Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-18 Thread ocii
You are so dense and stupid beyond belief; to Hitler, you would have qualified 
unoppose for his specialist pysicians, if not his executioners. Who said idiots 
are useful for a country like Uganda? 
  What is part yourself in the back? On second, that maybe what you need to 
do - part your back from yourself! You will be helped greatly by doing so. 
Hitler's physicians have the tools! 
  And what is idiocracy? And you have the audacity to even ridicule 
Sebaggala, like a monkey laughing at his partner's tail! Why don't you just 
shut up like I do since I know I am not well verse in the english language, 
instead of attacking individuals like Sebaggala? 
  With such level of stupidity, there must be dertermination to see your back 
out the window from any Uganda govt to come. You think this is a joke, continue 
parading your idiocy! Uganda, I am sure, need intelligent people in govt for it 
to be moved forward. My pen will cut you into pieces noting your idiocy that is 
so far unparalleled!
  Obviously what I write is not for you, for you understand nothing out of it; 
and you are better off stay well away of the way. Overlook that, and keep 
parading you imbecility, and you have my resolve to teach you a lesson you will 
never forget!
  Grasshoppers are crooks like you, who, having been rejected assylum in 
Britain, ran to canada, under a differnt name, where finally you are saved. 
Tell us, what were you doing in Uganda before running to Britain, and then to 
Canada? What were you doing? Inquiring mind would like to know!
  The header of this thread is MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania! Do you 
understand it or no?
  If you don't understand what I write, do yourself good and stay away from it.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
With your grasshopper mentality,you always wallow in self praise yet you are 
the epitome of idiocracy. Can you please shed off this infantile mentality and 
start reasoning like non dimwits do? I, unlike you does not need to part myself 
in the back because unlike you, Opportunism and political vagrancy is not my 
middle name nor my trade mark. Having the ability to metamorphose like 
grasshoppers do has made you think, you now qualify to analyze and make 
contributions to the political decision making process. My grasshopper kid, I 
want to reiterate to you that speaking in tongues alone does not in anyway 
qualify you for that. Continue with your wallow in your idiocracy.
 God bless Uganda.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: David Nyende ; The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Mr. Nyende,
  What I will say is, when good men and women fold their hands over the 
problems in their country, idiots take over and pat themselves on the back, 
believeing they are the ones who know better even when everything they delude 
themselves they know are all idiotic!
  Ugandans must be meticulous in moving the country forward. As we speak, the 
country is a waste land. There are absolutely no productivities going on in the 
country. In Buganda where there should have been tons and tons of Bananas, 
coffee, various fruits, plust what nots, almost nothing is being produced. 
Coffee trees of the fifties sixties are still being harvested today, even when 
their yield have diminished greatly. No new coffee almost have been planted. 
  There are no farming activities going on in that part of Uganda. Instead of 
organizing people to revitalize farming in a grand scale knowing fully farming 
is what sustain Uganda economy, the NRA/M govt. is busy killing off Ugandan 
agricultural industry. Taxes being collected are siphoned off to personal 
accounts; given as gifts to the Madhvanis; thrown away to the Kanathan of so 
called Tri-Star apparel, who ran that business to the ground, and looted tax 
payers money off. Mu7 has just built schools in Tanzania, yet Ugandans need 
education like never before. The old schools are rotting away. Nobody is paying 
attention to them. And some idiots still believe we have a leader to vote for 
  Uganda govt. budget is 50% foreign donnations. In exchange to the donnations, 
the govt is busy debasing citizens by selling of land et ceterra. The govt does 
not have the manpower to produce tea and suger plantation in Busoga. Instead, 
they look to the Madhvanis who end up exploiting the country and wananchi, 
siphoning profits to their country of origin while Ugandan children wallow in 
abject poverty. 20 years in power and the NRA/M has nothing to show in terms of 
manpoer development! Where are Ugandan Doctors; Engineers; Agriculturalists

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-18 Thread Mwirima Byaruhanga
usually, great minds (and the not-so-great ones too) tend to think alike.

ocii, i say you sound like you ran out of mental rehab.

edward, dont you have better things to do with your time than respond to
ocii's nonsense?


ocii wrote thus on 18/07/2007 10:17:
 You are so dense and stupid beyond belief; to Hitler, you would have
 qualified unoppose for his specialist pysicians, if not his
 executioners. Who said idiots are useful for a country like Uganda?
 What is part yourself in the back? On second, that maybe what you
 need to do - part your back from yourself! You will be helped greatly
 by doing so. Hitler's physicians have the tools!
 And what is idiocracy? And you have the audacity to even ridicule
 Sebaggala, like a monkey laughing at his partner's tail! Why don't you
 just shut up like I do since I know I am not well verse in the english
 language, instead of attacking individuals like Sebaggala?
 With such level of stupidity, there must be dertermination to see your
 back out the window from any Uganda govt to come. You think this is a
 joke, continue parading your idiocy! Uganda, I am sure, need
 intelligent people in govt for it to be moved forward. My pen will cut
 you into pieces noting your idiocy that is so far unparalleled!
 Obviously what I write is not for you, for you understand nothing out
 of it; and you are better off stay well away of the way. Overlook
 that, and keep parading you imbecility, and you have my resolve to
 teach you a lesson you will never forget!
 Grasshoppers are crooks like you, who, having been rejected assylum in
 Britain, ran to canada, under a differnt name, where finally you are
 saved. Tell us, what were you doing in Uganda before running to
 Britain, and then to Canada? What were you doing? Inquiring mind would
 like to know!
 The header of this thread is MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania!
 Do you understand it or no?
 If you don't understand what I write, do yourself good and stay away
 from it.
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-18 Thread David Nyende
Brother Ocii,

Mulindwa has had wars with everyone on this net who was well intentioned in 
their discussion of matters concerning Uganda until we all decided it was a 
waste of valuable time and energy. When I joined the net, I found him harassing 
Muniini Mulera on the Uganda North American body. The latter tried to deal with 
the issue in an honest and straightforward manner but Mulindwa was bent on 
personal attacks. Muniini thought that if he continued with that exchange, 
people might not see the difference between the two of them so he permanently 
ignored Mulindwa. The others were, at various times, Kasangwawo, Musamize, 
Ssenyange, Mujungu, and later, myself. All of us left because of his 

You wondered about Mulindwa's origins. Here is a 2005 e-mail I have kept for 
such purposes. It might give you some insights.

- Original Message - 
From: Johnson Mujungu
To: Edward Mulindwa ; ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Cc: Florence Namutebi
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:52 PM
Mr. Edward Mulindwa;
You were a member of the Toronto branch of the NRM during the war in Luwero.  
As such you were one of those who installed the NRM government in power, having 
promoted its interests  here in Canada during the early 80s.  
To refresh your memory, the   Chairman of the Toronto branch between 1984 and 
1986 was Mr. George   Bakulu Mpagi Wamala, for whom you, Mr. Mulindwa,  acted 
as an aide/driver  of sorts.  Some of the other NRM members who were  your 
colleagues in the NRM [Toronto] included:  Mr. James Mukooza,  Mr. Daudi 
Kavuma, Mrs. Violet Kakonge, Mr. Daudi Ndiwalana, Dr. Muniini Mulera, Mr. 
Samwiri Rugundu, Mr. Robert Tibagwa and Mr. Benedict Ssenyonjo.   
After taking interest in knowing about you, I have been amazed that whenever I 
ask a few of them about you, and others who have lived in Toronto for over 20 
years, they invariably react by simply laughing and saying Mulindwa should be 
left alone.
What else can they say about a man who was a very passionate supporter of the 
NRM and a passionate critic of the Obote II regime but now pretends not to have 
had anything to do with the NRM? One of them says that you, Mr. Mulindwa, are 
good at betraying friends and denying your links with your past. 
For example, Mr. Wamala, who had been posted to the UN as Ambassador, died in 
mid-1986 before taking up his post.  Not long after Mr. Wamala's death, you, 
Mr. Mulindwa, told a meeting held at the home of the Rehmanis in Scarborough 
that Bakulumpagi Wamala had received funding from some organizations such as 
AMREF and Bata and had spent it on personal needs.  
People noted that Wamala was dead and unable to defend himself.  The widow, 
Florence, who survived her husband for over ten years never wanted to
hear the name Mulindwa after that.  Looks like you can run, Mr. Mulindwa, but 
you cannot hide from your past. The funny thing is that it is not necessary to 
pretend that you had nothing to do with the NRM. Unless of course we are 
supposed to assume that you were just a spy in the NRM Toronto branch.  
Now Mr. Mulindwa, back to the beginning of this thread lest we lose focus on 
the issue at hand, donating to the Besigye defense fund. With Yoweri Museveni, 
Uganda is in anarchy, what has happened to Kizza Besigye could happen to 
anyone of us. 
So be concerned my friend. Help defend Besigye 
1- Youcan download the Besigye Poster at . It has details 
of a bank account in Kampala. 
2- The US FDC International Envoy, Dr. Joe Angole  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), and 
your immediate local Chapter leadership will no doubt gladly oblige 
3- FDC Canada International  Envoy, Dr. Muniini Murela ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), 
Toronto Chapter's   Treasurer Stella Sight ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and the local 
chapters near where you live would all savor the moment. 
4- You can also use the contacts list at  
All the best!
Johnson Mujungu

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: David Nyende ; The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Mr. Nyende,

  What I will say is, when good men and women fold their hands over the 
problems in their country, idiots take over and pat themselves on the back, 
believeing they are the ones who know better even when everything they delude 
themselves they know are all idiotic!

  Ugandans must be meticulous in moving the country forward. As we speak, the 
country is a waste land. There are absolutely no productivities going on in the 
country. In Buganda where there should have been tons and tons of Bananas, 
coffee, various fruits, plust what nots, almost nothing is being produced. 
Coffee trees of the fifties sixties are still being harvested today, even when 
their yield have diminished greatly. No new coffee

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-18 Thread Edward Mulindwa
The problem is that when you leave these people to go on with their sermon 
they come back and lie that they were duped. We have thousands of them that 
were singing for Museveni giving us the same nonsense. Having said that, 
your advice has been taken into consideration and I have closed this file 
for I think I have given him the important information he claimed not to 
know. Let society judge him. I am done with him..


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
From: Mwirima Byaruhanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

usually, great minds (and the not-so-great ones too) tend to think alike.

ocii, i say you sound like you ran out of mental rehab.

edward, dont you have better things to do with your time than respond to
ocii's nonsense?


ocii wrote thus on 18/07/2007 10:17:

You are so dense and stupid beyond belief; to Hitler, you would have
qualified unoppose for his specialist pysicians, if not his
executioners. Who said idiots are useful for a country like Uganda?

What is part yourself in the back? On second, that maybe what you
need to do - part your back from yourself! You will be helped greatly
by doing so. Hitler's physicians have the tools!

And what is idiocracy? And you have the audacity to even ridicule
Sebaggala, like a monkey laughing at his partner's tail! Why don't you
just shut up like I do since I know I am not well verse in the english
language, instead of attacking individuals like Sebaggala?

With such level of stupidity, there must be dertermination to see your
back out the window from any Uganda govt to come. You think this is a
joke, continue parading your idiocy! Uganda, I am sure, need
intelligent people in govt for it to be moved forward. My pen will cut
you into pieces noting your idiocy that is so far unparalleled!

Obviously what I write is not for you, for you understand nothing out
of it; and you are better off stay well away of the way. Overlook
that, and keep parading you imbecility, and you have my resolve to
teach you a lesson you will never forget!

Grasshoppers are crooks like you, who, having been rejected assylum in
Britain, ran to canada, under a differnt name, where finally you are
saved. Tell us, what were you doing in Uganda before running to
Britain, and then to Canada? What were you doing? Inquiring mind would
like to know!

The header of this thread is MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania!
Do you understand it or no?

If you don't understand what I write, do yourself good and stay away
from it.


Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any 


Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-18 Thread ocii
Madam Mwirima,
  I have already told you a couple of times to just shut up. You ain't got the 
brain; your brain seems has been eaten by insects!
  Rehab. is most definitely your home judging from you one or two liners! If 
you have the balls why don't you come swinging? I would like to see your 
intelligence or just keep zeep!

Mwirima Byaruhanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  usually, great minds (and the not-so-great ones too) tend to think alike.

ocii, i say you sound like you ran out of mental rehab.

edward, dont you have better things to do with your time than respond to
ocii's nonsense?


ocii wrote thus on 18/07/2007 10:17:
 You are so dense and stupid beyond belief; to Hitler, you would have
 qualified unoppose for his specialist pysicians, if not his
 executioners. Who said idiots are useful for a country like Uganda?
 What is part yourself in the back? On second, that maybe what you
 need to do - part your back from yourself! You will be helped greatly
 by doing so. Hitler's physicians have the tools!
 And what is idiocracy? And you have the audacity to even ridicule
 Sebaggala, like a monkey laughing at his partner's tail! Why don't you
 just shut up like I do since I know I am not well verse in the english
 language, instead of attacking individuals like Sebaggala?
 With such level of stupidity, there must be dertermination to see your
 back out the window from any Uganda govt to come. You think this is a
 joke, continue parading your idiocy! Uganda, I am sure, need
 intelligent people in govt for it to be moved forward. My pen will cut
 you into pieces noting your idiocy that is so far unparalleled!
 Obviously what I write is not for you, for you understand nothing out
 of it; and you are better off stay well away of the way. Overlook
 that, and keep parading you imbecility, and you have my resolve to
 teach you a lesson you will never forget!
 Grasshoppers are crooks like you, who, having been rejected assylum in
 Britain, ran to canada, under a differnt name, where finally you are
 saved. Tell us, what were you doing in Uganda before running to
 Britain, and then to Canada? What were you doing? Inquiring mind would
 like to know!
 The header of this thread is MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania!
 Do you understand it or no?
 If you don't understand what I write, do yourself good and stay away
 from it.
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

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Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

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Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-18 Thread Mwirima Byaruhanga
ocii wrote thus on 18/07/2007 16:34:
 Madam Mwirima,
 I have already told you a couple of times to just shut up. You ain't 
 got the brain; your brain seems has been eaten by insects!

 interesting to see and know that you cannot write anything
 sensible other than profanities.

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-17 Thread David Nyende
I must give it to you Bwana Ocii. Mulindwa has at last met his match. Keep it 
up brother. We are with you on this one.


- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 5:05 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania


  Like I say, you are simply a non visionary and an idiot, take it or leave it. 
Did you not tell us here that you can vote for Museveni anytime? And who is 
Mu7? Is he not a Rwandese whose mother brought him to Uganda while running away 
from the chaos of Rwanda, a refugee? Now you are claiming that Dr. Besigye is 
Rwandese, after running out of reasons to defame the guy. 

  By God this is the first time I am hearing this nonsense that Dr. Besigye is 
a Rwandese! Isn't Dr. Besigye a Mukiga? Okay, if Dr. Besigye is Rwandese, so 
what? Was Amin a Ugandan? Some say he wasn't. Is Mu7 a Ugandan? NO!, he is not. 
Why then did late Dr. Obote recruited these people into his first 
administration? Mu7 was even working in Obote's office! Amin was a high ranking 
officer despite the fact that all these people were not Ugandans! Why? Because 
Dr. Obote was looking at the bigger picture: Africanity! But here we have 
Mulindwa, having a personal bone to chew with Dr. Besigye, is trying to involve 
the whole nation! If you have your personal problem with Dr. Besigye, that 
entirely is your own problem! 

  First, it was that the Besigyes were cautioned about supporting Mu7. That 
fell through for it could not stand the test of criticism. Then, it was that 
the Besigyes have not diclosed any new info on who killed who, like who killed 
Kayira. That too fell through, for it could not stand the test of criticism. 
Then came, the Besigyes are the one who crafted the policies that has so far 
kept the NRA/M in power for all these twenty years! That too fell through! For 
it was hogwash. Now the Besigyes are Rwandese!! 

  You know what, I really care less whether the Besigyes are Rwandese or not. 
As someone who look beyond parochial politics, I really care less whether 
Besigye is from mars!! All I care about is a system that caters for Ugandans as 
a people. Ugandans have every right over their resources and must own it 100%. 
Any innuendos to alienate Ugandans from owning their resources: land, forest, 
water, oil and gas, you name it; keeping their children out of schools; herd 
them in concentration camps, et ceterra, must be fought! Period. The NRA/M of 
which the leader, Mu7, you can vote for anytime, is doing exactly all these 

  Like I said before, just butt out if you don't know what you are doing.


  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The most important issue today in Uganda is bringing about transformation. 

One of the very many reasons that Uganda has been abandoned this much is 
because Ugandans allowed the Rwandese to lead it. That is why they have sold 
every single thing with out a single care about it. They do not have 
nationalism for Uganda is not their country. My dear fellow Ugandan, why are 
you pleading for another Rwandese to again lead Uganda?  Uganda has a 
population of about 30 Million people, give or take, do we seriously need Dr. 
Kiiza Besigye a Rwandese to bring a transformation into our nation? Second 
question, I know you are a member of some Rwandese forums, have you read any 
where that Rwandese are pleading for Ugandans to lead their nation? So we are 
getting Besigye a Rwandese and we get another Rwandese calling him self Mugisha 
Muntu although his right name is Mugisha Muntunyera to lead us for Ocii is 
pleading for them.

Have we reached a time to publicly state that we can not find leadership 
from with in our selves as Ugandans?


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 8:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Mulindwa just write the way you do always. Intellectualism is not your 
cap of tea.  Any attempts to do so merely make the entire of your write-ups 
just sound idiotic! 

  Back to the issue. It seems you are only fixated on extracting some 
information from the Besigyes. Do you get paid for doing so? You must be a very 
silly informer. You don't have the intelligence needed to extract those 
information. Go to school and learn a little more about spys and intelligent 
operatives to know a lot more. In Canada where you supposedly live, it, the 
organization, is callled CSIS.

  There are many Ugandans who have killed other fellow citizens. If we must 
begin to find out about them, I doubt very much if you yourself will be spared

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-16 Thread Okuto del Coli
 I am not in the mood to to join you guys, but, HAVING LOST TWO GENERAL 
ELECTIONS (two mandates running almost a decade), why does not your Bwesigye 
man step down for winged freshers? Are there no others capable enough? Goddy, 
for example?! O.K., stepping down (rd. accepting reality/ inability) is the 
pest an African politician will never associate with no matter what!!--- On Mon 
07/16, Edward Mulindwa lt; [EMAIL PROTECTED] gt; wrote:
From: Edward Mulindwa [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Mon, 16 
Jul 2007 00:31:44 -0400Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in 

Ocii I would like to state that this is going to be my last discussion with you 
on your so called strategy. You think by calling us idiots, you are therefore 
not an idiot or a moron? What any body who cares to analyze from the verbiage 
you penned below is a typical example of an opportunist, who full of vain glory 
believes those he claims he wants to use do not see where he is trying to take 
them. That you have such pedestal view about politics is even mind boggling. 
You really believe that Besigye will allow an opportunist like you to write his 
political agenda for him?
What information does your associating with Besigye been released to you that 
you did not already know? Have you ever had of that term in sociology called 
participatory observation? It used to be one of the ways used to extract vital 
information from people who are suspects but the investigators could not put a 
finger to where their involvement fits in. An Investigator would then go and 
live with this suspect and in case they are of different gender even get 
married to in need be.This was to build trust and have the suspect opening up 
all the secrets they have. Little, then did people know that the Stockholm 
Syndrome eventually sets in and the investigator becomes part and parcel of the 
suspects' life. That is a cause lost. When Museveni and Besigyes' came in, do 
you remember the number of DP national executives who were in the cabinet? What 
was their remit? They claimed they were there to balance and help make 
Museveni's government a more acceptable government.  In 1995/1996
when Paul Kawanga Ssemwogerere left the Mut Junta, except those executive 
members who had either passed on or been dropped in previous reshuffles, how 
many of his then executive did he leave with? As a self confessed non 
idiot/moron and a strategizer, surmise that yourself. One philosopher once 
said Wise People learn from the Experience of Others, BUT FOOLS, never learn 
Even from their Own Experience. If you are what you claim and confess you are, 
I think this will help you.I end by quoting another of those anecdotes 
attributed to the former US defense Secretary Donald Rumsfedt To Every 
Problem,There is Usually a Very Simple and Straight Forward Solution, which 
Turns out to be The Wrongs Solution to that Problem. With that,Ocii, I rest my 
case as I leave you with your Strategies. This discussion is comprehensively 
closed. EmToronto  The Mulindwas Communication GroupWith Yoweri Museveni, 
Uganda is in anarchyGroupe de communication Mulindwas avec Yoweri 
Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message - From: ocii To: The First Virtual Network for 
friends of Uganda Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 1:01 PMSubject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs 
probe Museveni schools in TanzaniaMulindwa,  If you can not realise the 
ridiculouness of your arguments then there is no reason to wonder why the NRA/M 
system is still in power upto today. People like you, who know nothing of 
strategic importance are doing the country evil, to maintain the NRA/M system 
in power by all means, fighting nothing yet pontificate they are seriously 
engaged in a struggle to oust the NRA/M government from power! Dr. Besigye has 
rebelled agianst the system he once supported. He is not the only person who, 
having been in a system many proclaimed is wrong, rebelled against it; a system 
he once faught for, putting his life on the line to defend come hell or high 
water! There are many politicans like that, including even in Canada where you 
supposedly live! The only difference is that within the canadian 
political system, not many wrongs are done like they are in Africa generally, 
and Uganda in particular. As a result, what do parties do when a member crossed 
the floor and joined a different party in canada? The party that the politican 
who crossed the floor to join, would simply welcome the member, work with him 
to bring the other party to its knee! This is called strategic politics! Does 
this mean the party would not have some bones to chew with the new member? 
Obviously not! But what is of serious importance is to secure their 
overwhelming victory first, to be able to promulgate the kind of law or 
constitution that would make preponderance, their vision. Strategy, strategy, 
strategy, punks!!! God, you guys are s dense!! What you

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-16 Thread ocii
: Sunday, July 15, 2007 1:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  If you can not realise the ridiculouness of your arguments then there is no 
reason to wonder why the NRA/M system is still in power upto today. People like 
you, who know nothing of strategic importance are doing the country evil, to 
maintain the NRA/M system in power by all means, fighting nothing yet 
pontificate they are seriously engaged in a struggle to oust the NRA/M 
government from power!
  Dr. Besigye has rebelled agianst the system he once supported. He is not the 
only person who, having been in a system many proclaimed is wrong, rebelled 
against it; a system he once faught for, putting his life on the line to defend 
come hell or high water! There are many politicans like that, including even in 
Canada where you supposedly live! The only difference is that within the 
canadian political system, not many wrongs are done like they are in Africa 
generally, and Uganda in particular. As a result, what do parties do when a 
member crossed the floor and joined a different party in canada? The party that 
the politican who crossed the floor to join, would simply welcome the member, 
work with him to bring the other party to its knee! This is called strategic 
politics! Does this mean the party would not have some bones to chew with the 
new member? Obviously not! But what is of serious importance is to secure their 
overwhelming victory first, to be able to promulgate
 the kind of law or constitution that would make preponderance, their vision. 
Strategy, strategy, strategy, punks!!! God, you guys are s dense!!
  What you are railing about Mulindwa, is pure nonsense and a demonstration of 
stupidity at its hight! The Besigyes joined the NRA/M way back several years 
ago, when they were still University students. To expect them then to listen to 
other parties' messages cautioning Ugandans on UPM, transformed to NRA/M, when 
you know darn well that the political foundation of the movement system rests 
on hate toward Northerners and Easterners, a polarizing politics designed to 
gunner support in the South and west, is simply moronic!! Hold especially an 
older person like Eriya Kategaya for not listening to cautions not to support 
the NRA/M, and I would say well, you have a point. But even then, such grieve 
would not make sense. Why? Because Eriya Kategaya grew up together with 
Museveni; they therefore knew what they were upto when they launched the 
guerilla movement! 
  Mu7 galvanized Westerners and Southerners by wipping the anti-Northern and 
anti-Eastern Ugandans political messages! Many Ugandans from these regions 
(West and South) fell for it; if old adults could fall for Mu7's messages then, 
what about Makerere students who hail from those areas? In the process of the 
liberation from Northerners and Easterners, some of these Mu7's followers 
went ahead and committed very serious crimes in the North and East of the 
country to the point, they cannot see themselves surviving under any system 
different from the NRA/M. Why do you think Besigye was not elected in his own 
constituency? Is it because Besigye's people think he is evil, one who 
masterminded the establishement of the NRA/M, you would like us to believe? If 
so, why is it not that the same people in that region of the country voted 
overwhelmingly for a different party, say like UPC or DP, other than the NRA/M 
if they do not think highly of the FDC? 
  Mulindwa, if you are still failing to think correctly, let me think for you. 
The reason westerners still vote overwhelmingly for NRA/M and not FDC, is 
because: 1). They are looking at Uganda politics from the movement political 
looking glass: North/East vs. South/West! As a result they could not vote for 
the Besigyes for, in their political camera, the Besigyes are traitors! Period. 
You on the other hand, who should have been quick on your feet, to welcome the 
Besigyes to craft solutions for speedy downfall of the NRA/M, now that there 
are rebels in their rank, is busy demonstrating political buffoonery, attacking 
Besigye for he did not listen to UPC cautions to Ugandans not to support the 
NRA/M way back in the early 80s 20 solid years later!! Make sense to you?? 
  The Besigyes supporting NRA/M is a done deal Mulindwa; like a spilled milk. 
It is a done deal!! You cannot keep wailing over it day in day out. For how 
long are you going to keep wailing over this, knowing fully some of these 
people joined the NRA/M in their University days? For another 20 more years 
while the UPC on the other hand is engaged in much ado about nothing, save 
releaseing useless Press Releases weekly? You fools cannot be serious Mulindwa! 
  Never ever rant over a spilled milk incessantly if you ever must move 
forward! Strategize, and this is the message I have been passing to readers, 
but you and your sidekick, Matek are stuck in a rut

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-16 Thread ocii
Huh, Noc1,
  Lets start with Mu7. He has been in power since 1986. Is there no other 
capable Ugandans, let say within the movement system for example, to take over 
the mantel?
  Your logic cannot past the test. Dr. Besigye has never led the country so he 
can still be given the opportunity to lead so long as he is committed a new 
form of governing. As simple as that!

Okuto del Coli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am not in the mood to to join you guys, but, HAVING LOST TWO 
GENERAL ELECTIONS (two mandates running almost a decade), why does not your 
Bwesigye man step down for winged freshers? Are there no others capable enough? 
Goddy, for example?! O.K., stepping down (rd. accepting reality/ inability) is 
the pest an African politician will never associate with no matter what!!

--- On Mon 07/16, Edward Mulindwa  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  From: Edward Mulindwa [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 00:31:44 -0400
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania


I would like to state that this is going to be my last discussion with you on 
your so called strategy. You think by calling us idiots, you are therefore not 
an idiot or a moron? What any body who cares to analyze from the verbiage you 
penned below is a typical example of an opportunist, who full of vain glory 
believes those he claims he wants to use do not see where he is trying to take 
them. That you have such pedestal view about politics is even mind boggling. 
You really believe that Besigye will allow an opportunist like you to write his 
political agenda for him?

What information does your associating with Besigye been released to you that 
you did not already know? Have you ever had of that term in sociology called 
participatory observation? It used to be one of the ways used to extract vital 
information from people who are suspects but the investigators could not put a 
finger to where their involvement fits in. An Investigator would then go and 
live with this suspect and in case they are of different gender even get 
married to in need be.This was to build trust and have the suspect opening up 
all the secrets they have. Little, then did people know that the Stockholm 
Syndrome eventually sets in and the investigator becomes part and parcel of the 
suspects' life. That is a cause lost. When Museveni and Besigyes' came in, do 
you remember the number of DP national executives who were in the cabinet? What 
was their remit? They claimed they were there to balance and help make 
Museveni's government a more acceptable government. 

