Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2015-01-28 Thread Pat
I will be having my bone density test soon.  I've had osteopenia since before 
TM and developed jaw bone problems after one of the early osteo drugs given to 
women years ago.  I think that med was removed from the market and I have 
gently refused any of the new meds since.  I'll have to make a decision again 
when my new PCP gets my report.  However, I'll feel more comfortable discussing 
it this time, because I chose a female doctor who may also face the same 
decision as she ages.  Keep us informed and if anything changes I'll post an 

Patti - Michigan

 On Jan 26, 2015, at 9:13 AM, Suerdlagpunga wrote:
 I am doing alright, but have developed new problems related to osteopenia, 
 which is thinning of bones, and one step before osteoporosis.
 I have cracked a vertebrae—L2—and this causes discomfort.  But the real 
 problem is my right hip, which just sings a deep pain all up and down my leg. 
  Also, at night I seemed to have developed restless leg syndrome or something 
 of the sort, because it is impossible to get comfortable, and now I don’t 
 sleep more than about 45 minutes at a time.
 My PCP suggested, after looking at x-rays, an MRI, and a bone density scan, 
 that I try Prolia, an injection given in the Dr’s office every 6 months, for 
 bone health.  It is very pricy and the copay is stiff.
 Has anyone had experience taking any kind of osteo medicine, and what were 
 the side effects?
 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA
 (718) 838-0437
 On Jan 26, 2015, at 2:34, Iris Whiddett wrote:
 Betty, while in hospital after TM hit, I described this awful discomfort I 
 was experiencing as feeling like having bands of steel under my skin.  The 
 neurologist said nothing, just looked at me as though I was deranged!!  Of 
 course, I later learned for myself that it was commonly referred to as 
 Iris UK
 Sent from my iPad
 On 26 Jan 2015, at 00:25, Betty Shaffer wrote:
 I, too, have banding. When I asked the neurologist about it, he asked, 
 what's that?
 I tried to explain it to him.
 Sent from my iPad
 On Jan 25, 2015, at 2:10 PM, Iris Whiddett wrote:
 Hi Rob, sorry to hear that things have been so bad for you.  Not many 
 speak about banding.  In six years I have had some very slight improvement 
 in other areas but the banding is always with me, intensifying with 
 changes in the weather.  I have accepted that it is a permanent part of my 
 life.  Strangely, it never bothers me when I am in bed.
 Iris UK
 Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2015-01-28 Thread Pat
Baclofen reduces banding greatly for me.  I remember Rob's posts when he made 
the decision to try the Baclofen pump, the operation, and the dosage changes.  
Rob, I wish it had continued to work for you without having other 
complications.  Continue your group leadership. I know your group has been 

Patti - Michigan

 On Jan 25, 2015, at 5:10 PM, Iris Whiddett wrote:
 Hi Rob, sorry to hear that things have been so bad for you.  Not many speak 
 about banding.  In six years I have had some very slight improvement in other 
 areas but the banding is always with me, intensifying with changes in the 
 weather.  I have accepted that it is a permanent part of my life.  Strangely, 
 it never bothers me when I am in bed.
 Iris UK
 Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC]

2015-01-28 Thread Pat
Your son was very active on here (along with many of us).  I couldn't have 
survived those early days without the information, encourage, and friendship I 
received from this Email group.  I thank God for Jim Lubin's work behind the 
scenes for this and the old TM Forum. My Neuro was pleased that I was 
involved with this support group, although, he had never heard of it before I 
told him things I was learning from the group.  Mrs. R, it's nice to hear from 

 On Jan 26, 2015, at 12:50 PM, 
   It has been a pleasant surprise to see so many people doing email.. I 
 started following you all 12 years ago when my son, Dennis ,came down with 
 I hope more of the people that were connecting before face book will come 
 back to the original site. Good luck to all of you. My prayers and thoughts 
 are with all of you.

[TMIC] Regarding (Jude) Judy Hoops

2015-01-27 Thread Pat
I saw that someone inquired about Jude.  I know she was recently on Face Book 
for the first time in a long time.  I received a short message from her husband 
when I commented on a post.  I lost track of Jude for almost a year, but I know 
she has been thru additional illness. 

Patti - Michigan

Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody,

2015-01-21 Thread Pat
I'm here and on Face Book. I haven't had any changes in my TM, but I do have an 
interesting story about a suspected relapse.  

In December, 2013,  I thought I had a TM relapse or a stroke and went to ER 
walking and talking as if I was in a drunken stupor.  CT, MRI's, and Labs 
showed nothing new had happened and I recovered fine.  My doctors and I were 

In December 2014, I woke up one morning feeling my TM normal with the start 
of a cold.  I went thru my routine of meds, reading, and coffee.  I had 
difficulty standing up, my walking was bad and felt drunk when I started for 
another cup of coffee.  I again wondered if I was having a TM relapse.  

I sat and compared the two relapses.  I didn't want to go thru another 36 
hour observation in ER.  I felt and walked and talked as if drunk both times.  
I had the start of a cold both times. I had taken cough syrup both times, but 
the bottle was almost empty so it couldn't be that. 

I didn't have a relapse at all. I  had a reaction to taking a full dose of 
cough syrup with Dextromethorphan and my TM meds Lyrica and Baclofen - on an 
empty stomach. 

What a relief!  I saw my PCP yesterday for my RX renewals and I think she was 
as relieved as I was.  That means no TM relapses in 11 years. Praise the Lord! 

Patti - Michigan. 


 On Jan 18, 2015, at 1:12 PM, Susan Kleinz wrote:
 Me too. On a trip but will be responding.  !   So glad someone is still out 
 there in our tm group
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 17, 2015, at 10:41 AM, wrote:
 I'm  still here also. 
 Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
  Original Message  
 From: Janice Nichols
 Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 12:33 PM
 To: Nikki Macleod;
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hey everybody,
 Hi Nikki,
 I remember you! The old group has pretty well disbanded and gone to 
 Facebook , etc. I have had TM for 8 years and there is always 
 something improving. You have to work hard at it and keep moving, but it 
 really pays off. Once in a while the bladder even improves for a 
 hile - and then to the usual, but I will take what I can get. I really 
 wish doctor's would not give a time limit on improvement - we all go at 
 different paces with
 different problems to deal with. You sound great and I am really 
 proud of all your accomplishments. It couldn't have been easy for you. 
 Keep in touch.
 -Original Message- 
 From: Nikki Macleod
 Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 6:37 AM
 Subject: [TMIC] Hey everybody,
 Hi everyone,
 It's been a while since I've been in here and I was wondering how everyone 
 was doing. Any improvement. The last time I posted I was really messed up 
 mentally. Suicidal and really low, a horrible time in my life. My life has 
 changed dramatically since then, me and my fiancé of nearly 10 years broke 
 up and I never though I'd say this but it was for the best. I am much 
 happier. I live in my little bungalow with my dog Finlay who I've had since 
 before TM and have 24/7 care. My depression is much better, it is now stable 
 and under control. I am getting out and about much more especially since I 
 recently got my new powered wheelchair. I am starting to not only love life 
 again but love myself again. I also have more positive news, I have recently 
 been experiencing some weird sensations in my left hand and some of my 
 fingers which I can only describe as what feels like pins and needles. I 
 figured this is a good thing considering it is numb until I get these 
 episodes. I've also had episodes of feeling as though the soles of feet are 
 burning like they are on fire. TM struck me on 15/02/2011. Doctors told me 
 after a certain period of time that would be the end of the improvement. I 
 believe that you may continue to improve way after that (I have). Has anyone 
 else experienced anything like this?
 Nikki, Durham, UK.
 Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC]

2014-03-12 Thread Pat
My condolences to you.  Dennis was loved and appreciated by his TM family and 
has been and will continue to be missed. I was aware of Dennis' passing thru 
our TM Facebook page and I'm glad to see that you shared it here on the TMIC.  
Now, when we remember Dennis, we will remember a Mom who will continue to cry 
when she remembers her son and our friend.  


Patti - Michigan
 On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:57 PM, wrote:
 I just realized I had not seen much activity. I am not sure this is going to 
 the group, I hope so. Some of you were probably friends with Dennis Rabalais. 
 He passed away on Jan. 29, 2014. He had been sick for so many years, I know 
 he is in a better place. But as a mother I surely do miss him. Today for no 
 reason I have cried all day. I feel like my heart is broken and it is 
 painful. I thank all of you that talked to Dennis for being his friend. I 
 will try to keep an eye out for any of your post. 
 Bless all of you,
 Rebecca Rabalais

Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii

2014-03-12 Thread Pat Voorheis
Please tell me why you want to reduce to 50mg twice daily after consulting with 
Sandy.  I was taking 100mg 3 times daily for about a year, but reduced to twice 
daily due to cost, not due to medical reasons.  Is there something about Lyrica 
Sandy made you aware of that I should be concerned about?  As you both have 
stated, we learn more from the TM Association than we learn from our doctors 
and Neuro's.

Patti - Michigan

 On Mar 12, 2014, at 3:34 PM, James Berg wrote:
 Hey Dalton and everyone else, Aloha.  I just want folks to  know that thanks 
 to Dalton letting me know about Lyrica, I've gotten control of my leg spasms. 
  I'm taking 150mg. 2 times a day and suddenly a week ago my spasms stopped!
 Not having a neuro so consult with Sandy, yes our Sandy, has been counseling  
 me about stopping the Lyrica and after discussing it with my GP I am doing a 
 gradual reduction and will soon be down to the 50mg. Dalton has reduced to.
 Lyrica has been a god send to me.  Thanks Dalton.
 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Janice Nichols wrote:
 Dalton  -  not offended!!   
 So glad you are doing so well.Isn’t it strange the things we discover 
 ourselves that help us?Doctors can still be so clueless about some 
 things  -  on the other hand, they can
 save our lives!
 From: Dalton Garis
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 11:26 AM
 To: Linda Egli ;
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii
 Say, Folks!
 Nice to hear a voice crying in the wilderness.  I am still here, also.
 By the way, someone hacked my Facebook so had to change my name, to 
 Abdu’l-Hanif Al-Shukri – let them try to hack that one!  So, if you remember 
 me, for instance Meiling, and you want to “friend me, I’m still out there.
 Friends, I am down to just 50mg Lyrica 2x/day now, after a tough time of 
 trying.  Can’t go below that amount, discovering that is what is actually 
 required to cover most of the pain.  My memory is better and am less anxious 
 about losing my mind to fog and dopiness.
 And went 28 days without a seizure, the longest time since getting the first 
 one in 22 April 2010.  Want to know what reduced their frequency? - not 
 taking all those vitamin supplements anymore.  It seems the minerals in them 
 were interfering in some way with the nerves, especially magnesium.  
 Visiting my mother in Massachusetts – she’s 97 – I forgot to bring any and 
 went without for a week.  Returning home I realized that I hadn’t had any 
 seizures, and guessed that the only change was in not taking all those 
 vitamin supplements.  So I stopped, and sure enough, the seizures became 
 very infrequent.  Who knew?
 Now is the Baha’i month of the Fast, when Baha’is go without food and drink 
 during the hours when the sun is in the sky, for 19 days, the last month of 
 our year.  (In our calendar there are 19 months of 19 days, with 4 or 5 
 inter calendar days just before the month of the Fast).  We eat and drink 
 after sunset or before sunrise but not during the hours of sunlight.  
 Smoking is also prohibited, as it is considered a form of drink. 
 The sick, the traveling, those nursing or pregnant, or under the age of 15 
 or older than 70 are not bound by the Fast; neither are those engaged in 
 heavy labor.  It is for those in good health, but others are not bound to it.
 While not bound by the Fast I am going without food during the hours of 
 fasting but drinking tea or coffee or water whenever I feel the need.  It is 
 going OK, and does change the relationship to the material world and 
 increase nearness to God.  I am grateful to participate at even this level.
 I hope it doesn’t upset anyone if I talk openly about God.  It seems our 
 America is conspiring to wipe any mention of Him from any public discourse – 
 a kind of propaganda in its own right if you think about it.  I apologize, 
 though, if anyone here is offended.
 Love and prayers,
 Abdu’l-Hanif Al-Shukri
 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA
 From: Linda Egli
 Reply-To: Linda Egli
 Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:45:18 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii
 Resent-Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:45:20 -0700 (PDT)
 Another TMer still here too.  I miss the people that used to use this site.  
 Stay well.
 Linda - Texas
 From: Janice Nichols
 To: James Berg; 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 9:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Meiling Caperton, Kanohe, Hawaii
 You are not alone here.  wlEmoticon-smile[1].pngI am still here, but 
 it sure is quiet! Hope you are doing well.
 Janice – from Missouri
 From: James Berg
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:52 AM

Re: [TMIC] This is amazing and every paraplegic should get one from Medicare!!!

2014-01-22 Thread Pat
I don't use a wheel chair, but I watched the video yesterday and think it is a 
much needed item for some of our TM friends.

Patti - Michigan

 On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:56 PM, Bernie Pelow wrote:
 This is amazing and every paraplegic should get one from Medicare!!!
 When will the Tek RMD be available?
 We expect that the Tek RMD will begin shipping by the end of 2013. We are 
 currently taking reservations.
 How do I reserve a device?
 Reserve your Tek RMD online at our reservation page.  A reservation requires 
 a down payment, which is fully refundable should you change your mind at any 
 point before we ship.  Once we begin shipping the Tek RMD in the United 
 States, we will fulfill reservations in the order in which they were 
 received.  You will pay the remaining balance on your device approximately 
 two weeks prior to shipping.If you have any questions or concerns about the 
 reservation process, please contact us by phone at 1.630.447.8263 or by email 
 How much does the Tek RMD cost?
 We expect the final price to be approximately $15,000 US not including 
 shipping charges.

Re: [TMIC] SSDI - Doc

2014-01-04 Thread Pat Voorheis
Was It  available on Jim Lubin's site?  I read the FBk post of the lady who 
can't get qualified and didn't feel that I had anything to add.  It seems like 
there was something about having two limbs that are effected.  I'll look too, 
however, I know you have so better chance of finding it than I do. 

Patti - Michigan

 On Jan 4, 2014, at 4:22 PM, cindy mcleroy wrote:
 Year's ago an attorney from Texas wrote a message on how to qualify for SSDI. 
  He gave the section of the SSDI rules that would allow many of us to qualify 
 first time.  Does anyone remember the message and how I can find it again.
 Cindy McLeroy

Re: [TMIC] SSDI - Doc

2014-01-04 Thread Pat Voorheis
The link Barbara gave is the one I was thinking of. I even had a copy of it in 
my 5 to 10 year old notebook.  The highlighted info is what gave me hope when I 
applied.  It also has a statement about two extremities being impaired.  


 On Jan 4, 2014, at 6:06 PM, Barbara H. wrote:
 There used to be - I was poking around the site just now and couldn't find 
 it. A man named Roger (I can't remember his last name) who went by Doc on 
 here before he passed away made up a list of very specific tips for applying. 
 There is a section on the forum for dealing with disability, and I found this 
 link there - not sure if it is Doc's but it looks helpful:
 Something else that's odd - I don't see any link to the TMIC on the TMA web 
 site. There is a link for individual state support groups and the message 
 board, or forum, at, but not this list. 
 Barbara H.
 On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 4:22 PM, cindy mcleroy 
 Year's ago an attorney from Texas wrote a message on how to qualify for 
 SSDI.  He gave the section of the SSDI rules that would allow many of us to 
 qualify first time.  Does anyone remember the message and how I can find it 
 Cindy McLeroy

Re: [TMIC] Happy New Year

2013-12-31 Thread Pat Cooley
eHappy New Year to you.  I find the TMIC web site is never real busy
anymore.  It seem everyone has gone over to the Face Book groups

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:48 AM, fatimah shehadeh wrote:

 Happy new year to all.

 On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Nikki Macleod

 Hi everyone just a quick message to wish you all a very happy new year
 and best wishes for 2014. I hope you all had a lovely Xmas and have managed
 to avoid any health problems. I've noticed it's been rather quiet but I
 expect everyone is so busy at this time of year.
 Best wishes,

 Sent from my iPhone

Re: [TMIC] End of birthday lists

2013-12-31 Thread Pat
Thanks Barbara.  You are correct in all your reasons. I'm still here on TMIC as 
well as on FBk and that's where I try to remember to send birthday greetings. 

Patti - Michigan 

 On Dec 31, 2013, at 8:46 AM, Barbara H. wrote:
 Hello all,
 Some of you may remember how the birthday lists started many years ago. 
 Someone found an online site that would send e-cards to others as a support 
 for a charity, so many of us sent in our names and birthdays so as to use the 
 site to raise funds for the TMA. Not surprisingly, the site died after a 
 while. A girl on the TMIC named Carrie and I had accumulated the birthday 
 names and lists, and after she left the list, I continued to send them out 
 once a month.
 I've decided to stop doing so, for a number of reasons. 
 1) Not many people are here any more. Many are on Facebook and it is easy to 
 send birthday greetings there.
 2) I don't think many (if any) people use the birthday list to send 
 individual greetings to anyone on it. (A few of you have faithfully sent 
 happy birthdays on TMIC to those celebrating each month as a whole, and I 
 have appreciated that.)
 3) Since all mail that goes through the TMIC is archived online, I have 
 wondered if it is a problem to have lists of names and e-mails there, if that 
 increases anyone's spam content.
 4) I have been sending out individual birthday greetings to everyone on the 
 list, and more and more of them are returned to me because the address is no 
 longer active.
 5) For those who are no longer on the TMIC, I don't know if they welcome the 
 birthday greetings or if they don't want me to bug them any more.
 So for all of those reasons, plus the amount of time involved, I have decided 
 to stop sending the birthday lists out each month. I've just finished 
 updating it with the latest information I have - if anyone else wants to take 
 it over, I'll be happy to send you the list.
 I'm still here on the TMIC and plan to continue to be. I wish all of you a 
 very happy and healthy 2014.
 Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] December Birthdays

2013-12-02 Thread Pat Cooley

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy birthday to those celebrating in December!

 12-2 Meghan (

 12/2 Ashlee Black (

 12/3  Janice (

 12-3 Wim from Holland (

 12- 4 Jan Burgess (

 12-7 Patti in Wisconsin (

 12-8 Lori Malloy (

 12-15  Alton Ryder(

 12-18 Rod Jenke (

 12/23 Roger Pratt (

 12-25 Gilly (Also, and, (

 12-27 (

 12/31 Janet (

Re: [TMIC] Deb's Medical and Work Status

2013-11-05 Thread Pat
Hi Deb,
You have been on quite a journey!  Thanks for sharing about your pump 
experience.  My hubby has asked me a few times if I should look into it after I 
told him about Rob's success.

