OSX menubar with mouse button 3

2009-11-28 Thread Beat Cornaz

How can I have the buttons which make  up the OSX menubar, react to :

mouseDown pButtonNr

if pButtonNr = 3 then
-- my script
   pass MouseDown pButtonNr 
end if

end mouseDown

If set as a button of a menu group in the stackwindow it works fine,  
but set as OSX menubar, it does not work. The normal menuPick code  
works fine, but I need to trap the mouseDown (with pButtonNr = 3).

It seems that as soon as the buttons of the menu group are set to OSX  
style, a whole different game is played. But I don't see why.

Thanks  best,

Beat Cornaz

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Help key

2009-11-25 Thread Beat Cornaz

Is the 'help' key (on mac keyboards) a good idea?

I am looking for a good key to invoke a special help function. If the  
user presses this key, then visual feedback by means of an image of a  
question mark will be displayed if the cursor is within an object  
that has this special help function. By clicking, the user will be  
taken to that special help part.
I have considered the 'h' key, but it interferes with fields, meaning  
if the focus is on a field, it will write 'h' to the field.
Function keys leave also a trace in a field (the square for  
unprintable chars). The control or command keys are being used for  
other things.
The 'help' key (keyNr 268762986) can be trapped and does not do  
anything in a field, so it looks promising. I noticed that in other  
apps, if pressed, it shows a question mark, but not in my stack. (I  
can code for the question mark and all other stuff I need).

I guess my question is : Does this key also exist on all Windows  
keyboards (or is there an equivalent) AND can I safely use the 'help'  
key in my app, so it does not interfere with anything that is there  
anyway. And will this work on all systems (I am on Mac), like XP,  
Vista, Windows 7 etc.

If the 'help' key is not universal, would the Escape key be a  
solution? Or any other suggestions?

Thanks a lot,

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Re: Help key

2009-11-25 Thread Beat Cornaz

Thanks Mark, Richmond  Jim for your answers,

My first try was with a combination of a modifier key and ?. But i'd  
like to use just one key for it. It is not for going to the general  
help, but only some objects do have this special help function, so  
the 'help key' has to work together with the mouse, meaning you move  
the mouse around and press the 'help key' and the question mark shows  
up, if your mouse is over an object that has this special help  
function. That's why I searched on.

F1 (as some other F keys), will not work completely, as it leaves a  
square or an arrow down (non printable char) in the field  if the  
focus is on a non locked field. That's why I had to abandon the 'h' key.

What about F6, which does not seem to put anything into a field? Is  
it used for something on mac or windows?

. Or does anyone else have another idea?



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Re: Cpomplex numbers

2009-11-12 Thread Beat Cornaz

Craig wrote :

I think, like dividing by 0, you cannot take square root of -1 in  
rev. So
there goes i. No roots of any negative number in fact. I don't  
think it is

in the SANE world, if that is even still used. Probably not.

Hi Craig,

Rev does not need to be able to get the square root of -1 (or any  
negative number) to be able to do computations with Complex numbers.  
A complex number consists of a real part and an imaginary part :  
E.g.  3 + 2i where 'i' is the unit for the imaginary part. Now I can  
easily add another complex number to this one : (3 + 2i) + (7 - 8i) =  
10 - 6i. The real parts are added and the imaginary parts are added.  
Same goes for subtraction. Also multiplication and division are  
simple. Powers and higher roots are a bit more tricky and I guess  
logs etc as well. I have made a start with a library, but was  
thinking if someone has done this before, it would free some of my  
time for the things I want to use the lib for. I use the complex  
numbers to make transformations in the complex plane and Rieman  
sphere (Fractals, Möbius transformations etc.).
By the way, dividing by 0 in the realm complex numbers results to  
infinity. (That's what I always suspected in high school, but the  
teacher wouldn't budge).

Vice versa, if there is anyone who wants to have what I have up till  
now as library for this, I am glad to share. In the meantime, I still  
hope someone has made a library before me.

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Complex numbers

2009-11-11 Thread Beat Cornaz
is there anyone who has written a library for computations with  
complex numbers and is willing to share that with me? It would me  
much appreciated.

many thanks,

Beat Cornaz

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Re: Behaviors

2009-10-29 Thread Beat Cornaz

George wrote :

If you leave out the first handler, Beat, other controls that DON'T
override the behavior will get no mouseUp behavior at all!

George, I see what you mean. In my case all the buttons that have the  
behavior, have a mouseUp script in themselves with different code  
from button to button. So I need the mouseUp in all of my regular  
buttons. That's why I can leave it out in the behavior script, in my  
special case. But you're right, in general the mouseUp will be needed  
in the behavior script.



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Re: Behaviors

2009-10-26 Thread Beat Cornaz

Beat wrote :
A couple of btns have a behavior (DoA) assigned for mouseUp. Now
one of the buttons has an additional task to perform on mouseUp
(DoB). 'DoA' needs to be done before 'DoB'.

Mark Wieder wrote :

Use the dispatch command in the behavior object:

on mouseUp
 dispatch DoB
end mouseUp

Thanks Mark. The problem is though that the 'DoA' is in the behavior  
script inside a 'mouseUp'.

The script of the behavior button :
on mouseUp
end mouseUp

Because my button to click also has a mouseUp, it will not reach the  
mouseUp handler in the behavior script. It only does if I 'pass  
mouseUp'. But then the order is wrong (I can only 'pass mouseUp' at  
the end of my mouseUp handler in the button to click, so after DoB  
has been executed. But the behavior script (with DoA inside the  
mouseUp) needs to run first.


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Re: Behaviors

2009-10-26 Thread Beat Cornaz
Thanks for your answer Trevor. It works good. I found that it can be  
even 'easier' :

The first part (on mouseUp pBtnNum) of the Behavior Script is not  
even needed.

Behavior Script

on mouseUp pBtnNum  -- This handler can be left out.
_mouseUp pBtnNum
end mouseUp

command _mouseUp pBtnNum -- This handler alone will do the trick
end _mouseUp

 I start to get the idea of behaviors. They behave like  commands or  
functions, but can be accessed from everywhere and are restricted to  
act only in response to certain objects (the ones with that behavior  
assigned) with a certain message (like mouseUp).
So the commands and functions can be more specific, less general than  
say in a library . Great.



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2009-10-25 Thread Beat Cornaz

I started to use Behaviors today and ran into two things :

1. I have a behavior assigned to a couple of buttons and some label  

The script of the behavior button is :

on mouseEnter
   set the uVraagteken of stack Timer-general_Lib to true
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
   set the uVraagteken of stack Timer-general_Lib to false
end mouseLeave

Now all of a sudden this 'behavior' is all over the place. This  
'behavior' is also excecuted when I mouseEnter a graphic or a button  
which has the behavior removed. Even with a freshly created button.  
And it is the script in the behavior button, because if I comment it  
out, nothing happens. What is the matter here? For a while it worked ok.

2.  A couple of btns have a behavior (DoA) assigned for mouseUp. Now  
one of the buttons has an additional task to perform on mouseUp  
(DoB). 'DoA' needs to be done before 'DoB'.

This works, but is the wrong order :

on mouseUp
  Do B
  pass mouseUp  -- to activate the behavior
end mouseUp

I can't do it with 'send in Time' because the behavior (DoA) will  
exit to top in certain conditions.

I have come up with the inelegant solution : (especially if mouseDown  
has already a script). Any better ideas?

on mouseDown
   mouseUp   -- activates the behavior
end mouseDown

on DoB
 -- do what is needed
end DoB

Any better ideas?


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Re: set the textStyle not to bold

2009-10-11 Thread Beat Cornaz
I think I have found an elegant solution. My brother had an excellent  
idea to do something with another field behind my field. So I made a  
second field B (same size) behind my original fld A.  The  
topfield A has the blendLevel set to 15. I made a script which  
mirrors everything I type or delete in fld A in fld B. So the two  
flds always have the same content. (I still have to mirror the  
textStyles). Now to mark a piece of text, I set the backColor of  
fldB to black. It shines thru a bit because of the blendlevel of 15  
of fld A. Now I can still select pieces of text in fld A and see  
what I have selected. And I can see which parts of the text have been  
'marked'. It works fine, even with parts that overlap marked and  
selected text.

Thanks for all the ideas,


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Printing text wider than A4

2009-10-11 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi you all,

I'm in search for a solution to print text that runs wider than a  
landscape A4. The normal printing commands work for printing text  
where the number of lines is more than an A4 can carry. The rest is  
printed on a second etc. page. But with text that extends the width  
of a (landscape) A4, the text that extends does just not print. I  
would expect that it would print on a second page, especially as I  
can choose the order of printing of the pages in such a case in my  
printer dialog.
I need something which does not wrap my lines. The line should print  
on at the same line number

 on the next printed page.

Anyone any ideas?


Beat Cornaz

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Re: Printing text wider than A4

2009-10-11 Thread Beat Cornaz

Richmond wrote :

Well, let's see:

Is this on Win, Mac or Lin, or cross-P?

On my G4 Mac I just popped this into a button:

on mouseUp
   set the systemPrintSelector to true
   answer page setup
end mouseUp

and it took me straight to the system printer preferences
where I was able to choose an A3 setting.

I am sorry Richmond, I did not explain very well.
I mean to print on A4 pages (landscape) but move to a second page as  
the text gets wider than A4. So the first part gets printed on page 1  
and then if there is text that is wider than A4, it will get printed  
on page 2. Etc.

It is for cross-P.

Best, Beat

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Re: Watch Session I of Professional Application Development With Revolution

2009-10-08 Thread Beat Cornaz

Trevor wrote:

A recording of the RunRev sponsored session of Professional
Application Development with Revolution has now been posted on our
website. The recording and other materials are available at the
following url:


I have followed the whole 4 session course and found it extremely  
useful. Lots of problems I had been struggling with have become clear  
to me and my apps have a much more solid foundation now. All of the  
subjects which involve the code that 'surrounds' my own specific code  
have been covered in my view and by using the free 'GLX Application  
Framework' I have the foundation that I need for my apps. Trevor  
explains really well and there is plenty of room to ask questions,  
also afterwards by mail.

For me it was worth every dollar. I can highly recommend the course.

Beat Cornaz

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Re : set the textStyle not to bold

2009-10-08 Thread Beat Cornaz

Richard wrote :

I've tried using graphics for things like that.  Seems like fun at
first, until you need to wrap across different lines.  Then you  
need to

handle different textHeights.  Then you pull out all your hair. ;)

One of the cool things about htmlText is that it's designed as the one
way to have complete fidelity for reproducing a field's contents,  

runs and all.

So conceivably you could add in tags for backgroundcolor of the text
runs you want visually distinct.  It can take a bit of clever  
parsing to

get it right, but check out the optional third param for the offset
function in the dictionary - it's a godsend for parsing tasks like  

To see the format of htmlText, style some text in a field how you want
it and run put the htmlText of fld 1 in the Message Box.  Everything
you can do with a field can be represented in htmlText, so conversely
you can do anything to htmlText that you can do to a field.

Thanks Richard, you're right. I had come across it last night when I  
was trying it with a graphic.
I will dive into the html and use it's tags for changing the  
backColor. Great!

Beat Cornaz

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Re: set the textStyle not to bold

2009-10-06 Thread Beat Cornaz

I don't think my answer made it to the list, so I try again .

Thanks Richard   Bj?rnke,

Richard wrote :

You can use an anchor tag with no href and it will not show as
underlined, but can store arbitrary textual data in the anchor tag's
name attribute.

This allows you to use anchor tags to stash info for specific runs of
text without altering the appearance of that text.

Thanks Richard, this is really a nice way to do this.
I can use this for associating the position of the start- and end  
The thing for me is, that, as long as I am working on the text of the  
fields, I need to visually see which texts have a reference. the  
visual help should not interfere with the textStyles of that field.  
That's why I went back to setting the backColor of that part of the  
text instead of using a TextStyle for it.
But as I said, the editing becomes harder, as I don't get to see my  
selection (the selectionColor is probably behind the backColor). I'd  
like to see the backColor of the 'marked' textparts and on top the  
selectionColor of the parts that I have selected (best in 50% blend  
mode). Would that be possible?

Maybe with a graphic that follows the selection, 'floating' behind  
the field and setting the field's blendlevel to 15% for the time of  
editing? Although I am sure there is a more elegant way.



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Re: Re: set the textStyle to not bold

2009-10-05 Thread Beat Cornaz
Thanks for all your input. Interesting to get to know some more about  

But I think  I have to approach what I want from a different angle. I  
want to mark some parts of a formatted text and be able to get the  
star- and end character positions of these parts of the text. When I  
delete or add text, the character  positions of the marked text must  
adapt. So when I am done, I have the exact char positions of all the  
marked text. The marking should be visible during the adding and  
removing of text parts and be thrown away in the end. Now boxed is  
clear and does in my case not interfere with other textStyles in the  
field. But applying box to a already formatted text is very  
unpredictable. Sometimes the f.i. bold part stays bold when applying  
box, sometimes it changes to plain. I have been thinking about 'link'  
text (which has the advantage of easily linking some info with it.  
But the style is like underline, so not usable for me. I think I go  
back to setting the backColor of the parts I want to temporaly mark.  
I can then check the start- and end char positions easily.
The disadvantage is that you don't see the selection in the parts  
with a backColor set.

Anyone an idea on how to resolve this?

Thanks, Beat

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Re: set the textStyle to not bold

2009-10-03 Thread Beat Cornaz

 Craig wrote :
The proffered scripts all necessitate that the original text,  
likely from a

field, be manHandled word by word.

This is because text in a variable does not retain the textStyle of  
source. But don't I remember that there is a way, or a gadget, that  
holds the
style along with the raw text? The only reason it might matter is  
speed; a
lot of getting and setting goes on in the solutions offered. It  
might be worth

it to put massive amounts of text in a variable and process there,
returning the new styled text to the field in one put.

Seems like I saw this somewhere...

then Paul wrote :

This would be a way to follow Craig's suggestion:

   put the htmlText of fld 1 into temp
   replace b with  in temp
   replace /b with  in temp
   set the htmlText of fld 1 to temp

I didn't really think in the HTML direction, because speed in my case  
is of absolutely no importance. I guess the little pitfall I pointed  
out above also applies to this script. I was originally thinking of  
checking and setting the textStyle of each char (like Devin and Paul  
did on words level). Then I hoped there would be a cleaner way.

Cheers, Beat
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Re: set the textStyle to not bold

2009-10-03 Thread Beat Cornaz

Devin wrote :
repeat with i = 1 to the number of words in fld thefield
   get the textStyle of word i of fld thefield
   if it contains bold then
replace bold with empty in it
 replace ,bold with empty in it
 replace bold, with empty in it
 set the textStyle of word i of fld thefield to it
   end if
end repeat

Thanks Devin, it works partly.
 First I added 2 lines which actually do the same as yours intended,  
but did not work (maybe I should have set the wholematches to true).
Anyway, the principle works in so far that sometimes I get 'mixed' as  
TextStyle (in case of 'link' text). I also need to come up with  
something for the empty spaces between the words. Sometimes the 'box'  
style (which I actually use instead of bold) does not get removed  
between words.

repeat with i = 1 to the number of words in fld A
   get the textStyle of word i of fld A
   if it contains bold then
 replace bold with empty in it
 if char 1 of it = comma then delete char 1 of it
  if char -1 of it = comma then delete char -1 of it
 set the textStyle of word i of fld A to it
   end if
end repeat

Paul wrote :

I replaced 'bold' with 'box' as it also shows better if it has not  
been removed from the spaces between words

repeat with i = 1 to the number of words in fld A
 get the textStyle of word i of fld A
 if it contains box then
   replace box with plain in it
   set the textStyle of word i of fld A to it
 end if
end repeat

Your script works as well as Devin's and also has the same  
'shortcoming' of not removing the style between words.

I tried it out with checking and setting on character level. That  
works for 'bold', but it does NOT work for 'box'. The reason is that  
the textStyle returned from a char which is box and bold and  
underline is only box. So replacing 'box' with plain throws away the  
bold and underline as well.

The solution Devin offered is better in this respect. By replacing  
the 'box' with empty leaves the other style settings untouched  
(although they do not show up in the variable it).

So for the moment I will go for Devin's solution, but on a character  


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Re: set the textStyle to not bold

2009-10-03 Thread Beat Cornaz

Jacqueline wrote :

Your script works as well as Devin's and also has the same  

of not removing the style between words.

I haven't tested it, but it seems to me that you don't need to iterate
through any chunks at all if you replace the entire htmltext as a  

Try someothing like this:

   get the htmltext of fld A
   replace b with empty in it
   replace /b with empty in it
   set the htmltext of fld A to it

That should catch all instances regardless of where they are, and  

be faster than using a repeat loop.

How I love this revTalk : there is always a smarter way to do it. I  
will test this out, only tomorrow I'll be out. So first thing monday  

Thanks, Jacqueline.

best, Beat Cornaz

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set the textStyle to not bold

2009-10-02 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi all,

I have a field with text with different textStyles. Now I just want  
to remove the bold (or any other) textStyle from that field. So  
leaving all the underline, italic. box etc textStyle parts in order.

set the textStyle of fld X to not bold   is accepted by the editor  
but throws an error at runtime. Probably because not bold equals  
false and you can't set a textStyle to false

I could write a handler which checks the textStyle of every char and  
removes the bold, but I guess there is a more easy way.

Cheers, Beat

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(no subject)

2009-09-22 Thread Beat Cornaz

Trevor wrote :

Otherwise as long as you have  1 column in your data grid tabbing
will just work by default. I just tested by:

1) Dragging a data grid table onto a new stack
2) Adding two columns worth of data
3) Double-clicking on column 1 to edit
4) Pressing tab key.

I had also tested it this way. I have just done it again with another  
new mainstack. But the result is different from what you get. At step  
4) the open cell closes, but the next cell does not open.
I then replaced the dataGridLib.rev in my Toolset with a fresh copy I  
had downloaded and now it works as it should. It has happened before  
to me that the dataGridLib.rev  somehow got a bit off and after  
replacing it was ok again. I didn't think it would be the case this  
time as all other datagrid stuff worked beautifully.

So problem solved,

best, Beat

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Re: tab for next cell in DataGrid

2009-09-21 Thread Beat Cornaz

Thanks for your kind answers, Trevor.

On Sep 20, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Beat Cornaz wrote:

I repacked an application into the GLX framework and made new
datagrids. Now the TAB button does not move from an open cell  to
the next cell and open it anymore, as it did in my older copy (pre
GLX framework of this application).  How can I get that behavior
back? The Tab now closes the open cell and that's it.

Trevor wrote :
The GLX App Framework won't affect tabbing in data grids as it doesn't
process any tabkey messages.

Is it possible that an error is occurring in a CloseFieldEditor/
ExitFieldExitor or OpenFieldEditor message in your data grid?

I don't think that an error is occuring, as a test datagrid also has  
the same behavior (does not open the next cell on tabbing).
I want with the insertion point in an open cell, with a tabKey open  
the next cell on the same line (and close the one that was open). So  
fill in a cell, hit tabKey, fill in next cell, etc.
Is it a custom property I have to set? I don't think so, as I have  
not found it.

So I tried to write a handler in the datagrid grp script (see below).

I am sure that this is easy, but after a long search and many trys, I  
just can't find the last bit.

I have the following handler, which works ok.
I only need now to get the Column name of the open cell. How will I  
do that?
 dgHilitedLines gives me the LineNr, but how to get the name of the  
Column of the open cell ?

on rawkeyDown tkey
   if tkey = 65289then   -- tabkey
get the dgHilitedIndexes of grp datagrid 1
put it into tLineNr

--  HOW to get the Column Name of the open cell ??

--   for now to test the rest
  put Col 2 into tCol   
  set the dgHilitedLines of grp DataGrid 1  to tLineNr
  dispatch EditCell to group DataGrid 1  with tCol, tLineNr
-- et voila : on tabKey the next cell is opened
   end if

   pass rawkeyDown
end rawkeyDown

Many thanks  warm greetings,

Beat Cornaz

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close a DataGrid

2009-09-20 Thread Beat Cornaz

I want to close an open cell (field) in a datagrid

dispatch CloseFieldEditor to grp DataGrid 1 -- does not work.

This does not work either :
put the long id of the target into tFieldEditor   -- the target  
being that field

 dispatch CloseFieldEditor to grp dataGrid 1  with tFieldEditor

I don't seem to find how to do it in the manuals and the older  
postings in this group.


Beat Cornaz
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tab for next cell in DataGrid

2009-09-20 Thread Beat Cornaz


I repacked an application into the GLX framework and made new  
datagrids. Now the TAB button does not move from an open cell  to the  
next cell and open it anymore, as it did in my older copy (pre GLX  
framework of this application).  How can I get that behavior back?  
The Tab now closes the open cell and that's it.

Thanks for any help,


Beat Cornaz

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Re: Datagrid speed problem

2009-09-17 Thread Beat Cornaz

Trevor wrote :

To work with data grids and a splash stack you need to trigger the
inclusion of the data grid when you build a standalone. I would remove
the revDataGridLibrary as a substack of your main stack and take a
look at the last two steps in this lesson:

What Do I Need to Do To Deploy a Standalone With A Data Grid?

I read the lesson but needed to do it a bit different as I already  
had a Splash (= Mainstack) with 30 substacks. When I added a datagrid  
to one of the substacks, a   stack called Data Gris templates  
1243450502445 got added as a substack of my Splash(mainstack). I  
made 3 different Datagrids on 3 different substacks.

Now this stack Data Gris templates 1243450502445 contains 3 cards  
corresponding to the 3 datagrids which are in 3 separate substacks  
(so on the same hierarchical level as the stack Data Gris templates  
1243450502445).  I think this would be the normal situation. One  
mainstack with several substacks, one of them being the  Data Gris  
templates 1243450502445. But this setup makes standalones where the  
datagrids do nothing.

Now I had to separately add the revdatagridLib as a substack of my  
Splash (mainstack), otherwise the datagrids do not work in the  
standalones. If I remove the revdatagridLib (as a substack), the  
datagrids stop working in the IDE. After quitting Rev and  opening  
the stack again in Rev the Datagrids work again in the IDE. But  
making a standalone yields a version where the datagrids again do not  
work. If I include the revdatagridLib as a substack of my Splash 
(mainstack), then in the standalones, the datagrids do work, but slow.

I started to use the GLX framework and I will move this project into  
the GLX framework and see if the speed problem is solved.

Thanks again for your answer,


Beat Cornaz

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Re: datagrid speed problem

2009-09-17 Thread Beat Cornaz

Addendum :
maybe I should mention that in the 'General pane' of the  'Standalone  
Settings' I use 'Select inclusions for the standalone application'  
and do NOT use the 'Search for required inclusions when saving the  
standalone application'. IMHO the normal revdatagridLib does not get  
found by the standalone builder. That would be why the revdatagridLib  
is required as a separate substack in this case.


Beat Cornaz

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Re: datagrid speed problem

2009-09-17 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi Trevor,

I am on daily digest for the user group, so I cannot see any response  
until this afternoon, but I have found that when I add one of the  
substacks with a datagrid to the GLX framework, the speed is up to  
normal again. I get now the same speed results as with the 'Test  
speed datagrid' stack I had made for comparing.
So the thing that is different in my view is the mainStack with the  
engine. I can't help but thinking that it has to do with this  
original mainstack being created in 2.9 and now I use as a mainstack  
the GLX framework mainstack (created in 3.5). I will add now the  
other stacks of my project and test if the speed stays up to par.

I am very happy with your GLX framework. It gives me the confidence  
that at the basic level things are solid. Now I can only mess up on  
the visible level, which is my code :-) How soon you'll reckon  
the 'auto update'  stuff will be added? That would be fantastic.

I am also looking forward to your new course.


Beat Cornaz

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GLX and dataGrids

2009-09-17 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi Trevor  group,

Having resolved the Speed problem with the datagrids, I ran into a  
new one.
The datagrids do not work in my standalones, made from the GLX  
framework. I made a new stack with a new datagrid. This newStack has  
gotten a substack called data Grid templates . So far so good.
The standalone build from this stack is working - the datagrids  
behave like they should. Now if I make this same stack part of my GLX  
frameword application, the datagrid does work in the IDE, but not as  
a standalone. In the standalone, I can get to the newStack with the  
datagrid, but the datagrid does not respond to anything (including  
dubbleclick on a cell with a name in it). I already have installed a  
new version of rev 3.5, but that didn't help.

 I have no clue as to why.

Also, I noticed that the stack data Grid templates  has two  
cards (I only have 1 datagrid) : one card has only a grp with a fld  
in it and the second card has besides the the grp with a fld also a  
second grp called 'Row template' (with a label and a background) and  
a button called 'behaviour script'. This second card seems to me in  
order, but why the first card?

Thanks again for your help,

Beat Cornaz

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Re: GLX and dataGrids

2009-09-17 Thread Beat Cornaz

back again :

I made a datagrid in the mainstack of the GLX framework application  
as well as in an associated stack from within the GLX framework (as  
opposed to add an existing stack with a datagrid to the GLX  
framework) and in the standalone version the datagrids do not  
function either.

A standalone from a single mainstack with a datagrid on it does work.


Beat Cornaz

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Where to place (sub)stacks?

2009-09-16 Thread Beat Cornaz
I am completing my first commercial standalone and I am unsure of  
where to place the (sub)stacks on the user's machine.

The stack consists of a splash (main stack) with about 30 substacks.  
Some of the substacks display data which is changed by the user and  
needs to be saved.
Now, where do I put my stacks on the users machine? Until now I put  
the whole package (main stack + all substacks) into the Application  
But I heard that this might cause problems (i.e. in Vista) because  
some setups do not allow to write to files in the Application Folder.

Is it a good way to place those substacks that need writing to, into  
the Application Support Folder? If so, how do I do that with the  
installer? I got help from Lars Bremer with the Inno Setup Installer,  
which works great, but places all (sub)stacks into the Application  
Folder. How will I solve this?

Are there any other things that I need to be aware of? To be honest,  
I am a tad nervous, as I got into contact with someone who wants to  
distribute my product big. I am not completely done (I found out) and  
he wants to move quick. I did not do extensive testing on different  
systems, just OSX 10.4 and Windows XP 2000.

How will I make an installer for mac OSX?

Thanks a lot for any help.

Beat Cornaz

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Datagrid speed problem

2009-09-16 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi group   Trevor :-)

I have a significant speed difference in my datagrids. I noticed that  
the datagrids behave slow in my project. So I did a test and created   
a new main stack (test Speed) with a similar datagrid (same number of  
columns and labels) and ran the same two sripts I use in my  substack  
in my project.

One script is putting a name from an input field (after a test for  
the first free index in the datagrid) into column Client.
The script takes 127 ticks in my project and 34 ticks in  stack test  

The other script imports a bunch of names and associated tasks from a  
field. Again the speed difference is remarkable : 505 versus 184 ticks.

Another problem which might be associated with it is the following :
I have originally started this project in rev 2.9 and only when the  
datagrids came along I upgraded to rev. 3.5 (because I totally  
dislike the new editor :-(   ) and implemented the datagrids. I  
noticed that my datagrids only work if I separately include the  
revdatagridLib as a substack. So it is there twice (once in the  
engine and once as a substack).
If I don't do that, the datagrids show, but have no functionality.  
Also, the revdatagridLib as a substeacks tends to 'escape' from my  
mainstack, meaning that all of a sudden it is still there, but as a  
mainstack, and not as a substack.

I suspect the two problems are related and have their cause in the  
project being started in rev 2.9.  Rebuilding the whole project in  
3.5 would be far too much work.

Thanks for your help,

Beat Cornaz

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Re:Where to place (sub)stacks?

2009-09-16 Thread Beat Cornaz
Tiemo and Klaus, thanks a lot for your excellent suggestions. I have  
a clear idea now of how to do this in a safe way. It's funny how one  
stumbles onto unsuspected stuff with the first 'real' application  
that I am making. Learning a lot :-)

Thanks ,

Beat Cornaz

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Re: Datagrid speed problem

2009-09-16 Thread Beat Cornaz

Trevor wrote ;

I would need to see some code to get an idea of what might be the
cause. Can you provide the relevant portions and look for any
differences there might be between what is going on with the main
program data grid and the speed test data grid?

I will check into this again tomorrow and see if I can get some more  
info for you on it. I will try to loosen the substack with the slow  
dataGrid from the mainstack and see if the problem persists and send  
you that substack along with the new fast teststack.

I don't think that bringing a 2.9 project into 3.5 would cause these
sorts of problems. You should only have one instance of the
revDataGridLibrary in memory at any one time. Can you explain a little
more about how your project is set up and what stack you are building
the engine (standalone?) with?

I needed the extra revDataGridLibrary, because otherwise the  
datagrids in my stacks do not work. They are there, but nothing  
happens. As soon as I include the extra revDataGridLibrary as a  
substack, I get the functionality of the dataGrids.
When I loaded the extra revDataGridLibrary into memory, I was asked  
to purge it and I clicked 'OK'. Then I made this revDataGridLibrary a  
substack of my mainstack.

My project is set up as follows :

mainstack (splash) with the engine
30 substacks, with 3 of them containing a dataGrid.

The speedtest I did was as follows :
I compared a substack with a dataGrid on it  with a newly made  
mainstack with a similar dataGrid (same number of columns, labelnames  
I used the same handler to import a list of tab  cr delimited data ,  
like :

Client1 tab Task1 tab Task2 tab Task3 cr
Client2 tab Task1 tab Task2 tab Task3 tab Task4 cr
Client3 tab Task1 tab Task2 tab Task3

The speed difference was quite big.

Trevor, once again, thanks a lot for your patience and good advice.

Klaus major wrote :

There are problems when you open a stack (with behaviors) with a
version  3.5 and save this stack.
After opening this stack again with version = 3.5, all behaviors are
Just a hint, has probably nothing to do with your current problems!

I kinda can imagine that this happens. Probably an earlier version  
does not recognize behaviors and sort of strips them off. So opening  
again in 3.5 will not find them anymore. I think also other  
unsuspected things might happen by saving in an earlier version. I  
always make a copy when moving up to a new version.


Beat Cornaz

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Re: active stack

2009-07-10 Thread Beat Cornaz
Thanks Beranard, Malte and Mark for your suggestions. I will try them  
and see which will fit best.

Just to answer Bernard  Malte's questions :
Stack A and B and Indicator are all substacks (all the stacks  
mentioned are normal substacks, except the 'Indicator' which is also  
a substack, but has the systemsWindow set to true).

Thanks guys,


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active stack

2009-07-08 Thread Beat Cornaz
I have a mainstack with several substacks. One of the substacks is a  
tiny 'Indicator' and I have 'set the systemWindow of stack  
Indicator to true'.
So this stack floats above everything else. I have a button to go  
from substack A to substack B. I have - go stack B - in the script  
of the button.
Clicking the button does make the substack B appear, but it has not  
become the active stack. Only if I click in the substack B it  
becomes the active stack (and gets the proper menu in Mac OSX).

All works fine if I close the stack Indicator.
So, what commands do I use to make the stack appear and become the  
active stack with the indicator open?. Toplevel does close the stack  
first (i don't want that) and does not work either as I can remember.


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Datagrid Bug?

2009-06-22 Thread Beat Cornaz
I encountered a strange behavior of the datagrid. Actually two times  
a similar, but not identical kinda lockUp of a cell(s).

1. In the IDE, suddenly a cell of my Datagrid stayed 'open', meaning  
the 3D layout, as when you select a cell for editing. It would not  
close anymore. I can't remember if I could enter anything into it. I  
was struggling with other stuff at bthe time, so I threw the datagrid  
away  and made a new one.

2. yesterday, in a Windows standalone, I had a similar, but slightly  
different lockUp of cells. Moving from cell 4 of a line in the  
Datagrid to the next cell (entering names), arriving at cell 5 the  
strange behavior started. I could type into cell 5, but after leaving  
cell 5, the entered name had disappeared. It was still available to  
my script, so it was internally stored, but not visible anymore. The  
same was true for all other cells after cell 5. Also for the other  
lines, which I made after it had happened. Up till cell 4 it was ok,  
cell 5 and up the same as with the first line.
A additional thing is, that the order of the data I call has changed.  
The data from cell 1 to 4 are in the order of the datagrid, but the  
data from  cell 5 etc. are placed in front of the data from cell 1 to 4.

After restarting the standalone, this behavior persisted.

A slightly related question : after entering data into a cell, how do  
I close the cell by script. I have scripted a click somewhere outside  
the datagrid, but that is not very elegant.

Greetings, Beat

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Re : Datagrid Bug?

2009-06-22 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi Trevor,

Trevor wrote :
.Is this a stock data grid with no code added or are there any of your
.scripts that are processing data that is entered?

It is a stock datagrid, with external scripts for retrieving the  
data. It has two label flds in the datagrid template, but they do  
I have set the labels of the columns and disabled sorting of all  
columns but 2. I used the following script, which is placed in the  
grp datagrid 3

on SortDataGridColumn pColumn
   if pColumn = SortNr then pass SortDataGridColumn --  
SortNr and Klant are column names

 if pColumn = Klant then pass SortDataGridColumn
end SortDataGridColumn

Out o fcuriosity, what is the sequence of events that requires  
closing the

editor by script rather than waiting to save until the user presses
return/enter or focus leaves the field?

Closing by script is a safety : after the user has entered data into  
the Datagrid, s/he goes back to the mainstack by clicking a button.  
If the user clicks this button without closing the last cell of the  
Datagrid (by pressing enter), then the script does that for her.

Thanks again for your help, Trevor. Really great !

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Re: How to put a minus in menu

2009-06-12 Thread Beat Cornaz

Thanks Devin  Richmond,

Devin wrote :
 You could try using an en-dash instead of a hyphen.

I have no idea what an en-dash is (nor does my dictionary). can you  
please explain it to me , Devin?

Richmond wrote :
Try Hex 2013 / Decimal 8211
set the useUnicode to true

This works fine and also will overcome the platform differences. Great.

Greetings, Beat

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Re: How to put a minus in menu

2009-06-12 Thread Beat Cornaz

What a great explanation, Devin. It is more than I paid for :-)
I never realized how deep this typography goes. All those little  
nuances. Great.
I find it very interesting and I know now who to turn to if I meet a  
problem in this area  :-)

Richmond wrote :
 If one could be bothered one could probably draw up a table
 of unicode references to characters such as -, + and so on that  
caused cross-platofrm problems.

That would be very handy indeed. Maybe there is something like that  
on the web.

Thanks again guys,


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Re: How to put a minus in menu

2009-06-11 Thread Beat Cornaz

Thanks Joe and Klaus,

but with the minus sign the back slash does not work. I still get the  
separation line if  minus is preceded by back slash.

The backslash works otherwise, but not for the minus sign.
I had found the solution with the empty space, but it is not neat. So  
Klaus, your enhancement request is supported.

greetings, Beat

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Re: Datagrid problem in standalone

2009-06-10 Thread Beat Cornaz

on june 9th Trevor wrote :

 After quitting Rev you should backup and replace the
 revdatagridlibrary.rev stack in the ./Toolset/ folder of your Rev
 installation with the stack I sent you. The IDE will use this stack
 when it launches and when it builds the standalone.

I had done that already and the problem persisted. Only after  
separately loading the new revDatagridLib and including it as a  
substack it worked. In fact, this revDatagridLib is present twice -  
once inside Revolution and once as a substack which I created. For me  
this works, as it probably has to do, as I already wrote, with the  
fact that this project has been started on pre 3.x version of Rev.

Thanks Trevor,


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How to put a minus in menu

2009-06-10 Thread Beat Cornaz

How do I put a starting minus (e.g. -4) in a menu item?
The minus gets interpreted as a separation line and nothing I tried  
worked. Also in the manual there was nothing.

Greetings, Beat

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Re: Datagrid problem in standalone

2009-06-08 Thread Beat Cornaz

I have just read the lesson, but it is not totally clear. From what
I understand, is it important that the substack Datagrid templates
is existent.
In the standalone settings of page 2of the standal=one settings
( Stacks) I check the button : 'move Substacks to individual
Then I have selected my Main stack (Splash) and all of my associated
substacks, including the right substack Datagrid templates. This
Datagrid templates is present in the list of stacks. It still does
not work. Any ideas?

on 5 Jun 2009 Trevor wrote :

But does you splash stack have the dud? I don't know exactly what
happens when the standalone builder does it's thing but try following
the instructions in the lesson and add dud stack to your splash stack.
Does that work?

Hi Trevor,

I followed the instructions, but it did not work. After that I  
experimented a bit over the weekend and found the 'problem'.
The substack Data Grid Templates 12343etc got created all right, so  
no need for the  Data Grid Templates Dud substack. The reason why  
the datagrids did not work in the standalone is that somehow the  
revdatagridLib did not load all right. After opening the separate  
stack revdatagridLib that you've sent me, I was told that the stack  
already exists in memory and I choose the 'Purge' option. Now in the  
stacks in the standalone settings (card 2) I saw the revdatagridLib  
as a separate stack and after completing the standalone  it works all  
right now. I suspect it might have something to do, that I started  
the project in a pre 3.x version and just recently - because of the  
datagrids :-) , I downloaded the 3,5 trial version, where I am  
completing the project.
I absolutely don't like the new editor (that was the reason I stayed  
on pre 3.x), but the datagrids and multidimensional arrays are great.

Now the datagrid works in the standalone. But I do not understand why  
it would not work in the beginning. Why do I have to explicitely load  
and include the revDatagridLib as it is already 'inside' of rev 3.5?

Thanks again,

greetings,  Beat

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Datagrid problem in standalone

2009-06-05 Thread Beat Cornaz
I have trouble with the datagrids after having made a standalone. In  
the IDE everything wortks fine, but in the standalone the datagrids  
do nothing and cannot be edited or the column width being adjusted.  
In the inspector the 'allow editing' is on as well as changing the  
When I make a fresh stack, put a datagrid on then it works in the  
standalone. So I deleted all my datagrids in my stack   substacks  
and put in new ones from scratch. Then I made 4 columns and inputed 2  
lines of data with the editor. Nothing more. Again, the datagrids  
work ok in the IDE, but no dice in the standalone. The datagrid  
templates are being created. I first thought there was something  
wrong. But now I do not have a clue.

greetings, Beat

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Re : Datagrid problem in standalone

2009-06-05 Thread Beat Cornaz

Devin wrote :
I had the same problem. It turns out you need to make sure the
revDataGridLibrary stack gets copied to the standalone. Trevor has a
ScreenSteps lesson on how to build standalones with datagrids here:


Thanks a lot Devin,

greetinmgs, Beat

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Re: Datagrid problem in standalone

2009-06-05 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi Devin,

I have just read the lesson, but it is not totally clear. From what I  
understand, is it important that the substack Datagrid templates is  
In the standalone settings of page 2of the standal=one settings  
( Stacks) I check the button : 'move Substacks to individual  
Then I have selected my Main stack (Splash) and all of my associated  
substacks, including the right substack Datagrid templates. This  
Datagrid templates is present in the list of stacks. It still does  
not work. Any ideas?

Thanks, Beat

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Re: Datagrid

2009-06-03 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi Trevor,

thanks a lot for your very useful answers.

 2. How do I set the number of columns by script?

Set the columns property. It is listed on the properties page.

I have overlooked this one at least 20 times, as I have looked in  
that section. I must have been looking for 'Number of' and overlooked  
the 'columns'. I am glad I found it and it works great.

Greetings,  Beat

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Re : Datagrid again

2009-06-03 Thread Beat Cornaz

on june 1 Trevor wrote :

I'm not familiar with this problem but if you put together a simple
test stack and send it to me offlist I can take a look.

I have mailed you a test stack off list.

Regards, Beat

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Re: Datagrid again

2009-06-02 Thread Beat Cornaz

Shao Sean wrote :
I got bit by (I think) the same 'bug' as you..
What you need to do is to set the textStyle of the all the other
elements to EMPTY (removes the bold)..

thanks for your reply. I don't think that's the problem, as I clear  
out the datagrid and then fill the Datagrid (now all the records are  
in plain text) and then I want to make the last record in bold.

Best, Beat

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Datagrid again

2009-05-31 Thread Beat Cornaz
While still discovering more on the wonderfull Datagrids, also more  
questions have come up.

I have a table Datagrid which gets filled up with data of different  
lengths, containing numbers. Now I want to make the bottom line 
(meaning the last record) in bold.
It is the Totals all summed up. I started trying to set the first fld  
(first column)in the bottom line to bold

   put the dgNumberOfRecords of grp Datagrid 3  into maxNr  
  set the textStyle of fld maxNr of grp Datagrid 3 to bold

This  works fine if all records are visible in the datagrid. If the  
data is too big, so only a part is displayed, then the field that  
gets bold will be somewhere in the second (or third) column,  
depending on how many records there are and how many fields are  
visible in the Datagrid. I first thought that just the visible fields  
are counted, but my results are pretty inconsistent. I am first  
trying to set the first field on the last line to bold, but sometimes  
3 fields get bold or two. It seems totally unpredictable to me when I  
resize the Datagrid and run the lines above.

So how can I achieve that only the bottom line (record) is bold when  
I completely scroll down?

Another thing I noticed is, that if I leave 1 line blank (so only a  
cr in my data) and then have the line with the Totals, I can't scroll  
all the way down. I am unable to reach the last line. I solved this  
by putting in a 'space' on the empty line and then it works. I was  
wondering why this is necessary.

I don't seem to find the way to change the border color of the  
datagrid. In the group inspector, there is a lot of colors to be  
adjusted, but not the border color.

With the Datagrid in the 'form' fashion, it took me a little while to  
realize that all my new fields etc. which I created in the template  
have to be inside of the Row template GROUP. The manual does say it,  
but it is easily overlooked. Once I had that, it was a piece of cake.

best regards,

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2009-05-30 Thread Beat Cornaz

 What a wonderful job, Trevor. It is truly amazing.

Just 2 days ago a was pointed to the DataGrid. It helped me solve a  
problem I was struggling with for quite a while.

Since I have bee playing with it andI worked through 2 months worth  
of list emails to dig out the questions on the Datagrids and was  
flabbergasted by the amount of time and energy Trevor put in  
answering all the questions. Now that's what I call support. Really  
awesome. I will use the Datagrid a lot. It's great to be able to  
learn more and more about the Datagrids. I just could delete one of  
my questions, because I suddenly knew the answer.

I have studied the manual and the list, so I hope my questions have  
not been asked before :

1. Is it possible to print the content (including headers) of a  
Datagrid like printing a field. I mean so that the layout of the  
Datagrid is kept. This would be absolutely great.
Of course I could 'Print card', but the quality is much less than  
printing text from a field. I am afraid it won't yet be possible, as  
it is not mentioned in the manual or  on the list.

2. How do I set the number of columns by script?

3. Is it possible to drag a complete  line in a DataGrid to a new  
position (custom hand sorting)?

4. How can I lock one column for editing, leaving the others free to  
be edited? dgProps[allow editing] seems to be a global prop.

5. Is it possible for a piece of text to overflow into the next cell  
if that cell is empty. If so, how do I do that?

6. How do I 'open up' a cell by script for the user to immediately  
type into it.

I noticed that the Datagrid group stays 'grouped', also if I choose  
the inverse of 'select grouped'. While ordinary groups yield their  
parts, not so the Datagrid.
I am wondering if the only reason is, that the user will not mess up  
the coordinates of the parts of the group, or is there another deeper  
reason behind?

Trevor, I hope you have still some energy left to answer my many  

much thanks for this great piece of work,


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Re: HC Music that should be on Runtime Revolution

2009-03-18 Thread Beat Cornaz

On 17 th ,march Kurt wrote :

 But we still need to create an actual file to be referenced by the  
QT  player, right?

 We cannot, for instance:

 set the filename of player MyPlayer to the myMidiData of player   

 [where myMididata is a custom property of the player MyPlayer in
 which the data of a complete MIDI file was previously stored]

Why is that? meaning, why can't the Player get its data from a  
variable or a custom property? A file has to be read into memory as  
well, or am I missing something?

Cheers, Beat

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Re: HC Music that should be on Runtime Revolution

2009-03-18 Thread Beat Cornaz

on march 18th Louis wrote :

if there isn't going to be an 'internal' version forthcoming from
RunRev anytime soon, why not create a user group bounty system for an

- Anyone up to the task would propose their 'bounty'
- A community set bounty which developers would then vie for

These could be community, developer or RunRev managed.

I think it is a very good idea, Louis.

I would contribute as much as i can (moneywise and midi specs wise)  
for an external for realtime Midi.
I do not know much about externals and cannot program in C or C++ ,  
but know a bit about the Midi data structure.
I have a handler for calculating  the' variable length' for the delta  
times (duration to the next midi event)  for instance.

Cheers, Beat

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Player and Midifile

2009-03-18 Thread Beat Cornaz
As I have been unable up till now to figure out a way to do realtime  
midi, I have looked into the QT player again.

When I load a standard midi file into the player, the player does play  
but gives no sound. The player does have a track and it is enabled.
Studying Kurt's MidiPlayer, I see that Kurt does specify the  
midichannel(s) (midiChannelNoteOn and midiChannelNoteOff) and the  
instrument(s) used.

Is it possible, as in a standard sequencer, to have the Instruments  
assigned globally. What I mean is, when I have a sequence
in Logic, I can drag it to another track (another instrument) and it  
will play the new sound. The track determines the instrument sound,
as well as the track does determine the midi channel. So what I am  
after is creating a midifile with several tracks. Once loaded into the  
player, I want to be able
to change the instrument for a track (e.g. track 2 becomes a violin)  
without recalculating the midifile.

Hi René : did you manage to play a midifile in a player yet?

Greetings, Beat

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Re: Player and Midifile

2009-03-18 Thread Beat Cornaz

René wrote :
 Hello Beat,
 Yes I do, I made a little stack that I can send to you if you  


Yes please do! Thanks, Beat
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Re: HC Music that should be on Runtime Revolution

2009-03-18 Thread Beat Cornaz

Judy wrote :

 But it relies on QT.  That could be a deal killer in a non-Mac  

 And it requires midi.  I don't read or write midi.  Do you?  Do most?

I don't read midi fluently either  :-)
But with a function that does the job it is easy. If you need a  
function that translate times and notes to midi, let me know.

Cheers, Beat

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Re: HC Music that should be on Runtime Revolution

2009-03-18 Thread Beat Cornaz

Louis wrote :

 I think 'limiting' it to MIDI, although handy in itself, would be no
 good when you want to deal with other types of music files/mixing and
 _having_ to use QT for that.

 Music/sounds are more than just MIDI: mp3, aiff, wav, flac, ogg, etc.

I agree. Limiting to midi would not be good.
But i think that midi is a totally different sort of animal than   
sounds. Midi are just instructions and the sounds you'll be hearing  
are dependend on the soundmodule, syntheziser, midi instrument or  
whatever thing that will receive your midi commands. As sounds, well  
everybody knows what sounds are. They are the thing themselves.
So if we want to have better music capabilities in Revolution, we'll  
need to look at midi and at playing sounds. But I think it will be  
wise not to mix up the two.
Personally I am mostly interested in midi, but wouldn't mind better  
ways of playing sound at all.


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Re : Music duration

2009-02-20 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi René ,

I have been abroad and could not react earlier. Fortunalety Kurt has  
helped you out quite a bit.

Maybe the following can be of use to you. The thing that took the  
longest time for me in the Midi code to 'crack' was the 'Delta time' ,  
being the time to the next midi event (whether a Note on, Note off or  
Midi message). As the Delta time cannot be fixed into a fixed data  
format (it must be flexible tpo accomodate for long Delta times), the  
Midi format uses 'Variable Length coding', which can accomodate any  
Delta Time.
As it is some years ago that I have coded my 'MakeMidiFile' script, I  
can't remember exactly how the Variable Length coding works, but I can  
send you the

handler or post it here if someone else is ineterested.

Another thing I remember, is that one of the Rev functions -  
baseconvert() or  BinaryDecode() would not work anymore as the number  
to convert got too big. I have made a workaround.  I just looked in my  
MidiLib, but could not find it anymore. Maybe it has been fixed in the  
newer Rev versions, as I tried big numbers and they converted just  
fine.But I realised that my MidiLib needs some serious cleaning up!!

In a midi file (as Kurt already explained), some (Hex) stuff is always  
there, like the Header , Tempo, TimeSignature and Key. The actual data  
for the Tempo (e.g. 120) etc. is given by you of course (in Hex).  
Track 1 contains all this information and the actual notes start in  
track 2. (In any case in a midi file with more than 1 track). After  
you have the whole Midifile in Hex, you convert it to Binary (with  
BinaryEncode). Of course, the binary encode can be done earlier on,  
like after each Hex duplet or Hex part has been established (I think I  
remember Kurt does it that way).

In the header of each track, you'll need the specify the length of the  
data of that track (the number of Hex digits in that track).

So basically you have to convert decimal data (like noteNrs, velocity,  
duration etc) to Hex and the whole Hex data to binary.

I can send you my MidiLib, so you can see how I have done it. I will  
have to clean it up before I send it, it's too messy, but it works fine.
I have not yet experimented with the QT synth, as I was (am) aiming to  
directly address Logic. But I guess I will try with the QT synth as  
well, as my bigger goal is quite a challange it seems.

In my MidiLib, there is also a handler to import a MidiFile. I use it  
to import from Logic, then make variantions of the theme in my Rev  
stack and make a new MidiFile which I drag into my sequencer.

Don't let the dataformat of the Midi file get to you. It takes a while  
to get it. I have been 'struggling' with it for some months untill the  
handler finally worked. Bit by bit, you'll get to understand it  
better. I'll be gladly  helping you, but unfortunately I don't have  
the time to read the usergroup's mails on a daily basis.

I hope this helps some,

kind regards, Beat
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Re: Music duration

2009-02-18 Thread Beat Cornaz

Kurt wrote :
  I can also cc to the list if anyone else expresses an interest in  
the subject (anyone?).

Yes, Kurt,  I am interested too!

Thanks, Beat.

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2009-01-19 Thread Beat Cornaz

Randall wrote :
In rev, are externals written to a reference VM so that they are  
only written once and can run on any platform?  Or, do they have to be  
written separately to each platform?

I am also very interested in externals in Rev. From little I know so  
far you need a different external, not only for each platform, but for  
each (major?) system version. To me this is understandable, as  
different systems work differently, so the interfacing part with the  
system needs to be different, as well as possibly the numbers and  
sorts of variables you'll be passing to/from that particular system.

There is an excellent REV Tutorial  on Externals :  
There is also a part 2. You can download the 'External Creator V3'  
stack which will create the external for you, if you have the  
compilation of the code (in C , C++ and others) done. I don't know if  
you can use Java.

 I managed to comple the first examp[le (rnahello) but get a compile  
error on the second example (rnaeffect) which I am not able to fix  
because my barely existing C knowledge. After exactly copying in the  
rnaeffect example from the tutorial I had some  errors. Some had to do  
with the 'exeption handling', which I had to change in the preferences  
I think. Then I was down to 1 error,  which persists.

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Re: Image smaller 26 pixels dissapears

2009-01-18 Thread Beat Cornaz

Mark wrote :

This is a bug, it is being fixed. Perhaps you can create a slightly
larger image and adjust the alphadata to make the top row and left or
right column transparent.

Thanks Mark. I'm glad to know it's a bug.
I appreciate your suggestion , except in my case it would have  
consequences down the road.

I use images with different colored 'cells' for musical Notes display.
To speed things up, I first create the Image where each colored cell  
is just 1 pixel
and has the right color. Afterwards I adjust the size of the image to  
f.i. 20x20 for each cell

- so making the image 20 times as wide and high.
If I use a transparant part, it will also enlarge. As this images is  
on top of a bigger image with cells,

it will block the mouse clicks to the image underneath.

As an alternative, I can make the original image like 4x4 pixels for  
each cell and enlarge it a factor 16 less.

I at least know now, that I have to work around it.

Thanks, Beat

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Re: Image smaller 26 pixels dissapears/Sad news

2009-01-18 Thread Beat Cornaz
I feels kinda odd to go on with the daily stuff, like asking questions  
during these days.
I've seen Eric's name pop up and have recently gotten a trial version  
of his ListMagic.
It is sad to hear about a member passing away, even more so as he is  
so much appreciated by everyone.
It touches my heart to read all the messages, whishing his family  

I send my condolences to his family and friends.

Jacques wrote :

Did you think about using graphics instead of images ? If you use
ovals, you can easily change their dimensions, background colors and
loc as wanted.


Music notes are ellipses, but slanted ones. Oval graphics cannot be
slanted (to my knowledge). In an old and half forgotten stack, I used
this script to define the points of a slanted ellipse graphic:

Thanks for your reply. By Notes I didn't mean the 'Note Symbol' as in  
written music, more colored squares
on a grid, represeting notes. Time being the horizontal axis and pitch  
being the vertical. Imagine a piece of graphic paper where you color  
some squares, which represent the notes.

I think the traditional way of scoring has many limitations. (One  
being ruled by the number 2. To express a triplet you have to write  
some division by a power of 2 , being 1/2 ,1/4 ,1/8 or 1/16  and then  
have to write above that these are actually thirds).

On a grid, it's also easier to see the (geometrical- and other-)  
transformations I am

applying to the 'Notes'.

I actually started out using graphics (rectagles) to represent the  
cells, but found that setting the imagedata of an Image is much  
quicker and not needing tens to hunderds of graphics.

The slanted oval script might come in handy with something else.


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Re:Core Midi

2009-01-17 Thread Beat Cornaz
I have been away to where is no internet connection, so my apologies  
for the very  tardy reply.

 14 dec JB wrote :
 Just curious : why keeping this off-list ?

 I'm interested in that topic and would like to be involved in any

 follow-up, on or off-list...

I honestly don't remember why I answered René offlist. You're  
absolutely right, it should be on list.

Thanks, also to Rick for his response.


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Re : Core Midi

2009-01-17 Thread Beat Cornaz

 on dec. 13th Kurt Kaufman wrote :

 A more recent development:

 How about RTP-MIDI? This looks promising, and I would imagine that

 Apple has a detailed reference for the specification. In brief:


Thanks very much Kurt. This looks promising. I just had a glance at  
the given link. I will need to study it some more, because there are  
some things I don't know about as yet in the article.

I will look into the RTP-Midi seriously this weekend.


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Re: Core Midi

2009-01-17 Thread Beat Cornaz

 Dec 13 Mark Wieder wrote :

 What you were talking about on the web forum is a way for Rev to
 communicate midi information to other *applications* running on the
 same machine in a generic manner, which is *quite* different from
 sending midi data over a cable. There are many ways of packaging up
 the midi info and sending it to other devices, but communicating with
 other applications is much harder, especially since you want to do
  this in a cross-platform manner.

I would have thought it to be simpler to send Midi data from Rev to  
another application than through a port

 to another device. I would settle for the OSX platform for the moment.
Would the IAC driver (in apples Audio MIDI setup) be an option?
From within Logic I can see the bus of the IAC driver. The thing  
would be to get from Rev to the IAC driver.
Does Revolution support CoreMidi? I understood from Mark Schönewille  
that Rev supports CoreImage and CoreAnimation.

If it is much easier to send the Mididata through a midi interface to  
another device, I could connect a cable from the midi out
to the midi in on my interface and voila I would be in Logic. But  
again, how to get from rev to my midi interface?

I will look into your makeBoard stack.

Thanks for your help,

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Image smaller 26 pixels dissapears

2009-01-17 Thread Beat Cornaz
If I set the imagedata of an Image to less than 26 pixels, the image  
dissapears from the screen.
It still exists, has the right size (in the inspector) but is not  
visible anymore in the browse mode.

In the edit mode, the image is visible if selected.

on mouseUp
  put empty into tImageData
  repeat 25
put NumToChar(0)  NumToChar(100)  NumToChar(100)   
NumToChar(100) after tImageData

  end repeat

  set the width of img aa to 5
  set the height of img aa to 5
  set the ImageData of img aa to tImageData
end mouseUp

if I use more than 25 pixels (26*1 or 7*4) it is ok.
The visible property in the inspector is still on. Setting the visible  
to off and to on again does not change anything.

Any ideas?

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Re:Re: Core Midi

2008-12-13 Thread Beat Cornaz

Thanks Mark  René for your reply.

Sorry for not answering sooner. Sometimes things happen.

 René wrote :
 I am interesed with this question also, but I can't find your reply
 in the Dutch forum

I replied some days ago on the dutch forum, as well directly to you 

I will reply to you René off list.

If there are more people who would like to get involved in getting

real time Midi data from and to Revolution going,

please contact me and I will try to coordinate
the thing. I have to say, that I will be in Switzerland for the next 4 
and only be able to check my mail on a weekly basis. After that, I'll 
be back on my spot.

best, Beat

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Core Midi

2008-12-11 Thread Beat Cornaz


how can I address the   'Core Midi'in OSX from within Revolution?

Thanks, Beat

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2008-12-06 Thread Beat Cornaz
I started to learn to make externals and got puzzled by the following, 
which is from the Rev tutorials - Externals 1.
I don't understand the path order as suggested below, as this would 
mean that there are 'External' folders buried within 'External' folders 
4 folders deep.

 I am sure that this is wrong, but how should it be?

My guess would be :
My Revolution /


 Mac OS X/

-- FROM the tutorial :
To do this, you will first want to build Release builds of your 
externals. In Visual Studio, simply choose the Release configuration 
from the drop-down list on the toolbar, while in XCode you need to 
switch to the build pane and choose one of Release, Release x86-32 or 
Release PowerPC-32.

When you have done this, all you need to do then is copy them into 
appropraite places in your Documents folder for Revolution to pick up 
next time it is launched. This can be done by creating the following 
hierarchy inside the standard Documents folder:

My Revolution /
 Mac OS X/

Then inside each Externals folder, put the appropriate build of the 
external along with a text file called Externals.txt. The externals.txt 
file is return-delimited list of pairs:


For example for rnahello on Windows the file should contains:

Hello External,rnahello.dll

Whereas on Mac OS X it should contain:

Hello External,rnahello.bundle

-- END tutorial

Also this last bit is not clear to me :
Does each Externals.text file contain :  1 line with    comma  
the name of the external  period bundle (or dll) ?
What should the  be and is the file a;lwys 1 line or more? If only 
1 line, then why is the file Return delimited and if more lines,

what to put in the other lines?

Has anyone followed through with the example from the tutorial 
Externals 2 (rnaEffect) with success?
I have done it 4 times now, but in Xcode 2.41 I keep getting 4 debug 
errors and and an additional 2 Release errors (which might be caused

by the incorrect folderpaths (the first part of my question).

Thanks for any help.


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sending midi data

2008-11-29 Thread Beat Cornaz

Hi to everyone,

I am working on several stacks to help people in composing music. The 
stacks create Midi files.
In order to hear the result,   I drag the Standard Midi file created by 
my stack, into Logic (my sequencer program). So far so good.

Now I would like to send midi data in realtime, so I can hear the 
result from withing my Rev stack.
Prefebly I do not want to use the QuickTime Instruments, as they  are 
not adapted to everyone's taste. I would like to

'midi communicate'  directly with Logic or any other sequencer program.

So the questions are :

1. How do I write the Mididata to a buffer (and which buffer)?
2. How can I 'offer' the data in this buffer to the ' Midi Input'  of 
Logic ?

I hope there is someone on the list who can help me out here.

If there are people who want my script for creating a Standard Midi 
file, they are welcome to ask me  for it and I will send it to them.

Thanks a lot for any help,


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Re: Complex Numbers binary fractions

2005-09-16 Thread Beat Cornaz

Cubist wrote :

function DecFrac2BinFrac TheFrac, ThePrecision
 # TheFrac is *assumed* to have nothing to the *left* of the decimal point
 # ThePrecision is *assumed* to be a positive integer
 # you can write the code to handle those cases yourself, if need be, right?

  if ThePrecision =  or ThePrecision  1 then put 10 into ThePrecision
  # so the user can just supply a fraction and not care

 set the numberFormat to 0.#
 #you want to make sure there's a leading 0 before the decimal
 put . into Rezult
 repeat # yes, it's an infinite loop. the escape test will be inside it
   multiply TheFrac by 2
  put char 1 of TheFrac after Rezult
# because of numberFormat, char 1 here should be either 0 or 1
if the length of TheFrac  ThePrecision  or TheFrac = 0 then exit repeat
delete char 1 of TheFrac
  end repeat
  return Rezult
 end DecFrac2BinFrac

Thanks Cubist. I'm often surprised at the original ways of coding 
that show up in this group. I'm refering here to # because of 
numberFormat, char 1 here should be either 0 or 1.

I want to point your attention to a little mistake:

  if the length of TheFrac  ThePrecision  or TheFrac = 0 then exit repeat

I think it should read :
 if the length of Rezult  ThePrecision  or TheFrac = 0 then exit repeat

I'm a bit surprised that no one has done anything with complex 
numbers. So I'll have to whip up something myself. If someone is 
interested, I'm willing to share the code (once I've coded it). mail 
me off list if you want to get it.

Greetings, Beat

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Complex Numbers binary fractions

2005-09-12 Thread Beat Cornaz


has anyone made a library for working with complex numbers? And is 
willing to share this with me? I'm also looking for some code to 
convert decimal fractions (i.e. 0.56384) to binary  fractions.

Thank you, greetings Beat.
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Part border on image

2005-03-20 Thread Beat Cornaz
I use images (in a  rectangle form) as sliders to get a minimum and 
maximum value. I want to get a border at the bottom of the image (or 
at the top). I use images because of the blend property. The 3D 
border won't do, as it is bottom and right side.

Of course I can introduce a separate line object to do the job, but I 
need to keep it as simple as possible, because it is getting already 
complex enough, without making groups with images and lines.

Also : I don't understand the first to eight color. Doesn't that work 
with images? In the inspector of an image I can select colors for 
first color etc. but nothing changes . If I go back to the inspector 
of that image, the color I've chosen are gone as well.

I can't manage do give a radio- or check button a color. The name, 
ok, but the button itself doesn't react to any color adjustment I 

Thanks, Beat
use-revolution mailing list

Rev group

2004-11-09 Thread Beat Cornaz
I am a member of the Revolution user group. I have been abroad and my 
mailbox filled up and reached it's limit and now I've emptied it, I 
don't receive any more mails from the Rev group.
Please turn me on again to the group

Thank you, B.Cornaz
use-revolution mailing list

Documentation Books

2004-06-30 Thread Beat Cornaz
Hi group,
I've been working with Revolution now for a little while and I'm 
struck by the lack of documentation, or better the lack of good 
documentation. The supplied docs with revolution , I think are 
totally inadequate. With a search I either get no results or much too 
many. I've heard that Dan Shaeffer has a book out. Is it good and 
well organized. I come from Hypercard and the Hypercard reference 
manual is excellent and things are easy to find. is there some other 
books or docs available on Revolution. I found a pdf, but I think it 
just the Rev docs in pdf form.

greetings, Beat.
use-revolution mailing list

Deleting a graphic

2004-04-23 Thread Beat Cornaz
Hi active group,

i want to create(cmd click) and delete (ctrl click) graphic objects. 
The problem is with deleteing. I cannot delete a object that holds 
the deleteing script. I don't know how to get the name of the object 
to delete in a card scrip without repeating to a lotta locations (of 
all the existing objects).I'm surev there's a  cleaner way to do 
this. I want to delete a little oval by holding the ctrl key and 
clicking on the object to delete.

greetings , Beat

PS. The Bezier curve of Jim is really great. Thanks a lot.
use-revolution mailing list

Re : Dragging and changing a curve (image)

2004-04-17 Thread Beat Cornaz
Thanks Jim for your math on the Bezier curve. It is a little beyond 
me at the moment, but I have a friend who probably can help me out by 
explaining the math to me.

I also found the Alejandro's site and downloaded the two Bezier 
functions. It turns out that they are in Metacard format, and I 
cannot open them in Revolution.
Is there a way to solve this, cause I'd love to see how he has done it.

Thanks, Beat
use-revolution mailing list

Re : Dragging and changing a curve (image)

2004-04-14 Thread Beat Cornaz
I know that Alejandro has developed a bezier function for RR. It is very cool.

If you want to just plot a known function, I would recommend my
favorite graphics tool, Turtle Graphics.

The code to implement TG is on my web site at
http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/ under Turtle Graphics.


Thanks Jim,
your turtle Graphics works fine from what I've tried and is a 
valuable tool for me. It doesn't solve the problem I'm facing though.

I want to be able to change the shape of a curve by interacting with 
it on screen with the mouse. At the same time I need to know the 
algebraic formula of the curve (the changed one (the new one)) in 
order to do calculations with it. Let's say I start out with y = 
3x^0.9 + 12. As soon as I change the curve with the mouse, I need to 
know the new formula (f.i. y = 3x^1.2 + 33).

 The curve is just a visual rerpesentation of something on the 
screen, but needs to changed a lot. Of course I can do that with 
sliders (that's the way I do it now) but it would be so much neater 
to be able to click and drag-change the curve.

I'm VERY INTERESTED in the Bezier function by Alejandro. Where can I 
get that one?

** If you keep your eyes off of your goal, you'll see mostly obstacles.
use-revolution mailing list

Rev. Books

2004-04-12 Thread Beat Cornaz
Hello all,

I'm happy with the Rev. program, but I am not so happy with the 
documention. Are there any good books on revolution.? What about the 
Dan Shafer books. Are they good (all 4 of them?). Is there a good 
reference guide available (either book or pdf)? What will you 
experienced Revolutionarists recommend.

Thanks, Beat.
use-revolution mailing list

Re : Editing Line graphic

2004-04-12 Thread Beat Cornaz
Hi all,

thanks for the warm welcome to your group and thanks to Martin, Mark 
 Richard for their answers. Sorry about forgetting the Subject.
My intention is to be able to click on a line and drag and resize and 
reposition it. With the tip to use 'the points' of a line (instead of 
the rectangle which I was using) it became a matter of half an hour 
to figure it out. e.

I had posted this reply before, but it was held back by the 
moderator, because I had included my script and it had become too big.
So if anyone likes to have the script, mail to me privately (with a 
clear subject) otherwise I might take your message for spam.

Greetings, Beat

use-revolution mailing list

[no subject]

2004-04-09 Thread Beat Cornaz
Hello everyone,

I'm new to Rev (coming from Hypercard) and I'm delighted with the 
many new possibilities of Rev.

My question : I made a script to move and change direction of a line 
(a graphic). Works well until I want the former top to be beneath the 
former bottom. E.g. My line runs from bottom left to top right. Now I 
grab the top right side and drag it down. All goes well until the the 
top comes within 2 pixels from the bottom coordinate. I can't manage 
to go lower than the bottom, even if I exchange the bottom and top 
coordinates. What happens is that the line is horizontal now and 
moves down as a whole. The left side does not stay in its former 
location in de y direction but moves along (downwards) with the new 
bottom coordinate. It must be possible to do, as in the edit mode it 
is no problem to drag the top of the line in my example to a place 
below the former bottom.

Thanks a lot for any answers,
Greetings , Beat
use-revolution mailing list