Re: user browser disconnecting and reconnecting the guacamole webserver

2024-10-01 Thread Ivanmarcus


Thank you for updating us on your findings.

Obviously I don't know your situation, nor that of your users, but would 
it be possible to exchange home machines between a 'good' user, and one 
of the two 'disconnecting' users?

If the problem went with the machine then I guess that could be an 
easier fix than if it remained with the user/site (which would confirm 
your thoughts the ISP is at issue).

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Re: SFTP Upload Slowness Issue

2024-09-26 Thread Ivanmarcus


General configuration detail may be found here:

However it's not clear whether there's anything that would be useful to 
address your situation. If you could include some detail on your site 
setup (distribution version, Guacamole version, available RAM/CPU, use 
of proxy etc) and log data it would likely assist others to help you.

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Re: user browser disconnecting and reconnecting the guacamole webserver

2024-09-26 Thread Ivanmarcus


In the past when I've had these sorts of issues the problem has turned 
out to be either with the external user's ISP, or something internal to 
their location. In the latter case this has included the user's children 
re-configuring the home network, or in some other way interfering with 
the Guacamole traffic.

Although it may have happened directly after your upgrade the scenario 
you've given suggests it's not likely to be your installation, given you 
have ~48 other users that have no issues. However here's some 
suggestions for troubleshooting:

(1) Do the users always connect to the same workstation? If so, could 
you have them connect to a different workstation (that others connect to 
with no problem), just to see if it made any difference? From what 
you've said I wouldn't expect it to, however it could be a worthwhile check.

(2) Is there anything different about these two users' machines/browsers 
compared to those users that have no issue?

(3) That's quite an upgrade, did you do anything else on your system and 
do you have a proxy involved? What do your logs say for the problem users?

On 27/09/24 02:28, Massimiliano Ballerini wrote:


we recently updated our guacamole server from version 0.9 to 1.5.5 and 
we are having an issue with some few users.

Our architecture permits users at home to connect to their PC in the 
office with RDP. So the diagram is something like this:

user --> home ISP --> work ISP --> firewall --> guacamole server --> PC

2 of around 50 users seems to experience frequent disconnections web- 
side: the browser lose connection during the RDP session and then 
"reloads" the page, reconnecting to the PC, but then the RDP greetings/ 
disclaimer page pops up and the user has to click ok and wait for 
Windows reconnection. After that the user is connected again for a brief 

Our helpdesk technicians could not reproduce the problem since they 
connected to the same PCs and did not experience any disconnection. We 
managed then to reproduce a similar problem generating a lot of traffic 
on the connection used to reach the guacamole server.

We think the home Internet connection of these 2 users is slow or low 
quality, and that is what is causing the malfunction, but that wasn't 
happening with the previous version of guacamole.

I searched online for a solution or even a timeout parameter i could 
increase to help these 2 users, but I'm finding only people having 
problems with connection:

guacamole guacd server <--> PC with RDP

and not

USER <--> guacamole web server (the one with tomcat to be clear).

I'm having problem with the latter. Has any of you experienced something 


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Re: Connection reset on remote server

2024-08-29 Thread Ivanmarcus
If you're using Debian/Ubuntu the requisite log file is likely to be 
/var/log/tomcat9/catalina.out, or you may possibly find it logging to 

Have a look at what is being reported when you attempt your connection 
and research that .. at this point I'd suspect a network issue from your 
description, but I guess it remains possible it could be something to do 
with Guacamole itself.

If you need to come back with more questions it would be useful if you 
could include the distribution you've installed Guacamole on, and the 
version of Guacamole.

On 30/08/24 02:49, Döngi, T. wrote:

Hi all,

I’m having following problem:

I have a remote server with the ip and the guacamole 
Server ip is They are both located in a DMZ. For a long 
time the connection worked fine but some days weh ad a network crash 
were most VMs were shut down more or less hard. They are all up running 
again and the connection settings are looking still fine. But when I try 
to establish the RDP connection it gets a disconnect immediately. ACK 
and SYNC Pakages are received but the the app server sends a reset.

Now I need to view some log especially the guac connection logs but 
within the connection history is only an empty column. The manual reads 
the the output is logged to console but there isn’t anything happening. 
At that point I have to say, that guacamole and mariadb are running in 
docker containers. I’ve connected to the guacamole docker and found / 
home/guacamole/tomcat/logs but that logs all tomcat specific. Is there 
any log I can consult to see why the connection gets a reset without 
showing the windows login screen?

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Re: guac RDP login "problem"

2024-08-21 Thread Ivanmarcus


Just to add to Nick's comment - it would be useful if you could provide 
some log data for when you're attempting the connection, and a little 
detail around how you've configured Guacamole + your workstations?

Not completely familiar with the Debian environment but log data is 
likely in /var/log/tomcats9/catalina.out (or maybe syslog).

On 21/08/24 21:21, Tonči Stipičević wrote:

Dear all,

I've just installed latest quacamole server ver 1.5.5 with nginx on 

Everything seems to work but only when I make rdp connection to a win10 
workstation with win user already logged in , but othervise not ...  I 
cannot make rdp conn on non-logged-in windows 10 workstation ?!   i.e. 
after reboot ...

I've tried also setup w/o nginx and the result was the same ...

Thank you very much in advance


Tonči Stpičević

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Re: high availability

2024-07-30 Thread Ivanmarcus
This isn't perhaps exactly what you're looking for, however it may 
contain some useful information?:

On 31/07/24 17:35, M Anon wrote:


Tried searching in the archives for "redundancy", "failover" and "high 
availability" but got no hit.

What we'd like to achieve is to have 2 servers but at any time we can 
take one offline (for patching / maintenance, etc). We are OK with users 
being disconnected and having to reconnect to the other server but what 
we don't want is to have to configure each user on both servers' database.

We authenticate users via LDAP and we know that we can store connection 
info in AD by modifying the schema but we'd rather avoid touching the 
schema. Can we utilize the ability of database authentication where 
users are auto-provisioned in the database if successfully authenticated 
by LDAP? How do we specify different groups of connections for each user 
if they are auto provisioned e.g.:

Group A - IT has access to all servers via RDP and SSH
Group B - student group 1 has access only to APPSERVER1 via RDP
Group C - student group 2 has access to APPSERVER1 and APPSERVER2 via RDP
Group D - contractor 1 has access to only APPSERVER1 via SSH

and so on ...

Any tips are appreciated ...

PS: not sure it will matter (I don't think so) but we do have a HTTP/S 
balancer that will sit in front of the 2 Guac servers

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Re: Accessing Guacamole Client through reverse proxy

2024-07-21 Thread Ivanmarcus
The Guacamole manual contains a section on proxying, if you've not seen 
it already it does contain some useful information:

Also this discussion and Nick's response may give a pointer or two:

If you need to come back to us it would be useful to include information 
such as the distribution you're using, how you installed Guacamole (and 
nginx) and the various versions involved etc. Some log data could also 
be useful.

One other thing, it's always a good idea to clear your browser cache and 
refresh between config changes.

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Re: Issue with VNC on new 1.5.4 installation

2024-04-24 Thread Ivanmarcus


I'd start debugging here:

Failed to initialized GnuTLS: Error in public key generation

Now, without knowing more about your setup I wonder if the issue could 
be related to this?:

It's been a while since I used VNC with Guacamole, and I'm not au fait 
with the detail around this bug, but as it's dealt with in Guacamole 
1.5.5 you might want to trial that and see if the error persists.

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Re: How to get client IP address ?

2024-04-21 Thread Ivanmarcus


Having been around here for a while I'd be very surprised to find code 
contributions simply 'ignored'. If you look at Guacamole's development 
history I think you'd see that contributions are welcomed, and where 
they address a need and/or fit the project well they are incorporated.

Naturally there would be discussion, and it *may* be that some 
contributions are not [immediately] accepted, however they would not be 
discarded out of hand for no reason. Perhaps this has been your 
experience of other projects but please don't anticipate it here.

Otherwise it's my view (and clearly that of many others) that Guacamole 
is not a 'mediocre' product. It has its flaws and no doubt could be 
improved, but being derogatory about something is not especially 
productive and rarely a good way to effect change.

Thus I wonder if you might spend a little time looking closely at 
Guacamole's development and how/why it works the way it does presently?
As an active project with good interaction and hard working developers, 
input from experienced coders would be gratefully received. However I 
suggest the usual way to go about changing something is first to become 
involved, become 'known' by your contributions, to gain better knowledge 
of the issues and direction facing the project, and thence be able to 
effect positive and cohesive change...

On 22/04/24 08:06, Stephan von Krawczynski wrote:

You may get/see some patch from me to achieve what I want to do with guacamole,
and I expect it to be ignored. I take it as documented then and it may help
further readers along their way.
Often people deny to see how they can make a very good product out of their
mediocre one, unfortunately.

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Re: guacd and guac-client in different hosts

2024-04-20 Thread Ivanmarcus


You might want to look to the links that Nick posted, they will give you 
an idea of where progress is on this matter.

Also, you are always welcome to contribute, particularly if there's an 
issue you see would assist the project as a whole in addition to your 

On 21/04/24 00:30, Robert Dinse wrote:

  It is six years old, in computer terms this is stone age.  As one who
usually maintains the current distro on my servers apps with old 
are a PITA, especially pitted against other apps that only work with the 

and perhaps not always greatest.

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Re: History session playback speed up

2024-04-16 Thread Ivanmarcus
I have to confess I've not used the recording facility myself, however 
to the best of my knowledge altering the playback speed not presently a 

That said I think you could encode and make the recordings accessible to 
be played in a dedicated player that would allow speed variation. Should 
you want to try this you should be aware that it would probably result 
in a significantly larger video file than the Guacamole format.

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Re: Issue with load balancing not going past down server

2024-03-19 Thread Ivanmarcus


It would help people to assist you if you were able to post some detail 
on your setup including the OS in use, how you've got Guacamole 
installed, and in particular log data around when you have the issue.

I don't run load balancing myself, so it probably won't be me responding 
when you post the above information, however in general the message you 
have commonly appears when there's a network or connection mismatch 
issue. It *may* also occur in some installations using 1.5.4., so it 
would also be useful to know if you had a previously working install, 
with the issue occurring since you upgraded?

On 20/03/24 07:07, Barnhart, Steven wrote:

I keep getting angry users because users receive the following message
[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]

This is machine 02 of about 20. Confirm the settings are set to balancing.
[A screenshot of a login form  Description automatically generated]

But many users (including me testing as my admin account) only connect to 2 and 
get the timeout. It doesn’t try any other servers. I tried (as you see above), 
to turn off session affinity. What is going on?

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Re: Creation of WebSocket tunnel to guacd failed - Guacamole 1.5.4

2024-02-19 Thread Ivanmarcus


I understood you were using 1.5.4?

I am a little confused as to whether you are now trying 1.5.3 and you 
have an issue, or whether this is the same problem you earlier described 
and are still using 1.5.4?

To clarify my earlier suggestion; *some* people have experienced a 
disconnection issue using 1.5.4. This appears to occur after a certain 
number of connections have been initiated. In your second post when you 
described the problem you were having (essentially it works ok for some 
time, then it doesn't) there seemed to me to be some similarity to this 
known issue with 1.5.4.

Therefore, as a quick check, I suggested you could trial 1.5.3, which 
doesn't appear to be affected by the disconnection issue.

If the problem remains then it's unlikely to be related to 1.5.4 
specifically and you could carry on with fault-finding 1.5.4.

Otherwise if 1.5.3 operates as expected then it *could* be that you are 
one of those affected by this issue. At this point there is a thought it 
may be related to FreeRDP and some aspect of 1.5.4, but it's yet to be 
determined for sure.

On 20/02/24 00:12, Viji Sankar wrote:

Hi Ivanmarcus,

We have experienced, VM continuously disconnects every few minutes/seconds 
while using guacamole. That’s the reason we have upgraded to 1.5.3 and we also 
increased the CPU and memory of the GUACD and GUACAMOLE container.  Is this a 
known issue or should we need to update any properties file to avoid this issue 
in 1.5.3?

Viji S

From: Ivanmarcus<>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: Creation of WebSocket tunnel to guacd failed - Guacamole 1.5.4

In order to test the hypothesis you could trial 1. 5. 3 I realise that this 
could be seen as a somewhat crude fault-finding process, and it may turn out 
that your problem is unrelated to the 'fails after a certain number of 
connections' issue,
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for analysis.

In order to test the hypothesis you could trial 1.5.3

I realise that this could be seen as a somewhat crude fault-finding

process, and it may turn out that your problem is unrelated to the

'fails after a certain number of connections' issue, however in your

description there seemed enough similarity for me to make the

observation regarding 1.5.4.

If there was a known reason for this issue that's affecting 1.5.4 I'd

suggest addressing that, but it's yet to be determined for sure. In the

meantime trialling 1.5.3 may permit a quick check to see if that is

indeed what you're experiencing, or something else.

On 19/02/24 21:53, Viji Sankar wrote:

Hi Ivanmarcus,

Which recent stable version we can install to avoid our connection issues?


Viji S

From: Ivanmarcus 

Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 2:11:44 PM


Subject: Re: Creation of WebSocket tunnel to guacd failed - Guacamole 1.5.4

Viji, There is a problem that *some* people are experiencing with 1. 5. 4 when 
a certain number of connections have occurred. It may be that you're, 
unfortunately, one of those people. This particular issue has been actively 
discussed and worked



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attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

In case of any doubt you can forward that message to 
for analysis.



There is a problem that *some* people are experiencing with 1.5.4 when a

certain number of connections have occurred. It may be that you're,

unfortunately, one of those people.

This particular issue has been actively discussed and worked on, it's

possibly related to FreeRDP but is yet to be absolutely pinpointed.

I'm not sure if yours is a new installation, or upgrade from 1.5.3, but

if you wanted to try 1.5.3 it may determine whether what you're

experiencing is related to this issue.

On 19/02/24 21:13, Viji Sankar wrote:

Hi Jimmy,

The guacd container is running in the same pod as well and port 4823 opened.

When we do restart/new deployment, the connections to both Ubuntu and Windows 
VMs are working fine. After some time, Ubuntu connections stopped working and 
Windows connections worked fine.

Attached is the screenshot as well.


Viji S


Re: Configuration from GUI

2024-02-19 Thread Ivanmarcus


It's getting late here, so I've not a lot of time now, sorry.

However if you check out it should explain 
what you need to do, and where you need to place the relevant files.

Also, while it's been a some time since I installed Guacamole with 
Debian the example steps I referred to earlier (using Ubuntu) should 
give a reasonable idea?

If you're still having problems in a few days, and I have time, I may 
run up a Debian VM and trial install Guacamole. I can't guarantee this 
however, so it would be better if you could persevere yourself (and tell 
us the answer when you sort it out).

On 19/02/24 22:02, Andrea Miconi wrote:

  I use Debian 12 and I haven't found a guide.I couldn't figure out how to 
install the JDBC connector.For Ubuntu there is a .deb, but I don't think there 
is one for Debian.
I saw that version 3.3.2 is available which I can download 
On the page is 
indicated that you just need to copy the .jar into the CLASSPATH, but I don't 
understand where it is.

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Re: Creation of WebSocket tunnel to guacd failed - Guacamole 1.5.4

2024-02-19 Thread Ivanmarcus

In order to test the hypothesis you could trial 1.5.3

I realise that this could be seen as a somewhat crude fault-finding 
process, and it may turn out that your problem is unrelated to the 
'fails after a certain number of connections' issue, however in your 
description there seemed enough similarity for me to make the 
observation regarding 1.5.4.

If there was a known reason for this issue that's affecting 1.5.4 I'd 
suggest addressing that, but it's yet to be determined for sure. In the 
meantime trialling 1.5.3 may permit a quick check to see if that is 
indeed what you're experiencing, or something else.

On 19/02/24 21:53, Viji Sankar wrote:

Hi Ivanmarcus,

Which recent stable version we can install to avoid our connection issues?

Viji S

From: Ivanmarcus 
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 2:11:44 PM
Subject: Re: Creation of WebSocket tunnel to guacd failed - Guacamole 1.5.4

Viji, There is a problem that *some* people are experiencing with 1. 5. 4 when 
a certain number of connections have occurred. It may be that you're, 
unfortunately, one of those people. This particular issue has been actively 
discussed and worked
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There is a problem that *some* people are experiencing with 1.5.4 when a
certain number of connections have occurred. It may be that you're,
unfortunately, one of those people.