I now refer to my work status as retired due to disability.  I'm 63, but like 
most, I would be much better off financially if TM hadn't forced me out of the 
work force 10 years ago.

I really know how you feel about giving in and crying uncle. It's hard to say, 
I can't do that anymore.  I didn't miss the routine since I couldn't have 
done it physically or cognitively, but I missed my customers and coworkers.  

I find enjoyment in being a homemaker.  I like having my hubby walk in the 
house and tell me supper smells good andI I am happy to be able to keep up with 
the laundry.  Small accomplishments feel good.  Housework and yard work are my 
daily exercise. That is my final answer when my doctors ask if I have an 
exercise routine.  I answer smugly, Yes, I do all my own housework and yard 

Enjoy your days away from work. You won't believe how good it feels to have 
time to do things.  

Patti - Michigan

 On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:35 PM, Deb Monteleone wrote:
 Hi all,
 Wanted you to know that I am no longer working.  MS got the better of me 
 after a long and tough battle.  I just can’t do it anymore; the pain, 
 fatigue, cognitive issues and quality of life won over.  They made me say, I 
 don’t care how the bills and health insurance will get paid; I just can’t do 
 Those of you that really know me, realize how hard it is for me to say I 
 can’t do something.
 I know the last update was a while ago but I figured I’d wait until I knew 
 something fairly final.  Here is an outline:
 - Shingles (on belly) decided to get in the action, only good thing 
 is my Neurontin pain medication made it less painful.  Although it still woke 
 me up once or twice and threw some extra pain in during the day.  I found it 
 just soon enough (just past 72 hours) to take the medication for it so it 
 didn’t get worse.
 - Had pain pump put in June 5th.
 - The Medication put in was the Prialt, snail venom, or as I like to 
 call it escargot juice J.
 o   This process took forever as they increase the amount very slowly.
 o   Gave me allergic reaction to band aide adhesive.  No more cuts for me J!
 o   I had my first hallucination ever, content wasn’t scary but realizing I 
 had it sitting at my desk, that scared me.
 o   Had a psychotic episode with my Neurologists answering machine.  Thank 
 god that was on the day he turned it way down to remove the next day.
 - Next medication was baclofen which I was taking orally.  We finally 
 found the correct dosage.  No more oral pills!
 - Now onto Morphine.  It was late Friday October 4th (yes still 
 working on getting pumps meds correct since June 5th J ) and I was finally 
 hopefully going to get some pain relief from the 1st dosage of morphine.  
 Well, after many pokes, x-ray and sonogram it turns out that the pump rolled 
 over.  The port for meds was facing inside me.  Now tell me, how did I do 
 that J?
 - How to get surgery in 12 days.
 o   The surgeon’s assistant was great, by Tuesday I had a CAT scan, appt with 
 surgeon Thursday, hospital pre-op Friday and surgery the next Wednesday.
 o   In addition, that same busy week I had a brain MRI, brought in sample 
 which ended up positive for UTI Friday before surgery.  Started antibiotics, 
 spoke with surgeon who said he could still operate as long as antibiotic had 
 a few days to start working.  Yes!!
 - Surgery on Oct 16th went well, combo of baclofen and morphine were 
 put in.  Maybe some relief in sight. 
 o   My on-call nurse ‘Mom’ took me for the surgery then cared for me at home, 
 this was not her first nursing gig with me, it’s our quality time J.  Thanks 
 Mom for being such a good one.
 o   Got home, needed cane to walk in house as my balance was completely off.  
 Got better over the days.  No one said this might happen, what the #%!
 o   It did remove the very sharp tips of the pins and needles of which I am 
 grateful for.
 o   My goal is to be able to wear socks and not have my pants hurt either.
 - Even with the tips of the needles gone I just couldn’t take 
 anymore, my body and brain had given their all.  I had been looking into 
 disability for a few weeks, after speaking with benefits at work it was 
 decided Tuesday morning, finalized Wednesday that Thursday would be my last 
 day.  I do things quickJ, it was nice to have all 60+ employees together to 
 say my good byes to.
 o   They helped pack up my desk with a cart and two trips to my van.
 o   My feelings about this part have not settled yet but I know in my heart 
 it is what I need to do.  It’s time to concentrate on my health.
 - After leaving work, it was off to the Doctor to increase the 
 morphine a touch.  Can’t yet tell if it 

Re: [TMIC] Re: Getting a flu shot

2013-10-05 Thread Pat Voorheis
I hope this is a short-term problem for you and the pain subsides soon.  Thanks 
for the info and keep us informed. I was planning on getting one this year, 
because I had no adverse reaction to the shot last year.  It was my first shot 
since TM.  We had five deaths in our area last year and I turned chicken and 
got the shot. 

Patti - Michigan

 On Oct 5, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:
 Fellow suffers;
 I can now report on getting a flu shot.
 So far, it is not good. It is the fifth day and the base pain level, the 
 level of pain experienced all the time without any additional loads, has 
 increased to the extent that even the Lyrica is no longer able to contain it. 
 My body is in a constant state of nerve pain and physical anxiety. I have 
 increased the dosage of both Lyrica and Gabapentin. Hopefully, this is not a 
 new normal; but if it is, then I have made a big mistake in getting a flu 
 Thus, unless you expect to be circulating around many people, and many new 
 people with whom you have not previously spent much time, then, I don't 
 recommend it. But living in New York City and taking the subway and other 
 forms of public transportation, and having to use hand-holds all over the 
 City, I thought it prudent to get the flu shot. It may still be the right 
 move, but at this reckoning has come at a high cost, that of being in a 
 distracting level of pain all the time now, just as I was during the early 
 days of the disease.
 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA

[TMIC] Fwd: Michigan walk, run, roll

2013-10-02 Thread Pat

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Pat
 Date: October 2, 2013, 7:09:59 AM EDT
 To: tmic
 Subject: Michigan walk, run, roll
 Is anyone on the TMIC going to the Holland, Michigan Saturday for the 
 walk-a-thon?  My husband and I are planning to go, but might not 
 participate in the actual walk.  
 Patti - Montrose, MI

Re: [TMIC] Re: TM Exhaustion

2013-09-18 Thread Pat Cooley
Jude I am with you.  I have such fatigue that all I want to do is go to
bed.  There are times when I know I should go potty but I don't have the
strength to go.  Or the times I would like a drink of water, but again I
don't have the energy.  I am not one to nap but lately I find that I am
laying down in the afternoon. No I am not looking forward to winter.  I
hate the cold.  The best time of the day is when I can crawl under the
covers and get warm.  The fatigue seems to be so much worse this year.
Maybe it is because I am getting older.

Keep warm Jude.  TMID

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:51 PM, wrote:

 Hi Friends,

 Are any of you suffering with exhaustion?  I am so tired all of the time
 that I can't stand it.  What do you do to rid yourself of this malady?

 I hope that you have had a nice summer and you are looking forward to a
 beautiful fall.  Winter will soon be here and it will be freezing cold here
 in Michigan.  How does your TM make you feel in the cold weather?

 I love you,

Re: [TMIC] September Birthdays

2013-09-02 Thread Pat Cooley
Happy birthday to all the September babies, especially to our friend Pam.
 Pam we all miss you so much.  TIAD

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 8:08 PM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to those born in September!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 We also want to take a moment to remember Pam Montz, faithful list member
 who passed away a few years ago. Her birthday was 9/9.

 9/5 Mavis White (Errol's wife) ( )

 09-06 Jake DeGrand (

 9-8 Mary Davidson (

 9/8 Terry Parker (* *

 9/12  R. J. Rankin (

 9-16  Mary Eden Cochran (

 9-17 Bill Wimberly- (**)

 09/20 Rob Pall (

 9-23 Karen  (Mushroo) (**)

 9-24  Suzi in Seattle *(*)

 9/26 Allen Rucker **

 9/30 Patti Enstrom ( )

Re: [TMIC] A 'sore' subject

2013-08-12 Thread Pat Voorheis
I also take Baclofen for spasms.  I take 3 or 4 daily (10mg each).  In the 
state we have an over the counter cream/ ointment called Neosporin. The tube I 
have states +pain relief ointment.  The print is too small to read, however, 
you can find it on line. It is a rather small mount for the money, but a little 
goes a long way and every doctor recommends it for minor cuts.  I use an 
prescription antibiotic ointment on my face for rosacea Metronidazole Tropical 
Gel.  Neither of these burn or sting.

Patti - Michigan

On Aug 12, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Nikki Macleod wrote:

 Well hello there peeps, I need some advice please.
 I suffer from bad spasms especially in my legs. When my legs spasm they 
 literally lock together at the top and lock. I am now left with really bad 
 sores on the very tops of my legs near my lady parts. I use a barrier cream 
 and sudocrem, any ideas anyone? 
 Durham, UK 
 Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC] August Birthdays!

2013-08-01 Thread Pat Cooley
Happy birthday to all August babies.

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to the August kids! August is one of our biggest birthday

 Please send any additions or corrections to:

 8/1 Peachi (

 8/1 Cindy McLeroy (

 8-1 Stacy Firth ( )

 8-3 Larry Throne ( )

 8-10 Sean Indiveri (

 8-11 Raylene Gökeri (

 8-11 Michelle Maricic (

 8/11 Dalida S. Ortiz de Garcia (

 08/17 Sandra (Harth) Brassil (

 8-17 Kim (

 8-19 Saroj (

 8-21 Barbara H. (

 8-23-00 Cole (

 8-29 Kathleen (

 8- 31 Robin in Ontario(Brampton)( )

Re: [TMIC] Friends

2013-07-11 Thread Pat Voorheis
I also answer fine when asked how I am and I gave up explaining much about 
TM.  I've told people it's a interesting illness that's impossible to 
understand, I have said that I'm in constant pain that I take meds for, but I 
try hard not to dwell on it. I might say there is a lot of info that they can 
do a google search on if they would like to write down the correct spelling of 
transverse myelitis.  A couple people wrote it down.  Most of my answers are 
one liners.

However, unlike the other responses I like it when told, Well, you look good. 
 I answer with a genuine thank you. I enjoyed compliments when I worked and 
really, really miss them.  .and I really,really don't want to look as bad 
as I feel,

Patti - Michigan 

 On Jul 9, 2013, at 2:54 AM, I.WHIDDETT wrote:

 She's history Janice!
 To the group - I seem to have a problem with my incoming mail, Janice's being 
 all I've received for 2 days, so apologies to anyone who's not had a reply.
 Sent from my iPad
 On 8 Jul 2013, at 22:18, Janice Nichols wrote:
 Iris, your ex-friend was a jerk.Just stay with the good ones.
 -Original Message- From: I.WHIDDETT
 Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2013 1:22 AM
 To: Susan Kleinz
 Cc: ;
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Friends
 Susan, you can't win.  When I was frustrated enough to let my feelings show 
 with a particular friend the patronising response was that people change 
 when they're ill..!!!
 Sent from my iPad
 On 6 Jul 2013, at 20:28, Susan Kleinz wrote:
 amen Iris.  I do the exact same thing.  I also hate being told I look good, 
 when I am in excruciating pain.  This ™ has ruined my life, and I'm pissed!
 On Jul 6, 2013, at 6:06 AM, I.WHIDDETT wrote:
 Nikki, just been reading Dalton's words and I totally agree with his 
 response to how are you.  I always say fine.   This is partly for the 
 reason he gives but also because I learnt early on that it is impossible 
 for any non- TMer to understand our symptoms - certainly unlike anything 
 they will ever have experienced - and I'm all out of patience in trying to 
 explain.  By far the most aggravating question to be asked is Are you 
 better now?!

Re: [TMIC] Baclofin Pump

2013-07-11 Thread Pat Voorheis
I'm sorry you had the headache after your procedure.  I remember the four days 
of migraines I had after my lumbar puncture.  I don't get headaches and 
wonder how people survive who have them regularly. 

Please keep us posted.  I think I would have to pay out of pocket, but not 
having muscles pulling me in every direction would be great. 

Patti - Michigan

On Jul 11, 2013, at 7:48 PM, Robert Pall wrote:

 Here is my first journal after having the Baclofin Pump placed in my 
 The surgery took place on 6/28 early morningit took about 2 1/2 hours. 
 After waking in recovery I was transferred to the ICU where I spent the next 
 24 hours and was then released to go home. Almost as soon as I woke from 
 surgery I could feeol like a weight had been taken off my legs. The banding 
 was significantly reduced. That being said after being released from the 
 hospital I began to suffer severe headaches and nausea. The neurosurgeon 
 advised that I lie flat on my back and drink lots of caffeinated beverages in 
 order to replenish my spinal fluid which he felt was leaking at the catheter 
 site. I did this and still the headaches got worse and the point 
 where I had to be readmitted to the hospital. At the hospital I was told to 
 stay flat 24/7 and was given antibiotics and a low dose of steroids.After 3 
 days in the hospital I had them release me even though I was still suffering 
 from headaches and fatigue. Today it is almost 12 days since my surgery and I 
 am finally starting to feel better. The headaches are gone and the fatigue is 
 less. Not everyone getting the Baclofin Pump goes through the leakage...they 
 say one in 10I was one of them.
 I know that so far everything has been negative...yet I am still very 
 happy I had the procedure. My legs feel better than they have in 15 years and 
 they are likely to improve even more as the dosage is increased. The pump 
 does stick out of my left side lateral to my naval and is the size of a 
 powderpuff. It is made of titanium and is only slightly under my skin. The 
 surgery consisted of placing the pump on the left side of my naval and the 
 catheter is inserted through a separate cut near my spine. The catheter is 
 placed in the spinal fluid as near as possible to my lesion. The pain from 
 the surgery is minimal and if it were not for the side effects I encountered 
 would have been a piece of cake.The pump is refilled approx. twice per year 
 by an injection through the skin directly into the pump. The pump is 
 programmed by the neurologist via a handheld computer.
 It is my hope and expectation that this pump will greatly benefit the 
 quality of my life. I should be able to walk better,faster and with far less 
 fatigue and banding. I have no restrictions on physical activity once the 
 sutures have healed (about 2-3 weeks). I can resume swimming and almost any 
 activity my body allows me to do.I will be able to walk my 70 lb Golden 
 retriever and not have a problem even when he sees a rabbit and starts to 
 pull me. I will have to carry a special medical card when I fly as the pump 
 will set off airport alarms. The only other thing I cannot do is get an MRI.
 I am not ready to recommend and or endorse the pump for everyone. The 
 people who it will help the most are the ones suffering from spasticity and 
 I will keep everyone up to date on my progressand that being said I 
 would recommend anyone considering this procedure to first go through the 
 hospital trial. At the trial a 3 hour dose of the medicine is injected into 
 your spine (similar to a lumbar puncture). Once the injection is done you 
 should see major changes in the way you feel. That is what happened to me and 
 I felt I would never forgive myself for not trying the procedure.
 To get more information you should google the pump manufacturer and read 
 all about it. GoogleMetronics.
 Please let me know if you want me to continue a running commentary I my 
 own personal experience.
 All the best!
 Rob in New Jersey  

Re: [TMIC] Friends

2013-07-06 Thread Pat Cooley
I agree completely.  My family and close friends know that I will never be
cured and no longer ask those stupid questions.  To people who don't have a
clue and ask how I am doing, I always say I am doing the best I can, and
that usually shuts them up.

On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Susan Kleinz wrote:

 amen Iris.  I do the exact same thing.  I also hate being told I look
 good, when I am in excruciating pain.  This ™ has ruined my life, and I'm
 On Jul 6, 2013, at 6:06 AM, I.WHIDDETT wrote:

  Nikki, just been reading Dalton's words and I totally agree with his
 response to how are you.  I always say fine.   This is partly for the
 reason he gives but also because I learnt early on that it is impossible
 for any non- TMer to understand our symptoms - certainly unlike anything
 they will ever have experienced - and I'm all out of patience in trying to
 explain.  By far the most aggravating question to be asked is Are you
 better now?!

Re: [TMIC] July Birthdays

2013-07-01 Thread Pat Cooley
I wish all the July babies a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 8:51 PM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to the July kids!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 7-5 Sumer (

 7/5 Richard Ashford

 7-14 Julie (

 7-24 Kevin Weilacher (

 7-25 Peggy Wilson (

 7-25 (

 7-27 Linda (

 7/30 Dex Packard (

Re: [TMIC] Baclofin Pump

2013-06-23 Thread Pat Voorheis
I hope the use of the pump is perfect for you and that the correct dosage is 
found fast.  Thanks for the updates.  I'm praying that you have complete 
success with all aspects of the surgery.

Patti - Michigan

On Jun 19, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Robert Pall wrote:

 Well I am finally going to do it. I have completed my pre-certification and I 
 am scheduled for surgery a week from tomorrow. I am both stressed and 
 excited. I am excited about the possibility of feeling significantly better 
 after suffering almost 16 years with this awful affliction. I am stressed 
 about having a titanium pump attached to my spinal fluid. I promise the group 
 I will give daily reports after the surgery to let all of you know what 
 benefits I come in to. I hope this lets me walk better,takes away the awful 
 banding and lets me live a more normal life.
 All the best!
 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] June Birthdays

2013-06-01 Thread Pat Cooley
Happy birthday to al the June babies.

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to the first-of-summer kids! Hope you have a great day!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 We also remember those with birthdays from this month who have passed on
 Tom Carr (6/2) and Dennis Galvin (6/25).

 6-1 Akua (

 6-5 Tobe Kanon (

 6/11 Marabeth (

 6-11 Sharon Marsden (

 6-17 Cheryl (

 6-19 Tom in Delaware (

 6-19 Debbie Capen (

 6-22 Ann Moran (

 6-22 Gerry (

 6-24 Lynne (

 6-25 Errol White ( )

 6-28 Kim Harrison (

 6-29  Pauline (

 6/30 Bobby Jim (

Re: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis

2013-05-23 Thread Pat Voorheis
Hi Amy,
Thanks for sharing your TM story.  It's stories like yours that make me furious 
with how TM so drastically changes lives.  I like your last line.  You rock!

