Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] IR Remotes with Linux based Players

2019-04-05 Thread tcutting

I use GPIO based TSOP.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Playing Bluetooth audio via piCorePlayer

2017-11-20 Thread tcutting

TheLastMan wrote: 
> Hi, really like my piCorePlayer for playing my FLAC music collection on
> my NAS using the LMS Squeezebox system, and occasionally use Airplay
> from my iPad.  However, I would like to be able to play audio to the
> piCorePlayer using a bluetooth connection from my Android phone.  Is
> there any way I can add Bluetooth receiver/audio function to
> piCorePlayer?
> Phone -> piCorePlayer (RP3) with IQaudIO DAC and bluetooth -> amplifier
> and speakers via IQaudIO RCA (phono) sockets?
> Thanks for any suggestions.

That's a feature I'd really like to have as well.
I have a stand-alone PiCorePlayer in my garage with an integrated amp
and outdoor speakers which is basically built-in.  My smartphone is
Android, so Airplay doesn't work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-21 Thread tcutting

I'm using an MCE remote, but using the lircd  remote setup. Don't know
if anyone has setup for the USB receiver.  There's something called
FLIRC which is USB dongle which also works - you program to turn remote
codes into virtual keyboard keypresses which work in jivelite.  

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Waveshare 4inch touchscreen

2017-04-24 Thread tcutting

efthk23 wrote: 
> Hi all. After a lot of time of searching, I decided to make a thread
> asking for help. As you have read from the title, I want to make my
> waveshare touchscreen work with the picore player. I've read a lot of
> posts asking the same thing but they haven't found any solution. Could
> please, anyone that know how this might work, give me a how to guide?
> Thx in advance.

Looking at the Waveshare site, it looks like there are two different 4
inch screens - the  4inch RPi LCD which is 320x480 pixels and connects
via SPI, and the 4inch HDMI LCD, which is 800x480 pixels and connects
via HDMI.  I have a screen very similar to the second one (but without
the touch screen), and it works well since (1) it connects via HDMI and
(2) it's the same resolution as the official rPi 7 inch display, so the
JiveLite skins for this resolution just work.  I assume you have the
320x480 SPI version?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-02-14 Thread tcutting

M-H wrote: 
> Hi tcutting ,
> Using LIRC as replacement for the touch could be a perfect and simple
> method to send the commands to the pcp.
> I have bought a TSOP4838 and one of is siblings, jet I have to find it
> again.
> Please share any data on how you use this in your setup.
> I assume it generates something similar like keyboard keystrokes input
> that has a translation table between received keys and to be activated
> commands. If so a USB keyboard would be the simplest way to start
> testing how Jivelite is behaving with other input.
> If the touch screens are really with mouse like USB output and that
> would work with Jivelite too, it would be simple to have a good
> alternative for the original 7 inch screen. However I doubt the screens
> I have seen do output over USB. If so the sellers would mention that as
> function, and not limit it to be for raspi only.

Ralphy has done the heavy lifting for lirc.  See thread:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-02-13 Thread tcutting

M-H wrote: 
> Greg the screens come in various sizes and resolutions , but the 5 inch
> screens seem to be 800x480.
> The touch functionality comes through unspecified GPIO connections, but
> I can see it is the 26 pin connector they use.
> And they admit the screen can be used as display only ( no touch ) by
> any host, but forget to mention how it would be powered then, probably
> the micro USB.
> Not sure if links to commercial sites are allowed , but searching for
> 'raspberry lcd hdmi' on ???express gives you a few on the first page.
> There is even a 3.5 inch version with audio out from HDMI but it poses
> me more questions on the actual connection to the pi as they mention SPI
> as alternative for HDMI. 
> I need to learn a bit more, 
> All this give me options to build something small without needing to
> code. I am happy with PCP as it is serving me well.

I have an instance of PCP/Jivelite with a 5-inch (I believe) screen
connected via HDMI.  Being at the same resolution as the rPi 7-inch
touch screen (800x480) means the skins (and in my case, a modified
version of CustomClock) all work (a big plus!).  Mine doesn't have touch
capability - I use LIRC instead.  I think the HDMI-based displays with
touch capability provide the touch input via USB, right?  Does it simply
act like a mouse?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.10

2017-01-24 Thread tcutting

AngloCuencano wrote: 
> I've had some strange behaviour with screen rotation with my Pi 2B. On
> first boot the display is upside down. Select 'rotate screen' and reboot
> - still upside down. Select normal rotation and reboot - everything is
> fine and continues to be with further reboots. Makes no sense to me.