This particular issue has been actively discussed and worked on, it's
possibly related to FreeRDP but is yet to be absolutely pinpointed.

I'm not sure if yours is a new installation, or upgrade from 1.5.3, but
if you wanted to try 1.5.3 it may determine whether what you're
experiencing is related to this issue.

On 19/02/24 21:13, Viji Sankar wrote:

Hi Jimmy,

The guacd container is running in the same pod as well and port 4823 opened.

When we do restart/new deployment, the connections to both Ubuntu and Windows 
VMs are working fine. After some time, Ubuntu connections stopped working and 
Windows connections worked fine.

Attached is the screenshot as well.

Viji S

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Re: Creation of WebSocket tunnel to guacd failed - Guacamole 1.5.4

2024-02-19 Thread Ivanmarcus


There is a problem that *some* people are experiencing with 1.5.4 when a 
certain number of connections have occurred. It may be that you're, 
unfortunately, one of those people.

This particular issue has been actively discussed and worked on, it's 
possibly related to FreeRDP but is yet to be absolutely pinpointed.

I'm not sure if yours is a new installation, or upgrade from 1.5.3, but 
if you wanted to try 1.5.3 it may determine whether what you're 
experiencing is related to this issue.

On 19/02/24 21:13, Viji Sankar wrote:

Hi Jimmy,

The guacd container is running in the same pod as well and port 4823 opened.

When we do restart/new deployment, the connections to both Ubuntu and Windows 
VMs are working fine. After some time, Ubuntu connections stopped working and 
Windows connections worked fine.

Attached is the screenshot as well.

Viji S

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Re: Configuration from GUI

2024-02-19 Thread Ivanmarcus


If you want to be able to use the GUI as you describe then you'll need 
to use a database, rather than the XML config.

You don't say what distribution you're using, but I have previously 
described some steps to install Guacamole with or without database for 
Ubuntu 22.04. This was intended as a guide and you may need to make some 
changes, however some aspects of it may be helpful. You can find the 
description here, along with useful comments by others:

On 19/02/24 03:48, Andrea Miconi wrote:

  Before this installation I had followed a guide to use MariaDB, but then I 
found myself having difficulty identifying the collector.
Now that the XML configuration is already there, I was wondering if I can 
configure it again for the DB or if I have to do everything from the 
beginning.If I use MariaDB, how do I connect it to Guacamole?

 Il domenica 18 febbraio 2024 alle ore 13:21:00 CET, Nick Couchman 
 ha scritto:

On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 3:36 AM Andrea Miconi 

I am new with Guacamole and to configure it I used the xml file.
Now I have to report any changes here.

I had tried Guacamole years ago and I remember that as guacadmin I could 
configure it from the GUI, creating users, passwords, services to connect to, 
protocols, etc.
Again if I remember correctly, I had also changed the logo and installed TOTP 
for two-factor authentication.
Starting from this simple installation, how can I complete the configuration?

FIrst, make sure you have read through the manual and are familiar with its 
contents. It covers a lot of these configuration topics:
To answer your questions a bit more specifically, though:* The default authentication module included with Guacamole is 
the simple user-mapping.xml file. It is not designed to be a long-term, scalable authentication solution; instead, it's 
designed just to help you make sure that Guacamole is functioning properly end-to-end.* In order to be able to 
configure connections in the GUI, you'll need to install one of the database modules and connect it to a database. This 
is covered in the manual linked above, under the "Database authentication" section.* To configure TOTP, after 
you have the database authentication working, you can add the totp module in. This is covered in the "TOTP 
two-factor authentication" section.* To customize the look-and-feel of Guacamole, you can generate your own simple 
extension to overwrite the CSS and HTML of the interface. This is covered at a high level in the 
"guacamole-ext" section of the manual, and there's an example "branding" extension in the source 

Re: How to make Guacamole safe.

2024-02-19 Thread Ivanmarcus


Mike means that you will need to be looking at, and blocking if 
necessary, unique public IP addresses.

Most likely private addresses (eg. 192.168.x.x) would normally be 
'trusted', or in some cases not unique, so there's no point in having 
having fail2ban analyse them.

Also, fail2ban is a separate project and service. It is not affiliated 
with Guacamole, although it may be used with it.

On 19/02/24 21:00, Andrea Miconi wrote:

  My firewall already has an Intrusion Detection function.Guacamole is behind the 
firewall and behind the reverse proxy.When you talk about "is running on the 
public-facing server" are you still talking about Guacamole?
Is Failban already configured for Guacamole or do I have to configure it myself?

 Il lunedì 19 febbraio 2024 alle ore 08:33:41 CET, Michael Jumper 
 ha scritto:
  On 2/18/24 23:15, Andrea Miconi wrote:

My Guacamole is installed on a PC with Debian 12 and I use it to connect
to my PCs and servers.
Besides G. there is nothing else installed; maybe later I will want to
install Zabbix.

G. is now behind a firewall with HA-Proxy as reserver proxy.
I wonder if I shouldn't secure the server anyway, for example using UFW
or Failban.

It's always advisable to configure a tool like "fail2ban" - doing so
would allow you to automatically block attempts to brute-force login

You will need to make sure that the fail2ban service is running on the
public-facing server. Blocking the IP address of a client machine will
otherwise have no impact if all client machines are actually your
reverse proxy from the perspective of the webapp.

Ensuring your system has a functional firewall, whether with UFW or
otherwise, should be standard practice. This has little to do with
Guacamole, particularly given that you would need to allow access to
Guacamole through your firewall anyway. This has more to do with
ensuring other services that may be running on your system are not

- Mike

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Re: Is it possible to connect to a website with Guacamole?

2024-02-19 Thread Ivanmarcus


This is not presently possible with Guacamole.

It has been requested in the past, and it may become a feature in the 
future at some stage, but it's unlikely to be any time soon.

On 19/02/24 20:03, Andrea Miconi wrote:

I have a small server with some "web applications" installed in Apache, for 
example for time management, my notes, my money.
These applications can be reached via HTTPS and have login credentials.

I could log in remotely and I have HAProxy as a reverse proxy.Nonetheless, I 
would not like to expose them publicly.
I'd like to use Guacamole (or something similar if it wasn't possible with G.) 
in the same way I connect to PCs and servers.
I connect to Guacamole, log in, the list of PCs and Servers appears; here I 
would like to see the list of my accounts on the web server.I would connect to 
these with HTTPS:PortNumber and use my credentials here, if they are not 
already configured in Guacamole.
In Guacamole I see that I can use RDP, VNC, Telnet; but I don't see the 
possibility of using HTTPS as well. Or am I wrong?

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Re: Issue with new install of 1.5.4

2024-01-10 Thread Ivanmarcus


Thanks for updating us on the 'fix', could be useful for anyone else 
with the same issue.

Regarding your login issue, there are two or three similar issues from 
the past that may provide useful fault-finding detail for you to follow:

FYI I'm not having a go at you wrt the last URL, however there might be 
a degree of amusement if something like permissions fixed the problem :)

On 11/01/24 02:36, Devine, Harry (FAA) wrote:

I have an update:  I found that to expand the war file, I needed to run the command 
"jar xf guacamole.war".  However, that required the java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel 
package, which wasn't installed.  So I installed that then was able to expand the war 
file, and then got to the web GUI (no more 404 error).

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Re: Issue with new install of 1.5.4

2024-01-10 Thread Ivanmarcus


It's been a while since I installed Guacamole on anything but a 
Debian-based system, however you appear to have done exactly as I do 
(the only exception is the Tomcat directory name - 'tomcat9' in my case).

So, from my perspective that part of your install should work, however I 
wonder if perchance you've got a proxy installed that could be getting 
in the way, or something else listening on that port?

FWIW, in the absence of that being the issue I'd probably start the 
fault-finding process by trialling tomcat with a simple index page to 
see if that's working properly first, then pursue the Guacamole-specific 
setup as needed.

Also, in case it's of use, here is my almost-guaranteed-to-work install 
procedure for Guacamole+Tomcat on Ubuntu 22.04. I haven't included the 
database-auth stuff as it doesn't seem that's an issue for you:

apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool-bin m4 
libjpeg-turbo8-dev libcairo2-dev uuid-dev libtelnet-dev libpango1.0-dev 
freerdp2-dev libssh2-1-dev libwebp-dev libvncserver-dev libpulse-dev 
libvorbis-dev libssl-dev libpng-dev

apt-get install tomcat9 tomcat9-admin tomcat9-common tomcat9-user

cd /tmp

tar -zxvf guacamole-server-1.5.4.tar.gz
cd guacamole-server-1.5.4
./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d
make install
cd ..

mkdir /etc/guacamole
cp guacamole-1.5.4.war /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war
ln -s /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/
systemctl restart tomcat9
systemctl enable guacd
systemctl start guacd

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Re: Guacamole 1.5.4

2024-01-08 Thread Ivanmarcus
Suggest you check your logfiles to see if they will give you further 

It's been a while since I installed Guacamole on Debian but syslog, 
catalina.out and possibly the MySQL logs may be of use.

Also, did you 'ldconfig' ?

On 8/01/24 23:20, Guillaume CHOLLIER wrote:

Hello all,

I'd install Guacamole 1.5.4 but where i connect to my database = doesn't
work !
with a user-mapping is OK, but not with a DB , why ??

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Re: guacd connection removed causes guacamole to time out

2024-01-07 Thread Ivanmarcus


The WOL function is being worked on presently, and may well be updated 
in the next release of Guacamole.

That said, to the best of my recollection, there's not been an issue 
with it inhibiting connections quite as I understand your system setup - 
particularly when it's been operating ok for a length of time.

To some extent it may not be worth pursuing this if you've now sorted it 
for your site, but it would seem to me that something must have changed 
around the time things stopped working. If that change was commanded by 
you that's fine, but if it's something that's come about indirectly as a 
result of a system update it may be worth seeing if you're able to drill 
down as to what it might be.

FWIW I don't think the WOL code has been changed for some time so, 
unless you upgraded from a somewhat earlier version of Guacamole, I 
question whether the issue would have come about directly from that?

Finally, if you've any other issues (or you want to update detail on 
this one) it's of great help if you can include the version of Guacamole 
you're using, and the distribution you're running it on - along with 
other relevant detail such as recent changes etc. Thanks.

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Re: Upgrade path. 1.2 -> 1.5

2023-11-13 Thread Ivanmarcus
Correct. If you want to view details about the different releases you 
can do that here:

1.0.0 was the last change to the database schema, and the notes for 
1.5.3 say that "The 1.5.3 release is compatible with older 1.x 
components" (albeit with the highly recommended proviso that you should 
upgrade the various components if you can).

On 14/11/23 09:44, J. Christopher Little wrote:

No database schema updates, I guess?

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Re: Upgrade path. 1.2 -> 1.5

2023-11-13 Thread Ivanmarcus
You should be able to directly upgrade. Make sure that you don't leave 
any old .war files, and clear your browser cache before logging in after 
the upgrade.

As always it would be advisable to backup your installation before 
commencing the upgrade, just in case an issue arises.

On 14/11/23 08:50, J. Christopher Little wrote:

I'm looking to upgrade our Guacamole environment from 1.2 to 1.5.3.

Can this be a direct upgrade? Or do I need to do incremental (ie. 1.3, 1.4,

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Re: Build Issue Troubleshooting

2023-11-03 Thread Ivanmarcus
As Mark Li has also suggested my post was really just to give you some 
pointers as to how to get a working system, and from there you could 
modify it as you wanted.

To answer some of your questions:

I haven't used PostGres with Guacamole myself, so am unable to directly 
comment on performance comparison with MySQL or MariaDB, however I've 
had no issue with the latter and up to 150 users.

You will see the first command I used was 'su', which changes you to the 
root superuser. If you do that you don't need to sudo, however some 
people may disagree with doing that. Along with the placement of .war 
files it's why I said you may wish to make some changes :) That said if 
you follow the commands more or less exactly you should end up with 
something that works.

The 'ln' command provides a symlink in the specified directory to the 
listed file that resides elsewhere. Some information on symlinks may be 
found here:

A good explanation for the '-p' flag in mkdir may be seen here:

Again (with these latter commands) this is just the way I've done it in 
the past, you could do things differently as you wish and still end up 
with a working system. If you do, and you find a better way to achieve a 
result, it would be useful if you could post that back to the community.

On 4/11/23 05:43, Aero Tech wrote:

My good sir Ivan Marcus, These directions are very helpful. I am wondering
if you are able to send an example with PSQL if PSQL provides better
performance? I am assuming every command should be run sudo? For this
symbolic link portion below, what does that do exactly?  ln -s
/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar /etc/guacamole/lib/

mkdir -p /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)/freerdp

ln -s /usr/local/lib/freerdp/guac*.so /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture

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Re: Build Issue Troubleshooting

2023-11-02 Thread Ivanmarcus
It's difficult to provide assistance without knowing more about your 
environment, but it appears you're using Ubuntu as your OS?

Unless you've got a specific need you shouldn't need to write your own 
daemons, nor install maven.

In case it helps, here are some notes on a simple step-by-step process 
to install on Ubuntu 22.04. They were written a few months ago and you 
may need/wish to make one or two minor changes (for instance, not 
putting .war files in /etc/guacamole), but it should give you an idea:

# Install Guacamole 1.5.3 on Ubuntu 22.04 server (VM)

### libpng12-0 is no longer part of the main packages, so need PPA
### ***but may work ok with just libpng-dev***
##add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
##apt-get update
##apt install libpng12-0

apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool-bin m4 
libjpeg-turbo8-dev libcairo2-dev uuid-dev libtelnet-dev libpango1.0-dev 
freerdp2-dev libssh2-1-dev libwebp-dev libvncserver-dev libpulse-dev 
libvorbis-dev libssl-dev libpng-dev

apt-get install tomcat9 tomcat9-admin tomcat9-common tomcat9-user

cd /tmp


tar -zxvf guacamole-server-1.5.3.tar.gz

cd guacamole-server-1.5.3

./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d

make install

cd ..


mkdir /etc/guacamole

cp guacamole-1.5.3.war /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war

ln -s /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/

systemctl restart tomcat9
systemctl enable guacd
systemctl start guacd
# Above this line should work in standard auth mode, below is detail for 
MySQL auth

cd /tmp

apt-get install mysql-server
#apt-get install libmysql-java


dpkg -i mysql-connector-java_8.0.28-1ubuntu20.04_all.deb


tar -zxvf guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.5.3.tar.gz

mkdir /etc/guacamole/extensions
mkdir /etc/guacamole/lib

cp guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.5.3/mysql/guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql-1.5.3.jar 

nano /etc/guacamole/

 mysql-hostname: localhost
 mysql-port: 3306
 mysql-database: guacamole_db
 mysql-username: guacamole_user
(ctrl-x then y)

mysql -u root -p

create database guacamole_db;
create user 'guacamole_user'@'localhost' identified by '';
grant select,insert,update,delete on guacamole_db.* to 

flush privileges;

cat guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.5.3/mysql/schema/*.sql | mysql -u root -p 

ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar /etc/guacamole/lib/

mkdir -p /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)/freerdp

ln -s /usr/local/lib/freerdp/guac*.so /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture 

systemctl restart guacd
systemctl restart tomcat9.service

Go to http://:8080/guacamole
Default login guacadmin:guacadmin

On 3/11/23 09:33, Aero Tech wrote:

I got them from the apache guacamole site ( etc.). Made the
packages from the source. Had to make maven from source as well. Wrote my
own guacamole service guacd service and guacamole service daemon. If I
could have installed from the Ubuntu apt list I would but it wasn't listed.
tomcat9 seems to be running as the website is up but I could be wrong.
Maybe its crashing when trying to login? I just see a bunch of failed
logins. Something is definitely very wrong.

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Re: Slow output - Linux connections

2023-10-19 Thread Ivanmarcus


Thanks for taking the time to post this in detail.

As performance and hardware requirements are a question that arises from 
time to time such practical information will be very useful for some.

On 19/10/23 23:35, Julien Lejeune wrote:

Hi all!

It will probably be my last update on the subject.

Short version: I have solved this latency problem by deploying a new Guacamole 
server on better hypervisors.