Patti - Michigan

On May 23, 2013, at 8:40 PM, amy shultz wrote:

 My TM story began in March of 96. I was 19 yrs old and had graduated from 
 High School and had a soccer scholarship to Notre Dame. While having an MRI 
 on my jaw for TMJ the doctors said I had an unrelated seizure. After waking 
 up in the hospital my arms were really heavy and had horrible pain around my 
 mid section, and couldnt move my legs. By the next morning I couldnt move my 
 arms or legs, couldnt talk. Couldnt breathe. I endured test after test after 
 test. They kept thinking MS as my mom has MS but they couldnt confirm it.I 
 was in a rehab hospital and a nursing home for a total of 14 weeks. After 
 many weeks I was finally diagnosed after a second MRI showed lesions on my 
 spinal cord at C 4-5. Due to it being so long since I had had the initial 
 attack and doctors not familiar with TM, I was not treated with any steroids 
 or any other treatment. After intense therapy and many prayers after about 8 
 months I got use of my arms. Not 100% but some. My arms came back very 
 slowly. I was in therapy for months and months. I have yet to show any 
 improvement with my legs and am ventilator dependent. I had a neurogenic 
 bladder and bowels. I had my bladder removed in 03. I havent show much 
 improvement after the one year mark. I hold on to hope that one day there 
 will be treatment for us, or others like us. I deal with horrible pain and 
 spasms daily. Something I wouldnt wish on anyone. I have been unable to 
 return to school. It seems I am in and out of the hospital so much it makes 
 doing anything nearly impossible. Last year alone I was inpatient 13 times. 
 Not counting ER visits. I am on over 30 medications a day. I get exhausted 
 very easily and nap alot. But I still enjoy having fun and hanging with 
 family and friends and this TM will NEVER stop me from being me.
 Amy Shultz
 Columbus Ohio
 Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 23:09:12 -0400
 Subject: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis
 Hi Everyone!
 It's Jude Hoops.  I was just reading the quad list and they are talking about 
 their injuries at what level they are injured, how it happened and when it 
 happened.  Do you think that that would be something we could do too?
 I think it might be interesting to know how we were all injured or got sick 
 and how long ago it was.  We've all been on this list for a long time now and 
 I was wondering whether any of us had gotten any better over the years.
 Let me know what you think.  Just write a small paragraph about how you came 
 to have TM, what level your injury is at and if you have seen any improvement 
 over the years.
 I love you all so much and have been thinking of you.
 Jude (TIAD)

Re: [TMIC] whats going on?

2013-05-16 Thread Pat Cooley
Robert I also received your post.

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Butcher, Bernie (SFS) wrote:

  I got you here in sunny Long Island Rob!

 ** **


 *Honeywell Engineering*


 *From:* Robert Pall []
 *Sent:* Thursday, May 16, 2013 12:49 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] whats going on?

 ** **

 I just received an email starting I was dropped from this list due to
 excessive bounced emails. I have no idea what this is about as I do not
 send that much in...and to the best of my knowledge I have never had an
 email bounced.

 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] whats going on?

2013-05-16 Thread Pat Cooley
Bernie I tried to e-mail Robert, but it wouldn't go through.

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Butcher, Bernie (SFS) wrote:

  I got you here in sunny Long Island Rob!

 ** **


 *Honeywell Engineering*


 *From:* Robert Pall []
 *Sent:* Thursday, May 16, 2013 12:49 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] whats going on?

 ** **

 I just received an email starting I was dropped from this list due to
 excessive bounced emails. I have no idea what this is about as I do not
 send that much in...and to the best of my knowledge I have never had an
 email bounced.

 Rob in New Jersey


2013-05-12 Thread Pat Voorheis
My hair stylist h vertigo due these crystals getting jarred during a car 
accident.  She also had hers manipulated back into place and has returned twice 
in four years for the procedure.


On May 11, 2013, at 3:00 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:

 Sure, it can happen again.But, I am on the alert now.
 From: Gary Thomas
 Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 8:55 AM
 To: Janice Nichols ;
 I'm glad nothing was broken, Janice!  I hope it doesn't happen again--can it, 
 if you have vertigo?
 Gary in Michigan
 - Original Message -
 From: Janice Nichols
 Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:26 AM
 Hey Guys!
 Well, now I know what a concussion feels like – it hurts!   Monday 
 evening I fell in the house on our ceramic tile (hard stuff).My husband 
 called 911 and they transported
 us to the hospital.I had passed out before I fell, so had nothing to 
 brace the fall.   Eddy was just a few steps behind me but couldn’t get to me 
 in time to stop the fall.   Anyway,
 I fell right on my face – huge bump immediately.The ER gave me an 
 IV to put in meds for pain (!!!) and nausea.That helped quite a bit.   
 Then they did a cat scan and found
 I had no broken bones.   Doc’s were shocked, but pleased.   I really do have 
 a hard head!They then sent us back home and I have been very quiet ever 
 since.   Doc’s think I may have
 had vertigo.
 I look a lot like a raccoon  -  eyes really black and purple and forehead and 
 bridge of nose really swollen.   I am a mess, but relatively little pain for 
 having such a concussion.   Each day
 we are checking out the changes in shape and color in my face.  
 Just thought I would keep you guys up with my adventures.

Re: [TMIC] Re: Our Buddy Lists

2013-05-09 Thread Pat Voorheis
Yes, AOL has a buddy list.  Two people agree to be buddies so you can live chat 
back and forth when you are both on line.  It was quite the rage when it was 
first implemented.  However, it can be time consuming when you are trying to 
read and answer emails and are interrupted by someone who wants to live chat.  
I'm not on AOL now, but had an account at one time, because of the buddy list 

Patti - Michign

On May 8, 2013, at 10:57 PM, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

 I'm confused too.  Is a buddy list something that AOL uses?  We never had one 
 with the TMIC group.  More info please.
 Thanks, Cindy
 - Original Message -
 From: Janice Nichols
 To: ;
 Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Our Buddy Lists
 I’m confused, I don’t have a buddy list.
 Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 9:30 PM
 Subject: [TMIC] Re: Our Buddy Lists
 Hi Everyone!
 I just want to ask all of you who still keep email addresses if you would 
 please add me to your Buddy Lists.  I used to see so many people on my Buddy 
 List, but now it's dwindled to two people.
 We need to be better hooked up to each other and instead of having to look 
 everyone up in my address book, it would be nice to only have to click on a 
 name to chat or send and IM.  I think it would be fun!
 If you decide to add my name or the name of anyone else, we have to notify 
 the other person, that way we will all be on the same page, so to speak.
 Let me know how you feel about doing this.  I've been thinking about it for a 
 few days and think it's a good idea.  Guys included too.
 Love and hugs,
 Jude  tiad

Re: [TMIC] Fw: Juggler This is hilarious!!!!

2013-05-04 Thread Pat Voorheis
Absolutely!  This is another of several that you and I share.  My husband's 
coughs or sneezes and even his goose-honking nose-blowing cause the electrical 
shock pain.  I have never told him this. My body also responds with a giant 
jumping reflex that he has never mentioned.  I think my reflex is so close to 
his noise that he isn't aware of it. Maybe, I do it often enough it's no 
buggy to him. However, it's so painful to me I always feel he should apologize. 

I keep TM secrets from my hubby, because he shouldn't have to feel guilty when 
he coughs or sneezes.  

Patti - Michigan

On May 4, 2013, at 3:56 PM, Dalton Garis wrote:

 That was SUPER!
 By the way, have any of you all—or we all—ever have auditory-induced body 
 nerve pain?  Any sharp or unexpected sound just goes through my body like 
 being stung by an electric fence.
 Any thoughts?
 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA
 Mobile: 718-838-0437
 From: Janice Nichols
 Date: Saturday, 4 January 2013 10:52 AM
 Subject: [TMIC] Fw: Juggler This is hilarious
 Resent-Date: Sat, 4 May 2013 07:52:31 -0700 (PDT)
 Guys, I really enjoyed this and hope you will too.A good laugh is always 
 good for us.
 This is about 10 minutes long, but it is funny
 If you do nothing else today, watch this video. It is excellent clean comedy. 
 Juggler is funny, but the best part is watching Tip O’Neil and Ronald Reagan 
 laugh together – also the prank he plays on Jim Baker is good stuff!
 How politicians acted in classier days!
 Good clean family fun. 

Re: [TMIC] Fw: Juggler This is hilarious!!!!

2013-05-04 Thread Pat Voorheis

That was great.  My husband is a huge Reagan fan and we just watched it 

Patti - Michigan

On May 4, 2013, at 10:52 AM, Janice Nichols wrote:

 Guys, I really enjoyed this and hope you will too.A good laugh is always 
 good for us.
 This is about 10 minutes long, but it is funny
 If you do nothing else today, watch this video. It is excellent clean comedy. 
 Juggler is funny, but the best part is watching Tip O’Neil and Ronald Reagan 
 laugh together – also the prank he plays on Jim Baker is good stuff!
 How politicians acted in classier days!
 Good clean family fun. 

Re: [TMIC] Re: Check spam folders for mail from -TMIC

2013-05-03 Thread Pat Cooley
Jude I check my spam folder everything I go into my e-mail.  No e-mails
from TMIC goes into my spam folder.  I have been getting all the e-mails
from TMIC with no problem.

Patti - Wisconsin   TIAD

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:53 AM, wrote:

 Hello All,

 It's me again.  I just want to mention again that it's important for
 everyone to check their spam folders for email from TMIC, because members
 from the quad list, instead of unsubscribing from the list, told their mail
 providers that their mail from was spam.  So now a lot of our
 mail is going into our spam folders.

 That was one of the reasons I wrote last time, but I don't think I made it
 clear enough.  So make sure you check your spam folders for more mail you
 might be missing out on.

 And, if you have any ideas about how to change what's happening, let me
 know, because I'll do whatever I can to help the list.  I want to keep on
 hearing from everyone.  Even though it is only about 13 of us that are
 still mailing to the list.

 I don't know what to do about getting more people back on the list.  And,
 one more thing...if anyone has an address for Patti Voorheis, will you
 please send it to me?  I really need to contact her, but my mail keeps
 coming back as not delivered.

 Thank you very much,
 Jude H.

Re: [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

2013-05-02 Thread Pat Cooley
Yes I use it

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.netwrote:

   Sorry I am late to respond.Maybe we could ask all who read/respond
 to our website to let us know by just stating a “yes” or “no” to whether or
 not they are still a part of us.
  We do need to have some idea who is still getting our emails. Would
 you all please do so?

 *Sent:* Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:38 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Re: Attention -The TMIC List

  Hi  Everyone,

 How are you doing tonight?  It's Jude Hoops and I am writing to let you
 know that may be having a problem with our emails.  It seems
 that some of the people who don't want to receive mail are telling AOL that
 our mail is Spam instead of just unsubscribing to the list.  It is because
 of their negligence that we may not get any more emails.

 This list has been around for at least 12 years and I don't know how long
 before I signed on that it had been up and running.  I know the Quad list
 is going to another site, but I haven't heard anything about us.

 Does anyone else know anything about this?  If you do will you please let
 me know.  I'm very worried about it.  I know that the list doesn't function
 the way that it used to but it is still important to me that we all stay in

 Oh, do any of you have the list of May Birthdays?  It usually comes around
 before the 1st and I haven't seen it yet for this month.

 What do you think we should do?  (Again, I don't know if it applies to us
 too, or just the Quad list)

 And one other thing, do any of you mind  if I use Pam's sign off of TIAD?
 I just can't seem to help myself, it just keeps her alive in my heart.

 Jude Hoops

Re: [TMIC] May Birthdays

2013-05-01 Thread Pat Cooley

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 10:06 PM, Barbara H. wrote:

 I apologize for being late with these - my husband had a detached retina
 yesterday, and we've been spending time at different doctors offices, then
 he had surgery today. It's been a whirlwind. It didn't even click that this
 was May 1 til I saw Jude's note. But thankfully we didn't miss anyone since
 no one's birthday was on the 1st.

 Happy Birthday to all the May kids! Please send any additions or
 corrections to

 We also remember this month Jim Belz, May 11, who has passed away.

 5/5 Linda Garrett  (

 5/7 Dennis Rabalais (

 5-11 Lynn (

 5- 19 Maureen Wroblewski Hallagan (

 5/31 Wendy Wood (

Re: [TMIC] Shingles vaccination

2013-04-30 Thread Pat Voorheis
Please don't be a guinea pig for any of our sakes. I'm sure one doctor will 
say, of course, you should get the shingles shot. Another will say, absolutely 
not.  I always ask my doctors if they and their families have had the vaccines. 
 I spent nine years fearing the flu shot, but had one this year to help protect 
my family and had no reaction at all.  

Patti - Michigan

On Apr 30, 2013, at 5:35 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:

 It might be that,
 A better question is whether having TM and taking all these medications 
 actually suppresses or even eliminates the threat from Shingles.  Because on 
 this side of the Pond we also are getting bombarded with advertisements 
 advising seniors to get the inoculation.  
 Shingles is another auto-immune disease in the Herpes-Simplex family, is that 
 right?  And TM is also an auto-immune disease similar to MS, correct?  Then, 
 accordingly, perhaps getting the Shingles vaccine might even suppress some TM 
 symptoms, rather than risking an aggravation of symptoms.  That would depend, 
 of course, on how the vaccine actually worked to achieve the desired result.
 I will use myself as a test, if you all would like, and see what happens, if 
 you can wait a month or so for any possible developments.  I am retired and 
 spend my days writing and some lecturing and have only domestic-type chores, 
 so the risk of a life-degrading event, even were a flair-up to occur, is 
 rather limited.
 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA
 Mobile: 718-838-0437
 Date: Tuesday, 30 January 2013 2:52 AM
 Subject: [TMIC] Shingles vaccination
 Resent-Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 23:52:16 -0700 (PDT)
 From September this year, UK over 70s are to be offered shingles vaccination. 
  Does anyone have an opinion as to safety or otherwise, please?  Past 
 experience tells me my neurologist will give his usual helpful 'your choice' 
 Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC] Re: Transverse Myelitis

2013-04-27 Thread Pat Cooley
I have idiopathic TM.  No known cause except that I did have singles ober
20 yrs ago, and I also had chicken pox as a child.TM came over a 2 day
period - on saturday I noticed my balance wasn't right, and later in the
day I felt I had an UTI and went to urgent care and was given drugs.  The
next morning during my shower I noticed I had trouble lifting my right leg
over the tub.  After the shower while trying to put on my underwear, I wet
my pants twice.  Then all of a sudden my legs went out and down on the
floor I went.  I was rushed to the ER, and after about 8 hrs and a spinal
tap and MRI was diagnosed with TM.  Spent 4 weeks in rehab and finally was
able to walk with a walker, then a cane.  I still have bladder/bowel
problems like most of us.  The only drugs I am on are oxyticbutin for my
bladder and a low dose of a sulfer drug 50 mg at night.  I don't have the
severe pain like so many of us; just burning/freezing and bee stings in my
feet.  It will be 5 yrs for me in June.  I hope this is what you need.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:09 PM, wrote:

 Hi Everyone!

 It's Jude Hoops.  I was just reading the quad list and they are talking
 about their injuries at what level they are injured, how it happened and
 when it happened.  Do you think that that would be something we could do

 I think it might be interesting to know how we were all injured or got
 sick and how long ago it was.  We've all been on this list for a long time
 now and I was wondering whether any of us had gotten any better over the

 Let me know what you think.  Just write a small paragraph about how you
 came to have TM, what level your injury is at and if you have seen any
 improvement over the years.

 I love you all so much and have been thinking of you.

 Jude (TIAD)

Re: [TMIC] Hello

2013-04-04 Thread Pat Voorheis
Anne and Roger,

I am perplexed by both of your posts because of how long you have had TM and 
that you have had further attacks after so many years.  Anne, you said you are 
now confined to a bed or wheelchair, but didn't say if it was the result of a 
new TM attack.  Did you have a second attack many years after the first?  I 
also wonder if either of you have a clue as to what triggered your attacks.  My 
TM was idiopathic and I truly believed after nine years of no new symptoms (I 
have plenty old symptoms) that I wasn't going to have a second attack.  Just 
one more reason to hope they find a cure. 

Patti - Michigan

On Apr 3, 2013, at 9:10 PM, Roger  Terese Pratt wrote:

 I have had TM for over 19 years, with a secondary attack in 2010 that 
 resulted in peripheral nerve damage.  I am on Lyrica, Cymbalta, Zanaflex, and 
 Tylenol PM for the TM stuff, other meds for high cholesterol and acid reflux. 
  While the meds help some, I find that I just need to stay as positive as 
 possible and grin and bear it.  Adverse reactions to meds and allergies are 
 the pits, but I say that is just because I am such a complex  person.  I hope 
 you find some meds that help.
 Roger in Kennewick, WA 
 From: Pat Voorheis
 To: Janice Nichols 
 Cc: dee jay; 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 5:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hello
 Hi Anne,
 I'm sorry to learn that you are experiencing difficulties after so many years 
 away from TM's clutches.  I take 10mg Baclofen every eight hours that almost 
 stops the banding. The banding is around my mid-section - like a corset.  I 
 also take Lyrica which has some muscle relaxing effects, but I really give 
 credit to the Baclofen. 
 I hope you can find a muscle relaxer that works for you.  Also, Baclofen is 
 inexpensive and Lyrica expensive if you do not have full drug insurance 
 TM since 2003, age 53, lesion level was C4-C6.
 Patti -Michigan
 On Apr 1, 2013, at 12:10 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:
 Glad you found our group.It would help if we knew what meds you were on. 
Many of us are on different meds for the same problems.   Also, there are 
 some meds that almost all of us take.
 Some have more painful banding than others too.I do not have “painful” 
 banding, just a pressure feeling.   But I am sure you will hear from others 
 that have more of a problem with it.
 Come on TM’ers.Anne needs help from all of you.
 From: dee jay
 Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 9:05 PM
 Subject: [TMIC] Hello
 Hello everyone.  My name is Anne and I have just joined your group.  I was 
 diagnosed with TM in 1975, completely recovered, and then 23 years later 
 here I am confined to a wheelchair/hospital bed and will be for the rest of 
 my life.  I hae just started experiencing this banding and have so many 
 allergies to medications even the doctor does not know what to do.  Any help 
 would be appreciated.

Re: [TMIC] Hello

2013-04-03 Thread Pat Voorheis
Hi Anne,

I'm sorry to learn that you are experiencing difficulties after so many years 
away from TM's clutches.  I take 10mg Baclofen every eight hours that almost 
stops the banding. The banding is around my mid-section - like a corset.  I 
also take Lyrica which has some muscle relaxing effects, but I really give 
credit to the Baclofen. 

I hope you can find a muscle relaxer that works for you.  Also, Baclofen is 
inexpensive and Lyrica expensive if you do not have full drug insurance 

TM since 2003, age 53, lesion level was C4-C6.

Patti -Michigan

On Apr 1, 2013, at 12:10 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:

 Glad you found our group.It would help if we knew what meds you were on.  
   Many of us are on different meds for the same problems.   Also, there are 
 some meds that almost all of us take.
 Some have more painful banding than others too.I do not have “painful” 
 banding, just a pressure feeling.   But I am sure you will hear from others 
 that have more of a problem with it.
 Come on TM’ers.Anne needs help from all of you.
 From: dee jay
 Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 9:05 PM
 Subject: [TMIC] Hello
 Hello everyone.  My name is Anne and I have just joined your group.  I was 
 diagnosed with TM in 1975, completely recovered, and then 23 years later here 
 I am confined to a wheelchair/hospital bed and will be for the  rest of my 
 life.  I hae just started experiencing this banding and have so many 
 allergies to medications even the doctor does not know what to do.  Any help 
 would be appreciated.

Re: [TMIC] April Birthdays

2013-04-01 Thread Pat Cooley

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to those born in April! Please send any additions or
 corrections to

 We also remember three who had birthdays this month who have passed on:
 Ken ( was on April 1, Jeron Rampersad ( on April 3, and Doc ( on April

 4/10 Marie Dipietro

 4/18 Bernard Butcher (

 4/20 Dianna (

 04/20 Todd Tarno (

 4/21 Robert Diehl (

 4-25 Shelia (

 4-29 Dalton H. Garis (

Re: [TMIC] Hello

2013-04-01 Thread Pat Cooley
Welcome Dee Jay.  I am sorry to hear about your being hit again with
another attack.  I pray that improvement will come to you soon.

Patti in Wiscconsin

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 9:05 PM, dee jay wrote:

 Hello everyone.  My name is Anne and I have just joined your group.  I was
 diagnosed with TM in 1975, completely recovered, and then 23 years later
 here I am confined to a wheelchair/hospital bed and will be for the rest of
 my life.  I hae just started experiencing this banding and have so many
 allergies to medications even the doctor does not know what to do.  Any
 help would be appreciated.

Re: [TMIC] March Birthdays

2013-03-03 Thread Pat Cooley

On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to the March kids!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 And please join me in remembering Mike Hammond, whose birthday was 3/8,
 who passed away a few years ago.

 3-3 Marsha Scholes  (

 03.05 Bettie Imus (

 3-7 Sue Mattis (

 3-15 Sandra Melville (

 3-17 Joy S. (

 3-19  Betty Clark (


 3/26 Jane Elrod (

 3/30 Gary (

 3-31 Jan H (

Re: [TMIC] Re: Lyrica, Psychiatric Evaluations

2013-02-16 Thread Pat Voorheis
I have been taking Lyrica for about four years for the burning/freezing pain, 
pins  needles and ice-pick stabbing pain. It takes the pin, needles, and 
stabbing away and makes the burning tolerable, but doesn't remove it. I take it 
every eight hours and know if I forgot it for some stupid reason.  I had been 
taken gabapentin, but it took too long to work and stopped before my next dose. 
 I was miserable most of the time.  I would panic if Lyrica wasn't available.   

Doctors are being scrutinized for the number of scrips they write for oxy meds. 
 Many of them are cutting back. They now have to record prescriptions in our 
computerized health records so they are concerned for their license. 

Patti V - Michigan 

On Feb 15, 2013, at 10:20 PM, wrote:

 Hello Everyone,
 As you know I am having the Medtronic pain pump put in.  I went for my first 
 consultation yesterday.  Before they put in the pump I have to have a 
 psychiatric consultation to see if I'm going to be a good candidate.
 I'm sure it's been a long time, but has anyone had a psychiatric consultation 
 before.  I need to know what to expect.  I don't know why but I'm kind of 
 nervous about it.  I have my heart set on having this surgery because if I 
 don't then I will have to have my leg amputated.  There are no other Dr.s who 
 want to continue with oral medication.
 I also have to go on Lyrica instead of Oxycodone.  Has anyone taken Lyrica 
 for pain, not depression?
 I appreciate your answers and look forward to reading them,
 Thanks, I love you,
 Jude, Michigan

Re: [TMIC] 2 year anniversary

2013-02-15 Thread Pat Voorheis
It does get easier. The first two years can be the hardest, because you are 
still learning about TM and waiting to see how much recovery you will have. The 
more you learn, the more you will feel in control. The more you reach out to 
others you learn you're not alone in overcoming what TM did to your body. 
It's good to find something to do or think about to get your mind off TM for 
even minutes a day or better yet minutes per hour.  I don't remember your 
limitations so I won't be foolish and tell you something ridiculous. 
Tmic was my favorite pastime and a great discovery for me.  Add something new 
each week and if you don't enjoy it move on to something else. Keep busy!  

Patti V -Michigan

On Feb 14, 2013, at 6:31 PM, Nikki Macleod wrote:

 This time 2 years ago TM struck overnight whilst I was sleeping, feeling very 
 emotional and tearful and cannot sleep as I think I'm scared I know it sounds 
 silly. Does it get easier? X
 Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2013-02-10 Thread Pat Cooley
Hello to you.  I hope you are having a great day.


On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Anne Shreve wrote:


Re: [TMIC]

2013-02-03 Thread Pat Cooley
I found it on the internet.  It looks as though is comes as a jam as you
spread it on your toast.  The cost was around $26.00 and one jar is
supposed to last a month.

Patti - Wisconsin

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 10:33 AM, fatimah shehadeh wrote:


 you can order it online at:


 On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Gary Thomas 

 What is it and where is it found (store section)?

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Janice Nichols
 *To:* tmic
 *Sent:* Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:25 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC]

  For those of you who have a constipation problem, I read tonite on FB
 that “Fruiteze” is supposed to be really good.
 Just thought I would throw that out there.


Re: [TMIC] February birthdays

2013-02-01 Thread Pat Cooley


On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 12:49 AM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to those born in February!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 2-1 Jeanne Rushton (

 2/2 Ursula (

 2/2 Lisa in TN (

 2-5 Tita in Delaware (

 2-6 Barbara Alma (

 2-7 Barbara in Texas (

 2/11 Mary ( )

 2-11 Deb Casey (

 2/15 Jill (

 2-17 Joan Fink (2-17

 2/26 Patti - Michigan (

 2/27 Cindy (

[TMIC] Traveling with TM

2013-01-28 Thread Pat Voorheis
My husband and I have taken several trips since TM hit me nine years ago.  
Traveling started after I read a proverb.  Hope deferred makes the heart 
sick.  I wrote in the margin of my Bible, It's time to say yes to Jim's 
Pacific Ocean Highway 101 trip.  The whole idea petrified me and the biggest 
what if was - what if TM hits again while I'm away from home.  You could list 
your greatest ten fears and figure I had many of them too.  We made as many 
adjustments as we could and flew from Michigan to Seattle, Washington, with 
small, small suitcases for a two week vacation. We drove from Seattle to San 
Diego, California.  Then flew back home. 

I didn't have a TM relapse. I didn't loose my meds.  I didn't die from riding 
so long. We have great memories of that trip. 

Another summer we took our boat on a week's vacation. I didn't fall overboard, 
but We had to take my brother so he could take over my usual duties.  Darn TM. 

We had to admit that TM changed me and our finances too much to be able to 
maintain our boat so we sold it (at a loss). Darn TM. 

We waited a year and bought a used motor home and set out on a three week cross 
country trip to the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park. I didn't fall 
off a cliff or get eaten by a grizzly

We've taken other trips since and each one has built confidence. Yes they were 
tiring. Yes I was in pain. I wished to be in my own bed, didn't want to ride 
one more mile, or walk one more step. However, until writing this that's not 
what I remembered about those trips. They were good times, with good memories 
and lots of pictures to prove it.  

A lot of TMers have traveled and helped me prepare.  I'm glad we did it!

Patti - Michigan

Re: [TMIC] Traveling with TM

2013-01-28 Thread Pat Voorheis
I haven't been to Nashville. I think the climate will be perfect in March. 
Anything you do to Kick TM behind you brings confidence. 


On Jan 28, 2013, at 9:24 AM, Janice Nichols wrote:

 I am getting braver too - going to Nashville this March for 10 days. Still 
 with some reservations, really looking forward to it.
 -Original Message- From: Pat Voorheis
 Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 7:53 AM
 To: tmic
 Subject: [TMIC] Traveling with TM
 My husband and I have taken several trips since TM hit me nine years ago. 
 Traveling started after I read a proverb.  Hope deferred makes the heart 
 sick.  I wrote in the margin of my Bible, It's time to say yes to Jim's 
 Pacific Ocean Highway 101 trip.  The whole idea petrified me and the biggest 
 what if was - what if TM hits again while I'm away from home.  You could list 
 your greatest ten fears and figure I had many of them too.  We made as many 
 adjustments as we could and flew from Michigan to Seattle, Washington, with 
 small, small suitcases for a two week vacation. We drove from Seattle to San 
 Diego, California.  Then flew back home.
 I didn't have a TM relapse. I didn't loose my meds.  I didn't die from riding 
 so long. We have great memories of that trip.
 Another summer we took our boat on a week's vacation. I didn't fall 
 overboard, but We had to take my brother so he could take over my usual 
 duties.  Darn TM.
 We had to admit that TM changed me and our finances too much to be able to 
 maintain our boat so we sold it (at a loss). Darn TM.
 We waited a year and bought a used motor home and set out on a three week 
 cross country trip to the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park. I 
 didn't fall off a cliff or get eaten by a grizzly
 We've taken other trips since and each one has built confidence. Yes they 
 were tiring. Yes I was in pain. I wished to be in my own bed, didn't want to 
 ride one more mile, or walk one more step. However, until writing this that's 
 not what I remembered about those trips. They were good times, with good 
 memories and lots of pictures to prove it.
 A lot of TMers have traveled and helped me prepare.  I'm glad we did it!
 Patti - Michigan

Re: [TMIC] Our Memories

2013-01-27 Thread Pat Cooley
Janice I agree with you.  I wil try the gamehouse web site.  For years I
have played game at but it is always good to try new things.
I will give it a try.

Patti - Wisconsin

On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.netwrote:

   Thanks.I will definitely try it!

  *From:* Betty Clark
 *Sent:* Saturday, January 26, 2013 6:35 PM
 *To:* Janice Nichols
 *Cc:* ;
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Our Memories

  If you've never seen them before, there are many on-line games on that can help with memory... my personal favorite is Super
 TextTwist. It is a really good game you can play by yourself. You're given
 six random letters and have to make as many 3-6 letter words as you can in
 a given amount of time. They show you how many words of each number of
 letters can be made and as long as you get at least one of the 6-letter
 words, even if you don't get the rest, you pass on to the next series of
 letters. As the clock runs out, it shows you the words you missed, so it
 helps you learn words (and spelling). It's keeps a running score until you
 fail to get a 6-letter word, so you play against yourself to see how high a
 score you can achieve. Here's the link to Super TextTwist:


 On 1/26/2013 3:18 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:

  I do have memory problems.   Not just forgetting names of things, but
 situations that happened a week ago, or the day after I see a movie,
 I forget what it was.Eventually I think of it, but it is scary for my
 husband to be talking about an incident, and I don’t remember it.

 We have a card game we play with another couple that is called Quiddler.
 You start with 3 cards and work up to having 10 cards dealt to you.
 You make words out of your cards dealt to you or discarded by others.   It
 does make you think and it is very addicting.   We love it.

 *Sent:* Friday, January 25, 2013 9:55 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] Our Memories

  *How is your memory these days?  Have you experienced memory loss?  If
 so, how does it affect your life?  Does your faulty memory affect your life
 with your loved ones?  *
 *Memory loss has to do with the myelin sheath.  The myelin sheath coats
 the neurons in the spinal column to cement memories.  TM destroys the
 myelin sheath, so that our memories become clouded or we have no memories
 at all.*

 *The more we repeat things we need to remember, the thicker the layer of
 myelin forms around the neurons.  Brain games such as Scrabble, Seduki,
 Boggle, Crossword Puzzles,and other games help us to reform the myelin

 *Any thoughts on this?*

 *Many hugs,*

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-25 Thread Pat Voorheis
I have the burning and/or freezing problem so sometimes I play mind games. When 
my feet  burn so bad I want to cry, die, say good-bye to them, I try to 
convince myself they're freezing .  When they are freezing, I ask myself if 
they are really burning. Either way they hurt, but it gives me a feeling of 
being in control. 

Patti -  Michigan

On Jan 24, 2013, at 10:14 PM, Kim Harrison wrote:

 My wish is for someday to be able to wear sock or shoes.. and winter is a 
 pain barefoot, but the pain of anything touching my feet is unbearable.. 
 Sent: Thu, January 24, 2013 9:08:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe
 I am wearing socks and leg warmers right now along with my TED boots that 
 hold my feet up in bed.  Plus, I have a sheet and two blankets on, and a 
 quilt when I go to bed.
 In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:46:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 My feet are cold most of the time.   I am assuming that is natural for TM  -  
 anyone else?
 From: Kim Harrison
 Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:29 PM
 To: ;
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe
 Thank you Jude.. our Cheerleader !!
 How is the cold effecting ya'all.. I HATE it... everything stings and hurts 
 more and worse is I can not wear sholes for socks so TM legs stick and feet 
 are freezing...  anyone else?
 Sent: Wed, January 23, 2013 7:24:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe
 I'm happy that you guys are glad to see us active again.  I am working my 
 = off to keep us up and running.  Neither Jim Lubin or Sam Siegel are 
 interested in doing anything with us anymore so it is just me trying like 
 hell to keep things interesting.  However, I am running out of ideas to talk 
 about and need your help.  I just got an email today from a lady who is 
 interested in joining us, so I sent her the info.  Help!
 In a message dated 1/23/2013 5:51:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 i wollowed with why and how and the thought came to me,,it doesnt matter how 
 or why if i knew,,it would still hurt.
 From: Robert Pall
 Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe
 There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures etc at the 
 T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I like this site is that we talk about TM 
 and the medicines and conditiions we have. I am not looking to make friends 
 (although that is a plus). I just want to share information that may help us 
 cope with this awful condition. As for me I have always believed that the 
 cause of my TM was excess stress which probably caused my immune system to 
 overreact to some minor illness like a summer cold.that being said no 
 doctor can say what caused any of us to have TMI myself decided it was 
 stresseveryone one of us thinks he knows the cause of TM ...but none of 
 us do!
 All the best and happy to see this site in action once again!
 Rob in New Jersey
 -Original Message-
 From: Heyjude48458
 To: i.whiddett
 Cc: tmic-list
 Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
 Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe
 Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are writing.  I am really punishing myself to 
 find topics for us to talk about.  What can you think of that is pertinent 
 Love you,
 In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 Hi Jude
 I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of TMIC.  When I 
 was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and very frightening and I 
 had very little help or info from the doctors.  While looking for help on the 
 Internet, I was lucky enough to find the group and finally began to 
 understand what had happened but, like most us, not why it had happened!  So, 
 thanks for taking on board what seems to be a lone voice from the UK and for 
 all the kind words of encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I am a 
 proper member, my details are:-
 Iris Whiddett
 98  Eastwood Road
 Essex   EnglandTel: 01268 771642
 Iris UK

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-25 Thread Pat Cooley
Jude I had shingles in 1992.  I don't remember any pain as bad as that,
even after going through labor 3 times.  The pain I have with TM is child's
play compared to shingles.  Mine started with pain in the middle of my back
going up my right shoulder. I thought it was from work as they had just
installed a whole new area for my work station.  Plus we had a lot going on
at work and thought it was stress. Also my oldest daughter was causing
strees and worry.  After 4 days of pain that just got worse, when I out of
the shower on the 5th day, I noticed red spots on my right side and knew
right away what it was.  The doctor confirmed it and gave me pain pills and
some cream.  It did get worse and for the next 4 days I was in a drug haze
thankfully.  Finally I was able to get up and eat.  The pain off and on
lasted for months, and the red marks turned into pox like blisters.  It
took months for it to go away,, but the redness lasted over a year.   I
know there is a shot to help make the shingles mild but by the time I soon
the doc it was too late for the shot.  So if anyone suspecs shingles, I say
get to the doctor asap, it makes a difference.

Pattti - Wisconsin

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:04 PM, wrote:

 *I didn't know there was a shot for shingles.  My mother had them before
 she got cancer.  From the way she described it, they were painful and itchy.

  In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:44:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 For me, I do not believe it was stress that created TM.   It struck at a
 great time for us.   We were getting ready to travel, etc., after my
 husband had been retired for 4 months and really looking
 forward to our new future.At 4 months of retirement, you-know-who
 struck and totally changed our lives.   I had had a flu shot  -  but that
 was 3-4 months before TM.I had not been sick at
 all for a long time before TM either.I think it is like MS or any
 other disease like that  -  it hits when it hits.
 For the first 2 years after TM struck, my doc did not want me to get a flu
 shot.   But now I get one yearly and he wants me too.   Have also had a
 shingles shot and pnuemonia shot.   No problems.

  *From:* Robert Pall
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 23, 2013 12:56 PM
 *To:* ;
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

 There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures etc at the
 T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I like this site is that we talk about
 TM and the medicines and conditiions we have. I am not looking to make
 friends (although that is a plus). I just want to share information that
 may help us cope with this awful condition. As for me I have always
 believed that the cause of my TM was excess stress which probably caused
 my immune system to overreact to some minor illness like a summer
 cold.that being said no doctor can say what caused any of us to have
 TMI myself decided it was stresseveryone one of us thinks he
 knows the cause of TM ...but none of us do!

 All the best and happy to see this site in action once again!
 Rob in New Jersey

 -Original Message-
 From: Heyjude48458
 To: i.whiddett
 Cc: tmic-list
 Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
 Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

  *Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are writing.  I am really punishing
 myself to find topics for us to talk about.  What can you think of that is
 pertinent toTM?*
 *Love you,*

  In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Jude
 I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of TMIC.  When I
 was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and very frightening and
 I had very little help or info from the doctors.  While looking for help on
 the Internet, I was lucky enough to find the group and finally began to
 understand what had happened but, like most us, not why it had happened!
 So, thanks for taking on board what seems to be a lone voice from the UK
 and for all the kind words of encouragement and advice.  Just to be sure I
 am a proper member, my details are:-

 Iris Whiddett
 98  Eastwood Road
 Essex   EnglandTel: 01268 771642

 Iris UK

Re: [TMIC] Re: Broken Bones

2013-01-25 Thread Pat Cooley
I am responding to Janice's question about cold feet.  Yes since TM my feet
feel as though they are encased in ice.  Sometime the cold goes up my leg
to my knees.  They feel so cold they burn.

Patti in Wisconsin

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 10:59 AM, wrote:

 *Wow, that's a lot of breaks.  Do you also have brittle bone disease like
 I do?  What did you do for the 5 months with a walking boot on it.  I have
 one for my broken leg, but it leaves me with sores on my leg where it rubs
 on it.*

  In a message dated 1/25/2013 12:55:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

  I fell last year and broke my leg, ankle, heel and foot. because I can't
 take anything on my feet lucky for me orthor knew about TM and in place of
 surgery he put a walking boot on it) funny still could not walk  LOL  had
 to wear it for 5 months but when the TM burning started up I could take it
 off for a little while

 *Sent:* Thu, January 24, 2013 10:19:14 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

 *I feel so bad for you that you can't wear socks or anything on your
 feet.  Mine tingle and the toes are broken on my right foot so they hurt,
 but I can still keep my feet warm with socks and leg warmers.*

  In a message dated 1/24/2013 10:14:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

  My *wish* is for someday to be able to wear sock or shoes.. and winter
 is a pain barefoot, but the pain of anything touching my feet is

 *Sent:* Thu, January 24, 2013 9:08:56 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

 *I am wearing socks and leg warmers right now along with my TED boots
 that hold my feet up in bed.  Plus, I have a sheet and two blankets on, and
 a quilt when I go to bed.*

  In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:46:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 My feet are cold most of the time.   I am assuming that is natural for TM
 -  anyone else?

  *From:* Kim Harrison
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:29 PM
 *To:* ;
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

  Thank you Jude.. our Cheerleader !!
 How is the cold effecting ya'all.. I HATE it... everything stings and
 hurts more and worse is I can not wear sholes for socks so TM legs stick
 and feet are freezing...  anyone else?

 *Sent:* Wed, January 23, 2013 7:24:07 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

 *I'm happy that you guys are glad to see us active again.  I am working
 my = off to keep us up and running.  Neither Jim Lubin or Sam
 Siegel are interested in doing anything with us anymore so it is just me
 trying like hell to keep things interesting.  However, I am running out of
 ideas to talk about and need your help.  I just got an email today from a
 lady who is interested in joining us, so I sent her the info.  Help!*

  In a message dated 1/23/2013 5:51:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

  i wollowed with why and how and the thought came to me,,it doesnt matter
 how or why if i knew,,it would still hurt.

 *From:* Robert Pall
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:56 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

 There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures etc at the
 T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I like this site is that we talk about
 TM and the medicines and conditiions we have. I am not looking to make
 friends (although that is a plus). I just want to share information that
 may help us cope with this awful condition. As for me I have always
 believed that the cause of my TM was excess stress which probably caused
 my immune system to overreact to some minor illness like a summer
 cold.that being said no doctor can say what caused any of us to have
 TMI myself decided it was stresseveryone one of us thinks he
 knows the cause of TM ...but none of us do!

 All the best and happy to see this site in action once again!
 Rob in New Jersey

 -Original Message-
 From: Heyjude48458
 To: i.whiddett
 Cc: tmic-list
 Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
 Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

  *Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are writing.  I am really punishing
 myself to find topics for us to talk about.  What can you think of that is

Re: [TMIC] Facebook

2013-01-25 Thread Pat Voorheis
Ahhh Dalton,  now I feel young as I like FB.  Although, it's the pictures of my 
grandchildren and all the positive comments that I like the most!  Not too old 
for FB.  

Patti -Michigan

On Jan 23, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:

 For my situation, I don't need Facebook;
 But i see that for the young they really like to send pictures to each other.
 WE, on the other hand, grew up READING things rather than VIEWING things, and 
 that is the difference.  We read and the younger set views.  It is WORDS ON A 
 PAGE for us, but for the younger set they IMAGE more.
 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA
 (718) 838-0437

Re: [TMIC] Facebook

2013-01-25 Thread Pat Voorheis
It could be the medications.  I blamed mine on the steroids.  I thought they 
fried my brain.  Although I was an avid reader before TM, it was four months 
before I could pick up a book. Like Cindy I had to reread over and over to 
comprehend the story. Reading TM Forum, writing to tmic, working puzzles and 
reading my Bible have brought me a long way. However, I'm slow and I blame it 
on meds. 

Patti V.  - Michigan. (Br)

On Jan 24, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tracey L. Black wrote:

 I wonder if it has anything to do with the type of meds that are being taken?
 Ashlee is a straight A student and has been since before TM. She only takes 
 Oxybutnin XL 15 mg once a day.
 Tracey L. Black
 Certified Insurance Service Representative
 Hockley  O'Donnell Insurance Agency
 PO Box 3039, 132 Buford Avenue
 Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Phone: 717-334-6741, x 29
 Fax:   717-334-3414
 Office hours:   8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
 My hours:   9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
image005.jpg image006.jpg
 P Please consider the environment before printing
 Insurance coverage cannot be bound or altered without confirmation from a 
 licensed agent. If you do not hear from us within 1 business day, please 
 re-contact us in case your information has not be retained. This message 
 contains confidential information for use only by its intended recipients and 
 may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, and protected under 
 the law (including Gramm-Leach-Bliley and HIPAA/HITECH). If you are not the 
 named addressee, you are hereby notified that any use of, distribution of, 
 copying, or reliance upon the contents of this e-mail is strictly prohibited 
 and may result in criminal or civil penalties. Please notify the sender 
 immediately by e-mail if you have received this by mistake and delete this 
 e-mail from your system. Thank you.
 From: Dalton Garis [] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:27 PM
 To: Cindy McLeroy
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook
 I do.
 My mind immediately wanders with all the images suggested by the words.  
 Always have been this way.  Can't concentrate on anything.  Amazing that I 
 was able to get past high school!
 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA
 (718) 838-0437
 On 24 Jan 2013, at 4:20 PM, Cindy McLeroy wrote:
 I love to read but for the last 10 years or so I have extreme difficulty 
 concentrating on reading a book.  It seems I have to read 10 pages, go back 
 5, read 10 more, go back 5.  Think every book I get through I must have read 
 it at least twice.  Do others have this problem?
 - Original Message -
 To: ;
 Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook
 I disagree, unless at 61 I am one of the younger ones.  I enjoy the words and 
 the pictures.  I collect a lot of the (to me) inspirational photos.  I get a 
 lot out of them, maybe because I haven't been reading as much as I used to.
 I have to get back to my books.
 In a message dated 1/23/2013 11:39:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:
 For my situation, I don't need Facebook;
 But i see that for the young they really like to send pictures to each other.
 WE, on the other hand, grew up READING things rather than VIEWING things, and 
 that is the difference.  We read and the younger set views.  It is WORDS ON A 
 PAGE for us, but for the younger set they IMAGE more.
 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA
 (718) 838-0437

Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

2013-01-25 Thread Pat Cooley
Cindy I have often wondered that since I had singles, does that mean I
can't get it again?  I am afraid to get any shots.  I have been advised not

Patti - Wisconsin

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Cindy McLeroy cindymcle...@socal.rr.comwrote:

 If you had chicken pox as a child you should get the shingles vac.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Pat Cooley
 *Cc:* ;
 *Sent:* Friday, January 25, 2013 7:20 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

 Jude I had shingles in 1992.  I don't remember any pain as bad as that,
 even after going through labor 3 times.  The pain I have with TM is child's
 play compared to shingles.  Mine started with pain in the middle of my back
 going up my right shoulder. I thought it was from work as they had just
 installed a whole new area for my work station.  Plus we had a lot going on
 at work and thought it was stress. Also my oldest daughter was causing
 strees and worry.  After 4 days of pain that just got worse, when I out of
 the shower on the 5th day, I noticed red spots on my right side and knew
 right away what it was.  The doctor confirmed it and gave me pain pills and
 some cream.  It did get worse and for the next 4 days I was in a drug haze
 thankfully.  Finally I was able to get up and eat.  The pain off and on
 lasted for months, and the red marks turned into pox like blisters.  It
 took months for it to go away,, but the redness lasted over a year.   I
 know there is a shot to help make the shingles mild but by the time I soon
 the doc it was too late for the shot.  So if anyone suspecs shingles, I say
 get to the doctor asap, it makes a difference.

 Pattti - Wisconsin

 On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:04 PM, wrote:

 *I didn't know there was a shot for shingles.  My mother had them before
 she got cancer.  From the way she described it, they were painful and itchy.

  In a message dated 1/24/2013 4:44:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 For me, I do not believe it was stress that created TM.   It struck at a
 great time for us.   We were getting ready to travel, etc., after my
 husband had been retired for 4 months and really looking
 forward to our new future.At 4 months of retirement, you-know-who
 struck and totally changed our lives.   I had had a flu shot  -  but that
 was 3-4 months before TM.I had not been sick at
 all for a long time before TM either.I think it is like MS or any
 other disease like that  -  it hits when it hits.
 For the first 2 years after TM struck, my doc did not want me to get a
 flu shot.   But now I get one yearly and he wants me too.   Have also had a
 shingles shot and pnuemonia shot.   No problems.

  *From:* Robert Pall
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 23, 2013 12:56 PM
 *To:* ;
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

 There is a ton of information and personal stories,pictures etc at the
 T.M.I.C. Internet Club. The reason I like this site is that we talk
 about TM and the medicines and conditiions we have. I am not looking to
 make friends (although that is a plus). I just want to share information
 that may help us cope with this awful condition. As for me I have always
 believed that the cause of my TM was excess stress which probably caused
 my immune system to overreact to some minor illness like a summer
 cold.that being said no doctor can say what caused any of us to have
 TMI myself decided it was stresseveryone one of us thinks he
 knows the cause of TM ...but none of us do!

 All the best and happy to see this site in action once again!
 Rob in New Jersey

 -Original Message-
 From: Heyjude48458
 To: i.whiddett
 Cc: tmic-list
 Sent: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 1:41 pm
 Subject: [TMIC] Re: Subscribe

  *Thanks Iris, I am so happy you are writing.  I am really punishing
 myself to find topics for us to talk about.  What can you think of that is
 pertinent toTM?*
 *Love you,*

  In a message dated 1/23/2013 7:20:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Jude
 I've always wondered if I somehow snuk in under the radar of TMIC.  When
 I was diagnosed with TM 3 1/2 yrs ago it was all new and very frightening
 and I had very little help or info from the doctors.  While looking for
 help on the Internet, I was lucky enough to find the group and finally
 began to understand what had happened but, like most us, not why it had
 happened!  So, thanks for taking on board what seems to be a lone voice
 from the UK and for all the kind words of encouragement and advice.  Just
 to be sure I am a proper member, my details are:-

 Iris Whiddett
 98  Eastwood Road
 Essex   EnglandTel: 01268 771642

 Iris UK

Re: [TMIC] request

2013-01-25 Thread Pat Cooley
Welcome back Rick.

Patti - Wisconsn

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Richard Ashford wrote:

 Rick-back on list

*From:* Richard Ashford
 *Sent:* Friday, January 25, 2013 1:51 PM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] request

Re: [TMIC] Fw: What to take to bed with you...Not a Joke!

2013-01-25 Thread Pat Cooley
Janice I read this before somewhere.  I can't remember where or when.
Thanks for the reminder.

Patti - Wisconsin

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.netwrote:


*What to take to bed with you - not a joke.*

 *[image: keys.jpg]*

 **Put your car keys beside your bed at night.**

 Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents, your Dr's
 office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you run across. Put your
 car keys beside your bed at night.

 If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your
 house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off,
 and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car
 battery dies.

 This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come
 home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It's
 a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no
 installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your
 house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset
 it with the button on the key fob chain. It works if you park in your
 driveway or garage.

 If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your
 house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around. After a few seconds,
 all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there
 and sure enough the criminal won't want that. And remember to carry your
 keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the
 same way there. This is something that

 should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a
 sexual abuse crime.

 P.S. I am sending this to everyone I know because I think it is fantastic. 
 also be useful for any emergency, such as a heart attack, where you can't
 reach a phone. My Mom has suggested to my Dad that he carry his car keys
 with him in case he falls outside and she doesn't hear him. He can activate
 the car alarm and then she'll know there's a problem.*


Re: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

2013-01-24 Thread Pat Cooley
Hey there is no way any of us can or will be bored.  We are here for each
other.  If you want to rant and rave - go ahead.  We all have those days -
more than we care to admit.  If all you want is to know someone is other
there to talk to - we are here.  Please feel free to say what you want.  We
have to keep the lines of communication open.

Patti in Wisconsin

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.netwrote:

   Regina, you would not bore us.   Most of us probably would like to talk
 about the same things anyway.   If anyone is bored, they can delete.  I am
 afraid it is this shyness that has been one of
 the problems with our site.Please feel free  -  everyone!

 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:28 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

  *So Regina...what are the issues you want to discuss?*

  In a message dated 1/23/2013 12:29:34 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

   I can think of a lot of issues to talk about.  What holds me back is
 that I don't want to bore anyone.  I'm sitting at my computer, a bit dazed
 because I've taken a small doze of a sleeting pill  as I was shall I say
 the word

 --- On *Tue, 1/22/13,* wrote:

 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Need your input
 Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 6:45 PM

  *We really do have a good group.  I'm busting my butt to come up with
 topics to discuss.  Anything that you think of will be appreciated.*

  In a message dated 1/22/2013 9:23:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

  You know, it sounds like everyone wants to come back to our site here.
 Let’s get back to sharing and responding again.   Also, those questions
 that pop up over time too.   I
 doubt that anyone can go for long without questions about something!
 What a great bunch we have!

 *Sent:* Monday, January 21, 2013 6:43 PM
 *To:* tmic
 *Subject:* Fw: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

  I have had a flu shot every year for over 25 years. Also had a pneumonia
 See my PCP every 3 months; he takes care of my meds.
 I am having a lot of bone pain from my metastatic breast cancer that I
 will speak with my oncologist about when I see her in February. Trouble is
 the treatment also causes bone pain.
 I hate facebook!
 Miss the old TMIC group.

  - Forwarded Message -
 *From:* Robert Pall
 *Sent:* Monday, January 21, 2013 6:52 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

 I have taken the flu shot for the past 15+ yearsnever got the
 flu.and I do not believe getting TM had anything to do with any kind
 of immunizations. I also see my regular MD twice a year minimum and he
 does prescribe most of my meds. However I see my neurologist at least once
 per year to insure that I am up to date with the best pain killers and
 meds available This year he is doing a baclofen injection into my spine
 to see if a baclofen pump will be beneficial and he also prescribed 2 oz
 per month of marijuana which I know is beneficial

 Finally I would love to see this list get busy again.I hate going on

 Rob in New Jersey..

 -Original Message-
 From: Heyjude48458
 To: snow121100
 Cc: tmic-list
 Sent: Mon, Jan 21, 2013 3:03 pm
 Subject: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

  *Hi Carol,*
 *Thank you for answering me...I'm trying to rev up the TMIC list again.
 Anything you want to know or questions you need answered please email me.
 It's important that you write in from time to time.*
 *Love you,*
 *Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow.*
 *  Albert Einstein*

  In a message dated 1/21/2013 12:42:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

 Hey Jude!
 I have received a flu shot every year, except the first year, after the
 onset of TM.  I became sick in June 2005.  I have not noticed any
 complications.  I think we all have to figure out the pros and cons.  I
 have Type 2 Diabetis, heart disease (I had 6 bypasses when I was 49 years
 old).  Yes, 6!  I had 2 bypasses in 2 of the arteries.  I don't know about
 now, but then I was told it would be better to make 2 shorter graphs than 1
 longer one.  Anyway, along with my doctors, my daughter an RN and my
 son-in-law a doctor, I have made the decision to get flu shots 

Re: [TMIC] neurologist

2013-01-24 Thread Pat Cooley
Deb you have certainly been through hell.  I am almost embarrassed to
respond to you as I  have complaints like so many of us TMers, but nothing
compared to what you have been through.  I just wanted to say how wonderful
that you have such a caring and responsive doctor.  I wish more of us could
say that. I am so glad that Jude has given the TMICd a new life.  I am on
FB, but sure missed this group.  Hope to see more posts here in the coming

Patti in Wisconsin

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Deb Monteleone aiki...@optonline.netwrote:

 I see my neurologist every 3 -4 months, as that is a requirement when
 receiving Tysabri infusions for MS.  Blood work is done every 3 months and
 Brain MRI every 6 months, all these are requirements for Tysabri.  It is a
 monthly infusion that can possibly cause a deadly brain infection, hence
 all the follow-up.  It is the only MS medication that truly works the best
 and after doing shots every day for a year with Copaxone I take the chance
 that all the tests would catch the virus before it did damage.

 ** **

 I do have TM for 4.5 years now, they diagnosed it as being caused by MS.
 My lesion is at T8-10, I believe.  Had to learn to stand, walk, so steps
 again.  Ended up with a cane and walking slower and more unsteady than
 before TM.  I would watch how people walked and especially how they went up
 and down stairs.  My symptoms and pain are pretty much the same as most in
 this group.  

 ** **

 It definitely makes a difference who your Neurologist is.  Mine diagnosed
 TM about 5-10 minutes after I first walked through his door.  I had 3 days
 of steroid infusions, starting that day (had them stay late for me), then
 oral steroids.  It was a few weeks after that when I lost control of my leg
 muscles.   This time went into his office in a wheelchair and he put me in
 hospital for 5 days of intravenous steroids 3x day, then off to Re-hab for
 few weeks.  Finally home, where I never stopped trying to improve and I
 still concentrate on walking better, etc.  If only the pain would stop I
 could deal with the rest; fatigue, cognitive, unable to do all I did before
 TM.  I am still improving minutely but I can’t stop believing and trying to
 walk normal again and praying that pain reduction would go along with that.

 ** **

 For me, my Neurologist is like my PCP; I see him, email him when things
 change and he gives me all my meds (which is a lot).  I have constant very
 painful nerve pain in both legs, feet being the worst.  He is a MS
 specialist and the office is a MS Center.  I also get tested for my optical
 nerve, cognitive abilities and my gait once a year.  I feel blessed to have
 my doctor.  He is available by email anytime, including nights, weekends
 and of course by phone during the day and an emergency number.  He listens
 to my symptoms, adjusts meds when necessary and marks any differences in my
 sensations and movements.  

 ** **

 Seeing my Neurologist on a regular basis also makes me feel secure that
 someone who is very competent and understanding of my condition is watching
 over me and knows my history if God forbid something happens again.

 ** **

 Wow, didn’t realize all this would come out.  That is what’s great about
 this group; it’s a safe comfortable place to say what you need to because
 you all understand. 

 ** **

 It’s so nice to have emails from this group again.

 ** **

 Make it a great day,


 ** **

 *From:* Barbara H. []
 *Sent:* Thursday, January 17, 2013 11:33 AM
 *To:* Robert Pall
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] neurologist

 ** **

 I think it depends on one's needs. I've had TM for 17 years and haven't
 seen a neurologist in about 14 years. I got to an acceptable plateau (can
 walk and pretty well function as a homemaker and volunteer, have some
 issues with fatigue, balance, and muscle spasms. I don't think I could hold
 down a job for various reasons, but I've been able to raise my children,
 keep my home, and help out in various areas at church and my kids'
 schools). I am not on any TM-related medications, so when we moved to
 another state, I didn't seek out a new neuro. It helped that my PCP was
 knowledgeable about TM and willing to refer me to anyone I wanted to see --
 it was through him I was referred to a urologist for problems in that
 realm. If I had problems that only a neuro could help with or was on
 certain medications that it would be best for him to monitor, I'd see one,
 and I'd encourage anyone with any of those needs to keep seeing one, but
 otherwise there is no need to see him every year just to hear that
 everything is the same, which is about where we were when I last saw him.
 Of course, if new problems or questions crop up, I wouldn't hesitate to
 seek one out.

 Barbara H.

 On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Robert Pall wrote:**


Re: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

2013-01-23 Thread Pat Cooley
Janice I just love to see the posts from here. I am on FB like so many of
us.  I enjoyed it at first, but there is so much needless posting and takes
so long to go everything until you get something about TM that helps.  I am
a pet lover, but get tired of looking at all the cute animal posts that
have nothing to do with TM.  I don't believe I will leave FB, but would
like to see more posts here from people.  I miss the people who didn't go
to FB.

Patti in Wisconsin

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.netwrote:

   You know, it sounds like everyone wants to come back to our site
 here.   Let’s get back to sharing and responding again.   Also, those
 questions that pop up over time too.   I
 doubt that anyone can go for long without questions about something!
 What a great bunch we have!

 *Sent:* Monday, January 21, 2013 6:43 PM
 *To:* tmic
 *Subject:* Fw: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

  I have had a flu shot every year for over 25 years. Also had a pneumonia
 See my PCP every 3 months; he takes care of my meds.
 I am having a lot of bone pain from my metastatic breast cancer that I
 will speak with my oncologist about when I see her in February. Trouble is
 the treatment also causes bone pain.
 I hate facebook!
 Miss the old TMIC group.

  - Forwarded Message -
 *From:* Robert Pall
 *Sent:* Monday, January 21, 2013 6:52 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

 I have taken the flu shot for the past 15+ yearsnever got the
 flu.and I do not believe getting TM had anything to do with any kind
 of immunizations. I also see my regular MD twice a year minimum and he
 does prescribe most of my meds. However I see my neurologist at least once
 per year to insure that I am up to date with the best pain killers and
 meds available This year he is doing a baclofen injection into my spine
 to see if a baclofen pump will be beneficial and he also prescribed 2 oz
 per month of marijuana which I know is beneficial

 Finally I would love to see this list get busy again.I hate going on

 Rob in New Jersey



 -Original Message-
 From: Heyjude48458
 To: snow121100
 Cc: tmic-list
 Sent: Mon, Jan 21, 2013 3:03 pm
 Subject: [TMIC] Re: Need your input

 *Hi Carol,*
 *Thank you for answering me...I'm trying to rev up the TMIC list again.
 Anything you want to know or questions you need answered please email me.
 It's important that you write in from time to time.*
 *Love you,*
 *Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow.*
 *  Albert Einstein*

  In a message dated 1/21/2013 12:42:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hey Jude!
 I have received a flu shot every year, except the first year, after the
 onset of TM.  I became sick in June 2005.  I have not noticed any
 complications.  I think we all have to figure out the pros and cons.  I
 have Type 2 Diabetis, heart disease (I had 6 bypasses when I was 49 years
 old).  Yes, 6!  I had 2 bypasses in 2 of the arteries.  I don't know about
 now, but then I was told it would be better to make 2 shorter graphs than 1
 longer one.  Anyway, along with my doctors, my daughter an RN and my
 son-in-law a doctor, I have made the decision to get flu shots annually and
 pneumonia vaccine every 5-7 years as recommended.

 When I lived near Chicago, my neurologist was Dr. Joy Derwenskus at
 Northwestern where she was also an associate professor.  Now that I live
 closer to Indianapolis, I see Dr. Margaret Frazer, in Carmel.  She is with
 JWM Neurology and also works in research.  As much as you can enjoy a
 doctor, I have enjoyed seeing both of them.  I see no fault with them just
 get exasperated with all the unknowns of TM.

 *Carol *
 Worrying does not empty

 tomorrow of its troubles;

 It empties today of its strengths.

 Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:53:38 -0500
 Subject: Need your input

 *Hi ladies and gentleman,*
 *This is Jude from TMIC.  We are having two discussions and need your
 input.  First, we are talking about the need for a neurologist when someone
 has TM, and the other topic is the need for flu shots, have you had them
 and what does your Dr. say about them.*
 *There has been quite a bit of activity lately, but we need more.  Will
 be happy to answer any questions you have or talk about any topics you can
 think of.*

Re: [TMIC] Facebook

2013-01-23 Thread Pat Cooley


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:

 For my situation, I don't need Facebook;

 But i see that for the young they really like to send pictures to each

 WE, on the other hand, grew up READING things rather than VIEWING things,
 and that is the difference.  We read and the younger set views.  It is
 WORDS ON A PAGE for us, but for the younger set they IMAGE more.


 Dalton Garis
 Flushing, Queens
 New York, USA
 (718) 838-0437

Re: [TMIC] Re: [TM-HA] Where is everyone? There used to be a lot of...

2013-01-22 Thread Pat Cooley
I am still here and have been on TMIC lately.  I hope to see more of us in
the future.  I am on FB but prefer TMIC.

Patti in Wisconsiin

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:42 PM, rn11...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I never left the tmic site but most moved to facebook. I hate facebook and
 wish everyone would come back. I miss them.

 *From:* Judith Gail Hoops
 *To:* TM-HA
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 22, 2013 2:32 PM
 *Subject:* [TM-HA] Where is everyone? There used to be a lot of...

  Judith Gail Hoops posted in 
 [image: Where is everyone? There used to be a lot 
  Jan 22
 Where is everyone? There used to be a lot of people here every day. Are we
 so jaded that we have nothing to talk about? Would you mind dropping in at
 TMIC? We are down to 13 members and need more input on the topics we are
 talking about. The address is: and to sign up you
 need to first send an email to, with the
 word Subscribe in the space under the address in the topic line. I love
 you. ♥

 View Post on 
  Reply to this email to add a comment.

Re: [TMIC] Need your input

2013-01-21 Thread Pat Cooley
Jude since everyone with TM

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:53 AM, wrote:

 *Hi ladies and gentleman,*
 *This is Jude from TMIC.  We are having two discussions and need your
 input.  First, we are talking about the need for a neurologist when someone
 has TM, and the other topic is the need for flu shots, have you had them
 and what does your Dr. say about them.*
 *There has been quite a bit of activity lately, but we need more.  Will
 be happy to answer any questions you have or talk about any topics you can
 think of.*
 *I miss hearing from you and hope you write in soon.  In case you have
 forgotten the site it is:*
 * .  If you need to receive the emails the address
 is: *
 *I love you all,*
 *Michigan, USA*

Re: [TMIC] Need your input

2013-01-21 Thread Pat Cooley
Jude since everyone with TM suffers in different ways, I believe the
decision to have a flu shot should be an individual one.  I have had 2
different neuros and they both recommend that I don't have any shots in the
future, so I haven't and will not have one in the future.  I mentioned that
I have had 2 different neuros.  The first is from when I was first dx with
TM, and now the second because we moved too far away from the first.  It
has been 2 yrs since I last saw my current neuro as she said I did not need
any more MRI's as I have had at least 5 since TM.  Also I did not need to
make any appt unless things changed or have different symptoms which they

Patti C. - Wisconsin

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:53 AM, wrote:

 *Hi ladies and gentleman,*
 *This is Jude from TMIC.  We are having two discussions and need your
 input.  First, we are talking about the need for a neurologist when someone
 has TM, and the other topic is the need for flu shots, have you had them
 and what does your Dr. say about them.*
 *There has been quite a bit of activity lately, but we need more.  Will
 be happy to answer any questions you have or talk about any topics you can
 think of.*
 *I miss hearing from you and hope you write in soon.  In case you have
 forgotten the site it is:*
 * .  If you need to receive the emails the address
 is: *
 *I love you all,*
 *Michigan, USA*

Re: [TMIC] Need your input

2013-01-21 Thread Pat Cooley
Betty I have the same home situation.  I never get the shot, but my hubby,
both my daughters. my 2 son-in-laws and 2 grand daughters get the shot.
Since I don't go out much at this time ofl the year - too damn cold - I
feel I am safe.  Even before TM, I never had colds.

Patti C in Wisconsin

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Betty Clark wrote:

  My neuro feels my primary can cover my meds needs regularly so unless a
 new problem or question arises, there's no need for me to pay a specialist
 just to say, Okay, you're doing fine, see you next year, since I already
 see my primary every 1-2 years anyway.

 He also recommended I not get any vaccinations - but I think there are
 additional considerations to make... I have no small children or
 grandchildren (little germ critters, lol) and I live in the very mild
 climate area just north of San Francisco, California. In the 6 and a half
 years I've had TM, I've only had two colds and never had the flu (knock on
 wood!). Even though my daughter, who is 21 and still lives at home, just
 recovered from a pretty awful case of the flu, no one else in the house got
 it (me, my husband or my 23-yr-old son). Besides which, my understanding is
 there are many different strains of flu out there and the shot does not
 cover them all. There's no guarantee, even if you get the shot, you won't
 get the flu.

 Maybe the mega doses I take of vitamins B-12, C and D3 help, I don't know.
 But I'm more comfortable risking the flu than another TM incident.

 (in Northern California)

 On 1/21/2013 9:05 AM, Pat Cooley wrote:

 Jude since everyone with TM suffers in different ways, I believe the
 decision to have a flu shot should be an individual one.  I have had 2
 different neuros and they both recommend that I don't have any shots in the
 future, so I haven't and will not have one in the future.  I mentioned that
 I have had 2 different neuros.  The first is from when I was first dx with
 TM, and now the second because we moved too far away from the first.  It
 has been 2 yrs since I last saw my current neuro as she said I did not need
 any more MRI's as I have had at least 5 since TM.  Also I did not need to
 make any appt unless things changed or have different symptoms which they

 Patti C. - Wisconsin

  On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:53 AM, wrote:

  *Hi ladies and gentleman,*
 *This is Jude from TMIC.  We are having two discussions and need your
 input.  First, we are talking about the need for a neurologist when someone
 has TM, and the other topic is the need for flu shots, have you had them
 and what does your Dr. say about them.*
 *There has been quite a bit of activity lately, but we need more.  Will
 be happy to answer any questions you have or talk about any topics you can
 think of.*
 *I miss hearing from you and hope you write in soon.  In case you have
 forgotten the site it is:*
 * .  If you need to receive the emails the address
 is: *
 *I love you all,*
 *Michigan, USA*

Re: [TMIC] neurologist

2013-01-18 Thread Pat Cooley
Janet I hope you kicked that doctor to the curb.  He has no business being
a doctor.

Patti C. in Wisconsin

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Janet Dunn wrote:

  The last neuro that I went to told me that when you are not living a
 good life, then God will afflict you.  When you  straighten up your life
 and live the way you are supposed to, a way that is pleasing to God, then
 He will stop the affliction.  He told me to go home and be grateful that my
 affliction has not caused more damage, and that God has allowed me to get
 to where I am.  geesh, thanks buddy.


 On 17/01/2013 9:50 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:

  I have not been to my neuro in at least 4 years.My family doctor and
 Pain Management doctors take care of me far better than my neuro.Once I
 was out of the hospital for a year or
 two we quit going to him because he just did not do anything except ask
 how I was doing and then that was it. Pain Management doc’s do so
 much more!

 *Sent:* Thursday, January 17, 2013 5:38 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] neurologist

[TMIC] Pain management doctor

2013-01-18 Thread Pat Voorheis
Please tell more about pain management doctors and clinics. Anything would be 
helpful and good to know. 

Sent from my iPad

Re: [TMIC] need for a neuroloist

2013-01-16 Thread Pat Voorheis
The description you gave sounds familiar. I didn't and could not have gone back 
to my banking job. My biggest anxiety in the early days of TM was my inability 
to think.  It took four months before i could read And longer to comprehend. I 
got stuck or stumbled on words when trying to talk and literally sounded drunk. 
 Had a hard time between left and right. Couldn't follow directions. Got lost 
in buildings, because I always turned the wrong way. Did things backwards. I 
had to have a note for everything. 

I worked hard to overcome those issues.  I sat for hours reading tmic and the 
TM forum.  Typed with two fingers to write my posts, tried for days to make a 
flow-chart, and even had a nine year old come after school two days a week to 
play kids games and build items with Legos.

I felt like the steroids fried my brain.  I'm much, much better and thank God 
everyday for the improvements.  

Patti V - Michigan 

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 15, 2013, at 10:44 PM, Dalton Garis wrote:

 Cognitive problems, did you say???
 Please elaborate.  I was a high-flying associate professor economist in an 
 engineering school when getting TM in 2010.  Then I began to experience the 
 unthinkable—literally.  I could go into class and do the entire lecture from 
 my head.  But after TM I would get to a point in the delivery when it was 
 time to pull out some element from my head and, it wouldn't be there!  It had 
 always been there, but now I couldn't recall it.  It was shocking and 
 humiliating to say the least.  It finally did me in.
 Please tell me about these cognitive problems you mentioned.
 Date: Tuesday, 15 January 2013 9:53 PM
 To: tmic
 Subject: [TMIC] need for a neuroloist
 Resent-Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 18:53:27 -0800
 I had the same neurologist for first five years of TM.  I had several MRI's 
 and he was satisfied that I didn't have MS (TM left me with cognitive 
 problems).  I had been on the same medications for two years, my primary said 
 he would renew my rx when needed, and I didn't feel the need to contnue 
 seeing my neuro (140 mile round trip).
 That worked for another two years until my primary moved and his replacement 
 refused to write my rx for the Lyrica and Baclofen.  She referred me to her 
 neuro buddy, but I made an appointment with another neuro whom I had heard 
 was the best from one of his MS patients.  
 The new Neuro agreed with my med regime, agreed that there was no need for 
 MRI's, and agreed that I didn't need to see him oftener than annually unless 
 I had neurological changes.  The new neuro also understood my frustraton with 
 a primary who would not renew my Lyrica and Baclofen rx. 
 I never went back to that primary and have since seen a Physicians Assistant 
 for my regular illnesses.
 I didn't think I needed a neurologist.  However, I realize that as long as I 
 need Baclofen and Lyrica and it is wise to have one available.
 Patti V. - Michigan

Re: [TMIC] need for a neuroloist

2013-01-16 Thread Pat Cooley
Pattie V:  It has been a little over 2 yrs since I have gone to my neuro.
The last time she said I had enough MRI's over the last couple of years,
and didn't need anotherl.  She also said I didn't need to see her unless
there was a change or new symptoms, which there hasn't been.  My primary
has renewed my Rx.  Fortunately I don't need pain meds as yet.  I also saw
the PA the last time I went a couple of months ago.  I like her as much as
I do my regular doctor.  In many cases the PA is just as knowledgeable.

It is obvious that your new primary wanted to send business to her neuro

Patti in Wisconsin

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 8:53 PM, wrote:

 I had the same neurologist for first five years of TM.  I had several
 MRI's and he was satisfied that I didn't have MS (TM left me with cognitive
 problems).  I had been on the same medications for two years, my primary
 said he would renew my rx when needed, and I didn't feel the need to
 contnue seeing my neuro (140 mile round trip).

 That worked for another two years until my primary moved and his
 replacement refused to write my rx for the Lyrica and Baclofen.  She
 referred me to her neuro buddy, but I made an appointment with another
 neuro whom I had heard was the best from one of his MS patients.

 The new Neuro agreed with my med regime, agreed that there was no need for
 MRI's, and agreed that I didn't need to see him oftener than annually
 unless I had neurological changes.  The new neuro also understood my
 frustraton with a primary who would not renew my Lyrica and Baclofen rx.

 I never went back to that primary and have since seen a Physicians
 Assistant for my regular illnesses.

 I didn't think I needed a neurologist.  However, I realize that as long as
 I need Baclofen and Lyrica and it is wise to have one available.

 Patti V. - Michigan

Re: [TMIC] need for a neuroloist

2013-01-16 Thread Pat Voorheis
I know that Baclofen helps with my banding.  I take 10mg 3 x daily. My neuro 
wrote the rx for 4x in case I want to take an extra one. I also take 100mg 
Lyrica 3x daily.  An RN on this site told me Lyrica also helps with banding so 
I guess I'm getting double the help. 

Patti V - Michigan

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 16, 2013, at 2:03 PM, Susan Kleinz wrote:

 I was diagnosed with TM two years ago.
 20 years prior - probable MS
 I think keeping a neurologist is paramount.  New things happen every day!  My 
 family doctor, gynecologist, orthopod had never heard (or believe) in TM!  So 
 I have constant banding, and would love to know if anyone has had any luck 
 with anything.  (I do have a brace I wear to handle housework (such as 
 vacuuming), and it helps.
 On Jan 16, 2013, at 11:57 AM, I Whiddett wrote:
 On the subject of the need for a neurologist, I was discharged by mine after 
 two years on the grounds that there was nothing else to be done to help me.  
 This leaves me in care of my GP practice where there is now no doctor with 
 any knowledge of TM.  Their only function for me is to renew my prescription 
 for Amitriptyline, as prescribed by the neurologist 3 1/2 years ago at the 
 onset of TM.  I'm really pleased to see the group is still here as I have 
 been wanting to ask if anyone is aware of a drug that helps specifically 
 with banding present 24/7 and intensifying in cold/hot weather.  I'm 
 unable to go out in the present cold weather and I don't think Amitriptyline 
 helps at all, not even with sleeping any more.  I'd appreciate any advice.
 On Wednesday, January 16, 2013, wrote:
 We are talking about the need for a neurologist.  I just saw mine 
 yesterday.  For my pain he recommended a pain pump.  I'm going to have a 
 trial pump put in to see if it will work for me.  If it does, they will 
 implant a permanent one in my body, next to the spine with a catheter 
 leading out to my abdomen where the pump can be refilled periodically.  The 
 medication last about six months before it must be refilled.
 I have so much pain because I have a broken leg that is not healing.  It's 
 been almost 1  1/2 years.  The pain is intense on top of my TM pain.  I'm 
 taking strong medication to just get by.
 Guess I 'talked' your ears off.  Will go for now.
 Judy in Michigan
 In a message dated 1/16/2013 8:16:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 The description you gave sounds familiar. I didn't and could not have gone 
 back to my banking job. My biggest anxiety in the early days of TM was my 
 inability to think.  It took four months before i could read And longer to 
 comprehend. I got stuck or stumbled on words when trying to talk and 
 literally sounded drunk.  Had a hard time between left and right. Couldn't 
 follow directions. Got lost in buildings, because I always turned the wrong 
 way. Did things backwards. I had to have a note for everything. 
 I worked hard to overcome those issues.  I sat for hours reading tmic and 
 the TM forum.  Typed with two fingers to write my posts, tried for days to 
 make a flow-chart, and even had a nine year old come after school two days 
 a week to play kids games and build items with Legos.
 I felt like the steroids fried my brain.  I'm much, much better and thank 
 God everyday for the improvements.  
 Patti V - Michigan 
 Sent from my iPad
 On Jan 15, 2013, at 10:44 PM, Dalton Garis wrote:
 Cognitive problems, did you say???
 Please elaborate.  I was a high-flying associate professor economist in an 
 engineering school when getting TM in 2010.  Then I began to experience 
 the unthinkable—literally.  I could go into class and do the entire 
 lecture from my head.  But after TM I would get to a point in the delivery 
 when it was time to pull out some element from my head and, it wouldn't be 
 there!  It had always been there, but now I couldn't recall it.  It was 
 shocking and humiliating to say the least.  It finally did me in.
 Please tell me about these cognitive problems you mentioned.
 Date: Tuesday, 15 January 2013 9:53 PM
 To: tmic
 Subject: [TMIC] need for a neuroloist
 Resent-Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 18:53:27 -0800
 I had the same neurologist for first five years of TM.  I had several 
 MRI's and he was satisfied that I didn't have MS (TM left me with 
 cognitive problems).  I had been on the same medications for two years, my 
 primary said he would renew my rx when needed, and I didn't feel the need 
 to contnue seeing my neuro (140 mile round trip).
 That worked for another two years until my primary moved and his 
 replacement refused to write my rx for the Lyrica and Baclofen.  She 
 referred me to her neuro buddy, but I made an appointment with another 
 neuro whom I had heard was the best from one of his MS patients. 

Re: [TMIC] need for a neuroloist

2013-01-16 Thread Pat Voorheis
Yes,  the torso banding is usually control. 

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 16, 2013, at 9:38 PM, wrote:

 So is your banding gone?
 In a message dated 1/16/2013 8:41:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 I know that Baclofen helps with my banding.  I take 10mg 3 x daily. My neuro 
 wrote the rx for 4x in case I want to take an extra one. I also take 100mg 
 Lyrica 3x daily.  An RN on this site told me Lyrica also helps with banding 
 so I guess I'm getting double the help. 
 Patti V - Michigan
 Sent from my iPad
 On Jan 16, 2013, at 2:03 PM, Susan Kleinz wrote:
 I was diagnosed with TM two years ago.
 20 years prior - probable MS
 I think keeping a neurologist is paramount.  New things happen every day!  
 My family doctor, gynecologist, orthopod had never heard (or believe) in TM! 
  So frustrating
 I have constant banding, and would love to know if anyone has had any luck 
 with anything.  (I do have a brace I wear to handle housework (such as 
 vacuuming), and it helps.
 On Jan 16, 2013, at 11:57 AM, I Whiddett wrote:
 On the subject of the need for a neurologist, I was discharged by mine 
 after two years on the grounds that there was nothing else to be done to 
 help me.  This leaves me in care of my GP practice where there is now no 
 doctor with any knowledge of TM.  Their only function for me is to renew my 
 prescription for Amitriptyline, as prescribed by the neurologist 3 1/2 
 years ago at the onset of TM.  I'm really pleased to see the group is still 
 here as I have been wanting to ask if anyone is aware of a drug that helps 
 specifically with banding present 24/7 and intensifying in cold/hot 
 weather.  I'm unable to go out in the present cold weather and I don't 
 think Amitriptyline helps at all, not even with sleeping any more.  I'd 
 appreciate any advice.
 On Wednesday, January 16, 2013, wrote:
 We are talking about the need for a neurologist.  I just saw mine 
 yesterday.  For my pain he recommended a pain pump.  I'm going to have a 
 trial pump put in to see if it will work for me.  If it does, they will 
 implant a permanent one in my body, next to the spine with a catheter 
 leading out to my abdomen where the pump can be refilled periodically.  
 The medication last about six months before it must be refilled.
 I have so much pain because I have a broken leg that is not healing.  It's 
 been almost 1  1/2 years.  The pain is intense on top of my TM pain.  I'm 
 taking strong medication to just get by.
 Guess I 'talked' your ears off.  Will go for now.
 Judy in Michigan
 In a message dated 1/16/2013 8:16:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 The description you gave sounds familiar. I didn't and could not have gone 
 back to my banking job. My biggest anxiety in the early days of TM was my 
 inability to think.  It took four months before i could read And longer to 
 comprehend. I got stuck or stumbled on words when trying to talk and 
 literally sounded drunk.  Had a hard time between left and right. Couldn't 
 follow directions. Got lost in buildings, because I always turned the 
 wrong way. Did things backwards. I had to have a note for everything. 
 I worked hard to overcome those issues.  I sat for hours reading tmic and 
 the TM forum.  Typed with two fingers to write my posts, tried for days to 
 make a flow-chart, and even had a nine year old come after school two days 
 a week to play kids games and build items with Legos.
 I felt like the steroids fried my brain.  I'm much, much better and thank 
 God everyday for the improvements.  
 Patti V - Michigan 
 Sent from my iPad
 On Jan 15, 2013, at 10:44 PM, Dalton Garis wrote:
 Cognitive problems, did you say???
 Please elaborate.  I was a high-flying associate professor economist in 
 an engineering school when getting TM in 2010.  Then I began to 
 experience the unthinkable—literally.  I could go into class and do the 
 entire lecture from my head.  But after TM I would get to a point in the 
 delivery when it was time to pull out some element from my head and, it 
 wouldn't be there!  It had always been there, but now I couldn't recall 
 it.  It was shocking and humiliating to say the least.  It finally did me 
 Please tell me about these cognitive problems you mentioned.
 Date: Tuesday, 15 January 2013 9:53 PM
 To: tmic
 Subject: [TMIC] need for a neuroloist
 Resent-Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 18:53:27 -0800
 I had the same neurologist for first five years of TM.  I had several 
 MRI's and he was satisfied that I didn't have MS (TM left me with 
 cognitive problems).  I had been on the same medications for two years, 
 my primary said he would renew my rx when needed, and I didn't feel the 
 need to contnue seeing my neuro (140 mile round trip).
 That worked 

Re: [TMIC] flu

2013-01-15 Thread Pat Cooley
I have had TM over 4 yrs.  I don't believe mine was caused by the flu shot
and I had my last shot in October and didn't get TM until the following
June.  But, I am just too scared to get another one.  Since I am retired I
don't have to go out when I don't want to, and my whole family who I have
contact with all have had the shot, including my hubby so I think I am safe
without it.

Patti in Wisconsin
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 9:57 AM, wrote:

 Have had TM for ten years and have had the flu shot each year with no
 problem.  This is the only site that I read.

Re: [TMIC] Face book

2013-01-15 Thread Pat Cooley
 the only one I is too
 bad that so many of our group has gone to facebook...I guess you can't stop

 Rob in New Jersey

 ** **

 ** **

 ** **

 -Original Message-
 From: john snodgrass
 To: transverse myelitis
 Sent: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 10:59 pm
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Face book

 ** **

 i had the flu shot and the pneumonia shot the same time and i still cant
 play the violin!

 *From:* Dalton Garis
 *To:* Pat Cooley;
 *Cc:* tmic
 *Sent:* Monday, January 14, 2013 9:31 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Face book

 ** **

 I still listen and read.

 ** **

 Because I still have TM and always will.  By the Way, that mustard cure
 has greatly reduced seizures for me.  Now, I only get them every 10 days or

 ** **


 Dalton Garis

 Flushing, Queens

 New York, USA

 Mobile: 718-838-0437

 ** **

 *From: *Pat Cooley
 *Date: *Monday, 14 January 2013 8:33 PM
 *To: *
 *Cc: *tmic
 *Subject: *Re: [TMIC] Face book
 *Resent-From: *
 *Resent-Date: *Mon, 14 Jan 2013 17:33:21 -0800

 ** **

 Patti I think you made the right decision.  You have to do what is best
 for you and your family.  You need to protect your mom, hubby 


 Patti C. in Wisconsin

 On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:39 PM, wrote:

 I've noticed some talk of people comng back to the tmic list for
 discussions and wondered just how many people actually look at this site
 anymore.  The onky discussion I have is that I received my first flu shot
 last Wednesday since my 9 years with TM.  We had two deaths from the flu in
 our area and I had a fear of carrying the flu to my 86 year old Mom, my
 diabetic hubby, or my grandchildren.  My fears of being a carrier
 outweighed my fear of a reaction.  I called my Neurologist and asked if he
 had any objection to me getting the flu shot.  His answer was go ahead and
 get it.

 ** **

 Patti V - Michigan 


 ** **

 ** **

Re: [TMIC] Face book

2013-01-14 Thread Pat Cooley
Patti I think you made the right decision.  You have to do what is best for
you and your family.  You need to protect your mom, hubby  grandchildren.

Patti C. in Wisconsin

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:39 PM, wrote:

 I've noticed some talk of people comng back to the tmic list for
 discussions and wondered just how many people actually look at this site
 anymore.  The onky discussion I have is that I received my first flu shot
 last Wednesday since my 9 years with TM.  We had two deaths from the flu in
 our area and I had a fear of carrying the flu to my 86 year old Mom, my
 diabetic hubby, or my grandchildren.  My fears of being a carrier
 outweighed my fear of a reaction.  I called my Neurologist and asked if he
 had any objection to me getting the flu shot.  His answer was go ahead and
 get it.

 Patti V - Michigan

Re: [TMIC] January birthdays

2013-01-02 Thread Pat Cooley

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 11:39 PM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to those celebrating in January! And Happy New Year, too!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 1/8 Nancy Williams   (

 1-8 Sandi (

 1-17 Ginna Hamilton (

 1/20 Kay Cole (

 1-21 Blaine Frye (

 1/21 Carol Easterday (

 1/23 Grace (

 1-27 Pat S. (

 1-28 Holly (

 1-28 Sally (

Re: [TMIC] December birthdays

2012-12-01 Thread Pat Cooley


On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to those born in December. May your days be merry and

 Please send any additions or corrections to:

 12-2 Meghan (

 12/2 Ashlee Black (

 12/3  Janice (

 12-3  Wim from Holland (

 12- 4 Jan Burgess (

 12-7 Patti in Wisconsin ((

 12-8 Lori Malloy (

 12-15 Alton Ryder(

 12/23 Roger Pratt (

 12-25 Gilly (

 12/31 Janet (

Re: [TMIC] Looking for input. solving a problem urinating

2012-11-13 Thread Pat Cooley
Janice your experience mirrors mine.  I seem to be able to empty my bladder
during the day, but at night it seems I can either be soaked in the am, or
find I am fairly dry and I never know which one it is going to be.  I also
wear plenty of protection at night and also get up at least once during the
night to go.

Patti - Wisconsin

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.netwrote:

   Bridget, glad you are doing to see a someone about the bladder
 retention.I had a urology specialist and it did really help.Still
 have problems, but can empty my bladder
 completely on my own.Problems are at night when I make a lot of urine
 and don’t feel it enough to wake up and go to the bathroom.I seem to go
 in cycles of heavy flow of
 urine at night and then a short while of being fairly dry when I wake up
 in the morning.Go to bed with lots of protection.I know that I will
 probably not ever be much better
 with this problem, but at least I do not have to cath any more.


 *Sent:* Monday, November 12, 2012 2:49 PM
 *To:* Jde
 *Cc:* tmic
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Looking for input. solving a problem urinating

  *Is it just as easy as regular cathing?*

 Yes, the same.

  *Do you have to deal with leaking and how do you deal with it?*

   If you had asked me yesterday I'd have said the only sign of leaking
 was a wetness at the hole.

 But yesterday I was rudely reminded of a vulnerability all indwelling
 caths share: if you pull the

 cath by accident you injure the bladder, and the bladder reacts with both
 sphincter and detrusor

 spasms. And a bit of blood in the bag. The detrusor wins, and a gush of
 wetness follows.

 Alton, with a month of unanswered mail

 - Original Message -
 From: Jde
 Sent: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 17:20:46 - (UTC)
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input. solving a problem urinating

 *Hi Alton,*
 *I don't know if you remember me, but I used to be on TMIC site several
 years ago and then go tired of all of the arguements and signed off for a
 while.  Anyway, I am back and am interested in suprapubic catheters.*
 *One of my doctors is really pushing me to get it done and Urologist does
 not want me to.  I'm not sure what to do.  How are you doing after having
 gotten it done?  Is it just as easy as regular cathing?  Do you have to
 deal with leaking and how do you deal with it?*

 *Jude Hoops*
 Practice Random Acts of Kindness

 -Original Message-

 From: a-ryder

 To: Bridget Skinner

 Cc: Janice Nichols; john snodgrass; Elizabeth Clark; Janet Dunn; tmic-list

 Sent: Sun, Sep 9, 2012 11:12 am

 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Looking for input. solving a problem urinating

   Also, I have a problem urinating. I have to push really hard no matter
 how bad I have to go.
 Bridget, the bladder problem has an easy solution - a catheter, either
 intermittent or indwelling (also called a Foley catheter.)
 I had a spinal infarction on 1997 that, amongst other blessings, left me
 with the same the same bladder symptom - the detrusor**muscles insisted
 on voiding while the bladder sphincter refused to allow it. I was caught in
 the middle of the conflict.  The solution was to use a catheter, a soft
 tube with a closed end and a hole in the side just before the end. Inserted
 into the urethra through the sphincter to the bladder, it drained the
 bladder. After a few months of using this “straight cath.” I switched to a
 Foley, a cath with a ballon on the end that could be inflated with water
 once it was in the bladder; the ballon kept the cath from being expelled.
 I used a Foley from 1998 until fifteen weeks ago when I had a suprapubic
 cath installed.
 Pros and cons:
 pro:you can do it forever
 con:the bother (compared to the alternatives) of finding a urinal
 pro:you need empty accumulated urine only twice a day
 con:you wear a bag on your leg (day) and connect to a large bag at
 con:the cath must be changed at least once a month
 con:years of use can damage the urethra if you are not careful
 pro:you need empty accumulated urine only twice a day
 con:you wear a bag on your leg (day) and connect to a large bag at
 con:the cath must be changed at least once a month
 con:you now have a tube coming out your belly
 - Original Message -

 From: Bridget Skinner
 To: Janice Nichols
 Cc: john snodgrass, Elizabeth Clark, Janet Dunn,
 Sent: Sat, 08 Sep 2012 22:49:36 - (UTC)
 Subject: Re: 

Re: [TMIC] November birthdays

2012-11-01 Thread Pat Cooley



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Happy Birthday to those born in November!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 11-01 Ella (

 11-2 Jeff (

 11-03 Gina (

 11-6 Margaret Monson (

 11-8 Diane (

 11-12 Marie (

 11/13  Kevin (

 11-17 Becky (

 11/20 Cossy (

 11/22 Judy Hoops (

 11-25 Gunny (

 11-27 Jack McMillan at

 11-30 Louise Flagg (

Re: [TMIC] October birthdays

2012-10-05 Thread Pat Cooley


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Barbara H. wrote:

 Wow, I'm sorry I am so late with these! It's been busy and time got away
 from me. But I hope all of you born in October have a wonderful birthday.

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 10-3  Lauren Graham (

 10/4 Neil McNeil (

 10-7 Naomi (

 10/08 Rudy Aceves ( )

 10/9 Assunta Rene (

 10/11  Lori B. (

 10-11  Kate  (

 10-12 Diana Gray (

 10/14 Marieke Dufresne! (

 10/14 Lanora (

 10/16 Sandy Parker (

 10/16 Linda Cherpeski (

 10-21  Renee A. in CT (

 10-21 Cody Kidwell (

 10/21 Candy K (

 10-23 Keith ( )

 10-25 Debby Jones (

 10-26 Jim Lubin

 10-26 Bernie Pelow ((

 10/27 Robin (

 10/27 Krissy (

 10-28 Netta Ganor (

Re: [TMIC] September Birthdays

2012-09-01 Thread Pat Cooley


 Happy Birthday to those born in September!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 This month we also remember Pam (, who passed away a
 few years ago, She was a friend to many. Her birthday was 9/9.

 9/5 Mavis White (Errol's wife) ( )

 09-06 Jake DeGrand (

 9-8 Mary Davidson (

 9/8 Terry Parker (

 9/12  R. J. Rankin (

 9-16  Mary Eden Cochran (

 9-17 Bill Wimberly- (

 09/20 Rob Pall (

 9-23 Karen  (Mushroo) (

 9-24  Suzi in Seattle (

 9/26 Allen Rucker

 9/30 Patti Enstrom ( )

Re: [TMIC] reply

2012-08-11 Thread Pat Cooley
Mary Anne, please do not leave this site.  As we all know, we all
experience days when everday things are more than we can tolerate.  I
know I do, and unfortunatetly we take it out on family.  I consider
all my TM friends as part of my family.  As quickly it happens, it
blows over and we are sorry for our outburst.  There are many of us
that do not have all the pain, etc., that many of us do.  Also, there
are many of us who have family and friends that help  us and make our
lives more bearable and are more able to do things for themselves, but
there are some of us who are not so lucky.

When something like this happens, I chalk it up to a bad day for
someone and don't take it personally.  Anyway that is my 2 cents


On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Mary Anne Egan wrote:
 For whatever reason I could not reply to the series of emails from

 Nonetheless, I would like to express my confusion.I found this site
 years ago...for me the intention was the hope of finding an arena for
 helping me understand TM, navigate our new life with a disability, ideas
 from other TMers, solutions, tricks, even complain when TM and its secondary
 issues get to be too muchas the years have passed it seems to be less
 and less about TM and more and more about criticism...this conversation was
 about a seemingly innocent post about a TV show, love it hate it, express
 your opinions, but at some point the conversation stopped being about the
 show and became a forum for criticising and judging members who commented
 for liking or hating a show.  No agreement to disagree but implied judgement
 about what kind of person would feel that way  a lot of negative
 hostility...I had no intention of justifying why I liked or disliked a TV
 show that I felt served a purpose for my personal situation...when I joined
 this site...

 I am not asking for any feedback as it seems likely to go in the wrong
 direction...agree to disagree and leave it therelove the show hate the
 show who really life is significantly more complicated than an
 argument about a stupid tv show and I should never feel the need to justify
 myself or feel the need to respond to criticsim of my opinion regardless of
 how I feel...not on this site...and if I am wrong than this is not the site
 for me I can assure you

 Mary Anne

Re: [TMIC] August Birthdays

2012-08-01 Thread Pat Cooley

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:35 PM, Barbara H. wrote:
 August is one of the biggest birthday months for TMers! Happy Birthday to my
 fellow August birthday celebrants!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 8/1 Peachi (

 8/1 Cindy McLeroy (

 8- 1 Stacy Firth ( )

 8-3 Larry Throne ( )

 8-10 Sean Indiveri (

 8-11 Raylene Gökeri (

 8-11 Michelle Maricic (

 8-11  Dalida S. Ortiz de Garcia (

 08/17 Sandra (Harth) Brassil (

 8-17 Kim (

 8-19 Saroj (

 8-21 Barbara H. (

 8-23 Cole (

 8-29 Kathleen (

 8- 31 Robin in Ontario(Brampton)( )

Re: [TMIC] Rick back on list.

2012-07-13 Thread Pat Cooley
I am here too.  I know most of us are on facebook, but I miss many who
are only on this site.  I have not heard from Jude for quite some time
even though I do send her messages.  I think of her so often and wish
we would hear from her or Dave.

Patti in Wisconsin

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Linda Egli wrote:
 I am still here.  Not a lot of talk on this site anymore, I think most use
 Facebook.  I am now going on 8 1/2 years with TM  I guess I am as good as
 I'm going to be.  My neurologist said last December that he no longer needs
 to see me unless their is a problem.  I am just followed by my PCP, but she
 is very good.  I haven't heard anything from or about Jude in a long time.
 I haven't heard about anything new to try - wish there was.I developed a
 bad tremor in my right hand(of course I am right handed) after 3years with
 TM  the numbness in my hands can be really bad, but I manage as best I can.
 Glad to see some talk on this site.
 Linda E.

 From: Richard Ashford
 Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 1:09 AM
 Subject: [TMIC] Rick back on list.

 Hello everyone who might remember me. I hope all of you are as well as tm
 let you be. I'm looking forward to hearing from you who want to be in touch
 me. I'm also looking forward to hearing if there has been any serious
 in our treatments. Gunny, Grace, Barb, Jude all the old crew I hope
 to hear form you. My condition has not changed, and my insurance and
 compleatly realeased me so now I'm having to pay out the nose for personal
 insurance. Thanks Barack! Well any way my e-mail will be monitored
 again. I wish all of you the best of everything and hope to talk to you
 Sincerely Rick Ashford


2012-07-06 Thread Pat Cooley
Cheryl that is so good to hear.  That time I am sure pain really felt
good.  I hope you continue to experience improvements, even after 17
yrs.  It gives many us hope that we could possibly see improvement in
the years to come.

Patti om Wisconsin

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 10:31 PM, wrote:
 Hello my friends,
   On 8/13 I will have my 17th anniversary of having tm. I have been numb
 from T4 to toes since that time, except for a small area on my left thigh.
   On the 3rd of July,my cat ran toward me to jump into my lap. She missed,
 and in the process gave me 2 fairly deep scratches in my lower left leg.
   After being numb for all this time, I felt the pain of the scratches,and I
 can actually tell what is touching my entire left leg! I am amazed at this.
 It is something I never expected.
   I have an ulcer on the bottom of my right heel,and went to a wound clinic;
 doc ordered VNA for dressing changes. After being evaluated by nurse, she
 had PT and OT see me.I don't know if this is related or not.
   I never thought I'd be happy to have pain!
   I hope you are all doing well.

Re: [TMIC] July Birthdays

2012-07-05 Thread Pat Cooley


On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Barbara H. wrote:
 Happy Birthday to the July kids! Hope you enjoyed the fireworks! :-)

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 7-5 Sumer (

 7/5 Rick in tn (

 7-14 Julie (

 7-15  Sandi Siegel (

 7-24 Kevin Weilacher (

 7-25 Peggy Wilson (

 7-25 (

 7-25 Michelle Balliet (

 7-27 Linda (

 7/29 Hildred (

 7/30 Dex Packard (

Re: [TMIC] 13 years tm

2012-06-27 Thread Pat Cooley
Robert you have a wonderful outlook.  It has only been 4 yrs for me
and I believe I have come as far as I will ever come.  I can walk in
the house unaided but need a cane when I go out.  If you can walk your
dog you must be doing pretty good.  I do get depressed at times, but
my family usually can pull me out of it.  Right now the fatigue is
what gets to me.


On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Robert Pall wrote:
 It will be 15 years in September for me. I can honestly say that I have had
 little change in my condition over the past 14 years. I guess you become
 more adapt at handling TM after a number of years. I try to stay active
 (swimming every day for an hour). I even got a dog .a Golden Retriever
 who at six months is already dragging me off my feetbut at least it
 forces me to walk for at least an hour a day. I will be 65 in Sept and I
 realize I will be going through all of the conditions associated with
 getting older...but for as long as possible I will not let TM define who I
 am. Thinking back 15 years went by in an instant. better start living or
 start dying!
 All the best!
 Rob in NJ

 -Original Message-
 From: DeeRERE
 To: tmic-list
 Sent: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 11:10 am
 Subject: [TMIC] 13 years tm


Re: [TMIC] June birthdays

2012-06-01 Thread Pat Cooley


On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 5:49 AM, wrote:

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Pat Cooley
Rob we are still here.  At least I know I am.  It seems everyone has
gone to the several Face Book groups like Transverse Myelitis Folks.
I know all the posts can be a bit much at times..  I am doing the best
I can hope you are too.


On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Robert Pall wrote:
 Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I
 just left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our
 network still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I
 started and this is where I belong.
 I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how they
 are doing!
 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] May Birthdays

2012-05-01 Thread Pat Cooley


On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 10:37 PM, Barbara H. wrote:
 Happy Birthday to those born in May!

 Please send any additions or corrections to

 5/5 Linda Garrett  (

 5/7 Dennis Rabalais (

 5-11 Lynn (


 5- 19 Maureen Wroblewski Hallagan (

 5/31 Wendy Wood (

Re: [TMIC] What hurts

2012-04-03 Thread Pat Cooley
John that sure sounds like a great idea.  It will never happen as it
is too simple a solution.


On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 12:34 PM, john snodgrass wrote:
 our government wastes so much money on things that are not necessary.

 i have a pipe dream:

 it would be great if when people become ill and need assistance if
 they don't have the wherewithal to do what they need to do to make life
 bearable, if the government that is supposed to be for the people would say
 we can move you closer to like John or Kevin, or whoever where ever,,,they
 have a lot of help and can assist you with your needs

 how beautiful would that be!

 From: Kevin Wolfthal
 To:; tmic
 Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 12:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] What hurts

 I live in a big city. Even though there are some organizations that help the
 disabled, it seems
 the big push from social workers and even nurses, is that I should go on
 medicaid in order
 to get the most services. My Parents, (gone now), and I, worked hard for
 many years to have
 a little security and comfort. Going on Medicaid means divesting all of ones
 assets but for
 the bare minimum, and having the state own your soul. No thank you! So I own
 my own
 condo that I inherited, but I live in a building that offers the bare
 minimum of access, and
 the workers are hostile to me. I struggle to make ends meet on SSDI.  I even
 received an anonymous handwritten threatening message
 a few months ago, which I have discussed with the police. Nothing they can
 do right now. My saving grace is my aide who
 cooks, cleans and shops for me 4 days a week.

 I would move to a more accessible and friendly place if I was not so
 physically depleted and
 could afford it. You are not alone in having to make the best of a difficult
 situation. There
 is no guarantee of sensitivity even from other disabled folks, though we
 hope that those
 in similar circumstances have more understanding, it's not always the case.
 This group
 has given more support than most I've found, but misunderstandings happen,
 as in most

 Hoping you find answers and help for your needs.


 What hurts, Bernie, is the *Victim-blaming* implicit in the question  why
 do you stay
 and whole passive agressive  if you don't like it just go somewhere else
 it *pushes a button* in me, of other causes and other efforts
  where,  when one protests ill treatment, one is told

 *to pack up and go*

 And the sad, bad  part is  EVEN IF I WANTED TO I CAn't

  but the worst part is,  i*f i could, i would but if i could, then i
 *want or have to...*
 *if i could marshall the resources to move, i could marshall the
 *to make it better, to fix it…*
 but that doesn't even get to the why should i be the one to leave my home
 that i worked so hard to get and give up my little yard and the trees i
 and all my tools and equipment?

Re: [TMIC] April Birthdays

2012-04-01 Thread Pat Cooley


On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Barbara H. wrote:
 Happy Birthday! May all your April showers bring May flowers!

 (Please send any additions or corrections to

 04/03 Jeron Rampersad (

 4/10 Marie Dipietro (

 4/18 Bernard Butcher (

 4/20 Dianna (

 04/20 Todd Tarno (

 4/21 Robert Diehl (

 4-25 Shelia (

 4-29 Dalton H. Garis (

Re: [TMIC] Blown Away

2012-04-01 Thread Pat Cooley
I completely agree.  Lack of money and the fact that you are dependent
on other people is what makes it impossible to make changes in your
life.  Most of us are in the same boat, we are a prisoner of our
limitations.  That is why even though it was the hardest thing I have
ever done is move 125 miles to be close to our daughter.  I did have
help from my hubby but the packing, etc. fell on us.  We did have help
after we got to our destination but just thinking about it now makes
me shutter.  In many ways our society does not care about our elderly
or people with mobility problems.  When you have family, you have


On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 8:41 PM, wrote:
 i'm dumbstruck at the  question why do I stay coming from this group.

 I am paralyzed -- i would think folks here at least might understand what
 having a disability thrust on them late
 in life would mean.

 Or maybe i just didn't know that there were services that buy one's home,
 pack one up, and relocates them to more congenial
 and supportive communities.

 I never found such, but it could just be the limits of my imagination.

 Or maybe i'm the only person here without the money to just buy myself the
 solutions i need.
 I am obviously wrong on many counts.

Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2012 #119

2012-03-30 Thread Pat Cooley
Akua I am so sorry to hear that you have no services in your community
to assist you.  I live in small town (population just 6,000).  We even
have a taxi service as there are so many senior citizens living here
you aren't able to drive.  I am not sure about other services as I am
not lucky to need them as I have family here.

I will pray that things change for you.

Patti in Wisconsin

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:06 PM, wrote:

 From: Dalton Garis
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] No mail
 Date: March 29, 2012 12:28:39 AM EDT
 To: Janice Nichols, James Berg, transverse myelitis

 Like, for instance,

 Where Akua lives?


 I'm S glad you're the one who said that
 Thanks for listening and remembering the many small town horror stories I've

 There's no infrastructure here, there is no grocery delivery, there is no
 accommodation. My  city rep berated me for expecting the city to pick up
 recycling weekly for free. I was paying $25 a month for garbage pick up, in
 addition to paying  for other people's children to be educated through my
 ever increasing property taxes.
 When i was in the nursing home, my car, in my private driveway was spotted
 without license plates, which i had friends take off the car to save $, and
 ticketed.  It was visible because i only have a carport, not a garage. So
 for five years i've had to  pay for  car i can't drive. I must a maintain
 the sidewalk that i don't own, the grass that i cannot have a handicapped
 parking sign in front of, so i can get in and  out of my house on those far
 occasions when i pay $60 to go 1 mile to the doctors!!!

 This is a small town -- 10,842 people. This the HQ of an old Fortune 500
 company the median age is 37.5.
 I miss  bagels and lox, hammantaschen, sfogiatelle, falafels, real sushi,

 YEs, everyone was friendly when i was able bodied, but there are incursions,
 and insults and indifference
 from all and sundry since i've been paralyzed.

 Win the lottery Dalton -buy a ticket, just one and think of me and when you
 win,  just one  of your 392 millions will enable me to walk again and be


2012-03-06 Thread Pat Cooley
Janice the one problem I have with my feet is that once in a great
while I do get a spasm in the left foot where it hurts like a charlie
horse and the foot turns in.  It goes all the way up my lef to my
thigh.  I can turn it back, but it turns again all by itself.  I
usually do what you do with a charlie horse, I straighten it out real
hard.  It hurts like hell, but it then goes away.  Also I can't wear
sandals or sliip on shoes as I can't keep them on my feet


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 7:25 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 Would like responses on a problem that only recently – after 5 years of TM
 -  has occurred.
 When put my shoes on, my right foot (heel) spasms and makes it harder to
 walk.    Have any of you had
 this problem? Really looking forward to summer to wear sandals – don’t
 think there will be a problem then.
 Is strange that after all these years that this problem would show up.


Re: [TMIC] TM Question

2012-03-05 Thread Pat Cooley
Carol I always say I have TM, and I usually say it is an auto-immune
disease even though my TM was said to be idopathic.


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Carol E wrote:
 I curious about the proper way to explain our affliction.
 Do we currently have TM or we had it when we first became ill?
 Is it like Polio?  It came, crippled and you no longer have Polio, but you
 do have the destruction that it left behind.

 Thanks for your help in explaining this to me.

 Worrying does not empty
 tomorrow of its troubles;
 It empties today of its strengths.

Re: [TMIC] March birthdays

2012-03-03 Thread Pat Cooley


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 5:34 AM, wrote:


Re: [TMIC] what do i do

2012-02-17 Thread Pat Cooley
Candy all you have to do is create a facebook page.  I couldn't do it
but my daughter sit it up for me.  Once you do that all you have to do
is find a facebook member request to be friended, that person can
accept you as a friend and then set you up with our several TM sites.
We have one just for us gals, then a general one for both men and
women.  It sure sounds like you have been through h - - l.  There are
plenty of us who can relate and give you plenty of advice.

Good luck

Patti in Wisconsin

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:21 PM, Cansadia Dykes wrote:
 i apologize again.  I know I responded previously (had some family
 issues)but not sure to whom or when.    I'll start over.   I was initially
 diagnosed with neurosarcoidosis (this was tentative), they tried to rule out
 MS (think they have), back to ground of TM.  However, TM should either turn
 into MS or NMO (Neuromyelitis Optika - which I do not have).  So I did more
 research and found a category of NMO Spectrum disorder.  This fits my
 illness so far.  Persons who remain in a TM status  but may continue to have
 relapses etc.  I continue to have relapses.   Had one in October
 (Thoracic), increased my steriods back to 40 a day and changed me
 to CellCept.   I have now had new lesions this month (February) in my
 cervical spine (this is a new area).   Really having problems with walking
 and dragging both feet,  my gait if off, memory loss, tightness, light a
 vice around my torso, back pain, and awful pain at the base of my neck up to
 my ears. Cannot lay flat on my back of my head.  To painful

 I currently take Neurontin, Wellbutrin, CellCept, Cymbalta, Prednisone,
 Provilgil, Keflex, Zanaflex, Vitamin D, Lovaza, Folbe, Aciphex, Aspirin and
 Lipitor.  Vicodin prn.

  I plan to see my neurologist next week and will insist on plasma Pharisees.
  Everything I have researched indicates this is the best choice at this
 point.  I had asked for this earlier (wished I had insisted).  This would
 allow my blood to be cleaned as best it could and then allow the cellcept to
 work on keeping the (This is what I call them) goblins from ganging up on my
 immune system.

 Steroids have destroyed my body.  I am now steroid dependent.  Docs are
 hoping to get me down to 10 to 15 a day.     Have just have cataract surgery
 on my eyes.  Had pelvic fractures, didn't know how I did it (one of the
 worst pains you can ever have).  Due to my first diagnosis (Spine tumor) had
 damage to my spine which has caused me to have loss of sensation from my
 waist down.  This is a really weird feeling.  Have to be extra careful since
 I do not know when I have cut myself, stepped on anything hot or cold, etc.

 Thanks for listening.   This week was crazy.   My mother in law passed away
 Monday (she was 91 had a great life),  became a grandmother for the first
 time (of course the MOST beautiful baby in the world - think all new
 granny's say that and then found out about my  new lesions).

 Can't wait until next week (tee hee)

 PS - I haven't learned how to go to anyone's blog, use twitter or facebook.
  would like to learn since someone indicated you can reach out and touch
 more folks that way.


 From: Janice Nichols
 To: Pat Cooley; Cansadia Dykes
 Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2012 11:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] what do i do


 Patti in right.    Just tell your story, state any questions you may have
 (or concerns), and we will try to help you.    We have members that have
 been here from 1 year to 25 years.    Many tell of family support,
 if friend's support, location, vocation if not retired, how much help
 doctor's have been with medications, etc.      Most of us are on similar
 medications.        We call ourselves TM'ers for Transverse Myelitis.
 At this point, what problems did TM leave you with.    Most of us also have
 problems with our bladders and bowels.

 You can answer all of these or none of them.    It is up to you.      You
 will find that there really isn't much that hasn't been brought up and
 discussed, after all, we are all fighting the same battle.    We are
 very open with each other.

 My best to you,
 Janice, Missouri

 -Original Message- From: Pat Cooley
 Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 9:16 AM
 To: Cansadia Dykes
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] what do i do

 Candy welcome to our TM group.  I am sorry it had to be under these
 circumstances.  What we usually do is tell your story which we can all
 relate to.  Feel free to ask any questions that you may have and
 someone will try to answer it.  Also, we also have several Facebook
 sites you can join if you are interested; and are on FB.  If so,
 befriend me and I will add.  The FB site is a busy one so you will be
 able to reach more of us with your questions. If interested, you can
 find me under Pat Cooley.


Re: [TMIC] ADVISORY: Sen. James to Kick Off Health Awareness Day

2012-02-15 Thread Pat Cooley
Way to go Kim.  Good luck  keep us informed.


On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 6:06 PM, wrote:

 I successfully petitioned the state of Georgia for a Transverse Myelitis
 day and Senator James is going to the house floor Wednesday morning. I have
 been asked to speak to members of the state senate and excited to have this
 opportunity before me Wish me luck, will send pictures when we are done


 Press conference will start at 9:00 in front of the Capitol.

 Please be prepared to speak about Transverse Myelitis. You will be
 addressing legislators, constitituents, other health care provides, etc.

 We are then scheduled to have picture session with Governor Deal after the
 press conference.

 Next we will be recognize Transverse Myelitis in the Senate, and a forum

 You can bring a camera.

 We should be done about 2pm


 * *

 * *



 Natalie Dale, Director

 Adam Sweat, Communications Specialist


 * *

 *Sen. James to Kick Off Health Awareness Day*

 * *

 *ATLANTA** (February 14, 2012)* - Sen. Donzella James (D-College Park)
 will host a press conference* TOMORROW*, February 15, to kick off Health
 Awareness Day at the State Capitol.  She will be joined by various interest
 groups including health care providers, concerned constituents, and
 Georgians who have been affected by chronic illnesses such as Transverse

 *WHO:*   Sen. Donzella James (D-College Park)

 *WHEN:* Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 9:00 a.m.

 *WHERE:*  Georgia State Capitol

 Washington Street Steps

 206 Washington St. SW

 Atlanta, GA   30334

 # # #

 *Sen. Donzella James represents the 35th Senate District which includes 
 of Douglas and Fulton counties.  She may be reached by phone at
 404.463.1379 or by email at*


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