Re[2]: Backing up address book

2002-12-04 Thread Jim Lanyon
Hello Melissa,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 1:38:53 AM, you wrote:

MR - From the Tools menu, select Backup, then choose Address
MR Books  The Choose button will allow you to choose which address
MR book(s) you wish to back up.

MR Melissa

DOH !!!missed it completely.




Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Alternative Forwarding and .msg files

2002-12-04 Thread Markus Gloede

Richard Evans wrote in msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 I thought .msg was an internet standard ?

No, Internet standards and file name extensions are not connected.
Yet, the file's contents should follow the 'standard' RFC-822 (and
related RFCs).

 if not any ideas about how to forward html mails to outlook users in
 one piece ?

Perhaps this works: save the original message as .EML and attach that
file to a new message which you'd sent to your recipient. When the Bat
saves a file as EML _or_ MSG the content is the same. It is just that
other mail programs are pickier about the file name extension.


Using The Bat! 1.62 Beta/17 under Windows NT 4.0 Build
1381 Service Pack 6 

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Peter Palmreuther
Hello Mean,

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 4:56:49 AM you [MD] wrote (at least
in part):

 So I, as postmaster, would be receiving bounce messages from users who
 have been spoofing my return address and routing? That'll get them
 kicked off the system as fast as I can dig up my logs.

 With the number of bounced messages on the net, do you really think
 that the postmaster address is going to be monitored

Definitely yes! RFCs not only recommend, but require postmaster@ being
a active and read address per domain.

 and someone is going to make a living of studying bounced messages

Yes. It might be a male function in mail server if a message bounces.
With routine you get used to 'misaddressed' messages and learn to
recognize them quickly, but nevertheless every single mail in
postmasters mailbox is inspected by myself.

 and finding out if it was a spoofed email addy that caused it.

If I stumble over a mail that was bounced because the address does
not exist in the domain I'm responsible for I do have a look if this
is true. If the address does not exist further bounces, telling about
the same address are deleted.
If the address exists,  but the bounce says No I dig, WHY the message
was bounced.
Figuring out the spoofing is child's play, as the headers let easily
guess _who exactly_ sent the bounce.

 No one has taken Mailwasher to court...I guess when it comes to
 fighting spam, a little flexibility is expected.

I'm sorry for being forced to disillusionate you, but this faking
bounces ain't fighting spam even in the slightest way. It has
nothing in common with any successful spam fighting technology, the
effect of bounces and faked bounces on amount of spam is near to zero,
not measurable.
If you want flexibility in fighting spam make use of RBLs and systems
like SpamAssassin (like!!! there might be others that work in a
similar fashion. I don't want to break it down on SA being the

Flexibility too is a patch I applied for example to qmail, that allows
to deny mails from and to addresses specified by regular expressions.
I do get a lot of spam on one domain I'm technically responsible for
on addresses like [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Denying mails to support\d+@ on SMTP level decreases the amount a
lot. THAT is flexible, not annoying innocent postmasters (especially
the one from your own ISP!) by filling their inbox with those
ineffective doublebounces ('double' because in 99% your bounce will
bounce itself and the so called double bounce will end up in
postmasters mailbox).

I'm in a lucky position: if one of our customers would come to the
idea to use a system like Mailwasher for creating faked bounces I'd
phone him, please him to stop this stupid behavior and if he don't I'd
forward _every single_ double bounce to his mailboxes. ISP might not
be able to do so, because of to many different customers.

But there the problem is located: ISP can't direct the double bounces
to the originator and they can't fire all customers. So the result is:
postmaster@ _will_ become read less and lesser. You might think: who
cares? I, and many others, do. THIS is one of the _really few_
addresses you (yet) can be sure to reach somebody in case of a
technical problem with the MTA. As time goes by and this mailbox is
more and more unread or feeded to /dev/null it get's unusable. So
where to direct a problem to, if you're no customer, but only
recognize a problem between your MTA and the other one?

So all you reach with these dubious practice is lowering the quality
of technical background of the Internet:

1.) waste of bandwidth
- I know you're bounces aren't big, but sum them _all_ up. It will
  make a significant amount of traffic.
2.) decrease of read postmaster mailboxes, which will earlier or later
significantly cumber solving of problems, because of an artificial
barrier for contacting a technical responsible.
Peter Palmreuther
(The Bat! v1.62 Beta/17 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1)

Do not believe in miracles--rely on them.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Julian Beach (Lists)
On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 10:07:00 AM, Peter Palmreuther wrote:

 I'm sorry for being forced to disillusionate you, but this faking
 bounces ain't fighting spam even in the slightest way. It has
 nothing in common with any successful spam fighting technology, the
 effect of bounces and faked bounces on amount of spam is near to zero,
 not measurable.

I wondered about this too. Does the production of spoofed bounce
messages reduce the levels of spam any more that just deleting it? I
guess that the senders of spam get *lots* of bounce messages, so I am
not sure they are going to bother to remove the email addresses that
generate bounces. The email addresses that they are most interested in
are those that are verified by a response from the owner, because they
can be sold as live, and I doubt they could care less about anything


  Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Marking messages as Read when replied.

2002-12-04 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Daniel,

Sorry for my late reply, Sunday ends around mid night here ;-)

MAU Hmmm,  you  got  me  in  spending  part  of a rainy a dark Sunday
MAU afternoon  looking  at PowerPro.

 i do apologise for getting you hooked :)

Don't apologize, I'm easy to get hooked on this type of things :-)

 was  about  to  ask WTF is a MID, until i looked at the headers and
 found 'Message-ID', it all become abundantly clear from that :-)

And I was about to ask WTF does WTF mean, but I guess I just guessed
it :-)

   are  you using the QT to extract the MID?, i mean how does the QT

Easy, but that will cost you another beer ;-)

I have called the QT GMID, and it is only:

,- [ GMID ]
| %cursor

The real trick is on how to use it. When I start recording the
PowerPro macro I assume I am already on the root message of the thread
I want to Ignore (I have selected it on the Message list pane), and
the steps I record are as follows:

1.- Hit Ctrl+Enter
This opens a reply to the root message with my standard reply
template that leaves the cursor in the message body.

