao Andrea,
ne ho dato notizia qui 

Non ho ricevuto risposta in lista. Ne ho ricevuta però una in privato senza 
particolari rilievi. 
Ho chiesto poi consiglio anche io in privato ad un utente esperto italiano, che 
mi ha dato un parere con un sostanziale nulla osta.

Incrocio le dita

Scusami per la brevità, ti sto scrivendo dal cellulare.

website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E EPSG:4326

On Fri, May  2, 2014 at 02:08 PM, Andrea Musuruane [via GIS], wrote:

premesso che apprezzo questo import, ma sei sicuro di aver seguito
tutte le guidelines?


Ad esempio, l'import non è stato fatto con un utente dedicato e non trovo
traccia sul wiki del piano di import.

Ti dico questo perché il rischio è quello di vedersi cancellati gli edit...



On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 12:41 PM, aborruso  wrote:

 Iniziano a uscir i primi building:

 Ma quanto sono contento? Non riesco nemmeno a prendere una misura :)

 Andrea Borruso

 email: aborr...@tin.it
 website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
 my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it
 feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto
 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:

To unsubscribe from Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su 
OSM, visit 

Andrea Borruso 

email: aborr...@tin.it 
website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it
feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] conferenza SOTM: early bird in chiusura

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Cristian Consonni
Il 02 maggio 2014 13:38, Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com
ha scritto:
 mannaggia, visto troppo tardi per motivi di vacanze ;-)

Beh, puoi ancora registrati, solo che costa 25 € in più.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] conferenza SOTM: early bird in chiusura

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-05-02 14:28 GMT+02:00 Cristian Consonni kikkocrist...@gmail.com:

 Beh, puoi ancora registrati, solo che costa 25 € in più.

si, mi è chiaro ;-)
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-05-02 14:21 GMT+02:00 aborruso aborr...@gmail.com:

 Ciao Andrea,
 ne ho dato notizia qui

 Non ho ricevuto risposta in lista. Ne ho ricevuta però una in privato
 senza particolari rilievi.
 Ho chiesto poi consiglio anche io in privato ad un utente esperto
 italiano, che mi ha dato un parere con un sostanziale nulla osta.

 Incrocio le dita

si, credo che non ci saranno problemi, non sarebbe male utilizzare un
utente dedicato (la prossima volta), e dovresti fare (se non c'è già) una
pagina dedicata nel wiki che dice che cosa hai importato, da chi sono i
dati, licenze ecc.

quindi dovresti aggiungere qui una riga con il tuo import:

e linkare da lì una pagina dedicata (come hanno fatto gli altri).

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Portici e passaggi sotto gli edifici

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden gmail

Salve a tutti.
Mi stavo chiedendo se e come assegnare un tag particolare alla parte di 
edificio che sta sopra un portico a libero accesso che fiancheggia una 
strada oppure alla parte di edificio dove sotto passa una strada.
Ho guardato ma non  mi pare esista un building=portico o qualcosa del 
genere, oppure quacosa che definisca la situazione...

Non parlo della way che potreffe stare sotto, intendo propri l' edificio...



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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden aborruso
Ciao Martin,

dieterdreist wrote
 si, credo che non ci saranno problemi, non sarebbe male utilizzare un
 utente dedicato (la prossima volta), 

devo aggiungere ancora molti edifici. A chi devo dare i dataset per svolgere
l'import da un utente dedicato?
Esiste un'ulteriore lista a cui scrivere?

 e dovresti fare (se non c'è già) una
 pagina dedicata nel wiki che dice che cosa hai importato, da chi sono i
 dati, licenze ecc.
 quindi dovresti aggiungere qui una riga con il tuo import:
 e linkare da lì una pagina dedicata (come hanno fatto gli altri).

Pensavo di farlo alla fine dell'import completo. Ma inizierò a farlo prima.

Grazie mille,


Andrea Borruso 

email: aborr...@tin.it 
website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it
feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-05-02 15:44 GMT+02:00 aborruso aborr...@gmail.com:

 Ciao Martin,

 dieterdreist wrote
  si, credo che non ci saranno problemi, non sarebbe male utilizzare un
  utente dedicato (la prossima volta),

 devo aggiungere ancora molti edifici. A chi devo dare i dataset per
 l'import da un utente dedicato?

nono, lo puoi fare tu, devi creare un nuovo utente (sign up), per esempio
con un nome significativo come import edifici palermo 2014 o qualcosa di
simile, e utilizzarlo soltanto per questo import. In questa maniera sarà
più facile dopo individuare l'import. Per quello già caricato lascerei

 Esiste un'ulteriore lista a cui scrivere?

penso di no, avevi scritto alla lista import e avevi contattato la lista
nazione italiana, dovrebbe bastare. Se avete una lista regionale siciliana
oppura una lista locale per Palermo potresti contattare anche loro.

  e dovresti fare (se non c'è già) una
  pagina dedicata nel wiki che dice che cosa hai importato, da chi sono i
  dati, licenze ecc.
  quindi dovresti aggiungere qui una riga con il tuo import:
  e linkare da lì una pagina dedicata (come hanno fatto gli altri).

 Pensavo di farlo alla fine dell'import completo. Ma inizierò a farlo prima.

si, come vedi nei guidelines dovrebbe essere fatto prima di caricare dati.

Invece per i tags del import (quelli del changeset) suggerisco di
aggiungere import=yes
Al momento ci sono solo 2 tags (description e created_by) __nel
changeset__. Personalmente metterei il tag source soltanto ai changesets
e non ad ogni singolo edificio.

Come descritto nei guidelines, dovresti nel tuo caso (attribuzione
richiesta) anche mettere una riga qui:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Importare gli edifici open data del Comune di Palermo su OSM

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden aborruso
Martin, grazie mille. Ho quasi capito tutto :)

Ti scrivo nei prossimi giorni!

Andrea Borruso 

email: aborr...@tin.it 
website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
my 2.0 life: http://aborruso.spaziogis.it
feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Tanto
38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E 

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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] come comportarsi quando due wayId puntano allo stesso Oggetto e un'Oggetto è puntato da una RelationId e da una wayId?

