Re: [Talk-de] Osmose QA available on Germany (english)

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-04-26 12:40 GMT+02:00 Simon Poole

 The major issue with osmose is that it invokes the notion of being
 authoritative when it is not, and by that motivates mappers to fix
 things (well actually break them) which are simply false positives.

+1, I suggest to remove the test for roundabouts with missing
junction=roundabout tags, because you can hardly tell from remote whether a
circular road is a roundabout or not (roundabouts have to be signposted to
be such), or at least make the wording weaker, because I fear the
introduction of new errors by overeager correctors.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
FWIW, I just wanted to fix the situation to give you an example, and
someone else was faster, it is already fixed in the way I did suggest

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden phil
On Sun Apr 26 12:35:57 2015 GMT+0100, Rob Nickerson wrote:
 Hi all,
 In the UK (particularly in rural areas) it is common to find a road that
 turns 90 degrees to the left or right without a junction (that is the road
 just continues and white lines mark it as such). Meanwhile another road may
 come in from the other side with a 'give way' style junction.
 Although the road continues round the bend SatNav systems often think it
 is a junction and tell you to turn right/left in 100 yards/meters.
 I wonder whether it is possible to indicate this in OpenStreetMap so that
 routing engines can omit this redundant instruction.
 == Example picture ==
 In the example Oban Road [1] turns to the right to become the northern
 section of Sydnall Road. All main routers tell you to turn right. In my
 opinion this is a redundant instruction (or could be better worded). I've
 tried to add extra nodes so that the road naturally bends but the main
 routing engines still tell you to turn.
 == Question ==
 Could we benefit from a new route relation? For example a route_continues
 relation? Would others find this useful?
And more importantly,  if you need to turn off onto the minor road going 
straight ahead it remains 'silent'.

I have occasionally used a through_route relation in these cases, but lack of 
support from routers does make it seem futile. 

Much like the via way relation,  that one is so needed too.

Phil (trigpoint)

Sent from my Jolla
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 27/04/15 10:45, wrote:
 == Question ==
  Could we benefit from a new route relation? For example a route_continues
  relation? Would others find this useful?
 And more importantly, if you need to turn off onto the minor road going 
 straight ahead it remains 'silent'.
 I have occasionally used a through_route relation in these cases, but lack of 
 support from routers does make it seem futile. 
 Much like the via way relation,  that one is so needed too.

Why do I find that confusing?

Currently in general the directions ignore corners even if there are
roads going off those corners. The complaint is about 'extra' directions
where the corner is actually the main road and the straight on branch is
the turning. If the directions remain silent one would in some
conditions get confused so the safe thing to do is announce both?

The correct wording of the the directions should be perhaps 'road bares
right' and 'go straight on' rather than 'turn right' but that does need
the perhaps missing through_route information? As I said, the
inclusion of road names in OSMAND while useful at times does get
similarly annoying when a 'continue on Axxx' would suffice. In this case
the road id provides the through_route information ... one remains on
the same road ... and the straight on road has a different one which may
just be 'minor road'.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des données de PSS dans OSM

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Vincent Frison

J'en avais déjà parlé il y a quelques temps sur cette liste mais depuis ça
a un peu avancé. Pour rappel le site PSS ( fournit
une base de données avec plus de 47 000 immeubles répartis sur toute la

Mon idée était de récupérer au minimum les infos de hauteur des immeubles
(nombre d'étages ou hauteur réelle) afin de mettre à jour les bâtiments
existants dans OSM, comme j'ai déjà pu le faire très récemment avec la base
open data de Paris (49 000 immeubles mis à jour, soit plus de la moitié des
immeubles parisiens).

De ce que j'ai compris ce qui les gêne dans la licence OSM c'est que les
données peuvent être réutilisées dans des projets commerciaux. Apparemment
il vont bientôt rendre disponible leurs données sous la licence BY-NC-ND (

Comme je ne suis pas du tout un expert sur ces questions juridiques je vous
requiert de l'aide pour savoir que ce qu'on pourrait tirer de cette belle
source de données. Mais peut-être rien du tout à cause des restrictions de
cette licence...

Merci d'avance pour votre aide, Vincent.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-04-27 10:52 GMT+02:00 Cartinus

 If you reread the original mail, then you'll see he already tried this
 himself and it did not work.

Maybe this is caused by geometry simplication in the router? If you have a
detailed look at the overlay you can see that the routing geometry is not
following completely the rendered geometry:

On the other hand, OSRM test website (with apparently different geometry)
also show a turn slight right at this spot:,-1.488334loc=52.453129,-1.489063z=18center=52.453214,-1.489010alt=0df=0re=0ly=-1171809665

I guess in this case I wouldn't mind if I got the turn slight right
instruction, in the end that's what you have to do, but I agree it would be
better to get stay on the road and turn slight right or something like
this. The other case (main road turns right but you have to keep straight)
is more important to be fixed.

talk mailing list

[Talk-it-trentino] Mappiamo per il Nepal?

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
ciao a tutt*
immagino che qualcuno di voi stia già lavorando per arricchire la
mappa del Nepal su OSM.
Mi chiedevo se valeva la pena provare ad organizzare un incontro
formativo a breve in cui ci vediamo come mappers trentini e, se
riusciamo, coinvolgiamo anche altre persone.
Che dite?

Maurizio Napo Napolitano

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des données de PSS dans OSM

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
Si les données sont en NC et ND, il n'y a en effet pas d'intégration
possible dans osm qui est en ODBL, qui permet tant l'usage commercial que
les modifications.
Cependant si le site déverse dans OSM, il pourrait également capter des
données depuis OSM et même en faire business, sous réserve de respecter la
licence ODBL.
Un exemple :

Leur page À propos semble en phase avec le projet communautaire qu'est
OpenStreetMap :

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

Le 27 avril 2015 20:30, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

 Pas de SA peut-être, mais ND: aucune oeuvre dérivée possible, on n'a donc
 le droit qu'à l'utilisation de l'original.

 Ajoute NC et cette version originale est aussi interdite à certaines
 Bref non on ne peut pas changer de licence sur une copie à l'identique de

 SA c'est pour permettre le repartage (modifié ou pas), mais ne permet pas
 non plus un changement de licence.

 Cette oeuvre n'est donc pas libre, et CC-BY-NC-ND est en fait tout à fait
 comparable à une contenu sous copyright publié sur n'importe quel site web
 ne donnant aucune licence explicite, et placé par défaut sur la protection
 générale du copyright.

 C'est le même régime en fait que les cartes de Google Maps (gratuites et
 consultables pour un usage personnel ou une diffusion très limitée à
 l'identique, mais pas libre non plus et soumis aussi à des restrictions
 pour l'utilisation commerciale, qui nécessite l'acquittement de droits pour
 la licenc ou pour en faire des données dérivées, dont Google conserve les
 droits exclusifs).

 C'est le même régime que de nombreux freewares qui sont free as a beer
 (gratuits) mais pas libres et eux aussi resteints pour l'utilsiation

 CC-BY-NC-ND ne sert à rien d'autre que de montrer que le contenu est
 protégé, en offrant un lien ver sune page pour le dire explicitement (et
 cela ne sert que dans les rares pays où le régime du copyright ne
 s'applique pas par défaut mais où le régime serait plus permissif).
 Globalement cela ne sert que pour les utilisations dans les pays qui n'ont
 pas adhéré à la convention de Bern ou au WIPO (je ne suis même pas sûr que
 même en Corée du Nord cette licence soit utile, car si on y contrevient
 là-bas il n'y aura personne pour l'interdire ou recevoir une plainte).

 A mon avis CC devrait même supprimer le support de cette licence inutile
 et qui n'est pas dans ses missions de soutenir les contenus libres.

 Le 27 avril 2015 13:39, dHuy Pierre a écrit :

 Il n'y a pas SA donc pour moi on peut changer la licence à l'export. À

   Le Lundi 27 avril 2015 13h18, Vincent Frison
 a écrit :


 J'en avais déjà parlé il y a quelques temps sur cette liste mais depuis
 ça a un peu avancé. Pour rappel le site PSS (
 fournit une base de données avec plus de 47 000 immeubles répartis sur
 toute la France.

 Mon idée était de récupérer au minimum les infos de hauteur des immeubles
 (nombre d'étages ou hauteur réelle) afin de mettre à jour les bâtiments
 existants dans OSM, comme j'ai déjà pu le faire très récemment avec la base
 open data de Paris (49 000 immeubles mis à jour, soit plus de la moitié des
 immeubles parisiens).

 De ce que j'ai compris ce qui les gêne dans la licence OSM c'est que les
 données peuvent être réutilisées dans des projets commerciaux. Apparemment
 il vont bientôt rendre disponible leurs données sous la licence BY-NC-ND

 Comme je ne suis pas du tout un expert sur ces questions juridiques je
 vous requiert de l'aide pour savoir que ce qu'on pourrait tirer de cette
 belle source de données. Mais peut-être rien du tout à cause des
 restrictions de cette licence...

 Merci d'avance pour votre aide, Vincent.

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden xkomczax

1) část v trubce označit jako tunnel=culvert + layer=-1
2) občasný tok označit tagem intermittent=yes

Obojí se dokonce v současnosti vykresluje na hlavní mapě


 Od: Petr Vozdecký
 Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Datum: 27.04.2015 22:44
 Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi


diky za odpovedi. Mluvim asi o detailech, ktere nejsou importovany. 
Piditoky, pidipritoky apod.

Ziskane odpovedi vygenerovaly dalsi dotazy:
1) mam tok, ktery mizi pod povrchem, je to zatrubnena cast. Mam to tedy (v 
navaznosti na info o nutnosti routovat) s ostatnimi castmi spojit relaci?
2) mam tok (navic evidentne obcasny), ktery mizi pod povrchem a po desitkach
metru se zase vynoruje. Neni to ale zadne propadani ani jiny klasicky 
podzemni krok, proste se do te doby regulerni tok v malem koryte doslova 
vsakne do zeme a zase se objevi o velky kus dal... neni to zadna umela 
meliorace, ale prirodni jev v lese. Mapoval jsem to jako WAY pak nic a pak 
WAY. To je ale teoreticky z hlediska routovani taky spatne...?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: jzvc
Datum: 27. 4. 2015 14:32:51
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

Dne 26.4.2015 v 21:33 Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):

 prosim o nazor jak kreslit vodni tok (napr. waterway=stream) s vodni
 nadrzi (napr. natural=water, water=pond). Konkretne vidam dve reseni,
 jejichz rozdil je v tom, zda WAY ne/prochazi tou nadrzi: pritekajici WAY
 konci spolecnym bodem s CLOSED WAY te nadrze a na vystupu zase zacina
 nova WAY spolecnym bodem - a druhe reseni, pri kterem ta WAY vodniho
 toku prerusena neni. Ve druhem pripade se pak stava, ze ma WAY s CLOSED
 WAY spoolecne 0-2 body (zadny, vstupni nebo vystupni, oba).

 A cele to treba je a nebo neni v relaci...

