Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-16 Thread matthias . straetling
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2019 um 01:00 Uhr
> Von: "Martin Koppenhoefer" 
> it will contain a lot of postcode information from the original OpenStreetMap 
> database,
> in adapted/translated form. Whether the amount is sufficient to be considered 
> substantial
> will have to be evaluated based on the actual db that is created/the actual 
> numbers.
> To create an accurate postcode polygon from point features you will need a 
> lot of them,
> so probably already a handful of them would be considered substantial.

There are 5,650,789,072 nodes in OSM database. But the EU database directive 
wants to
protect the investment (in money). If it was damn hard to collect the nodes 
to the postcodes, only a few thousand nodes might be more substantial.

I think, that's a moralistic point of view. I'll neither collect a substantial 
of the whole OSM database, nor you could proof that there was big investment 
made to
collect the data. Since the users are working for free, the only investment are 

Like I said, that's a moralistic point of view.

I've got an offer today to get the data for about 3,500 Euro. This allows me to 
the data and even publish the postal code and the merged postal geometries with 
It's another non-free dataset, but it solves my problem.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-16 Thread matthias . straetling
> Gesendet: Montag, 16. Dezember 2019 um 17:03 Uhr
> Von: "Tom Lee via legal-talk" 
> This is an admirable impulse, but it is worth emphasizing that those of
> us who participate on OSM listservs are a small and unrepresentative
> fraction of the project's 5.9 million registered users. Lists like this
> one are a great way to find the slice of users who are most interested
> and passionate about a particular issue, and who consequently can be
> expected to have well-informed (and often strongly held) opinions that
> reflect the gamut of possible answers.

I understand this, but the girls and guys here do already have some
knowledge about this topic. I know many OSM mappers, which would never
be able to discuss about this license questions. And many don't even
use a GIS to be able to intersect two different data sources :-)
> But if you are seeking consensus, the closest thing available is the
> text of the license itself and guidelines that have been approved by
> elected members of the OSMF board. Usually when there is broad agreement
> on an issue, the answer is memorialized in a wiki page that people find
> before they wind up here :-)_

Why doesn't the OSMF write about fundamental stuff then? I think,
ST_Intersects() is one of the main tools in GIS world. Why don't
give a clear statement on this?

Since the ODbL has never changed, it's fixed. So there could be
something like an FAQ or matrix to look up what triggers share-alike
and what not?

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] distance calculations

2019-12-16 Thread matthias . straetling
> Von: "Nuno Caldeira" 
> it's a derivated, therefore share alike. I'm glad they trusted OSM data. 

So the distance calculations are derivated, of course.
But what about their points of interests? They've interacted with the roads.

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] distance calculations

2019-12-16 Thread matthias . straetling
Dear IANALs,

I'm sorry to ask an additional question.

A while ago, I've listened to a talk about navigation of pupils from their home 
to the school - it was used to decide whether the pupil gets a free bus ticket 
or not.

The distance calculation was done by a land registry office, which didn't have 
a route-able road & path network, but had trust in the OSM data, since they 
inspected it for quite a while. For completeness, they've used their own 
housing and school locations, but didn't use any from OSM.

They routed from the pupil's house to the school on the OSM network. Of course, 
the results were released in public.
Do such distance calculations also trigger share-alike on the non-free data 
(here: schools & houses).


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-16 Thread matthias . straetling

> Gesendet: Montag, 16. Dezember 2019 um 12:03 Uhr
> Von: "Christoph Hormann" 
> This is definitely a better approach than trying to find loopholes in
> the license with brute force and wishful thinking.  Even if that is
> possible and you can present an interpretation of the wording of the
> ODbL that supports your use case without share-alike this was clearly
> not the intention of the OSM community when adopting the ODbL to do so.

It never was my intention to brute force a hole. I just thought, OSM data can 
be used, as long I don't mix anything or fill my missing data. I thought, 
proper attribution like "selected by using OSM data ..." would be fine for your.

> > I didn't expected OpenStreetMap to be such non-free and permissive
> > :-(
> The usual view is that share-alike provisions do not make something
> non-free or non-open because they are meant to protect and extend the
> freedom and only constrain users of truly non-free data.  But anyone
> can have a different opinion on that of course.

Sorry to say this, but I don't feel like you want to protect your data. It 
feels like you want to grab all the data, your data comes into contact with. 
"Viral" is the right term here - do you know the Borg? :-)

> Both share-alike and attribution play an important role in OSM in the
> social contract between mappers and data users.  In return for being
> able to use the results of the work of the mappers for free, data users
> are required to share improvements of the data or the results of
> producing something of additional value in combination with other data
> under open license terms.

If attribution would pay a role, than "(c) Non-Free data, selected by using OSM 
data ..." would be possible.
That might be an idea for future license drafts.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-16 Thread matthias . straetling

> Gesendet: Montag, 16. Dezember 2019 um 13:33 Uhr
> Von: "Simon Poole" 
> Just to be clear: you asked a question on an unmoderated, publicly
> accessible mailing list on which everybody can voice their opinions
> however unfounded they are or not, and now you are unhappy with that you
> got a cacophony of conflicting opinions, which is exactly what you
> should have expected.

I was aware of this and just wanted to get a consensus by the data creators: 
the users.
Looking at the opinion of the mass it shows me, that my approach of using OSM 
as a source of selecting the data doesn't seem to be fine. More of you are 
saying "share-alike", so I have to deal with this.

Like I sad before:
I would have been fine at attributing OpenStreetMap as selection. Now, I 
neither can use OSM data, nor add my dataset to yours.
A lose-lose-situation :-(

> The official guidance on geo-coding from the OSMF can be found here

I think that is what Kathleen tried to explain, but got confused by others.
I'm sad that paying a lawyer is more expensive than paying for other datasets 


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-16 Thread matthias . straetling
I don't care about the money it costs, I even would pay for OpenStreetMap. I just wanted to use OSM, since the data quality is pretty high in the area I need it.


In a future license it would be better to allow attributions like "Data: (c) Non-Free, selected using (c) OpenStreetMap under ODbL...".

Now, I neither can use your data, nor add my dataset to yours. A lose-lose-situation :-(


Gesendet: Montag, 16. Dezember 2019 um 10:34 Uhr
Von: "Nuno Caldeira" 
An: "Licensing and other legal discussions." 
Betreff: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

that's unfair, it is free, you don't have to pay for it. it just has a license, or else map companies would use our data 

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-15 Thread matthias . straetling
> Von: "Christoph Hormann" 
> The idea that your process of intersecting non-OSM data with OSM based
> admin polygons results in a collective database is not realistic.  To
> me this kind of operation would be a textbook example of something
> generating a derivative database - you combine OSM data with non-OSM
> data to generate something of additional value compared to either of
> these data sets alone.  This is exactly the kind of scenario
> share-alike is meant for and why it was chosen as license for OSM.  But
> there are of course fairly strong economic interests for this not being
> subject to share-alike so people think of ways to interpret the ODbL
> accordingly.

Okay, I'll canceld all plans to use OpenStreetMap for this task.
I've contacted several commercial data providers and hope to get offers 

I didn't expected OpenStreetMap to be such non-free and permissive :-(

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-14 Thread matthias . straetling
> existing OSMF community guidelines suggest spatial operations like
> ST_Difference() and ST_Intersection() yield Derivative Databases that
> are subject to share-alike.

Let's take the Collective Database Guideline, you've mentioned:

"Technically a reference between non-OSM and OSM data can be by a database key 
or any other method of identifying a specific OSM or non-OSM element that may 
be used with a database join."

So actually, I just need to create a collective database, put the non-free data 
in one table and OSM data in another.
For table joining, I'm using ST_Intersects() and I'm fine?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-13 Thread matthias . straetling
Hi Mateusz,

>> No, ODbL does not apply to any database that does not include OSM data.
> It is true but misleading to mention here as this database contains 
> transformed OSM data.
So if I don't merge the postcodes, it's fine?

>> There is no OSM data in the secondary list so it is not a Derivative 
>> Database.
> This is blatantly untrue. There is OSM data there, only transformed.

So as soon I'm selecting any data using OSM polygons, it gets transformed OSM 
They're not even touching on the same layer, since it's a different feature 


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-13 Thread matthias . straetling
Hi Lars-Daniel, yeah, same here.


I've read you tried to do similar work in the past. I think, you've merged postcodes with OSM data in a seperate column and didn't need to attribute it as share-alike.


What did you end up with?


Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Dezember 2019 um 19:25 Uhr
Von: "Lars-Daniel Weber" 
Betreff: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

Please stop constructing such cases. This case clearly would have the intention of reproducing the OSM database.

My intention is the trivial use of OpenStreetMap. A normal process in the GIS world.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-12 Thread matthias . straetling
Let me get into detail is this project to proof that this case isn't constructed.


We've purchased geodata with real estate prices (houses & flats) for Germany's federal state "Northrhine Westfalia". Each row has coordinates in WGS84. The TOS of the purchhased dataset state, that it's not allowed to relicense the pricing data or the coordinates under another license. So we can't go ODbL here.


We want to extract postcode areas (more than 100 nodes) from the OSM database and merge them into sensefull peaces, like market regions. Of course, we can release those new areas, since they're clearly ODbL.


Using this market regions, we would like to calculate the average housing and flat prices and display them on a map. We also would like to display the exact position on a new layer (not mixed with OSM data).


I've seen plenty of websites displaying such prices, especially newspapers. All were based on Mapbox or Carto.


Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2019 um 20:31 Uhr
Von: "Simon Poole" 
Betreff: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

Yes, if a Derivative Database was created in the first place, and that is not clear at all, see:

“Derivative Database” – Means a database based upon the Database, and
includes any translation, adaptation, arrangement, modification, or any
other alteration of the Database or of a Substantial part of the
Contents. This includes, but is not limited to, Extracting or
Re-utilising the whole or a Substantial part of the Contents in a new

Essentially the question is if the envelopes of the extracted points are a substantial extract of our data (because they represent the residual information/data from OSM), while it is obviously possible to construct cases were this would be the case, in the typical relatively sparse POI scenario I don't quite see that.


I don't particularly like engaging in these discussion because they tend to end up being arguments about how many angels can stand on a pin and are not answerable outside of the detailed specifics of the actual use case (which are typically not available).




Am 12.12.2019 um 20:05 schrieb Nuno Caldeira:

the license is quite clear and 4.2 applies to the case you mention. any use of OSM data (over 100 nodes) combined with proprietary data results in more open data under ODbL. 

we are here to create more open data, not to feed proprietary data than is lock under their TOS. 


On Thu, 12 Dec 2019, 18:53 ,  wrote:

> From a practical point of view, boundaries in OSM rarely originate from surveys,
> you might be lucky to be able to identify the original source (most likely open data)
> which may have a more liberal license than ODbL (check the history and changeset
> source tags / object source tags).

But I neither want to merge OSM data or add it to my data. I just want to use it to
select points of my dataset.

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legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-12 Thread matthias . straetling
> we are here to create more open data, not to feed proprietary data than is 
> lock under their TOS.  

I want to apologize for my misunderstanding: my final product does not contain 
any OpenStreetMap data.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-12 Thread matthias . straetling
> From a practical point of view, boundaries in OSM rarely originate from 
> surveys,
> you might be lucky to be able to identify the original source (most likely 
> open data)
> which may have a more liberal license than ODbL (check the history and 
> changeset
> source tags / object source tags).

But I neither want to merge OSM data or add it to my data. I just want to use 
it to
select points of my dataset.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-12 Thread matthias . straetling

> when you write „number of boundaries“, you intend „boundary points“?

No, for example postcodes. I want to merge some of them to new polygons.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-12 Thread matthias . straetling

> In my NAL opinion, the result will be derived from OSM data and
> therefore inherits the ODbL license. This does, however, not mean that
> you have to publish it; but *if* you publish (or "publilcy use") it,
> then it has to be available under ODbL. If you just use it internally
> then it is still ODbL but that doesn't matter to you.

Oh wait. I don't want to publish the modified OpenStreetMap data.
I want to publish the proprietary dataset, which I've selected using the 
OpenStreetMap data.
For example, I want to select the non-free points using postcode polygons, 
derived from OpenStreetMap.


legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] use OSM data to select proprietary data

2019-12-11 Thread matthias . straetling
Dear IANALs,

I want to use polygons (district boundaries) from OSM dataset to select points 
for a proprietary dataset.
The OSM dataset might be altered trivially (f.e. boundaries might be merged 
where needed).
The proprietary data isn't allowed to be used freely and is incompatible with 

The result of the intersections is a geodatabase, which doesn't contain any OSM 

Is there some kind of share-alike? Does the resulting dataset need attribution 
like "selected with OSM data"?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Geoportal Wiesbaden WMS

2018-11-29 Thread Matthias Gutjahr
Hallo Joachim,

Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass es keine oder zumindest keine positive Antwort
vom Vermessungsamt bzw. der Stadt Wiesbaden gab?

Viele Grüße

Am Mi., 9. Mai 2018 um 22:49 Uhr schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer <>:

> sent from a phone
> > On 9. May 2018, at 12:00, Simon Poole  wrote:
> >
> > Ein freundlicher dezenter Hinweis, dass sie unsere Marke missbrauchen
> > wäre ev. auch noch angebracht.
> welche Marke, hat die OSMF OpenWiMap registriert?
> Wenn das Wort eine Neuschöpfung (bsp. Pepsi, Aral, ...) ist hat man es
> vermutlich leichter, ähnliche Namen zu verfolgen, aber wenn die Marke aus
> der Kombination dreier beschreibender Allerweltswörter wie Open (data),
> Straße und Karte (bzw. Straßenkarte) besteht, wird man schwer damit
> durchkommen, anderen Open data Karten die Benutzung dieser Beschreibung zu
> untersagen, wenn sie nicht genau gleich ist. Müsste man um es sicher zu
> wissen vor Gericht ausprobieren.
> Was haltet ihr hiervon, unter markenrechtlichen Gesichtspunkten?
> AFAIK muss man Marken auch verteidigen, sonst kann sie auf Antrag gelöscht
> werden sofern sie zum Gattungsbegriff geworden ist. Weiß jemand ob die OSMF
> dafür Ressourcen eingeplant hat?
> Gruß,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] cimetière et religion

2018-07-27 Thread Matthias Dietrich

Pour continuer dans les exceptions, il y a l'Alsace et la Moselle, non
soumises à la loi de 1905 (Strasbourg a d'ailleurs ouvert un cimetière
musulman en 2012).

Le ven. 27 juil. 2018 à 17:10, Topographe Fou  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Attention, il peut y avoir des exceptions françaises : carrés musulmans (
>, cimetières juifs
> (ex :,
> cimetières de communautés religieuses (majoritairement chrétiennes dans le
> cas français) et peut être aussi quelques autres cimetières privés
> jouissant de dérogations ou de statuts pré-1905.
> Bref les lois ont évoluées depuis 1905. A tenir compte dans la mise à jour
> de la page des cimetières.
> Dans le cas présent, je ne me suis pas renseigné mais il est probable que
> ce soit un cimetière municipal ordinaire et donc sans confession (à
> vérifier et sources si la confession est appropriée)
> Cordialement,
> LeTopographeFou
>   Message original
> De:
> Envoyé: 27 juillet 2018 2:32 PM
> À:
> Répondre à:
> Objet: [OSM-talk-fr] cimetière et religion
> Bonjour,
> J'ai eu la surprise de voir un cimetière tagué avec une religion (catho) :
> Or en France les cimetières sont des espaces laïques, par la loi de 1905
> (article 28) :
> « Il est interdit, à l'avenir, d'élever ou d'apposer aucun signe ou
> emblème religieux sur les monuments publics ou en quelque emplacement
> public que ce soit, à l'exception des édifices servant au culte, des
> terrains de sépulture dans les cimetières, des monuments funéraires,
> ainsi que des musées ou expositions. »
> À mon sens, seule les tombes peuvent donc être marquées d'une religion,
> mais en aucun cas le cimetière complet ! C'est d'ailleurs la position de
> la Fédération de la libre pensée, confirmé par le Conseil d'État :
> Si personne n'y voit d'inconvénient, je compte donc corriger ce
> cimetière, et indiquer clairement cette réflexion sur la page wiki
> concernant le tag cimetière. Un test OSMOSE là-dessus comblerait à coup
> sûr les défenseurs de la laïcité, mais c'est au delà de mes compétences…
> Bonne journée
> Adrien
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-alsace] name:gsw pour les noms régionals?

2018-07-07 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Bonjour Christine,

Oui, le code "gsw" est utilisé pour l'alsacien, du moins pour sa forme
alémanique. Il n'existe pas à ma connaissance de code ISO pour le francique

En tout cas, c'est ce que j'utilise pour les noms de rues en alsacien.

Le sam. 7 juil. 2018 à 12:07, Christine Karch  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> je veux faire un peu le "mapping" à Strasbourg et environs, aussi chez
> nous à Kehl/Hanauerland, ou le dialecte est pareil. On voit sur les
> panneaux de rue les noms régionals. J'ai déjà trouvé des examples comme
> "name:gsw=Knowligass" pour Rue de L'Ail. etc. dans la base de donnés
> d'OpenStreetMap.
> Je n'ai pas trouvé des examples à Kehl. Mais c'est sûr, qu'on
> voudrais/devrais prendre le même tag.
> Ma question, c'est: on prend le tag "name:gsw" pour les noms régionals
> sur ces panneaux de rues? Je demande parce que ne veux pas rater.
> Christine
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Geoportal Wiesbaden WMS

2018-05-02 Thread Matthias Gutjahr
Hi Joachim,

vielen Dank! Bin gespannt auf die Antwort.

Viele Grüße

Am 2. Mai 2018 um 11:59 schrieb Joachim Kast <>:

> Hallo Matthias,
> ich habe mit dem Vermessungsamt der Stadt Wiesbaden telefoniert und eine
> "offizielle" Anfrage für das DOP gestellt.
> Viele Grüße
> Joachim  (Ansprechpartner für Behörden)
> > Hallo,
> >
> > die Stadt Wiesbaden bietet schon seit knapp zwei Jahren auf ihrem
> Geoportal
> > unter dem Namen "OpenWIMap" WMS URLs für offenbar regelmäßig
> aktualisierte
> > Orthophotos u.ä. an unter einer CC BY-NC-SA Lizenz:
> > . Soweit ich weiß, sind die
> > Bilder daher nicht fürs Mappen in OSM nutzbar.
> >
> > Es gibt aber Behörden, die explizit eine Ausnahme machen für OSM (z.B.
> > drüben in Main:
> >
> >
> > Weiß jemand, wie diesbezüglich die Lage in Wiesbaden ist? Gab es
> vielleicht
> > schon eine Anfrage bei der Stadt? Ist da irgendwo etwas dokumentiert (auf
> > dieser Liste und im Forum habe ich bisher nichts gefunden)? Was kann man
> da
> > ggf. unternehmen?
> >
> > Viele Grüße
> > Matthias
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Geoportal Wiesbaden WMS

2018-05-02 Thread Matthias Gutjahr

die Stadt Wiesbaden bietet schon seit knapp zwei Jahren auf ihrem Geoportal
unter dem Namen "OpenWIMap" WMS URLs für offenbar regelmäßig aktualisierte
Orthophotos u.ä. an unter einer CC BY-NC-SA Lizenz: . Soweit ich weiß, sind die
Bilder daher nicht fürs Mappen in OSM nutzbar.

Es gibt aber Behörden, die explizit eine Ausnahme machen für OSM (z.B.
drüben in Main:

Weiß jemand, wie diesbezüglich die Lage in Wiesbaden ist? Gab es vielleicht
schon eine Anfrage bei der Stadt? Ist da irgendwo etwas dokumentiert (auf
dieser Liste und im Forum habe ich bisher nichts gefunden)? Was kann man da
ggf. unternehmen?

Viele Grüße
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] hi

2016-08-26 Thread Matthias Regiert

Just wanted to say hi and tell you how much  I  miss you, here are some 
interesting things for you  <>

Yours faithfully, Matthias Regiert

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] useful information

2016-08-22 Thread Matthias Regiert

I thought this  information regarding my favourite stuff may be usefull for you 
too, just take a look here <>

Sincerely, Matthias Regiert

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Comparing geodata results in ODbL? (was metadata)

2015-10-16 Thread Matthias Meißer
Hi there,

even if I (tried to) follow the metadata-guideline-discussion, I like to ask 
OSMF about a dedicated usecase that is somewhat related to the meta-topic:

We like to compare our (sadly closed source) vector building outlines, with the 
existing buildings in OSM. So we touch both (seperate) datasets and compare if 
a OSM building is covered by our buildings. We delete that existing building 
and it remains an OSM dataset with buildings that we don't have yet.

While it's not a problem to share the resulting OSM dataset, we are afraid, if 
we might need to share the original official building outlines? Our goal is to 
render the result and add it to a webmap.
Don't get me wrong, we don't try 'to rip of' OSM, but can't release the 
official building outlines of the whole state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (we 
don't own them). Instead we like to share another result of the comparison: 
where are buildings still missed in OSM (and could be traced by the community), 
so the opposite direction of the compare.

We tried to discuss this question already with the local and the german OSM 
communities and different senior mappers, but we are still a bit sceptical 
about our interpretation of the ODbL terms. It would be nice to get an answer 
by the OSMF :-)

kind regards from the city of Rostock,
Matthias Meißer

legal-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Using custom data

2015-10-15 Thread Matthias Loeks

Hi list,

I'm running a little experiment with using custom geo data for OSRM.
Following the advice of [1], I converted my data to OSM XML format, for 
now neglecting all kinds of tags/attributes etc. (this could be done later).
You can find the resulting OSM file here:

The file can be viewed correctly using JOSM.

I also created a very basic profile:
This profile should just contain the necessary variables read by 
osrm-extract. It should not exclude any of the OSM nodes or ways, just 
let them all pass through to the routing graph. Also, there should be no 
turn restrictions.

The processing chain (extract, prepare) runs successfully and I can also 
start the osrm-routed server.
The locate and nearest services are working fine. However, the viaroute 
service returns only a valid route, if just one segment is involved. As 
soon as there are junctions, no route can be calculated (code 207).

Can this be related to the turn restrictions? I had hoped they would be 
entirely ignored if switched off in the profile.

Or am I missing something else important in my profile or data?
Are there maybe any OSM tags which are absolutely required by OSRM 
directly, even if a fully customised profile is being used?

Any help or suggestions on this are greatly appreciated!

Many thanks and best regards,

[1] -

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Using custom data

2015-10-15 Thread Matthias Loeks

Hi Daniel,

many thanks for your answer!
Now I understand... Unfortunately, that makes things much more 
complicated :-(
I though OSRM, clever as it is, would do the noding itself and not just 
rely on the OSM data.

So I guess I have to build a topology or at least node my custom input 
data beforehand, in order to be able to create a noded OSM dataset.

Well, I'll try that... :-)

Thanks again,

On 15.10.2015 17:34, Daniel Patterson wrote:

Hi Matthias,

  Emil is right, your ways are not connected.  The connection needs to 
happen like this:



   <- same node as in way 1


  It is not enough to just have nodes at the same lat/lon, you 
actually have to refer to the same  for ways to be joined.

  If you fix that in your file, you should be able to route on it.


On Oct 15, 2015, at 8:28 AM, Matthias Loeks < 
<>> wrote:

Hi Emil,

thanks for your answer.
Well, they look correct in JOSM and I paid attention to add the nodes 
and then the node relations in the ways properly when assembling the 

Does OSRM rely on any additional OSM nodes at the junctions? Doesn't 
it node the graph itself anyway?


On 15.10.2015 14:20, Emil Tin wrote:

Are you sure segments are connected at the noded?

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- Reply message -
Fra: "Matthias Loeks"<>
Emne: [OSRM-talk] Using custom data
Dato: tor, okt. 15, 2015 13:19

Hi list,

I'm running a little experiment with using custom geo data for OSRM.
Following the advice of [1], I converted my data to OSM XML format, for
now neglecting all kinds of tags/attributes etc. (this could be done 

You can find the resulting OSM file here:
The file can be viewed correctly using JOSM.

I also created a very basic profile:
This profile should just contain the necessary variables read by
osrm-extract. It should not exclude any of the OSM nodes or ways, just
let them all pass through to the routing graph. Also, there should 
be no

turn restrictions.

The processing chain (extract, prepare) runs successfully and I can 

start the osrm-routed server.
The locate and nearest services are working fine. However, the viaroute
service returns only a valid route, if just one segment is involved. As
soon as there are junctions, no route can be calculated (code 207).

Can this be related to the turn restrictions? I had hoped they would be
entirely ignored if switched off in the profile.
Or am I missing something else important in my profile or data?
Are there maybe any OSM tags which are absolutely required by OSRM
directly, even if a fully customised profile is being used?

Any help or suggestions on this are greatly appreciated!

Many thanks and best regards,

[1] -

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Re: [OSRM-talk] State of the Art - Dynamic Routing

2015-10-15 Thread Matthias Loeks


thanks again for your explanations and opinions about dynamic updates to 
the graph.

Being aware of the complex scenario that dynamic updates introduce, I'd 
still like to think about the great features that it would allow for!
Implementing per-request dynamics to some extent would enable use cases 
like traffic-based routing, disaster routing (avoiding locked down 
roads), truck routing ... and much more.

Anything of these topics on the OSRM roadmap? ;-)

Of course, the "how" (to implement) is crucial here... Due to my lack of 
knowledge about both CH and C++, I cannot offer help unfortunately.
I thought it has to be possible somehow, since GraphHopper offers this 
traffic data integration thing [1], which might show the way how to do this?


[1] -

On 14.10.2015 13:05, Patrick Niklaus wrote:

certain edges in the contracted graph should have to be ignored

If that set of 'dynamic edges' is known in advance you could use a
technique that does not contract nodes adjacent to that edges. This
would mean for those edges you could update the weights without
re-contraction. On the pre-processing side adding support for this is
quite trivial, essentially it is a variation of partial contraction.
However adding an interface for
updating the graph would be new. The main problem there is that you
either add some sort of "override set" to the query graph, or have a
copy for each graph for each thread.
The first implementation will incur high penalties on query time (you
would need an additional check every time you read the edge weight),
the second approach would have a high memory usage.

Currently we don't plan to implement this. But if anyone likes to give
it a try, I will of course help were I can.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Matthias Loeks <> wrote:

HI Patrick,

many thanks for your extensive answer and your interesting insights into the
possibilities of achieving dynamic routing with CH.

While partial graph contraction may be an option for adding traffic data
e.g. every 15 minutes, I'm afraid that it is still not an option if each
individual request has to deal with e.g. different  avoid areas.
Each request would then need a differently contracted/pre-processed graph...
(impossible to pre-process on the fly)

Do you think there is any possibility to add some sort of "dynamic layer" on
top of the contracted graph? Based on the information in this layer, certain
edges in the contracted graph should have to be ignored by the routing
Is such a thing possible and are there any plans to incorporate this (or
similar concepts) into OSRM? Or is this just contrary to the CH approach and
only solveable with a usual (slow) Dijkstra?

Thanks a lot for your help!


On 09.10.2015 15:37, Patrick Niklaus wrote:

If you want to ingest dynamic data like traffic information into the
routing, the main objective is to reduce pre-processing times so that
the data will not be stale before you can actually serve requests from

There are several ways you can achieve this:
1. Don't do any pre-processing.
  In that case you just use a normal Dijkstra based search.
2. Do pre-processing but don't update it on traffic updates.
 For example if you use something ALT-based you can calculate the
heuristic using the average value and still yield good performance.
3. Re-run pre-processing and make it fast enough for your given update
 The primary knobs you can turn there are:
 - reduce the size of your dataset
 - reduce the quality of the pre-processing

We have been working on supporting 3 in OSRM with CH. We added a
parameter to now contract the graph completely but only partially.
This as dire consequences for query times however, depending on which
quality factor you pick. If you contract the graph only 95% you will
half your pre-processing time and increase the runtime 100x depending
on your dataset size. Features like alternative searches, distance
tables and similar will not work with this approach since it is much
too slow.

You can try partial contraction with `4.8.1` by using the `-k`
parameter like `-k 0.95` will contract the graph only to 95%.

Supporting real time traffic updates while still supporting
continental sized networks is not exactly trivial, even more so if you
support advanced features like turn restrictions. Consider the fact
that just reading/writing such a graph from/to disk might take longer
than your usual update cycle.

We are working on making it easier to support this for smaller
datasets though (like countries). Of course CH is really not suited
that well for this task, but it enables you to use the same platform
and process until CH can be replaced with alternative approaches.


OSRM-talk mailing li

Re: [OSRM-talk] Using custom data

2015-10-15 Thread Matthias Loeks

Hi Frederik,

thanks that's a good point indeed.

I guess I did not mean "noding" in a strict sense which also creates nodes 
at bridge intersections etc, but rather the "simple" noding that Daniel 

However, probably there could also be nodes in OSM at the same coordinate 
but on different floors which must not be handled as the same node.
I will try to handle these cases correctly based on the topological 
information from my input data.

Still, the naive approach might be unstable and error-prone. It's just for 
demonstrating a proof of concept though, so it should be fine for that.

Thanks for pointing me to this issue and all the best,

On 15 October 2015 20:15:28 Frederik Ramm <> wrote:


On 10/15/2015 05:43 PM, Matthias Loeks wrote:

I though OSRM, clever as it is, would do the noding itself and not just
rely on the OSM data.

That would be very un-clever of OSRM because in OSM the topology has a
meaning. In OSM, if two roads cross but don't have a common node, then
turning from one onto the other is not possible. Carelessly "noding"
such an intersection would break routing for OSM.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] State of the Art - Dynamic Routing

2015-10-14 Thread Matthias Loeks

HI Patrick,

many thanks for your extensive answer and your interesting insights into 
the possibilities of achieving dynamic routing with CH.

While partial graph contraction may be an option for adding traffic data 
e.g. every 15 minutes, I'm afraid that it is still not an option if each 
individual request has to deal with e.g. different avoid areas.
Each request would then need a differently contracted/pre-processed 
graph... (impossible to pre-process on the fly)

Do you think there is any possibility to add some sort of "dynamic 
layer" on top of the contracted graph? Based on the information in this 
layer, certain edges in the contracted graph should have to be ignored 
by the routing algorithm.
Is such a thing possible and are there any plans to incorporate this (or 
similar concepts) into OSRM? Or is this just contrary to the CH approach 
and only solveable with a usual (slow) Dijkstra?

Thanks a lot for your help!


On 09.10.2015 15:37, Patrick Niklaus wrote:

If you want to ingest dynamic data like traffic information into the
routing, the main objective is to reduce pre-processing times so that
the data will not be stale before you can actually serve requests from

There are several ways you can achieve this:
1. Don't do any pre-processing.
  In that case you just use a normal Dijkstra based search.
2. Do pre-processing but don't update it on traffic updates.
 For example if you use something ALT-based you can calculate the
heuristic using the average value and still yield good performance.
3. Re-run pre-processing and make it fast enough for your given update cycle.
 The primary knobs you can turn there are:
 - reduce the size of your dataset
 - reduce the quality of the pre-processing

We have been working on supporting 3 in OSRM with CH. We added a
parameter to now contract the graph completely but only partially.
This as dire consequences for query times however, depending on which
quality factor you pick. If you contract the graph only 95% you will
half your pre-processing time and increase the runtime 100x depending
on your dataset size. Features like alternative searches, distance
tables and similar will not work with this approach since it is much
too slow.

You can try partial contraction with `4.8.1` by using the `-k`
parameter like `-k 0.95` will contract the graph only to 95%.

Supporting real time traffic updates while still supporting
continental sized networks is not exactly trivial, even more so if you
support advanced features like turn restrictions. Consider the fact
that just reading/writing such a graph from/to disk might take longer
than your usual update cycle.

We are working on making it easier to support this for smaller
datasets though (like countries). Of course CH is really not suited
that well for this task, but it enables you to use the same platform
and process until CH can be replaced with alternative approaches.

OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] State of the Art - Dynamic Routing

2015-10-09 Thread Matthias Loeks

Hi all,

I would love to see the great OSRM framework supporting more dynamic 
route calculations.
For instance, it would be great to be able to specify individual vehicle 
profiles/parameters and avoid areas (e.g. road closures) on a 
per-request basis.

As I understand, this required flexibility is contrary to the approach 
of contraction hierarchies in general and thus very hard to achieve. The 
routing can only be that fast because all dynamic input information is 
pre-computed in the graph during the pre-processing, right?

However, I noticed that this topic was already discussed from time to 
time on the list [1,2] and on github [3-5]. Plus there are similar 
CH-based projects starting to support dynamic input at least to some 
extent (e.g. GraphHopper Traffic Data Integration [6]). So in the end it 
*does* seem to be possible, at least partly?

All in all, I'd like to know what is the current state of the art of 
such efforts on the roadmap? What *is* possible and what is definitely 
not? Is there anything in this direction being worked on currently or soon?

It would be great to hear any thoughts, updates and/or ideas from you on 
this topic.

Many thanks and all the best,

[1] -
[2] -

[3] -
[4] -
[5] .
[6] -

OSRM-talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Deleted railway tracks after revert

2015-09-21 Thread Matthias Jessen

i noticed some railway tracks which has been deleted in this

One Example near Glasgow ( on
Before -
After -

Or the whole changeset on achavi (long loading):

Is that correct? Or, any ideas to solve this problem?

Thanks, Matthias J.
Talk-GB mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Map-Matching geometry

2015-08-06 Thread Matthias Schwamborn
Hi all,

I'm wondering how the geometry returned by the map-matching algorithm is
computed. I compared it to the geometry of viaroute when

1. requesting a route for each consecutive pair of points in the
(map-matching output) trip.

2. requesting a route for the whole trip with via points.

