Re: [tw5] "I moved to Discourse" - add your name too?

2021-08-26 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi Tony,

I honestly didn't read your reply as a complaint but thought mine may have
sounded that way or offended someone. Misunderstandings and confusion are
now a cloud that surrounds not only me but all those who dare try to
interpret what I am attempting to express as well LOL and a good reason to
keep that picture handy! Anyway, after looking at discourse (I hadn't even
peeked) and seeing I can go there and find out what is happening from time
to time without even setting up an account and knowing Jeremy is behind
this, I see nothing to worry about. I like sticking to the core and
avoiding addons as much as possible anyway.

Thanks Jeremy for letting me know what's happening and you are behind this.
I am so sorry to hear you had to deal with this bug! We do not want you in
my shape, get or stay well whichever best applies!

So, If it helps? I have been pretty much just lurking since 2014 when all
this stuff happened to me anyway and regretfully right in the middle of a
group effort with many here to build an add on for TW5 that would fulfill a
very specific need in education and I see has now been done ( a moodle
extension using scorm or whatever they are calling it now)! I am so happy
to see that but feel I had to let down many and regretfully it's of little
use to me now (no longer able to teach). The purpose I had was to use on
very limited tablets, in correctional (prison) systems, to get around the
fact that they had no internet access, only a browser for email, but with
TW5 would be able to pull and receive data from a learning
management server on site which I had already established, allowing
the teacher and student to track progress etc. I do appreciate and
apologize to all here that were in that group when this happened; it did
present capabilities far beyond my use in a greater educational role as
well and we were all very excited about it at the time. My stroke and brain
tumor came out of nowhere (I can't even remember if I was able to let
anyone here know about it). My first surgery I came out OK but not right,
requiring a second that really did some damage but I am one of a very few
who have survived everything that happened to me I am told. I am still in a
fight trying to recover memories, and some of the very basic abilities I
had before like simply playing my guitar for relaxation (I was a
professional musician for decades before teaching full time). Administering
a network much less teaching others to do so is definitely never going to
be an option again (or working for that matter the cloud of confusion is
very real. Cognitive abilities tested and with everything else surrounding
this I am no longer able to work in any setting. I am now on
full disability just trying to write this is taking an eternity). We had an
awesome team but it serves as a great example of why not to get married to
any platform including Goole. Perhaps if our GG here can be exported that
would be wise? We were using something I think G+ or Google+ but whatever
it was is now gone and all that was communicated within it. I would hate to
see that happen here regardless of platform and know you guys
definitely know what's going on now better than I do.

I read these condensed email updates weekly and then only occasionally the
full threads within them when I think there might be something I need to
know or I can use. I am not sure (memory is really bad) but I think my only
posts in the last several years and maybe since my surgeries were just
about this particular subject anyway. Fighting change for changes sake and
my ability to cope with it LOL. The last thing I would want to see happen
and I sure others with similar problems agree would be to see anything
hinder TW5 development and beyond. Jermey is the master of making the
complicated simple (seriously Jeremy you would make a great teacher if you
were not such an awesome developer!) so far all releases have been
pretty self explanatory as far as basic functionality goes anyway
especially with his release notes and the help he and everyone here or
later there in discourse provides. So until I really need to communicate I
will probably just lurk there as I have here and search threads on both to
find answers to any questions I may have. Almost always anything I might
have a question about has already been asked and answered anyway. You guys
are awesome and I want you to know that despite what I can or can not do I
am 100% behind all of you!


On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 7:17 PM TW Tones  wrote:

> Birthe/Strike,
> I hope Ed did not think "I thought he was complaining". I think my
> argument points out the new platform will be valuable to everyone, and is
> important, despite the pain of change. In fact it is really important Ed
> and Charlie etc.. understand I will help in any way I can.
> Some of these improvements will help reduce cognitive load once we have
> them working, like being able to have a Wiki Post that we can all edit
> which ultimately 

Re: [tw5] "I moved to Discourse" - add your name too?

2021-08-24 Thread Ed Dixon
[image: My Brain.jpg]

Thank You! I do have trouble communicating my thoughts clearly and keep
this photo on my phone when I run into situations where I think I may need
to explain why (they do this yearly and there has been no change in the 3/4
inch diameter hole in a very big head LOL). I am not looking for pity but
hoping to help make your point. We are all using TiddlyWiki with our own
understanding and skills. You are also absolutely right, the condensed
updates are as much or more than I can handle personally as is (you guys
are way too busy!) LOL. I keep up with these just to make sure what few
plugins I use are not known or expected to break as TW evolves. Also, I
think it is important that Jeremy has a say in which he wants to use.
Realizing of course the real discussion is happening in GIT but all of that
is way over my head now anyway. Still his announcements about new features
and explanations on how to use those when questions come up here as well as
the base TiddlyWiki without addons or plugins (or at least as minimal a set
as possible) have been extremely helpful to me. So where he goes I need to
go because he knows when he adds new features he needs to make the
explanations and use of them as intuitive and user friendly (there's an old
term!) as possible and most likely with those explanations in mind.
TiddlyWiki itself is the best example that I can think of due to its
simplicity in a way. It has amazing capabilities but an ease of use
unparalleled by programs that have almost none of the customization
capabilities allowing it to be used as needed. I have seen efforts to write
books and manuals fail not due to a lack of effort, knowledge, or ability
but a lack of being able to keep up with the pace TW5 evolves which is an
amazing example of how much work Jeremy and those who help him have
put into this over the years! To me this group does represent a record of
all that effort and progress he might prefer continues here?

But not trying to argue for or against with anyone. LOL I know longer have
those skills either (happily). I am Just trying to keep up, which is
probably a fool's errand anyway but, also offer a reminder that unless
there is a fork planned I personally feel no one should just take the
community he has built here and put it over there without him at least
being a part of that decision.


On Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 10:20 PM <> wrote:

> Tony,
> Ed did not complain. He would not like to miss totally out on the group
> and is afraid that will happen! Explained that his need was to receive
> email summary as that is the only way it would be possible for him to enjoy
> the part possible for him to use. The question was not about the reasoning
> for some to want the move - but: "Will I be able to receive email summary
> from this new group - and if so, can someone help me get it set up?"
> Just as when you asked for a couple of days, why you were not able to
> login and get writing in the new group - and asked repeatedly to get help
> from moderators to be able to write to the group. (Sure easy to sign up -
> you now write). Other people have other problems, and not everyone has all
> of your expertise in using all sorts of groups at a professional level.
> As a promoter for the move and now a leader in the new group prepare for
> questions like this - and be happy when they are asked. This group is large
> and lots of users have used it for years - but have special needs to be
> able to do so.  If questions like this is not met with answers - those
> users will just be sorry and give up without telling you - and have lost
> yet another thing in life. Please remember that someone's gain is often
> happening while others loose out.
> We know that quite some users of this group -found ways to keep using
> Tiddlywiki and this group. And at. some point explained their special needs
> and why they needed a solution. Poor eyesight or blindness has been one of
> them.
> I would think that promoting the discourse group - why not make it clear -
> can you use the group directly from receiving emails - emails summary. Can
> you use the group fully if your only way of being able is using a screen
> reader?
> Others have written earlier about having difficulty with busy screens,
> moving parts - and lot of colour - lots of changing screens with shifting
> layouts - and even more I cannot remember now. Explain how to use it for
> those - if possible.
> If people with special needs are not in the target group for the the new
> group - save time and explain why.
> Please think about it - and ask people to explain their problems - and try
> to find solutions. Use those points in the promotion.  Plenty of telling it
> is beautiful, easy, what some wants etc. I think most have read that by now.
> And the questions have to be asked before your wished making this group
> read only - because afterwards - you will never know.
> Who 

Re: [tw5] "I moved to Discourse" - add your name too?

2021-08-23 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi All,

Unless Jeremy plans to do the same sorry but no thanks and even then 
probably not. Other than it being a perhaps more feature rich, and newer 
platform is there really a burning need to make this switch now? I know its 
been debated here for a long time and have read the arguments both for and 
against but this sounds as though it is being forced upon us regardless of 
Jeremys reluctance to do so for some reason. Maybe google has announced it 
is killing off groups, Jeremy has decided it is for the best, or something 
else I am unaware of? (very possible I suffer from brain damage and am no 
longer really in the know anymore, but do rely on getting these emails to 
try and stay up on developments with TiddlyWiki and the plugin work being 
done). I can still use TiddlyWiki to great advantage but no longer have the 
ability to write plugins or do many things I used to do before. Anything 
new is pretty much impossible for me to learn. Will discourse offer these 
email updates like the one I am responding to here and will those of us who 
choose not to join discourse (my mind is unable to learn new things) be 
registered to receive those if this is done or will I need to register my 
email address in their site in order to keep these condensed emails coming 
to me? I also feel there is a wealth of historical information in this 
group that would be a shame if not transferred over (perhaps it has?) 
Anyway, I hope replying to "all" is the proper way to ask. If not I do 
apologize. Also, I am not being critical of this change just explaining my 
inability to do this and feel it is pointless unless Jeremy wants to make 
this change as well. If so I guess this group can still stand as an archive 
of all the history and work that has been done to get us here and if it 
offers that condensed email capability then maybe. I DO NOT want an email 
for every post being made thats is an absolute! 

On Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 9:21:36 AM UTC-5 TW Tones wrote:

> JW Are you on the specific instance of discourse? 
> Regards
> Tones
> On Sunday, 22 August 2021 at 20:55:10 UTC+10 JWHoneycutt wrote:
>> Signed up for Discourse - can't find any hits when searching "TiddlyWiki" 
>> - did I just lose access to the community?
>> JWH
>> On Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 10:23:29 PM UTC-4 
>> wrote:
>>> Definitely moving over to the Discourse community. See you all there!
>>> Best,
>>> Joshua Fontany
>>> On Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 3:42:18 PM UTC-7 Scott Simmons 
>>> (Secret-HQ) wrote:
 I've created a profile on and am delighted with 
 the interface there.  I'll try to ask questions and create new threads 
 there rather than here, though I guess I'll be drawn back to Google Groups 
 is that's where the conversation flows.  (For my part, I'm hoping it moves 
 to Talk.TW)


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[tw5] Re: [Comment] My Ongoing Irritations with Google Groups

2021-05-31 Thread Ed Dixon
This has been an ongoing topic forever! Just my 2 cents but we appear to be 
having a pretty good "discourse" in here on this subject right now. The 
accumulated knowledge and history of TW is right here in one place (other 
than GIT of course) easily searchable and while I am sure there maybe 
better alternatives out there, I personally just do not see the benefit in 
moving the entire community to a new platform even if it were possible to 
move the information stored here with it (possibly losing a few users in 
the process) not to mention the effort it would take to manage some of 
these other alternatives where this is set and forget basically no patching 
required, no server costs or server maintenance, and all eyes are on as far 
as spam monitoring etc? It maybe possible or is being done, but it would be 
good to know all the information contained in this is archived and could be 
moved to another platform if needed but until needed why would we want to 
move to a different platform when this has worked fine for I have no idea 
how many years but plenty I am sure. GG isn't perfect no doubt, "eat your 
own dog food" I have always been a big believer in but more so "if it ain't 
broke don't fix it". Again just my brain damaged humble opinion and 
admittedly ill informed to what alternatives are available but are they as 
time tested and reliable? (not that google isn't capable of just kill  it 
off at any time like they did G+ or what ever it was called but this has 
been around almost as long as Gmail itself I think?  Doubt its going 

On Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 4:03:20 PM UTC-5 Mark S. wrote:

> On Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 11:56:51 AM UTC-7 Mat wrote:
>> I don't know the details but I feel there is a general risk in being tied 
>> up in someone elses solution. Critical word is "tied up". Who owns the 
>> data? Even if we own the data, can it be exported? For free? Forever? Etc. 
> I'm just saying that if we changed up, rather than going for these 
> semi-broken ad-hoc solutions that were never meant to be a forum (which, as 
> I understand it, includes discord), why not use a resource that was 
> designed as a forum? 
> With you can export data, and based on past experience it will 
> likely warn anyone before they change policies. The "pro" version is 
> $200/year, which is still a lot less than $1200. I'm running a nearly 2000 
> member forum there (it used to be 2000+, but I'm not a great motivator ;-) 
> )  In any event, our data is tied up with GG, so no real change there.

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[tw5] Remove Specific content for export

2021-03-02 Thread Ed Dixon
I am sure there is a filter of some kind I should be able to come up with 
here but need a quick soltion and have learned to check this forum first 
rather than trying to recreate the wheel and my brain damage does not lend 
itself so well to doing this type of thing anymore anyway. I have a ton of 
canonnical URi's as well as iframed and embedded pdfs etc on my TW 
standalone file sitting on a notebook computer with all canonical and 
embeded files in a seperate folder that I do not need and do not link 
properly on my phone. It would be very convienient to have just the data 
from my TW on my phone without all that extra content. Is there any easy 
way to get rid of those in the export process or even after exporting them? 


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Re: [tw5] Re: combining and syncing Tiddlywiki and Moodle

2020-10-02 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi Jan,

Long time Moodle and TW5 fan here :) 

Years ago, several here many had joined me in a push to add the TinCan API 
LMS standard to TW5 and I think your vision here and mine are similar in 
how TW5 could be used. What we were working on could / should work well 
with any stanard based LMS that supports SCORM comliance (Moodle amoung 
them). For me, my staff and I were in a blended learning environment so the 
goal was the students would have the materials to work with at home just as 
they would in class on Moodle and the TinCan API (which is a revision of 
the SCORM standard) when back in class could refresh those with new 
materials after importing the scorm data from the previous period. This 
would allow the teachers to track progress of the students work with those 
materals (time on task, simple self quizes, etc). We made a lot of headway 
and had not only many here from our community but also many other 
interested educators on board even a few from ADL which develops the SCORM 
standard. The API had a javascript implementation but there was an issue of 
using it with how the TW core was designed at that time. Regretfully 
shortly after we started all this a brain tumor was discovered and I ended 
up having 2 surgeries and am still trying to recover, no longer teaching, 
on full diability due to brain damage, and my memory is so fuzzy I am doing 
really well to remember any of this! I can only hope it makes sense LOL and 
that is probably only because it was so important to me then and would have 
been a huge help to all of us. I now use TW5 mainly as a journal to help me 
in my recovery. 

Anyway, Jeremy was very involved in the effort and was working to provide 
support needed from the TW5 core for the API implementation. How far he got 
toward that (or others here with other solutions) I am not sure. I would 
love to see that goal fullfilled for all those involved and after having 
made such a big noise about it all. Hopefully Jeremy can shed some light on 
the possibility of doing it now but affraid other than just letting you 
know this I can't be of much more help. 

As far as the effectivness of moodle over some of the other solutions 
mentioned here I have no idea (especially now) but to me then one of the 
bigger advantages of Moodle over the other LMS programs at that time was it 
ease in importing the digital materials and tests provided from the 
publishers directly into the system largly due to the LMS standards Moodle 
supports. I would not advocate using TW5 for test evaluaions but in 
tracking student progress and providing them resources and identifying 
learning oppurtuniies and weaknesses it would be a game changer. Or at 
least would have been back then that was at least 5-6 years ago so I have 
no idea what may be out there now.

Hope this is helpfull and Jeremy is following.
On Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 9:35:57 AM UTC-5 Ste wrote:

> I think the overriding factor for moodle choice is it's free! But Google 
> classroom is so much better 
> Get yourself a Pearltrees account (free one available you can n work as 
> teams in it... and has the advantage that its yours! Here's mine 
> Upload your docs and collect your 
> bookmarks to build up your resources. Iframe embed that into your moodle 
> through a label. It looks slick. Look at my moodle you can say... People 
> will say ooohhh... It Is 'in the moodle' but means you don't have to 
> wrestle with the moodle apart from setting assignments which isn't too 
> painful... Though I did give up trying to set up a self marking maths 
> questions... (it's in there!) 
> Iframe embed permalinks from your tidliwikis. This will save you much 
> stress. 
> Another thing I used to do was host assignment docs etc. in drop box and 
> link to them from the moodle. I had a sycronisation program from 
> (quietly install without bothering the nice IT dept) 
> which copied folders from my work cloud drive to my hard drive every hour 
> and the folder it copied into was my Dropbox folder so any updates to 
> assignments... Spelling correction... Date change.. Clarification.. would 
> be live to the students in at most an hour. 
> So use the moodle but drive your content in it from external sources. 
> The label is your friend :)
> On Thursday, 1 October 2020 at 13:39:35 UTC+1 Jan wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> I have to admit what you say is ture... compared to TW moodle is 
>> complicated and clumpsy. 
>> Preparing a course for the next semester is a drag.
>> But it alllows you to organize and engage students into tasks and collect 
>> their results in a very concise way.  I guess that is why the school-board 
>> took this choice.
>> And for me as for most of those who work in institutions who use moodles 
>> it would not be the smartes carreer-option to disdain such a choice.
>> Therefore: The idea is not to switch to moodle but to be able to feed the 
>> moodle from TW and to save 

[tw5] Re: TiddlyTools/timer.html Calendar *** new options ***

2020-09-30 Thread Ed Dixon

This does look excellent! I have been looking for a good calendar that can 
replace the basic one I have been using and this looks perefect! Is it 
possible or can it automagicly import tiddlers from a tid file from my old 
TW but handle converting the dates to a US MM/DD/ format? Regretfully I 
did not change the format early on and have been using the default format 
but would love to convert these in the process of changing the calendar if 
that is possible. I hope the question makes sense I plan to export all tids 
in a .tid (or other if needed) file and import them into a new clean TW5 
with this calendar plugin activated but have concerns about the date format 
used particualraly in the journal tids.?


On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 2:46:38 AM UTC-5 danraymond wrote:

> Makes sense,
> I haven't myself changed any CSS. 
> However I am using Stroll and the Whitespace theme. Will see what I can 
> find. Any suggested way to hunt this down?
> ---edit
> After some experimentation seems all my modal boxes act the same way! 
> Not sure of next step
> On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 5:42:11 PM UTC+10, Eric Shulman wrote:
>> On Monday, September 28, 2020 at 11:52:45 PM UTC-7, danraymond wrote:
>>> Yes it's the one from the countdown.
>>> I don't get a "close" button. See image
>> Wow.  That is very odd.  A normal modal message display has three parts:
>>tc-modal-header, tc-modal-body, and tc-modal-footer.
>> For the Countdown modal message:
>>the tc-modal-header shows the name of the tiddler in which the timer 
>> occurs (i.e, "My Timers")
>>the tc-modal-body shows the countdown message text (i.e., "my message")
>>the tc-modal-footer shows the message box buttons (i.e., "close")
>> Your snapshot appears to be showing only the tc-modal-body.
>> I wonder if you have some CSS that is hiding the other parts.
>> -e

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[tw5] Re: How many of you use core TiddlyWIki?

2020-09-12 Thread Ed Dixon
I too try to stay with the core as much as possible. I agree with Talha131 
on this as it does describe my situation here pretty well. 

I no longer have the capacity to make extensive changes or adjust things 
for many of the awesome addons being produced to my needs due to brain 
damage but I do appreciate the hard work that goes into them. However prior 
to the brain surgeries, I used a lot of them and some became staples that I 
still find I can not get by with out.  I am using this primarially as a 
daily journal, photo album, and as a way to get memories back that were 
lost to me in all this. Some of those life defining moments were extreemly 
special to me and it us amazing to me that they were lost ever! Now that I 
have them again I am so thankful I even made the attempt (for me this was 
not easy). It has proven to be very useful in so many ways towards that 

A simple calendar and a way to create visual links and time lines are all 
that I really add. Tobias Calendar and Felix's tiddlymap along with the now 
included jounal which has been added to the core (so greatful for that!) 
are what I use so just those 2 plugins for me but, they are very essential 
to what I am doing specificly. Tiddlymap because it allows me to see 
realtionships visually and helps me understand how alot of these moments 
and memories link together. You can not remember what you have forgotten is 
such an understatment when they really are gone but, for me when I see 
those breaks in the chain sometimes my mind will bring those memories back 
which leads to even many more related to that one back. I have always had a 
huge appreciation for tiddlymap but so much more so now! THANK YOU FELIX!). 
It also helps me keep an eye on my own thought processes when used with the 
daily journal so if an issue is identified that I was not aware of, I can 
see it and work on it with my providers. I originally got involved with 
TiddlyWiki5 when I was teaching and used Tiddlymap for mind mapping prior 
to this so using that managed to stick. 

I am pretty sure we all have special use cases that require some 
customizations and plugins (even I do so thats a pretty safe bet) but if it 
were possible to have all that capability I definitly wouldn't want to add 
anything not essential to my needs. I know I am missing out on a lot of 
added new functiionality even from the core that could potentially help me 
like backlinks and other things I have been reading about here on the 
forums that sound so exciting and I could definitly use a calendar with a 
bit more funcitonality (such as adding links to the date cells from the 
daily jounals so I can see when an entry was made) but I have to keep it 
simple. The simpler the better and I can always look at the history to get 
to those prior entries.

To me this is the beauty of Jerrmey's creation here, the flexability 
provided and I know he always has one eye on that as he works towards 
trying to make it meet as many use cases as possible while not breaking 
backwards comaptability or of course the core itself LOL. It is truly a 
work of art as much as anything else! 

So in short No but would love too!

On Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 5:37:57 AM UTC-5 talha131 wrote:

> I  use the TW core version. 
> I also try to make sure I use as little third party plugins as possible. 
> Right now, I only have the ReLink plugin that is not in the core. Other 
> plugins like Katex and Highlight are in the core.
> You do not have to worry about a TW edition's lack of upgrades because it 
> will not stop working. The real issue is the bugs. If an edition is 
> bug-free and suits your needs, then you should use it.
> My motivation for using the core is to learn the customization process so 
> that down the line, I can create my personal TiddlyWiki edition. 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Announcing TiddlyWiki v5.1.12

2016-07-16 Thread Ed Dixon
Congrats Jeremy and team! Awesome as always!

On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 6:04:57 AM UTC-5, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
> I'm delighted to announce that TiddlyWiki version 5.1.12 has finally been 
> released to:
> Remember to keep careful backups before upgrading existing 5.x.x wikis at:
> This is a much bigger release than usual:
> * New text editor toolbars
> * New bitmap editor toolbars with usable drawing tools
> * Upgraded KaTeX and CodeMirror plugins
> * Experimental Evernote import by dragging .enex files
> * Added a bulk delete button to advanced search "Filter" tab
> * Introduction of the new WikifyWidget
> * New "internals" plugin that allows results of parsing and rendering to 
> be previewed
> * Many bug fixes
> See the release note at for more 
> details.
> Once again, this release has more contributors than ever before, including 
> quite a few first time contributors. My sincere thanks to everyone for 
> their help. 
> As usual, feedback and questions are gratefully received.
> Best wishes
> Jeremy
> -- 
> Jeremy Ruston

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Re: [tw] [TW5] SnapSVG plugin zoomable menu demo

2016-01-04 Thread Ed Dixon
I totally agree adds tons of potential new functionalities to 
TiddlyWiki! Not sure jQuery can be made to play nice but if so that would 
also resolve many other items I have been putting on hold here in order to 
see if a solution to integrate common frameworks like (and mainly) jQuery 
which dramatically reduce the overhead in the solutions I am designing. If 
anyone can find a way I am sure you 2 can. Please keep us posted of any 
progress with that! 

On Monday, January 4, 2016 at 12:51:11 PM UTC-7, Tobias Beer wrote:
> Wow,
> I just needed a reason to fiddle with jQuery in TW5. :D
> Now, that isometric cube example quite rings my bells.
> Best wishes,
> Tobias.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki Hangout #92 is about to start

2015-12-07 Thread Ed Dixon
Eric, please add me as another request to have the inside tiddlywiki 
skeleton mode available to create materials in. It would be great if it 
could spawn a cleaned version itself (please consider that a feature 
request if possible). I know you have put a ton of effort into adding 
authoring features that I think we can all benefit from. Thanks, Enjoyed 
the show here great work all! 

On Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 12:28:46 PM UTC-7, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Saturday, December 5, 2015 at 6:06:33 AM UTC-8, Matabele wrote:
>>  What I had in mind are easy mechanisms (preferably from within TW5) to 
>> do things like:
>> - revert a single tiddler to a previous version (useful for authors)
>> - recover a deleted tiddler 
>> The intention would not be to duplicate a versioning system, but rather 
>> to provide a UI from within TW5. Any ideas?
> For TWClassic, I did this:
> maybe it will spark some ideas for TW5. 
> The TiddlyTools Classic UndoPlugin maintains a "stack" of changes to 
> tiddlers.  Every time a tiddler is edited or deleted, the previous tiddler 
> definition is pushed onto the undo stack.  UndoPlugin provides a popup menu 
> that displays the stack, most recent changes first.  Selecting an item from 
> the stack restores all the saved tiddlers back to that point, effectively 
> reverting any changes (or deletions) you made after then.
> Note that the undo stack items are stored in memory, but are not written 
> into tiddler, and are not saved with the document.  It is *only* intended 
> to provide in-session persistence of changed data during the current 
> browser session.  When you exit the session, the undo stack is discarded.  
> enjoy,
> -e

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[tw] Re: TiddlyMap v0.9.11 released

2015-10-10 Thread Ed Dixon
My first post here in a  long time, just want to say amazing work Felix 
absolutely awesome! 

Thank you so much for the effort you have put into this I love it!

On Sunday, October 4, 2015 at 12:40:22 PM UTC-6, Felix Küppers wrote:
> To everybody who recently downloaded TiddlyMap, I suggest that you install 
> v0.9.11 (or later) as many bugs were fixed after v0.9 was first introduced.
> In case you do/did not follow the discussions at the TiddlyMap GitHub 
> repo, there is a new cut'n'paste feature included in v0.9 that allows you 
> to move/copy nodes between graphs. See 
> In case something doesn't work, there is a bug or something somehow seems 
> strange in the course of an installation, when doing an update or while 
> using TiddlyMap in general: Please always tell me (preferrably at GitHub) 
> so I am aware of it. Otherwise, I might not even know that the problem 
> exist as TiddlyMap has gotten quite complex and I cannot test all the 
> features all the time. Thanks.
> -Felix

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[tw] Re: Tiddly-Khan?

2015-05-23 Thread Ed Dixon
Sal Khan and Khan Academy supports our efforts at FLE and our Khan Academy 
Light product and they understand the importance of our mission knowing 
that a great number of the world's population are on low bandwidth 
connections or have no internet access at all. The tool Richard, I, and 
others here have envisioned could integrate with KA and other resources 
like them to provide learning and note taking resources where right now the 
students really have no resources at all so your efforts toward this are 
appreciated. The xAPI cohort for this season has ended and although we did 
not meet this goal we did learn a lot and met many fascinating people, 
groups, and industry leaders in this space and I think we primed to come in 
next season with some amazing tools that highlight just how amazing you 
folks are here in the TiddlyWIki community and I would love to see you join 
this effort which in a way you all have long before I came around. :) 

On Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 7:18:18 PM UTC-6, RichardWilliamSmith wrote:

 Hi All,

 As part of my work with Ed Dixon's Team-Tiddly I am working on building a 
 TW front-end to the Khan-academy resources. Our goal is to demonstrate how 
 TW can be used to package educational materials for offline study with 
 periodic online syncing (Danielo's recent work with couchdb is of 
 particular interest in this regard). Eventually we want to get it talking 
 directly to next-gen learning management systems using the xAPI.

 As a start, I was able to ingest the meta-data for all of the KA videos 
 and package it into a TW. viz;

 There are ~6,500 videos in this file and the idea is that teachers will be 
 able to select the videos they want, along with exercises etc. and package 
 them into a deliverable for their students. Each video will then have 
 attached tiddlers for taking notes - handwritten and/or typed, 
 exercsises/quizzes and eventually functionality for communicating with the 
 teacher and other students. For example, we imagine that students will be 
 able to send questions to the teacher, time-stamped with the place in a 
 video that the question relates to and that students will be able to send 
 notes about the content to each other and so build a community 
 knowledge-base around the material.

 Ed works with a company called Learning Equality who currently maintain a 
 product called KA-Lite ( which 
 creates a local server and pulls content down to it from the Khan servers 
 (meaning overall lower bandwidth requirements for continued use of the 
 materials) and eventually I would like to look at integrating with their 
 solution too.

 If we make something as useful as I suspect we can then I intend to show 
 it to the folks at Khan Academy - hopefully this will be a good way to 
 demonstrate the awesome capabilities of TiddlyWiki and get more people 
 using it.

 If you'd like to know more or want to help in any way, drop me a line.


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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki Hangout #85 on Saturday 2nd May 2015 at 2pm BST

2015-05-04 Thread Ed Dixon
Apparently they are calling this browser Edge rebranded and updated Spartan
I think? It is deeply integrated into the Windows 10 platform and new
Cortana search engine and so far seems like a very strong competitor to
chrome? Very HTML5 compliant and comes complete with developer tools
included etc.

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:00 AM Jeremy Ruston

 Hi Ed

 Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.

 Happy to see you testing in Spartan; I can't test on every browser and so
 do rely on reports such as yours,

 Best wishes


 On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 11:11 PM, Ed Dixon wrote:

 Hi Jeremy,

 I had every intention of being there but over slept that morning.
 However, I did manage to watch it in its entirety and was just awed by the
 excellent work being done by the community here. Awesome work Andres, Eric,
 Hans, Jed, and of course you Jeremy! So excited to put this stuff to use! I
 thought you guys might be interested to know (you may know this already)
 but TW5 seems to be working fine here in the new Microsoft Browser should I
 run into any issues I will report to git. Thanks all of you for all of the
 effort you put into this what this becoming is truly amazing!

 On Friday, May 1, 2015 at 7:04:35 AM UTC-6, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 Apologies for the short notice, but the 85th TiddlyWiki Hangout will be
 tomorrow, Saturday 2nd May at 2pm BST (UTC+1) - details here:

 You can use the QA button to post questions for the hangout, or just
 reply here.

 Best wishes


 Jeremy Ruston

 Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki Hangout #85 on Saturday 2nd May 2015 at 2pm BST

2015-05-03 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi Jeremy,

I had every intention of being there but over slept that morning. However, 
I did manage to watch it in its entirety and was just awed by the excellent 
work being done by the community here. Awesome work Andres, Eric, Hans, 
Jed, and of course you Jeremy! So excited to put this stuff to use! I 
thought you guys might be interested to know (you may know this already) 
but TW5 seems to be working fine here in the new Microsoft Browser should I 
run into any issues I will report to git. Thanks all of you for all of the 
effort you put into this what this becoming is truly amazing!

On Friday, May 1, 2015 at 7:04:35 AM UTC-6, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 Apologies for the short notice, but the 85th TiddlyWiki Hangout will be 
 tomorrow, Saturday 2nd May at 2pm BST (UTC+1) - details here:

 You can use the QA button to post questions for the hangout, or just 
 reply here.

 Best wishes


 Jeremy Ruston javascript:

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[tw] Re: Oppia open source education tool from Google

2015-04-11 Thread Ed Dixon
Great work Jed and Thank You Jeremy for keeping our xAPI project in mind! 
We are coming to the close of the xAPI cohort sessions currently #10 of the 
14 scheduled and I do have hopes for a last minute, heres what we can do 
showing there! I know you're doing everything possible to get 5.1.8 out so 
that you can turn some attention to xAPI and I so appreciate everything you 
do for us here. Building great examples of how TiddlyWiki can provide 
content has proven not to be a problem at all and this type of interaction 
like Jed and others have done brings us even closer to our goal but I feel 
once we can show that xAPI communication even just one way from TW5 to an 
LRS we seal the deal as far as proving TW5 as a useful platform in building 
offline educational systems or other forms of xAPI interaction from. I also 
feel that those using xAPI in the future ( if / when) they see these 
capabilities are going to want to take advantage of all the other 
capabilities TW5 provides to build future projects from adding to the brain 
power of our community here or at least that is my hope. Thanks guys and 
WOW 5.1.8 is looking so awesome! I am anxious to get an update and see 
where we are in all this is there a hangout scheduled anytime soon? 

Thanks guys,

On Friday, April 10, 2015 at 1:45:51 AM UTC-6, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

  If getting marks/analytics back from students is an issue presumably 
 this could be stored in the wiki and extracted in some fashion following a 
 subsequent upload to the LMS/VLE?

 The plan is to gather marks/analytics using the TinCan API (there is an 
 integration project underway).

 Best wishes


 On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 5:59 AM, Jed Carty 
 javascript: wrote:

 It isn't really a clone of Oppia, but I did make a multiple choice quiz 
 thing. For the multiple choice part giving setting different behaviour 
 based on the answers shouldn't be too hard. I am less sure about the string 
 input parts, checking for an exact match to either a single option or from 
 a list wouldn't be hard, but giving guided help based on responses in that 
 case will probably be harder.
 Here is what I 
 have thrown together as an initial test.

 Jeremy Ruston javascript:

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Re: [tw] [TW5] Encrypt Tiddler Plugin: now with batch encrypt of tiddlers (Plugin Release)

2015-04-07 Thread Ed Dixon
Jon, Don't feel bad I am no novice to development in general and understand
many different web technologies and I still get lost understanding and
working with TiddlyWIki! Under the hood lies a powerful beast that I have
discovered pretty much negates the use of all that lower level stuff I have
spent years working with and learning. It really is more of its own
framework than a basic webpage and Jeremy elluded to the fact that the next
Hangout (as far as I know yet to be scheduled) may provide serious
considerations into treating it as such and I hope many here attend.

What I think Daniello is referring to here is that he is using the native
library built into TW5 to encrypt the individual tiddlers rather than a
different one or one of his own design providing exactly the same level of
security and vulnerability that the mechanism now used to encrypt the
entire TW5 file has built in. More information about that is available from
the developer docs at the main web site and staffords web site here : Please do not interpret my answer too
mean I am an expert at any of this. I answered this post because I know
well that same state of confusion, have had fears many of my own questions
could be misinterpreted, and I want you to know you are not alone in any of
this. I also hope you will continue to ask questions where you find you
need too. Jeremy does an excellent job of taking all this into
consideration as he designs and directs things here to better help us and
other users use TW5.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 2:28 PM Jon wrote:

 Hi Danielo,

 No I'm serious!
 I'm a real novice in terms of all this stuff and I just wanted to gauge
 the risks of losing information before I used your plugin.
 If you say it is based on the TW5 mechanism (and I don't really understand
 what that means!) then I'm reassured!

 I would rather not use irony etc. on forums like this to avoid the risk of
 misunderstanding, particularly when there are multiple languages involved
 and responses may only be brief.


 On Tuesday, 7 April 2015 17:17:16 UTC+1, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:

 El martes, 7 de abril de 2015, 15:21:25 (UTC+2), Jon escribió:

 That's reassuring, thanks Danielo

 Sorry, I don't know if you are serious or it is just irony.

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Encrypt Tiddler Plugin: now with batch encrypt of tiddlers (Plugin Release)

2015-04-05 Thread Ed Dixon
Thank you so much Daniello! I hadn't even had a chance to look at it since 
we discussed this just a week or so back you are amazing! Can not wait to 
see how it can be applied!

On Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 4:09:17 PM UTC-6, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:

 Hello everyone.

 I just updated my first plugin ( it's been a long time since I did it): 
 Encrypt Tiddler plugin.
 For those that don't know what it does this plugin adds the ability to 
 encrypt your tiddlers individually. 
 One of the new features of 2.1 version (very demanded by the community) is 
 the ability to encrypt several tiddlers at once. This is now possible from 
 the control panel.

 Take a look at:

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[tw] Re: the Bible in json

2015-04-05 Thread Ed Dixon
Awesome! Richard you never cease to amaze me! Great trick in creating 
useful json as well! 

On Friday, March 27, 2015 at 8:07:57 AM UTC-6, Richard Smith wrote:

 I know you've probably already got one, but in case you don't, here's a 
 copy of the old-testament, built using filters from the individual verses.

 I think I found the easiest way to get stuff out of a spreadsheet into TW.
 By adding columns to mock-up a json file and then copying that into a 
 Save it as .json and drag it in to TW

 The file is ~7mb and isn't quick, but the drop in performance isn't what 
 one might fear. The wiki contains ~23,000 tiddlers. The original 
 spreadsheet files are here:

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Re: [tw] TiddlyWiki Hangout #82 Redux

2015-03-16 Thread Ed Dixon
I couldn't agree more I feel Jeremy is a natural born teacher and have said 
that to friends and family here many times. I admire his attention to 
terminology definitions in our discussions and his ability to clearly see 
structure in everything that he does and relate that to others. His 
enthusiasm for the technology is just contagious. I would not hesitate to 
recommend him for any teaching position on topics that he feels comfortable 
to teach! 

On Monday, March 16, 2015 at 1:39:26 AM UTC-6, AlexHough wrote:

 @jerrmy - the idea of you teaching hypertext at a great one

 The pattern I've observed  seems to be have some content then hawk it 
 arround. If you have a book or academic paper published the more chance you 

 Computer science and open innovation departments spring to mind as fertile 
 ground to explore.


 On Monday, 16 March 2015, Alex Hough javascript: 

 Mario, the filter on the list of annotations is vey useful


 On Sunday, 15 March 2015, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 Thanks Mario, much appreciated,

 Best wishes


 On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 3:51 PM, PMario wrote:

 video: TiddlyWiki Hangout #82 Redux

 have fun!

 Jeremy Ruston
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Re: [tw] Re: Can I create a TW based product with a CC licence?

2015-02-12 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi Danielo,

Realizing now you are referring to your own material and what you wish that
license to provide, I also agree with Mario about using a creative commons
license especially if it is being done as an educational effort.


On Thu Feb 12 2015 at 2:20:34 AM PMario wrote:

 On Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 9:00:19 AM UTC+1, Danielo Rodríguez

 Thank you very much for your explanation! It is a very good summary.

 you are welcome.

 Basically what I want to achieve is attribution, non-commercial use and
 free to distribute.

 So this one would be CC-BY-NC   ... which is a relatively restrictive

 AS I wrote. Changing it to CC-BY which imo is very similar to BSD is easy
 and can be done at any times.

 That's why I choose the CC licence (and because it's cool logo).

 If you just want to license your content. IMO CC is preferable. BSD was
 developed for software. CC also has prose text in mind.

 Maybe It's better to use BSD for my purposes? How should I include BSD

 Have a look a the template. It's about 15 lines. So including it in a
 tiddler is simple.
 Since BSD has the must clause for the copyright attribution you need to
 create the copyright text.

 For CC it's very easy, I just include the logo and a link to the license
 and that's all. Is something similar for BSD?

 not really, since you need a personalised copyright notice.


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Re: [tw] Re: Can I create a TW based product with a CC licence?

2015-02-12 Thread Ed Dixon
I see, I was referring to the creative commons license not TiddlyWiki and
do admit I much prefer BSD because of its utility over others. Creative
Commons is designed more for educational resources; books, video, things
like that, that could be included in a TiddlyWiki. I had never really
thought about the merger in terms of licensing before but yea TiddlyWiki's
BSD license should resolve any issues in using cc materials provided the cc
license of those materials are followed, I would think. I suppose to
accurately define and in the case of creative common materials included the
developer / author would need to attribute the work and provide at least
the cc license (best BSD also?) with the end product.

I know I plan to use the ribbon pointing to our TiddlyWiki site (as well as
license inclusion) and list the plugins and authors of those used on
anything I do using it, out of respect if nothing else for all the effort
Jeremy and the rest of this community ( and you are a huge part of that)
have put into all of this.

Thanks for explaining I was definitely lost :)

On Thu Feb 12 2015 at 4:58:54 AM Tobias Beer wrote:

 @Tobias Can you provide a little more detail about what is untrue about
 that statement? I may not have been clear, in that I am referring to any
 additions or changes that someone would make to the cc'd license material
 used and not anything else such as tiddlywiki or the plugins used to
 deliver it?

 Using something with a license does not by default force you to subscribe
 to the same license in whatever you offer based on it. The license needs to
 explicitly state that... which thus limits its use to those who actually do
 or can subscribe to such a limiting licensing model.

 If TiddlyWiki is BSD then I am not compelled to also subscribe to BSD with
 whatever I create with it. I shall respect the BSD license of TiddlyWiki,
 but it does not extend to my own creations.

 Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: Can I create a TW based product with a CC licence?

2015-02-11 Thread Ed Dixon
My take on this is pretty much the same as Mario's would just add it is 
important to make sure you attribute the content from its source if other 
than your own, understand that regardless of what you may add to the 
material you can not change that license, that license is also applied to 
your efforts,  and also make it apparent preferably using the proper cc 
logos and emblems for that particular cc license that the material is cc 
and where it is available. TiddlyWiki's license does not override or change 
the cc license of the material it contains. But, as Mario said I am no 
lawyer either, but maybe that helps?  

Can not wait to see what you may be working on can you make any of the 
upcoming hangouts?

On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 12:08:33 PM UTC-7, PMario wrote:

 IMO There is one more thing, that is important. 

 If you published your content with a very permissive eg: BSD license you 
 are pretty much nailed to it. ... Since the internet doesn't forget 
 anything. ...

 an example: 

  - If you publish your content with MIT 
  - I download it. I have it
  - The next day you publish it with CC-BY-SA ... That's possible --- BUT
  - I do own a valid MIT licensed version, with which I can do what I want. 

 So it's very easy to make a license more permissive but the other way 
 around is hard.

 have fun!

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[tw] Re: hosting your tiddlywiki online

2015-01-31 Thread Ed Dixon

I have been having great success sharing my TW5 prototypes over the 
internet to selected people using google drive! I think this method may be 
an easier and more safe means of doing this because the network connections 
are encrypted but I maybe missing something in that. As long as you are the 
lone editor of the wiki (no 2 people editing at the same time) I feel this 
would work great for you. I do feel something like TiddlySpot is much 
better for a general public facing site but if this is just for a manual 
for coworkers I would suggest google drive.

Hope this helps, 

On Friday, January 30, 2015 at 8:24:29 AM UTC-7, Karishma Patel wrote:


 I've used tiddlywiki to build a kind of manual for my colleagues, and I'm 
 looking to try to host this tiddlywiki in a place where multiple users from 
 around the world can see the same copy and not have to download anything. I 
 know TiddlySpot is an option but I'd like something more secure and without 
 ads. I wonder if anyone has any suggestions for alternatives. If I have to, 
 I think subscription fees to upgrade these kinds of features would be worth 

 I appreciate any kind of help,

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[tw] Re: Invitation to TiddlyPip: an Apple App Store experiment

2015-01-31 Thread Ed Dixon
Another interesting approach might be something like this 
where extended capabilities needed for comercial purposes are added as a 
premium feature and are not a part of the opensource effort if you wanted 
to go that route? I met the author through my affiliation with FLE and 
invited him to join our cohort team and he accepted a while back. Not sure 
he made the kickoff but I will try to reconnect. I just discovered how well 
versed he is with the xAPI spec he could be a huge help to us! 

On Friday, January 30, 2015 at 4:59:01 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 Do you have an idea for TiddlyWiki content that you think people might pay 

 Perhaps a technical manual? Or a guide for your city? Training materials 
 for your company's field engineer force? Or maybe a manualisation of mental 
 health intervention techniques?

 Would you be interested in working together to create your multimedia 
 TiddlyWiki content and wrap it up as an app that can be distributed and 
 sold on the iPhone/iPad app store?

 Here's the background for this invitation: I've recently finished my work 
 with CTRLio. I'm very grateful to them for the support they've shown to my 
 work on TiddlyWiki over the last 18 months. But now I need to find new 
 sources of income to replace my salary. There's a few weeks in which I can 
 consider some radical options, and this is one of them.

 I want to explore the idea of building a commercial TiddlyWiki ecosystem 
 on top of the Apple platform of iOS, the Mac and iCloud. I'm not making any 
 moral or philosophical judgement about Apple's place in the world. I'm 
 considering this plan just because the App Store is one of the places that 
 someone like me may be able to make money.

 This first step is simple: we create a framework for building iOS apps 
 that provide a terrific, read-only user experience for interacting with 
 TiddlyWiki documents. I'd want to support free or paid apps, with the 
 possibility of using in-app purchases for premium content. It would be a 
 way to deliver a highly custom, interactive user experience around 
 multimedia content. We would be able to deliver free updates to the app and 
 content via the app store update process.

 Such a simple application would be the quickest way to get into the app 
 store - I believe in just a few weeks. The aim would be for the app to be 
 invisible without much of a discernible user interface, just providing the 
 mechanisms for the content to take centre stage. It certainly shouldn't 
 resemble the familiar default TiddlyWiki editing interface.

 I'm open to suggestions about how to structure this from a business 
 perspective. I'd need some upfront payment to fund the development, but 
 hopfully we'd find a big enough handful of people that individual shares of 
 the startup costs would be relatively small.

 If enough people can provide the necessary commercial backing we can use 
 TiddlyPip to publish Eric's Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual.

 Beyond simple read-only publishing, there would be a number of incremental 
 improvements we could make once we see regular revenue:

 # Support read/write functionality like annotations, with iCloud syncing 
 between iOS devices.

 # Support publishing custom, TiddlyWiki-based applications, such as 
 tw5.scholars. It wouldn't appear to be a TiddlyWiki file: it would behave 
 like a custom app for scholarly notetaking (including multi-device sync)

 # Support quizzes and questionnaires, with content unlocked by 
 successfully completing exercises

 # Support reporting of progress to the TinCan API

 # Support one-on-one student/educator interactions through the app. 
 Students might buy an academic textbook along with tokens to ask the author 
 5 questions via messaging within the app.

 # Create a full end-user application that enables the user to create and 
 work with TiddlyWiki documents on iOS devices. This is really the ultimate 
 goal from a development perspective. But it's a lot of work to create such 
 an app with enough polish to stand out in the app store, and I'm not 
 convinced there are enough people prepared to pay for apps like TiddlyWiki. 
 But if we can bootstrap things via the content publishing route then we 
 ought to be able to gain the time to make the app sufficiently polished and 

 It's fun thinking about the possibilities. But we need to take this 
 journey as a series of small steps, and I need to quickly find out if 
 there's any hope of completing the first step.

 I need to know if there's anyone out there who might be prepared to put 
 some money on the table based on their belief that they have content that 
 could viably support this business model. So please let me know if you fit 
 that description. Ideally, we'd find a handful of people which would make 
 it easier to fund the initial development, until the app store revenues 
 kick in.


[tw] Who's who? Team Tiddly

2015-01-31 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi all, so far I have 7 confirmed that made the kickoff event or otherwise
have registered and are on our core team going through the xAPI cohort
experience! A few others who I know are on the team but just as advisers
and supporting our effort but many more who I am not 100% sure in which
group they are in. I need to provide a finalized roster of our team before
the next xAPI meeting so it would be very helpful if you can respond to
this post from our group page even if we have otherwise corresponded just
to concrete whos who in there! If I have mistakenly included you here and
neither really describes you feel free to let me know I will get you off
this list! (Again thanks, Richard for setting that page up).

Thanks and GO TEAM TIDDLY!

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[tw] Re: Invitation to TiddlyPip: an Apple App Store experiment

2015-01-30 Thread Ed Dixon
I think this is a fantastic idea that once running could be extended to 
other platforms such as android, and windows store ecosystems easily once 
established! We have a group of people on our xAPI cohort team from an 
educational company called IDS who might be very interested in leveraging 
your help integrating TiddlyWIki into their products on a commercial level. 
Not sure if you made the registration meeting today or not for the xAPI 
cohort event but they extending the registration time to allow us to 
organize. I would be happy to introduce you to them and allow those wheels 
to start spinning! They seem to be an awesome team. One of the products 
they offer is a tablet for Correctional Education which is how I got to 
know them through my work with the Foundation for Learning Equality but, 
because an NDA/NCA was needed we are still sorting out are options in how 
to best provide Khan Academy to them and I do not have details regarding 
the platform. Knowing how easily these can be converted into android apps 
and how flexible TW5 is, I don't see the platform being an issue?  

I am with Richard though, my main thing in all of this is supporting 
teachers and student by better leveraging the huge libraries of free open 
educational content out there and available now.

Excellent idea! 

On Friday, January 30, 2015 at 4:59:01 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 Do you have an idea for TiddlyWiki content that you think people might pay 

 Perhaps a technical manual? Or a guide for your city? Training materials 
 for your company's field engineer force? Or maybe a manualisation of mental 
 health intervention techniques?

 Would you be interested in working together to create your multimedia 
 TiddlyWiki content and wrap it up as an app that can be distributed and 
 sold on the iPhone/iPad app store?

 Here's the background for this invitation: I've recently finished my work 
 with CTRLio. I'm very grateful to them for the support they've shown to my 
 work on TiddlyWiki over the last 18 months. But now I need to find new 
 sources of income to replace my salary. There's a few weeks in which I can 
 consider some radical options, and this is one of them.

 I want to explore the idea of building a commercial TiddlyWiki ecosystem 
 on top of the Apple platform of iOS, the Mac and iCloud. I'm not making any 
 moral or philosophical judgement about Apple's place in the world. I'm 
 considering this plan just because the App Store is one of the places that 
 someone like me may be able to make money.

 This first step is simple: we create a framework for building iOS apps 
 that provide a terrific, read-only user experience for interacting with 
 TiddlyWiki documents. I'd want to support free or paid apps, with the 
 possibility of using in-app purchases for premium content. It would be a 
 way to deliver a highly custom, interactive user experience around 
 multimedia content. We would be able to deliver free updates to the app and 
 content via the app store update process.

 Such a simple application would be the quickest way to get into the app 
 store - I believe in just a few weeks. The aim would be for the app to be 
 invisible without much of a discernible user interface, just providing the 
 mechanisms for the content to take centre stage. It certainly shouldn't 
 resemble the familiar default TiddlyWiki editing interface.

 I'm open to suggestions about how to structure this from a business 
 perspective. I'd need some upfront payment to fund the development, but 
 hopfully we'd find a big enough handful of people that individual shares of 
 the startup costs would be relatively small.

 If enough people can provide the necessary commercial backing we can use 
 TiddlyPip to publish Eric's Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual.

 Beyond simple read-only publishing, there would be a number of incremental 
 improvements we could make once we see regular revenue:

 # Support read/write functionality like annotations, with iCloud syncing 
 between iOS devices.

 # Support publishing custom, TiddlyWiki-based applications, such as 
 tw5.scholars. It wouldn't appear to be a TiddlyWiki file: it would behave 
 like a custom app for scholarly notetaking (including multi-device sync)

 # Support quizzes and questionnaires, with content unlocked by 
 successfully completing exercises

 # Support reporting of progress to the TinCan API

 # Support one-on-one student/educator interactions through the app. 
 Students might buy an academic textbook along with tokens to ask the author 
 5 questions via messaging within the app.

 # Create a full end-user application that enables the user to create and 
 work with TiddlyWiki documents on iOS devices. This is really the ultimate 
 goal from a development perspective. But it's a lot of work to create such 
 an app with enough polish to stand out in the app store, and I'm not 
 convinced there are enough people prepared to pay for apps like TiddlyWiki. 
 But if 

Re: [tw] Re: Looking for a few good TW5'rs!

2015-01-28 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi all, 

I should have posted this over a week ago but we did move this conversation 
to the Dev group in case anyone here is interested and not aware of that. 
We do plan to have a hangout tomorrow morning which I will try to record 
and Friday is the registration day so its still not too late! Please join 
us in that other thread and regardless if you go through this training, 
make the meetings, or not, know that your support, help, and the work you 
have already done in all this is so greatly appreciated and will be 
recognized. So many excellent people and outstanding works here in this 


On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 3:13:56 PM UTC-7, Ed Dixon wrote:

 I am wide open so what ever time works best for our group here as we come 
 together (anytime) works for me.

 Since the registration for the event is a webex on the 30th I figure we 
 can work out those details as that approaches and hopefully have our first 
 meeting after that orientation. But just shooting from the hip here at this 

 On Fri Jan 16 2015 at 3:06:32 PM RichShumaker 

 Very Cool Stuff.

 I would like to help if I can so I guess the question is when are you 
 getting together?

 Rich Shumaker

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[tw] Looking for a few good TW5'rs!

2015-01-16 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi Guys, 

I am recruiting to create a cohort group to go through an online training 
program provided for free by (ADL) Advanced Distributed Learning in 
developing educational solutions using xAPI (also known as TinCan). The 
details are here:

I hope to use TW5 and the excellent plugins so many of you have created 
here as a base for the required project our team is expected to create as 
we progress in that program. I am also recruiting from other educational 
projects I am associated with so mixing, mingling, and plenty of fun are 
pretty much guaranteed but I need a few good TW5'rs with me so please do 
check it out and let me know if your are interested. As I understand it we 
would be meeting once a week and I promise to do all the heavy lifting! We 
can share our efforts here in this thread gaining the communities insights 
and help as we progress. Because so many here are building such excellent 
educational tools, xAPI (TinCan) to me this is a logical next step in 
allowing the students experience and efforts with those tools to be 
reported to the teacher, school, etc... Right now there is an educational 
crisis in many countries and our efforts could make a real difference. I do 
hope you join me.

P.S. For my part, this is not related to the X-Prize contest in any way but 
I do feel it be great if we found our efforts helped one of those teams if 
any here are involved in that important effort and became a part of one of 
those projects solutions. Again to me it is all about empowering students 
and teachers and getting word out there that team Tiddly ROCKS!


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Re: [tw] Re: Looking for a few good TW5'rs!

2015-01-16 Thread Ed Dixon
That would be awesome Richard! I felt I was being a little too specific and
cautious about making sure it was known I am not a player in that
competition but am really glad I did so now! I can not wait to see the math
text (one of my true loves) and would be elated to have you join us! (now a
party of 2 as I did manage to convince someone from xAPI to join us to help
as well). This is so great!

On Fri Jan 16 2015 at 3:51:54 AM RichardWilliamSmith wrote:

 Hi Ed,

 This is really exciting. I'll have a closer look over the weekend but I'd
 certainly like to help. I also think the xAPI is an important piece of tech
 and have many thoughts about how it could be used both in formal
 educational and personal learning settings. If I can help in any way, I'd
 love to.

 For what it's worth I am involved with the global learning x-prize and am
 also close to completing my first 'port' of an open-source math textbook to
 TW5 (which I'll post here very soon). My goal is to make TW into a platform
 for remixing OERs and thus making existing content more useful through
 re-use. I like the idea of textbooks that can report back to the teacher as
 students work with them.


 On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 8:47:36 PM UTC+11, Ed Dixon wrote:

 Hi Guys,

 I am recruiting to create a cohort group to go through an online training
 program provided for free by (ADL) Advanced Distributed Learning in
 developing educational solutions using xAPI (also known as TinCan). The
 details are here:

 I hope to use TW5 and the excellent plugins so many of you have created
 here as a base for the required project our team is expected to create as
 we progress in that program. I am also recruiting from other educational
 projects I am associated with so mixing, mingling, and plenty of fun are
 pretty much guaranteed but I need a few good TW5'rs with me so please do
 check it out and let me know if your are interested. As I understand it we
 would be meeting once a week and I promise to do all the heavy lifting! We
 can share our efforts here in this thread gaining the communities insights
 and help as we progress. Because so many here are building such excellent
 educational tools, xAPI (TinCan) to me this is a logical next step in
 allowing the students experience and efforts with those tools to be
 reported to the teacher, school, etc... Right now there is an educational
 crisis in many countries and our efforts could make a real difference. I do
 hope you join me.

 P.S. For my part, this is not related to the X-Prize contest in any way
 but I do feel it be great if we found our efforts helped one of those teams
 if any here are involved in that important effort and became a part of one
 of those projects solutions. Again to me it is all about empowering
 students and teachers and getting word out there that team Tiddly ROCKS!


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Re: [tw] Re: Looking for a few good TW5'rs!

2015-01-16 Thread Ed Dixon
I am wide open so what ever time works best for our group here as we come
together (anytime) works for me.

Since the registration for the event is a webex on the 30th I figure we can
work out those details as that approaches and hopefully have our first
meeting after that orientation. But just shooting from the hip here at this

On Fri Jan 16 2015 at 3:06:32 PM RichShumaker

 Very Cool Stuff.

 I would like to help if I can so I guess the question is when are you
 getting together?

 Rich Shumaker

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[tw] Re: Vis.js Library

2015-01-14 Thread Ed Dixon
This is so very awesome and so well deserved for you, Jeremy, and 
TiddlyWiki! Congrats! 

On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 4:35:23 AM UTC-7, Felix Küppers wrote:

 Hi Everybody,

 The vis.js developers just linked TiddlyWiki and the TiddlyMap plugin in 
 their showcase section.

 Tiddlywiki is also referred to in their blog:

 It's nice to see that since both products (TiddlyWiki and Vis.js) go great 
 hand in hand (Knowledge and Visualization).


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[tw] Re: Inside TiddlyWiki Jump Start Challenge

2014-11-22 Thread Ed Dixon
So happy to hear this Eric. I am not in a position to do much financially 
but do plan to do some. So instead, I have been sharing that link like 
crazy, I hope it helps! 

On Friday, November 21, 2014 7:08:21 PM UTC-7, Eric Shulman wrote:

 Wow!  This is VERY exciting!

 The fundraiser for Inside TidlyWiki: The Missing Manual is off to a 
 great start: after just 5 days of a 60 day campaign, it has already been 
 viewed by people in over 33 countries, and the TiddlyWiki Community has so 
 far raised $1,290 (17.2% toward the goal!)

 This includes generous contributions of $500 each from the first two 
 official Partners of Inside TiddlyWiki -- ocalTW and HansWobbe -- as 
 well as contributions from several new Friends of Inside TiddlyWiki.  Based 
 on this initial indication, it looks certain that the Inside TiddlyWiki 
 campaign is going to be a huge success, and I'm currently planning on 
 beginning actual work on the book in January or February, 2015, once the 
 fundraising has been completed.

 However, with Indiegogo's Flexible Funding model, although contributions 
 made by credit card are held until after the campaign ends on January 15th, 
 contributions made through PayPal are transferred to me as soon as they are 
 processed.  This means that there is a possibility that I could begin work 
 as early as the beginning of December rather than waiting until 

 If we can raise just $2500 (33% of the goal) in Indiegogo contributions 
 **paid through PayPal by the end of November** (10 days from now), then I 
 can start work on writing Inside TiddlyWiki as soon as those funds are 

 So, make your contribution (via PayPal) NOW, and we can Jump Start this 
 project into high gear!

 Eric Shulman
 TiddlyWiki Classic Lead Developer
 TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
 Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual

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[tw] Re: [TW5] New Feature Moratorium

2014-11-21 Thread Ed Dixon
I feel it should be expected. I am surprised you haven't decided to take at 
least a month off and celebrate TW5 leaving the nest :) It allows the smoke 
to clear, noobs like me to catch up on basic concepts and features. I am 
sure plugin development will continue to move forward within our community 
here but you already do so much for us! Honestly for me it will be nice to 
work with a non moving target for a while. Will 1.1.5 and the export 
feature make release before the moratorium begins?

On Friday, November 21, 2014 5:27:26 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 Several recent events have conspired to make me suggest that until the end 
 of the year I operate a moratorium on new features for TiddlyWiki5. 
 Instead, I propose to focus on documentation, and presentation of the 
 available editions and plugins. I will of course continue to fix bugs as 
 they are reported wherever it's possible to do so.

 (In the next few weeks I will also have to pay some attention to TiddlyFox 
 and TiddlyDesktop. In the case of TiddlyFox, imminent Firefox architectural 
 changes will require the architecture of the add-on to be significantly 

 One trigger is obviously the recent thread discussing obstacles to 
 TiddlyWiki's success:

 A more subtle trigger is my recent experience with implementing the 
 export features for 5.1.5.

 I started work on those features on around 12 days ago, on November 9th. I 
 committed the first working code on November 10th. Ever since then I've 
 been tied up with fixing up the loose ends: making the strings 
 translatable, making improvements in response to feedback. Most recently, 
 I've been implementing nested popups so that the export button will 
 function when it is invoked through the more menu. The initial 
 implementation was quick and fun, but a lot of the work since has been a 
 slow slog.

 In my experience that is all pretty typical for a major new UI feature: 2 
 days to get the basic implementation followed by 5 to 10 days of working 
 through the edge cases and cleaning up. Of course, part of the reason it 
 takes so long is that alongside I'm still working on bug fixes, 
 documentation and the occasional new feature such as the tabbed table of 

 The third trigger starts with the fact that I've been busy over the last 
 few days, and unable to participate in the mailing list threads as much as 
 I'd like. I've still been scanning the messages, and I'm drawn to the 
 conclusion that for many people here, some of the quite basic features of 
 TiddlyWiki are, thanks to the lack of documentation, indistinguishable from 
 voodoo. For example, Danielo's terrific recent post on the variable 
 attribute of the list widget was pretty interesting: another basic feature 
 that hasn't been well enough communicated.

 So, now that I stand back, I'm not at all sure that the work on the 
 export features was the best use of my time. It's an undeniably important 
 feature in terms of rounding out the interoperability of TiddlyWiki, but it 
 makes little or no difference to new users.

 My worry is that this will keep happening. There's plenty of voices here 
 calling for new features, and I'm naturally attracted to the intricate 
 problem solving required to implement them. I've a deep motivation to keep 
 smashing through the roadmap of planned features.

 Hence my proposal for a new feature moratorium. It's a simple way to 
 ensure that my attention stays focussed on the really important things for 
 the next few weeks.

 Some quick googling suggests that new feature moratoriums are not uncommon:

 I'd be interested in any thoughts on this, and of course we'll discuss it 
 further at the hangout next Tuesday,

 Best wishes


 Jeremy Ruston javascript:

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] New Feature Moratorium

2014-11-21 Thread Ed Dixon
I do agree Jon but at the same time if I understand what transpired it was
meant as constructive criticism and upon reflection Jeremy feels it is in
the best interest of the project to slow new feature development down a bit
and refocus his efforts. As a new comer I have to admit I am drowning in
the flexibility and the number of features already available much less
keeping up with all of the new features being added.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Jon wrote:

 I didn't like the recent post that provoked the review - it seemed very
 ungrateful to me.

 I use tiddlywiki every day and it has revolutionised my study and I'm just
 thankful for whatever improvements I can pick up along the way.

 As far as I'm concerned it's a work in progress and people should accept
 that and focus on the benefits rather than any current drawbacks.

 Just my two-penneth worth.


 On Friday, 21 November 2014 12:27:26 UTC, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 Several recent events have conspired to make me suggest that until the
 end of the year I operate a moratorium on new features for TiddlyWiki5.
 Instead, I propose to focus on documentation, and presentation of the
 available editions and plugins. I will of course continue to fix bugs as
 they are reported wherever it's possible to do so.

 (In the next few weeks I will also have to pay some attention to
 TiddlyFox and TiddlyDesktop. In the case of TiddlyFox, imminent Firefox
 architectural changes will require the architecture of the add-on to be
 significantly updated).

 One trigger is obviously the recent thread discussing obstacles to
 TiddlyWiki's success:

 A more subtle trigger is my recent experience with implementing the
 export features for 5.1.5.

 I started work on those features on around 12 days ago, on November 9th.
 I committed the first working code on November 10th. Ever since then I've
 been tied up with fixing up the loose ends: making the strings
 translatable, making improvements in response to feedback. Most recently,
 I've been implementing nested popups so that the export button will
 function when it is invoked through the more menu. The initial
 implementation was quick and fun, but a lot of the work since has been a
 slow slog.

 In my experience that is all pretty typical for a major new UI feature: 2
 days to get the basic implementation followed by 5 to 10 days of working
 through the edge cases and cleaning up. Of course, part of the reason it
 takes so long is that alongside I'm still working on bug fixes,
 documentation and the occasional new feature such as the tabbed table of

 The third trigger starts with the fact that I've been busy over the last
 few days, and unable to participate in the mailing list threads as much as
 I'd like. I've still been scanning the messages, and I'm drawn to the
 conclusion that for many people here, some of the quite basic features of
 TiddlyWiki are, thanks to the lack of documentation, indistinguishable from
 voodoo. For example, Danielo's terrific recent post on the variable
 attribute of the list widget was pretty interesting: another basic feature
 that hasn't been well enough communicated.

 So, now that I stand back, I'm not at all sure that the work on the
 export features was the best use of my time. It's an undeniably important
 feature in terms of rounding out the interoperability of TiddlyWiki, but it
 makes little or no difference to new users.

 My worry is that this will keep happening. There's plenty of voices here
 calling for new features, and I'm naturally attracted to the intricate
 problem solving required to implement them. I've a deep motivation to keep
 smashing through the roadmap of planned features.

 Hence my proposal for a new feature moratorium. It's a simple way to
 ensure that my attention stays focussed on the really important things for
 the next few weeks.

 Some quick googling suggests that new feature moratoriums are not

 I'd be interested in any thoughts on this, and of course we'll discuss it
 further at the hangout next Tuesday,

 Best wishes


 Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual

2014-11-19 Thread Ed Dixon
I think this is awesome and also an excellent opportunity to raise TW5 
awareness in general to the public at large. Be sure to share Eric's 
indiegogo link out to your public circles! Eric, I just watched the hangout 
from yesterday and if there is anything I can do to help (Years of 
curriculum design experience) please do not hesitate to ask and good luck!

On Sunday, November 16, 2014 4:00:49 PM UTC-7, Eric Shulman wrote:

 Greetings All!

 As we well know, TiddlyWiki provides great flexibility to create a wide 
 range of purpose-built web applications.  However, as most people quickly 
 discover, there is also a lot to learn in order to take full advantage of 
 TiddlyWiki's powerful features.  In order to address this, I plan to write 
 Inside TiddlyWiki, a multi-volume series of guidebooks, that will 
 illustrate the concepts, methods, and best practices for using TiddlyWiki 
 to build effective solutions for common, every day, real-world applications.

 With the recent release of TiddlyWiki 5 out of beta, NOW is the right time 
 to get this long-desired book project launched, and I intend to devote the 
 next few months, starting in January 2015, to uninterrupted, focused, 
 full-time effort writing, revising, and publishing book content. 
  Unfortunately, as an independent self-employed consultant, I also need to 
 ensure that I maintain a steady income to cover my month-to-month operating 
 expenses. To that end, I have put together an fundraising 
 campaign to provide basic income for several months while I work on this 
 major writing project.

 To learn more about my specific plans, and to make a generous 
 contribution, please view the InsideTiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual page here:

 The campaign has a very modest initial funding goal to raise $7500 in 60 
 days (by January 15th), so please contribute as much as you can, and as 
 often as you can. Also note that, unlike's all-or-nothing 
 funding model, this campaign is using Indiegogo's Flexible Funding model, 
 so that all contributions to this project still will be collected and 
 disbursed, even if the funding goal is not reached within the time alloted.

 Of course, the more funds contributed, the more time I will have to work 
 on writing.  So, as the Holiday season approaches, be sure tell EVERYONE 
 you know -- friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers on the bus -- 
 that InsideTiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual is at the top of your gift wish 

 Eric Shulman
 TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios


 Professional TiddlyWiki Consulting Services...
 Analysis, Design, and Custom Solutions:

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Re: [tw] Re: Tiddlywiki lost password recovery...

2014-11-10 Thread Ed Dixon
Thanks Mario!

I have been holding my breath on this one. I had forgotten but did look
into the Stanford Javascript Crypto Library weeks ago and did decided it
was sufficient for the task planned. When I saw this post the concern was
more about backdoors or other designed mechanisms to allow access if the
password was forgotten. Your points regarding plain text, code injection,
ease of dropping a trojan using drag and drop functionality, and code
review are
well thought out and expertly explained. You obviously have some experience
working with computer security. I have a current security+ certification
but doubt if I had researched all this myself and worked with TW for much
longer, I would have done as good a job providing this explanation.

I have assumed that Danielo's code also uses makes use of the library,
while we are on the subject do you know if this is the case?


On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 5:11 AM, PMario wrote:

 On Sunday, November 9, 2014 7:08:03 PM UTC+1, Ed Dixon wrote:

 Of course any encryption mechanism can be cracked given enough time

 That's a major topic for every encryption method. Encryption is used to
 protect valuable content.
 As long as the cost (work + resources + time) to break the encryption, is
 much much higher than the cost to get the information over a different
 channel, we can say the encryption works.

 As soon, as a different channel is much cheaper, it doesn't make sense
 to hack the encryption.

 So imo at the moment the best way to break TWs encryption, is to attack
 the workflow.
 eg: The node js version uses plain text passwords on the command line
 level. So every one, who has access to your computer just needs to do type

 history | grep tiddlywiki

 to get what's needed. You may say: Me not using unix . I may say: That
 doesn't matter. Windows forgets the session history... but since that's
 super boring, there is a good chance that some additional software is
 installed at a power users PC, that persists command line session
 histories. .. So its an easy task so search for those profiles.  there
 is a good chance, they are not protected very well ...

 and so on, and so on.

 but, are there any known means to defeat our encryption as is

 TW uses the:  Stanford Javascript Crypto Library
 That's what they say:


 (Unforunately, this is not as great as in desktop applications because it
 is not feasible to completely protect against code injection, malicious
 servers and side-channel attacks.)

 The important part here is: code injections. ... IMO TiddlyWiki has a
 big attack vector here, with TW plugins.
 Plugins can be easily installed using drag and drop.
 So If I would want to attack your TW, I'd create a useful plugin that
 contains some additional functions + a little trojan, that is very well

 or with the added functionality to encrypt individual tiddlers as
 provided by Danielo's plugin? What I am working towards relies on this
 functionality to be rock solid?

 So imo rock solid at the moment is defined by your code review
 workflow and by your users workflow.
 If the users aren't aware of the rock solid workflow, it's cheaper and
 saver, not using encryption at all :)
 Since encryption may give your users the feeling of security. But there is
 no security if they are sloppy.

 have fun!

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Re: [tw] displayTiddler function in tiddlywiki5

2014-11-09 Thread Ed Dixon

I realize I am dredging up some history here but, I ran across this post 
while looking to target transcuded tiddlers as well as external content at 
a right side iframe similar to the way many of the calendar plugins are 
doing now. After reading your description of the mechanisms used to 
generate the main story river I now realize my approach is probably not the 
optimal method and if I am understanding this correctly you have already 
built functionality in for similar cases. I would also prefer not to use 
iframes where better methods exist. If this is possible it would great 
because it could provide all the additional mechanisms the regular river 
provides even though what I have planned is pretty basic content. Has 
anyone tried this in the past or can someone provide a little more detail 
as to how I could add and target a second right side story river in TW5? 
What I hope to do is basically create a reading pane in this second river 
with note taking in the main one. 


On Friday, August 2, 2013 4:24:22 AM UTC-6, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 Hi Andy

 (This kind of thing is probably best discussed over in the dev group!forum/TiddlyWikiDev)

 The mechanism by which clicking on a link causes a new tiddler to open is 
 very different in TW5, and hopefully much more flexible. It allows for 
 multiple story rivers and a high degree of control over what happens when a 
 link is clicked.

 I'll explain it briefly with reference to the code.

 We start with the link widget, which contains the click event handler for 

 The click handler sends a custom DOM event called tw-navigate containing 
 information about the target of the link and the screen location of the 
 link text.

 The custom event is sent to the a element of the link, and it then 
 travels back up the DOM tree looking for a handler. Ordinarily, the handler 
 is provided by the $navigator widget:

 It's job is the capture the tw-navigate events and modify a story list 
 in response. The story list is a system tiddler containing the titles of 
 each of the tiddlers displayed in the main story river (by default it's 
 called `$:/StoryList`). So, the navigator widget adds the title of the 
 tiddler that is to be displayed to the story list at the appropriate point.

 That navigator widget is the outermost widget in the page template:

 That modification to the story list then triggers an asynchronous refresh 
 of the display, in which the $list widget that displays the main story 
 column notices that the story list has changed and then intelligently adds 
 and removes DOM elements so that the display matches the story list.

 In fact, there are two $list widgets displaying the main story list: one 
 is the main story river, and the other is the open tab in the sidebar:

 So, the upshot of all of this is that there are two basic ways to display 
 a new tiddler:

 * Modify the story list directly to add the tiddler title
 * Send a tw-navigate event into the DOM

 I hope that brief summary makes sense, let me know if I can clarify 

 Best wishes


 On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 3:27 PM, AndyB javascript: 

 A newbee question: is there in Tiddlywiki5 an equivalent for 
 displayTiddler function as found in Tiddlywiki classic? 
 For example, executing window.story.displayTiddler(null,'myTitle') in 
 web console,  the tiddler myTitle is displayed in Tiddlywiki classic, but 
 I  don't know nothing similar in Tiddlywiki5.
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[tw] Re: Tiddlywiki lost password recovery...

2014-11-09 Thread Ed Dixon

Recovering firefox passwords aside for the moment, this does bring up a 
very important question and one that I should have looked into on the 
onset. Of course any encryption mechanism can be cracked given enough time 
but, are there any known means to defeat our encryption as is or with the 
added functionality to encrypt individual tiddlers as provided by Danielo's 
plugin? What I am working towards relies on this functionality to be rock 


On Saturday, November 8, 2014 11:27:22 PM UTC-7, Nicholas Ratliff wrote:

 I have a rather massive tiddlywiki that I have been working on for a 
 number of years. I no longer possess the password, and am unable to update 
 the wiki or augment it without the password. It is linked to a computer I 
 use rather regularly, which has the password saved on it through firefox. 
 Is there a way to recover this password? Please advise. Otherwise, is there 
 a way I can rapidly make a copy of this wiki so that I may assign another 
 password without hassle?

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Another short video of my plugin. showing the filter mechanism

2014-11-09 Thread Ed Dixon
LOL I know right what he has going on here is so cool! We are all waiting 
like kids on an xbox game release day out side the shop! :)

On Sunday, November 9, 2014 8:34:51 AM UTC-7, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:

 This is an ugly way of create HYPE :P

 El domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014 16:31:10 UTC+1, Felix Küppers escribió:

 ok the video didn't work. I will upload it again when I am back from 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] Another short video of my plugin. showing the filter mechanism

2014-11-09 Thread Ed Dixon
This is so cool! 

On Sunday, November 9, 2014 1:34:36 PM UTC-7, Felix Küppers wrote:

 an addition to the workflow described in my previous post (

 because in my video (, i didn't really show a 
 real workflow, this is how you would do it

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Re: [tw] Re: Drag Drop External File/Attachment linking

2014-11-08 Thread Ed Dixon
Absolutely! I am still in awe of all the excellent people involved!
Jeremy's commitment to the community here is a very rare and precious
thing! Thank you so much! I was thinking while we are so focused on
external files at the moment maybe a better question to ask might be what
more integration into tiddlywiki might be possible with them.

On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 5:06 AM, Blake Blacksmith

 Ok. Thats unfortunate but I appreciate your effort. For now I'll stick to
 dragging and dropping the absolute path from my file explorer.

 Thanks for your continued great work with TW5!

 On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 3:51 AM, Jeremy Ruston

 Hi Blake

  Is it possible to have TiddlyWiki have an active drag and drop region in
 the edit-text window that will prevent the browser from opening the file
 and instead paste the files relative path(or absolute path is unavailable)?

 I've done some more tests with dragging a file from Finder/Explorer into
 a text editor in the TiddlyWiki browser window. The default handling on
 Chrome is to navigate to the incoming file. We can prevent that navigation,
 but we still can't access the path of the file, and so we can't paste the
 relative path of the file.

 Best wishes


 On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Jeremy Ruston

 Hi Mark

 My quick test on a Chrome browser suggests that links dragged from a
 Chrome tab used as a file browser also may contain the full file path 
 To me, dragging from a browser tab would be the most universal way of 
 things, since a plugin would have to be specific not only to the browser
 but also the operating system (it's likely that Linux and Mac are going to
 present link drag/drops differently than Win OS).

 You may have convinced me. I'd forgotten that other browsers also
 provide a directory viewer for file: URIs (I nearly missed it on Chrome
 because it doesn't actually let you drag a folder onto the Chrome icon or

 I've created a ticket here:

 On the old TW, with the Javscript plugin, I would probably just have
 written a routine that grabbed a list of files and created a tiddler for
 each one containing a link of the right type pointing to a local relative
 path. I'm finding it harder to get into coding in TW5.

 There's a lot more code in TW5, and it can be hard to track down where
 things are done. In this case, the area of interest is here:

  On a related note, I recently tried dragging a file into TiddlyWiki's
 text editor on a Mac+Safari and the file-path was inserted as desired. This
 is unlike in Windows with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari where the dragged file
 redirects the web-page to the dragged file.

 Do you mean dragging from Finder or from Safari's file browser? I see
 the same behaviour of navigating to the file when dragging a file from
 Finder to Chrome on OS X. I haven't explored whether dragging a file into
 TiddlyWiki's text editor can be made to consistently insert the path, I'll

 Best wishes



 On Friday, November 7, 2014 8:36:20 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 \Ah, OK, yes, in that case the browser exposes an URL link as text,
 and so we could do the global-to-local transformation etc. The trouble is
 that I'm not sure that it's worth it, given that it would only work with
 the Firefox file browser. I think it would be more useful to spend the
 effort on getting TiddlyFox/TiddlyClip to make it possible to drag files
 from the OS Finder/Explorer and get a relative link made automatically.

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] A short video to present a plugin that I'm currently developing

2014-11-06 Thread Ed Dixon

Yes that is exactly what I had in mind!


On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 3:12 AM, Felix Küppers

 Hi Ed

 Love it! I am curious why D3 which is already available in TW5 didn't fit
 the bill?

 Thank you very much :) I looked at several systems that are especially
 network oriented and thus provide more features than libraries that have a
 broader approach like D3. D3 is super awesome, I know, but the setup cost
 would have been too high. I compared vs vs and
 vis.js won my comparison, altough cytoscape is crazy.

 IMHO this would be a game changer if the relationships could be generated
 through the already existing tagging system and allow to open the related
 tiddlers when clicked. Building a graphical representation of existing
 content in the wiki. Awesome work regardless, congrats!

 These days I will create a dropdown in the controls above the graph that
 allows you to display only tiddlers that possess a certain tag and their
 direct relations. I also want to allow a filter expression for that. Is
 that what you meant?

 Regards Felix

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[tw] Re: Drag Drop External File/Attachment linking

2014-11-05 Thread Ed Dixon

+1 This is a wish list item for me as well. A popup dialog with embed or 
download media option might work even better for others that do not have 
this need however. This would be a terrific feature to have if it is 

On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 11:26:56 PM UTC-7, Blake Blacksmith wrote:

 Instead of drag and drop being limited to full binary imports of a 
 file(which bloats the Wiki and makes editing files cumbersome) is there a 
 way to drag and drop a file that is within a TiddlyWiki's folder and have 
 it expressed as a local file link? 

 For clarity here is an example:

 I have a TW in folder *Wiki* and an image in *Wiki/images/*. Could we 
 make is so that when we drag and drop the image *Wiki/images/bunnies.jpg* 
 into a text area TW checks that the file is within its folder (in this case 
 in Wiki) and if it is have the relative link text 
 *[[file:./Wiki/images/bunnies.jpg]]* show up and if it not have the 
 absolute link text show up *[[file:/C:/Users/Me/Wiki/images/bunnies.jpg]]*

 Right now I am manually inserting relative links but this is very time 
 consuming when I must link many files into a Tiddlers text. I currently do 
 not have the time to make my own plugin that does this but think such a 
 plugin would extend the use-cases of TW to in-the-field/real time  note 

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[tw] Re: [TW5] New introductory video

2014-11-02 Thread Ed Dixon
I think it is great and features a terrific use of zooming as a 
presentation tool! There is so just much TW5 can do, really amazing!

On Saturday, November 1, 2014 8:21:04 AM UTC-6, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 I've been working on a new brief introductory video for TiddlyWiki. The 
 idea is to have a 2 minute introduction video that tries to explain the 
 basic concepts, and then several Getting Started videos that go through the 
 steps to getting TiddlyWiki up and running in the standalone configuration, 
 under TiddlyDesktop, under Node.js etc.

 Here's the first version:

 It's a screencast of this new introduction edition:

 I'm not 100% happy with where I've got to so far. I think there's too much 
 emphasis on showing how the mechanisms of TiddlyWiki work, and not enough 
 about why these features are useful. Anyhow, comments welcome,

 Best wishes


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[tw] Re: Sharing Tiddly wiki without internet?

2014-11-02 Thread Ed Dixon
I have been looking at using this in an offline educational setting as 
well. For what I hope to do with it, I am embracing its decentralized 
features in hopes of building a decentralized learning management system of 
sorts that can then report to a more typical learning resouce.  The TW5 
files need no server at all, it just has to be disseminated to the students 
by some means this could include email attachment, disk copy, ftp server, 
bluetooth, NFC, or of course direct http access to it. This flexibility to 
me is its greatest feature. 

On Thursday, October 30, 2014 2:19:48 AM UTC-6, Paul Walsh wrote:

 Hi everyone in TW group,

 I'm really excited about the possibilities of TW for teaching, especially 
 in low-resource contexts e.g. developing nations or just classrooms with 
 bad wi-fi or NO wi-fi.

 So would it be possible for me as a teacher to share a TW in the classroom 
 without internet. So, I have the TW file on my laptop - can I share this 
 with my learners either
 through bluetooth or internal wi-fi. So I could get the file to my 
 learners' phones or mobile devices without internet.

 I know there are chat tools like Open Garden and Firechat but I don't know 
 if you can share files - this would be great.

 Anyone any ideas - I suppose what I'm looking for is an offline DropBox!


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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] codemirror TW5 mode support?

2014-10-06 Thread Ed Dixon
Hi Stephen,

I agree and am all about removing everything that reduces resources in
everything that I do. (You probably can't tell that from the lengths of my
posts above LOL but I am). A minimalist to the extreme here which is
probably why I find TiddlyWiki so fascinating. I do think though as the
code mirror plugin is an optional plugin to begin with that there should
not be anything restricting another plugin from providing the full set of
Code Mirror features with a configuration control panel for it if that is
possible, and if there is a need for it. That said I am with you, if I did
not have a specific need for it, I would not even be using the current one
as the basic editor seemed fine for that purpose.

I know I must be missing something here but to me seeing how the CM package
is complete as a standalone javascript plugin, is replacing the main editor
the only way to add CM capabilities to the TW5 file?  I feel once I fully
understand why spawning another editor instance or wrapping the
functionality and hooking it to TW5 capabilities is not possible, I will
have a much clearer picture of what is possible here but my gut is telling
me this could be done and might open worlds of possibilities for much
easier integration of other useful scripts as well.


On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 6:45 AM, 'Stephen Kimmel' via TiddlyWiki wrote:

 For me, we would like to keep a CodeMirror plugin useful to the maximum
 number of people with very simple additions to allow the specialists to
 enhance it to meet their needs. There are or should be a lot more
 Tiddlywiki users than Tiddlywiki programmers. What I need is an enhanced
 text editor and enough accessible documentation that I can understand how
 to make the thing work. My wishlist includes:

 1. bracket matching that includes the Tiddlywiki formatting codes. I've
 spent more time than I can count trying to find the mismatched ` that is
 matched by a '.
 2. search and replace.
 3. the basic keysnippets functionality of adding a Tiddlywiki format code
 to the beginning and end of a selected passage.

 Many of the CodeMirror functions, hiding a block, moving a block,
 transposing letters, are nice to haves. While I can see why folks would
 like themes and autospelling and such, I wouldn't want to try to remove
 them manually.

 I like the idea of a control panel, perhaps like the old TWC one where you
 could simply check off the options you want. If it is going to result in
 even more code bloat than Tiddlywiki already has, then I don't think we
 need to have everything pre-installed.

 The config tiddler was a hassle. I would have liked to have had one
 prebuilt as part of the plugin. I don't know if it would work but could we
 include the necessary lines for the available modules and comment them out?

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Re: [tw] Re: [TW5] codemirror TW5 mode support?

2014-10-05 Thread Ed Dixon
I do appreciate efforts to make this available. I may not have the
understanding of TW architecture to make these types of modifications yet,
 but I do clearly understand my need and desired use for this plugin. It is
my hope to offer a very flexible student note book that can be used with
all grade levels and subjects, providing as many of the tools needed as
possible and all self contained for the student in the book itself. Having
taught for many decades and in many different learning environments
(K-college), I have discovered that a tool like this will only be utilized
if it meets all the basic student / teacher needs and depending on subject
much of the required software may not be as available to the student as we
would like both in and out of the classroom making even a local server with
Learning Management System and TW Iframes ineffective. By providing
portable equivalents to the most common tools needed to make notes for as
many use cases as possible and integrating those with the existing tagging
and note taking tools we can give something of real utility to the
students. Due to TW5's common format, single file design, and with the
awesome work of several here (TW for Scholars and NoteStorm) we can provide
much of this needed functionality already for the organization and citation
of the student notes and efforts. What I would like to see is added tools
to allow the student to add these notes based on the discipline under study
and where native language text may not be the only language used. For
example for math we have Ka-Lite which is awesome and provides exactly what
I am talking about for several disciplines, for computer classes we could
have CodeMirror with these issues addressed but in order to do so we need
to support features that may not be common to the basic TW main editor
purpose and this type of config tiddler to support plugins within the
plugin in a modular plugin design (if I am understanding that goal
correctly) to add themes and programming languages, and features such as
folding, I agree would be preferred.

On the wish list: I have seen some work on Music Notation (a subject near
and dear to me) but no standout ready as of yet that I am aware of. The
addition of and current discussions with working with SVG elements
in TW5 brings hope that a mind map based on tagging or fields is in the not
too distant future. Providing multi-language support in the editor as a
drop-down choice would also be a useful tool where the student could choose
a language other than native to support foreign language courses, and
support for a greater number of external file types where the student could
save a copy of linked files to a TWStore folder that could accompany the
TW5 file on a thumb-drive providing temporary storage of specific course
resources (like a weekly video assignment, or book in pdf format, etc)
would in my opinion pretty much wrap this up and we are already so close. A
lot of this functionality is already available and I am sure others have
developed work arounds to include useful items I haven't even thought of
here. But I think by now you get the idea.

Some concerns I have specific to this discussion (and please keep in mind I
am primarily a computer use trainer) is the use of modes, themes, and
language auto completion features within the CM editor. Having CM as the
main editor is not as important (in my opinion) as having these features
supported (perhaps as a second editor?) The reason Modes are important to
me is that I have taught classes in using VIM and EMACS and having a VIM
native language editor in the browser would have been a dream come true for
me in teaching those classes. As it was, the students had to reboot the
windows machines (without gvim installation rights) using live cds then
drop to shell just to get to a vim editor and was the greatest hinderance
in effectively showing the best features vim provides (same true of EMACS).
Having taught computer classes for a very long time I have discovered that
the student gains much more confidence and will use the program much more
where personalization or customization features (such as the CM themes) are
available and take much pride in setting up their system which in this
case is the editor itself and will result in the student using it much
more. The other features like code folding, autocompletion, etc make the
experience much more like working in a full IDE and could be just enough to
provide needed experience with those concepts so that a full IDE
environment might not be necessary depending on course. So to me it is not
about having those features because they are there but because of the
utility provided to both teacher and student in having them but there is a
real need to control the setup of the editor for each use case. Not to
mention the functionality all of this provides to a real designer /
developer using these tools both in TiddlyWiki and for other projects.

Of greater concern to me 

[tw] Re: [TW5] codemirror TW5 mode support?

2014-10-04 Thread Ed Dixon
@PMario Thank you for this explanation and much respect for originally 
doing this in TWc as well as  everything else you do here. The community 
here is just amazing! You have given me very good advice and much to 
consider here.


On Friday, October 3, 2014 4:58:31 PM UTC-6, PMario wrote:

 Long post warning :)

 Hi Ed,
 I did codemirror for TWc.

 Yes, I do not know how CodeMirror was implemented in TWC (I will look)

 The TWc concept used to highlight the syntax in tiddler view mode, can't 
 be used anymore with TW5.
 CM for TWc implemented some parsing rules for eg: //{{{ javascript }}}//  
 or !--{{{-- html !--}}}--... These wikitext rules are not there 
 anymore in TW5

 A TW5 tiddler has a type. eg: application/javascript which defines how 
 the syntax should be highlighted. For javascript detection is easy. .. but 

 CSS will be more complicated, because there are 2 type possibilities in TW:

 a) type: text/css ... easy ... type can be used for highlighting
 b) type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki  - tag: $:/tags/Stylesheet ... more 
 complicated, since CSS code can include wikitext now. So what you need here 
 is a mixed mode. Codemirror supports this, but it is more complicated, than 
 pure modes. (There are at least 2 mechanisms in cm that could be used :)

 There are several other edge cases eg: with svg. SVG has type: 
 text/svg+xml   .. It can be viewed as an image (TW default). But if TW is 
 used as a programming editor svg  also can be viewed as highlighted text 
 but type has to be text/svg+xml. So a different view type has to be 
 defined. .. 


  I do not know if the current plugin was stripped of these features to 
 reduce bloat for the majority of users who do not need them (which makes 
 perfect sense)

 The codemirror plugin was initially created by Jeremy, as a proof of 
 concept. Then someone hardcoded several cm keyboard bindings (cm plugins) 
 into the TW cm-plugin, to make it more useful: emacs, vim, sublime. The 
 result is pure bloat. ... CM keyboard bindings are plugins for a reason. 
 ... nobody needs them all. 

 There are also some addons: dialog, edit and search. ... imo they are ok, 
 since the default browser search mechanism doesn't work with long code 

 So there are no conflicts. .. It's just size, that matters. ... 

 ... for a project I am working on and would like to fully support all CM 
 features (themes/ addons/ etc) either by extending the existing plugin, or 
 creating a new one.

 I think it is impossible for one man, to support all cm features. ... 
 Codemirror is a toolbox, you can use to create your own IDE. see: the project. There is a big company that creates it and a 
 community that creates plugins for brackets ;)

 So what we need, is a codemirror editon, that works for our needs. Users 
 can use them or drag and drop plugins from this edition. So you can create 
 your own custom edition.

 Or we use: which means you need well 
 defined functionalities, that are packaged together. 

  - vim 
  - sublime
  - ...

 theme: A, B, C .. imo only one is needed. 

  - tiddlywiki (TBD)
  - javascript
  - CSS
  - html
  - mixed mode
  - text/plain
  -  + 81 more languages :)

  - search and replace
  - autocomplete for 
- tiddler names
- tags
- macros and widgets
  - inline editing of transcluded tiddlers :)


 Codemirror needs to be updated to V 4.6 ... At the moment TW uses 4.1
 There needs to be an automated process to update code from 
 .. They are moving with an incredible pace. So if you need to update 
 plugins from there, imo it has to be done automatically. Otherwise you are 


 Is anyone thinking about adding a TW5 syntax highlighting mode to 
 codemirror in a similar way codemirror supports a TWC mode?

 I was thinking about to implement it, to get rid of the highlight plugin, 
 which uses different colors.
 But at that time the parsing mechanism was still in flux and I didn't want 
 to change it every 2 weeks :)

 Then I started using the brackets IDE, so there isn't much need for me, to 
 use TW as a development environment atm. What would be interesting though, 
 is a new TiddlyWiki syntax highlighter with the new wikitext syntax. 

 The only problem is, that a day has only 24 hours and TW software doesn't 
 pay the bills :)

 just my 2 cents

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[tw] Re: [TW5] codemirror TW5 mode support?

2014-10-03 Thread Ed Dixon

Yes, I do not know how CodeMirror was implemented in TWC (I will look) and 
I am new to TW5 in general, but I have this need as well for a project I am 
working on and would like to fully support all CM features (themes/ addons/ 
etc) either by extending the existing plugin, or creating a new one. I do 
not know if the current plugin was stripped of these features to reduce 
bloat for the majority of users who do not need them (which makes perfect 
sense) or if there are existing conflicts with these features and TW5 in 
general. I have not started building on this yet and this would be my first 
plugin / extension if successful. I do hope to add a configuration widget 
for the CM setup as well. I am looking forward to the video meeting with 
Mr. Ruston on Tuesday to gain more insight and get to know some of the team 
better here. I have watched all the previous video hangouts and reread the 
documentation several times and feel like I know many of you already! I 
hope you can make it.


On Friday, October 3, 2014 11:29:46 AM UTC-6, TheDiveO wrote:

 Is anyone thinking about adding a TW5 syntax highlighting mode to 
 codemirror in a similar way codemirror supports a TWC mode?

 -- TheDiveO

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[tw] Re: Announcing TiddlyWiki 5.1.1

2014-09-23 Thread Ed Dixon

I am new here and very much enjoying my journey of discovery into 
everything Tiddly these past few weeks! Great job everyone! I am truly 
stunned at the quality of both code and community and look forward to being 
a bigger part of both. I too prefer the KaTex over the other considered 
options and hope to incorporate that into a TiddlyWiki design I am working 
on. However, its inclusion in git has led to a few questions. 1) Am I 
correct that the inclusion results in the plugin being built and available 
via name but not 
installed in the empty TiddlyWIki by default, requiring import to use. 
This seems to be the case but want to be sure? and 2) I am now aware of 
several TW5.X compatible plugins and customizations from googling but in 
these searches the vast majority returned are 2.X is there an un/official 
listing of just TW5.X plugins resources and customizations?


On Monday, September 22, 2014 5:16:02 AM UTC-6, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 I'm pleased to announce the release of TiddlyWiki 5.1.1:

 Remember to keep careful backups before upgrading existing wikis at:

 The headline addition is a new plugin to render LaTeX-compatible 
 mathematics using the new KaTeX library from Khan Academy. See:

 The other big change is the removal of some features that were deprecated 
 in 5.0.17-beta:

 * Removed deprecated title attribute on the ButtonWidget
 * Removed support for deprecated $:/tags/stylesheet system tag

 There are also further improvements to the documentation.

 Thanks to pmario and TheDiveO for their contributions to this release.

 As usual, feedback is gratefully received!

 Best wishes


 Jeremy Ruston javascript:

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