 Jaky je tedy spravny postup?

viz predchozi, + starsi diskuse v konferenci. Vodni tok by mel vzdy 
zacinat u pramene a koncit u soutoku/v mori. Bez ohledu na to, jestli ma 
nebo nema v ceste nejaky nadrze. Jinak to neni pouzitelny pro navigace 
ani pripadnou analyzu rozvodi ...

Ostatne, drtiva vetsina vodnich toku v CR byla do OSM importovana, takze 
pokud to je nekde jinak, tak to leda znamena, ze to nekdo rozbil. A to 
rozbijeni muze byt dany tim, ze nekde nejaky reneder vykresli osy nad 
plochama = v tom rybnice je to pak videt = nekteri si myslis, ze je to 

 S díky


 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list


Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Tagging der abgeholzten Waldflächen

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden grubernd

On 2015-04-26 10:03, Borut Maricic wrote:

Wie taggt ihr die Flächen, die abgeholzt sind und vor allem
mit Baumstumpfen überseht sind?

als bewohner des steierischen wald-multipolygons, der des öfteren in 
diesem mappt, bin ich für pragmatische lösungen:

flächenoutline, mit scrub oder grassland taggen und danke.

und diese outline ist mit keinen anderen linien und oder flächen in 
irgendeiner weise verknüpft.

stimmt inhaltlich - jetzt (!!) ist dort gemüse und kein Forest - und 
macht spätere anpassung wenn wieder wald ist zu einer einfachen übung.

ich weiss, dass ich mich mit der aussage bei den multipolygon-fans total 
unbeliebt mache, aber solange es keine klare richtlinie für die 
minimalen und/oder maximalen ausdehnungen eines selbigen gibt und was 
zum MP dazugehören muss und was nicht, solange werde ich mich 
grösstenteils weigern komplexere dinge als see + insel oder wiese + 
baumgruppe oder vierkanthof anzugreifen.

wer sich einmal wald in der steiermark angeschaut hat, der wünscht sich, 
dass sich ein multipolygon bei mehr als 10 membern sofort selbst 
tesselieren würde. und zwar un-revertable. ;)


Talk-at mailing list

[OSM-talk] Overpass Quotas

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Roland Olbricht

Dear all,

in the last weeks the server has seen a flood of extra 
requests. Unfortunately, most of these requests have been from a few 
clumsy clients.

The standard pattern has been apparently a server that fires as much 
requests as possible, often some or most of them syntactically correct, 
but semantically nonsense. For example, from one IP adress was sent the 
same query for objects with name Lipkenskothen every 5 seconds (It is 
very unlikely that these few results change more often than once per 
month, hence a frequency of once per day would be more than enough).

While I may block such extreme cases with iptables (i.e., the server 
then appears unreachable from that IP), I would like to avoid manual 
blocking as much as possible. Beside the quite hard challenge of being 
unbiased in blocking decisions, it is also a lot of annoying work.

For that purpose I have changed the quota calculation. I will uphold the 
basic rule that a client shall not send more than one request in 
parallel from an IP. For the other details, I'm trying an A/B-strategy 
for traffic management, hence they may change quite often at the moment.

If you encounter a serious service degradation, in particular sustaining 
HTTP 429 responses, please contact me by mail such that I can adjust the 
algorithm to make fewer or no false positives.



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Petr Vozdecký

diky za odpovedi. Mluvim asi o detailech, ktere nejsou importovany. 
Piditoky, pidipritoky apod.

Ziskane odpovedi vygenerovaly dalsi dotazy:
1) mam tok, ktery mizi pod povrchem, je to zatrubnena cast. Mam to tedy (v 
navaznosti na info o nutnosti routovat) s ostatnimi castmi spojit relaci?
2) mam tok (navic evidentne obcasny), ktery mizi pod povrchem a po desitkach
metru se zase vynoruje. Neni to ale zadne propadani ani jiny klasicky 
podzemni krok, proste se do te doby regulerni tok v malem koryte doslova 
vsakne do zeme a zase se objevi o velky kus dal... neni to zadna umela 
meliorace, ale prirodni jev v lese. Mapoval jsem to jako WAY pak nic a pak 
WAY. To je ale teoreticky z hlediska routovani taky spatne...?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: jzvc
Datum: 27. 4. 2015 14:32:51
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

Dne 26.4.2015 v 21:33 Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):

 prosim o nazor jak kreslit vodni tok (napr. waterway=stream) s vodni
 nadrzi (napr. natural=water, water=pond). Konkretne vidam dve reseni,
 jejichz rozdil je v tom, zda WAY ne/prochazi tou nadrzi: pritekajici WAY
 konci spolecnym bodem s CLOSED WAY te nadrze a na vystupu zase zacina
 nova WAY spolecnym bodem - a druhe reseni, pri kterem ta WAY vodniho
 toku prerusena neni. Ve druhem pripade se pak stava, ze ma WAY s CLOSED
 WAY spoolecne 0-2 body (zadny, vstupni nebo vystupni, oba).

 A cele to treba je a nebo neni v relaci...

 Jaky je tedy spravny postup?

viz predchozi, + starsi diskuse v konferenci. Vodni tok by mel vzdy 
zacinat u pramene a koncit u soutoku/v mori. Bez ohledu na to, jestli ma 
nebo nema v ceste nejaky nadrze. Jinak to neni pouzitelny pro navigace 
ani pripadnou analyzu rozvodi ...

Ostatne, drtiva vetsina vodnich toku v CR byla do OSM importovana, takze 
pokud to je nekde jinak, tak to leda znamena, ze to nekdo rozbil. A to 
rozbijeni muze byt dany tim, ze nekde nejaky reneder vykresli osy nad 
plochama = v tom rybnice je to pak videt = nekteri si myslis, ze je to 

 S díky


 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-es] Weeklyosm #246 en castellano

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Carlos Alonso
 El semanario #246 de weeklyosm, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo
en mundo OSM está en linea en español http:/
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Petr Vozdecký

diky za odpovedi, ale pro uplnost si dovoluji dodat, ze na toto jsem se ne 
zcela ptal. Tyto tagy totiž zmiňované WAYe již mají. Podstatou dotazu byly 
ty casti textu, ktere byly oznaceny otaznikem:
1) mam navazne nadzemni a podzemni casti scelit relaci?
2) mam vodni tok mizejici pod zemi scelit podzemnim vedenim toku i kdyz 
jde jen o tuseny tok?

S diky


-- Původní zpráva --
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
Datum: 27. 4. 2015 22:51:23
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi


1) část v trubce označit jako tunnel=culvert + layer=-1
2) občasný tok označit tagem intermittent=yes

Obojí se dokonce v současnosti vykresluje na hlavní mapě


 Od: Petr Vozdecký
 Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Datum: 27.04.2015 22:44
 Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi


diky za odpovedi. Mluvim asi o detailech, ktere nejsou importovany. 
Piditoky, pidipritoky apod.

Ziskane odpovedi vygenerovaly dalsi dotazy:
1) mam tok, ktery mizi pod povrchem, je to zatrubnena cast. Mam to tedy (v 
navaznosti na info o nutnosti routovat) s ostatnimi castmi spojit relaci?
2) mam tok (navic evidentne obcasny), ktery mizi pod povrchem a po 
metru se zase vynoruje. Neni to ale zadne propadani ani jiny klasicky 
podzemni krok, proste se do te doby regulerni tok v malem koryte doslova 
vsakne do zeme a zase se objevi o velky kus dal... neni to zadna umela 
meliorace, ale prirodni jev v lese. Mapoval jsem to jako WAY pak nic a pak 
WAY. To je ale teoreticky z hlediska routovani taky spatne...?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: jzvc
Datum: 27. 4. 2015 14:32:51
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

Dne 26.4.2015 v 21:33 Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):

 prosim o nazor jak kreslit vodni tok (napr. waterway=stream) s vodni
 nadrzi (napr. natural=water, water=pond). Konkretne vidam dve reseni,
 jejichz rozdil je v tom, zda WAY ne/prochazi tou nadrzi: pritekajici WAY
 konci spolecnym bodem s CLOSED WAY te nadrze a na vystupu zase zacina
 nova WAY spolecnym bodem - a druhe reseni, pri kterem ta WAY vodniho
 toku prerusena neni. Ve druhem pripade se pak stava, ze ma WAY s CLOSED
 WAY spoolecne 0-2 body (zadny, vstupni nebo vystupni, oba).

 A cele to treba je a nebo neni v relaci...

 Jaky je tedy spravny postup?

viz predchozi, + starsi diskuse v konferenci. Vodni tok by mel vzdy 
zacinat u pramene a koncit u soutoku/v mori. Bez ohledu na to, jestli ma 
nebo nema v ceste nejaky nadrze. Jinak to neni pouzitelny pro navigace 
ani pripadnou analyzu rozvodi ...

Ostatne, drtiva vetsina vodnich toku v CR byla do OSM importovana, takze 
pokud to je nekde jinak, tak to leda znamena, ze to nekdo rozbil. A to 
rozbijeni muze byt dany tim, ze nekde nejaky reneder vykresli osy nad 
plochama = v tom rybnice je to pak videt = nekteri si myslis, ze je to 

 S díky


 Talk-cz mailing list

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Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] maxspeed=AT:*

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Friedrich Volkmann
On 27.04.2015 22:56, Markus Straub wrote:
 spricht irgendetwas dagegen maxspeed=AT:* gegen folgendes zu ersetzen:

Ja. Beide Varianten sind zulässig, und sie sind äquivalent. Bitte sowas
nicht unnötig hin und her umtaggen. Wie ich schon zum Thema Kahlschläge
schrieb: Wenn man nichts Neues beizutragen hat, gehört sich solches Umtaggen

Friedrich K. Volkmann
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-at] maxspeed=AT:*

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Markus Straub


spricht irgendetwas dagegen maxspeed=AT:* gegen folgendes zu ersetzen:




Ich denke ersteres ist ein Relikt aus Zeiten mit 
at:maxspeed=Ortsgebiet und sollte ersetzt werden.



Talk-at mailing list

[OSM-talk] GSoC - Accepted students have been announced

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Peter Barth
Hi all,

the list of accepted projects is out and OpenStreetMap will
mentor 8 student projects during Google Summer of Code 2015. You
can have a look at the full list at the google melange site¹.

Additionally, you can have a look at our wiki page here, for the
accepted OSM projects and project details². As the community
bonding period³ starts now, the students have time to get to know
their mentors, read documentation and get up to speed to begin
working on their projects. Official coding begins on 25 May, and
I hope we'll have 8 motivated students who will do a great
project. So you may expect first documentations of progress after
25 May.

We hope that students whose applications were unsuccessful will
nevertheless stay in touch with OpenStreetMap. Contributors are
always welcome, and we have a wealth of interesting projects
available ;)

Happy GSoC,


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Michal Pustějovský
1) Zkus se podívat, zda přesná trasa zatrubněné části není v cuzk:km. Často jde 
také odvodit z tvaru parcel. Podzemní část značit standardně jako řeku s 
layer=-1 a dle situace tunnel=yes/culvert. Relace není třeba, dělení řek na 
více navazujících cest nevadí.

