Re: TB And Loss Of Internet Connection

2004-06-09 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi rich

> Assuming others on your LAN are not having the same problem maybe it's
> time for your annual re-install of Windows!

Yeah, no one else is having this problem.

Re-install Windows? My god. Clearly hoped it wouldn't come to that as
it represents a logistical nightmare (as I'm sure you appreciate) as
the machine acts as a "pseudo" server to the rest of the machines on
the LAN and as such, contains all our company documents etc, mail
server, act as a print server etc.

Still, I'm due to be leaving the company next week so can probably get
away with leaving (ignoring) it.



CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.11
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

TB And Loss Of Internet Connection

2004-06-09 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hey guys,

Here's a poser for you all.

Every so often (in fact probably 2 or 3 times a day) my machine loses
it's network connections, both internal (LAN) and external (Internet)
and I cannot even send an e-mail from TB to my local mailserver (on my
PC) - get the message "cannot connect to the server". I am on an ADSL

None of the usual diagnostic routines throw up any clues and none of
the usual things I try in this situation seem to work. But what fixes
it every time is shutting down TB, at which point the network is
restored and I can open up TB again and continue on my merry way.

I haven't yet had time to delve more closely into this and presume no
one else is having the same problem as I've seen no posts about it,
but if anyone has any clues as to what's going on here...


Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.11
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Applying A Filter To 'Sent' Folder

2004-05-25 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Marck

> wherever you want it moved. Since this is absolutely possible and a
> TB fundamental, you must have done something wrong.

Doesn't surprise me that I did something wrong. I couldn't see
anything obvious so simply recreated the filter and it now works just
fine, so I most likely had done something wrong but couldn't spot it.

Cheers Marck


CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.10.03
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Applying A Filter To 'Sent' Folder

2004-05-25 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi all,

is it possible to apply a filter to the 'Sent' folder?

What I'd like is the 'Sent' folder to have a number of sub-folders
where I would like to place sent items depending on who I send them

Is it possible to do this automatically with a filter? I tried
applying a filter to the 'Outbox' in the hope that once a message left
there, the filter would be applied and filtered to the required
folder. Needless to say it was not successful.

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.10.03
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Applying A Filter To ALL Folders

2004-05-07 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hey guys,

Is there any way that a single filter can be applied to a range of
folders and the messages therein?

What I'd like to do is set up a filter that will filter messages that
are read and high importance, from the 40 or so folders in my account, and put
them in another folder that I create. I'm sure there's any easier way
then creating the same filter for each folder and using said folder as
the source folder. Make sense?

I know I could search the account for all important messages and then
copy them to the new folder and then apply the filter from now on but
was simply wondering if there were another way of doing it i.e. with
an account specific filter.

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.10.01
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problem With Creating Filters

2004-04-16 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Gerard

> The good news is version 2.1 is almost here.
> I hope that solves your problem.

Good stuff. There's nothing like a newer version to help eliminate
certain problems

> One thought, could this be the result of a malformed header in the e-mail?
> Have you tried e-mails from different sources?

Don't think so. Tried a number of different e-mails in all my 8
accounts, including ones where I had performed this operation
previously so there's clearly some other dark force at work here.

Thanks anyway



CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.04.7
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problem With Creating Filters

2004-04-16 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Gerard

> If nobody has seen this problem and you find the same problem on 2
> different machines with 2 different releases of TB! me guess is it is
> something you do. Problem is I do not know what.

No, no. You misunderstand me. The problem is happening on two
different machines with the same version of TB!. Let me explain. This
problem first occurred when I upgraded TB! from version 2.01.3 to version
2.04.7 on my Windows 2000 machine. I mentioned it to the list but no one
else had the same problem so I figured that it may have been a problem
specific to that machine so I upgraded TB! version 2.01.3 on another
machine (Windows XP) to version 2.04.7 in order to confirm that the
problem was machine specific but it is also happening on this new machine.
So the problem (as far as I can see) is not to do with me because it is
happening on two different machines but the same version of TB!, therefore
the new version of TB! is the common denominator here.