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2014-05-02 17:14 GMT+02:00 Any File anysomef...@gmail.com:


 questo sembrerebbe un tag adatto per la way 134399939
 ammesso che sia giusto dover taggare queste cose
 (ma se si mappa il pilone perché non andrebbe mappato
 il ponte?)

si, la mappatura dei ponti è sottosviluppata rispetto a tante altre cose.
Al solito ciò che facciamo è aggiungere un attributo ad una strada
(bridge=yes) per indicare che una strada si trova su un ponte. Il ponte
stesso manca. Per quello non abbiamo un oggetto da aggiungere name=nome del
ponte, start_date=* ecc. (invece c'è l'idea di aggiungere bridge_name sulla
strada, ma rimarebbe sempre una mappatura indiretta).

man_made=bridge potrebbe essere un tag come anche building=bridge.


  http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/136630993 - non è un way chiuso, non
  avere quindi tags del tipo building ecc. (questi vanno nella relazione)

 Però anche qui, in maniera analoga a quanto detto da
 Martin per gli altri palazzi, probabilmente alcuni tag della relation
 valgono per tutta l'area (cioè non va tolto l'inner). Dal momento che
 qui non c'è una way intera che fa perimetro, probabilmente sarebbe
 fare due relation, una per il building, che contiene anche la way 205829111
 con ruolo inner e un'altra che non contiene quest'utlima way per
 ed il resto.

si, ma una vera soluzione non c'è. Per esempio il nome: name=Villa Pinco.
Probabilmente sarebbe da mettere sull'outer way e non sulla relazione
(perché anche il cortile fa parte di Villa Pinco. Invece building=* non
vale per il cortile e quindi va messo sulla relazione. Il risultato sarebbe
che l'outer way avrebbe il tag name=Villa Pinco e area=yes (per specificare
un poligono e non un way lineare) su un multipoligono con tag building=*.
Il problema è che in questo modo non c'è alcun legame tra nome
dell'edificio e edificio (una persona potrebbe indovinare / dedurre che il
nome è dell'edificio, ma nei dati ci sarebbe soltanto una coincidenza del
luogo). Oramai metto il nome nella relazione come anche il tag building,
così al meno si capisce cosa è stato taggato.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Portici e passaggi sotto gli edifici

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
Spero che Tizianos legga questo. C'è stata una lunga discussione su questo
argomento, penso due anni fa.

2014-05-02 17:24 GMT+02:00 girarsi_liste liste.gira...@gmail.com:

 Hash: SHA256

 Il 02/05/2014 15:17, gmail ha scritto:
  Salve a tutti. Mi stavo chiedendo se e come assegnare un tag
  particolare alla parte di edificio che sta sopra un portico a
  libero accesso che fiancheggia una strada oppure alla parte di
  edificio dove sotto passa una strada. Ho guardato ma non  mi pare
  esista un building=portico o qualcosa del genere, oppure quacosa
  che definisca la situazione... Non parlo della way che potreffe
  stare sotto, intendo propri l' edificio...

 Questo tag:


 Il building và taggato normalmente, mentre il tratto di way và mappato
 come un tunnel, solo che il tag è tunnel=building_passage.

 - --
 Simone Girardelli
 Version: GnuPG v1


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Parcheggio

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Simone Cortesi
2014-05-02 13:47 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com:
 lo vedo anch'io cosí, credo (al meno in Germania è così) che fuori i centri
 abitati si può lasciare la macchina dove si vuole al meno che non sia la
 carreggiata o un'area privata o c'è un divieto.


se mappassimo l'ufficialità e non la realtà, la mappa di Kibera
sarebbe ancora vuota. Come vuota rimane per il governo del Kenya e per



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Re: [Talk-it] openstreetmapper card

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
la parte nera di questo font:
intendevi questo giusto?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] openstreetmapper card

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA256

Il 02/05/2014 19:40, Aury88 ha scritto:
 la parte nera di questo font: 
 http://i.fonts2u.com/bo/bonk-offset_4.png intendevi questo giusto?
Più o meno sì.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli
Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-dk] Konkurrence om bedste app med offentlige data

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér

Dette kan muligvis være af interesse for OSM-folket:
Erhvervsstyrelsen afholder en konkurrence om udvikling af en apps, som 
skaber  nye forretningsmuligheder. Appen skal  gøre brug af offentlige 
data som fx BBR, CVR og vejrdata. De bedste løsninger vinder mindst 
50.000 kr. og mulighed for god markedsføring.

Se http://erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/pressesoeg/697639/5

Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
http://syntaktisk.dk * mj...@syntaktisk.dk

Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-dk] Inspire conference Aalborg

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

I'm going to be in Aalborg on the 16th June talking at/attending a
workshop in the context of the inspire conference that week.

See http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2014/page/home

If anybody wants to get together and have a drink or just sit down and
chat later on the Monday, I will try to make it possible.

The other point is that a number of other mapping companies, if you so
want our competition, will be there in force and the event is
naturally a good opportunity to bang our drum and showcase the location
a bit in OSM. Given that Aalborg is already very well mapped, that would
boil down to more houses, perhaps 3d-tags and further details if there
is somebody on the ground that has time and inclination. Naturally this
is purely optional, not that I get accused of fiddling with a local
community :-).


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Datos historic en OSM de España y visor

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Jesús Gómez Fernández
Excelente trabajo Patricio. Siempre he pensado en el potencial que tiene
OSM en la parte de difusión del patrimonio. No solo en los ya catalogados
dentro de los BIC sino en aquellas pequeñas construcciones, restos, o
topónimos menores que muchas veces son difíciles de localizar si no es por
el conocimiento local. Es un patrimonio que llega a olvidarse lo que fueron
o incluso cual era antigua función debido a su estado o localización poco
En mi caso, puedo contar que he tenido bastantes dudas sobre cómo etiquetar
la parte histórica de elementos como estos:

   - Canal
   - Presa
   - Esclusa
   - Puente
   - Molino de agua
   - Minas y todas las instalaciones asociadas (planos inclinados, antiguos
   ferrocarriles, cargaderos, torres de pozos, etc.)
   - Cueva
   - Presa
   - Resbaladero de troncos.
   - Nevero
   - Palomar
   - Atalaya
   - Castro
   - Antiguas paradas de postas
   - Casamatas o restos de trincheras.