For those interested in the details, my Guacamole server was hosted on a small 
VMware cluster of two ESXi servers.
The resources (CPU/RAM) of those ESXi servers are OK and all services hosted on 
them seemed to work fine.
Those ESXi have old hardware that is not supported by VMware anymore. Compared 
to my production ESXi servers, they have fewer CPU (32 vs 96), slower CPU 
(2~2.6Ghz vs 3Ghz) and less network bandwidth (aggregated 1G vs aggregated 10G).
So I deployed a new guacamole server (and its DB) on my production cluster. I 
have compared the execution time of the cat command on a big file and the 
improvement was significant.
- 56 seconds from the first Guacamole server running on management ESXi.
- 10~15 seconds from the new GUacamole server running on production ESXi.

The "cat" is still bad practice, but it was a good way to measure the 
On my new Guacamole server, I can use the "less" command without seeing any 
latency I had seen with the previous server.

Looking back at it, some of the services hosted on our management cluster have 
required some tuning to improve their performances. Each of those was addressed 
separately because they were individual projects. This latency issue has given 
me the chance to have a holistic understanding of our projects, tools, and 

I have tried to install a newer version of libssh2 (1.11.0 instead of 1.8.0) 
but it didn't improve the execution time on the new server. So I'll stick with 
the version available in the Ubuntu repository.

Thanks for all your feedback.

Best regards,

Julien Lejeune
IT administrator

+32(0) 81 33 11 11

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2023-10-08 Thread Ivanmarcus


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On 9/10/23 08:00, Kamal Ezzaki wrote:

Pleasd remove me from the this email list

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Re: Captcha protection to stop brute force attacks

2023-09-29 Thread Ivanmarcus
As far as I'm aware there isn't any work being done on this presently, 
however it was discussed back in 2020. The following link may be of some 

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Re: Docker Guacamole - Customize Login Page

2023-09-28 Thread Ivanmarcus


You may find something useful in this thread:

Lorenzo's contribution in particular could be worth pursuing?

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Re: Error when compile guacamole-server-1.5.3

2023-08-16 Thread Ivanmarcus
With ignore certificate set, and either nothing or 'any' in security 
mode, have you tried with 'disable authentication' checked?

Also, when fault-finding, I suggest you don't have anything else set, at 
least initially, as I've sometimes found that can adversely affect the 
outcome. I include user/pass etc with this caveat, as well as all the 
other settings.

On 16/08/23 20:32, Alessandro Sironi wrote:


I've digged more deeply and I found that RDP is not working only on 
Windows OS, if I RDP on Linux boxes (XRDP) it works w/out any issue on 
both Debian 11/Guacamole 1.5.2 and Debian 12/Guacamole 1.5.3.

I've to debug why it stop working on Windows, from LOG seems to be 
something related to security protocol, but I have selected "Any" and 
checked "Ignor server certificate" as usual, I don't know why it stop 


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Re: Apache Tomcat advisory

2023-08-04 Thread Ivanmarcus


Thanks for the heads-up.

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Re: Apache verses Guacamole

2023-08-02 Thread Ivanmarcus

Thanks Robert, FWIW I was responding to your earlier post which said:

"If I can figure out how to get tomcat to pass the IP to guacamole so 
when someone logs into a server via guacamole it correctly logs the 
originator IP and failed logins that will work also but I am utterly 
unfamiliar with tomcat"

Which I took to mean you wanted the connection data that's already 
provided in the referenced log? You could of course run a fail2ban 
recipe for Tomcat.

So while I have probably got the wrong end of your meaning I do 
understand that you're still trying to deal with the noauth issue .. to 
that end I don't suppose you've thought about LDAP as a common system 
across your various options? Guacamole has an option for that 
(, and although I've 
not had occasion to use it myself I understand various people are doing 
so successfully.

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Re: Apache verses Guacamole

2023-08-02 Thread Ivanmarcus


Just in case it helps; the connecting IP and login attempts are 
typically recorded in the Tomcat log. An example here is from a test 
Ubuntu 22.04 with Tomcat 9, the logfile is located at 
/var/log/tomcat9/catalina.out and you'll see I've tried twice, once with 
incorrect p/w, then the right one:

[2023-08-02 07:27:20] [info] 07:27:20.815 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] WARN 
o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Authentication attempt from for user "admin" failed.
[2023-08-02 07:28:09] [info] 07:28:09.889 [http-nio-8080-exec-9] INFO 
o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - User "admin" successfully 
authenticated from

Also, I'm not sure if the domain you mentioned is live but it might pay 
to obfuscate this on the mailing list. Amongst other things it'll end up 
in the archives and be there for all to see...

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Re: Multiple Monitors - any roadmap at all to this?

2023-08-01 Thread Ivanmarcus


You can read about it here:

This has been discussed from time to time, and I think it will progress 
in time. I don't fully recall now but I also have an idea that someone 
has produced a working implementation as part of a package they offer? 
If that's the case it'd sure be appreciated were they to contribute back 
to the community...

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Re: R: Login Screen

2023-07-31 Thread Ivanmarcus


I thought it was decent of Lorenzo to respond and point out his solution 
and share the code...

... and having had a quick look it seems fine to me. Perhaps I've not 
found the section you're referring to, but if there is an issue maybe 
you could contribute a PR to him via github? Not sure such comments are 
especially useful here.

Otherwise, in my earlier post, I did at one point refer to mitmproxy 
which you can find via:

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Re: noauth extension and guacamole 1.2.0

2023-07-31 Thread Ivanmarcus


These docs are specific to the version number that appears in the URL 
(0.8.3 & 0.9.7 in the case of those you posted).

Most people will (should!) be using a later version by now and, as Nick 
has effectively noted, the noauth option is not included in the 
documentation relevant for those versions.

I understand your issue, that you wish to choose not use the security 
features, but am slightly confused by you saying in one part of your 
post that "if it could auth via NIS that would be great..", then "I 
would like to have the web server actually authenticate via NIS but 
unfortunately some other modules I use in apache are not compatible..."?

Not saying that I can help, sorry, just suggesting you might clear up 
what could be a misunderstanding in case anyone is able to suggest 
another way around the problem.

Also, I *think* you're saying that Nick's idea isn't tenable for you at 
present? Without necessarily recommending anything I see from a quick 
search that there are one or two auto-auth workarounds that people have 
produced which may be adaptable to your situation. At least one seems to 
be a kind of MITM proxy (indeed you may even be able to write something 
in Python for mitmproxy)...

On 31/07/23 14:50, Robert Dinse wrote:

  I guess just old versions of the manual?

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Re: noauth extension and guacamole 1.2.0

2023-07-30 Thread Ivanmarcus


The noauth extension was deprecated around 0.9.14, and is not available 
from 1.0.0.

The hack you mentioned may be this one?: 
however it seems questionable to me.

Otherwise if you really need it you may need to (re)write something 
yourself (preferably in a much later version than 1.2.0 if possible).

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Re: Issue with new test installation

2023-07-27 Thread Ivanmarcus


Given you're testing this, can you briefly expose Tomcat directly to 
your LAN in order to see if things are working correctly from there?

It seems to me that eliminating, or determining, the Apache proxy (or 
something else) as the cause of the issue would be a good start.

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Re: Playback sessions problem

2023-07-10 Thread Ivanmarcus
Could you let us know how you have installed Guacamole, and on what 
distribution? Log file information at the time of the problem is also 
very useful.

If perchance you are using Docker you may have run into this issue:

This thread also describes a similar situation to yours, it may contain 
some useful information:

On 10/07/23 21:32, Clement ITIE wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am trying to configure the new recording feature with  playback of 
session recordings directly within the web application/

I installed the extension in the adequate folder the restared tomcat9 
service :

I configured the path of the recording as described in documentation :


You can see in this screeshot that recording is working but the 
variables ${HISTORY_PATH}/${HISTORY_UUID} doesn’t seems to work and Logs 
column remains empty.

Do you have any idea of what is the problem here ?

Thank you for your help.

Clément Itié

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Re: Record Screen

2023-07-05 Thread Ivanmarcus
I'm reluctant to provide advice on the docker implementation; I install 
natively and an earlier faux pas suggests I know nothing about docker :)

However if it were me I'd start by looking at the 'fixed' script and 
would probably just modify the existing script as needed:

We don't have a release date for 1.5.3 yet, but it's progressing well 
and will be announced in due course.

On 5/07/23 20:38, Tifaine RIVOIRE OPTI Sécurité wrote:

Thans a lot ! I'll try your solution, do you have some tutorials to do this 
manually ?
Do you know when 1.5.3 is coming ?

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Re: Record Screen

2023-07-04 Thread Ivanmarcus
Oops, somehow got pushed sideways into the wrong thread (Thanks for the 
headsup Mike). Here is the intended post for this thread:


Nick's information re setting the absolute path is important, but as 
you've now told us you're using the docker images there is possibly 
another issue that could be affecting you.

This was discussed by Nick in one of the archived threads I mentioned 
(, and 
he references this ticket:

As you'll see your present docker startup script may not be loading the 
requisite extension or search path configuration, so you would need to 
do this manually. The issue is fixed for 1.5.3

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Re: Guacamole display has no values

2023-07-04 Thread Ivanmarcus


Nick's information re setting the absolute path is important, but as 
you've now told us you're using the docker images there is possibly 
another issue that could be affecting you.

This was discussed by Nick in one of the archived threads I mentioned 
(, and 
he references this ticket:

As you'll see your present docker startup script may not be loading the 
requisite extension or search path configuration, so you would need to 
do this manually. The issue is fixed for 1.5.3

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Re: Record Screen

2023-07-04 Thread Ivanmarcus

These two threads in the archives may be of use?:

Hopefully they will give you the pointers you need, but if you still 
have trouble please get back to us with your distribution etc. Also try 
to include any useful detail from the log files.

On 4/07/23 20:35, Tifaine RIVOIRE OPTI Sécurité wrote:

I've tried to configure file but nothing happens.
I think I have a problem with my extensions because I paste two in the 
extensions directory and after a restart nothing change.
In general, extensions are moved automatically In a new dedicated directory 
after a restart.
It's like Guacamole doesn't take care of my added files like extensions or :/

Best regards,

-Message d'origine-
De : Ivanmarcus 
Envoyé : mardi 4 juillet 2023 10:11
À :
Objet : Re: Record Screen


In order to use other than the default path you will need to configure it in 
the file.

You don't say what your distribution is but detail on 
(including typical location etc) may be found here:

On 4/07/23 19:43, Tifaine RIVOIRE OPTI Sécurité wrote:

Hi all,

I’m trying to configure the screen recording for Guacamole. I’ve already
paste guacamole-history-recording-storage-1.5.2.jar in extensions
directory and restart my server.

I have some problems with the records, nothing is created in my NAS
directory. I have followed this tutorial :

In another video someone tell that I need to configure my file but it doesn’t exist ??

Here is my conf , I also tried ${HISTORY_PATH}.

I want my video to stay in /opt/guacamole/NAS which is an external
storage (chmod 777 for tests).

After a connection,  I got no video and my logs column is empty…

Best regards,


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Re: Record Screen

2023-07-04 Thread Ivanmarcus


In order to use other than the default path you will need to configure 
it in the file.

You don't say what your distribution is but detail on (including typical location etc) may be found here:

On 4/07/23 19:43, Tifaine RIVOIRE OPTI Sécurité wrote:

Hi all,

I’m trying to configure the screen recording for Guacamole. I’ve already 
paste guacamole-history-recording-storage-1.5.2.jar in extensions 
directory and restart my server.

I have some problems with the records, nothing is created in my NAS 
directory. I have followed this tutorial :

In another video someone tell that I need to configure my file but it doesn’t exist ??

Here is my conf , I also tried ${HISTORY_PATH}.

I want my video to stay in /opt/guacamole/NAS which is an external 
storage (chmod 777 for tests).

After a connection,  I got no video and my logs column is empty…

Best regards,


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Re: Fwd: Guacamole landing page issue

2023-07-03 Thread Ivanmarcus


It may be worth you having a look at this:

There appears to be some similarities between what you describe and what 
was experienced by Regev Batchen in that earlier thread.

A system upgrade seemed to deal with their issue, and while it may not 
necessarily fix yours there may be some possibly useful discussion prior?

On 3/07/23 16:32, Triveni K wrote:

Hi Ivanmarcus,

I am not getting any error messages in the Gucamole client.

But at the guacd I am getting below message.

Guacamole connection closes during handshake.
Error reading select: End of stream reached while reading instruction


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Re: Fwd: Guacamole landing page issue

2023-06-30 Thread Ivanmarcus


Although I don't use them myself I can't recall any specific issues with 
the docker images that replicate what you're experiencing; my feeling is 
that it's more likely to be something with your particular setup.

If I were to hazard a guess it sounds not unlike an IP address conflict, 
but I think the best thing you could do is to closely examine the log 
files for around the time the issue occurs.

If need be you could post the output here, but perhaps the issue will 
become obvious before that - if it were something like an IP conflict I 
*think* that'd be recorded in syslog, but it's been a while since I've 
had that issue...

On 30/06/23 22:03, Triveni K wrote:

-- Forwarded message -
From: *Triveni K*>>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun, 2023, 15:30
Subject: Re: Guacamole landing page issue

Hi Team,

I have 16GB RAM,

I have a stable network. When guacamole docker is stopped and started 
again the issue will not come.

Should I do any other config changes.

On Fri, 30 Jun, 2023, 15:20 Alessandro Sironi,  


Il 30/06/2023 11:28, Triveni K ha scritto:
 > Hi Team,
 > I have a requirement to enable accessing virtual machine via the
 > I have set up guacamole for this purpose.
 > I have setup the guacamole using docker images.
 > I have Ubuntu machine, where I have installed the docker and pulled
 > the docker guacd, guacamole and post images and setup it up.
Your Ubuntu machine specs? Core, RAM, bandwith?
 > Everything works fine. I am able to access the vm using the
 > via browser.
 > But the guacamole client link is not stable. When I access the
 > guacamole client(hostname:8080/guacamole) page
 > Becomes unresponsive. I am not able to see the login page.
How about the network stability from your Ubuntu machine and your
target? And from you and your Ubuntu machine?
 > When I stop the guacamole docker and start it again. The guacamole
 > client page will be visible and I'm am able to login.
 > Everytime am not able to stop and start the guacamole container.
 > Please help me to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
 > Please let me know if any other details are required.
 > Thank you,
 > Triveni K

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Re: Connection Problems After Update

2023-06-06 Thread Ivanmarcus


In order for anyone to help you it would be appreciated if you could 
include relevant output from your log files at the time of connections, 
the OS you're using, and what you did to upgrade.


On 7/06/23 16:35, Geschwentner, Patrick wrote:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

I updated my guacamole yesterday to version 1.5.2. (from 1.5.1)

Since that my connection does not work anymore.

I found no erros in any logs.

My Connection details are attached.

If I now try to use the same connection as before, I get:

Could you explain why that does not work anymore?

Will this be fixed?

Best regards



Patrick GeschwentnerMSc, Head of Mindbreeze Academy 

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Re: Support for protocol is not installed

2023-06-06 Thread Ivanmarcus

Thanks for following up, it's always useful to know the 'fix'.

On 7/06/23 03:09, Pol wrote:


The issue has been fixed. The issue was not from `ldconfig` or anything 
like that but merely by a wrong assumption I was doing about Guacamole.
I was thinking from the beginning that Guacamole could run a RDP server 
by itself... but I was wrong.

After running XRDP locally, I was able to connect successfully ;)

Thank you for your help on this!

On 6/4/23 23:21, Michael Jumper wrote:

On 6/4/23 10:54, Pol wrote:


I'm trying to get Guacamole server 1.5.2 running without success, 
that's the reason why I subscribed to this mailing list after 
querying some search engines without luck.

Here's the steps I successfully did so far:

1. Compile `guacd`, with all the statuses set to 1 except for `wsock32`
2. Running `guacd`
3. Testing from a remote machine `telnet  4822`
4. Creating 3 user-mapping (user-mapping.xml) for my own user: 1 for 
vnc, 1 for ssh, 1 for rdp
5. I can see those mappings when I connect to the web interface at 

What's not working is when I hit one of the 3 mappings I've created, 
in the logs I have:

Jun 04 17:09:09 nixos guacd[418573]: Support for protocol "rdp" is 
not installed
Jun 04 17:09:09 nixos guacd[418573]: guacd[418573]: WARNING: Support 
for protocol "rdp" is not installed

Did you run "ldconfig" after "make install"?

