Re: [Trisquel-users] FlashVideoReplacer no longer working on YouTube?

2012-01-18 Thread alonivtsan
Linterna Magica works fine on Parabola via Totem plugin (works with Midori,  
Epiphany and Mozilla based browsers IceCat and the libre version of  
IceWeasel) or Gecko Media Player (works just with Mozilla browsers). 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tablets

2012-01-25 Thread alonivtsan

Hello Chris.
I found a tablet with similar specifications (running Ubuntu) here:
The prices for the atom tablets are much higher than the regular Android  
tablets offered, so perhaps ARM would be preferable (assuming you can get all  
the needed drivers). ARM might also be preferable in terms of battery life.  
It would be nice to get 3G on the tablet also.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FlashVideoReplacer no longer working on YouTube?

2012-01-31 Thread alonivtsan

Youtube works with the latest version of SMPlayer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FlashVideoReplacer no longer working on YouTube?

2012-01-31 Thread alonivtsan
You can also select the desired quality and format in SMPlayer via  

Re: [Trisquel-users] FlashVideoReplacer no longer working on YouTube?

2012-02-01 Thread alonivtsan
There is also a Mozilla add-on that opens the video automatically with  
SMPlayer after configuring it in the options (changing minitube to smplayer):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions

2012-02-08 Thread alonivtsan
Twinkle is a working SIP client which I recommend (it works fine with an  
Ekiga SIP account). The Ekiga software isn't functional unfortunately (it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Petition the Government to use F/OSS to lower their expenses.

2012-02-11 Thread alonivtsan
The point of using free software is freedom not price. In the short term  
migrating from proprietary software to free software might in fact be more  
expensive than paying for proprietary software licenses (but in the long term  
it should save money).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software version of Android OS

2012-02-19 Thread alonivtsan
CyanogenMod includes the proprietary drivers while Replicant doesn't. Either  
way neither is really free as the modem can access the CPU on most phones and  
spy on the user (e.g. remotely turn on the microphone and record the user). A  
few phones do not provide the modem access to the CPU (e.g. Neo Freerunner,  
N900, Nexus S). For more, see here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Main page bug?

2012-02-19 Thread alonivtsan

You should also try a dist-upgrade.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Joining rars and unpackig it

2012-02-19 Thread alonivtsan

If unar presents the error Input data buffers border exceeded you can try
$ unar ./part1.rar

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel on ZaReason’s Alto 3880

2012-02-20 Thread alonivtsan
Midori and Epiphany can both watch flash content via the Totem plugin by  
using the Linterna Magica greasemonkey script. Linterna Magica also works  
with Mozilla based browsers and can also be used with Mozilla browsers with  
GNOME MPlayer via the Gecko Media Player plugin (which can be downloaded from  
Ubuntu's multiverse repository).

The easiest way to watch YouTube is via the latest SMplayer which also lets  
you set the default quality and format. It is available via PPA and can also  
be used with a Mozilla add-on called ext-youtube.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to have always up-to-date Gnash

2012-02-28 Thread alonivtsan
JDownloader is not released under a free license so please do not promote its  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-01 Thread alonivtsan
If you wish to install a different distro in the future in addition to  
Trisquel (e.g. Parabola) it is best to make a small home directory, as the  
home directory also stores application settings which might not work if you  
use a different version of installed packages (or the same version packaged  
for a different distro) as the settings might be stored in a different path  
or new package versions might not be compatible with setting files from older  
package versions.

I would recomment something like this:

/swap - up to 2 GB
/root - up to 15 GB (unless you plan on installing lots of desktop  
environmanets and large games in which case maybe 20 GB would be better).

/home - up to 10 GB (so you can also store email for offline use)
/storage (for movies, music etc) - the rest. This partition can be split in  
the future (e.g. via GParted) if you want to install another distro as well.