I recall having the same process occur... screen was upside-down,
changed configuration and was still upside down, changed back, and it
was correct!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.10

2017-01-10 Thread tcutting

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Has anyone had any problems with LIRC under Pcp 3.10 ?
> Using the default settings and Jivelite with a Squeezebox 3 remote I can
> "turn off" the player but cannot turn it on again.
> When I try to the player turns on then immeadiately turns off again,
> even if the power button on the remote is pressed very quickly
> Pcp 3.02 works fine.
> Jeff

I've experienced similar issue, but with a 3.0x version (not sure what
I'm actually running).  The power button turns off correctly.  To turn
on, I have to use something else (e.g., left arrow, or some other
recognized button).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.00

2016-11-01 Thread tcutting

It might help to move the rPi running LMS off WiFi and try wired

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-09-02 Thread tcutting

Howard Passman wrote: 
> Hi, I may be in the wrong place, so if I am, just let me know. I am
> using piCorePlayer with Jive Lite and was trying to find a wireless
> mouse/presentation remote that would work with it. I bought a Zoweetek
> (ZP03 Presentation Remote) because it works with Ubuntu. I thought maybe
> it would work, but Raspian doesn't seem to recognize it. 
> My question is, has anyone had any success with this device or a similar
> one and know where I might be able to get a driver for it? I am trying
> the manufacturer, but not holding out much hope there.
> Thanks for your patience,
> Howard

The latest piCorePlayer version have added support to lirc.  I believe
the latest updates also help if you choose to use the FLIRC dongle (in
original implementation, the remote was overly sensitive - one push
would act as multiple key-presses).  I have had good results with a MCE
IR remote - don't recall the exact part, however.  The JiveLite accepts
keyboard inputs (e.g., "a", "b", "c", ...) which are mapped to actions
by JiveLite, such as play, fast forward, up, down, right, left, select,
etc.  You can setup a FLIRC dongle to create virtual keyboard keypresses
in response to IR keypresses.  The FLIRC dongle plugs into a USB port,
and looks to JiveLite like a keyboard.  The lirc route requires you to
install an IR receiver, connected to the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi.  I
believe the mapping is already setup in that case where it works with an
original Squeezebox or Touch IR Remote.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-07-14 Thread tcutting

Hip-Priest wrote: 
> No - just tried again - nothing there.  User command is still visible.
> What I did was:
> Open pCP web interface
> Changed the default Mac address to a non-default one.
> (b8:27:eb:e6:69:0e)
> Copied the Squeezelite command string
> > 

  >   > /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/squeezelite-armv6hf -n "piCorePlayer" -o 
front:CARD=PMA50,DEV=0 -a 80:4::: -m b8:27:eb:e6:69:0e -D -D -V PCM &

> > 
> Pasted it into 'User command #1' on the 'Tweaks' tab.
> Rebooted pCP
> I also tried the above, but changed the string I copied by altering
> the "piCorePlayer" name to "piCorePlayer2", and changing the Mac
> address to a slightly different one.
> Nada :confused:
> Did I miss something?

I think you missed a "save" step before you re-booted.  Don't recall the
command (not near a pCP right now), but there's a command to save the
settings to the SD card.  pCP runs out of RAM, so changes are lost on
re-boot unless written to the SD card.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth Speaker on PiCorePlayer

2016-07-06 Thread tcutting

I'd be interested in being able to SEND Bluetooth to my PiCorePlayer.  I
have a "fixed" PiCorePlayer in my garage, with built-in HiFiBerry Amp+
and speakers.  There are times when it would be convenient to be able to
use that setup to play content from my phone (Android).  Has anyone
looked at an "auxiliary" input to PiCorePlayer (bluetooth, or even

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-07-06 Thread tcutting

d6jg wrote: 
> While you are both here gents. Is there any chance of your excellent VU
> meters making their way to an actual Joggler by way of Applet?

I took an attempt previously to get the VU meter function working on the
(slightly) modified CustomClock applet for JiveLite.  I was
un-successful, but honestly didn't spend too much time on the attempt. 
I still plan to give it a go when time permits.  Perhaps someone else
could take a crack? The "jive" version of CustomClock supports the VU
and Spectrum Analyzer displays, but the support functions aren't the
same for JiveLite.  On the positive side, the Joggler is the same
resolution as the RPi official display...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-07-01 Thread tcutting

I thought it was posted that Clock was implemented.
CustomClock is working (requires license from Erland)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-06-20 Thread tcutting

kolossos4730 wrote: 
> Thanks to the team for the latest update. Updated all my players without
> any problem.
> I recently noticed a small cosmetic issue on the Tweaks page when I
> received a new enclosure for my Pi/7" screen. This new enclosure forced
> my display the right way up (my previous Pimoroni display stand had the
> screen upside down), so I needed to change the Rotate screen setting on
> the Tweaks page.
> This is when I noticed the Rotate screen setting on the Tweaks page
> doesn't reflect the actual rotate value. The piCore image already has
> lcd_rotate=2 in config.txt which correspond to a 'Rotate screen' setting
> for the Rotate screen option, but the default value is 'Default screen
> rotation'.
> Regards,
> Arie

I believe I experience the same thing. Put my PiCorePlayer in a new
enclosure, which effectively rotated the screen 180-degrees.  Went into
the tweaks, and selected "Rotate".  Screen didn't seem to change (was
still upside down).  Went back and turned off the "Rotate", and the
screen then was correct ?!?!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-06-12 Thread tcutting

bernid wrote: 
> Thanks for replay tcutting and Ralphy.
> I'd better buy Pi2, officially Pi 7" touchscreen and 'install' piCore
> software.
> Using Jivelite, PiCore and wifi  on Pi2 I would like control squeezelie
> pllayer installed on BeagleBone Black (BBB). Can I set (as default
> player for control) squeezelite installed on BBB?

You can use JiveLite to control other players (Choose Player on home
screen), just like you can with a Touch or a Radio.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-06-10 Thread tcutting

bernid wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I am considering buying and connecting 7" touch screen to my squeezelite
> player (on BeagleBone Black +DEBIAN) and control music using Jivelite
> software.  
> Browsing the internet I've found this touchscreen:
> It can be connected to BeagleBone Black using HDMI port. 
> For the touch functionality (since 2.1 revision) it use USB connection
> with the standard HID driver. 
> What do you think: Is this screen (and touch functionality) would be
> correctly recognized by newest debian (Jessie 8.3)?
> Does Jivelite support screen resolutions 1024×600 or 800x480 (other 7"
> waveshare's model)?
> Are 'standard' Jivelite resolutions would be good presented on the
> screens having mentioned resolutions? 
> Never used Jevelite: How much CPU usage (%) can take Jivelite (Rasbery
> Pi A/B has similar CPU power like BeagleBone Black)?

In terms of resolution, 800x480 is a good choice, because it is the same
resolution as the Official Raspberry Pi 7" display, and works well with
the "joggler" skin.  Also, I modified the CustomClock screensaver applet
to work with JiveLite at that resolution (for creating custom now
playing, clocks, and have display optimized to work with the
SuperDateTime weather plugin for LMS).
I can't talk to the touch functionality.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-06-02 Thread tcutting

DenisPac wrote: 
> Hello,
> I'm trying to make a kind of Squeezebox touch using a RPI, SqueezeLite
> and JiveLite.
> I'm using a LCD TFT 3,5" touchscreen with a resolution of 480x320.
> My problem is that when I'm running JiveLite, I have a small portion of
> the JiveLite GUI visible and I'm blind to configure it.
> Do you have any hint to achieve this?
> Thanks in advance.

Your challenge is there are no skins designed at that resolution.  I
know it would be possible, but it would be a lot of work to develop a
set of skins for a new resolution - further ones which are setup for a
touch screen.  I don't know what would happen if you tried to install
skins for a "real" Touch (which has resolution of 480x272)... you may be
able to get that to work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-05-23 Thread tcutting

palmerx wrote: 
> Ooo... there is no way to get a smaler display running?

IF you can get the display to work with piCorePlayer and JiveLite, the
concern (as my previous post alludes to) is not having supported skins
for the resolution you are using.  HOWEVER, reviewing the link you sent,
the display you have has the same resolution as the Radio, so there may
be compatible skins in JiveLite from the Radio...
That should probably be discussed on another thread, however, as it is
outside the scope of the piCorePlayer, since they (appropriately) are
limiting their scope to the "official" rPi screen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-05-23 Thread tcutting

palmerx wrote: 
> Ooo... there is no way to get a smaler display running?

When you say smaller, do you mean SIZE or Resolution?
I would suggest if you want smaller size, to try to stick with something
that's 800x480 resolution (the same as the rPiF 7") - that allows you to
still use the "joggler" skins.  I am successfully using a 5" HDMI
display (w/o touch) from Adafruit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite Wallpaper

2016-05-11 Thread tcutting

Juggler wrote: 
> I have just tried to make my own "Squeezebox Touch" with a RPi2, RPi 7"
> display and HiFiBerry Digi+. After pulling together several resources on
> the web, I just came across this post and your webpage... thank you!
> I followed your instructions (except for Jivelite where "sudo make
> PREFIX=/usr" gave me an error, was able to do by removing PREFIX=/usr)
> and everyting is working. However, the touch screen doesn't seem to be
> properly calibrated. Are you using the touch screen or just the rotary
> encoder? If you are using the touch screen, is it working for you?
> Cheers,
> J.

Suggest you look at the piCorePlayer thread
I'm using piCorePlayer with the RPi2, RPi 7" display, and HiFiBerry
Dac+.  It easily lets you run both Squeezelite (the player) and JiveLite
(the GUI).  For me, the touch works VERY well.  I've also added an IR
receiver and using lirc - a little more work there (there's a separate
thread, as it's not fully integrated into the piCorePlayer yet); FLIRC
is also a reasonable option if you want to use IR.  They've recently
added the ability to run an LMS server from piCorePlayer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-05-08 Thread tcutting

As was said, best bet is the official screen. HOWEVER, one of my
instances uses a smaller screen connected via HDMI. Because it's the
same resolution, things display fine, but I had to manually set the
resolution on the PI configuration.  It's NOT a touch screen, however,
so I can't speak about that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-05-06 Thread tcutting

feeder6 wrote: 
> Another problem:
> VU Meter does not shows. I have downloaded it but it does not shows.
> I write the -v in the various options but nothing happens.

As I recall, the VU Meter is one of the "now playing" screens.  Under
"Settings/Screens/Now Playing/Now Playing Views" you can select which
"now playing screens" are available.
If you have a Touch screen, then if you are on the "now playing" screen,
a touch of the screen will cycle to the next Now Playing view.  Not sure
how to cycle through if you don't have a touch screen, but you can
always only "select" the one view you want to use under the Settings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-05-05 Thread tcutting

feeder6 wrote: 
> Hi guys,
> I hope that somebody can help me. I have installed jivelite on
> picoreplayer 2.04. I alos installed vu meters. The vu meters are showing
> but the needles don't move. The same with spectrum analyser. I can
> switch to the analyser but nothing moves.
> Greetings Daniel

Do you get movement if you increase the player volume?  I had this
problem (you would expect these visualizers to respond independent of
the playback volume).  If this is your issue, there is a fairly simple
fix...  If I find the info (it's somewhere on the forum), I'll post a

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-04-28 Thread tcutting

valnar wrote: 
> Hi.  I haven't visited this thread in a long time so I was wondering if
> somebody could help with what the current best product is to run
> Squeezelite?
> I have a 1st gen Cubox right now which I love, and I'd have no problem
> buying another if somebody wanted to get rid of one of their old
> Cuboxes.  Otherwise, what is the best thing to buy new these days?  I
> need optical S/PDIF out and Ethernet.  Wifi would be a nice bonus, but I
> don't have it now.

I'd say the best "supported" option is using Raspberry Pi. Ethernet is
built in, but you need add-ons to get other features you want.  The
latest RPi has wifi built in (although it sounds like it's performance
is only "fair"); previous RPis needed a usb wifi adapter.  For S/PDIF,
you'd need a "hat" card (e.g., HiFiBerry Digi+)

I use piCorePlayer, which include SqueezeLite and is easy to setup.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-04-13 Thread tcutting

You could try using CustomClock to create a custom Now Playing screen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-04-08 Thread tcutting

theloon wrote: 
> Please excuse my noobness but I have looked all over and read this
> announcement but is there a posting or instructions on how to run
> Jivelite from the command prompt, use the frame buffer with the official
> pi screen and the touch input work correctly?
> Thanks

If you want to run Joceline on rPi with official touch screen, suggest
you use picoreplayer... works GREAT!  And it's easy to install Jivelite
which supports official touch screen.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-03-25 Thread tcutting

Squeezed_Rotel wrote: 
> All set now, I neglected to enable "license manager" in LMS. Only minor
> issue, I can't find your "Roman Clock" in custom clock anymore.

You will have to re-import the Roman Clock from the posted text file.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-03-25 Thread tcutting

treble wrote: 
> Is the brightness adjuster in piCorePlayer v2.xx as well?  I could not
> find it in the JiveLite menus.  Do I have to install or activate it
> somewhere?  That screen is bright! :-)  Thanks!

Not in front of my piCorePlayer at the moment, but I believe you need to
install the piCorePlayer applet in JiveLite.  Then, look under
"settings" for piCorePlayer, and I think the brightness setting is in
that menu.  You might have to add the path to the piCorePlayer applet
repository in the LMS plugins repository list.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-03-25 Thread tcutting

Squeezed_Rotel wrote: 
> Spoke too soon. SDT plugin enabled without a problem, but the fields are
> not populated with data. I have the correct WU station i.d., as well as
> the WU API :confused:
> 20175

Can you post your LMS server log? Best if you restart LMS and let run
for about 10 minutes before capturing log. Would be good if logging for
SDT set to debug.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-03-24 Thread tcutting

Squeezed_Rotel wrote: 
> LMS installed using pCP 2.03. So far, everything works. On minor issue
> remains.
> > 

  > [16-03-20 15:02:51.7596  >  Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad (286) Warning: 
Module [Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin] failed to load:]

> > 
> What can I do to fix?

For those with this problem, I've created a "beta" version to try.
For this beta version, please add the following repository to your
plugins screen in LMS:

You should then be able to let the installer install SDT version

If you try it, please let me know if it works for you, or if it has
I deleted a small section of code which was causing problems with the
newer version of PERL.  The change seems to still be working OK on my
system, but I don't know if I broke something in the process.  Good

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-03-21 Thread tcutting

mherger wrote: 
> >> A similar error was identified on another thread. I suspect the
> version
> >> of PERL is incompatible with something in SDT.
> That's one way to see it. Another one could be that SDT is using an 
> instruction which is not compatible with more strict Perl versions. Perl
> is even kind enough to give you the solution to your problem. Just get 
> rid of the "defined". It's an easy fix.
> -- 
> Michael

That's what I meant to say ;-)
>From the previous error message I expected something similar to what you

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-03-20 Thread tcutting

Squeezed_Rotel wrote: 
> Thanks Paul. The plugin name is: SuperDate Time Screensaver (v5.10.21),
> the repo is
> I'm not sure but I think this repo is also associated with SDT
> Screensaver:

A similar error was identified on another thread. I suspect the version
of PERL is incompatible with something in SDT. I've been tied up this
weekend so haven't had time to investigate further. I'll try to check
the plugin in the next few days.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2016-03-19 Thread tcutting

Can't you do a "clean" install (re-image the micro-SD with the latest
piCorePlayer image)?
I know it's not as easy as the in-situ update.
The other process (~15 easy steps) works too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-03-04 Thread tcutting

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> hi John,
> hmm it must be the jivelite stuff.
> Are those custom clock images really images or are just http links?
> regards
> Greg

Custom clock caches images. This includes the weather icons if
SuperDateTime screens are used. These are not just links.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-02-28 Thread tcutting

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> The on-board wifi seems to be most interesting part about the PI 3. It
> still has the same memory and still no sata interface.

Based on the features list posted, looks like the USB power is improved,
which may eliminate need for a powered hub in most applications.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-02-27 Thread tcutting

kolossos4730 wrote: 
> Attached is an updated version of the piCorePlayer applet for JiveLite
> which adds an "Adjust Backlight Brightness" option for v1.1 official
> Raspberry Pi displays.

Thanks, Arie
Works well!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-02-14 Thread tcutting

kolossos4730 wrote: 
> I ordered another display last friday and assembled it today. This one
> had the PCB pre-assembled and the brightness setting works as
> advertised. My original display (ordered when the display first became
> available) behaves the same as yours. Maybe the original display
> hardware has a design flaw which was corrected in a new revision.
> I'll try to add an brightness control to my applet. For this to work
> after a reboot the brightness setting should be saved somewhere I
> presume.

Could the applet write the value at boot, or when changed within the
applet?  Several applets store settings - look in
"/home/tc/.jivelite/userpath/settings". Of course, you would have to
save the settings to the SD card for these changes to be retained after
reboot.  For example, when I make changes in CustomClock, if I want them
to be retained, then I use the PiCorePlayer applet to save settings to
the SD card.
An applet to control the brightness would be AWESOME.  I looked a little
yesterday to see how the Touch does it, but my applet/lua skills are
very limited. I did find bits and pieces - looks like the "main" Touch
lua (don't recall what it's called/where its located...) has the unique
Touch configurations, and it seems to specify the brigthtness controls. 
The Touch is different since it has an ambient light sensor.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-02-11 Thread tcutting

sbp wrote: 
> This is exactly what have been described in the raspberry forum - it is
> either "on" or "off" around that value (127) without any effect on
> brightness. So it could be interesting to know if our users have
> different experience with this - and why there could such a difference?
> Steen

I just got a chance to try with mine - it WORKS
I don't know if there are different rev's of the rpi display - for what
it's worth, I did purchase mine relatively recently.
I tried looking through the Raspberry Pi forums earlier, and wasn't able
to find anything about this control - I did find the earlier threads
which indicated that brightness control was NOT supported.

Being able to control the brightness on this display makes it MUCH more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-02-07 Thread tcutting

I was doing some testing, and in the process did a clean install of
piCorePlayer 2.01 (re-imaged SD card).
I realized that the "save to SD card" function of the PiCorePlayer
applet (on JiveLite) didn't actually save the settings - I had installed
applets, verified that they were active, then did the save from the
PiCorePlayer applet.  I then moved my device, and in the process
power-cycled, and it did not have the settings saved.  I verified that I
COULD save the settings from the web interface to pCP.  Further, I tried
to reboot the pCP from the applet, and that didn't work either.
Just a heads, up - maybe something changed in pCP 2.01, and the applet
didn't keep up?

Thanks guys, for an awesome setup (pCP with Jivelite) - appreciate all
the work!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-02-01 Thread tcutting

anadigi wrote: 
> I am thinking of getting this LCD for Picoreplayer 2.0.  Will it a be
> any problem to setup or needs any modification after the Jivelite
> enabled?

I don't know if there are any skins setup for this resolution.  Then
again, the Radio has the same screen resolution, so you might be in
My suggestion for screens is to try to standardize - the 800x480
resolution is good because that's the resolution of the official
Raspberry Pi touch screen, so that will get the most support.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-01-26 Thread tcutting

stereoptic wrote: 
> Is there a preferred power supply method for the Raspberry Pi Model B 2
> / piCoreplayer / jivelite / official Raspberry display configuration?
> >   >   > 
  - Individual power supplies for each (5V micro USB 1200 ma)?
  - USB 5V  2A(?)  PWR In on the rPi display + USB from PWR OUT to
  > micro USB rPi Power In ?
  - USB 5V 2A(?) Power In on the rPi Model 2 B + 2 GPIO jumpers (5V
  > and GND) from  Pi to rPi display board?
  > > > 
> Thanks!

I've been trying to find the answer to the same question.

Currently I have a >2A supply connected to the official RPi display,
then powering an RPi2 via the GPIO jumpers.
HOWEVER, this is currently just an RPi and display... I plan to install
a HiFiBerry DAC+ and FLIRC, and maybe wifi dongle.  At that point, the
GPIO jumpers won't work (without soldering?).  I am also concerned when
I add a FLIRC to the RPi.  I've ordered a micro-USB "Y" cable - idea
would be micro-USB wall-wart (>2A) to "Y" cable, with one connector to
micro-USB on display, second to micro-USB on RPI.  I haven't tried yet,
but ideally the RPi2 is OK powering the FLIRC (and wi-fi dongle if I
add) via its USB ports.  For this setup I'd prefer NOT to have to add a
powered USB hub.  I have "funded" a kickstarter RPi+Screen case, and I'd
like the final configuration to look as clean as possible.

My original RPi setup is a little different - I have an RPi B+ with a
HiFiBerry AMP+ and an AdaFruit 5" 800x480 HDMI display, FLIRC and WIFI
dongle.  In this case, the AMP+ (12V supply, I think) provides power to
the RPi via GPIO.  The AMP+ however, isn't designed to power more than
just the RPi on the 5V.  In that configuration, I have a powered USB hub
which provides power to the display (power only via USB) and to the
FLIRC and WIFI Dongle (power and data).  I'd rather NOT have two power
supplies and a USB hub, but it works OK in that configuration.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-01-26 Thread tcutting

stereoptic wrote: 
> Thanks for the reply.  I am going to try a few different setttings (just
> the 3 I itemized above, until some one else here posts another option). 
> Did you micro-USB Y cable for sale here in the states.  I looked earlier
> today and only found that dual micro USB "Y" cable overseas on
> 'pimoroni'
> ( site. 
> Have you found it somewhere else?

Looks a little "flimsy", but it was also cheap, so I decided to give it
a try.

> Is the SmartPi Touch your kickstarter?  It looks great! I just looked at
> that site and would like to contribute, but the lack of access to the
> HDMI is a deal breaker for me - I am not using a DAC, as I am satisfied
> with the one in my Marantz.

No, it's not my kickstarter, but it looked nice.  It pushed me over the
edge in my decision on getting the RPi screen to play with.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-01-18 Thread tcutting

tcutting wrote: 
> When using applets in JiveLite (on PiCorePlayer), where to the logs go? 
> I've reviewed the log file specified by the PiCorePlayer configuration
> (Squeezelite settings/log file name), but I don't find any of the
> expected log messages from an applet.  Where do the applet logs go?  Do
> I have to configure something to actually create logs from the applet?

Your help setting logging for Jivelite applets worked like a charm!  I
managed to get a modified version of CustomClock to run under Jivelite
on piCorePlayer using the rPi screen.  It's not pretty, but it's a

|Filename: IMAG0293.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-01-18 Thread tcutting

In trying to get CustomClock to work for JiveLite, I found I had to
disable the CustomSpectrumMeter and CustomVUMeter functions since they
require "squeezeplay.decode".  Is there an equivalent function under
PiCorePlayer/Jivelite/Squeezelite?  I imagine you use something similar
for the VU Meters?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2016-01-17 Thread tcutting

When using applets in JiveLite (on PiCorePlayer), where to the logs go? 
I've reviewed the log file specified by the PiCorePlayer configuration
(Squeezelite settings/log file name), but I don't find any of the
expected log messages from an applet.  Where do the applet logs go?  Do
I have to configure something to actually create logs from the applet?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2016-01-17 Thread tcutting

feeder6 wrote: 
> But my powersuply delivers 5Volt and 3Ampere. I have connected the
> audiophonics dac directly to the powersupply. The display gets the power
> from the Raspberry. I will try to change this. Display to powersupply
> and dac to Raspberry.

Do you have PS to Raspberry Pi and the USB from Pi to screen? If so,
this is backwards. Try PS to screen first, the screen provides power to
PI. May need short USB to MicroUSB.

Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Picoreplayer with touchscreen and jivelite

2016-01-11 Thread tcutting

feeder6 wrote: 
> I am freaking out! I go back to picoreplayer! What did you do to get
> displayed the messages from picoreplayer? Did you think you can run the
> display for jivelite soon?
> I am planing to put an old smartphone in the cover from my aluminium
> case. So i can remote the picoreplayer with the logitech squeezebox app
> via wlan. This is not jivelite but better then nothing. I know that
> there is the offical 7 inch display available but it is to expencive and
> a little to big for my case.
> Greetings Daniel

I am using a slightly smaller display (5"), but I don't have the
touch-screen version.  The one I use has HDMI input.  It does, however,
have the same resolution (800x480) as the "official" Raspberry Pi 7 inch
screen), so that means the skins should be compatible.  I believe
adafruit (where I got my screen) has a 3.5 inch HDMI 800x480 screen with
touch.  Getting the HDMI screen to work wasn't too difficult, but I
don't have a clue on the touch screen portion.  I use it with JiveLite,
and I believe the "joggler" skin, and a FLIRC IR remote dongle.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2015-12-30 Thread tcutting

random.t.c wrote: 
> Hi all together,
> since yesterday the original 7" pi display is working with my
> picoreplayer.
> But now the flirc reciever doesn't work, if the display is aktive. Only
> the wake-up-function is possible, if the display is off and the
> screensaver is set to "display off".
> After starting the player including the display, the pi don't react, if
> i press my ir-remote.
> The flirc works smothly with the 5" hdmi display.
> Does annyone knows a solution?
> Greetings

It could be possible your power supply is providing enough current for
the FLIRC. If you have a powered USB hub available, you might (as a
test) put that in line with the FLIRC to see if that fixes the issue.  I
am using a FLIRC and a USB powered display, but I intentionally set them
up on a powered USB hub for that concern - I believe the RPI USB port
current sourcing capabilities are somewhat limited.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-11-28 Thread tcutting

sbp wrote: 
> Hi tcutting.
> piCorePlayer also use this config.txt file which you can edit.
> I would think that your display should work if you add this to the
> file:
> > 

  >   > 
  > # uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output
  > hdmi_force_hotplug=1
  > # uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (here we are forcing 800x480!)
  > hdmi_group=2
  > hdmi_mode=1
  > hdmi_mode=87
  > hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0

> > 
> It is probably the easiest way if you open the SD-card in another
> computer and simply edit the file using a txt editor. The config.txt
> file is located in the root directory and will show up as soon as you
> open the SD-card in another computer.
> Steen

Thanks, Steen - That did the trick!
I don't know if it's related, but I was getting a lot of rebuffering
when I was running with the incorrect screen settings - don't see the
re-buffering now that the screen is correctly specified to the Pi. I'll
keep an eye (ear) on it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2015-11-28 Thread tcutting

tcutting wrote: 
> I agree with the clock and weather - I'll be curious if someone gets
> CustomClock working. I am seriously considering switching from my
> current SoA configuration to PiCorePlayer with Ralphy's JiveLite LUA
> version.  If I could get CustomClock working, that would then allow me
> to update one of the CustomClock screens for Clock and Weather tied to
> SuperDateTime.

Well - I have my Pi setup running the PiCorePlayer and raphy's JiveLite
Unfortunately, was NOT successful getting CustomClock to run
I put the CustomClock and LicenseManager files into the applet directory
ralphy described earlier.
I can see CustomClock and LicenseManager menu items.  The LicenseManager
seems to indicate that CustomClock is licensed (I thought that would be
a problem).
When I got into the "screens" setting, under "screen savers" there is a
"configure customclock" item, but it doesn't do anything (slight "bump"
animation when selected, but nothing else).  There are customclock
screensaver options available under the screensaver menu, but no way to
specify the actual customclock saver.
One of the issues MAY be that CustomClock expects the model to be Touch,
Radio or Controller (so it will enable the appropriate available screens
by model), and there is no "Squeezelite" model.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-11-27 Thread tcutting

I am trying to run PiCorePlayer as an alternative to SqueezeOnArch
(SoA). My configuration is using a 5" 800x480 HDMI display. I managed to
configure it under SoA, but don't know where to modify my PiCorePlayer
setup.  The monitor works, but it seems to not be correct - when booting
it looks like there's only information for a smaller display (extra
space on the monitor).  I see the same thing with the JiveLite in
PiCorePlayer - it doesn't extend all the way across the screen.
The display vendor has generic setup instructions for the RaspPi, but I
don't think the locations/config files are the same with the
PiCorePlayer setup.  Here's information from the display vendor: 
[Says "On Raspberry Pi, you're better off forcing the HDMI resolution by
using the following config.txt file (in /boot/config.txt) - you can edit
it by popping the SD card into your computer, the config.txt file is in
the root directory"]

# uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode

# uncomment this if your display has a black border of unused pixels
# and your display can output without overscan

# uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if
# goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border

# uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display's
size minus
# overscan.

# uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being

# uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (here we are forcing
hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0


# uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio
work in
# DMT (computer monitor) modes

# uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference,
blanking, or
# no display

# uncomment for composite PAL

#uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default.

# for more options see

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2015-11-24 Thread tcutting

Gildahl wrote: 
> Well, I just managed to get Jivelite working on my picoreplayer and all
> I can say to begin is a big thanks!  It is really slick and a huge
> enhancement.  I have just a few observations.  I'm using 1.21g with a
> RPi2 with a HiFiBerry DAC+ and official RPi 7" touchscreen.
> * I couldn't do the in situ upgrade...maybe because I was using Ralphy's
> squeezelite.  After re-imaging, Ralphy's squeezelite still can't be
> installed to work either.  No big deal since the default squeezelite
> seems to work fine (though I guess it would be nice to have the native
> ALAC support).
> * It was bothering me that I couldn't save my Jivelite config
> settings...but as I discovered (and now see a post here as well) doing a
> Backup from the pCP Main page does the trick.
> * It would be nice to be able to set the screensaver to use Image
> Browser (in Extras) in addition to Image Viewer.  Image Viewer requires
> pictures to be on a server and to create a .lst file to point to each
> and every image (which I finally managed to make practical with a
> script), whereas Image Browser can access files in an ordinary folder on
> the LMS (which is more convenient).  BTW, Flikr support is nice, but the
> pictures come across in low res even though the files I uploaded are the
> same as the ones I access through Image Viewer.
> * I too would really love to have visualizations and a clock
> supported--and to have the backlight turn off when using screen
> blanking.  Weather would be my only other request (well, for now).
> * This isn't a Jivelite comment per se, but I spent literally a couple
> of hours trying to figure out why I was getting bad crackle in some of
> my tracks after upgrading from 1.19 to 1.21g.  After doing some direct
> comparisons with another pCP running 1.19 I realized that the output
> levels at 100% volume on 1.21g sounded louder.  So I cut the digital
> volume down to 85% and it cured the crackle.  I wasn't expecting this
> since I have always run my Squeezeboxes at 100% digital volume without
> issue.  If I run 1.21g at > 85% digital volume I get crackle.  Again, no
> big deal...problem solved...but just an observation.

I agree with the clock and weather - I'll be curious if someone gets
CustomClock working. I am seriously considering switching from my
current SoA configuration to PiCorePlayer with Ralphy's JiveLite LUA
version.  If I could get CustomClock working, that would then allow me
to update one of the CustomClock screens for Clock and Weather tied to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-07-29 Thread tcutting

TommySharp wrote: 
 Morning all!
 This topic is pretty huge so struggling to find what I'm looking
 My goal is to take a raspberry pi with wifi and stuff it inside an old
 hifi speaker I have. So I'm now hunting for a small amp that connects to
 the Raspberry Pi that can drive the speaker.
 An elegant solution looks to be the HiFiBerry Amp but it's quite
 expensive Does anyone have any experience or suggestions on an
 alternative? I like the simplicity of the HiFiBerry Amp with one power
 source etc etc

I'm using the HiFiBerry amp, and am happy with it. Are you planning on
using the RPi's own analog output?  The RPi output quality is pretty

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-02-16 Thread tcutting

tcutting wrote: 
 I am trying to get an IR receiver to work with my Raspberry Pi using
 Squeeze on Arch (hoping to use IR remote to control using Jivelite). I
 installed lirc, but can't seem to get the lirc_rpi module to work. I
 don't know if it needs to be compiled(?) with the kernel?
 Most of the how to's for using IR with the RPI show commands/options
 using the lirc_rpi module, but none seem to work for me.

LIRC seems to be working - now how can I get LIRC to control JiveLite?
I have an MCE remote, and if I try irw, I get valid IR responses (e.g.,
Should this just work on SoA through JiveLite? (It doesn't!). Do I
need to somehow map to keyboard shortcuts?
I'd also like the arrow keys to move through the JiveLite menus (like
the Touch remote does on a Touch).

Any help is appreciated!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-02-08 Thread tcutting

I am trying to get an IR receiver to work with my Raspberry Pi using
Squeeze on Arch (hoping to use IR remote to control using Jivelite). I
installed lirc, but can't seem to get the lirc_rpi module to work. I
don't know if it needs to be compiled(?) with the kernel?
Most of the how to's for using IR with the RPI show commands/options
using the lirc_rpi module, but none seem to work for me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-01-31 Thread tcutting

Just ran through the SoA setup on a Raspberry Pi B+. I was amazed how
smoothly it went.
One concern I have is stuttery/crackly audio. I just set the thing up,
so I'm using the built-in audio - I know it's not supposed to be great,
but I expected better from the B+. Are there configurations to improve
the performance with the built-in audio? I'm expecting to upgrade to
something from Hifiberry, but I haven't ordered yet, so I think it will
be a while before I get a chance to try!
Any help is appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] disconnecting SB classic

2015-01-02 Thread tcutting

gian wrote: 
 Yes, I understand...
 Even without WiFi (and with both antennas removed) it reboots.
 I'll keep it in case I need spares for my other SBs.
 What a pity.

Have you tried to perform a XILINX reset and/or factory reset? 
Information is on the wiki:

Some system operations that require you to point your remote control on
the Squeezebox while starting the Squeezebox. To be sure you're doing it
right, pull the power from the unit, press and hold the appropriate
button on the remote while keeping it pointed at the unit, and give the
unit power again, while all the time keeping the remote button pressed
and the remote pointed at the unit.
Ip3k-based players

These codes apply to the ip3k-based players: Squeezebox 1, Squeezebox2,
Squeezebox3, Boom.

ADD - Factory reset
1 - Program Xilinx

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Has the Debian/Ubuntu repo moved?

2010-04-09 Thread tcutting

I think the problem is with another of the repos for Ubuntu - when I did
the apt-get update a couple of days ago it also hung in the middle of
the update, but I think it had already gotten info from the slim repo.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't play 24-96 files at all

2010-03-24 Thread tcutting

You realize that unless you are playing through a Touch or Transporter,
you are not actually playing the files at 96kHz?  That's what SOX does,
it resamples to a rate the player can handle (probably 48kHz).  You are,
however, getting the benefit of 24bit as opposed to 16 bits.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu Startup, Squeezecenter start before Network manager

2010-01-07 Thread tcutting

sudo service squeezeboxserver restart

(hope I have the syntax correct!).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu OS for a headless mini PC running SC + mixed Windows/Ubuntu network.

2009-10-28 Thread tcutting

As far as Ubuntu running in a linux/windows environment, that is no
problem.  You would run SAMBA which allows the linux to share its disks
on the network so Windows can see it.  You can move files to/from
windows, update files on the linux side, modify with mp3tag from the
windows machine.  That's what I have running.  There was a learning
curve, and was some work getting the Samba service setup the way I
wanted.  You might look into the Vortexbox application  - I believe
there is a complete Vortexbox appliance available which is integrated
hardware and software, but I think you can also get just the software
which is a Linux OS setup with Squeezebox Server, SAMBA, and also apps
to rip CDs directly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] invisible music in SC

2009-09-08 Thread tcutting

Are you re-scanning from squeezecenter after the new music is added?
When you say SC can see the music when copying, what do you mean? 
Are you browsing by folder?
Do any of the directories or filenames have characters which might be a
problem with the Linux filesystem?  I had a problem when I first moved
my music files from Windows to Linux - some of the the albums had . in
them, and this confused the Linux file system so it could't see these.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Album showing as empty, although it's not.

2009-06-29 Thread tcutting

Try changing the file names to remove these special characters. 
Remember that Squeezecenter gets its database values for song title,
etc, from the tags and not the filenames (except, possible if you only
navigate by folders rather than scanning and using the Albums, Artists
or Genre to select albums and/or songs).


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