Do you know what could prevent the creation of a WebSocket tunnel to 
guacd ?

The web application is definitely connecting successfully to guacd 
(you would not see any "Support for protocol ... is not installed" 
messages otherwise).

The error you're seeing in the Guacamole logs could easily be caused 
by the protocol support being effectively missing (perhaps due to your 
system's linker cache not being updated after building by ldconfig).

- Mike

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Re: Apache2 reverse proxy and guacamole, https page will not load, showing cert error.

2023-05-23 Thread Ivanmarcus

Have you seen this?:

I also realise you've specifically asked about Apache HTTPS proxy. I've 
not done this, so cannot comment directly, however you may find some 
information by searching the archives, for example:

On 23/05/23 19:22, Eby Mani wrote:

Are there any proper guide on how to setup guacamole with apache2 https reverse 
proxy ?.

I tried setting up guacamole with apache2, with "https://example-domain-name"; 
the default ubuntu apache2 webpage would open.

"https:///example-domain-name/guacamole"; will throw some certificate error. Had 
to remove apache2 and setup guacamole with ngnix, reverse proxy is working fine over 
https .

my old apache2 config,

1, /etc/apache2/sites-available/guacamole.html
2, enabled guacamole.html
3, disabled 000-default
4, restarted apache2
5, ran certbot --apache
6, restarted guacd, tomcat9 and apache2

contents of guacamole.html

 ServerName "example-domain-name"
 ServerAlias "example-domain-name"

 Redirect permanent / https://example-domain-namee/

 ServerName "example-domain-name"
 ServerAlias "example-domain-name"

 Redirect permanent / https://"example-domain-name"/

 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/example-domain-name-error.log
 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/example-domain-name-access.log combined

 SSLEngine On
 SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
 SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 ProxyPass flushpackets=on

 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 ProxyPass ws://
 ProxyPassReverse ws://


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Re: Removing /guacamole

2023-04-28 Thread Ivanmarcus
One easy way to do this, but keeping everything else intact, would be to 
put a suitable entry into an index.html file. For example:'" />

On 29/04/23 09:04, André R. Basel wrote:
Where do I go to change things so that I can browse to instead of In 
making such a change am I potentially breaking something or making 
things less secure?


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Re: Failed to load "guac-common-svc"

2023-03-27 Thread Ivanmarcus
Thanks for following up with the fix, good information for anyone else 
coming here with a similar issue.

On 28/03/23 10:12, Justin VanAbrahams wrote:
Well, I’ve solved the issue. It was an apache problem… I fat-fingered 
the  directives.







Remarkably, Guacamole worked fine, except for uploads! I adjusted the 







Reloaded apache and everything is working properly.

Now to try and make some dangerous OSs print! :P

*From:* Justin VanAbrahams 
*Sent:* Monday, March 27, 2023 11:39 AM
*Subject:* RE: Failed to load "guac-common-svc"

This is embarrassing, but I just found a clue…

Bypassing the apache2 reverse proxy cures this issue. Any guesses on 
what config in apache2 might fix me up…

*From:* Justin VanAbrahams >

*Sent:* Monday, March 27, 2023 11:35 AM
*Subject:* Failed to load "guac-common-svc"

Hi all –

I’m hoping someone can help me address the error “failed to load 
"guac-common-svc"” which prevents downloads from working in RDP via 

This is a new installation running on Ubuntu 22.10 and Guacamole 1.5.0.

I’m not sure what information is helpful, so here’s some facts: J

Make thinks everything is happy:

guacamole-server version 1.5.0

    Library status:

  freerdp2  yes

    FreeRDP plugins: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freerdp2

That directory exists, as does the plugin directory beneath:

$:/ # ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freerdp2/ -al

total 512

drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   4096 Mar 27 17:21 .

drwxr-xr-x 46 root root  49152 Mar 27 17:31 ..

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   1143 Mar 20 22:13

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 371344 Mar 20 22:13

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   1197 Mar 20 22:13

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  82440 Mar 20 22:13

Probably not relevant, but I’m using apache2 as a reverse proxy. The 
only things on the box are apache2/tomcat9/guacamole and mysql for auth.

I believe the only “weird” thing is that Guacamole is running under user 
“guacd” because I had this issue:

Changing the user for guacd solved that problem.

The only thing that seems obvious to me is that the error references a 
plugin (guac-common-svc) that does not explicitly exist…  However since 
Guacamole built the plugin I’m hesitant to mess with it….

Everything works exactly right except downloads!

Anyone have ideas?

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Re: how many memory cost per connection?

2023-03-14 Thread Ivanmarcus
Without a lot more information it's difficult to suggest why you see 
such a change. It's quite possible system/version upgrades etc will make 
a difference, as will the number of connections (ie. I'm not sure if the 
memory use is totally linear and would scale as such).

From a design perspective Mike's recommendation is that you  "generally 
need 1 core and 2 GB for every 25 concurrent users at peak" (ref this 

Obviously that was some time ago, and for an earlier version of 
Guacamole, but it's a useful guide. Bear in mind that's for *peak*, so 
your later number may be quite reasonable for 'normal' use.

On 13/03/23 18:08, 李安安 wrote:

    I use guacd and connect ssh/telnet/vnc/rdp devices.
    Previously testing a connection cost about 150m of memory(test 1600 
connection use 92% of 256g).
    Half a year later. Now testing a connection costs 40m of memory(test 
220 connection use 8g). Test many times.

    The system doesn't change. What could be the reason for this?
    Also, how much memory does a connection theoretically consume?
   Thank you for helping me with my questions


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Re: HELP NEEDED: Cannot connect to Win10 over Guacamole with DB Authentication enabled.

2023-03-14 Thread Ivanmarcus


Good that it sorted your problem.

Re documentation; it does seem to be an oft-repeated issue, so a note to 
assist people during installation could well be worthwhile.

If you look at the present native installation instructions here:

and the source here:

You will get an idea of the form of the documentation and perhaps from 
that how best to contribute an addition.

In my view keeping it short and to the point would be best, bearing in 
mind it is really a freerdp issue, and more of a sysadmin task as you say.

From there you could submit your work to Jira (I think you have an 
account?) for inclusion in the official guide.

Note I've said the above not being sure whether there is any protocol 
around the documentation, or submissions on it! I seem to recollect some 
discussion on this a while ago, but it may have been more to do with 
content delivery rather than the content itself. In any event I expect 
if I'm wildly wrong a gentle pointer in the right direction will ensue :)

Otherwise thanks for taking the time to pursue this.

On 14/03/23 18:36, David Ramirez wrote:

Well, that was that! Unwritable directory it was indeed.
What worked better for me was the following answer by Nick:
That said, I do believe we should document this somewhere. I can send an 
email here with all the related instructions or better yet, add a small 
section on the documentation, if this is even allowed to do over it as 
these are pure Linux sysadmin tasks.

What do the Gurus recommend:
1. Create a bug to add it to the documentation.
1.a. I may even try to learn how to document it myself if that is even 
2. Send here an email with the step by step instructions for posterity 
and easy to search.

Thanks again @ivanmarcus for the instructions!
Have a good one you all!

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 5:41 PM David Ramirez <>> wrote:

Thanks a lot for the quick answer @ivanmarcus. I will take care of
the permissions/daemon issues and get back to the group.

On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 5:31 PM Ivanmarcus


With respect to the error you're seeing, these links should give
some assistance (you probably only need to look at one, they mostly
reiterate the same thing):

As for my set of notes; the installation was indeed carried out
as root,
but before going too far with further suggestions perhaps you could
respond back after dealing with your user/directory parms etc?

On 14/03/23 12:10, David Ramirez wrote:
 > Good evening/night/morning to you all!
 > Following up the environment explained earlier, I am now
trying to
 > connect to a Windows 10 connection created by the Guacadmin
User and
 > assigned to a user. The connection fails before showing the
logs, here
 > is a quick overview of the environment:
 > Internet -- NGNIX Reverse Proxy --- Guacamole Server --- Win
10 connection.
 > Guacamole 1.5.0 running on ubuntu 20.04 and Tomcat 9.
 > The Guacamole Server IP is 10.X.14.254. <-- I change the
second octet on
 > the IP to "X"
 > Tomcat running on port 8080.
 > Guacamole server is running over port 4822.
 > This environment was operating when I was not using database
 > In order to find the error I am running Guacamole Server in
DEBUG mode
 > and I can see several obvious errors which I may know the
answer to but
 > I really need the group's assistance on this.
 > Errors found:
 >   * To simplify reading this email, the logs are at the
bottom of it.
 >   * As I am running Guacamole as the daemon user, its home
directory is
 >     /usr/sbin which obviously the guacamole daemon does not h

Re: HELP NEEDED: Cannot connect to Win10 over Guacamole with DB Authentication enabled.

2023-03-13 Thread Ivanmarcus


With respect to the error you're seeing, these links should give you 
some assistance (you probably only need to look at one, they mostly 
reiterate the same thing):

As for my set of notes; the installation was indeed carried out as root, 
but before going too far with further suggestions perhaps you could 
respond back after dealing with your user/directory parms etc?

On 14/03/23 12:10, David Ramirez wrote:

Good evening/night/morning to you all!
Following up the environment explained earlier, I am now trying to 
connect to a Windows 10 connection created by the Guacadmin User and 
assigned to a user. The connection fails before showing the logs, here 
is a quick overview of the environment:

Internet -- NGNIX Reverse Proxy --- Guacamole Server --- Win 10 connection.
Guacamole 1.5.0 running on ubuntu 20.04 and Tomcat 9.
The Guacamole Server IP is 10.X.14.254. <-- I change the second octet on 
the IP to "X"

Tomcat running on port 8080.
Guacamole server is running over port 4822.
This environment was operating when I was not using database authentication.

In order to find the error I am running Guacamole Server in DEBUG mode 
and I can see several obvious errors which I may know the answer to but 
I really need the group's assistance on this.

Errors found:

  * To simplify reading this email, the logs are at the bottom of it.
  * As I am running Guacamole as the daemon user, its home directory is
/usr/sbin which obviously the guacamole daemon does not have
permissions to write to.
  o Please refer to the logs marked below in *BOLD*.
  * After several messages on the log, the error now changes to: unable
to read file "/" which I believe has to do with the files and
certificates the daemon was unable to write.
  o Please refer a little bit below to the final section of logs
marked as *BOLD*.

What I have looked for so far:

  * I believe my problem is that the daemon user cannot write on the
path so I won't be able to connect.
  o This should be fixed by running guacamole with another user.
  o I did try to find some instructions on this list on how to
configure the daemon to run as a different user but I could not
find the instructions I believe I saw a few weeks ago on this list.
  * Looking around past posts, I found this from @ivanmarcus on the list:
  o On his instructions, he adds a step to set the location of the
freedrp shared objects to what I think is a world writable
directory but I may be wrong:

ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar
/etc/guacamole/lib/ mkdir -p /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture
-qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)/freerdp ln -s
/usr/local/lib/freerdp/guac*.so /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture



  * Problem is that when I try to replicate his instructions, I cannot
find any freerdp shared objects on my Guacamole installation, only
reference to some "rdp" files and directories but not any reference
to "freerdp"
  o This makes me think I may be looking at the wrong side of things.


  * How would you solve this?
  * Do you have any instructions on how to install and run guacamole not
as root/daemon?

Thanks a lot for the help!

Below are the log entries for the above comments.

Thanks again for the help.

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Install notes for Guacamole 1.5.0 and Ubuntu Server 22.04

2023-02-23 Thread Ivanmarcus
In case it's useful to anyone here's what I did to get Guacamole 1.5.0 
running with Tomcat9 on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 VM.

Essentially this is similar to my previous notes for earlier versions of 
Guacamole and Ubuntu, but with necessary package updates etc.

I should comment that previously there has been some discussion over the 
use of /etc for the location of the .war file. It's not necessary to 
install it there, you could put it in /opt, or wherever works for you.

In terms of testing I've given this latest install a brief try with RDP 
to a Win7 VM and it seemed to work fine, however I've not progressed 
further than the login. Therefore I'd treat this as a guide only, and 
suggest it would be advisable to carry out some trials before utilising 
in a production environment. If you find any issues, or have suggestions 
to improve, please let me know.

Finally the observant will see I've not included the requisite packages 
for video recording or Kubernetes. They're simple to install if you need 
them, the information is available in the official installation detail 


# Install Guacamole 1.5.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 server (VM)

# libpng12-0 is no longer part of the main packages, so need PPA
# ***but may work ok with just libpng-dev***
add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
apt-get update
apt install libpng12-0
apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool-bin m4 
libjpeg-turbo8-dev libcairo2-dev uuid-dev libtelnet-dev libpango1.0-dev 
freerdp2-dev libssh2-1-dev libwebp-dev libvncserver-dev libpulse-dev 
libvorbis-dev libssl-dev libpng12-dev

# Install Tomcat 9 - 10 is not presently usable (see

apt-get install tomcat9 tomcat9-admin tomcat9-common tomcat9-user

cd /tmp

tar -zxvf guacamole-server-1.5.0.tar.gz
cd guacamole-server-1.5.0
./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d
make install
cd ..
mkdir /etc/guacamole
cp guacamole-1.5.0.war /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war
ln -s /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/
systemctl restart tomcat9
systemctl enable guacd
systemctl start guacd
# Above this line *should* work in standard auth mode, but I've not 
checked this, below is detail for MySQL auth

cd /tmp
apt-get install mysql-server
#apt-get install libmysql-java

dpkg -i mysql-connector-java_8.0.28-1ubuntu20.04_all.deb

tar -zxvf guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.5.0.tar.gz
mkdir /etc/guacamole/extensions
mkdir /etc/guacamole/lib
cp guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.5.0/mysql/guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql-1.5.0.jar 

nano /etc/guacamole/
 mysql-hostname: localhost
 mysql-port: 3306
 mysql-database: guacamole_db
 mysql-username: guacamole_user
(ctrl-x then y)
mysql -u root -p
create database guacamole_db;
create user 'guacamole_user'@'localhost' identified by '';
grant select,insert,update,delete on guacamole_db.* to 

flush privileges;
cat guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.5.0/mysql/schema/*.sql | mysql -u root -p 

ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar /etc/guacamole/lib/
mkdir -p /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)/freerdp
ln -s /usr/local/lib/freerdp/guac*.so /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture 

systemctl restart guacd
systemctl restart tomcat9.service

Go to http://:8080/guacamole
Default login guacadmin:guacadmin

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Re: email list vs knowledgebase

2022-11-24 Thread Ivanmarcus

The list archives that Nick's mentioned are here:

I suspect these may be the closest to the sort of thing you're looking for?

On 25/11/22 12:24, Nick Couchman wrote:
On Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 5:55 PM Lockhart, Roland>> wrote:


__ __

I have been subscribed to this list for some time and while the
information exchange is good to have, is there anything in the form
of a searchable KB I can get access to?

The only other resources to reference, aside from the list (and list 
archives), are the User Manual and the FAQ: 

There are a few other resources on the Guacamole website, as well, that 
you can look at - API information, some additional support info, etc. .


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Re: Shared folder issue on Windows 10 pro OS

2022-11-10 Thread Ivanmarcus
I may be misundertanding your issue, however you'll need to make sure 
that the guacd user has access/permissions for the directory you're sharing.

If that's not the issue then log information could be useful to properly 
determine your problem. Depending upon your distribution/setup that 
could be syslog & catalina.out.

On 10/11/22 19:01, Anburaj Palraj wrote:

Hi team,

I am using 1.4.0 guacamole server version.

Recently we have added one windows 10 pro OS system to our server infra 
and i added into guacamole portal for remote authentication.

Note:We are able to take mstsc and able to work on the system without 
any issues.But am not seeing the Apache guacamole shared folder.

Without that I am not able to copy files from my system to this server 
and vice versa.

So kindly help.

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Re: Install Problem

2022-09-01 Thread Ivanmarcus


Thanks, your second email hadn't arrived when I was typing my reply, but 
that's useful to know.

WRT catalina_home or catalina_base, people more eloquent than me have 
explained that here:

You'll need to manually create /etc/guacamole and subdirs before either 
copying or creating the requisite files within. You can see one way of 
doing that in the detail I posted earlier.