Note that the number of primary partitions is limited to 4 (or 3 primary and  
1 extended), so it might be preferable to make at least one of the partitions  

Re: [Trisquel-users] HandBrake 0.9.6 released

2012-03-02 Thread alonivtsan

Actually Parabola didn't do that which is why it is blacklisted.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HandBrake 0.9.6 released

2012-03-02 Thread alonivtsan
Unfortunately, Handbrake on Trisquel simply uses its own encoders including  
FAAC so it needs to be repackaged. I opened in the past a bug report  
regarding this:

Re: [Trisquel-users] HandBrake 0.9.6 released

2012-03-02 Thread alonivtsan
Done. I actually thought that a normal priority was better when I opened the  
bug since the software can be used without using the non-free encoder (you  
can use other audio encoders such as Vorbis). Since there hasn't been any  
activity it seems right to upgrade the status to critical. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation help

2012-03-02 Thread alonivtsan
It's a shame GRUB-legacy doesn't support GPT as that is what Parabola offers  
by default, so if you intend to use Parabola and want everything to just  
work after installation it's best to create extended partitions :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guide: Turn Trisquel 4.5 and 5.0 into Trisquel 4.0

2012-03-09 Thread alonivtsan

Here is trisquel-grub.png

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video audio editing

2012-03-12 Thread alonivtsan
Simply drag both the audio and video tracks into mkvmerge GUI and select  
start muxing in the menu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video audio editing

2012-03-12 Thread alonivtsan
mkvmerge GUI will demux the stream for you. Just drag both streams and select  
the appropriate streams for the new file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video audio editing

2012-03-13 Thread alonivtsan

What format is the video and audio (e.g. open the file with MediaInfo)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why were the repos of Trisquel changed from Debian to Ubuntu?

2012-03-14 Thread alonivtsan
Debian doesn't use FSF definition for free software, but its own instead.  
Ubuntu's main and universe repositories contain only free software as defined  
by FSF (but some packages require cleaning up so they don't recommend  
non-free software).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why arent the Liberation fonts in the default install?

2012-03-15 Thread alonivtsan
t3g, are you referring to the ttf-liberation package, which provides with the  
same metrics as Times, Arial and Courier or to a different package?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why arent the Liberation fonts in the default install?

2012-03-15 Thread alonivtsan

The package is listed as part of Brigantia:
Maybe you need to file a bug?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video audio editing

2012-03-15 Thread alonivtsan
Whenever I try to open a video file containing H.264 video using AVIDemux I  
receive this message:

H.264 detected

If the file is using B-frames as reference it can lead to a crash or  

Avidemux can use another mode which is safe but YOU WILL LOSE FRAME ACCURACY.
Do you want to use that mode?

In short, the software isn't designed for editing H.264 videos.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video audio editing

2012-03-16 Thread alonivtsan
There's also the issue that AVIDemux isn't included in Trisquel's  
repositories as it is in Ubuntu's multiverse repository, whereas mkvmerge  
GUI, MP4Box are included and MediaInfo will be (it is included in the  
universe repository of Ubuntu 12.04). 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 5.5 Brigantia beta images ready for testing

2012-03-16 Thread alonivtsan
The method I described works here as well (if you install the .deb packages  
using sudo dpkg -i). See this image: at 2012-03-16 11_02_05_0.png

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-16 Thread alonivtsan
t3g, unlike some people here I actually agree with some of your points. I saw  
a few of Stallman's lectures and thought they were very good, but I never  
quite understood how one was supposed to earn a living developing free  

Selling support is an option, but many companies don't want a support  
contract and would prefer to simply use the product without support (see e.g.  
CentOS). Most people also don't donate money to software they use, so earning  
a living by relying on donations is risky.

GNU/Linux could make money if an OEM pre-installs a distribution and pays the  
devlopers of the software money. Unfortunately, none of the OEMs have  
committed to GNU/Linux and GNU/Linux deserves at least part of the blame with  
the mess the desktop environments are in at the moment. One of the companies  
developing a GNU/Linux distro could become an OEM and build their own  
computers, but that requires a huge investment which might not pay off.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-16 Thread alonivtsan
Ubuntu is offered for free wheras Red Hat costs money, so it isn't surprising  
that companies switch to Ubuntu.

As for adapting existing free software projects for small companies, I wonder  
how many people understand the source code of existing free software projects  
well enough to be able to offer such a service. Most free software projects  
have only a handful of developers, wheras Linux is an exception to this rule.  
Granted, developers could be hired to develop new software from scratch for a  
fee, but this model seems hard to sustain (you need to constantly find  
interested clients, wheras with proprietary software you simply develop one  
piece of software and license it).

The Openmoko phone provided companies a secure phone (the modem cannot switch  
on GPS and microphone) and an opportunity to develop custom software for it  
(e.g. the companies could develop a phone which encrypts the data sent using  
the internet). Unfortunately, this didn't actually happen.

Mozilla's free browser (FireFox) is funded by an advertisement deal with  
Google. Google hopes to make money from Android with the Google experience  
proprietary software which comes preinstalled on phones (Maps, GMail,  
YouTube, Market etc) which collect user information they can sell to  
advertisers. I won't be surprised if Microsoft makes significantly more money  
from Android (by making patent deals with manufacturers) than Google does. As  
already mentioned, Canonical isn't making money and only exists because a  
multi-millionaire is funding it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-16 Thread alonivtsan
Magic Banana, I don't really believe Canonical these days. They seems to make  
lots of announcements (e.g. a deal with Asus netbooks, Ubuntu for TV) that  
lead to nothing in the end. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-17 Thread alonivtsan
Most of the hardware in the Neo Freerunner is open, so companies could simply  
buy the hardware from Openmoko and fix the hardware problems themselves  
without needing to rely on Openmoko. Anyway, I never had any problems making  
or receiving calls when using the latest Openmoko distribution (Om2009) or  
QtMoko, although the call quality is very bad (unless I use a bluetooth  
headset) as I didn't get a buzz-fixed phone. I did however have trouble  
making calls or sending SMS messages with other distros (hackable:1, SHR).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-18 Thread alonivtsan
I actually took the time to watch the video (in OGG Theora). I think the  
interviewers were really bad, and Stallman was for the most part quite good.  
I do think though that Stallman didn't explain well enough how to earn a  
living developing custom software, and some of his claims were inaccurate  
(e.g. Apple's app store doesn't exclude free software released under a  
non-copyleft license). The problem with the iPhone is that you cannot install  
software without first removing restrictions imposed by the manufacturer  
(jailbreaking) and not just the mere existance of an app store (even free  
software repositories reject software, e.g. hot-babe was rejected by Debian  
despite being released under a license they consider free). 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-18 Thread alonivtsan
Magic Banana, it seems you are describing an I.T. worker setting up a  
computer and configuring free software applications for a client to use. I  
agree that free software provides work for I.T. staff, and that the developer  
could also make money by training people to use the software, writing books  
about the software, selling merchandise regarding the software (e.g. Midori  
cookies) etc. The question is whether these models are sustainable (e.g. can  
one earn enough money to feed ones family?). 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Codecs MP3, AVI, MPEG etc.

2012-03-18 Thread alonivtsan
The decoders are free software but they are patent encumbered (i.e. you need  
a patent license to playback the file in some parts of the world).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Garlach44, a new pro-Trisquel company

2012-03-18 Thread alonivtsan
Does the AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics (used in Cork 13.3 AMD E-350t) support  
3D acceleration in Trisquel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-19 Thread alonivtsan
t3g, In your situation if you license the code that runs on the server (e.g.  
JavaScript code) to the client under a permissive free license (i.e. one that  
allows the client to release it under a non-free license) you are still  
providing the client with all the software freedoms. If the client wishes  
that people visiting his site use the JavaScript code you developed under a  
non-free license, then visitors that value their freedom should reject it and  
demand that the client re-license the JavaScript code as free software. Note  
that Android faces a similar issue (Google releases it under a free license  
that allows device manufacturers to release it without distributing the  
source code, and most device manufacturers which produce Android devices do  
not provide the Android source code running on the devices).

Re: [Trisquel-users] I recommend Kiwix

2012-03-19 Thread alonivtsan
You can also use Evopedia (which also uses the GPLv3 license and is also  
available for the Neo Freerunner).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox may support H264 after all

2012-03-20 Thread alonivtsan
H.264 isn't going away anytime soon since unlike WebM it can be decoded via  

Mozilla wishes to expand its browser's market share on mobile devices which  
rely on video decoding via GPU, so they must support H.264 via HTML5 on their  
mobile versions, since they cannot support it via the Adobe Flash plugin as  
Adobe dropped Flash on mobile devices (primarily due to Apple refusing to  
ship Flash on their mobile devices).

Mozilla cannot reply on Adobe to provide its plugin to desktop users either  
as they are dropping support for GNU/Linux users, so by providing H.264 via  
HTML5 Mozilla's desktop users will be able to playback high definition  
content via GPU if their GPU supports it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-20 Thread alonivtsan
Stallman didn't give his planned talks in Israel - he planned on speaking at  
universities but the Palestinians who were paying for his accomodation  
requested that he cancel the talks. They did allow him to talk in places  
which aren't connected to the Israeli government. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox may support H264 after all

2012-03-20 Thread alonivtsan
Mozilla does support Adobe Flash - if you visit a website that requires Flash  
on FireFox Mozilla recommends the non-free Flash plugin (and not Gnash).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox may support H264 after all

2012-03-20 Thread alonivtsan
Abrowser uses Gnash which requires Gstreamer and libavcodec (just type  
aptitude show gnash-common in the terminal to see all the dependencies).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman on the Linux Action Show

2012-03-20 Thread alonivtsan
I agree with this - I think Stallman has extreme views on topics unrelated to  
software which can be easily used to dismiss his views on free software and  
thus he is a bad spokesperson for the FSF. For example, he shouldn't have  
mentioned not bringing children to the world as a solution to global warming  
on the Linux action show. Also, he shouldn't be involved with extremist  
organisations (such as Palestinian groups that demand that he boycott Israeli  
universities) as that paints him (and thus also the FSF) in a bad light.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Extracting RAR files

2012-03-23 Thread alonivtsan
Try extracting the file via the terminal by typing unar ./part1.rar (first  
cd to the path).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Trisquel 100% of the Time

2012-03-26 Thread alonivtsan
I use Parabola on my netbook (1001PX) as the internal microphone didn't work  
in Trisquel Taranis (but worked fine in later versions) and I  wanted to use  
a distro which is supported for a few years without needing to upgrade. I use  
Trisquel 4 and 5 on my desktop as it uses an integrated VIA graphics card  
which didn't work properly with the latest driver in Parabola (and in fact  
the driver in 5.0 didn't work either but I simply downloaded a newer .DEB  
package for a newer Ubuntu release to fix it). The notebook has no problem  
playing the 3D games I tried such as Neverputt, Neverball and Extreme Tux  
Racer. Most of the studff that requires non-free software works fine, e.g.  
most video sites I visit work fine with Linterna Magica and Totem plugin or  
Gecko Media Player and .RAR files can be extracted with unarchiver via the  
command line (it doesn't seem to be integrated with File Roller yet).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Trisquel 100% of the Time

2012-03-26 Thread alonivtsan
I have it installed but I have no idea how to use it. Does it appear in the  
menu? The command ununrar yields nothing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Trisquel 100% of the Time

2012-03-26 Thread alonivtsan
Thanks. Anyway, hibernation and suspend do work (at least via terminal) but  
the clicking sound (which I disabled using hdparm) returns on Parabola.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Trisquel 100% of the Time

2012-03-27 Thread alonivtsan
Nope. I downloaded a newer version of the free OpenChrome driver (sorry for  
not pointing this).

Re: [Trisquel-users] 6.0 development should start now

2012-04-03 Thread alonivtsan

Hello Chris,

Do you have any recommendations regarding TV tuner cards?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 6.0 development should start now

2012-04-03 Thread alonivtsan
The whole point of Trisquel is to have a stable release based on Ubuntu. If  
your hardware requires newer packages than those offered by Trisquel (e.g.  
newer version of alsa and newer kernel) you can always use Parabola until the  
newer version of Trisquel is released.