2.- Hit Ctrl+A
This selects whole message body.

3.- Hit Del
Guess what! ;-)

4.- Type the name of the QT, in my case GMID.

5.- Hit Ctrl+Space
To execute the QT. And, voila!, the MID appears as the first line
of the message body and the cursor is placed, left justified,
right under it. So...

6.- Hit UpArrow
To move cursor up.

7.- Hit Shift+End
To select the whole line (MID)

8.- Hit Ctrl+C
Copy to clipboard.

9.- Hit Alt+M
To select the Message menu in the editor window.

10.- Hit C
 To Cancel and exit the reply message.

And I believe you know how to proceed from here, once you have the MID
in the clipboard. :-)

snipped a bit
 Anyway,  so  i initially was tabbing twice, and than {left}ing back...
 but  than i found I could alt{right} which only sometimes worked... it
 turns  out,  that  you can't use {alt}{right} but you must use the alt
 character, %{right}
 anyway, this is what I use to add the clipboard contents to a new set
 which  adds  a  net  set,  pastes  the  clipboard, changes location to
 kludges  and  closes the sorting office dialog... hope this gets it to
 100% :)

I will certainly try later, maybe tonight.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Mark,

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 20:24:29 -0800 your time, you said:

MW Are  you suggesting that there is a way to prevent Mailwasher from doing
MW this?

No, I wasn't suggesting it, but as the question has been asked, yes, you can
easily  prevent Mailwasher bouncing messages. It isn't an automatic feature,
it  is  a user option. The incoming mail is checked against RBLs, like ORDB,
VISI,  SpamCop,  etc.  or whatever is in your list, and suspicious spam-like
stuff  can  then either be marked as suspicious, marked as suspicious with a
check  mark  to  delete, or marked as suspicious with a check mark to delete
and  bounce.  You  can set up your own individual filters to delete specific
spam  without bouncing as well, and filters to mark messages as legit. It is
very  straight  forward and powerful, and I find it 1000 x better than using
TB!'s Mail Dispatcher.

I  have  used Mailwasher to bounce spam messages, and yet some still persist
and  get  resent  regardless.  If  I  receive spam from a previously bounced
domain  then  I  set  a  Mailwasher  filter to delete the messages and *not*
bounce  them.  However,  some  spam  that I have bounced only once has never
graced  my server again. So it seems that it works for some spam and not for

Perhaps  the  people  tugging  at  their  locks  over the idea of Mailwasher
bouncing  messages  should grab a copy, being as it is free, and investigate
before throwing tantrums about how much work it causes everyone. No one here
on  this  list  has said that they've had to deal with a wave of 'Mailwasher
bounced  messages'  in  their  postmaster  accounts  and  so I think all the
whining is just ludicrous.

Bounced  messages  are  only  to be expected, and I doubt whether Mailwasher
adds  anything  significant  to  the millions of bounced messages that occur
everyday :)

- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#882. Iraq We'd Slur My So ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your freedom with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Peter,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 11:07:00 +0100 your time, you said:

PP ...  this  faking  bounces ain't fighting spam even in the slightest
PP way.  It  has  nothing  in  common  with  any  successful spam fighting
PP technology,  the  effect of bounces and faked bounces on amount of spam
PP is near to zero, not measurable.

Yes  and  no.  I have bounced spam and it hasn't graced my mailbox again. On
the  other  hand,  some spam persists even after bouncing, so it doesn't get
bounced  again,  just  deleted.  I  don't  know  where you are deriving your
statistics  from,  but  I'd be interested in reading them.

I  have found that sometimes bouncing works and sometimes it doesn't, and if
it  doesn't then you don't bounce again, you delete. Mailwasher allows me to
do that. Bouncing doesn't happen automatically, it is a user option, and can
be selected and deselected, and used independently in individual filters.

PP If  you  want  flexibility in fighting spam make use of RBLs and systems
PP like  SpamAssassin (like!!! there might be others that work in a similar
PP fashion. I don't want to break it down on SA being the one!).

That's what Mailwasher does. I use ORDB, VISI, SpamCop, and filter according
to the results.

PP THAT  is  flexible,  not annoying innocent postmasters (especially the
PP one  from  your  own ISP!) by filling their inbox with those ineffective
PP doublebounces  ('double' because in 99% your bounce will bounce itself
PP and the so called double bounce will end up in postmasters mailbox).

I  very  much  suspect that your fears are totall unfounded, and that if you
really  wanted to worry about something try non Mailwasher bounced messages.
I  don't  think for a minute that the contribution that Mailwasher is making
to  the  millions of bounced messages floating about everyday is going to be
at  all  significant,  and  if  a  postmaster  is  going  to whine about the
occassional  bounced  message  they've he or she has spend far too much time
tracing  back  to  a local Mailwasher user then well, what can I say accept,
try finding another hobby! ;-)

- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#1830. Mar Qed I Sly Row Us ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your freedom with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Johannes Posel
Dear Mean,

On 04:46 04.12.2002, you [Mean Drake ([EMAIL PROTECTED])] wrote...

 You misunderstand. The bounced mail seems to be formatted differently
 from other replies. It is made to look as if it came from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and unless one really analyses the header...well
 it works. I know it cos I have stopped receiving spam from at least 8
 heavy spammers who used to send daily mailers.

No, it does not. Would you please do me a favour and bounce me the CC:
I send you with this mail. I'll show you then how this brings you
false hope ;)

 Johannesmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

To be intoxicated is to feel sophisticated but not be able to say it.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Johannes Posel
Dear Peter,

On 11:07 04.12.2002, you [Peter Palmreuther
([EMAIL PROTECTED])] wrote...

 But there the problem is located: ISP can't direct the double bounces
 to the originator and they can't fire all customers. So the result is:

They can fine the customers for sending out mails with a forged from.
Or they will throw you out. Try to fake this with
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and look into your letter box a few days
later. They have enough customers ;)))

 Johannesmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Die zehn Gebote Gottes enthalten 279 Wörter, die amerikanische
Unabhängigkeitserklärung 300 Wörter, die Verordnung der europäischen
Gemeinschaft über den Import von Karamelbonbons aber exakt 25911 Wörter.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Johannes Posel
Dear Simon,

On 14:35 04.12.2002, you [Simon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])]

 at  all  significant,  and  if  a  postmaster  is  going  to whine about the
 occassional  bounced  message  they've he or she has spend far too much time
 tracing  back  to  a local Mailwasher user then well, what can I say accept,
 try finding another hobby! ;-)

I think it is a good time to remember everyone that eMail is a
*priviledge*, not a right. Mind you, there are still providers that do
not offer you a mailbox.

Then, I'd like to point you to, which is a RBL
list I've seen more and more deployed, and which would occur deleting
mails from sites that do not know how to use their postmaster
accounts. Oh, and before the mail user starts to whine about these
mails being rejected, it is not acceptable to feed mail through an MTA
which hasn't even a way to contact the responsible person. [1]

Third, just like Peter, I'm having a look on several MXes, beside
others the one servicing this mailing list as well. If you provide
mail to your users, you have to keep your server running. This means
that you will look why a message to one of your users bounced. If you
find out that in fact this user *faked* a bounce message with your
postmaster adress, you *will* let the user know that this was a
one-time experience for him. See my first paragraph.

Do *you* send you bounces as [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

 Johannesmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[1] Makes me laugh how effective TheBats random quote chooser is :) If
you wonder, that was a *real* bounce.
The following destination addresses were unknown:
Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you feel this message to be in error.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

MS Office integration

2002-12-04 Thread Nick Dutton

I would have thought this _was_ a FAQ type question, but I can't find any
mention of it:

Is is possible to get TB! to integrate with MS Word etc?  I'd like to use the

File - Send To - Mail Recipient function from within MS Office apps.  Since
upgrading to TB!, this option has been greyed out.

I've tried getting TB! to re-assert itself as the default mail program, but this
has no effect.

Ta in advance,


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Johannes,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 15:21:02 +0100 your time, you said:

JP I  think  it  is  a  good  time  to  remember  everyone  that eMail is a
JP *priviledge*,  not  a right. Mind you, there are still providers that do
JP not offer you a mailbox.

Huh?  What  are  you on about exactly?

I don't know about others here, but I pay quite a bit of money each year for
seperate  hosting  services, on top of the fee I pay to my ISP for an always
on  connection  -  and I only use my ISP as an Internet gateway; I don't use
any  ISP web or mail services. All my mail and web hosting services are paid
for, by me, on a yearly basis, to an independant hosting companyand even
then,  the  majority  of my mail is managed by my local mail server, which I
manage.  Privilege?  I don't think so!

If  you  are aiming your comments above at users in your domain then I could
understand the context. However, this is not the case.

JP Then, I'd like to point you to

Yup, already familiar with it :)

JP If you provide mail to your users, you have to keep your server running.
JP This  means  that  you  will  look  why  a  message to one of your users
JP bounced.

On  a  fairly small scale operation I can see that as being true. On a large
scale operation, I can't.

JP If  you  find  out  that in fact this user *faked* a bounce message with
JP your  postmaster  adress,  you  *will* let the user know that this was a
JP one-time experience for him.

That's  your *privilege* of course. However, I can't see everyone taking the
same  approach  as  you,  unless  of course there were compelling reasons to
implement superstrict guidlines for a group of users.

- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#2915. As Quod Elm Irs Wry ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your freedom with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: MS Office integration

2002-12-04 Thread Marcus Ohlstrm

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 15:46, Nick Dutton wrote:

 Is is possible to get TB! to integrate with MS Word etc?  I'd like to
 use the

 File - Send To - Mail Recipient function from within MS Office apps.
 Since upgrading to TB!, this option has been greyed out.

I can so it's definitely possible.

Can you right click a file and select Send To - Mail Recipient?

Marcus Ohlström

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3
PGP Public Key at

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: MS Office integration

2002-12-04 Thread Nick Dutton

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 3:03:29 PM, you wrote:

 Is is possible to get TB! to integrate with MS Word etc?  I'd like to use the

 File - Send To - Mail Recipient function from within MS Office apps.
 Since upgrading to TB!, this option has been greyed out.

MO Can you right click a file and select Send To - Mail Recipient?

Yes, that works.  I guess that is a Windows feature.


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Mean Drake

- Original Message -
From: Peter Palmreuther
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: Bounce Mail

 Hello Mean,

 On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 4:56:49 AM you [MD] wrote (at least
 in part):

First a small thanks for an exhaustive review of bouncing from a
postmaster's point of view.

 Definitely yes! RFCs not only recommend, but require postmaster@ being
 a active and read address per domain.

Also since I run my own SMTP server, none of my bounced mails are ever going
to reach my ISPs postmaster or MAILER-DAEMON email account. In that case
this should not bother tham should it.

 I'm sorry for being forced to disillusionate you, but this faking
 bounces ain't fighting spam even in the slightest way. It has
 nothing in common with any successful spam fighting technology, the
 effect of bounces and faked bounces on amount of spam is near to zero,
 not measurable.
 If you want flexibility in fighting spam make use of RBLs and systems
 like SpamAssassin (like!!! there might be others that work in a
 similar fashion. I don't want to break it down on SA being the

I couldn't agree more with you here. But where I stay, I am sorry to say the
spammers are not professional at all and bouncing messages works very well
for me. Its recently that I have become lazier and do not use mailwasher
that spam has started getting back to me. So what works for me is something
that I was looking ways to implement which started my query of whether it
was possible to do it using TB.


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Mean Drake

- Original Message -
From: Simon
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: Bounce Mail

 Perhaps  the  people  tugging  at  their  locks  over the idea of
 bouncing  messages  should grab a copy, being as it is free, and
 before throwing tantrums about how much work it causes everyone. No one
 on  this  list  has said that they've had to deal with a wave of
 bounced  messages'  in  their  postmaster  accounts  and  so I think all
 whining is just ludicrous.

 Bounced  messages  are  only  to be expected, and I doubt whether
 adds  anything  significant  to  the millions of bounced messages that
 everyday :)



Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: MS Office integration

2002-12-04 Thread Marcus Ohlstrm

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 16:07, Nick Dutton wrote:

MO Can you right click a file and select Send To - Mail Recipient?

 Yes, that works.  I guess that is a Windows feature.

I thought the Office integration worked on the same basis, but
apperently it doesn't.

From the help file (of Word, that is):

  --- 8 ---

To e-mail or route a document as an attachment in Word format (.doc) You
need Word 2000 and one of the following e-mail programs:

Outlook, Outlook Express, Microsoft Exchange Client, or another 32-bit
e-mail program compatible with the Messaging Application Programming
Interface (MAPI). Make sure Mapi32.dll is in the Windows System folder.

  --- 8 ---

If Mapi32.dll isn't in the correct folder, place it there (IIRC it can
be downloaded from Ritlabs homepage). If this doesn't help, try setting
TB! as the default MAPI-client.

Marcus Ohlström

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3
PGP Public Key at

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: MS Office integration

2002-12-04 Thread Jim Lanyon
Hello Nick,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 3:07:17 PM, you wrote:

ND Marcus,

ND Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 3:03:29 PM, you wrote:

 Is is possible to get TB! to integrate with MS Word etc?

I had the same problem recently after a PC upgrade.  My memory is hazy
on this, but I believe I reinstalled Office and the facility was
again available.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: MS Office integration

2002-12-04 Thread Geoff Lane
On 04 December 2002, 14:46, Nick Dutton wrote:

 Is is possible to get TB! to integrate with MS Word etc?  I'd like to use the

 File - Send To - Mail Recipient function from within MS Office apps.  Since
 upgrading to TB!, this option has been greyed out.

Using TB with MS Office 2000 Premium, my Word menu has File / Send to
mail recipient (as attachment)... Choosing this opens a TB message
window with the document attached and the subject set to the document
title or filename. FWIW, I just chose the standard install for MS
Office and then set TB as the default simple MAPI and default email

You don't say which version of MS Office you're using, but IIRC, Word
97 behaved as your installation.


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

Major coffee failure - operator halted.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Johannes Posel
Dear Simon,

On 15:58 04.12.2002, you [Simon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])]

 Huh?  What  are  you on about exactly?

To speak on a bit more ironical terms, the fact that my mail server
accepts mails from you is a priviledge, not a right. Please don't
think it is targeted at you, you're just an example there.

Broader one: AOL does not accept mail from dialups. They deny to
dial-up users the priviledge to send mail directly to their servers.
And you will laugh, they have the right to do that ;) See what I mean?

 I don't know about others here, but I pay quite a bit of money each year for
 seperate  hosting  services, on top of the fee I pay to my ISP for an always
 on  connection  -  and I only use my ISP as an Internet gateway; I don't use
 any  ISP web or mail services. All my mail and web hosting services are paid
 for, by me, on a yearly basis, to an independant hosting companyand even
 then,  the  majority  of my mail is managed by my local mail server, which I
 manage.  Privilege?  I don't think so!

So basically you're your own postmaster, as Schlund/11 where you host
your domain sends you all messages directed towards it. Which sender
does your Mailwasher bounce use? [EMAIL PROTECTED]?
Let me bet that you already got spams there. Wonder how? Well, you
verified the address.

See, there's another mail client, OS X Apple Mail, that supports
bouncing. But this nifty client even leaves an X-header to tell you
where the message comes from. Plus, every message that *YOU* generate
and send will be different from a real bounce, both generated at
receive time by a negative recipient verify, or by your ISPs MTA. You
just cannot generate a real looking bounce message with an MUA ;)

 On  a  fairly small scale operation I can see that as being true. On a large
 scale operation, I can't.

As you bounced off the spam, and the spam bounced because again you
failed to recognize a spoofed spammer address, your postmaster gets
the mail in his inbox. He will look ;) You'd wonder, as a REAL bounce
has a sender of , yeah you're reading right, a so called NULL
sender, which no client can generate, a double bounce would not be
seen and trashed directly. But as your Mailwasher/Apple Mail etc.
submit a faked sender, it will double bounce back.

 That's  your *privilege* of course. However, I can't see everyone taking the
 same  approach  as  you,  unless  of course there were compelling reasons to
 implement superstrict guidlines for a group of users.