2) Zkusil bych podzemní část trasovat dle 1) a pak bych asi použil tunnel=yes 
nebo location=underground s příp. komentářem situace. Dle toho, co bude vypadat 
líp. Na wiki jsem žádný tag hodící se na tuhle situaci nenašel.


27. dubna 2015 22:43:11 CEST, Petr Vozdecký napsal:

diky za odpovedi. Mluvim asi o detailech, ktere nejsou importovany. 
Piditoky, pidipritoky apod.

Ziskane odpovedi vygenerovaly dalsi dotazy:
1) mam tok, ktery mizi pod povrchem, je to zatrubnena cast. Mam to tedy
navaznosti na info o nutnosti routovat) s ostatnimi castmi spojit
2) mam tok (navic evidentne obcasny), ktery mizi pod povrchem a po
metru se zase vynoruje. Neni to ale zadne propadani ani jiny klasicky 
podzemni krok, proste se do te doby regulerni tok v malem koryte
vsakne do zeme a zase se objevi o velky kus dal... neni to zadna umela 
meliorace, ale prirodni jev v lese. Mapoval jsem to jako WAY pak nic a
WAY. To je ale teoreticky z hlediska routovani taky spatne...?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: jzvc
Datum: 27. 4. 2015 14:32:51
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

Dne 26.4.2015 v 21:33 Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):

 prosim o nazor jak kreslit vodni tok (napr. waterway=stream) s vodni
 nadrzi (napr. natural=water, water=pond). Konkretne vidam dve reseni,
 jejichz rozdil je v tom, zda WAY ne/prochazi tou nadrzi: pritekajici
 konci spolecnym bodem s CLOSED WAY te nadrze a na vystupu zase zacina
 nova WAY spolecnym bodem - a druhe reseni, pri kterem ta WAY vodniho
 toku prerusena neni. Ve druhem pripade se pak stava, ze ma WAY s
 WAY spoolecne 0-2 body (zadny, vstupni nebo vystupni, oba).

 A cele to treba je a nebo neni v relaci...

 Jaky je tedy spravny postup?

viz predchozi, + starsi diskuse v konferenci. Vodni tok by mel vzdy 
zacinat u pramene a koncit u soutoku/v mori. Bez ohledu na to, jestli
nebo nema v ceste nejaky nadrze. Jinak to neni pouzitelny pro navigace 
ani pripadnou analyzu rozvodi ...

Ostatne, drtiva vetsina vodnich toku v CR byla do OSM importovana,
pokud to je nekde jinak, tak to leda znamena, ze to nekdo rozbil. A to 
rozbijeni muze byt dany tim, ze nekde nejaky reneder vykresli osy nad 
plochama = v tom rybnice je to pak videt = nekteri si myslis, ze je

 S díky


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Odesláno z mého telefonu s Androidem pomocí pošty K-9 Mail. Omluvte prosím moji 
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[OSM-talk] Next: Relation name (WAS: Removing redundant routing instructions)

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Rob Nickerson
Ok a few people are agreeing that a relation is needed to assist the
routing engine to provide higher quality instructions (with routing left
unaffected). That's good.

I'd like to get something in the wiki and ideally get it approved (this is
not an invite to talk about the wiki or the approval process - I've heard
it all before).

Question: Should I revive the through_route proposal or start a new one
under a different name, say route_continues (or just continues) so as
to avoid any ambiguity with the use of through route in general language?

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [Talk-us] Great Lakes Boundaries

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden AJ Ashton
On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Mike Thompson wrote:
 Since no objection to removing natural=water from the Lake Superior
relation has been expressed, I have removed it. I also amended the note on
the relation asking that it not be added back in.

Huron, Michigan, and Erie all had the same issue (added at the same time by
the same user) so I removed natural=water from those as well and added a
similar note. Lake Ontario on the other hand is *only* mapped a water
multipolygon (no coastline ways) so I've left it as-is for now.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Mike Thompson wrote:
 I don't think we are out of the woods yet. Overnight the NE end of Isle
Royal became flooded at zoom level 13

This may also be due to outdated coastline shapefiles used by the standard
tile layer (but I am not sure). The coastline data for Isle Royale looks
good as processed in the latest daily files from

 Proposed Course of action.

The proposed course of action for cleaning up the extra/incomplete Lake
Superior relation seems good to me.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Event Calendar on Wiki

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Jochen Topf
On So, Apr 26, 2015 at 12:27:05 -0700, Clifford Snow wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Mike Thompson wrote:
  I added an event (OSM Basics @ Colorado State University...) to the wiki
  (by editing the calendar template as the instructions state), yet it
  doesn't show up on the main wiki page with the other events.  Did I do
  something wrong?
 I see it listed on the wiki main page. You have it scheduled for April 27th.

The Wiki caches pages, so sometimes it can take a while for things to show up.
This is especially true when a wiki page includes parts from other pages like
in this case. I think usually the caching is disabled when you are logged in,
so you should see the up-to-date version then.

Jochen Topf  +49-351-31778688

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Liesinger Platz, Fahrbahn-Mapping, Bus-Relationen zerstört

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Christian Aigner
Am 22.04.2015 um 01:50 schrieb Kevin Kofler:
 Christian Aigner wrote:
 Ich liebe es. Wirklich! (NICHT!!!)

 Da hab ich viele Stunden investiert, um die Busrelationen zu ergänzen
 bzw. überhaupt neu einzutragen, und jetzt kommt da einer daher (User:
 Girolamo) und macht das kaputt.

 Nur weil er meint, er müsse die Fahrbahnen, die nicht baulich getrennt
 sind, aufzutrennen.

 Es ist ein Jammer! :-(
 In dem Fall ist ein Revert wahrscheinlich die beste Lösung.
 Kevin Kofler

Ich werde jetzt noch einmal mit dem User reden, der dafür verantwortlich
ist. Wenn er bereit ist, es rückzubauen, dann bin ich damit zufrieden.

Andernfalls wäre ich auch für einen Revert.


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hundekottütenspender tagging

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 26. April 2015 um 00:24 schrieb Andreas Goss

 Hatten wir das nicht auf Tagging damals mit den Post Dingern schon
 diskutiert? Damals gabe es soweit ich mich erinnere keinen Vorschlag bei
 den ich gesagt hätte ja super passt. Ich wäre auch dafür vending_machiene
 durch einen größeren Überbegriff zu ersetzten, dann braucht man da nicht
 jedes mal zu diskutieren. Automat was ich finde am ehesten hinkommt gibt es
 im Englischen so wohl nicht.

Wieso müssen denn Packstationen und Hundekottütenspender unbedingt
denselben Haupttag erhalten? Geldautomaten haben ja auch einen anderen
Haupttag, Parkuhren AFAIK auch. Sind das nicht dermaßen unterschiedliche
Objekte dass unterschiedliche tags mehr Sinn machen würden? automat gibt
es schon in Englisch, meistens wird allerdings machine benutzt (was auch
Maschine heisst, je nach Kontext, nicht grundsätzlich Automat). Im Falle
von Hundekottütenspendern sind das aber in den mir bekannten Fällen sowieso
keine Automaten, sondern schlichte Spender, d.h. Behältnisse die dazu
dienen, dass man bequem die Tüten entnehmen kann - ohne irgendeinen
Automatismus, ohne elektrischen Strom und ohne Mechanik.

Wie sollte Euerer Meinung nach der Weg sein, wenn man die tags ändern will?
Proposal ins Wiki? Einfach das Wiki ändern, z.B. nach Ankündigung und unter
Einhaltung entsprechender Fristen in denen man auch Einwände wartet?

Falls das bisher nicht ganz klar geworden ist: Ich bin nicht auf der Suche
nach einem allgemeineren Tag der den vending_machine tag komplett ablösen
soll, sondern ich würde gerne die Dinge aus den Verkaufsautomaten
rausnehmen, die auch keine Verkaufsautomaten sind, und dafür einen oder
mehrere bessere(n) tag(s) einführen, von den derzeit auf der engl. Seite
beschriebenen (vielen) Werten betrifft das lediglich diese 3-4:
Hundekottütenspender, Paket/Postannahme- und -ausgabeautomaten, ggf.
Spritzenautomaten, sofern die Spritzen kostenlos sind und man dazu
weitgehend Einigkeit hat (ist ein bisschen ein grenzwertiger Fall). In
allen anderen Fällen passt der tag auf das Objekt.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-04-26 13:35 GMT+02:00 Rob Nickerson

 I wonder whether it is possible to indicate this in OpenStreetMap so that
 routing engines can omit this redundant instruction.

 == Example picture ==

I think you might be able to fix this with micromapping. If you add the
detailed shape (i.e. the curve like it is signed on the road) of the
junction topology it might be solved. It is a general issue in many cases
that the junctions don't get modelled accurately (you can't determine from
the drawn shape which road is continuous and which gets discharged into the
other, because of oversimplification / bad generalization).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Cartinus
If you reread the original mail, then you'll see he already tried this 
himself and it did not work.

On 27-04-15 10:46, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

FWIW, I just wanted to fix the situation to give you an example, and
someone else was faster, it is already fixed in the way I did suggest


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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Steve Doerr

On 26/04/2015 12:35, Rob Nickerson wrote:

In the UK (particularly in rural areas) it is common to find a road 
that turns 90 degrees to the left or right without a junction (that is 
the road just continues and white lines mark it as such). Meanwhile 
another road may come in from the other side with a 'give way' style 

One simple way of representing this situation is to place give_way nodes 
on the subsidiary roads. Whether any routers or renderers make use of 
these to deduce that a particular route through the junction is the 
'through route', I don't know.


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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 27/04/15 09:06, Steve Doerr wrote:
 In the UK (particularly in rural areas) it is common to find a road
 that turns 90 degrees to the left or right without a junction (that is
 the road just continues and white lines mark it as such). Meanwhile
 another road may come in from the other side with a 'give way' style
 One simple way of representing this situation is to place give_way nodes
 on the subsidiary roads. Whether any routers or renderers make use of
 these to deduce that a particular route through the junction is the
 'through route', I don't know.

It does irritate me that OSMAND announces 'turn right onto A46' when I'm
currently driving down the A46, and 'turn slightly left onto M5' when
approaching a slip road to 'turn right onto A46'. There is NOTHING wrong
with the tagging in OSM, it is purely how OSMAND handles each case which
needs further work. Other satnav's do the same sort of thing in
different areas, and around here many roads don't have road numbers, so
when moving between sections of what is essentially the same road one
gets directions about the junction. All that was missing from the
tagging was an indication that it is the same road, so yes signs on the
side junctions might help but it's up to the third party software to
interpret that. The opposite side of the coin is when 'tomtom' tells me
it's 50 miles to the next junction and I know I've got two or three
major interchanges where I need to merge with other traffic. It just
depends what one considers to be redundant. The example given says 'the
white lines mark it as such', but if those white lines are warn or
obscured by mud? The extra direction can ACTUALLY be helpful if it's a
route one has not been before. It only becomes irritating when one is
hearing it for the n'th time ;)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Colin Smale

The trouble with nodes is that they are non-directional. Junctions in
quick succession, and lane-dependent give-ways could make a challenging
scenario for a program to try and make sense of. Why not tag it
explicitly instead of leaving it to heuristics which (by definition)
will not always get it right? 


