Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-09 Thread Robbie Gemmell
Hi  Davin,

On 9 January 2014 19:46, Shearer, Davin  wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a way, using proton and QMF to create a queue that has a lifetime
> policy other than permanent?  If so, how?
I'm not aware if/how you can set the lifetime policies using Proton,
hopefully someone who is can chime in. To assist them, could you indicate
which part of Proton-c you are using specifically, e.g. Messenger or the
underlying Engine.

The Java broker doesn't support QMF by default though Fraser Adams did
write a plugin for it to add a level of support for it via the AMQP 0-10
clients and tools to go along with the GUI he put together for the C++
broker originally, but I'm not sure if that helps here as I have little
experience with it.

> I am trying to build a transport library in C using proton with support for
> a qpid broker.  What I need to do is create a reply queue.  The AMQP 1.0
> spec covers creating Dynamic Reply-To.  The problem I'm having is in
> garbage collection of the abandoned queues as these queues have a permanent
> lifetime policy.  If I were using qpid (rather than proton) I could simply
> have the client create the queue using a name of its choice with the
> DeleteOnClose lifetime policy and I also set exclusive to true and I get
> exactly what I need, but it this ties me to qpid.
> Instead, what I want to do is use proton for the AMQP 1.0 messaging and for
> queue management use the vendor-specific management framework (so for qpid,
> it is QMF).  This means that if I need to support other vendor's broker, I
> extend the queue management functions with support for that vendor's
> specific management framework and the actual messaging (since its AMQP 1.0)
> just uses proton.
> My thought is to use the qpid java broker's REST interface for queue
> creation.  It seems that I can create queues with the DeleteOn* lifetime
> policies using REST, but then the queues are immediately deleted.
Just to clear up some possible confusion at this point, the Lifetime Policy
reported via the Java broker REST interface doesn't reflect the AMQP 1.0
node LifetimePolicies (not yet at least). The value is currently able to be
either PERMANENT (the default) or AUTO_DELETE (hailing from AMQP 0-x).

>From a squint at the code, I think it probably displays the incorrect value
for a dynamically created queue created on a 1.0 connection as a result,
always indicating it is permanent when it may not be (because it doesnt get
marked as autodelete, and is instead removed via a different mechanism
based on the lifetime policy).

Also, from the same quick squint at the code, the broker only appears to
currently supports the Delete On Close policy (which is also what it uses
if none is specified).

> bash$ for policy in DeleteOnClose DeleteOnNoLinks DeleteOnNoLinksOfMessages
> DeleteOMessages; do echo "Policy: $policy"; curl -X PUT -u
> webadmin:webadmin -d "{\"durable\":true,\"lifetimePolicy\":\"${policy}\"}"
> http://localhost:8080/rest/queue/default/test_queue; curl -X GET -u
> webadmin:webadmin http://localhost:8080/rest/queue/default/test_queue;
> echo; done
> Policy: DeleteOnClose
> [ ]
> Policy: DeleteOnNoLinks
> [ ]
> Policy: DeleteOnNoLinksOfMessages
> [ ]
> Policy: DeleteOMessages
> [ ]
Continuing from the previous comments, the REST interface doenst support
specifying lifetimePolicy with values like that, not yet at least. It
appears you can specify AUTO_DELETE when creating the queue through REST
although I must admit I have never tried that, and definitely don't know
how it would react with a 1.0 consumer since the effect it would have is
different than that performed by the lifetime policy normally.

Also if I just create the queue, then try to change attributes later, the
> changes are ignored:
> curl PUT -u webadmin:webadmin -d '{}'
> http://localhost:8080/rest/queue/default/test_queue
> curl -X GET -u webadmin:webadmin
> http://localhost:8080/rest/queue/default/test_queue
> [ {
>   "id" : "f280eb22-8110-3d2b-91d3-f68192c8d1b7",
>   "name" : "test_queue",
>   "state" : "ACTIVE",
>   "durable" : false,
>   "lifetimePolicy" : "PERMANENT",
>   "type" : "standard",
>   "exclusive" : false,
>   "maximumDeliveryAttempts" : 0,
>   "queueFlowControlSizeBytes" : 0,
>   "queueFlowResumeSizeBytes" : 0,
>   "queueFlowStopped" : false,
>   "alertThresholdMessageAge" : 0,
>   "alertThresholdMessageSize" : 0,
>   "alertThresholdQueueDepthBytes" : 0,
>   "alertThresholdQueueDepthMessages" : 0,
>   "alertRepeatGap" : 3,
>   "statistics" : {
> "unacknowledgedBytes" : 0,
> "bindingCount" : 0,
> "queueDepthBytes" : 0,
> "queueDepthMessages" : 0,
> "totalEnqueuedBytes" : 0,
> "persistentDequeuedBytes" : 0,
> "consumerCount" : 0,
> "unacknowledgedMessages" : 0,
> "consumerCountWithCredit" : 0,
> "totalDequeuedBytes" : 0,
> "totalDequeuedMessages" : 0,
> "totalEnqueuedMessages" : 0,
> "persistentEnqueuedMessages" : 0,
> "persistentEnqueuedBytes" : 0,

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Fraser Adams
I doubt that I can give any sort of definitive answers here as my 
experience of AMQP 1.0 is barely off the n00b level yet, but RE: "

What I need to do is create a reply queue.  The AMQP 1.0
spec covers creating Dynamic Reply-To.  The problem I'm having is in
garbage collection of the abandoned queues as these queues have a permanent
lifetime policy.  If I were using qpid (rather than proton) I could simply
have the client create the queue using a name of its choice with the
DeleteOnClose lifetime policy and I also set exclusive to true and I get
exactly what I need

This sounds like what you are actually looking for is to be able to set 
your queue to be exclusive and auto-delete, which is certainly something 
that you can do with qpid::messaging and JMS (at least for AMQP 0.10).

I'd be surprised if you couldn't do this for AMQP 1.0, but there seems 
to be rather a lot of differences between the two and I'm still waiting 
for a set of "AMQP 1.0 for AMQP 0.10 users" documents to be written by 
someone who knows (hint hint :-))

My guess is that Gordon Sim might be able to help you out if he's 
reading this, it is Gordon who has written the AMQP 1.0 support for 
qpid::messaging and I believe that this is based on the Proton engine 
API so it's pretty likely that if setting the policies you require is 
possible then Gordon will know how to do it - though that said there's 
no guarantee that if it's possible to do with Proton engine that it'll 
be also supported on the Proton messenger API, but I'd be surprised if 
not (though messenger abstracts connection/session concepts so there are 
definitely conceptual differences).

I'm much more familiar with qpid::messaging/JMS myself and I'd be quite 
keen for some guidance on AMQP 1.0 Addressing and examples of say how to 
write something in messenger that could publish or subscribe to things 
that I'm familiar with - most of my current use cases publish to 
amq.match - the default headers exchange and subscribe by using 
x-bindings. Over time I'll migrate to message selectors, but in the 
short term I'd love to know how to go about getting this stuff 

As Robbie mentioned I've done a fair bit of work on QMF, though it's 
worth pointing out that the underlying implementation is built on JMS 
and currently uses the AMQP 0.10 client, I'll need to give things a bit 
of a shake through when I get more familiar with AMQP 1.0, but it's 
worth mentioning that the longer term journey should really be to enable 
AMQP 1.0 Management support - again something that I need to do when I'm 
a bit more familiar and have a bit of time.

The Java Broker QMF plugin that I put together (take a look in 
qpid/tools/src/java) is pretty decent, though one of the quirks is that 
there are a number of differences in the underlying management models 
between the C++ and Java brokers. I've mapped a fair amount to cover off 
the most common use cases but for Java Broker specific things there are 
likely to be gaps.

If you are using Java there are examples in 
qpid/tools/src/java/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/qmf2/tools the 
QpidConfig example shows how to add and remove queues. The QMF stuff 
responds to the QMF map message protocol, so you can also use the Python 
qpid-config to add/delete queues (and you could lift code from that if 
you're programming in Python) for C++ you'd have to resort to writing 
map messages directly. I'm a bit rusty on that as I've tended to use the 
API but I could probably dig out some examples that Gordon put together 
if you are interested.

That said in your mail you say "It seems that I can create queues with 
the DeleteOn* lifetime policies using REST, but then the queues are 
immediately deleted. " I guess it doesn't seem to make sense to me to 
try and create a queue with an auto delete policy with either QMF or the 
Java Broker REST API because auto delete means that the queue gets 
deleted after the last connection to it goes away, so "but then the 
queues are immediately deleted " would be what I'd expect.

Given my last paragraph I still reckon your best bet is to hope Gordon 
(or Rafael Schloming) can suggest how to establish auto delete/exclusive 
behaviour in Proton - given my comments about such things getting zapped 
after the last connection goes I'd be surprised if it's not something 
that can be applied as part of the queue Node creation.


On 09/01/14 19:46, Shearer, Davin wrote:


Is there a way, using proton and QMF to create a queue that has a lifetime
policy other than permanent?  If so, how?

I am trying to build a transport library in C using proton with support for
a qpid broker.  What I need to do is create a reply queue.  The AMQP 1.0
spec covers creating Dynamic Reply-To.  The problem I'm having is in
garbage collection of the abandoned queues as these queues have a permanent
lifetime policy.  If I were using qpid (rather than proton) I could simply
have the client create th

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/09/2014 07:46 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

I am trying to build a transport library in C using proton with support for
a qpid broker.  What I need to do is create a reply queue.  The AMQP 1.0
spec covers creating Dynamic Reply-To.  The problem I'm having is in
garbage collection of the abandoned queues as these queues have a permanent
lifetime policy.  If I were using qpid (rather than proton) I could simply
have the client create the queue using a name of its choice with the
DeleteOnClose lifetime policy and I also set exclusive to true and I get
exactly what I need, but it this ties me to qpid.

You can create a temporary queue when using the qpid::messaging client 
by simply specifying '#' as the node name in the address when creating 
the receiver or sender. You can get the peer-assigned address (for use 
in reply-to) via the getAddress() method on the Sender or Receiver 
instance that is returned.

This uses completely standard AMQP 1.0 underneath - it sets the dynamic 
flag on the source/target and by default will request the 
delete-on-close lifetime policy (the others can be requested via 
node-properties in the address).

Again, this is standard AMQP 1.0, nothing proprietary. It works with the 
qpid brokers but also e.g. ActiveMQ, ApolloMQ, HornetQ and should work 
with any broker that supports the dynamic flag.

Using proton messenger there is at present no way to set the dynamic 
flag or control the source/target beyond the address.

With ApolloMQ you can create a policy that will be applied if the name 
of the node matches, and that policy can specify the queue should be 
automatically deleted. The qpid c++ broker supports something every 
similar in the upcoming 0.26 (using the AMQP 1.0 lifetime-policy 
options). This allows the desired behaviour to be configured broker side.

With RabbitMQ you could creating a receiving link from 
/exchange/ (where unique name is e.g. a client 
specified UUID). That address can be given as the reply to, and when the 
receiver exits there will be no queue left. Unfortunately this trick 
doesn't work with the qpid brokers, which at present require the binding 
to be specified as a filter.

So unfortunately at present I think it is not possible to do what you 
want using the java broker and proton messenger. If you can use 
qpid::messaging (which doesn't tie you to qpid brokers), that should 
work. If you can't, then you can request changes to proton messenger or 
- better in my view - request other brokers to support the policy driven 
approach from ApolloMQ (and now qpid c++!).