No. I bet that no ISP support desk will sit calm if you start to mail
around using their email address postmaster@.

Whadda ya do if I'd start bouncing all mails, eg false deliveries from
the TB lists, with a sender of [EMAIL PROTECTED], so
that your inbox is flooded? :)

 Johannesmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Illinois isn't exactly the land that God forgot -- it's more like the
land He's trying to ignore.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Johannes Posel
Dear Mean,

On 16:14 04.12.2002, you [Mean Drake ([EMAIL PROTECTED])] wrote...


Basically, since your mail client tries to imitate a bounce but does
not supply a NULL  sender to the mail server, it does change nothing
but generates a whole bunch more of load onto MTAs.

Please see, you'd need
exactly this, sending your bounces with null sender and formatted like
a real bounce message from your MTA.

 Also since I run my own SMTP server, none of my bounced mails are ever going
 to reach my ISPs postmaster or MAILER-DAEMON email account. In that case
 this should not bother tham should it.

Since you run your own mail server, please configure it.

Received: from [] (helo=manage.24online)
by with esmtp (Exim 3.36 #9)
id 18JbEm-0006Jj-00

Your HELO name is not permitted. You should supply your valid
hostname. You should bash your Internet provider for not supplying you
a reverse IP mapping ;) Nitpicking? More and more servers are
configured more strictly. Example? I can set that the server always
does a callback to your mail server to see wheter I can send you a
bounce, if your address doesn't work, the mail isn't even accepted in
first place.

I really do not want to sound harsh, but I get more and more angry
about waht people try to invent in order to get rid of spam. I made
the experience that the best way is, for little spam, to just press
DEL, and for more spam, to install and use SpamAssasin or the like.
Specifically, I've made real good experiences with SA.

 I couldn't agree more with you here. But where I stay, I am sorry to say the
 spammers are not professional at all and bouncing messages works very well
 for me. Its recently that I have become lazier and do not use mailwasher
 that spam has started getting back to me. So what works for me is something
 that I was looking ways to implement which started my query of whether it
 was possible to do it using TB.

I'd like to broaden the topic a bit. See this easy game: you receive
an UCE, which wasted bandwith. The spammer in the majority of cases
brought *millions* of harvested adresses for a few bucks, he just
ships his UCE off and does not care about the bounces, because he will
get many no matter what, as he brought millions of addresses that
aren't fresh.

WHY would you want to waste more bandwith again??

Oh, and for your fun, here's a little excerpt from the mail queue on
this mailing list server. This is all mail submitted by spammers. Note
the part with frozen. These are the doubleblounces Peter and I have
been telling about. Frozen means you cannot route the mail to the
sender and the recipient is forged. This frozen stuff locks your MTA,
takes your I/O and is just scam. Here, it's okay, it's a rather small
server just operating the list and a few personal staff. Think about

4d  1.9K 18IEbI-00012t-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 4d   17K 18IEbI-00012v-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

48h  1.8K 18Iszk-0007S5-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

48h  2.2K 18Iszk-0007S7-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

46h  3.7K 18Iual-0007sn-00  *** frozen ***

43h   16K 18IxQ3-SV-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

43h   16K 18IxQ3-SX-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

43h  1.9K 18Ixfm-X2-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

43h   16K 18Ixfn-X4-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

43h  1.9K 18Ixfq-XA-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

43h   16K 18Ixfq-XC-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

43h  1.9K 18Ixga-XK-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

43h   16K 18Ixga-XN-00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

42h  3.3K 18Iyv7-rz-00  *** frozen ***[EMAIL PROTECTED]

42h  3.3K 18Iz0S-t5-00  *** frozen ***[EMAIL PROTECTED]

42h  3.2K 18Iz0T-t8-00  *** frozen ***[EMAIL PROTECTED]

40h  2.0K 18J0gT-0001Xd-00  *** frozen ***

35h  5.7K 18J5DP-0002oe-00  *** frozen ***

31h  4.1K 18J93v-0003nB-00  *** frozen ***

26h  3.7K 18JDYR-0004oj-00  *** frozen ***

23h  7.8K 18JG9X-0005ax-00  *** frozen ***

 Johannesmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A large number of installed systems work by fiat.  That is, they work
by being declared to work.
-- Anatol Holt

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Replace reply-to address

2002-12-04 Thread Johannes Posel
Dear Simon,

On 20:08 20.11.2002, you [Simon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])]

 ;)  Yeah,  I  know  :) Thought I'd avoid that. I am just very finicky, and I
 think  it  looks really scruffy, especially as the name is displayed as well
 in  most  clients  anyway.  I  just  like  to see lowercase email addresses.
 Personal preference/pet hate, whatever g

Why would you add it to your address book with a capital first letter?

 Johannesmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Virtual means never knowing where your next byte is coming from.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Backing up address book

2002-12-04 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Granville,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 03:52:24 +GMT (4-12-02, 4:52 +0100GMT, where I
live), you wrote:

 Any easy way to back up the address book without exporting to a

MR - From the Tools menu, select Backup, then choose Address

GC I have done this but the file saves as a TBX format. When I try to
GC open it I get an Edit Mail Message window with files in the left hand
GC pane. When I click on any of the files I just get another Mail Window.
GC I think I need to save the Address Book in Csv format. Is this
GC correct?

What do you want to achieve with your 'backup'? If you want to restore
it into TB, Melissa's suggestion is excellent, if you'd like something
else, you need to explain your wishes.