I am doing the right thing (the same procedure to create filter
automatically that has worked with all previous versions if TB! i.e.
right-hand click on a message | 'Specials' | 'Create Filter' - should
bring up a dialogue box from where you can create a filter. It does
nothing on my machine. I anyone can see that I'm doing something wrong
please let me know.

Having said all that, it appears that I'm the only person using this
version who's having this problem

> Maybe you can ask someone else to try it on your machine?

Could do but I will tell them what to do in the exact way that I do it
therefore the result will almost certainly be the same



CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.04.7
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problem With Creating Filters

2004-04-15 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Dwight

> works fine here

Yep, that seems to be the general consensus from everyone on this list
who's replied to this. It would appear that I'm "special" then. Seems
odd that it happens to no one else apart from me and then it happens
on two totally different machines with different operating systems.



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problem With Creating Filters

2004-04-15 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi guys

> BeginFilter
> Name: Steve Mulhall
> Active: 1
> Source: \\roelof\Inbox
> Target: \\roelof\Steve Mulhall
> EndFilter

> Exactly as it should. That's TB 2.04.07 under W98

A possible update on this. Have just installed 2.04.07 on Windows XP
Pro and the have the same problem there i.e. right click | specials
| create filter, does nothing at all.

A possible clue may be that when I open TB! I get the following error:

"It seems that something is present in your registry, but it is not
enough or corrupted". I've tried un-installing TB! completely
(registry entries and all) and the re-installing but that does
nothing. Guess I'll be rolling back to the previous version.

Whatever that means?! After clicking 'OK' TB! loads normally although
it doesn't always behave normally i.e. checking mail for all account
sometime produces a "Connect Failed" but checking them individually
they are all fine. The other machine (the one I'm using now) that experiences
the problem with creating filters has no other obvious problems.

Any ideas anyone?



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problem With Creating Filters

2004-03-31 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Gerard

> What is meant is that you click to right button on the mouse.
> It is up to you to do this left or right handed.

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. What I am trying to do is
what I used to do in previous versions of TB and from what I have read
in terms of replies to this post, most (if not all people can also
still do), is to right-hand click on any message then go to 'Specials'
which invokes another menu and from here choosing 'Create Filter' and
this should load a dialog box which allows you to select what to
filter on.

But when I select 'Create Filter' from the menu, the above does not
happen. Instead nothing at all happens.



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problem With Creating Filters

2004-03-29 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi John

> Just for good measure, have you tried to envoke the menu from
> SHIFT+CTL+F and/or the Specials menu?

SHIFT+CTRL+F does nothing either. To be honest I've never used this shortcut 
combination but it still does nothing. The 'Special' menu is displayed when you RH 
click on a message and all the other items in that menu work just fine except the 
'Create Filter' one



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Problem With Creating Filters

2004-03-29 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Roelof

> For me it created this filter for your message:

> BeginFilter
> Name: Steve Mulhall
> Active: 1
> Source: \\roelof\Inbox
> Target: \\roelof\Steve Mulhall
> EndFilter

> Exactly as it should. That's TB 2.04.07 under W98

Must be something specifically with my end then as when I right-hand
click on a message | Specials | Create Filter it doesn't even bring up
the usual dialog box to create the filter. It actually does nothing at all.
Guess maybe a re-installation could be the next port of call



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Problem With Creating Filters

2004-03-28 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi guys,

Can anyone confirm this problem or is it more likely to be a problem
with my system?

The right-hand click context menu on a message, specifically RH click
| Specials | Create Filter, doesn't actually do anything, on any
message in any account. I have just upgraded to this latest build and
it worked perfectly in the previous build I had (2.01.3).

I have restarted TB! and re-booted my machine but it still doesn't work.
I have stopped short of rolling back to the previous version I had but
will consider doing so if it solves the problem as I found the create
filter shortcut mightily handy (I can still create filters manually
and everything else so far appears to work.

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.04.7
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Some Messages Have Blank Fields

2004-03-17 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Roelof

> This seems to be a mime encoded message. The reason the message
> appears mangled might be an extra empty line between the headers. Do
> these messages come from the same (group of) contact(s)?

Thanks for replying again Roelof. In terms of where the messages come
from or which account they appear in, the is no discernible patterns
at all. They can appear in any of the 10 accounts I have setup in TB
that poll Mailtraq for mail (POP3) but interestingly enough not on any of
the 4 POP3 accounts that I have setup that connect directly to the
ISP mail server. In terms of where they come from, I have no idea as
they have no (apparent) traceable details which I can use i.e. some
are like the example I sent but others are actually completely devoid
of all details i.e. they don't even have any headers, that I can see
at least.

NOTE To All: I have mentioned my resident mail server (Mailtraq) simply
because I know Roelof operates with this as well. I certainly don't want
this thread to be considered OT as I think the issue to be a TB one
(although let me stress I don't consider it to be a defect or bug as
such). Some may disagree but please bear with me.



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Some Messages Have Blank Fields

2004-03-17 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Roelof

> Both my main account and an inbound archive, also a number of
> colleagues inboxes as well and this problem occurs on all of these,
> regardless of type. And I'm using POP to collect from Mailtraq

Further to my last post on this subject, below is a copy of one of
these blank messages. This is one that actually has something
in the message body, although it means nothing to me, but maybe it
will to one of you clever people:


And below this is the first few lines of the header from this message.
I've only shown the first few lines because essentially it is made up
of several hundred lines of the same thing (and may not be particularly
relevant anyway):


Any more clues


Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Some Messages Have Blank Fields

2004-03-12 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Roelof

> Do you check your account or an inbound archive? Are you using pop or
> imap?
> Like you I'm using TB and Mailtraq (pop3) and I don't encounter this
> problem...

Both my main account and an inbound archive, also a number of
colleagues inboxes as well and this problem occurs on all of these,
regardless of type. And I'm using POP to collect from Mailtraq


Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Some Messages Have Blank Fields

2004-03-12 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi all,

I've noticed something a little strange that happens from time to
time. Occasionally an e-mail will arrive in an Inbox that has all its
details as blank i.e. Blank "From:" field, blank "To:" field, blank
"Subject" etc, you get the idea. Essentially everything is blank.
Quite often the message body actually contains the relevant e-mail and
sometimes it just contains what appears to be fairly random strings of
ASCII code. This is not account specific and indeed I cannot seem to
isolate any pattern to when they arrive.

I always check on my mail server when this happens and these e-mails do not
appear there so I presume that TB! is generating them for some reason.

Anyone have any ideas?

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.01.3
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Moving a thread?

2004-01-28 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Jon

> How does one move an entire thread to another folder? Everything I try with
> dragging just moves the top-most message.

I just expand the thread and highlight all the messages then drag and
drop that lot. Don't know if it's the most efficient way of doing this
but it works.


Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Strange Font - From Nowhere

2004-01-25 Thread Steve Mulhall
> Allie Martin wrote:

> Have you checked your font settings in the Preferences, namely those
> for 'Plain Text/MicroEd' (this controls the font used for composing
> with MicroEd and for viewing received messages with the Fixed Width
> Viewer) and 'HTML/Windows Editor' (this controls the fonts used for
> composing messages with the HTML editor as well as for viewing
> received messages with the Rich Text Viewer).

Sorry Allie, should've really mentioned that I did check this too.
There was actually no font selected in the above preference so I
selected one and it changed in the preference window but didn't do
anything in the main TB gui (very confused). At this point I re-installed
the whole thing (hoped to avoid this but...) and it's all ok now.

Just wanted to say thanks for the reply.


Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Strange Font - From Nowhere

2004-01-23 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi all,

Does anyone have any ideas as to why all of a sudden (with no warning
and no obvious reason why) whenever I open any messages (from any
folder/account) they all appear in some strange font (quite hard to
read it is too)?

I cannot provide an example of this font as this message is appearing in
the correct font and copying text from another message into here, it also
appears in the correct font, so to sum up, this is only when I open up an
existing message to view it i.e. un-opened messages in the message
pane display in the correct (default - MS Sans Serif) font. In fact the fonts are ok
everywhere else in the application. Having a look in Preferences where
the system fonts are set i.e. Folders Pane and Message Pane Header
these are both set to the original default (MS Sans Serif). Changing
the font for Folders pane works fine and changing the font for the
Message Pane Header changes the font for the visible message headers
(From: To: Subject: etc, which I guess it what it's designed to do)
and changing the font in the 'Message Groups and Font' changes the
font of the messages whilst they are displayed in their folders but
when opened display this strange font, but I'd also like the actual body of
my messages in the original (MS SAns Serif) font, as it was and always has been
up until yesterday. Where can I set this?

I know this is a minor issue but any pointers would be greatly
appreciated, before I embark upon a full backup of TB and see if that
has any effect.

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.01.3
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB With NOD32 Anti-Virus

2004-01-19 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Terry and thanks for replying


> I use NOD32 2.000.6.

Me too. Just the trial version though as would like to evaluate before
I fork out any cash for it

> NOD32 Control Center/NOD32 System Tools/NOD32 System
> Setup/Setup/Notifications/

> If you need the ability to send e-mail notifications, there was a
> download for mapi that was applicable to TB version 1.6x. I don't know
> if that fix would work for TB version 2 or even whether that would fix
> the NOD32 issue, regardless of TB version. I didn't try it as I don't
> need to notify myself via e-mail. :)

You certainly put me going in the right direction here as the error is
caused when NOD32 tries to access MAPI32.dll and when TB! is installed
as a simple MAPI request handler (Options | Preferences |
Applications) it sits beside NOD32 quite happily, so thanks Terry


Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

TB With NOD32 Anti-Virus

2004-01-19 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi guys,

Does anyone use TB with NOD32 Anti-Virus? If so does anyone, on running
NOD32, experience a message that says words to the effect of "Either
there is no default mail client or the mail client cannot fulfill the
messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the
default mail client"? If I do as the message instructs and set Outlook
to be the default mail client all is well. But strangely enough I
don't really want Outlook as my default mail client as I consider it
to be fairly rubbish compared to TB!.

Just for reference, TB! is normally set as the default and is also the
default for all associated mail file type (.msg, .eml etc)

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.01.3
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Wilcards Strings In Filters

2003-12-03 Thread Steve Mulhall

Hi Thomas

> Just don't type anything instead of a wildcard character. So, if you
> want to find all messages containing "Read:" in the subject, use this
> (without the quotes) as the filter string. It will be caught even if
> there is something else in the subject.

Thanks mate. I did manage to work it out shortly after I sent the
original post. It is, as pointed out by yourself, remarkably simple

> The moment you open OE for whatever reason, it will associate itself
> with these file types without asking. Send a bugreport to the makers
> of that piece of software. Nothing else you can do.

That makes sense and if I thought I would get any joy from sending a
bug report to Microsoft I may do just that (but I may end up sending a
lot of reports), but The Bat! losing its file association happens without
opening OE. As I mentioned, because I don't use OE but have a couple of colleagues
who do (and sometimes have questions) I will probably only open the application
once every couple of weeks but TB will still lose its file associations more
often than that. Is there anything else anyone can think of that may
be causing this?

Many thanks


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Wilcards Strings In Filters

2003-12-02 Thread Steve Mulhall
> Is it possible to to add a search string with a wildcard in a filter?

Don't worry chaps, I've worked this out now. Remarkably simply really

The file association is still a bit of an inconvenience though (no
more than that though but any suggestions very welcome).

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Wilcards Strings In Filters

2003-12-02 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi all,

Is it possible to to add a search string with a wildcard in a filter?

I want to create a filter that filters all "Read" receipts into a
specified folder. The only thing that all of these receipts has in
common is that the subject line starts with the word "Read:" so I want
my filter to just identify all messages that meet this criteria and
then filter them.

Another quick one, at various points during the day, although sometimes
maybe only once The Bat! loses its file associations with .EML and
.VCF files and obviously on opening asks if I want to associate. At
this point a check reveals that said file types are associated with
Outlook Express, which I would not touch with a barge pole but need to
keep because some colleagues occasionally use it and have questions. I
can re-associate the file types either within Windows Explorer or The
Bat! and all is ok for some period of time and then it will happen
again. I have both IE 6 and Opera browsers installed and the default
mail client in both of these is The Bat! and Outlook Express is not
the default application for any file types. Any ideas?

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.01.3
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB & ZoneAlarm - Dupes

2003-11-20 Thread Steve Mulhall
> Hallo Steve,

> On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 16:55:00 +GMT (19-11-03, 17:55 +0100, where I
> live), you wrote:


Firstly apologies as I realise this has already strayed well OT, this is my
last post on the subject

> Create an additional archive and set the properties of your postbox to
> forward all mail to that archive without deleting it. (properties -
> 'mail' tab)
> Now configure TB to delete mail from the server.

OK, I'm with you now. I was misunderstanding what you meant. Makes
perfect sense really. In fact I have this setup already but am not
using it in the way you suggest, but will from now on.

> Huh?

I rest my case.

Thanks to all who replied to this and especially you Roelof.


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB & ZoneAlarm - Dupes

2003-11-19 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Roelof

> Well, I'm using Mailtraq too and it isn't a typical Mailtraq problem.

Agreed. I didn't think this was really a Mailtraq problem (at least
directly anyway)

> Duplicates from yesterday or even last week could be related to mta's
> own the road, but ten months? Do you keep your messages on the server?
> This could explain the problem when your firewall disturbs the
> communication between Mailtraq and The Bat!.
> A workaround would be to use an inbound archive in Mailtraq to store
> your messages, that way your postbox in Mailtraq only contains the
> actual mail and your configuration can't create dupes. Though you
> still keep a back-up of your mail on the server.
> When you don't save your messages on the server, things can't be
> blamed to your firewall's behaviour. How do you collect your incoming
> mail with Mailtraq? SMTP or via remote pop3, in the latter case you
> might blame your ISP, inspect the headers of the duplicate mails. They
> can reveal a lot.

I do save a lot of my messages on the server (but not all but there is
probably 1000 or so in my mailbox). I hear what you're saying about an
inbound archive (which I do already to track in mail for the company)
Mailtraq handles e-mail for 19 other users so most of what would come
into the archive would not be for me. I would guess I could set up
mail filtering to filter all MY inbound mail to my mailbox but maybe
this is defeating the object of what you're suggesting.

We currently collect mail into Mailtraq via an SMTP mail feed from our
ISP so can't really place any blame on them. And like I said, if I
turn the firewall off, all is well with the world.

> I hope this helps.

Certainly does mate.

> You've got to imagine that your system is connecting to itself when
> your collecting mail with TB. On itself that wouldn't be a problem,
> though it's asking a little bit more from your system. Now imagine
> that you're running your firewall in between, ZA does some mail
> checking (whether you've configured that or not) and acts as a proxy
> on your own pc, thus creating an additional internal connection on
> your pc. And up goes your cpu-load (also because of the checking).
> When you're running an additional proxy (virus scanner, spam filter)
> things get worse and your firewall might be just too much.

> Does this happen when you're doing else with your pc?

Not at all. Only when the firewall running but your above
explanation of how this all fits together makes a lot of sense. Seeing
as my PC is only a straightforward client machine (albeit fairly high spec
2.8GHz, 512MB RAM, 60GB HD) it acts as a pseudo-server for the other 5
clients in the office i.e. they connect to a shared directory to get
info, it also handles Mailtraq and all of its operations also it is
the target for a VPN connection from a branch office that connects
to both a shared directory on the machine and Mailtraq. Long story
short, maybe I am simply asking too much of it.

> Plenty.

SM>> Many thanks

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TB & ZoneAlarm - Dupes

2003-11-19 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi Mike

> Perhaps it is a problem of TB getting the messages from the local
> server *AND* the ISP's remote server. You might try configuring the
> firewall to block TB from the internet so that TB can only get to
> the local server.

> That is about the only idea that comes to mind.  I use TB and the real
> ZAP without any issues, but I do not use a local server either.

Thanks for the reply. Although what you've suggested has not initially
worked I think you're definitely barking up the right tree and as
such will try a number of different permutations of allowing/blocking
TB! connections to the Internet and allowing only access to the
relevant email ports i.e. POP3 and SMTP



Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

TB & ZoneAlarm - Dupes

2003-11-19 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi guys,

Anyone have any experience configuring TB! to work with ZoneAlarm
personal firewall and a local mail server (actually I am using Computer
Associates EZ Personal Firewall but from what I can see it is exactly
the same as ZoneAlarm in all but name)?

I have a Mailtraq mail server installed and working locally on my
machine and have everything configured so that everything works almost
perfectly except, with the personal firewall running, every so often
TB! will download duplicate messages from the server. There appears to
be no pattern to which duplicate messages are retrieved i.e. they
could be from last week or from 10 months ago. I can find no help on
this matter from the firewall help file and cannot get the web-based
tech support to work for me either so was hoping that someone out
there has a similar setup that works ok.

Incidentally, I only noticed this happening using TB! version 2.01.3
so rolled back to the previous version but the problem didn't go away.
Also, with the same personal firewall installed on another machine in
the same LAN i.e. a machine that does not have a mail server on,
everything works OK, there are no dupes - the firewall is
configured in exactly the same way on both machines. The presence of
the mail server on the problem machine is obviously the key here. Turn
off the firewall and everything works fine.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.01.3
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Dupes - From Somewhere

2003-10-27 Thread Steve Mulhall
> I have been having some dupes show up also for some reason, although
> not something that has just surfaced.

Good to know I'm not the only one, although obviously none too good
that this is happening at all, I guess

> The messages have had the same MID, are current (wrote/dated) and
> 'kill dupes' acknowledges and handles the messages as expected..
> which I would say rules out some sort of display or index problem.

Same here

> Transport options are to retrieve and delete from server so I
> anticipate it's not something related to re-downloading the message,
> shouldn't be anyhow..

Just have retrieve and leave on the server but remove from server when
deleted from trash, which is ideal because a number of messages I
retrieve I don't need to keep and just clutter up my mail server but some
are very important that this option gives me a lot of control. In addition I look
after 7 other mailboxes for colleagues which quite often have very important
mail in i.e. cannot be deleted off the server which makes this whole issue a
little more awkward as I could possibly risk permanently deleting a message
that I need to keep

> I've fairly low volume of email so it's been more or less another
> quirk that I have simply integrated into my TB! usage procedures.

I have a reasonably average (I think) usage (1000 or so messages per
mailbox). I upgraded to V 2.01.3 from 2.00.6 last Thursday and this
problem surfaced on Friday so I assume it's reasonable to deduce that
the problem may be related to this new version. Anyone else seen this?



Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Dupes - From Somewhere

2003-10-23 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi all,

It appears that since sometime this morning TB! has started retrieving
duplicate messages from my server (some from as far back as January).
There appears to be no discernable pattern to these duplicate messages
i.e. they can appear in any of my 9 accounts I have setup and TB! may
only retrieve 3 or 4 duplicates an hour from the server, some as far
back as January or some from a few day ago. I am almost certain that
this has nothing to do with our mail server, which is running locally
and I have checked and found no clue as to the reason for this. I have
made no configuration changes to TB! prior to this happening.

Firstly, has anyone any idea what might be happening here? Secondly,
does anyone have any ideas as to how I can create a filter that will
delete these duplicates automatically? I can see that you can set up a
filter to delete a message both from TB! and from the server but I
can't work out how to make TB! check for duplicate messages... now
having thought about this it may be either too difficult or not
possible as there will be discrepancies between the messages stored in
TB! and on the server i.e. many messages in TB! will be sorted into
separate folders. There will also be cases of messages retrieved from
the server that have consequently been deleted from TB! but not from
the server itself - Scarily awkward by the sounds of things.

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.01.3
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Unable To Register V2

2003-09-16 Thread Steve Mulhall

As you will see I have now sorted this out. In my haste I foolishly
thought I could just enter a new V2 registration code directly into my
V1.62 and it would be upgraded. WRONG.

Back to another question, any ideas how to tell TB that I have removed
the keyboard shortcut Shift-R to mark all messages read. The shortcut
no longer appears in the edit shortcuts menu window and yet when I
press Shift-R I am asked if I want to mark all messages as read. Most

Thanks for all the help

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Unable To Register V2

2003-09-16 Thread Steve Mulhall
Thanks for the response Clive

> You don't need a password for V2. The easiest way to ensure you are
> entering the right key and checksum is make sure the email containing
> these details is open and go to help|registration code.

> You'll find the details are filled in for you.

Tried this but nothing happens i.e. go to Help | Enter Registration
Code with the e-mail containing this information open but the relevant
fields are not filled in automatically. Then tried manually entering both
the key and the checksum i.e. I have tried both cutting and pasting the
information from the e-mail and entering manually by hand and leaving the
password field blank but again I am told the password is incorrect for the
key used.

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Unable To Register V2

2003-09-16 Thread Steve Mulhall
Hi folks,

I have recently upgraded my personal copy of V1.62 to V2 and have
received my TB Key and Checksum from The Bat! Team at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] however when I enter the key and checksum and my
password into the relevant boxes in the register window I am told that
the password is incorrect for the key used although I am 99% sure that
it isn't. In case it's relevant (and it may well be) I purchased the
software through the Ritlabs website and received my confirmation
e-mail from Cifnet.

I tried in vain to find the relevant support contact channel with which to
take my query but have been unable to find it (at least through the
Ritlabs website so my last resort was to send my query to the same
people that sent me my key (address above) although I expect all mail
from that account is automatically generated and therefore my mail
will go unread. Anyone have any ideas what I can do/who I can contact

Another question, I recently edited the keyboard shortcuts so that
Shift-R marked all messages in the selected folder as read. Then
obviously realised that Shift-R is what I use to type capital R. I
have since removed that shortcut but still every time I use that key
combination I am asked if I want to mark all messages as "Read". Very
frustrating. I have thoroughly checked the list of keyboard shortcuts
and Shift-R doesn't appear anywhere.

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 1.62r
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Old Question

2003-08-18 Thread Steve Mulhall
Firstly, I recall this was probably the first question I posted to
this list right back when I first installed TB but since then I have
both forgotten the answer and deleted the reply that indicated what I
needed to do to correct it, but I am now experiencing the same problem
with another machine (Windows XP), so apologies all round for
repeating myself.

When clicking on a mailto link on a website the message "Could not
perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly
installed is displayed, followed by 48 web browser windows opening
that all say they cannot display the page. TB is the default mail
client and is associated with all mail type files (mailto: .msg; .eml;
.VCF) and one of the accounts is set to be the defaul for mailto URLs.

What do I need to do here?

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 1.62r

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Another Q on the Worm (Blaster)

2003-08-14 Thread Steve Mulhall

> I can't run it at all, since i can for the life of me not find the
> "system restore" thing on my Win XP Pro. Where should i look for it?
> Cymantec said you should turn it off, but as i said i can't even find
> it, so i don't know if i've got it.

Start | Control Panel | System | Sytem Restore tab, and then turn it
off in there. Another issue is that you may need to run the tool in
"Safe Mode" otherwise I found that the virus kicked whilst it was
running. In safe mode this will not happen. The only problem is, when
I ran this removal tool on an infected Windows XP machine, it ran fine
and said it had located and removed the virus, however, it really
hadn't and it kept being picked up by NAV and shutting down the
machine, at this point the only thing that worked was the MS patch:;en-us;823980

Hope this helps


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Ot: mail servers?

2003-08-11 Thread Steve Mulhall

> As i am thinking about getting a domain i also think about getting my
> own mail server software. Could anyone advice on a free or low cost
> solution that could work under Win XP?

Can highly recommend Mailtraq as a mail server. It has pretty much all
the functionality that an Exchange Server has but at a fraction of the
cost. Highly configurable and flexible. We use it here and although we
run under Windows 2000 I know that it works under windows XP.

Have a look at for more info. There is also a 30 day
trial version for you to "try-before-you-buy"


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information: