Re: SOT: RFC Headers

1999-09-18 Thread Leif Gregory


On Saturday, September 18, 1999, at 17:40 you wrote:
TF> The RFC headers have been mentioned quite often on this list.
TF> Where can I read them up?

MESSAGES) which concerns e-mail, go here:

To see the index for all of the RFCs, go here:

To read my newsletter article about RFCs, go here and select Edition
#21 entitled "Request for Comments (RFC)":

A Windows utility is a virus with seniority...

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Filtering with OR - was Re: (No Subject)

1999-09-18 Thread Leif Gregory


On Saturday, September 18, 1999, at 22:15 you wrote:
JL> Do I configure the filter string as
JL> [EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL PROTECTED] or some other configuration? I
JL> want the filter to detect either address.

JL> Jack LaRosa   mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When defining your filters, place the first e-mail address in the
Rules/Strings Section, then click on the Alternatives tab, Click Add
Set, Enter the second e-mail address in that strings box.

The alternatives tab is the "OR" function.

BTW, please use a SUBJECT header next time. Thanks.

A "language" is a dialect with an army.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Mail to all address book entries

1999-09-18 Thread Leif Gregory


On Sunday, September 19, 1999, at 3:18 you wrote:
JJ> I need to notify my correspondents of a change of address. How can
JJ> I do it with TB? Simply, of course.
JJ>  Julio

Hmmm, You might try this. Save your addressbook to a temp file. Open
the temp file as your addressbook. Move all of the names into one
group, create your message and address it to the group. No real
elegant, but it will probably serve your needs.

For the future however, you might want to go to and get an e-mail address with them. It's a
forwarding address (meaning any mail sent to it will be forwarded to
whatever e-mail address you specify.) For example, my e-mail address
of [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a permanent one. When I move or change
ISPs, I don't have to notify anyone! All I need to do is go to
Netforward's homepage and change the forwarded to e-mail address

So how much does this service cost? Nothing, it's free. They used to
append a two line string of text thanking you for using, but I haven't seen it in any of my messages for a
couple of months.

Hope this helps!

A belly button is for the seeds when you eat watermelon in bed.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Reading confirmation when I receive a message

1999-10-12 Thread Leif Gregory


On Tuesday, October 12, 1999, at 14:44 you wrote:
MA> Sorry, I was not clear maybe.
MA> I don't want a real autoresponder. I want a message to be send when the
MA> mail as been read, I think when the small letter is opened.
MA> If I do what you say, no problems, but in this case what means the check
MA> box "Creating reading confirmation (if required)" in the "option" panel of
MA> the filter box, or how to use it ?

MA> Best regards,

Ahhh, I see what you want now. Ok, first we'll take care of the easy

Go to Account/Properties/Templates/Reading Confirmation and put
whatever you want in your template to say that you have read their

Now for the trick. The person sending you the e-mail *must* enable the
reading confirmation flag on their end when creating the message. When
they do that, and TB receives it, if that flag is enables, then TB
will respond with the text you put in the reading confirmation
template. (As long as you have the "Create reading confirmation if
required" box checked.)

If you want to be able to send a "I've read your message" response
regardless of if they enabled the reading confirmation flag or not,
then you should create a quick template under
account/properties/templates/quick templates and put the same message
as you had put in the reading confirmation template.

Now, if someone sends you a message, but did not enable reading
confirmation, then you can just reply to their message and use the
quick template to put in your "I've read your message".


A Bajoran Tricorder is fast, accurate & good for hitting peoples heads.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Site with links

1999-10-14 Thread Leif Gregory


On Thursday, October 14, 1999, at 1:36 you wrote:
a> Is there a site or are there any sites on which you can find lots
a> of tricks and interesting stuff about The Bat! Except its homepage
a> at ritlabs?

Mmmm, kind of. There is an English TB FAQ (although very weak!) I am
currently converting it to the new HTML format for my new web site. I
plan on actually making it a nice FAQ soon, but trying to get the time
to do it is killing me.

However, you can see what I do have at the old site by going to:

A Nobel Peace Prize? I'd kill for one of those.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: How to use the name prefix

1999-10-14 Thread Leif Gregory


On Thursday, October 14, 1999, at 4:47 you wrote:
OS> That seems to be it. Hm, nobody about USING that prefix for
OS> something nice?

OS> Oliver Sturm

Hmmm, don't know if this is exactly what you want, but I set up new
message templates for certain people in my addressbook.

For example, my parents e-mail address entry in the addressbook has
this as the new message template:

*** Start ***

Hey mom and dad,



%PUT="C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Includes\Dominant Sig.txt"

*** End ***

You could just as easily change the "Hey mom and dad," to say Mr. Dad
or whatever.

In addition, I made the nickname for the addressbook "dad", so all I
do is type "dad" in the TO field, hit enter and then click in the
message body.

Other than that, I don't think TB actually uses the name prefix in
the addressbook entry when creating a message. It is most likely just
for informational purposes.

A belly button is for the seeds when you eat watermelon in bed.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Site with links

1999-10-15 Thread Leif Gregory


On Saturday, October 16, 1999, at 3:33 you wrote:
>> However, you can see what I do have at the old site by going to:

CJT> It seems to be no longer working.

Oops, my bad. The address is:


A better way to DoubleSpace your disk:  DEL C:\WINDOWS\*.*

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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OT: Language and Windows was - Re: ! and CJK

1999-10-15 Thread Leif Gregory


On Saturday, October 16, 1999, at 0:20 you wrote:

TF> I've never seen it, because everybody told me not to buy it. But I
TF> know that there is also a Japanese/English Win98, because I know
TF> someone who has the biggest troubles with it.

Yeah, I'm using the Japanese/English version on my laptop. It's a bit
more unstable than English Win98.

A E I รพ U(I had a vowel movement)

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: OT: Language and Windows

1999-10-17 Thread Leif Gregory


On Sunday, October 17, 1999, at 15:14 you wrote:
>> Yeah, I'm using the Japanese/English version on my laptop. It's a
>> bit more unstable than English Win98.

KR> So, Leif, do you read and write Japanese? Are you able to use it
KR> with The Bat?
KR>  Keith Russell

I can read and write Hiragana and Katakana (though that doesn't mean I
know what the word I'm reading is), and I know some Kanji (very few

I don't use it with TB (not even sure it would work), so I use
Japanese Outlook to read/write Japanese.

A cat will assume the shape of its container.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-22 Thread Leif Gregory


On Saturday, October 23, 1999, at 5:54 you wrote:
DSI> Hello,

DSI> THE BAT! already does most of the e-mail job, any chance to have
DSI> newsgroup read/send.

DSI> Think of it, all in one is better to switch between many software
DSI> and Outlook/Communicator integrates both mail and news.

This is where I think you will find the most disagreement. The
majority of the list members (let me clarify that, the majority back
when the list was on PCSInet, the demographics may have changed some
since then.) Felt very strongly against incorporating other functions
like news reading, and even HTML into TB. Yes Outlook and Communicator
package all that stuff together, but they are both bloated pigs of
software that don't do their jobs very well. A certain phrase comes to
mind when thinking about these two software packages. "Jack of all
trades, master of none."

I would much rather use separate pieces of software that are "masters"
than one kludged together bloated pig that can do a little bit of

For instance, here is my software use:
Mail  TB
Usenet News   Agent
Browser   Opera
FTP   Cute FTP
D/L Manager   Getright
Pic ViewerACDSee
TelnetCRT 3.0
IM/chat   ICQ
Chat  mIRC
Clipboard Clipmate
Text  Textpad 4
Online timer  Logtime
Stocks/MF PSM
C2C link  Laplink Pro

I'm sure my list will differ in areas from others (everybody has their
favorites), but my point is that I don't want a piece of software that
can only do a half job. I realize that for a great number of
Internet/computer users, this may not be the case, because they don't
push the envelope.

A "Cashless God". Is THAT what they mean by "non Denominational"

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Missing Attachments

1999-10-22 Thread Leif Gregory


On Saturday, October 23, 1999, at 4:04 you wrote:
KR> Hello, everyone.
KR> Twice now, I have received messages with attachments, but the
KR> attachment did not show up in TB. There was no attachment pane and
KR> no attachment icon in the message list.

Take another look at the massage in question. Do you see any tabs on
the bottom of the message in preview mode? If so, click on the other
tab(s) to see if it is there. If someone sends me an HTML message with
an attachment, TB displays the HTML message, but I must click on the
"1" tab to actually see the plain message with the attachments.

Hopefully, this is the case, if not then I'm not sure what the problem
is. Maybe you could post the headers to the list so we can try and see
if something is wrong there.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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PGP and auto decrypt - was Re: New proposed ideas / features for The Bat

1999-10-25 Thread Leif Gregory


On Tuesday, October 26, 1999, at 0:24 you wrote:

>> Wouldn't do anything for me - I would never use automatic
>> decryption or store decrypted mails. You never know who seizes your
>> computer...

SL> Flat out silly. I'm sorry, but there is no risk of anything from
SL> automatically decrypting or verifying signatures. I think it is
SL> absurd that TB! doesn't do that nor does it hide the PGP envelope.

I would have to seriously disagree with you here Steve. My computer
was seized in May for something I didn't do. That's why I wasn't
around for some major list problems which necessitated the move to a
new server. Thanks again to Marck and Syafril for picking up the ball
and running with it in my absence.

Even though none of my PGP encrypted messages had anything damaging or
even important in them, I am glad that TB didn't automatically decrypt
and/or store the decrypted versions.

Just because you use PGP doesn't mean you're doing anything illegal,
but private messages are just that... Private!

If you just really have to have a decrypted softcopy, cut and paste
works wonders.

A belly button is for the seeds when you eat watermelon in bed.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: You're banned !

1999-10-25 Thread Leif Gregory


On Tuesday, October 26, 1999, at 3:04 you wrote:
SL>> Monday, October 25, 1999, 9:56:51 AM, Mail wrote:
>>> We are sorry to inform you that your e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>> has been banned. This means that everytime you try to send
>>> us e-mail - you will get this reply AUTOMATICLY!

SL>>Ooo, ooo, ban me too, ban me too!  M!!  BAN ME!!!

ROTFLMAO!!! You're killing me Steve!!

A bad day: "Transfer completed (5720468 bytes, 56651 errors, 1 CPS)"

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Haha, interesting "feature"

1999-10-25 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

I just accidentally hit the reply button to a message in my outbox and
got to quote myself..

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-25 Thread Leif Gregory


On Tuesday, October 26, 1999, at 3:22 you wrote:
PF> On Saturday, October 23, 1999, Leif Gregory wrote:

PF> I think that the list members as a whole are probably not very
PF> representative of the general user community and those who post
PF> even less so. People who participate on mailing lists about
PF> software tend to be more computer-oriented than most people.

I agree completely, but I'm of the strong conviction that to have a
voice, you must vote. If you just sit back and watch the world go by,
then you have no right to object when things don't go your way. Kind
of like being irritated with the outcome of an election when you
didn't even vote.

I realize that not everybody has the inclination or time to sit in on
UDLs, but I'm sure the majority of the users on TBUDL have just as
little time as anyone else.

PF> People who express a desire for integrated functionality are
PF> routinely hooted down on mailing lists and newsgroups, so that I
PF> suspect that even among those who might be participating, they
PF> might not be inclined to express their views.

This is true also, however I have to admit that there is some logic to
this. Most "wishes" are items that only benefit a very few people
(such as my wish to have mailing list manager functions (as a plugin
of course)). This isn't to say that if you have an idea that you
shouldn't post it. In fact I wholeheartedly support just the opposite.
There have been quite a few "wishes" that I hadn't thought of that
make perfect sense.

I do have to say that I wish more people were tolerant of "unpopular
wishes". I want everyone to feel comfortable enough on this list that
they can post without fear of getting slammed, although I also hope
that these same people realize that not every rejection is a personal

You've been on this UDL since I started it way back when, and I think
that you would have to agree that TB wouldn't be the great piece of
software it is without us speaking up and presenting our ideas. My
father once told me that "The answer is always *no* unless you ask.
Things are always being improved by those who sought a better way of 
doing it."

If you think it might be a better way, then ask! You might catch some
flack, but hey, life goes on.

PF> The other side of this argument is that the vast majority of users
PF> use, will use, and probably need only a fraction of the capability
PF> of a program. They don't need nor care about their software being
PF> master of anything. They also don't think or care about "bloat".

Exactly! That's why I say leave the bloatware pigs like IE and NN
for those who don't know any better, or don't want to know better, and
leave at least some applications as "masters" for those of us who do
know better. The world is a big enough place that software can be
written to support both factions. My point being (and I do have one)
is that the savvy users shouldn't be forced to use crippled software
just because *everybody* wants to cater to the non-savvy market.

Computers are not going away, they will continue to become a more and
more integral part of our daily lives. Computers aren't intuitive, and
like the great majority of other skills in the world, they must be
learned and practiced.

PF> That's 15 programs with 15 different interfaces to learn and
PF> remember, often for tasks that are not performed that frequently.
PF> The commonality of interfaces and basic functions has benefits
PF> that can't be totally dismissed out of hand. In an office
PF> environment, this means less training costs, less support costs. I
PF> believe it was the desire for this intergration in a corporate
PF> setting that primarily motivated MS and Netscape to add and expand
PF> the news reader capabilities of their mailers. For home users,
PF> it's been my experience that many, maybe most, prefer integrated
PF> applications, because they don't want to have to deal with
PF> learning and maintaining many different applications. Plus there
PF> is the cost. When I got tired of NS crashing on me all the time
PF> and patched together my own suite of internet applications, it
PF> ended up costing me a couple hundred dollars total.

Oh, I agree with you, but what I stated before that not all software
should be crippled just to serve the masses, still holds true.
Personally, I have no problem with using 15 different applications,
because it is a personal choice I have made to support only the best
software. I'm not saying that the masses have to follow our lead and
learn all these apps, they can stay with software that suits them (IE
and NN etc...) and leave my applications alone.

PF> Exactly. It is a niche market that appreciates and wants these
PF> small, fast, highly

Wonder how they did that!

1999-10-26 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

Here's the entire kludges from an e-mail I received. Notice the
absence of a TO, CC, etc. I Wonder how they suppressed them...

Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( []) by
(8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id IAA13816 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tue, 26 Oct 
1999 08:55:26 -0400
Received: from tc3T9V859 ( []) by 
(8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP
id PAA02524; Tue, 26 Oct 1999 15:46:35 +0300 (EEST)
DATE: 26 Oct 99 8:40:21 AM
Message-ID: <25DeWtqI14>
SUBJECT: Witches and Brews

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: multiple EMail addresses / address book / favourite

1999-10-27 Thread Leif Gregory


On Wednesday, October 27, 1999, at 22:59 you wrote:
CR> I'd like to store multiple email addresses but I don't want them
CR> to show up in "CC:" (using the favourites menu) - I just need to
CR> store them _somewhere_ for special occasions.
CR>  Claudius Regn mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I store extra e-mail addresses etc. on the "Other" tab of the contact
entry in the "Memo" block.

A bad day: "Transfer completed (5720468 bytes, 56651 errors, 1 CPS)"

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Interesting solution to our problem

1999-01-04 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

I ran across this web site called, and their
sole purpose for existence is to provide a very quickly set up
"off-topic" discussion forum.

For example, I created a takeitoffline forum for our very long running
and very interesting OT thread about Computer Philosophy. It took me
all of about 45 seconds. Here is the forum if you'd like to take a
gander at it. I think this could be a very viable alternative to us
moderators having to declare dead horses.

BTW, this message is generated and sent to the creator of the forum
once they finish creating it:

Leif Gregory has created a new instant discussion space at Take
It Offline(SM) for the topic "Computer Philosophy". To join the
conversation (or just to read it), use your browser to go to:
There's no need to register or enter a password, and you can
choose to receive email for new replies.

Take It Offline is the free instant personal discussion space
for your topic of the moment.  It's like many familiar web-based
discussion forums, except that it's yours and dedicated to your
specific topic. Use it for any single-topic group discussion! To
find out more about it, or to easily start your own topic,

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Mysterious wish-list

1999-11-22 Thread Leif Gregory


I've e-mailed him twice directly so far to try and get a copy of the
wishlist so that I could post it to the TBUDL FAQ page. I haven't
gotten a response from him yet.

On Sunday, November 21, 1999, at 1:28 you wrote:
PF> Does "currently" mean that Alex is not working on it for now or
PF> that he's abandoned the project? Does anyone have the last version
PF> that was posted to the list? If so, I'd appreciate your e-mailing
PF> me a copy.

Leif Gregory

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/2 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Threading

1999-11-23 Thread Leif Gregory


On Tuesday, November 23, 1999, at 20:27 you wrote:
AM>Paula Ford wrote:

>> The FAQ is unofficial, too, and on Leif's site. If you send the
>> shortcut list to him, perhaps he'll add it to his page.

AM> Has Leif mysteriously disappeared again?

Nope, I'm here, but for some reason, the list is seriously delaying my
messages sometimes.

I would definitely add the wish list to the FAQ. It will actually be
pretty useful once I get my web site moved again. I seem to have been
taken for a ride and then screwed by my last host.

A Jury: 12 people who decide who has the best lawyer

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/2 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Can you help me!!!

1999-11-29 Thread Leif Gregory


Sure thing, go to the TBUDL FAQ at:

Click 'Messages' and see the entry for corrupt message bases.

On Monday, November 29, 1999, at 23:22 you wrote:
LT>   Message base garbage detected.
LT>   Broken data is saved to

LT>   My  all  messages  in  inbox are missing!!! there have many
LT> important date!! please help me to repair it!

A "Cashless God". Is THAT what they mean by "non Denominational"

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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1999-11-29 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

Ok, I finally got off of my butt and got a long way with the FAQ. It
is by no means finished, but I wanted you all to take a look at it and
give me your feedback OFF-LIST!

Does the navigation of it make sense?

Are any of the entries incorrect or outdated? Many of the items in the
FAQ were not actually experienced by me, so there may be something in
there that has been fixed. Let me know if you find one.

I tried very hard to give credit where credit was due. You'll find
people's names above each "fix" in the FAQ. Sometimes it wasn't
possible to find who the original contributor was, so I took the best
educated guess. I also tried to keep as much as possible, the actual
message intact, but some of them required formatting, punctuation,
grammar, spelling, and contextual additions. If you disagree with how
I listed your contribution, please let me know.

I tried to use contributions based on who posted it first, but there
were a few that I used later postings because they were more complete
or easier to understand.

If you don't have a problem with it, I would like to make your name in
the FAQ a link to your e-mail address. However, I will need your
permission to do this. There was one exception in which I already put
in the e-mail address, because his contribution included directions
for him sending a Perl script. If this is not acceptable, please let
me know and I'll remove it.

I am sure there are a good number of other things that need to go into
this FAQ. If you have a contribution, please send it to me. However,
try to remember that FAQ stands for *frequently* asked questions. This
FAQ would become quite unmanageable if we put *everything* in it.

There will eventually be a CGI form for people to send entries to me.

Also, don't link to this FAQ quite yet as I am waiting for the DNS
entries to pick up my domain name.

Right now you can see it at:

Once I get the DNS entries resolved, it will become:

Well, that should do it. I'm looking forward to your feedback.

BTW, I have tried repeatedly to contact Alexander Leschinsky to get a
copy of the latest Wish list to post to the FAQ also. However, I
haven't heard anything from him. If someone knows where he is, or has
a pretty recent edition of the wish list, please send it to me. If
Alexander is not going to continue with the wish list, would anyone
out there be willing to become the sacred keeper of said wish list?

I also need a copy of the latest keyboard shortcuts list out there.
Whoever is the keeper of that one, please send it to me so I can put
it in the FAQ.

Ok, ok, I'm done.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBBETA archive at
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TB as a mailing list server

1999-11-30 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

For those of you interested in setting up TB as a mailing list
server/discussion list server, I've rewritten quite a bit of my
original whitepaper on how to do it, as well as included some of the
new features TB has added since the last writing.

You can get it at the FAQ page under howdoi.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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Another FAQ note!

1999-11-30 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

It's official!

For those of you wanting to link to the FAQ, the address is:

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/4 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBBETA archive at
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Happy99/SKA virus/worm fix from moderator was - Re: Network Problems

1999-12-02 Thread Leif Gregory


Oh man...

Ok, if anybody ran the attachment to Mike's last post called
Happy99.exe, please read the below article I wrote for my e-zine when
Happy99/SKA first appeared. It explains what you need to do to get rid
of it.

If any of you did run the Happy99.exe attachment, shame on you. NEVER,
NEVER, NEVER run any attachment that you don't know what it is.
Hopefully your virus scanner definitions were up to date and you were
not infected.

As for Mike, you really need to update your virus definition files, or
install a virus scanning package if you don't have one already.

 Start article

Name: Happy99/SKA
Category: Worm

What it does:
A non-destructive self replicating program that modifies the infected
computer's WSOCK32.DLL. This modification allows SKA to attach itself
to outgoing e-mail messages and newsgroup posts in an attempt to
further replicate itself.

What to look for:
1. If you ran a program (most likely called Happy99.exe, but it could
   have been named anything) and you were presented with a cheesy
   fireworks display with the window title of "Happy New Year 1999!!",
   then you were most likely infected.

2. If recipients of e-mail from you say that they are receiving two
   copies of your messages and one of them has an attachment called
   "Happy99.exe", then you are definitely infected.

3. McAfee VirusScan and Norton AntiVirus both now detect the SKA worm.

4. Navigate to your Windows/System directory and look for any file
   named SKA. In particular SKA.EXE and WSOCK32.SKA.

How to fix it:
1. Print these steps first.
2. Reboot into DOS mode.
3. Type CD\Windows\System
4. Type DIR SKA.*
   You should a file called SKA.EXE
5. Type DEL SKA.*
6. Type DIR WSOCK32.*
   You should see two files; WSOCK32.DLL and WSOCK32.SKA. If you do
   *not* see WSOCK32.SKA, then skip to step 12.
9. Try to connect to the Internet, send yourself an e-mail. If
   everything seems to work fine then:
11. You are all done.

12. Something isn't quite right. You should probably reload the file
WSOCK32.DLL from a reliable source. One such reliable source would
be <>. Note - You
will need an unZIP program such as WINZIP or PKUNZIP to uncompress
the file first.
13. Do step 7 and come back to here.
14. Unzip the WSOCK32.ZIP file which will contain the file called
WSOCK32.DLL into your Windows\System directory.
15. Try to connect to the Internet, send yourself an e-mail. If
everything seems to work fine, then do step 10 and 11. If
everything is not fine, then continue to step 16.
16. Type DEL WSOCK32.DLL
18. Your system is now still using the modified WSOCK32.DLL. Send me
an e-mail and I'll try to help you further.

Hopefully you didn't have to do step 12 as it was more work, and I
really hope you didn't have to do 16 - 18 as that is going to be a
headache. Other than that, you are now SKA free!!!

A bottle in front of me's better than a frontal lobotomy.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/5 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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Re: Happy99/SKA virus/worm fix from moderator was - Re: Network Problems

1999-12-03 Thread Leif Gregory


I think you are forgetting something though. The message sent to the
list had Happy99.exe UUencoded, therefore a separate file was not
saved to the attach directory. If you want to see NAV go red with
warnings, right click the Happy99.exe file in the e-mail and try to
save it (provided you have auto-protect enabled. I not, then save the
file and then scan the directory.)

I've using NAV version 5.0 with definition dates of: 99/11/29

On Friday, December 03, 1999, at 17:56 you wrote:
J> Leif,

J> Thursday, Thursday, December 02, 1999, Leif wrote:

J> Just to keep us on our toes, Norton has failed to identify the
J> Happy99/SKA attachment, even with up to date definitions. I checked
J> to be sure that the definitions contained the information and then
J> ran NAV, which scanned right past the worm. I also updated the
J> definitions on the assumption that there might be something flaky
J> about the definition. NAV still missed it. So, we might want to be
J> very cautious about depending on NAV.

J> JWDoughertymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Wok is what you thwo at a wabbit.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/5 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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OT: Re: Happy99/SKA virus/worm fix from moderator was

1999-12-03 Thread Leif Gregory


On Friday, December 03, 1999, at 20:47 you wrote:

SH> Sorry Leif, I have other opinion. AFAIK Happy99.exe is a Trojan
SH> Virus (Hoax ?)

Happy99.exe is not a hoax, and due to its propagation properties, it
is actually considered a worm. See McAfee's web page concerning
SKA/Happy99.exe at:

SH> which infected to mailer with MAPI capable such
SH> Outlook97/98/2000, Outlook Express 4/5, Exchange Client.

This is also false. SKA directly patches the WSOCK32.DLL and makes
hooks to any SMTP or News activities. This allows SKA to "infect" any
outgoing message that is sent via SMTP or usenet news.

SH> Luckyly The Bat! not MAPI capable, yet; in the next version if The
SH> Bat! have MAPI capability, we also must aware with this kind of
SH> viruses (Mike not use The Bat! at the first time sending msg with
SH> Happy99.exe)

MAPI has nothing to do with it, because SKA is not MAPI dependent.

SH> Trojan or hoax viruses can't be detected by "common anti virus"
SH> such McAfee or NAV, just like "macro viruses" it's need special
SH> treatment.

This is also false, NAV and McAfee now include signatures for SKA. SKA
will be detected by either moving, copying, renaming, saving, opening
etc. as well as a the normal directory/disk scan. My point to John was
that neither NAV nor McAfee will scan a UUencoded file in messages in
TB, or at least I am not aware that it can. For NAV to detect SKA, the
file must be UUdecoded and saved (or attempted to save) to disk.

SH> There are a lot of Happy99.exe anti virus removement at

This I agree completely with, however, they all basically automate the
steps that I discussed on removing it.

A Nobel Peace Prize? I'd kill for one of those.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 Beta/5 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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SOT: E-mailaholics - was Re: Check out the Christmas Bat!

1999-12-08 Thread Leif Gregory


Funny you should mention E-mailaholics. On the TBBETA list, Ali just
started E-mailaholics Anonymous (EMA) (pronounced like you're going to
say E-mail but without the "il"). Members have their membership
proudly announced in the Organization header.

However, unlike other *aholics Anonymous groups, we don't want to be

Stay tuned.. We are working out the EM questionnaire and rating scale
(to determine the severity of your case) as well as the EM creed.

On Thursday, December 09, 1999, at 10:05 you wrote:
PF> And .. TB is on sale for $24.50. Great gift for the email-aholic
PF> on your list.

PF> --
PF> Paula Ford

A $ saved is a $ congress has overlooked!

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: Wishes about filters

1999-12-08 Thread Leif Gregory


I agree with you on this one. This is done in the address book in
reference to groups, don't see why it couldn't be done in the filters
section too.

On Thursday, December 09, 1999, at 6:46 you wrote:
PF> Agreed. Actually, I would prefer a structure that allowed you to
PF> create filter first, then indicate to which accounts it applies.
PF> But, that's a different approach altogether. I would think it
PF> wouldn't be too difficult, though, to show all accounts in the
PF> Sorting Office, as TB calls it. We'll see what RIT Labs comes up
PF> with in v. 2.

Leif Gregory

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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Re: SOT: E-mailaholics - was Re: Check out the Christmas Bat!

1999-12-12 Thread Leif Gregory


On Saturday, December 11, 1999, at 11:48 you wrote:
>> However, unlike other *aholics Anonymous groups, we don't want to
>> be cured... 

PF> We don't??? Maybe some of us do.

Well, at least those in *our* E-mailaholics group don't want to be

PF> If you don't want to be cured, what is the objective of your 12
PF> steps? 12 steps to yet more and more e-mail?

No, not twelve steps, It's the five levels of EMness.

A "pacifist male" is a contradiction in terms. - Lazarus Long

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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Re: SOT: E-mailaholics

1999-12-13 Thread Leif Gregory


Pretty simple actually.

Edit the properties for your folder for TBUDL messages. Click the
"Identity" tab, put: "E-mailaholics International" in the
Organisation field.

If you want everyone in the the world to know, then edit the account
properties and put it in the Organisation field there. This means that
any message you send from that account will announce your EMness
(unless you later override it with a folder defined Organisation.)

On Monday, December 13, 1999, at 0:50 you wrote:
LG>>> Well, at least those in *our* E-mailaholics group don't want to be
LG>>> cured.

A> How does one go about joining ?

A> Regards,
A> ~~~Angel

A 3.5 disk should fit in a 5.25 drive, right?

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

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STOP testing Paula's bug! - was Re: The Bat! - bug report

1999-12-13 Thread Leif Gregory


Ok, ok, we all agree that Paula has found a bug. Now everybody stop
testing it.

We could have avoided many of these messages if the defer mailing
option was enabled prior to testing.

Thank you.

On Monday, December 13, 1999, at 17:59 you wrote:
PF>> Try this. From the messages list in the main window, highlight a
PF>> message, press and hold the CTRL key, then press and _hold_ the
PF>> ENTER key. I just managed to generate 7 replies to your messages
PF>> that showed up in the Outbox before a reply window appeared. The
PF>> interface flashes some and the icons disappear from the tool bars
PF>> while this is going on. I think I've got the latest version of
PF>> 1.38 now, too. I don't believe it happened before this version.
PF>> I'm interested in whether or not anyone can get TB to behave this
PF>> way, as I use an old keyboard and am wondering if the problem
PF>> could be related to that. I'm also on the old Win95a.

A Most Dangerous Thing - an Ensign with a warp field experiment.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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Putting a face to the name

1999-12-14 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

I will finally have the time to do something I've always wanted to do.

I want to create a page in the FAQ that includes the pictures of the
list members. These images will be cropped to the right size so that
they can be saved to your hard drive and used in TBs address book.

For those of you wishing to participate, do the following:

e-mail me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and attach your jpeg that is
cropped to 120x144.

Please already have it in jpeg format and sized to 120x144, as this
will put less of a workload on me.

However, for those of you who do not know how or do not have an image
editing program to do this (I'd image anyone who can scan in their
image will already), send the image to me and I'll do it. I'd prefer
not to have to though.

Also, for those who do not have any access whatsoever to a scanner,
you can send me a picture via snailmail. E-mail me and I'll send you
my address.

Please note though, if you want your picture back, you *must* include
a self-addressed envelope *with* a stamp on it inside the letter you
send me.

Either way, make sure you include your name and the e-mail address you
want to use, as you want it to appear on the page.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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Re: OT: Curses

1999-12-14 Thread Leif Gregory


On Wednesday, December 15, 1999, at 4:50 you wrote:
M> C'mon, English has only a few words that form compound expressions
M> - f**k, s**t, and a few anatomy-related ones. Polish, in turn, has
M> MANY words. A simple "f**k off" can be translated in... let me
M> count... five different ways. Shall we exchange experience, then?
M> :DD

Ok, we've had this discussion on TBBETA, and here is the results from

Because the subscriber base of TBUDL and TBBETA is so diverse
demographically, I made it a rule when I started these two UDLs that
profanity is not allowed. Personally, I could care less, but my
personal preferences aren't representative of the entire list. I've
now included in the rule that acronyms and wildcarded profanity is
also prohibited. Why?

s**t! Is there any doubt in anyones mind of what the preceding word
means? It doesn't matter that two letters are wildcarded as the
meaning is still the same.

I realize that you can't please everyone, but we have to do the best
we can with what we've got. A similar discussion ensued quite a while
back, over the use of derogatory or demeaning taglines. More
specifically they concerned the use of taglines offensive to the
female list members. Again, this is also "against the rules".

The best way to make the determination is to think "Would I say this
to my mother?" Granted, some of your mothers may be a little more
liberal than mine, but if the text is questionable, then don't include


A blood alcohol level of > .26 confers temporary immortality.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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Re: hard overquoting

1999-12-14 Thread Leif Gregory

Hey all,

On Monday, December 13, 1999, at 9:06 you wrote:
VP> I dunno if it is a very difficult job for a moderator, but if we
VP> have so many offtop threads on TBUDL (I don't really mind) -
VP> could you please ask privately some users not to overquote.

I've been receiving quite a few off-list e-mail concerning the
overquoting issue.

I've pretty much shouted this till I'm blue in the face! So, to go a
little bluer still:

When replying to a message, please try to cut out any quoted text that
you can while still retaining enough that people will know what it is
that you are replying to.

TBUDL and TBBETA have become high traffic lists now, and every little
bit helps, not to mention that it makes it much easier to read.

Help me to help you. If someone is overquoting, send them a kindly
reminder off-list. There are way too many messages for me to do this


A bellybutton is for parking your gum on the way down.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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Re: Solution to %DATE and %TIME macro problem.

1999-12-15 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Marck, 

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 at 00:49:50 [GMT +], you wrote:

MDP> If you look at the opening of this message, you see the result of
MDP> using two %QTINCLUDEs for (1) the initial REGEXP extract macro
MDP> and (2) the pattern expansion macros to create the time stamp.
MDP> Marck

Here is a copy of my QT for this whole deal:

* Start *


On%SUBPATT="2" at %SUBPATT="3" [GMT%SUBPATT="4"], you wrote:

*  END  *

Here is a copy of my reply template:

* Start *

%PUT="C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Includes\TB Sig.txt"

on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.


*  END  *

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETAT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

A $ saved is a $ congress has overlooked!

View the TBUDL archive at
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Preliminary Interview questions for RIT Labs

1999-12-13 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

Below is the rough draft for the interview I will be holding with the
RIT Labs people. If you can think of any questions you'd like
answered, then please send them to me at:

<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=Interview>

Please ensure that you do *not* send your inputs to the list. Check
the TO field before sending.

Also, please try not to submit wish list questions. I've asked what
wish list items are going to be addressed in the interview, and
including them in the interview would make it way too unwieldy.

Well, here are the questions:

- Why did you decide to write an e-mail client package?

- Did you base it from another e-mail client package?

- Why did you choose the name "The Bat!"?

- How is RIT Labs structured? Who works there? Is it an office type
  setting or do you do most of the work from home?

- Did you imagine that TB would be this successful?

Now the questions everyone has been waiting for... Everything below
this paragraph concerns version 2.0.


- Are there many changes to the GUI? If so, do you have a couple of
  screenshots for us to see?

- v2.0 is rumored to have been built from the ground up (not from
  version 1.x), is this true?

- Will v2.0 be backwards compatible? Meaning if someone has problems
  with it, can they reinstall v1.x and still have all of their
  messages, filters, and acccounts accessible?

- When will the beta be released?

- Is there a planned port to Linux? Will you charge for it?

- v2.0 is rumored to support 3rd party plugins. Is this true? How will
  they be implemented (.dll or scripted etc.)

- How extensive will the plugin support be? Meaning, can new menu
  items, macros, functions etc. be added?

- Are there any changes to the filtering subsystem? For example,
  grouping of like filters, copying filters between accounts etc.

- Are there any changes to the address book? i.e. Different address
  book support for different accounts.

- Will v2.0 support non-fixed width fonts?

- Will v2.0 support customizable kludges? i.e. X- like X-Website:

- v2.0 is rumored to allow us to redefine shortcut keys. Is this true?
  Can we create new shortcut key combinations?

- Will we be able to customize our toolbar? Will it allow us to add
  new buttons, or can we only use the buttons/functions already in

- There is a rumor floating around that TB will include a usenet news
  reader. Is this true? If so, why have you decided to do this? How
  much overhead (bloat) will this add.

- Version 2.0 is rumored to support scripting. Can you give us an
  example of a short script?

- Will we be able to use scripting in templates to create things like
  our own macros? Meaning, can we call scripts (like the %include
  macro), or must they be inlined in every template we want to use
  them in?

- How extensive is the scripting? Can we call other programs to
  perform functions. For example (I'm just making this up), suppose we
  want to launch our browser whenever a message includes a URL. I know
  the filters currently support this (sort of) in that you can call an
  external program on the actions tab, but can we pass different types
  of variables (or is that what the %regexp macro stuff is for?)

- Will the scripting support error control? For example, will it
  address the long standing bug of not checking an address book group
  to see if an address actually exists before performing the "remove
  address book entry" function on the actions tab in filters?

- Will version 2.0 fully support HTML both in sending, and viewing
  href'd images? How will you handle the issue of unscrupulous web
  site developers stealing our e-mail addresses when TB gets the
  href'd image? i.e.

- Will v2.0 support hooks for virus scanning attachments to messages?

- Will v2.0 fully support MAPI?

- How big (filesize) do you expect v2.0 to be?

- How much do you expect v2.0 to cost? How much will the upgrade from
  v1.x cost?

- How many of the items on the wish list are going to be addressed in
  v2.0 that I didn't cover above?


One of the main reasons that I have spent so much time and effort in
supporting you guys is that you really listen to what your users have
to say. I think that I speak for the rest of the TB community when I
say that as long as you continue to support us, we will support you in
every way we can!

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

View the TBUDL archive at
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Re: Solution to %DATE and %TIME macro problem.

1999-12-15 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Thomas, 

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 at 18:27:14 [GMT +0800], you wrote:
TF> You froze my Bat! - Here is what I did:

LG>> %QINCLUDE="replydate"

TF> I only copied this line into my existing reply template.
TF> [...]

Let's see a cut and paste of your reply template. Is this reply
template your global, address book, or folder level? I use mine for
both global and folder. I don't have any address book reply templates.

TF> I hit "reply": the Bat froze. No response whatsoever, while the
TF> "reply" botton was still "pressed".

Hmm, I mean I just used the replydate setup to respond to this
message. I'm not having any trouble.

After you were forced to reboot, does TB behave in the same manner
when you try to reply? Maybe it was a glitch and your box needed a

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETAT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

A "program" is used to create error messages!

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Re: possible bug

1999-12-15 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Roel, 

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 at 14:04:55 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
R> can anybody confirm this?
R> when i collapse an account, select it (without expanding it) and
R> hit the F2-key (or using the mouse), I always get: 'server reports
R> error: the respons is:

Nope, I don't have any problems checking collapsed accounts using the
F2 key for either POP or IMAP accounts.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETAT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

A "user friendly" program doesn't have a 600 page manual!

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Re: Solution to %DATE and %TIME macro problem.

1999-12-15 Thread Leif Gregory

Hallo Thomas,

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 at 21:01:27 [GMT +0800], you wrote:
GMT your local time,
which was Wednesday, December 15, 1999, 10:01:27 PM (GMT+0800) my local time,
Thomas Fernandez wrote:

Well, this is it... This is your template! I cut and pasted it into a
folder level template for reply. I added the %QINCLUDE="replydate" to
right under Hallo %OFROMNAME,

Now, I did have to do some serious editing, because the replydate QT
already has the below macros in it, therefore you don't need them in
your reply template:


Try only putting the below in your folder level template:



%FromFName mailto:%FromAddr

Message reply created with The Bat! %THEBATVERSION
using an Intel Celeron 366 Mhz, 128MB RAM


TF> Hallo Leif,

TF> On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 21:03:55 +0900 GMT your local time,
TF> which was Wednesday, December 15, 1999, 8:03:55 PM (GMT+0800) my local time,
TF> Leif Gregory wrote:


Message reply created with The Bat! 1.38e
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build
using an Intel Celeron 366 Mhz, 128MB RAM

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Re: Solution to %DATE and %TIME macro problem.

1999-12-16 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Thomas, 

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 at 22:17:41 [GMT +0800], you wrote:
TF> What have we learned: you can call a QT from within a QT. :-)
TF> Problem solved. Thanks for your help.

 Well, at least you found out something valuable for all of your
troubles. Nested QTs might come in handy.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETAT List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
on a Pentium 266 with 64MB.

A 486 makes more errors than an XT in the same time...

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Re: Problem with filtering

2000-01-04 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Marcel, 

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000 at 09:07:41 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
MS> I read the FAQ on the web, but there is no topic on filtering.
MS> Any help is very much appreciated.

You must have missed the section on using TB as a mailing list server
that I wrote a while back (however, I just updated it as of a month

It will answer every question about using TB for mailing list servers
you have.


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
We are NOT surrounded. We're just in a target-rich environment.

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Re: Check This Out

2000-01-04 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Lone-Wolf, 

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 at 06:24:12 [GMT +1100], you wrote:
b>> take my word click on the link... you won't be disappointed!!!
LW> How did this spammer get on?

My guess is that they subscribed just like everyone else.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
PROOF TECHNIQUE #2 - 'Proof By Contradiction'
State your theorum
wait for someone to disagree.
Contradict them. 

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Re: Check This Out

2000-01-04 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000 at 11:23:57 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
>> He spammed us and, for that sin, is condemned to read our ramblings
>> until he rescinds his address.

SL> Oooo, bad, bd idea. Personally, if I were ever on the end of
SL> that I'd just setup a filter, strip out all headers, recreate
SL> random ones and bounce it back to random members of the list. ;)

Hey now! Don't give the guy any ideas! :^)

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
He's not stupid; he's possessed by a retarded ghost. 

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Addition to wish list

2000-01-04 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

I like the kill filters, but thought of something that would be useful
(to at least me anyway.)

Currently we can only search for strings in the following headers:


I'd like to be able to search the kludges in their entirety. What I'm
looking for is this:

People are constantly sending me funny movies and images, some of
which are somewhat large ( > 1MB ). The problem is that I usually end
up getting copies of the same one from multiple people.

I want to be able to search the kludges for the filename and kill
off that. That way, once I receive the first copy, I can set up the
kill filter to kill any messages with the same filename. Therefore, I
only get one copy and don't have to waste my connection time getting
it again.

I know I can use the message dispatcher, but I get over 150 e-mail a
day, and it would be too much work to have to do this each time I
check e-mail (about 50,000,000,000 times a day.) :^)

What do you all think?

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Guillotining him would make only an aesthetic difference. 

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SPAM about alladvantage

2000-01-04 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

Well, it was bound to happen eventually. Hopefully, it will be an
isolated incident and we can resume our spam-free list. It's done this
well over the last year and a half, so I expect it to continue to do

Below is a copy of the SPAM report I sent to They
have been pretty good in the past about removing accounts for
spammers. If he did get anyone to sign up under his referrer id, he's
about to lose them all.


I am the list owner and moderator of the The Bat! User's Discussion
List (TBUDL) and The Bat! Beta Testers (TBBETA). A person using the
alladvantage refid=GGO737 spammed both of my lists on 4 Jan 2000.  

This particularly irritated me, because for a message to be posted to
either list, you must first subscribe to the lists, acknowledge your
intent to subscribe in a replied message, and then read the
subscription rules to get the actual list posting address.   

What I'm getting at here, is that this was very, very deliberate.

I thank you very much for your time.


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Inspected by #13. 

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Rogue Gallery

2000-01-04 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

I've got most of the rogue gallery done, but I need more user pics.
I've only got six so far.

e-mail me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and attach your jpeg that is
cropped to 120x144.

I think we really need Steve Lambs pic so that anyone getting into an
argument with him can print it out and use it for dart practice!

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Sort of like an inverse Einstein. 

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Re: Rogue Gallery

2000-01-05 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Carsten, 

It could be done, but I'm not sure how well that would go over with
the privacy issue (although they've given me permission to use their
photo and e-mail address on the rogues gallery page.) 

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 at 14:39:14 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
CD> In that case, is an address book all ready-made going to be made
CD> available for d/l somewhere? (Yes, I'm a lazy bastard! ;] )

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A room temperature IQ. 

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IMAP - was Re: Digest (01/05/2000 12:18) Special Issue (#2000-171)

2000-01-05 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Flower12uk, 

I haven't tried it with services like AOL etc., but I do have an IMAP4
account through (a free e-mail service, although
it isn't the most reliable.)

IMAP works well enough on there.

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 at 05:08:19 [GMT EST], you wrote:
Fac> Let me tackle this another way has anyone used TB! with any other
Fac> service that uses the IMAP4 protocol and got it to work? The fact
Fac> that TB! has IMAP4 support must mean it was built to work with it
Fac> surely?

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
$HOME = /dev/null. 

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Rogues Gallery

2000-01-05 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

Ok, the rogues gallery is up!

I still need more pics! The offer is still open to those who don't
have a scanner. Just e-mail me and I'll give you my mailing address,
and I'll scan the photo for you (for free even! ).

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Inspected by #13. 

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SOT AltGr - was Re: TB as a full featured text editor

2000-01-06 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Jast, 

On Thu, 6 Jan 2000 at 20:00:01 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
J> (except that you can use AltGr for Ctrl-Alt optionally)

Ok, ok, I've had it!!! 

I've never heard of an AltGr key before in my life until about two
weeks ago when I got my new (English) laptop and low and behold, there
is an AltGr key on it.

What is it for? It seems to function just like the ALT key on the left
of my spacebar.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
If what you don't know can't hurt you, she's practically invulnerable. 

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Re: RITLABS interview almost...

2000-01-06 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

On Thu, 6 Jan 2000 at 21:26:33 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
SL> Uhm, they're going to release a browser that is smaller, faster,
SL> more compliant than Opera and do so free across Windows, OS/2,
SL> Linux, BeOS and a few others? If not, I'd suggest removing Opera
SL> from that list since it is one of the rare pieces of software I've
SL> found that is worth the price and is *VERY* hard to beat.

If their browser is as functional (power-wise), and is priced roughly
the same as TB is, then I think Opera can be beat!

My browser of choice is Opera too, but I'm always on the lookout for
something better.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
You can listen to thunder and tell how close you came to getting hit.
If you don't hear it, you got hit, so never mind.

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Re: question about the serial numbers

2000-01-07 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Allgaeu, 

On Thu, 6 Jan 2000 at 22:33:44 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
ABUG> Sometimes the X-Mailer shows "The Bat! (v1.38e) S/N ",
ABUG> sometimes the edition is also displayed. Example: "The Bat!
ABUG> (v1.38e) S/N  / Personal".

ABUG> I'm just interested in: does this depend on the creator of the
ABUG> key or of the date?

I believe it depends on when your key was created. Those whose
x-mailer shows no edition, registered quite a while back. I'm not sure
when they started including the edition, but it was well after I had
gotten my registration key.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A room temperature IQ. 

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RITLABS interview almost...

2000-01-06 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

Ok, I've gotten the interview results back from RITLABS. We're working
out some clarifications to the questions and answers, but I expect to
post the completed interview to the list in a couple of days.

Now to tease you all some...

Version 2.x is gonna wipe the walls with the other e-mail software
currently out there (including TB v1.x!)

Now for a very cryptic teaser...

Can you say good-bye to IE, NN, and Opera?!? We'll be seeing some very
interesting software developments coming from RITLABS in the near

nah-nah nah-nah nah-nahh I've got the answers and you don't!!

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: RITLABS interview almost...

2000-01-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

If you are referring to the MDI as in the multiple window in a single
instance of Opera, then heck no! That alone is the single most
important reason I use Opera. I hated having to open 7 or 8 instances
of IE or NN. When I browse, I do so with many, many windows.

On Fri, 7 Jan 2000 at 08:34:39 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
SL> The only way that I see anything RITLABS doing to "improve" upon
SL> Opera would be to remove the MDI interface, remove the email
SL> client and news reader and be more compatible with java script
SL> while making it even smaller.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Percussive maintenance - The fine art of slapping the crap out of an
electronic device to get it in working order again.

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Re: RITLABS interview almost...

2000-01-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

Apparently, I used bad wording! RITLABS is writing a completely
separate browser application. However, some of the code will be
included in TB as either core or plugin (most likely) to read and
write HTML.

Sorry for any confusion.

On Fri, 7 Jan 2000 at 08:39:25 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
>> Guys, I have this dim feeling they're not even talking about a browser
>> here, rather some radically different piece of software... Maybe?

SL> If it is some sort of internet "suite", it has been done and has
SL> failed each time because it ends up being a bloated,
SL> unintelligible pig.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Ought to have a warning label on his forehead. 

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Re: All About TheBat

2000-01-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Erik, 

On Sat, 8 Jan 2000 at 16:59:07 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
EO> In an attempt to give an addition to the current mailinglist,
EO> we've proceeded to set up a powerful Forum exclusive to TheBat!

Appreciate your effort. I don't know whether it will be viable, but
give it a shot.

I debated very heavily in the beginning (when wanting to create TBUDL)
as to whether it would be easier to do the UDL or a newsgroup. While
it would have been simpler in the long run to do the newsgroup, I
chose the UDL because I had more control (TBUDL was heavily moderated
in the very beginning).

The only thing that I really needed was a message archive (you sort of
get a time based capability of this with a newsgroup), but I knew that
somewhere down the road I'd find a listserver that would allow me to
keep a message archive. Thanks to Syafril, that happened.

The problem with a newsgroup is no access control. Spam is too hard to
control. In the couple of years that TBUDL has been active, I can only
think of one instance of SPAM (a week ago I think).

Geez, where the heck am I going with this Oh yeah, my point...

I think most people would rather get their mail via list than be
forced to view it on-line. I know that I D/L all my mail in the
morning and read it at lunch while at work (no Internet access). A
newsgroup (although messages can be D/L'd) or a forum would be
difficult for most.

As I said earlier though, I do appreciate the effort. There is a lot
of user support and volunteer effort for TB.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
while( !asleep() ) sheep++;

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Defenders! - was Re: Pegasus vs. The Bat! with extra paradigms!

2000-01-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Moosebreath, 

On Sun, 9 Jan 2000 at 17:23:48 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
M> I will say the TB users are some of the most tenacious users and
M> defenders of their software I have come across.

Here, here, I'll drink to that!

Would this qualify as a "me too" message? 
Bad Leif, bad, bad Leif!

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A am Bill D. Catt of Borg.  You will be Ack!Thbbpt!imilated!!!

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Re: Newbie Stuff

2000-01-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Moosebreath, 

On Sat, 08 Jan 2000 at 11:12:57 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
M> I used to be able to edit a message and save it where it sits,
M> doesn't look like a way to do that.

Not supported in v1.x, however a workaround is to drag to the Outbox,
edit, and move it back. Unfortunately this changes the date however.

v.2 might support this. Not sure though.

M> I'd like to be able to set up multiple accounts (I have 4), and use
M> 1 set of mailbox folders with the option of using specific ones
M> inside the other accounts.

Mmmm, your talking the personalities thing. While this isn't supported
directly, you can have filters under each account to file messages
into one single account, specific folders. Further each of those
folders can have it's own identity settings (folder properties). You
can also set up Quick Templates to catch those odd messages that don't
really fit anywhere.

M> I see there is HTML support but when an HTML page comes into email,
M> it doesn't look like what was sent, E-C-O (Eudora, Calypso, and
M> Outlook) display as a web page. I know I'll get flak here, but I
M> would like to see an HTML toolbar and the ability to display the
M> page the way it was sent. When you subscribe to things nowadays,
M> sometimes you're given a choice of HTML of plain text but most of
M> the time not at all, you get HTML. Email and HTML have to mix
M> nowadays.

Currently, TB does not display images unless they were sent with the
actual HTML page (not href'd to a site.)

v2 will fully support HTML reading and writing at some point once work
on RITLABS browser begins. Not sure what you mean by HTML toolbar, but
I'm assuming that you mean to edit messages. This will come later in
v2, hopefully as a plugin)

M> I'd like to select which account to send the email from (down
M> arrow) in the send mail when I'm about to send it, not have to send
M> it from the account I'm editing in.

This is already possible to a certain extent. When editing a message,
click the TO field and hit the down arrow at the far right. You can
then select which ACCOUNT to send it from. REPLY-TO is the same way.

M> I'd like to see a "preview" on the toolbar next to the print
M> button. And a "right click" on the toolbar to customize it.

Not sure about the preview button (however, generally what I see on
screen is what I print (not sure abt HTML messages as I haven't
printed any). The toolbar will be extremely customizable in v2.

M> Some small stuff like "change case", "wrap, unwrap", "remove quotes
M> in message" etc.

v2 will do this and much, much more via scripting and/or plugins.

M> The ability to work with sentences or paragraphs or both. When
M> I'm composing a message, tell me which mailbox I'm in, in case
M> the gray cells get lost.

Hmmm, not sure what you're asking here.

M> If some of the things are here, sorry for the babble. My own opinion
M> is that if you don't ask for it, it's doesn't get put in.

You are absolutely correct. You'll find though that the majority of us
are very happy with the core TB program (minus bugs of course) and
want to keep it the small/svelte program it currently is. We did get
one major wish, and that was for plugin support, so if you can find
someone to write it, you can make TB do everything but the dishes.

Now there's a plugin! Send e-mail from work:

To: My house
Subject: Do dishes


M> Now, if one of you rant and rave types wants to tear into me, just
M> go back to the list and consider me a newbie that hasn't got a
M> grip. on it yet!

We all gotta start somewhere. Hopefully nobody ripped you too bad.

M> I love the power of TB! and I'm here to stay, just like a few more
M> amenities. This ain't army chow, it's gourmet stuff.

Glad to see that you like it. We love it!

M> By the way, Capitol "C" gets the misspell line under it in Eudora too.

Add it to the user dictionary 

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Always sharpening his sleeping skills. 

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Re: Newbie Stuff

2000-01-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

Steve, play nice will you! The idea is to help, not tell them to take
a hike!

On Sun, 9 Jan 2000 at 03:57:49 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
SL> This is the personalities paradigm. It isn't here and hopefully
SL> never will. Go elsewhere.

>> you get HTML. Email and HTML have to mix nowadays.

SL> No, they do not. Don't like it, look elsewhere.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A 1200 baud brain attached to a 28800 baud mouth.

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Why does unsub go to list? - was Re: (No Subject)

2000-01-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Thomas, 

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 at 01:26:57 [GMT +0800], you wrote:
TF> When you double-click on the unsubscribe link, the message is for
TF> some reason sent to both UNSUB and the list. I don't know why.

Easy enough. Most people have the Create New message template for
their TBUDL folder to address the list. By double-clicking on the
unsub address within the TBUDL folder, you are effectively creating a
new message. Therefore, both the list address and the unsub address
show up in the TO field.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
...Good  judgment  comes from experience; and experience, well...
that comes from bad judgment.

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Re: Mailing List filters

2000-01-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Nick, 

On Sun, 9 Jan 2000 at 11:34:57 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
NA> If version 2 is anything like Leif claims it is, then I'll also be
NA> able to relegate Netscape to back-up as

Ack,ack... foul.. misquote (or bad wording on my part!) 

I did not mean to imply that TB2 will be a browser! RITLABS is going
to write a browser!

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Sort of like an inverse Einstein. 

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Re: RITLABS interview almost...

2000-01-10 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Thomas, 

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 at 15:05:22 [GMT +0800], you wrote:
TF> On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 08:52:51 +0900GMT (10/01/2000, 07:52
TF> +0800GMT), Leif Gregory wrote a lot of stuff that resulted in a
TF> lot of assumptions...

Cute.. :^)

TF> Enough teasing - when can we read the interview? ;-)

Not yet, I haven't gotten the final back from Stefan where I asked a
few more questions, and for clarification on some comments he made. I
expect very soon though.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A belly button keeps you butt from falling off.

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SOT: Mr. Congeniality - was Re: Newbie Stuff

2000-01-10 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 at 08:30:42 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
SL> When suggestions are made that radically change how the product
SL> works which will cause current customers to leave the install
SL> base, what reaction do you advocate then?

I also disagree with a number of proposed changes to the TB core.
However, if we aggressively shoot down everything that comes down the
pipe, then someone who might actually have a very good suggestion
might not post it.

I'm not asking you to keep your opinion to yourself... I'm asking for
a little more congeniality.

In a perfect world, newbies would read the FAQ as well as search the
message archive, but you've had as much customer support experience as
I've had, and you know that this will never happen. Somebody has got
to give.

We've got a lot of very smart and good people on this list (including
you), newbies will always be, well, newbies. We all had to start
somewhere, and when I was the newbie, I always appreciated those
patient few who worked to explain or help instead of chewing my head

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A 10K brain attached to a 9600 baud mouth.

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SOT: MDI - Re: RITLABS interview almost...

2000-01-10 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 at 08:41:51 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
SL> Yes, that is what I am referring to. MDI is an old throwback to an
SL> era gone by. As for opening 7-8 instances of IE or NS there is no
SL> difference other than interface. Since the memory is shared there
SL> is no added memory usage of multiple windows over MDI when it
SL> comes to the main application. For example, each new window of
SL> Netscape Communicator 4.51 adds another ~250k. In Opera each new
SL> window adds about another ~55k. Given the comparative sizes of the
SL> programs, that is chump change.

SL> Given those reasons I fail to see why anyone would want MDI.

My reasons for liking MDI interfaces has absolutely nothing to do with
memory consumption. Even if Opera required more memory using MDI, I
would still prefer it. I hated having to randomly choose between the
multiple IE buttons on the taskbar hoping that I would nail the right
one and see what I wanted.

I'm also extremely happy with the MDI for Frontpage98. I usually have
between 10 to 12 pages open at any given time in there. Same thing
with Office2000 and TextPad4 (generally only 4 or 5 pages in these
instances though.)

This gets us back to our discussion concerning changes to programs
that would cause current users to change software. If you dislike MDI,
that is your opinion, removing MDI would "radically change how the
product works" (your words). You could always take your own advice
and "go elsewhere" as you so succinctly put it.   :^)

One reason (IMHO) that the PC platform is so great, is the immensely
diverse selection of software. You can't please everyone all the time,
that's why we have options. 

*** It is not my intention to start a platform bashing thread here, so
we'll leave that lie.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A bunch of bunnies hopping backwards:  a receding hare line.

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Re: All About TheBat

2000-01-10 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Jast, 

You're right, my bad. I just rounded off. The first message to
go out on TBUDL was 29 Aug 1998 (almost a year and a half )

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 at 16:31:52 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
J> Couple years..? TBUDL in it's several instances hasn't been active
J> for even two years, not even one and a half, IIRC :-D

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A one-bit brain with a parity error. 

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Re: Interview with RITLabs! Finally!

2000-01-10 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Leif, 

On Tue, 11 Jan 2000 at 06:13:39 [GMT +0900], you wrote:
ST> Yes, that is true. It will be possible to extend The Bat! using
ST> DLLs AND scripts.

This I am very, very happy about. Please leave the core alone (except
for bug fixes) and use plugins for HTML and news.

[on newsreader]
ST> I think so. We still have not decided on what it will look like -
ST> as a plug-in or as a built-in function...

Please, please, please make it a plugin. I read newgroups maybe once a
month, and only if I'm looking for something specific. Give us the
option to use it or not.

[on threading by reference]
ST> Yes. We did not do it in the current version because of the
ST> message base format...

Thank you very much!

[on scripting]
ST> Of course :-) This is one of the primary objectives...

This I'm excited about, I can handle scripting.

[on HTML sending]
ST> Yes.

ehhh, so-so on this. As a plugin, it would be nice.

LG>> and viewing href'd images?

ehhh, so-so on this too. I guess it'll be nice to see an HTML page as
it was intended, but long as it doesn't go trying to connect to the
Internet when I want to read it off-line.

LG>> - Will v2.0 fully support MAPI?
ST> Yes.


[on v2 filesize]
ST> Well, I hope that it will be smaller than v1.xx executable, but I
ST> cannot really predict anything on this subject.

I'm dubious, but you've all surprised me in the past.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A 1200 baud brain attached to a 28800 baud mouth.

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2000-01-10 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 at 22:26:18 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
SL> As opposed to randomly choosing between the multiple minimized
SL> windows at the bottom of the MDI application (which can be
SL> hidden)? It is identical except that the multiple minimized
SL> windows show less text that the task bar when the person using the
SL> task bar keeps it clean.

Who said anything about minimizing? Either way, I don't have twelve or
so buttons on my taskbar that have no business being there in the
first place. The taskbar IMO is for easily moving between applications
(especially when they are maximized), I don't need twelve IE buttons
hogging up the space.

Try this test.

Open Opera, cascade twelve pages.
Open five other applications and maximize them
Now open twelve instances of IE and tile those.

Which browser is easier to use?

If my Opera cascaded windows get out of whack, SHIFT-F5 fixes them.
Try that with twelve IEs and five other apps.

At any rate this has gotten OT. I'd be glad to continue this privately
or on if you'd still like it public.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
To keep milk from turning sour, keep it in the cow.

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We've moved! - was Re: SOT: MDI

2000-01-11 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

Steve, can you read? Which part of taking this off-line did you not

This thread is dead-horse. Anyone interested in following Steve and my
mud-wrestling  can see and/or participate at:

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A bad Trek episode beats the best Melrose Place anyday!

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Interview with RITLabs! Finally!

2000-01-10 Thread Leif Gregory
in filters?


LG> - Will version 2.0 fully support HTML both in sending,


LG> and viewing href'd images?

This will be possible when we will write our own Web browser - I
guess, this is a topic for another interview, but you should wait for
it for several months :-)

LG> - Will v2.0 support hooks for virus scanning attachments to messages?


LG> - Will v2.0 fully support MAPI?


LG> - Will IMAP(4) support be improved ??

Absolutely. This is another big improvement planned for version 2.

LG> - How big (filesize) do you expect v2.0 to be?

Well, I hope that it will be smaller than v1.xx executable, but I
cannot really predict anything on this subject.

LG> - How much do you expect v2.0 to cost?

I think the price will not be much higher than that of v1.xx

LG> How much will the upgrade from v1.x cost?

It depends on many factors. We will make the decision about this when
we start Gamma-testing. :-)

LG> I just got two friends of mine to register TB a couple of days
LG> ago. Is there any special provisions for upgrading these people
LG> who buy it so close to the v.2 release date?

Yes, I think so. But this is my personal opinion which can be
different to my colleagues' opinion. Let we talk about it when the
release date will be really VERY close. :-)

LG> - How many of the items on the wish list are going to be addressed in
LG>   v2.0 that I didn't cover above?

I really cannot answer this question now, because v2 is going to be
very different. What I can say now is that I personally promise to
read the wish list carefully and do my best in fulfilling all wishes
(I think other our guys would agree with me).


Leif Gregory

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
I'd have a really cool .sig, but right now I can't even remember my
own damn name.

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Re: Scoring

2000-01-11 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Steve, 

On Tue, 11 Jan 2000 at 01:03:46 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
SL> Scoring is a filtering system (hush and listen, I know TB! has
SL> filtering) whereby the filters assign a score to a newsgroup
SL> article based on the rules provided in the score.

Good explanation Steve. You've convinced me that scoring is useful. I
think someone said X-news uses scoring (could be wrong). I'll go take
a look.


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
$HOME = /dev/null. 

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Off-topic posts.

2000-01-11 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

Steve and I are discussing OT posts (off-list). I've noticed lately
that there has been a huge jump in list traffic that is OT.

So please see the below.

 I've said it before many times,
and I'll say it again. If a discussion has strayed into the OT realm,
please move it off-list. www.takeitofflist is a very, very simple and
quick way to set up an off-list discussion. You don't have to use it,
but it's the easiest way I've found. They even provide the option to
have e-mail you any posts. You can reply using
TB, and then cut and paste the reply into the takeitoffline reply
window. It's simple and you don't have to remind yourself to go check
the thread to see if any new posts have been made.

You all don't have to wait for one of the list moderators to declare
a dead horse either. Everybody here should be able to recognize one
when they see it. Please take those off-list as well.


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
The cause of perfume disappearing is evaporation.  Evaporation
gets blamed for a lot of things people forget to put the top on.

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Re: Message base garbage detected.

2000-01-11 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Douglas, 

Go to the TBUDL FAQ at: and see the "Messages"

On Tue, 11 Jan 2000 at 19:30:08 [GMT -0600], you wrote:
DMH>Message base garbage detected. Broken data is saved to

DMH>Please contact your tech support about repairing the message base.

DMH> That's what's happening. I also can't save messages or download mail.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Wasn't abused as a child, but should have been. 

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Re: Steve Lamb 101

2000-01-13 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Angel, 

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000 at 18:51:08 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
A> Hi all, and Nick,

A> I am *not* a member of the *I hate Steve* fan club (Hate is such a strong word 
A> I just think there is a lot of frustration in the air.
[snipped lots of mushy stuff]

Ok everybody, group hug!

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: Rogue Galary (was:Re: Steve Lamb 101)

2000-01-13 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Oleg, 

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000 at 15:13:45 [GMT +0400], you wrote:
R>>> anybody got more info on that?
R>>> (who to contact, site-url,...)

TF>> Mail it to Leif Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

OZ> And where can I see them?

The rogues gallery is accessible via the TBUDL FAQ page, but here is
the direct URL as well.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A 'language' is a dialect with an army.

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Re: SOT: Download tools (was Re: The Bat! Registration - Strange....)

2000-01-16 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Syafril, 

On Mon, 17 Jan 2000 at 03:14:36 [GMT +0700], you wrote:
SH> Yes, my favourite is Jetcar (, because it's
SH> small (around 700K), and having "split download utility" (up to 10
SH> split file), set maximum download speed (so I still have enough
SH> bandwith for mail, browse etc), run behind proxy ...and it's
SH> freeware.

JetCar is my favorite too. I've run multiple D/L tests with it against
GoZilla and Getright, with Jetcar always being faster. I love the split
download capability.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 Beta/1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A belly button keeps you butt from falling off.

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Re: Shortcut key list?

2000-01-22 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Juergen, 

On Sat, 22 Jan 2000 at 17:23:28 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
JF> did you look here: ?
JF> Pay attention to that point: "Is their a compiled list of keyboard
JF> shortcuts?"

Thanks to Denis Petelin, version 1.11b of the keyboard shortcuts is
available at the above URL for both English and Russian.

BTW, I haven't played with page coding too much, so someone with a
Russian capable browser please take a look at the Russian version and
tell me if it displays correctly.


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A belly button keeps you butt from falling off.

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Re: Shortcut key list?

2000-01-22 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Douglas, 

On Sat, 22 Jan 2000 at 13:08:00 [GMT -0600], you wrote:
DH> I know someone posted a url for undocumented TB! commands but I
DH> don't see the bookmark it. I show this:
DH> but that's not it. Got
DH> it:


Version 1.11b is at the following URLs now:


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A modest little person, with much to be modest about. -- Churchill 

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Re: Shortcut key list?

2000-01-23 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Douglas, 

On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 at 02:14:22 [GMT -0600], you wrote:
DH> Which I thank him for. However, many of these commands don't
DH> function for my Latin American Spanish language keyboard.
DH> Question: Is anybody working on deciphering those differences? The
DH> multilingual support in TB is a strong point in it's favor to me,
DH> but this *should* be extended to it's logical conclusive, I
DH> believe. Once again: Can we expect anything to that effect any
DH> time soon?

I don't know of anything definite, but many TBUDLers and TBBETAers put
in a good deal of volunteer effort. If you can't find anyone already
working on it, maybe you could give it a shot.

I realize that everyone has a finite amount of time to devote to
volunteer work, but it's one of the greatest assets that RITLabs has
going for it.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Books you'll never see; Children's book of pop-up anatomy.

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Re: Off-line button with bug?

2000-01-23 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Thomas, 

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 at 01:57:37 [GMT +0800], you wrote:
TF> Can someone confirm this?

Off and on I have played with these settings, and have never been
able to get it to only do the periodical checking when already
on-line. I just tried it again, and the same thing.

TF> Furthermore, if you do want periodical connections and after a
TF> while change your mind and disable it (at least in the main
TF> account), the disabling is only recognized after to close and
TF> restart TB. Without restart, periodical connection will continue.

You can do this without restarting TB. You have to go to:
Options / Show Dial-up Monitor / Show Always

Then select the Queue tab / highlight all the entries / click the
Delete button / click Hide.

Of course, it might be faster to restart anyway!  Unless there
is a keyboard shortcut to bring it up, but I haven't seen one.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
We are NOT surrounded. We're just in a target-rich environment.

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Re: Shortcut key list?

2000-01-23 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Nick, 

On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 at 08:42:28 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
NA> Leif, I was looking through the List of keyboard shortcuts, and
NA> didn't see a listing for parking and un-parking addresses in the
NA> Editor's drop down History List via the space bar? Could that be
NA> included?

I don't see why not. Please send your requests for additions to the
shortcuts list to Dimitry Potapenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, as he is the
keeper of this.


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A "running mate" is a husband who dared to talk back.

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Re: Submission forms

2000-01-23 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Jast, 

On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 at 17:41:23 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
J> So now my question: Does anybody here use the submission forms, or
J> can give me some examples for the effective use of these? I'm a
J> little lost on where to start with this...

When they first showed up a while back, there were all sorts of people
trying to get these working. The first problem that was encountered
was that you had to have the internal (batpgpxx.dll) as well as PGP
installed. This has to do with the fact that the submission forms
require signing.

I'm pretty sure that this is still the case, and in the help file
there is an example submission form which you can cut and paste to a

We (the moderators) had even considered doing submission forms as a
form of feedback to TBUDL/TBBETA for submissions to the wish list,
FAQ, and shortcuts list. However, we didn't want to require everyone
to have to install PGP just for that purpose.

If we could get around that to where submission forms could be created
that didn't require signing, then I'd implement them in a heartbeat.
They appear to be fairly straightforward in their implementation.

I can come up with a few good uses for submission forms for things

- Retrieving current banking statements
- Trouble tickets for tech support
- Member price list requests (for e-commerce that maintains a public
  price list and a member one.)
- Intranet information requests.
- etc...

However, for these to work, the server (the place you are requesting
the above from) must have the support for these facilities.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Guillotining him would make only an aesthetic difference. 

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Re: Off-line button with bug?

2000-01-23 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Jast, 

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 at 05:31:38 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
>> Off and on I have played with these settings, and have never been
>> able to get it to only do the periodical checking when already
>> on-line. I just tried it again, and the same thing.

J> . went online, started TB
J> . checked periodical checking and set it for every minute
J> . it worked

I never had a problem with that. What I don't want, is for it to
periodically check when I'm *offline*.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A 1200 baud brain attached to a 28800 baud mouth.

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Re: Off-line button with bug?

2000-01-24 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Jast, 

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 at 15:18:23 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
>>>> Off and on I have played with these settings, and have never been
>>>> able to get it to only do the periodical checking when already
J>   I guess I kinda overread this word :-)

np!  after taking a look at what I had written, it wasn't
exactly one of my finer English writing moments.

J> I understand now. However, with this I don't have any problems as
J> well. It doesn't dial in to check anyway...

I'm going to have to play with it some more. Probably something stupid
I'm overlooking. I'm really good at doing that. :^)

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Guillotining him would make only an aesthetic difference. 

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Re: Submission forms

2000-01-24 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Thomas, 

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 at 11:51:22 [GMT +0800], you wrote:
TF> If this purpose for submission forms is incorrect, I haven't
TF> understood what they are for. In some cases (banking), a signature
TF> would be required, in other cases (bug report), not.

You pretty much got it. I agree that in certain situations, a signed
"form" is not needed, which would be a great boon to me as I could
create forms for the FAQ, shortcuts, wishlist etc.

TF> What do you mean by "the server must have support for these
TF> facilities"?

By support, I mean that if the server (the recipient of your form)
doesn't have filters/database/autoresponder etc. Then they won't do
anything for you (unless some human intervenes.) You are correct in
that the form we see is just a formatting tool for a cleartext
message. The recipient must have a means for extracting the
information from the message to perform some function and return a

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Needs his sleeves lengthened by a couple of feet so they can be tied
in the back. 

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Re: Submission forms

2000-01-24 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Jast, 

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 at 16:49:22 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
J> I'm not sure if I understood you: You need both the internal as
J> well as an additional external PGP installed? I did understand they
J> need singing from the help, but not quite sure why you would need
J> another PGP.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that
the batpgpxxx.dll only provides a means for getting PGP functionality
under TB. It isn't the full blown PGP, so you must have a version of
PGP actually installed in addition to having the .dll in the TB

J>  I saw, it just would have no practical function, I fear.

To some people maybe, for me it could be useful in that I am an
American living overseas in Japan, so having a current exchange rate
could be useful. Although, truth be told, I would really just switch
on the TV to get it. 

J> That poses the question: How would I find out if they support the
J> forms, that is, ensuring they know what I mean when I ask them
J> about it? 

I sort of answered this in another message, but let's use the exchange
rate request form in the TB help file for example.

Let's say bank A has the necessary filters/scripts/database/parser
necessary to extract the information needed from your form message to
actually give you a meaningful reply, but bank B does not have this
automation. In this case, bank A would be pretty much fully automated,
and if they have a persistent connection to the Internet, you would
get a response back in very short order. With bank B however, you
would have to wait for a human to intervene to get the information
back to you.

I just reread your question, and realized that I didn't really answer
your question. I would suggest that you contact whoever it is that you
wish to use form messages with and ask if they have any autoresponders
set up to provide the information you need based on keywords in your
e-mail. If so, then it is a simple matter of having a form that
formats the message in a way that their autoresponders can understand.

I don't know how widespread the "form" usage is, nor how supported it
is. I've never really run across any place that said they do it this
way. Then again, I never looked either.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.39 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Flashlight:  A case for holding dead batteries.

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Re: Submission forms

2000-01-25 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Max, 

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000 at 13:44:28 [GMT +0200], you wrote:
MM> Submission forms require internal PGP implementation, but you need
MM> not any additional dlls - everything is inside thebat.exe

MM> Examples are attached. Hope you find them useful. But, before
MM> installing them, import office.txt PGPkey.

Hmmm, I must be doing something wrong. I imported your PGP keys and
signed them, but whenever I try to add the forms, I get an invalid

Any ideas?

I have the international PGP v5.5 installed and the Thebat pgp dll as

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 / Beta1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Percussive maintenance - The fine art of slapping the crap out of an
electronic device to get it in working order again.

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Re: Submission forms

2000-01-25 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Max, 

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000 at 23:07:09 [GMT +0200], you wrote:
MM> Oh, sorry for my previous message... Sure, I do have the idea! As
MM> said, submission forms work with internal PGP implementation only!
MM> Select "Tools/Pgp/Choose Version"..

Ahhh, this does indeed look like the problem. I can't seem to figure
out how to use my existing keyring with the TB internal version, so
until I can do that, I'll have to wait to test the submission forms.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 / Beta1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Percussive maintenance - The fine art of slapping the crap out of an
electronic device to get it in working order again.

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Re: Submission forms

2000-01-26 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Jast, 

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000 at 06:12:09 [GMT +0100], you wrote:
J>  Thanks, but...

J> I imported the PGP-key and added the forms. Now this may sound
J> stupid, but I still have no idea how to use them. I see them in the
J> submission forms menu window, but all I can do with them is delete
J> them from there again... Am I doing something wrong?

Click on Message from the TB toolbar, and select a form under "Submit
a Form" slide box.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 / Beta1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
 A BIG ROCK>>>>>>me<<<<<
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Re: Displaying Digest results in line

2000-02-01 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Alexander, 

On Sun, 30 Jan 2000 at 21:48:28 [GMT +0300], you wrote:
>> In version 2 ;-)

AVK> This answer is not an answer at all... I didn't ask "where", I
AVK> did ask "when";-)

According to Stefan during the interview, we may have a beta sometime
in February. Whether this is still true or not, I don't know.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 / Beta1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Books you'll never see; Children's book of pop-up anatomy.

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Anybody else notice?

2000-02-03 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello everybody,

That Phil guy is a strange character.

Looking at his e-mail address (which he changed during the
"discussion"), you see this: 1l2i3h4P56d7a8B

Remove numbers:
1ihP daB

Reverse line:
Bad Phil

Don't ask me why I noticed that!?!?

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 / Beta1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its burial cost and
blamed it on the cost of living.

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Re: Anybody else notice?

2000-02-03 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Angel, 

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 at 14:31:28 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
A> And if the fact I don't use my real name on this list goes against
A> list rules? I am sorry.. & I'll resign from it. :(

Aack! I wish people would stop saying that. If you didn't see the
rule in the subscription receipt, then rest assured that we're not
going to pounce a new one on you just because. I'm sure they will
evolve over time, but so far the basic rules have served us very well.

There are no rules against using nicknames (provided that they aren't

I've been on mailing lists and discussion boards since the mid '80s
(BBSs before the Internet of course), and nicks (or handles) have
almost always been acceptable. There were a few BBSs and UDLs I've
been on that banned them, but TBUDL and TBBETA are not one of them.

Just because a person does not choose to divulge their real name on
the Internet, doesn't mean they have something to hide (other than
their privacy.)

To some people, privacy is very important. It's their right to keep
their names private.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 / Beta1 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
"Body by Fisher -- brains by Mattel." 

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Re: Message autoview window

2000-02-04 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Tony, 

For those of you who didn't like my tiara, I edited it out in the new
pic on the rogues gallery. 

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
 A BIG ROCK>>>>>>me<<<<<
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Wish List

2000-02-06 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

This may have already come out on this list, but just in case it

Konstantin has done a really nice job on the new wish-list site. He's
made it very easy to add your wish.

Please go to: to add your wish.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
I'd have a really cool .sig, but right now I can't even remember my
own damn name.

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Re: Wish List

2000-02-06 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Allie, 

On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 at 05:34:50 [GMT  -0500], you wrote:
AM> Nice. BTW, when I created the shortcut the generated page name was
AM> "The Bat! Wish Bone" and not "The Bat! Wish Zone". :))) Was that
AM> intentional?? Also, what happened to the previous wishes or are we
AM> starting afresh?

Yeah, I wondered about the "bone" too! We will be pretty much starting
fresh. No one has a recent copy of the wish-list, so we decided to
start over.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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Re: Account/Email recovery help needed :D

2000-02-07 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Angel, 

On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 at 21:55:26 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
A> Got a question: After reinstalling TB! after a major crash, my
A> boyfriend went thru to re-setup all the accounts to what they were
A> before crash. The first one he tried got an error, that the mailbox
A> had been corrupted. It is saved as a file "???bad.tmp". Every other
A> account has been re-setup fine, just that one got "corrupted". :/

Bad Angel! Bad, bad Angel. You didn't check the TBUDL FAQ page did

Try <> under the "Messages"

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A one-bit brain with a parity error. 

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Re: The Bat! - suggestions : Priority Level

2000-02-09 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Syafril, 

Speaking of which, I had a cpl of run ins with one of the guys from
this place. I'm forwarding those to you Syafril.

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000 at 18:50:05 [GMT +0700], you wrote:
SH> LOL...
SH> I  and  Marck still have copy of the Advertising, do you want me to send
SH> it to you privately ? :-).

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Always sharpening his sleeping skills. 

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Re: TB MAPI Compliant ?

2000-02-29 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Nick, 

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 at 11:03:57 [GMT -0800], you wrote:
NA> Thanks Marek... I'll pass that along. BTW, what exactly is meant
NA> by MAPI support? What will/can it do that TB doesn't already do?

You can read the interview with RITLabs which talks quite a bit about
the capabilities to be included in v.2 at:


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright
until you hear them speak.

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Re: Beta URL

2000-02-29 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Gary, 

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 at 14:19:54 [GMT -0600], you wrote:
G> Could someone gave me the URL for the beta site for download? For
G> some reason, I have been unable to locate it recently. Thanks in
G> advance.


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

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Re: TB MAPI Compliant ?

2000-02-29 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello Simon, 

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 at 21:31:51 [GMT +], you wrote:
S> When exactly was this interview? How long ago? Just interested to
S> see how long we should expect to wait for v2.

January 11th, 2000 was it's final post date. The interview actually
started somewhere around the 1st I think.

Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 Beta/3 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming. 

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