In 1995/1996 when Paul Kawanga Ssemwogerere left the Mut Junta, except those 
executive members who had either passed on or been dropped in previous 
reshuffles, how many of his then executive did he leave with? As a self 
confessed non idiot/moron and a strategizer, surmise that yourself. One 
philosopher once said Wise People learn from the Experience of Others, BUT 
FOOLS, never learn Even from their Own Experience. If you are what you claim 
and confess you are, I think this will help you.
I end by quoting another of those anecdotes attributed to the former US defense 
Secretary Donald Rumsfedt To Every Problem,There is Usually a Very Simple and 
Straight Forward Solution, which Turns out to be The Wrongs Solution to that 
Problem. With that,Ocii, I rest my case as I leave you with your Strategies.

This discussion is comprehensively closed.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 1:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania


If you can not realise the ridiculouness of your arguments then there is no 
reason to wonder why the NRA/M system is still in power upto today. People like 
you, who know nothing of strategic importance are doing the country evil, to 
maintain the NRA/M system in power by all means, fighting nothing yet 
pontificate they are seriously engaged in a struggle to oust the NRA/M 
government from power!

Dr. Besigye has rebelled agianst the system he once supported. He is not the 
only person who, having been in a system many proclaimed is wrong, rebelled 
against it; a system he once faught for, putting his life on the line to defend 
come hell or high water! There are many politicans like that, including even in 
Canada where you supposedly live! The only difference is that within the 
canadian political system, not many wrongs are done like they are in Africa 
generally, and Uganda in particular. As a result, what do parties do when a 
member crossed the floor and joined a different party in canada? The party that 
the politican who crossed the floor to join, would simply welcome

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-16 Thread Edward Mulindwa

The most important issue today in Uganda is bringing about transformation. 

One of the very many reasons that Uganda has been abandoned this much is 
because Ugandans allowed the Rwandese to lead it. That is why they have sold 
every single thing with out a single care about it. They do not have 
nationalism for Uganda is not their country. My dear fellow Ugandan, why are 
you pleading for another Rwandese to again lead Uganda?  Uganda has a 
population of about 30 Million people, give or take, do we seriously need Dr. 
Kiiza Besigye a Rwandese to bring a transformation into our nation? Second 
question, I know you are a member of some Rwandese forums, have you read any 
where that Rwandese are pleading for Ugandans to lead their nation? So we are 
getting Besigye a Rwandese and we get another Rwandese calling him self Mugisha 
Muntu although his right name is Mugisha Muntunyera to lead us for Ocii is 
pleading for them.

Have we reached a time to publicly state that we can not find leadership from 
with in our selves as Ugandans?


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 8:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Mulindwa just write the way you do always. Intellectualism is not your cap of 
tea.  Any attempts to do so merely make the entire of your write-ups just sound 

  Back to the issue. It seems you are only fixated on extracting some 
information from the Besigyes. Do you get paid for doing so? You must be a very 
silly informer. You don't have the intelligence needed to extract those 
information. Go to school and learn a little more about spys and intelligent 
operatives to know a lot more. In Canada where you supposedly live, it, the 
organization, is callled CSIS.

  There are many Ugandans who have killed other fellow citizens. If we must 
begin to find out about them, I doubt very much if you yourself will be spared. 
Granted, personally I would like to see those whose hands are tainted with 
wananchi blood, brought to book, the proceedures to do so can not be so idiotic 
like you would like to pretend you can can bring it about. You simply cannot!. 

  The most important issue today in Uganda is bringing about transformation. 
The current movement system has proven the leadership are even more idiotic 
than the Okellos era. At least the Okellos did not go to school; they joined 
Uganda arm forces during the era of colonization, as young boys - without any 
kind of schooling. So, they cannot be blamed too much although they cannot 
escape blames entirely. But compared to the so called educated leaders in the 
country today, I do not see why the Besigyes cannot be granted the opportuny, 
in cahoot with right minded Ugandans who want change, to bring about just that, 

  Your ranting is meaningless, without vision, and has no whatsoever weight. It 
has been 20 years, and I seriously believe idiotic politics in the country 
needs to be laid to rest. The country must be moved; the people are suffering. 
So, either you get on board, or stay out of the way and let those determine to 
bring about change do it. The Chinese say a journey of 1000miles begins with a 
first step!

  The movement gurus have mis-stepped profoundly. They have lost their chance, 
and force is not going to help them. 


  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to state that this is going to be my last discussion with you 
on your so called strategy. You think by calling us idiots, you are therefore 
not an idiot or a moron? What any body who cares to analyze from the verbiage 
you penned below is a typical example of an opportunist, who full of vain glory 
believes those he claims he wants to use do not see where he is trying to take 
them. That you have such pedestal view about politics is even mind boggling. 
You really believe that Besigye will allow an opportunist like you to write his 
political agenda for him?

What information does your associating with Besigye been released to you 
that you did not already know? Have you ever had of that term in sociology 
called participatory observation? It used to be one of the ways used to extract 
vital information from people who are suspects but the investigators could not 
put a finger to where their involvement fits in. An Investigator would then go 
and live with this suspect and in case they are of different gender even get 
married to in need be.This was to build trust and have the suspect opening up 
all the secrets they have. Little, then did people know that the Stockholm 
Syndrome eventually sets in and the investigator becomes part and parcel of the 
suspects' life. That is a cause lost

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-16 Thread ocii
  Like I say, you are simply a non visionary and an idiot, take it or leave it. 
Did you not tell us here that you can vote for Museveni anytime? And who is 
Mu7? Is he not a Rwandese whose mother brought him to Uganda while running away 
from the chaos of Rwanda, a refugee? Now you are claiming that Dr. Besigye is 
Rwandese, after running out of reasons to defame the guy. 
  By God this is the first time I am hearing this nonsense that Dr. Besigye is 
a Rwandese! Isn't Dr. Besigye a Mukiga? Okay, if Dr. Besigye is Rwandese, so 
what? Was Amin a Ugandan? Some say he wasn't. Is Mu7 a Ugandan? NO!, he is not. 
Why then did late Dr. Obote recruited these people into his first 
administration? Mu7 was even working in Obote's office! Amin was a high ranking 
officer despite the fact that all these people were not Ugandans! Why? Because 
Dr. Obote was looking at the bigger picture: Africanity! But here we have 
Mulindwa, having a personal bone to chew with Dr. Besigye, is trying to involve 
the whole nation! If you have your personal problem with Dr. Besigye, that 
entirely is your own problem! 
  First, it was that the Besigyes were cautioned about supporting Mu7. That 
fell through for it could not stand the test of criticism. Then, it was that 
the Besigyes have not diclosed any new info on who killed who, like who killed 
Kayira. That too fell through, for it could not stand the test of criticism. 
Then came, the Besigyes are the one who crafted the policies that has so far 
kept the NRA/M in power for all these twenty years! That too fell through! For 
it was hogwash. Now the Besigyes are Rwandese!! 
  You know what, I really care less whether the Besigyes are Rwandese or not. 
As someone who look beyond parochial politics, I really care less whether 
Besigye is from mars!! All I care about is a system that caters for Ugandans as 
a people. Ugandans have every right over their resources and must own it 100%. 
Any innuendos to alienate Ugandans from owning their resources: land, forest, 
water, oil and gas, you name it; keeping their children out of schools; herd 
them in concentration camps, et ceterra, must be fought! Period. The NRA/M of 
which the leader, Mu7, you can vote for anytime, is doing exactly all these 
  Like I said before, just butt out if you don't know what you are doing.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The most important issue today in Uganda is bringing about transformation. 
  One of the very many reasons that Uganda has been abandoned this much is 
because Ugandans allowed the Rwandese to lead it. That is why they have sold 
every single thing with out a single care about it. They do not have 
nationalism for Uganda is not their country. My dear fellow Ugandan, why are 
you pleading for another Rwandese to again lead Uganda?  Uganda has a 
population of about 30 Million people, give or take, do we seriously need Dr. 
Kiiza Besigye a Rwandese to bring a transformation into our nation? Second 
question, I know you are a member of some Rwandese forums, have you read any 
where that Rwandese are pleading for Ugandans to lead their nation? So we are 
getting Besigye a Rwandese and we get another Rwandese calling him self Mugisha 
Muntu although his right name is Mugisha Muntunyera to lead us for Ocii is 
pleading for them.
  Have we reached a time to publicly state that we can not find leadership from 
with in our selves as Ugandans?
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 8:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Mulindwa just write the way you do always. Intellectualism is not your cap of 
tea.  Any attempts to do so merely make the entire of your write-ups just sound 
  Back to the issue. It seems you are only fixated on extracting some 
information from the Besigyes. Do you get paid for doing so? You must be a very 
silly informer. You don't have the intelligence needed to extract those 
information. Go to school and learn a little more about spys and intelligent 
operatives to know a lot more. In Canada where you supposedly live, it, the 
organization, is callled CSIS.
  There are many Ugandans who have killed other fellow citizens. If we must 
begin to find out about them, I doubt very much if you yourself will be spared. 
Granted, personally I would like to see those whose hands are tainted with 
wananchi blood, brought to book, the proceedures to do so can not be so idiotic 
like you would like to pretend you can can bring it about. You simply cannot!. 
  The most important issue today in Uganda is bringing about transformation. 
The current

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-15 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Let us forget the people murdered in Uganda that is not important and that is 
not going to be told by Besigye. Agreed. Let us talk bout corruption that 
Besigye has stated publicly, can you kindly state any detail that you have got 
from Besigye about the corruption in Uganda apart from generalities? What new 
information have you got from Besigye now that he is out of the Movement than 
you using your antidotal evidence that we all must keep quite for you know that 
he knows but he can not tell. Secondly there is a second very fundamental 
statement that Ugandans always make and they make it during an election. When 
we had an election that brought in Obote two, Yoweri Museveni went home and 
stood under an umbrella of UPM, the Ugandans that new Museveni than any of us 
refused to elect the man. The rest of the population of Uganda including Dr. 
Kiiza Besigye, failed to take that message and supported Museveni in the Luwero 
war, and this is the Museveni we got up to today. Had Ugandans including Dr. 
Kiiza Besigye listened to the voices of the Ugandans that knew Museveni, we 
would have not lost our country as we have lost it today.
It is very bizarre that Besigye has never stood on any ticket in any Uganda 
constituency to be elected, but we can wonder as well why the people of the 
entire Western Uganda that know this doctor better than you a Luo from Eastern 
Uganda, refused to elect their son's political party even in a single 
constituency. FDC has never won even a single constituency in Western Uganda 
and I do not see them winning one come 2011 either.

As we failed to follow the knowledge of Museveni's constituency one can marvel 
why we are failing to follow the knowledge of Dr Kiiza Besigye's constituency. 
And I can wonder what you are privy to about this man that his entire birth 
constituency failed to be privy to.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 10:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  You see, this is where you are either an idiot, or a silly informer. Besigye 
is not in power; he is done with the system. What Ugandans need is to rally the 
forces now jettisoning the movement system from their minds, due to their 
historical experiences, to galvanize the nation into a political force to bring 
about the much needed change, which of course is coming. 

  I asked you whether Besigye was in Tanzania when Ugandan refugees in that 
country invaded the country way back in the 70s, then under Amin. You cannot 
answer. I even quoted Dr. Obote on the ways of Mu7 whom you can vote for 
anytime. Have you laboured to defend him? Instead you are railing against Dr. 
Besigye, as to whether he made public who killed those you enumerated as having 
been killed! Kumi District, late Dr. Obote pointed out, was depopulated from a 
population of 350, 000 people in 1979 to 150, 000 people in 1990, going by the 
census result of that year. These people were not killed by Dr. Besigye, but by 
the system that he, Dr. Besigye has disagreed with. Why you even opine Dr. 
Besigye has nowhere to go but back to the movement system is quite idiotic at 
best. And the reason strategists can not and must never be duped by your silly 
and idiotic point of view. 

  Mulindwa you can not be smart! Do you in your right mind think Dr. Besigye, 
after rebelling against the system he ended up disagreeing with, would delve 
into releasing such information as to who killed who much too early? Assuming 
he knows who killed who, such information can never be release like it is a 
simple or matter of jokes! Even if you are one of those killers, of which Dr. 
Besigye is privy to such info, he is not going to point you Mulindwa from among 
the crowd like you are requesting he does, or just because he has abandoned the 
very system of which these people got killed under! Such are not simple 
matters. Dr. Besigye is not the system that these people got killed under. He 
is an individual who, having been in the system, has disagreed with it. The 
only best thing Ugandans who disagree with the system can do is receive the 
Besigyes with open arms to move the country forward. Uganda is not anybody's 
personal property. The sooner the movement bigwigs realise this the better, 
instead of Mu7 looting wananchi's wealth and siphoning it to Tanzania to build 
so called Mu7's schools; or looting 29billion Uganda shillings and giving it to 
the Madhvanis while Uganda children perish in camps; and many cannot even go to 
school because of poverty in their homes. 

  You are talking to adults here. There are people in camps meeting their 
deaths variously. I am sure the last thing they want is idiotic ranting. 


Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-15 Thread Edward Mulindwa

You know what frustrates? Is that the supporters of FDC are told the facts on 
the table and they simply refuse to take them because they always have a last 
card. They come back and state and I quote  We were duped End of quote. The 
very strength I am burning today to inform this man is the very same efforts 
many of us spent to inform these Ugandans about Museveni based on what we knew 
at a time. They simply refused to listen. That is why today I do not buy that 
we were duped nonsense from FDC supporters. And neither should any other 
Ugandan for they as my fellow Ugandan Ocii received all these information's but 
simply ignored it.

What a sad day.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: Matek Opoko 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 11:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Can I whisper a few words!

  You are making no  head way so to say...with this your argument.
  Indeed, many Intelligent Ugandans  here may rightly conclude  that you are 
engaged in some sort of  market argument   with a drunkard!

  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

With all due respect, D Kiiza Besigye left the Movement not on political 
grounds but because when he and the rest of Movmentists went to DRC to loot, 
they looted but Museveni's representatives cut out Besigye in the split of the 
loot. Besigye has absolutely no single problem with Museveni, that is why (a) 
You have never got any new information about Museveni from Besigye. For example 
has he told you who killed Andrew Kayiira even though he was the junior 
minister of internal affairs, who even Ssemogerere has publicly stated that he 
was handed the Kayiira's file? Has Besigye ever told you who killed our people 
for example the Ndeeba Doctor's village, The Dr Barlow's, the Kanungu 
massacres. Ocii what details have you got from this man claiming to have ran 
out of Museveni? In other wards how has Besigye's defection from the Movment 
helped you to understand the inner working of the Movement that you did not 
know when Besigye was still an insider? Which brings me to (b) Dr. Kiiza 
Besigye has no where to go but to join the Movement and get a job.