On 2015-04-27 10:06, Steve Doerr wrote: 

 On 26/04/2015 12:35, Rob Nickerson wrote:
 In the UK (particularly in rural areas) it is common to find a road that 
 turns 90 degrees to the left or right without a junction (that is the road 
 just continues and white lines mark it as such). Meanwhile another road may 
 come in from the other side with a 'give way' style junction.
 One simple way of representing this situation is to place give_way nodes on 
 the subsidiary roads. Whether any routers or renderers make use of these to 
 deduce that a particular route through the junction is the 'through route', I 
 don't know.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Steve Doerr
As I understand it, there is an implied direction in that the convention 
is that the give_way node applies to the nearest intersection involving 
the way. But yes, I can see that involves extra computation.


On 27/04/2015 09:51, Colin Smale wrote:

The trouble with nodes is that they are non-directional. Junctions in 
quick succession, and lane-dependent give-ways could make a 
challenging scenario for a program to try and make sense of. Why not 
tag it explicitly instead of leaving it to heuristics which (by 
definition) will not always get it right?


On 2015-04-27 10:06, Steve Doerr wrote:

On 26/04/2015 12:35, Rob Nickerson wrote:
In the UK (particularly in rural areas) it is common to find a road 
that turns 90 degrees to the left or right without a junction (that 
is the road just continues and white lines mark it as such). 
Meanwhile another road may come in from the other side with a 'give 
way' style junction.

One simple way of representing this situation is to place give_way nodes on the 
subsidiary roads. Whether any routers or renderers make use of these to deduce 
that a particular route through the junction is the 'through route', I don't 

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talk mailing list

[Talk-lt] JOSM prakalbo lietuviškai

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Tomas Straupis
Pagaliau JOSM prakalbo lietuviškai:

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des données de PSS dans OSM

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Jérôme Seigneuret
Il y a deux choses à voir :

   - l'oeuvre à proprement parlé
   - les données.

ODbL est une licence sur les données, alors que Creative Common concerne
les œuvres (site, document etc.)

A voir comment les administrateurs du site seraient donc prêt à partager
les données.

Dans tous les cas on ne peut pas interdire la modification de données dans
OSM et encore moins une utilisation des données pour faire des supports
commerciaux (La carte Michelin est un bel exemple).

... A discuter donc entre le CA d' OSM et les administrateur du site.

C'est vrai que les données sont super intéressantes. Il y a même le statut
de réalisation (construction, terminé)

Le 27 avril 2015 13:39, dHuy Pierre a écrit :

 Il n'y a pas SA donc pour moi on peut changer la licence à l'export. À

   Le Lundi 27 avril 2015 13h18, Vincent Frison
 a écrit :


 J'en avais déjà parlé il y a quelques temps sur cette liste mais depuis ça
 a un peu avancé. Pour rappel le site PSS (
 fournit une base de données avec plus de 47 000 immeubles répartis sur
 toute la France.

 Mon idée était de récupérer au minimum les infos de hauteur des immeubles
 (nombre d'étages ou hauteur réelle) afin de mettre à jour les bâtiments
 existants dans OSM, comme j'ai déjà pu le faire très récemment avec la base
 open data de Paris (49 000 immeubles mis à jour, soit plus de la moitié des
 immeubles parisiens).

 De ce que j'ai compris ce qui les gêne dans la licence OSM c'est que les
 données peuvent être réutilisées dans des projets commerciaux. Apparemment
 il vont bientôt rendre disponible leurs données sous la licence BY-NC-ND (

 Comme je ne suis pas du tout un expert sur ces questions juridiques je
 vous requiert de l'aide pour savoir que ce qu'on pourrait tirer de cette
 belle source de données. Mais peut-être rien du tout à cause des
 restrictions de cette licence...

 Merci d'avance pour votre aide, Vincent.

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl]

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Stefan de Konink
Toch fijn dat het iemand opvalt. Ik heb inderdaad een stofkam door alle verwijzingen gehaald. De website is een volgende stap tot 


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bano, BAN, Ripart et IGN

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
Le 27/04/2015 13:37, Jean-Christophe Becquet a écrit :
 Le 24/04/2015 00:19, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Google n'est pas près d'utiliser de l'ODbL, ils ont même tenté de
 manipuler quelques collectivités dernièrement à ce sujet... mais ça a
 capoté, heureusement !


 À ce sujet, voir notamment :

 et le courrier de l'association Opendata France à Google :

Ce dont je parle est beaucoup plus récent (ces dernières semaines)... 
donc Google ne lâche pas le sujet et risque de revenir à la charge car
ces données sont intéressantes pour eux.

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bano, BAN, Ripart et IGN

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Christophe Becquet

Le 24/04/2015 00:19, Christian Quest a écrit :

Google n'est pas près d'utiliser de l'ODbL, ils ont même tenté de
manipuler quelques collectivités dernièrement à ce sujet... mais ça a
capoté, heureusement !


À ce sujet, voir notamment :

et le courrier de l'association Opendata France à Google :

Bonne continuation


Les logiciels libres pour les collectivités locales et les administrations

==APITUX : le choix du logiciel libre==

APITUX - Jean-Christophe Becquet
BP 32 - 04001 Digne-les-Bains Cedex
06 25 86 07 92 - -
SIRET : 452 887 441 00031 - APE : 6202A


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des données de PSS dans OSM

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Jérôme Seigneuret
Voici la compatibilité des licences (du plus ouvert au moins ouvert) que OSM est en CC-BY-SA pour la publication.

Pour la publie c'est pas compatible en tous cas.

Le 27 avril 2015 13:52, Jérôme Seigneuret a
écrit :

 Il y a deux choses à voir :

- l'oeuvre à proprement parlé
- les données.

 ODbL est une licence sur les données, alors que Creative Common concerne
 les œuvres (site, document etc.)

 A voir comment les administrateurs du site seraient donc prêt à partager
 les données.

 Dans tous les cas on ne peut pas interdire la modification de données dans
 OSM et encore moins une utilisation des données pour faire des supports
 commerciaux (La carte Michelin est un bel exemple).

 ... A discuter donc entre le CA d' OSM et les administrateur du site.

 C'est vrai que les données sont super intéressantes. Il y a même le statut
 de réalisation (construction, terminé)

 Le 27 avril 2015 13:39, dHuy Pierre a écrit :

 Il n'y a pas SA donc pour moi on peut changer la licence à l'export. À

   Le Lundi 27 avril 2015 13h18, Vincent Frison
 a écrit :


 J'en avais déjà parlé il y a quelques temps sur cette liste mais depuis
 ça a un peu avancé. Pour rappel le site PSS (
 fournit une base de données avec plus de 47 000 immeubles répartis sur
 toute la France.

 Mon idée était de récupérer au minimum les infos de hauteur des immeubles
 (nombre d'étages ou hauteur réelle) afin de mettre à jour les bâtiments
 existants dans OSM, comme j'ai déjà pu le faire très récemment avec la base
 open data de Paris (49 000 immeubles mis à jour, soit plus de la moitié des
 immeubles parisiens).

 De ce que j'ai compris ce qui les gêne dans la licence OSM c'est que les
 données peuvent être réutilisées dans des projets commerciaux. Apparemment
 il vont bientôt rendre disponible leurs données sous la licence BY-NC-ND

 Comme je ne suis pas du tout un expert sur ces questions juridiques je
 vous requiert de l'aide pour savoir que ce qu'on pourrait tirer de cette
 belle source de données. Mais peut-être rien du tout à cause des
 restrictions de cette licence...

 Merci d'avance pour votre aide, Vincent.

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] points de vente SNCF en opendata

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Florian LAINEZ
Je bosse à SNCF Transilien et j'essaye de répertorier tous les tags qu'on a
en gare.
Il manque en effet un référentiel précis pour les gares, j'y travaille ...

   - J'utilise shop=ticket pour une boutique, avec les détails qui vont
   avec :

wheelchair=yes; limited; no

   - J'utilise tourism=information avec information=office pour l'accueil /
   le point d'information, toujours avec :

wheelchair=yes; limited; no

@JB je suis d'accord que c'est difficile distinguer un office de tourisme
dans ces conditions, mais j'ai beau chercher et je ne trouve rien de plus
satisfaisant pour l'instant ... si vous avez des idées je suis preneur.


*Florian Lainez*
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Osmose QA available on Germany (english)

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Reimer
Frédéric Rodrigo fred.rodrigo at writes:
 We have finish the coverage of Germany by Osmose QA.

Thank you for this. Osmose made me find a few errors in my area, I wouldn't
have found without this nice tool. Great job!

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des données de PSS dans OSM

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden dHuy Pierre
Il n'y a pas SA donc pour moi on peut changer la licence à l'export. À 

 Le Lundi 27 avril 2015 13h18, Vincent Frison a 
écrit :

J'en avais déjà parlé il y a quelques temps sur cette liste mais depuis ça a un 
peu avancé. Pour rappel le site PSS ( fournit une base 
de données avec plus de 47 000 immeubles répartis sur toute la France.
Mon idée était de récupérer au minimum les infos de hauteur des immeubles 
(nombre d'étages ou hauteur réelle) afin de mettre à jour les bâtiments 
existants dans OSM, comme j'ai déjà pu le faire très récemment avec la base 
open data de Paris (49 000 immeubles mis à jour, soit plus de la moitié des 
immeubles parisiens).
De ce que j'ai compris ce qui les gêne dans la licence OSM c'est que les 
données peuvent être réutilisées dans des projets commerciaux. Apparemment il 
vont bientôt rendre disponible leurs données sous la licence BY-NC-ND 
Comme je ne suis pas du tout un expert sur ces questions juridiques je vous 
requiert de l'aide pour savoir que ce qu'on pourrait tirer de cette belle 
source de données. Mais peut-être rien du tout à cause des restrictions de 
cette licence...
Merci d'avance pour votre aide, Vincent.
Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ar] Invitación a flisol. Charla y mapping party? (Juan Martin)

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Gus Urban
Hola Agustin
como salio todo finalmente?, lamento mucho mi partida antes de tiempo el
sábado. Les mando un abrazo y mapeare algo en la semana y les consulto.
seguimos en contacto

El 24 de abril de 2015, 16:53, Gus Urban escribió:

 hola yo puedo ir de 12.45 a 14 ... aclaro que también iría como un
 aprendiz mas.
 abrazo para todos

 El 24 de abril de 2015, 16:49, Juan Martin Muguerza

 El Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:41:37 -0300
 Agustin Rissoli escribió:
  Yo pienso ir a eso de la 1, portátil no tengo, pero bueno vemos
  ¿alguien mas que vaya y vamos acomodando un horario?
  Tal vez podríamos mejorar la zona ¿les parece si llevo unos walking

 Entre 12:45 y 2pm es un muy buen horario para estar, ya que es el
 receso y no va a haber otras charlas o talleres. Mucha gente va a
 andar dando vueltas y se pueden acercar para saber mas de OSM y tal vez
 sumarse a la mapping party.

 Si querés lleva walking papers, y si hay quorum pueden salir a mapear
 la zona, o sino quedan como exposición.

 Mañana vemos si se puede trasladar la mapping party a un lab o nos dan
 netbooks. De última, va a estar mi notebook disponible que tiene JOSM

 Cristian Paez y Gus Urban por acá habían comentado que le interesaba
 ir, y entre los organizadores de flisol hay un par más interesados.

 Nos vemos!

 Talk-ar mailing list

Talk-ar mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden jzvc

Dne 26.4.2015 v 21:33 Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):


prosim o nazor jak kreslit vodni tok (napr. waterway=stream) s vodni
nadrzi (napr. natural=water, water=pond). Konkretne vidam dve reseni,
jejichz rozdil je v tom, zda WAY ne/prochazi tou nadrzi: pritekajici WAY
konci spolecnym bodem s CLOSED WAY te nadrze a na vystupu zase zacina
nova WAY spolecnym bodem - a druhe reseni, pri kterem ta WAY vodniho
toku prerusena neni. Ve druhem pripade se pak stava, ze ma WAY s CLOSED
WAY spoolecne 0-2 body (zadny, vstupni nebo vystupni, oba).

A cele to treba je a nebo neni v relaci...

Jaky je tedy spravny postup?

viz predchozi, + starsi diskuse v konferenci. Vodni tok by mel vzdy 
zacinat u pramene a koncit u soutoku/v mori. Bez ohledu na to, jestli ma 
nebo nema v ceste nejaky nadrze. Jinak to neni pouzitelny pro navigace 
ani pripadnou analyzu rozvodi ...

Ostatne, drtiva vetsina vodnich toku v CR byla do OSM importovana, takze 
pokud to je nekde jinak, tak to leda znamena, ze to nekdo rozbil. A to 
rozbijeni muze byt dany tim, ze nekde nejaky reneder vykresli osy nad 
plochama = v tom rybnice je to pak videt = nekteri si myslis, ze je to 

S díky


Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] SOTM 2016 @ ULB

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Nicolas Pettiaux

Dear All,

About SOTM 2016, I have asked the ULB about availability. I am thinking 
about the rooms in building K and H where most of Fosdem and RMLL have 
taken place.

The person in charge tells me

Vu les besoins en locaux, il faut oublier la période
 Cela sera tout simplement impossible.

Est-ce que vendredi 29, samedi 30 et dimanche 31 juillet 2016 pourrait
convenir ?

What do you think about such dates for SOTM 2016 ?


Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  -
Open@work - Une société libre utilise des outils libres

«Apprendre aux élèves à utiliser les produits privateurs de Microsoft, 
Google ou Oracle, c'est comme leur apprendre à fumer. C'est leur donner 
une habitude coûteuse, dangereuse et dont ils se déferont 
difficilement.» Richard Stallman

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] SOTM 2016 @ ULB

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Florian LAINEZ
tant que c'est pas avant le 10 juillet ...

Le 27 avril 2015 14:39, Nicolas Pettiaux a écrit :

 Dear All,

 About SOTM 2016, I have asked the ULB about availability. I am thinking
 about the rooms in building K and H where most of Fosdem and RMLL have
 taken place.

 The person in charge tells me

 Vu les besoins en locaux, il faut oublier la période
  Cela sera tout simplement impossible.

 Est-ce que vendredi 29, samedi 30 et dimanche 31 juillet 2016 pourrait
 convenir ?

 What do you think about such dates for SOTM 2016 ?


 Nicolas Pettiaux, phd  -
 Open@work - Une société libre utilise des outils libres

 «Apprendre aux élèves à utiliser les produits privateurs de Microsoft,
 Google ou Oracle, c'est comme leur apprendre à fumer. C'est leur donner une
 habitude coûteuse, dangereuse et dont ils se déferont difficilement.»
 Richard Stallman

 Talk-fr mailing list


*Florian Lainez*
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden phil

On Mon Apr 27 15:07:45 2015 GMT+0100, Marc Gemis wrote:
 As long as the name (or the ref/int_ref) of the street remains the same, I
 think the router should be able to give other messages than turn right.
 There is no need for an additional relation IMHO.
There is often no ref, or name. If there is a name it will often change. 

Phil (trigpoint )
 On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Lester Caine wrote:
  On 27/04/15 10:45, wrote:
   == Question ==
Could we benefit from a new route relation? For example a
relation? Would others find this useful?
   And more importantly, if you need to turn off onto the minor road going
  straight ahead it remains 'silent'.
   I have occasionally used a through_route relation in these cases, but
  lack of support from routers does make it seem futile.
   Much like the via way relation,  that one is so needed too.
  Why do I find that confusing?
  Currently in general the directions ignore corners even if there are
  roads going off those corners. The complaint is about 'extra' directions
  where the corner is actually the main road and the straight on branch is
  the turning. If the directions remain silent one would in some
  conditions get confused so the safe thing to do is announce both?
  The correct wording of the the directions should be perhaps 'road bares
  right' and 'go straight on' rather than 'turn right' but that does need
  the perhaps missing through_route information? As I said, the
  inclusion of road names in OSMAND while useful at times does get
  similarly annoying when a 'continue on Axxx' would suffice. In this case
  the road id provides the through_route information ... one remains on
  the same road ... and the straight on road has a different one which may
  just be 'minor road'.
  Lester Caine - G8HFL
  Contact -
  L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
  EnquirySolve -
  Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
  Rainbow Digital Media -
  talk mailing list

Sent from my Jolla
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sidewalks

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Robert Kaiser

pmailkeey . schrieb:

I've always considered OSM to be two maps - a geographic and a routing.

And actually, when you look deeper, both is wrong. It's first and 
foremost a database of geographic information, out of which both a map 
(of various styles) and a routing graph can be constructed - and 
probably even more than that.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
As long as the name (or the ref/int_ref) of the street remains the same, I
think the router should be able to give other messages than turn right.
There is no need for an additional relation IMHO.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Lester Caine wrote:

 On 27/04/15 10:45, wrote:
  == Question ==
   Could we benefit from a new route relation? For example a
   relation? Would others find this useful?
  And more importantly, if you need to turn off onto the minor road going
 straight ahead it remains 'silent'.
  I have occasionally used a through_route relation in these cases, but
 lack of support from routers does make it seem futile.
  Much like the via way relation,  that one is so needed too.

 Why do I find that confusing?

 Currently in general the directions ignore corners even if there are
 roads going off those corners. The complaint is about 'extra' directions
 where the corner is actually the main road and the straight on branch is
 the turning. If the directions remain silent one would in some
 conditions get confused so the safe thing to do is announce both?

 The correct wording of the the directions should be perhaps 'road bares
 right' and 'go straight on' rather than 'turn right' but that does need
 the perhaps missing through_route information? As I said, the
 inclusion of road names in OSMAND while useful at times does get
 similarly annoying when a 'continue on Axxx' would suffice. In this case
 the road id provides the through_route information ... one remains on
 the same road ... and the straight on road has a different one which may
 just be 'minor road'.

 Lester Caine - G8HFL
 Contact -
 L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
 EnquirySolve -
 Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
 Rainbow Digital Media -

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Osmose QA available on Germany (english)

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
The tool is powerful and useful (and it detected correctly some of my
Thank you!

The critical remarks made by Simon and Martin are basically requests for
better wording or category, i.e. warning/potential error instead of
error. Any such instrument has this potential side effect and can be
improved with time.


(Padova, Italy)
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Great Lakes Boundaries

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Jim McAndrew

Thanks for doing this! It sounds like a much bigger ordeal than I had
originally thought.


On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Mike Thompson wrote:


 Since no objection to removing natural=water from the Lake Superior
 relation has been expressed, I have removed it. I also amended the note on
 the relation asking that it not be added back in.


 On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 9:08 PM, David Fawcett

 Inland sea...

 On Apr 25, 2015, at 8:19 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer

 Am 24.04.2015 um 17:23 schrieb AJ Ashton

 Yes, if Lake Superior is mapped as natural=coastline (which I think is
 the easier-to-maintain approach for such a large  complex water body) then
 we should remove natural=water from the multipolygon relation (r4039486).
 Does anyone have any objection to this? It's causing some noticeable
 rendering issues both in the standard style and for data consumers.

 yes, if the coastline tag remains it seems logical to remove the
 natural=water tag. Semantically the coastline tag on a freshwater lake is
 clearly wrong, but it seems to be an accepted compromise in this case:


 Talk-us mailing list

 Talk-us mailing list

 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
I should have written then there is no need (with then when there is a
name or ref that stays the same)
in the other cases you need a relation.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 4:18 PM, wrote:

 On Mon Apr 27 15:07:45 2015 GMT+0100, Marc Gemis wrote:
  As long as the name (or the ref/int_ref) of the street remains the same,
  think the router should be able to give other messages than turn right.
  There is no need for an additional relation IMHO.
 There is often no ref, or name. If there is a name it will often change.

 Phil (trigpoint )
  On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Lester Caine
   On 27/04/15 10:45, wrote:
== Question ==

 Could we benefit from a new route relation? For example a
 relation? Would others find this useful?

And more importantly, if you need to turn off onto the minor road
   straight ahead it remains 'silent'.
I have occasionally used a through_route relation in these cases, but
   lack of support from routers does make it seem futile.
Much like the via way relation,  that one is so needed too.
   Why do I find that confusing?
   Currently in general the directions ignore corners even if there are
   roads going off those corners. The complaint is about 'extra'
   where the corner is actually the main road and the straight on branch
   the turning. If the directions remain silent one would in some
   conditions get confused so the safe thing to do is announce both?
   The correct wording of the the directions should be perhaps 'road bares
   right' and 'go straight on' rather than 'turn right' but that does need
   the perhaps missing through_route information? As I said, the
   inclusion of road names in OSMAND while useful at times does get
   similarly annoying when a 'continue on Axxx' would suffice. In this
   the road id provides the through_route information ... one remains on
   the same road ... and the straight on road has a different one which
   just be 'minor road'.
   Lester Caine - G8HFL
   Contact -
   L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
   EnquirySolve -
   Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
   Rainbow Digital Media -
   talk mailing list

 Sent from my Jolla
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Colin Smale

Won't work in the UK as there are plenty of cases where you have to give
way and make a proper turn in order to stay on the same road name and/or
ref. The concept even has a name - TOTSO which means Turn Off To Stay

You cannot reliably infer from the geometry and name/ref which road (or
lanes) has to give way. The only way to improve the navigation
instructions is by giving hints. 

This is not a routing question - nobody here is discussing which road is
the best way to MyTown - it's about how you present the router's choices
to the user. 


On 2015-04-27 16:07, Marc Gemis wrote: 

 As long as the name (or the ref/int_ref) of the street remains the same, I 
 think the router should be able to give other messages than turn right. 
 There is no need for an additional relation IMHO. 
 On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Lester Caine wrote:
 On 27/04/15 10:45, wrote:
 == Question ==

 Could we benefit from a new route relation? For example a 
 relation? Would others find this useful?

 And more importantly, if you need to turn off onto the minor road going 
 straight ahead it remains 'silent'.
 I have occasionally used a through_route relation in these cases, but lack 
 of support from routers does make it seem futile.
 Much like the via way relation, that one is so needed too.
 Why do I find that confusing?
 Currently in general the directions ignore corners even if there are
 roads going off those corners. The complaint is about 'extra' directions
 where the corner is actually the main road and the straight on branch is
 the turning. If the directions remain silent one would in some
 conditions get confused so the safe thing to do is announce both?
 The correct wording of the the directions should be perhaps 'road bares
 right' and 'go straight on' rather than 'turn right' but that does need
 the perhaps missing through_route information? As I said, the
 inclusion of road names in OSMAND while useful at times does get
 similarly annoying when a 'continue on Axxx' would suffice. In this case
 the road id provides the through_route information ... one remains on
 the same road ... and the straight on road has a different one which may
 just be 'minor road'.
 Lester Caine - G8HFL
 Contact - [1]
 L.S.Caine Electronic Services - [2]
 EnquirySolve - [3]
 Model Engineers Digital Workshop - [4]
 Rainbow Digital Media - [5]
 talk mailing list [6]
 talk mailing list [6]

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sidewalks

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Robert Kaiser

Roland Olbricht schrieb:

our current pedestrian routers often don't give street names, but
instead only instructions like look for the line on the map.
To improve that I would like to encourage mappers to give separately
mapped footways their proper name instead of leaving them without name.

The only correct way to put that into a clean DB model would be to 
create a relation that has the name on it *once* and has all pieces as 
members to which the name applies, including all pieces of street, 
sidewalk, etc.
Now that is considered impractical by most people due to the editing 
strain (we know how likely people already mess up relations right now).

Also, note that what you propose needs actual change of the current 
renderers as they do not at this time ignore the multiple names but 
instead make maps look really ugly (well, most separately mapped 
sidewalks make the map look ugly in current renderers).


talk mailing list

[Talk-br] Evento de mapeamento na USP São Carlos

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Joao Porto

Hoje fizemos um evento de mapeamento humanitário com os estudantes da USP
São Carlos para o Nepal e Xanxerê (aparentemente os estudantes se
concentraram mais no Nepal):

Agradeço muito ao Wille que fez um webinar introdutório aos estudantes,
mesmo com o aviso em cima da hora, muito obrigado!

Espero que tenhamos ajudado os esforços humanitários e ganhado alguns novos
mapeadores para a comunidade OSM Brasil.

João Porto
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Recuperação de dados em Viana do Castelo

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Rui Oliveira
Aproveito este e-mail para deixar um desafio amigável a alguem mais
famirilizado com o OSM para fazerem um tutorial de como reverter um certo
changeset. Embora eu já tenha uns anos nesta comunidade é algo que nunca
consegui aprender devido à documentação do Wiki oficial,  ser algo difusa e
na minha opinião insuficiente para se perceber na totalidade o processo.

Fica o desafio pois gostava de eu próprio por vezes corrigir erros
semelhantes ao defeito neste e-mail em vez de ter que vir pedir para a
lista. Certamente não serei o único com este interesse.

Em 28/04/2015 00:40, Marcos Oliveira

 Olá Topo Lusitania,

 Reverti a changeset 30430108, a floresta e a área residencial já voltam a
 aparecer no mapa. [1]

 Obrigado Mazezito pelo aviso e à Topo Lusitánia pela notificação!


 No dia 28 de abril de 2015 às 00:08, Topo Lusitania Lusitania escreveu:


 Reencaminhamos a mensagem para os  peritos em recuperar dados


 Olá topolusitania,
 Mazezito enviou-lhe uma
 mensagem através do OpenStreetMap com o assunto Resolução de Problemas em
 Viana do Castelo:
 Boas consegues resolver os estragos que um utilizador causou em Viana do
 Ele eliminou uma área florestal e residencial.
 Já mandei uma mensagem a ele mas não obtive resposta e eu não sei reparar
 Comprimentos Maze


 A equipa TopoLusitania

 Talk-pt mailing list

 Um Abraço,
 Marcos Oliveira

 Talk-pt mailing list

Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Recuperação de dados em Viana do Castelo

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Rui Oliveira
101% a favor!
Em 28/04/2015 00:55, Marcos Oliveira

 Rui e restantes membros,

 São a favor da criação de um tópico na wiki portuguesa que explique de
 forma sucinta conceitos que podem ser úteis a todos como reversões,
 conflações, evitação de conflitos, etc?

 No dia 28 de abril de 2015 às 00:49, Rui Oliveira

 Aproveito este e-mail para deixar um desafio amigável a alguem mais
 famirilizado com o OSM para fazerem um tutorial de como reverter um certo
 changeset. Embora eu já tenha uns anos nesta comunidade é algo que nunca
 consegui aprender devido à documentação do Wiki oficial,  ser algo difusa e
 na minha opinião insuficiente para se perceber na totalidade o processo.

 Fica o desafio pois gostava de eu próprio por vezes corrigir erros
 semelhantes ao defeito neste e-mail em vez de ter que vir pedir para a
 lista. Certamente não serei o único com este interesse.

 Em 28/04/2015 00:40, Marcos Oliveira

 Olá Topo Lusitania,

 Reverti a changeset 30430108, a floresta e a área residencial já voltam
 a aparecer no mapa. [1]

 Obrigado Mazezito pelo aviso e à Topo Lusitánia pela notificação!


 No dia 28 de abril de 2015 às 00:08, Topo Lusitania Lusitania escreveu:


 Reencaminhamos a mensagem para os  peritos em recuperar dados


 Olá topolusitania,
 Mazezito enviou-lhe uma
 mensagem através do OpenStreetMap com o assunto Resolução de Problemas em
 Viana do Castelo:
 Boas consegues resolver os estragos que um utilizador causou em Viana
 do Castelo?
 Ele eliminou uma área florestal e residencial.
 Já mandei uma mensagem a ele mas não obtive resposta e eu não sei
 reparar “changesets”.
 Comprimentos Maze


 A equipa TopoLusitania

 Talk-pt mailing list

 Um Abraço,
 Marcos Oliveira

 Talk-pt mailing list

 Talk-pt mailing list

 Um Abraço,
 Marcos Oliveira

 Talk-pt mailing list

Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM Tile Cache

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Mike Thompson

I tested version 8287. I can go ahead and submit a bug report, but wanted
to let you know the results directly.  It seems that refreshed Mapnik tiles
will only show up after they show up in a browser window open to  Let me explain.  I make a change with JOSM, upload
it and then, with Mapnik as the imagery layer, right click on the image and
click Flush Tile Cache.  The screen flickers, but the tiles appear the
same. I repeat the Flush Tile Cache several times over the next few
minutes with the same result. I go to the browser (Chrome 42.0.2311.90
m) window
open to the same area and zoom level, and hit F5.
Updated tiles are displayed. I then return to JOSM, Flush Tile Cache and
then the updated tiles are displayed in JOSM as well.  To attempt to prove
that it isn't just coincidence,  I have repeated the whole test a number of
times with the same results.  Is it possible that JOSM uses the same tile
cache as Chrome (but is unable to flush it directly)?


On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:26 AM, Mike Thompson wrote:


 Thanks for your reply and for the information.  I test with the
 development version.


 On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Paul Hartmann wrote:

 Hi Mike,

 There has been a major rework of the TMS cache back end in version
 8168-8186. If you can still reproduce this problem with the current
 development build or with the upcoming release, then please don't hesitate
 to report it directly on the JOSM bug tracker!


 On 23.04.2015 22:58, Mike Thompson wrote:

 I am using JOSM version 8109 on Windows 7.

 I would like to flush JOSM's OpenStreetMap (Mapnik) tile cache. With
 OpenStreetMap (Mapnik) layer displayed, I right clicked on the map, and
 then clicked on Flush Tile Cache, but I still see outdated tiles (when
 compared to the website - I made sure both were on the
 same zoom level). I also tried, in conjunction with the above, removing
 re-adding the OpenStreetMap (Mapnik) layer, as well as restarting JOSM.

 Finally I tried renaming the OpenStreetMap (Mapnik) folder in the
 following location: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\JOSM\cache\tms
   (this is the location the imagery.tms.tilecache preference is set to).
 Only after doing this were the tiles updated.

 Does the Flush Tile Cache work? I saw a bug report[1] about something
 like this, but it was closed four years ago as fixed.  If it is
 am I using it correctly?




 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Bryce Nesbitt
I'd call this mostly a routing presentation issue.  If the road name is the
same, I'd want any super sharp curve
to warn me:  Tight left in 100 meters, or  15mph left turn ahead.  The
very fact of the OSM geometry ought to be
enough to calculate the necessary warning.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Vozdecký
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
Datum: 27. 4. 2015 23:18:48
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi


diky za odpovedi, ale pro uplnost si dovoluji dodat, ze na toto jsem se ne 
zcela ptal. Tyto tagy totiž zmiňované WAYe již mají. Podstatou dotazu byly 
ty casti textu, ktere byly oznaceny otaznikem:
1) mam navazne nadzemni a podzemni casti scelit relaci?

Pokud ty dvě cesty mají společný uzel (a to by měly mít), tak ne.

2) mam vodni tok mizejici pod zemi scelit podzemnim vedenim toku i kdyz 
jde jen o tuseny tok?

Myslím, že jo. Na tu tušenou část přidej fixme=. Něco jako potřebuje 
zpřesnit nebo pouze odhad.


S diky


-- Původní zpráva --
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
Datum: 27. 4. 2015 22:51:23
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi


1) část v trubce označit jako tunnel=culvert + layer=-1
2) občasný tok označit tagem intermittent=yes

Obojí se dokonce v současnosti vykresluje na hlavní mapě


 Od: Petr Vozdecký
 Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Datum: 27.04.2015 22:44
 Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi


diky za odpovedi. Mluvim asi o detailech, ktere nejsou importovany. 
Piditoky, pidipritoky apod.

Ziskane odpovedi vygenerovaly dalsi dotazy:
1) mam tok, ktery mizi pod povrchem, je to zatrubnena cast. Mam to tedy (v 
navaznosti na info o nutnosti routovat) s ostatnimi castmi spojit relaci?
2) mam tok (navic evidentne obcasny), ktery mizi pod povrchem a po 
metru se zase vynoruje. Neni to ale zadne propadani ani jiny klasicky 
podzemni krok, proste se do te doby regulerni tok v malem koryte doslova 
vsakne do zeme a zase se objevi o velky kus dal... neni to zadna umela 
meliorace, ale prirodni jev v lese. Mapoval jsem to jako WAY pak nic a pak 
WAY. To je ale teoreticky z hlediska routovani taky spatne...?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: jzvc
Datum: 27. 4. 2015 14:32:51
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kresleni vodniho toku s vodni nadrzi

Dne 26.4.2015 v 21:33 Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):

 prosim o nazor jak kreslit vodni tok (napr. waterway=stream) s vodni
 nadrzi (napr. natural=water, water=pond). Konkretne vidam dve reseni,
 jejichz rozdil je v tom, zda WAY ne/prochazi tou nadrzi: pritekajici WAY
 konci spolecnym bodem s CLOSED WAY te nadrze a na vystupu zase zacina
 nova WAY spolecnym bodem - a druhe reseni, pri kterem ta WAY vodniho
 toku prerusena neni. Ve druhem pripade se pak stava, ze ma WAY s CLOSED
 WAY spoolecne 0-2 body (zadny, vstupni nebo vystupni, oba).

 A cele to treba je a nebo neni v relaci...

 Jaky je tedy spravny postup?

viz predchozi, + starsi diskuse v konferenci. Vodni tok by mel vzdy 
zacinat u pramene a koncit u soutoku/v mori. Bez ohledu na to, jestli ma 
nebo nema v ceste nejaky nadrze. Jinak to neni pouzitelny pro navigace 
ani pripadnou analyzu rozvodi ...

Ostatne, drtiva vetsina vodnich toku v CR byla do OSM importovana, takze 
pokud to je nekde jinak, tak to leda znamena, ze to nekdo rozbil. A to 
rozbijeni muze byt dany tim, ze nekde nejaky reneder vykresli osy nad 
plochama = v tom rybnice je to pak videt = nekteri si myslis, ze je to 

 S díky


 Talk-cz mailing list

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Talk-cz mailing list;
Talk-cz mailing list;___
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[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Ghoists igns

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Andy Mabbett
Is anyone tagging ghost signs:

around the West Midlands?

Andy Mabbett

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden pmailkeey .
On 27 April 2015 at 13:52, Lester Caine wrote:

 On 27/04/15 13:17, pmailkeey . wrote:
  Is the 'through route' and 'the same road' the same thing ? and does it
  mean that the road number stays the same or that you do not cross the
  white paint ?

 One of the routes I follow regularly is an old Roman cross road which is
 straight, but crosses several more major roads with give way or stop at
 every junction. It is the one B class road, but crosses white paint at
 every junction. So there is not a general rule that can be applied. The
 place 'through route' would be helpful is where a road bends at a
 junction, and the main route route is not straight on. In the example
 given, the road name changed and if there is no road reference to
 override that then either you announce the turn, or you need something
 else to switch it off?

I think the answer is that less ambiguous terminology is needed. 'Turn off'
and 'stay on' are ambiguous.

Also, instructions relying on something else aren't good, e.g. Follow 'A1'.

@millomweb -
For all your info on Millom and South Copeland
via *the area's premier website - *

*currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family, property

talk mailing list

[Talk-it] sentieri - accessibilità ciclistica/pedonale

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Lotti
In zone rurali/forestali spesso si vedono sentieri (highway=path) con tag
bicycle=yes o foot=yes senza altre restrizioni di divieto.
Ha senso lasciare tali tag ? Lo chiedo perchè opencyclemap per esempio
disegna path con bicycle=yes con colore blu, al pari di una pista ciclabile
quando invece si tratta di un semplice sentiero, magari anche poco indicato
per utilizzo ciclistico che non sia mtb, a mio avviso generando un po' di
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Removing redundant routing instructions

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 27/04/15 16:49, pmailkeey . wrote:
 On 27 April 2015 at 13:52, Lester Caine wrote:
 On 27/04/15 13:17, pmailkeey . wrote:
  Is the 'through route' and 'the same road' the same thing ? and does it
  mean that the road number stays the same or that you do not cross the
  white paint ?
 One of the routes I follow regularly is an old Roman cross road which is
 straight, but crosses several more major roads with give way or stop at
 every junction. It is the one B class road, but crosses white paint at
 every junction. So there is not a general rule that can be applied. The
 place 'through route' would be helpful is where a road bends at a
 junction, and the main route route is not straight on. In the example
 given, the road name changed and if there is no road reference to
 override that then either you announce the turn, or you need something
 else to switch it off?
 I think the answer is that less ambiguous terminology is needed. 'Turn
 off' and 'stay on' are ambiguous.
 Also, instructions relying on something else aren't good, e.g. Follow 'A1'.

As I said ... 'turn onto A46' when one is already on the A46 ... As long
a one has an identifier that matches before and after a junction, then
the speech set CAN change. Where you have a traffic route that has road
names then it should perhaps be optional to use the road names and while
the 'A' route gives 'stay on', the change of road name gives the 'over
junction to yyy'. With unnamed roads then something else would be needed
to identify the through_route, but if that is an extra tag, or just
'give way' on the other connections just needs some agreement.

While we don't 'tag for the routers', a few common ground rules that
ensure that how a junction is navigate can be consistently 'routed'
would not hurt and is just sensible data to be included in the database.
From a rendering point of view it should allow the 'white lines' to be
added even if they don't physically exist. While a give way should have
road markings, often these days it IS only a sign.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Ghoists igns

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Andy Robinson
I believe White Lady may be covering these


-Original Message-
From: Andy Mabbett [] 
Sent: 27 April 2015 16:47
To: talk-gb-westmidlands
Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Ghoists igns

Is anyone tagging ghost signs:

around the West Midlands?

Andy Mabbett

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[Talk-es] Mapping response for the Nepal earthquake HOT

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Wladimir Szczerban
Hola a todos,

Disculpad el cross posting

Desde geoinquiets estamos organizando mañana 28 de abril de 2015 un
mapathon[1] para ayudar con las tareas del HOT [2]

Por temas organizativos estaría bien que los que vayan a asistir avisen por
esta vía o se apunten la wiki[1].



Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] sentieri - accessibilità ciclistica/pedonale

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-04-27 18:16 GMT+02:00 Francesco Lotti

 In zone rurali/forestali spesso si vedono sentieri (highway=path) con tag
 bicycle=yes o foot=yes senza altre restrizioni di divieto.
 Ha senso lasciare tali tag ? Lo chiedo perchè opencyclemap per esempio
 disegna path con bicycle=yes con colore blu, al pari di una pista ciclabile
 quando invece si tratta di un semplice sentiero, magari anche poco indicato
 per utilizzo ciclistico che non sia mtb, a mio avviso generando un po' di

penso che ha senso lasciare i tags (ci dicono che qualcuno ha controllato
queste proprietà). Invece il problema del rendering sembra da parte di OCM
(dovrebbe renderizzare bicycle=designated/official in quel modo, e non un
solo bicycle=yes).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sidewalks

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-04-27 16:43 GMT+02:00 Robert Kaiser

 The only correct way to put that into a clean DB model would be to create
 a relation that has the name on it *once* and has all pieces as members to
 which the name applies, including all pieces of street, sidewalk, etc.

there is a kind of informal guideline that states you shouldn't use
relations for things that can be expressed with a tag (e.g. relations like
all streets of type x in a country b should be omitted because you don't
gain anything more than is already in the db). Redundancy (like repeating
the name on the parts) is more stable than a relation (also because
relations are not handled very well by some editing programs, and the
concept seems more complex for new mappers than simple tags are). OSM is
likely not a clean DB model in your sense, at least it prefers redundancy
and transparency over complexity and formal simplicity.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] sentieri - accessibilità ciclistica/pedonale

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 27/04/2015 18:16, Francesco Lotti ha scritto:
 Ciao, In zone rurali/forestali spesso si vedono sentieri
 (highway=path) con tag bicycle=yes o foot=yes senza altre
 restrizioni di divieto. Ha senso lasciare tali tag ? Lo chiedo
 perchè opencyclemap per esempio disegna path con bicycle=yes con
 colore blu, al pari di una pista ciclabile quando invece si tratta
 di un semplice sentiero, magari anche poco indicato per utilizzo
 ciclistico che non sia mtb, a mio avviso generando un po' di 

Per i sentieri, generalmente esiste il tag mtb=*, laddove la larghezza
del sentiero permette.

bicycles=* lo vedo un tag utile solo dove il sentiero o strada rurale
sia tale da consentire il passaggio a biciclette generiche, mentre mi
soffermerei su mtb=* nel caso di sentieri un pò impervi, mi sembra più

Per le restrizioni, bisognerebbe conoscere le località ed i cartelli
del posto, per cui non mi pronuncio.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Recuperação de dados em Viana do Castelo

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Marcos Oliveira
Olá Topo Lusitania,

Reverti a changeset 30430108, a floresta e a área residencial já voltam a
aparecer no mapa. [1]

Obrigado Mazezito pelo aviso e à Topo Lusitánia pela notificação!


No dia 28 de abril de 2015 às 00:08, Topo Lusitania Lusitania escreveu:


 Reencaminhamos a mensagem para os  peritos em recuperar dados


 Olá topolusitania,
 Mazezito enviou-lhe uma
 mensagem através do OpenStreetMap com o assunto Resolução de Problemas em
 Viana do Castelo:
 Boas consegues resolver os estragos que um utilizador causou em Viana do
 Ele eliminou uma área florestal e residencial.
 Já mandei uma mensagem a ele mas não obtive resposta e eu não sei reparar
 Comprimentos Maze


 A equipa TopoLusitania

 Talk-pt mailing list

Um Abraço,
Marcos Oliveira
Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hundekottütenspender tagging

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Holger Mappt

On 2015-04-27 at 11:03 +0200 Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Im Falle
von Hundekottütenspendern sind das aber in den mir bekannten Fällen sowieso
keine Automaten, sondern schlichte Spender, d.h. Behältnisse die dazu
dienen, dass man bequem die Tüten entnehmen kann - ohne irgendeinen
Automatismus, ohne elektrischen Strom und ohne Mechanik.

Wie es schon andere geschrieben haben sehe ich auch vending_machine als 
ein Ding, aus dem man sich andere Dinge herausholen kann. Im Unterschied 
zu einen Laden. Strom, Mechanik, ein Automatismus oder Geld spielen 
dabei keine Rolle. Das diese vier Eigenschaften bei den uns bekannten 
Hundekottütenspendern nicht vorkommen heißt ja auch nicht, dass es nicht 
welche gibt, die wie richtige Automaten funktionieren und Geld nehmen. 
Ich sehe daher kein Problem mit dem aktuellen Tagging.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hundekottütenspender tagging

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 27. April 2015 um 19:40 schrieb Holger Mappt

 Wie es schon andere geschrieben haben sehe ich auch vending_machine als
 ein Ding, aus dem man sich andere Dinge herausholen kann.

was sagst Du zu den Paket-/Briefabgabestationen?

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [talk-latam] A los amigos chilenos que han comenzado la traducción del Semanario OSM (weeklyosm)

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Manfred A. Reiter
Olá Carlos Alonso,
Olá Julio y todos,

first of all I apolgise to write in English, but my Spanish is not good
enough to explain, what I would like to explain.