(If I have got the wrong end of the stick and you are using the proton 
*engine* API, then it is indeed possible. You just set the dynamic flag 
on the terminus for the link. I can point you to the code in 
qpid::messaging that does this if it is of interest).

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 09:15 AM, Fraser Adams wrote:

I'm much more familiar with qpid::messaging/JMS myself and I'd be quite
keen for some guidance on AMQP 1.0 Addressing and examples of say how to
write something in messenger that could publish or subscribe to things
that I'm familiar with - most of my current use cases publish to
amq.match - the default headers exchange and subscribe by using
x-bindings. Over time I'll migrate to message selectors, but in the
short term I'd love to know how to go about getting this stuff

At present messenger only sets the address of the source for receiving 
links and of the target for sending links. For sending/receiving to an 
existing queue or to a fanout exchange, this is all you need (just 
specify the queue or exchange name as the path in the url of the address 
used, e.g. amqp:// or amqp:// 
That gives you the basic queue and topic patterns of JMS.

Binding a subscription to the headers exchange (or indeed  even to topic 
or direct exchanges) with both qpid brokers requires using the 'legacy 
amqp' filters registered as extensions for 1.0. Likewise if specifying a 
jms selector. At present there is no way to set a filter on a source 
when using messenger however.

To migrate from using the headers exchange to using a selector while 
retaining the qpid::messaging API should be fairly straightforward. You 
just need to specify a 'selector' option in the link properties for your 
address, and use e.g. a fanout exchange instead.

e.g. drain -f "amq.fanout; {link:{selector:\"colour IN ('red', 'blue')\"}}"

 spout amq.fanout -P colour=red
 spout amq.fanout -P colour=yellow


That gives you the same functionality as the headers exchange in (I 
think) a much simpler syntax, and works for both 1.0 (where it uses the 
registered jms filters extension) or 0-10 (or mixtures of the two).

You can use another exchange type as well of course, with additional 
filtering on subject distinct from the selector.

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Shearer, Davin
Thanks for the help.

A couple of things...  being able to configure lifetime policies on the
broker based on the name of the node is a wonderful idea and I look forward
to that in qpid 0.26.  Problem is that I need to have the solution work on
RHEL6 (which ships with qpid 0.14) if possible.

I took some python code from Apache Dispatch Router and modified it to work
with the qpid broker directly without using the dispatch router.  Here's
what I have:

from proton import Messenger, Message

def main():
host = ""

messenger = Messenger()
reply_subscription = messenger.subscribe("amqp://%s/#" % host)
reply_address = reply_subscription.address

print "Reply address: %s" % reply_address

request = Message()
request.address = reply_address
request.reply_to = reply_address
request.body = "proton rocks"


response = Message()

print "Response: %r" % response.body



This is just using proton, which is great, but the problem is that the
dynamic queues have a permanent lifetime policy as demonstrated here:

Window 1: bash$ qpidd --log-enable trace+ --auth no --port 5673 --interface

Window 2: bash$ python
Reply address: amqp://
Response: 'proton rocks'
bash$ qpid-config -a queues
Queue Name Attributes
c0f573d3-9b46-4af5-8792-989c6f48b91e:0.0   auto-del excl
bash$ python
Reply address: amqp://
Response: 'proton rocks'
[davin@laptop24 proton-scm]$ qpid-config -a queues
Queue Name Attributes
23e5aa68-aa52-4de4-b8fa-14c732f854a8:0.0   auto-del excl

If only there is a way to set the dynamic flag on the terminus for the link
at the Messenger level as I think that would add the auto-del attribute to
the queue.  I think this is possible if I were using the proton Engine
rather than the Messenger
 and I tried to piece together what I need to do from studying the code
found in proton.c, but the send loop in that code gave me a headache.  I
think we just allow Messenger to set that dynamic flag when a subscription
is requested, I could use Messenger and be golden, so if I have a feature
request, that would be what I want.  Messenger is built on Engine, Engine
has the ability to set the dynamic flag, what's needed is to expose that
feature in Messenger.  It's all proton, all AMQP 1.0, what's not to like?

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

> On 01/10/2014 09:15 AM, Fraser Adams wrote:
>> I'm much more familiar with qpid::messaging/JMS myself and I'd be quite
>> keen for some guidance on AMQP 1.0 Addressing and examples of say how to
>> write something in messenger that could publish or subscribe to things
>> that I'm familiar with - most of my current use cases publish to
>> amq.match - the default headers exchange and subscribe by using
>> x-bindings. Over time I'll migrate to message selectors, but in the
>> short term I'd love to know how to go about getting this stuff
>> interoperable.
> At present messenger only sets the address of the source for receiving
> links and of the target for sending links. For sending/receiving to an
> existing queue or to a fanout exchange, this is all you need (just specify
> the queue or exchange name as the path in the url of the address used, e.g.
> amqp:// or amqp:// That gives you
> the basic queue and topic patterns of JMS.
> Binding a subscription to the headers exchange (or indeed  even to topic
> or direct exchanges) with both qpid brokers requires using the 'legacy
> amqp' filters registered as extensions for 1.0. Likewise if specifying a
> jms selector. At present there is no way to set a filter on a source when
> using messenger however.
> To migrate from using the headers exchange to using a selector while
> retaining the qpid::messaging API should be fairly straightforward. You
> just need to specify a 'selector' option in the link properties for your
> address, and use e.g. a fanout exchange instead.
> e.g. drain -f "amq.fanout; {link:{selector:\"colour IN ('red', 'blue')\"}}"
> then:
>  spout amq.fanout -P colour=red
>  spout amq.fanout -P colour=yellow
> etc.
> That gives you the same functionality as the headers exchange in (I think)
> a much simpler syntax, and works for both 1.0 (where it uses the reg

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Shearer, Davin
If I'm subscribing to a node named "#" doesn't it make sense that the
terminus be marked dynamic automagically?

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

> Thanks for the help.
> A couple of things...  being able to configure lifetime policies on the
> broker based on the name of the node is a wonderful idea and I look forward
> to that in qpid 0.26.  Problem is that I need to have the solution work on
> RHEL6 (which ships with qpid 0.14) if possible.
> I took some python code from Apache Dispatch Router and modified it to
> work with the qpid broker directly without using the dispatch router.
> Here's what I have:
>  test.p 
> from proton import Messenger, Message
> def main():
> host = ""
> messenger = Messenger()
> messenger.start()
> reply_subscription = messenger.subscribe("amqp://%s/#" % host)
> reply_address = reply_subscription.address
> print "Reply address: %s" % reply_address
> request = Message()
> request.address = reply_address
> request.reply_to = reply_address
> request.body = "proton rocks"
> messenger.put(request)
> messenger.send()
> messenger.recv()
> response = Message()
> messenger.get(response)
> print "Response: %r" % response.body
> messenger.stop()
> main()
> This is just using proton, which is great, but the problem is that the
> dynamic queues have a permanent lifetime policy as demonstrated here:
> Window 1: bash$ qpidd --log-enable trace+ --auth no --port 5673
> --interface
> Window 2: bash$ python
> Reply address: amqp://
> Response: 'proton rocks'
> bash$ qpid-config -a queues
> Queue Name Attributes
> ==
> 9795cd4c-4d24-42f1-b369-dca989345467_receiver-xxx
> c0f573d3-9b46-4af5-8792-989c6f48b91e:0.0   auto-del excl
> bash$ python
> Reply address: amqp://
> Response: 'proton rocks'
> [davin@laptop24 proton-scm]$ qpid-config -a queues
> Queue Name Attributes
> ==
> 23e5aa68-aa52-4de4-b8fa-14c732f854a8:0.0   auto-del excl
> 9795cd4c-4d24-42f1-b369-dca989345467_receiver-xxx
> ec940df5-4882-455a-bc14-49b2fb2c8ae1_receiver-xxx
> If only there is a way to set the dynamic flag on the terminus for the
> link at the Messenger level as I think that would add the auto-del
> attribute to the queue.  I think this is possible if I were using the
> proton Engine rather than the Messenger
>  and I tried to piece together what I need to do from studying the code
> found in proton.c, but the send loop in that code gave me a headache.  I
> think we just allow Messenger to set that dynamic flag when a subscription
> is requested, I could use Messenger and be golden, so if I have a feature
> request, that would be what I want.  Messenger is built on Engine, Engine
> has the ability to set the dynamic flag, what's needed is to expose that
> feature in Messenger.  It's all proton, all AMQP 1.0, what's not to like?
> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:
>> On 01/10/2014 09:15 AM, Fraser Adams wrote:
>>> I'm much more familiar with qpid::messaging/JMS myself and I'd be quite
>>> keen for some guidance on AMQP 1.0 Addressing and examples of say how to
>>> write something in messenger that could publish or subscribe to things
>>> that I'm familiar with - most of my current use cases publish to
>>> amq.match - the default headers exchange and subscribe by using
>>> x-bindings. Over time I'll migrate to message selectors, but in the
>>> short term I'd love to know how to go about getting this stuff
>>> interoperable.
>> At present messenger only sets the address of the source for receiving
>> links and of the target for sending links. For sending/receiving to an
>> existing queue or to a fanout exchange, this is all you need (just specify
>> the queue or exchange name as the path in the url of the address used, e.g.
>> amqp:// or amqp:// That gives
>> you the basic queue and topic patterns of JMS.
>> Binding a subscription to the headers exchange (or indeed  even to topic
>> or direct exchanges) with both qpid brokers requires using the 'legacy
>> amqp' filters registered as extensions for 1.0. Likewise if specifying a
>> jms selector. At present there is no way to set a filter on a source when
>> using messenger however.
>> To migrate from using the headers exchange to using a selector while
>> retaining the qpid::messaging API should be fairly straightforward. You
>> just need to specify a 'selector' option in the link properties for your
>> address, and use e.g. a fano

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 02:26 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

A couple of things...  being able to configure lifetime policies on the
broker based on the name of the node is a wonderful idea and I look forward
to that in qpid 0.26.  Problem is that I need to have the solution work on
RHEL6 (which ships with qpid 0.14) if possible.

One thing to point out is that that version of qpidd doesn't support 
AMQP 1.0 at all.


If only there is a way to set the dynamic flag on the terminus for the link
at the Messenger level as I think that would add the auto-del attribute to
the queue.  I think this is possible if I were using the proton Engine
rather than the Messenger

Correct, though unless there are specific reasons not to, I would 
suggest using qpid::messaging rather than building your own solution on 
top of the engine API.

  and I tried to piece together what I need to do from studying the code
found in proton.c, but the send loop in that code gave me a headache.  I
think we just allow Messenger to set that dynamic flag when a subscription
is requested, I could use Messenger and be golden, so if I have a feature
request, that would be what I want.

A similar issue was closed with wont-fix: The problem is I think 
that with the dynamic flag the name is actually created by the remote 
peer, so its not immediately obvious how this would be passed back in 
the messenger API.

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 03:05 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

If I'm subscribing to a node named "#" doesn't it make sense that the
terminus be marked dynamic automagically?

That is what qpid::messaging does. It then returns the name allocated by 
the broker through the getAddress() method on the Receiver returned, so 
that you can put that in the reply-to of your message.

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 10:24 AM, Gordon Sim wrote:

You can create a temporary queue when using the qpid::messaging client
by simply specifying '#' as the node name in the address when creating
the receiver or sender. You can get the peer-assigned address (for use
in reply-to) via the getAddress() method on the Sender or Receiver
instance that is returned.

This uses completely standard AMQP 1.0 underneath - it sets the dynamic
flag on the source/target and by default will request the
delete-on-close lifetime policy (the others can be requested via
node-properties in the address).