En la mayoría, puedo definir su etiqueta general, pero ¿cuando utilizo la
etiqueta historic o heritage para poner de relevancia su importancia
patrimonial?¿Qué pasa con aquellos lugares con los restos de una
cimentación, por ejemplo, de un nevero o de un retén de troncos que no son
lugares arqueológicos?

Por otra parte y si te interesa, considera utilizar en tu trabajo la
etiqueta wikipedia http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:wikipedia e
image http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Image de los elementos. Además
podrías probar a encontrar una clasificación más atinada utilizando bases
de datos semánticas como DBpedia http://dbpedia.org/,
Wikidata https://www.wikidata.org.

Un saludo.

Jesús Gómez

El 2 de mayo de 2014, 10:41, Patricio Soriano Castro

  Hola a todos

 Desde el pasado miércoles está disponible en Github [1] un trabajo que he
 estado realizando  centrado en el análisis de la etiqueta *historic *en
 OSM en España. La finalidad es que pueda servir de  pueda servir de ayuda a
 los que estén interesados en mapear este tipo de elementos y mejorar
 calidad de a información ya existente como ya se hizo en Canarias [2] y
 estoy intentando mover para la provincia de Córdoba [3].

 Me interesaría saber vuestra opinión sobre los resultados que he podido
 obtener y también contar con vuestros comentarios para poder mejorar el
 trabajo, sobre todo en la parte técnica.

 El trabajo también ha incluido un visor con los datos en CartoDB [4].

 De antemano, gracias por vuestra colaboración.
 [4] http://sigdeletras.com/visor-historicosm/

 Patricio J. Soriano Castro
 @sigdeletras https://twitter.com/SIGdeletras - 
 +34 639714412

 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Einheitliche Bezirke Bezirksteile in Wien?

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Markus Straub

On 2014-05-01 22:47, Friedrich Volkmann wrote:

Meiner Meinung nach gehört alles, was sich auf Flächen bezieht, auf
ebendiese getaggt (MP mit boundardy=administrative). Bezirke sind Flächen.
Ich sehe keinen Sinn in einem Node für einen Bezirk. Place-Nodes sind für
Siedlungen, nicht für administrative Einheiten.

Flächen wären natürlich auch schön, aber Punkte an einer zentralen 
Stelle sind ein Anfang, der sich auch sehr schnell realisieren lässt.
Außerdem gibt es diese Punkte schon und ich würde sie nur gerne klarer 
sortieren, weil es jetzt ein Durcheinander ist.

Wien ist Siedlung und Bundesland zugleich, daher ist es ok, dass es für Wien
ein Multipolygon (fürs Bundesland bzw. fürs Gemeindegebiet) und auch einen
place-Node (für die Siedlung) gibt.

Was für die Bezirke gilt, gilt um so mehr für die Katastralgemeinden. Ich
wohne in der Katastralgemeinde Inzersdorf-Stadt. Vor meiner Beschäftigung
mit OSM wusste ich gar nicht, dass es diese Katastralgemeinde überhaupt
gibt. So wie mindestens 99% ihrer anderen Einwohner. Und schon gar nicht
hätte ich angenommen, dass diese Katastralgemeinde in Favoriten liegt. Die
Lage auf einen Node festzulegen ist absurd, weil es keine Siedlung
Inzersdorf-Stadt gibt und nie gab. Inzersdorf war ein Dorf, dessen Kern
heute noch erkennbar ist, und der liegt im 23. Bezirk. Inzersdorf-Stadt gibt
es nur am Papier. Ich stelle die Frage in den Raum, welchen Sinn es haben
soll, diese Wiener Katastralgemeinden überhaupt zu mappen. Kein Mensch in
der realen Welt hat eine Verwendung dafür. Aber wenn wir sie mappen, dann
sollten wir sie unbedingt als Flächen mappen, denn nur dann ist es
wenigstens theoretisch möglich sie für irgendwas zu verwenden.

Ich habe nie von Katastralgemeinden geredet, sondern von Bezirksteilen, 
die auch auf jeder der 23 Wikipedia-Seiten der Bezirke schön dargestellt 


Und die sind in den meisten Fällen durchaus sinnvoll für eine Karte. 
Gersthof, Weinhaus, Pötzleinsdorf, Rossau, Michelbeuern,..


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Einheitliche Bezirke Bezirksteile in Wien?

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Friedrich Volkmann
On 02.05.2014 08:30, Markus Straub wrote:
 Ich habe nie von Katastralgemeinden geredet, sondern von Bezirksteilen, die
 auch auf jeder der 23 Wikipedia-Seiten der Bezirke schön dargestellt sind.
 Und die sind in den meisten Fällen durchaus sinnvoll für eine Karte.
 Gersthof, Weinhaus, Pötzleinsdorf, Rossau, Michelbeuern,..

Für meinen Bezirk Favoriten sind als Bezirksteile nur die weitgehend
unbekannten Katastralgemeinden angegeben. Bezirksteile im realen Gebrauch
wären Hansson-Siedlung, Wienerberg, Laaerberg, Triesterviertel... Oberlaa
nur für die Siedlung ganz im Süden.

Kann aber sein, dass das in deinen Beispielen Alsergrund und Währing anders
ist. Wenn ich es richtig verstehe, sind jene Bezirksteile (Gersthof,
Pötzleinsdorf usw.) eingemeindete Vororte mit noch erkennbarem Siedlungskern
und ohne genaue Umgrenzung. Somit sind place-Nodes doch passend, und
entsprechend der Definition im Wiki ist place=suburb genau richtig dafür:
annexed towns or villages which were formerly independent, with a
distinct and recognised local name and identity. Suburbs may have uncertain
boundaries, may overlap with other suburbs, and are often best mapped using
a node. 