Re: [Trisquel-users] away, back again and rambling

2012-04-07 Thread alonivtsan
If you need newer packages I recommend trying Parabola, which is a free  
software distro based on Arch. The initial setup is longer than Trisquel, but  
it is worth it as most packages can be easily upgraded to new versions. Bear  
in mind that packages occasionally break on Parabola, so I don't advise on  
updating the system frequently.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No make command?

2012-04-11 Thread alonivtsan

You need to install the build-essential package.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No make command?

2012-04-11 Thread alonivtsan
Magic Banana, if you just need the make command to show up then of course it  
is sufficient to install the make package. However in order to actually make  
packages, you will probably also need the build-essential package, as it  
includes C header files and development libraries (libc6-dev) and a C++  
compiler (g++). Even Ubuntu 's documentation says you need build-essential to  
make packages:
Step 1: Prep your system for building packages
By default, Ubuntu does not come with the tools required. You need to install  
the package build-essential for making the package and checkinstall for  
putting it into your package manager. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] ROSA Media Player plugin + Linterna Mágica

2012-04-12 Thread alonivtsan

ivayo, thank you for all your efforts.

The reason I am not using Totem's Mozilla plugin despite the fact that it  
works in Epiphany, Midori and in Mozilla based browsers is because the full  
screen controls are dreadful. The URL of the video covers most of the bottom  
region in full screen mode so I can not seek on my netbook (see this  
screenshot). ROSA's controls are much better in full screen mode and it works  
in all the browsers Linterna Mágica supports (unlike Gecko Media Player  
which only works with Mozilla based browsers).

Re: [Trisquel-users] ROSA Media Player plugin + Linterna Mágica

2012-04-12 Thread alonivtsan

Really? I have a memory that it used to work with Epiphany at some
It doesn't anymore as you confirmed in this thread

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why is EasyTag not in repos?

2012-04-13 Thread alonivtsan
Magic Banana, notice that the easytag-aac package is missing in Trisquel as  
it is in Ubuntu's multiverse repository. The regular easytag I assume does  
not support AAC files.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Graphics Cards, 3D Acceleration, and Gaming

2012-04-19 Thread alonivtsan
I hope Flightgear can be tested on whatever graphics card thinkpenguin is  
offering as it doesn't work well with Intel cards:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Seriously facing up Trisquel website translations

2012-04-21 Thread alonivtsan

I can offer Hebrew translation (if Hebrew becomes enabled).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linterna Magica + Epiphany/Web 3.4.1

2012-04-26 Thread alonivtsan
I tested Epiphany/Web on Parabola. Epiphany/Web uses libwebkit3 (with GTK3  
support) while Midori uses libwebkit. In the last week both libraries were  
updated twice. The only way to properly view YouTube on Epiphany is to  
downgrade the library libwebkit3, but that library is also used by other  
programmes (such as Empathy) that would also need to be downgraded in order  
to work. On Midori YouTube and other sites work fine with Linterna Magica, so  
the problem I'm describing is probably about compatibility of Linterna Magica  
with libwebkit3 as it works fine with libwebkit. Epiphany didn't work  
properly after the first libwebkit3 upgrade (artefacts were evident on the  
screen while scrolling) so perhaps another upgrade will fix this issue as  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Orientation Advice

2012-04-26 Thread alonivtsan
In order to know whether the wireless card is supported please paste output  
of this command:

$lspci -nnk | grep Network controller

Re: [Trisquel-users] Totem Trisquel mini 5.5 sound issue

2012-04-27 Thread alonivtsan
Solved by installing gstreamer0.10-alsa and gnome-media and setting alsa in  

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Penguin Air is back - redesigned and more powerful :)

2012-04-28 Thread alonivtsan

What is the battery life on this netbook/notebook?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update requires installation of untrusted packages

2012-06-13 Thread alonivtsan

Changing mirror might help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No OTR Plugin Listed for Pidgin

2012-06-13 Thread alonivtsan

It's available here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update requires installation of untrusted packages

2012-06-13 Thread alonivtsan

If you are using a proxy server apt needs to know about it.
Just type something like this in the terminal:
export http_proxy=

Re: [Trisquel-users] No OTR Plugin Listed for Pidgin

2012-06-13 Thread alonivtsan
Which Trisquel version are you using? the link I provided is for version 5.5.  
You can find on this website older versions of pidgin-otr too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No OTR Plugin Listed for Pidgin

2012-06-13 Thread alonivtsan
You will get updates if you install an older version yes. Anyway the newest  
version is in brigantia-updates which explains the later version is  
available message:

[Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin question regarding laptop monitors' resolutions

2012-06-19 Thread alonivtsan
I just visited the ThinkPenguin site and noticed that all the laptop monitors  
had the same low resolution (1366x768). My previous laptop which I bought 6  
years ago had a much nicer resolution (1680x1050 and a 16:10 aspect ratio). I  
was wondering if a higher resolution (and an aspect ratio better suited to  
working and browsing than 16;9, e.g. 4:3 or 16:10) could be offered.  A 15  
inch screen with a 4:3 aspect ratio and 1600x1200 resolution would be very  
nice (and in fact a product differentiation for ThinkPenguin). I assume that  
producing such a laptop would be more expensive as 4:3 monitors are rarer  
today so a price bump would probably be expected.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple just killed off the Samsung Galaxy Tab

2012-06-27 Thread alonivtsan
You can install non-approved software on Apple phones and tablets if you  
jailbreak. You can even install a port of Android:
Also, older versions of the iPod music player support Rockbox:

Replacing the operating system on an Android device and removing carrier and  
Google pre-installed junk usually requires rooting (how many devices come  
with root out of the box?) which voids the warranty just like jailbreaking.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple just killed off the Samsung Galaxy Tab

2012-06-27 Thread alonivtsan
The less tech savvy will simply install software from the store that comes  
pre-installed on the device. Very few will install alternative stores like  
F-Droid unless a tech savvy relative helps out.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple just killed off the Samsung Galaxy Tab

2012-06-28 Thread alonivtsan
Actually there are other aspects concerning freeness of Android. For  
example, even if you replace the OS by a free one it isn't enough if the  
modem can be used to spy on you (e.g. if the modem can turn on the microphone  
or GPS without the user's approval). Here  one can see a comparison of free  
devices taking into account such issues:

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin question regarding laptop monitors' resolutions

2012-06-30 Thread alonivtsan

I'm guessing better resolution monitors aren't available then?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Audio and video with Instant Messaging

2012-07-01 Thread alonivtsan
There's no need to upgrade the kernel (and in fact it isn't recommended as it  
isn't supported by Trisquel's developers). Just upgrade Alsa modules as  
described here:

In short, open a terminal and type:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)

Then reboot the computer.

(This needs to be done for every kernel version so it is best to wait a few  
days before upgrading to a newer kernel as the Alsa module might not exist  
yet in the repository.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Audio and video with Instant Messaging

2012-07-02 Thread alonivtsan
I assume you mean Empathy to Empathy as Epiphany is a browser which doesn't  
support phone calls.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Poll: Interest in a usable free software friendly phone?

2012-07-02 Thread alonivtsan

Here is a comparison of free phones:
According to this page, the Freerunner, N900 and Nexus S have a modem that  
cannot access CPU, however the last two require non-free firmware for some of  
the basic functions (wifi, bluetooth). The new generation Freerunner (GTA04)  
also requires proprietary software for wireless and bluetooth.

It would probably be a better idea to supply a free digital audio player.  
Something like a 5.5 generation iPod loaded with Rockbox, with Rockbox  
developers getting a cut. There should be far less freedom issues in this  
case as any non-free firmware needed in this case (e.g. to charge USB) should  
not be malicious unlike the GSM modem.

Since the Neo Freerunner supports booting from microSD cards, you could also  
sell supported cards preinstalled with popular distros like QtMoko  
(regardless of whether or not you distribute the phone).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Audio and video with Instant Messaging

2012-07-02 Thread alonivtsan
You could try downgrading to an older kernel version by installing  
linux-image-generic package version that is supported by the PPA (3.0.0-20 I  
believe) (you can find the older kernel package name by typing in the  
terminal without quotes apt-cache search linux-image-generic). Then choose  
that kernel via grub and use the PPA as I described.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Poll: Interest in a usable free software friendly phone?

2012-07-03 Thread alonivtsan
The Freerunner should work well as a phone if you perform all the hardware  
fixes (e.g. Buzz fix, Echo fix, Deep Sleep, Bass Rework). Then the phone is  
at least somewhat attractive (you should get at least 4-5 days of battery  
life for making and receiving calls). Decent audio state files (that work  
well for calls, SIP and bluetooth) should also be configured for the user  
(and sent to him or her, e.g. via CD or email). 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Poll: Interest in a usable free software friendly phone?

2012-07-04 Thread alonivtsan
It's pretty easy to get a Freerunner. I got a non buzz-fixed one from (see the Openmoko distributors page: and you should also be able to  
get a second hand one if you post on the mailing list or visit the irc room.  
The phone is still being sold by the distributors, although if you want one  
with all the hardware fixes it will probably be very costly (if you intend to  
become a reseller yourself it will probably be much cheaper to simply buy non  
hardware fixed versions and hire someone to perform the fixes).

Re: [Trisquel-users] BBC videos.

2014-02-12 Thread alonivtsan
BBC news videos were provided when I last checked in rtmp format that can be  
accessed after installing UnPlug and running BBC's non-free JavaScript. BBC  
iPlayer radio shows can be downloaded using latest youtube-dl (videos will be  
supported in future releases probably if BBC doesn't block your region). In  
order to update youtube-dl follow this guide:

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to pull content from a web?

2014-02-12 Thread alonivtsan

Try httrack/webhttrack (it's in the repos).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ripping Songs with Brasero

2014-02-13 Thread alonivtsan
The best CD ripper I know is Rubyripper, which is a secure ripper - it rips  
each file at least twice until it gets each block to ensure the file is not  
corrupt which makes it slower compared to other rippers. You can select which  
tracks to rip in the settings. It can be downloaded from this ppa:
The ppa maintainer recommends using morituri which is available in Trisquel  
6's repositories. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] [offtopic] SoylentNews (RIP /.)

2014-02-18 Thread alonivtsan

You can still view the old slashdot. Just go to

[Trisquel-users] Searching for flights without non-free JavaScript

2014-02-25 Thread alonivtsan
I was trying to search for flights without running non-free JavaScript and  
only found this site which seems to work without any JavaScript.

If anyone has luck with other sites please post them in this thread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How's the performance of the gluglug x60?

2014-02-26 Thread alonivtsan
I'm guessing when people ask perfermonace they mean some of the following  

Can it play back HD/full HD movies smoothly?
Can it play free software games smoothly (which ones)?
How fast is it for other tasks and is it suitable at all (e.g. how fast does  
it encode VP8/VP9 video, can it mine litecoins without overheating etc)?
Can it be used with a high resolution monitor e.g. 2560x1600 resolution)? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cloud based sync system/software

2014-03-06 Thread alonivtsan

Sparkelshare uses Mono, so it's a non-no.

[Trisquel-users] Libreplanet Trisquel talk starting in 35 mins

2014-03-22 Thread alonivtsan

Check it out here:
Or here (room 141)
Also, visit libreplanet IRC room:

Re: [Trisquel-users] converting to ogg in mass

2014-03-22 Thread alonivtsan

Install vorbis-tools package.
$sudo aptitude install vorbis-tools
To run simply do
$oggenc -q 5 *.flac
(replace quality 5 by preferred quality).

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibrePlanet 2014 livestream videos

2014-03-26 Thread alonivtsan

Plowshare should work without non-free JavaScript.

Re: [Trisquel-users] maps program

2014-04-17 Thread alonivtsan
Another GNOME map application using OpenStreetMap is Emerillon which is  
available in the repos. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternatives web search

2014-04-17 Thread alonivtsan

You can also use a free openvpn server.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot Configure VPN and unable to import Openvpn cert in Trisquel 6.0.1

2014-04-20 Thread alonivtsan
I think you might need to restart in order to use openvpn with network  
manager. Anyway, the easiest way to use openvpn is directly via terminal,  
e.g. by running:

$ sudo openvpn --config configuration-file.ovpn

and then entering username and password.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3d Acceleration support

2014-04-22 Thread alonivtsan
I would feel much happier to donate to the FSF if it actually looked like  
they were working on an OS distro like Trisquel or even an official GNU  
distro and keeping up with the new hardware that comes out.

By purchasing a laptop with Microsoft Windows you already donated several  
dollars to Microsoft. The FSF cannot work on new distributions without  
funding, so if it is important to you please donate money to them as well. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreCMC: Free Software Router Distribution Beta

2014-04-23 Thread alonivtsan

How is the router any different from this one?

This router has an Atheros card supported by a free driver. Is there a reason  
Libreboot or any other free distro hasn't been ported to it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreCMC: Free Software Router Distribution Beta

2014-04-23 Thread alonivtsan

Yes I meant LibreWRT.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreCMC: Free Software Router Distribution Beta

2014-04-23 Thread alonivtsan
Yes I know that but the LibreWRT page doesn't say which non free components  
are required to run it on other routers so one might get the impression that  
they simply didn't port it yet to other routers. Also, searching for LibreWRT  
and the router wr841n actually provides some source code results such as  

but there is no explanation about this port on LibreWRT's main page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3d Acceleration support

2014-04-24 Thread alonivtsan
jsbean, my recommendation is never to buy recent hardware as it isn't always  
well supported by free software when it is released (not all bugs are ironed  
out yet or it isn't supported in older software or the older software  
requires configuration in order to use the new hardware). You can always buy  
second hand computers or refurbished ones and it is usually much cheaper too  
- for instance the gluglug x60 is only around 200 pounds and also comes with  
a free BIOS.

If you are looking for a larger screen like your Acer laptop then a  
refurbished T60 is also much cheaper and it can be used with a much better  
screen than yours (up to QXGA resolution - 2048x1536). I'm currently using a  
T60 with a QXGA screen and it works very well with Trisquel.

I encountered similar problems to yours in the past. For instance, in order  
to get my webcamera to work on my old laptop in GNU/Linux I needed to compile  
a free driver for it as it wasn't supported by the kernel I was using.

Regarding Parabola: If you use it you must update it at least once every  
month or two - otherwise you'll have a system that you can no longer install  
binary packages on. Bear in mind that it is a rolling release so the system  
requires more effort to maintain. There is actually a video covering the  
installation process online here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3d Acceleration support

2014-04-24 Thread alonivtsan
The gluglug X60 also supports 3D acceleration. I personally don't understand  
the hype surrounding new processors - for me a computer from 5 years ago is  
good enough as long as the screen has high enough resolution (your Acer  
laptop I would find unusable because of its low 1366x768 resolution).

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreCMC: Free Software Router Distribution Beta

2014-04-24 Thread alonivtsan
Free software does support the new stuff - for instance Parabola supports  
new hardware.
The only reason Trisquel doesn't is because it is based on Ubuntu so it is  
always released after Ubuntu. And as I said before I think this is not one of  
free software's main issues as one can always use older hardware (there is no  
real reason to buy a computer with hardware that came out this year).

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3d Acceleration support

2014-04-24 Thread alonivtsan
Well with such a low resolution screen you are limited to other things, e.g.  
you cannot view 1080P movies without downscaling them, you cannot edit and  
view high resolution pictures since most of the information will not be kept  
at that resolution, you cannot write documents or surf the web without  
scrolling a lot etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreCMC: Free Software Router Distribution Beta

2014-04-24 Thread alonivtsan
If you buy new hardware it usually requires more work to get working than  
hardware that is say 2 years old and is already fully supported. Bear in mind  
that even with Ubuntu you will usually need to use a non long term release if  
you have new hardware which means you will need to update to a new version  
every few months so it's much more hassle than simply buying a 2 year old  
computer. And the newer computer will probably only be marginally faster for  
most tasks anyway, but the headache of setting it up isn't worth it.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] BBC videos.

2014-05-07 Thread alonivtsan

the BBC uses DRM.
get-iplayer (and presumably also youtube-dl) access the iPhone version of the  
BBC iPlayer videos which are DRM free.

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