Again, this is standard AMQP 1.0, nothing proprietary. It works with the
qpid brokers but also e.g. ActiveMQ, ApolloMQ, HornetQ and should work
with any broker that supports the dynamic flag.

I should have also mentioned here that it also works against Qpid 
Dispatch Router.

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Shearer, Davin
> A similar issue was closed with wont-fix:
> The problem is I think
> that with the dynamic flag the name is actually created by the remote peer,
> so its not immediately obvious how this would be passed back in the
> messenger API.

 OK, I'm missing something.  In the python code using proton, I have the
following lines:

reply_subscription = messenger.subscribe("amqp://%s/#" % host)
reply_address = reply_subscription.address

The reply address is being set to something like
ec940df5-4882-455a-bc14-49b2fb2c8ae1_receiver-xxx.  I didn't think that an
AMQP 1.0 client could create nodes _that it named_ on the broker.  AFAIK,
proton is all AMQP 1.0 all the time (and therefore should be vendor
agnostic), but yet using proton I was able to create a queue on my qpid
broker.  So now the question is, who named it?  The spec states that the
name of the dynamic queue is created by the broker (this is why the name
must not be set when using dynamic).  In that python code snippet above, I
ask the broker for a dynamic node and I get the newly created node address
via the reply_subscription.address attribute, but the qpid broker did not
mark the queue as auto-del.

I'd prefer to solve this using proton rather than qpid::messaging (I
actually have this working using libqpid*, but proton is appealing because
it is easy on its dependencies among other things).  libqpidmessaging has
more dependencies that I'd need to carry through when deploying my library
that I'd rather not have to carry though, like boost.  It is very likely
that projects linking my library will be using boost and I want to avoid
symbol version issues with the version of boost that they might be linking

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

> On 01/10/2014 02:26 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> A couple of things...  being able to configure lifetime policies on the
>> broker based on the name of the node is a wonderful idea and I look
>> forward
>> to that in qpid 0.26.  Problem is that I need to have the solution work on
>> RHEL6 (which ships with qpid 0.14) if possible.
> One thing to point out is that that version of qpidd doesn't support AMQP
> 1.0 at all.
> [...]
>  If only there is a way to set the dynamic flag on the terminus for the
>> link
>> at the Messenger level as I think that would add the auto-del attribute to
>> the queue.  I think this is possible if I were using the proton Engine
>> rather than the Messenger
> Correct, though unless there are specific reasons not to, I would suggest
> using qpid::messaging rather than building your own solution on top of the
> engine API.
>and I tried to piece together what I need to do from studying the code
>> found in proton.c, but the send loop in that code gave me a headache.  I
>> think we just allow Messenger to set that dynamic flag when a subscription
>> is requested, I could use Messenger and be golden, so if I have a feature
>> request, that would be what I want.
> A similar issue was closed with wont-fix:
> jira/browse/PROTON-426. The problem is I think that with the dynamic flag
> the name is actually created by the remote peer, so its not immediately
> obvious how this would be passed back in the messenger API.
> -
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Davin Shearer

8830 Stanford Blvd, Suite 306
Columbia, MD 21045


Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Shearer, Davin
I think the behaviour of qpid::messaging is correct.  I don't think its out
of the question to expect the same behaviour in proton messenger.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

> On 01/10/2014 03:05 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> If I'm subscribing to a node named "#" doesn't it make sense that the
>> terminus be marked dynamic automagically?
> That is what qpid::messaging does. It then returns the name allocated by
> the broker through the getAddress() method on the Receiver returned, so
> that you can put that in the reply-to of your message.
> -
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Davin Shearer

8830 Stanford Blvd, Suite 306
Columbia, MD 21045


Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 04:03 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

  OK, I'm missing something.  In the python code using proton, I have the
following lines:

 reply_subscription = messenger.subscribe("amqp://%s/#" % host)
 reply_address = reply_subscription.address

The reply address is being set to something like
ec940df5-4882-455a-bc14-49b2fb2c8ae1_receiver-xxx.  I didn't think that an
AMQP 1.0 client could create nodes _that it named_ on the broker.  AFAIK,
proton is all AMQP 1.0 all the time (and therefore should be vendor
agnostic), but yet using proton I was able to create a queue on my qpid
broker.  So now the question is, who named it?  The spec states that the
name of the dynamic queue is created by the broker (this is why the name
must not be set when using dynamic).  In that python code snippet above, I
ask the broker for a dynamic node and I get the newly created node address
via the reply_subscription.address attribute, but the qpid broker did not
mark the queue as auto-del.

Many, many apologies! It appears this *has* been implemented in proton, 
I was just unaware of it.

In the case above the dynamic flag is indeed set and the node name is 
the one assigned by the broker. So that should work against other 1.0 
brokers also.

Sorry for the misinformation folks! Messenger *can* create temporary queues.

(In my defense, the status of was misleading)

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 02:26 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

I took some python code from Apache Dispatch Router and modified it to work
with the qpid broker directly without using the dispatch router.


This is just using proton, which is great, but the problem is that the
dynamic queues have a permanent lifetime policy as demonstrated here:

Ok, this now is something that could be fixed in the broker. It could 
(and arguably should) default to delete-on-close for dynamic nodes.

I've raised an issue to track that and will fix it before too long I 

Your initial email suggested you were using the Qpid Java broker? That 
may default as expected (Rob?).

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Shearer, Davin
I actually _prefer_ the C++ broker.  I was using the java one for the web

So to get this straight...  proton sends '#' to the qpid broker, which in
turn generates a node name which it then sends back to the client via the
address attribute.  The only thing at is missing is that the qpid broker
does not set auto-del on the newly created dynamic queue.   If/When that's
fixed, I'm golden.

Thanks so much!

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

> On 01/10/2014 02:26 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> I took some python code from Apache Dispatch Router and modified it to
>> work
>> with the qpid broker directly without using the dispatch router.
> [...]
>  This is just using proton, which is great, but the problem is that the
>> dynamic queues have a permanent lifetime policy as demonstrated here:
> Ok, this now is something that could be fixed in the broker. It could (and
> arguably should) default to delete-on-close for dynamic nodes.
> I've raised an issue to track that and will fix it before too long I hope:
> Your initial email suggested you were using the Qpid Java broker? That may
> default as expected (Rob?).
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Davin Shearer

8830 Stanford Blvd, Suite 306
Columbia, MD 21045


Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Ted Ross

On 01/10/2014 01:34 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

I actually _prefer_ the C++ broker.  I was using the java one for the web

So to get this straight...  proton sends '#' to the qpid broker, which in
turn generates a node name which it then sends back to the client via the
address attribute.

Not quite...  The '#' is not part of the protocol between the client and 

What actually happens is that proton (or qpid.messaging) sees the '#' in 
the address and instead of sending a name across to the broker, sets the 
"dynamic" flag in the attach frame, leaving the name blank.  The broker 
sees the dynamic flag, creates a temporary queue, and sends the name of 
the queue back in the resulting attach frame.

The only thing at is missing is that the qpid broker
does not set auto-del on the newly created dynamic queue.   If/When that's
fixed, I'm golden.

Thanks so much!

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

On 01/10/2014 02:26 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

I took some python code from Apache Dispatch Router and modified it to
with the qpid broker directly without using the dispatch router.


  This is just using proton, which is great, but the problem is that the

dynamic queues have a permanent lifetime policy as demonstrated here:

Ok, this now is something that could be fixed in the broker. It could (and
arguably should) default to delete-on-close for dynamic nodes.

I've raised an issue to track that and will fix it before too long I hope:

Your initial email suggested you were using the Qpid Java broker? That may
default as expected (Rob?).

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Davin Shearer

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 10, 2014, at 13:49, Ted Ross  wrote:
>> On 01/10/2014 01:34 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> I actually _prefer_ the C++ broker.  I was using the java one for the web
>> management.
>> So to get this straight...  proton sends '#' to the qpid broker, which in
>> turn generates a node name which it then sends back to the client via the
>> address attribute.
> Not quite...  The '#' is not part of the protocol between the client and 
> broker.
> What actually happens is that proton (or qpid.messaging) sees the '#' in the 
> address and instead of sending a name across to the broker, sets the 
> "dynamic" flag in the attach frame, leaving the name blank.  The broker sees 
> the dynamic flag, creates a temporary queue, and sends the name of the queue 
> back in the resulting attach frame.
Right, but I'm pretty sure the magic '#' thing is a qpid::messaging thing, not 
a proton thing and as such proton is actually sending '#' on the wire and qpid 
messaging is doing the magic of creating the dynamic queue. The bit that's 
missing is to set the lifetime policy to 'delete on close' which Gordon just 
added into jira. 

>> The only thing at is missing is that the qpid broker
>> does not set auto-del on the newly created dynamic queue.   If/When that's
>> fixed, I'm golden.
>> Thanks so much!
>>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:
 On 01/10/2014 02:26 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
 I took some python code from Apache Dispatch Router and modified it to
 with the qpid broker directly without using the dispatch router.
>>> [...]
>>>  This is just using proton, which is great, but the problem is that the
 dynamic queues have a permanent lifetime policy as demonstrated here:
>>> Ok, this now is something that could be fixed in the broker. It could (and
>>> arguably should) default to delete-on-close for dynamic nodes.
>>> I've raised an issue to track that and will fix it before too long I hope:
>>> Your initial email suggested you were using the Qpid Java broker? That may
>>> default as expected (Rob?).
>>> -
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>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Ted Ross

On 01/10/2014 02:03 PM, Davin Shearer wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 10, 2014, at 13:49, Ted Ross  wrote:

On 01/10/2014 01:34 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
I actually _prefer_ the C++ broker.  I was using the java one for the web

So to get this straight...  proton sends '#' to the qpid broker, which in
turn generates a node name which it then sends back to the client via the
address attribute.

Not quite...  The '#' is not part of the protocol between the client and broker.

What actually happens is that proton (or qpid.messaging) sees the '#' in the address and 
instead of sending a name across to the broker, sets the "dynamic" flag in the 
attach frame, leaving the name blank.  The broker sees the dynamic flag, creates a 
temporary queue, and sends the name of the queue back in the resulting attach frame.

Right, but I'm pretty sure the magic '#' thing is a qpid::messaging thing, not 
a proton thing and as such proton is actually sending '#' on the wire and qpid 
messaging is doing the magic of creating the dynamic queue. The bit that's 
missing is to set the lifetime policy to 'delete on close' which Gordon just 
added into jira.

No.  The '#' thing is done the same in proton-messenger as in 
qpid::messaging.  Both use the dynamic flag.  Sending '#' on the wire is 
not standard and the broker would not respond correctly to that.

It's important to note that this feature was recently introduced in 
proton-messenger (as of 0.6).

The only thing at is missing is that the qpid broker
does not set auto-del on the newly created dynamic queue.   If/When that's
fixed, I'm golden.

Thanks so much!

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

On 01/10/2014 02:26 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

I took some python code from Apache Dispatch Router and modified it to
with the qpid broker directly without using the dispatch router.


  This is just using proton, which is great, but the problem is that the

dynamic queues have a permanent lifetime policy as demonstrated here:

Ok, this now is something that could be fixed in the broker. It could (and
arguably should) default to delete-on-close for dynamic nodes.

I've raised an issue to track that and will fix it before too long I hope:

Your initial email suggested you were using the Qpid Java broker? That may
default as expected (Rob?).

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Shearer, Davin
Thanks Ted, I see the new code in proton-c/src/messenger/messenger.c where
a node named "#" gets set to dynamic.  Good stuff.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Ted Ross  wrote:

> On 01/10/2014 02:03 PM, Davin Shearer wrote:
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>  On Jan 10, 2014, at 13:49, Ted Ross  wrote:
>>>  On 01/10/2014 01:34 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
 I actually _prefer_ the C++ broker.  I was using the java one for the

 So to get this straight...  proton sends '#' to the qpid broker, which
 turn generates a node name which it then sends back to the client via
 address attribute.

>>> Not quite...  The '#' is not part of the protocol between the client and
>>> broker.
>>> What actually happens is that proton (or qpid.messaging) sees the '#' in
>>> the address and instead of sending a name across to the broker, sets the
>>> "dynamic" flag in the attach frame, leaving the name blank.  The broker
>>> sees the dynamic flag, creates a temporary queue, and sends the name of the
>>> queue back in the resulting attach frame.
>>>  Right, but I'm pretty sure the magic '#' thing is a qpid::messaging
>> thing, not a proton thing and as such proton is actually sending '#' on the
>> wire and qpid messaging is doing the magic of creating the dynamic queue.
>> The bit that's missing is to set the lifetime policy to 'delete on close'
>> which Gordon just added into jira.
> No.  The '#' thing is done the same in proton-messenger as in
> qpid::messaging.  Both use the dynamic flag.  Sending '#' on the wire is
> not standard and the broker would not respond correctly to that.
> It's important to note that this feature was recently introduced in
> proton-messenger (as of 0.6).
>>  The only thing at is missing is that the qpid broker
 does not set auto-del on the newly created dynamic queue.   If/When
 fixed, I'm golden.

 Thanks so much!

  On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:
>  On 01/10/2014 02:26 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> I took some python code from Apache Dispatch Router and modified it to
>> work
>> with the qpid broker directly without using the dispatch router.
> [...]
>   This is just using proton, which is great, but the problem is that
> the
>> dynamic queues have a permanent lifetime policy as demonstrated here:
> Ok, this now is something that could be fixed in the broker. It could
> (and
> arguably should) default to delete-on-close for dynamic nodes.
> I've raised an issue to track that and will fix it before too long I
> hope:
> Your initial email suggested you were using the Qpid Java broker? That
> may
> default as expected (Rob?).
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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>>> -
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
>>>  -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Davin Shearer

8830 Stanford Blvd, Suite 306
Columbia, MD 21045


Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Fraser Adams

On 10/01/14 18:34, Shearer, Davin wrote:

I actually _prefer_ the C++ broker.  I was using the java one for the web

Hi Davin, have you taken a look at the stuff in qpid/tools/src/java? 
There's a QMF based Web UI for the C++ broker (it'll work with the Java 
Broker too if you build with "ant all" which creates the QMF plugin - 
it's not quite as comprehensive as the "native" UI for the Java Broker 
but provides consistency between the C++ and Java Brokers).

The backend is a QMF based REST API, you fire it up going to the bin 
directory and doing


Point a browser at it (default uname/pword is the traditional 
admin/admin - change it in 

You can actually navigate to different broker instances through the UI 
by specifying different connections. It should run on everything from 
IE6 to an iPhone.

If you want web management for the C++ broker you might find it useful. 
Caveat - it's currently limited to basic authentication as I've not had 
the time/energy/motivation to do anything fancier.


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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 06:34 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

The only thing at is missing is that the qpid broker does not set
auto-del on the newly created dynamic queue. If/When that's fixed,
I'm golden.

Done[1], as penance for my earlier mistake!


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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Davin Shearer
Wow, I didn't know about this but I'll definitely try it out. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 10, 2014, at 15:46, Fraser Adams  wrote:
>> On 10/01/14 18:34, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> I actually _prefer_ the C++ broker.  I was using the java one for the web
>> management.
> Hi Davin, have you taken a look at the stuff in qpid/tools/src/java? There's 
> a QMF based Web UI for the C++ broker (it'll work with the Java Broker too if 
> you build with "ant all" which creates the QMF plugin - it's not quite as 
> comprehensive as the "native" UI for the Java Broker but provides consistency 
> between the C++ and Java Brokers).
> The backend is a QMF based REST API, you fire it up going to the bin 
> directory and doing
> ./QpidRestAPI
> Point a browser at it (default uname/pword is the traditional admin/admin - 
> change it in 
> qpid/tools/src/java/bin/qpid-web/authentication/
> You can actually navigate to different broker instances through the UI by 
> specifying different connections. It should run on everything from IE6 to an 
> iPhone.
> If you want web management for the C++ broker you might find it useful. 
> Caveat - it's currently limited to basic authentication as I've not had the 
> time/energy/motivation to do anything fancier.
> Regards,
> Frase
> -
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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Davin Shearer
Thanks for the help and the fix!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 10, 2014, at 16:20, Gordon Sim  wrote:
>> On 01/10/2014 06:34 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> The only thing at is missing is that the qpid broker does not set
>> auto-del on the newly created dynamic queue. If/When that's fixed,
>> I'm golden.
> Done[1], as penance for my earlier mistake!
> [1]
> -
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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-11 Thread Fraser Adams

On 11/01/14 02:03, Davin Shearer wrote:

Wow, I didn't know about this but I'll definitely try it out.

Hi again Davin, I'm afraid that I just realised that there could 
probably do with being some slightly better documentation.

I've updated the README.txt on trunk - you can see it here:

I *think* that 0.24 was the first release that the Java based QMF2 stuff 
made it into, but it's pretty self-contained (it's really just a JMS 
Application) so if you are using an older release you can pull
And it should work with brokers from 0.8 onwards (though there are a few 
quirks with 0.8, everything from 0.10 should behave properly though).

Hopefully the updated README.txt is enough to get you started.


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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-15 Thread Shearer, Davin
Hi Frase,

I'm very interested in the REST API for the C++ broker and I've got
checked out.  I went into the
qpid/java directory and ran:

ant -f build.xml build


Cool, so then I went into the tools/src/java directory and ran:

ant all

...and I get a ton of errors all with 'error: package javax.jms does not
exist'.  I'm obviously missing a pre-requisite.  I'm on Fedora19.  What am
I missing?

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-16 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/15/2014 10:22 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Hi Frase,

I'm very interested in the REST API for the C++ broker and I've got
checked out.  I went into the
qpid/java directory and ran:

ant -f build.xml build


Cool, so then I went into the tools/src/java directory and ran:

ant all

...and I get a ton of errors all with 'error: package javax.jms does not
exist'.  I'm obviously missing a pre-requisite.  I'm on Fedora19.  What am
I missing?

Probably the qpid JMS client... the quick fix is to add qpid-all.jar to 
your classpath from a client release or from a build from trunk (in 

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-16 Thread Fraser Adams

Hi Davin,
My *guess* (hope!!!) is that it's an environment/classpath thing

When I do an svn update of qpid trunk I generally do:
cd /java

Which builds the Qpid Java stuff (and look like your first step, though 
I just do "ant" not "ant -f build.xml build" - I doubt that makes any 
difference though)

I then do:
cd /tools/src/java
ant cleanall
ant all

Again pretty similar to what you've done.

The error does seem indicative of a classpath issue, I think that I 
mentioned in the README that the Qpid client jars were needed on the 

My .bashrc has the following stuff:


# Set up the location of the JDK

# Clearly you'd need to set this to your own path

#QPID_WORK is the working directory for the Java Broker - again you'd 
need to set this to your own path






# End of .bashrc stuff

The qpid-all.jar is mostly just a manifest jar that pulls in everything, 
there's probably a better way to do this, but do date for me it's simple 
and convenient and how it's set on my dev environment.

The only thing that slightly troubles me is that from what I've gathered 
you've been running the Java Broker successfully, though it might be 
that the qpid-server startup script does some magic to work out the 
classpath for itself.

If your problem turns out *not* to be a classpath issue then I'm 
slightly stumped :-(


On 15/01/14 22:22, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Hi Frase,

I'm very interested in the REST API for the C++ broker and I've got
checked out.  I went into the
qpid/java directory and ran:

ant -f build.xml build


Cool, so then I went into the tools/src/java directory and ran:

ant all

...and I get a ton of errors all with 'error: package javax.jms does not
exist'.  I'm obviously missing a pre-requisite.  I'm on Fedora19.  What am
I missing?

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-16 Thread Shearer, Davin
Hi Frase,

So still no dice.  What jar file has javax.jms.* (like
javax.jms.Connection)?  I put qpid-all.jar in my CLASSPATH, failed, then
explicitly added all the jar files in qpid/src/java/build/lib:

export CLASSPATH=$(for j in
/home/davin/external/qpid/src/java/build/lib/*.jar; do echo -n "$j:";done)

and failed again.

The java broker I was using was from the latest release archive.  It was
already built for me.

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-16 Thread Fraser Adams

Hi Davin,
I'm afraid that you've got me stumped now :-( as I say all I've ever 
needed was to have qpid-all.jar on my classpath, so basically the 
environment variables I mentioned yesterday, building the java client 
library stuff then "ant all".

You *did* set up everything that I mentioned yesterday didn't you?

/qpid/tools/src/java/build.xml makes use of the QPID_HOME 
environment variable.

This is kind of a hangover from before this work got committed to the 
core qpid code base and could probably use relative paths now, but ISTR 
a few core Java thing things need (or at least used to need) QPID_HOME 
so it seemed a useful path.

My current best guess is that you've just set CLASSPATH but haven't set 

If it's not that then I'm really scratching my head, if you've been able 
to get any JMS clients running then it should work - ultimately it's 
just a JMS Client.


On 17/01/14 02:34, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Hi Frase,

So still no dice.  What jar file has javax.jms.* (like
javax.jms.Connection)?  I put qpid-all.jar in my CLASSPATH, failed, then
explicitly added all the jar files in qpid/src/java/build/lib:

export CLASSPATH=$(for j in
/home/davin/external/qpid/src/java/build/lib/*.jar; do echo -n "$j:";done)

and failed again.

The java broker I was using was from the latest release archive.  It was
already built for me.

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-17 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/17/2014 02:34 AM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Hi Frase,

So still no dice.  What jar file has javax.jms.* (like


I put qpid-all.jar in my CLASSPATH, failed, then
explicitly added all the jar files in qpid/src/java/build/lib:

export CLASSPATH=$(for j in
/home/davin/external/qpid/src/java/build/lib/*.jar; do echo -n "$j:";done)

and failed again.

The java broker I was using was from the latest release archive.  It was
already built for me.

You need the *client* release, or else you can use the build directory 
from a source build (which includes both client and broker).

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-17 Thread Fraser Adams

Hey Gordon and Davin,
I think Gordon's comment around the client release is very pertinent, 
though checking through an earlier mail from Davin he says:


I'm very interested in the REST API for the C++ broker and I've got
checked out.  I went into the
qpid/java directory and ran:

Looking through that in a browser that does contain the Java Broker and 
Client stuff as far as I can see, so doing "ant" in the "qpid/java/" 
directory *should* build both.

My current best guess is still that the QPID_HOME environment variable 
hasn't been set, though clearly it'll make sense for Davin to actually 
check which jars have been build and put into "qpid/src/java/build/lib"


On 17/01/14 09:49, Gordon Sim wrote:

On 01/17/2014 02:34 AM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Hi Frase,

So still no dice.  What jar file has javax.jms.* (like


I put qpid-all.jar in my CLASSPATH, failed, then
explicitly added all the jar files in qpid/src/java/build/lib:

export CLASSPATH=$(for j in
/home/davin/external/qpid/src/java/build/lib/*.jar; do echo -n 

and failed again.

The java broker I was using was from the latest release archive.  It was
already built for me.

You need the *client* release, or else you can use the build directory 
from a source build (which includes both client and broker).

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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-17 Thread Shearer, Davin
Happy to report that I've built the java tools.  Frase nailed it.
QPID_HOME was set wrong.  I had it set at the top level qpid directory
instead of src/java/build.  So all I needed to build was to set:


Then pop into the tools/src/java directory and run 'ant all'.


Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-17 Thread Fraser Adams

Great news!!

Have fun with it :-)


On 17/01/14 15:25, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Happy to report that I've built the java tools.  Frase nailed it.
QPID_HOME was set wrong.  I had it set at the top level qpid directory
instead of src/java/build.  So all I needed to build was to set:


Then pop into the tools/src/java directory and run 'ant all'.


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Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-20 Thread Shearer, Davin
Any chance for this patch to make it into the upcoming 0.26 release?

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-23 Thread Shearer, Davin
I've got the rest API up and attached to my broker.  I can log into it
using my browser and even create new queues using the web app.  What I
can't seem to use is curl for doing REST interactions.  For instance, I
fire up the C++ broker on on port 5673, then startup the REST API
using the default authentication:

[davin@laptop24 qpid]$ ./build/tools/src/java/bin/ -a -w ./build/tools/src/java/bin/qpid-web
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for
more info.

I create a queue called 'davin_test" via the (very nice) web app and then
verify it via qpid-config:

[davin@laptop24 qpid]$ qpid-config -a queues
Queue Name Attributes
2a8ce7c5-52cb-4958-b472-e7439d02b0d7:0.0   auto-del excl
TempQueue568cf2e2-7bf9-4472-ab86-cb11bc7f52ad  auto-del excl --argument
TempQueue73e4df4c-9ef5-4d1e-ab6c-c8ba1647365a  auto-del excl --argument
TempQueue750b42a4-118c-4be4-9f6e-38818de00c3e  auto-del excl --argument
[davin@laptop24 qpid]$

It's there, great, now lets get some details using curl and the REST API:

[davin@laptop24 qpid]$ curl -X GET -u admin:admin
404 Not Found: File /rest/queue/davin_test not found.[davin@laptop24 qpid]$

Darn, that didn't work...  can we put new queues?

[davin@laptop24 qpid]$ curl -X PUT -u admin:admin -d '{"durable":true}'
405 Bad Method.[davin@laptop24 qpid]$

What am I missing?

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-23 Thread Robbie Gemmell
On 23 January 2014 19:27, Shearer, Davin  wrote:

> I've got the rest API up and attached to my broker.  I can log into it
> using my browser and even create new queues using the web app.  What I
> can't seem to use is curl for doing REST interactions.  For instance, I
> fire up the C++ broker on on port 5673, then startup the REST API
> using the default authentication:
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$ ./build/tools/src/java/bin/ -a
> -w ./build/tools/src/java/bin/qpid-web
> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
> (org.apache.qpid.restapi.QpidServer).
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> log4j:WARN See for
> more info.
> I create a queue called 'davin_test" via the (very nice) web app and then
> verify it via qpid-config:
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$ qpid-config -a queues
> Queue Name Attributes
> ==
> 2a8ce7c5-52cb-4958-b472-e7439d02b0d7:0.0   auto-del excl
> TempQueue568cf2e2-7bf9-4472-ab86-cb11bc7f52ad  auto-del excl --argument
> no-local=False
> TempQueue73e4df4c-9ef5-4d1e-ab6c-c8ba1647365a  auto-del excl --argument
> no-local=False
> TempQueue750b42a4-118c-4be4-9f6e-38818de00c3e  auto-del excl --argument
> no-local=False
> davin_test
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$
> It's there, great, now lets get some details using curl and the REST API:
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$ curl -X GET -u admin:admin
> 404 Not Found: File /rest/queue/davin_test not found.[davin@laptop24qpid]$
> Darn, that didn't work...  can we put new queues?
> [davin@laptop24 qpid]$ curl -X PUT -u admin:admin -d '{"durable":true}'
> 405 Bad Method.[davin@laptop24 qpid]$
> What am I missing?

Those URLs look a lot like ones that would be used against the REST API
from the Java brokers management-http plugin. The URLs/payloads used by the
'QMF REST API' from the tools Fraser put together aren't likely to be that
similar to them.

I'll now have to defer to someone who can tell you what they would be


Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-23 Thread Shearer, Davin
Ah, OK, I thought they'd both use the same REST API as documented here
To me the language that the broker is written in is an implementation
detail.  Would it not make sense to layer the same REST API over both the
C++ and Java brokers?  Why should it be different?

Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-23 Thread Robbie Gemmell
On 23 January 2014 22:25, Shearer, Davin  wrote:

> Ah, OK, I thought they'd both use the same REST API as documented here
> .

Alas no, as per the URL those are the docs for the Java broker HTTP
management plugin.

> To me the language that the broker is written in is an implementation
> detail.

The brokers came into existence separately and have evolved differently
over time. While effort is often made (from Gordon and Rob in particular)
to ensure they support similar features in similar ways where possible,
they ultimately do differ significantly and probably most visibly so around
configuration and management.

> Would it not make sense to layer the same REST API over both the
> C++ and Java brokers? Why should it be different?

Frasers QMF2 tools can work against either to an extent (it was originally
developed against the C++ broker and then a QMF2 plugin added to allow
operation against the Java broker), but the brokers are different and so
some stuff just is different. As one small example: one of your URLs had a
virtualhost name in it, but the C++ broker doesnt use named/multiple
virtualhosts and thus that part just doesnt map particularly nicely between
the two.

I guess the main reason the two REST APis in question are different though
is because the Java brokers plugin was developed to be an HTTP interface
more directly exposing its configuration model (because almost everything
is now configurable via it), whereas the QMF REST API was developed as a
way of offering up the QMF functionality used by the C++ broker for its
management. The two things were basically developed by different people at
different times for somewhat different purposes.


Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-23 Thread Shearer, Davin
Thanks for filling me in!  Is there any documentation on the C++ REST API?

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Robbie Gemmell wrote:

> On 23 January 2014 22:25, Shearer, Davin  wrote:
> > Ah, OK, I thought they'd both use the same REST API as documented here
> >
> >
> > .
> >
> Alas no, as per the URL those are the docs for the Java broker HTTP
> management plugin.
> > To me the language that the broker is written in is an implementation
> > detail.
> The brokers came into existence separately and have evolved differently
> over time. While effort is often made (from Gordon and Rob in particular)
> to ensure they support similar features in similar ways where possible,
> they ultimately do differ significantly and probably most visibly so around
> configuration and management.
> > Would it not make sense to layer the same REST API over both the
> > C++ and Java brokers? Why should it be different?
> >
> Frasers QMF2 tools can work against either to an extent (it was originally
> developed against the C++ broker and then a QMF2 plugin added to allow
> operation against the Java broker), but the brokers are different and so
> some stuff just is different. As one small example: one of your URLs had a
> virtualhost name in it, but the C++ broker doesnt use named/multiple
> virtualhosts and thus that part just doesnt map particularly nicely between
> the two.
> I guess the main reason the two REST APis in question are different though
> is because the Java brokers plugin was developed to be an HTTP interface
> more directly exposing its configuration model (because almost everything
> is now configurable via it), whereas the QMF REST API was developed as a
> way of offering up the QMF functionality used by the C++ broker for its
> management. The two things were basically developed by different people at
> different times for somewhat different purposes.
> Robbie

Davin Shearer

8830 Stanford Blvd, Suite 306
Columbia, MD 21045


Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-23 Thread Fraser Adams

As one small example: one of your URLs had a
virtualhost name in it, but the C++ broker doesnt use named/multiple
virtualhosts and thus that part just doesnt map particularly nicely between
the two.


FWIW I did actually make an attempt to do something useful wrt. 
virtualhosts (though "nicely" might not be accurate, as you suggest...).

The QMF model does "technically" have a virtualhost part, but none of 
the tooling actually honours it. If I was only going to make the QMF 
plugin for the Java Broker work for the GUI I suspect I might have been 
able to use that, but I was quite keen to be able to use qpid-config too 
because there have been a few postings on the user list about the 
availability of command line tools like qpid-config for the Java Broker 
(also, as you know, at least in part one of my motivations was to show 
in kickable terms that convergence was at least plausible and to have a 
platform to be able to illustrate the wrinkles that make convergence 

I've somewhat kludged it so if there's a non default virtualhost the 
queue/exchange names get prefixed e.g.


The prefixing happens in the plugin and the ":/" is a "convention" that 
doesn't seem too unreasonable, you can also do things like:

qpid-config add queue :/another-queue
And the plugin notices the ":/" and splits things into the vhost and 
queue parts so will add the queue "another-queue" to the virtualhost 
thus named.

It's not "nice" for sure, but it does mean that it works for a 
non-modded qpid-config/qpid-queue-stat etc..


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CORRECTION (was Re: How to use lifetime policies)

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 10:24 AM, Gordon Sim wrote:

Using proton messenger there is at present no way to set the dynamic

The above statement is incorrect. The dynamic flag can be set by 
specifying '#' as the path in the url to which you subscribe, e.g. 

The address allocated by the peer is then communicated back via the 
subscription returned.

I apologise again for the misinformation first time around.

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request for 0.26 (was Re: How to use lifetime policies)

2014-01-20 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/20/2014 03:09 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Any chance for this patch to make it into the upcoming 0.26 release?

That is largely down to the release manager, and its getting late in the 

Justin, the JIRA in question is Chuck and Alan both had 
a look at the patch and approve its inclusion in 0.26 if it is not too late.


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QMF REST API - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-23 Thread Fraser Adams

Hey Davin,
Robbie has hit the nail on the head. One somewhat unfortunate thing that 
you probably ought to be aware of is that the management and monitoring 
for the Qpid C++ and Java Brokers got somewhat erm "fragmented" for 
various reasons back in the mists of time.

The C++ Broker uses Qpid Management Framework (QMF), but that has had an 
interesting evolution and at some point in history QMFv1 migrated to 
QMFv2 which caused issues for the Java Broker and they ended up going 
down a different path.

I primarily use the C++ broker, but conversely my team mainly use Java, 
so I started out doing a Java implementation of the QMF2 API without 
knowing much of that background. There was a bit of comedy 'cause the 
Qpid Java guys didn't take a lot of notice of what I was doing 'cause it 
was QMF and the C++ guys didn't really notice 'cause it was Java :-D I 
was a bit in no mans land really :-/

It wasn't really until I put the GUI together that anyone really noticed 
and the penny dropped.

So as Robbie says the REST API that I put together is *actually* a REST 
binding for QMF2 and (apart from being a REST API) doesn't bear too much 
relationship to the Java Broker's REST interface (for most of history we 
were largely unaware of what each other was up to).

It's a far from ideal position and Rob, Gordon, Robbie and I have 
chatted a fair bit about the need to get a more cohesive view. 
Ultimately the right answer will be to adopt the AMQP Management 
Specification across the board, though that's likely to be some way off 
(I certainly need to find some time to properly get my head around it).

By way of "making a stand for the unity of Qpid Brokers :-)" I put 
together a QMF2 plugin for the Java Broker, it was one of those things 
that one does "on principle" - really it was as much as anything a 
statement to say "really guys it *is* actually possible to provide a 
cohesive view". One thing to bear in mind with the Java Broker QMF 
plugin is that I've tried fairly hard to map as much as possible from 
the Java Broker internal Management Model to QMF Management Objects, but 
there are differences in the Management Models, so there are certainly 
more itty bitty things that can be controlled by the Java Broker's 
native management interface than via QMF (mainly 'cause Robbie keeps 
adding features ;->) but OTOH pretty much anything you can do with 
qpid-config will work with both the C++ and Java Brokers.

So to get back to the QMF REST API, the best place to look is the 
JavaDoc (yes really, there is actually a ton of JavaDoc for this stuff)

start in /tools/src/java/docs/api/index.html
Then look for package org.apache.qpid.restapi and class QpidServer

To get you started if you do (assuming the same host and port as below):

You will retrieve a list of all of the QMF Queue Management Objects in 
the form of a JSON list (you can do it in a browser too) 
will retrieve the exchanges 
will retrieve the connections

and so on.

the  bit is a "convenience", so this is a "true" REST API that 
mirrors the QMF API pretty closely so you really ought to first PUT a 
QMF Console Connection before you do anything else, but of course PUT is 
a pain from a browser, so if you specify "default" for the connection 
part of the URI the API transparently creates (or uses an already 
created) default QMF Console instance.

The GUI actually has a JavaScript class that provides a JavaScript 
implementation of the QMF2 API, which is backed by the REST API, so the 
GUI is generally abstracted from the REST API, there's a factory method 
for that which does the HTTP PUT "under the hood"

You can also use POST in order to invoke QMF methods (for 
adding/deleting queues etc.).
To be honest I'm a bit rusty - I tend to use the GUI or at worse the 
JavaScript wrapper which abstracts the detail,
and I've not done it "the hard way" for the best part of 15 months, so 
the following is pulled out from the code.

The POST syntax is:

POST: :/qpid/connection//object/
  HTTP body: {"_method_name":,"_arguments":}
  : A string containing the QMF2 method name e.g. "getLogLevel", "setLogLevel", 
"create", "delete".
  : A JSON string containing the method arguments e.g. 
{"level":"debug+:Broker"} for setLogLevel.
  HTTP response: A JSON string containing the response e.g. 
{"level":"notice+"} for getLogLevel (may be empty).

  This method invokes the QMF2 method  with arguments  on the 

And it works like QMF, so what you'd first need to do is to recover the Broker 
Management Object

You need to do this because the majority of the QMF CRUD methods are applied on 
the Broker Management Object,
having done this you'd need to do a PO

Re: request for 0.26 (was Re: How to use lifetime policies)

2014-01-20 Thread Shearer, Davin
I know it's late in the cycle and I just realized this AM that the fix was
not included, but it would be really helpful to me if it were included.

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

> On 01/20/2014 03:09 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> Any chance for this patch to make it into the upcoming 0.26 release?
> That is largely down to the release manager, and its getting late in the
> cycle.
> Justin, the JIRA in question is
> jira/browse/QPID-5463. Chuck and Alan both had a look at the patch and
> approve its inclusion in 0.26 if it is not too late.
> --Gordon.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Davin Shearer

Re: request for 0.26 (was Re: How to use lifetime policies)

2014-01-20 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/20/2014 05:13 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

I know it's late in the cycle and I just realized this AM that the fix was
not included, but it would be really helpful to me if it were included.

It's on the 0.26 release branch now. Thanks Justin, Alan and Chuck!

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

On 01/20/2014 03:09 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Any chance for this patch to make it into the upcoming 0.26 release?

That is largely down to the release manager, and its getting late in the

Justin, the JIRA in question is
jira/browse/QPID-5463. Chuck and Alan both had a look at the patch and
approve its inclusion in 0.26 if it is not too late.


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Re: request for 0.26 (was Re: How to use lifetime policies)

2014-01-20 Thread Shearer, Davin
I appreciate it immensely, thanks guys!

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

> On 01/20/2014 05:13 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>> I know it's late in the cycle and I just realized this AM that the fix was
>> not included, but it would be really helpful to me if it were included.
> It's on the 0.26 release branch now. Thanks Justin, Alan and Chuck!
>  On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:
>>  On 01/20/2014 03:09 PM, Shearer, Davin wrote:
>>>  Any chance for this patch to make it into the upcoming 0.26 release?

>>> That is largely down to the release manager, and its getting late in the
>>> cycle.
>>> Justin, the JIRA in question is
>>> jira/browse/QPID-5463. Chuck and Alan both had a look at the patch and
>>> approve its inclusion in 0.26 if it is not too late.
>>> --Gordon.
>>> -
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Davin Shearer

8830 Stanford Blvd, Suite 306
Columbia, MD 21045


Re: QMF REST API - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-23 Thread Robbie Gemmell
On 23 January 2014 23:54, Fraser Adams wrote:

> Hey Davin,
> Robbie has hit the nail on the head. One somewhat unfortunate thing that
> you probably ought to be aware of is that the management and monitoring for
> the Qpid C++ and Java Brokers got somewhat erm "fragmented" for various
> reasons back in the mists of time.
Just to clarify things a little since much of this was before your (and to
a smaller extent, even my own) time with the project, it was probably less
that they became fragmented and more that they started that way. The Java
broker initially had JMX based management functionality (as is/was popular
for Java things to do) satisfying its model, and as the C++ broker
developed it obviously needed managmement tooling to go with it, but didnt
have the luxury of JMX built right into its runtime platform...though did
have a nice AMQP interface sitting there, and so QMF grew to fill that need
and beyond. Thus on the managemnet side things essentially started out
different and then grew from there.

In early 2010 we did add some initial support for QMF1 to the Java broker
with aim of moving them closer together, but while we were still working on
building that out the development on QMF itself moved away from an update
of its existing binary protocol and instead toward creating what became the
largely-new QMF2, making for a semi-start-over scenario. We didn't get
round to that and the incomplete QMF1 support also withered over time,
causing pain here and there due to continued enhancement of the C++ broker
and the management schema then leading to breakages in the Java build.
Given that many of the subsequent schema enhancements then werent
implemented or simply couldnt be becuase they didnt fit the Java brokers
model, be it due to the virtualhost disparity, protocol differences, or
lower level things like the memory management, and in the end we removed
the QMF1 support (or more accurately didnt bringing it along with us when
we would have had to completely overhaul it to do so) at the time we begun
to modularize the brokers management support out to plugins and started
working on overhauling the configuration model toward its current form.
Part of that change was us turning thoughts towards an embedded web
management GUI to facilitate removing the Eclipse RCP based management
console that existed previously, which then lead us to adding a REST API to
power it (as has become a more popular way of managing things) which simply
got based directly around the brokers new configuration model...and that
about sums up how things ended up as they are now. As you later mention, we
will be looking to add AMQP Management based functionality in time as that
specification progresses.

> The C++ Broker uses Qpid Management Framework (QMF), but that has had an
> interesting evolution and at some point in history QMFv1 migrated to QMFv2
> which caused issues for the Java Broker and they ended up going down a
> different path.
> I primarily use the C++ broker, but conversely my team mainly use Java, so
> I started out doing a Java implementation of the QMF2 API without knowing
> much of that background. There was a bit of comedy 'cause the Qpid Java
> guys didn't take a lot of notice of what I was doing 'cause it was QMF and
> the C++ guys didn't really notice 'cause it was Java :-D I was a bit in no
> mans land really :-/
> It wasn't really until I put the GUI together that anyone really noticed
> and the penny dropped.
> So as Robbie says the REST API that I put together is *actually* a REST
> binding for QMF2 and (apart from being a REST API) doesn't bear too much
> relationship to the Java Broker's REST interface (for most of history we
> were largely unaware of what each other was up to).
> It's a far from ideal position and Rob, Gordon, Robbie and I have chatted
> a fair bit about the need to get a more cohesive view. Ultimately the right
> answer will be to adopt the AMQP Management Specification across the board,
> though that's likely to be some way off (I certainly need to find some time
> to properly get my head around it).
> By way of "making a stand for the unity of Qpid Brokers :-)" I put
> together a QMF2 plugin for the Java Broker, it was one of those things that
> one does "on principle" - really it was as much as anything a statement to
> say "really guys it *is* actually possible to provide a cohesive view". One
> thing to bear in mind with the Java Broker QMF plugin is that I've tried
> fairly hard to map as much as possible from the Java Broker internal
> Management Model to QMF Management Objects, but there are differences in
> the Management Models, so there are certainly more itty bitty things that
> can be controlled by the Java Broker's native management interface than via
> QMF (mainly 'cause Robbie keeps adding features ;->) but OTOH pretty much
> anything you can do with qpid-config will work with both the C++ and Java
> Brokers.
> So to get back to the QMF REST API, 

Re: QMF REST API - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-24 Thread Fraser Adams
Many thanks for the clarification Robbie, I guess that the full picture 
continues to offer us some warnings from history.

At one level the issue "Given that many of the subsequent schema 
enhancements then werent implemented or simply couldnt be becuase they 
didnt fit the Java brokers model, be it due to the virtualhost 
disparity, protocol differences, or lower level things like the memory 
management " essentially still exists (albeit without a direct schema 

One of the things that worries me a little is that in many ways (given 
my far from perfect understanding) QMF2 and AMQP 1.0 Management Spec. 
share many similarities (no mandatory schema - it's all introspectable 
being encoded as AMQP Maps) that's great and offers the ability to align 
well at the protocol level, but the differences in the management models 
between the two Qpid brokers and of course with other AMQP brokers and 
services will continue to make developing cohesive tooling a challenge.

That's life I guess, I guess that you can't expect 
Microsoft/IBM/RabbitQ/ActiveMQ/Qpid/etc to offer identical feature sets 
but AMQP 1.0 management isn't going to fix that. As you say the Java 
Broker has evolved at lot and you've got a lot of quite low level 
features in the Management Model that are exposed in the embedded Web 
GUI. What I'm not clear on is how far your thinking has progressed along 
the options for eventually "externalising" this via AMQP 1.0 Management 
and making it available on "external" tooling. That's *largely* what 
I've done in the QMF2 space - albeit incomplete/imperfect/whatever, as I 
say I think that there are a lot of similarities between QMF2 and AMQP 
1.0 Management and a big part of my motivation was proving that it was 
possible and exposing the sorts of wrinkles that we might expect (in 
particular I guess that I've only exposed the lowest common denominator).

Perhaps the generality of AMQP 1.0 and the needs of Vendors to make 
their product sets readily differentiable might mean that we'll never 
hit the Nirvana of one Vendor's tooling managing another Vendor's broker 
- I mentioned to Rob back at Easter that I worried that the lack of 
schemas might make this a lot harder too. I wouldn't want to be coupled 
to a schema like QMF1 is, but having a schema available might make it 
easier to create generic tooling that is *semantically* meaningful. 
Without it the most we can expect from a generic tool is to be a bit 
like a JMX Console, which is OK but a bit ugly.

Thanks again for the background, it's really interesting and I think 
knowledge of the history is incredibly useful to help us (try to) avoid 
the same wrinkles going forward.


On 24/01/14 01:11, Robbie Gemmell wrote:

On 23 January 2014 23:54, Fraser Adams wrote:

Hey Davin,
Robbie has hit the nail on the head. One somewhat unfortunate thing that
you probably ought to be aware of is that the management and monitoring for
the Qpid C++ and Java Brokers got somewhat erm "fragmented" for various
reasons back in the mists of time.

Just to clarify things a little since much of this was before your (and to
a smaller extent, even my own) time with the project, it was probably less
that they became fragmented and more that they started that way. The Java
broker initially had JMX based management functionality (as is/was popular
for Java things to do) satisfying its model, and as the C++ broker
developed it obviously needed managmement tooling to go with it, but didnt
have the luxury of JMX built right into its runtime platform...though did
have a nice AMQP interface sitting there, and so QMF grew to fill that need
and beyond. Thus on the managemnet side things essentially started out
different and then grew from there.

In early 2010 we did add some initial support for QMF1 to the Java broker
with aim of moving them closer together, but while we were still working on
building that out the development on QMF itself moved away from an update
of its existing binary protocol and instead toward creating what became the
largely-new QMF2, making for a semi-start-over scenario. We didn't get
round to that and the incomplete QMF1 support also withered over time,
causing pain here and there due to continued enhancement of the C++ broker
and the management schema then leading to breakages in the Java build.
Given that many of the subsequent schema enhancements then werent
implemented or simply couldnt be becuase they didnt fit the Java brokers
model, be it due to the virtualhost disparity, protocol differences, or
lower level things like the memory management, and in the end we removed
the QMF1 support (or more accurately didnt bringing it along with us when
we would have had to completely overhaul it to do so) at the time we begun
to modularize the brokers management support out to plugins and started
working on overhauling the configuration model toward its current form.
Part of that change was us turning thoughts towards an embedded web

Re: QMF REST API - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-27 Thread Shearer, Davin
Thanks Frase,

I read and followed along through your explanation and was able to browse
various objects and finally create a queue via the REST API backed by the
C++ broker using only curl (yay!).  Hopefully I can use the interface to
create one dynamically with the delete on close attribute.  I'll give that
a go tomorrow!

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:54 PM, Fraser Adams  wrote:

> Hey Davin,
> Robbie has hit the nail on the head. One somewhat unfortunate thing that
> you probably ought to be aware of is that the management and monitoring for
> the Qpid C++ and Java Brokers got somewhat erm "fragmented" for various
> reasons back in the mists of time.
> The C++ Broker uses Qpid Management Framework (QMF), but that has had an
> interesting evolution and at some point in history QMFv1 migrated to QMFv2
> which caused issues for the Java Broker and they ended up going down a
> different path.
> I primarily use the C++ broker, but conversely my team mainly use Java, so
> I started out doing a Java implementation of the QMF2 API without knowing
> much of that background. There was a bit of comedy 'cause the Qpid Java
> guys didn't take a lot of notice of what I was doing 'cause it was QMF and
> the C++ guys didn't really notice 'cause it was Java :-D I was a bit in no
> mans land really :-/
> It wasn't really until I put the GUI together that anyone really noticed
> and the penny dropped.
> So as Robbie says the REST API that I put together is *actually* a REST
> binding for QMF2 and (apart from being a REST API) doesn't bear too much
> relationship to the Java Broker's REST interface (for most of history we
> were largely unaware of what each other was up to).
> It's a far from ideal position and Rob, Gordon, Robbie and I have chatted
> a fair bit about the need to get a more cohesive view. Ultimately the right
> answer will be to adopt the AMQP Management Specification across the board,
> though that's likely to be some way off (I certainly need to find some time
> to properly get my head around it).
> By way of "making a stand for the unity of Qpid Brokers :-)" I put
> together a QMF2 plugin for the Java Broker, it was one of those things that
> one does "on principle" - really it was as much as anything a statement to
> say "really guys it *is* actually possible to provide a cohesive view". One
> thing to bear in mind with the Java Broker QMF plugin is that I've tried
> fairly hard to map as much as possible from the Java Broker internal
> Management Model to QMF Management Objects, but there are differences in
> the Management Models, so there are certainly more itty bitty things that
> can be controlled by the Java Broker's native management interface than via
> QMF (mainly 'cause Robbie keeps adding features ;->) but OTOH pretty much
> anything you can do with qpid-config will work with both the C++ and Java
> Brokers.
> So to get back to the QMF REST API, the best place to look is the JavaDoc
> (yes really, there is actually a ton of JavaDoc for this stuff)
> start in /tools/src/java/docs/api/index.html
> Then look for package org.apache.qpid.restapi and class QpidServer
> To get you started if you do (assuming the same host and port as below):
> You will retrieve a list of all of the QMF Queue Management Objects in the
> form of a JSON list (you can do it in a browser too)
> retrieve the exchanges
> retrieve the connections
> and so on.
> the  bit is a "convenience", so this is a "true" REST API that
> mirrors the QMF API pretty closely so you really ought to first PUT a QMF
> Console Connection before you do anything else, but of course PUT is a pain
> from a browser, so if you specify "default" for the connection part of the
> URI the API transparently creates (or uses an already created) default QMF
> Console instance.
> The GUI actually has a JavaScript class that provides a JavaScript
> implementation of the QMF2 API, which is backed by the REST API, so the GUI
> is generally abstracted from the REST API, there's a factory method for
> that which does the HTTP PUT "under the hood"
> You can also use POST in order to invoke QMF methods (for adding/deleting
> queues etc.).
> To be honest I'm a bit rusty - I tend to use the GUI or at worse the
> JavaScript wrapper which abstracts the detail,
> and I've not done it "the hard way" for the best part of 15 months, so the
> following is pulled out from the code.
> The POST syntax is:
> POST: :/qpid/connection//object/
>   HTTP body: {"_method_name":,"_arguments":}
>   : A string containing the QMF2 method name e.g.
> "getLogLevel", "setLogLevel", "create", "delete".
>   : A JSON string containing the method arguments e.g.
> {"level":"debug+:Broker"} for setLogLevel.
>   HTTP response: A J

Re: QMF REST API - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-28 Thread Fraser Adams

Glad that I was able to help out.
I'm a little bit curious why you're choosing to go with the REST 
interface directly? What language are you programming in.

Not that I've got anything against the REST API, but I mainly put it in 
place to be able to talk QMF from a browser environment.

If you are programming in Java you'd probably find it easier to use the 
Java QMF API directly, if you're doing python then use the API that 
qpid-config etc. use, from C++ it's a little more awkward but not too 
hard to send QMF2 protocol requests out (it's ultimately just a bunch of 
Map Messages) I've attached a couple of examples put together by Gordon 
Sim to illustrate this in C++ the queue_depth is self explanatory, the 
one marked example.cpp does something similar to qpid-route - not 
exactly what you want for adding a queue, but it illustrates invoking 
QMF2 methods via the raw QMF2 protocol and you can use that in 
conjunction with what I've shown below on the REST API (this bit

"_arguments": {"type": "queue", "name": "davin_test2", "properties":
{"durable": true}}


It is quite fun doing this stuff via curl, but it's pretty hardcore :-) 
I'd *probably* take easier options in Python/Java/C++/JavaScript unless 
I wanted to prove a point (clearly REST is handy if you want to mash up 
info from lots of different sources in a web app).

BTW in case you are curious the reason that the URI's are relatively 
complex e.g.
rather than say


Is because it's perfectly possible to PUT an arbitrary number of QMF 
Console connections and access them independently so the GUI can talk to 
multiple discrete Consoles and I can have multiple browser instances 
served by the same REST API instance.


On 27/01/14 22:06, Shearer, Davin wrote:

Thanks Frase,

I read and followed along through your explanation and was able to browse
various objects and finally create a queue via the REST API backed by the
C++ broker using only curl (yay!).  Hopefully I can use the interface to
create one dynamically with the delete on close attribute.  I'll give that
a go tomorrow!

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:54 PM, Fraser Adams 
Hey Davin,
Robbie has hit the nail on the head. One somewhat unfortunate thing that
you probably ought to be aware of is that the management and monitoring for
the Qpid C++ and Java Brokers got somewhat erm "fragmented" for various
reasons back in the mists of time.

The C++ Broker uses Qpid Management Framework (QMF), but that has had an
interesting evolution and at some point in history QMFv1 migrated to QMFv2
which caused issues for the Java Broker and they ended up going down a
different path.

I primarily use the C++ broker, but conversely my team mainly use Java, so
I started out doing a Java implementation of the QMF2 API without knowing
much of that background. There was a bit of comedy 'cause the Qpid Java
guys didn't take a lot of notice of what I was doing 'cause it was QMF and
the C++ guys didn't really notice 'cause it was Java :-D I was a bit in no
mans land really :-/

It wasn't really until I put the GUI together that anyone really noticed
and the penny dropped.

So as Robbie says the REST API that I put together is *actually* a REST
binding for QMF2 and (apart from being a REST API) doesn't bear too much
relationship to the Java Broker's REST interface (for most of history we
were largely unaware of what each other was up to).

It's a far from ideal position and Rob, Gordon, Robbie and I have chatted
a fair bit about the need to get a more cohesive view. Ultimately the right
answer will be to adopt the AMQP Management Specification across the board,
though that's likely to be some way off (I certainly need to find some time
to properly get my head around it).

By way of "making a stand for the unity of Qpid Brokers :-)" I put
together a QMF2 plugin for the Java Broker, it was one of those things that
one does "on principle" - really it was as much as anything a statement to
say "really guys it *is* actually possible to provide a cohesive view". One
thing to bear in mind with the Java Broker QMF plugin is that I've tried
fairly hard to map as much as possible from the Java Broker internal
Management Model to QMF Management Objects, but there are differences in
the Management Models, so there are certainly more itty bitty things that
can be controlled by the Java Broker's native management interface than via
QMF (mainly 'cause Robbie keeps adding features ;->) but OTOH pretty much
anything you can do with qpid-config will work with both the C++ and Java

So to get back to the QMF REST API, the best place to look is the JavaDoc
(yes really, there is actually a ton of JavaDoc for this stuff)
start in /tools/src/java/docs/api/index.html
Then look for package org.apache.qpid.restapi and class QpidServer

To get you started i

Re: QMF REST API - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-28 Thread Shearer, Davin
On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Fraser Adams  wrote:

> Glad that I was able to help out.
> I'm a little bit curious why you're choosing to go with the REST interface
> directly? What language are you programming in.

I am programming this piece in C (messaging and transport layer of a larger
system).  I am using proton for the AMQP layer and using the REST API for
the broker management.  I like the decoupling that REST provides as it just
takes a library that speaks HTTP.  I don't have to link against a
vendor-specific management library nor do I have to carry through their
dependencies.  I don't want the consumers of the library (be it additional
middle-ware layers or the application-layer code) to be concerned about the
messaging and transport details, just that we moving data reliably from one
end-point to another over a flexible topology.

> Not that I've got anything against the REST API, but I mainly put it in
> place to be able to talk QMF from a browser environment.

It should work for my needs as well.  It took longer than I'd hoped to
package a "reference" broker, but I've managed it.

> I've attached a couple of examples put together by Gordon Sim to
> illustrate this in C++ the queue_depth is self explanatory, the one marked
> example.cpp does something similar to qpid-route - not exactly what you
> want for adding a queue, but it illustrates invoking QMF2 methods via the
> raw QMF2 protocol and you can use that in conjunction with what I've shown
> below on the REST API

I think your REST API will be sufficient provided I request a dynamic queue
with delete on close via REST.  If that isn't possible then it could be the
case that there will be abandoned reply queues lingering in the broker if a
client creates one, then dies without removing it.  I will review the code
since more information usually leads to better decisions.

> It is quite fun doing this stuff via curl, but it's pretty hardcore :-)
> I'd *probably* take easier options in Python/Java/C++/JavaScript unless I
> wanted to prove a point (clearly REST is handy if you want to mash up info
> from lots of different sources in a web app).

The commandline curl stuff is to understand the API, get my URLs right and
to test the behaviour before writing it up in C using libcurl.

> BTW in case you are curious the reason that the URI's are relatively
> complex e.g.
> GET 
> than say
> Is because it's perfectly possible to PUT an arbitrary number of QMF
> Console connections and access them independently so the GUI can talk to
> multiple discrete Consoles and I can have multiple browser instances served
> by the same REST API instance.

I think the flexibility that provides is worth the price in complexity.  I
only have to get it right once, then it's in my library and I'll build on
top of that. :-)

I hope that helpful and that it made sense...

Davin Shearer

Re: QMF REST API - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-28 Thread Fraser Adams
Re: "I like the decoupling that REST provides as it just takes a library 
that speaks HTTP. I don't have to link against a vendor-specific 
management library nor do I have to carry through their dependencies. "

What you say about REST is indeed true and is a good selling point, but 
it's worth bearing in mind that it's *also* true of the approach 
illustrated in the examples from Gordon - that approach is using the QMF 
*protocol* and in terms of dependencies it is simply using pure AMQP as 
a transport passing Map Messages in a request/response pattern to 
specific AMQP Destinations, that's arguably no more coupled nor vendor 
specific than say using the REST API, even the Java QMF stuff isn't 
really coupled as it's implemented as pure JMS. In actual fact it's the 
QMF aspects that are vendor specific - QMF is specific to the Qpid C++ 

I certainly don't want to dissuade the approach that you're taking, but 
you should probably be armed with all the facts - sure you're not 
dependent on a library, but as I say above nor are you really dependent 
on a library for some of the other approaches (though Gordon's examples 
are C++ using qpid::mess

I like the decoupling that REST provides as it just
takes a library that speaks HTTP.  I don't have to link against a
vendor-specific management library nor do I have to carry through their

aging) I've not tried raw QMF via Proton Messenger, it might well be 
possible though it currently seems to have quite a few limitations wrt. 
topic subscriptions (and other filter types).

As I say ultimately QMF is actually your biggest vendor specific 
dependency, so that's something that you should keep in the back of your 
mind going forward. I expect QMF to be around for quite some time, but 
there is certainly a desire to move towards the AMQP 1.0 Management 
Specification over time. As we move forward on that I'm sure that there 
will be a concerted effort to avoid breaking existing QMF things (I'm 
certainly intending to try my best to avoid that) and as I say it's 
likely to be some time before traction builds in that direction, but 
it's certainly something that you should be cognoscente of if you are 
building a mission critical system - put a comment in your code to track 
AMQP 1.0 Management developments on this list at the very least.

Hope that this stuff is useful,

On 28/01/14 19:18, Shearer, Davin wrote:

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Fraser Adams 
Glad that I was able to help out.
I'm a little bit curious why you're choosing to go with the REST interface
directly? What language are you programming in.

I am programming this piece in C (messaging and transport layer of a larger
system).  I am using proton for the AMQP layer and using the REST API for
the broker management.  I like the decoupling that REST provides as it just
takes a library that speaks HTTP.  I don't have to link against a
vendor-specific management library nor do I have to carry through their
dependencies.  I don't want the consumers of the library (be it additional
middle-ware layers or the application-layer code) to be concerned about the
messaging and transport details, just that we moving data reliably from one
end-point to another over a flexible topology.

Not that I've got anything against the REST API, but I mainly put it in
place to be able to talk QMF from a browser environment.

It should work for my needs as well.  It took longer than I'd hoped to
package a "reference" broker, but I've managed it.

I've attached a couple of examples put together by Gordon Sim to
illustrate this in C++ the queue_depth is self explanatory, the one marked
example.cpp does something similar to qpid-route - not exactly what you
want for adding a queue, but it illustrates invoking QMF2 methods via the
raw QMF2 protocol and you can use that in conjunction with what I've shown
below on the REST API

I think your REST API will be sufficient provided I request a dynamic queue
with delete on close via REST.  If that isn't possible then it could be the
case that there will be abandoned reply queues lingering in the broker if a
client creates one, then dies without removing it.  I will review the code
since more information usually leads to better decisions.

It is quite fun doing this stuff via curl, but it's pretty hardcore :-)
I'd *probably* take easier options in Python/Java/C++/JavaScript unless I
wanted to prove a point (clearly REST is handy if you want to mash up info
from lots of different sources in a web app).

The commandline curl stuff is to understand the API, get my URLs right and
to test the behaviour before writing it up in C using libcurl.

BTW in case you are curious the reason that the URI's are relatively
complex e.g.
than say

Is because it's perfectly possible to PUT an arbitrary number of QMF

Re: QMF REST API - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-28 Thread Shearer, Davin
By having this transport and messaging layer, I can swap out the broker
management implementations (hopefully) without changing the API.  If my
customers demand that I support a different AMQP 1.0 vendor, then I can
load in a different management module.  If they have a REST API, then I
take on no additional dependencies.  If I could have managed to link
libqpid* statically, it would have helped.  Once the management spec
arrives and there is a proton-like library implementing that spec, then
I'll have my final solution.

I've learned a bunch from you guys over the past couple of weeks.  Thanks
so much for the help!

# node name and other addressing stuff - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Fraser Adams

On 10/01/14 10:24, Gordon Sim wrote:

You can create a temporary queue when using the qpid::messaging client 
by simply specifying '#' as the node name in the address when creating 
the receiver or sender. You can get the peer-assigned address (for use 
in reply-to) via the getAddress() method on the Sender or Receiver 
instance that is returned.

Out of curiosity
where is the "specifying '#' as the node name" stuff specified?

I've also noticed the use of $ in the AMQP 1.0 Management spec, and 
there's the use of "~" in messenger e.g. "~amqp://" to specify a 
listen connection.

I've grepped around the AMQP 1.0 spec and the draft Address spec and 
couldn't find these - well to be fair there were a lot of "#" in the 
AMQP 1.0 spec, but that was in the ASCII art diagrams :->

Much of this stuff remains a bit of a black art to me I'm afraid :-(


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Re: # node name and other addressing stuff - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Rob Godfrey
On 10 January 2014 15:45, Fraser Adams wrote:

> On 10/01/14 10:24, Gordon Sim wrote:
>> You can create a temporary queue when using the qpid::messaging client by
>> simply specifying '#' as the node name in the address when creating the
>> receiver or sender. You can get the peer-assigned address (for use in
>> reply-to) via the getAddress() method on the Sender or Receiver instance
>> that is returned.
> Out of curiosity
> where is the "specifying '#' as the node name" stuff specified?
This is not AMQP 1.0, but something that is supported by the
qpid::messaging API

> I've also noticed the use of $ in the AMQP 1.0 Management spec,

Mainly this was just to give us a fair shot at not clashing with anyone's
existing node names... I think it is likely that any node names defined in
the AMQP specs will start "amqp$", but that isn't "standardized".

> and there's the use of "~" in messenger e.g. "~amqp://" to specify
> a listen connection.
This is Messenger specific and not part of the AMQP standards.

> I've grepped around the AMQP 1.0 spec and the draft Address spec and
> couldn't find these - well to be fair there were a lot of "#" in the AMQP
> 1.0 spec, but that was in the ASCII art diagrams :->
> Much of this stuff remains a bit of a black art to me I'm afraid :-(

So, definitely seems like we (Qpid) could use some more documentation then

-- Rob

> Cheers,
> Frase
> -
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Re: # node name and other addressing stuff - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Fraser Adams
Cheers Rob, glad to know I wasn't *totally* losing my marbles and this 
stuff really *is* a black art :'(

Well "glad" in the loosest sense, totally agree with your last sentence!

On 10/01/14 14:55, Rob Godfrey wrote:

On 10 January 2014 15:45, Fraser Adams wrote:

On 10/01/14 10:24, Gordon Sim wrote:

You can create a temporary queue when using the qpid::messaging client by
simply specifying '#' as the node name in the address when creating the
receiver or sender. You can get the peer-assigned address (for use in
reply-to) via the getAddress() method on the Sender or Receiver instance
that is returned.

Out of curiosity
where is the "specifying '#' as the node name" stuff specified?

This is not AMQP 1.0, but something that is supported by the
qpid::messaging API

I've also noticed the use of $ in the AMQP 1.0 Management spec,

Mainly this was just to give us a fair shot at not clashing with anyone's
existing node names... I think it is likely that any node names defined in
the AMQP specs will start "amqp$", but that isn't "standardized".

and there's the use of "~" in messenger e.g. "~amqp://" to specify
a listen connection.

This is Messenger specific and not part of the AMQP standards.

I've grepped around the AMQP 1.0 spec and the draft Address spec and
couldn't find these - well to be fair there were a lot of "#" in the AMQP
1.0 spec, but that was in the ASCII art diagrams :->

Much of this stuff remains a bit of a black art to me I'm afraid :-(

So, definitely seems like we (Qpid) could use some more documentation then

-- Rob


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Re: # node name and other addressing stuff - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 02:45 PM, Fraser Adams wrote:

On 10/01/14 10:24, Gordon Sim wrote:

You can create a temporary queue when using the qpid::messaging client
by simply specifying '#' as the node name in the address when creating
the receiver or sender. You can get the peer-assigned address (for use
in reply-to) via the getAddress() method on the Sender or Receiver
instance that is returned.

Out of curiosity
where is the "specifying '#' as the node name" stuff specified?

That isn't sent over the wire in any way. It is just part of the 
qpid::messaging supported syntax. However the AMQP 1.0 it results in is 
completely standard. The same syntax works for 0-10 also (see e.g.the 
client/server example).

(There are options to qpid::messaging that result in non-standard 
interaction where required to support some existing functionality, but 
this is not one of them).

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Re: # node name and other addressing stuff - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-10 Thread Shearer, Davin
grepping around proton-c for '#' comes up dry.  If # isn't sent over the
wire, I'd expect to see it dealt with somewhere in the source code.

[davin@centos6 proton-c]$ grep '#' src/*.c include/proton/*.h | grep -v ':#'

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

> On 01/10/2014 02:45 PM, Fraser Adams wrote:
>> On 10/01/14 10:24, Gordon Sim wrote:
>>> You can create a temporary queue when using the qpid::messaging client
>>> by simply specifying '#' as the node name in the address when creating
>>> the receiver or sender. You can get the peer-assigned address (for use
>>> in reply-to) via the getAddress() method on the Sender or Receiver
>>> instance that is returned.
>> Out of curiosity
>> where is the "specifying '#' as the node name" stuff specified?
> That isn't sent over the wire in any way. It is just part of the
> qpid::messaging supported syntax. However the AMQP 1.0 it results in is
> completely standard. The same syntax works for 0-10 also (see e.g.the
> client/server example).
> (There are options to qpid::messaging that result in non-standard
> interaction where required to support some existing functionality, but this
> is not one of them).
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Davin Shearer

8830 Stanford Blvd, Suite 306
Columbia, MD 21045


Re: # node name and other addressing stuff - was Re: How to use lifetime policies

2014-01-15 Thread Gordon Sim

On 01/10/2014 03:30 PM, Fraser Adams wrote:

Cheers Rob, glad to know I wasn't *totally* losing my marbles and this
stuff really *is* a black art :'(
Well "glad" in the loosest sense, totally agree with your last sentence!

On 10/01/14 14:55, Rob Godfrey wrote:

So, definitely seems like we (Qpid) could use some more documentation

There is an AMQP_1.0 readme in the cpp directory. That describes the 
mapping of the API to AMQP 1.0 including the use of '#'.

I agree it is not in the most obvious place or the most useful format yet.

Part of the problem I find is that it is quite hard to modify the 
documentation we do have. This isn't just the process required, though 
that feels more complicated than it needs to be also. Its also the 
structure of the existing documents.

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