Re: [TMIC] Superpubic

2007-08-21 Thread MissPrissGrandma
I have had a suprapubic catheter since 5/05 when I got too  weak to walk 
My home health nurse changes it once a month.  When I go  out I can change 
from the big collection bag to a leg bag which hids under my  dress easier.  
They tell my husband could be taught to change it.  He  should learn since he 
the line to the balloon one night while changing the  bandages and we had to 
get the evening home health nurse to come change  it.
Before I had this 14 French catheter, I had something that had  a tiny metal 
wire in my bladder but it got stopped up or plugged often and made  me bleed a 
lot since I am on Coumadin.
I do have to go to see my urologist next month so he can look  inside to make 
sure nothing bad is happening.  I remember one of the risks  is that you can 
get cancer.  I don't know if my bladder will work once I  start walking again 
and take this out.
Good luck
Hildred in NC
TM since 1976

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[TMIC] SUBSCRIBE (see below)

2007-08-21 Thread MissPrissGrandma
I get mail from the list all of the time but when I posted to  the list, I 
got an email saying I couldn't post to the list cuz I wasn't a  member.  Huh?  
I've been here for years

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Re: [TMIC] Making TMC Known

2007-05-10 Thread MissPrissGrandma
TM anniversary?  Hmmm, that made me think.  I do  believe mine is 5/15, just 
several days after my son't birthday, although it  started coming on about a 
week or so before that.  We were in the mountains  of NC, had gone to see 
husband's grandmother for Mother's Day, and that's   when the symptoms started. 
Finally went into the hospital on the 15th  after realizing I hadn't been able 
to pee for two days.  Walked into the  hospital though!!
TM since 5/76

** See what's free at

Re: [TMIC] meds

2007-05-06 Thread MissPrissGrandma
I took Avinza a while back and had a terrible reaction.   Actually, it scared 
the sh-t out of me.  I think what happened was that I  had been on those 
patches for pain and I didn't get all of that out of my system  before starting 
the Avinza.
I can't remember if I kept taking it or whether I flushed  it.  I take 
hydrocodone up to 4x a day and muscle relaxers as most of my  pain is in my 
Hildred in NC
TM since '76

** See what's free at

[TMIC] Update on hospital stay

2007-04-30 Thread MissPrissGrandma
I haven't written to the list in so long that half of you have  probably 
forgotten me.
First let me thank HeyJude for my contest winnings.  They  arrived in perfect 
shape and just made my day.  Thank you so  much.
I went back to my doctor two weeks after I got out of the  hospital.  He 
basically asked me why I was there as I had just seen him 6  weeks before.  He 
no discharge summary on me and no results of the  stress test.  I find that 
really strange as he is in a practice owned by  the hospital and he couldn't 
even find anything on the computer.  After all  that searching, he did say 
Let's talk about when you were here six weeks  ago.  I didn't remember 
throwing a 
fit as I tend to do in the hospital  when something doesn't go as I want it 
to, but I have made a promise to his  nurse to behave from now on.  Anyway, 
come to find out that I am insulin  resistant which I guess means pre-diabetic. 
That shouldn't surprise  me.  Seems to be a family trait, plus I just lay in 
bed all day so I don't  burn up anything.  He gave me a choice of pills or a 
shot and I chose the  shot as it supposedly helps take your appetite away and 
believe me,  it  does.  The problem I am having is that he wants me to consume 
150-180 grams  of protein a day.  I just can't eat that much and those drink 
things aren't  real good.  I go back in a couple of weeks so maybe he'll know 
something  about my hospital stay by then.  He at least knew I was in the 
hospital and  that his hospitalist was seeing me every day.
On another note, hubby has to go to a conference in Myrtle  Beach early in 
June.  The last time I went with him I was able to stand a  little, so we took 
my wheelchair and went, however, sitting still for that ride  and not being 
able to move my feet caused to get blood clots when I got back and  I am still 
Coumadin.  This time we have to find a van to rent that takes  wheelchairs.  
My manual wheelchair that comes apart was too wide to go  through the hotel 
room door.  My electric wheelchair doesn't have that  problem.  I am just 
worried about back pain because just going to the  doctor in it hurts my back 
bad.  I can imagine what a trip to the beach  will do but I am not staying her 
Not leading a very exciting life these days, can't even watch  my soaps cuz 
channel 6 goes off every day when they are on.   MEAN
That's about it for now.  Will try to visit more  often.
in hot North Carolina
TM since '76

** See what's free at

Re: [TMIC] Our friend Hildred (SHE'S HOME)

2007-04-10 Thread MissPrissGrandma
I got home about 11:30 p.m. last nite.  Had a  great time in the hospital!  I 
was working on relaxation techniques during  my stress test and it was hard 
for them to get my pulse rate up, but even then  the test wasn't bad.  My dr's 
group has a hospitalist who just works in the  hospital.  The one I had Friday 
- Sunday has a cousin with TM.  I  thought that was interesting.  It was the 
sudden onset variety and he is  now 90% recovered.  I didn't get his age or 
location.  I go back to my  dr on the 20th to get test results etc.  I want to 
gave gastric bypass as  soon as the center here gets medicare approved so at 
least my stress test is out  of the way and maybe I can move up the list 
quicker.  Glad to be home and  sleep in my own bed where it is QUIET!  Had an 
Alzheimer's patient across  the hall.  Oh, they want me to have a sleep study 
too cuz 
I was breathing  through my mouth and my pulse ox went down to 90 when I was  
Thanks for the prayers!

** See what's free at


2006-11-16 Thread MissPrissGrandma
Hey Wendy, my name is Hildred and I was hit by TM in  5/76.  It started with 
bad back pain, slow walking, chest cold, then a high  temp and muscle spasms 
in the large muscle in the thigh.  I walked into the  hospital because I hadn't 
pee'd in two days but got paralyzed from the chest  down very quickly.  I 
stayed there til September when I came home with a  walker.  By January I was 
back at work just having to hold onto rails going  up and down the steps.  I 
living in Virginia at the time but think I  contracted the chest cold in NC.
Now here we are 30 years later and I am unable to walk  again.  This still I 
started with falls, lots of falls, which caused a  broken bone. torn 
ligaments, etc.  I haven't found a good neuro here by I  have high hopes.  I 
have been 
to rehab once here and to a nursing home once  after they found blood clots in 
my legs.
The only diagnostic test they did in Va was a spinal tap and  the 
neurosurgeon said MS but neurologist who followed me for 5 months said TM  and 
he had 
taught at two medical schools.  I don't know what to think, it  is really 
me down this time.  I don't have the patience to just lie  in bed all day 
every day.  I hope there is an answer soon.
Charlotte, NC

Re: [TMIC] I need all of your help!!

2006-11-16 Thread MissPrissGrandma
Kessler would also be where Michael Graves was sent when he  came down with 
'whatever' while on a trip to Germany.  Michael is an  architect by trade but 
did a lot of work for Target a few years back in  aluminum, like a paper towel 
dispenser, as well as plates, etc in retro  colors.

Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #160

2006-09-03 Thread MissPrissGrandma

Pam, I am on Coumadin (10 mg every day, except 7.5 on Mondays) also. 
They change the dosage often. I don't know what I do that they have to 
keep changing the dosages. I gave up taking my multivitamin, gave up the 
green veggies, and even the questionable banana. I've probably had 
broccoli 5 times in this whole year. My doctor's nurse had said that he 
would probably have taken me off of it by now (been on it since June of last 
year) but that I am in bed all of the time. I sit on the side of the bed 
when I use the computer and move my legs lots when I am in bed.

Maybe now that I have a smaller wheelchair, I can get to a neurologist and 
get my meds straight for sure. With my manual wheelchair, I couldn't go 
anywhere cuz it was too wide for doorways.

Charlotte, NC

Re: [TMIC] Lidocaine

2006-08-08 Thread MissPrissGrandma

I used Lidocaine patches when I was in rehab - took one patch, cut it in 
two and put one on each knee - can't really say one way or the other. 
Probably would say it didn't help much. I have used a whole one on my back 
but I sleep on my back and it gets all wadded up.



2006-08-06 Thread MissPrissGrandma

As I read your letter, it sounded like one I could have written word for 
word. I am going nuts not knowing what is wrong with me. My TM 
started in 1975 with terribly painful spasms in the large muscles in my thigh 
and my bladder was beginning to 'not work'. I walked, very weakly, into 
the hospital on a Saturday night and when they finally cathed me the next day, I 
filled up two bags. Dangerous!! I believe it was on that Sunday that 
a neurosurgeon came to do the spinal tap. I remember by then my legs were 
becoming paralyzed and it was difficult to roll up into a ball. The NS 
diagnosed it as MS but I never saw him again and my neurologist who 
followed me for the next five months always said it was TM and not MS. I 
saw the neurologist a couple of times after I got out of the hospital. I 
think the last time was after the birth of my son in 1979. Shortly after 
that we moved to NC and I am sure he retired.

I was fine for 30 years until several years ago. I had a job as a 
medical transcriptionist and sat at a computer 10 hours a day. I started 
falling and couldn't walk up the one step it took to get into my apt. 
Finally one of those falls resulted in a spiral fracture to my right leg and the 
falls and strains and sprains continued. Lots of reasons to stay off of my 
feet and stay in bed. Somewhere along the way I remember having an open 
MRI of my spinal cord which was clear but I continued to worsen. I had 
seen a neuro here in Charlotte before the falls, etc because of some weird pain, 
etc and by the time April of 2005 came and I couldn't walk, the neuro wouldn't 
admit me because I hadn't seen him in two years or so. Finally, my 
husband's MD agreed to admit me and while in the hospital, some neuro was sent 
in on consult but he just said I wouldn't fit in his MRI or CT so come back when 
I had lost a bunch of weight. He basically blew me off. With the 
help of a very strong 'industrial' walker I was able to take 7 steps in the 
hospital which qualified me to go to rehab. After about 3 weeks in rehab I 
was able to take maybe 30 steps but then I come home and only get a chance to 
walk twice a week with PT at home and I lose everything quickly. After a 
short trip to Myrtle Beach with my husband going to a conference I came home to 
a high temp, throwing up, a UTI, I guess, etc, I was back in the hospital. 
This was less than a month after getting out of rehab. Come to find out I 
had blood clots and my blood sugar (I am not a diabetic) was way high. I 
was a sick puppy. This time I couldn't take any steps and rehab wouldn't 
take me back so I got shipped off to anursing home about 1 1/2 hours 
away. There were a bunch of young kids running the rehab there and their 
hot topic every day was where they were going for lunch. When I left there 
in August, I could barely take 10 steps. Again, I came home and lost all 
of my strength. My feet have not touched the floor now since Sept of 
2005. I am stuck in bed, stuck in my room (wheelchair won't fit thru the 
door) and stuck in the house. I called some neuros but the wide wheelchair 
prevented me from getting an appointment with any of them. I have had two 
suicide attempts recently but only one admission. They don't have staffing 
on the psych ward for a patient needing so much medical attention. 

I do have a couple of things I am cautiously optimistic about. 
Supposedly a motorized wheelchair has been approved and ordered and would 
be able to ride a special bus to appts and a transfer system that will help me 
slide from one place to the other. My doctor doesn't know what to do with 
me. I can't really go to him - he is a bariatric specialist - yet my old 
wheelchair didn't fit through his door and my ins co won't pay the 800.00 round 
trip fee to see him anymore. Thank goodness he finally RX'd Flexeril after 
months and months of pain pills that didn't help. I was in constant pain 
even sitting on the side of the bed but the Flexeril seems to have kicked 
it. Unfortunately, he will only give me a minimal amount as I am a 
'suicide risk.' I also seem to be still getting Hydrocodone, by the Grace 
of God, and Ambien and Clonazepam which my psych started me on about 5 years 
ago. I can't go a day without them.

So that is my story, I don't know where I am,I don't know where I am 
going but I know I am tired of looking at these four walls and this bed. I 
think it has been probably 6 weeks since I have been out of this bed even tho I 
have my own lift. Six weeks ago was the last suicide attempt. Damn 
that charcoal was nasty!!

Hildred in Charlotte, NC
It might be hot outside, but I can't go outside to tell you! (One 
positive thing!)

Re: [TMIC]An Article From re M. Graves

2006-05-03 Thread missprissgrandma

I agree that it was very nice of him to respond but I don't understand why they didn't come up with a diagnosis for him. I am sure he had the best doctors available. Like I said before, I started with an untreated viral infection in my chest area and I had the same back pain. In fact. the doctor diagnosed that as arthritis after diagnosing the chest congestion as the flu but he was just my husband's uncle (but a real doctor, nonetheless, and not a specialist.

Hildred-Original Message-From: Laura A. Eichler [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Mon, 1 May 2006 11:09:41 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)Subject: Re: [TMIC]An Article From re M. Graves

I have thought of Mr. Graves every now and then also. I remember reading the first newspaper article about him when he first got ill. Because he said that he had back pain before the paralysis set in, I figured it really sounded like TM. About a month or two ago I emailed him at his office (in New York I think) and was happy and surprised when he responded. He thanked me for my interest in him but he told me that they still didn't know what exactly caused him to become paralyzed. He mentioned something about The Miami Projectfor his hope to walk again. I had meant to post this to the TMIC but time got away from me and then I forgot until Hildred just brought it up again. I thought it was so nice of him to take the time to write me back. 

Laura in NC


[TMIC]An Article From re M. Graves

2006-04-30 Thread MissPrissGrandma
Hildred thought you might be interested in this page on AARP's Web site:

--- Message from Hildred 

Do yall remember this guy from a few years ago?  He got TM while in Germany and 
was sent to the same rehab facility Chris Reeves had been in.  I wondered what 
had happened to him!


Please click the address below, or copy and paste the URL into your Web browser:

AARP's Web site provides the tools, information, and opportunities to help you 
get the most out of life.  Discover the latest AARP member benefits, discounts 
and special offers – including savings on online services.

Re: [TMIC] TM Journal

2006-04-25 Thread missprissgrandma

When I was first diagnosed in 1976, totally paralyzed from the mid-chest area down, I was diagnosed with acute diffuse transverse encephalomyelitis and it did follow a viral infection in my upper chest, high temp and spasms in the large muscle in my thigh that they gave me ativan for. I still have the scars on the bottoms of my feet from thebed sores from the leg spasms. Anytimeafter that I was have spasms in my leg even if I didn't feel the pain, i.e.,a break of some sort. I guess that was my brain telling me something was wrong.

Hildred in NC-Original Message-From: Krissy Z [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TM List; TMA-New-England [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:22:56 -0700 (PDT)Subject: [TMIC] TM Journal

did everyone get theirs today?Some interesting stories in there!Hey all..what is ADEM?Krissy

Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone. 


2006-04-25 Thread missprissgrandma

I haven''t gotten a directory or journal in a while now but I think they might have taken my name off the list when I didn't have access to a computer for a while (it hurts sooo bad sitting up in bed using a laptop!) but I seem to be back on the list now.

Hildred in NC
TM since '76-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 16:59:28 EDTSubject: Re: [TMIC] DOES ANYONE REMEMBER

In a message dated 4/24/06 4:00:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
remember back a few years ago,there used to be a book that came out about 2 times a year,,from the tma with the listing of all the members names and emails in it.what ever happened to that?i havnt gotten one in years.does the association still do it? jeff Yes, they do -- one just came in my mail today, and the directory came out a few months ago, I think. I just checked the web site, and there is a form to fill out on the web site at Barbara H. (P.S. Sandy, if you're reading -- thanks again so much for all that you do in putting these together and sending them out!!) 

Re: [TMIC] Chiro

2006-04-25 Thread missprissgrandma

Do we file for SSD on our earnings or our husband's? I am 3 years older than my husband and he is still working so I filled on mine which isn't much since I worked for the federal government for so many years and didn't pay into SS.

Thanks - Hildred (I am only 56)-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 01:36:40 EDTSubject: Re: [TMIC] Chiro

In a message dated 4/16/2006 6:57:19 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
there is absolutely no SSA law saying that you must wait a whole year to reapply for benefits, 
Sorry, I'm sometimes kinda slow to respond to email. I think what happened was that when I went in tothe SS officeto ask aboutclaiming benefits from my ex-husband's SS, she asked me why I didn't apply for SSDI. I told her, it was b/c my disability wasn't permanent, to which she responded, if it lasts one year, then it's considered permanent, even if you get better later. I will have been out 1 year on May 5th, so that's why I went in recently to start the process. Previously, I was 'sure' I'd be back to work in just a few months. (BTW: I found out that I could claim benefits undermy ex-husband's name, but he's been out of the country and hasn't paid taxes for quite a while (not to mentionhis questionable ethics when he did pay taxes), so even though he's financially very well off,his benefits aren't any more than mine at this point.)

As for you having a mild case and that the fatigue will just go away, many don't find that. It seems the doctors think that if you can walk, your case is "mild" and symtoms will just disapear.
I think this is exactly where my doctor is coming from. She had worked with TM before, and was great in the beginning, but was so impressed with how fast I regained my ability to walk, that she just assumed (I think) that I was 'all better'. Actually, I found this a little difficult in dealing with other people, too. Maybe I'm just imagining this, but I get the feeling, even from family and friends, that when they see me walking fairly well, and feeling good enough to put some make-up on so I look like I did before, that I they don't really understand why I can't work already! Few people understand that the visible stuff is minor compared with the internal stuff. 


Re: [TMIC] Spinal cord/Depression/Panic attacks.

2006-04-12 Thread missprissgrandma

I started suffering panic attacks about 10 years ago and I don't know why. In fact, I didn't even know what they were and this waswhen I was 'well' and could walk fine. My first attack came when I was sitting at my desk at work late one night but nothing was bothering me and my face started tingling, much like when TM startedlong ago. I just got up from my desk, went home, got in bed and figured if I was going to die I would do it there. I guess my heart was racing. I don't remember. My next one also came at work not long after the first. I think maybe only 1/2 of my face was tingling but as I was working in a medical clinic they took my bp and it was way up. They thought it was a stroke so they sent me to my dr who said it was a panic attack. I was probably already on anti-depressants, so he just added Xanax. I went for a long time after that without another tingling attack but!
  have had lots of anxiety attacks. I am now on Clonazepam for anxiety and Lexapro for depression. I know what you mean, then are no fun! My last was when I was in the hospsital last spring and did the tingling thing again and got real agitated so the dr gave me an extra 2 mg dose of Clonazepam.

I was supposed to go see a new psych tomorrow a.m. but my ins co has pretty much stopped paying for me to go anywhere except ER by ambulance and all of the wheelchair transport places I called were either too expensive or I had to fill out an application that will take 3 weeks. I am still not sure my wheelchair is going to work as it is really wide and I had been told oncebefore that the wheels wouldn't go on the tracks but I guess we will find out.

Hildred in NC
TM since '76-Original Message-From: Grace [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TMIC tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 09:25:16 -0500Subject: [TMIC] Spinal cord/Depression/Panic attacks.

Yesterday I had to go see a psychiatrist. Since March 6th, I've been having horrific panic attacks. I spoke to my neuros office and was told that it is common for people suffering cord insult to have problems like these---not just because of the depression that comes along with the physical disability, but also from the drugs used to treat it. With my Devic's, I'm on huge doses of not only prednisone but other immunosuppressants, and of course the myriad of other drugs usedto keep me functioning. Have any of you dealt with this issue, and if so what helped? For now, they've prescribed Zoloft and Xanax.

I swear to you, the first panic attack I had was so horrific that I fled my house at 4:30 A.M., making the drive to my ex's house so Iwouldn't be alone. I could not catch my breath, my faceand fingers were going numb, and I quite literally wanted to*run* up and down the street. Since then, I've had several more, the last one necessitating atrip to the hospital at 11:00 o'clock at night. My oldest daughter has come back to stay with me as I am terrified of being alone.

My question is this---why does cord insult itslf cause depression regardless of degree of disability?


Re: [TMIC] Check out Spinal Cord Injuries Recovery Center

2006-04-07 Thread missprissgrandma

This is a great site. Thanks so much for passing it along. I am glad I was able to finally get on a computer for a little while today so as not to miss the link.

Hildred in NC
TMsince '76

Spinal Cord Injuries Recovery Center 

I found this information to be interesting and as a relative newcomer to SCI, am now able to better understand how everything works and how new discoveries are affecting TM.

It is a long article, so I apologize for that, but does deal directly with what ails us, so please forgive me.

The rest of the site is pretty good too, and you can each sign up for additional information if you so wish.



2006-04-07 Thread missprissgrandma

I got AOL cheaper by telling them I was a member of AARP. I don't know if you are old enough for AARP or even a member.

Hildred-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 02:39:41 ESTSubject: Re: [TMIC] AOL OT,OT

Thanks for all the info on email accounts. 

I now pay about $24 for aol unlimited use. But as I'm on leave without pay - and the state may not hold my position too much longer (which will mean I'll need to pay more for my health insurance, too), and no signs of going back to work too soon, I need to really watch it. I already have yahoo, also, but seldom use it b/c it seems so much slower than my aol email. And I still need to pay for internet service with yahoo, anyway.

My son,who thinks I'm paying too much for dial-up)suggested I try Netzero ( ). Has anyone heard of it? He said it's only $9.95 mo. I'm always afraid to try new things, esp. concerning the internet, as I'm fairly computer illiterate. He's never tried it b/c he has Roadrunner, or one of those more expensive ones -he wouldn'tmess with dial-up. :) But then he's a well-paid software engineer, who's not on medical leave!


Re: [TMIC] pain

2004-08-03 Thread MissPrissGrandma

My TM started in 5/76 and other than 
the painful spasms in the beginning I was virtually painfree until the past 
couple of years. Any pain that I did feel in the beginning, i.e., a 
stubbed toe felt 10 times worse than I remembered pre-TM. Now I have pain 
with the least little thing and doing the trial and error thing with the pain 
meds. Elavil didn't help, it only made me gain weight. Trileptal 
helped for neuroleptic pain which seems to have gone away so I have stopped the 
medication for now. I also tried the Fentanyl patch but thought it was 
bothering my stomach too much - I think I was wrong there. Now I have 
Morphine which definitely messes up my stomach and makes me constipated. 
Am considering going back on the patch or trying Methadone. I understand 
it works longer than the Morphine.

Get a second opinion. My pain management 
specialist would only say go swimming, so I had to find another doctor who would 
help me until such time as I am able to try the swimming 

Good luck!

HildredTM since 