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-Talk-ZA] Gautrain Bus Mapping

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Gerhardus Geldenhuis
Hi John,
That would be great! An email forwarded to the list saying we can use the
data royalty free should be enough as long as it is from someone official
enough at Gautrain.

With regards to bulk merging. I don't think that is going to happen as
there is already so much data. The best would be to split the data per
route, convert to osm usable format and merge and import as needed. Plus of
course updating the necessary relations.


On 2 May 2014 15:14, John john@gmail.com wrote:

 I may be able to get a list of all bus stops including GPS coordinates
 directly from Gautrain.

 Two questions:

 1) What permissions do we need to get for this to be usable on OSM?
 2) Is there someone who could assist to bulk load the data.

 On the second point I would be happy to do some preprocessing. e.g.
 Correlation against against a list of what has already been captured.


 On 22 November 2013 08:46, Dawid Loubser da...@travellinck.com wrote:

  Copyright law cannot prohibit the manual reconstruction of
 publically-available information any more than what it can control an
 internet search engine like https://www.duckduckgo.com from indexing and
 serving that information when you do a web search. There is, consequently,
 no legal problem at all in looking at information on e.g. the official
 Gautrain bus map, and updating OpenStreetMap based on this.

 Gerhardus' method is more in the spirit of OpenStreetMap though - as
 OSM frowns upon the copying of information from commercial or proprietary
 Ultimately - nobody will even know: there is no
 legalistically-distinguishable difference between adding something because
 you were there, vs adding something because you saw it on another map.
 (Obviously you should only add things to the map that you have verified
 actually exists.)

 When I added the gautrain bus routes that I have actually travelled on, I
 still used the official gautrain bus map as a reference: to correlate the
 positioning and get the metadata (stop numbers, etc). Nobody can prove
 which one I used more though - their map, or my on-the-ground observation.

 I wouldn't worry too much. Grant needs to worry more, now that he's added
 a state secret (Nkandla) to the map :-)

 Dawid Loubser da...@travellinck.com

   Op Do, 2013-11-21 om 20:46 + skryf Gerhardus Geldenhuis:

 Well ideally you should travel with GPS in hand and map the stops. That
 way there is not licensing dispute at all and where the busses stop is
 public knowledge that you have recorded in OSM.


  On 21 November 2013 19:08, John john@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks for the feedback. I probably need to try JOSM again.

   How about copy right? Can we use from the published Gautrain maps as
 source? In the case of public transport surely it is public domain??

 We always come back to this, apologies, but it does seem a bit different
 with a public transport vs propriety. We are after all not copying the map,
 simply the stops and the route?? Alternatively do we ask permission?



   On 21 November 2013 10:25, Gerhardus Geldenhuis 
 gerhardus.geldenh...@gmail.com wrote:

   Just echoing Dawid, JOSM will be your friend for relational editing if
 you not already using it.


On 21 November 2013 08:18, Dawid Loubser da...@travellinck.com

Nice work in the Midrand area, John! The Gautrain Bus Route is really
 looking swell overall (Six months ago there was barely anything).

 With regards to the order of the stops in the relation, I am afraid iD
 (in-browser editor) is a little bit limited - the only way that I am aware
 of, is to add the stops to the relation in chronological order - the order
 seems to be maintained. To view the order of the items in the relation,
 just open the relation for editing, and in the left-hand toolbar, scroll
 down to where the members are listed - you will see all members (in

 Otherwise, check out the JOSM editor for finer-grained editing tasks like

 Happy mapping!
 (or do we say Merry Mapping this time of year...?)

 Talk-ZA mailing 

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 Talk-ZA mailing list

Gerhardus Geldenhuis
Talk-ZA mailing list

Re: [OSM-Talk-ZA] Gautrain Bus Mapping

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Grant Slater

On 2 May 2014 16:15, John john@gmail.com wrote:

 I may be able to get a list of all bus stops including GPS coordinates
directly from Gautrain.

Awesome! Do it, we are still lacking the locations of most of the Gautrain
Bus stops... Rea Vaya bus stops are even worse.

 Two questions:

 1) What permissions do we need to get for this to be usable on OSM?

It isn't a huge dataset, so I think a simple email or document from them
saying we (OpenStreetMap) may us the data would be sufficient. Forward the
approval email to me gr...@osmfoundation.org or le...@osmfoundation.org for

 2) Is there someone who could assist to bulk load the data.

Yes, I would be more than happy to convert to OSM format from whatever they
give you. (Even an excel document with lat/lon columns would be good)

 On the second point I would be happy to do some preprocessing. e.g.
Correlation against against a list of what has already been captured.

Once converted you can help me merge the data ;-)

Kind regards,


 On 22 November 2013 08:46, Dawid Loubser da...@travellinck.com wrote:

 Copyright law cannot prohibit the manual reconstruction of
publically-available information any more than what it can control an
internet search engine like https://www.duckduckgo.com from indexing and
serving that information when you do a web search. There is, consequently,
no legal problem at all in looking at information on e.g. the official
Gautrain bus map, and updating OpenStreetMap based on this.

 Gerhardus' method is more in the spirit of OpenStreetMap though - as
OSM frowns upon the copying of information from commercial or proprietary
 Ultimately - nobody will even know: there is no
legalistically-distinguishable difference between adding something because
you were there, vs adding something because you saw it on another map.
(Obviously you should only add things to the map that you have verified
actually exists.)

 When I added the gautrain bus routes that I have actually travelled on,
I still used the official gautrain bus map as a reference: to correlate the
positioning and get the metadata (stop numbers, etc). Nobody can prove
which one I used more though - their map, or my on-the-ground observation.

 I wouldn't worry too much. Grant needs to worry more, now that he's
added a state secret (Nkandla) to the map :-)

 Dawid Loubser da...@travellinck.com

 Op Do, 2013-11-21 om 20:46 + skryf Gerhardus Geldenhuis:

 Well ideally you should travel with GPS in hand and map the stops. That
way there is not licensing dispute at all and where the busses stop is
public knowledge that you have recorded in OSM.


 On 21 November 2013 19:08, John john@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for the feedback. I probably need to try JOSM again.

 How about copy right? Can we use from the published Gautrain maps as
source? In the case of public transport surely it is public domain??

 We always come back to this, apologies, but it does seem a bit
different with a public transport vs propriety. We are after all not
copying the map, simply the stops and the route?? Alternatively do we ask



 On 21 November 2013 10:25, Gerhardus Geldenhuis 
gerhardus.geldenh...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just echoing Dawid, JOSM will be your friend for relational editing
if you not already using it.


 On 21 November 2013 08:18, Dawid Loubser da...@travellinck.com

 Nice work in the Midrand area, John! The Gautrain Bus Route is
really looking swell overall (Six months ago there was barely anything).

 With regards to the order of the stops in the relation, I am afraid
iD (in-browser editor) is a little bit limited - the only way that I am
aware of, is to add the stops to the relation in chronological order - the
order seems to be maintained. To view the order of the items in the
relation, just open the relation for editing, and in the left-hand
toolbar, scroll down to where the members are listed - you will see all
members (in order).

 Otherwise, check out the JOSM editor for finer-grained editing tasks
like these.

 Happy mapping!
 (or do we say Merry Mapping this time of year...?)

 Talk-ZA mailing list

 Talk-ZA mailing list

 Talk-ZA mailing list

Talk-ZA mailing list

Re: [Talk-cat] Fwd: [Talk-es] Odd edits by Tino Pinilla

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Jan Esquerra
M'acabo de trobar amb un altre cas (molt) sospitós de tirar de dades
obsoletes i/o errònies de l'ICGC.

Una pista introduïda a l'OSM el novembre del 2012, que en les ortofotos del
2011 ja hi estaven construint un edifici al damunt. No cal dir que, a dia
d'avui, en quasi tots els topogràfics de l'ICGC no hi ha ni rastre de
l'edifici. Puc donar fe dels canvis perquè hi he passat aquest matí, i ja
està feliçment arreglat a l'OSM (a l'ICGC encara falta).

No gaire lluny d'aquí també hi he trobat el nom d'un carrer introduït pel
mateix usuari en la mateixa data que res a veure té amb el que hi diu a les
plaques del carrer. Curiosament també està malament als mapes de l'ICGC i
del catastro. Podria ser que aquest carrer hagi patit un canvi de nom en
els darrers 2 anys, però les plaques es veuen bastant antigues, i fins i
tot hi ha un establiment amb el mateix nom del carrer (tal i com està a les
plaques) que no es veu precisament modern. Si tinc ocasió preguntaré als

Amb aquest usuari, molt actiu per cert, ja hi vaig contactar fa temps per
un tema semblant d'un corriol que feia anys que havia desaparegut però que
en alguns topogràfics de l'ICC encara el pintaven.

Més habitualment del que desitjaria hem trobo amb unclassifieds que en
realitat són pistes de terra (amb sort estan en bon estat), o pitjor encara
amb tracks que sobre el terreny són corriols. Que anant amb mapes de l'ICGC
(i d'altres) hagi de donar mitja volta ja hi estic acostumat, però amb
l'OSM ... . És el que té substituir el treball de camp pel treball de
despatx i ortofoto.

Bé, fins aquí la meva queixa/reflexió amb ànims de ser constructiu. Amb OSM
espero tenir un mapa veraç i confiable, malgrat que trigui uns quants anys
a estar complet, que de mapes complets i equivocats ja sé on trobar-ne.


Talk-cat mailing list

[Talk-cat] Denominació de carrers

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden pep

Sóc en Pep Gesti i segueixo la llista amb atenció encara que he de 
reconèixer que algunes de les discussions estan fora de l'abast dels 
meus coneixements, ja que sóc massa novato a OSM. N'anem aprenent.

Us volia demanar si hi ha algun consens en relació al nom dels carrers a 
l'hora d'etiqueta-los (name=) a OSM.
Em trobo (com tots suposo) amb incoherències com que, per un mateix 
carrer, hi hagi Carrer Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer a la placa del carrer, 
Carrer Verdaguer al plànol ofert per l'ajuntament, Carrer de Mossèn 
Jacint Verdaguer al nomenclàtor de l'ICC...

És molt corrent, per exemple, la dualitat entre Carrer XXX i Carrer 
de XXX (Carrer Sant Sebastià / Carrer de Sant Sebastià, Carrer Batlle / 
Carrer del Batlle, Carrer Torrent / Carrer del Torrent...)

Entenc que a OSM intentem ilustrar la realitat existent sobre el 
terreny, però així com les característiques de la via sí que són 
realitats físiques, el nom (ni que sigui en una placa) no ho és. 
Existeix un consens? Què recomaneu?


Pep Gesti

Talk-cat mailing list

Re: [Talk-cat] Denominació de carrers

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Carlos Sánchez
Crec que el més correcte és la informació local. Si a la guia municipal
surt d'una manera doncs és la que val. En aquest cas concret es tracta de
simplificacions de noms. És normal trobar plaques amb el nom sencer o
retallat depenent de l'any d'instal.lació de la placa. Personalment trobo
millor el nom llarg o complert.
Den 2 maj 2014 17:48 skrev pep josepge...@gmail.com:

 Sóc en Pep Gesti i segueixo la llista amb atenció encara que he de
 reconèixer que algunes de les discussions estan fora de l'abast dels meus
 coneixements, ja que sóc massa novato a OSM. N'anem aprenent.

 Us volia demanar si hi ha algun consens en relació al nom dels carrers a
 l'hora d'etiqueta-los (name=) a OSM.
 Em trobo (com tots suposo) amb incoherències com que, per un mateix
 carrer, hi hagi Carrer Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer a la placa del carrer,
 Carrer Verdaguer al plànol ofert per l'ajuntament, Carrer de Mossèn
 Jacint Verdaguer al nomenclàtor de l'ICC...

 És molt corrent, per exemple, la dualitat entre Carrer XXX i Carrer de
 XXX (Carrer Sant Sebastià / Carrer de Sant Sebastià, Carrer Batlle /
 Carrer del Batlle, Carrer Torrent / Carrer del Torrent...)

 Entenc que a OSM intentem ilustrar la realitat existent sobre el terreny,
 però així com les característiques de la via sí que són realitats
 físiques, el nom (ni que sigui en una placa) no ho és. Existeix un consens?
 Què recomaneu?


 Pep Gesti

 Talk-cat mailing list

Talk-cat mailing list

[Talk-cz] Aktualizace RUIAN

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Petr Vejsada

na zaklade vcerejsiho zjisteni jsem se pustil do kompletne noveho nahrani dat
z RUIAN. To znamena, ze vrstvy z tile.poloha.net budou fungovat az do nahrani
omezene. Co je vyrenderovane, to se zobrazi, co vyrenderovane neni, tak pak
zalezi na tom, zda konkretni obec uz je nahrana. Bohuzel to nahrani do DB
trva dlouho.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Aktualizace RUIAN

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral
Dne 2.5.2014 10:50, Petr Vejsada napsal(a):

 na zaklade vcerejsiho zjisteni jsem se pustil do kompletne noveho nahrani dat
 z RUIAN. To znamena, ze vrstvy z tile.poloha.net budou fungovat az do nahrani
 omezene. Co je vyrenderovane, to se zobrazi, co vyrenderovane neni, tak pak
 zalezi na tom, zda konkretni obec uz je nahrana. Bohuzel to nahrani do DB
 trva dlouho.

na jak dlouho to vidíš? On totiž nefunguje ani PointInfo, tak ať vím, co
si mám naplánovat.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Aktualizace RUIAN

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Petr Vejsada
On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 02:36:07PM +0200, Marián Kyral wrote:
 Dne 2.5.2014 10:50, Petr Vejsada napsal(a):
  na zaklade vcerejsiho zjisteni jsem se pustil do kompletne noveho nahrani 
  z RUIAN. To znamena, ze vrstvy z tile.poloha.net budou fungovat az do 
  omezene. Co je vyrenderovane, to se zobrazi, co vyrenderovane neni, tak pak
  zalezi na tom, zda konkretni obec uz je nahrana. Bohuzel to nahrani do DB
  trva dlouho.
 na jak dlouho to vidíš? On totiž nefunguje ani PointInfo, tak ať vím, co
 si mám naplánovat.

Zrovna jsem ti psal do mailu - pointinfo by mělo fungovat, ovšem jen na místech,
kde už jsou data nahraná. Nahrávám od rána znovu, jsem v necelé půlce. Myslím,
že do půlnoci by mělo vše být. V Praze je vadný polygon, čeká mě ruční editace
řádku dlouhého 888 MB :-\. Nechápu, jak může být v datech z ČÚZK vadný polygon.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Aktualizace RUIAN

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Petr Morávek [Xificurk]
Dne 2.5.2014 14:59, Petr Vejsada napsal(a):
 Zrovna jsem ti psal do mailu - pointinfo by mělo fungovat, ovšem jen na 
 kde už jsou data nahraná. Nahrávám od rána znovu, jsem v necelé půlce. Myslím,
 že do půlnoci by mělo vše být. V Praze je vadný polygon, čeká mě ruční editace
 řádku dlouhého 888 MB :-\. Nechápu, jak může být v datech z ČÚZK vadný 

Nevím, co se změnilo, ale poslední cca 3 měsíce se to stává nepříjemně
často. Dřív jsem na tenhle problém nenarážel.

Petr Morávek aka Xificurk

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Aktualizace RUIAN

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral
Dne 2.5.2014 14:59, Petr Vejsada napsal(a):
 On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 02:36:07PM +0200, Marián Kyral wrote:
 Dne 2.5.2014 10:50, Petr Vejsada napsal(a):

 na zaklade vcerejsiho zjisteni jsem se pustil do kompletne noveho nahrani 
 z RUIAN. To znamena, ze vrstvy z tile.poloha.net budou fungovat az do 
 omezene. Co je vyrenderovane, to se zobrazi, co vyrenderovane neni, tak pak
 zalezi na tom, zda konkretni obec uz je nahrana. Bohuzel to nahrani do DB
 trva dlouho.

 na jak dlouho to vidíš? On totiž nefunguje ani PointInfo, tak ať vím, co
 si mám naplánovat.

 Zrovna jsem ti psal do mailu - pointinfo by mělo fungovat, ovšem jen na 
 kde už jsou data nahraná. Nahrávám od rána znovu, jsem v necelé půlce. Myslím,
 že do půlnoci by mělo vše být. V Praze je vadný polygon, čeká mě ruční editace
 řádku dlouhého 888 MB :-\. Nechápu, jak může být v datech z ČÚZK vadný 
Právě, že jsem teď chtěl editovat, kde data ještě nejsou ;-)

Co takhle si jej přeformátovat? Třeba pomocí XMLStarlet (
http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net )



 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Aktualizace RUIAN

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Petr Morávek [Xificurk]
Dne 2.5.2014 15:19, Marián Kyral napsal(a):
 Ad XML)
 Co takhle si jej přeformátovat? Třeba pomocí XMLStarlet (
 http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net )

Na to stačí i libxml2:
xmllint --format file.xml

Ale ty soubory jsou pořád (celkově) dost velké, obzvláště v Praze :/


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Aktualizace RUIAN

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral
Dne 2.5.2014 15:24, Petr Morávek [Xificurk] napsal(a):
 Dne 2.5.2014 15:19, Marián Kyral napsal(a):
 Ad XML)
 Co takhle si jej přeformátovat? Třeba pomocí XMLStarlet (
 http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net )

 Na to stačí i libxml2:
 xmllint --format file.xml

 Ale ty soubory jsou pořád (celkově) dost velké, obzvláště v Praze :/


Však to byl jen příklad. Xmlstarlet umí navíc to xml prohledávat,
editovat, transformovat i validovat.

A stejně je rozdíl, jestli to je 800MB na jednom řádku nebo 800MB
rozdělených na milión řádků.


Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] Jak na aktualizaci RUIAN databáze

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Petr Vejsada

tak jsem udělal experiment v testovacím schematu. Stáhl jsem si Čím k 
31.1.2014 a k tomu všechny dostupné aktualizace, t.j. od 1.4.2014. Pustil jsem 
aktualizaci a dostal jsem se opět k tristnímu počtu geometrií hranic, 
stejnému, jako na produkční verzi.

Pak jsem pustil aktualizace ještě jednou, tentokrát s parametrem --reset-
transaction-ids - a fíha - dostal jsem se na 418 budov s hranicemi, tedy úplně 
stejný počet, jako při totálním znovunahrání.

Vypadá to tedy, že chyba tohoto druhu ve změnových souborech není. Problém 
bude s těmi id transakcí, či trasakcí, neb tento překlep je zoficiálněn a 
nebude se opravovat, viz manuál k RUIAN 1.3.

Proč ty transakce nesedí, to nevím. Mám hypotézu, že ID transakce se mění jen 
tehdy, když dojde ke skutečné změně, jako je přestavba domu, postavení, 
zbourání atd. Zavedení geometrií hranic, tedy digitalizace KM, vlastně žádnou 
skutečnou změnou není a tak, možná, nemění ID transakce. Je to jen domněnka.

Dnešní výpadek je tedy zbytečný, měl jsem nejprve přemýšlet a pak jednat, hmm.

V tuto chvíli je nahráno 4780 obcí, tedy to té půlnoci ... možná bez Prahy 

Petr, p...@propsychology.cz

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-fr CA] Re: Cartopartie Vernon (Eure) avec France 3 Normandie

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Romain MEHUT
Le 30 avril 2014 21:26, RatZilla$ ratzil...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Le reportage diffusé hier soir au JT 19/20 de France 3 Haute Normandie:


Chez moi ce lien ne fonctionne pas. Et vous?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-fr CA] Re: Cartopartie Vernon (Eure) avec France 3 Normandie

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden David Crochet



Puis choisir le bon jour

David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-fr CA] Re: Cartopartie Vernon (Eure) avec France 3 Normandie

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Gwen

Le 02/05/2014 09:59, Romain MEHUT a écrit :
 Chez moi ce lien ne fonctionne pas. Et vous?
je rencontre le même problème.
En allant sur cette page et en cliquant sur le lien vers le JT du
29/04/14, cela fonctionne

Le reportage démarre à 11:34.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-fr CA] Re: Cartopartie Vernon (Eure) avec France 3 Normandie

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Pieren
2014-05-02 10:34 GMT+02:00 Gwen ping...@no-log.org:

 Le reportage démarre à 11:34.

Pour la petite histoire, j'ai découvert OSM en 2007 au travers de
France 3, le journal des régions (le best of diffusé en national).
C'est ça qui est bien avec cette chaîne de télévision, c'est que
chaque région a fait, fait ou fera un reportage sur OSM, ce qui
multiplie les occasions de faire parler de nous ;-)


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] 2014 London HOT Congo Mapathon

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden nicolas chavent
Bonsoir à tous et toutes,

Ci dessous une traduction rapide de l'annonce par Harry Wood sur la mailing
list de HOT [1] du Mapathon République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) qui sera
tenu à Londres demain le 3 mai 2014

Cet événement est co-organisé par HOT, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF_UK) et
hébergé par l'Open Data Institute du Royaume Uni (UK ODI) : il s'agit
d'appuyer le développement du projet OSM en République Démocratique du
Congo (DRC) et notamment à la continuation du soutien OSM aux actions
terrains menées par la branche britannique de Médecins Sans Frontières
(MSF_UK) à Lubumbashi dans la province du Katanga.

Bienvenues et bienvenus, celles et ceux, qui, demain, auraient du temps à
consacrer à de la cartographie à distance sur des zones d'intérêt en RDC
pour les actuers humaniaires, de développement ou la communauté OSM locale
et son groupe de Lubumbahsi Plus de détails ci dessous, sur la mailing list
hot ou sur twitter #mapcongo.

Excellent WE de pont de 1er mai à vous.


= 2014 London HOT Congo Mapathon =

Le dernier événement HOT organisé à Londres datant, Harry a travaillé avec
Ivan de MSF UK à l'organisation du Mapathon de HOT sur la Republique
Démocratique du Congo (DRC).

Page du wiki (à traduire en français si quelqu'un a le temps) :

Date:  Samedi 3 Mai
Horaire:  10:30 à 18:00
Lieu:  The Open Data Institute, London, UK.
   3rd Floor. 65 Clifton Street. EC2A 4JE (carte)
Inscription (pour présence sur place) :   http://london

Il est possible d'en faire un événement important et pour cela il convient
d'attirer des individus de la scène humanitaire aussi bien que des mappers
expérimentés du projet OSM qui pourront jouer entre autre le rôle de
formateurs. Idéalement, il faudrait des personnes avec cette double
expérience (hotties, avez-vous dit hotties ?), d'avance merci pour
transmettre à toute personne susceptible d'être intéressée par l'événement.

S'il vous est possible de vous rendre sur place, n'hésitez pas à faire acte
de présence! Harry est heureux d'avoir pu compter sur Jorieke Vyncke et
Shohaib Burq qui feront le déplacement et seront de l'événement. Le
travail  de cartographie à venir sera lié au travail de MSF UK au Congo
avec notamment du travail de numérisation des données contenus sur les
Field Papers que Jorieke, MSF UK et les mappers de Lubumbashi ont collecté
lors de leur travaux de terrain de la mi Mars passée [2].

[1] = https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/hot/2014-April/005139.html
[2] = http://hot.openstreetmap.org/node/285

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Activation HOT en RCA, an II

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Severin Menard
Bonsoir à tous,

Pour ceux que cela intéresse, j'ai rédigé un billet de blog sur les progrès
de la cartographie OSM de la République centrafricaine ces trois derniers
mois : http://hot.openstreetmap.org/node/294

Bien cordialement,

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSRM-talk] develop branch switching to C++11 today

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Dennis Luxen
Dear all,

please note that we will be activating C++11 flags in the develop branch today. 
In the coming week we will go over the code and apply many of the new (and very 
convenient) language features. If you are using the bleeding edge branch and 
are on an old install, it’s about time to start upgrading. At this point the 
the minimum compiler requirements are GCC 4.7.2+ and clang 3.3. These were 
released in September 2012 and June 2013 respectively. The upcoming 0.4.0 
version will be the first release to require C++11.

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Foot profile

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Emmanuel Bégué

I'm trying to use foot.lua from cbf-routing-profiles
direct link:

as a profile for osrm-extract, and it's not working (osrm-extract
works fine with profiles from the Project-OSRM repository, but not
with cbf ones).

At first I immediately got the error:
terminate called recursively

Then I tried to remove the four first lines require... from
foot.lua, as no require is used in current profiles (and car.lua even
says in a comment function temporarily inlined).

Extract now fails a little bit later, with this error:
[info] Using turn restrictions
[info] Found no exceptions to turn restrictions
[info] Parsing in progress..
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'luabind::error'

It would seem that the syntax of the current profiles are different
from the one used in the cbf versions (which are 5 to 12 months old).

Is this syntax documented? Or, how does one write a profile from
scratch? (Or at least, how does one read a profile?)

(I would be happy to recursively test little modifications to existing
profiles, but since extract/prepare takes a long time, it doesn't seem
like a practical solution...)


On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Emmanuel Bégué medu...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Sarah Hoffmann lon...@denofr.de wrote:

 We have adapted foot profiles on our Swiss installation[1], which seem
 to work fairly ok. Code is here:

 Thanks!! I'll give it a try ;-)


OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Foot profile

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Sarah Hoffmann
On Fri, May 02, 2014 at 11:48:56AM +0200, Emmanuel Bégué wrote:
 I'm trying to use foot.lua from cbf-routing-profiles
 direct link:

That's an old unmaintained one which really should be removed. 
Please try one of those two:


They work fine against OSRM versions 0.3.3 - 0.3.9.

 Then I tried to remove the four first lines require... from
 foot.lua, as no require is used in current profiles (and car.lua even
 says in a comment function temporarily inlined).

Those requires are necessecary. The library files can be
found in lib/ and you need to supply the directory path
to osrm-extract and osrm-prepare, like that:

LUA_PATH=$scriptdir/lib/?.lua ./osrm-extract other options

see https://github.com/sosm/cbf-routing-profiles/blob/master/compile_profiles.sh
for how those profiles are used with OSRM in
osm.ch's production environment.

 Is this syntax documented? Or, how does one write a profile from
 scratch? (Or at least, how does one read a profile?)
 (I would be happy to recursively test little modifications to existing
 profiles, but since extract/prepare takes a long time, it doesn't seem
 like a practical solution...)

That's what I did. Use a smaller extract for testing and it
works ok.



 On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Emmanuel Bégué medu...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Sarah Hoffmann lon...@denofr.de wrote:
  We have adapted foot profiles on our Swiss installation[1], which seem
  to work fairly ok. Code is here:
  Thanks!! I'll give it a try ;-)
 OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Oxford spam

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Dan S
Hi Frederik,

Thanks for checking. I've only been down that street a couple of
times, but there are in fact shops there. It's not right inside All
Souls College, it's street-facing - I don't know the shop but I feel
quite content that what we have here is a true shop-mapping. The shop
website lists an address which matches.

However, opening_hours=24/7 is probably wrong. The user probably did
that because the shop has an online presence, but I bet they operate
standard shop opening hours at the address. Anyone confirm?


2014-05-02 8:39 GMT+01:00 Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org:

I have recieved a spam complaint about this:


 It seems that the author has {accidentally,ingenuously} added a faraway
 node to the changeset which makes the box look big, but the only edit
 was in fact adding a shop which might be slightly mis-tagged and
 possibly mis-placed as it claims to be right inside All Souls College
 but I hesitate to simply delete it without local knowledge; maybe
 someone in Oxford can trim/fix/delete this as required.


 Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

 Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [OHM] New York Public Library - Building Inspector

2014-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Tim Waters
Those are some good examples - they appear to be around the same scale
They are monochrome and don't have addresses which should limit a couple of
the types of the tasks.  Could be worth trying the Building Inspector with
this dataset.

I wonder if there's anyone from the NLS on list?

On 1 May 2014 19:11, Rob Nickerson rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes, all Open. It's great.

 In terms of how we could use it here in the UK, the best data I can think
 of is the OS Town Plans for Scotland that NLS have as individual map sheets
 and as a slippy map:


 There is also some great London data:


 We have a pretty good relation with NLS. Is there any interest in our
 community to enquire about working with them?


 On 30 April 2014 15:46, Tim Waters chippy2...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Rob,

 it has been on the list before - but they have recently revamped it and
 added many more features, and maps! In my opinion it's a shining example of
 how geo crowdsourcing applications should be.

 I believe it has been developed internally with the library - and I think
 they are just using Mapbox to host the tiles (originally coming from the
 warper at maps.nypl.org)

 The code is on github: https://github.com/NYPL/building-inspector and
 the data is available to download as well.



 On 29 April 2014 22:44, Rob Nickerson rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com wrote:

 Don't think I've spotted this on the historic mailing list so I'll post

 NYPL digitizing old maps using crowd sourcing. I just gave it a go and
 it works very well.


 Looks like Mapbox has some involvement, or at least the map display has
 a similar style to mapbox's. I wonder whether the software is open as we
 can use this to help OpenHistoricMap.


 Historic mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list