The geometry matched with neither 1 nor 2. I'm trying to fill the gaps
of the map-matching result with optimal routes in between and was set on
using the 'geometry' parameter of the 'match' service but now I'm unsure
whether that's what I really want. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Best regards,
Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] U-turns in Map-Matching Algorithm

2015-07-23 Thread Matthias Schwamborn
Hi Patrick,

thanks for the clarification. So this check is for the input
coordinates, only, right? What if some candidates introduce a U-turn
(e.g., due to some outliers in the input data)? Thanks.

Best, Matthias

On 22/07/15 12:17, Patrick Niklaus wrote:
 Hey Matthias,
 What the algorithm at that point does is check if the original trace
 might contain a U-Turn at that point. If so it does not add separate
 candidates for each direction (but bidirectional edge based nodes),
 resulting in the possibility of U-Turns at that position.
 Hope this helps.
 On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Matthias Schwamborn wrote:
 Hi all,

 looking at the code in plugins/match.hpp [1], I noticed that candidates
 resulting in a U-turn are allowed but wouldn't you say that these
 candidates are actually pretty unlikely compared to candidates that
 don't result in a U-turn? Am I missing something here? Thanks.

 Best, Matthias

 Matthias Schwamborn

 University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
 Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
 Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
 D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

 OSRM-talk mailing list

 OSRM-talk mailing list

Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] U-turns in Map-Matching Algorithm

2015-07-22 Thread Matthias Schwamborn
Hi all,

looking at the code in plugins/match.hpp [1], I noticed that candidates
resulting in a U-turn are allowed but wouldn't you say that these
candidates are actually pretty unlikely compared to candidates that
don't result in a U-turn? Am I missing something here? Thanks.

Best, Matthias

Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Antw: Re: MeckPomm - Ergänzung Straßenschlüssel / Abgleich mit öff. Straßen

2015-06-30 Thread Matthias Meißer
Hallo Joachim,

früher hatte ich mich privat ja auch lange um Straßenverzeichnisse
bemüht, leider hatten die aber eine sehr durchwachsene Qualität
( und so
richtig kamen wir da als Community leider nicht vorran. Als Mapper denke
ich muss man auch sehen, dass derzeit in der ländlichen Fläche wohl noch
etliche Abweichung bei den Straßen in unserem Bundesland sind. Das ist
natürlich schade, da Leute sich so u.U. noch nicht mal richtig zum Ziel
navigieren / das Ziel finden können :-/

Leider hat unser Bundesland noch kein eigenes OpenData-Portal und auch
die Nutzbarmachung von Daten aus verschiedenen Kommunen und von
verschiedenen föderalen Ebenen ist kompliziert. Deswegen konnten wir es
leider nicht so machen, dass wir einfach eine offizielle Straßenkarte
oder Daten rausgeben und die Community das selbst manuell abgleicht.
Vielleicht ist es so aber auch nicht schlecht, dass sich ein Dritter mal
beide Datenbestände nimmt und vergleicht. Denn so kommt keine in
Versuchung davon auszugehen, dass nur der eine oder andere Datenbestand
richtiger ist und im Endergebnis erhalten wir glaube ich so auch viele
gute Hinweise, wo die amtlichen Daten mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit wohl
veraltet sind bzw. Karteilaichen enthalten ;-)

Wir haben auch lange gegrübelt. ob das mit dem Import wirklich Not tut
(aufgrund der eher neg. Erfahrungen der Community mit TMC und Importen
allg.). Da aus unserer Sicht aber eindeutig die langfristige
Zusammenarbeit mit OSM im Vordergrund steht und es sich ähnlich Grenzen,
Gemeindeschlüsseln, ... um amtliche Daten in  einen einzigen tag
handelt, haben wir uns dann doch dazu durchgerungen. Neben der Anwendung
in der QS finden sich evtl. auch noch weitere Anwendungsfälle, sowohl
für die Community (Statistiken, ...) als auch für die Verwaltungen..
Und vielleicht kann das ja auch andere Bundesländer dazu ermutigen
solche Informationen zumindest bereitzustellen und zu zeigen, dass OSM
durchaus auch für die Verwaltung mit nutzbar ist und zumindest eine
sinnvolle Ergänzung darstellt? 

P.S: Habe die Wikiseite mal in den offiziellen Namensraum verschoben,
in dem Import Katalog vermerkt und noch englische Beschreibungen

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias Meißer

Matthias Meißer

Sachbearbeiter Regionale Geoinformationsssysteme
Hansestadt Rostock
Der Oberbürgermeister
Kataster-, Vermessungs- und Liegenschaftsamt
Abt. Kataster
Holbeinplatz 14, 18069 Rostock
Tel.: +49 (0)381 381 6221
Fax: +49 (0)381 381 6902

 Joachim Kast schrieb am 29.06.2015 um 21:24 in
 Hallo Matthias,
 das ist natürlich sehr interessant, amtliche und OSM-Daten durch
 einheitlichen Schlüssel abgleichbar zu machen. In Baden-Württemberg 
 steht das amtliche Straßenverzeichnis [1] incl. Straßenschlüssel
 einige Zeit als OpenData [2] zur Verfügung, wird aber bisher nur für
 Straßenabgleich mittels benutzt.
 Ich werde die Aktion in MV weiterhin mit großem Interesse beobachten.

 Durch den Schlüssel ergibt sich insbesondere die große Chance, die 
 offiziellen Straßennamen erkennen zu können. Hier in Baden-Baden ist
 große Klassiker die Merkurstraße [3]. In den Anfangszeiten der
 wurde da so mancher Hotelgast auf den Berg [4] geschickt.
 Viele Grüße


 Talk-de mailing list 

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] MeckPomm - Ergänzung Straßenschlüssel / Abgleich mit öff. Straßen

2015-06-29 Thread Matthias Meißer
Hallo Community,

ich bin Matthias, der ein oder andere kennt mich vielleicht unter
meinem privaten Benutzer  (user:!i!). Seit einiger Zeit arbeite ich nun
im Katasteramt hier in Rostock und helfe da insb. bei verschiedenen
Projekten für die Bürger mit. An dieser Stelle geht es hier also um OSM

Auf der MeckPomm-ML hatten wir bereits im letzten Jahr angesprochen,
dass wir gerne dabei mithelfen möchten, hier im Flächenland M-V OSM
gerade bei den Straßen zu vollständiger [1]. Hintergrund ist, dass wir
z.B. bei auch Daten aus OSM nutzen um eine aktuelle und
detaillierte Karte mit Landesabdeckung anbieten zu können.
Leider hatten wir nun ein wenig Pech bei unserer internen Abstimmung
und übersehen, dass bevor es losgeht nochmal mit der OSM-Community zu
diskutieren, weshalb es verständlicher Weise letzte Woche ein wenig
Aufregung im Forum gab [2]. Das tut uns leid, es war nicht beabsichtigt
die policies zu verletzen, sondern wir haben es einfach verpennt über
die Details früher zu informieren :-(

Das haben wir nun nachgeholt und findet sich als erster Entwurf hier im
Wir haben bereits Feedback aus dem Forum und der ML probiert
einzubauen, möchten aber die Community auf talk-de nicht außen vor
lassen. Gerne also Anmerkungen einfach mailen, wir diskutieren die dann
und schauen was möglich ist.

Um es kurz zu machen, hier nochmal eine kleine Zusammenfassung:
Worum es gehen soll, ist das Erkennen der bereits vorhandenen /
fehlenden / abweichenden Straßen zwischen OSM und dem offiziellen
Stand der Verwaltung. Dazu möchten wir die Straßenschlüssel an die
Straßensegmente hängen [3], um auch langfristig die Straßen
wiederfinden zu können und neue (noch fehlende) Straßen zu finden. Dabei
wollen wir schrittweise vorgehen und zunächst (wo wir aktuell gestoppt
haben) die Straßen anfassen, welche wir eindeutig über den Namen finden
können. In einem zweiten Schritt probieren wir dann Straßen mit klar
erkennbaren Abweichungen (Schreibweise, Geometrie, Abschnitte, ...) mit
einem Schlüssel zu versehen (merken uns die Probleme für später). Für
Schlüssel die nun noch nicht zugeordnet werden konnten schauen wir, ob
es da Probleme (auch auf unserer Seite) gibt, oder ob die wirklich
Erst danach würden wir durchgehen und bei den eindeutigen Fehlern
Korrekturen an den OSM Straßennetz durchführen. Das beinhaltet dann also
ggF. Straßen auftrennen, z.B. weil sie bisher über Gemeindegrenzen
hinaus so benannt waren, oder das Erfassen/Benennen von noch
fehlenden/unbenannten Straßen. All dass passiert aber durch Menschen und
wird nur durch  eigene Tools unterstützt um schneller ein ganzes
Bundesland durchsehen zu können.

Ich hoffe wir können auch hier noch etwas Feedback bekommen, wie die
Community zum Vorgehen und den Einzelheiten steht. Wir greifen Hinweise
gerne auf, aber wie gesagt, wir sind ja erst bei Schritt 1, also ein
halbautomatischer Edit. Viel steht auch schon im Forum und der Seite
unseres Projekt-Partner [3], gerne dort also nochmal reinschauen. Ich
fände es schön, wenn wir mit diesem Projekt bei OSM mithelfen etwas
an OSM zurückzugeben könnten :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias Meißer


Matthias Meißer

Sachbearbeiter Regionale Geoinformationsssysteme
Hansestadt Rostock
Der Oberbürgermeister
Kataster-, Vermessungs- und Liegenschaftsamt
Abt. Kataster
Holbeinplatz 14, 18069 Rostock
Tel.: +49 (0)381 381 6221
Fax: +49 (0)381 381 6902

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] tunnel überlagert Buildings auf

2015-06-12 Thread Matthias

auf werden Straßentunnels über Gebäude gelegt trotz
vorhandenem tunnel=yes.


Wer ist hierfür der Ansprechpartner?

Gruß Matthias

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] tunnel überlagert Buildings auf

2015-06-12 Thread Matthias
Ein Tunnel ist an der Oberfläche meist nicht sichtbar. Das Gebäude hätte
für mich hier Vorrang.

Issue auf

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Map Matching Plugin Questions

2015-05-07 Thread Matthias Schwamborn
Thanks a bunch, Patrick! That cleared things up for me considerably.

Best, Matthias

On 07/05/15 12:40, Patrick Niklaus wrote:
 - Did you implement all of the described HMM break conditions (route
 localization, low probability routes, GPS outliers)? After reading the
 code in OSRM, I was only able to find the low probability routes
 condition. Did I overlook something?
 The localization is implemented by choosing the candidates before we
 start the algorithm. For each input point we adaptively chose between
 5 and 10 candidates based on the distance to the previous input point.
 That part of the algorithm can be found in plugins/match.hpp. The
 outliers test is not implemented, I'm not sure it would add much value
 over the limited search radius for candidates combined with the
 pruning based on transition probability.

 - As far as I understand, MAX_DISTANCE_DELTA corresponds to the delta
 when comparing the route length and great circle distance for the low
 probability routes condition. The paper states a delta of 2000m, the
 implementation uses a delta of 200m. Feature or bug?

 I found that 2000m is a little bit on the conservative side. At least
 for my data 200m worked pretty well (sampling period was approximately
 Please not that most parameters are tuned for sampling periods of
 around 5 to 10 seconds.
 - What exactly does the confidence return value mean?

 Since we are dealing with real world data, matching will fail for some
 traces. That might be cause the trace is too noisy or the data from
 OpenStreetMap has problems like connectivity errors. To get a handle
 on that I gathered some empirical data on mismatched traces and tried
 to find a good feature to classify matchings are valid or invalid. The
 feature that worked best for me was the ratio between trace length and
 matching length (the intuition here is that invalid matchings tend to
 contain loops where detours are taken). I used that labeled data to
 fit a Laplacian distribution and constructed a naive Bayes classifier
 based on that.
 The confidence is the probability P(x \in valid). The values are
 only based on ~800 labeled traces which specific sampling rate, so
 take that value with a grain of salt for your data.
 What is missing is a good parameter selection based on the sample rate
 of the input. Its not clear when I will have time again to do that
 (for now massaging the data to fit the current constraints works quite
 OSRM-talk mailing list

Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Map Matching Plugin Questions

2015-05-06 Thread Matthias Schwamborn
Hi all,

I'm currently playing with the new map matching plugin in OSRM 4.6.0.
Great work! It's been really useful for me so far. I also read the
corresponding paper by Newson and Krumm and have some questions about
the implementation:

- Did you implement all of the described HMM break conditions (route
localization, low probability routes, GPS outliers)? After reading the
code in OSRM, I was only able to find the low probability routes
condition. Did I overlook something?

- As far as I understand, MAX_DISTANCE_DELTA corresponds to the delta
when comparing the route length and great circle distance for the low
probability routes condition. The paper states a delta of 2000m, the
implementation uses a delta of 200m. Feature or bug?

- What exactly does the confidence return value mean?


Best, Matthias

Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Démo Carnet de rando sur la crête des Vosges

2015-04-22 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Bravo pour le carnet. Toujours aussi bien le rendu R25.

Pour répondre à vos interrogations sur les carrés rouges : le Vieil Armand
est un champ de bataille de 14-18.
Les sites taggués en tourism=attraction sont des ouvrages construits
durant la guerre (lieux de vie des soldats, abris, postes d'observation,

Je vais contacter le contributeur qui les a ajoutés. On devrait peut-être
pouvoir trouver des tags plus appropriés dans historic=*.

Le 21 avril 2015 21:59, JB a écrit :

  Le 21/04/2015 21:25, Yves Pratter a écrit :

 Bien cette idée de carnet, j’espère qu’elle va faire des petits dans
 d’autres régions :)

 Si tu as des envies, il suffit de faire ou de demander !

 Seul bémol, la multitude de carrés rouges vers le *Vieil Armand* (carte
 Si je lis bien la légende, il s’agit de Lieux ou éléments touristiques ou
 Un peu déroutant.

 Tagguer pour le rendu… ben des fois, ça fait pas ce qu'on voulait. Je ne
 sais pas trop ce qui représenté là-bas, mais en tout cas, c'est bourré de
 tourism=attraction + name=*. Mais je sais pas trop ce que c'est, si c'est
 des statues/sculptures ou autres, mais je pense que le tag utilisé est pas
 forcément le meilleur (sur R25, les artwork sont rendus de manière moins

 PS : en fait, la crête des Vosges avec OSM, ça existe déjà, j'ai découvert
 ça cet après-midi. Un premier tant attendu guide de cette crête est sorti,
 mais comme celui de la FFRP/CV tardait trop, il s'est fait doubler par un
 éditeur allemand qui a traduit son topo en français (d'après ce que j'ai
 compris). Le bouquin :
 , un exemple de carte visible ici : , j'avais pas d'appareil
 photo sous la main, mais sur la dernière page, il est précisé que les 36
 (?) cartes détaillées sont à partir de données CC-BY-SA OpenStreetMap
 (c'est pas impossible que la version allemande date d'avant le changement
 de licence), cartographie je me souviens plus quelle entreprise allemande…

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-alsace] Re: Guebviller: nouveau plan de circulation...

2015-02-24 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Le 24 février 2015 21:11, DH a écrit :

 Le 24/02/2015 19:11, Christian Quest a écrit :

 Pour info:

 Quelqu'un pour faire la mise à jour ?
 Ca semble changer le 4/3...

 Pour info, nous avons reçu un message sur le formulaire de contact
 venant des services de la ville pour signaler les changements et les
 répercuter dans OSM. Ca fait plaisir de voir qu'on pense naturellement à
 nous !

  Je relaie sur la liste locale Alsace


Merci Denis,

Habitant à quelques kilomètres et connaissant très bien Guebwiller, je veux
bien m'en occuper, à moins évidemment qu'un non-abonné aux listes s'en
charge d'ici là.

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Ajout de POI pas très bien géocodés par une agence de com

2014-11-07 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Je déterre un peu le sujet, mais il faut croire qu'ils n'ont toujours pas
Je viens de voir passer de nouveaux changesets, avec création de doublons
géocodés à la hache.
Par exemple ici une pizzeria au milieu d'une salle de cinéma, alors qu'un
POI bien placé existe déjà en bordure du bâtiment.

Dans le même genre, on trouve des pizzerias en plein milieu de routes,
comme ici une départementale:
ou là:

Comme il y a un nœud par changeset, il va y avoir un peu de travail ...

Christian, ils avaient répondu à ta prise de contact ?

Le 22 septembre 2014 09:35, Romain MEHUT a écrit :

 Le 20 septembre 2014 20:58, Christian Quest a
 écrit :

 Si c'est vraiment n'importe quoi, je pense qu'il ne faut pas hésiter à

 J'ai déjà supprimé des données de ce genre sans me poser plus de question
 vu que Christian avait déjà pris contact avec eux pour leur demander
 d'améliorer leurs contributions...


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose Missing object kind sur Piste de ski

2014-10-18 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Il n'y a pas que les pistes de ski qui sont touchées par cette nouvelle
analyse, on trouve également des erreurs sur :
- les cols (mountain_pass=yes + name=*)
- les panneaux d'entrée d'agglomération (traffic_sign=city_limite + name=*)
- les panneaux d'information (information=* + name=*)
- les éléments d'un terrain de golf (golf=* + name=*)

Ceci est juste le retour d'un rapide tour d'horizon autour de chez moi. Il
doit y avoir plein d'autres cas.

Bref, la liste des tag principaux est potentiellement bien plus longue
que celle supportée actuellement.

Le 18 octobre 2014 14:07, Yves Pratter a écrit :

 Le 18 oct. 2014 à 13:44, Jérôme Seigneuret a
 écrit :

 L'erreur devrait donc être : Objet nommé dont un tag indispensable
 n'existe pas »

 ou « tag manquant pour un objet nommé »

 Osmose considère que seul les objets avec les attributs suivants peuvent
 être nommés :

- aerialway
- aeroway
- amenity
- barrier
- boundary
- building
- craft
- emergency
- geological
- highway
- historic
- landuse
- leisure
- man_made
- military
- natural
- office
- place
- power
- public_transport
- railway
- route
- shop
- sport
- tourism
- waterway

 Pour les pistes de ski, il y a l’attribut *piste:type* mais pas *type*.

 Il faut donc rajouter piste:type à la liste… ou rajouter un mécanisme qui
 recherche les attributs se terminant par *:type.

 Le 18 oct. 2014 à 11:30, Yves Pratter a écrit :

 J’essai de comprendre le code mais ce n’est pas très clair (en comparaison
 à d’autres erreurs):
 Donc si l’objet à l’attribut « name » et que son parent ne serait pas
 nommé ?? (je ne pige pas la seconde condition)

 if tags.get(name) and len(key_set  self.name_parent) == 0: err.append((
 21101, 1, {}))

 En fait, l’erreur est produite si un objet OSM à un attribut *name* et
 qu’il n’a aucun des attributs suivants : *type*, *aerialway*…

 Donc, le message pourrait être *« tag manquant pour un objet nommé » *


 *key_set *est la liste des attributs de l’objet.
 *self.name_parent* est la liste des objets/attributs qui peuvent être
 self.name_parent = set(('type', 'aerialway', 'aeroway', 'amenity',
 'barrier', 'boundary', 'building', 'craft', 'emergency', 'geological',
 'highway', 'historic', 'landuse', 'leisure', 'man_made', 'military',
 'natural', 'office', 'place', 'power', 'public_transport', 'railway',
 'route', 'shop', 'sport', 'tourism', 'waterway'))

 len(key_set  self.name_parent) == 0
 indique l’appartenance cf.  A⊆B cf. Utilisation avancée des listes en

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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose Missing object kind sur Piste de ski

2014-10-18 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Après vérification du wiki, il faudrait en effet que information=* soit
accompagné de tourism=information.

En revanche mountain_pass=yes ne nécessite rien d'autre. Pour golf=* le
wiki ne dit pas qu'il doit être ajouté à sport=golf par exemple.

Et en ce qui concerne traffic_sign=city_limit, là non plus il n'est pas
précisé qu'il doit être ajouté à autre chose. En non, il ne doit pas être
nécessairement sur du highway, mais à l'emplacement physique du panneau,
qui est en général à côté de la voirie, comme indiqué dans le wiki. Taginfo
indique également qu'aucun des quelque 100 000 nœuds
traffic_sign=city_limit n'est actuellement accompagné de highway=*.
Donc en dehors de information=*, Osmose ne devrait pas lever d'erreurs sur
ces objets (en tout cas pas si on s'en tient aux usages actuels).

Le 18 octobre 2014 15:22, Jérôme Seigneuret a
écrit :

 L'ensemble de ces clé doivent normalement être membre des clés
 précédemment cités (explicite ou implicite)

 *traffic_sign *n'est pas cité dans la page principale mais *traffic_signal
 ne doit t'on pas mettre :
 *highway=traffic_sign *en plus?

 même cas pour *information*:

 Je pense que rajouter n'est pas forcément juste. Sinon il faut considérer
 qu'il y a des nouveau types principaux.
 Si ce sont des type implicites il faut pouvoir vérifier leurs
 correspondance avec l'une des clés principales.

 Exemple pour les trafic_sign il faut forcément qu'ils soit sur du highway
 parcontre un panneau d'information est quand à lui positionné sur des
 parcelles privé et non sur la voirie.

 A la base le modèle est en XML. N'y a t-il pas un schéma XSD ou JSON?

 en json on peut analyser le contenu avec un correspondance à un schema

 On pourra aussi proposer via ça des listes de balises connexes manquantes

 Le 18 octobre 2014 14:32, Matthias Dietrich a écrit

 Il n'y a pas que les pistes de ski qui sont touchées par cette nouvelle
 analyse, on trouve également des erreurs sur :
 - les cols (mountain_pass=yes + name=*)
 - les panneaux d'entrée d'agglomération (traffic_sign=city_limite +
 - les panneaux d'information (information=* + name=*)
 - les éléments d'un terrain de golf (golf=* + name=*)

 Ceci est juste le retour d'un rapide tour d'horizon autour de chez moi.
 Il doit y avoir plein d'autres cas.

 Bref, la liste des tag principaux est potentiellement bien plus longue
 que celle supportée actuellement.

 Le 18 octobre 2014 14:07, Yves Pratter a écrit :

 Le 18 oct. 2014 à 13:44, Jérôme Seigneuret a
 écrit :

 L'erreur devrait donc être : Objet nommé dont un tag indispensable
 n'existe pas »

 ou « tag manquant pour un objet nommé »

 Osmose considère que seul les objets avec les attributs suivants peuvent
 être nommés :

- aerialway
- aeroway
- amenity
- barrier
- boundary
- building
- craft
- emergency
- geological
- highway
- historic
- landuse
- leisure
- man_made
- military
- natural
- office
- place
- power
- public_transport
- railway
- route
- shop
- sport
- tourism
- waterway

 Pour les pistes de ski, il y a l’attribut *piste:type* mais pas *type*.

 Il faut donc rajouter piste:type à la liste… ou rajouter un mécanisme
 qui recherche les attributs se terminant par *:type.

 Le 18 oct. 2014 à 11:30, Yves Pratter a écrit :

 J’essai de comprendre le code mais ce n’est pas très clair (en
 comparaison à d’autres erreurs):
 Donc si l’objet à l’attribut « name » et que son parent ne serait pas
 nommé ?? (je ne pige pas la seconde condition)

 if tags.get(name) and len(key_set  self.name_parent) == 0: err.append
 ((21101, 1, {}))

 En fait, l’erreur est produite si un objet OSM à un attribut *name* et
 qu’il n’a aucun des attributs suivants : *type*, *aerialway*…

 Donc, le message pourrait être *« tag manquant pour un objet nommé » *


 *key_set *est la liste des attributs de l’objet.
 *self.name_parent* est la liste des objets/attributs qui peuvent être
 self.name_parent = set(('type', 'aerialway', 'aeroway', 'amenity',
 'barrier', 'boundary', 'building', 'craft', 'emergency', 'geological',
 'highway', 'historic', 'landuse', 'leisure', 'man_made', 'military',
 'natural', 'office', 'place', 'power', 'public_transport', 'railway',
 'route', 'shop', 'sport', 'tourism', 'waterway'))

 len(key_set  self.name_parent) == 0
 indique l’appartenance cf.  A⊆B cf. Utilisation avancée des listes en

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 Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose Missing object kind sur Piste de ski

2014-10-18 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Je reprends également point par point.

Je ne comprends pas groupe comme étant le tag principal, mais simplement la
catégorie en quelque sorte. D'ailleurs le lien ne pointe pas vers la clé
highway, mais sur une page listant tout ce qui concerne la voirie.

Soit nous ne parlons pas de la même chose, soit tu extrapoles ce que dit le
wiki. Pour mountain_pass, le noeud doit certes se trouver sur un way
highway=*, mais le noeud en lui-même ne doit pas porter un quelconque
highway=*. C'est cette soi-disant erreur que rapporte Osmose.

Pour traffic_sign, relis la partie qui explique comment le taguer sur un

*As a **separate* *node*

Create a separate node beside the road at the position of the actual sign.

Et si tu regardes le tableau en dessous dans le wiki, pour
traffic_sign=city_limit  seul le cas d'un noeud est prévu. Cela n'aurait
aucun sens sur un way, à moins de micro-tagguer les dimensions du panneau

Regarde également dans le panneau de droite les useful combinations. La
clé highway n'y est pas citée.

Enfin, et j'arrêterai là, ces façons de tagguer les cols et les panneaux
d'agglomération existent depuis longtemps, c'est ce que je voulais dire en
citant les chiffres de taginfo. Taginfo reflète avant tout la pratique des
contributeurs. Avec parfois des incohérences certes, mais jusqu'à
aujourd'hui, on y apprend que personne n'a ajouté de tag highway=* à
mountain_pass ou à traffic_sign=city_limit.
Qu'on veuille les changer, pourquoi pas, mais cela doit passer par une
discussion sur tagging ou autres. Ce n'est pas à Osmose d'imposer une
nouvelle interprétation.

Personnellement je me moque royalement de devoir ajouter du highway=* ou
pas à ces noeuds s'il y'a un consensus pour le faire, parce que certains
trouvent ça plus clair. Ce qui me dérange, c'est qu'Osmose rapporte comme
erreur ce qui est la pratique majoritaire, documentée et établie depuis

Le 18 oct. 2014 22:44, Jérôme Seigneuret a
écrit :

 @Matthias Dietrich je vais juste reprendre point par point

 *Après vérification du wiki, il faudrait en effet que information=* soit
 accompagné de tourism=information. *

 En effet c'est précisé ici

 PS: quand dans la boite à droite c'est écrit G*roupe : ** c'est que le
 groupe est le tag principal il me semble

 *En revanche mountain_pass=yes ne nécessite rien d'autre. Pour golf=* le
 wiki ne dit pas qu'il doit être ajouté à sport=golf par exemple. *

 Ça c'est pas vrai!

 Premièrement, Pour *mountain_pass *c'est considéré comme attribut d'un
 highway donc il manque aussi un tag! La doc anglaise dit
 *Applies to the highest node on a highway =
 motorway/secondary/footway/... (could be any appropriate highway):*
 Donc highway=* est indispensable

 Et en ce qui concerne traffic_sign=city_limit, là non plus il n'est pas
 précisé qu'il doit être ajouté à autre chose. En non, il ne doit pas être
 nécessairement sur du highway

 Humm Il me semble que la page dit que c'est un membre du groupe highway.
 Donc highway est indispensable avec highway=traffic_sign! C'est un manque
 du wiki est j'espère que ce sera traité comme tel.

 mais à l'emplacement physique du panneau, qui est en général à côté de la
 voirie, comme indiqué dans le wiki.

 oui est non : *It is possible to use a node which is part of a way, or to
 create a separate node beside the road. Both methods are used in practice.*

  Taginfo indique également qu'aucun des quelque 100 000 nœuds
 traffic_sign=city_limit n'est actuellement accompagné de highway=*.

 Pour moi c'est une connerie du au fait que ce ne soit pas précisé dans le
 wiki! traffic_sign peut être correspondre à tout les élèments ou partie de
 voirie. dans un way dans tous les cas tu auras un highway. Donc dans les
 noeud isolé pour être cohérent il faut ajouter

 *Donc en dehors de information=*, Osmose ne devrait pas lever d'erreurs
 sur ces objets (en tout cas pas si on s'en tient aux usages actuels). *

 *Taginfo indique également qu'aucun des quelque 100 000 nœuds
 traffic_sign=city_limit n'est actuellement accompagné de highway=*.*

 Cela peut aussi être du à un manque dans le wiki... Taginfo ne remonte que
 la manière dont c'est utilisé et pas les incohérence sur l'utilisation. Si
 c'est pas claire tout le monde fera n'importe quoi et on le voit sur
 d'autre tags. Si j'en corrige 75000 highway=traffic_sign ,
 considèrera-t-on que c'est ça qu'il faut faire?
 Bref Taginfo permet de savoir combien on a de saisie ou de comparer des
 mode de saisie mais pas de dire que c'est bien ou non. Au moins on sait que
 10 noeud seront à revoir...

 traffic_sign est une restriction doit-on ajouter des tags restriction pour
 avoir une catégorie principale... ou complètement ignoré les restrictions
 du test...


 Le 18 octobre 2014 20:00, Matthias Dietrich a écrit

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Sport=climbing pour escalade sur falaises et arêtes

2014-08-30 Thread Matthias Dietrich

JOSM voudrait voir sport=* associé à un élément physique sur lequel ou
dans lequel un sport est pratiqué. C'est ce que dit le wiki, où on trouve
une liste d'objets associés:

Les natural=cliff, natural=arete, natural=couloir ou natural=stone
n'y figurent pas.

Maintenant pour répondre à ta question, en ce qui me concerne je mets
sport=climbing sur ce qui va bien, et je laisse JOSM râler.


Le 30 août 2014 18:06, Pierre Knobel a écrit :


 J'ai du mal à comprendre sur quels objets on peut rajouter
 sport=climbong. JOSM me donne une erreur sport without physical feature
 quand je rajoute ce tag sur une falaise ou une arête.

 Exemples : (école d'escalade sur falaise) (arête avec passages
 d'escalade :

 Comment est-ce que vous faites ?


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Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Storing OSM Data in a proprietary format

2014-07-22 Thread Matthias Schmid
Hi Simon, 

Thank you for your reply. The link in deed was very helpful. 

Also I was thinking about Section 4.7 ODbL. Clearly Section 4.7 a) ODbL
applies in case the database is kind of protected by technological measure,
such as a encryption. I am not sure if a database is considered a Restricted
Database, if the format is just copyrighted, so that anyone who wishes to
use or distribute the database requires a license for the proprietary
format. Then again, section 4.7 b ODbL mentions terms: You may impose
terms or technological measures [...].

If this is the case and such a Database is considered a Restricted Database
within the meaning of Section 4.7 ODbL, I am not sure how to understand the
requirements of Section 4.7 b) ODbL: You may impose terms [...] on the
Database [...] (a “Restricted Database”) in contravention of Section 4.74 a.
only if You also make a copy of the Database or a Derivative Database
available to the recipient of the Restricted Database: [...] That is
available in a *medium* that does not alter or restrict the terms of this
License , or any rights granted under it, or have the effect or intent of
restricting the ability of any person to exercise those rights (an
“Unrestricted Database”);. 

Does this mean that it is sufficient, if I provide the Database (the
identical data) in a different format (which is not proprietary), e.g. under
the ODbL? Your answer seems to suggest that this true. However, I think what
confuses me is the term *medium*, which seems to refer to a the type of
storage rather than to the format of the database.

BR, Matthias 

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[OSM-legal-talk] Storing OSM Data in a proprietary format

2014-07-21 Thread Matthias Schmid
I have a question regarding the application of the ODbL. Currently, I am
evaluating the obligations using the OSM Data for a client application. 
My question regards the storage of OSM Data (data under the ODbL) in a
proprietary format (the format is copyrighted and not available under an
open and/or free license). 
My understanding is that using substantial parts of the database and
re-arrangement of the OSM data creates a Derivative Database, which requires
to be provided under the terms of ODbL (Section 4.4 ODbL).  My understanding
so far is further, that this applies, even if the Contents are not changed
and only the structure of the database is changed. What I am struggling to
understand is how this works in case of a proprietary format (format of the
database), see Section 2.2.a ODbL? 
Likely this question was raised before. Unfortunately, I was not able to
find anything specific so far.  I found this “Use-Case”
but the answer does not seem to really help say how the “open derivative
database” works with the proprietary format.
If anybody can help me with understanding this more clearly or point me to a
previous discussion of this topic, that would be great. Thank you in
Matthias Schmid

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Re: [OSRM-talk] vector::_M_range_check error

2014-06-20 Thread Matthias Schwamborn
Hi John,

thanks for the hint. I double-checked and even prepared the map files
again with 0.4.1. However, the error still persists.

Best, Matthias

On 19/06/14 20:18, John Firebaugh wrote:
 Hi Matthias,
 One thing to check is that the data files being used were generated with
 the same version of OSRM. I have seen this error when a 0.4.1 server
 used data files generated with 0.3.9.
 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:33 AM, Matthias Schwamborn wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've set up my own OSRM server (v0.4.1) and encountered the following
 error several times so far (for different (src,dst) pairs):
 [warn] [server error] code: vector::_M_range_check, uri:
 I also tried getting more information by compiling osrm-routed in debug
 mode, but to no avail. Any pointers to what this error means and how I
 can avoid it? Thanks.
 Matthias Schwamborn
 University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
 Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
 Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
 D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany
 OSRM-talk mailing list
 OSRM-talk mailing list

Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] vector::_M_range_check error

2014-06-19 Thread Matthias Schwamborn
Hi all,

I've set up my own OSRM server (v0.4.1) and encountered the following
error several times so far (for different (src,dst) pairs):

[warn] [server error] code: vector::_M_range_check, uri:

I also tried getting more information by compiling osrm-routed in debug
mode, but to no avail. Any pointers to what this error means and how I
can avoid it? Thanks.


Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Operating on the original road network graph

2014-03-17 Thread Matthias Schwamborn
Hi all,

I would like to implement plugins which operate on the original road
network graph (nodes=road segment end points/crossings, edges=road
segments). However, I must admit that I'm somewhat overwhelmed by all
the graph-related data structures. Which one is used for the original
graph? Is it even accessible during runtime (since it doesn't seem to be
used for routing etc.)? Can you please give me some pointers on where to
start? Thanks!

Best regards,

Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Mapnik Administration blockt QLandkarteGT

2014-02-16 Thread Philipp Matthias Hahn

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 12:45:38PM +0100, Dirk Sohler wrote:
 hike39 schrieb:
  here is a quick release to end the OSM misery. I am still not
  convinced that transmitting the user-agent string does really help to
  prevent any misuse. […]
 Damit hat er KOMPLETT recht. Der User-Agent sagt absolut rein GAR
 NICHTS darüber aus, welcher Client auf den Server zugreift, da der
 User-Agent ohne weiteres verändert werden kann.

Leute! Überlegt euch mal bitte, was ihr hier verlangt. Die Ressourcen
von OSM sind begrenzt. Solange IHR nicht EUER Geld in die Hand nehmt und
damit Server und Bandbreite kauft, und das dann anschließend nicht nur
für euch nutzt, sondern KOSTENLOS der Welt zur Verfügung steht, solltet
ihr euch anderen gegenüber höflich verhalten. Das ist zumindest meine
bescheidene Meinung.

Und weil es leider einige gibt, die sich nicht an die Spielregeln
halten, muss es leider auch Mechanismen geben, die solche Spielverderber

Und hier gibt es zwei Kategorien:
1. Unbeabsichtigte Programmfehler, die unbeabsichtigt dafür sorgen, daß
das Programm Amok läuft und eben zu Lasten aller Ressourcen verbraucht.
Und hier ist ein aussagekräftiger User-Agent-String eben durchaus
hilfreich, weil man dann mit den Verursachern in Kontakt treten kann, um
eine sinnvolle Lösung zu entwickeln.

2. Absichtliches ignorieren der Spielregeln. Und hier hilft eben kein
User-Agent, denn wer genügend kriminell ist, der fälscht eben auch so
was, um solche Beschränkungen zu umgehen.

Was kommt als nächstes?

Du blockst meine IP-Adresse, also hacke ich deinen Rechner und nutze die?
Bei nur 4 Mrd. IPv4-Adressen mag man vielleicht noch auf die Idee kommen,
einfach pro Adresse ein gewisses Limit zu erzwingen, aber spätestens mit
IPv6 ist Schluss. Und warum soll ich dafür leiden, daß mein Nachbar im
zufällig selben IP-Adressbereich gerade die OSM-Rechner in die Knie

Du blockst meinen Account? Also hacke ich die von anderen und nutze die?

Soll OSM auch einen API-Key einführen, damit jede Anwendung eindeutig
trackbar ist, wie es Goggle tut?

 Ich hoffe, jemand forkt QLandkarteGT, und baut die OSM-Unterstützung
 wieder ein. Am besten mit durch den User änderbarem User-Agent-String,
 um zukünftigen bekloppt-heiten der OSM-Admins entgegenzuwirken.

Und hier widersprichst du dir dann schließlich selber: DU bist
scheinbar nicht in der Lage den UA-String zu ändern und schreist sofort
nach jemand anderem, der das für dich tut.
Und als Programmierer darf man IMHO ruhig noch ein Gewissen haben, um
eben auch zu sagen, daß man eine Funktion eben nicht implementiert, um
es anderen nicht zu einfach zu machen, die Spielregeln zu verletzen.

Ich jedenfalls möchte all den Leuten danke, die ihre Zeit dafür
aufwenden, OSM und OS im allgemeinen am Laufen zu halten.
Und dazu gehören auch die Entwickler von QLandkarteGT, was ich selber
gerne verwende, aber auch wenn die gerade ein wenig eingeschnappt
scheinen, hoffe ich, daß da eine konstruktive Lösung gefunden wird.


PS: Und ja, ich bin Softwareentwickler und ja, ich habe auch schon
als Debian-Entwickler Patches für QLandkarte geschrieben, aber im Moment
fehlt mir selber die Zeit und die Priorität, da selber Hand anzulegen.
  / /  (_)__  __   __ Philipp Hahn
 / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-pt] Tchau OSM-PT :)

2014-01-20 Thread Matthias Meisser
Hi there,

I left Portugal one months ago and I really enjoyed my stay. Country and
people are muito simpático :)

Now I had the time to add the latest collected data to Lisboa. It was
housenumbers for Graca:
But I see that numbering is here different than what I know so please
somebody needs to check it again and add the approriate addr:street=* tag

I also uploaded the translated flyer to the SVN:
So please make use of this work and adapt and finally print it. Would me
make very happy to see somebody of you at the mainpage
picture of the week holding a flyer in front of an typical portuguese
cafe :)

greetings from Rostock (north east Germany),

Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] combien d'adresses en Alsace ?

2014-01-11 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Le 11 janvier 2014 12:06, Jean-Baptiste Holcroft a
écrit :

 Pour l'opendata et Mulhouse, quelqu'un a importé les arbres ? J'avais
 regardé les données, c'était impeccable. Il faut simplement s'accorder sûr
 une référence pour pouvoir tenir à jour les données.
 Pour les adresses, je vais jeter un œil, mais j'avai peu compos la
 dernière fois...

Les arbres n'ont pas été importés à ce jour, mais tu as raison, sur
l'échantillon que j'ai observé de plus près, ils sont très bien placés.
Pour ce qui est de la référence, elle est fournie dans les données de la
M2A. Chaque arbre porte un numéro.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] combien d'adresses en Alsace ?

2014-01-11 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Le 11 janvier 2014 18:06, Jean-Baptiste Holcroft a
écrit :

 Quelle est la règle actuelle ?

Il n'y en a pas ;-) (de règle), mais cela pourrait en effet devenir

Les jeux de données de la M2A ne comportent pas tous d'identifiant ou de
référence. Les stations Vélocité ont été importées depuis plus longtemps à
partir des fichiers mis à disposition par JCDecaux, avec un simple
ref=numéro de station. La plupart des autres objets n'ont pas de

Pour parler concrètement : est-ce que tu souhaites procéder à l'import des
arbres de la M2A ? Il faudrait s'accorder sur ce qu'on fait des attributs
disponibles (diamètre de la couronne, etc.).
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer? (needs YOUR review!)(now really)

2013-11-09 Thread Matthias Meisser
Hash: SHA1

Olá amigos,

sorry that it took so long, but I was very busy the past week.

Now I managed to update the flyer with local text and thanks to
Frederik we also have PT maps:
Compare folding with this one:

So whats todo:
- -spell checking?
- -makes layout/formating sense?
- -are the maps areas ok to you?

Then I will have to check the layout with test printing, so the single
pages look ok (spacing, ...).
I also can share the files at OSM SVN, but unfortunatly everybody
needs a extra account to modify, so maybe it's easier if you post me
your suggestions via the ML and I will try to fix it :)

kind regards,

Am 26.10.2013 00:40, schrieb Topo Lusitania Lusitania:
 Abaixo a tradução do folheto em inglês que pode ser visto aqui: e que anexamos em png
 A equipa TopoLusitania
 Atenção os diversos parágrafos não estão por ordem Please note
 paragraphs are not in order for leaflet
 Criando o mapa-Mundi livre e gratuito
 Este folheto, criado por . 
 Peça este folheto a .. ...
 O Mapa acima mostra Lisboa desenhada com os dados OpenStreetMap,
 tal como o mapa na página ao lado ou o Globo na página da frente,
 todos foran criados com o software OpenStreetMap. Muitos projectos
 com software Open-Source foram criados especialmente para o
 Adira ao OpenStreetMap já hoje! O nosso projecto e documentação
 pode ser encontrado em WWW.OPENSTREETMAP.ORG. O registo é rápido,
 fácil e grátis.
 Temos um WIKI com informações do projecto, tópicos e listas de
 correio próprias de cada país, assim como um sistema de Perguntas e
 Respostas se ficar encravado
 Os dados do OpenStreetMap são publicados sob a Licença 1.0 Base de
 dados aberta. Qualquer pessoa pode partilhar,adaptar e criar obras
 a partir dos nosso dados, livremente desde que dê os créditos aos
 contribuidores OpenStreetMap e partilhe qualquer base de dados
 adaptada sob a mesma licença
 Como funciona o OpenStreetMap?
 Você pode obter dados para os mapas do OpenStreetMap de várias
 formas. Um aparelho GPS e notas escritas são as ferramentas
 tradicionais. Os trajectos GPS (tracks) são uma gravação das ruas e
 caminhos que percorreu nesse dia. Pode usar um computador portátil
 ou uma máquina fotográfica para gravar os detalhes que viu durante
 o seu percurso. Mappers (Mapeadores) ( o nosso nome para
 topógrafos voluntários como você)  podem também fazer frquentemente
 um excelente uso das nossas imagens aéreas.
 Um editor desenvolvido especialmente para o OpenStreetMap
 mostrar-lhe-á as nossas imagens aéreas bem como os trajectos de GPS
 que foram recebidos, e também os dados já existentes  no OSM. A
 geometria das ruas, o contorno dos edificios, florestas ou lagos
 podem ser desenhados a partir das imagens aéreas, mas informações
 como números de portas, nomes das ruas, ou pontos de interesse
 faltam em tais imagens. Este tipo de dados pode apenas ser
 acrescentado se você conhecer bem o local - ou se o for visitar de
 Depois, os seus dados são enviados para a base de dados central do
 projecto e o mapa final é criado. Pouco tempo depois, as alterações
 estão visiveis para todos!
 Porquê um mapa-mundi livre e gratuito? Why a Free Wiki World Map
 Na internet existe uma imensidão de plantas de cidades e mapas
 gratis. Mas a maior parte são apenas para uso pessoal e não podem
 ser usados noutras publicações. Por exemplo, nós (OSM) não os
 poderiamos usar num folheto como este. Muiyas vezes estes mapas não
 são actuais, são imcompletos e os seus erros são corrigidos muito
 lentamente, quando o são.
 Um ponto importante é o de que você só pode usar imagens de mapas,
 mas não tem acesso aos dados apartir dos quais eles foram criados.
 Você precisa desses dados se quiser criar os seus próprios mapas,
 ou usar os mapas em aparelhos diferentes, por exemplo para
 navegação ao ar livre.
 OpenStreetMap é um projecto comunitário à escala mundial, com
 pessoas como você e eu, recolhendo dados geográficos algumas vezes
 em equipa outras sózinhos.
 Com os nossos próprios dados e o nosso próprio software, temos a
 liberdade de usar os dados para qualquer fim. Como na Wikipedia,
 qualquer um pode participar, e centenas de milhares como nós  já
 estão a mapear.
 Junte-se a nós, já hoje!
 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 12:25 AM, wrote:
 I've updated the wiki.
 I think the tone is good, very directed to the reader, as in OSM
 needs you ! Surely it will bring a reaction on the reader :-)
 I'm ok too with the word open-source, some other word need probably
 a bit more thinking, for example the word notas looks too much as
 a translation from english (I think

Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer? (needs YOUR review!)

2013-10-25 Thread Matthias Meisser
Hash: SHA1


thanks to my colleague Miguel here at ISCTE, we have a first translation
in Portuguese:!i!/PT_flyer

So please review and improve it if you like.
We also need a new paragraph on the OSGeo PT, ideally with the same length.

Bom fim-de-semana,

Am 23.10.2013 18:42, schrieb
 Funny, today there's a blog speaking of promotional leaflets :
 I see that the idea of a portuguese flyer is in good shape but didn't know 
 how I can help you, I can't speak german ;-)
 I also think the best pictures are for Lisboa in the low zoom and Porto with 
 the high zoom.
 - Mail original -
 From: Matthias Meisser
 Date: 23/10/2013 14:56:47
 Subject: Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer?
 Am 21.10.2013 20:45, schrieb
 I've not replied because I don't know ;-)
  Não tem problema ;)
 All the mapping party I've heard have been organized by the OSGeo
 Local Chapter, I don't think they have an OSM flyer (I hope someone
 could prove me wrong :-) but it's a very good idea to have one.
 They used to have a wiki and a dedicated page for mapping events
 (but it's down) :
 Hopefully some OSGeo members read this list and you'll get an
 answer, if not we can cross-post to the OSGeo mailing list for a
 larger audience :
 Their list is not OSM related but they are a bigger community so
 they will have better idea for sponsors and publishing partners.
 I contacted the OSGeoPT and the president Jorge agreed, that the
 *chapter will spend the money* and deal with the printing if we
 finished the localisation.
 I also contacted Frederik (Geofabrik chef), if he is ok with replacing
 their promotion at the flyer with an OSGeo 'advertising'. He is very
 ok with that and offered us to create a *high res map rendering* for
 the flyer.
 So now the question is, *which areas* we like to see at the flyer?
 There is one place at one folding segment and second one what covers
 2xsegments. At the german flyer they use the city Münster with low
 zoom and Berlin for the bigger area.
 Hmm so use Lisboa and Porto?
 - Mail original - From: Matthias Meisser To: Date: 21/10/2013
 20:38:19 Subject: Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer?
 As nobody replyed, I like to ask more specific:
 Woul it be ok to you, if *I ask some locals* to create portueuse 
 translation of the official flyer? (I
 think I will use the more recent version, but sadly its just in DE
 For *printing* a few thousands that can be spread to local
 mappers, will there be a organization that likes to sponsor and
 get's a attribution on the flyer? I would replace the german book
 with the english edition, ok?
 Should I ask OSMF or do you know any local sponsor or at least a
 Portuguese online service to order the prints?
 I will try to create another A5 flyer dedicated to the use of the 
 notes function, that allows locals to easily contribute more 
 details. IMHO this makes sense, as if they see some empty
 buildings, they might remember about local POIs?
 Am 16.09.2013 18:14, schrieb Matthias Meisser:
 Hi everybody,
 as I nearly finished tracing Bing aerials the past weeks, I like 
 to start with on-the-ground survey which will be photo and 
 penpaper mapping:
 As I'm not looking like a usual Portuguese guy and I can't make
 me understandable in the language, I would like to have something
 like a flyer, so people can understand what I'm doing. In Germany
 there is one [1] and it helped me already, because Germans care a
 lot about their privacy (and property ;)). So can anybody tell
 me, if the portuguese community has similar documents to show
 their mission to the residents?
 Greetings from Lisboa, Matthias
 ___ Talk-pt mailing 
 ___ Talk-pt mailing
 ___ Talk-pt mailing
 Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer? (needs YOUR review!)

2013-10-25 Thread Matthias Meisser
Hash: SHA1

Am 25.10.2013 19:35, schrieb Mauro Santos:
 The translation looks good.
 I've spotted a couple typos s/eligações/e ligações/ and s/azona/a


 The other thing I've noticed, and I don't know very well how to
 explain it in english, is that the verbs have been conjugated in a
 way that it seems the writer knows the reader personally (and are
 What I mean is, Podes encontrar o web... is similar to Tu podes 
 encontrar o web..., using Tu is not polite if you don't know
 the other person. Personally I prefer to see Pode encontrar o
 I suppose that teenagers don't care about how it's written but
 someone the age of their parents (or older) might not like it, I'd
 say that the flyer should try not to give a bad first impression.

I guess this was mixed as english just knows 'you' (you boy vs. you
sir), so I think Miguel just choose what sounds reasonable to him.
A more serious tone would b appreciated IMHO and is used in DE
edition, too.

 Finally, where it says open-source software, does it mean open
 source or free software[1]?

Wow, I guess this is getting political ;) I made just the translation
an DE also used open source that is IMHO more a buzzword to
non-geeks than free software. As the topic of the flyer is free
mapping, we IMHO should avoid to get to close into details, but maybe
you prefer using a different term for FLOSS?

 On 25-10-2013 18:36, Matthias Meisser wrote:
 thanks to my colleague Miguel here at ISCTE, we have a first
 translation in Portuguese:!i!/PT_flyer
 So please review and improve it if you like. We also need a new
 paragraph on the OSGeo PT, ideally with the same length.
 Bom fim-de-semana, Matthias
 Am 23.10.2013 18:42, schrieb
 Funny, today there's a blog speaking of promotional leaflets :
 I see that the idea of a portuguese flyer is in good shape but
 didn't know how I can help you, I can't speak german ;-)
 I also think the best pictures are for Lisboa in the low zoom
 and Porto with the high zoom.
 - Mail original - From: Matthias Meisser To: Date:
 23/10/2013 14:56:47 Subject: Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer?
 Am 21.10.2013 20:45, schrieb
 I've not replied because I don't know ;-)
 Não tem problema ;)
 All the mapping party I've heard have been organized by the
 OSGeo Local Chapter, I don't think they have an OSM flyer (I
 hope someone could prove me wrong :-) but it's a very good
 idea to have one.
 They used to have a wiki and a dedicated page for mapping
 events (but it's down) :
 Hopefully some OSGeo members read this list and you'll get
 an answer, if not we can cross-post to the OSGeo mailing list
 for a larger audience :
 Their list is not OSM related but they are a bigger community
 so they will have better idea for sponsors and publishing
 I contacted the OSGeoPT and the president Jorge agreed, that
 the *chapter will spend the money* and deal with the printing
 if we finished the localisation.
 I also contacted Frederik (Geofabrik chef), if he is ok with
 replacing their promotion at the flyer with an OSGeo
 'advertising'. He is very ok with that and offered us to create
 a *high res map rendering* for the flyer.
 So now the question is, *which areas* we like to see at the
 flyer? There is one place at one folding segment and second one
 what covers 2xsegments. At the german flyer they use the city
 Münster with low zoom and Berlin for the bigger area. Hmm so
 use Lisboa and Porto?
 - Mail original - From: Matthias Meisser To: Date:
 21/10/2013 20:38:19 Subject: Re: [Talk-pt] Portuguese flyer?
 As nobody replyed, I like to ask more specific:
 Woul it be ok to you, if *I ask some locals* to create
 portueuse translation of the official flyer?
 (I think I will use the more recent version, but sadly its
 just in DE

For *printing* a few thousands that can be spread to local
 mappers, will there be a organization that likes to sponsor
 and get's a attribution on the flyer? I would replace the
 german book with the english edition, ok?

Should I ask OSMF or do you know any local sponsor or at least a
 Portuguese online service to order the prints?
 I will try to create another A5 flyer dedicated to the use of
 the notes function, that allows locals

[Talk-de] Problem mit Tiefgarage

2013-09-02 Thread Matthias Gutjahr

wir haben in Wiesbaden ein Problem (OSM Note: mit der Tiefgarage am
Markt ( und wissen nicht
genau, ob und wie wir es lösen können.

Die Tiefgarage wird scheinbar wie ein oberirdischer Parkplatz gerendert
(Standard auf .org und .de), obwohl darüber sich mit dem Dern'sches
Gelände ( ein
Fußgänger-Areal befindet.

Beim Vergleich zu bspw. zur Tiefgarage Luisenplatz ( habe ich keine größeren
Unterschiede gefunden, außer vielleicht `tunnel=yes` und dass hier die
Tiefgarage und der Platz ein gemeinsamer Weg sind. Aber vielleicht habe ich
auch etwas wichtiges übersehen?!?

Ich habe jetzt auf gelesen,
dass Tiefgaragen als Relation gemappt werden könnten. Dabei werden aber die
unterirdischen `highways` gar nicht gemappt, oder? Da wir die schon haben,
würde ich die nur ungern wieder entfernen.

Könnte mir bitte jemand helfen, den Fehler zu finden, oder einen Vorschlag
zur Lösung des Problems machen?

Viele Grüße
 - Matthias

PS: Ja, wir mappen nicht für die Renderer; aber möglicherweise weist der
Renderer hier auf eine Ungenauigkeit hin?
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Problem mit Tiefgarage

2013-09-02 Thread Matthias Gutjahr
Ok, danke für den Hinweis. Offenbar gewichten auch anderer Renderer den
Namen der Tiefgarage stärker als den Namen des Areas darüber. Ich mache
mich mal auf die Suche nach weiteren Tiefgaragen; auf den ersten Blick
scheinen sie tatsächlich überall so gerendert zu werden …

Am 2. September 2013 13:40 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer

 Am 2. September 2013 10:54 schrieb Matthias Gutjahr

  Könnte mir bitte jemand helfen, den Fehler zu finden, oder einen
  zur Lösung des Problems machen?

 Der Mapnik-stil kommt derzeit mit solchen Dingen nicht klar, evtl. hilft
 ein Ticket mit Bugreport, um den Stil für das Rendern unterirdischer
 Anlagen zu verbessern (oder um diese ggf. zu ignorieren).

 Gruß Martin
 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Visiting Portugal

2013-08-31 Thread Matthias Meisser
Hash: SHA1

Am 31.08.2013 15:17, schrieb Alexandre Neto:
 As architecture is your topic, you might be interested in 3D
 building modeling? I had the pleasure to assist on the
 development of the Simple 3D buildings-schema and did a
 bigger micromapping survey of a district in Rostock:
 I think you will like to see Victor's work as well. :-P

So Victor did already some 3D modelling with OSM?
Now I'm really curious :) I tried to find some models with f4 maps,
but had no success. Sadly we have no 3D tag related overlay for
osmatrix :/

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Visiting Portugal

2013-08-02 Thread Matthias Meisser

Am 29.07.2013 11:41, schrieb Alexandre Neto:

Hello Matthias,

As far as I know, in Portugal we really have a diferent relation with 
OSM. For instance, I don't think we have any OSM local groups. Most of 
our contribuitions are made individualy or by ocasional map parties.
Oh thats interesting to know. Here in Germany, the number of local 
meetings (Stammtische) is also decreasing. Maybe this is caused by the 
improved coverage or by different reasons.

I agree that we could promote somekind of exchange, maybe to learn how 
you guys do it in germany.

Besides that, I think that you can post your questions related to 
tagging in here.

Hmm, I think I will come back to that later, when I'm in Portugal for 
real and see what the existing features represent. I hope that I can at 
least improve my very close neighbourhood or the campus. Maybe I can do 
some micromapping there :)


On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Matthias Meisser wrote:


(I'm sorry I just can't speak Portuguese language. I hope a
english post is also ok)

My name is Matthias, but in OSM I'm know as user:!i!!i!

During September till December, I will visit Portugal to take part
on a a internship at the university of Lisbon.
So I like to help contributing during this period, and I like to
ask, if there is a local meeting or usergroup somewhere, where I
can post question? I think most things are different from how we
map here in Germany, as road classification, names, special
amenities etc.
Maybe we can have some kind of exchange, so we get a new point of
view, how other nations map and what might be different there in
real life :)

kind regards from the city of Rostock,

Talk-pt mailing list

Talk-pt mailing list

Talk-pt mailing list

[Talk-de] und IPV6

2013-06-06 Thread Timo Matthias
pünktlich zum heutigen IPV6 Day habe ich einen IPV6 Tunnel bekommen.
Wenn ich jetzt auf gehe wird die Seite auch über IPV6
aufgeteilt und angezeigt, aber die tiles fehlen. scheint noch auch IPv4 zu laufen, ich
weiß nicht ob es am Firefox (mir) liegt oder noch mehr das Problem haben.
Könnte es mal jemand gegen checken?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Timo Matthias aka BudBundi

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Genauigkeit des etrex VISTA HCx

2013-05-23 Thread Matthias Gutjahr
Michael, du hast wegen des Gummis ein neues Gerät bekommen? An wen hast du
dich gewendet? Bei meinem Garmin ist der nämlich auch schon fast komplett
ab, und auch wenn ich das Teil immer seltener nutze, hätte ich gegen ein
Austauschgerät natürlich nichts einzuwenden.

Ansonsten kann ich zum Thema noch beitragen, dass ich mit meinem Garmin am
Lenker schon viel rumgefahren bin und eigentlich immer zufrieden war mit
der Track-Aufzeichnung. Mag sein, dass andere/neuere Geräte noch genauer
sind, aber in der Regel war es für mich zum Mappen hinreichend genau.

Viele Grüße
 - Matthias

Am 22. Mai 2013 20:45 schrieb Michael Krämer

 Jetzt doch noch ein kleiner Nachtrag: Mein Vista HCx hat 3.40. Die kam
 entweder über den Webupdater oder direkt von Garmin, da ich mal wegen des
 Gummis ein neues Gerät bekommen habe.


 Am 21. Mai 2013 11:42 schrieb Michael Krämer

  Am 21. Mai 2013 11:30 schrieb Benjamin Lebsanft
   Da gibt es ja wie gesagt nur 3.20 als letzte Firmware. Auf meinem ist
  aber schon 3.30 drauf und jemand erwähnte, dass es wohl schon 3.40 geben
  Oh, peinlich... Auf die Schnelle hab ich nicht auf die Versionsnummern
  geachtet. Entschuldigung.
  Hm, für's Vista Cx gibt es bei Garmin eine 3.40, für HCx nur 3.20. Beide
  haben aber das gleiche Datum. Vielleicht könnte auch das eine Erklärung
 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] ODbL in 3D toolchains

2013-01-19 Thread Matthias Meißer

this is Matthias (aka !i!) and I'm currently looking for informations on 
the license debate to prepare a talk for 3D city models, compiled out of 
OSM. To me (and others), it seems to be pretty hard to distinguish if a 
step needs to be ODbL licensed or not.

Might anybody of you, who are more familar with the topic please share 
your opinions in the forums, too?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Loire-atlantique et GR - Lettre ouverte à la FFRP ?

2012-12-29 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Le 29 décembre 2012 10:41, Christophe Merlet a
écrit :

 Cela signifie t'il que du jour au lendemain, ce chemin deviendra une
 propriété intellectuelle et oeuvre de l'esprit de la FFRP et
 qu'OpenStreetMap devra l'effacer de sa base de données ?

 En tout cas, comme je l'ai déjà dit, hors de question en ce qui me
 concerne de cautionner ce genre d'interprétation, le Chemin Henri IV
 restera dans la base, même s'il devient un GR !

Bien que je sois plutôt partisan de la prudence en ce qui concerne les GR,
dans ce cas précis, je ne vois pas ce que la FFRP viendrait réclamer. Le
tracé existe depuis longtemps, ils ne pourront pas se prévaloir d'avoir
créé l'itinéraire.
Dans le même genre, on peut penser au GR 70, reprenant plus ou moins le
chemin de R.L. Stevenson à travers les Cévennes. La FFRP n'a fait
qu'apposer son label sur une idée existante. J'imagine difficilement un
juge reconnaître la paternité de la FFRP sur cet itinéraire.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Loire-atlantique et GR - Lettre ouverte à la FFRP ?

2012-12-29 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Le 29 décembre 2012 12:34, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

 Tout à fait d'accord. Ce genre d'appropriation exclusive des droits
 communs des autres est un abus qui ne doit pas être toléré. Même si la
 mention GR ne figure pas dans la base (si on admet alors que c'est juste
 un label propriétaire, que seule la FFRP peut décerner, il restera que
 ces chemins ne lui appartiennent pas, et qu'ils auront été
 construits/balisés et relevés sur le terrain par d'autres).

 Sinon demain je déclare que les autoroutes françaises m'appartiennent
 parce que je vais décider de les appeler toutes autostrades avec ma propre
 numérotation. En quoi cela devrait changer le droit de mentionner les
 autoroutes existantes ?

 Laissons à la FRPP sa nomenclature GR, utilisons une nomenclature
 générique internationale, et tant pis pour les numéros de GR, on n'a rien à

Ton analogie n'est pas correcte : ce n'est pas un problème de nomenclature.
Tu peux renommer les GR si tu veux, tu éviteras simplement l'emploi de la
marque déposée GR.

Le cœur du problème, c'est l'itinéraire en lui-même (le fait de suivre une
liste précise de chemins ou de tronçons de chemins).
L'itinéraire en lui-même peut être revendiqué comme œuvre de l'esprit.

Après est-ce que chaque GR est une œuvre de l'esprit de la FFRP ? Seul la
justice pourrait répondre. C'est bien là qu'est l'incertitude concernant
cette histoire de GR.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Thank You for the Operation Cowboy mappers

2012-11-30 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 30.11.2012 02:30, schrieb Martijn van Exel:

Hi folks,

I put together this short Thank You video for  all who took part in
Operation Cowboy around the world.
Because this is a thank you on behalf of the US community, I thought
I'd show it to you first before I post it on Talk and on

Let me know what you think.

It's great and obviusly you have more artistic skills than me, for OSM 
grafities ;)

Thanks Martijn!

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Operation Cowboy - Preaparing Thank you gift

2012-11-29 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 29.11.2012 00:04, schrieb Richard Fairhurst:

!i! wrote:

Hi, one last personal note on the mapathon and a big thank you

And thank you, too. I've always been sceptical about this sort of event - my
vision for OSM is that we need more contributors with local knowledge, not
more remote mapping - but in hindsight I think this, and MapRoulette, are
showing some really interesting ways forward. By applying the OSM community
to a problem in Mechanical Turk fashion, we're able to achieve much better
results than an unthinking import or automated edit would do.

I absolutely agree with that opinion. What OSM makes strong is a huge 
crowd of people _on the ground_, that contribute and update data.
On the other hand, there are still a lot of countries, where we sadly 
haven't this public attention and only a few inhabitant participate on 
our project. So what we can do here is to wait, till there is a critical 
number of mappers, or try to help from outside.

Similar to Richard (and others) I was sceptical, too if armchair-mapping 
will work with such an general mission. So first approach (night of the 
living maps) was focused on contribute on a semi-local level, where 
people have usually no problem with identifying objects, ...
So OPC2012 was the next step, to see if it will work on another 
continents, as well and get feedback by the community. And it seemed to 
work, even if some users would prefer to work on their own regions again ;)

I had similar concerns to do tracings here in my state of Mecklenburg 
Vorpommern (in north east Germany). As this is a wide area with only 
sparse community, I wasn't sure if it will be bad (as to 'steal' the 
work from other upcoming local mappers) or good idea to trace places 
100km away.
But it turned out, that most externals enjoyed to see their city with 
buildings (usually a giant batch job that frightens people) and attract 
them to add more minor changes as adding POIs they now can easily point 
to. A few dozen times, it worked, too , to invite inhabitants (local 
bureaus, associations, sport clubs, ...) to add their knowledge using
That doesn't have to be a general effort, but was my personal motivation 
to see armchair mapping more positive.

So what else can be done to attract people? I don't think that we have 
so much choices:

-get into media (IT, GIS, ...)
-get into usual apps
-offer better/more innovative services than other
-allow even minor places to get as detailed, as boom towns

The first idea needs some storys (as OPC2012 might was) and doesn't work 
without new or innovative facts, so new developments. Here in Germany it 
seems to be now a problem, as anybody from the IT sector seems to know 
OSM, but only very few from the mainstream. So maybe here we might need 
really to focus on the consumers to recruit a few more of them as mappers.

-Erfahrungen vom ländlichen Raum in Ostdeutschland
-Wie Leute gewinnen?
-hier breiter bewerben, da OSM zwar bei IT Leuten bekannt, aber kaum bei 

-man weis immer nur sehr wenig von anderen teilen der Erde
-Mapper sind gewissenhafter als man denkt. Es scheint nur den wenigsten 
um Masse statt Klasse zu gehen

Give the OSM community a task and it will carry it out much better than
you'd imagine. There's lots we can learn from that.

Yes most mappers (as you and me) seem to care more on quality and 
quantity. Maybe this is because everybody knows mapping from a lot of 
different perspectives (local survey , mapping well know areas,  
editing existing 3rd party data).

Personally I saw that we all have very limited knowledge from other 
parts of this world :)


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Operation Cowboy läuft

2012-11-28 Thread Matthias Meißer
Zum Schluss nur noch ein GROßES DANKESCHÖN an alle Beteiligten 

Also dann, cya!


Am 24.11.2012 21:53, schrieb Matthias Meißer:


gestern fanden schon die lokalen Parties in Deutschland statt. Seither
haben 123 Leute mitgeholfen:

Wie man sieht, gibt es einige Hotspots, wo schon viel passiert ist:

Gerne könnt ihr also noch helfen, mit macht das
sogar echt Spass und man sieht was vom Land:)
Aber bitte nicht den Kommentar #opc2012 ... in den Changesets vergessen!

Nachfragen sind im IRC ( #opc2012), sowie auf Twitter und Google
Hangout möglich.
Also dann, noch kann ein ganzer Tag genutzt werden!


Am 23.11.2012 15:22, schrieb Matthias Meißer:

as most noted, the Operation cowboy mapathon with focus on the USA
started today!

Thanks to Pascal everybody can track where our busy mappers contribute
and fix data:

So hope everybody of you will have a nice little party at the weekend
and that we help our friends in America to improve the data (even if
just a little bit ;).

Matthias (aka !i!)

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Operation Cowboy - Preaparing Thank you gift

2012-11-28 Thread Matthias Meißer

Hi, one last personal note on the mapathon and a big thank you (literally)!i!/diary/18132


Am 25.11.2012 15:37, schrieb Matthias Meißer:


if we look at the current stats, 150 users joined the OPC2012 which
results in 300 active mappers in the US (as the usual 200 ones).
Personally I like to send out an Thank you all! message, but maybe we
all can build something more personal? Just a few ideas:

1. Collecting photo snapshots of the american OSM community and build a
collage with it? Maybe the string Thank you with your faces? Or as
part in a animation? (who can do this videoediting?)

2. Writing the String in all possible languages (in german: Vielen
Dank!) in the USA deserts at OSM, taking a snapshot and removing them

Maybe you have another ideas, how you can thank people contributing from
the other end of the world?


Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Operation Cowboy - Preaparing Thank you gift

2012-11-25 Thread Matthias Meißer


if we look at the current stats, 150 users joined the OPC2012 which 
results in 300 active mappers in the US (as the usual 200 ones).
Personally I like to send out an Thank you all! message, but maybe we 
all can build something more personal? Just a few ideas:

1. Collecting photo snapshots of the american OSM community and build a 
collage with it? Maybe the string Thank you with your faces? Or as 
part in a animation? (who can do this videoediting?)

2. Writing the String in all possible languages (in german: Vielen 
Dank!) in the USA deserts at OSM, taking a snapshot and removing them 

Maybe you have another ideas, how you can thank people contributing from 
the other end of the world?


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Operation Cowboy running

2012-11-24 Thread Matthias Meißer

Hi yesterday,

a few local parties already started. Since the beginning 123 user 

As you can see, there are a few hotspots with a lot of work and a lot of 
fixes around the whole nation:

If you like, just help us, with that makes a lot of 
fun and you see the whole continent :)

But please, add #opc2012 ... in your changeset comments!

To get any support, just come to IRC ( #opc2012) or use Twitter 
or Google Hangout.

So, there is still a whole day, that can be used!

Am 23.11.2012 18:02, schrieb Russ Nelson:

Matthias Meißer writes:
   as most noted, the Operation cowboy mapathon with focus on the USA
   started today!

Putnam County in New York State needs a lot of love still. Lots of
misaligned roads.

-total count

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Operation Cowboy läuft

2012-11-24 Thread Matthias Meißer


gestern fanden schon die lokalen Parties in Deutschland statt. Seither 
haben 123 Leute mitgeholfen:

Wie man sieht, gibt es einige Hotspots, wo schon viel passiert ist:

Gerne könnt ihr also noch helfen, mit macht das 
sogar echt Spass und man sieht was vom Land:)

Aber bitte nicht den Kommentar #opc2012 ... in den Changesets vergessen!

Nachfragen sind im IRC ( #opc2012), sowie auf Twitter und Google 
Hangout möglich.

Also dann, noch kann ein ganzer Tag genutzt werden!


Am 23.11.2012 15:22, schrieb Matthias Meißer:

as most noted, the Operation cowboy mapathon with focus on the USA
started today!

Thanks to Pascal everybody can track where our busy mappers contribute
and fix data:

So hope everybody of you will have a nice little party at the weekend
and that we help our friends in America to improve the data (even if
just a little bit ;).

Matthias (aka !i!)

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Operation Cowboy running

2012-11-24 Thread Matthias Meißer

Hi yesterday,

a few local parties already started. Since the beginning 123 user 

As you can see, there are a few hotspots with a lot of work and a lot of 
fixes around the whole nation:

If you like, just help us, with that makes a lot of 
fun and you see the whole continent :)

But please, add #opc2012 ... in your changeset comments!

To get any support, just come to IRC ( #opc2012) or use Twitter 
or Google Hangout.

So, there is still a whole day, that can be used!

Am 23.11.2012 18:02, schrieb Russ Nelson:

Matthias Meißer writes:
   as most noted, the Operation cowboy mapathon with focus on the USA
   started today!

Putnam County in New York State needs a lot of love still. Lots of
misaligned roads.

-total count

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Operation Cowboy running

2012-11-23 Thread Matthias Meißer

as most noted, the Operation cowboy mapathon with focus on the USA 
started today!

Thanks to Pascal everybody can track where our busy mappers contribute 
and fix data:

So hope everybody of you will have a nice little party at the weekend 
and that we help our friends in America to improve the data (even if 
just a little bit ;).

Matthias (aka !i!)

Talk-us mailing list

talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Operation Cowboy running

2012-11-23 Thread Matthias Meißer

as most noted, the Operation cowboy mapathon with focus on the USA 
started today!

Thanks to Pascal everybody can track where our busy mappers contribute 
and fix data:

So hope everybody of you will have a nice little party at the weekend 
and that we help our friends in America to improve the data (even if 
just a little bit ;).

Matthias (aka !i!)

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-us] Operation Cowboy running

2012-11-23 Thread Matthias Meißer

as most noted, the Operation cowboy mapathon with focus on the USA 
started today!

Thanks to Pascal everybody can track where our busy mappers contribute 
and fix data:

So hope everybody of you will have a nice little party at the weekend 
and that we help our friends in America to improve the data (even if 
just a little bit ;).

Matthias (aka !i!)

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Operation Cowboy - Progress/Todo

2012-11-21 Thread Matthias Meißer

Hi Folks,

the organisation of Operation Cowboy seems to be nearly finished.

I guess we have enough target areas and thanks to Martjins Map Roulett 
enough ideas on how to find new tasks :) Thanks fly out to everybody who 
starts a mapping cake!

Thanks to Charlotte (Techlady) we had some *press releases* and it 
seemed to worked:

But if you like, you can try to still push the event, as it might be a 
good idea to bring attention of US IT media to the quality assurance 
topic and that we still looking for more mappers becausethere is still a 
lot of work to do in America. Sadly slashdot and raddit didn't work for 
me here :/

Another good thing would be *social media* so spreading to word to 
attract our global community (and others of course):

- and #OPC2012
- Starting a facebook or google+ account anyone?
- Maintaining the IRC channel? Setup a bot?

Might be interesting, that this party, we __might__ get a nice animation 
by Derick Rethans. But hey, let's first do the job and enjoy the results 
afterwards ;)


Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-de] Operation Cowboy - Berlin bei Wikimedia?

2012-11-20 Thread Matthias Meißer

ich habe eben noch eine Antwort von Wikimedia Deutschland bekommen. 
Diese würden gerne ihre Räumlichkeiten/Equipment für die Operation 
Cowboy am Wochenende zu Verfügung stellen und auch für Snacks/Getränke 
wäre gesorgt.
Allerdings muss sich jemand von unserer Community als Organisator dort 

Da wollte ich mal fragen, ob da jemand Lust drauf hat?
Ich fände das eine super Gelegenheit auch Wikipedianer anzusprechen und 
auch für Mapper über den eigenen Tellerrand zu blicken, aber es gibt ja 
auch in Potsdam bereits unweit eine lokale Party.

Daher meine Frage an die Berliner, was ihr dazu denkt?
(Könnte das jemand bitte auf die lokale Liste weiterleiten?)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OPC2012] Operation Cowboy - Mission statement

2012-11-12 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 09.11.2012 05:09, schrieb Richard Weait:

On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 4:59 AM, Matthias Meißer wrote:

as I don't read any discussions about where and what to map, I would like to
bring up this essential question again.

Just a few possible ideas (that can be also mixed):
- adding new details (as buildings, landuse, ...)
- fixing TIGER (alignment, classification, ...)
- focus on the coast areas only (big cities)
- focus on the countryside (where no one has been before)
- focus on n states (and making there a huge step)

Is there any way to tie this event into growing the local community or
assisting a local community that _wants_ some distant armchair
support?  How about:

- call a friend in Distant Town and have them agree to survey Main
Street after you fix TIGER and add the buildings from imagery.
- have a local user request assistance for Adjacent County TIGER
fixup, in exchange for surveying names for new subdivisions in
Adjacent County
- have new mappers request a mapping coach to join them online allow
the new mapper to learn with an interested coach helping out on voice,
IRC, email, whatever...

Just doing armchair mapping has the chance to create a positive
result, but using the armchair mapping event to grow local communities
where they don't yet exist would be a greater good.

Sounds really good to me, but I have no idea how to organise this. I bet 
it will be easier, if US folks join the IRC and add a prefix as US to 
their nickname, so it will be easy to ask US specific questions.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OPC2012] Operation Cowboy - Mission statement

2012-11-11 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 07.11.2012 19:33, schrieb Martijn van Exel:


I think it would be good if we can put together a (wiki) page with
resources for armchair TIGER mappers.

User:lyx started a real great guide in German, focusing on the most 
troubles with imports and what differs in the US:

One question ist still, if we should remove the tiger:reviewed flag, if 
it seems ok in BING, of if we should keep it, till somebody does a on 
the ground survey?

Somebody started alread adding target areas:

May you can please add some more, that need to be fixed/enriched with 
details? Think about that you are the only ones with information about 
the area and there is a bunch of hungry mappers out there ;)


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Operation Cowboy - 23.-25.11

2012-11-09 Thread Matthias Meißer
Es wird übrigens in Potsdam eine Party geben und ich hörte, dass 
Vorbereitung für den Raum Dresden/Leipzig bereits laufen.

Scheint also so, dass wir hier oben nicht die einzigen bleiben ;)

Schönes Wochenende,

Am 03.11.2012 11:53, schrieb Matthias Meißer:

Guten Morgen liebe Liste,

ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um euch auf den Nachfolger der
NOTLM-Party bekannt zu geben: Operation Cowboy
Ja, ihr vermutet richtig, diesmal geht es um Amerika :)

Sie wird Ende des Monats stattfinden und umfasst die Termine vom 23.11
bis zum Sonntag des Wochenendes. So findet hoffentlich jeder einen
Termin, wo er sich einbringen kann.
Damit die Räume diesmal längerfristiger besorgt werden können, gebe ich
einfach jetzt schon Bescheid, obwohl noch einige Sachen ausstehen (klare
Mission, Karte, Logo, ...).
Daher das ganze bitte auch noch nicht so doll nach außen bewerben, dass
sollten wir alles kommende Woche noch behoben kriegen.

Wer nun also eine kleine *lokale Party organisieren* will, der erstellt
eine Wikiseite, oder pappt das einfach auf die Seite des Stammtisches/Ort:
Ganz coole können sich noch so einen Sticker auf die Nutzerseite packen ;)

Ich würde auch noch etwas *Hilfe benötigen* , das wäre echt super, wenn
wir das ein wenig aufteilen könnten
1. *FOSSGIS Sponsoring*
Ich hatte die zwar kontaktiert, aber es kam keine Antwort. Könnte da
jemand nachhaken, ob die ein zweites Mal noch etwas Geld für die Parties
spenden könnten? Wenn nicht, würde jemand probieren (OSM-/GIS-)Firmen
dafür zu gewinnen? (gerne auch das die selbst bei sich Parties

2. *Social Media Kanäle*
Hat jemand von euch Lust noch ein paar weitere Kanäle wie Facebook zu
betreuen? Wäre nur die Sachen, die ich auf Twitter verbreite, dort auch
zu kommunizieren und natürlich auf Fragen zu reagieren und zu moderieren
(Veranstaltung anlegen etc.)

3. *Wiki übersetzen*
Könntet ihr die Seite bitte ins deutsche übersetzen? Gerne auch weitere
Sprachen und mein komisches Englisch verbessern ;)

Ein Dankeschön Poster mit all den Teams erstellen, oder kann jemand
vielleicht sogar Videoschnitt? Dann wäre vielleicht eine Animation mit
Country-Musik ne feine Sache :)

Solltet ihr Fragen/Ideen haben, immer her damit. Ich denke allgemeine
Kritik an Luftbilder tracen oder der Auswahl des Zielgebietes wäre in
einem eigenen Thread besser aufgehoben, da sie erfahrungsgemäß etwas
intensiver diskutiert werden.

Dann wünsche ich euch schon mal viel Erfolg bei der Suche nach einer
Lokalität und freue mich schon auf die 2. globale Mapping-Aktion :)


Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: [OPC2012] Operation Cowboy - Mission statement

2012-11-09 Thread Matthias Meißer
Can anyone put this into the tasking server please? Offering different 
levels of nessesary cleanups sounds good to me, but nobody from the 
other end of the world knows the USA on a county level ;)


Am 08.11.2012 18:32, schrieb Brian May:

I agree, but I would suggest we start with larger metro areas that still
require a lot of tiger cleanup. Not many people are going to notice
tiger cleanup in rural West Virginia.

In Florida, examples of populous counties that started out with horrible
tiger with major work still required:
Seminole County
Volusia County
Marion County
Citrus County

Other large counties that have had a lot of work done correcting
horrible tiger, but still a decent chunk to go:

Some large counties started out with decent tiger or bad tiger that has
been significantly corrected, but there's a lot of new streets that have
been traced with no names or haven't been traced at all:
Palm Beach

I updated the Florida wiki last year regarding tiger status and will do
more updates on tiger status in the next few days. And I call on others
active in FL to chime in and/or update the Florida wiki.

And as far as long driveways in rural areas - that problem is all over
the place in rural counties, as well as ways marked as residential that
are dirt trails on private property that may or may not even exist. And
the rural counties tend to have bad alignment as well. And many have
totally wrong or partially wrong street names to boot.


On 11/8/2012 12:00 PM, Charlotte Wolter wrote:

Hello all,

I think that mapping a desert area could be a good way  to get
people involved, because
1. It's an area that has an urgent need for mapping and
2. Much of it is virgin territory, so even beginning mappers could
contribute a lot just by correcting TIGER street alignments.
I also think it's a good idea to limit the area, so we have a good
chance of making a visible impact.
To that end, I would like to suggest West Virginia. I recently
encountered a rural area of W.V. while doing the Maproulette. Not only
were the roads badly aligned, but the local TIGER technician named
every driveway with the same name as the street to which it was connected.


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Subject: [Talk-us] [OPC2012] Operation Cowboy - Mission statement
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as I don't read any discussions about where and what to map, I would
like to bring up this essential question again.

Just a few possible ideas (that can be also mixed):
- adding new details (as buildings, landuse, ...)
- fixing TIGER (alignment, classification, ...)
- focus on the coast areas only (big cities)
- focus on the countryside (where no one has been before)
- focus on n states (and making there a huge step)
- ...


Talk-us mailing list

Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California
Skype: thetechlady

*The Four Internet

[Talk-es] Mapathon Operation Cowboy - 23. -25.11.

2012-11-07 Thread Matthias Meißer

Holla spanish community,

(sorry I can't write in spanish, but maybe someone of you might 
translate it, for your mappers that only speak spanish?)

I'd like to announce the fellow of the night of the living maps party: 
Operation cowboy :
Guess what, this time it's about mapping the America :)
Maybe the people from spain will start a local party und assist the US 

The date is the weekend from 23.11 till Sunday, so everybody should have 
a chance to get a day, where he can join a local party.
To make it more easy to get a room, I give you this announcement already 
today, even if there are still some todos (detailed mission statement, 
party map, logo, ...).
So please still wait with an official announcement to the public, I bet 
we can fix this things next week.

So if you like to *start a local party* , create a wiki page (or reuse 
the local user group page or your city page) and paste/adapt this:
Cool mappers can add this button to the user page, too ;)

But hey, I would *need still some help* , to get all the things ready:

1. *Wiki translation*
Would be great if the wiki could be translated in other spanish as well. 
(maybe you can recycle old NOTLM translations)?

2. *Social media*
Is there anybody who likes to start further social channels as facebook 
etc? It's pretty simple, just to spread the things we post at Twitter 
and of course answer questions and present the project (create events ...).

Creating a thank you all poster with all teams or actually a video 
clip with animated edits and country music would be a great finale :)

If you have any questions/ideas, just post it (sorry in english please). 
I think all general critics on armchair mapping or our choice of the 
target area would be better in a seperated topic, as the past showed, 
that they generate a lot of traffic.

Greetings from Germany,

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-us] [OPC2012] Operation Cowboy - Mission statement

2012-11-06 Thread Matthias Meißer

as I don't read any discussions about where and what to map, I would 
like to bring up this essential question again.

Just a few possible ideas (that can be also mixed):
- adding new details (as buildings, landuse, ...)
- fixing TIGER (alignment, classification, ...)
- focus on the coast areas only (big cities)
- focus on the countryside (where no one has been before)
- focus on n states (and making there a huge step)
- ...


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Packaged OSM Tile Sets by US County or State?

2012-11-05 Thread Matthias Meisser

Am 05.11.2012 15:00, schrieb Arnie Shore:
I'd like to be able to point US users of our Open Source CAD package 
at any available packaged OSM tile sets, by county or state.

Ideally free of course, but a moderate cost might be acceptable. I've 
poked around looking for such unsuccessfully.  Any recommended sources?

Hi Arnie,
not sure what sources your CAD supports, but maybe this ones are 
interesting? (don't ask where to get 

But maybe your consumers will be more happy with shapefiles:
or if you offer them an WMS/TMS for testing:


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Operation Cowboy - 23.-25.11

2012-11-04 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 03.11.2012 13:27, schrieb malenki:

Matthias Meißer schrieb:

1. *FOSSGIS Sponsoring*
Ich hatte die zwar kontaktiert, aber es kam keine Antwort. Könnte da
jemand nachhaken, ob die ein zweites Mal noch etwas Geld für die
Parties spenden könnten? Wenn nicht, würde jemand probieren
(OSM-/GIS-)Firmen dafür zu gewinnen? (gerne auch das die selbst bei
sich Parties veranstalten)

Der FOSSGIS verwaltet auch Gelder, die für OSM an ihn gespendet oder
sonstwie angewiesen werden. Daher würde der FOSSGIS nicht an OSM
spenden, sondern OSM-Gelder für OSM-Zwecke herausgeben.

Wer allerdings entscheidet, welche Sachen finanziert werden, kann ich
dir nicht sagen.

Das stimmt alles Thomas, nur bräuchten wir eben gerade jemand, der 
einfach noch mal probiert den Kontakt mit der FOSSGIS herzustellen (oder 
eben andere Sponsoren zu motivieren).

Wenn das keiner machen will, ist ja auch nicht schlimm, dann bleibt es 
eben einfach :)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Operation Cowboy - 23.-25.11

2012-11-04 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 04.11.2012 20:55, schrieb malenki:

Matthias Meißer schrieb:

Das stimmt alles Thomas, nur bräuchten wir eben gerade jemand, der
einfach noch mal probiert den Kontakt mit der FOSSGIS herzustellen
(oder eben andere Sponsoren zu motivieren).

Wenn das keiner machen will, ist ja auch nicht schlimm, dann bleibt es
eben einfach:)

Lass dich doch nicht entmutigen, wenn auf eine Mail (ich vermute mal,
dass das deine Kontaktaufnahme war) keine Reaktion erfolgt.
Im Impressum des FOSSGIS ist steht auch eine Telefonnummer. In einem
Gespräch lässt sich ein Sachverhalt oft leichter klären als per Mail.
Die kann etlichen Unwägbarkeiten, nicht zuletzt Spamfiltern zum Opfer

Das ist ja auch alles menschlich und deshalb auch nicht schlimm. 
Allerdings fehlt mir selbst da echt die Zeit. So nebenbei eine globale 
Sache anstoßen läuft ja auch nicht mal eben so ;) Von daher würde ich 
mich wie in der ersten Mail schon gesagt, sehr über Unterstützung 
freuen, zumal das dann einfach auch basisdemokratischer ist.


Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] Operation Cowboy - 23. -25.11.

2012-11-03 Thread Matthias Meißer

Hi everybody,

I'd like to announce the fellow of the night of the living maps party: 
Operation cowboy :
Guess what, this time it's about mapping the US :)

The date is the weekend from 23.11 till Sunday, so everybody should have 
a chance to get a day, where he can join a local party.
To make it more easy to get a room, I give you this announcement already 
today, even if there are still some todos (detailed mission statement, 
party map, logo, ...).
So please still wait with an official announcement to the public, I bet 
we can fix this things next week.

So if you like to *start a local party* , create a wiki page (or reuse 
the local user group page or your city page) and paste/adapt this:
Cool mappers can add this button to the user page, too ;)

But hey, I would *need still some help* , to get all the things ready:

1. *Sponsoring*
I already tried to contact OSMF but without an answer. Can anybody 
please ask them again, if they would donate a few bugs per local party, 
to attract organisers? Or what about the GIS-Companies around OSM, would 
they cater a party in their HQs?

2. *Social media*
Is there anybody who likes to start further social channels as facebook 
etc? It's pretty simple, just to spread the things we post at Twitter 
and of course answer questions and present the project (create events ...).

3. *Wiki translation*
Would be great if the wiki could be translated in other languages as 
well. (maybe you can recycle old NOTLM translations). Oh and fixing my 
low level english would be really nice ;)

Creating a thank you all poster with all teams or actually a video 
clip with animated edits and country music would be a great finale.

If you have any questions/ideas, just post it. I think all general 
critics on armchair mapping or our choice of the target area would be 
better in a seperated topic, as the past showed, that they generate a 
lot of traffic.

So I wish you good luck for finding an appreachated location and I'm 
happy looking towards our 2nd global mapping action :)


talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Operation Cowboy - 23.-25.11

2012-11-03 Thread Matthias Meißer

Guten Morgen liebe Liste,

ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um euch auf den Nachfolger der 
NOTLM-Party bekannt zu geben: Operation Cowboy
Ja, ihr vermutet richtig, diesmal geht es um Amerika :)

Sie wird Ende des Monats stattfinden und umfasst die Termine vom 23.11 
bis zum Sonntag des Wochenendes. So findet hoffentlich jeder einen 
Termin, wo er sich einbringen kann.
Damit die Räume diesmal längerfristiger besorgt werden können, gebe ich 
einfach jetzt schon Bescheid, obwohl noch einige Sachen ausstehen (klare 
Mission, Karte, Logo, ...).
Daher das ganze bitte auch noch nicht so doll nach außen bewerben, dass 
sollten wir alles kommende Woche noch behoben kriegen.

Wer nun also eine kleine *lokale Party organisieren* will, der erstellt 
eine Wikiseite, oder pappt das einfach auf die Seite des Stammtisches/Ort:
Ganz coole können sich noch so einen Sticker auf die Nutzerseite packen ;)

Ich würde auch noch etwas *Hilfe benötigen* , das wäre echt super, wenn 
wir das ein wenig aufteilen könnten

1. *FOSSGIS Sponsoring*
Ich hatte die zwar kontaktiert, aber es kam keine Antwort. Könnte da 
jemand nachhaken, ob die ein zweites Mal noch etwas Geld für die Parties 
spenden könnten? Wenn nicht, würde jemand probieren (OSM-/GIS-)Firmen 
dafür zu gewinnen? (gerne auch das die selbst bei sich Parties veranstalten)

2. *Social Media Kanäle*
Hat jemand von euch Lust noch ein paar weitere Kanäle wie Facebook zu 
betreuen? Wäre nur die Sachen, die ich auf Twitter verbreite, dort auch 
zu kommunizieren und natürlich auf Fragen zu reagieren und zu moderieren 
(Veranstaltung anlegen etc.)

3. *Wiki übersetzen*
Könntet ihr die Seite bitte ins deutsche übersetzen? Gerne auch weitere 
Sprachen und mein komisches Englisch verbessern ;)

Ein Dankeschön Poster mit all den Teams erstellen, oder kann jemand 
vielleicht sogar Videoschnitt? Dann wäre vielleicht eine Animation mit 
Country-Musik ne feine Sache :)

Solltet ihr Fragen/Ideen haben, immer her damit. Ich denke allgemeine 
Kritik an Luftbilder tracen oder der Auswahl des Zielgebietes wäre in 
einem eigenen Thread besser aufgehoben, da sie erfahrungsgemäß etwas 
intensiver diskutiert werden.

Dann wünsche ich euch schon mal viel Erfolg bei der Suche nach einer 
Lokalität und freue mich schon auf die 2. globale Mapping-Aktion :)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Operation Cowboy - preparations

2012-11-02 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 02.11.2012 06:01, schrieb Toby Murray:

I assume we should target these activities towards mappers of medium
or lower skill?

We try to involve the community as a whole, which includes newbies as 
well as pros.

One task I can think of doing is to find newer roads that weren't in
the original TIGER data and adding them in, preferably in areas
without active mappers. But I assume not many participants would be
able to handle a whole county's worth of raw TIGER data for manual
conflation. The TIGER 2012 road name tiles on the other hand might be
a useful tool for this.

Sounds interesting :) But please keep in mind, that people usually wan't 
to to contribute a huge amount of data. So the task should IMHO include 
a lot of basic tracing work (that can be done without special background 
knowledge) so people get satisfied with the results. Maybe for 
detecting/fixing thing the game aproach by Martjin's roulet is better?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Matthias Meißer wrote:

Hi US community,

so now the details of the next global mapathon are fixed:
It's called operation cowboy and covering the weekend *23.11-25.11* so
every local team should have a fair chance to join in.
Tomorrow I would like to announce it to the whole community, but some things
are still missing.

But as this is a community project, I need your help, as there is still a
lot of work and of course you are the locals:

1. *Mission statement:*
You should discuss, what people should do. Adding details is very general,
but what is interesting? (buildings, landuse, ...) How can TIGER get
improved without creating more worse data by strangers?
We would need 2..3 sentences for motivation and a bigger text for the /join
page. (TIGER catalogue see down).

2. *Target areas in tasking server:*
Where should we work? Let there enough space for everybody to edit (last
NOTLM was 200guys working) but keep in mind that we from the rest of the
world, have no idea about US in general and where it might be helpful to add
details (so everybody would pick a random place).
Simon was kind to allow to use his OSM tasking server to manage the areas:
You will need admin rights, so it would be great if 2..3 people would do
this job of entering suggested areas
(BTW should we now add a orga team tab for who is who?)

3. *Short TIGER problem guide/gallery:*
Need a very short (people are lazy!) page about what’s usually wrong with
TIGER. Using images only with Top5 bugs would be fine, e.g. so people
learning fast that TIGER is usually bad placed and can be wrong for 10meter

4. *Further Imagery*
Is there other or better imagery than Bing for certain areas? How can we
promote this to the other volunteers?

5. *OSMF sponsoring*
I already contacted OSMF Communications working group to see if the
foundation would sponsor local parties to buy junkfood, drinks etc. (still
no response) Last year the german FOSSGIS gave 50Eur (~65USD) for all
parties (~5) which was very ok and a good motivation for local organisers.
If this fails, could we get sponsoring by other companies (or would they
like to cater a own local party and invite mappers?)

6. *More social media channels:*
Can anybody start and maintain further accounts as facebook, ...? A logo
will come if Ken returns at end of the week, but maybe you could start a
skeleton so we could start promotion in 1..2 weeks. Personally I will put my
focus on Twitter only (sorry lack of time).

*Later stuff:*
- Checking and translating final wiki pages next days
- Announce to US media in 2..3 weeks
- Creating a thank you-photo poster of all remote mapping teams
- Creating a thank you video? Anybody with compositing/cutting skills?

Ok that's the start. It would be very helpful if some of you would helping
by coordinating some of this aspects. In every case I'm glad to assist you,
but it's just to much for a single (foreign) person.

I guess this will become fun :)


Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Operation Cowboy - preparations

2012-11-02 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 02.11.2012 17:11, schrieb Alex Barth:

Is the Thanksgiving weekend Nov 23-25 good for this? Fine by me, just wanted to 
flag it.

Others pointed to this as well. I think as the US the only the target 
area, it's not that a big problem, as most contributors will be outside 
the country. On the other hand it's simply very difficult to find a good 
date for a worldwide community ;) Hope this will be anyway ok for the 
most of you. Later on, then comes christmas and so we would need to 
switch to next year... (bad for myself as I had to start my master thesis).


Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Operation Cowboy - preparations

2012-11-01 Thread Matthias Meißer

Hi US community,

so now the details of the next global mapathon are fixed:
It's called operation cowboy and covering the weekend *23.11-25.11* so 
every local team should have a fair chance to join in.
Tomorrow I would like to announce it to the whole community, but some 
things are still missing.

But as this is a community project, I need your help, as there is still 
a lot of work and of course you are the locals:

1. *Mission statement:*
You should discuss, what people should do. Adding details is very 
general, but what is interesting? (buildings, landuse, ...) How can 
TIGER get improved without creating more worse data by strangers?
We would need 2..3 sentences for motivation and a bigger text for the 
/join page. (TIGER catalogue see down).

2. *Target areas in tasking server:*
Where should we work? Let there enough space for everybody to edit (last 
NOTLM was 200guys working) but keep in mind that we from the rest of the 
world, have no idea about US in general and where it might be helpful to 
add details (so everybody would pick a random place).
Simon was kind to allow to use his OSM tasking server to manage the 
You will need admin rights, so it would be great if 2..3 people would do 
this job of entering suggested areas

(BTW should we now add a orga team tab for who is who?)

3. *Short TIGER problem guide/gallery:*
Need a very short (people are lazy!) page about what’s usually wrong 
with TIGER. Using images only with Top5 bugs would be fine, e.g. so 
people learning fast that TIGER is usually bad placed and can be wrong 
for 10meter

4. *Further Imagery*
Is there other or better imagery than Bing for certain areas? How can we 
promote this to the other volunteers?

5. *OSMF sponsoring*
I already contacted OSMF Communications working group to see if the 
foundation would sponsor local parties to buy junkfood, drinks etc. 
(still no response) Last year the german FOSSGIS gave 50Eur (~65USD) for 
all parties (~5) which was very ok and a good motivation for local 
If this fails, could we get sponsoring by other companies (or would they 
like to cater a own local party and invite mappers?)

6. *More social media channels:*
Can anybody start and maintain further accounts as facebook, ...? A logo 
will come if Ken returns at end of the week, but maybe you could start a 
skeleton so we could start promotion in 1..2 weeks. Personally I will 
put my focus on Twitter only (sorry lack of time).

*Later stuff:*
- Checking and translating final wiki pages next days
- Announce to US media in 2..3 weeks
- Creating a thank you-photo poster of all remote mapping teams
- Creating a thank you video? Anybody with compositing/cutting skills?

Ok that's the start. It would be very helpful if some of you would 
helping by coordinating some of this aspects. In every case I'm glad to 
assist you, but it's just to much for a single (foreign) person.

I guess this will become fun :)


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] MapRoulette new challenge: connectivity

2012-10-29 Thread Matthias Meißer
I realy like the idea of gamification and looking on other continents is 
very interesting :)

But (that might be what Frederik already said), remember that the rest 
of the community outside the US is quit unfamilar with TIGER import 
issues in detail.
For example, I tried to fix a bug, but it turned out, that the road 
didn't match the BING imagery. So what to do? Is BING or TIGER wrong?

So my idea is, just to create a short gallery with common TIGER 
problems, to help strangers to repair this part of our dataset :)


Am 29.10.2012 21:06, schrieb Martijn van Exel:

Hi all,

MapRoulette ( is back with a new challenge:
~68,000 connectivity bugs in the US to be fixed. These are ways ending
very close (5m) to another way, which means they should likely be
connected, although there are of course exceptions. Which makes it an
ideal MapRoulette challenge!

So if you have a few minutes to spare, help fix those bugs - spin the
MapRoulette wheel and see where it takes you ;) And don't be afraid to
do some TIGER or other cleanup while you're editing.

Read more about this challenge and the future of MapRoulette (hint:
KeepRight) here:
If you have more ideas for challenges that you think would be just
right for MapRoulette, post them here
Of course, you're more than welcome to set up your own MapRoulette
instance using the code at - hit
me up if you need any help with that.

Happy Rouletting,

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Night of the Living Maps

2012-10-26 Thread Matthias Meisser

this is Matthias from the german OSM community (aka user:!i!).
I was the one who started the first NOTLM party and asked Martjin, if 
the US would be a good area for another global mapathon.This idea came 
up, when I noticed how empty the US still is (or let's say how big the 
country is ;)) even with the TIGER import and all of your hard work.

I'm absolutly ok with the idea of improving TIGER and add buildings and 
all the details you can see on the high res BING imagery. Please keep in 
mind, that we over in Europe *have no idea*, about what the problems of 
the TIGER import is in detail. So a detailed short instruction as 
mission statement would be great, and of course a map/list of places 
where help is needed would be useful.

As I have no idea, about how many people will start contributing this 
time, should we care about conflicts? (maybe using the HOT team server)

How about the date? Just a friday at end of November or after the X-mas 
troubles in january?


Am 26.10.2012 04:24, schrieb Brian DeRocher:

For reference here's the TIGER reviewed and TIGER roads comparison
maps Peter demonstrated at SOTM US.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Motorroad en France?

2012-10-18 Thread Matthias Dietrich
En effet, le cas 3 limité à 110 existe également. Exemple :
La RD83, ex-N83, dans le Haut-Rhin et une partie du Bas-Rhin est une 2x2
voies limitée à 110 km/h mais non classée voie express. Il y a même un
giratoire au niveau de Soultz/Bollwiller. On y retrouve de temps en temps
des tracteurs, ce qui provoque d'ailleurs régulièrement des accidents dus à
la différence de vitesse, mais ceci est un autre débat.

Elle est aujourd'hui classée en trunk, et je trouve que ça correspond bien
à son importance parmi les routes locales. Les autres primary ont nettement
moins de trafic. Si on devait classer cette route en primary, je ne vois
pas bien comment on pourrait signaler son importance.
 Le 18 oct. 2012 08:00, Eric Sibert a écrit :

 Il existe aussi le cas numéro 3, mais limité à 110. Mais çà, c'est juste un
 différence du tag maxspeed.

 Tu as un exemple? Il faut que je regarde la 2x2 Albertville-Ugine qui a
 des trucs un peu spéciaux, en particulier vis-à-vis des cyclistes.


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Motorroad en France?

2012-10-18 Thread Matthias Dietrich
Le 18 octobre 2012 08:13, Pieren a écrit :
 Oui, je suis aussi très curieux de voir un exemple. Parce que
 normalement, c'est pas possible avec la réglementation actuelle. Ca
 voudrait dire qu'on pourrait circuler en mobylette ou en vélo à côté
 de voitures qui roulent à 110. Attention les chaussettes...

Comme je l'écrivait avant, la RD83 est un exemple. On y trouve parfois
(rarement) des cyclistes, qui roulent alors sur la BAU.
C'est évidemment dangereux, et 99,99% des cyclistes l'évitent, mais
légalement, rien ne les en empêche.
De même, on trouve des tracteurs, en particulier au moment des
vendanges, tirant des remorques à 30 km/h à côté de voitures
roulant à 110 km/h.
Et oui, c'est dangereux, oui il y a des accidents (mortels) chaque
année, mais apparament les pouvoirs publics
n'ont jusqu'à présent pas jugés bon de classer cette route en voie express.
Cela nécéssiterait peut-être certains aménagements supplémentaires, et
donc des budgets, je ne sais pas.

Toujours est-il qu'en attendant, c'est une 2x2 voies limitée à 110,
sans panneau C107.

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