Re: [OSM-talk] Data filter

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paul Norman

On 1/12/2015 1:30 AM, Steve Chilton wrote:

Can anyone help me with filtering OSM data please?

For a project I am working on I need data on my contributions to the 

How can I select ‘my contributions in UK’ and output as XML (or JSON?).

Need a file that can be imported in to standard GIS packages.

Any help gratefully received.

There's a few options, but it depends what you mean precisely.

Each object in OSM can be a mix of multiple contributions, which is the 
strength of the project. It just makes what you're asking hard, and it's 
important to define precisely what you want with your contributions.

The easy way is if you just want objects that you touched last - then 
you can do simple filtering on a UK extract, or import into a database 
with metadata and select out what you want. The latter is what I would 
do for working with standard GIS tools. This is easy, but inaccurate for 
reasons I'll come to.

You could download your changesets - but this won't be usable by any 
standard GIS packages, or in fact, by anything in isolation.

If you are after data that consists solely of your intellectual 
property, it's harder - what you've contributed is built on others, so 
separating that out isn't trivial. The tools are there, but they've 
never been used quite for that application, and the number of people who 
understand them is approximately 1.

The reason why this is a hard question is the nature of a crowd-sourced 
project, and the OSM data model.

Consider a highway which someone creates and tags with highway=primary. 
Suppose you then come along and add a name tag. Depending on what you're 
doing you might then want the entire highway included in the file of 
your contributions, even though you didn't contribute to the geometry.

Another case is if you move some nodes in a highway but don't add new 
ones. You actually haven't made a new version of the the highway.

I might be able to help more, but need more information on the use case 
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Data filter

2015-01-12 Per discussione Steve Chilton
Can anyone help me with filtering OSM data please?
For a project I am working on I need data on my contributions to the project.
How can I select 'my contributions in UK' and output as XML (or JSON?).
Need a file that can be imported in to standard GIS packages.
Any help gratefully received.


Steve Chilton FSEDA, Teaching Fellow
Lead Academic Developer
Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement (CAPE)
Middlesex University
phone: 020 8411 5355

Chair of the Society of Cartographers:
Chair of ICA Neocartography Commission:



Please note that Middlesex University's preferred way of receiving all 
correspondence is via email in line with our Environmental Policy. All incoming 
post to Middlesex University is opened and scanned by our digital document 
handler, CDS, and then emailed to the recipient.

If you do not want your correspondence to Middlesex University processed in 
this way please email the recipient directly. Parcels, couriered items and 
recorded delivery items will not be opened or scanned by CDS.  There are items 
which are exceptions which will be opened by CDS but will not be scanned a 
full list of these can be obtained by contacting the University.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Přebírání dat od měst

2015-01-12 Per discussione hanoj
 nevím zda se to tu již řešilo, ale zeptám se. Pokud dá nějaké město (v tomto
 případě Plzeň) souhlas s odvozováním ze svých mapových podkladů, jaké
 formality je k tomu potřeba splnit? Někde to nahlásit či stačí obecné info z
 jejich strany, že je to možné? Na Wikipedii se převzaté články hlásí do
 nějakého systému.
*** pokud jen odvozování z cizí mapy pak jen zmínit tady:

*** pokud by šlo o automatizovaný (strojový) import tak navíc ještě
dle návodu zde:

*** ze strany majitele dat (gestora) je třeba nějaký dobropis, e-mail,
dopis, licence, zákon nebo metadata, kde je váš záměr potvrzen
implicitně nebo explicitně jako legální. Pokud by šlo o legalitu z
podstaty obecného dokumentu (zákon, licence), pak je vhodné zdůvodnit


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Lantaarnpalen en - nummers

2015-01-12 Per discussione Pander OpenTaal
Beste Hendrikklaas,

Ik wilde er een paar handmatig toevoegen maar als de gemeente een
bestand heeft met alles in een keer lijkt me het beter om daar op te
wachten. Ik neem aan dat een grote stad dat wel digitaal heeft. Heeft
iemand hier ervaring mee zoiets op te vragen?

Met vriendelijke groet,


On 01/10/2015 10:06 PM, St Niklaas wrote:
 Beste Pander,
 Beetje laat misschien, sorry.
 Wordt het lantaarnpalen  bestand aangeboden en is het compleet ? Zo ja,
 wat zit er dan in, standplaats (hangend), materiaal, soort, type,
 verlichtingssoort (lamp) en bovenal, beheerder en eigenaar ? Om van
 schakel schema's  nog maar niet te spreken.
 Is dat allemaal aanwezig in het te importeren bestand ?
 Met een vriendelijke groet
 Talk-nl mailing list

Stichting OpenTaal

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione JB
Je pense que j'ai la réponse courte : c'est l'optimisation sur le temps 
de trajet qui fait passer par là :
Supprime le point de passage indiqué sur la bretelle, le temps augmente 
(il faut juste un peu bidouiller au départ pour se retrouver à 
l'intermédiaire entre 1 et 2 minutes).
Pour la réponse longue, je pense qu'il faudrait regarder ce qui impacte 
sur le temps de trajet : vitesse maxi, et je ne sais pas si OSRM prend 
en charge les feux de circulation/cédez le passage/stop.


Le 12/01/2015 11:08, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :


Un ami m'a fait remarqué un problème de routage avec osmand, qui est
reproductible avec osrm :
Pourquoi la (longue) bretelle sur la droite n'est pas empruntée ?
Rien sur osmose, et j'ai regardé les données mais je ne vois pas ce qui cloche


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Comunicación a CIMA2015

2015-01-12 Per discussione Miguel Sevilla-Callejo
Hola de nuevo,

Acabo de leer que se ha ampliado el plazo de envío de resúmenes una semana
más (hasta el día 19):

Oscar Zorrilla se ha animado activamente a echarme una mano e incluir su
ediciones al norte de Burgos como estudio.

Ahora que tenemos unos cuantos días más por delante toda
ayuda/aportación/sugerencia será bienvenida y os agradezco de antemano
vuestra participación.

Creo sinceramente que puede ser una muy buena oportunidad para que la gente
de las federaciones de montañismo conozcan OSM y promuevan su uso, creo que
puede ser una muy buena simbiosis para el proyecto y para las federaciones.

Podéis ir viendo (y participando, claro) cómo va quedando el documento de
google drive:

Un saludo


*[image: Geo]**Miguel Sevilla Callejo*
*Doctor en Geografía | Doctor in Geography*
*Consultor freelance e investigador | Freelance Consultant  Researcher*
Colaborador del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Zaragoza | Fellow at
the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology - Spanish National Research Council
Colegiado nº698, Colegio Oficial de Geógrafos | Member #698, Spanish
Professional Association of Geographers

2015-01-09 14:43 GMT+01:00 Miguel Sevilla-Callejo

 Hola a todos,

 Os escribo para ver si me podéis echar una mano e incluso si os apetece
 participar en una comunicación que estoy preparando para el CIMA2015, un congreso internacional sobre montañas que se
 va a celebrar a finales de marzo en Zaragoza y donde algunos de los
 organizadores que conozco, me han animado a presentar algo sobre OSM y
 senderos de montaña.

 La cosa es que me he liado la manta a la cabeza y quiero presentar una
 comunicación (o en su defecto, si no les parece suficientemente relevante a
 los organizadores, un póster) sobre la potencialidad que tiene el uso de
 OSM en la publicación/divulgación de senderos de montaña (creo que habría
 que hablar más propiamente de senderos homologados) para la gente de las
 federaciones regionales de montañismo (pues son estas federaciones las
 responsables de la homologación y registro de los senderos).

 Antes del próximo lunes (si, el lunes!, ya se que lo he dejado para el
 último día) he de presentar un resumen de una comunicación de carácter
 científico en la web del congreso y he estado trabajando estos días en

 He contactado con alguno de vosotros por otras vías pero finalmente me
 animo a compartir esto a la lista de OSM ahora que tengo un borrador de
 resumen y las ideas más claras.
 Mi idea inicial era poder implicaros para poder realizar una comunicación
 en comunidad, puesto que no me veo representativo del proyecto OSM, pero
 visto el tiempo que me queda, no se si ya estoy a tiempo. De todos modos
 ahí va mi idea:

 Como la comunicación ha de ser una comunicación de carácter científico y
 no sirve una exposición de las características y bondades de OSM, la
 comunicación ha de estructurarse con el clásico esquema; introducción,
 métodos, resultados, discusión, conclusiones,referencias... se me ocurrió
 que se puede estructurar la idea aprovechando un estudio de caso, por
 ejemplo en el pirineo aragonés (que es lo que me pilla cerca y conozco algo
 mejor), aunque en el fondo lo que busco es vender OSM a las federaciones
 de montaña para poder fortalecer y hacer crecer el proyecto.

 En el siguiente enlace tenéis el documento de google documents donde tengo
 las notas y el borrador de comunicación llevo escrito hasta el momento.
 Sentiros libres para hacer las correcciones/comentarios que creáis

 No tengo ningún interés específico en ser el autor único de la
 comunicación o sea que estoy abierto a que se incorpore quién lo desee.

 Desgraciadamente marcho de viaje ahora y regreso (tendré de nuevo
 conexión) el domingo por la tarde, o sea que a penas me quedarán 24 horas
 para poder incorporar y terminar el resumen antes de que finalice el plazo
 de presentación pero os agradezco de antemano toda vuestra ayuda y

 Un saludo

 (msevilla00 en OSM)

 *[image: Geo]**Miguel Sevilla Callejo*
 *Doctor en Geografía | Doctor in Geography*
 *Consultor freelance e investigador | Freelance Consultant  Researcher*
 Colaborador del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Zaragoza | Fellow at
 the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology - Spanish National Research Council
 Colegiado nº698, Colegio Oficial de Geógrafos | Member #698, Spanish
 Professional Association of Geographers

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Start-/Landebahn

2015-01-12 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Ich dachte dass moderne Flughaefen normalerweise symmetrische Landebahnen
haben, die Benutzungsrichtung haengt von der aktuellen Windrichtung ab.

2015-01-12 11:36 GMT+01:00 Stephan Wolff

 Am 09.01.2015 18:35, schrieb Martin Scholtes:

 Hallo zusammen,

 ich hätte da eine Frage.
 Kann man eine Start-/Landebahn als Fläche taggen oder sollte man nur
 einen Way draus machen?

 Einen way.
 Eine Piste ist gerichtet, Tags wie incline=* wäre für Flächen sinnlos.
 Die Breite lässt sich problemlos als width beschreiben.
 Das deutsche Wiki zu aeroway=runway ist eindeutig, das englische leider

 Früher hat man manchmal runde Grasplätze gebaut und ist jeweils gegen den
 Wind gestartet und gelandet. Falls es solche Plätze ohne definierte
 Landerichtung noch gibt, wäre dort eine Fläche als runway angemessen.


 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione JB
Bon, je suis peut-être pas le seul à l'avoir regardé, mais en effet, le 
petit tronçon entre les deux voies est bien en sens unique, il y a bien 
une interdiction de tourner à gauche depuis la grande route… Et ça 
règlera le problème tout seul, puisque la manœuvre ne sera plus 
autorisée par OSRM.


Le 12/01/2015 13:00, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :

Merci pour vos retours intéressants.

Le lundi 12 janvier 2015 11:41:15 Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit :

 Le 12/01/2015 11:37, Christian Quest a écrit :

  Vue l'image aérienne, je pense que devrait être en sens 


 Si c'est plus rapide...d'après les calculs.

 On roule plus vite sur la primary que sur le primary_link.

Ok. Et ça vous paraît logique de passer le bout de la Rue Champfleuri 
de primary à primary_link :

Ça résoudrait peut-être le pb …


Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Updates voor de CRAB import tool

2015-01-12 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
In de laatste dagen heeft de CRAB import tool enkele visuele verbeteringen

   - De tabel met straten krijgt nu ook een achtergrondkleurtje om de
   compleetheid eenvoudiger te zien. Van rood (0%) tot groen (100%), net zoals
   de kaart.
   - Bovenaan de tabel wordt er nu een samenvatting gegeven met daarin
   hoeveel adressen er zijn, hoeveel er nog tekort zijn, ...
   - De compleetheid wordt ook als percentage in een kolom weergegeven.
   Hoewel deze nummers geen links zijn, kunnen ze wel gebruikt worden om de
   straten te sorteren (klik op het kolomhoofd daarvoor)

Daarnaast is er ook een technische verbetering. De vroegere versie had het
soms moeilijk met grenzen. Als een grens een huis raakte (wat soms niet
anders kon met grenzen door een rij aanpalende huizen), dan bracht Overpass
huizen onder in twee gebieden (waarvan er één verkeerd is). In dat geval
voeg je best een addr:postcode (en eventueel addr:city) tag toe om die
problemen weg te werken. De postcode tag is nu ondersteund (maar enkel
samen met de postcode grens).


Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-it] Exploratori della domenica

2015-01-12 Per discussione sabas88
mi segnalano sulla pagina facebook una pubblicazione cartacea di questo
sito[0] che non presenta indicazione di licenza

Sono stati contattati dall'utente e gli è stato risposto che hanno
provveduto ad attribuire nel colofone, ma non si trova traccia.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Altare, quale tag?

2015-01-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-01-11 21:52 GMT+01:00

 ho cercato in rete ma non ho trovato niente di specifico e mi pare strano.
 come si tagga un semplice altare, cioè si tratta soltanto di un tavolino
 fissato al terreno senza nessun'altra struttura chiusa attorno sul quale
 saltuariamente viene celebrata una messa.
 si trova quindi all'aperto e spesso è vicino ad una croce o ad un
 che dite?

un tag per un altare non abbiamo ancora, ma potrebbe benissimo esserci
(anche per taggare l'altare dentro una chiesa). Invece se vuoi taggare
tutta la situazione (compreso lo spazio intorno ecc.) il tag è

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Data filter

2015-01-12 Per discussione Marc Gemis
A totally different approach for a very small part you could use Overpass:

replace  with your username.
The following query only returns the ways in the bbox of which  was the
last modifier.

// gather results
  // query part for: “user=”

  way.a(user: )-.e;
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Steve Chilton

 Can anyone help me with filtering OSM data please?

 For a project I am working on I need data on my contributions to the

 How can I select ‘my contributions in UK’ and output as XML (or JSON?).

 Need a file that can be imported in to standard GIS packages.

 Any help gratefully received.



 Steve Chilton FSEDA, Teaching Fellow

 Lead Academic Developer

 Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement (CAPE)

 Middlesex University

 phone: 020 8411 5355




 Chair of the Society of Cartographers:

 Chair of ICA Neocartography Commission:

 *[image: MDX LOGO]*


 *Please note that Middlesex University's preferred way of receiving all 
 correspondence is via email in line with our Environmental Policy.   All 
 incoming post to Middlesex University is opened and scanned by our digital 
 document handler, CDS, and then emailed to the recipient.

 If you do not want your correspondence to Middlesex University processed in 
 this way please email the recipient directly. Parcels, couriered items and 
 recorded delivery items will not be opened or scanned by CDS.  There are 
 items which are exceptions which will be opened by CDS but will not be 
 scanned a full list of these can be obtained by contacting the University.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] CC-BY-SA 3.0

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paul Churchley
Hi everyone,

I am looking to import some data from a database where the data is licensed
with CC-BY-SA 3.0.

Would this be acceptable to OSM?

I find this licensing issue very confusing. Sorry.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Communes nouvelles - fusion de communes

2015-01-12 Per discussione Sylvain Maillard
Le compte-rendu que tu pointe indique clairement 2 élus vont réfléchir à
la motivation de cette demande, donc qu'il ne s'agit que d'un projet.
Le nom de domaine a été créé le 15 juin 2010, je
ne pense pas qu'on puisse utiliser cette info pour valider une décision
du conseil municipal ...

Comme l'a dit Florian, à mon avis rien de particulier à faire tant qu'il
n'y a pas eu de décision officielle, si sur place tout le monde parle de la
commune de sansais la garette le mieux est de le mettre dans le tag
loc_name !


Le 12 janvier 2015 06:11, Otourly Wiki a écrit :

 Comme pour Wikipédia : tant que ce n'est pas officiel ça n'a pas lieu
 d'être mentionné.
 Après on peut toujours mettre un alt_name...


   Le Dimanche 11 janvier 2015 23h59, PierreV a
 écrit :


 J'ai une petite question...
 Une commune voisine a décidé de changer de nom: Sansais en
 Sansais-la-Garette le 4 septembre 2014 sans avoir été voté

 Comme vous pouvez le voir le site officiel a déja pris le nouveau nom de
 la commune, et maintenant je viens de remarquer que Google l'a pris aussi.

 Malheureusement les démarches officielles prennent plus de temps.

 Alors puis-je modifier le nom sur OSM?

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the France mailing list archive at

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Altare, quale tag?

2015-01-12 Per discussione
beh in effetti stavo pensando che in mancanza di un tag specifico potrei


tutto su un nodo.
che dici, può andare?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Lantaarnpalen en - nummers

2015-01-12 Per discussione St Niklaas
Beste Sander,

 Ik wilde er een paar handmatig toevoegen maar als de gemeente een
 bestand heeft met alles in een keer lijkt me het beter om daar op te
 wachten. Ik neem aan dat een grote stad dat wel digitaal heeft.Tja ik denk 
 het wel, maar er is de laatste tijd veel onderhoud uitbesteed. Je komt dan bv 
 bij Liander uit en dan heb je 2 partners.Maar 't blijft de vraag wat van de 
 genoemde items willen we dan opnemen ? En vooral wie verzorgd dat en houdt 
 het bij ? En wil je weten of het een stalen, 'n breukzekere of aluminium mast 
 is, met halogeen, natrium of ledverlichting ? Om van de hoogte of intensiteit 
 nog maar niet te spreken. Ik kom in een plaats in midden Afrika een 
 lantaarnpaal als icoon tegen, maar zag zo geen andere icoontjes. Staat er 
 lichtmasten dan mag je van mij de way ook de tag lit=yes meegeven, eenvoudig 
 en duidelijk.
Heeft iemand hier ervaring mee zoiets op te vragen?
Ik heb ooit geprobeerd de verkeersborden van de borden club te krijgen, maar 
dat is mislukt. Maar de import van het BAG is ook geregeld (itssofunny). Er is 
voor het vragen eigenlijk geen protocol, komt misschien nog wel eens. Maar de 
grondregel is verkennen en belangstellend vragen of er iets mogelijk is en zo 
ja/nee wie er iets van mag zeggen. Met een open vizier erin gaan, nee heb je en 
ja kun je krijgen. Een kruiwagen of naam is bij navraag om binnen te komen zeer 
handig, anders blijf je misschien bij de centraliste al steken en die zegt 
niets toe. Er loopt nu nog wel iets, geen import of misschien toch, maar dat is 
op deze wijze uitgevoerd. En de toekomst zal leren wat er ut komt.
Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CC-BY-SA 3.0

2015-01-12 Per discussione Simon Poole
The SA versions of the CC commons licences prior to 4.0 are incompatible
with both the CTs and the ODbL.

The 4.0 version is some what out in the open because they are very new
and AFAIK there has been no rigorous investigation of the compatibility
issues, but it is unlikely that the situation is very much different.


Am 12.01.2015 um 15:07 schrieb Paul Churchley:
 Hi everyone,
 I am looking to import some data from a database where the data is
 licensed with CC-BY-SA 3.0.
 Would this be acceptable to OSM?
 I find this licensing issue very confusing. Sorry.
 legal-talk mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] F: Kreuzungsfreiheit bei trunk

2015-01-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 11. Januar 2015 um 03:20 schrieb Michael Kugelmann

 Eine Kraftfahrstraße würde ich sehr wohl als trunk taggen...

Das haben wir vor Jahren schon ausführlich diskutiert, und die Festlegung
für Kraftfahrstraßen war das Tagging motorroad=yes, während der trunk tag
für autobahnähnlich ausgebaute Nicht-autobahnen verwendet wird.

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione Nicolas Dumoulin

Un ami m'a fait remarqué un problème de routage avec osmand, qui est 
reproductible avec osrm :
Pourquoi la (longue) bretelle sur la droite n'est pas empruntée ?
Rien sur osmose, et j'ai regardé les données mais je ne vois pas ce qui cloche 


Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione Frédéric Rodrigo

Le 12/01/2015 11:37, Christian Quest a écrit :

Vue l'image aérienne, je pense que devrait être en sens unique...

Ça n'explique toutefois pas vraiment pourquoi OSRM prends un chemin
aussi alambiqué.

Si c'est plus rapide...d'après les calculs.
On roule plus vite sur la primary que sur le primary_link.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues

2015-01-12 Per discussione Kerry Irons
As a general rule, bicycles are prohibited from freeways in the US east of
the Mississippi and allowed on rural freeways in the west.  Of course this
is a very broad definition and only a starting point for understanding.  The
key point is that people in the east often assume that bicycles are never
allowed on freeways because they have never seen it, while people in the
west assume that bicycles are allowed unless specifically prohibited.  This
results in confusion, to say the least.  


To deal with this you need to have the understanding of the general
principles and then you have to actually know the local conditions.



Kerry Irons


From: John F. Eldredge [] 
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 12:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues


By contrast, I am not aware of any Interstate highways in the southeast USA
that allow bicycles. From my experience, every entrance ramp has signs
forbidding non-motorized traffic and mopeds.

John F. Eldredge --
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot
drive out hate; only love can do that. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On January 11, 2015 8:10:04 PM stevea wrote:

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 1:54 PM, stevea wrote:

I do not agree:  again, I find no evidence (from the Oregon DOT map) that
bicycles are explicitly designated legal on I-5.  It may be the case that
explicit statute specifies bicycles are allowed on I-5 in Oregon, but this
map does not explicitly do so.  Again, please note that no specific bike
routes are designated on that map, either.  It simply displays some
highways as Interstates and some highways as containing wide shoulders or
narrow shoulders.  While not complaining about Oregon's DOT helping
bicyclists better understand where they might or might not ride a bicycle in
that state, I characterize these map data as early or underdeveloped
w.r.t. helpful bicycle routing by a DOT.

Oregon and Washington allow all modes on all routes unless otherwise posted.
They have to explicitly sign exclusions, and they do.  Here's the list for


And Washington:


My previous post was California centric, going too far assuming for other
states.  (And fifty-at-a-time only in certain circumstances).


A starting place (properly placed in the locus of each state, with
perspective as a router might parse logic and build a routing set...) is the


For 100% of ways with tag highway, set bicycle legality_status = legal.
(This keeps everything still in the running.)  Now, apply a per-state rule
(could be a table lookup, could be a smarter data record):


With both Washington and Oregon:

exclude from our data set ways where helpful OSMers have tagged


With California:

exclude from our data set ways tagged highway=motorway,

add to the set cycleways and highways tagged bicycle=yes.


We are right in the middle of fifty ways of calculating a set.  Those
target objects might be elements of a bicycle route.  As we get the tags
right (critical, on the data and at the bottom) we must also treat the
rules of what we seek from those data as critical, too (from the top, down).
It's reaching across and shaking hands with a protocol, or a stack of
protocols.  It's data, syntax and semantics.  When the sentence is
grammatical (tags are correct for a parser), it clicks into place with the
correct answer (renders as we wish).


For the most part, we get it right.  But we do need to understand the whole
stack of what we do every once in a while, and pointing out data in
California, treat like this, data in Oregon, Washington..., treat like
that... is helpful to remember.  Can we get to a place where everybody can
do things (tag) just right for them and have it always work (render),
everywhere every time?  M, not without documentation and perhaps
conversations like this.


This is why documenting what we do and how we do it (and referring to the
documentation, and trying to apply it strictly, unless it breaks, then
perhaps talk about it and even improve it...) is so important.


Listen, build, improve, repeat.  Thank you (Paul, for your specific answer,
as well as others for participating).




Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Data filter

2015-01-12 Per discussione Imre Samu
How can I select ‘my contributions in UK’ and output as XML (or JSON?).
Need a file that can be imported in to standard GIS packages.

Hi Steve,

*--- hard way *

see  and filter data
with your user id.

#1  download full history
(42Gb  !!! )

#2  cut  area  with osm-history-splitter , smaller the better  ( UK )

[ there are some history extracts but no UK ,
but you can test your workflow with nepal.osh.pbf ( it is only 23M
) ]

#3. Load to PostgreSQL database  with osm-history-importer

#4. Filter PostgreSQL data ( hist_point ; hist_line ; hist_polygon ) with
your user_name

alternative solution:
-  using osmium library and write  a simple code to
-  filter OSM history data with your user_id
   ( with pyosmium   [ ptyhon library   :  ]
 or with  node-osmium [ Javascript library : ]


2015-01-12 10:30 GMT+01:00 Steve Chilton

 Can anyone help me with filtering OSM data please?

 For a project I am working on I need data on my contributions to the

 How can I select ‘my contributions in UK’ and output as XML (or JSON?).

 Need a file that can be imported in to standard GIS packages.

 Any help gratefully received.



 Steve Chilton FSEDA, Teaching Fellow

 Lead Academic Developer

 Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement (CAPE)

 Middlesex University

 phone: 020 8411 5355




 Chair of the Society of Cartographers:

 Chair of ICA Neocartography Commission:

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 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Overpass da linea di comando: ottenere geojson, GML, shapefile, ecc .. ?

2015-01-12 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2015-01-12 13:45 GMT+01:00 cesare gerbino
 Ciao a tutti,


 ho provato a giochicchiare un po con overpass da linea di comando .

 Il mio obiettivo è quello di scaricare i dati dei civici di OSM presenti in

 Ho usato Overpass Turbo per mettere a punto la mia query da cui poi ho
 ricavato questa

 osm-script output=json
   union into=_
 query into=_ type=node
   has-kv k=addr:housenumber modv= v=/
   bbox-query e=20.01708984375 into=_ n=47.15984001304432
 s=36.27970720524017 w=5.9765625/
   print e= from=_ geometry=skeleton limit= mode=body n=
 order=id s= w=/
   recurse from=_ into=_ type=down/
   print e= from=_ geometry=skeleton limit= mode=skeleton n=
 order=quadtile s= w=/

 Salvata in un file CiviciItalia.txt, poi ho usato il seguente comando

 wget --post-file=CiviciItalia.txt

 Tutto ok ottengo il mio bel json ma a questo punto non so come convertirlo
 in qualcos'altro, geojson, GML, shapefile, non importa me ne basta uno poi
 lo converto in quello che voglio con GDAL


io, di solito scarico il file OSM e poi uso osmtogeojson ;-) (è il
tool usando in overpassturbo per esportare i geojson)

  Grazie mille anticipatamente

 Cesare Gerbino


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Ny vej Tom Kristensen Vej

2015-01-12 Per discussione Jørgen Elgaard Larsen
Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen skrev:
 Der må være nogle lokalkendte der kan aflede placeringen ud fra
 nedenstående citat.
 Det er på den stikvej, der fra Ølsvej fører ind til en ny udstykning
 med direkte udsigt over Mariager Fjord.

Det må dreje sig om enten lokalplan 31/2010 eller 49/2011:

Der er ikke bygget noget på seneste luftfotos, og ifølge DAWA er der
ikke tildelt adresser endnu. Så vi er nok lidt tidligt ude.

Måske skulle man gøre dem opmærksom på, at vejnavnet ikke følger
retningslinierne. Der mangler et genetiv-s.

Der er iøvrigt en Tom Kristensens Vej på Amager, men det er nok en anden
Tom Kristensen :-)

- Jørgen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione Nicolas Dumoulin
Merci pour vos retours intéressants.

Le lundi 12 janvier 2015 11:41:15 Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit :
 Le 12/01/2015 11:37, Christian Quest a écrit :
  Vue l'image aérienne, je pense que devrait être en sens unique...
 Si c'est plus rapide...d'après les calculs.
 On roule plus vite sur la primary que sur le primary_link.

Ok. Et ça vous paraît logique de passer le bout de la Rue Champfleuri de 
primary à 
primary_link :[1] 

Ça résoudrait peut-être le pb …

Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Overpass da linea di comando: ottenere geojson, GML, shapefile, ecc .. ?

2015-01-12 Per discussione cesare gerbino
Ciao a tutti,

ho provato a giochicchiare un po con overpass da linea di comando .

Il mio obiettivo è quello di scaricare i dati dei civici di OSM presenti in

Ho usato Overpass Turbo per mettere a punto la mia query da cui poi ho
ricavato questa

osm-script output=json
  union into=_
query into=_ type=node
  has-kv k=addr:housenumber modv= v=/
  bbox-query e=20.01708984375 into=_ n=47.15984001304432
s=36.27970720524017 w=5.9765625/
  print e= from=_ geometry=skeleton limit= mode=body n=
order=id s= w=/
  recurse from=_ into=_ type=down/
  print e= from=_ geometry=skeleton limit= mode=skeleton n=
order=quadtile s= w=/

Salvata in un file CiviciItalia.txt, poi ho usato il seguente comando

wget --post-file=CiviciItalia.txt

Tutto ok ottengo il mio bel json ma a questo punto non so come convertirlo
in qualcos'altro, geojson, GML, shapefile, non importa me ne basta uno poi
lo converto in quello che voglio con GDAL


 Grazie mille anticipatamente

Cesare Gerbino
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione Francescu GAROBY
Ne manque-t-il pas une interdiction de tourner à gauche, à la première
intersection prise par l'itinéraire ?
(à vérifier sur le terrain, bien sûr...)


Le 12 janvier 2015 11:08, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :


 Un ami m'a fait remarqué un problème de routage avec osmand, qui est
 reproductible avec osrm :
 Pourquoi la (longue) bretelle sur la droite n'est pas empruntée ?
 Rien sur osmose, et j'ai regardé les données mais je ne vois pas ce qui


 Nicolas Dumoulin

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione Frédéric Rodrigo

Le 12/01/2015 11:14, JB a écrit :

Je pense que j'ai la réponse courte : c'est l'optimisation sur le temps
de trajet qui fait passer par là :
Supprime le point de passage indiqué sur la bretelle, le temps augmente
(il faut juste un peu bidouiller au départ pour se retrouver à
l'intermédiaire entre 1 et 2 minutes).
Pour la réponse longue, je pense qu'il faudrait regarder ce qui impacte
sur le temps de trajet : vitesse maxi, et je ne sais pas si OSRM prend
en charge les feux de circulation/cédez le passage/stop.

Le feux de circulation oui : 2s de pénalité. Les autres non.
À mon avis il faut surtout vérifier s'il n'y a une interdiction de 
tourner à gauche.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione Christian Quest
Vue l'image aérienne, je pense que devrait être en sens unique...

Ça n'explique toutefois pas vraiment pourquoi OSRM prends un chemin
aussi alambiqué.

Le 12/01/2015 11:30, Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit :
 Le 12/01/2015 11:14, JB a écrit :
 Je pense que j'ai la réponse courte : c'est l'optimisation sur le temps
 de trajet qui fait passer par là :
 Supprime le point de passage indiqué sur la bretelle, le temps augmente
 (il faut juste un peu bidouiller au départ pour se retrouver à
 l'intermédiaire entre 1 et 2 minutes).
 Pour la réponse longue, je pense qu'il faudrait regarder ce qui impacte
 sur le temps de trajet : vitesse maxi, et je ne sais pas si OSRM prend
 en charge les feux de circulation/cédez le passage/stop.

 Le feux de circulation oui : 2s de pénalité. Les autres non.
 À mon avis il faut surtout vérifier s'il n'y a une interdiction de
 tourner à gauche.

 Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau

Le 12/01/2015 11:37, Christian Quest a écrit :

Vue l'image aérienne, je pense que devrait être en sens unique...

Effectivement, puisque seuls les véhicules venant du nord peuvent 
tourner vers la Rue Champfleuri.

Sinon, la bretelle devrait 
être connectée à l'avenue Fernand Forest un peu plus au nord, juste 
avant le début de la ligne blanche continue.

On dirait que pour Osrm, couper la route du sens de circulation opposée 
ne donne pas de malus sur le temps de trajet. C'est dommage, surtout 
quand on sait à quel point ce genre de manoeuvre est compliquée lorsque 
la circulation est dense.

Talk-fr mailing list

[talk-ph] Draft task for UAV imagery over Hagupit/Ruby affected areas for your review

2015-01-12 Per discussione maning sambale
Dear everyone,

We are currently processing the tiles of the UAV imagery collected by
SkyEye over a few areas affected by Hagupit/Ruby.  The draft task is

Before we publish the task and invite everyone to use it for tracing,
I would like you guys to review the tasking manager instructions (an
edit if you can).  So far, we don't have any request for doing damage
assessment so we will use this for usual basemapping.

I noticed that the imagery doesn't align well with the current data.
Aside from Can-avid which has a few GPS tracks, the rest doesn't have
public traces we can align/correct the imagery.

Happy new year!
Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Ny vej Tom Kristensen Vej

2015-01-12 Per discussione Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen

Så ham også modtage skiltet, og tænkte straks på osm :).

Der må være nogle lokalkendte der kan aflede placeringen ud fra nedenstående 

 Det er på den stikvej, der fra Ølsvej fører ind til en ny udstykning med 
direkte udsigt over Mariager Fjord.


On 12. jan. 2015 07.18.55 CET, Henrik Puukka-Sørensen wrote:
Jeg har skrevet direkte til Mariagerfjord Kommune for at finde ud af
hvor vejen er.

Venlig hilsen
Henrik Puukka-Sørensen

Den 11. jan. 2015, Soren Johannessen
 Hej alle sammen
 Nogen lokalkendte i Hobro - Tom Kristensen har fået en vej opkaldt
 efter sig Tom Kristensen Vej Jeg har prøvet via flere artikler at
 spore hvor den vej så befinder sig men har opgivet
 Så hvis der er nogen i Hobro der ved dette, så tilføj vejen i OSM
 Søren Johannessen
 Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Sendt fra min Android telefon med K-9 Mail. Undskyld hvis jeg er lidt 
Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Blue Plaques i Smethwick

2015-01-12 Per discussione Andy Mabbett
I've been provided with a list of blue plaques erected by Smethwick
Local History Society (an additional plaque on the Oldbury Road, to
mark the Ruskin Pottery works was stolen a few years ago).

   *   The Toll House (High Street)
   *   The Smethwick Engine (Bridge Street)
   *   Central Library (High Street)
   *   The Theatre Royal (Rolfe Street)
   *   Soho Foundry (Foundry Lane)
   *   Old Chapel Inn (Uplands)
   *   Warley Woods (Abbey Road)
   *   Chance’s Glassworks (Spon Lane
   *   The Three Shires Oak (Three Shires Oak/Thimblemill Roads)

Andy Mabbett

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Pb de routage osmand et osrm

2015-01-12 Per discussione Christian Rogel

 Le 12 janv. 2015 à 11:37, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Vue l'image aérienne, je pense que devrait être en sens unique...
 Ça n'explique toutefois pas vraiment pourquoi OSRM prends un chemin
 aussi alambiqué.

Est-ce que le fait que la bretelle ne soit pas classée comme bretelle ne joue 
pas ? Je ne vois pas pourquoi elle ne l’est pas.

Christian R.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] UrbIS import

2015-01-12 Per discussione eMerzh
Thanks Guys :)

Sorry for the delay
it has been a long time since the last stats...
and if i recall correctly, there where a lot of manual steps ...
(especially for tiles)

i used to use postgis with qgis ...
if i could have a server with ssh and a postgis i might be able to process
the stats ...

@Jo: i''ll try to collect the scripts that i used... and to make some
pseudo doc ...

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 6:09 PM, Glenn Plas wrote:

 What do you need ?  I have some room left over on some machines. It will
 be linux (of course).  I'm thinking to provide some stats on the
 housenumber integration of crab.  I might as well do Urbis as well.

 Let me know what you would like and if it's possible I will provide it.


 On 08-01-15 17:58, eMerzh wrote:
  The tiles are from 15-Feb-2014  and the spreadsheet,the last column is
  the earliest and it's the same date, 15/02 (/2014)
  as said earlier, i have no enough cpu/mem/disk power to continue
 maintaining those stats...
  On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Pierre Parmentier
  How to update the outdated data?
  Pierre P.
  Talk-be mailing list
  Talk-be mailing list

 Everything is going to be 200 OK.

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] UrbIS import

2015-01-12 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
I don't know if you've noticed it, but there are a lot of streets where the
addr:street tags don't match the street name (most of them are because of
the order of language differs, some are also plain spelling differences).

See this view:

I know there's a rule of the first mapper decides the name, though I
think that one feature should get one name only. When someone named a piece
of road as French-Dutch, the one who maps the next piece of road with the
same name shouldn't use Dutch-French IMO. And addr:street should have the
same order.

However, searching the oldest used variant of a name might be a tough job,
and uniforming addr:street depends on a uniform name for a street. So I
don't know if anyone is up for it.

Most apps don't care for bilingual regions (there aren't many in the
world), and searching an address in f.e. OsmAnd becomes a real PITA: OsmAnd
allows partial string search, so if I search for the Dutch name, I would
get the result, no matter if it's tagged French-Dutch or Dutch-French.
But because of the many streets which are mapped in both ways, I get two
results for every street. And only one of the results contains the address
I'm looking for. So it's a lucky guess to see which one I should take.

And OsmAnd isn't the only one. Nominatim just resorts to the closest
street when the names don't match. So it adds some addresses (mostly
corner addresses) to the completely wrong street. Though Nominatim is
prepared to a certain degree of language differences, it's not prepared to
different names for the same street.

Since we don't just gather data to gather data, but we gather data to be
useful, I guess people of Brussels should get around the table to discuss
whether they want to continue this proliferation of names, or if they want
to make naming stricter (one feature = one name), which makes it easier for
data users, but also restricts mappers more.

An option to name stuff as Rue de xxx straat might again be possible
since most (if not all) streets have a name:fr and name:nl tag that can be
used for localised rendering and searching.

2015-01-12 16:43 GMT+01:00 eMerzh

 Thanks Guys :)

 Sorry for the delay
 it has been a long time since the last stats...
 and if i recall correctly, there where a lot of manual steps ...
 (especially for tiles)

 i used to use postgis with qgis ...
 if i could have a server with ssh and a postgis i might be able to process
 the stats ...

 @Jo: i''ll try to collect the scripts that i used... and to make some
 pseudo doc ...

 On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 6:09 PM, Glenn Plas wrote:

 What do you need ?  I have some room left over on some machines. It will
 be linux (of course).  I'm thinking to provide some stats on the
 housenumber integration of crab.  I might as well do Urbis as well.

 Let me know what you would like and if it's possible I will provide it.


 On 08-01-15 17:58, eMerzh wrote:
  The tiles are from 15-Feb-2014  and the spreadsheet,the last column is
  the earliest and it's the same date, 15/02 (/2014)
  as said earlier, i have no enough cpu/mem/disk power to continue
 maintaining those stats...
  On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Pierre Parmentier
  How to update the outdated data?
  Pierre P.
  Talk-be mailing list
  Talk-be mailing list

 Everything is going to be 200 OK.

 Talk-be mailing list

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Start-/Landebahn

2015-01-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 12. Januar 2015 um 11:36 schrieb Stephan Wolff

 Einen way.
 Eine Piste ist gerichtet, Tags wie incline=* wäre für Flächen sinnlos.
 Die Breite lässt sich problemlos als width beschreiben.
 Das deutsche Wiki zu aeroway=runway ist eindeutig, das englische leider

 Früher hat man manchmal runde Grasplätze gebaut und ist jeweils gegen den
 Wind gestartet und gelandet. Falls es solche Plätze ohne definierte
 Landerichtung noch gibt, wäre dort eine Fläche als runway angemessen.

man kann auch durchaus in Flächen eine Richtung erkennen, echte ways gibt
es sowieso nur in der db und der Mathematik, aber nicht im echten Leben. Um
die Breite problemlos als width zu beschreiben, muss man sie erstmal
kennen / messen, was bei Landebahnen oft nicht praktisch geht. Einen
incline-tag halte ich hier auch für wenig sinnvoll, man kann aber z.B. die
Höhen einzelner Punkte angeben, was dann auch deutlich mehr
Informationsgehalt hat als der incline-tag. Ausser an Treppen nutze ich den
eigentlich nie,

Talk-de mailing list

[diversity-talk] Diversity for the tagging mailing list

2015-01-12 Per discussione John Packer
As many should know, the tagging mailing list [1] is seen as the main place
of discussion of tag definition in OSM.

Due to the growth of the community, usually there is a high traffic of
emails of highly specific topics.
I believe these qualities of diversity of topics and large quantity of
messages are not a good fit with a mailing list, resulting in quite an
unpleasant experience for subscribers.
To worse the situation, it's hard if not impossible to comment in an
ongoing mail thread if you are not already subscribed to the mailing list
(i.e. people might not be able to comment in the few specific topics they
are actually interested in).

The solution seems to be a move of the discussion of tag definition to a
forum platform, which would be a more appropriate place due to the
qualities described above.

I think this is important for increasing diversity in the tagging mailing
list, because few people can deal with a mailing list like that.
How can we do this?


diversity-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Exploratori della domenica

2015-01-12 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 12/01/2015 15:16, sabas88 ha scritto:
 Ciao, mi segnalano sulla pagina facebook una pubblicazione cartacea
 di questo sito[0] che non presenta indicazione di licenza
 Sono stati contattati dall'utente e gli è stato risposto che hanno 
 provveduto ad attribuire nel colofone, ma non si trova traccia.
 Saluti, Stefano

Io vedo nell'angolo in basso a destra, © Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
Improve this map di questa pagina:

Non è ben fatto il link ad OSM, ma punta a mapbox, quindi si tratta di
dividere in tre link e non in due.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 12:16 AM, Clifford Snow

 I think the original question is are there bicycle routes that include
 Interstate Highways. From what we've learned, Interstate Highways can be
 tagged to allow bicycles where permitted by law. But just because bicycles
 are permitted, does that mean they are also part of a bicycle route? I'm
 not a bicyclist, so I'll defer to those that are. Bicycle routes should be
 documented by appropriate groups. I'm not sure who they are. We could also
 entertain tagging with the name of the organization documents the routes.

ODOT's kind of an oddball edge case, considering all highways a valid route
for all modes, and posting bypasses for segments inaccessible by certain
modes.  So, my Oregon and southern Washington RCN relations tend to reflect
this localized assumption for better or worse, mostly out of a lack of a
way to properly model it in a way that would seem consistent otherwise.
Routes like 5, 26, 30, and 84 (noninclusively) are radically different in
certain segments for bicycles than they are for motorists.

So, they're not *explicitly* bicycle routes for the entire length of those
relations, however, where they overlap the corresponding route=road of
the same ref, it is an *implicit* route by virtue of being a state highway
open to the public, where the only designated modes are likely to be
hazmat, oversize and possibly triple-trailer rigs (and suitability for any
of the modes permitted, motorized or not, is in no means guaranteed for
nondesignated modes, and dangerous if not impossible for banned modes).

These relations could probably be truncated to just the diverging aspects
and split by contiguous segment if route=road is considered implicitly a
route for all modes allowed by the member ways.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Railway data accuracy , age and origin

2015-01-12 Per discussione Glenn Plas
What is wrong with it?  most what I see looks still up to date.  Could
you be more specific ?


On 12-01-15 19:51, Stijn Rombauts wrote:
 Wouldn't it be a good idea then to give this page a decent update so
 everybody knows how railways should be tagged:
 Otherwise it is very well possible that someone else will 'destroy' a
 lot of your work.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paul Johnson
I think last time I doublechecked it, something like 30 or 35 states allow
nonmotorized access to freeways, making those that don't somewhat of a
minority.  However, given that 97%(?) of the population of the US lives in
the ~215 lower-48 metropolitan areas (that is, pretty much any city large
enough to have a suburb of separate incorporation, of which the smallest
and newest could very well be Eufaula, OK (with it's suburb of Carlton
Landing, which someone recently shifted it's centroid node across the lane
and dropped it to a hamlet even though it's an incorporated town as of last
year), and 90% of that being in the top 100 largest of those metros, most
people live nearest to a relative minority of freeway miles that don't
allow all modes.

That said, given that I've pretty much only ever lived in the emptiest
states in the country plus California, unless you're on one of the urban
freeways that does allow bicycles, and you plan on biking the freeway, you
better be prepared to go 20-50+ miles without stopping.  I remember seeing
one cyclist back in 2011 on I 80 between exit 4 and 41, a 37, nearly 38
mile gap between exits (third longest stretch between exits in the US), and
in the direction I was going, that next exit wasn't going to be someplace
you wanted to stop anyway.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Elliott Plack

 This is an interesting conversation. Since I'm on the east coast, I've
 never seen a bicycle on a freeway. Since I'm a bit of a road geek, I ask
 this very question of my fellow road geeks on our discussion forum. It
 seems many states have explicit laws allowing bicycles on the highway.
 Follow it here:


 On Mon Jan 12 2015 at 1:51:25 PM Paul Johnson wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 11:43 PM, John F. Eldredge

   By contrast, I am not aware of any Interstate highways in the
 southeast USA that allow bicycles. From my experience, every entrance ramp
 has signs forbidding non-motorized traffic and mopeds.

 All the more reason to explicitly tag it, since it's explicitly posted.
 Of course, the bigger trick is finding the endpoints of that, since even in
 states that do allow it (save for California), it's rare to get a bicycles
 on roadway sign regularly (Oregon, Washington and Oklahoma usually only
 post it once starting usually just before or at where bicycles first enter,
 the corresponding sign the opposite direction would be bikes must
 exit/turn right/whatever before and no bicycles after.  And they tend to
 be hard to spot because for whatever reason, USDOT thinks bicyclists can
 read fonts as tall as my thumb is thick while moving (which means
 information dense signage such as found in Portland for it's LCNs is next
 to useless without stopping in traffic), so all bicycle signage tends to be
 in the finest print possible, even on the freeway...
 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] UrbIS import

2015-01-12 Per discussione eMerzh
Yeah, i know  we have already discuss about this here :

i don't see a lot of options here ...

Change the name=* to smth more tool friendly
Remove the name=* (let only name:code=*)
Or force one order of name (FR-NL or NL-FR)... but i think this might be
hard to swallow for some...

I know we always tell : don't map for a tool but it's really a mess in
ALL tools using osm...

the problem with scheme like Boulevard Lemonnier laan is when the name is
different 'Rue des Poissonniers - Visverkopersstraat' 
or when tools like OsmAND have to pronounce the name 

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Ny vej Tom Kristensen Vej

2015-01-12 Per discussione Lars Gravengaard

Er det forfatteren Tom Kristensens


2015-01-12 12:57 GMT+01:00 Jørgen Elgaard Larsen

 Der er iøvrigt en Tom Kristensens Vej på Amager, men det er nok en anden
 Tom Kristensen :-)

 - Jørgen

 Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Railway data accuracy , age and origin

2015-01-12 Per discussione Stijn Rombauts
It's useless to draw two ways for a single double-track railroad line: 
almost everywhere all tracks are mapped seperatelyto not use a detailed schema 
for complex station grids: all detail is mapped in most stationsWhen on a 
four track group of lines - and this is the case on L36/L36N between Leuven and 
Brussels - the two inner tracks are another line than the two outer ones, I 
propose to nevertheless draw them next to each other, nicely parallel as 
prescribed in the How to draw a motorway page.: can it become more outdated?
And what about the voltage, frequency, gauge, usage, ref, name, ... tags? Which 
tags should be used in Belgium, which not, en which values should they have?
And what about the relations and the tags they should have?
Also this page could use some 

  From: Glenn Plas
 To: Stijn Rombauts; OpenStreetMap Belgium 
 Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 8:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Railway data accuracy , age and origin
What is wrong with it?  most what I see looks still up to date.  Could
you be more specific ?


On 12-01-15 19:51, Stijn Rombauts wrote:
 Wouldn't it be a good idea then to give this page a decent update so
 everybody knows how railways should be tagged:
 Otherwise it is very well possible that someone else will 'destroy' a
 lot of your work.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Accenti nei nomi di luogo

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paolo Monegato

Il 11/01/2015 10:14, Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha scritto:
esempi di lingua locale per la quale non esiste neanche un'ortografia 
standardizzata? Di fatto vorrebbe dire che è una lingua esclusivamente 
parlata, che non ha una letteratura: non mi risulta che ce ne siano.

Alt, cosa intendi per ortografia standardizzata? Perché io intendo uno 
standard univoco creato da un organismo ufficialmente delegato ed usato 
da tutti o quasi. E mi pare che solo il friulano abbia questo standard 
(in Sardegna ne hanno proposto uno ma non sembra essere molto amato).
Le altre che io sappia non ce l'hanno, hanno semplicemente svariate 
grafie più o meno usate (da quelle ufficiose a quelle inventante da 
linguisti più o meno improvvisati).

Il che è anche problematico per quel che riguarda la trasposizione della 
toponomastica locale sulla mappa... IMHO andrebbe fatto un lavoro 
assieme ai vari progetti wikimedia regionali, perché se la tal 
wikipedia usa una data grafia sarebbe il caso che su OSM non ne venisse 
usata un'altra...

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues

2015-01-12 Per discussione Elliott Plack
This is an interesting conversation. Since I'm on the east coast, I've
never seen a bicycle on a freeway. Since I'm a bit of a road geek, I ask
this very question of my fellow road geeks on our discussion forum. It
seems many states have explicit laws allowing bicycles on the highway.
Follow it here:


On Mon Jan 12 2015 at 1:51:25 PM Paul Johnson wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 11:43 PM, John F. Eldredge

   By contrast, I am not aware of any Interstate highways in the
 southeast USA that allow bicycles. From my experience, every entrance ramp
 has signs forbidding non-motorized traffic and mopeds.

 All the more reason to explicitly tag it, since it's explicitly posted.
 Of course, the bigger trick is finding the endpoints of that, since even in
 states that do allow it (save for California), it's rare to get a bicycles
 on roadway sign regularly (Oregon, Washington and Oklahoma usually only
 post it once starting usually just before or at where bicycles first enter,
 the corresponding sign the opposite direction would be bikes must
 exit/turn right/whatever before and no bicycles after.  And they tend to
 be hard to spot because for whatever reason, USDOT thinks bicyclists can
 read fonts as tall as my thumb is thick while moving (which means
 information dense signage such as found in Portland for it's LCNs is next
 to useless without stopping in traffic), so all bicycle signage tends to be
 in the finest print possible, even on the freeway...
 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Place classifications

2015-01-12 Per discussione Elliott Plack
Great start on this Minh,

I tried to tackle this in the Baltimore Washington region last year. After
reading the wiki, I decided on the following classifications:

* hamlet: census population was less than 200
* village: census pop. between 200 and 1
* town: census pop. between 10001 and 5
* city: major hub urban centers above 5

There are some CDPs though that would be a city by population alone, but
really don't have a true city feel, and cartographically would look bad as
being a city on a map. The tricky one is Glen Burnie, sprawl area south of
Baltimore with no urban core, yet the pop is over 65k. It is marked as a
city now, but really should be town I think. I like your one city per
metropolis idea.


On Mon Jan 12 2015 at 12:12:59 PM Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

 2015-01-09 12:45 GMT+01:00 Minh Nguyen

 but more importantly, it accurately reflects what going to town means
 in the surrounding area. That seems to be the idea behind the wiki's
 nebulous definitions.


 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Exploratori della domenica

2015-01-12 Per discussione Matteo Quatrida

Il 12/01/2015 19:13, sabas88 ha scritto:

lo stesso mi segnala che gli hanno nuovamente risposto, é stato un
errore di composizione delle pagine e l'attribuzione é finita a ridosso

Modo elegante per prenderci per il (|) ?

Matteo Quatrida
GNU/Linux User #498939
OpenStreetMap Contributor since 2009

«Be GREEN and keep it on your SCREEN!»

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues

2015-01-12 Per discussione Richard Welty

On 1/12/15 2:00 PM, Elliott Plack wrote:
This is an interesting conversation. Since I'm on the east coast, I've 
never seen a bicycle on a freeway. Since I'm a bit of a road geek, I 
ask this very question of my fellow road geeks on our discussion 
forum. It seems many states have explicit laws allowing bicycles on 
the highway. Follow it here:

in fact, here in NYS there is a class of trunk-ish roads
called Urban Expressways where bikes and pedestrians
are forbidden; sometimes it's posted but sometimes it's

they're unpleasant roads to bike on or walk on anyway,
but for bicycle commuters, sometimes they're the only
route. Washington Avenue Extension in Albany is a good
example. it's not explicitly posted so most don't know they
shouldn't bike or walk on it, but it's the only access to a
bunch of office buildings.


 Averill Park Networking - GIS  IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
 Java - Web Applications - Search

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-GB] Nottingham Derby Pub Meetings for 2015

2015-01-12 Per discussione SK53
Dear All,

I have scheduled social meetings for Nottingham  Derby for the whole of
the year ahead (at least in part so I can add them to my diary). Derby
meetings are the second month in each quarter. I've kept to existing venues
to keep things simple: there is always scope to modify the programme if
something interesting comes up. (I have it in the back of my mind that
perhaps we should visit Mansfield some time in the summer).

Additional events more focused on mapping (follow-up to last Saturday's
mapping/social event at Hanbury with Mappa Mercia) will be announced
separately, but I certainly plan for some footpath specific gatherings.

The next Nottingham meeting will be at the Lincolnshire Poacher on Jan.

Best wishes for the New OSM Year,

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Richard Welty

 in fact, here in NYS there is a class of trunk-ish roads
 called Urban Expressways where bikes and pedestrians
 are forbidden; sometimes it's posted but sometimes it's

Having commuted by freeway by bicycle in a number of places where the
practice is allowed, nobody's saying it's pleasant (heck, often the
alternative route is worse, like the cycleway that hovers on the top of the
sound wall of Interstate 84 near the Portland/Gresham line, mostly because
the freeways get swept and animals must be in a vehicle there, and there's
not only shoulders, but plenty of room to get around pedestrians, which
just isn't the case on the I 84 Cycleway.  You're often riding with a chain
link fence keeping you from wiping out onto the freeway ~10 feet below on
one side and a ~15 foot high concrete wall looking like something out of
Half Life 2's Combine architecture on the other for miles at a stretch).

 they're unpleasant roads to bike on or walk on anyway,
 but for bicycle commuters, sometimes they're the only
 route. Washington Avenue Extension in Albany is a good
 example. it's not explicitly posted so most don't know they
 shouldn't bike or walk on it, but it's the only access to a
 bunch of office buildings.

Oklahoma is notorious with this, and we're getting a lot more people over
time that don't even know the rules about it here.  Though, it's kind of a
dirty trick:  Bicycles are allowed on any highway anywhere in the state
that does not have a minimum speed limit unless otherwise posted (ie, I
don't know of any place this is the case, but the law explicitly codifies
an exception for designated bicycle routes with a minimum speed limit;
routes that don't have a minimum speed limit may ban bicycles for
legitimate safety reasons (and not because it's inconvenient to pass,
because then you'd have to ban equestrian and agricultural traffic as well
for the same reason)).  However, they also expect you to be psychic:
 Minimum speeds are typically not posted until after you're already on the
road and committed, and entry ramps (save for the Oklahoma Turnpike
Authority operated highways (all ten, and soon to be eight, of them))
typically lack signage informing people of banned modes.  So, the first
sign that you aren't supposed to be there on a bicycle is probably passing
Speed Limit 65 Minimum 40 signage...half a mile or more after you entered
the road and committed to it, assuming you don't have map data aware of
this restriction and/or you're navigating off personal knowledge.
Sometimes this will happen on a rural surface expressway...a mile after you
passed the last intersection, without so much as a minimum speed ahead
warning.  And that's only if you're enough of a road geek to actually know
this in the first place.  End result: You'll probably pass three or four
cyclists a month on urban freeways in Oklahoma, even as a casual car

TL;DR: I spent a paragraph going over an annoyingly inobvious modal ban
that drives me batshit insane trying to find it here.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] UrbIS import

2015-01-12 Per discussione Jo
I must admit I hadn't thought it through. It was easy to decide to
standardise on FR - NL for the associatedStreet relations, but this
percolates through to the street level.

Of course, back then, JOSM's validator didn't have that test yet.

Maybe we should try to fix it at the validator level.

I've been succesful in amending the validator for 2 other issues already:

now it takes into account noname=yes

and it shouldn't complain anymore when 1 street participates in 2 aS
relations, when those aS relations differ in postcode or city name. This
occurs for streets which form the border between 2 municipalities.

The problem is, one never knows what is likely to be fixed and when they
declare me crazy instead...

I tried to get the validator to heed:


For the node which connects streets like


But maybe they'll implement taking borders into account (where this sort of
thing is most likely to occur and cause a false positive). That's a lot
harder to accomplish, if you ask me. But they don't want to 'pollute' the
data with tags which only serve for the validator (like noexit=yes, after
its usage was deflected from what it originally stood for)


2015-01-12 20:55 GMT+01:00 eMerzh

 Yeah, i know  we have already discuss about this here :

 i don't see a lot of options here ...

 Change the name=* to smth more tool friendly
 Remove the name=* (let only name:code=*)
 Or force one order of name (FR-NL or NL-FR)... but i think this might be
 hard to swallow for some...

 I know we always tell : don't map for a tool but it's really a mess in
 ALL tools using osm...

 the problem with scheme like Boulevard Lemonnier laan is when the name is
 different 'Rue des Poissonniers - Visverkopersstraat' 
 or when tools like OsmAND have to pronounce the name 


Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-us] Abandoned Buildings in Baltimore

2015-01-12 Per discussione Elliott Plack
Greetings US OSM'ers,

I'm working with some other locals on another import, this time for
Baltimore City. In thinking of good attributes to add to buildings, I
thought it might be pertinent to denote the city's 16K+ vacant buildings
[1] on the OSM buildings. Have other people been doing this? According to
the wiki [2], it seems like the best tagging would be either
abandoned:building=yes or a combo of building=yes and

The full import is still in development so I'll share more to the imports
list when it is ready for primetime. Until them I'm just interested if
people are mechanically describing vacant buildings.



Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Edifici e complessi edilizi suddivisi in parti

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paolo Monegato

Il 11/01/2015 22:10, Marco_T ha scritto:
Grazie per la risposta, mi hai dato alcuni spunti su cui indagare e 
documentarmi. Purtroppo la stazione di Vicenza e' ancora esplosa in 
una miriade di poligoni e quindi non riesco ad utilizzarla come esempio.

Allora evidentemente non avevo più realizzato quel che mi prefissavo... 
non mi ricordo però perché non l'ho fatto, forse perché attendevo che 
quel modo di mappare diventasse un po' più diffuso (all'epoca di 
relation building ce n'erano pochette).

A Vicenza sarebbe utile sistemare un po' la mappa dato che anche il 
SIT del comune e' basato su OSM: e ci farebbe una 
buona pubblicita'.

Se non ricordo male anni fa il comune donò i dati al progetto (mi pare 
che buona parte delle strade derivino dai dati comunali... se non 
ricordo male per l'apertura di quei dati dobbiamo ringraziare Luca 
Menini, mentre per la trasposizione dei dati sulla mappa Flavio Rigolon).
Per quanto riguarda Vicenza: credo non sarebbe una cattiva idea farci un 
bel mapping, per sistemare al meglio quantomeno il centro storico.

Il 11/01/2015 23:01, Federico Cortese ha scritto:

Il campanile (di solito tower) puo' seguire la stessa sorte delle parti
interne o e' meglio che venga legato alla chiesa con una relazione

Direi che il campanile è indipendente. Non farei nemmeno la relazione o al
massimo ne farei una di tipo site.

Personalmente penso che si potrebbe inserire anche nella relazione
building se fa parte dell'edificio chiesa.

Ovviamente mi riferivo ai casi di campanili indipendenti dall'edificio 
chiesa, che da queste parti sono assai frequenti. Se è un tutt'uno credo 
anch'io che potrebbe starci nella relation. Se invece è staccato no, a 
meno che non si faccia un'ulteriore relazione che comprenda l'intero 
sito in tutte le sue parti (es. chiesa + campanile + battistero).

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Problema rendering chiese

2015-01-12 Per discussione Simone F.
Il giorno 2 gennaio 2015 18:14, Volker Schmidt ha

 Vorrei portare nella lista italiana questo thread:

 Una prima prova su una zona a caso attorno a Padova di circa 90km x 100km
 mi ha dato 1000 oggetti sospetti con questo ricerca Overpass Turbo:

 Sembra che avremo un problema

Segnalo che in seguito a successive modifiche le cose sono tornate come
* Areas tagged with amenity=place_of_worship and no building tag are
rendered again.

Simone F.
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] Mappy Hour

2015-01-12 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Tonight! Be there or be spherical Mercator.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Start-/Landebahn

2015-01-12 Per discussione Andreas Neumann
On 12.01.2015 17:37, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 [...] Um
 die Breite problemlos als width zu beschreiben, muss man sie erstmal
 kennen / messen, was bei Landebahnen oft nicht praktisch geht. 

Viele Flughäfen und -plätze geben Daten zu ihren Start- und Landebahnen
im Internet an. Dazugehören standartmäßig Höhe über NN, Kanal auf dem
der Tower erreichbar ist (und Öfnnungszeiten) und Breite, Länge und
Ausrichtung der Landebahn.

 incline-tag halte ich hier auch für wenig sinnvoll, man kann aber z.B. die
 Höhen einzelner Punkte angeben, was dann auch deutlich mehr
 Informationsgehalt hat als der incline-tag. Ausser an Treppen nutze ich den
 eigentlich nie,

Ich nutze ihn auch ganz gerne an Straßen, wo ein Gefälle mit Warnschild
angegeben wird.


Viele Grüße,

Andreas Neumann

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM n°233 en français

2015-01-12 Per discussione althio althio

L'édition hebdomadaire n°233 de weeklyOSM vient de paraître en
français. Retrouvez sur votre petit
condensé de l'actualité du monde d'OSM.

Bonne lecture !

Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] weeklyOSM n°233 en français

2015-01-12 Per discussione althio althio

L'édition hebdomadaire n°233 de weeklyOSM vient de paraître en
français. Retrouvez sur votre petit
condensé de l'actualité du monde d'OSM.

Bonne lecture !

Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-bf] weeklyOSM n°233 en français

2015-01-12 Per discussione althio althio

L'édition hebdomadaire n°233 de weeklyOSM vient de paraître en
français. Retrouvez sur votre petit
condensé de l'actualité du monde d'OSM.

Bonne lecture !

Talk-bf mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Abandoned Buildings in Baltimore

2015-01-12 Per discussione Richard Welty

On 1/12/15 4:27 PM, Elliott Plack wrote:
I'm working with some other locals on another import, this time for 
Baltimore City. In thinking of good attributes to add to buildings, I 
thought it might be pertinent to denote the city's 16K+ vacant 
buildings [1] on the OSM buildings. Have other people been doing this? 
According to the wiki [2], it seems like the best tagging would be 
either abandoned:building=yes or a combo of building=yes and 

what is the definition you are using for abandoned?

here in Albany there is a major problem with empty
buildings with absentee landlords who are not maintaining
the buildings. how would Baltimore classify these?


 Averill Park Networking - GIS  IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
 Java - Web Applications - Search

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Accenti nei nomi di luogo

2015-01-12 Per discussione Elena ``of Valhalla''
On 2015-01-12 at 21:12:03 +0100, Paolo Monegato wrote:
 Il 11/01/2015 10:14, Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha scritto:
 esempi di lingua locale per la quale non esiste neanche un'ortografia
 standardizzata? Di fatto vorrebbe dire che è una lingua esclusivamente
 parlata, che non ha una letteratura: non mi risulta che ce ne siano.
 Alt, cosa intendi per ortografia standardizzata? Perché io intendo uno
 standard univoco creato da un organismo ufficialmente delegato ed usato da
 tutti o quasi. 

Quasi: non mi aspetto che ci sia necessariamente un organismo ufficiale,
ma che sia usato da una percentuale significativa delle case editrici
che pubblicano opere in quella lingua.

Se si pretende un organismo ufficiale a quel punto neanche l'inglese 
si qualifica (non esiste l'equivalente della nostra accademia della
crusca), ma gli standard ortografici dell'inglese esistono (più di uno, 
come ben si sa) e derivano da pubblicazioni di case editrici 
sufficientemente prestigiose.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Edifici e complessi edilizi suddivisi in parti

2015-01-12 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-01-12 21:23 GMT+01:00 Paolo Monegato
 Il 11/01/2015 23:01, Federico Cortese ha scritto:

 Il campanile (di solito tower) puo' seguire la stessa sorte delle parti
 interne o e' meglio che venga legato alla chiesa con una relazione

 Direi che il campanile è indipendente. Non farei nemmeno la relazione o
 massimo ne farei una di tipo site.

 Personalmente penso che si potrebbe inserire anche nella relazione
 building se fa parte dell'edificio chiesa.

 Ovviamente mi riferivo ai casi di campanili indipendenti dall'edificio
 chiesa, che da queste parti sono assai frequenti. Se è un tutt'uno credo
 anch'io che potrebbe starci nella relation. Se invece è staccato no, a meno
 che non si faccia un'ulteriore relazione che comprenda l'intero sito in
 tutte le sue parti (es. chiesa + campanile + battistero).

Certo, condivido la tua analisi.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Abandoned Buildings in Baltimore

2015-01-12 Per discussione Elliott Plack
In the dataset, those ones are owned by the city. When the property becomes
vacant and the landlord can't pay the taxes, the landlords default and the
city scoops the property up for non-payment of taxes. The 16K in this
dataset are just the ones the city owns. There are apparently many more
that are held by banks or someone hoping to make a buck if gentrification
expands there. Here is a typical street with vacants in Baltimore [1].

If I were to classify abandoned buildings myself, I'd go by the wiki
definition which would include buildings that have fallen into serious
disrepair and which could only be put back into operation with expensive
effort [2]. However, if we even include the data, it would only be for
buildings the city has identified as vacant.

You've raised a good point that it'd be hard to mechanically determine
whether a building is abandoned or disused. I'll have to check if the
dataset is only for truly abandoned buildings like the ones above.




On Mon Jan 12 2015 at 4:39:52 PM Richard Welty

 On 1/12/15 4:27 PM, Elliott Plack wrote:

 I'm working with some other locals on another import, this time for
 Baltimore City. In thinking of good attributes to add to buildings, I
 thought it might be pertinent to denote the city's 16K+ vacant buildings
 [1] on the OSM buildings. Have other people been doing this? According to
 the wiki [2], it seems like the best tagging would be either
 abandoned:building=yes or a combo of building=yes and

  what is the definition you are using for abandoned?

 here in Albany there is a major problem with empty
 buildings with absentee landlords who are not maintaining
 the buildings. how would Baltimore classify these?


  Averill Park Networking - GIS  IT Consulting
  OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
  Java - Web Applications - Search

 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] F: Kreuzungsfreiheit bei trunk

2015-01-12 Per discussione Michael Kugelmann

Am 12.01.2015 um 15:57 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 11. Januar 2015 um 03:20 schrieb Michael Kugelmann

Eine Kraftfahrstraße würde ich sehr wohl als trunk taggen...

Das haben wir vor Jahren schon ausführlich diskutiert, und die Festlegung
für Kraftfahrstraßen war das Tagging motorroad=yes, während der trunk tag
für autobahnähnlich ausgebaute Nicht-autobahnen verwendet wird.

Folgendes Bild als Beispiel:
Das ist doch wohl ein trunk, oder? Und so ein Straße habe ich auch schon 
in eine Stadt reinlaufen sehen (allerdings mit entsprechend niedrigem 
Tempolimit) und dann mit einer Ampel. Die Frage war, ob sich Trunk und 
Ampel ausschließt. Und ich habe gesagt: nein. Selbst bei einer 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Abandoned Buildings in Baltimore

2015-01-12 Per discussione Clifford Snow
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 1:49 PM, Elliott Plack

 If I were to classify abandoned buildings myself, I'd go by the wiki
 definition which would include buildings that have fallen into serious
 disrepair and which could only be put back into operation with expensive
 effort [2]. However, if we even include the data, it would only be for
 buildings the city has identified as vacant.

 You've raised a good point that it'd be hard to mechanically determine
 whether a building is abandoned or disused. I'll have to check if the
 dataset is only for truly abandoned buildings like the ones above.

Interesting thread. There are 960+ abandoned building tags according to
taginfo. But only 60 with either vacant or empty. My little town has a
number of vacant buildings. It might be interesting to see them on a map.
There maybe a small handful of abandoned by the definition of serious
disrepair. I suspect a search of tax records to show who owns the property
might be a clue.

I have be in contact with the city about importing their building data. I
will remember to discuss their definition of vacant vs. abandoned.


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Start-/Landebahn

2015-01-12 Per discussione Garry

Am 12.01.2015 um 12:50 schrieb Volker Schmidt:

Ich dachte dass moderne Flughaefen normalerweise symmetrische Landebahnen
haben, die Benutzungsrichtung haengt von der aktuellen Windrichtung ab.
Nicht unbedingt, es gibt durchaus auch Gründe die Benutzungsrichtung 
individuell unabhängig von der Windrichtung zu definieren.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-ca] Ottawa Meetup This Month

2015-01-12 Per discussione Richard Burcher
If you're in the Ottawa area on January 23 @ 7pm , come on out and join us
for our monthly OSM meetup!

All welcome:)

Details here [1].




Please note:
I only check email a few times during business hours.

Richard Burcher

Twitter:   @richardburcher
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Abandoned Buildings in Baltimore

2015-01-12 Per discussione Clifford Snow
I discovered that shop=vacant has over 6,000 tags. That actually makes
sense. The building is vacant with a for lease sign. Many are former shops
for example Blockbuster.


On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Clifford Snow

 On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 1:49 PM, Elliott Plack

 If I were to classify abandoned buildings myself, I'd go by the wiki
 definition which would include buildings that have fallen into serious
 disrepair and which could only be put back into operation with expensive
 effort [2]. However, if we even include the data, it would only be for
 buildings the city has identified as vacant.

 You've raised a good point that it'd be hard to mechanically determine
 whether a building is abandoned or disused. I'll have to check if the
 dataset is only for truly abandoned buildings like the ones above.

 Interesting thread. There are 960+ abandoned building tags according to
 taginfo. But only 60 with either vacant or empty. My little town has a
 number of vacant buildings. It might be interesting to see them on a map.
 There maybe a small handful of abandoned by the definition of serious
 disrepair. I suspect a search of tax records to show who owns the property
 might be a clue.

 I have be in contact with the city about importing their building data. I
 will remember to discuss their definition of vacant vs. abandoned.


 OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] F: Kreuzungsfreiheit bei trunk

2015-01-12 Per discussione Garry

Am 12.01.2015 um 22:59 schrieb Michael Kugelmann:

Folgendes Bild als Beispiel:
Das ist doch wohl ein trunk, oder? 

Im abgebildeten Zustand, ja.
Und so ein Straße habe ich auch schon in eine Stadt reinlaufen sehen 
(allerdings mit entsprechend niedrigem Tempolimit) und dann mit 
einer Ampel. Die Frage war, ob sich Trunk und Ampel ausschließt. Und 
ich habe gesagt: nein. Selbst bei einer Kraftfahrstraße.
Wenn es bei einer Ampel bleibt kann man es eventuell als trunk belassen, 
wenn sich dann aber die Ampeln häufen ist das keine trunk mehr...


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Re: [Talk-us] Mappy Hour

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paul Johnson
That was a horrible but especially clever pun.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 Tonight! Be there or be spherical Mercator.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 8:09 AM, Hans De Kryger

  I think the reason most long time mappers don't communicate the mistake
 the was made to new mapper
 ​ the fact that where​
  afraid of getting into a long drawn out conversation with them or it
 turning into a disagreement and
  up nowhere. Just two frustrated mappers. I would like to point out a case
 in point. There's a mapper whose page a ran across that said All emails to
 me will immediately be deleted without being read.Now how do we communicate
 when we have mappers who feel that way
 ​ in the community​
  It's hard.

Given a rather high profile and protracted example of this in which I was
unfortunately a party to, the question begs to be asked:  *do we even
want *people
who are unwilling to communicate with the rest of the project they're
contributing to?
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Re: [OSM-talk] Data filter

2015-01-12 Per discussione Glenn Plas
The last touched is quite an easy query on overpass, see the examples

If you want to return the nodes only:

query type=node
  user name=Steve Chilton/
  bbox-query {{bbox}}/
print mode=meta/

That would return tons of data if you're a heavy mapper.   You might
meet some overpass limits if you go too large.


On 12-01-15 10:30, Steve Chilton wrote:
 Can anyone help me with filtering OSM data please?
 For a project I am working on I need data on my contributions to the
 How can I select ‘my contributions in UK’ and output as XML (or JSON?).
 Need a file that can be imported in to standard GIS packages.
 Any help gratefully received.

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Re: [Talk-it] Exploratori della domenica

2015-01-12 Per discussione sabas88
lo stesso mi segnala che gli hanno nuovamente risposto, é stato un errore
di composizione delle pagine e l'attribuzione é finita a ridosso
On 12 Jan 2015 16:55, girarsi_liste wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Il 12/01/2015 15:16, sabas88 ha scritto:
  Ciao, mi segnalano sulla pagina facebook una pubblicazione cartacea
  di questo sito[0] che non presenta indicazione di licenza
  Sono stati contattati dall'utente e gli è stato risposto che hanno
  provveduto ad attribuire nel colofone, ma non si trova traccia.
  Saluti, Stefano

 Io vedo nell'angolo in basso a destra, © Mapbox © OpenStreetMap
 Improve this map di questa pagina:

 Non è ben fatto il link ad OSM, ma punta a mapbox, quindi si tratta di
 dividere in tre link e non in due.

 - --
 Simone Girardelli

 Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: [Talk-it] Exploratori della domenica

2015-01-12 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 12/01/2015 19:13, sabas88 ha scritto:
 Ciao, lo stesso mi segnala che gli hanno nuovamente risposto, é
 stato un errore di composizione delle pagine e l'attribuzione é
 finita a ridosso dell'incollatura.. Ciao, Stefano On 12 Jan 2015
 16:55, girarsi_liste wrote:

Hanno fatto cose professionali insomma :D
- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: [OSM-talk-be] UrbIS import

2015-01-12 Per discussione Jo
When I initially prepared the UrbIS data for OSM, I arbitrarily chose FR -
NL for all the addr:street names.

Not totally arbitrary, as that is how you'll find most of them on the name
tags in the street:

Boulevard Lemonnier - Lemonnierlaan:


Which always results in 'spelling' errors in Dutch, but that's not
important for this discussion


2015-01-12 17:45 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere

 I don't know if you've noticed it, but there are a lot of streets where
 the addr:street tags don't match the street name (most of them are because
 of the order of language differs, some are also plain spelling differences).

 See this view:

 I know there's a rule of the first mapper decides the name, though I
 think that one feature should get one name only. When someone named a piece
 of road as French-Dutch, the one who maps the next piece of road with the
 same name shouldn't use Dutch-French IMO. And addr:street should have the
 same order.

 However, searching the oldest used variant of a name might be a tough job,
 and uniforming addr:street depends on a uniform name for a street. So I
 don't know if anyone is up for it.

 Most apps don't care for bilingual regions (there aren't many in the
 world), and searching an address in f.e. OsmAnd becomes a real PITA: OsmAnd
 allows partial string search, so if I search for the Dutch name, I would
 get the result, no matter if it's tagged French-Dutch or Dutch-French.
 But because of the many streets which are mapped in both ways, I get two
 results for every street. And only one of the results contains the address
 I'm looking for. So it's a lucky guess to see which one I should take.

 And OsmAnd isn't the only one. Nominatim just resorts to the closest
 street when the names don't match. So it adds some addresses (mostly
 corner addresses) to the completely wrong street. Though Nominatim is
 prepared to a certain degree of language differences, it's not prepared to
 different names for the same street.

 Since we don't just gather data to gather data, but we gather data to be
 useful, I guess people of Brussels should get around the table to discuss
 whether they want to continue this proliferation of names, or if they want
 to make naming stricter (one feature = one name), which makes it easier for
 data users, but also restricts mappers more.

 An option to name stuff as Rue de xxx straat might again be possible
 since most (if not all) streets have a name:fr and name:nl tag that can be
 used for localised rendering and searching.

 2015-01-12 16:43 GMT+01:00 eMerzh

 Thanks Guys :)

 Sorry for the delay
 it has been a long time since the last stats...
 and if i recall correctly, there where a lot of manual steps ...
 (especially for tiles)

 i used to use postgis with qgis ...
 if i could have a server with ssh and a postgis i might be able to
 process the stats ...

 @Jo: i''ll try to collect the scripts that i used... and to make some
 pseudo doc ...

 On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 6:09 PM, Glenn Plas wrote:

 What do you need ?  I have some room left over on some machines. It will
 be linux (of course).  I'm thinking to provide some stats on the
 housenumber integration of crab.  I might as well do Urbis as well.

 Let me know what you would like and if it's possible I will provide it.


 On 08-01-15 17:58, eMerzh wrote:
  The tiles are from 15-Feb-2014  and the spreadsheet,the last column is
  the earliest and it's the same date, 15/02 (/2014)
  as said earlier, i have no enough cpu/mem/disk power to continue
 maintaining those stats...
  On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Pierre Parmentier
  How to update the outdated data?
  Pierre P.
  Talk-be mailing list
  Talk-be mailing list

 Everything is going to be 200 OK.

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Re: [Talk-us] Place classifications

2015-01-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-01-09 12:45 GMT+01:00 Minh Nguyen

 but more importantly, it accurately reflects what going to town means in
 the surrounding area. That seems to be the idea behind the wiki's nebulous


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike route relation issues

2015-01-12 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 11:43 PM, John F. Eldredge

   By contrast, I am not aware of any Interstate highways in the southeast
 USA that allow bicycles. From my experience, every entrance ramp has signs
 forbidding non-motorized traffic and mopeds.

All the more reason to explicitly tag it, since it's explicitly posted.  Of
course, the bigger trick is finding the endpoints of that, since even in
states that do allow it (save for California), it's rare to get a bicycles
on roadway sign regularly (Oregon, Washington and Oklahoma usually only
post it once starting usually just before or at where bicycles first enter,
the corresponding sign the opposite direction would be bikes must
exit/turn right/whatever before and no bicycles after.  And they tend to
be hard to spot because for whatever reason, USDOT thinks bicyclists can
read fonts as tall as my thumb is thick while moving (which means
information dense signage such as found in Portland for it's LCNs is next
to useless without stopping in traffic), so all bicycle signage tends to be
in the finest print possible, even on the freeway...
Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fw: Announcement of the second Robocar World Championship in Debrecen

2015-01-12 Per discussione Batfai Norbert
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that we will hold the second programming
competition on January 28th, 2015.

2015 Europe/Hungary/Debrecen 2: The purpose of this competition is to
start building the community around the Robocar World Championship.
Organizers: Norbert Bátfai, PhD., University of Debrecen, IT Dept.
Competition announcement:
Competition Rules:
    There is no entry fee.
    The competition do not require personal presence. (Moreover,
    competitors cannot be present in person.)
    There is no reward or prize. (Play the game for the game's sake :)
    Each team play each other team twice.
    The server machine: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr), gcc version 4.9.1,
    Boost 1.55
    Robocar-emulator platform: v0.1.2,
    routine cars: 1, gangster smart cars: 100, guided cops: 10, 10
minutes/200 ms
    mandatory cmd arguments: --team, --port, --shm (if shared memory
has been used)
    Deadline for submission of Team Qualification Paper: 20 January.
    Qualification limit: 100/7 with 1 police car
    Deadline for submission of the latest source code version: 24 January.!forum/rcemu
    Competition rounds: 28 January.
    Competition report: 30 January.
    TQPs, Traffic logs, Competition report:

Best regards
Norbert Bátfai

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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Railway data accuracy , age and origin

2015-01-12 Per discussione Stijn Rombauts
Wouldn't it be a good idea then to give this page a decent update so everybody 
knows how railways should be tagged:
 it is very well possible that someone else will 'destroy' a lot of your work.

  From: Ben Laenen
 Sent: Thursday, January 8, 2015 2:51 AM
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Railway data accuracy , age and origin
On Wednesday 07 January 2015 18:00:53 Sander Deryckere wrote:
 Most of the railway data comes from survey, aerial images and knowledge (no
 imports, apart from Urbis, Brussels).
 The lines are usually mapped to the pair of rails (even showing the
 switches in most cases), and many lines have extra details s.a. gauge,
 voltage or maxspeed. But those are not rendered. Mapnik rendering does
 differ between major lines and service lines.

I'm in the process of reviewing (and for the most part redrawing) the entire 
rail network in Flanders (to begin with, if the aerial imagery of Wallonia is 
good enough, I may extend it a bit that way, I've done all of West-Flanders 
and most of East-Flanders so far. It has slowed a bit since I don't have a lot 
of free time at the moment, but I hope to continue soon. If you come across 
some loose ends, that's where I'm at. Sources are the AGIV imagery, but I have 
a bit more knowledge about it since I'm an actual train driver. I try to work 
as accurate as possible, but it's a huge task (and I still have to do the 
entire port of Antwerp, ugh)... In the process I'm also adding maxspeeds, 
proper line refs and station/yard/junction names and codes, so you get nice 
maps on⪫=51.02844005602989lon=3.49365234375zoom=9style=standard

On that aspect, I'm currently tagging everything except the industrial line as 
main line, and never branch line. Infrabel doesn't really make a distinction 
there, and I feel like creating one will just be too subjective. If someone 
has a better idea, let me know.


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