RE: [TMIC] No mail

2012-03-28 Thread PAMELA S

Janice, I do.  I want to move to Missouri and escape this place!

Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 07:07:47 -0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] No mail

Well, OK;
I'm still having spells of epileptic fits every few days.  But I have 
discovered that sometimes I can get out of at least some of the weaker seizures 
by placing my mind on certain things.  And if I am able to concentrate on those 
things then the spell is broken momentarily and I gain some control.
This is a new and promising development in terms of clawing back some of my 
independence.  But unfortunately, I am still at the whims of epileptic fits 
that could come anytime and anywhere the good thing is that in New York City 
here no one notices; the bad thing is that you will likely get robbed.
From:  Janice Nichols
Date:  Tue, 27 Mar 2012 22:29:12 -0500
To:  James Berg, transverse myelitis
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] No mail
Resent-Date:  Tue, 27 Mar 2012 20:33:14 -0700

Hello James!!! I have been in Savannah for a couple of 
weeks.But, since my return I think it has been terribly quiet 
on this website.Nobody has anything to ask/talk 
about?  Any improvements 
for anyone lately?What’s 
up? Janice from Missouri From: James Berg Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:11 
PMTo: transverse myelitis Subject: [TMIC] No mail Just checking if there is 
something wrong with my emailI have received nothing on the Tm site since March 
14.  Would somebody 
send me a Hi so I know you all are still 

RE: [TMIC] No mail

2012-03-28 Thread PAMELA S

Guys-It's weird, I have the same hand problems.  The neurologist says it sounds 
like carpal tunnel.  The ortho surgeon says it's not.  I can type now, but 
couldn't 7  months ago.  Still can't hold a pen much.  EMG shows diffuse 
slowing of conduction to all nerves leading to the hands.  The surgeon told me 
surgery wouldn't improve this.  It's interesting that some days are better than 
others.  I have also been trying the arthritis gloves which seem to help.  The 
elbow pain at night is pretty bad though.

Subject: Re: [TMIC] No mail
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 07:04:19 -0700

i don't know which came first tm or carpal tunnel!
On Mar 27, 2012, at 3:22 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:Hi Susan,Just curious… was 
the carpal tunnel due to pre-TM issues or as a result of TM? After TM hit me, 
it left me with disfigured hands – I lost the ability of the tendons to bend or 
lift the fingers of my right hand. I had two surgeries where the doctor was 
able to make use of lesser tendons to take over for the damaged ones. One 
finger still doesn’t bend like normal and I have limited grip ability, but the 
end result is so much better than before the surgery. Hope your surgery was 
successful and your fingers will be able to fly over the keyboard. Betty(in 
–wet– Northern California) From: Susan Kleinz [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 2:51 PM
To: Roger  Terese Pratt
Cc: 'James Berg'; 'transverse myelitis'
Subject: Re: [TMIC] No mail i am here, toosecond carpal tunnel surgery so one 
handed typing i am still listeningand thinking about everyone susan kleinz phx 
azOn Mar 27, 2012, at 2:14 PM, Roger  Terese Pratt wrote:

James,  I thought maybe you had unsubscribed.  Good to hear from you.  We are 
all still out here, just some days are better than others and we don’t post 
that much anymore.  Roger in Kennewick, WA  From: James Berg 
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:12 PM
To: transverse myelitis
Subject: [TMIC] No mail Just checking if there is something wrong with my 
emailI have received nothing on the Tm site since March 14.  Would somebody 
send me a Hi so I know you all are still there? 

RE: [TMIC] Participation

2012-03-28 Thread PAMELA S

Akua;  I didn't even know you did art work.  What kind of artwork?  What's it 
like?  Is there a picture anywhere?  I would like to see.  Pam

Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 07:02:19 -0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Participation

When I lived briefly in Malone, New York, up by Canada in Franklin County, even 
the able-bodied lived that way.
It was said a person needed five trades and some land in order to make it 
financially because it was so poor there.  Only a handful of very large dairy 
farmers were OK.
And every spring might see a new parking lot carved out of the downtown, from 
someone who managed to burn down one of the remaining city blocks that past 
Date:  Wed, 28 Mar 2012 02:04:36 -0400
Subject:  [TMIC] Participation
Resent-Date:  Tue, 27 Mar 2012 23:08:40 -0700

Employment -- I was  fired because of my disability….I was doing marketing and 
development. Then I taught, did readings and workshops but since returning 
home, I can do none of those thingsbecause there is no transportation. So I've 
turned to designing. I posted on Betterfly andnow have a private student who 
comes to my home. So those of you who can work are lucky to have situations 
that make that possible. In my part of the worldit's not only about 
*willingness* it is about access.
In terms of my art making, I haven't entered work in any shows because I never 
get to see it/them ---for the five show I've been in since returning home, not 
once has anyone taken any pictures of the shows or my work on the walls.
It's heartbreaking.

RE: [TMIC] No mail

2012-03-28 Thread PAMELA S

Hello!  I don't know about everyone else, but this strange weather fluctuations 
has been making it harder for me to sit and type at times.  I did notice the 
drop in emails though.  I thought it might be affecting others, also.  Pam

Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 10:11:59 -1000
Subject: [TMIC] No mail

Just checking if there is something wrong with my emailI have received nothing 
on the Tm site since March 14.  Would somebody send me a Hi so I know you all 
are still there? 

RE: [TMIC] Handicap

2012-03-21 Thread PAMELA S

I thought many disabled are unemployed, not the other way around.

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Handicap
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 22:18:36 -0400

Never heard that and don’t believe it, where did you hear it?


Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 7:14 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Handicap

Has anybody read where the unemployed are considered disabled? 
You gotta be shittin me.  

RE: [TMIC] what do i do

2012-02-22 Thread PAMELA S

Hey Bekki, I just want to add that their are a lot of doctors who refuse to use 
steroids still.  If it's not in the computer data base as evidence based 
medicine, they will refuse to use it, especially some of the young ones.  I've 
ran into this more than once.  So, if you received a small dose, I wouldn't 
judge anything by that.  The proof that it works is considered antedotal by the 
research guru's.  This is a part of the new medicine that I find frustrating. 
 I remember going into report one day and one of the seasoned nurses saying, 
we're trying this new treatment to stimulate the kidney in acute tubular 
necrosis.  Guess what?  It was the same treatment I had observed and 
administered for several years before moving out west.  So it was actually and 
old treatment that hadn't been adequately documented in the evidence based 
computer programs.

Subject: Re: [TMIC] what do i do
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 18:49:52 -0600

Bekki, you apparently had a very light case.
While I was in the hospital, one of my nurses told me of a friend of hers whose 
son contracted the disease.   He was away in college and 
a very severe flu that put him in the 
hospital.For 3-4 days he could not walk, then got his leg 
strength back.   There are a few lucky ones that get hit with a really 
light case, just as there
are those unlucky enough to have a severe case.


From: James Berg 
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 2:06 PM
To: Bekki Briggs 
Cc: transverse myelitis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] what do i do

That is not really a lot of steriods.  My IV steriods was for 6 days, 
with a new bag every eight hours-you are very lucky. I lost my legs, bladder 
bowels in an eight hour period.  I have been in a wheel chair ever 
since.  My question is, was there someother treatment that 'cured' your 

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Bekki Briggs wrote:

  Hi, I've had TM for nearly 2 months now, I am pleased to say I'm 
  nearly over it all, fingers crossed, I couldn't walk properly and had 
  all over except my head and face, I had 3 days of Iv steroids 30 mins each 
  day. I would just like to say I admire how strong you are, everyone who has 
  has had TM, its very difficult to come to terms with but I was blessed with a 
  loving girlfriend who helped me and pushed me to stay strong, glad u have the 
  same, sorry for the essay lol

  Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 09:50:29 -1000 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] what do i do

  Wow!  Dalton really says it well.  I was somewhat down this 
  morning and then reading his email and remembering what you have been 
  it pulled me up and I can move on today instead of feeling sorry for 
  myself.  What really got me was Dalton's reference to his wife and how 
  she cares for him.  I am very lucky to have a wife who also devotes 
  herself to caring for me.  for her it is a tough road to hoe because it 
  has severely limited her life's activities.  I too feel that this TM has 
  been laid on me for a purpose and although I'm not sure what it is I keep 
  trying to hold my head high and keep a smile on my face.  I hope you can 
  do the same.  We all care about you and are here for you when you need 

  On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Dalton Garis wrote:


I have been 
following your story in this email system.  You have been given a 
difficult row to hoe, as we used to say.  I am convinced by what has 
happened to me and from hearing all these stories from others with T.M. 
nothing happens without a purpose; and that we are being specialized 
spiritually and emotionally for a service of some kind.  Others will 
watch us and take strength from our efforts to overcome our 

I was dx-ed just 
over two years ago.  Since then I have had to quit my job as associate 
professor of economics at an engineering school in the Middle East, because 
the one thing T.M. left me with besides the constant pain, is an anomaly 
from a lesion on the brainstem that causes partial complex seizures not 
controlled by medications.  Now, I get many mild seizures, every couple 
of days or several per day. They keep me home now, but I can go out if 
someone goes with me to hold me up and take care of me if or when another 
spell comes.

In spite of these 
difficulties, however, in some strange way my heart is at peace and 
happy.  My dear angel of a wife takes such good care of me and is not 
upset when I become helpless for hours after a spell.

I hope that you also 
will find some peace and inner happiness.  

RE: [TMIC] Is it really so important to know?

2012-01-17 Thread PAMELA S

Hello all;  I agree with Celrod on this.  I would like to know what causes 
things because of the reoccurance of symptoms after recovery for a while.  I 
would like to prevent them.  I also notice a tendancy to autoimmune type 
problems in the family tree.  But, my only concern with cause is prevention of 
further problems because I do like what I do.  Celrod, I've had the same 
problem with word finding and written communication during acute episodes.  
Neurologists will claim I'm depressed.  But, the only time I feel depressed is 
when I can't work due to this stuff.  When I'm working I feel great.  And, it 
usually takes quite a bit of pain and prolonged periods of inactivity to get me 
down.  So, I really do believe this is the cause of the depression, not the 
other way around.  I am beginning that greens or hunter gatherer diet.  
It's not what I used to call hunter gatherer diet when we talked about diabetes 
prevention in native americans, but that was a long time ago, and it'll do.  Pam
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is it really so important to know?
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 22:56:07 -0600

This is really new to me  -  the fact that you have 
had so many episodes/attacks of TM, and then you are back to 
normal.I don’t know anything about your other disease, but I 
am sure
you have checked it out.   Hope someone will pop up 
here to talk to you about it and can empathize.


Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 3:19 PM
To: ; 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is it really so important to 

I was told I had TM on April 26, 1998 although I had been 
feeling numb and tingly in my leg and trunk since October.  It was a slow 
onset. It is almost 14 years!  Don't know why my immune system attacked me, 
but it did. I have had 6 episodes where I felt numb and tingly and the doctor 
put me back on steroids and it went away.  Personally I think stress was a 
big factor in my attacks. I also have another immune disease-bulbous pempgoid. 
Now I am starting to ramble. It helps to talk to someone who knows what I am 
talking about and it did initially involve my brain because I could not think 
the right words or write them.  That has returned slowly.
Jane/Splendora Tx

In a message dated 1/15/2012 11:12:28 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
I have had TM for more than 14 years and I 
  have gone to the best Doctors (Dr. Kerr). In this group as well as some of 
  other facebook groups there seems to be a preoccupation with trying to find 
  the cause that brought TM into our lives. I certainly understand the 
  importance of medical researchers looking for these answers but I don't 
  understand why it is so important for us to have a definitive answer as to 
  we were unlucky enough to contact TM.
I am a layman when it comes to our 
  condition. I see my neuro twice a year basically for pain management. I do 
  waste my time trying to answer a question for which there is no answer.
  were just unlucky enough to have hit the million to one lotterywhy 
  it stress, was it a flu shot, was it just a common cold that our immune 
  attacked improperly
God only knows and try as we might how are we 
  supposed to figure out the cause when none of our doctors have been able 

For me the most important things that a support group like ours can 
  supply is the medications that have been sucessful, and or the doctors that 
  have confidence in. I like all of you pray for a curebut at my age (64) I 
  pray it does not get worse and that new medications might make me feel 

Ok I am starting to ramble

All the best to 
Rob in New 

RE: [TMIC] we have a female child family member with TM symptoms

2012-01-11 Thread PAMELA S

When I worked Neuro ICU, I was always told the difference between guillainbarre 
and TM was TM was descending from injury down and guillain barre was both 
ascending and descending.  In other words, if you lost consciousness and were 
effected from the injury up, they called it guillain barre.  Personally, I 
think some neurologist use the two diagnoses interchangably.  At first, as with 
MS they said TM was often a symptom of the two diseases.  People with both have 
TM.  TM patients don't always have everything else.  Now, with MRI's the 
existence of plaques and demylination is used.  Many people recover from 
guillainbarre without residual.  Many of them have the residual burning etc.  
So symptom wise, there isn't a lot of difference except for how the ascending 
area is effected.  Winding up on a ventilator used to be almost hands down and 
diagnosis for guillain barre.  Now, it isn't always.  Some people on the vent 
are told they have TM.  

Subject: RE: [TMIC] we have a female child family member with TM symptoms
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 15:39:55 -0500


This website says that it isn’t inherited but genetics can play a
part on who gets the disease…please read…..


From: Emily [] 

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012
3:33 PM

To: 'Elizabeth Clark';;;

Subject: RE: [TMIC] we have a
female child family member with TM symptoms


How is it
different from TM?


From: Elizabeth Clark

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012
2:36 PM


Subject: RE: [TMIC] we have a female
child family member with TM symptoms


According to the list of auto-immune diseases: 


Syndrome: It is
an autoimmune disorder which affects the peripheral nervous system. It is
normally initiated by some acute infection. The characteristic of this disease
is the weakness which starts with the lower limbs and rapidly grows in the
ascending order. In this disorder, failure of the respiratory system is of the
highest concern, hence, the treatment mostly starts with the intubation of the
patient. Once the patient is stable, the treatment mostly includes of
immunoglobulins or plasmapheresis.



From: Emily [] 

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012
10:41 AM


Subject: RE: [TMIC] we have a
female child family member with TM symptoms


With that many
people in the same family….maybe all of you should be tested for Gillian





Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012
1:22 PM


Subject: Re: [TMIC] we have a
female child family member with TM symptoms


She is in my prayers.


Jane/Splendora Tx


In a message dated 1/11/2012 12:15:15
P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Mary woke up
yesterday morning and could not raise up (sit up) or walk. She is at children's
hospital.  The onset sounds like TM. Mary is my mom's great niece and my
3rd cousin. I have not been able to talk with family members and found out
through word of mouth.  Mary's uncle, my 2nd cousin, was struck with
similar event about the same time that I was hit with TM.  But Adam was
diagnosed with Gillian B. (can't spell that word and won't try).  

So we are
concerned about the issue but I am concerned about the doctor's getting it


RE: [TMIC] we have a female child family member with TM symptoms

2012-01-11 Thread PAMELA S

They also use immunoglobulins and pasmapheresis in TM patients when steroids 
don't work.  No proof that they work yet, same as steroids, just it works for 
some and not for others, and some doctors are willing to give it a try when 
nothing else works.  I prefer the doc who gives things a try myself.

Subject: RE: [TMIC] we have a female child family member with TM symptoms
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 11:35:49 -0800

According to the list of auto-immune diseases: 


Syndrome: It is an autoimmune disorder which affects the
peripheral nervous system. It is normally initiated by some acute infection.
The characteristic of this disease is the weakness which starts with the lower
limbs and rapidly grows in the ascending order. In this disorder, failure of
the respiratory system is of the highest concern, hence, the treatment mostly
starts with the intubation of the patient. Once the patient is stable, the
treatment mostly includes of immunoglobulins or plasmapheresis.



From: Emily [] 

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012
10:41 AM


Subject: RE: [TMIC] we have a
female child family member with TM symptoms


With that many
people in the same family….maybe all of you should be tested for Gillian





Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012
1:22 PM


Subject: Re: [TMIC] we have a
female child family member with TM symptoms


She is in my prayers.


Jane/Splendora Tx


In a message dated 1/11/2012 12:15:15
P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Mary woke up
yesterday morning and could not raise up (sit up) or walk. She is at children's
hospital.  The onset sounds like TM. Mary is my mom's great niece and my
3rd cousin. I have not been able to talk with family members and found out
through word of mouth.  Mary's uncle, my 2nd cousin, was struck with
similar event about the same time that I was hit with TM.  But Adam was
diagnosed with Gillian B. (can't spell that word and won't try).  

So we are
concerned about the issue but I am concerned about the doctor's getting it


RE: [TMIC] Extent of your TM? Pins and Needles

2012-01-03 Thread PAMELA S

Jim, I could walk all along...but by holding my legs or joints stiff and 
swinging from the hip and I didn't get far.  After steroids I was very weak, 
and couldn't tolerate any weight or get far for about 4 months.  then I had a 
complete recovery over about a year except for occassional fatigue and 
spasming.  In 2000, I lost it for 11 months and recovered over another year.  I 
had progressive weakness starting about 2008 until August 2010 when I couldn't 
do anything let alone sit for more than an hour.  I'm now getting around with 
orthotics and a brace for walking.  But, I have a lot of muscle weakness and 
easily get pain aside from pins and needles, and burning with any exertion.  
Also, my hands and arms are now involved.  But, I still get around pretty good 
if I can pace myself.  Pam

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 11:55:22 -1000
Subject: [TMIC] Extent of your TM? Pins and Needles

From the discussion of Pins and Needles it seems that most of you are able to 
get around and have some use of your legs.  I have pins and needles from my 
feet to my belly and no use of my legs at all.  And they weigh a ton.  Been 
like this since day  one.  Did any of you lose the use of your legs and then 
get them back?  If so, how long did it take and how did you do it?


RE: [TMIC] RE Pins and Needles

2011-12-31 Thread PAMELA S

Patti;  Which supplement were you taking?  Pam

Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 09:33:11 -0600
Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE Pins and Needles

James when I first got TM I ordered vitamin supplements for TM that came from 
India.  After taking them for a few months, my doctor found that it was 
affecting my liver.  They were concerned and were going to do a liver biopsy .  
I stopped taking the vitamins and when they did a secon dblood test they found 
my liver was back to normal and I didn't need the biopsynormal so I will never 
take things that are made in foreign countries.
 Patti - Wisconsin

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 3:05 PM, James Berg wrote:

Gerry and Pati--you can control the cost by buying your meds a River 
Pharmacy--out of India--they are honest and the drug is quality


On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 6:01 PM, wrote:

Many of us faced the same thing.  Movement and feeling also brought the feeling 
of pins and needles.  

I've taken Lyrica for about three years - it helps a lot.  I don't know about 
side effects except the cost can empty your wallet.  I would have stuck with 
gabapentin, but it was unpredictable.  Lyrica starts working witin 15 minutes.  
Gabapenten took an hour or two to work. 

The best pan reliever is laughter and the posts I read tonight relieved my pain 
for a while.  

The antidepressant, Cymbalta, might help with the pins and needles.  Of course, 
it's another drug with a lot of side effects.  

Pati - Michigan


RE: [TMIC] re pins and needles

2011-12-28 Thread PAMELA S

So far it is still legal in Oregon.  I am aware though that people with 
addictions claim anything to get a script...and I'm not referring to anyone 
here who is looking for pain relief.  As a result of the addictive stuff, I 
wouldn't be surprized if the government tried to put the kabash on it here.  I 
believe MT is still getting away with it, too.  There are side effects to MJ.  
Because it has been illegal for so long, it's been hard to document them 
though.  Everything has side effects including sweet potato pie which would 
help my mood tremendously.
Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 07:59:42 -0700

okay, first time I have heard of MJ
My neurologist wrote me a prescription for it!however, even though it was voted 
yes in Arizona, the Federal Government has put a stop on it.It works better 
than anything for me.And, it's true, alcohol is an analgesic and it definitely 
kills pain also.See you all at AA!  just kidding.Susan Kleinz, PhxOn Dec 26, 
2011, at 6:22 PM, Gillian Clark wrote:Dear pHran3quee, The most excellent 
advice as usual!!! I find that Scotch works nicely too. Seems to have less side 
effects than most meds too :) Of course, nothing really beats a bit of 
MJGilly- Original Message -From: frank@franksheldon.comTo: Gerry 
Surette ; tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 7:43 AMSubject: 
Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

my feet became unanalyzed recently I now experience pins and needles under my 
feet. is there anything that can be done to neutralize it? 


I find that Bourbon works best to decrease pain and pins/needles.  Bourbon 
mixed well with mint, but few medications.

Happy Holidays.

Oh, cutting your feet off actually intensifies the discomfort (phantom limb 



RE: [TMIC] re pins and needles

2011-12-27 Thread PAMELA S

Dalton;  I think the back injury is probably more accountable for many of your 
symptoms than TM.  Or maybe TM was a symptom of the back injury.  Norco has 
reduced acetaminophen in it with hydrocodone, but there is still a little bit.  
lyrica didn't do anything for me.  Neurontin or gaberpentin (sic) is 
predecessor or pregabulin Lyrica.  And, there are a lot of people out there who 
develop nasty side effects with the stuff.  I definitely doesn't work for 
everyone.   But, the broken back fits into the category of what used to be 
called Causalgia or now reflex sympathetic  dystrophy.  And, that's a whole 
other animal.  
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 07:51:59 -0800
Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

I am truly thankful that we have a variety of things to work with.
just read where possibly next year we will have hydrocodone without 
acetaminophen in it. it will have more hydrocodone but without the liver damage.
From: Dalton Garis
 To: john snodgrass; Bernie; TMIC 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 9:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

Your point is well taken.  I also had difficulty going on Lyrica, but I hung in 
there and continued with it because the pain under my skin all over my body 
gave me no choice.  Before Lyrica, I could not sleep or work; I felt as though 
I were being fried with high amperages of electricity.  I could only just lay 
there in awful pain.  And since I had broken my back in an industrial accident 
which bent me backwards until I couldn't see below my chest, I have adjusted 
what I consider to be painful.
The Lyrica killed the pain.  As for getting off it, why would I do that?  Its 
addiction is a mute point for me, since living pain-free is itself addictive; 
so that I
 would become immediately addicted to whatever removes this awful pain.
Dalton(718) 838-0437 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting(718) 838-0437  
From:  john snodgrass
Reply-To:  john snodgrass
Date:  Tue, 27 Dec 2011 04:52:09 -0800 (PST)
To:  Bernie, Dalton Garis, TMIC
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

I personally had no good experience with it.
I had no bad experience with it.
Just another one of those trials for me that didnt help out  
Somewhere I read where someone else loved it.
   From: Bernie
 To: Dalton Garis; TMIC 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 6:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

Not trying to scare off
  anyone considering taking this medication, but one has to be
  very careful with Lyrica, it has some very nasty side effects.
  Make sure your doctor starts you on a low dose and that you
  and your doctor monitor yourself very closely for these. Make
  a list of all of them and keep it handy. I was put on Lyrica
  and it made my life horrendous with a lot of misery until they
  could get me off of it. One also has to be weened off Lyrica,
  abrupt stopping of the taking of this medication can actually
  kill you. Here are a couple of links that tells you about
  Lyrica for you and your doctor to consider::



RE: [TMIC] re pins and needles

2011-12-26 Thread PAMELA S

I have found comfrey oil helpful.  Alcohol makes it worse.  Kytta-Salbe f 
ointment is helpful.  Baclofen doesn't do anything for me.  Made me sleepy at 
first and helped with back spasm, but found more and ore was needed so what the 
heck, I don't want that.  I don't do anything without orthotic supports in my 
shoes.  Even a dress shoe for only a few minutes must have good support.  I 
avoid uneven ground, and use hiking sticks if it it necessary since my ankles 
flip flop.  I wear an ankle brace if I'm going to be on my feet much.  And, I 
take requip every single night without fail.  This doesn't get rid of it 
entirely, but it works better than anything else I've tried.  Bottom line 
though, the more I walk or am up, the more I spasm and tingle and burn.  If I 
don't get up, I don't live.Pam

Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2011 13:29:35 -0800
Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles

my own experience was when i had the buzz in my feet,when i warmed them up it 
felt like they were sunburn.
   From: Ryota Nishino
 Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] re pins and needles


Hello Gerry and TMIC members,

How about warming up your feet? In my experience warmth but not
excessive heat can alleviate the conditions if not 'cure it' as
such. Good luck. Let me know how you get on.


On 27/12/11 9:18 AM, Gerry Surette wrote:

my feet became unanalyzed recently I now experience pins and
needles under my feet. is there anything that can be done to
neutralize it? 



RE: [TMIC] Re: Brain lock ?

2011-11-29 Thread PAMELA S

Anyone tried either induced hypnosis or self hynosis?

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Brain lock ?
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 18:58:38 -0700

Yes, indeed. - if one can meditate.  I just can't seem to learn it.Also, laying 
down doing dyaphramtic (spelling) breathing helps me with shooting neuropathic 
pains.I am so sorry you are in pain and paralyzed.Susan
On Nov 29, 2011, at 6:00 PM, Akua wrote:Meditation:
Try it again. Don't concentrate. Just breathe deeply, slowly in as quiet a 
place as you can find.Deep breathing has helped me manage pain.
Akua who is paralyzed and in constant pain

i reckon i traded meditation for medication,, sort of kills dedication
and quickens procrastination
on and on i ramble
From: bobberino
To:; Dalton Garis;;
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Brain lock ?
Danggit..!!!I wish I could get my brain to slow down always going 
at fool speeed;) My brain is spinning so fast I offen forget what am 
doing, so engrossed on whatever spin da brain is doing.   oh well   
   I've tried meditation but I can't concentrate on that neither. BobbyJim in 
colder Elvisland 


RE: [TMIC] quiet ot

2011-11-29 Thread PAMELA S

spasming used to keep me awake.  Not so much anymore.  I have vertigo which 
manifests as nausea sometimes.  Only am problem was related to BIH which was 
from high protein related to TM plugging up my arachnoid villa (sorry, don't 
care about spelling tonight) or my brain so to speak.

Subject: Re: [TMIC] quiet ot
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 18:54:28 -0700

Janice,Yes, I do.  I'm actually supposed to take 10 mg of Baclofen every 6 
hours.So, I try to keep it by my bed at night.   Baclofen definitely can keep 
my spasms at bay, if I take it every 6 hours. Carpal tunnel on left hand keeps 
mebawake also, having surgery 1/12/12.On another fun note, one of my biggest 
problems in nausea, and vomiting if I don't get a Zofran pronto! ( always in 
the AM, like morning sickness)Anyone else have this?  I have lost 17#... and 
struggle with a loss of appetite and cooking in general.I used to love to cook, 
and even cater.  Susan, Phx, AZOn Nov 29, 2011, at 4:21 PM, Janice Nichols 
wrote:   Susan, do you have break-through nights when the spasms keep you 
awake? JaniceFrom: john snodgrass  Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 
4:15 PM To: Janice Nichols ; Susan Kleinz  Cc: ; tmic  Subject: 
Re: [TMIC] quiet ot i take 20 mg of baclofen at @ 5am,12pm, and 8 pm. 
 at one point i was taking 100 mg per day. 
 mfg. states that 80 should be the max dosage per day  From: Janice Nichols
To: Susan Kleinz 
Cc:; tmic 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] quiet ot

 Susan, I am taking your advice and not just taking it at nite too.It 
is helping.   Thanks Janice  From: Susan Kleinz  Sent: Monday, November 28, 
2011 6:32 PM To: Janice Nichols  Cc: ; tmic  Subject: Re: 
[TMIC] quiet ot   Savella is a new drug designed to help people with fibro 
myalgia. It's purpose is to help neuropathic pain.  It definitely works for me. 
  For 20 years I took Baclofen at night only.  I ended up taking way more than 
I do now, which is 10mg 3 - 4 times a day.   My doctor, at BNI is a specialist 
in MS and TM.  I am grateful for his care!   Susan, Phx, AZ
  On Nov 28, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:   Susan,  I am on 
Baclofen, Neurontin, and Zoloft too. What do you take Savella for?Maybe 
I am missing out on   something!  You are right about the website.It has   
done wonders for me.   Great for information and for handling the   “isolated” 
feeling of TM.  When I first joined, I had lots of questions that I asked   
everyone to respond to, and of course, they did.It kept   things pretty 
active  for a while, but things have slowed down   again.   It is a 
wonderful group-  take a bow everyone of you!!!  Janice  From: 
Susan Kleinz Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 10:33 AM  To:  
 Cc: tmic   Subject: Re: [TMIC] quiet ot I   was busy with Thanksgiving...  
My two lesions are at T-7, so I do not have the brain thing going   on.  My 
first episode, I did have slurred there is a 3rd lesion in   my 
brain that doesn't seem to be activated now.  I would take any drug that would 
help me.  Ritalin included.  I'm on Baclofen, Neurontin, Zoloft and Savella.  I 
should be smiling   all day long! I am grateful to this website.  I joined 
the TM Association and   received a bunch of good literature.  Also ordered The 
Official Patient's   Source Book on TM.  I am amazed that my neurologist didn't 
recommend these resources.Nor did I know how rare this illness is... My 
husband says I'm one in a million. Susan K., Phoenix, AZ On Nov 28, 
2011, at 7:10 AM, wrote:  I hope everyone is ok.  It has 
been very quiet on this site since before Thanksgiving  or maybe I am 
kicked off again.   Missing you. Jane/Splendora Tx  


RE: [TMIC] Re: Brain lock ?

2011-11-28 Thread PAMELA S

And all this time I thought it was just exhaustion.  You guys sound 
luckyyou can take time out.  These boys (or men judging by their age) don't 
let me get any rest.  I guess that's part of the bipolar thing, but when you're 
running on empty it's pretty darn irritating.

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 10:39:41 -0800
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:  Brain lock ?

all joking aside,,mine is low on my spine yet i understand to some degree what 
you are saying,,I come to a point where everyone just has to leave me 
alone,,,literally because I cant make sense out of anything and i get like a 
biting dog
 To: Dalton Garis;; 
 Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 9:53 AM

 Subject: [TMIC] Re:  Brain lock ?


That does happen to me. I usually am able to sit down , before I fall down.  My 
mind slowly shuts down. Too much data- can not compute, overloading occurring.  
I stay seated for several minutes, then I'm able to resume my activities.  My 
GalPal used to take these events personally, but now she understands that she 
needs to help me by taking control, stop asking questions, Etc.

My lesion is at C5-6 which is pretty high up the cord and may influence the 

I'd recommend googling Pons.  It's a pretty  interesting part of our brains.



RE: [TMIC] Still here

2011-10-29 Thread PAMELA S

I'm still here.  I've just been trying to work this past month.  This job will 
be over next week.  But, it's hard for me to do anything else when I work.  
Today, I'm having a lot of trouble with my arms.  Through the upper arm and 
shoulders is tingling and tight.  And when I put my hands forward, they don't 
really want to work.  It's sort of like the weirdness in my legs, I can feel it 
all the time, they're weak, but I can walk.  Being in my shoulders like this is 
really new.  Hands have been numb, but work for a few months now.  I don't know 
what this is.  MRI of cervical spine and repeat to the head next week.  They've 
never shown anything before, but it's been 3 years.

Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 14:12:30 -0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Still here

Still here, too;
What would I do without you guys and gals?
From:  Gary Thomas
Date:  Sat, 29 Oct 2011 14:02:36 -0400
To:  TMIC list
Subject:  [TMIC] Still here
Resent-Date:  Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:05:10 -0700

There has not been very many messages but I, for 
one, am still here.  I haven't written much as I have been driven crazy 
applying for Medicaid for my mother who is in a nursing home with 
Alzheimer's.  The Michigan Department of Human Services actually lost some 
paperwork and while we were thinking things were being processed NOTHING was 
being done and then we had to re-apply and get current financial information to 
them.  Along with doing this I keep tabs on my dad who lives alone at age 
86. My TM-related comment is that I am thankful I 
am still able to function to do all this above as my two siblings live 
out of town.  The fatigue is my biggest factor but feel I need to keep 
moving and then deal with spasms by taking valium. Anyway, it has been quiet 
lately on the 
list, but maybe everyone is out raking leaves (or watching form the windows 
as the leaves fall from the trees)!   Gary, in colorful Michigan 

RE: [TMIC] shingles vaccine

2011-10-20 Thread PAMELA S

Lynn and Dalton and john and all;
My doctor in Michigan told me no immunizations.  Here on the west coast, they 
say, there's no evidence to prove they cause problems.  I took the shots 2 
years ago...all of them they told me to.  And, I've paid.  I got sick again.  
Who knows if there's a connection.  I don't want to take it again, but I don't 
want the flu either.  I've seen so many people who had sores that looked like 
shingles, and burned like shingles, but since the viral swab didn't show 
shingles, the doctor told them there was no evidence of shinglesI'm not 
sold on much of anything anymore I guess.

Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 06:01:24 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] shingles vaccine

I have gotten shingles three times in the last few years, and to say the least 
it is miserable.  But on the recommendation of many doctors over the years I do 
not get any vaccines.  My TM was also idiopathic and the reason I was given was 
because they do not know what caused my TM I should not take any risks that 
could cause my immune system to go into overdrive again.

--- On Thu, 10/20/11, john snodgrass wrote:

From: john snodgrass
Subject: Re: [TMIC] shingles vaccine
To: PAMELA S,, TMC Group
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2011, 6:14 AM

I have a weak mind, I hope all this information doesnt cause me to have 
To:; TMC Group
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:37 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] shingles vaccine

You know...I'm not going to get this shot.  But, shingles is what led to my 
mothers cardiomyapathy and congestive heart failure.

Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 10:35:34 -0400
Subject: [TMIC] shingles vaccine

Our local newspaper has a medical column in the Sunday edition by Dr. Anthony 
Komaroff. www.ask doctor  Sunday had a column titled shingles vaccine is 
a good idea for adults over 60.  A healthy 65 year old woman asked - what is 
shingles and should I get the shingles vaccine.  The doctor explained shingles 
and the vaccine.  Here is a portion of the article.
Getting the vaccine does not gurantee that you will noy get shingles.  But it 
does reduce your chances by 50 percent or more.  And it does an even better job 
of reducing your risk of postherpetic neuralgia.
I've had patients worry that the vaccine itself could give them shingles.  
That's because the shingles vaccine is made with a weakened - not dead - form 
of the virus.  And a tiny percentage of people do get either a shingles or 
chicken pox - like rash within a month or so of getting the vaccine.
You may wonder if the risks associated with the shingles vaccine, though 
 outweigh its benefits.  And if we were only talking about shingles, you might 
be right.  It's not pleasant, but most people get through shingles just fine.
Postherpetic neuralgia is another story.  It can last for months, even years, 
and be debilitating.  The shingles vaccine can cut the risk of that happening 
by two thirds.  And I'd say that tips the balance in favor getting the vaccine. 
 I've voted with my feet.  I got the vaccine, because I've seen too many of my 
patients suffer from postherpetic neuralgia.  Chronic pain can disrupt a 
person's life
(end of article)
Jim,I think this is a question for a neurologist.  Unfortunately, I haven't 
seen mine in three years so I cannot ask for you.  I think it would be good of 
all our Tmers who are seeing a neuro to call and ask if the neuro votes yes or 
no for the vaccine and post the results for us.
Regarding the flu shot:
I did not have a flu shot proir to my TM that was later lableled idiopathic - 
 cause.  I was also asked dozens of times during my hospitalization and rehab 
if I had had the flu shot thus determining that all medical personal thought 
the shot causes TM.  Not so.  Medical personnel asked if we had had the flu 
shot because they know the flu shot can cause various reactions and it is one 
of the many questions they ask a patient.  The neuro who diagnosed me with TM 
asked if I had the flu shot during his first observation of me.  I saw him for 
five years post TM and learned that he, his wife, and children received the flu 
shot annually.  I asked my PCP in September why he didn't ask me if I wanted a 
flu shot.  He said, Do you?  I questioned if he takes one and he said he did 
not because he is not prone to getting the flu and he will not push
 them on his patients.   That was the best answer I've received yet.  I am not 
getting the flu shot.
---Patti - Michigan   


RE: [TMIC] Does anyone know?

2011-10-19 Thread PAMELA S

The first time I got TM I had Hep B vaccine series and a flu shot before onset. 
 Second round of symptoms was after tetanus shot.  This last flare up or 
reoccurance was that since I was a diabetic nurse working first line in the 
H1N1 epidemic  I had H1N!.  Then pneumovax because I was a diabetic.  The 
following all it was tetanus shot because I kept scraping myself up outside 
without feeling it, then another flu shot when I thought I was going back to 
work.  The rest is history.  I didn't work for the next year.  Didn't walk much 
either.  First dr told me NO more vaccines  Now they all say it's okay.  Now, 
if a neuro named John Hopkins from Michigan...they seem to keep it in the 
family...says no more vaccines, but the young evidence based hot shots reading 
their computer screens sayall the evidence it might cause this is purely 
antedotalgo ahead and take them, and I get sicker than a dogwhat do you 
think I believe?  Did I mention I had an insidious onset the first time.  The 
kept telling me I was going to break out in shingles any day.  Never happened.  
Just burned along every dermatone in my body from the bra strap down.  I 
could've taken a felt tip marker and drawn this picture.

Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 23:37:18 +
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Does anyone know?

when I got TM 7 years ago it was in Oct and I had atleast 6 dr.s ask over and 
over if I had gotten a flu shot (i did NOT).. so that would tell me they 
suspect a flu shot can cause TM without comming right out and saying so... in 
the 7 years I have had TM, i have gotten the flu only once, kicked my butt 
for 3 days but less price to pay them something else worse happening.. my two 
cents don't do it

From: James Berg
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 6:09:34 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Does anyone know?

the neuro's who diagnosed my TM thought it may have been caused by a bout of 
Shingles I had.  Two years have passed and my wife is worrying I might get 
another bout of shingles that would result in more TM damage.  Should I get a 
Shingles vaccine shot or is that risking another attack of TM?  The shot is 
$235.00 and we have been saing for it but now I am wondering what the risk is.  
Please contribute your knowledge.

RE: [TMIC] shingles vaccine

2011-10-19 Thread PAMELA S

You know...I'm not going to get this shot.  But, shingles is what led to my 
mothers cardiomyapathy and congestive heart failure.

Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 10:35:34 -0400
Subject: [TMIC] shingles vaccine

Our local newspaper has a medical column in the Sunday edition by Dr. Anthony 
Komaroff. www.ask doctor  Sunday had a column titled shingles vaccine is 
a good idea for adults over 60.  A healthy 65 year old woman asked - what is 
shingles and should I get the shingles vaccine.  The doctor explained shingles 
and the vaccine.  Here is a portion of the article.
Getting the vaccine does not gurantee that you will noy get shingles.  But it 
does reduce your chances by 50 percent or more.  And it does an even better job 
of reducing your risk of postherpetic neuralgia.
I've had patients worry that the vaccine itself could give them shingles.  
That's because the shingles vaccine is made with a weakened - not dead - form 
of the virus.  And a tiny percentage of people do get either a shingles or 
chicken pox - like rash within a month or so of getting the vaccine.
You may wonder if the risks associated with the shingles vaccine, though 
minimal, outweigh its benefits.  And if we were only talking about shingles, 
you might be right.  It's not pleasant, but most people get through shingles 
just fine.
Postherpetic neuralgia is another story.  It can last for months, even years, 
and be debilitating.  The shingles vaccine can cut the risk of that happening 
by two thirds.  And I'd say that tips the balance in favor getting the vaccine. 
 I've voted with my feet.  I got the vaccine, because I've seen too many of my 
patients suffer from postherpetic neuralgia.  Chronic pain can disrupt a 
person's life
(end of article)
Jim,I think this is a question for a neurologist.  Unfortunately, I haven't 
seen mine in three years so I cannot ask for you.  I think it would be good of 
all our Tmers who are seeing a neuro to call and ask if the neuro votes yes or 
no for the vaccine and post the results for us.
Regarding the flu shot:
I did not have a flu shot proir to my TM that was later lableled idiopathic - 
undetermined cause.  I was also asked dozens of times during my hospitalization 
and rehab if I had had the flu shot thus determining that all medical personal 
thought the shot causes TM.  Not so.  Medical personnel asked if we had had the 
flu shot because they know the flu shot can cause various reactions and it is 
one of the many questions they ask a patient.  The neuro who diagnosed me with 
TM asked if I had the flu shot during his first observation of me.  I saw him 
for five years post TM and learned that he, his wife, and children received the 
flu shot annually.  I asked my PCP in September why he didn't ask me if I 
wanted a flu shot.  He said, Do you?  I questioned if he takes one and he 
said he did not because he is not prone to getting the flu and he will not push 
them on his patients.   That was the best answer I've received yet.  I am not 
getting the flu shot.
---Patti - Michigan   

RE: [TMIC] is it too early? (off topic)

2011-10-15 Thread PAMELA S

And find me a nice guy while you all are at it.

Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:35:20 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] is it too early? (off topic)

Go for it!  I think you are lucky to have someone who will go out with you, 
despite any disabilities you have. (I don't mean that the way it sounds, lol) 
My advice would be to concentrate on her, not yourself. Don't tell her sob 
stories about your divorce and illness.  Relax and enjoy yourself!   

Have a wonderful day!

To: j dunn
Cc: Jeron Rampersad;
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] is it too early? (off topic)

life as we know it is to short we don't know what tomorrow brings.. so go for 
it.. live it up! enjoy !!! you deserve it!

From: j dunn
To: Jeron Rampersad,
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 9:20:41 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] is it too early? (off topic)


Hello Jeron
Yes sirree bob, you go, you go and have a great time.  If you have spoken at 
great length - then the homework is done, and the party can begin.
Have a great time!

From: Jeron Rampersad 

Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 11:42 AM
Subject: [TMIC] is it too early? (off topic)

Hey guys,
I need some advice. Most of you would remember my wife leaving me in April of 
this year. Since then I've found acceptance of my lonliness and it really was 
not too bad. 
Anyway, some 2 months ago I met up an old friend from way back and well, let's 
just say sometimes life just has a way of hooking 2 people up. My problem is 
I'm going away with her this weekend to a resort on the island of Tobago for 
her birthday. I'm kind of wondering if I'm ready to spend a weekend with 
someone alone. Haven't thought about that since my separation/divorce. What if 
I start having real feelings for her? What if she wants more out of this 
relationship after this weekend, even though we spoke about it at lenght. I 
was really honest with her from the get go, suppose honesty becomes my downfall?
Should I be scared guys? or should I just go and have funforget 
TM/fibromyalgia/vasculitis for a weekend and
 enjoy the company of a woman who I might like?


RE: [TMIC] How can a spouse help?

2011-10-10 Thread PAMELA S

Hello Andrea;  I know you are going to get lots of responses.  I just lost the 
person who was my partner to death.  However; I had been married before, and he 
didn't tolerate my problems well.  Yes, people do look at you and say, but you 
look healthy.  I've had this problem since 1992, with two subsequent episodes 
or flares that were debilitating.  Yet, each time I went back to work at a 
certain point as an RN.  You don't mention what your husband is trying.  It 
sounds like he gets around.  I always got to where I could walk again, but it 
was very fatiguing.  And, the fatigue has never went away.  Nor has the pain 
from the tight banding to the burning and tingling with frequent stabbing pains 
here and there. happens to me if I take gaberpantin or Neuronitn.  
I've been told a lot of people have this reaction.  Depression.  It is so 
common with TM, I have a heck of a time convincing neurologists I'm not 
depressed.  I really  liked Cymbalta but I can't tolerate it or Lyrica due to 
my diabetes.  But, it works really good for those who can tolerate it.  Celexa 
or Lexapro helps a lot with my trouble concentrating and remembering things.  I 
got to where I couldn't sleep.  And, the twitching and jerking and inability to 
get comfortable can play havoc on ones sex life.  Requip was the answer for me. 
 I don't twitch near as bad.  I used to take baclofen but it didn't work after 
a while.  I take Vicodin for the burning in my feet.  Sheets drive me nuts.  
And, with this last episode CPAP became necessary.  Believe it or not, being 
able to breathe at night really improved my mood swings.  It had never occurred 
to me that not breathing at night was a problem.  I'm not that big.  nuvigil 
gets me going in the day, but the physical fatigue remains.  Cramping and 
charlie horse every night if I've been active for, I guess it's going on 20 
years.  But, if I can sleep good, it doesn't get on my nerves so bad.  Bending, 
reaching under things, getting things from under the bed, make me dizzy.  Dizzy 
equals sick or very irritable for me.  I didn't realize that this was 
influencing me to avoid certain activities for awhile.  
Bottom line is there are some alternatives, but you probably have to be 
proactive.  I've heard can't do anything and live with it or at least 
you're walking and you can squeeze and push on neuro checks from many doctors.  
And, that is frustrating for someone who is in constant pain and has no energy. 
 (Vertigo is a miserable way to be, too.)  But, finally, I have found something 
that works for me.  And, it is a big relief.  If I understood you right, you 
said 6 months.  I have all three times saw changes at about 1 year.
Hang in there.  It is hard.  You need a way to sound off  and release 
frustration.  Caregivers can become ill, too.  Please look out for yourself.  

Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:38:19 +0100
Subject: [TMIC] How can a spouse help?

Dear TM support group,


My husband became ill with TM in May 2011 and his symptoms
have remained constant. He is in extreme pain from his chest down to his toes. 
pain can be burning, tingling, icy, stabbing… He is now saying that he
wants to end his life because he can no longer endure the suffering. He says
that I am no help and do not understand what he is going through. This is
correct. I do not understand. Because he looks normal, it is easy to forget
that he is in constant pain.  This is why I went online to see if I can
find a group that does understand and can possibly provide hope for him. I
realise there is no guarantee that the symptoms will go away, but after reading
your online stories, it looks like it can be possible.


Additionally, what can a spouse do to provide more support?
He has had the symptoms for almost 6 months and every day plays like a broken
record. I ask every day how he is and he unleashes a long list of painful 
Besides taking his meds, is there any other therapy I can arrange for him that
may provide relief? I feel useless. He is angry that I am not doing more, but I
do not know what I can do besides taking care of the home and kids without 
him with additional tasks.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Warm regards,




RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

2011-10-08 Thread PAMELA S

Looking through the human services stuff, it seems a lot of stuff is geared 
towards developmental disability, deafness, blindness, and homelessness.  For 
people who become disabled, most of the resources are geared toward putting 
them back to work.  Or helping them focus on being independent on their own.  
I'm not finding a lot of exceptions for folks who can't become independent with 
their disability.  What makes the difference in a quad or para and a child who 
was born with CP?  I'm not sure I get it.  Does the governor have ombudsmen?  
This seems to be an oversight.  

Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 09:30:25 -0400
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

I have those same thoughts when I read the things Akua goes thru day to day.  I 
remember the first time I went grocery shopping after TM.  My 76 year old (at 
the time) Mom took me and a 9 year old boy carried the bags from the car to the 
house.  I would do your grocery shopping if I lived near you.  Akua, have you 
contacted a local church?  Most people don't know where to find an individual 
who needs a helping hand.  See if you local paper would start a column of 
people in need.  Not financial, but physical labor needs.  The paper might 
run it in their want ad columns free of charge to the person seeking help as a 
charitable endavor.
Patti - Michigan 

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:38 PM, PAMELA S wrote:
 No kidding!  Akua; if I lived close by I would vacuum your floor.  I can do 
that now.  Pam 
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 04:39:41 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [TMIC] 
Pyrrhic Victory? To:; 
it is a sad thing that this is done in regulated areas as well as unregulated 
areas in our lives. this is the very mindset that has brought our country to 
the  embarrassing  financial situation we are in.waste,fraud,,greed greed 

and we the people suffer loss of what would be good service because of it,and 
in the economical way we have to go we need service. 

service is  costly but if it is a good service and done with dignity it doesn't 
matter what type of service,it adds quality to all our lives. 

the Christian bible has a book tagged proverbs and it is full of service 
suggestions that win every single time. 

Prosper and live long Akua,,I understand your struggle. 

Be it implied,imposed,self imposed,or whatever a struggle is a struggle and 
everyone doesn't look for the good of his fellow citizen. 

spread some honey out when ever you can,,it attracts worker bees. 

crap just attracts biting flies.  

God knows i have had the flies! 

From: Akua To: Sent: Thursday, October 
6, 2011 1:32  AM Subject: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory? 
I have an aide come once a week  for two hours. I would like more time and more 
help as those two hours are spent grocery shopping, so I get no  help around 
the house. But I can't afford more. The Home Health Care agency charges $25 an 
hour for her and I was fortunate to be granted a subsidy from United Way, so I 
only have to pay half. But that's still $25 a week additional for groceries. 
They had a nurse come every six months. This I never understood, as she either 
harassed my aide and made me lose part of the precious two hours as she asked 
inane questions, or she came and asked me to show her my care plan. 
The last time the nurse was here in the spring, she insulted and threatened me. 
I swore she would not enter my house again and I wrote a letter about  what 
occurred, but decided against sending it. 
Two weeks ago the nurse called me, and in her usual rude and cavalier way,left 
a message telling me  told  me she would be over the next day. I  called and 
said would not be available. Then i called the agency and said that I did not 
want anymore dealings with this person and could they please find someone else 
to send. 
The head of the agency said they only had one person to do this. I said i 
didn't understand why this had to be done... why was a nurse necessary? I 
reminded her that i had used their services for 3 years now, that i was very 
happy with my aide, but was not going to voluntarily submit myself to insult 
and distress. The head went on to try to persuade me/dissuade me by telling me 
that their one other nurse covered another territory. 
To which i had nothing to say. This was their requirement and it made no sense 
to me. 
This week she called me and left a message saying call her. I really dislike 
messages that don't have information and when i returned the call-- 90 minutes 
later, she was to be out of the office  for the next two days. I was directed 
to the second in command who said that  i was going to be reclassified. 
Reclassified? I said i have one person, once a week, for two hours who goes 
Well  i would

RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

2011-10-06 Thread PAMELA S

No kidding!  Akua; if I lived close by I would vacuum your floor.  I can do 
that now.  Pam

Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 04:39:41 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

it is a sad thing that this is done in regulated areas as well as unregulated 
areas in our lives. this is the very mindset that has brought our country to 
the embarrassing financial situation we are in.waste,fraud,,greed greed greed.
and we the people suffer loss of what would be good service because of it,and 
in the economical way we have to go we need service.
service is
 costly but if it is a good service and done with dignity it doesn't matter 
what type of service,it adds quality to all our lives.
the Christian bible has a book tagged proverbs and it is full of service 
suggestions that win every single time.
Prosper and live long Akua,,I understand your struggle.
Be it implied,imposed,self imposed,or whatever a struggle is a struggle and 
everyone doesn't look for the good of his fellow citizen.
spread some honey out when ever you can,,it attracts worker bees.
crap just attracts biting flies. 
God knows i have had the flies!
From: Akua
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 1:32
Subject: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

I have an aide come once a week  for two hours. I would like more time and more 
help as those two hours are spent grocery shopping, so I get no  help around 
the house. But I can't afford more. The Home Health Care agency charges $25 an 
hour for her and I was fortunate to be granted a subsidy
from United Way, so I only have to pay half. But that's still $25 a week 
additional for groceries.

They had a nurse come every six months. This I never understood, as she either 
harassed my aide and made me lose part of the precious two hours as she asked 
inane questions, or she came and asked me to show her my care plan.

The last time the nurse was here in the spring, she insulted and threatened me. 
I swore she would not enter my house again and I wrote a letter about  what 
occurred, but decided against sending it.

Two weeks ago the nurse called me, and in her usual rude and cavalier way,left 
a message telling me  told
 me she would
be over the next day. I  called and said would not be available. Then i called 
the agency and said that
I did not want anymore dealings with this person and could they please find 
someone else to send.

The head of the agency said they only had one person to do this. I said i 
didn't understand why this had to be done... why was a nurse necessary? I 
reminded her that i had used their services for 3 years now, that i was very 
happy with my aide, but was not going to voluntarily submit myself to insult
and distress. The head went on to try to persuade me/dissuade me by telling me 
that their one other nurse covered another territory.

To which i had nothing to say. This was their requirement and it made no sense 
to me.

This week she called me and left a message saying call her. I really dislike 
messages that don't have information and when i returned the call-- 90 minutes 
later, she was to be out of the office
 for the next two days. I was directed to the second in command who said that  
i was going to be reclassified.
Reclassified? I said i have one person, once a week, for two hours who goes 

Well  i would be reclassified so that a nurse wouldn't have to come.

I said nothing. Since getting TM i find it hard to follow illogic and agree 
with it. But on further reflection
I think they got money that i didn't pay for having a nurse attributed to my 
account and perhaps
United Way picked up the tab, to the tune  of $75/hour and they were able to 
continue with this subtle
fraud until I refused to have the nurse come harass me again.  But that's 3 
years of unnecessary
nonservice and easy money for that firm.
It's a dirty shame. I'm glad i didn't cave on this.



RE: [TMIC] Facebook

2011-10-05 Thread PAMELA S

Hey everybody;  I've done this site on and off since the beginning.  I do like 
the facebook thing.  I like the quick banter when I'm going nuts for social 
stimulation.  I've just taken a temporary job as a school nurse.  They needed 
someone fast and they agreed to try and accomodate me, but it is only 6 weeks.  
I'm about to collapse before the end of the day.  I do need the money because 
my disability insurance has fought tooth and toenail to not pay.  When I walk 
in the halls, my feet spasm, my legs get charlie horses all night, and in the 
am, I have a heck of a time with the stairs.  But, when it's all said and done, 
I really love this job.  It is so exhilirating working with these kids.  Pam

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 20:32:10 -0400

Same for me;
Just had another attack today  likeEpilepsy because my lesion is on the 
brainstem so extreme joy or stress will give me a fit. 
Can someone explain how to get on disability?
Dalton GarisNew York, New York
On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:29 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

I am totally with you Patti… After
completing my rehab (one month), I returned to work part-time. I lasted two and
a half months. At the end of each day, I hurt so bad I couldn’t do
anything - even cook dinner. And it took the entire weekend to recuperate from
the exhaustion in order to start the next week. That meant turning down almost
every offer to do anything fun. I finally gave in and went out on permanent


I so miss the social interaction afforded
by working, but I don’t miss the forced exertion. To keep from becoming
almost a hermit confined to the house – which is so easy to do when you
don’t work – I make a point of ‘scheduling’ things to
go out and do during the week – even if it’s just to grab a bite to
eat for lunch or check out a new sale. After 34 years of working (31 for the
same company), it was very hard to let go of the people contacts… it’s
so easy at work to be ‘involved’ in co-workers lives just thru office
conversation. It’s not ‘convenient’ for them after you’re
gone. I try to stay in occasional e-mail contact with several of them, but it’s
just not the same. 


TM definitely adversely affects your
personal life as well as your physical one. I think that’s why we feel so
connected to each other on this site – we all sympathize and appreciate
each other’s losses as we’ve all walked in each other’s shoes
where TM is concerned. Loss of health, loss of jobs, loss of friends, loss of
dignity. It tears away at one’s resolve, but this site affords us a 
format for social contact (albeit thru cyber space), appreciation and validation
of aches, pains and fears, and a way to gain knowledge about our condition thru
the experiences of others. 


I thank everyone on this site for helping
me get thru the worst of my times and teaching me how to accept and move on
with what I do have. You’re all an inspiration!



(in Northern


From: pat cooley

Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011
7:55 AM

To: Robert Pall


Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook


Robert you are much braver than I could ever be.  Just the thought
of heights makes me sick to my stomach.


I did work part-time before TM and after about 7 months I was able to
go make to my part-time job.  It was exhausting at times but I enjoyed the
people contact.  Last year we moved about 120 miles away to be near my
daughter and her family for my health.  I didn't seek work after we
moved.  I don't miss working but do miss the people contact.


Patti - Wisconsin



On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

Good for youpeople do not realize how
much we go thru to accomplish even the simplest of things!

All the best!

Rob in New Jersey


From: pjv1234

To: Robert Pall

Cc: tmic-list

Sent: Tue, Oct 4, 2011 10:37 pm

Subject: RE: [TMIC] Facebook

Congratulations on
your retirement.  I know I've said it before, but I can't imagine working
while having TM.  I think skydiving is the ultimate gutsy thing to
try.  I'm not that gutsy, however, I went white water rafteing this spring
and found it to be exilerating.




On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at
11:11 AM, Robert Pall wrote:


 I have not been around here for awhile. I stopped working in
Februuary and neveer changed my email address until yesterday. I have been on
Facebook which has a TM group and there are a lot of people on it from this
group. I was confused but now I am not and I am glad to be back where I

 By the way to
celebrate my 764th birthday and 

RE: [TMIC] enough!

2011-04-12 Thread PAMELA S

Okay, it's my hands and my feet and my legs!But, I got so sick of being 
called crazy when I tried to describe it.  20 years later it still drives me 
nuts, and I don't drink, I'm not using morphine etc. etc. etc.  I Do wish 
caregivers had to experience just one hour of it.  FYI...if you ever have to 
have a psych exam just to get a neurologist to take you seriouslymake sure 
you keep the record, or 7 years later you'll see the shrink again just to get 
the new resident whatever to take you seriously.   I learned that the hard way. 
 Wasting hard earned money to get someone to sign a paper saying those spiders 
ARE NOT in your head!  Perhaps raid in the neurologist coffee:)  (That is a 
joke, not a threat just in case someone should think otherwise)  But, anyone 
who has lived with these sensations knows what I mean.

Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 14:13:56 -0700
Subject: RE: [TMIC] enough!

even knowing whats going on I'm always rubbing and looking.

--- On Tue, 4/12/11, vernon wrote:

From: vernon
Subject: RE: [TMIC] enough!
To: 'john snodgrass'
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 5:10 PM

That’s the way my hands feel

From: john snodgrass [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 3:43 PM
To: transverse myelitis
Subject: [TMIC] enough!


my legs are creping me out today ,one feels like it has spider webs on it and 
the other feels like bugs are crawling on it!


TM,gotta love it,,







RE: [TMIC] Awful Care again.

2011-03-31 Thread PAMELA S

Hello all; I've been quiet but reading folks posts.  Too tired last few months 
to keep up with much.  But, I really want to reiterate this.  There is a state 
board in each state for RN's.  Professional conduct is a rule despite what the 
employing organization might tell them to do.  If they receive complaints on an 
RN from more than one patient and there is a trend, they do investigate that 
RN.  I don't really know who oversees CNA's, but they are now required to have 
certification, too.  Having been on both the providers end of things and the 
receivers end of things, I wouldn't hesitate to write the state board, my state 
senator, or any other certifying agency for health care I could find.  I do 
know that when I sound angry, (which I'm usually not, it just takes too much 
effort to do things sometimes,) they don't listen too good.  But, if we don't 
complain in some constructive way, the problems are never going to be fixed.  
That said.the health care system drives me NUTS

Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 00:33:15 -0400
Subject: [TMIC] Awful Care again.

Well you asked. I'd been quiet because I'm barely holding on. I've been 'buked 
and I've been scorned
as the song goes. And i had to take it. I have no recourse.
The  letter in progress:

Nurse S. invited me to send a letter to the Board of Directors. As she said 
this twice during the rancorous and upsetting visit she made to my home.

The nurse insulted demeaned and threatened me. This after she asked if i had 
any concerns
and i told her how i was left without food at Christmas time.
My aids car broke down. HHS did not offer me any other aid or any assistance..
If i had a private relationship with my aid, then i could have rescheduled or 
found some other time.
As my relationship is with HH service and HHS  did not work for any 
accommodation, offered no assistance.

She told me tersely (insultingly) that it is my responsibility to care for 
She told me that if I did not like HHS, then perhaps our relationship should be 
She said she felt uncomfortable about me using the services. That you have 300 
clients and there are others you serve who are in wheelchairs ( i didnt 
understand what this was supposed to indicate)

This conversation took place while my HHS aide was out shopping for me.
I've said nothing but praise for my aide, which i reiterated.

Well how could I like my aide yet not like HHS she asked? I reminded her that 
she had solicited my concerns, I had not begun the conversation.

I guess it was foolish to answer the trick question. I was invited to express 
and then brow beaten and punished for it.

I was told that  the reason no accommodation would be sought for me was because
all the other aides weretoo stupid.  These are not words that I have ever  
I've expressed frustration that  my shopping list  for Wegmans,
a computer print out with pictures as well as words, indicating amounts and 
with a running total
could not be followed by several of the substitute people sent.

One woman brought back two bananas when the list said 4 pounds. The total 
dollar amount
for this was around $2. This signified she understood little of what was 
explained to her
about the list, the money before she went shopping. I described this as 
functional illiteracy

Another aide could not complete the list (about $70 worth of groceries) in the 
two hours allotted -- a task which takes my usual aide about an hour.

I don't understand why there is so much victim blaming in her and your 
organization's point of view.  I use you because I need help. I am paralyzed 
and in a wheelchair. If i could shop for myself, I would. I used to in 
Rochester where there was paratransit and  here, for the few months that a a 
once a week bus was availalble,  but as there is no paratransit in Corning and 
no grocery delivery services, I cant. There are things I cant reach, light 
bulbs that need changing..

When I asked about the other aide for whom I had praise  -- S -- she told me 
that S has left


That's where i left the letter, which i will not send until or unless I can 
find someone else to shop for me
or if they dump me.

Now you know i thought i was picking my battles. I've never ever ever 
complained about my aide -- though  she's left me up shit's creek without a 
paddle more than once. But she is the BEST of  a crap pile. This woman went off 
on me because i DARED  to say anything was wrong.

Bad Nurse said the problem was that the only day i was available was Monday! I 
said I've NEVER said that, in fact I hate Mondays, I always lose  service 
because of holidays and three day weekends.
I've only said I can only do afternoons.  She said well that's my problem.l And 
i said - you cant grind me down any smaller than i am,  I am disabled and  
can't be dressed and ready any faster than I can
empty my bladder, do my bowel 


2011-01-04 Thread PAMELA S

Patti;  In this day and age, you should always feel free to complain.  
Transperency is now required for all hospitals.  The patient and their family 
needs to say something when they see such things.  I know that I would want to 
know if I were the nurse taking care of that patient.  Many nurses are grateful 
that others will step in and help in maintaining a patients privacy.  Often 
when such things happen, the nurse is tied up in an emergency with another 
patient.  Sometimes they are careless.  And, I for one would prefer that the 
careless ones are weeded out.  Pam

Subject: RE: [TMIC] REHAB
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 11:41:16 -0600

Your experience sounds like a time spent in HELL.  It is unfortunate that there 
are so many places like that in this country.  People who have family or 
friends that can monitor their care are the lucky ones.  Even hospitals lack 
proper care at times.  I remember when my husband was in the hospital for colon 
surgery and when I was walking down the hall to the restroom, I noticed a 
patient in bed completely naked and no curtain was closed.  They were trying to 
reach behind them to pull up a sheet.  I complained to my husband’s doctor but 
was afraid that if I complained to the nursing staff my husband’s care would 
suffer.  I now realize that I should have said something more.  
But when you are dealing with cancer surgery you aren’t thinking right.
Patti - Wisconsin

From: Akua [] 
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 6:50 PM
Subject: [TMIC] REHAB

The closest I came to hell on earth was in rehab. I was allowed to fall twice. 
I was given the wrong meds daily for nearly two months, I was insulted and 
demeaned.  I remember the nurse entering my room and finding me crying  -- I 
was in awful electric pain --- and she  told me I shouldn't be crying. She 
often brought he son to work. I wrote her  about her gross insensitivity and 
she apologized.


I worked hard to learn how to use the sliding board to get in and out of bed-- 
it was so so hard, and frightening, because an idiot had let me fall, but this 

because if you couldn't get up, you wouldn't be attended to.  Now that I'm home,

I understand one of the basic challenges the idiot didn't address-- the 
wheelchair slides on a polished, linoleum floor. I have a bathmat with grips by 
my bed now, so my wheelchair, doesn't slide. this is just one of a zillion 
things they could have taught or worked on or shared or  presented to  or for 
me and didn't. And this was rehab, to ready me for  life on my own as a 
paraplegic: worthless.


One of the friends I made there was immobile without assistance, although 
unlike me, she was not paralyzed. She was left on her bedpan

for an hour. I had passed aides chatting at the station, ignoring her buzzer, 
as i wheeled down the hall to see her.


I wrote the board and management and met with management. I met with the 
dietitian twice, who quit about a month after i left. She told me that she was 
unable to get me the food that with restore my health ( fresh fruit and 
vegtables,  fish, whole grain breads, baked potatoes).


I kept in touch with several friends I made there who were still there when I 
left, because we all knew the importance of having people call.


Only the cleaning staff helped. They advocated and interceded. I'll never 
forget one man who  came and prayed for and over me.


An investigation began when I and several other patients lost over 50 pounds. 
The few visits I had, folks brought food. Staff ate or discarded my (good) food.


So, while I don't know about  the hip pain, I can relate to the soul pain of 
being in a nursing home.


It was like being in prison. There was a courtyard allegedly for  getting 
air--- the door was always locked. I was awakened, whenever they felt like it, 
seldom consistently. Hellish to be awakened at 5 a.m. to have blood drawn by  
unskilled phlebotomists. Privacy was seldom observed

I remember always asking for doors or curtains to be closed.


If Cindy needs calls, I'm more than willing. all other things being equal, 
being in a nursing home is awful.



When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love 
has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem 
invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, always.

Mohandas Gandhi   


2011-01-04 Thread PAMELA S

I would like all of you to put locations for these homes so the rest of us can 
avoid them for ourselve and families.  I don't want to be in one like this.  Pam

Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 10:28:13 -1000
Subject: Re: [TMIC] REHAB

Are all rehabs the same?  I was charged $1600/day and treated like cattle.

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Akua wrote:

The closest I came to hell on earth was in rehab. I was allowed to fall twice. 
I was given the wrong meds daily for nearly two months, I was insulted and 
demeaned.  I remember the nurse entering my room and finding me crying  -- I 
was in awful electric pain --- and she  told me I shouldn't be crying. She 
often brought he son to work. I wrote her  about her gross insensitivity and 
she apologized.

I worked hard to learn how to use the sliding board to get in and out of bed-- 
it was so so hard, and frightening, because an idiot had let me fall, but this 
because if you couldn't get up, you wouldn't be attended to.  Now that I'm home,
I understand one of the basic challenges the idiot didn't address-- the 
wheelchair slides on a polished, linoleum floor. I have a bathmat with grips by 
my bed now, so my wheelchair, doesn't slide. this is just one of a zillion 
things they could have taught or worked on or shared or  presented to  or for 
me and didn't. And this was rehab, to ready me for  life on my own as a 
paraplegic: worthless.

One of the friends I made there was immobile without assistance, although 
unlike me, she was not paralyzed. She was left on her bedpan
for an hour. I had passed aides chatting at the station, ignoring her buzzer, 
as i wheeled down the hall to see her.

I wrote the board and management and met with management. I met with the 
dietitian twice, who quit about a month after i left. She told me that she was 
unable to get me the food that with restore my health ( fresh fruit and 
vegtables,  fish, whole grain breads, baked potatoes).

I kept in touch with several friends I made there who were still there when I 
left, because we all knew the importance of having people call.

Only the cleaning staff helped. They advocated and interceded. I'll never 
forget one man who  came and prayed for and over me.

An investigation began when I and several other patients lost over 50 pounds. 
The few visits I had, folks brought food. Staff ate or discarded my (good) food.

So, while I don't know about  the hip pain, I can relate to the soul pain of 
being in a nursing home.

It was like being in prison. There was a courtyard allegedly for  getting 
air--- the door was always locked. I was awakened, whenever they felt like it, 
seldom consistently. Hellish to be awakened at 5 a.m. to have blood drawn by  
unskilled phlebotomists. Privacy was seldom observed
I remember always asking for doors or curtains to be closed.

If Cindy needs calls, I'm more than willing. all other things being equal, 
being in a nursing home is awful.

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love 
has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem 
invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, always.
Mohandas Gandhi

RE: [TMIC] Stem Cell treatment

2010-12-30 Thread PAMELA S

You know, on my last job we had a lot of stem cell transplants for Cancer.  
They only came to my unit when there were complications.  I know there is a lot 
of hope held out for this treatment, but some of the things I have seen with 
the complications have been horrible.  When it doesn't work quite right and the 
graft versus host disease goes too far after the transplant.well, there is 
still a lot to discover and solve in this arena.  Even if I had $100,000, I 
don't know how fast I would run to the doctor for this.   I suspect the folks 
who have complications pay more than this.  I am indeed more fortunate in that 
I am mobile.  But these transplants scare me.  Pam
 Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 19:29:31 -0500
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Stem Cell treatment
 The lesson to me is less about caution and more about money. If I had 
 $100,000 grand I would have
 THREE ways to walk tomorrow. sigh. So I now know I'm paralyzed 
 because I'm poor.
 I notice this other article when I was reading the article about the 
 quadriplegic injured in the accident that was treated with bone 
 marrow stem cells. I think we would all be wise to proceed with an 
 abundance of caution if we plan to seek any kind of 
 treatment.Cody in Austin

RE: [TMIC] A Bad Fall

2010-12-30 Thread PAMELA S

I've fallen down the stairs several times these past few years.  But, I count 
my blessings I'm able to go down the stairs.  My hips are constantly bruised 
where I fall into things, but I am so lucky I am walking there in the first 
place.  My PT gets aggrevated at me for doing too much, and my insurance 
company thinks I should do more.  I'm not to good at decisions, friends.  
Chiropractors have been the ones who have given me the most relief, too.  

Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 11:01:06 -0800
Subject: Fw: RE: [TMIC] A Bad Fall

I too had a bad fall, when I was trying to sit on the floor.
I was trying a new short cut, going from standing with my walker to straight to 
the floor without sitting in a chair first  then going down to the floor.  So 
don't try this at home or anywhere else. lol
I let my chiropractor know that my left shoulder blade was hurting, so he 
followed that point to my spine and snapped back in one of my ribs.  This was a 
week before Christmas, so it did make for a great Christmas gift.
So please be very safe everyone,
Todd in CC,TX

--- On Thu, 12/30/10, wim from holland wrote:

From: wim from holland
Subject: RE: [TMIC]
Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 7:31 AM

Normaly I could say, just fine, not better or worse. After all this time it was 
very study. But last summer I overstreched my hamstrings by a fall. A very 
stupid one, sitting on the bed I reached too far for clothes on the floor and 
slide from the bed. I jused after that time my wheelchair all the day, because 
standing and walking with crutches was too painfull. Now after recovering, it 
is hard to get back to what I could do before. I hope in summer when we go to 
Spain I can get it back in the warm sun and dayly in the swimming pool.  

Subject: Re: [TMIC] 
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:31:41 -0600

Wim, it is great hearing from you again!How are you doing – besides 
learning to be grandparents.


From: wim from holland 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 9:03 AM
Subject: [TMIC] 
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!
Happy new year everybody, hopefully this will be the year that makes an end to 
TM, and if not, don't give up hope and keep the head up. Last two years were 
very strange. We become grandparents, but we also became orphans this year. 
Next year our second grand child will be born. 
Wim from Holland. 

[TMIC] Where is that research link?

2010-12-29 Thread PAMELA S

Someone posted a link a couple of months ago for some research done in England 
about TM linked to autoimmune disease.  I can't find it.  Can someone reshoot 
that link for me?  Please?  Pam  

RE: [TMIC] Med Question

2010-12-06 Thread PAMELA S

I take neurontin on and off since 92 (another name for gabapentin.)  I got used 
to it and it doesn't make me tired, but it was less effective over time.I 
get tired just from activity.  And, I'm determined to stay active.  It's just 
became harder and harder.   Alot of diabetics I have cared for take it too for 
the burning.  Most of them really resent coming to the hospital and missing a 
dose, but they don't seem to get sleepy from it any more either.  

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Med Questionb
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2010 22:37:03 -0600

Patti, I also have been on gabapentin for 4 years now.I take 2 after 
breakfast, 2 at lunch, and 2 at dinner, 300 mg each = 1800mg.   Started it in
the hospital, so would not have been able to tell if it made me sleepy or not 
to start with.They had me take added amounts very slowly and I
really didn’t notice anything.I am always tired, probably because of 
gabapentin, baclofen (at bedtime), and just having TM.   I push myself pretty
hard, but also give myself rest time.  Give your body time to adjust to the 
gabapentin  and then decide whether to take it or not.I feel I am
being helped by it.


Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 9:55 AM
To: tmic-list 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Med Question

Patti, I've been on gabapentin for awhile now.  It does seem to help with the 
cold/burning in the feet along with several other things.  
It doesn't however take everything completely away all the time or even 
sometimes!  There doesn't seem to be anything that does that!  TM is worst than 
the weather in that if you don't like it stick around it can get worse!
The gabapentin does seem to make me more drowsy no matter when or how I take 
it!  I take 300 mg 3X daily!  To prevent even worse afternoons, I take 300 mg 
in a.m.  and 600 mg at bedtime!  I must admit that the night sleep seems to be 
better!  Within 30 minutes, I'm fast asleep and usually sleep 7 hrs straight 
thru!  Sometimes this is bad because the bladder relaxes too much and in the 
morning I have to change the bed!  
TM in a way takes us all back to a 2nd childhood - learning to walk, toddling 
and falling, wearing diapers, changing clothes 2 or 3X daily, and changing 
beding in the morning!  If it wasn't for all the pain, I'd feel like a 1 year 
old!  Always wanted to do it over again but I had imagined starting back in the 
teens - I'd give TM up in heartbeat for a REAL BAD case of acne anyday!
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

- Original Message -
From: Patricia Cooley
Sent: Saturday, December 4, 2010 10:39:58 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Med Question

On Thursday I saw a new doctor, a physiatrist (sp), that my neuro recommended.  
I am very impressed with him and his care which was very thorough.  When I 
mentioned my freezing/burning and pain n my feet, he gave me a script for 
gabapentin. My previous neuro always said there was nothing I could take.  I 
know many of who have mentioned it previously.  I took my first capsule last 
night when I went to bed.  This morning I feel so groggy, like I had a night on 
the town last night.  Is that common?  Will it go away after I am on it for a 
while?  Maybe I should take it earlier in the evening so the affect wears off 
by morning. 


He has also recommend that I saw a ortho who will evaluate me to see if a brace 
on my bad leg would help with my balance and walking.  If it helps, I am game 
for anything. 


Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me. 


Patti - Wisconsin 


2010-12-06 Thread PAMELA S

The majority of people I've known who see an IME receive a decision that they 
are perfectly capable of working full time unless they are obviously 
incapacitatedd in a wheel chair.  They work for the insurance company.  I'm a 
little cynical on the subject.  Talk to an attorney.  

Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 20:20:14 -0500
Subject: Re: [TMIC] LTD IME - HELP

An IME is an Independent Medical Exam carried out by a doctor paid by the 
insurance usually!  Which makes Independent a REAL LAUGH! 

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
From: James Berg
Sent: Friday, December 3, 2010 8:05:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] LTD IME - HELP

I wish I knew what an IME was--surely not MRI?  I really feel for the 
paper'legal problems you are having.  sounds like the Neuro may not be a real 
Neuro at all!  I managed to get thru SSDI and it only took six months.  I know 
I am lucky because others have been fighting for a year or more and still 
waiting. And their condition is the same.  I was prepared to get a lawyer and 
fight but it wasn't necessary.  Wish I could help, we have enough problems 
without rip off insurance co.s and neuros.  Where I live, I can't find a neuro 
who has ever had a TM patient.  Stand Strong.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 7:26 AM, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

After 31 months, I'm finally scheduled for an IME for my LTD on the 16th of 
this month!  

My question is for anyone who has gone through an IME.   What can I expect?  
This NEURO assigned for the IME is board certified BUT he owns his own Neuro 
Center which does nothing but Workers Comp and other insurance Independent 
neuro exams - LOL!  While he attended college in some neuro fields, I can't 
find where he received a degree in neurology!  He did, however, attended 
several months of training for insurance medical examinations and receive 
This is a BIG case with almost $50,000 past due from Insurance and another 
$60,000 to the end of the end of LTD.  
Warning for all you newbies - if you have STD/LTD through your employers, after 
2 years the insurance company will TRY to discontinue payments due to a law for 
mental cases!  

That law does not apply for physcial conditions EVEN though the insurance 
companies will do anything they can to NOT pay!   

At the beginning, I suggest that you look up a GOOD LTD lawyer and call to be 
prepared for problems especially after 2 years!   Laws are changing all the 
time and the insurance 
Also, TELL your doctor not to send any papers to ANY ONE without telling you 
and letting you review BEFORE sending out the papers! Have a BIG note put on 
your case file to that effect!

MY Neuro answered papers that allowed only YES/NO answers at the height of 
Season here in SW FL!  Since this is mainly a retirement town, and most of his 
patients are on Medicare Already, he answered the YES/NO WITHOUT further 
explanation and sent back to insurance without my knowledge!  

ALWAYS before, the insurance company sent forms to me for me and the doctor to 
fill out.  I would always have to drop off the papers and pick them up to send 
back.  BUT to get rid of me, the insurance company  sent papers directly to my 
doctor and none to me - not even a notice!  The last set of papers was just 6 
weeks after the quarterly review papers!   LIKE a MIRACLE would occur after 2 
1/2 years of severe TM in just 6 weeks - 2 attacks of TM affecting C4 - T1 and 
T10 - T12! 
Just a word of warning to all newer TMers!  SSDI is bad enough but the LTD 
insurance companies are the WORST !%!$#$!#@ OF ALL!

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 



2010-11-19 Thread PAMELA S

Happy Thanksgiving:  I have a question for everyone.  How has the EMG test 
results (if you had one done) correlate with the weakness and discomfort for 
you?  Pam 

[TMIC] cpap

2010-11-15 Thread PAMELA S

Hello;  When reading James post, I thought maybe I should ask everybody about 
this.  I now use cpap at night.  I only knew I wasn't sleeping because of the 
pain in my legs.  I knew that when I fell asleep jerking or something would 
wake me up in a few minutes.  So I went for a sleep study.  They found that I 
have a rhythmic pain in my legs every 20 seconds or so, that I have some weird 
arousal thing in my eeg waveforms way above normal indicating pain, and that I 
have some type of unexplained airway thing that responds to cpap.  I do have a 
short neck, but the usual causes aren't really present.  So, they started me on 
cpap.  Weird thing was, I took to it right off.  Still have some bad nights, 
and apparently some weird abnormalities, but I sleep without waking up gasping 
for air.  ( My oxygen saturation was reallly dropping when I slept.)  
The really weird thing is, that I now can tell it's harder to breath when I 
take the thing off in the morning, and then I feel normal after feeling like 
I'm working hard with it off.  So, my thought is, that maybe anyone with an 
higher involvement of the TM might benefit from a sleep study.  I really am 
wondering if it is weak thoracic muscles causing my problem.  I do know that 
sleeping is GREAT.  Pam 

[TMIC] Hello all, about me

2010-11-01 Thread PAMELA S

Hello John;  In answer to your question, I was diagnosed in 1992 with pretty 
good recovery except a straight catheter and extreme fatigue with any viral 
infection.  A few years ago I started getting weaker.  In 2000 I had trouble 
with BIH from the high protein in my spinal fluid.  Now all of the sudden I'm 
weak as a kitten and can hardly get around.  The initial hit was between my 
shoulder blades.  My arms weren't effected at first, but they now are.  I've 
continued to work with intermittant leave until last August.  This they call 
Latent TM.  I was told in the beginning, once I got well, it would probably 
stay away.  I still have the feeling that there is a fist gripping between my 
shoulder blades frequently, but the weakness is worse than it's ever been.  I'm 
barely walking, but I am walking.  I fall alot.  Since 1992 some doctors have 
learned about tm but many I've used have no idea.  I was actually laughed at 
once for the burning sensation.  I said give me a felt marker.  I'll mark where 
it burns, and you will find a dermatone diagram standing in front of you.  My 
biggest issue now is how to adjust to disability.  I still have a mortgage over 
my head.  I am a nurse who was working 12 hour shifts on her feet.  My only 
problem was young nurses making fun when a foot dragged or I seemed to be 
tiring out.  Today, I barely make it to 2 in the afternoon before it hurts to 
hold my head up.  PT kills me.  The tiniest exercizes and I can't do anything 
for 2 days without pain.  Somehow this doesn't feel latent to me.  I need all 
the advice I can get, especially on disability issues and lifestyle 

FW: [TMIC] burning spine

2010-10-31 Thread PAMELA S

Subject: RE: [TMIC] burning spine
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 15:06:57 -0700

Hello John;  I am new to this site, but I feel the burning.  I also feel it 
around my rib cage along dermatones.  As a result, when I fist had the 
transverse myelitis, my doctors thought I was breaking out with shingles.  But, 
I never got the shingle sores.  After it quit burning it itched like crazy.  
I've had so many doctors tell me they didn't know what this was until recently. 
 So I thought maybe it wasn't that common.  

 Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 15:50:38 -0700
 Subject: [TMIC] burning spine
 anybody ever feel a burning sensation in their spine?
 we have talked about the legs and feet and things but this burning in my 
 spine may be the muscle at the spine but it sure feels like it is in it.
 sometime i feel the sensation you felt when they done the spinal tap.