Why I'm anwering only today and not earlier? Because I had to travel to A
Guarda to talk :( (and map :) ) with the students who translated until now
the weeklyOSM from English into Spanish.

For those who hadn't heard about this us, that is our page:
In this interview
the German Wochennotiz (our siterproject - in which I am working since some
years) did with the team from weeklyOSM, you can read more about weeklyOSM.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask. ;-)

2015-04-22 22:44 GMT+02:00 Julio Costa Zambelli

 Estimado Carlos,

 Gracias por la comunicación y el tono.

 A pesar de que he leído varias de las traducciones anteriores, no estaba
 al tanto de que esto fuera parte de un programa financiado y/o coordinado
 por la Comisión Europea.

Well, the Comenius Project is
financed by the European Comission, not weeklyOSM. ;-) Please see, that the
wikipage is under heavy contruction ;-) (Read more about the
money in the interview above!) Within this project the weeklyOSM is *one*
of the products.

 De hecho daba por sentado que eran voluntarios traduciendo el trabajo de
 quienes reemplazaron a Pascal y Dennis.

Yes, we are all volunteers, mainly students who translate under the
guidance of teachers. :) ... Nor the students, neither the teachers are
payed for this work.
The idea from the beginning was to transfer the project into the hands of
the OSM community. You can see that, because JP, FR and CZ entered ... as
we all volunteers and not payed. ;-)

La intención no es duplicar tareas o devaluar el trabajo de nadie,

... but that happend a little bit with our young students. :(
... and to be fair - me as the pedagocial advisor - may say it, the
students in Spain, they do a great job to translate *every week* the German

 sino que poner al día la traducción, que hasta este momento llevaba dos
 boletines de desfase respecto de la versión en Ingles y tres respecto de la

... and this happened, because teachers are working with students :) ...
and sometimes the workflow is not as efficient as it should be. ;-) ... and
because Carlos Alonso had to move to England to work with our team on other

 Esto no es critica, mal podríamos hacerla nosotros que varias veces
 acumulamos muchas semanas de desfase respecto del boletín que publicaban
 Neis y Zielstra.

If you read Pascals last edition of weekly, you should know the nmaes of
Madalina and me. ;-)

 Respecto de la fuente y procedimiento, ha sido la misma aplicada a los
 boletines que se publicaban hasta el año pasado, una vez anunciada la
 versión en Ingles (la que ustedes publican en,
 se traduce al Castellano. Lamentablemente no hay voluntarios disponibles,
 que hablen alemán, para seguir al boletín original en su última versión.

Therefore, and we are working as a whole group of translators, we would
invite you to join the group and help us and the students to go forward. ;-)

  Si esto realmente afecta al proyecto que llevan con la Comisión y
 significará un daño para ustedes, por favor házmelo saber y no publicaremos
 la traducción de los siguientes números.

In a certain way it affects our project. You are right, but in an other way
it affects the project not, because we have in mind to overhand it to the
community. ;-) - What we really did with the French, the Japanese and Czech

Once again, you are very welcome to join the group, like Andy from UK, who
joind the team and does a very good job in reviewing each version.


 Julio Costa Zambelli

Saludos cordiales desde A Guarda

## Manfred Reiter - -
talk-latam mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des données de PSS dans OSM

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Christophe Becquet

Le 27/04/2015 13:17, Vincent Frison a écrit :

De ce que j'ai compris ce qui les gêne dans la licence OSM c'est que les
données peuvent être réutilisées dans des projets commerciaux.
Apparemment il vont bientôt rendre disponible leurs données sous la
licence BY-NC-ND (


Peut-être utiliser l'argumentaire Libérez vos créations pour essayer de 
les faire changer d'avis ?

Des explications sur les licences Creative Commons et des infos pour 
aller plus loin sur :

Bonne continuation


Des formats ouverts pour des données libres

==APITUX : le choix du logiciel libre==

APITUX - Jean-Christophe Becquet
BP 32 - 04001 Digne-les-Bains Cedex
06 25 86 07 92 - -
SIRET : 452 887 441 00031 - APE : 6202A


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des données de PSS dans OSM

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Verdy
Pas de SA peut-être, mais ND: aucune oeuvre dérivée possible, on n'a donc
le droit qu'à l'utilisation de l'original.

Ajoute NC et cette version originale est aussi interdite à certaines
Bref non on ne peut pas changer de licence sur une copie à l'identique de

SA c'est pour permettre le repartage (modifié ou pas), mais ne permet pas
non plus un changement de licence.

Cette oeuvre n'est donc pas libre, et CC-BY-NC-ND est en fait tout à fait
comparable à une contenu sous copyright publié sur n'importe quel site web
ne donnant aucune licence explicite, et placé par défaut sur la protection
générale du copyright.

C'est le même régime en fait que les cartes de Google Maps (gratuites et
consultables pour un usage personnel ou une diffusion très limitée à
l'identique, mais pas libre non plus et soumis aussi à des restrictions
pour l'utilisation commerciale, qui nécessite l'acquittement de droits pour
la licenc ou pour en faire des données dérivées, dont Google conserve les
droits exclusifs).

C'est le même régime que de nombreux freewares qui sont free as a beer
(gratuits) mais pas libres et eux aussi resteints pour l'utilsiation

CC-BY-NC-ND ne sert à rien d'autre que de montrer que le contenu est
protégé, en offrant un lien ver sune page pour le dire explicitement (et
cela ne sert que dans les rares pays où le régime du copyright ne
s'applique pas par défaut mais où le régime serait plus permissif).
Globalement cela ne sert que pour les utilisations dans les pays qui n'ont
pas adhéré à la convention de Bern ou au WIPO (je ne suis même pas sûr que
même en Corée du Nord cette licence soit utile, car si on y contrevient
là-bas il n'y aura personne pour l'interdire ou recevoir une plainte).

A mon avis CC devrait même supprimer le support de cette licence inutile et
qui n'est pas dans ses missions de soutenir les contenus libres.

Le 27 avril 2015 13:39, dHuy Pierre a écrit :

 Il n'y a pas SA donc pour moi on peut changer la licence à l'export. À

   Le Lundi 27 avril 2015 13h18, Vincent Frison
 a écrit :


 J'en avais déjà parlé il y a quelques temps sur cette liste mais depuis ça
 a un peu avancé. Pour rappel le site PSS (
 fournit une base de données avec plus de 47 000 immeubles répartis sur
 toute la France.

 Mon idée était de récupérer au minimum les infos de hauteur des immeubles
 (nombre d'étages ou hauteur réelle) afin de mettre à jour les bâtiments
 existants dans OSM, comme j'ai déjà pu le faire très récemment avec la base
 open data de Paris (49 000 immeubles mis à jour, soit plus de la moitié des
 immeubles parisiens).

 De ce que j'ai compris ce qui les gêne dans la licence OSM c'est que les
 données peuvent être réutilisées dans des projets commerciaux. Apparemment
 il vont bientôt rendre disponible leurs données sous la licence BY-NC-ND (

 Comme je ne suis pas du tout un expert sur ces questions juridiques je
 vous requiert de l'aide pour savoir que ce qu'on pourrait tirer de cette
 belle source de données. Mais peut-être rien du tout à cause des
 restrictions de cette licence...

 Merci d'avance pour votre aide, Vincent.

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Modello lettera mancata attribuzione

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 26/04/2015 19:50, Carlo Stemberger ha scritto:
 Il giorno 26 aprile 2015 19:00, girarsi_liste ha scritto:
 Chiedo, è da ritenersi una pagina che va bene anche ad uso
 C'è già qualcosa:

  A mio avviso bisognerebbe fare un lavoro di integrazione per
 uniformare a livello internazionale.
 P.S.: Mi son permesso di sostituire il vecchio contenuto su Google
 Docs con un link al wiki, per evitare che vengano apportate
 modifiche sulla vecchia pagina.

Aiutandomi col traduttore, la nostra sembra fatta meglio, soprattutto
dal punto di vista della licenza.

Comunque credo sia un problema metterla nella parte italiana della
pagina, perchè non mi pare gran che visibile per ricerca.

Altrimenti bisognerebbe inserire un link con relativa spiegazione nel
WikiProject Italy.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] FW: Participación de OpenStreetMap en el OpenExpo Day 2015

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Óscar Zorrilla Alonso
Remito email para ver si hay interesados en dar una charla sobre OSM en 
OpenExpo en Madrid.

Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 12:36:04 +0200
Subject: Participación de OpenStreetMap en el OpenExpo Day 2015

Buenos días Óscar,
Encantado de e-saludarte. Mi nombre es Roman Mas, responsable de eventos de 
OpenExpo, una iniciativa que se encarga de realizar eventos mensuales sobre 
tecnologías open source y software libre. Me ha pasado tu contacto nuestro CEO, 
Philippe Lardy
Actualmente, estamos preparando la II jornada nacional del OpenExpo Day, 
OpenExpo Day 2015, un evento que se celebrará el próximo 16 de junio en el 
Teatro Galileo de Madrid. La pasada edición, el OpenExpo Day llegó a alcanzar 
los más de 550 asistentes y contó con la colaboración de empresas como 
Microsoft Azure, WBS Solutions o Typo 3 entre otras.
En este momento estamos elaborando y desarrollando el programa de contenidos 
del OpenExpo Day 2015, y sería un placer para nosotros que OpenStreetMap 
formara parte de la programación del evento realizando una charla, ponencia, 
keyspeak, etc.
Así pues, quedo a la espera de saber si algún miembro o la persona responsable 
del equipo de OpenStreet Map estuviera interesado en participar en el evento y 
así formalizar una propuesta referente al contenido de programación.
Gracias de antemano por tu colaboración.
Un saludo,
Roman Mas / Responsable de EventosMobile +34 634 578 258 Skype roman.mas
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hundekottütenspender tagging

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Holger Mappt

On 2015-04-27 at 19:43 +0200 Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Am 27. April 2015 um 19:40 schrieb Holger Mappt:

Wie es schon andere geschrieben haben sehe ich auch vending_machine als
ein Ding, aus dem man sich andere Dinge herausholen kann.

was sagst Du zu den Paket-/Briefabgabestationen?

Na da sollte man natürlich keine Hundekottüten hineintun. Da es 
Briefkästen als eigenständiges Objekt gibt ist das mit den 
Paketabgabestationen nicht so ganz konsistent. Andererseits gibt es viel 
mehr Briefkästen bzw. viel weniger Paketabgabe-/Packstationen, um dafür 
einen extra Tag zu benutzen. Also vending_machine eher als 
Selbstbedienungsdingens, egal ob raus oder rein. Muss da auch immer an 
den Vorschlag für eine Babyklappe denken: amenity=vending_machine, 
vending=living_baby_in. So lange es eindeutig ist und jeder weiß was 
gemeint ist geht es für mich in Ordnung. Ist halt nur ein Tag und keine 


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-it] Terremoto Nepal

2015-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Cascafico Giovanni
Ciao Lista!

Anche se superfluo, ricordo che ci sono dei task su HotOSM.

Questo é taggato urgente

Talk-it mailing list