On 1/09/22 15:40, Robert Simmons wrote:

 > You don't say what distribution you are using
That was in my second email: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (and I posted my install 

 > You will see where I've put the .war file (and the symlink
Ok, so I am putting the file in the correct location. Should 
CATALINA_HOME in the documentation be changed to CATALINA_BASE? And if 
not, what is the difference and reason that it should be different from 
what is reported by a new install of Tomcat?

 > the user mapping file is probably best avoided if you can.
This is understandable. However, I'm confused by the documentation 
mentioning that this file is provided with the install. Since "make 
install" in my case did not result in the creation of /etc/guacamole I 
am trying to determine if the install process has failed at some 
critical point, or that this directory and its contents are not expected 
to be created by the install and it is expected that I should create the 
directory and its contents.

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Re: Install Problem

2022-08-31 Thread Ivanmarcus


You don't say what distribution you are using, however below is a 
step-by-step install of Guacamole 1.4 using Ubuntu Server 20.04 and 
Tomcat 9. You will see where I've put the .war file (and the symlink to 

This uses MySQL for user data etc, the user mapping file is probably 
best avoided if you can.

If you have trouble with your install you could just follow these 
instructions and it should get you up and running, although it's a few 
months old now so some version numbers may have changed.

# Install Guacamole 1.4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.3 server (VM)

# libpng12-0 is no longer part of the main packages, so need PPA
# ***but may work ok with just libpng-dev***
add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool-bin m4 
libjpeg-turbo8-dev libcairo2-dev libossp-uuid-dev libtelnet-dev 
libpango1.0-dev freerdp2-dev libssh2-1-dev libwebp-dev libvncserver-dev 
libpulse-dev libvorbis-dev libssl-dev libpng-dev

apt-get install tomcat9 tomcat9-admin tomcat9-common tomcat9-user
cd /tmp

tar -zxvf guacamole-server-1.4.0.tar.gz
cd guacamole-server-1.4.0
./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d
make install
mkdir /etc/guacamole
cp guacamole-1.4.0.war /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war
ln -s /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/
systemctl restart tomcat9
systemctl enable guacd
systemctl start guacd
# Above this line works in standard auth mode, below is detail for MySQL 

cd /tmp
apt-get install mysql-server
#apt-get install libmysql-java

dpkg -i mysql-connector-java_8.0.28-1ubuntu20.04_all.deb

tar -zxvf guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.4.0.tar.gz
mkdir /etc/guacamole/extensions
mkdir /etc/guacamole/lib
cp guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.4.0/mysql/guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql-1.4.0.jar 

nano /etc/guacamole/
 mysql-hostname: localhost
 mysql-port: 3306
 mysql-database: guacamole_db
 mysql-username: guacamole_user
(ctrl-x then y)
mysql -u root -p
create database guacamole_db;
create user 'guacamole_user'@'localhost' identified by '';
grant select,insert,update,delete on guacamole_db.* to 

flush privileges;
cat guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.4.0/mysql/schema/*.sql | mysql -u root -p 

ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar /etc/guacamole/lib/
mkdir -p /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)/freerdp
ln -s /usr/local/lib/freerdp/guac*.so /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture 

systemctl restart guacd
systemctl restart tomcat9.service

Go to http://:8080/guacamole
Default login guacadmin:guacadmin

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Re: Guacamole on Chrome OS 103/104 ARM

2022-08-22 Thread Ivanmarcus


Just to confirm what Mike said - your message of Friday 1st July 
@1253hrs remains in the archives 

It's unfortunate no-one was able to answer you at the time, possibly 
many of us don't have anything with ChromeOS, but it's great that Sean 
has been able to respond on this now.

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Re: Prompt for username in windows

2022-06-30 Thread Ivanmarcus


Thanks for returning with the fix, could be useful to someone coming 
here in the future...

On 30/06/22 15:10, Sean Hulbert wrote:


OK found it, if you want windows to prompt with usernames, set your 
guacamole connection template with no username and password in the field.

Go in to your Windows system open regedit and make these changes.


Change “SecurityLayer” value to 1

Verify “UserAuthentication” value is 0

Next time you login you will be presented with the Windows Login prompt.


*From:* Sean Hulbert []
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 29, 2022 4:05 PM
*Subject:* Prompt for username in windows


I use to know the registry setting to force windows to prompt for 
username password when leaving the guacamole username password blank.

Any recall the HKEY location?

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Re: Guacamole Docker Install Error

2022-06-23 Thread Ivanmarcus


I'm far from a Docker expert but that command string looks corrupted 
from where I'm sitting?

As I see it the system believes there's a container running with the 
same name you're trying to run, and it's giving the container ID.

You can use 'docker images' to check that out (ie. that you have such a 
container), and from there'd I use 'docker ps' followed by 'docker 
inspect [container ID]' in order to look into things further.

If it were me I'd close any containers you have running presently, then 
just start the one you want first and check that's ok before carrying on 
with an others. Given the questionmark (to me) from your output I think 
that's warranted...

Aside from the specific issue you have I found that Docker took a while 
to get my hear around it, and as with many things computer some of the 
commands were a bit cryptic, or didn't do exactly what I expected. I'm 
still not that au fait with it, but some reading of multiple information 
sources usually helps me through :-)

On 24/06/22 06:42, Woods, Darren L wrote:

sudo docker container list -all


51b04782c0f9   guacamole/guacd   "/bin/sh -c '/usr/lo…"   2 hours 
ago   Up 2 hours (healthy)   4822/tcp   great_solomon

I don’t see that container named some-guacd.


*From:* Nick Couchman 
*Sent:* Thursday, June 23, 2022 12:41 PM
*Subject:* Re: Guacamole Docker Install Error

Be cautious before clicking links or opening attachments from unknown 
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On Thu, Jun 23, 2022 at 1:23 PM Woods, Darren L > wrote:

I’m getting this error message when I run the command:

sudo docker run --name some-guacd -d -p 4822:4822 guacamole/guacd

docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name
"/some-guacd" is already in use by container
You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse
that name.

See 'docker run --help'.

Try "docker container list --all" and see if you see the container 
already called "some-guacd".


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Re: Unable to get Guacmole to connect to hosts

2022-06-14 Thread Ivanmarcus


I had a quick look at that site. While I can't comment much on the 
procedure for RHEL (I generally use Ubuntu) I see they appear to be 
advising an earlier version of Guacamole than is current.

I suggest you check this out, it's the official documentation for the 
current version (1.4), and includes information relating to RHEL:

Hopefully that will help. If you remain stuck I did post a step-by-step 
install for Ubuntu/Debian a while ago, it may give some pointers and is 
visible in this thread:

Please let us know how you get on. Also, although I'm not familiar with 
RHEL file locations etc, you may find there's a 'catalina.out' logfile 
that could contain further information?

On 15/06/22 16:03, Timothy A. Dilbert | BMT wrote:


I am trying to install Apache Guacamole on RHEL 8.

I've followed all of the instructions linked below: 

I've gotten to the point where Guacamole is loading and I'm able to sign 
in. The problem I'm having, however, is that whenever I try to connect 
to a host, I am getting the following error message:

"An internal error has occurred within the Guacamole server, and the 
connection has been terminated. If the problem persists, please notify 
your system administrator, or check your system logs".

The Guacamole documentation says to check the syslogs. I've checked 
|/var/log/messages|​ and I'm not seeing anything related to the error.

Any help to troubleshoot would be much appreciated.


Timothy Dilbert

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Re: upgrade from 0.8.4 ubuntu

2022-06-04 Thread Ivanmarcus

Ok, the following may be of some use to you?:

# Install Guacamole 1.4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.3 server (VM)

# libpng12-0 is no longer part of the main packages, so need PPA
# ***but may work ok with just libpng-dev***
add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool-bin m4 
libjpeg-turbo8-dev libcairo2-dev libossp-uuid-dev libtelnet-dev 
libpango1.0-dev freerdp2-dev libssh2-1-dev libwebp-dev libvncserver-dev 
libpulse-dev libvorbis-dev libssl-dev libpng-dev

apt-get install tomcat9 tomcat9-admin tomcat9-common tomcat9-user
cd /tmp

tar -zxvf guacamole-server-1.4.0.tar.gz
cd guacamole-server-1.4.0
./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d
make install
mkdir /etc/guacamole
cp guacamole-1.4.0.war /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war
ln -s /etc/guacamole/guacamole.war /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/
systemctl restart tomcat9
systemctl enable guacd
systemctl start guacd
# Above this line works in standard auth mode, below is detail for MySQL 

cd /tmp
apt-get install mysql-server
#apt-get install libmysql-java

dpkg -i mysql-connector-java_8.0.28-1ubuntu20.04_all.deb

tar -zxvf guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.4.0.tar.gz
mkdir /etc/guacamole/extensions
mkdir /etc/guacamole/lib
cp guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.4.0/mysql/guacamole-auth-jdbc-mysql-1.4.0.jar 

nano /etc/guacamole/
 mysql-hostname: localhost
 mysql-port: 3306
 mysql-database: guacamole_db
 mysql-username: guacamole_user
(ctrl-x then y)
mysql -u root -p
create database guacamole_db;
create user 'guacamole_user'@'localhost' identified by '';
grant select,insert,update,delete on guacamole_db.* to 

flush privileges;
cat guacamole-auth-jdbc-1.4.0/mysql/schema/*.sql | mysql -u root -p 

ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar /etc/guacamole/lib/
mkdir -p /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)/freerdp
ln -s /usr/local/lib/freerdp/guac*.so /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture 

systemctl restart guacd
systemctl restart tomcat9.service

Go to http://:8080/guacamole
Default login guacadmin:guacadmin

On 4/06/22 19:34, Cristian Nuzzo wrote:
The Guacamole documentartion say that on ubuntu I can install Guacamole 
simply with:

apt-get install guacamole-tomcat

I don't know why I can't upgrade it in the same way...

Anyway I think I wil start again from scratch, wish for luck.

Il 30/05/2022 03:01, Ivanmarcus ha scritto:


You didn't mention the current version of Ubuntu you are using, or are 
wanting to upgrade to?

As Nick has said there may be no prebuilt packages so you'll need to 
manually upgrade Guacamole. If it helps I can write out a series of 
steps for installation of Guacamole 1.4 on Ubuntu server 20.04 - 
however this would be for a fresh install and it wouldn't ordinarily 
accept existing configuration data for a version of Guacamole as old 
as yours.

If you've not got too many users set up it may ultimately be easier 
just to do this and then re-configure as you need in the new 
installation, particularly as there are quite a number of changes from 
0.8.4 to 1.4.

On 29/05/22 22:37, Nick Couchman wrote:
On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 2:59 AM Cristian Nuzzo <>> wrote:

    I'm not sure about the database, probably not.

You mentioned you would like to "keep my configuration" - I don't 
know how you have it configured. If it's not in a database it's 
probably in the user-mapping.xml file, which you can make a copy of 
and use with a new version. That said, this file is really only meant 
as a means of testing that Guacamole Client is functional, and isn't 
intended for serious use.

    The question was of to ungrade to a new version.

    I tried apt-get upgrade in ubuntu, but guacamole is still old.

The Guacamole project does not maintain distribution-specific 
packages, and it sounds like the Debian/Ubuntu ones aren't really 
maintained anymore, if you're unable to upgrade past 0.8.4.

    Is there an undate script somewhere?

No, but there's a manual: 

It contains install instructions, either native on a Linux system or 
via Docker containers.

    Can I use it with my curent version?

    Do guacamole need a database in the most recent versions?

It needs some method of storing connection configuration

Re: Upgrade to Guacamole

2022-05-31 Thread Ivanmarcus


That's quite an old version of Guacamole, there have been significant 
changes that will require an update to your database schema (from 0.9.14 
to 1.0.0).

For your information here are the relevant announcements on versions 
later than what you're currently using:

I suggest you have a good read of this information before you set about 
any upgrade.

You *may* be able to go 0.9.14 -> 1.0.0 -> 1.4.0, but I've never tried 
that myself so I can't tell you how it would go. Certainly I wouldn't 
try on a production system without first trialling it offline.

On 1/06/22 13:56, Lockhart, Roland wrote:


We are currently running Guacamole from a community image from AWS


It runs the services in docker containers, and we are fairly out of date 
with the build

We’d like to upgrade so we don’t have to reconfigure everything 
including connections and users, but not sure where to start

This is the current state


xx   guaws_nginx

y   guaws_guaws

zzz   guaws_guac


bbb   mariadb:10.2

Hope someone can be of help



AAM Group

*Roland Lockhart*
DevOps Team Lead
+61 8 9228 6807
+61 408 384 993 

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Re: upgrade from 0.8.4 ubuntu

2022-05-29 Thread Ivanmarcus


You didn't mention the current version of Ubuntu you are using, or are 
wanting to upgrade to?

As Nick has said there may be no prebuilt packages so you'll need to 
manually upgrade Guacamole. If it helps I can write out a series of 
steps for installation of Guacamole 1.4 on Ubuntu server 20.04 - however 
this would be for a fresh install and it wouldn't ordinarily accept 
existing configuration data for a version of Guacamole as old as yours.

If you've not got too many users set up it may ultimately be easier just 
to do this and then re-configure as you need in the new installation, 
particularly as there are quite a number of changes from 0.8.4 to 1.4.

On 29/05/22 22:37, Nick Couchman wrote:
On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 2:59 AM Cristian Nuzzo > wrote:

I'm not sure about the database, probably not.

You mentioned you would like to "keep my configuration" - I don't know 
how you have it configured. If it's not in a database it's probably in 
the user-mapping.xml file, which you can make a copy of and use with a 
new version. That said, this file is really only meant as a means of 
testing that Guacamole Client is functional, and isn't intended for 
serious use.

The question was of to ungrade to a new version.

I tried apt-get upgrade in ubuntu, but guacamole is still old.

The Guacamole project does not maintain distribution-specific packages, 
and it sounds like the Debian/Ubuntu ones aren't really maintained 
anymore, if you're unable to upgrade past 0.8.4.

Is there an undate script somewhere?

No, but there's a manual: 

It contains install instructions, either native on a Linux system or via 
Docker containers.

Can I use it with my curent version?

Do guacamole need a database in the most recent versions?

It needs some method of storing connection configurations, and, as I 
mentioned, user-mapping.xml isn't really intended to be used beyond 
verifying that Guacamole functions correctly. If you want user/group 
management, connection management within the GUI, etc., you'll need a 


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Re: guacd service does not start automatically.

2022-04-19 Thread Ivanmarcus
It's unclear to me if Guacamole operates ok should you restart guacd 
once the Pi has booted?

If so then a simple solution might be to run a cron reboot command to 
restart guacd a few seconds after boot. Say "@reboot sleep 30 && 

I realise this isn't necessarily _fixing_ the issue, but it seems 
possible it's more of an OS/setup thing than a problem with Guacamole 
per se? Something like this would be an expedient way of making things 
work in the interim at least.

On 4/20/22 01:36, 박제형 wrote:

Thanks for providing your solution.

But that problem is still not solved and the guacd service is running 
before the network is ready.

However, other services that use the network, such as ssh, tomcat, and 
samba, run successfully after network preparation.


*# systemctl status guacd*

● guacd.service - Guacamole Server

    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/guacd.service; enabled; vendor 
preset: enabled)

    Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2022-04-19 22:19:32 
KST; 1min 11s ago

      Docs: man:guacd(8)

   Process: 444 ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/guacd -f (code=exited, 

  Main PID: 444 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

  4월 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Guacamole Server.

  4월 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi guacd[444]: Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) 
version 1.4.0 started

  4월 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi guacd[444]: guacd[444]: INFO:
Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.4.0 started

  4월 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi guacd[444]: guacd[444]: ERROR:
Unable to bind socket to any addresses.

  4월 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi guacd[444]: Unable to bind socket to any 

  4월 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi systemd[1]: guacd.service: Main process 
exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

  4월 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi systemd[1]: guacd.service: Failed with 
result 'exit-code'.

*part of /var/log/syslog*

top omission=

Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi dhcpcd[394]: forked to background, child pid 

middle omission=
Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi guacd[444]: Unable to bind socket to any 
Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi systemd[1]: guacd.service: Main process 
exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi systemd[1]: guacd.service: Failed with 
result 'exit-code'.

middle omission=
Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi dhcpcd-run-hooks[522]: wlan0: starting 

middle omission=
Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi dhcpcd[441]: wlan0: connected to Access Point `'
Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Received SIGRTMIN+21 from PID 
165 (plymouthd).

Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi dhcpcd[441]: eth0: waiting for carrier
Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi dhcpcd[441]: dhcpcd_prestartinterface: 
wlan0: Operation not possible due to RF-kill

Apr 19 22:19:32 raspberrypi dhcpcd[441]: wlan0: waiting for carrier
middle omission=
  4월 19 22:19:37 raspberrypi dhcpcd[441]: eth0: carrier acquired
bottom omission=

-Original Message-
*From:* "Nick Couchman"
*To:* ;
*Sent:* 2022-04-19 (화) 00:24:19 (GMT+09:00)
*Subject:* Re: guacd service does not start automatically.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 11:04 AM 박제형 > wrote:

It seems that the network is not detected normally in systemctl.



# Provides:          guacd

# Required-Start:    $network $syslog

# Required-Stop:     $network $syslog

# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5

# Default-Stop:      0 1 6

# Short-Description: Guacamole proxy daemon

# Description: The Guacamole proxy daemon, required to translate
remote desktop protocols into the text-based Guacamole pro$


If you have systemd/systemctl available, you should not be using 
/etc/init.d/guacd. When you build guacd, make sure to use the 
./configure flags to enable systemd support 
(--with-systemd-dir=/etc/systemd/system, for example), which will create 
and install the systemd unit file.


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Re: SSL Handshake to Guacd randomly failing

2022-04-07 Thread Ivanmarcus


You've not given a lot of detail about your environment, however it's 
possible that one or more system/container auto-updated something that 
has resulted in what you see here.

If it were me I'd have a look to see what updates have occurred between 
the time when the system was working, 'till it wasn't. This might assist 
you to focus on relevant areas.

Other than that, this thread might add further insight:

FWIW I turn off auto-updates. Too many times I've had something 
magically break overnight...

On 7/04/22 7:08 am, Tom Lawson wrote:

Hi all,

I've been using Guacamole/Guacd almost daily for months and months now 
with zero issues, but today the containers have started failing to 
connect to eachother and I can't figure out why. I've changed quite 
literally nothing as the setup has been working great. As the containers 
weren't working today, I stopped and removed them, then re-ran the 
docker-compose (settings untouched) to recreate the containers. I've 
since tried both 'latest' and specifying 1.4.0 images and neither seem 
to work. I've verified the VM I'm trying to connect to is both alive and 
acessible remotely via RDP directly.

I've also tried removing SSL and it still seems to fail:

[http-nio-8080-exec-1] ERROR o.a.g.s.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet -
HTTP tunnel request failed:
Remote host terminated the handshake

guacd[7]: ERROR:    Guacamole protocol violation. Perhaps the
version of guacamole-client is incompatible with this version of guacd?

73a23c9d9382   guacamole/guacamole:1.4.0
"/opt/guacamole/bin/…"   8 minutes ago    Up 8

:::9120->8080/tcp    guacamole
0bd0484d1acd   guacamole/guacd:1.4.0
"/bin/sh -c '/usr/lo…"   13 minutes ago   Up 13 minutes

(healthy) 4822/tcp

Any help greatly appreciated!

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Re: Support protocols

2022-03-29 Thread Ivanmarcus
FYI I've just created a self-signed cert, made some requisite changes to 
the Tomcat server.xml file, and can happily access Guacamole via 

I've not gone any further as I don't presently have a suitable RDP or 
VNC target, but there's no issue accessing the Guacmole settings page. 
Therefore at this point I see no reason to assume it won't operate as 
one might expect, however YMMV.

That said I don't necessarily recommend this method, particularly as 
I've not had an opportunity to test it in any real situation. Moreover 
there are generally good reasons to proxy via NGINX or Apache.

However if you want to give it a try here's the section I placed in 

   clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" 


Obviously requires creation of a suitable certificate etc, and a restart 
of Tomcat...

On 29/03/22 9:38 pm, Ricardo García Arroyo wrote:

Hello, good morning.

We ask because aur client is the ESA (European Space Agency).

Is it possible to create a future release with ESA requirement with an 
estimation (in time and value) of your work? My team and ESA would 
evaluate your estimation.

Thanks and regards.


*From:*Alessandro Sironi 
*Sent:* martes, 29 de marzo de 2022 9:18
*Subject:* Re: Support protocols

Hello, if you mean to be able to direct open a webpage in http(s) than 
it’s definitely not possibile and not in any future release.

Inviato da iPhone

Il giorno 29 mar 2022, alle ore 09:14, Ricardo García Arroyo>> ha scritto:


We are using a NGINX proxy, we are asking that to know if in future
developments of the tools can be implemented the http(s) access like
VNC or RDP without the use of NGINX proxy.




*From:*Sean Hulbert>>
*Sent:* martes, 29 de marzo de 2022 9:11
*Subject:* RE: Support protocols

Guacamole absolutely can be accessed using http(s) , install it with
NGINX and proxy it.  I do highly recommend TLSv1.3 since login
information can be seen outside a secure unnel.

Sent by Android Ai hijacked INS communications 6G

 Original message 

From: Ricardo García Arroyo>>

Date: 3/28/22 11:57 PM (GMT-08:00)


Subject: Support protocols

Good morning.

I’m Ricardo from an IT company in Spain.

My team and me are working in a project with Apache Guacamole tool.
We provide access to clients by VNC, RDP and SSH with guacamole. Our
customer requests us access by http or https. We watch that your
tool doesn’t allow this access for that moment. Is it possible a
development for that or is programed for future versions of Guacamole?

If that question has been sent to a wrong email, can you tell me
where can I ask our question?

Thanks and regards.


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Re: turn off VNC auto-reconnect?

2022-03-01 Thread Ivanmarcus


Shame it won't work. It's been a while since I utilised that parameter 
but I had an idea it might have achieved the desired outcome, albeit not 
quite as you wanted technically, thanks for enlightening me.

Although I quite understand what you want to do unfortunately I can't 
offer any further insight, however I trust someone else will be able to 

On 2/03/22 5:16 pm, Tushar Sheth wrote:

Thanks for thinking about this- but unfortunately, that won't work.

As explained by Nick here: 

api-session-timeout refers to idle time on the guac webapp UI. If there 
is an active connection, guac considers that as not idle, even if there 
is nothing happening on the actual remote desktop.

Regardless, we have idle timeout for the remote connection working via 
TigerVNC server's -IdleTimeout parameter.

I just need help figuring out how to turn off guacamole's auto reconnect 
when the VNC server closes the connection when the idle timeout is 

I found an old thread with some ideas, but not a clear solution, here: 


On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 2:50 AM Ivanmarcus  


I've not tried this specifically, however I wonder if you were to set
api-session-timeout to 15 in whether that would
address your issue?

On 2/03/22 7:39 am, Tushar Sheth wrote:
 > Hi- we set our VNC server (TigerVNC) to disconnect a session after a
 > certain amount of idle time (15 minutes). When that happens,
 > kicks in and does a countdown of a certain number of seconds and
 > automatically reconnects the connection.
 > I want to turn the guacamole vnc auto-reconnect off.
 > We are using database authentication. So, I inserted the
following into
 > the "guacamole_connection_parameter" table:
 > connection_id = '97'
 > parameter_name = 'autoretry'
 > parameter_value = '0'
 > It did not work- guacamole still auto reconnects after the
 > timeout.
 > What am I missing?
 > Tushar

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Re: turn off VNC auto-reconnect?

2022-03-01 Thread Ivanmarcus


I've not tried this specifically, however I wonder if you were to set 
api-session-timeout to 15 in whether that would 
address your issue?

On 2/03/22 7:39 am, Tushar Sheth wrote:
Hi- we set our VNC server (TigerVNC) to disconnect a session after a 
certain amount of idle time (15 minutes). When that happens, guacamole 
kicks in and does a countdown of a certain number of seconds and then 
automatically reconnects the connection.

I want to turn the guacamole vnc auto-reconnect off.

We are using database authentication. So, I inserted the following into 
the "guacamole_connection_parameter" table:

connection_id = '97'
parameter_name = 'autoretry'
parameter_value = '0'

It did not work- guacamole still auto reconnects after the connection 

What am I missing?


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Re: Unknown authentication scheme from VNC server

2022-03-01 Thread Ivanmarcus


The problem _may_ be to do with the RealVNC auth you have set.

I'm unable to help with specific macOS questions, however - as Nick has 
commented recently - RealVNC does have mechanisms that 'standard' VNC 
does not. This series of posts may be of some use in explaining that:

So, if possible, it could be worth trying a different auth setting on 
your RealVNC server. That may be all that's needed to resolve the issue?

On 2/03/22 7:45 am, Leath, Austin wrote:
Hey everyone, We are having some issues getting VNC Server on macOS to 
communicate with our guacd servers.

I took a look at the logs and I found this error message every time we 
try to connect to the machine running VNC server:

Here is the version of VNC Server that we are running on our macOS machine:

We are working with RealVNC to give us an enterprise license for VNC 
Server so that we can have decent copy/paste ability, but before we pull 
the trigger we wanted to get it working first. What should we do to 
resolve this issue? Is there an issue with the VNC Server version not 
being compatible with the guacd server?

*Austin Leath***CVAD IT Service Desk
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*ART 371 |*�1201 West Mulberry Street, Denton, TX 76201
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Re: Improvments in the load testing environment

2022-02-16 Thread Ivanmarcus


Mike's rule of thumb has been 1 core and 2GB memory for ~25 users.

You seem to have followed that well, although I don't recall if Mike 
differentiated with regard to where the memory was allocated (I see you 
have specific settings for Tomcat).

I've never had need, nor tried, the number of users you're looking at, 
thus I won't be able to assist directly, however it might be helpful to 
others if you could describe how you've determined you max out at 340? 
By this I mean what actually happens - does Guacamole simply refuse to 
accept any more connections, or do existing connections become 
effectively unusable? If the latter, what criteria are you using, and 
what tasks are you performing at the time?

Also, what do you mean by 'The resource of the server does not seem to 
be so tight'? What is the CPU load, what is the memory use at this time?

Finally, FYI, here is a comment I made around 2 years ago when a 
question around hardware requirements came up: 'With approx 80-85 users, 
of which circa 35 or a little more are doing intensive CAD type work and 
the rest a mix of documents incl PDF images, the average bandwidth when 
busy has been less than 20Mb/s, server load is typically in the range 
1.5-2 (6 cores allocated) and memory use up to 8GB (incl OS) out of 12GB 
allocated. Very rarely server load will get a little beyond 3, and 
bandwidth will burst to 100Mb/s.'

As you will see, in the real world the load was not static and there 
were times when it was relatively high, but because no user is likely to 
do exactly the same thing at the same time as any other user it will 
tend to 'average out' to a certain acceptable level. However if you were 
to replicate something across 340 connections that was quite resource 
intensive it could well increase load beyond acceptable limits - however 
you'd be extremely unlikely to see this in normal operation.

On 16/02/22 12:25 am, takuya morita wrote:

Hi, I'm Takuya in Japan.

I have tried to load test guacamole using the following method. Is there 
anything I can do to make it better?

I thought I could connect up to 600.

- Create a balancing group.
- Prepare 500 connections.
- Login to Guacamolemo with one user.
- Create a script to duplicate the tab and paste the url to create 500 
- The specs are 24 cores CPU, 48GB memory, 24G max memory for tomcat, 
12G min memory for tomcat.

- Maximum memory of tomcat 24G, Minimum memory of tomcat 12G

- The maximum number of connections is 340.
- The session is alive all the time when I checked it using netstat.
- The resource of the server does not seem to be so tight.

I really want to achieve 600 connections!

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Re: Problems connecting to RDP server Weston with rdp backend

2022-01-12 Thread Ivanmarcus


I've seen similar log entries from working systems so I'm not sure it's 
necessarily the issue, however given the uniqueness of your setup I 
agree it'd be good to be able to specify some parameters in order to 
test things further.

That said I don't believe there's any easy way to go about this - you'd 
need to alter the code directly. A couple of pointers on that may be 
obtainable here: 
and here:

Otherwise it may be that others on the list have experience with your 
issue/setup, or are able to provide much more informed assistance.

On 12/01/22 11:56 pm, Fernando C. de Urien y Muñiz wrote:

Hi Ivan,
Thanks for your ideas!
I made some further debugging with remmina and guacamole. I found a 
difference in the connection they establish:


Local framebuffer format  PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRX32
Remote framebuffer format *PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA32*

Jan 12 10:17:06 ip-172-33-33-54 guacd[698589]: Local framebuffer format 
Jan 12 10:17:06 ip-172-33-33-54 guacd[698589]: Remote framebuffer format 
I suspect that for some reason guacd is not detecting the "remote 
framebuffer format PIXEL_FORMAT" correctly and that leads to a faulty 
rendering but no idea about how to force it. Is there any setting to 
force BGRA32 for a connection?  (i think the problem is in guacd because 
I am using the same freerdp packages from ubuntu but, of course, not sure)

I built guacd but used the ubuntu packaged freerdp development files.

 >>Having said all that I don't recall seeing much about your Guacamole
 >>installation? I seem to recall some possible issue with graphics if a
 >>proxy is in use,

I thought about that at first but the same guacamole setup is being able 
to connect to a win10 box, 2008r2 box and a ubuntu xrdp box... my 
feeling is that the client is able to render.



El mié, 12 ene 2022 a las 11:19, Ivanmarcus 
() escribió:

In Remmina, if you've set up a connection, you can edit that connection
to see some of the settings it uses (colour depth for example). You can
also turn on a debug window which may show more - although I've seen
mixed comments on that.

I suppose it's possible you have two or more versions of FreeRDP on
system. It could be worth checking that before going too far - to see
what Remmina's using first find the plugin:

dpkg -L remmina-plugin-rdp | fgrep

(my Ubuntu 18.04 shows


ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/remmina/plugins/ |
grep libfree

should show the FreeRDP version.

If you compiled Guacamole from scratch you'll know if this is the same
version you introduced then. If it is then you'd generally expect it to
work as it does with Remmina (all commands being equal), if not then
there could be some subtle differences so you'd need to proceed with a
degree of caution.

Note that being the same doesn't necessarily mean that Guacamole must
work, all you're doing at this point is trying to eliminate a few
possible issues so that it's easier to focus closer to where the issue
might lay.

Having said all that I don't recall seeing much about your Guacamole
installation? I seem to recall some possible issue with graphics if a
proxy is in use, so if the problem persists it could be worth checking
that and/or letting is know more about your setup.

One other thing that's also worth doing before going too far is simply
to clear your browser cache - that's caused many a problem in the past.

That probably exhausts my ideas at this point, however going through
these things may well assist others to more readily identify the actual

On 12/01/22 8:56 pm, Fernando C. de Urien y Muñiz wrote:
 > Hi! Thanks for your answer.
 > Just tried with "remmina/freeRDP" on ubuntu 20.04 (same as guacd
 > and it works.  I already tried to disable catching.
 > is there anyway to see the "settings" that remmina used to
connect so I
 > can "set them up" in guacamole?
 > Thanks!
 > Fernando
 > El mié, 12 ene 2022 a las 3:07, Ivanmarcus
 > () escribió:
 >     Fernando,
 >     I have zero experience of your remote environment, however
perhaps you
 >     could try initially connecting direct with Remmina/FreeRDP
(pref the
 >     same version as you're using for Guacamole)?

Re: Problems connecting to RDP server Weston with rdp backend

2022-01-12 Thread Ivanmarcus
In Remmina, if you've set up a connection, you can edit that connection 
to see some of the settings it uses (colour depth for example). You can 
also turn on a debug window which may show more - although I've seen 
mixed comments on that.

I suppose it's possible you have two or more versions of FreeRDP on your 
system. It could be worth checking that before going too far - to see 
what Remmina's using first find the plugin:

dpkg -L remmina-plugin-rdp | fgrep

(my Ubuntu 18.04 shows 


ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/remmina/plugins/ | 
grep libfree

should show the FreeRDP version.

If you compiled Guacamole from scratch you'll know if this is the same 
version you introduced then. If it is then you'd generally expect it to 
work as it does with Remmina (all commands being equal), if not then 
there could be some subtle differences so you'd need to proceed with a 
degree of caution.

Note that being the same doesn't necessarily mean that Guacamole must 
work, all you're doing at this point is trying to eliminate a few 
possible issues so that it's easier to focus closer to where the issue 
might lay.

Having said all that I don't recall seeing much about your Guacamole 
installation? I seem to recall some possible issue with graphics if a 
proxy is in use, so if the problem persists it could be worth checking 
that and/or letting is know more about your setup.

One other thing that's also worth doing before going too far is simply 
to clear your browser cache - that's caused many a problem in the past.

That probably exhausts my ideas at this point, however going through 
these things may well assist others to more readily identify the actual 

On 12/01/22 8:56 pm, Fernando C. de Urien y Muñiz wrote:

Hi! Thanks for your answer.
Just tried with "remmina/freeRDP" on ubuntu 20.04 (same as guacd box) 
and it works.  I already tried to disable catching.

is there anyway to see the "settings" that remmina used to connect so I 
can "set them up" in guacamole?


El mié, 12 ene 2022 a las 3:07, Ivanmarcus 
() escribió:


I have zero experience of your remote environment, however perhaps you
could try initially connecting direct with Remmina/FreeRDP (pref the
same version as you're using for Guacamole)?

If that works then try Guacamole again, specifically disabling all the
caching options. It may also be worth experimenting with some different
display settings (eg. true colour etc).

If perchance a direct FreeRDP connection doesn't work I suspect
Guacamole won't either, until whatever impediment is resolved. However
in that instance it should narrow things down somewhat and hopefully
make it a little easier to resolve.

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Re: Problems connecting to RDP server Weston with rdp backend

2022-01-11 Thread Ivanmarcus


I have zero experience of your remote environment, however perhaps you 
could try initially connecting direct with Remmina/FreeRDP (pref the 
same version as you're using for Guacamole)?

If that works then try Guacamole again, specifically disabling all the 
caching options. It may also be worth experimenting with some different 
display settings (eg. true colour etc).

If perchance a direct FreeRDP connection doesn't work I suspect 
Guacamole won't either, until whatever impediment is resolved. However 
in that instance it should narrow things down somewhat and hopefully 
make it a little easier to resolve.

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Re: slow links, howto optimize

2021-12-13 Thread Ivanmarcus


If I understand your system correctly I suggest you're missing out on 
the full benefits of Guacamole.

My experience of VNC direct (which is what I take you to be doing) is 
that it can be quite slow, especially with limited bandwidth. Given the 
same bandwidth capacity I have found Guacamole to give a much improved 

Depending upon other things the Pi's are doing I expect you should have 
sufficient resource to run Guacamole on them. Out of interest I tried it 
on a Pi3 and it was ok - not as good as on a later Intel box, but more 
than adequate for 2G - a Pi 4 should be somewhat better.

On 14/12/21 9:19 am, Timo Nisula wrote:

We need to support mobile devices which are behind of slow links (2G / LTE-M) 
and most often those are on rural area where mobile network coverage is not the 
best one.

I have tested guacamole little bit and it works better than teamviewer/anydesk 
on those slow (sometime also unreliable) connections.
What I have tested these connections to remote devices, it somewhere 7-15kB/s 
(60-120kbits) and latency 150-400ms.

My setup is following:
- on  our office (fiber connection) I have installed guacamole and guacd on 
virtual server
- from that virtual server there is OpenVPN tunnel to IoT Operator network
- remote device has 2G/LTE-M modem, Raspberry Pi 4 and two devices which only 
offers VNC connection
- to connect those VNC device I have tested guacamole

Because we have some computing power left on those Raspberry Pi's I started to 
think should I install guacd on Raspberry Pi? Or is it even smart move? Or are 
any other optimization what I can do?


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Re: Invalid Login

2021-12-02 Thread Ivanmarcus
r this 
logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were 
found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve 
startup time and JSP compilation time.

02-Dec-2021 18:53:59.982 INFO [main] 
com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory.register Registering as a provider class

02-Dec-2021 18:53:59.992 INFO [main] 
com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory.register Registering as a root 
resource class

02-Dec-2021 18:53:59.992 INFO [main] 
com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory.register Registering as a root 
resource class

02-Dec-2021 18:53:59.993 INFO [main] 
com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory.register Registering as a root resource class

02-Dec-2021 18:53:59.993 INFO [main] 
com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory.register Registering as a root resource class

02-Dec-2021 18:53:59.994 INFO [main] 
com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory.register Registering as a root resource 

02-Dec-2021 18:53:59.994 INFO [main] 
com.sun.jersey.guice.spi.container.GuiceComponentProviderFactory.register Registering 
org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJsonProvider as a provider class

02-Dec-2021 18:53:59.997 INFO [main] 
Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17.1 02/28/2013 12:47 PM'

02-Dec-2021 18:54:00.174 INFO [main] 
Binding to 
GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"

02-Dec-2021 18:54:00.183 INFO [main] 
Binding org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJsonProvider to 
GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "Singleton"

02-Dec-2021 18:54:01.138 INFO [main] 
Binding to 
GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "PerRequest"

02-Dec-2021 18:54:01.145 INFO [main] 
Binding to 
GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "PerRequest"

02-Dec-2021 18:54:01.147 INFO [main] 
Binding to 
GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "PerRequest"

02-Dec-2021 18:54:01.159 INFO [main] 
Binding to 
GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "PerRequest"

02-Dec-2021 18:54:01.162 INFO [main] 
Binding to 
GuiceManagedComponentProvider with the scope "PerRequest"

02-Dec-2021 18:54:01.188 INFO [main] 
org.webjars.servlet.WebjarsServlet.init WebjarsServlet initialization 

02-Dec-2021 18:54:01.209 INFO [main] 
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web 
application archive [/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/guacamole.war] has 
finished in [6,295] ms

02-Dec-2021 18:54:01.210 INFO [main] 
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory Deploying web 
application directory [/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT]

02-Dec-2021 18:54:02.351 INFO [main] 
org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars At least one JAR was 
scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this 
logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were 
found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve 
startup time and JSP compilation time.

02-Dec-2021 18:54:02.354 INFO [main] 
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory Deployment of web 
application directory [/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT] has finished in 
[1,144] ms

02-Dec-2021 18:54:02.368 INFO [main] 
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler 

02-Dec-2021 18:54:02.403 INFO [main] 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [11,846] 

Nothing jumped out to me in any of the logs other than the rsyslog 
errors I posted earlier.

*From: *Ivanmarcus <

Re: Invalid Login

2021-12-02 Thread Ivanmarcus


We'll probably need more information than this to be able to assist you.

For instance:

The version of Guacamole you've installed.
The authentication method you chose (are you using database auth?)
How you installed it (the steps you used, did you use someone's script?)

Also, it looks as if you might want to address the rsyslog issue. 
Strange it's coming up from a fresh Ubuntu install, but perhaps try 
update/upgrade first. If that doesn't work you may need to look at 
rsyslog.conf and compare it against

Finally, when fault-finding I try to look for common causes to an issue. 
In your case it raises a question as to why you're experiencing logging 
issues as well as the Guacamole auth problem. You mentioned this was a 
fresh install - I wonder what that means? Was this a completely new HDD, 
new install of 20.04, or perhaps did you install/upgrade over an 
existing version of Ubuntu?

On 2/12/21 3:30 pm, Vincent Sprague wrote:
rsyslogd: action 'action-8-builtin:omfile' suspended (module 
'builtin:omfile'), retry 0. There should be messages before this one 
giving the reason for suspension. [v8.2001.0 try ]

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Re: Remote connection is disconnected when I use use remote-app and remote-app-dir parameters

2021-11-18 Thread Ivanmarcus

Thanks for the information.

I'm no expert on M$ licensing, it seems somewhat of a black art, but I 
don't see why you'd need additional licenses. As far as Windows is 
concerned Guacamole just connects via standard RDP on (usually) 3389.

Unfortunately I'm not in a position to replicate your situation 
presently, however there are some things that occur to me:

(1) If you simply connect to the remote machine desktop (via Guacamole) 
and _don't_ use 'remote-app', but instead perhaps just edit a document 
or something else local to the machine does it still disconnect within 
2mins, or does it carry on ok?

(2) Have you tried setting any screensavers to never come on, power 
settings to never turn off, etc?

(3) Have you tried connecting via Guacamole to another Windows machine 
(preferably one that isn't set up the same way)?

The above are just logical fault-finding processes, and the results will 
inform more, not necessarily fix the issue. It may be that someone else 
is familiar with 'remote-app' (I'm certainly not) and could give a much 
better idea of why this might be occurring...

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Re: Connection shadowing

2021-11-18 Thread Ivanmarcus


Yes, you can share connections with Guacamole.

Please read here (particularly towards the end):

As I recall admin users will automatically have access to a users 
session. If you're an admin user you could check that this works by 
listing the sessions, then clicking on the live 'blue' link on the 
particular session you want to join.

On 18/11/21 9:24 pm, Rasmus Haslund wrote:

Hi everyone,

  * Ideally, the instructor can interact with the connections without
disconnecting the student in case they can’t find the right button
to click etc.


student will get disconnected. Is what I am trying to achieve even 
possible with Guacamole on RDP?

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Re: Remote connection is disconnected when I use use remote-app and remote-app-dir parameters

2021-11-17 Thread Ivanmarcus


It would be useful to tell us what the message actually says first.

A 'blue screen' does sound like a Windows issue, the content of the 
message is likely to assist in determining that.

In addition to that the Guacamole log files will be useful, from around 
the disconnection time - catalina.out and syslog.

Finally, has this been working ok and has it just recently failed? If 
so, what has changed since the last time it worked without issue?

On 17/11/21 8:31 pm, Hanadi Salka wrote:

Good Day,

My name is Hanadi Salka , I am a software engineer at XCINO Inc in 
Canada. We have used Guacmole API to connect to remote RDP through our 
ERP System.

I can connect to Full System using RDP and Guacamole without any problem 
but when I use remote-app and remote-app-dir parameters , I can connect 
for two minutes then blue screen with sign-out message appears and the 
session is terminated . Can you please provide me any detail what could 
be the reason that the session is disconnect. It is a configuration at 
windows or at Guacamole I need to do

Best Regards,


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Re: Recommended Implementation - Multiple Guac Servers Necessary?

2021-10-07 Thread Ivanmarcus

Just to followup Mike's comments with an 'real world' example.

For some years I've supported an installation that has had upwards of 
100 concurrent users. This was done via a single VM with 4 cores 
allocated and (I think) 12GB RAM, there was no proxy server involved.

There have been essentially no performance issues attributable to 
Guacamole with the above setup and occasional checks of the VM showed it 
running well within capacity.

Typical client usage was fairly mixed between email/word processing/CAD 
work, I suspect almost no-one used video...

On 8/10/21 12:24 pm, Mike Jumper wrote:


You don't need multiple guacd servers, no. For 80-100 concurrent users, 
typical desktop use would require guacd to have around 4 CPU cores 
available, but it doesn't matter with respect to performance whether 
those 4 cores are split across multiple servers or all on the same 
server. Your planned 12-core server should have more than enough power 
to support your anticipated load.

The main benefit to leveraging multiple guacd servers (behind a TCP 
balancer) is the ability to dynamically scale those servers and take one 
down if needed, and the main caveat for leveraging multiple guacd 
servers behind a balancer is that the balancer will prevent the screen 
sharing feature from working (there will be a random chance that the 
guacd the webapp is routed to by the balancer is not the guacd 
associated with the connection being joined).

Michael Jumper
CEO, Lead Developer
Glyptodon Inc .

On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 10:13 AM Khoe, Yonathan > wrote:


I jump abroad the Guacamole project at my university after a
colleague from another college did.  I got his insights into their
college setup involving 1 web server and 2 guacd servers as
backbone.  I’m trying to get an understanding how/why this is
necessary based on reading through the guac mailing archives.  I see
many utilize single, relatively high-performance server with room
for scaling.  If my college (1 college, not the entire university
body) were to expect performance that is about 80-100 concurrent
usage max, is it necessary to have the multi-server implementation
in order to help with performance and reliability of our Guacamole
service?  Depending on the answer, do the “backbone” guacd servers
have to be configured as proxy servers (something that’s described
in chapter 4 in the documentation)?

__ __

For context, I have set up my college with the following:

The server VM I have set up with apache tomcat and guacamole server:

  * Xeon Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz (alloted 6 cores)
  * 8GB RAM
  * 80GB Storage
  * Llvmpipe Graphics
  * RHEL 8.4
  * VMWare virtualization

__ __

The supposed GuacD server that’s still a blank slate:

  * Xeon Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz (alloted 12 cores)
  * 16GB RAM
  * 80GB Storage
  * Llvmpipe Graphics
  * RHEL 8.4
  * VMWare virtualization

__ __

__ __

Thank you,

Yo Khoe


University of North Texas 

__ __

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Re: Evidence of remove or creation.

2021-10-07 Thread Ivanmarcus

If you tail catalina.out that should tell you what you need to know.

In my case the authenticating user is identified by name, then also when 

On 7/10/21 2:32 pm, takuya morita wrote:

I think I can identify it by referring to tomcat logs and guacamole logs.

Is it difficult to identify who deleted the connection from a single log?

2021年10月6日(水) 19:02 Ivanmarcus :

Depending upon your distribution this *could* be seen in
/var/log/syslog, or possibly /var/log/tomcatx/catalina.out (where x =
tomcat version number).

On 6/10/21 7:20 pm, takuya morita wrote:
 > Hi, I am Takuya.
 > Where can I see the history or log of creating and deleting

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Re: Evidence of remove or creation.

2021-10-06 Thread Ivanmarcus
Depending upon your distribution this *could* be seen in 
/var/log/syslog, or possibly /var/log/tomcatx/catalina.out (where x = 
tomcat version number).

On 6/10/21 7:20 pm, takuya morita wrote:

Hi, I am Takuya.

Where can I see the history or log of creating and deleting connections?

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Re: RDP From Guac in Docker to LXC Container

2021-08-16 Thread Ivanmarcus


Great analogy, do you mind if I pinch it? I could use something like 
that a lot! ;-)

To simply try what you've got, on the same host IP, here's a suggestion 
from a terminal on your host machine:

docker run -it -h cn1 --net host -p 3389:3389 cn1 /bin/bash

This should start up the cn1 container with the same IP address as your 
host, expose 3389 internal to 3389 external, and drop you in a bash 
shell on that container. Once you're happy with that just ctrl-p ctrl-q 
to exit, but leave the container running.

I've assumed the name 'cn1' for your container here, but you can 
obviously use whatever is correct. The -h parameter will name the 
running container 'cn1' too, otherwise it'll just give you a weird name 
(which is fine, you'd just need to use docker ps to find it!).


docker run -it -h guacamole --net host -p 8080:8080 guacamole /bin/bash

Same as with cn1, except this'll expose internal port 8080 to external 
port 8080.

Again, once running & checked you can just ctrl-p ctrl-q to exit.

From there you should now be able to access both containers on their 
respective ports. First using Remmina to cn1 (host IP address, port 
3389) then, assuming cn1 is working, browse to host IP address port 8080 
and see if you get Guacamole, the rest should follow from there.

Using the parameters I've given means you should later be able to 
connect in to the containers from a terminal using something like:

docker container exec -it [container name] /bin/bash

Then you can do/check whatever you need and just type 'exit' whenever 
you're finished to be dropped back to the host terminal *without* 
closing the container.

Note I've *not* tried this and I could be leading you up a long and 
winding path so perhaps asking some real girls and boys on those forums 
is advisable - still no harm in trying this I guess...

On 17/08/21 3:04 am, Matthew Lawson wrote:
You may not be a Docker expert, but you know more than me about it.  
What I know about docker and networking can be summed up as follows:

user:~$ cat ~/network-and-docker-knowledge.txt
cat: /home/user/network-and-docker-knowledge.txt: No such file or directory

I'll give your suggestion a try once I find some resources to explain 
how I might do it.

In the meantime, I think I'll cross-post this question on the Docker and 
LXC/LXC forums.


On Monday, August 16, 2021, Ivanmarcus  wrote:

Great, that's made it a bit easier to fault-find.

Unfortunately I'm not a Docker expert, and have never had anything
to do with LXD, so I'd treat anything I say from here with suspicion!

In the interests of keeping things simple, I've tended to try and
keep any Docker containers as standalone instances on the same
common subnet as I might normally. This may not be the strictly
approved way, but it works for me.

To that end I would restart the Guacamole and cn1 Docker instances
with their own ip address on your normal subnet (eg.
This would avoid the need to go through any routing drama and should
mean that everything, including your host machine, can see
everything else.

I've done this in the past either via the cli, or alternatively with
a docker-compose file uisng macvlan.

Alternatively you could also use the host option and just assign
different ports as you need to the Docker instances and keep them
all on the same IP address. For instance cn1 may only need port 3389
accessible, and Guacamole port 8080 which means both can be on the
(same) host IP. It's also possible to alias the ports too, but
probably no need here.

With luck someone with a lot more clues than me will come along
shortly and suggest a better way, but in the meantime you could give
this a try as I've had good success with this methodology.

On 16/08/21 1:20 pm, Matthew Lawson wrote:

Remmina connected to cn1 right away.

Does the routing path look something like this:
Guac on Docker ==> Docker Bridge ==> Host Network ==> LXD Bridge
==> cn1?

On Aug 15, 2021, 8:24 PM -0400, Ivanmarcus
, wrote:


There could be a few reasons for this issue, but in
fault-finding I
guess I'd start with first trying a direct RDP connection to
cn1 (ie.
not via Guacamole).

Not sure if you're using a Linux or Win machine, but I find
Remmina is a
good Linux tool for testing RDP and VNC connections.

That should at least give you an idea if cn1 is performing
as it should,
and therefore potentially narrow down where you need to look
for the
problem. All that said, given you mentio

Re: RDP From Guac in Docker to LXC Container

2021-08-16 Thread Ivanmarcus

Great, that's made it a bit easier to fault-find.

Unfortunately I'm not a Docker expert, and have never had anything to do 
with LXD, so I'd treat anything I say from here with suspicion!

In the interests of keeping things simple, I've tended to try and keep 
any Docker containers as standalone instances on the same common subnet 
as I might normally. This may not be the strictly approved way, but it 
works for me.

To that end I would restart the Guacamole and cn1 Docker instances with 
their own ip address on your normal subnet (eg. This 
would avoid the need to go through any routing drama and should mean 
that everything, including your host machine, can see everything else.

I've done this in the past either via the cli, or alternatively with a 
docker-compose file uisng macvlan.

Alternatively you could also use the host option and just assign 
different ports as you need to the Docker instances and keep them all on 
the same IP address. For instance cn1 may only need port 3389 
accessible, and Guacamole port 8080 which means both can be on the 
(same) host IP. It's also possible to alias the ports too, but probably 
no need here.

With luck someone with a lot more clues than me will come along shortly 
and suggest a better way, but in the meantime you could give this a try 
as I've had good success with this methodology.

On 16/08/21 1:20 pm, Matthew Lawson wrote:

Remmina connected to cn1 right away.

Does the routing path look something like this:
Guac on Docker ==> Docker Bridge ==> Host Network ==> LXD Bridge ==> cn1?

On Aug 15, 2021, 8:24 PM -0400, Ivanmarcus 
, wrote:


There could be a few reasons for this issue, but in fault-finding I
guess I'd start with first trying a direct RDP connection to cn1 (ie.
not via Guacamole).

Not sure if you're using a Linux or Win machine, but I find Remmina is a
good Linux tool for testing RDP and VNC connections.

That should at least give you an idea if cn1 is performing as it should,
and therefore potentially narrow down where you need to look for the
problem. All that said, given you mention the Docker containers are
using their default IP range, I do wonder if there's simply a routing

On 16/08/21 12:48 am, Matthew Lawson wrote:

I could use some pointers (advice/resources) about establishing an RDP
connection between Guacamole set up with Docker containers and a Linux
container running ubuntu 20.04.

Since Brian Mullan's CIAB setup inspired this endeavor, the Linux
container is named 'cn1'.

When I try to connect to cn1, I receive an error message telling me that
cn1 is taking too long to respond.

cn1 has xrdp installed, but no Guac elements.

The host for the containers is running Ubuntu 20.04 (newly-installed).

The Docker containers have their own network (, which is
visible to the host. The LXC's ip address is, also visible to
the host.

I can ping between all three elements: host to containers, Docker to
cn1, cn1 to host, etc.

In Guac's 'Connections' setup, I used cn1's
ip address and port 3389.

No joy when I try to connect though.

Thoughts anyone?  References to tutorials?  Has this question already
been answered on the mailing list?


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Re: RDP From Guac in Docker to LXC Container

2021-08-15 Thread Ivanmarcus


There could be a few reasons for this issue, but in fault-finding I 
guess I'd start with first trying a direct RDP connection to cn1 (ie. 
not via Guacamole).

Not sure if you're using a Linux or Win machine, but I find Remmina is a 
good Linux tool for testing RDP and VNC connections.

That should at least give you an idea if cn1 is performing as it should, 
and therefore potentially narrow down where you need to look for the 
problem. All that said, given you mention the Docker containers are 
using their default IP range, I do wonder if there's simply a routing 

On 16/08/21 12:48 am, Matthew Lawson wrote:
I could use some pointers (advice/resources) about establishing an RDP 
connection between Guacamole set up with Docker containers and a Linux 
container running ubuntu 20.04.

Since Brian Mullan's CIAB setup inspired this endeavor, the Linux 
container is named 'cn1'.

When I try to connect to cn1, I receive an error message telling me that 
cn1 is taking too long to respond.

cn1 has xrdp installed, but no Guac elements.

The host for the containers is running Ubuntu 20.04 (newly-installed).

The Docker containers have their own network (, which is 
visible to the host. The LXC's ip address is, also visible to 
the host.

I can ping between all three elements: host to containers, Docker to 
cn1, cn1 to host, etc.

In Guac's 'Connections' setup, I used cn1's
ip address and port 3389.

No joy when I try to connect though.

Thoughts anyone?  References to tutorials?  Has this question already 
been answered on the mailing list?


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Re: Two questions hopefully someone can help me out with

2021-08-03 Thread Ivanmarcus
2. How do I paste into an ssh session? 

(1) Copy the text on the local machine
(2) CTRL-ALT-SHIFT at the Guacamole screen
(3) Paste into the text window
(4) CTRL-ALT-SHIFT again to hide the window
(5) Right-click into the SSH session

Should do it?

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Re: Just checking to see if others can see this email

2021-08-03 Thread Ivanmarcus

Your email has made it to the list ok.

I've just been going through the past few days of questions and see an 
earlier one from you.

It's not entirely clear to me what it is you're wanting to do, nor that 
I'd be able to help, but perhaps if you were to provide a complete set 
of steps it may give others an idea?

Clarification on whether you're logged into Guacamole ok, but are having 
issues setting up an SSH connection might be useful?

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Re: [DISCUSS] Migrate away from Nabble as forum-like mailing list alternative

2021-07-26 Thread Ivanmarcus

+1, & thanks Mike.

As long as this resource remains available that removes the main issue I 
was seeing...

On 27/07/21 3:29 am, Christopher Speck wrote:
That link for searchable archives is really useful! I was going to 
comment that I used Nabble for searching the archives, as a reason to 
keep some forum-like solution up. I had assumed that the dev mailing 
list was unsearchable since Nabble wasn’t also setup for it, but it 
looks like it is via this same application. Thanks!


On Jul 26, 2021, at 12:35 AM, Mike Jumper <>> wrote:

On Sun, Jul 25, 2021 at 4:16 AM Ivanmarcus>> 

Sorry to hear this, although I have suffered (admittedly not entirely
Nabble's fault) with the list emails being spammed - one reason
why I've
been quiet recently.

In any event I guess it would be good to at least try and keep the
archive if possible (I find it useful to search when responding to
people's queries that I'm sure I've seen before!). To that end
the raw data may be prudent too - should the forum disappeared
altogether it may be possible to export to something else?

The Nabble forum was just a forum interface for the user@ mailing 
list, which is already archived: 

I'm not sure at exactly what point Nabble ceased synchronizing with 
the list. I found a post in Nabble's support forum stating that this 
was going to happen, though there was no email announcement like what 
I received for the overall pending shutdown: 
(June 13)

The user@ list archives should reflect the content of Nabble up to the 
point that Nabble shut off synchronization with the mailing list.

- Mike

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Re: [DISCUSS] Migrate away from Nabble as forum-like mailing list alternative

2021-07-25 Thread Ivanmarcus
Sorry to hear this, although I have suffered (admittedly not entirely 
Nabble's fault) with the list emails being spammed - one reason why I've 
been quiet recently.

In any event I guess it would be good to at least try and keep the forum 
archive if possible (I find it useful to search when responding to 
people's queries that I'm sure I've seen before!). To that end archiving 
the raw data may be prudent too - should the forum disappeared 
altogether it may be possible to export to something else?

On 24/07/21 10:29 am, Mike Jumper wrote:

Recently, I received the following message from Nabble:

We are downsizing Nabble to one server.  If you want to preserve your forum:

Then you should follow the instructions here:";

The instructions mentioned above are simple enough (I would need to
post to the thread to request the forum be preserved), but I'm
questioning whether it's worth continuing to use the Nabble platform.

While its forum interface is comfortably familiar for many users,
Nabble has been pretty problematic:

* Users still need to correctly subscribe to the mailing list or their
posts will not be received, even though they appear to have posted
successfully within Nabble.
* Messages sent from Nabble's servers frequently get marked as spam
and end up not received by mailing list subscribers, regardless of
whether the user posting the message is subscribed.

Any thoughts on maybe just ... not using Nabble any longer? I'd think
just sending an email to the list really should be simple enough, and
the website can be updated to make this process more clear.

- Mike

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Re: guacd/tomcat startup errors

2021-04-26 Thread Ivanmarcus


I assume it's actually working?

At info/warning level I tend not to get to bothered about such log 
messages, indeed when I looked for info the (admittedly odd) 
[$Finalizer] entry the data I found 
simply said 'it could be safely ignored'. However others here may have 
better insight than me...

Depending upon how you configured it you could be outputting the debug 
detail to the console, this link may assist you in how/where to output 
to file:

On 27/04/21 5:53 am, JimR wrote:

Hello - hoping for some guidance on what, if anything, can be done for a few
things I'm noticing in catalina.out when the guacamole server starts up. I
did a quick search and was unable to find these mentioned anywhere else.

I get the following message twice in a row (same stack trace for each)
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [warning] The web application [guacamole] appears to
have started a thread named [$Finalizer] but
has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack
trace of thread:
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [info]
java.base@ Method)
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [info]
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [info]
[2021-04-26 12:41:01] [info]$

I get the following message four times in the course of startup:

[2021-04-26 12:41:02] [info] At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet
contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list
of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded
JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.

I enabled debug logging by creating a logback.xml file in
/etc/guacamole...but get no additional information. Where should I be

This is Guacamole 1.3.0 on Debian 10 using Tomcat 9.0.31, JVM version


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Re: RDP Mapped drive issues

2021-04-18 Thread Ivanmarcus


What happens if you use a filename less than or equal to 8.3 (eg. 

On 19/04/21 10:45 am, Stefan Bogdan Cimpeanu wrote:

I think you've heard me on this list several times about some unreliable 
behaviour of the mapped drives.
One of the most "blocking" issues I have so far is that for some users, 
downloading files from a remote to their local machine via a mapped 
drive simply doesn't work at all. In other words, there's no 
download dialogue or file being downloaded, although I can clearly see 
the file being uploaded on the guacamole host under the user's Downloads 

Connections are configured as such:
- enable drive: checked
- drive name: Z
- drive path: /guaca_files/${GUAC_USERNAME}
- automatically create drive: checked

This issue is happening to some users, but not to others. For the same 
connection, a user might hit the issue, while another has it working 
flawlessly, which leads me to believe there's no issue with the remote 
I've tried troubleshooting this quite a few times, and did remote 
sessions with the users reporting the behaviour, and could not find 
anything wrong on their browsers (like blocked domains or actions etc.). 
Incognito doesn't help either.

The only error I can see is in guacd, however for me the file downloads 
just fine. The same test with the same file for some users doesn't. 
Please see below an example of guacd's only issues reported for a file 
named 2.txt .

I've been trying to figure this out for a long time, and I have no idea 
how/what to try and troubleshoot.

Please help!


Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_close: Closed 
"\Download" (file_id=3)
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: 
path="\Download", access=0x100081, file_attributes=0x0, 
create_disposition=0x1, create_options=0x20
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: 
Normalized path "\Download" to "\Download".
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: 
Translated path "\Download" to "/guaca_files/bogdan.cimpeanu/Download".
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: native 
open: real_path="/guaca_files/bogdan.cimpeanu/Download", flags=0x0
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: Opened 
"\Download" as file_id=4
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: 
guac_rdpdr_fs_process_create: [file_id=4] desired_access=0x100081, 
file_attributes=0x0, create_disposition=0x1, create_options=0x20, 
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: 
guac_rdpdr_fs_process_query_standard_info: [file_id=4]
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: 
guac_rdpdr_fs_process_query_standard_info: [file_id=4]
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: 
guac_rdpdr_fs_process_close: [file_id=4]
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_close: Closed 
"\Download" (file_id=4)
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: 
path="\Download\2.txt", access=0x100080, file_attributes=0x80, 
create_disposition=0x1, create_options=0x20
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: 
Normalized path "\Download\2.txt" to "\Download\2.txt".
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: 
Translated path "\Download\2.txt" to 
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: native 
open: real_path="/guaca_files/bogdan.cimpeanu/Download/2.txt", flags=0x0
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: guac_rdp_fs_open: open() 
failed: No such file or directory
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: 
guac_rdpdr_fs_process_create: [file_id=-2] desired_access=0x100080, 
file_attributes=0x80, create_disposition=0x1, create_options=0x20, 
Apr 18 22:31:05 guacamole-noes-3 guacd[8353]: File open refused (-2): 

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Re: Guacamole v1.3.0 displays wrong colours for Windows 7 RDP sessions

2021-04-16 Thread Ivanmarcus

Excellent, thanks for the feedback.

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Re: Guacamole v1.3.0 displays wrong colours for Windows 7 RDP sessions

2021-04-15 Thread Ivanmarcus

Are you using text conf, or the web-based GUI?

Ordinarily these settings are configurable for each machine in the 
'connections' section of the web-based config.

This link may assist?:

On 16/04/21 10:01 am, Blackula wrote:

ivanmarcus wrote


Please try disabling all caching in Guacamole (eg. glyph, off-screen,
bitmap) for that connection and try again.

Some people seem to get by just disabling glyph caching, but I've tended
to do all three with good success.

Great! Could you tell me how to do that for all servers? Is there a config
file or something like that?

Tomás Esteban Losada
Usina Popular y Municipal de Tandil S.E.M.
Nigro 575 - Tandil, Bs. As., Argentina
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Re: Guacamole v1.3.0 displays wrong colours for Windows 7 RDP sessions

2021-04-15 Thread Ivanmarcus


Please try disabling all caching in Guacamole (eg. glyph, off-screen, 
bitmap) for that connection and try again.

Some people seem to get by just disabling glyph caching, but I've tended 
to do all three with good success.

On 16/04/21 12:57 am, Blackula wrote:

Good afternoon! I have upgraded Guacamole from v1.2.0 to v1.3.0 and
everything works for the moment. I am using Debian 10 Buster with
freerdp2-dev 2.2 (from buster-backports repo). However, when I connect using
RDP to Windows 7 servers, colours are displayed wrong. See the following
image. Could you help me with this issue?

Tomás Esteban Losada
Usina Popular y Municipal de Tandil S.E.M.
Nigro 575 - Tandil, Bs. As., Argentina
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Re: Help I have no image when I connect

2021-04-14 Thread Ivanmarcus
It would be useful for those who may be able to help you if you could 
include the version of Guacamole/FreeRDP you're using, and how they were 

Also, you may want to try clearing any browser cache prior to trying 
another connect, sometimes this can cause such issues - I often use 
'private' mode to try and avoid this problem, particularly when testing.


On 15/04/21 1:28 am, Fernando Sanz Baeza wrote:


I have recently configured guacamole so that it can make ssh and rdp 
connections, these connections work but I don't see any images. For 
example, if I connect by ssh and type the command �touch hello-world� 
the document is created but I can�t see anything.

Everything is mounted on Linux Mint �19.3 Tricia and I use Tomcat 9 with 
SSL enabled although no CA.

Attached illustrative images.

Thank you

A greeting

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