And trust me he will.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 8:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  You are dead wrong. 

  Its not Kigezi that can save Uganda but Ugandans. Kizza Besigye plus 
others who rebeled against the very system that recruited them to fight Mu7's 
war in Uganda realised after some years of politics grounded on hatred toward 
other Ugandans that that definitely is not the way for Uganda as a nation. 
Mu7's strategy is to kill off those he hate; that is why he concentrated in 
killing off his supposed opponents, using various means: scorched earth; 
combing; concentration camps etc, from the North and NorthEast of the 


  In March 1990, Museveni moved physically to Kumi District in the East 
and remained there for 18 days where he took command of his army against 
rebels. The war, which according to him, had ended was being prosecuted by 
him, some nine months later, with the greatest brutalities. The entire 
population of Kumi District or whatever number remained alive from previous 
massacres, have now been forced into concentration camps and Museveni is 
personally commanding his army in the destruction of homes and property. 
Considering that the population of Kumi (1979 census) was, in round figures 
350,000, the number of the entire population of the District which has not 
(1990) been herded in camps is extremely ominous. The number being given is 
150,000; that certainly can not be the entire population of Kumi. The missing 
200,000 and more appear to be of no interest or concern to those who have 
created walls to protect Museveni and conceal his genocide. Kumi is the 
District where on several previous occasions, the NRA rounded young men and had 
them burnt, gassed or starved to death in Railway wagons. The latest such deed 
was in July 1989. Museveni and his army have been engaged in the orgies of 
killings in this District like others in the North and East since 1986. Kumi 
like its Northern neighbors of Soroti and Lira was a cattle area. This time as 
the people went to concentration camps

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-15 Thread ocii
  If you can not realise the ridiculouness of your arguments then there is no 
reason to wonder why the NRA/M system is still in power upto today. People like 
you, who know nothing of strategic importance are doing the country evil, to 
maintain the NRA/M system in power by all means, fighting nothing yet 
pontificate they are seriously engaged in a struggle to oust the NRA/M 
government from power!
  Dr. Besigye has rebelled agianst the system he once supported. He is not the 
only person who, having been in a system many proclaimed is wrong, rebelled 
against it; a system he once faught for, putting his life on the line to defend 
come hell or high water! There are many politicans like that, including even in 
Canada where you supposedly live! The only difference is that within the 
canadian political system, not many wrongs are done like they are in Africa 
generally, and Uganda in particular. As a result, what do parties do when a 
member crossed the floor and joined a different party in canada? The party that 
the politican who crossed the floor to join, would simply welcome the member, 
work with him to bring the other party to its knee! This is called strategic 
politics! Does this mean the party would not have some bones to chew with the 
new member? Obviously not! But what is of serious importance is to secure their 
overwhelming victory first, to be able to promulgate
 the kind of law or constitution that would make preponderance, their vision. 
Strategy, strategy, strategy, punks!!! God, you guys are s dense!!
  What you are railing about Mulindwa, is pure nonsense and a demonstration of 
stupidity at its hight! The Besigyes joined the NRA/M way back several years 
ago, when they were still University students. To expect them then to listen to 
other parties' messages cautioning Ugandans on UPM, transformed to NRA/M, when 
you know darn well that the political foundation of the movement system rests 
on hate toward Northerners and Easterners, a polarizing politics designed to 
gunner support in the South and west, is simply moronic!! Hold especially an 
older person like Eriya Kategaya for not listening to cautions not to support 
the NRA/M, and I would say well, you have a point. But even then, such grieve 
would not make sense. Why? Because Eriya Kategaya grew up together with 
Museveni; they therefore knew what they were upto when they launched the 
guerilla movement! 
  Mu7 galvanized Westerners and Southerners by wipping the anti-Northern and 
anti-Eastern Ugandans political messages! Many Ugandans from these regions 
(West and South) fell for it; if old adults could fall for Mu7's messages then, 
what about Makerere students who hail from those areas? In the process of the 
liberation from Northerners and Easterners, some of these Mu7's followers 
went ahead and committed very serious crimes in the North and East of the 
country to the point, they cannot see themselves surviving under any system 
different from the NRA/M. Why do you think Besigye was not elected in his own 
constituency? Is it because Besigye's people think he is evil, one who 
masterminded the establishement of the NRA/M, you would like us to believe? If 
so, why is it not that the same people in that region of the country voted 
overwhelmingly for a different party, say like UPC or DP, other than the NRA/M 
if they do not think highly of the FDC? 
  Mulindwa, if you are still failing to think correctly, let me think for you. 
The reason westerners still vote overwhelmingly for NRA/M and not FDC, is 
because: 1). They are looking at Uganda politics from the movement political 
looking glass: North/East vs. South/West! As a result they could not vote for 
the Besigyes for, in their political camera, the Besigyes are traitors! Period. 
You on the other hand, who should have been quick on your feet, to welcome the 
Besigyes to craft solutions for speedy downfall of the NRA/M, now that there 
are rebels in their rank, is busy demonstrating political buffoonery, attacking 
Besigye for he did not listen to UPC cautions to Ugandans not to support the 
NRA/M way back in the early 80s 20 solid years later!! Make sense to you?? 
  The Besigyes supporting NRA/M is a done deal Mulindwa; like a spilled milk. 
It is a done deal!! You cannot keep wailing over it day in day out. For how 
long are you going to keep wailing over this, knowing fully some of these 
people joined the NRA/M in their University days? For another 20 more years 
while the UPC on the other hand is engaged in much ado about nothing, save 
releaseing useless Press Releases weekly? You fools cannot be serious Mulindwa! 
  Never ever rant over a spilled milk incessantly if you ever must move 
forward! Strategize, and this is the message I have been passing to readers, 
but you and your sidekick, Matek are stuck in a rut, hankering for UPC's 
tranquil government again!! Guest what, my friends, things have changed!! Dr. 

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-15 Thread Matek Opoko
That Culu Dr. Mwesigye rebelled against the NRMO of Yoweri Museveni..after he 
Mwesigye released he was duped by the NRM Military dictatorship to derail 
Ugandans political progress under the UPCII government, is indeed welcome...but 
then does that mean that now since Mwesigye had a change of heart, the people 
of Uganda must now honour him with a position of President of Uganda..? the 
answer is NO!!! period..

ocii [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mulindwa, 
  If you can not realise the ridiculouness of your arguments then there is no 
reason to wonder why the NRA/M system is still in power upto today. People like 
you, who know nothing of strategic importance are doing the country evil, to 
maintain the NRA/M system in power by all means, fighting nothing yet 
pontificate they are seriously engaged in a struggle to oust the NRA/M 
government from power!
  Dr. Besigye has rebelled agianst the system he once supported. He is not the 
only person who, having been in a system many proclaimed is wrong, rebelled 
against it; a system he once faught for, putting his life on the line to defend 
come hell or high water! There are many politicans like that, including even in 
Canada where you supposedly live! The only difference is that within the 
canadian political system, not many wrongs are done like they are in Africa 
generally, and Uganda in particular. As a  result, what do parties do when a 
member crossed the floor and joined a different party in canada? The party that 
the politican who crossed the floor to join, would simply welcome the member, 
work with him to bring the other party to its knee! This is called strategic 
politics! Does this mean the party would not have some bones to chew with the 
new member? Obviously not! But what is of serious importance is to secure their 
overwhelming victory first, to be able to promulgate
 the kind of law or constitution that would make preponderance, their vision. 
Strategy, strategy, strategy, punks!!! God, you guys are s dense!!
  What you are railing about Mulindwa, is pure nonsense and a demonstration of 
stupidity at its hight! The Besigyes joined the NRA/M way back several years 
ago, when they were still University students. To expect them then to listen to 
other parties' messages cautioning Ugandans on UPM, transformed to NRA/M, when 
you  know darn well that the political foundation of the movement system rests 
on hate toward Northerners and Easterners, a polarizing politics designed to 
gunner support in the South and west, is simply moronic!! Hold especially an 
older person like Eriya Kategaya for not listening to cautions not to support 
the NRA/M, and I would say well, you have a point. But even then, such grieve 
would not make sense. Why? Because Eriya Kategaya grew up together with 
Museveni; they therefore knew what they were upto when they launched the 
guerilla movement! 
  Mu7 galvanized Westerners and Southerners by wipping the anti-Northern and 
anti-Eastern Ugandans political messages! Many Ugandans from these regions 
(West and South) fell for it; if old adults could fall for Mu7's messages then, 
what about Makerere students who hail from those areas? In the process of the 
liberation from Northerners and Easterners,  some of these Mu7's followers 
went ahead and committed very serious crimes in the North and East of the 
country to the point, they cannot see themselves surviving under any system 
different from the NRA/M. Why do you think Besigye was not elected in his own 
constituency? Is it because Besigye's people think he is evil, one who 
masterminded the establishement of the NRA/M, you would like us to believe? If 
so, why is it not that the same people in that region of the country voted 
overwhelmingly for a different party, say like UPC or DP, other than the NRA/M 
if they do not think highly of the FDC? 
  Mulindwa, if you are still failing to think correctly, let me think for you. 
The reason westerners still vote overwhelmingly for NRA/M and not FDC, is 
because: 1). They are looking at Uganda politics from the movement political 
looking glass: North/East vs. South/West! As a result they could not vote for  
the Besigyes for, in their political camera, the Besigyes are traitors! Period. 
You on the other hand, who should have been quick on your feet, to welcome the 
Besigyes to craft solutions for speedy downfall of the NRA/M, now that there 
are rebels in their rank, is busy demonstrating political buffoonery, attacking 
Besigye for he did not listen to UPC cautions to Ugandans not to support the 
NRA/M way back in the early 80s 20 solid years later!! Make sense to you?? 
  The Besigyes supporting NRA/M is a done deal Mulindwa; like a spilled milk. 
It is a done deal!! You cannot keep wailing over it day in day out. For how 
long are you going to keep wailing over this, knowing fully some of these 
people joined the NRA/M in their University days? For another 20 more years 

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-15 Thread ocii
Come on now Matek, you are being ridiculous! You do have some thinking ability 
going for you but there are times when you just come across quite raw. 
  If all you are looking for is the presidency then obviously me and you do not 
see eye to eye on that. What is holding the presidency position with a system 
like the current NRA/M, or that of Amin of the 70s? 
  To me what informs my decision is a system, which was the very cornerstone of 
late Dr. Obote's leadership, that made him very popular in Uganda body 
politics, supported overwhelmingly by Ugandans all across the country. If late 
Dr. Obote was merely looking for the presidency do you think he would have 
gunnered support from all over the country? 
  The Culu Dr. Besigye did not run away from the NRA/M because he wanted to 
become the next president of the country; rather, from my limited knowledge, 
the man ran away because he disagreed with the system, and therefore was 
advocating for reform. Given the herd mentality in the NRA/M system rooted on 
hate towards other fellow Ugandans, reform from within was not possible. The 
man then rebelled!
  Based on his conviction to bring about change, if indeed he is in position to 
bring about change, why not work with him to bring that change about instead of 
hitting brick walls every year for the last 20 years?? Does it make sense to 
you that you keep on hitting brick walls for the next several years? By then 
even Miria Obote would be dead; all the other UPC bigwigs would be dead. And 
guess what will not be dead around you? Throngs of illiterate new generation of 
Ugandans being squated upon by foreigners: The Indians, Rwandese now schooling 
themselves on the back of Ugandan poor; the foreign investors now owning land 
and businesses in the country,  many many more!
  The Chinese say everything starts with a first step! UPC is not going to 
achieve anything if it refused to make that first step: Strategic cooperation, 
with an eye on the much bigger change you and Mulindwa are dreaming of!
  Wake up now Matek, or never in your lifetime. 

Matek Opoko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That Culu Dr. Mwesigye rebelled against the NRMO of Yoweri Museveni..after he 
Mwesigye released he was duped by the NRM Military dictatorship to derail 
Ugandans political progress under the UPCII government, is indeed welcome...but 
then does that mean that now since Mwesigye had a change of heart, the people 
of Uganda must now honour him with a position of President of Uganda..? the 
answer is NO!!! period..

ocii [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Mulindwa, 
  If you can not realise the ridiculouness of your arguments then there is no 
reason to wonder why the NRA/M system is still in power upto today. People like 
you, who know nothing of strategic importance are doing the country evil, to 
maintain the NRA/M system in power by all means, fighting nothing yet 
pontificate they are seriously engaged in a struggle to oust the NRA/M 
government from power!
  Dr. Besigye has rebelled agianst the system he once supported. He is not the 
only person who, having been in a system many proclaimed is wrong, rebelled 
against it; a system he once faught for, putting his life on the line to defend 
come hell or high water! There are many politicans like that, including even in 
Canada where you supposedly live! The only difference is that within the 
canadian political system, not many wrongs are done like they are in Africa 
generally, and Uganda in particular. As a result, what do parties do when a 
member crossed the floor and joined a different party in canada? The party that 
the politican who crossed the floor to join, would simply welcome the member, 
work with him to bring the other party to its knee! This is called strategic 
politics! Does this mean the party would not have some bones to chew with the 
new member? Obviously not! But what is of serious importance is to secure their 
overwhelming victory first, to be able to promulgate
 the kind of law or constitution that would make preponderance, their vision. 
Strategy, strategy, strategy, punks!!! God, you guys are s dense!!
  What you are railing about Mulindwa, is pure nonsense and a demonstration of 
stupidity at its hight! The Besigyes joined the NRA/M way back several years 
ago, when they were still University students. To expect them then to listen to 
other parties' messages cautioning Ugandans on UPM, transformed to NRA/M, when 
you know darn well that the political foundation of the movement system rests 
on hate toward Northerners and Easterners, a polarizing politics designed to 
gunner support in the South and west, is simply moronic!! Hold especially an 
older person like Eriya Kategaya for not listening to cautions not to support 
the NRA/M, and I would say well, you have a point. But even then, such grieve 
would not make sense. Why? Because Eriya Kategaya grew up together with 
Museveni; they 

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-15 Thread Edward Mulindwa

I would like to state that this is going to be my last discussion with you on 
your so called strategy. You think by calling us idiots, you are therefore not 
an idiot or a moron? What any body who cares to analyze from the verbiage you 
penned below is a typical example of an opportunist, who full of vain glory 
believes those he claims he wants to use do not see where he is trying to take 
them. That you have such pedestal view about politics is even mind boggling. 
You really believe that Besigye will allow an opportunist like you to write his 
political agenda for him?

What information does your associating with Besigye been released to you that 
you did not already know? Have you ever had of that term in sociology called 
participatory observation? It used to be one of the ways used to extract vital 
information from people who are suspects but the investigators could not put a 
finger to where their involvement fits in. An Investigator would then go and 
live with this suspect and in case they are of different gender even get 
married to in need be.This was to build trust and have the suspect opening up 
all the secrets they have. Little, then did people know that the Stockholm 
Syndrome eventually sets in and the investigator becomes part and parcel of the 
suspects' life. That is a cause lost. When Museveni and Besigyes' came in, do 
you remember the number of DP national executives who were in the cabinet? What 
was their remit? They claimed they were there to balance and help make 
Museveni's government a more acceptable government. 

In 1995/1996 when Paul Kawanga Ssemwogerere left the Mut Junta, except those 
executive members who had either passed on or been dropped in previous 
reshuffles, how many of his then executive did he leave with? As a self 
confessed non idiot/moron and a strategizer, surmise that yourself. One 
philosopher once said Wise People learn from the Experience of Others, BUT 
FOOLS, never learn Even from their Own Experience. If you are what you claim 
and confess you are, I think this will help you.
I end by quoting another of those anecdotes attributed to the former US defense 
Secretary Donald Rumsfedt To Every Problem,There is Usually a Very Simple and 
Straight Forward Solution, which Turns out to be The Wrongs Solution to that 
Problem. With that,Ocii, I rest my case as I leave you with your Strategies.

This discussion is comprehensively closed.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 1:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania


  If you can not realise the ridiculouness of your arguments then there is no 
reason to wonder why the NRA/M system is still in power upto today. People like 
you, who know nothing of strategic importance are doing the country evil, to 
maintain the NRA/M system in power by all means, fighting nothing yet 
pontificate they are seriously engaged in a struggle to oust the NRA/M 
government from power!

  Dr. Besigye has rebelled agianst the system he once supported. He is not the 
only person who, having been in a system many proclaimed is wrong, rebelled 
against it; a system he once faught for, putting his life on the line to defend 
come hell or high water! There are many politicans like that, including even in 
Canada where you supposedly live! The only difference is that within the 
canadian political system, not many wrongs are done like they are in Africa 
generally, and Uganda in particular. As a result, what do parties do when a 
member crossed the floor and joined a different party in canada? The party that 
the politican who crossed the floor to join, would simply welcome the member, 
work with him to bring the other party to its knee! This is called strategic 
politics! Does this mean the party would not have some bones to chew with the 
new member? Obviously not! But what is of serious importance is to secure their 
overwhelming victory first, to be able to promulgate the kind of law or 
constitution that would make preponderance, their vision. Strategy, strategy, 
strategy, punks!!! God, you guys are s dense!!

  What you are railing about Mulindwa, is pure nonsense and a demonstration of 
stupidity at its hight! The Besigyes joined the NRA/M way back several years 
ago, when they were still University students. To expect them then to listen to 
other parties' messages cautioning Ugandans on UPM, transformed to NRA/M, when 
you know darn well that the political foundation of the movement system rests 
on hate toward Northerners and Easterners, a polarizing politics designed to 
gunner support in the South and west, is simply moronic!! Hold especially an 
older person like Eriya Kategaya

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-14 Thread Mwirima Byaruhanga

dont be on the offensive.

that style of writting usually tells a few things:

- you cannot relay your message eloquently in real life
  and choose to 'hide behind email'
- you fear to be challenged.
- you do not know how to win an argument peacefully.

either way, as Edward says, your abusive writting style tells much about
who you really are.


ocii wrote thus on 14/07/2007 05:50:
 You most definitely have difficulties reading or understanding what is
 written. What part of butt out don't you understand? Are you still
 stuck in kindergarten or you are merely a case of an inferior Ugandan
 who strive strenuously to appear one who know english language so
 I can write english in any form I chose; it is not my mother tongue.
 Is that just about clear?
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-14 Thread ocii
So? You got a problem with who I am?
  And why are you hiding under some Mwirima Byaruhanga on the internent like 
everyone else? Come out and let us see. Until then, just shut up!, for you know 
very little.

Mwirima Byaruhanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dont be on the offensive.

that style of writting usually tells a few things:

- you cannot relay your message eloquently in real life
and choose to 'hide behind email'
- you fear to be challenged.
- you do not know how to win an argument peacefully.

either way, as Edward says, your abusive writting style tells much about
who you really are.


ocii wrote thus on 14/07/2007 05:50:
 You most definitely have difficulties reading or understanding what is
 written. What part of butt out don't you understand? Are you still
 stuck in kindergarten or you are merely a case of an inferior Ugandan
 who strive strenuously to appear one who know english language so
 I can write english in any form I chose; it is not my mother tongue.
 Is that just about clear?
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

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Get news delivered. Enjoy RSS feeds right on your Mail page.___
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

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attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-14 Thread Edward Mulindwa
One of the reasons FDC has failed so miserably is a total failure of 
communication, and this has been witnessed from rally to demonstrations to 
forums. For some reason, they consider them selves to know better than any 
other Ugandan creature, a very reason they claim Uganda's salvation to come 
from Kigezi. And that is not the first time major development to have come from 
Kigezi, let us remember that it was the old men of Kigezi that advised Iddi 
Amin to be a life president, as it was Kigezi which elected Museveni at 99% to 
the Kigezi Generals being able to throw Museveni out.

With out Kigezi there seem to be no Uganda.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 6:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  So? You got a problem with who I am?

  And why are you hiding under some Mwirima Byaruhanga on the internent like 
everyone else? Come out and let us see. Until then, just shut up!, for you know 
very little.


  Mwirima Byaruhanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dont be on the offensive.

that style of writting usually tells a few things:

- you cannot relay your message eloquently in real life
and choose to 'hide behind email'
- you fear to be challenged.
- you do not know how to win an argument peacefully.

either way, as Edward says, your abusive writting style tells much about
who you really are.


ocii wrote thus on 14/07/2007 05:50:
 You most definitely have difficulties reading or understanding what is
 written. What part of butt out don't you understand? Are you still
 stuck in kindergarten or you are merely a case of an inferior Ugandan
 who strive strenuously to appear one who know english language so
 I can write english in any form I chose; it is not my mother tongue.
 Is that just about clear?
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

  All new Yahoo! Mail 
  Get news delivered. Enjoy RSS feeds right on your Mail page.


  Ugandanet mailing list
  % UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

  The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-14 Thread ocii
You are dead wrong. 
  Its not Kigezi that can save Uganda but Ugandans. Kizza Besigye plus others 
who rebeled against the very system that recruited them to fight Mu7's war in 
Uganda realised after some years of politics grounded on hatred toward other 
Ugandans that that definitely is not the way for Uganda as a nation. Mu7's 
strategy is to kill off those he hate; that is why he concentrated in killing 
off his supposed opponents, using various means: scorched earth; combing; 
concentration camps etc, from the North and NorthEast of the country! 
  Late Apollo Milton Obote on THE CONCEALMENT OF GENOCIDE IN UGANDA, wrote:
  In March 1990, Museveni moved physically to Kumi District in the East and 
remained there for 18 days where he took command of his army against rebels. 
The war, which according to him, had ended was being prosecuted by him, some 
nine months later, with the greatest brutalities. The entire population of Kumi 
District or whatever number remained alive from previous massacres, have now 
been forced into concentration camps and Museveni is personally commanding his 
army in the destruction of homes and property. Considering that the population 
of Kumi (1979 census) was, in round figures 350,000, the number of the entire 
population of the District which has not (1990) been herded in camps is 
extremely ominous. The number being given is 150,000; that certainly can not be 
the entire population of Kumi. The missing 200,000 and more appear to be of no 
interest or concern to those who have created walls to protect Museveni and 
conceal his genocide. Kumi is the District where on
 several previous occasions, the NRA rounded young men and had them burnt, 
gassed or starved to death in Railway wagons. The latest such deed was in July 
1989. Museveni and his army have been engaged in the orgies of killings in this 
District like others in the North and East since 1986. Kumi like its Northern 
neighbors of Soroti and Lira was a cattle area. This time as the people went to 
concentration camps, there was no cattle at all in the villages; the animals in 
Kumi are to be found in the NRA barracks; which is also the case in the 
Districts of Soroti, Lira, Apac, Kitgum and Gulu.
  Depopulation strategy. 
  Now, Dr. Besigye realised this about ten years ago and rebeled, while you 
Mulindwa openly states: I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to 
craft the Movement policies this good to be effective for twenty years, I 
surely would vote for Museveni than Kiiza Besigye any time. What you forget so 
quickly is that when Ugandans invaded the country from Tanzania way back in the 
early 70s to remove Amin, many Ugandan invaders perished not in the hands of 
Amin's soldiers! But in the hand of you know who..! Read Dr. Obote's 
writings to know more. 
  My question to you: Was Dr. Besigye among those who invaded Uganda from 
Tanzania to remove Amin? If Dr. Besigye was indeed among these guerilla troops 
of which eventually many perished but not in the hands of Amin's soldiers, then 
sure Dr. Besigye is a dangerous guy who crafted the policy to liquidate these 
guerilla men and woman. However, if Dr. Besigye was not among these men then 
you need to stop playing with adults here in this forum.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  One of the reasons FDC has failed so miserably is a total failure of 
communication, and this has been witnessed from rally to demonstrations to 
forums. For some reason, they consider them selves to know better than any 
other Ugandan creature, a very reason they claim Uganda's salvation to come 
from Kigezi. And that is not the first time major development to have come from 
Kigezi, let us remember that it was the old men of Kigezi that advised Iddi 
Amin to be a life president, as it was Kigezi which elected Museveni at 99% to 
the Kigezi Generals being able to throw Museveni out.
  With out Kigezi there seem to be no Uganda.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 6:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  So? You got a problem with who I am?
  And why are you hiding under some Mwirima Byaruhanga on the internent like 
everyone else? Come out and let us see. Until then, just shut up!, for you know 
very little.

Mwirima Byaruhanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dont be on the offensive.

that style of writting usually tells a few things:

- you cannot relay your message eloquently in real life
and choose to 'hide behind email'
- you fear to be challenged.
- you do not know how to win an argument peacefully.

either way, as Edward says, your abusive writting style

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-14 Thread Edward Mulindwa

With all due respect, D Kiiza Besigye left the Movement not on political 
grounds but because when he and the rest of Movmentists went to DRC to loot, 
they looted but Museveni's representatives cut out Besigye in the split of the 
loot. Besigye has absolutely no single problem with Museveni, that is why (a) 
You have never got any new information about Museveni from Besigye. For example 
has he told you who killed Andrew Kayiira even though he was the junior 
minister of internal affairs, who even Ssemogerere has publicly stated that he 
was handed the Kayiira's file? Has Besigye ever told you who killed our people 
for example the Ndeeba Doctor's village, The Dr Barlow's, the Kanungu 
massacres. Ocii what details have you got from this man claiming to have ran 
out of Museveni? In other wards how has Besigye's defection from the Movment 
helped you to understand the inner working of the Movement that you did not 
know when Besigye was still an insider? Which brings me to (b) Dr. Kiiza 
Besigye has no where to go but to join the Movement and get a job.

And trust me he will.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 8:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  You are dead wrong. 

  Its not Kigezi that can save Uganda but Ugandans. Kizza Besigye plus others 
who rebeled against the very system that recruited them to fight Mu7's war in 
Uganda realised after some years of politics grounded on hatred toward other 
Ugandans that that definitely is not the way for Uganda as a nation. Mu7's 
strategy is to kill off those he hate; that is why he concentrated in killing 
off his supposed opponents, using various means: scorched earth; combing; 
concentration camps etc, from the North and NorthEast of the country! 

  Late Apollo Milton Obote on THE CONCEALMENT OF GENOCIDE IN UGANDA, wrote:

  In March 1990, Museveni moved physically to Kumi District in the East and 
remained there for 18 days where he took command of his army against rebels. 
The war, which according to him, had ended was being prosecuted by him, some 
nine months later, with the greatest brutalities. The entire population of Kumi 
District or whatever number remained alive from previous massacres, have now 
been forced into concentration camps and Museveni is personally commanding his 
army in the destruction of homes and property. Considering that the population 
of Kumi (1979 census) was, in round figures 350,000, the number of the entire 
population of the District which has not (1990) been herded in camps is 
extremely ominous. The number being given is 150,000; that certainly can not be 
the entire population of Kumi. The missing 200,000 and more appear to be of no 
interest or concern to those who have created walls to protect Museveni and 
conceal his genocide. Kumi is the District where on several previous occasions, 
the NRA rounded young men and had them burnt, gassed or starved to death in 
Railway wagons. The latest such deed was in July 1989. Museveni and his army 
have been engaged in the orgies of killings in this District like others in the 
North and East since 1986. Kumi like its Northern neighbors of Soroti and Lira 
was a cattle area. This time as the people went to concentration camps, there 
was no cattle at all in the villages; the animals in Kumi are to be found in 
the NRA barracks; which is also the case in the Districts of Soroti, Lira, 
Apac, Kitgum and Gulu.

  Depopulation strategy. 

  Now, Dr. Besigye realised this about ten years ago and rebeled, while you 
Mulindwa openly states: I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to 
craft the Movement policies this good to be effective for twenty years, I 
surely would vote for Museveni than Kiiza Besigye any time. What you forget so 
quickly is that when Ugandans invaded the country from Tanzania way back in the 
early 70s to remove Amin, many Ugandan invaders perished not in the hands of 
Amin's soldiers! But in the hand of you know who..! Read Dr. Obote's 
writings to know more. 

  My question to you: Was Dr. Besigye among those who invaded Uganda from 
Tanzania to remove Amin? If Dr. Besigye was indeed among these guerilla troops 
of which eventually many perished but not in the hands of Amin's soldiers, then 
sure Dr. Besigye is a dangerous guy who crafted the policy to liquidate these 
guerilla men and woman. However, if Dr. Besigye was not among these men then 
you need to stop playing with adults here in this forum.


  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
One of the reasons FDC has failed so miserably is a total failure of 
communication, and this has been witnessed from rally to demonstrations to 
forums. For some reason

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-14 Thread ocii
You see, this is where you are either an idiot, or a silly informer. Besigye is 
not in power; he is done with the system. What Ugandans need is to rally the 
forces now jettisoning the movement system from their minds, due to their 
historical experiences, to galvanize the nation into a political force to bring 
about the much needed change, which of course is coming. 
  I asked you whether Besigye was in Tanzania when Ugandan refugees in that 
country invaded the country way back in the 70s, then under Amin. You cannot 
answer. I even quoted Dr. Obote on the ways of Mu7 whom you can vote for 
anytime. Have you laboured to defend him? Instead you are railing against Dr. 
Besigye, as to whether he made public who killed those you enumerated as having 
been killed! Kumi District, late Dr. Obote pointed out, was depopulated from a 
population of 350, 000 people in 1979 to 150, 000 people in 1990, going by the 
census result of that year. These people were not killed by Dr. Besigye, but by 
the system that he, Dr. Besigye has disagreed with. Why you even opine Dr. 
Besigye has nowhere to go but back to the movement system is quite idiotic at 
best. And the reason strategists can not and must never be duped by your silly 
and idiotic point of view. 
  Mulindwa you can not be smart! Do you in your right mind think Dr. Besigye, 
after rebelling against the system he ended up disagreeing with, would delve 
into releasing such information as to who killed who much too early? Assuming 
he knows who killed who, such information can never be release like it is a 
simple or matter of jokes! Even if you are one of those killers, of which Dr. 
Besigye is privy to such info, he is not going to point you Mulindwa from among 
the crowd like you are requesting he does, or just because he has abandoned the 
very system of which these people got killed under! Such are not simple 
matters. Dr. Besigye is not the system that these people got killed under. He 
is an individual who, having been in the system, has disagreed with it. The 
only best thing Ugandans who disagree with the system can do is receive the 
Besigyes with open arms to move the country forward. Uganda is not anybody's 
personal property. The sooner the movement bigwigs realise
 this the better, instead of Mu7 looting wananchi's wealth and siphoning it to 
Tanzania to build so called Mu7's schools; or looting 29billion Uganda 
shillings and giving it to the Madhvanis while Uganda children perish in camps; 
and many cannot even go to school because of poverty in their homes. 
  You are talking to adults here. There are people in camps meeting their 
deaths variously. I am sure the last thing they want is idiotic ranting. 
  Some of you peoples' problem is fear of the past; that is why movementist 
always try by any means necessary to bring back into the system, those who 
rebeled from it! Now, although you have been railing against recycled 
leadership, you are predicting the same fate for Dr, Besigye, that he has 
nowhere to go but back to movement system whose leader you Mulindwa made clear 
you can vote for anytime! Now who is fooling who? Like I said, you cannot be 
very smart! Period. 

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  With all due respect, D Kiiza Besigye left the Movement not on political 
grounds but because when he and the rest of Movmentists went to DRC to loot, 
they looted but Museveni's representatives cut out Besigye in the split of the 
loot. Besigye has absolutely no single problem with Museveni, that is why (a) 
You have never got any new information about Museveni from Besigye. For example 
has he told you who killed Andrew Kayiira even though he was the junior 
minister of internal affairs, who even Ssemogerere has publicly stated that he 
was handed the Kayiira's file? Has Besigye ever told you who killed our people 
for example the Ndeeba Doctor's village, The Dr Barlow's, the Kanungu 
massacres. Ocii what details have you got from this man claiming to have ran 
out of Museveni? In other wards how has Besigye's defection from the Movment 
helped you to understand the inner working of the Movement that you did not 
know when Besigye was still an insider? Which brings me to (b) Dr.
 Kiiza Besigye has no where to go but to join the Movement and get a job.
  And trust me he will.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 8:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  You are dead wrong. 
  Its not Kigezi that can save Uganda but Ugandans. Kizza Besigye plus others 
who rebeled against the very system that recruited them to fight Mu7's war in 
Uganda realised after

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-14 Thread Matek Opoko
Can I whisper a few words!

You are making no  head way so to say...with this your argument.
Indeed, many Intelligent Ugandans  here may rightly conclude  that you are 
engaged in some sort of  market argument   with a drunkard!

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ocii
 With all due respect, D Kiiza Besigye left the  Movement not on political 
grounds but because when he and the rest of  Movmentists went to DRC to loot, 
they looted but Museveni's representatives cut  out Besigye in the split of the 
loot. Besigye has absolutely no single problem  with Museveni, that is why (a) 
You have never got any new information about  Museveni from Besigye. For 
example has he told you who killed Andrew  Kayiira even though he was the 
junior minister of internal affairs, who even  Ssemogerere has publicly stated 
that he was handed the Kayiira's file? Has  Besigye ever told you who killed 
our people for example the Ndeeba Doctor's  village, The Dr Barlow's, the 
Kanungu massacres. Ocii what details have you got  from this man claiming to 
have ran out of Museveni? In other wards how has  Besigye's defection from the 
Movment helped you to understand the inner working  of the Movement that you 
did not know when Besigye was still an insider? Which  brings me
 to (b) Dr. Kiiza Besigye has no where to go but to join the  Movement and get 
a job.
 And trust me he will.
  The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is  in  anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans  l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
   To: The First Virtual Network for friends ofUganda 
   Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 8:31PM
   Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Musevenischools in Tanzania

   You are dead wrong. 

   Its not Kigezi that can save Uganda but Ugandans. Kizza Besigye plus
others who rebeled against the very system that recruited them to fight Mu7's   
 war in Uganda realised after some years of politics grounded on hatred
toward other Ugandans that that definitely is not the way for Uganda as a
nation. Mu7's strategy is to kill off those he hate; that is why he
concentrated in killing off his supposed opponents, using various means:
scorched earth; combing; concentration camps etc, from theNorth and 
NorthEast of the country! 


   In March 1990, Museveni moved physically toKumi District in the East 
and remained there for 18 days where he took commandof his army against 
rebels. The war, which according to him, had ended wasbeing prosecuted by 
him, some nine months later, with the greatestbrutalities. The entire 
population of Kumi District or whatever numberremained alive from previous 
massacres, have now been forced intoconcentration camps and Museveni is 
personally commanding his army in thedestruction of homes and property. 
Considering that the population of Kumi(1979 census) was, in round figures 
350,000, the number of the entirepopulation of the District which has not 
(1990) been herded in camps isextremely ominous. The number being given is 
150,000; that certainly can notbe the entire population of Kumi. The 
missing 200,000 and more appear to be ofno interest or concern to those who 
have created walls to protect Museveni andconceal his
 genocide. Kumi is the District where on several previousoccasions, the NRA 
rounded young men and had them burnt, gassed or starved todeath in Railway 
wagons. The latest such deed was in July 1989. Museveni andhis army have 
been engaged in the orgies of killings in this District likeothers in the 
North and East since 1986. Kumi like its Northern neighbors ofSoroti and 
Lira was a cattle area. This time as the people went toconcentration camps, 
there was no cattle at all in the villages; the animalsin Kumi are to be 
found in the NRA barracks; which is also the case in theDistricts of 
Soroti, Lira, Apac, Kitgum and Gulu.

   Depopulation strategy. 

   Now, Dr. Besigye realised this about ten years ago and rebeled, while you
Mulindwa openly states: I am scared of FDC for ifthese people managed to 
craft the Movement policies this good to be effectivefor twenty years, I 
surely would vote for Museveni than Kiiza Besigye anytime. What you forget 
so quickly is that when Ugandansinvaded the country from Tanzania way back 
in the early 70s to remove Amin,many Ugandan invaders perished not in the 
hands of Amin's soldiers! But in thehand of you know who..! Read Dr. 
Obote's writings to know  more. 

   My question to you: Was Dr. Besigye among those who invaded Uganda from
Tanzania to remove Amin? If Dr. Besigye was indeed among these guerilla troops  
  of which eventually many perished

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-13 Thread Edward Mulindwa

The fundamental question here is NOT who bought the missile; BUT who 
ENGINEERED the entire scheme!!

So are you saying that if Museveni instructs you to blow up people belonging to 
the 35th brigade as Mande did you go ahead for Museveni has instructed you, you 
are stating that if you are instructed to rape 9 year olds as UPDF is doing in 
North right now you will do so for you are only being instructed by those that 
are crafting the scotch policy of the North, so we should not hold you 
responsible for your actions. You are in essence instructing us not to hunt 
down those that served in the Nazi Germany for they were following Hitler's 
instructions and the Rwandese should be only looking for Habyalimaana. No sir I 
am sorry I will not do that if you are a soldier and instructed to kill people 
you better be ready to back up your actions for you will be held responsible, 
this nonsense of Black Mambas the kids that we know has started this sermon and 
ferociously that we must only condemn the architects. My friend if you went to 
the court and beat up the people you will also be held responsible. 

Mulindwa, are you going to boot out every single Ugandan who work for the 
NRA/M government?

100% I am tired of using the recycles. If you decide to take the recycles why 
not all of them, and where do you draw the line, for example are you taking 
Kainehura or Mande alone, are you taking Mugisha Muntu who Museveni kidnapped a 
15 year old right from here in Toronto and forced into marriage or you are only 
taking Tinyefunza, is it Besigye only or you are taking Ofono Opondo, is 
Museveni's wife good since she was even elected into parliament or you are 
taking Wafla Oguttu who told us very clearly to shut up for Museveni is the 
only man that clean up Uganda.

Where do you start and stop when you are recycling these God created to be the 
only people leading Uganda SIR!!! It simply frustrates when Ugandans start to 
plead for these rapists and murderers when the Jews are not only looking for 
the soldiers that served in Nazi Germany but the enablers. No wonder you are 
still kneeling before teh queen under a wealth that is no common at all.  I 
have a forum right now where a member's Landover was taken by Mugisha Muntu at 
gun point, and Muntu drove it for as long as he wanted, and you want us to 
blame Museveni for he was the one that crafted these things.

We live in very strange days indeed.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Mulindwa please go to bed.

  If you don't see the flaws in your arguments, then there is something serious 
to be questioned. If Besigye crafted the movement policies that have seen it 
through 20 years now, why is it difficult for him, for the last ten or so 
years, to craft policies that should have brought it, the NRA/M, down by now? 

  Perhaps this I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to craft the 
Movement policies this good to be effective for twenty years, I surely would 
vote for Museveni than Kiiza Besigye any time. in colour is what readers 
should pay attention to, to understand a little more.

  You continued And politics is never a profession, they have tried and 
failed, some like Besgiye even stood twice and lost, let them move on. Are you 
being serious? What opposition leadership in Uganda has tried and succeeded? 
Tell us? Has the UPC leadership tried and succeeded? What about the DP; CP, 
etc. Have they all tried and succeeded? Or, they have not tried at all maybe, 
therefore they should be the only ones to be allowed to try on and on, while 
Mulindwa votes for Museveni each time the Beigyes try? 

  Mulindwa take such childish argument away and far.

  Then again you stated Well if that is true why do you consider me not being 
smart when I get bothered of not only Museveni but Colonel Samson Mande whose 
name appears on the certificate of origin, as a buyer of the Missile that took 
the plane down?

  Simple: Because you don't understand what are being said. As simple as that. 
Mulindwa, are you going to boot out every single Ugandan who work for the NRA/M 
government? The fundamental question here is NOT who bought the missile; BUT 
who ENGINEERED the entire scheme!! Get that and understand it clearly. It will 


  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying my best not to get entangled into your arguments for I have 
seen them way long to burn my gas but let me respond to you as brief as I can.

I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to craft the Movement 
policies this good to be effective for twenty years, I surely would vote

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-13 Thread Mwirima Byaruhanga
ocii wrote thus on 13/07/2007 16:26:
 The problem again Mulindwa, you don't understand what are being
 said!!! Just butt out if you don't know what you are doing, that will
 caused you great damgage. I said there are systemic approach to
 everything; apparently you could not make head or tail out of it!!

Ocii, is it hard enough to explain your point without getting at people?

For example, one may also ask you to butt out if you cannot write
proper english and cannot use correct tenses. I am certain it would make
you reply using the same words as butt out or tail out, but you
wouldn't have put your point across!

You have nothing to lose, and absolutely everything to gain by being polite.


Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-13 Thread ocii
The problem again Mulindwa, you don't understand what are being said!!! Just 
butt out if you don't know what you are doing, that will caused you great 
damgage. I said there are systemic approach to everything; apparently you could 
not make head or tail out of it!!
  Uganda is bigger than any individual and to bring about change, one must be 
extremely meticulous. You cannot vote for Mu7 anytime, but resort to fight 
little fish around him, when he is the architect of the current helplessness in 
the country!! Those who clobbered the Nazis did not go after the little fish 
around Hitler They made sure they killed Hitler first!!!, and anything else 
came after! Do you understand what I am saying or no?? If not butt out; simply 
butt out!!
  I am not going to say much, but be very careful.
  One more thing. Why should Rwandese look for Habyalimana? Why not focus on 
Kagame whom together with Mu7 brought all the killings and genocide in the 
country? Answer that so we hear.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The fundamental question here is NOT who bought the missile; BUT who 
ENGINEERED the entire scheme!!
  So are you saying that if Museveni instructs you to blow up people belonging 
to the 35th brigade as Mande did you go ahead for Museveni has instructed you, 
you are stating that if you are instructed to rape 9 year olds as UPDF is doing 
in North right now you will do so for you are only being instructed by those 
that are crafting the scotch policy of the North, so we should not hold you 
responsible for your actions. You are in essence instructing us not to hunt 
down those that served in the Nazi Germany for they were following Hitler's 
instructions and the Rwandese should be only looking for Habyalimaana. No sir I 
am sorry I will not do that if you are a soldier and instructed to kill people 
you better be ready to back up your actions for you will be held responsible, 
this nonsense of Black Mambas the kids that we know has started this sermon and 
ferociously that we must only condemn the architects. My friend if you went to 
the court and beat up the people you will also be
 held responsible. 
  Mulindwa, are you going to boot out every single Ugandan who work for the 
NRA/M government?
  100% I am tired of using the recycles. If you decide to take the recycles why 
not all of them, and where do you draw the line, for example are you taking 
Kainehura or Mande alone, are you taking Mugisha Muntu who Museveni kidnapped a 
15 year old right from here in Toronto and forced into marriage or you are only 
taking Tinyefunza, is it Besigye only or you are taking Ofono Opondo, is 
Museveni's wife good since she was even elected into parliament or you are 
taking Wafla Oguttu who told us very clearly to shut up for Museveni is the 
only man that clean up Uganda.
  Where do you start and stop when you are recycling these God created to be 
the only people leading Uganda SIR!!! It simply frustrates when Ugandans start 
to plead for these rapists and murderers when the Jews are not only looking for 
the soldiers that served in Nazi Germany but the enablers. No wonder you are 
still kneeling before teh queen under a wealth that is no common at all.  I 
have a forum right now where a member's Landover was taken by Mugisha Muntu at 
gun point, and Muntu drove it for as long as he wanted, and you want us to 
blame Museveni for he was the one that crafted these things.
  We live in very strange days indeed.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Mulindwa please go to bed.
  If you don't see the flaws in your arguments, then there is something serious 
to be questioned. If Besigye crafted the movement policies that have seen it 
through 20 years now, why is it difficult for him, for the last ten or so 
years, to craft policies that should have brought it, the NRA/M, down by now? 
  Perhaps this I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to craft the 
Movement policies this good to be effective for twenty years, I surely would 
vote for Museveni than Kiiza Besigye any time. in colour is what readers 
should pay attention to, to understand a little more.
  You continued And politics is never a profession, they have tried and 
failed, some like Besgiye even stood twice and lost, let them move on. Are you 
being serious? What opposition leadership in Uganda has tried and succeeded? 
Tell us? Has the UPC leadership tried and succeeded? What about the DP; CP, 
etc. Have they all tried and succeeded? Or, they have not tried at all maybe, 
therefore they should

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-13 Thread Edward Mulindwa

There is no question Museveni must go but so are all those that built him to 
what he is. Now since you have a problem following what I am responding, let me 
clarify about your small fish Uganda needs a commission of inquiry where all 
Ugandans that have suffered under Museveni and under your Small fish can 
stand up and state what they know about all of these people. After that inquiry 
then we can move ahead, but I am not going to sit in Toronto and state that the 
problem is Museveni  and not his small fish 
Just on record there is no government of Uganda where Ugandans have collected 
as much as the data about all the participants into these genocides. Let us 
please respect the good work they have done by allowing them to have a day in 
court than recycling these people the way you are trying to do. What is so 
interesting the most is that FDC has privately and publicly refused to offer a 
commission of inquiry on any matter in Uganda if it ever gets to power.

That is when I separated from that party.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 8:26 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  The problem again Mulindwa, you don't understand what are being said!!! Just 
butt out if you don't know what you are doing, that will caused you great 
damgage. I said there are systemic approach to everything; apparently you could 
not make head or tail out of it!!

  Uganda is bigger than any individual and to bring about change, one must be 
extremely meticulous. You cannot vote for Mu7 anytime, but resort to fight 
little fish around him, when he is the architect of the current helplessness in 
the country!! Those who clobbered the Nazis did not go after the little fish 
around Hitler They made sure they killed Hitler first!!!, and anything else 
came after! Do you understand what I am saying or no?? If not butt out; simply 
butt out!!

  I am not going to say much, but be very careful.

  One more thing. Why should Rwandese look for Habyalimana? Why not focus on 
Kagame whom together with Mu7 brought all the killings and genocide in the 
country? Answer that so we hear.


  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The fundamental question here is NOT who bought the missile; BUT who 
ENGINEERED the entire scheme!!

So are you saying that if Museveni instructs you to blow up people 
belonging to the 35th brigade as Mande did you go ahead for Museveni has 
instructed you, you are stating that if you are instructed to rape 9 year olds 
as UPDF is doing in North right now you will do so for you are only being 
instructed by those that are crafting the scotch policy of the North, so we 
should not hold you responsible for your actions. You are in essence 
instructing us not to hunt down those that served in the Nazi Germany for they 
were following Hitler's instructions and the Rwandese should be only looking 
for Habyalimaana. No sir I am sorry I will not do that if you are a soldier and 
instructed to kill people you better be ready to back up your actions for you 
will be held responsible, this nonsense of Black Mambas the kids that we know 
has started this sermon and ferociously that we must only condemn the 
architects. My friend if you went to the court and beat up the people you will 
also be held responsible. 

Mulindwa, are you going to boot out every single Ugandan who work for the 
NRA/M government?

100% I am tired of using the recycles. If you decide to take the recycles 
why not all of them, and where do you draw the line, for example are you taking 
Kainehura or Mande alone, are you taking Mugisha Muntu who Museveni kidnapped a 
15 year old right from here in Toronto and forced into marriage or you are only 
taking Tinyefunza, is it Besigye only or you are taking Ofono Opondo, is 
Museveni's wife good since she was even elected into parliament or you are 
taking Wafla Oguttu who told us very clearly to shut up for Museveni is the 
only man that clean up Uganda.

Where do you start and stop when you are recycling these God created to be 
the only people leading Uganda SIR!!! It simply frustrates when Ugandans start 
to plead for these rapists and murderers when the Jews are not only looking for 
the soldiers that served in Nazi Germany but the enablers. No wonder you are 
still kneeling before teh queen under a wealth that is no common at all.  I 
have a forum right now where a member's Landover was taken by Mugisha Muntu at 
gun point, and Muntu drove it for as long as he wanted, and you want us to 
blame Museveni for he was the one that crafted these things.

We live in very strange days indeed.


 The Mulindwas

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-13 Thread ocii
  You most definitely have difficulties reading or understanding what is 
written. What part of butt out don't you understand? Are you still stuck in 
kindergarten or you are merely a case of an inferior Ugandan who strive 
strenuously to appear one who know english language so well? 
  I can write english in any form I chose; it is not my mother tongue. Is that 
just about clear?

Mwirima Byaruhanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ocii wrote thus on 13/07/2007 16:26:
 The problem again Mulindwa, you don't understand what are being
 said!!! Just butt out if you don't know what you are doing, that will
 caused you great damgage. I said there are systemic approach to
 everything; apparently you could not make head or tail out of it!!

Ocii, is it hard enough to explain your point without getting at people?

For example, one may also ask you to butt out if you cannot write
proper english and cannot use correct tenses. I am certain it would make
you reply using the same words as butt out or tail out, but you
wouldn't have put your point across!

You have nothing to lose, and absolutely everything to gain by being polite.


Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

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Ugandanet mailing list
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Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-13 Thread ocii
  You are so confused to the point of being wacky, if not already. Before the 
so called commission of inquiry of yours come to life, there must first be a 
means to establish it. It is 20 years already, and not even the UPC has that 
means. You must stop dreaming. If you don't read beyond what are written, just 
butt out. Don't ever try to continually scuttle a process. 
  I will repeat again, there are systemic approaches to everything. Understood?

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is no question Museveni must go but so are all those that built him to 
what he is. Now since you have a problem following what I am responding, let me 
clarify about your small fish Uganda needs a commission of inquiry where all 
Ugandans that have suffered under Museveni and under your Small fish can 
stand up and state what they know about all of these people. After that inquiry 
then we can move ahead, but I am not going to sit in Toronto and state that the 
problem is Museveni  and not his small fish 
  Just on record there is no government of Uganda where Ugandans have collected 
as much as the data about all the participants into these genocides. Let us 
please respect the good work they have done by allowing them to have a day in 
court than recycling these people the way you are trying to do. What is so 
interesting the most is that FDC has privately and publicly refused to offer a 
commission of inquiry on any matter in Uganda if it ever gets to power.
  That is when I separated from that party.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 8:26 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  The problem again Mulindwa, you don't understand what are being said!!! Just 
butt out if you don't know what you are doing, that will caused you great 
damgage. I said there are systemic approach to everything; apparently you could 
not make head or tail out of it!!
  Uganda is bigger than any individual and to bring about change, one must be 
extremely meticulous. You cannot vote for Mu7 anytime, but resort to fight 
little fish around him, when he is the architect of the current helplessness in 
the country!! Those who clobbered the Nazis did not go after the little fish 
around Hitler They made sure they killed Hitler first!!!, and anything else 
came after! Do you understand what I am saying or no?? If not butt out; simply 
butt out!!
  I am not going to say much, but be very careful.
  One more thing. Why should Rwandese look for Habyalimana? Why not focus on 
Kagame whom together with Mu7 brought all the killings and genocide in the 
country? Answer that so we hear.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The fundamental question here is NOT who bought the missile; BUT who 
ENGINEERED the entire scheme!!
  So are you saying that if Museveni instructs you to blow up people belonging 
to the 35th brigade as Mande did you go ahead for Museveni has instructed you, 
you are stating that if you are instructed to rape 9 year olds as UPDF is doing 
in North right now you will do so for you are only being instructed by those 
that are crafting the scotch policy of the North, so we should not hold you 
responsible for your actions. You are in essence instructing us not to hunt 
down those that served in the Nazi Germany for they were following Hitler's 
instructions and the Rwandese should be only looking for Habyalimaana. No sir I 
am sorry I will not do that if you are a soldier and instructed to kill people 
you better be ready to back up your actions for you will be held responsible, 
this nonsense of Black Mambas the kids that we know has started this sermon and 
ferociously that we must only condemn the architects. My friend if you went to 
the court and beat up the people you will also be
 held responsible. 
  Mulindwa, are you going to boot out every single Ugandan who work for the 
NRA/M government?
  100% I am tired of using the recycles. If you decide to take the recycles why 
not all of them, and where do you draw the line, for example are you taking 
Kainehura or Mande alone, are you taking Mugisha Muntu who Museveni kidnapped a 
15 year old right from here in Toronto and forced into marriage or you are only 
taking Tinyefunza, is it Besigye only or you are taking Ofono Opondo, is 
Museveni's wife good since she was even elected into parliament or you are 
taking Wafla Oguttu who told us very clearly to shut up for Museveni is the 
only man that clean up Uganda.
  Where do you start and stop when you are recycling these God created to be 
the only people leading Uganda SIR!!! It simply

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-13 Thread ocii
  That process is already being created by the movementists turn coats called 
today FDC. You can take that or leave it! It is your choice. 
  If you can vote for Mu7 anytime then you must be really an idiot to make 
the satement below. Simply put, there isn't much you can do about the FDC 
unseating the movement govt eventually. I am not an FDC, but with close to 40% 
support in the nation, there is no point of return.
  The process is on and never fool yourself that you can scuttle it. 

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And that process can never be created by the Movementists turn Coats called 
today FDC.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 10:03 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  You are so confused to the point of being wacky, if not already. Before the 
so called commission of inquiry of yours come to life, there must first be a 
means to establish it. It is 20 years already, and not even the UPC has that 
means. You must stop dreaming. If you don't read beyond what are written, just 
butt out. Don't ever try to continually scuttle a process. 
  I will repeat again, there are systemic approaches to everything. Understood?

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is no question Museveni must go but so are all those that built him to 
what he is. Now since you have a problem following what I am responding, let me 
clarify about your small fish Uganda needs a commission of inquiry where all 
Ugandans that have suffered under Museveni and under your Small fish can 
stand up and state what they know about all of these people. After that inquiry 
then we can move ahead, but I am not going to sit in Toronto and state that the 
problem is Museveni  and not his small fish 
  Just on record there is no government of Uganda where Ugandans have collected 
as much as the data about all the participants into these genocides. Let us 
please respect the good work they have done by allowing them to have a day in 
court than recycling these people the way you are trying to do. What is so 
interesting the most is that FDC has privately and publicly refused to offer a 
commission of inquiry on any matter in Uganda if it ever gets to power.
  That is when I separated from that party.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 8:26 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  The problem again Mulindwa, you don't understand what are being said!!! Just 
butt out if you don't know what you are doing, that will caused you great 
damgage. I said there are systemic approach to everything; apparently you could 
not make head or tail out of it!!
  Uganda is bigger than any individual and to bring about change, one must be 
extremely meticulous. You cannot vote for Mu7 anytime, but resort to fight 
little fish around him, when he is the architect of the current helplessness in 
the country!! Those who clobbered the Nazis did not go after the little fish 
around Hitler They made sure they killed Hitler first!!!, and anything else 
came after! Do you understand what I am saying or no?? If not butt out; simply 
butt out!!
  I am not going to say much, but be very careful.
  One more thing. Why should Rwandese look for Habyalimana? Why not focus on 
Kagame whom together with Mu7 brought all the killings and genocide in the 
country? Answer that so we hear.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The fundamental question here is NOT who bought the missile; BUT who 
ENGINEERED the entire scheme!!
  So are you saying that if Museveni instructs you to blow up people belonging 
to the 35th brigade as Mande did you go ahead for Museveni has instructed you, 
you are stating that if you are instructed to rape 9 year olds as UPDF is doing 
in North right now you will do so for you are only being instructed by those 
that are crafting the scotch policy of the North, so we should not hold you 
responsible for your actions. You are in essence instructing us not to hunt 
down those that served in the Nazi Germany for they were following Hitler's 
instructions and the Rwandese should be only looking for Habyalimaana. No sir I 
am sorry I will not do that if you are a soldier and instructed to kill people 
you better be ready to back up

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-12 Thread Edward Mulindwa
And you expect Mugisha Muntu who was a commanding officer of UPDF as it was 
burning Ugandans in Mukura to be on of the top leaders of FDC as these assets 
are being confiscated. Then you expect Colonel Samson Mande who was commanding 
in the North as the entire brigade 35 was murdered including their children and 
wives to  start a party as FDC that will confiscate these assets. We have been 
right in this position when the Luwero war was running and we were called 
idiots for it is only Museveni that can remove Obote. Today the war of Uganda 
has been again personalized to the name Yoweri Museveni.

Ugandans have every right not to involve them selves into such madness.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:54 PM
  Subject: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  These are the kinds of public fund embezzlements that keeps Uganda, and 
indeed Africa underdeveloped! Idiot leaders emebezzling public funds with 

  Well, keep this plus many other issues alive. Eventually these individuals 
will have to pay back the money, or their wealth taken. Period.


MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania 
Yasiin Mugerwa  
A PARLIAMENTARY committee has instituted a probe into circumstances 
under which President Yoweri Museveni spent Shs1.6 billion of tax-payers money 
to construct two schools in Tanzania.

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee yesterday instructed its 
legal department to investigate the conditions under which the President 
committed public funds amounting to US$932,823.2 to build two secondary schools 
in Tanzania. 
The two schools include Nyamiyaga, Murongo located in Karagwe area and 
Nyarigamba, Muhutwe situated in Muleba District bordering Bokoba area.

According to correspondences Daily Monitor has seen, the construction 
of the two schools began some time in 2005 after Multiplex Ltd, a Ugandan 
private company allegedly won the contract.

The construction comes at a time when there is acute shortage of 
classrooms for Universal Primary Education and Universal Secondary Education in 
the country. 

Concern was raised after the committee learnt that the money (Shs1.6 
billion) Mr Museveni used for the construction was charged on the donation 
account of the StateHouse budget without authority. The committee also heard 
that the two schools were a donation by Mr Museveni to the Tanzanians for their 
historical contribution to the 1979 liberation struggle that ousted the former 
President, late Idd Amin Dada from power. 

This is unacceptable as Parliament we cannot appropriate money for 
Tanzanians yet many Ugandans are still grappling with illiteracy. This money 
would have gone to Luweero District but not Tanzania, said Nandala Mafabi 
(Budadiri West) the committee chairperson. 

This was a Ugandan struggle not for Tanzanians. If the president 
wished to donate he would have used his personal savings not public resources. 
To bring this (donation) to our budget was wrong. 

Richard Muhinda, the Statehouse Comptroller said the money was part of 
President Museveni's donation item and is not limited to any country. The 
President is the fountain of honour and is free to donate to any person that 
deserves assistance in whatever locality, said Mr Muhinda.

It had been an outstanding donation to the people of Tanzania and we 
had to squeeze our own budget (StateHouse) to fulfill this pledge. 

But the committee has established that even the circumstances under 
which Multiplex Ltd was awarded a $1 million contract to construct the two 
schools had loopholes. 
It is alleged that the tendering process was not clear since Mr Muhinda 
admitted that there was no advertising made inviting other bidders as the 
construction of both schools was an emergency.

Mr Muhinda insists that there was no foul play because StateHouse used 
restrictive bidding involving Multiplex Ltd, Roko Construction Company Ltd, 
Transaction International and Complliant Engineers  Trade Ltd. 

We offered the tender to Multiplex because they had a fair deal. Their 
rates were lower compared to others. I am proud to have been part of this 
project because it was transparent and we followed the law, Mr Muhinda said. 

But the committee wondered whether it would be possible for Tanzanian 
authorities to allow Ugandan Parliament to conduct a value-for money audit into 
the project.
Daily Monitor has learnt that State House contract with Multiplex was 
not signed by any Multiplex official but instead with the Tanzanian government. 

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-12 Thread ocii
  Why are you so scared of the FDC than even the movement govt that is running 
the country as we speak? And why are you scared shitfull of yourself of Kizza 
Besigye, Samson Mande, and Mugisha Muntu than Mu7 and his NRA/M running the 
country today? Do these people know something about you, you don't feel 
comfortable about? Inquiring mind would like to know! 
  If not then I don't see why you should be so scared of the FDC which by and 
large is still under construction. Make sense to you? Everything that went 
wrong in Uganda including the assassination of former Rwandan president was 
diue to Mu7, who is the architect of it all. But you are instead attacking the 
Mandes, to perpetuate Mu7 in power maybe?, who were themselves recruits of Mu7 
the architect. Mulindwa you cannot be very smart! I pitty you.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And you expect Mugisha Muntu who was a commanding officer of UPDF as 
it was burning Ugandans in Mukura to be on of the top leaders of FDC as these 
assets are being confiscated. Then you expect Colonel Samson Mande who was 
commanding in the North as the entire brigade 35 was murdered including their 
children and wives to  start a party as FDC that will confiscate these assets. 
We have been right in this position when the Luwero war was running and we were 
called idiots for it is only Museveni that can remove Obote. Today the war of 
Uganda has been again personalized to the name Yoweri Museveni.
  Ugandans have every right not to involve them selves into such madness.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:54 PM
  Subject: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  These are the kinds of public fund embezzlements that keeps Uganda, and 
indeed Africa underdeveloped! Idiot leaders emebezzling public funds with 
  Well, keep this plus many other issues alive. Eventually these individuals 
will have to pay back the money, or their wealth taken. Period.

MPs probe Museveni schools in TanzaniaYasiin Mugerwa PARLIAMENT 
  A PARLIAMENTARY committee has instituted a probe into circumstances under 
which President Yoweri Museveni spent Shs1.6 billion of tax-payers money to 
construct two schools in Tanzania.

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee yesterday instructed its legal 
department to investigate the conditions under which the President committed 
public funds amounting to US$932,823.2 to build two secondary schools in 
The two schools include Nyamiyaga, Murongo located in Karagwe area and 
Nyarigamba, Muhutwe situated in Muleba District bordering Bokoba area.

According to correspondences Daily Monitor has seen, the construction of the 
two schools began some time in 2005 after Multiplex Ltd, a Ugandan private 
company allegedly won the contract.

The construction comes at a time when there is acute shortage of classrooms for 
Universal Primary Education and Universal Secondary Education in the country. 

Concern was raised after the committee learnt that the money (Shs1.6 billion) 
Mr Museveni used for the construction was charged on the donation account of 
the StateHouse budget without authority. The committee also heard that the two 
schools were a donation by Mr Museveni to the Tanzanians for their historical 
contribution to the 1979 liberation struggle that ousted the former President, 
late Idd Amin Dada from power. 

“This is unacceptable as Parliament we cannot appropriate money for Tanzanians 
yet many Ugandans are still grappling with illiteracy. This money would have 
gone to Luweero District but not Tanzania,” said Nandala Mafabi (Budadiri West) 
the committee chairperson. 

“This was a Ugandan struggle not for Tanzanians. If the president wished to 
donate he would have used his personal savings not public resources. To bring 
this (donation) to our budget was wrong.” 

Richard Muhinda, the Statehouse Comptroller said the money was part of 
President Museveni’s donation item and is not limited to any country. “The 
President is the fountain of honour and is free to donate to any person that 
deserves assistance in whatever locality,” said Mr Muhinda.

“It had been an outstanding donation to the people of Tanzania and we had to 
squeeze our own budget (StateHouse) to fulfill this pledge.” 

But the committee has established that even the circumstances under which 
Multiplex Ltd was awarded a $1 million contract to construct the two schools 
had loopholes. 
It is alleged that the tendering process was not clear since Mr Muhinda 
admitted that there was no advertising made inviting other bidders as the 

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-12 Thread Edward Mulindwa

I am trying my best not to get entangled into your arguments for I have seen 
them way long to burn my gas but let me respond to you as brief as I can.

I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to craft the Movement policies 
this good to be effective for twenty years, I surely would vote for Museveni 
than Kiiza Besigye any time. And politics is never a profession, they have 
tried and failed, some like Besgiye even stood twice and lost, let them move 
on.  Second you state and I quote Everything that went wrong in Uganda 
including the assassination of former Rwandan president was diue to Mu7, who is 
the architect of it all. End quote. Well if that is true why do you consider 
me not being smart when I get bothered of not only Museveni but Colonel Samson 
Mande whose name appears on the certificate of origin, as a buyer of the 
Missile that took the plane down?

I am going to bed.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania


  Why are you so scared of the FDC than even the movement govt that is running 
the country as we speak? And why are you scared shitfull of yourself of Kizza 
Besigye, Samson Mande, and Mugisha Muntu than Mu7 and his NRA/M running the 
country today? Do these people know something about you, you don't feel 
comfortable about? Inquiring mind would like to know! 

  If not then I don't see why you should be so scared of the FDC which by and 
large is still under construction. Make sense to you? Everything that went 
wrong in Uganda including the assassination of former Rwandan president was 
diue to Mu7, who is the architect of it all. But you are instead attacking the 
Mandes, to perpetuate Mu7 in power maybe?, who were themselves recruits of Mu7 
the architect. Mulindwa you cannot be very smart! I pitty you.


  Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And you expect Mugisha Muntu who was a commanding officer of UPDF as it was 
burning Ugandans in Mukura to be on of the top leaders of FDC as these assets 
are being confiscated. Then you expect Colonel Samson Mande who was commanding 
in the North as the entire brigade 35 was murdered including their children and 
wives to  start a party as FDC that will confiscate these assets. We have been 
right in this position when the Luwero war was running and we were called 
idiots for it is only Museveni that can remove Obote. Today the war of Uganda 
has been again personalized to the name Yoweri Museveni.

Ugandans have every right not to involve them selves into such madness.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:54 PM
  Subject: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  These are the kinds of public fund embezzlements that keeps Uganda, and 
indeed Africa underdeveloped! Idiot leaders emebezzling public funds with 

  Well, keep this plus many other issues alive. Eventually these 
individuals will have to pay back the money, or their wealth taken. Period.


MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania 
Yasiin Mugerwa  
A PARLIAMENTARY committee has instituted a probe into circumstances 
under which President Yoweri Museveni spent Shs1.6 billion of tax-payers money 
to construct two schools in Tanzania.

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee yesterday instructed 
its legal department to investigate the conditions under which the President 
committed public funds amounting to US$932,823.2 to build two secondary schools 
in Tanzania. 
The two schools include Nyamiyaga, Murongo located in Karagwe area 
and Nyarigamba, Muhutwe situated in Muleba District bordering Bokoba area.

According to correspondences Daily Monitor has seen, the 
construction of the two schools began some time in 2005 after Multiplex Ltd, a 
Ugandan private company allegedly won the contract.

The construction comes at a time when there is acute shortage of 
classrooms for Universal Primary Education and Universal Secondary Education in 
the country. 

Concern was raised after the committee learnt that the money 
(Shs1.6 billion) Mr Museveni used for the construction was charged on the 
donation account of the StateHouse budget without authority. The committee also 

Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

2007-07-12 Thread ocii
Mulindwa please go to bed.
  If you don't see the flaws in your arguments, then there is something serious 
to be questioned. If Besigye crafted the movement policies that have seen it 
through 20 years now, why is it difficult for him, for the last ten or so 
years, to craft policies that should have brought it, the NRA/M, down by now? 
  Perhaps this I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to craft the 
Movement policies this good to be effective for twenty years, I surely would 
vote for Museveni than Kiiza Besigye any time. in colour is what readers 
should pay attention to, to understand a little more.
  You continued And politics is never a profession, they have tried and 
failed, some like Besgiye even stood twice and lost, let them move on. Are you 
being serious? What opposition leadership in Uganda has tried and succeeded? 
Tell us? Has the UPC leadership tried and succeeded? What about the DP; CP, 
etc. Have they all tried and succeeded? Or, they have not tried at all maybe, 
therefore they should be the only ones to be allowed to try on and on, while 
Mulindwa votes for Museveni each time the Beigyes try? 
  Mulindwa take such childish argument away and far.
  Then again you stated Well if that is true why do you consider me not being 
smart when I get bothered of not only Museveni but Colonel Samson Mande whose 
name appears on the certificate of origin, as a buyer of the Missile that took 
the plane down?
  Simple: Because you don't understand what are being said. As simple as that. 
Mulindwa, are you going to boot out every single Ugandan who work for the NRA/M 
government? The fundamental question here is NOT who bought the missile; BUT 
who ENGINEERED the entire scheme!! Get that and understand it clearly. It will 

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am trying my best not to get entangled into your arguments for I have seen 
them way long to burn my gas but let me respond to you as brief as I can.
  I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to craft the Movement policies 
this good to be effective for twenty years, I surely would vote for Museveni 
than Kiiza Besigye any time. And politics is never a profession, they have 
tried and failed, some like Besgiye even stood twice and lost, let them move 
on.  Second you state and I quote Everything that went wrong in Uganda 
including the assassination of former Rwandan president was diue to Mu7, who is 
the architect of it all. End quote. Well if that is true why do you consider 
me not being smart when I get bothered of not only Museveni but Colonel Samson 
Mande whose name appears on the certificate of origin, as a buyer of the 
Missile that took the plane down?
  I am going to bed.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Why are you so scared of the FDC than even the movement govt that is running 
the country as we speak? And why are you scared shitfull of yourself of Kizza 
Besigye, Samson Mande, and Mugisha Muntu than Mu7 and his NRA/M running the 
country today? Do these people know something about you, you don't feel 
comfortable about? Inquiring mind would like to know! 
  If not then I don't see why you should be so scared of the FDC which by and 
large is still under construction. Make sense to you? Everything that went 
wrong in Uganda including the assassination of former Rwandan president was 
diue to Mu7, who is the architect of it all. But you are instead attacking the 
Mandes, to perpetuate Mu7 in power maybe?, who were themselves recruits of Mu7 
the architect. Mulindwa you cannot be very smart! I pitty you.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And you expect Mugisha Muntu who was a commanding officer of UPDF as 
it was burning Ugandans in Mukura to be on of the top leaders of FDC as these 
assets are being confiscated. Then you expect Colonel Samson Mande who was 
commanding in the North as the entire brigade 35 was murdered including their 
children and wives to  start a party as FDC that will confiscate these assets. 
We have been right in this position when the Luwero war was running and we were 
called idiots for it is only Museveni that can remove Obote. Today the war of 
Uganda has been again personalized to the name Yoweri Museveni.
  Ugandans have every right not to involve them selves into such madness.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans