Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2020-01-10 Thread Simonef

Hey guys,
I've made an installer to avoid wasting time everytime I want to
install/update lms on my server and nas.
It will download and install LMS without having to compile everything
every time and it will check for updates and update lms when requested.
I'm going to share it because maybe it can avoid some headache to some
of you.
To use it: 


  (must be executed as root!)
  pkg install wget ca_root_nss
  wget -P /usr/local/bin/
  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lms_installer

Tested on FreeNAS > 11 and FreeBSD > 11
updated to slimserver-vendor commit 8b05092 and slimserver commit
Guide : 'Logitech Media Server and FreeBSD'
Feel free to leave some feedback and report any bugs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2019-12-31 Thread darkmark

Used the instructions posted earlier in this thread, except within my
already running 7.8 lms in my 11-STABLE jail - I didn't use a separate
jail to build it.

Slight modifications to the instructions:


  - Download 7.9.0 (no nightlies)
  - replace all the perl versions with the one pkg upgrade uses (5.26 currently)
  - the  cp -Rp 
/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/arch/5.26/amd64-freebsd-thread-multi . 
command should be
  cp -Rp 
/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/arch/5.26/amd64-freebsd-thread-multi/* .
  - modules.conf needs the Audio::Scan line changed to 'Audio::Scan 0.93 1.02'
  - mv the old install to lms.bak and then cp -rP the new one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2019-09-09 Thread Michael Herger

If I do a fresh install of LMS in a new FreeBSD jail, what config files
do I need to copy out of my old jail?

You'll certainly want to use LMS' prefs folder. It contains (at least) 
server.prefs, plus for all the plugins. Try to find it on your system 
and link accordingly. I can't help with the FreeBSD specificx.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2019-09-09 Thread wcattey

I'm sending this note in the hopes that someone has traveled this route
and knows the answer, rather than my discovering it from yet another
painful learning experience (like my earlier post on recovering from a
perl update.)

If I do a fresh install of LMS in a new FreeBSD jail, what config files
do I need to copy out of my old jail?

I think in the dusty realms of the past, I actually linked a few config
files out to a shared volume, so I'm VERY fearful that, if I run my new
LMS server in my new deployment jail, I'll trash my running old version
because I'll overwrite customizations I've built up since 2015.

Any pointers to docs or inventories of active config files that are
set/modified in the operation of LMS would be most welcome!

LMS 7.9 - 2xSB2, 2xBoom, 2xKodi, Ocean Digital WR2300S, Denon
AVR-X6200W, SHIELD Android TV

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2019-09-02 Thread wcattey

I've been running on a March 2015 nightly build of LMS for quite some
I'm preparing to upgrade, but we're going to go from FreeBSD 9.3 to
FreeBSD 11 first, and that will take some time.

Today I badly broke my lms execution environment by trying to install
pkg install emacs25 
upgraded perl, installed a bunch of things it thought emacs needed, and
left the system with
a totally broken lms, and NOT a running emacs.

I was helpfully clued in on how to fix this:  
> The old package is most likely in /var/cache/pkg. You can remove the
> current version and add the old package with pkg add . It
> would be good to sanity check the end result with pkg check -d and pkg
> check -B to make sure things are in a consistent state.

I did
pkg delete perl5
and it deleted all the crap emacs25 installed including the broken emacs


  root@lms_1:/var/cache/pkg # pkg delete perl5
  Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
  Deinstallation has been requested for the following 45 packages (of 0 
packages in the universe):
  Installed packages to be REMOVED:
  Number of packages to be removed: 45

I then looked in /var/cache/pkg for all the p5 packages and worked at
re-installing them.

IMPORTANT:  If you go to unbreak your world, beware trying to install
too recent a version. It will try to upgrade to the new/broken perl:


  root@lms_1:/var/cache/pkg # pkg install p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1-4fbf72767e.txz
  Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
  FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
  All repositories are up-to-date.
  The following 4 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
  New packages to be INSTALLED:
p5-Authen-SASL: 2.16_1
p5-Digest-HMAC: 1.03_1
p5-GSSAPI: 0.28_1
  Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
perl5: 5.18.4_11 -> 5.24.1.r4_1
  Number of packages to be installed: 3
  Number of packages to be upgraded: 1
  The process will require 2 MiB more space.
  7 KiB to be downloaded.
  Proceed with this action? [y/N]:

Here is a script that I evolved as I installed things in the right
(Your mileage may vary.)


  #! /bin/sh
  pkg delete perl5
  pkg install perl5-5.18.4_11-baa451b56b.txz
  pkg install p5-Error-0.17022-5ab151c119.txz
  pkg install p5-App-cpanminus
  pkg install p5-Socket-2.018-bf7b7818d6.txz
  # pkg install p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1-4fbf72767e.txz
  pkg install p5-Mozilla-CA-20141217-b320160028.txz
  pkg install p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.36-4b763498f5.txz
  pkg install  p5-Net-SSLeay-1.68-dc0f6a2339.txz
  pkg install p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.012-d1b8252b49.txz
  pkg install p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03_1-86e59fe7ab.txz
  pkg install p5-GSSAPI-0.28_1-22724ab443.txz
  pkg install p5-Log-Log4perl-1.48-ab3a38e230.txz
  pkg install p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.01_3-378c8cc382.txz

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2019-09-02 Thread wcattey

Thanks for the review. I'd missed the description and that that the
generic Unix version is now used.

With a bit of fiddling, I came up with a change that now correctly finds
the nightly.
I've submitted the following patch to the github as issue#1:


  root@lms_9:~/jail # diff -c
  *** Mon Sep  2 13:49:55 2019
  ---  Mon Sep  2 13:43:28 2019
  *** 3,9 
  # Use pkg in unattended mode
  ! URL=$(curl -s 
 | sed -e 's/-sparc-readynas.bin$/-FreeBSD.tgz/')
  TGZ=$(basename $URL)
  LMS=$(basename $TGZ .tgz)
  --- 3,10 
  # Use pkg in unattended mode
  ! URL=$(curl -s 
 | sed -e 's/-sparc-readynas.bin$/.tgz/')
  ! # 
  TGZ=$(basename $URL)
  LMS=$(basename $TGZ .tgz)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2019-09-02 Thread slartibartfast

wcattey wrote: 
> My lms hasn't been updated since being installed with a nightly of 7.9.0
> taken in 2015, so I need to update.
> How nice that there's now a script to take care of the sundry nigglies. 
> Thank you RichieB!
> Unfortunately, there is no 
> available to fetch.
> 7.9.0 has a FreeBSD tarball.
> But 7.9.1 does not.
> There's no FreeBSD tarball in the 7.9 nightlies any more.
> What to do?

I know nothing about FREEBSD but is it the fourth download on this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2019-09-02 Thread wcattey

My lms hasn't been updated since being installed with a nightly of 7.9.0
taken in 2015, so I need to update.

How nice that there's now a script to take care of the sundry nigglies. 
Thank you RichieB!

Unfortunately, there is no
available to fetch.

7.9.0 has a FreeBSD tarball.
But 7.9.1 does not.
There's no FreeBSD tarball in the 7.9 nightlies any more.

What to do?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2019-07-09 Thread davidw71

Im running FreeNAS-9.10.2-U6 (561f0d7a1)  has anyone managed to install
LMS on this build.  I have run RichieB script in the build_lms.  The
shell closes after about 5min into the 
installtion, the last message on the screen is "resolving deltas"

Anyone have any ideas what the problem could be?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-12-13 Thread alayer

After 4 busy evenings LMS is running :cool:
The problem is with PERL versions.
Perl, FreeNAS11:


[root@freenas11 ~]# perl --version  

  This is perl 5, version 20, subversion 3 (v5.20.3) built for 

Perl in jails:


$ perl --version
  This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 1 (v5.24.1) built for 

Perl in jails after pkg update/upgrade commands:


root@lms_build:/usr/home/al # perl --version
  This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 3 (v5.24.3) built for 

Third version :confused:

You can't build LMS (./ using PERL 5.24.3, 5.22.4, 5.26.1.
Compilation works ONLY with Perl 5.24.1.
So simple don't execute 


pkg update
  pkg upgrade

in lms_built and lms jails - and it works.

I downloaded logitechmediaserver-7.9.1-1512734075-FreeBSD.tgz from h t t
p : / / / nightly/?ver=7.9 ,
instructions like Coreadale wrote in #50 with some modifications (Perl
versions, no pkg update/upgrade, no wget - I downloaded latest LMS
version manually, after building LMS more directories to remove (rm -rf
5.26) and in LMS jail:


pkg install p5-IO-Socket-SSL

So - it was very interestig for me to learn how to build LMS, thanks to
all of you for all posts in this tread, really very helpfull. Now it's
time for music :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-12-09 Thread Krisbee

alayer wrote: 
> @Krisbee I think you're right - there must be a stupid, simple error I
> made somewhere, but I can't find it. In #51 there is only:
> > 

  >   > EDIT: Tried it again. Now it works! Thanks alot! 

> > 
> but why "it works" now??? In my case there are no problems with .tar
> extensions, I run every command separately for error checking, and
> because I want to learn more about FreeBSD and Freenas. I like to see
> how it works and with every try I think I know more, for example how
> to compile FreeBSD ports :-)

One thing you might check is if the build jail and jail used to run LMS
both used the same version of perl.  And I'd also check the contents of
the "".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-12-09 Thread alayer

@Krisbee I think you're right - there must be a stupid, simple error I
made somewhere, but I can't find it. In #51 there is only:


EDIT: Tried it again. Now it works! Thanks alot! 

but why "it works" now??? In my case there are no problems with .tar
extensions, I run every command separately for error checking, and
because I want to learn more about FreeBSD and Freenas. I like to see
how it works and with every try I think I know more, for example how to
compile FreeBSD ports :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-12-09 Thread Krisbee

alayer wrote: 
> 1. I built lms in lms_build jail, using RichieB script
> ( ).
> After 30 minutes - success! 
> > 

  >   > Building complete! The result is in 
  > root@build_lms:/usr/home/al # ll /tmp/LMS/
  > total 49006
  > -rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel 11518 Dec  8 23:44
  > drwx--  12 10184  1001739 Mar  8  2017 
  > -rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel  42740224 Dec  8 23:44 
  > -rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel  24084509 Mar  8  2017 
  > drwxr-xr-x  10 root   wheel11 Dec  8 23:44 slimserver-vendor/

> > 
> 2. Then I made a second jail, lms, and installed my fresh
> logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-FreeBSD.tar as described in this thread (
> e.g. in coreadale post). Unfortunately, when I want to start LMS, i
> had a message:
> > 

  >   > root@lms:/tmp/lms # /etc/rc.d/lms start
  > Starting lms.
  > The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat 
HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name
  > ***
  > NOTE:
  > If you're running some unsupported Linux/Unix platform, please use the
  > script located here:
  > If 7.9 is outdated by the time you read this, Replace "7.9" with the major 
  > You should never need to do this if you're on Windows or Mac OSX. If the 
  > don't work for you, ask for help and/or report a bug.
  > ***
  > Exiting..
  > root@lms:/tmp/lms #

> > 
> I don't know much about FreeBSD or freenas 11, so I don't know what I
> do wrong. Tomorrow I will start with Docker, as Cadavor suggest.
> Best regards,
> Andrzej

Did you check that it's not the same simple error as posted in #51? 
Building LMS using this method in FreeNAS 11 does work, I did it about
two months ago.  To use Docker in FreeNAS, you'd have to create a linux
virtual machine first to run docker.  This seems rather pointless when
you can just install LMS in the virtual machine. In any case, LMS
running in a virtual machine inside FreeNAS does not have direct access
to your zfs pool data, you have to setup network shares to mount within
the virtual machine.  Performance is better when using jails.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-12-08 Thread alayer

mherger wrote: 
> >The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat
> HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name
> >
> > 
> > Why it doesn't work? Everything (PERL version, LMS version, users,
> > groups,  access rights etc) seems to be OK, but it doesn't work...
> Quite obviously the Perl version is not ok. It's missing above modules.
> Did you try to build the modules as outlined in this thread?
> -- 
> -- 
> Michael

1. I built lms in lms_build jail, using RichieB script
( ).
After 30 minutes - success! 


Building complete! The result is in 
  root@build_lms:/usr/home/al # ll /tmp/LMS/
  total 49006
  -rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel 11518 Dec  8 23:44
  drwx--  12 10184  1001739 Mar  8  2017 
  -rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel  42740224 Dec  8 23:44 
  -rw-r--r--   1 root   wheel  24084509 Mar  8  2017 
  drwxr-xr-x  10 root   wheel11 Dec  8 23:44 slimserver-vendor/

2. Than I made a second jail, lms, and installed my fresh
logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-FreeBSD.tar as described in this thread ( e.g.
in coreadale post). Unfortunately, when I want to start LMS, i had a


root@lms:/tmp/lms # /etc/rc.d/lms start
  Starting lms.
  The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser 
JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name
  If you're running some unsupported Linux/Unix platform, please use the
  script located here:
  If 7.9 is outdated by the time you read this, Replace "7.9" with the major 
  You should never need to do this if you're on Windows or Mac OSX. If the 
  don't work for you, ask for help and/or report a bug.
  root@lms:/tmp/lms #

I don't know much about FreeBSD or freenas 11, so I don't know what I do
wrong. Tomorrow I will start with Docker, as Cavador suggest.

Best regards,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-12-08 Thread cadavor

alayer wrote: 
> Hi! 
> I have a problem with LMS on Freenas 11. When I try to run LMS, I have a
> message:
> > 

  >   > Starting lms.
  > The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat 
HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name

> > 
> Why it doesn't work? Everything (PERL version, LMS version, users,
> groups,  access rights etc) seems to be OK, but it doesn't work...
If you are on Freenas 11, why not running LMS in Docker?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-12-08 Thread Michael Herger

   The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser 
JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name

Why it doesn't work? Everything (PERL version, LMS version, users,
groups,  access rights etc) seems to be OK, but it doesn't work...
Quite obviously the Perl version is not ok. It's missing above modules. 
Did you try to build the modules as outlined in this thread?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-12-08 Thread alayer

I have a problem with LMS on Freenas 11. When I try to run LMS, I have a


Starting lms.
  The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser 
JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name

Why it doesn't work? Everything (PERL version, LMS version, users,
groups,  access rights etc) seems to be OK, but it doesn't work...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-03-17 Thread samael

Not sure what I missed, but going through it again seems to have fixed
it for me as well.  Thanks folks!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-03-16 Thread mrMuppet

I don't know what I changed. But in a second try it did work. 

Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A3003 mit Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-03-16 Thread samael

mrMuppet wrote: 
> EDIT: Tried it again. Now it works! Thanks alot!

I'm having exactly your problem.  What did you do to resolve it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-03-07 Thread Krisbee

Thanks to the info posted in this thread, and RichieB git files, I was
able to build LMS in a FreeNAS jail without problem.  Took the short-cut
to use a single jail to both build and test run LMS.  Tested the LMS
port in another jail, and it builds without error.  I feel far more
confident now that I could get LMS running on FreeBSD/FeeNAS if it was

If "Docker" is the future, then at least on linux I found this image
appears to work well:

Thanks again to RichieB et al.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-21 Thread Krisbee

These two vids give a good impression of the direction of FreeNAS

Jordan Hubbard - FreeNAS 10: Challenges of building a modern Enterprise
Storage Appliance on FreeBSD:

Jordan Hubbard - FreeNAS 10 @ BayLISA:

The underlying complexity has been abstracted away in the new UI but the
move towards docker means using the linux emulation layer.  Some would
argue that up to now, jails and plugin in FreeNAS have not been that
successful. For my home use FreeNAS 10 is overkill.  It's true that the
UI makes setting up  logging, checks, alerts and reporting very easy.
But even I managed to set up basic emailing reports on my Deb8 file
server box and zfs-zed can give you feedback on some ZFS events to add
to the with the usual smartctl stuff. The real attraction of FreeNAS to
me is it runs from a usb stick and frees up a SATA port on my mini-itx
m/board and has the bonus of being free of systemd.   I have no ambition
to build an "  Enterprise Storage Appliance" with true server grade
components, but I was interested how much mileage I could get out my
consumer grade kit.  The fact that LMS can be be built and run on
FreeBSD/FreeNAS keeps the options open.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-21 Thread RichieB

I'm in a quite similar situation. I just build my own NAS, testing it
out a bit. I settled on using ZFS for data integrity, but have not
decided on the OS. I prefer Debian CLI but am quite charmed by how
complete FreeNAS is. It has most of the things like logging, checks,
alerts and reporting sorted out. Even the plugins and jails look well
done. I could set all this up on Debian with docker but it would take me
days of tinkering. I do want to avoid a VM layer unless I really need it
(like for running Windows apps). Thankfully I mostly use Unix apps which
FreeBSD of course is very capable of running.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-21 Thread Krisbee

RichieB wrote: 
> The port you pointed to is from October 2016 which is not bad, but I
> like to be able to choose what LMS version I run. With the script I
> posted creating a working LMS version for FreeNAS is very easy (just
> takes a little compilation time).
> The problem with iohyve (and other open source VM techniques) is disk
> performance. Instead of using the native FreeBSD mount_nullfs way of
> providing local storage you need to mount filesystems over NFS to get
> any decent performance. I find that an ugly way and I doubt FreeNAS will
> support this in their GUI. See also:

At least the port has had further commits as recently as feb 2017, but
point taken about your script. I mentioned it as others might find the
port useful. Well I did say if your happy to get data access via a
network share to your VM. In FreeNAS 9.10.2 iohyve appears to be a stop
gap as they move to version 10 and there's no GUI support, my brief use
of jails in FreeNAS 9 seemed to be very clunky and based on old version
software.  Did I read u9fs will be used in FreeNAS 10?  

I took the easy route and performance would be good enough on my low end
home network if I wanted to run LMS on a FreeNAS box by using a VM.   My
home needs are very simple, a centralised file server for back-ups and
data which runs LMS.  Using zfs is attractive, but not strictly
essential for me, as I only currently don't have a large amount data.  I
have zfs running on debian 8 right now for my data array and kept the
system drive on ext4.  

I'm not convinced I'd use FreeNAS, actually I would prefer to become
proficient enough in FreeBSD to set-up a simple zfs based file server
administered from the CLI.  I will use your script when I get a chance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-21 Thread RichieB

The port you pointed to is from October 2016 which is not bad, but I
like to be able to choose what LMS version I run. With the script I
posted creating a working LMS version for FreeNAS is very easy (just
takes a little compilation time).

The problem with iohyve (and other open source VM techniques) is disk
performance. Instead of using the native FreeBSD mount_nullfs way of
providing local storage you need to mount filesystems over NFS to get
any decent performance. I find that an ugly way and I doubt FreeNAS will
support this in their GUI. See also:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-21 Thread Krisbee

I'm a FreeNas/FreeBSD novice who mostly uses linux and have not tried
the instructions in this thread or RichieB's build script.  But this
port may provide an alternative:  I installed this
port in a FreeBSD 11 VM and it works.  I think I read somewhere you need
to turn the make config  option "TEST" off for the port to build in a

Moving to the latest FreeNAS 9.10 stable now allows the use of iohyve at
the CLI which provides a straightforward method to create and use VMs. 
A minimal Debian 8 VM with LMS seems to be light on resources and works
well if you're happy to provide access to host data as a CIFS or NFS

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-19 Thread RichieB

I've created a build script using the information in this thread:
I'm sure it can be automated even more, but that is for another weekend.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-18 Thread RichieB

Thanks everyone for contributing to this thread. I'm trying it out right

For a true copy-paste experience use this to avoid pkg asking if you
really want to download the packages:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-03 Thread mrMuppet

Tried it:


service lms start
  Starting lms.
  The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser 
JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name
  If you're running some unsupported Linux/Unix platform, please use the
  script located here:
  If 7.9 is outdated by the time you read this, Replace "7.9" with the major 
  You should never need to do this if you're on Windows or Mac OSX. If the 
  don't work for you, ask for help and/or report a bug.

P.S. in the line 

tar cf logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-1485931015-FreeBSD 

 you forgot the extension ...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2017-02-02 Thread coredalae

Right. For everyone who struggles with this, I got it working under
freenas 9.10.2 tonight after fiddling a bit. To sort of summarize i'll
be stealing a lot from get.amped. All credits go to him & all others in
this tread for helping me figure out what was happening. Turns out
slimserver-vendor is updated for perl 5.24.1 right now. 

Create two jails: one to build LMS and one to run it. Use Advanced mode,
enter the IPv4 default gateway and check VIMAGE.
btw, you can enter freenas jails through ssh as follows: 

jls  ## to check jail number
  jexec "jailnumber" 

In build_LMS jail:


pkg update
  pkg upgrade
  pkg install bash
  pkg install gmake
  pkg install rsync
  pkg install nasm
  pkg install wget
  pkg install libgd
  pkg install gcc
  mkdir /tmp/LMS
  cd /tmp/LMS
  wget h t t p : //downloads. slimdevices. 
  tar xf logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-1485931015-FreeBSD
  git clone -b public/7.9
  ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/perl5.24.1 /usr/bin/perl
  ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/perl5.24.1 /usr/bin/perl5
  cd /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN
  ./ | tee /tmp/LMS/
  cd /tmp/LMS/logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-1485931015-FreeBSD/CPAN/arch/5.24
  cp -Rp 
/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/arch/5.24/amd64-freebsd-thread-multi .
  cd ..
  rm -rf 5.8
  rm -rf 5.10
  rm -rf 5.12
  rm -rf 5.14
  rm -rf 5.16
  rm -rf 5.18
  rm -rf 5.20
  rm -rf 5.22
  cd /tmp/LMS
  tar cf logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-1485931015-FreeBSD 

Then, in freenas shell (move the tar between jails):



In LMS jail:


pkg update
  pkg upgrade
  pw groupadd -n lms -g 30001
  pw useradd -n lms -u 30001 -g lms -s /usr/sbin/nologin -c "Logitech Media 
Server" -d /nonexistent
  mkdir /usr/local/lms
  tar xf /tmp/logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-1485931015-FreeBSD.tar -C /usr/local/lms
  mv /usr/local/lms/logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-1485931015-FreeBSD/* 
  rmdir /usr/local/lms/logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-1485931015-FreeBSD
  chown -R lms:lms /usr/local/lms
  rm /usr/bin/perl
  rm /usr/bin/perl5
  ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/perl5.24.1 /usr/bin/perl
  ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/perl5.24.1 /usr/bin/perl5

I created an additional storage source /mnt/SSD/lms_data with
destination /mnt/lmsdata and set permissions:


chown -R lms:lms /mnt/lms_data/cache
  chown -R lms:lms /mnt/lms_data/prefs

Create startup file: lms 

This is trickier than it looks because it can't have any extra white
space. I suggest getting it here:

Follow the instructions in the file.
Finally, while still in LMS jail, within the folder the lms startup file
is located:


mv lms /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
  chown root:wheel /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms
  chmod 555 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms
  echo 'lms_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  echo 'lms_cachedir="/mnt/lms_data/cache"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  echo 'lms_prefsdir="/mnt/lms_data/prefs"' >> /etc/rc.conf
  echo 'lms_playlistdir="/mnt/Playlists"' >> /etc/rc.conf

restart your jail, or:

service lms start/code]
  and try to connect to your jail : 9000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-11-02 Thread Fenix4k

hey again

So I've been using LMS on FreeNAS for about half a year now and it works
perfectly with the exception of Spotify integration (it has some
problems on emulated Squeeze Players). I saw that this problem has been
addressed in a newer version of the LMS 7.9 nightly and I wanted to ask
if someone knows how to upgrade my current version to the newest version
in the FreeNAS jail so i do not lose all my settings and libraries?

Thank you so much for the help and best regards!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-09-18 Thread mrMuppet

cooppw02 wrote: 
> I'd just like to chime in and say thanks to those that made and
> contributed to this thread.  The instructions worked pretty much
> flawlessly; the only thing I had to do differently was to change the
> perl 5.20.2 references to 5.20.3.

I tried it, changed the reference and profed it is set right, but i
still get the 

/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
  *** [blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/] Error code 1
  Stop in /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/libmediascan-0.1/bindings/perl.
  make failed, aborting


What can i do?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-05-04 Thread Fenix4k

oh ok, that's it and it works with LMS? that does also work for other

thx and cheers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-05-03 Thread stuarty

Fenix4k wrote: 
> Just one more question: pufnstuf (on the first page) said he installed
> FAAD port manually. Can anyone explain me how to do that?

I don't use FreeNAS but if you can install packages then 

pkg install faad2

 on the command line should work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-05-01 Thread Fenix4k

Hey guys

with this whole thread, installation of LMS on freenas 9.10 works
perfectly as far as I can tell. Thank you!

Just one more question: pufnstuf (on the first page) said he installed
FAAD port manually. Can anyone explain me how to do that? I tried to
contact him per PM but it seems my messages get lost somehow or at least
they're not registred in my account.

anyway, thanks again and best regards

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-04-27 Thread Michael Herger

I have working 7.9 now so all is well but I was thinking about what

> happens when I want update LMS, let's say in six months or a year. How

Check for 
any recent change. If in doubt, come here to ask :-)

Chances are you won't have any issue, as I try to keep changes in this 
area as little as possible.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-04-27 Thread stuarty

mherger wrote: 
> I do understand that the situation currently can be a bit confusing. I 
> don't know of a simple response to your problem. Because it also depends
> on Perl versions etc.
> It's probably easiest to build your binaries, then run LMS with 
> --d_startup enabled to get the maximum output from the initialization. 
> And go from there: if you see a version mis-match, check what is being 
> built in slimserver-vendor. Make sure you copy both the binary AND the 
> of the modules.
> Are you still having a problem running LMS now?

I have working 7.9 now so all is well but I was thinking about what
happens when I want update LMS, let's say in six months or a year. How
will I be able to know which modules have been updated? I can start with
'./ --d_startup' and then work back to fix any mismatches,
I understand that process but I was wondering if there might be a more
efficient method. If I wait to see where mismatches occur then I also
have to figure out where to find the necessary modules or binaries.

This message doesn't really need an answer unless someone has a
suggestion for how to automate or simplify the install and update

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-04-26 Thread stuarty

Michael, how can a user like me know which modules have been updated
easily? If I know what has been updated I can figure out which modules
to copy across from my own building of slimserver-vendor. Alternatively
I may try copying across more of my build into a noCPAN nightly and see
what happens.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-04-26 Thread Michael Herger

> how can a user like me know which modules have been updated easily?
> If I know what has been updated I can figure out which modules to
> copy across from my own building of slimserver-vendor.

I do understand that the situation currently can be a bit confusing. I 
don't know of a simple response to your problem. Because it also depends 
on Perl versions etc.

It's probably easiest to build your binaries, then run LMS with 
--d_startup enabled to get the maximum output from the initialization. 
And go from there: if you see a version mis-match, check what is being 
built in slimserver-vendor. Make sure you copy both the binary AND the 
.pm of the modules.

Are you still having a problem running LMS now?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-04-25 Thread stuarty

mherger wrote: 
> I don't think that 
> Image::Scale per se is a problem. But you'd have to not only copy the 
> compiled binary file, but its file, too. Otherwise the latter 
> used by LMS would require a binary version 0.8, instead of the 0.11 
> you've found. I don't remember exactly why we had to update. But I
> vaguely remember 
> that 0.8 exposed some issue with newer Perl versions. You can find the 
> detailed list of changes for Image::Scale on Andy's github page:

Thanks Michael. 'Andy says the same thing'
( I read the
changes but could not make sense of them. I think I can see how the
mismatch occurs but do not know how to avoid it.

I have been combining building slimserver-vendor from git (so that I get
architecture specific binaries) with files from a recent nightly. So 0.11 gets built but I combine it with 0.08 from the

If I rollback with git I can get an earlier version of but what
can I do to get a version of which matches 0.11? Is it
something I can build from slimserver-vendor? Can the existing
be updated?

Any help appreciated. /Stuart

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-04-25 Thread Michael Herger

Can anyone explain what has changed with Image::Scale moving from 0.8 to
0.11 and what can be done about  it?

From the little I read on that linked page I don't think that 
Image::Scale per se is a problem. But you'd have to not only copy the 
compiled binary file, but its file, too. Otherwise the latter 
used by LMS would require a binary version 0.8, instead of the 0.11 
you've found.

I don't remember exactly why we had to update. But I vaguely remember 
that 0.8 exposed some issue with newer Perl versions. You can find the 
detailed list of changes for Image::Scale on Andy's github page:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-04-25 Thread stuarty

I have a working 'LMS 7.9 in a Freebsd jail on nas4free'
( I
had 'to follow the instructions to checkout an earlier version'
of Image::Scale (as described in the post linked above.

Can anyone explain what has changed with Image::Scale moving from 0.8 to
0.11 and what can be done about  it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-03-26 Thread cadavor

To solve problem about Image::Scale i follow this post :
and now LMS runs!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-03-24 Thread cadavor

Wolfy wrote: 
> I followed the instructions and managed getting everything in place,
> after restarting the jail as the last instruction. I tried the ip:9000
> but no success..
> i went into the jail to try and start it manually (service lms restart)
> i get the error:
> > 

  >   > root@SqueezeServ:/ # service lms restart

  > lms not running? (check /var/run/lms/  

  > Starting lms.   

  > /usr/local/lms/ not found 

  > /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms: WARNING: failed to start lms   

  > root@SqueezeServ:/ # 

> > 
> the file is located in the correct place i believe all rights are
> correct (as the instructions tell)
> anyone know what could be the problem?

Hello, i get the same error as Wolfy.
I followed instructions and checked the md5 hash which is ok.
I also checked all rights nothing seems wrong but it doesn't work so...

Anyone can help me?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-03-09 Thread get.amped

Wolfy wrote: 
> The "ln" is linked to the perl 5.20.3 Folder.
> Almost as in the tutorial.
> I did not have the ".2" Folder so I edited to link to the one I have.
> Was it wrong?

I honestly don't know. With so little to go on (only you were there), I
can't tell you exactly what went wrong.

So my suggestion is start over and do it again. Carefully. Make sure
everything works as you go through the process. It took me a lot of
tries before I got it right and it's easy to miss something.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-03-05 Thread Wolfy

The "ln" is linked to the perl 5.20.3 Folder.
Almost as in the tutorial.
I did not have the ".2" Folder so I edited to link to the one I have.
Was it wrong?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-03-05 Thread get.amped

Wolfy wrote: 
> the installed version of perl is: perl 5, version 20, subversion 3
> (v5.20.3)
> in /tmp/LMS/logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-"ver"/CPAN/arch/ there is a folder
> 5.22
> i tried all the commands pointing to 5.22 but i got almost the same
> error, can't really remember...
> is there something in the script?
> i checked the log file but could not find any "error", "failed",
> "Warning.
> is there maybe something that might need to be changed in the
> file?

AFAIK you do not need to edit the script. But you do need to
have the symbolic links point to the correct directory for Perl. The
"ln" commands are the key here for both the build and run jails.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-03-02 Thread Wolfy

the installed version of perl is: perl 5, version 20, subversion 3
in /tmp/LMS/logitechmediaserver-7.9.0-"ver"/CPAN/arch/ there is a folder
i tried all the commands pointing to 5.22 but i got almost the same
error, can't really remember...
is there something in the script?
i checked the log file but could not find any "error", "failed",
is there maybe something that might need to be changed in the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-02-29 Thread get.amped

Wolfy wrote: 
> I re-downloaded the lms file and the MD5 hash is the same as in the hash
> in the downloaded file.
> but the startup is no success..
> > 

  >   > 
  > root@SqueezeServ:/ # service lms start  

  > Starting lms.   

  > The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech Media 
  > :   

  > Image::Scale:   
  > Image::Scale object version 0.11 does not match bootstrap parameter 0.08 at 
  > /local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/ line 216.  

  > Compilation failed in require at (eval 92) line 1.  

  > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 92) line 1.  

  > To fix this problem you have several options:   

  > 1. Install the latest version of the module(s) using CPAN: sudo cpan 
  > e   

  > 2. Update the module's package using apt-get, yum, etc. 

  > 3. Run the .tar.gz version of Logitech Media Server which includes all 
  > CPAN modules.   

  > root@SqueezeServ:/ #  

> > 
> Anny ideas?

Perl version mismatch is my guess. It's the most common problem and it's
unlikely that 5.20 is the right version.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-02-27 Thread Wolfy

Never mind, i managed to download the file and the MD5 hash is the same
as in the hash in the downloaded file.
but the startup is no success..


  root@SqueezeServ:/ # service lms start
  Starting lms. 
  The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech Media 
  Image::Scale object version 0.11 does not match bootstrap parameter 0.08 at 
  /local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/ line 216.
  Compilation failed in require at (eval 92) line 1.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 92) line 1.
  To fix this problem you have several options: 
  1. Install the latest version of the module(s) using CPAN: sudo cpan 
  2. Update the module's package using apt-get, yum, etc.   
  3. Run the .tar.gz version of Logitech Media Server which includes all 
  CPAN modules. 
  root@SqueezeServ:/ #  

Anny ideas?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-02-26 Thread Wolfy

How do i Download the jtuvqvEJ file directly on my freenas?
i have tried but the file only contains an error of the file..
i run the command :wget
how should it be?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-02-23 Thread get.amped

Wolfy wrote: 
> I followed the instructions and managed getting everything in place,
> after restarting the jail as the last instruction. I tried the ip:9000
> but no success..
> i went into the jail to try and start it manually (service lms restart)
> i get the error:
> > 

  >   > root@SqueezeServ:/ # service lms restart

  > lms not running? (check /var/run/lms/  

  > Starting lms.   

  > /usr/local/lms/ not found 

  > /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms: WARNING: failed to start lms   

  > root@SqueezeServ:/ # 

> > 
> the file is located in the correct place i believe all rights are
> correct (as the instructions tell)
> anyone know what could be the problem?

With not much to go on I would first look at the startup script. If it
has any extra spaces or unexpected end of line characters it can fail.
Make sure you have a clean copy of it, preferably one that has not been
processed by Windows.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-02-18 Thread Wolfy

I followed the instructions and managed getting everything in place,
after restarting the jail as the last instruction. I tried the ip:9000
but no success..
i went into the jail to try and start it manually (service lms restart)
i get the error:


root@SqueezeServ:/ # service lms restart

  lms not running? (check /var/run/lms/
  Starting lms. 
  /usr/local/lms/ not found   
  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms: WARNING: failed to start lms 
  root@SqueezeServ:/ # 

the file is located in the correct place i believe all rights are
correct (as the instructions tell)
anyone know what could be the problem?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-01-20 Thread cooppw02

I'd just like to chime in and say thanks to those that made and
contributed to this thread.  The instructions worked pretty much
flawlessly; the only thing I had to do differently was to change the
perl 5.20.2 references to 5.20.3.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-01-10 Thread get.amped

To those having troubles,

I only check in here occasionally and I'm far from a
Linux/FreeNAS/FreeBSD maven. But nearly every problem I've seen with
building LMS is related to:

1) Perl

and /or

2) permissions

All the references to Perl have to be consistent throughout the process.
If you're dealing with version 5.20.3, make sure you adjust all steps to
reflect that.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-01-02 Thread tosneyp

Erik S wrote: 
> I understand all the commands are important, but I misunderstood and
> thought the code in the downloaded file was to be used instead of the
> code in your original post that sets permissions.
> You have been most helpful and I greatly appreciate you putting up with
> me.

Hi Erik S,

Can you tell me if you have managed to get this working with Perl
5.20.3? I cant get by this bit  "./ | tee
/tmp/LMS/" :(

I get the error :

Error code 1

Stop in /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/Audio-Scan-0.95.
make test failed, aborting

Did you ever get this error mate? I'm totally stumpedbeen trying for
weeks to get this working :( 

Any help or advice would be appreciated? :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2016-01-02 Thread tosneyp

get.amped wrote: 
> Congratulations! Enjoy!

Hi everyone, 

I was just wondering if anyone had any joy with this recently? I only
ask as I've spent hours trying to get this work on my Freenas server and
i'm falling down at the bit where it states "*./ | tee

When I run this I get an error saying :

*** [Scan.o] Error code 1

Stop in /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/Audio-Scan-0.95.
make test failed, aborting-

I'm guessing this is just the first hurdle for me, but until i can
resolve this I dont want to push on with the rest of the install as it
could be just this issue thats stopping my success! ;) Just as a bit of
background info, Perl has been updated to version 5.20.3..and I'm
assuming this is part of my issue! :( Plus the download of the
"slimserver" files seems to possibly be a little out of date as the
"amd64-freebsd-thread-multi" folder is nowhere to be seen when ive
downloaded the files/folder etc... :(

If anyone has any advice or information that might help me out with
anything then i'd be most appreciative :)

Happy New Year y'all!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-13 Thread get.amped

Erik S wrote: 
> It's running now.

Congratulations! Enjoy!

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-13 Thread Erik S

get.amped wrote: 
> You are referring to the startup script? You should be able to run that
> command in the FreeNAS shell to generate the correct file.

I can't get LMS to start, so I will list my steps.

I downloaded the file @ and
opened it with notepad. I created the file lms.b64 in my LMS jail
directory /tmp/lms. I pasted the block of unreadable text from the
downloaded file into the lms.b64 file I created. In my LMS jail shell I
ran the command openssl enc -base64 -d < lms.b64 > /tmp/lms. This
created the file lms with no extension in the /tmp/lms directory. In
windows explorer I copied the new lms file into my LMS jail directory
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/. I restarted the jail and then tried to navigate my
browser to (this is the IP of my LMS jail) and I get
the message " Can't reach this page". I went back to my LMS jail shell
and ran the commands "service lms start" and "service lms stop". In both
cases I get the message "lms does not exist in /etc/rc.d or the local
directories (/usr/local/etc/rc.d).

Any idea where I went wrong


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-13 Thread get.amped

Erik S wrote: 
> I can't get LMS to start, so I will list my steps.
> I downloaded the file @ and
> opened it with notepad. I created the file lms.b64 in my LMS jail
> directory /tmp/lms. I pasted the block of unreadable text from the
> downloaded file into the lms.b64 file I created. In my LMS jail shell I
> ran the command openssl enc -base64 -d < lms.b64 > /tmp/lms. This
> created the file lms with no extension in the /tmp/lms directory. In
> windows explorer I copied the new lms file into my LMS jail directory
> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/. I restarted the jail and then tried to navigate my
> browser to (this is the IP of my LMS jail) and I get
> the message " Can't reach this page". I went back to my LMS jail shell
> and ran the commands "service lms start" and "service lms stop". In both
> cases I get the message "lms does not exist in /etc/rc.d or the local
> startup
> directories (/usr/local/etc/rc.d).
> Any idea where I went wrong
> Thanks

Do not open the file in notepad; download it directly to the directory
in your LMS jail. After you create the lms file using openssl, do not
copy the file using Windows explorer; use the Linux mv command instead:


mv lms /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

Make sure you set the proper permissions on the file. That is the
purpose of these lines:


chown root:wheel /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms
  chmod 555 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms

As it turns out, all of the commands are there for a reason. It's fine
to find your own way, but you have to know all the milestones along

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-13 Thread Erik S

get.amped wrote: 
> Do not open the file in notepad; download it directly to the directory
> in your LMS jail. After you create the lms file using openssl, do not
> copy the file using Windows explorer; use the Linux mv command instead:
> > 

  >   > mv lms /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

> > 
> Make sure you set the proper permissions on the file. That is the
> purpose of these lines:
> > 

  >   > chown root:wheel /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms
  > chmod 555 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/lms

> > 
> As it turns out, all of the commands are there for a reason. It's fine
> to find your own way, but you have to know all the milestones along
> it...

I understand all the commands are important, but I misunderstood and
thought the code in the downloaded file was to be used instead of the
code in your original post that sets permissions.

You have been most helpful and I greatly appreciate you putting up with

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-12 Thread get.amped

Unfortunately, I am a Linux dilettante and am pretty much baffled by and the logging it produces. *BUT* the issues you both are
having are almost certainly related to the Perl version of the jail vs
the one used for the build. 

Check to see if the version of Perl changed when you did the pkg
installs. At the time I did this it was 5.20.2 but it could be something
else now. If so, you will need to change the commands creating the
symbolic links (ln -s -f ...) to the new path. 

I'm sure that someone who truly understands how the build script works
could modify it to work properly with FreeBSD but I'm not that guy. I
tried several times to do so when I was working through this process and
none of the things I tried were successful. For whatever reason, without
creating those symbolic links first, the script failed with similar
logging output.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-12 Thread Erik S

get.amped wrote: 
> Unfortunately, I am a Linux dilettante and am pretty much baffled by
> and the logging it produces. *BUT* the issues you both are
> having are almost certainly related to the Perl version of the jail vs
> the one used for the build. 
> Check to see if the version of Perl changed when you did the pkg
> installs. At the time I did this it was 5.20.2 but it could be something
> else now. If so, you will need to change the commands creating the
> symbolic links (ln -s -f ...) to the new path. 
> I'm sure that someone who truly understands how the build script works
> could modify it to work properly with FreeBSD but I'm not that guy. I
> tried several times to do so when I was working through this process and
> none of the things I tried were successful. For whatever reason, without
> creating those symbolic links first, the script failed with similar
> logging output.

Your advice was perfect, I searched through the file for
instances of "5.20" and found a reference to "5.20.3" so I modified your
code accordingly and it seemed to work. Now I need to start LMS. 

Forgive my ignorance, but in your instructions you provide a link to a
file that the instructions say needs to be decoded with openssl. Is
openssl part of Freenas 9.3 or is it something I need to download?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-12 Thread get.amped

Erik S wrote: 
> Your advice was perfect, I searched through the file for
> instances of "5.20" and found a reference to "5.20.3" so I modified your
> code accordingly and it seemed to work. Now I need to start LMS. 
> Forgive my ignorance, but in your instructions you provide a link to a
> file that the instructions say needs to be decoded with openssl. Is
> openssl part of Freenas 9.3 or is it something I need to download?
> Thanks

You are referring to the startup script? You should be able to run that
command in the FreeNAS shell to generate the correct file.

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-11 Thread Erik S

vincen wrote: 
> Followed the tutorial step by step, just had to update the download link
> for the mightly build avalaible but compiles fails. Here is a copy of
> the last lines below. Any clues what's wrong ?
> > 

  >   > /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap 
  > Scan.xs > Scan.xsc && mv Scan.xsc Scan.c
  > Please specify prototyping behavior for Scan.xs (see perlxs manual) 

  > cc -c  -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include 
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/
  > CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include 
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimse
  > rver-vendor/CPAN/build/include 
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include  -DHAS_FPSETMASK 
-DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-al
  > iasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -O2 -pipe 
-fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing-DVERSION=\"0.01\"  -DXS_VER
  > SION=\"0.01\" -DPIC -fPIC "-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/CORE"  -O2 
-Wall -Wno-unused-value -Wno-format-security Scan.c  
  > ./xs/Result.xs: In function 'XS_Media__Scan__Result_size':  

  > ./xs/Result.xs:45: warning: format '%llu' expects type 'long long unsigned 
int', but argument 3 has type 'uint64_t' 
  > rm -f blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/ 

  > LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" cc  -shared  
  > ach/CORE -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/CORE -lperl 
-L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector Scan.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Media/Sc
  > an/ 
  > libavformat.a 
  > /libswscale.a 
  > libexif.a /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libjpeg.a 
  > .a /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libgif.a 
/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libdb.a -l
  > m -lz -lintl

  > /usr/bin/ld: 
 relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against `ff_
  > pw_4' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC 

  > /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value   

  > *** [blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/] Error code 1

  > Stop in /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/libmediascan-0.1/bindings/perl. 

  > make failed, aborting

> > 

I see the same lines as you. Did you get it working? 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-11 Thread Erik S

Erik S wrote: 
> I see the same lines as you. Did you get it working? 
> Thanks

On closer inspection I see the last few lines are the same but before
that there are differences. Here is the last of mine.
/usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap  Scan.xs >
Scan.xsc && mv Scan.xsc Scan.c
cc -c  -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include  -DHAS_FPSETMASK
-DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector
-I/usr/local/include -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing   
"-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/CORE"  -O2 -Wall -Wno-unused-value
-Wno-format-security Scan.c
rm -f blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/
LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" cc  -shared 
-Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/CORE -lperl -L/usr/local/lib
-fstack-protector Scan.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/
/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libdb.a  -lm -lz
*** [blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/] Error code 1

Stop in /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/libmediascan-0.1/bindings/perl.
make failed, aborting

Anything obvious to anyone?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-05 Thread vincen

get.amped wrote: 
> I initially found this thread at the FreeNAS forums and you might try
> looking for some help there as well:
Yep I posted there for the problem of startup I encounter with your
build ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-04 Thread vincen

get.amped wrote: 
> There's some chance that I could make my .tar of the LMS build available
> and it could be copied into the run jail and just work...
Yep a sort of export of the jail that contains a run build might be nice
;) If only someone could build a plugin of it for FreeNAS it would be
wonderful :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-04 Thread get.amped

I initially found this thread at the FreeNAS forums and you might try
looking for some help there as well:

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-10-03 Thread get.amped

vincen wrote: 
> Followed the tutorial step by step, just had to update the download link
> for the mightly build avalaible but compiles fails. Here is a copy of
> the last lines below. Any clues what's wrong ?
> > 

  >   > /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap 
  > Scan.xs > Scan.xsc && mv Scan.xsc Scan.c
  > Please specify prototyping behavior for Scan.xs (see perlxs manual) 

  > cc -c  -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include 
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/
  > CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include 
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimse
  > rver-vendor/CPAN/build/include 
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include  -DHAS_FPSETMASK 
-DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-al
  > iasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -O2 -pipe 
-fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing-DVERSION=\"0.01\"  -DXS_VER
  > SION=\"0.01\" -DPIC -fPIC "-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/CORE"  -O2 
-Wall -Wno-unused-value -Wno-format-security Scan.c  
  > ./xs/Result.xs: In function 'XS_Media__Scan__Result_size':  

  > ./xs/Result.xs:45: warning: format '%llu' expects type 'long long unsigned 
int', but argument 3 has type 'uint64_t' 
  > rm -f blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/ 

  > LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" cc  -shared  
  > ach/CORE -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/CORE -lperl 
-L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector Scan.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Media/Sc
  > an/ 
  > libavformat.a 
  > /libswscale.a 
  > libexif.a /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libjpeg.a 
  > .a /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libgif.a 
/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libdb.a -l
  > m -lz -lintl

  > /usr/bin/ld: 
 relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against `ff_
  > pw_4' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC 

  > /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value   

  > *** [blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/] Error code 1

  > Stop in /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/libmediascan-0.1/bindings/perl. 

  > make failed, aborting

> > 

Ultimately all the problems I had making this work had to do with making
sure that I was building with the right/consistent version of Perl. It's
the reason for removing and recreating the symbolic links in the jails.
However, I can't say that I saw error specifically like those as I
fumbled my way through the process.

There's some chance that I could make my .tar of the LMS build available
and it could be copied into the run jail and just work...

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-09-29 Thread vincen

Followed the tutorial step by step, just had to update the download link
for the mightly build avalaible but compiles fails. Here is a copy of
the last lines below. Any clues what's wrong ?


/usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap 
  Scan.xs > Scan.xsc && mv Scan.xsc Scan.c  
  Please specify prototyping behavior for Scan.xs (see perlxs manual)   
  cc -c  -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include 
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/
  CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include 
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include -I/tmp/LMS/slimse
-I/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include  -DHAS_FPSETMASK 
-DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-al
  iasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -O2 -pipe 
-fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing-DVERSION=\"0.01\"  -DXS_VER
  SION=\"0.01\" -DPIC -fPIC "-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/CORE"  -O2 -Wall 
-Wno-unused-value -Wno-format-security Scan.c  
  ./xs/Result.xs: In function 'XS_Media__Scan__Result_size':
  ./xs/Result.xs:45: warning: format '%llu' expects type 'long long unsigned 
int', but argument 3 has type 'uint64_t' 
  rm -f blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/   
  LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" cc  -shared  
  ach/CORE -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.20/mach/CORE -lperl 
-L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector Scan.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Media/Sc
  libexif.a /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libjpeg.a 
  .a /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libgif.a 
/tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/build/include/../lib/libdb.a -l
  m -lz -lintl  
 relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against `ff_
  pw_4' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC   
  /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value 
  *** [blib/arch/auto/Media/Scan/] Error code 1  
  Stop in /tmp/LMS/slimserver-vendor/CPAN/libmediascan-0.1/bindings/perl.   
  make failed, aborting

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-08-29 Thread Roland0

pufnstuf wrote: 
 My library is mostly FLAC but I did have to install the FAAD port to get
 any m4a tracks to transcode and play.
iirc, if you use regular faad instead of the patched version provided by
Logitech, seeking in AAC files (and maybe some other stuff) will not

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-08-29 Thread Roland0

get.amped wrote: 
 It should be a reduced set of the same instructions. First take a
 snapshot of your jails so you can revert back to them if everything goes
 horribly wrong. Then, in the build jail, wget the nightly, git the
 source, run, clean up the unneeded versions, tar it, cp it to
 the LMS jail, untar it and mv the files into usr/local/lms.
You only need to do the build step if the version of one of the binary
CPAN modules changes, which happens very rarely ( once a year), so you
can nearly always skip this step
Getting the nightly and checking out is also unnecessary, one of the two
is enough. Keeping the checked out version locally (not in /tmp) and
only updating (git pull) is a lot more efficient the downloading
everything every time.
The most convenient way is to run LMS directly from the checked out
repository (which should exclude Bin/ and CPAN/arch, where you will have
your own binaries instead), then a simple git pull will bring you up to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-08-29 Thread get.amped

Roland0 wrote: 
 You only need to do the build step if the version of one of the binary
 CPAN modules changes, which happens very rarely ( once a year), so you
 can nearly always skip this step
 Getting the nightly and checking out is also unnecessary, one of the two
 is enough. Keeping the checked out version locally (not in /tmp) and
 only updating (git pull) is a lot more efficient the downloading
 everything every time.
 The most convenient way is to run LMS directly from the checked out
 repository (which should exclude Bin/ and CPAN/arch, where you will have
 your own binaries instead), then a simple git pull will bring you up to

Thanks for the tips. I'm slowly developing some small proficiency with
this stuff. For example, I only just discovered that the directories for
the group .38 Special wasn't getting scanned because they start with a
. which makes them hidden. Not sure if there's any way to keep the
leading . and not have it hidden, so I'm just removing the . and
moving on. Interestingly enough, the directory for the group ...And You
Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead is not hidden.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 - Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 - Cambridge Audio DacMagic -
NAD C160 - 2 x NAD C272 - Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-08-28 Thread get.amped

pufnstuf wrote: 
 Thanks get.amped, I used your method and all is working well. My library
 is mostly FLAC but I did have to install the FAAD port to get any m4a
 tracks to transcode and play.
 It runs fast and smooth - so much better than trying to run in a
 virtualbox jail.  :)
 What will be required to keep LMS updated?

I have had that same question :rolleyes:

It should be a reduced set of the same instructions. First take a
snapshot of your jails so you can revert back to them if everything goes
horribly wrong. Then, in the build jail, wget the nightly, git the
source, run, clean up the unneeded versions, tar it, cp it to
the LMS jail, untar it and mv the files into usr/local/lms.

At least that's what I'm going to try when I want to get a more recent
nightly. Anyone with more Linux skills than I please chime in if there's
a better/easier way.

And I didn't even think about the FAAD port for m4a tracks. I don't have
many (and almost never play them anyway) but I should probably go ahead
and do that as well.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 - Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 - Cambridge Audio DacMagic -
NAD C160 - 2 x NAD C272 - Quad 22L2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-08-28 Thread pufnstuf

Thanks get.amped, I used your method and all is working well. My library
is mostly FLAC but I did have to install the FAAD port to get any m4a
tracks to transcode and play.

It runs fast and smooth - so much better than trying to run in a
virtualbox jail.  :)

What will be required to keep LMS updated?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-08-26 Thread get.amped

Roland0 wrote: 
 While I have no clue about FreeBSD, I'm not convinced this is a good
 It seems you are overwriting the system perl, which could result in a
 number of problems (both in operation and when the system perl is
 You could have a look at the howto mentioned in my signature for a
 different approach (just don't build your own perl, use the one in

Probably a real concern if it were the actual system perl. But
everything is in a self-contained, virtualized environment (jail in
FreeNAS), and there's won't be any updates. The whole jail exists for
the sole purpose of running LMS completely isolated from FreeNAS.

Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage], LMS
7.9.0 - Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 - Cambridge Audio DacMagic -
NAD C160 - 2 x NAD C272 - Quad 22L2

get.amped's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to: Installing LMS 7.9 nightly in a FreeBSD jail on FreeNAS 9.3

2015-08-25 Thread Roland0

While I have no clue about FreeBSD, I'm not convinced this is a good
get.amped wrote: 

   ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/perl5.20.2 /usr/bin/perl
   ln -s -f /usr/local/bin/perl5.20.2 /usr/bin/perl5


It seems you are overwriting the system perl, which could result in a
number of problems (both in operation and when the system perl is
You could have a look at the howto mentioned in my signature for a
different approach (just don't build your own perl, use the one in

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