Groetjes, Roelof

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Johannes,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 16:35:41 +0100 your time, you said:

JP Plus,  every message that *YOU* generate and send will be different from
JP a  real  bounce,  both generated at receive time by a negative recipient
JP verify,  or  by  your  ISPs MTA. You just cannot generate a real looking
JP bounce message with an MUA ;)

Fair  enough.  So basically you are saying that even though 'the bounce' may
work on occasion with Mailwasher it is no more than a gimmick as it would be
obvious  to anyone that it was not a genuine bounced message because genuine
bounces  are  rejected  at  the  MTA,  and  not  the  MUA,  which  is easily

JP As  you  bounced  off  the  spam, and the spam bounced because again you
JP failed  to recognize a spoofed spammer address, your postmaster gets the
JP mail  in his inbox.

Yeah, in my case that would be me ;)

Okay,  I'll  totter  off  and  think about it some more. But to be honest, I
don't - at the moment - believe that there really is a big enough problem to
warrant  devoted  consideration,  although I can see that many, many bounced
messages  could  be  very  annoying  for postmasters that investigate all of
their  bounced  messages. Of course it isn't critical for me, so I'm perhaps
being  a  little flippant, as I just filter to delete bounced bounces, but I
can appreciate that this may not be the case for well endowed organisations,
and that they may need to trace what they percieve as 'abusers'.

Anyhow, thanks for the info.

- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#1407. Slay Qed I Swum Orr ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your freedom with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Johannes Posel
Dear Simon,

On 17:48 04.12.2002, you [Simon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])]

 Fair  enough.  So basically you are saying that even though 'the bounce' may
 work on occasion with Mailwasher it is no more than a gimmick as it would be
 obvious  to anyone that it was not a genuine bounced message because genuine
 bounces  are  rejected  at  the  MTA,  and  not  the  MUA,  which  is easily


 Okay,  I'll  totter  off  and  think about it some more. But to be honest, I

Great! :)

 Anyhow, thanks for the info.

You're welcome ;)

 Johannesmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a
warning to others.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Replace reply-to address

2002-12-04 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Johannes,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 17:37:22 +0100 your time, you said:

JP Why  would  you add it to your address book with a capital first letter?
JP :)

I  didn't  Johannes :) The address book email address entry has a lower case
first  letter, but the sender of the emails continued/s to use an upper case
first  letter for their email address, and for some reason TB! was using the
upper  case  first  letter  in  preference  to my templates and address book
entry.  Of course, if I'd added the email address to the address book with a
capitalised first letter then I would have deserved a slap ;-)

- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#52. A Qed Irs Sly Rum Ow ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your freedom with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Blocking HTML email

2002-12-04 Thread jon hall
  What is the best way to create a filter to block incoming html
  email? I have tried looking for Content-Type: text/html in the
  headers and anywhere with not a lot of success. It seems this should
  work to me, but some messages that I know have that header seem
  impervious to my filter...


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Blocking HTML email

2002-12-04 Thread Jonathan Angliss
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday, December 04, 2002, jon hall wrote...

   What is the best way to create a filter to block incoming html
   email? I have tried looking for Content-Type: text/html in the
   headers and anywhere with not a lot of success. It seems this should
   work to me, but some messages that I know have that header seem
   impervious to my filter...

I think I gave a pretty detailed explanation of why this doesn't
always work on the above mail.

The whole thread is here:

Look at the bottom, and you should be able to follow it through, and
it might make a little more sense.

- --
Jonathan Angliss

Version: 6.5.8ckt


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Setup an AV correctly for TB!

2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Eddie!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 11:24:17 AM you wrote:

 So what could be done differently to change this?

Unless there is a plug-in for TB or the AV scanner has an option to
scan incoming mail - nothing.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

You can love somebody even after knowing him for just a second. (Derek

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:


2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Eddie!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 2:19:23 PM you wrote:

- is this normal?

Yes, that's actually the point of MIME.

- what is PGP/MIME?

A standard used by some mailers (i.e. Eudora) to sign and encrypt a
message (and its attachments), and then not showing it inline but as
a MIME attachment.

- can TB! handle this?

Not yet.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Beauty is only skin deep.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: MS Office integration

2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Geoff!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 4:09:14 PM you wrote:

 On 04 December 2002, 14:46, Nick Dutton wrote:

 Is is possible to get TB! to integrate with MS Word etc? I'd like
 to use the

Try installing Tb as Simple MAPI handler (it's somewhere in some
Preferences of TB).

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Ein Berater ist jemand, der 49 Liebespositionen kennt, aber kein
einziges Mädchen. (Kasimir M. Magyar)

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Blocking HTML email

2002-12-04 Thread jon hall
Thank you, I've ended up filtering for multipart/alternative where the
email address isn't in my address book. I'll see how it goes...


Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 12:30:54 PM, you wrote:
JA Hash: SHA1

JA On Wednesday, December 04, 2002, jon hall wrote...

   What is the best way to create a filter to block incoming html
   email? I have tried looking for Content-Type: text/html in the
   headers and anywhere with not a lot of success. It seems this should
   work to me, but some messages that I know have that header seem
   impervious to my filter...


JA I think I gave a pretty detailed explanation of why this doesn't
JA always work on the above mail.

JA The whole thread is here:


JA Look at the bottom, and you should be able to follow it through, and
JA it might make a little more sense.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Filtering on cc: field

2002-12-04 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Ming-Li,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 12:47:04 +0800 GMT (04/12/02, 11:47 +0700 GMT),
Ming-Li wrote:

 Presence: No
 Location: Kludges
 1. A in TO but there are CC recipients.
 2. A in CC.

 Your filter will be falsely triggered by messages matching condition 1.

Yes, you are right. But your filter not will be triggered when there
is a line starting with CC in the headers, i.e. any CC-recipient. I
had overlooked that stipulation.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62 Beta/17
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: SOT: the other TB! Lists are dead!

2002-12-04 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Eddie,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 12:54:22 PM, you wrote:

EC Dear readers from 'TB!udl List',

EC I'm writing into this ML just to hear the opinion of the others. I'm
EC not getting news in the other TB! nor in other ML such as PGP KPF.

There have been a few messages on tbot this morning.

EC They all on Y!groups. Di you also experience on your site this
EC silence?

I signed up for PGP-Basics a day or two ago--it's a Yahoo-supported
group. And there's been a very lively discussion going on in it for
about 24 hours now.

Seem like there may have been one or two on tbtech also yesterday, and I
remember a brief exchange on tbeta also.

You could look in the archives?


Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Alternative Forwarding and .msg files

2002-12-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, December 3, 2002, 6:52:23 PM, you wrote:

TF Yes, but since when does OL care about standards? ;-)))

When there's $$$ involved?

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:


2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Eddie!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 7:47:17 PM you wrote:

 Thanks Dierk. Do you know if it in the pipe for v2?

Not sure. It is high on the wish list, though.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

In politics, stupidity is not a handicap. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: SOT: the other TB! Lists are dead!

2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Eddie!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 7:54:22 PM you wrote:

 I'm writing into this ML just to hear the opinion of the others. I'm
 not getting news in the other TB! nor in other ML such as PGP KPF.
 They all on Y!groups. Di you also experience on your site this

The lists under the Silverstones domain (TBUDL and TBBETA) have medium
traffic at the moment, the third one on this domain (TBTECH) is from
what I see quiet - as often.

TBOT did have some messages, but I don't know exactly when the last
ones came in, as I am filtering all TB related mail into one folder.
It's the olden way, before TBUDL was split up ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity. (Derek

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bounce Mail

2002-12-04 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Mean,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 20:44:44 +0530 GMT (04/12/02, 22:14 +0700 GMT),
Mean Drake wrote:

 Definitely yes! RFCs not only recommend, but require postmaster@ being
 a active and read address per domain.


RFC 2142 is the one you want to check out.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

I intend to live forever - so far, so good.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62 Beta/17
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: SOT: the other TB! Lists are dead!

2002-12-04 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Eddie,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 1:25:36 PM, you wrote:


 There have been a few messages on tbot this morning.

EC This morning yes. But since this late afternoon ...

EC As example in TB!ot the last posting that cam through was 9:10 pm

EC Can you confirm this on your side?

Yes, that's the last one I saved. I don't always save them all in

 You could look in the archives?

EC yes the same. So it seem that Y!groups has cut cable or something like
EC that.

Actually, I never go to Yahoo archives. Too complicated and they don't
make them accessible far enough back. It was just an idea.

Well, at least tbudl is up and running. Have you joined PGP-Basics?

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Filtering on cc: field

2002-12-04 Thread Joseph N.
Ming-Li and Thomas,

Thank you both for your various comments.  I'm not sure yet which if
either of you understood or misunderstood my request, because I
haven't had a second to sit down and get into your responses in any
depth.  I'll probably do it tonight, and post back tomorrow.


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: SOT: the other TB! Lists are dead!

2002-12-04 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Eddie,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 3:11:13 PM, you wrote:

big snip

 Well, at least tbudl is up and running. Have you joined PGP-Basics?

EC Decades ago ;)

I can't understand a word they are saying. But I am saving it all to a
folder, just as I did tbudl and tbot when I first got The Bat! last

Some future day it will mean something to me, and there may be an answer to a
question I haven't  yet asked, to help me out. I've only installed PGP
this week and am very new to it.


Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: SOT: the other TB! Lists are dead!

2002-12-04 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Eddie,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 3:31:51 PM, you wrote:

MB ... I've onlY installed PGP this week and am very new to it.

EC Just be patient. When I started I felt the same. But there you can ask
EC as much as you like. Even my stupid questions get answered. So you
EC don't have to worry. You have to start somewhere - so just ask :))

These lists are all such a great help. And sometimes, very entertaining,
too! Thank you for your good thoughts and good wishes.


Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Backing up address book

2002-12-04 Thread Granville Cousins
Hello Roelof,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 4:49:36 PM, you wrote:

RO Hallo Granville,

RO On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 03:52:24 +GMT (4-12-02, 4:52 +0100GMT, where I
RO live), you wrote:

 Any easy way to back up the address book without exporting to a

MR - From the Tools menu, select Backup, then choose Address

GC I have done this but the file saves as a TBX format. When I try to
GC open it I get an Edit Mail Message window with files in the left hand
GC pane. When I click on any of the files I just get another Mail Window.
GC I think I need to save the Address Book in Csv format. Is this
GC correct?

RO What do you want to achieve with your 'backup'? If you want to restore
RO it into TB, Melissa's suggestion is excellent, if you'd like something
RO else, you need to explain your wishes.

I just want a secure copy of my address book that I could even print
out. I couldn't understand why I can't open the saved copy and check out
the displayed addresses.

Love and Light,
 Granvillemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:


2002-12-04 Thread syv
Hi tbudl,

I am student registered and I am trying to upgrade to
personal. I already send 2 emails in the last week, no

I checked the website and cannot find where to email, so I
used the feedback.

Who to email for how much and how to upgrade the license.


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Backing up address book

2002-12-04 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Granville,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 23:52:41 +GMT (5-12-02, 0:52 +0100GMT, where I
live), you wrote:

GC I just want a secure copy of my address book that I could even
GC print out. I couldn't understand why I can't open the saved copy
GC and check out the displayed addresses.

You can print out lists from your address book, as it is now. But a
readable backup would be an export to csv, which you can read and edit
in Excel for instance.

Groetjes, Roelof

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Upgrade

2002-12-04 Thread Subhi S Hashwa
On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 03:58:52PM -0800, syv wrote:
 I am student registered and I am trying to upgrade to
 personal. I already send 2 emails in the last week, no

You can order the upgrade from their website,
and click on online registeration

 I checked the website and cannot find where to email, so I
 used the feedback.
 Who to email for how much and how to upgrade the license.
 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Subhi S Hashwa *** [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

How to disable S/MIME

2002-12-04 Thread Mary Bull
Hello tbudl listers,

How can S/MIME  be permanently disabled in The Bat!? I do not want to
use it with my PGP Keys. I know how to turn it off in the Privacy menu
of the Mail Editor. But that has to be done with each separate message.
I would like to turn it off such that I am automatically not using it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re:How to disable S/MIME

2002-12-04 Thread Sean
Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 7:52:54 PM, Mary wrote:

MB How can S/MIME  be permanently disabled in The Bat!?

Go to the Privacy options in the message editor, then set
defaults..., and change the option from there.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A   

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: How to disable S/MIME

2002-12-04 Thread Simon Blake
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Mary,

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 19:52:54 -0600 your time, you said:

MB How can S/MIME be permanently disabled in The Bat!?

* Open  Account Properties
* Select 'Options' in the left-hand pane
*  uncheck  the  'enable S/MIME' in the bottom right-hand corner right below
'enable OpenPGP'


- --

 Simon @

PGP Key:

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

#2446. Qua Wed Slim Sorry ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your freedom with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: How to disable S/MIME

2002-12-04 Thread Wolffe
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday, December 04, 2002 Mary Bull stated:

MB Hello tbudl listers,

MB How can S/MIME  be permanently disabled in The Bat!? I do not want to
MB use it with my PGP Keys. I know how to turn it off in the Privacy menu
MB of the Mail Editor. But that has to be done with each separate message.
MB I would like to turn it off such that I am automatically not using it.

Account-Properties-Options uncheck the options you dont want.

Cheers Yall

 Running TB! version 1.62 Beta/17 under Windows 2000 5.0 on a 500mhz P-III
wtih 512mb Ram

Version: 6.5.8ckt


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: How to disable S/MIME

2002-12-04 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hash: SHA1

Hi Mary,

@4-Dec-2002, 19:52 -0600 (01:52 UK time) Mary Bull [MB] in

MB How can S/MIME  be permanently disabled in The Bat!?

See Account | Properties | Options | Message editor settings.

That's where the default setting resides. You can turn it off there.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.62 Beta/17 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: How to disable S/MIME

2002-12-04 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Simon,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 8:02:58 PM, you wrote:

SB * Open  Account Properties
SB * Select 'Options' in the left-hand pane
SB *  uncheck  the  'enable S/MIME' in the bottom right-hand corner right below
SB 'enable OpenPGP'

Did it. Thanks a bunch.


Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: How to disable S/MIME

2002-12-04 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Wolffe,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 8:02:31 PM, you wrote:

Account-Properties-Options uncheck the options you dont want.

Did it. Much help tonight, so many thanks.


Best regards.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: How to disable S/MIME

2002-12-04 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Marck,

Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 8:03:05 PM, you wrote:

MB How can S/MIME  be permanently disabled in The Bat!?

MDP See Account | Properties | Options | Message editor settings.

Just went there.

MDP That's where the default setting resides. You can turn it off there.

Thanks. I did. What a great list!


Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Backing up address book

2002-12-04 Thread Granville Cousins
Hello Roelof,

Thursday, December 5, 2002, 12:28:45 AM, you wrote:

RO Hallo Granville,

RO On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 23:52:41 +GMT (5-12-02, 0:52 +0100GMT, where I
RO live), you wrote:

GC I just want a secure copy of my address book that I could even
GC print out. I couldn't understand why I can't open the saved copy
GC and check out the displayed addresses.

RO You can print out lists from your address book, as it is now. But a
RO readable backup would be an export to csv, which you can read and edit
RO in Excel for instance.

Thanks you have been a great help.

Love and Light,
 Granvillemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Luncheon Meat Essay

2002-12-04 Thread William Moore

 An interesting (but long) essay from the SANS institute can be found


Flying with The Bat! 
Windows 2000 Pro 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The Bat! Backup

2002-12-04 Thread Granville Cousins
Hello Marck,

 I am trying to backup the Bat! I do this by going into tools and
 using the Backup Wizard. When I have done this and go to the folder
 which I have created to contain my Backup job, I open the job and it
 is displayed in an Edit Mail Message window in a column on the left
 hand side. When I click on the file which gives its size in Kilobytes
 all that happens is that it opens into another Edit Mail Message
 window and so on. In fact I never get the chance to open my Backup
 job to view its contents. Surely this cannot be right. What do I need
 to do in order to view my Backup job?
 Thanks in advance.

Love and Light,
 Granvillemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The Bat! Backup

2002-12-04 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hash: SHA1

Hi Granville,

@5-Dec-2002, 07:21 Granville Cousins [GC] in

 ... snip

GC I never get the chance to open my Backup job to view its
GC contents. Surely this cannot be right. What do I need to do in
GC order to view my Backup job? Thanks in advance.

Well, you're seeing what you're seeing because the backup file is
not a viewable file. The only thing that can read such a file is
the Restore Wizard. If you want a viewable archive of folder
contents then you can export a folder (or selected messages in a
folder) to a Unix format export.

BTW - you wrote to me at the TBUDL list address. If that wasn't what
you intended then either your address history is misleading you or
you have a dodgy folder template.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.62 Beta/17 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information: