Re: ClientAbortException / Broken Pipe?!

2007-08-15 Thread Kristian Rink


first off, thanks a load for your reply, much appreciated.

[Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] @ Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:02:42
-0400 (EDT)]

 Have you noticed if this affects IE users and Firefox users equally?
 I ask because there's a known issue (that I've never seen an actual
 answer to) where IE causes these exceptions frequently with no ill
 effect to anything (other than the overhead of handling the exception
 in the VM on the server).  

I am not sure on that, gonna check that in order to see whether or not
you're about to get your box of donuts. ;)

However, seriously this is a rather bad thing as I am convinced most of
our users to possibly make use of a default web browser on their
system, having no idea what a browser is, at all... On the other side,
having the file transmission terminated / corrupted surely isn't what I
would call no ill effect... ;) Does anyone have a smart idea how to
compensate for this issue?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Kristian Rink * *
jab: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
One dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together
is the beginning of a new reality. (Hundertwasser)

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tomcat memory realms tomcat-users.xml

2007-08-15 Thread Matthew Kerle

Hi all

I'm developing a web service with xFire 1.2.3 / tomcat 5.5.23 / Java 
1.6.0_01, and we need to authenticate access by client applications 
coming in over SOAP. We're looking at using the tomcat-users.xml file to 
store user/pwd/role data until the customers Single Sign-On service is 
ready (which will be when pigs fly, if it keeps going as it has).

The application will be deployed internally so we don't need any SSL or 
digest authentication, we're looking at simple HTTP BASIC or SOAP 
headers  for the client to pass through their auth details. The 
complication is that we want to allow default access as well as 
authenticated access, and authenticate against the tomcat-users file.

eg - un-authenticated clients can still access the web service url, but 
get a public role, and authenticated clients get a privileged role.

I'm thinking we might be able to do part of that with the following 
tomcat-users.xml config by having an empty user declaration:

 role rolename=privileged/
 user name=  password= roles=PUBLIC  /
 user name=priv_user1  password=tomcat roles=privileged  /

The question is how to authenticate against the tomcat-user database? 

I've read the tomcat docs on memory realm:, 
and I want to expose the org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase class to the 
web service context via a ResourceLink I'd like to be able to 
authenticate users without having to add a security-constraint to my 
web.xml, so that unauthenticated clients can still connect.

Am I on the right track? Or is there a much easier way than what I'm 
trying to do...


* Matthew Kerle
* * IT Consultant *
* Canberra, Australia*

Mobile: +61404 096 863
Email: Matthew Kerle mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web:  Matthew Kerle

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AW: Problem with Apache/Tomcat/WebDAV/Alfresco

2007-08-15 Thread Frank Gerlach
I installed the latest Apache and mod_jk and it works perfectly now.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Frank Gerlach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 13. August 2007 13:58
Betreff: Problem with Apache/Tomcat/WebDAV/Alfresco

Hello folks, 
we have a problem with the following setup: 

Web Browser -Apache(mod_jk)-Tomcat-Alfresco 

Explanation: we would like to access the Alfresco content management system 
(running in Tomcat) using WebDAV and SSL. 
It works, if we expose Tomcat directly to the network. For security 
reasons, we would like to reverse proxy with Apache. This does not work for 
some reason. (does not send the WWW-Authenticate header) 
We have checked mod_jk documentation without detecting any 
problems on our side. 
Can anybody help ? 

Thanks in advance ! 



Here are the relevant config settings and software version info: 

Apache: Server version: Apache/2.0.59 

Tomcat: Apache Tomcat/5.5.20 
  jdk 1.5.0_07-b03 Sun Microsystems Inc. 
  Linux 2.6.5-7.252-default i386 

mod_jk in Apache: 

JkMount /* alfresco 
JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log 
JkLogLevel debug 
JkWorkersFile /usr/share/tomcat/conf/ 




# list the workers by name 

# First tomcat server 

# Specify the size of the open connection cache. 

# Specifies the load balance factor when used with 
# a load balancing worker. 
# Note: 
#   lbfactor must be  0 
#   Low lbfactor means less work done by the worker. 


tomcat server.xml: 

!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -- 
Connector port=8009 
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 protocol=AJP/1.3/ 

Frank Gerlach 
Software engineer 

dmc digital media center GmbH 
Rommelstraße 11 
70376 Stuttgart (Germany) 
Telefon: +49 711 601747-258 
Telefax: +49 711 601747-141 

Handelsregister: AG Stuttgart HRB 18974 
Geschäftsführer: Andreas Magg, Daniel Rebhorn, Andreas Schwend 

Frank Gerlach.vcf 

Re: ClientAbortException / Broken Pipe?!

2007-08-15 Thread Ronald Klop

ClientAbortException means the user canceled the download (the 'client 
aborted'). There is nothing you can do about that on the server.


On Tue Aug 14 15:57:25 CEST 2007 Tomcat Users List 


still messing around with an error like this: In our system, we offer
customers a service to download files using a servlet. Some weeks ago
(more or less when I considered switching to tomcat 6.0), the following
error frequently started to show up in my log files:

... Broken pipe
at Method)
at at at
org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.send( at
at org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext.action( at
org.apache.coyote.Response.action( at
org.apache.coyote.Response.finish( at
at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke(
at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke( at
at 14.08.2007 15:38:34
org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket processConnection WARNUNG:
processCallbacks status 2

whereas I see a ClientAbortException caught by my applications
exception handling mechanism. So far, I haven't been able to track this
down, that's why I am kindly asking you for your skilled advice.

What did I do so far trying to get hold of this:

- Tomcat runs on a machine in the LAN, fronted by an apache2 httpd.

- The error does appear both running tomcat 6.0.13 and 5.5.23.

- I initially was using mod_jk 1.2.29 and switched to mod_proxy and
Proxy/ProxyReverse setup just to make sure, and the error appears
no matter whether using mod_jk or mod_proxy.

- Right now, I am using apache2 prefork mpm, played around with
different mpms just to be sure it's not an error related to apache2
itself, but this also didn't really change anything.

- apache2 logging doesn't show any messages whenever such a
ClientAbortException is thrown. 

- Customers, however, reported that whenever such a situation happened,
the files downloaded were either 0k sized or corrupted.

And I'm whole-heartedly clueless by now :( Is there anything I
forgot to double-check? Using the latest JDK, no tcnative, running
Ubuntu Linux 6.06.1. Applied pretty much every solution attempt I could
come up with using google, including tweaking the HTTP connector setup
in server.xml, removing tcnative, using mod_proxy instead of mod_jk -
no success. Does anyone around here have any more ideas on how to get
hold of this?

Thanks loads in advance and bye,

Kristian Rink * *
jab: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
One dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together
is the beginning of a new reality. (Hundertwasser)

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Re: ClientAbortException / Broken Pipe?!

2007-08-15 Thread Kristian Rink


[Ronald Klop [EMAIL PROTECTED] @ Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:56:59
+0200 (CEST)]

 ClientAbortException means the user canceled the download (the
 'client aborted'). There is nothing you can do about that on the

I thought so. However, there are two things:

(a) I was unsure whether, in a proxied environment, a
ClientAbortException means download canceled by the actual (external)
client or by the proxy server (which is directly accessing the
backend tomcat).

(b) In none of the cases I watched so far, some user consciously /
actively stopped a download in progress - all reported that either the
download finished but ended up with an empty / small / corrupted file
or an error message showed up - or nothing happened at all. :(

I am not really sure who's to blame for that... :/

Thanks for your help, nevertheless, and best regards,

Kristian Rink * *
jab: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
One dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together
is the beginning of a new reality. (Hundertwasser)

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Re: ClientAbortException / Broken Pipe?!

2007-08-15 Thread Rainer Jung

Kristian Rink wrote:


[Ronald Klop [EMAIL PROTECTED] @ Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:56:59
+0200 (CEST)]

ClientAbortException means the user canceled the download (the
'client aborted'). There is nothing you can do about that on the

I thought so. However, there are two things:

(a) I was unsure whether, in a proxied environment, a
ClientAbortException means download canceled by the actual (external)
client or by the proxy server (which is directly accessing the
backend tomcat).

OK, the proxy in your case is a reverse proxy. The exception in the 
tomcat logs could theretically come from a communication failure back to 
the reverse proxy, or from a failure from the reverse proxy back to the 
client=browser. In the latter case, the reverse proxy would not accept 
any more traffic from the tomcat and thus indirectly lead to the same 

When using mod_jk, it will log problems during sending back data to the 
client=browser. That way you would know, on which part of the net the 
original problem is located.

By logging response times in your Apache access log and redundantly in 
your Tomcat access log (at least until you solved or understood the 
cause of the problem), you can also find out, how long the response took 
from the perspective of Apache and of Tomcat, and if the duration is 
close to some configured timeout interval. The pattern for response 
times if %D, which means microseconds with Apache httpd and 
milliseocond swith Tomcat. From the mod_jk log and the access log 
duration information you might even be able to determine, which requests 
had the problem (this is not easy and if you've got high load, it's 
difficult). I would suggest using mod_jk 1.2.25. It will log millisecond 
timestamps and has a couple further stability improvements. You wrote 
about version 1.2.29 which does not exist, upgrading should be no problem.

JK has a couple of timeouts additionally to the Apache httpd timeout. 
They are described at

(b) In none of the cases I watched so far, some user consciously /
actively stopped a download in progress - all reported that either the
download finished but ended up with an empty / small / corrupted file
or an error message showed up - or nothing happened at all. :(

I am not really sure who's to blame for that... :/

I would really try to look at the response handling times, the URLs for 
which it is happening, the client IPs and User Agent types to check, if 
there are any obvious patterns.

In case you can finally reproduce the problem with low load, you can 
switch jk log level to debug or even trace. Then the log file will 
include full packet and header dumps. This is not a good idea for high 
traffic production though.



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Re: Removing the port identifier

2007-08-15 Thread David Rodríguez Fernández
You can execute tihs iptables line (if you are using linux) directly in the
server where you run tomcat (substitute whith the ip address
of your linux box):

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443
-j DNAT --to-destination

On 8/14/07, Stephen Caine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to remove the port number from a https request where
 the original url looks something like this:


 The approach to change the server.xml file (where the connector port
 is changed from 8443 to 443) is not practical for us.  When this is
 done, Tomcat requires the root user to run.  We consider this a
 security risk.

 We have considered a port forwarder, but we are unclear whether to
 install this on the Tomcat server or router.  In any event, we are
 not at all sure this is the best approach.  Any advice will be
 appreciated.  Our operating system is Mac OS X.



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Nadie es tan joven que no se pueda morir mañana, ni tan viejo que no pueda
vivir un día más.

– La Celestina (Fernando de Rojas, 1499)

Re: Removing the port identifier

2007-08-15 Thread Stephen Caine


Thank you for the suggestion.  I will investigate.


Tomcat does not require you to run it as root in order to use port  

There are various techniques, including using a web server such as
Apache httpd to front Tomcat, iptables (or similar) tricks to re-route
ports, or using jsvc to gain non-root access to port 443 (and others).

- -chris

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Re: Removing the port identifier

2007-08-15 Thread Stephen Caine


I appreciate the link.


Nope; see the reference to jsvc here:

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Re: Removing the port identifier

2007-08-15 Thread Stephen Caine


Thank you for your response.  Apart from using iptables (which may or  
may not work in OS X), the Tomcat setup link, http://, seems to be the best  
way to go.

the only way to get rid of the port number is to have something  
listening on :443 (that's the way browsers are, sorry), and then  
hand requests over to tomcat, so to get what you want something  
will have to bind to :443 at some point, requiring root privs. What  
you want is something that will bind to the port as a privileged  
user and subsequently drop priv's to a limited user. the Apache web  
server is excellent for this kind of thing.

The easiest way to do this would be with apache sitting in front of  
tomcat with either mod_jk2 or forwarding requests with mod_rewrite.  
It doesn't really matter where the port forwarder sits, but usually  
you want to align with existing IT infrastructure and use an  
existing internal/internet web server to redirect requests to your  
app. If your company already has apache then this is a cinch,  
otherwise you'll have to figure out how to reverse-proxy with the  
web server du jour...

Is this close to what you're after?

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Configuring Webalizer on tomcat

2007-08-15 Thread Kanchana Welagedara
Hi All

I'm struggling to configure the webalizer on tomcat.I followed one of the
archives written long time back by Dan patton at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg69842.html
I followed exactly what he has pointed out .I can see files are generating
at [tomcathome/logs/access/access*.log].But usage folder in webapp is still I can see usage.Any help would be appreciated

I' m on linux

I have installed webalizer and my web site is running on tomcat

following are my configuration for webalizer.conf

LogFiles where my tomcat logs files are

 LogFile  /logs/access/access.log (logs folder is inside the Tomcat

# Sample Webalizer configuration file
# Copyright 1997-2000 by Bradford L. Barrett ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License.  See the
# files Copyright and COPYING provided with the webalizer
# distribution for additional information.
# This is a sample configuration file for the Webalizer (ver 2.01)
# Lines starting with pound signs '#' are comment lines and are
# ignored.  Blank lines are skipped as well.  Other lines are considered
# as configuration lines, and have the form ConfigOption  Value where
# ConfigOption is a valid configuration keyword, and Value is the value
# to assign that configuration option.  Invalid keyword/values are
# ignored, with appropriate warnings being displayed.  There must be
# at least one space or tab between the keyword and its value.
# As of version 0.98, The Webalizer will look for a 'default' configuration
# file named webalizer.conf in the current directory, and if not found
# there, will look for /etc/webalizer.conf.

# LogFile defines the web server log file to use.  If not specified
# here or on on the command line, input will default to STDIN.  If
# the log filename ends in '.gz' (ie: a gzip compressed file), it will
# be decompressed on the fly as it is being read.

LogFile  /logs/access/access.log
# LogType defines the log type being processed.  Normally, the Webalizer
# expects a CLF or Combined web server log as input.  Using this option,
# you can process ftp logs as well (xferlog as produced by wu-ftp and
# others), or Squid native logs.  Values can be 'clf', 'ftp' or 'squid',
# with 'clf' the default.


# OutputDir is where you want to put the output files.  This should
# should be a full path name, however relative ones might work as well.
# If no output directory is specified, the current directory will be used.

#OutputDir  /var/www/usage
OutputDir /webapps/ROOT/usage

# HistoryName allows you to specify the name of the history file produced
# by the Webalizer.  The history file keeps the data for up to 12 months
# worth of logs, used for generating the main HTML page (index.html).
# The default is a file named webalizer.hist, stored in the specified
# output directory.  If you specify just the filename (without a path),
# it will be kept in the specified output directory.  Otherwise, the path
# is relative to the output directory, unless absolute (leading /).


# Incremental processing allows multiple partial log files to be used
# instead of one huge one.  Useful for large sites that have to rotate
# their log files more than once a month.  The Webalizer will save its
# internal state before exiting, and restore it the next time run, in
# order to continue processing where it left off.  This mode also causes
# The Webalizer to scan for and ignore duplicate records (records already
# processed by a previous run).  See the README file for additional
# information.  The value may be 'yes' or 'no', with a default of 'no'.
# The file 'webalizer.current' is used to store the current state data,
# and is located in the output directory of the program (unless changed
# with the IncrementalName option below).  Please read at least the section
# on Incremental processing in the README file before you enable this


# IncrementalName allows you to specify the filename for saving the
# incremental data in.  It is similar to the HistoryName option where the
# name is relative to the specified output directory, unless an absolute
# filename is specified.  The default is a file named webalizer.current
# kept in the normal output directory.  If you don't specify Incremental
# as 'yes' then this option has no meaning.


# ReportTitle is the text to display as the title.  The hostname
# (unless blank) is appended to the end of this string (seperated with
# a space) to generate the final full title string.
# Default is (for english) Usage Statistics for.

#ReportTitleUsage Statistics for

# HostName defines the hostname for the report.  This is used in
# the title, and is prepended to the URL table items.  This allows
# clicking on URL's in the report to go to the proper location in
# the event 

RE: tomcat memory realms tomcat-users.xml

2007-08-15 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Matthew Kerle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: tomcat memory realms  tomcat-users.xml
 I've read the tomcat docs on memory realm:, 
 and I want to expose the org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase 
 class to the web service context via a ResourceLink

You probably don't want to do that (even if it's possible, which I
doubt), since all code in the webapps would then have access to the

 I'd like to be able to authenticate users without having 
 to add a security-constraint to my web.xml, so that
 unauthenticated clients can still connect.

URL patterns in the security-constraint allow you to control which
portions of the webapp are accessible to unauthenticated users.  If you
want something with finer granularity, a filter is probably appropriate.
Take a look at:
for a popular one.

 - Chuck

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Load Balancing Any Experts Out There Please :-)

2007-08-15 Thread Dean Lonsdale

We have built a file with load balancing capability 
however would appreciate peoples thoughts on its structure as when we 
import this and attempt to run the application it knocks the app over. :-(

Any help greatly appreciated

Regards / Cordialement / Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Dean Lonsdale
Dean Lonsdale/UK/IBM
Systems Architect
IBM Systems  Technology Group
Senior Accredited IT Specialist
Tivoli Certified Consultant

IBM UK Ltd, Washway Road, Manchester
Ext: 07834 252463
Mobex: 264328
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IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
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Re: Load Balancing Any Experts Out There Please :-)

2007-08-15 Thread Dean Lonsdale
Forgot to add the properties file my apologies

Regards / Cordialement / Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Dean Lonsdale
Dean Lonsdale/UK/IBM
Systems Architect
IBM Systems  Technology Group
Senior Accredited IT Specialist
Tivoli Certified Consultant

IBM UK Ltd, Washway Road, Manchester
Ext: 07834 252463
Mobex: 264328
+44 (0)1253 731299
View the Systems Group website at 

15/08/2007 15:04
Please respond to
Tomcat Users List

Tomcat Users List
Barry k Blackhall/UK/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Load Balancing Any Experts Out There Please :-)


We have built a file with load balancing capability 
however would appreciate peoples thoughts on its structure as when we 
import this and attempt to run the application it knocks the app over. :-( 

Any help greatly appreciated 

Regards / Cordialement / Mit freundlichen Grüßen 


Dean Lonsdale 
Dean Lonsdale/UK/IBM 
Systems Architect
IBM Systems  Technology Group
Senior Accredited IT Specialist
Tivoli Certified Consultant

IBM UK Ltd, Washway Road, Manchester 
Ext: 07834 252463
Mobex: 264328 
+44 (0)1253 731299 
View the Systems Group website at 

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU 

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Re: ClientAbortException / Broken Pipe?!

2007-08-15 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Ronald Klop wrote:
ClientAbortException means the user canceled the download (the 'client 
aborted'). There is nothing you can do about that on the server.

Yeah, that's the answer you'll find most frequently if you spend time 
Googling for that exception, but anecdotally you'll find that more times 
than not, there's no evidence of the browser being closed or the client 
aborting (pressing Stop) while a page is loading.  There's definitely 
something else going on in a great many cases, and I'm at least happy to 
know that I'm not alone in not having found the real answer yet :


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
and JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects
 (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
Java Web Parts -
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!


On Tue Aug 14 15:57:25 CEST 2007 Tomcat Users List wrote:


still messing around with an error like this: In our system, we offer
customers a service to download files using a servlet. Some weeks ago
(more or less when I considered switching to tomcat 6.0), the following
error frequently started to show up in my log files:

... Broken pipe
at Method)
at at at
org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.send( at
at org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext.action( at
org.apache.coyote.Response.action( at
org.apache.coyote.Response.finish( at
at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke(
at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke( at



at 14.08.2007 15:38:34
org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket processConnection WARNUNG:
processCallbacks status 2

whereas I see a ClientAbortException caught by my applications
exception handling mechanism. So far, I haven't been able to track this
down, that's why I am kindly asking you for your skilled advice.

What did I do so far trying to get hold of this:

- Tomcat runs on a machine in the LAN, fronted by an apache2 httpd.

- The error does appear both running tomcat 6.0.13 and 5.5.23.

- I initially was using mod_jk 1.2.29 and switched to mod_proxy and
Proxy/ProxyReverse setup just to make sure, and the error appears
no matter whether using mod_jk or mod_proxy.

- Right now, I am using apache2 prefork mpm, played around with
different mpms just to be sure it's not an error related to apache2
itself, but this also didn't really change anything.

- apache2 logging doesn't show any messages whenever such a
ClientAbortException is thrown.
- Customers, however, reported that whenever such a situation happened,
the files downloaded were either 0k sized or corrupted.

And I'm whole-heartedly clueless by now :( Is there anything I
forgot to double-check? Using the latest JDK, no tcnative, running
Ubuntu Linux 6.06.1. Applied pretty much every solution attempt I could
come up with using google, including tweaking the HTTP connector setup
in server.xml, removing tcnative, using mod_proxy instead of mod_jk -
no success. Does anyone around here have any more ideas on how to get
hold of this?

Thanks loads in advance and bye,

Kristian Rink * *
jab: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
One dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together
is the beginning of a new reality. (Hundertwasser)

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Re: ClientAbortException / Broken Pipe?!

2007-08-15 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Kristian Rink wrote:

However, seriously this is a rather bad thing as I am convinced most of
our users to possibly make use of a default web browser on their
system, having no idea what a browser is, at all... On the other side,
having the file transmission terminated / corrupted surely isn't what I
would call no ill effect... ;) Does anyone have a smart idea how to
compensate for this issue?

Your right, I must not have read carefully the first time, I didn't 
realize there was a corrupt download involved here.

Thanks in advance and best regards,


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
and JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects
 (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
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Re: ClientAbortException / Broken Pipe?!

2007-08-15 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Just as another tidbit in the pot, I get these errors frequently with 
Websphere, both with and without a web server in front of it, and also 
both with and without a proxy involved, so it's definitely not 
Tomcat-specific, nor is it definitively anything involving a proxy 
(although both could somehow be contributing factors in this particular 

One thing we did notice is that the problem was more frequent when we 
started using Dojo... now, I'm not blaming Dojo, but I wonder if maybe 
its something along the lines of the browser opening a connection to see 
if a particular JS file is fresh, then determining the local copy is 
fresh, and instead of properly closing the connection it somehow aborts 
it incorrectly... that wouldn't in the least surprise me with IE... 
although you'd expect to see that error all the time, so I don't know, 
maybe it's the way Dojo's package/import system works.  Just an 
observation though.


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
and JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects
 (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
Java Web Parts -
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

Rainer Jung wrote:

Kristian Rink wrote:


[Ronald Klop [EMAIL PROTECTED] @ Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:56:59
+0200 (CEST)]

ClientAbortException means the user canceled the download (the
'client aborted'). There is nothing you can do about that on the

I thought so. However, there are two things:

(a) I was unsure whether, in a proxied environment, a
ClientAbortException means download canceled by the actual (external)
client or by the proxy server (which is directly accessing the
backend tomcat).

OK, the proxy in your case is a reverse proxy. The exception in the 
tomcat logs could theretically come from a communication failure back to 
the reverse proxy, or from a failure from the reverse proxy back to the 
client=browser. In the latter case, the reverse proxy would not accept 
any more traffic from the tomcat and thus indirectly lead to the same 

When using mod_jk, it will log problems during sending back data to the 
client=browser. That way you would know, on which part of the net the 
original problem is located.

By logging response times in your Apache access log and redundantly in 
your Tomcat access log (at least until you solved or understood the 
cause of the problem), you can also find out, how long the response took 
from the perspective of Apache and of Tomcat, and if the duration is 
close to some configured timeout interval. The pattern for response 
times if %D, which means microseconds with Apache httpd and 
milliseocond swith Tomcat. From the mod_jk log and the access log 
duration information you might even be able to determine, which requests 
had the problem (this is not easy and if you've got high load, it's 
difficult). I would suggest using mod_jk 1.2.25. It will log millisecond 
timestamps and has a couple further stability improvements. You wrote 
about version 1.2.29 which does not exist, upgrading should be no problem.

JK has a couple of timeouts additionally to the Apache httpd timeout. 
They are described at

(b) In none of the cases I watched so far, some user consciously /
actively stopped a download in progress - all reported that either the
download finished but ended up with an empty / small / corrupted file
or an error message showed up - or nothing happened at all. :(

I am not really sure who's to blame for that... :/

I would really try to look at the response handling times, the URLs for 
which it is happening, the client IPs and User Agent types to check, if 
there are any obvious patterns.

In case you can finally reproduce the problem with low load, you can 
switch jk log level to debug or even trace. Then the log file will 
include full packet and header dumps. This is not a good idea for high 
traffic production though.



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Load Balancing

2007-08-15 Thread Dean Lonsdale
Resend of the last mail removing signature attachments,

We have built a file to incorporate load balancing 
however when we use this file it would appear that it prevents the 
application from functioning correctly, please can anyone comment on 
whether the load balancing parameters are set correctly.

Many thanks

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RE: Load Balancing

2007-08-15 Thread Gerhardus.Geldenhuis
Hi Dean,
Still no luck, the attachement I am seeing contains the following:
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Could you define application functioning correctly what are you
expecting to see and what is happening.

From: Dean Lonsdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 August 2007 15:29
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Load Balancing

Resend of the last mail removing signature attachments, 

We have built a file to incorporate load
balancing however when we use this file it would appear that it prevents
the application from functioning correctly, please can anyone comment on
whether the load balancing parameters are set correctly. 

Many thanks 

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IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales
with number 741598. 
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth,
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This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
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Re: Load Balancing

2007-08-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Post your here.


Silvio Cesar L. dos Santos
Analista de Redes Pleno
DTI - Divisão de Tecnologia da Informação
UNIGRANRIO - Universidade do Grande Rio
+55 21 2672-7720

Dean Lonsdale escreveu:
 Resend of the last mail removing signature attachments,
 We have built a file to incorporate load balancing 
 however when we use this file it would appear that it prevents the 
 application from functioning correctly, please can anyone comment on 
 whether the load balancing parameters are set correctly.
 Many thanks
 Unless stated otherwise above:
 IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
 Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU
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Re: Load Balancing

2007-08-15 Thread ben short
If your file contains nothing then it will
defiantly prevent the application from functioning correctly.

Have you forgotten to paste the in to the email?

On 8/15/07, Dean Lonsdale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Resend of the last mail removing signature attachments,

 We have built a file to incorporate load balancing
 however when we use this file it would appear that it prevents the
 application from functioning correctly, please can anyone comment on whether
 the load balancing parameters are set correctly.

 Many thanks


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RE: Load Balancing

2007-08-15 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Dean Lonsdale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Load Balancing
 Resend of the last mail removing signature attachments, 

You need to stop trying to send attachments - just insert the file into
the message.  Also, it's better if you send e-mails to this list in
plain text rather than HTML - makes it easier for archiving, searching,

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat performance on static content over SSL/non-SSL

2007-08-15 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Matthew Kerle wrote:
 Apart from integration into a larger site or static content, when would
 you put httpd in front of tomcat?

This might count as integrating into a larger site, but I use Apache
httpd to front multiple instances of Tomcat through a single port number
(by mapping webapps individually through mod_jk). This allows me to
start and stop a single webapp, upgrade the JVM and/or Tomcat running
it, and then bring it back up again without disturbing the other

- -chris

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Re: Load Balancing

2007-08-15 Thread Dean Lonsdale
Apologies but it seems to be having problems sending the file so have cut 
and pasted it into the mail instead..thanks for your support

Attempting to establish server1 as a load balanced server incidentally

# -
# This file provides jk derived plugins with the needed information to
# connect to the different tomcat workers.  Note that the distributed
# version of this file requires modification before it is usable by a
# plugin.
# As a general note, the characters $( and ) are used internally to define
# macros. Do not use them in your own configuration!!!
# Whenever you see a set of lines such as:
# x=value
# y=$(x)\something
# the final value for y will be value\something
# Normaly all you will need to do is un-comment and modify the first three
# properties, i.e. workers.tomcat_home, workers.java_home and ps.
# Most of the configuration is derived from these.
# When you are done updating workers.tomcat_home, workers.java_home and ps
# you should have 3 workers configured:
# - An ajp12 worker that connects to localhost:8007
# - An ajp13 worker that connects to localhost:8009
# - A jni inprocess worker.
# - A load balancer worker
# However by default the plugins will only use the ajp12 worker. To have
# the plugins use other workers you should modify the worker.list 

# OPTIONS ( very important for jni mode )

# workers.tomcat_home should point to the location where you
# installed tomcat. This is where you have your conf, webapps and lib
# directories.

# workers.java_home should point to your Java installation. Normally
# you should have a bin and lib directories beneath it.

# You should configure your environment slash... ps=\ on NT and / on UNIX
# and maybe something different elsewhere.


#-- DEFAULT worker list --
# The workers that your plugins should create and work with
# Add 'inprocess' if you want JNI connector
worker.list=ajp12, ajp13, imflb, status
# worker.list=ajp12, ajp13,  status

# , inprocess


# Defining a worker named ajp12 and of type ajp12
# Note that the name and the type do not have to match.
# Specifies the load balance factor when used with
# a load balancing worker.
# Note:
#   lbfactor must be  0
#   Low lbfactor means less work done by the worker.


# Defining a worker named ajp13 and of type ajp13
# Note that the name and the type do not have to match.
# Specifies the load balance factor when used with
# a load balancing worker.
# Note:
#   lbfactor must be  0
#   Low lbfactor means less work done by the worker.

# Specify the size of the open connection pool.


# The loadbalancer (type lb) workers perform wighted round-robin
# load balancing with sticky sessions.
# Note:
#   If a worker dies, the load balancer will check its state
#once in a while. Until then all work is redirected to peer
worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=ajp12, ajp13



# Defining a worker named inprocess and of type jni
# Note that the name and the type do not have to match.


# Additional class path components.

# Setting the command line for tomcat.
# Note: The cmd_line string may not contain spaces.

# Not needed, but can be customized.

Re: multiple comet requests

2007-08-15 Thread Filip Hanik - Dev Lists
hi Peter, there was a recent large change in TC 6.0 to warn about 
misconfigured server.xml

The easiest way to try out the fix is actually to build it from source

Here is how you do it

1. Make sure you have JDK 1.5, ANT and Subversion installed
2. svn co
3. cd trunk
4. ant

builds the code out to cd output/build


Peter Warren wrote:

Filip, thank you for your very prompt response!  I replaced the
tomcat-coyote.jar with yours and now get the following exception on
startup.  Is there another jar that I need to update?


Aug 14, 2007 9:02:29 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester startElement
SEVERE: Begin event threw error
at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.startElement(
at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.parse(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.load(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

 Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
turns out that if the request is comet, the recycling of the
input/output filter is not happening.
 I have fixed this,
 you can try the tomcat-coyote.jar from


 Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

hi Peter,
thanks for the example, I am able to reproduce this error, let me take
 a look and see why it is happening,


Peter Warren wrote:
How do you send multiple requests to the same comet servlet?

Sending multiple chunks of a single request is fine.  My problem occurs
after the client ends the chunked transaction by sending 0CRLFCRLF  to the
server.  The comet servlet correctly registers the END event.

But then the client subsequently tries to initiate a new chunked  request by
sending new http headers and a new chunk.  The comet servlet receives a
BEGIN event, immediately followed by an END event.  A READ event is  never
generated for the new chunk.  No ERROR events are registered either.

1st request

2nd request
END - why an END event and not a READ?

Below are my test client and test comet servlet.  Any thoughts on  what I'm
doing wrong?

(I apologize in advance if this is a lack of understanding of http on my
part.  I have looked at the specs and tried to follow the rules but  am still
running into problems.)



test servlet

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.catalina.CometEvent;
import org.apache.catalina.CometProcessor;

public class CometTestServlet extends HttpServlet implements  CometProcessor
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5472498184127924791L;

public void event(CometEvent cometEvent) throws IOException,
ServletException {
HttpServletRequest request = cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest();
HttpServletResponse response =  cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse();
// don't want timeout events
if (cometEvent.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {

Re: Self-Signed Certificate for Tomcat JVM and CAS

2007-08-15 Thread Morris Jones
Sorry I hadn't seen your message earlier when you posted it.  But you 
should create the keystore with a keystore password.  Did you do that?


Lisa Tan wrote:

After following the docs to generate self-signed pkcs12 key, I  failed to 
import the key/certificate into my application with No password given for 
keystore, integrity will not be verified. What does the reason cause this error?

I read some docs which ask to create an empty Java keystore and convert PEM 
formatted key to PKCS8 format. Why do I need to create an empty keystore?



 Original message 

Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 18:25:56 -0700
From: Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Subject: Re: Self-Signed Certificate for Tomcat JVM and CAS  

Lisa Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

I don't know if this is a right list to ask this question. I tried to
configure shibboleth which uses Tomcat with CAS authentication. I received
an error: Unable to validate ProxyTicketValidator

I did google search on this topic and understood the reason causing this
problem is Tomcat JVM doesn't trust the SSL cert of the CAS server. Since 

am still in the testing stage, I can't get a CA certificate but the
self-signed certificate.

If my understanding is correct, the self signed certificate via openssl
doesn't have jks format but Tomcat JVM only accept jks format certificate.

If you had read the friendly manual at, you would know that 
this isn't true :).  While it talks about the keystore, the truststore works 
the same way.  So use openssl to create a pkcs12 file, specify this as the 
truststore, in whatever way you need to do from the CAS docs, and you should 
be good to go.

I am just wondering if any one can give me some instruction how to create 

self-signed certificate and private key which can be used or imported to
both Tomcat JVM and CAS server.



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Morris Jones
Monrovia, CA
Old Town Astronomers

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Is jsp:directive.taglib inside JSP allowed ?

2007-08-15 Thread Darryl L. Miles

Are these lines not equivalent (from my WEB-INF/jsp/another.jsp) ?

jsp:directive.taglib prefix=foo 

jsp:directive.include file=/WEB-INF/jspf/somefile.jspf/

%@ taglib prefix=foo uri=
%@ include file=/WEB-INF/jspf/somefile.jspf%

I am getting a Jasper (from 5.5.23) error with the first set of lines, 
but when I convert to the 2nd the error goes away:

build.xml:248: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: 
file:/tmp/dist/WEB-INF/jsp/another.jsp(2,18) lt;jsp:directive.tag 
directive can only be used in a tag file

I thought the XML notation was valid from all contexts, those being from 
JSP, from .TAG, from .JSPF, etc...  I thought the purpose of the XML 
notation was to allow recursive bindings so a JSP page could be embedded 
within another XML document ? 

Your thoughts appreciated.


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Re: Load Balancing

2007-08-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
this example is in use

# Begin workers.propertie file
# Insert this entry in /etc/hosts
# to name resolution without DNS
# tomcatpro1
# tomcatpro2
# tomcatpro3

# definition to tomcatpro1

# definition to tomcatpro2

# definition to tomcatpro3

# definition to loadbalancer to application

#* definition to workers to JK work

# END workers.propertie file
IN HTTPD.CONF insert in end of file

Include conf/mod-jk.conf
In conf/mod-jk.conf file insert

LoadModule jk_module modules/

JkWorkersFile conf/

JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log

JkLoglevel info

JkLogStampFormat [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]

JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories

JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %T

JkMount /you_app_context/* lbportal



Silvio Cesar L. dos Santos
Analista de Redes Pleno
DTI - Divisão de Tecnologia da Informação
UNIGRANRIO - Universidade do Grande Rio
+55 21 2672-7720

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RE: tomcat performance on static content over SSL/non-SSL

2007-08-15 Thread Lizak, Ed
We use httpd to sit in between firewalls and handle all incoming traffic.
Static content is served from there and dynamic content is proxied through
to the Tomcat server behind another firewall.  SSL is only needed from the
client to the httpd server.

The Tomcat server then handles the database access which passes through
another firewall to hit our internal network where the database lives.

I'm not a security expert but it seems like a good idea having your database
connections far removed from the Internet connection.  At the very least it
would seem you would have to have multiple layers of server compromised
before any data is exposed.

Is this not a good reason to use httpd in front of Tomcat?




Matthew Kerle wrote:
 Apart from integration into a larger site or static content, when would
 you put httpd in front of tomcat?

This might count as integrating into a larger site, but I use Apache
httpd to front multiple instances of Tomcat through a single port number
(by mapping webapps individually through mod_jk). This allows me to
start and stop a single webapp, upgrade the JVM and/or Tomcat running
it, and then bring it back up again without disturbing the other

- -chris

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Re: tomcat performance on static content over SSL/non-SSL

2007-08-15 Thread Leon Rosenberg
security by obscurity, that is.

since the httpd just sends all requests further to the tomcat, if
there is a security relevant bug in tomcat code, it would be accessed
by the remote side either way. Further, are your machines, on which
httpd is running, running under different OS than your tomcat
machines? Cause if they are the same, the same security issue would be
present on both, so the attacker could easily reach the tomcat machine
from the httpd machine via the same hole once he's there.

It sounds like a good idea to put a firewall between tomcat and a db.
But your tomcat machine and your webapp will have to access the db
somehow, so why shouldn't the attacker use the same method to access
your db, once he's on the tomcat machine?

Therefore, your security infrastructure sounds like a good idea, but
in fact it doesn't add any security. Just put a decent firewall
between the internet and your cluster and that is it. Once its passed
your security infrastructure wouldn't prevent the attacker to go on

just 2 cents.


P.S. Btw, some (recently fixed) buffer overflows in mod_jk connector
(and in httpd itself) will actually reduce your security, since httpd
is far less secure than java.

On 8/15/07, Lizak, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We use httpd to sit in between firewalls and handle all incoming traffic.
 Static content is served from there and dynamic content is proxied through
 to the Tomcat server behind another firewall.  SSL is only needed from the
 client to the httpd server.

 The Tomcat server then handles the database access which passes through
 another firewall to hit our internal network where the database lives.

 I'm not a security expert but it seems like a good idea having your database
 connections far removed from the Internet connection.  At the very least it
 would seem you would have to have multiple layers of server compromised
 before any data is exposed.

 Is this not a good reason to use httpd in front of Tomcat?




 Matthew Kerle wrote:
  Apart from integration into a larger site or static content, when would
  you put httpd in front of tomcat?

 This might count as integrating into a larger site, but I use Apache
 httpd to front multiple instances of Tomcat through a single port number
 (by mapping webapps individually through mod_jk). This allows me to
 start and stop a single webapp, upgrade the JVM and/or Tomcat running
 it, and then bring it back up again without disturbing the other

 - -chris

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Tomcat 5.5 Security Enabled

2007-08-15 Thread YC Lui
I am a new Tomcat user. 

I installed Tomcat 5.5 for use within IBM RAD/Eclipse runtime environment. 
 My goal is to find out how J2EE container managed (form based) security 
works in Tomcat.

I started off by creating a JSF page, PH001, in the WebContect.  No 
security entry is specified in the web.xml file yet.   I was able to run 
and display the page.

Then I tried to check the Server Security Enable box and restart Tomcat to 
run the same JSF page.  I got the following exception:

Caused by: Access denied 
org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER read)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(
at java.lang.System.getProperty(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.clinit(
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initializeImpl(Native Method)
at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
... 64 more 

The default catalalina.policy file in the server is appended below :  What 
update do I need in the file to bypass the exception ?   Thank you in 
advance for any help.



// catalina.corepolicy - Security Policy Permissions for Tomcat 5
// This file contains a default set of security policies to be enforced 
(by the
// JVM) when Catalina is executed with the -security option.  In 
// to the permissions granted here, the following additional permissions 
// granted to the codebase specific to each web application:
// * Read access to the document root directory
// $Id: catalina.policy 393732 2006-04-13 06:32:25Z pero $


// These permissions apply to javac
grant codeBase file:${java.home}/lib/- {

// These permissions apply to all shared system extensions
grant codeBase file:${java.home}/jre/lib/ext/- {

// These permissions apply to javac when ${java.home] points at 
grant codeBase file:${java.home}/../lib/- {

// These permissions apply to all shared system extensions when
// ${java.home} points at $JAVA_HOME/jre
grant codeBase file:${java.home}/lib/ext/- {


// These permissions apply to the launcher code
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/bin/commons-launcher.jar {

// These permissions apply to the daemon code
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/bin/commons-daemon.jar {

// These permissions apply to the commons-logging API
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/bin/commons-logging-api.jar {

// These permissions apply to the server startup code
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/bin/bootstrap.jar {

// These permissions apply to the JMX server
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/bin/jmx.jar {

// These permissions apply to JULI
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/bin/tomcat-juli.jar {

// These permissions apply to the servlet API classes
// and those that are shared across all class loaders
// located in the common directory
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/common/- {

// These permissions apply to the container's core code, plus any 
// libraries installed in the server directory
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/server/- {

// The permissions granted to the balancer WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib 
grant codeBase file:${catalina.home}/webapps/balancer/- {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission;
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission*;

// These permissions are granted by default to all web applications
// In addition, a web application will be given a read FilePermission
// and JndiPermission for all files and directories in its document root.
grant { 
// Required for JNDI lookup of named JDBC 

RE: utf-8 encoding problem

2007-08-15 Thread Nathan Hook

A few things...

First, what type of apostrophe are you using?  Are you using a typical ascii 
apostrophe (') or are you using the Microsoft slanted apostrophe that comes 
out of word documents (#8242;)?

Here are two links that describe the problem:

Now after reading that you're still having issues, then here is what needs 
to be done to get utf-8 encoding to work.

If you're using mod_jk make sure that the ajp connector is set up to encode 
using utf-8 like so:

Connector port=8009 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 
protocol=AJP/1.3 URIEncoding=UTF-8 /

Next, make sure that the request AND response have been set to use utf 
encoding.  The request MUST have its character encoding set BEFORE any 
request parameters are requested or the request will default to the machines 
character encoding.

public class ContentTypeFilter implements Filter
 private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = 

 public void init(FilterConfig config)

 public void destroy()

 public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, 
FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException

request = (HttpServletRequest)request;


filterChain.doFilter(request, response);

Finally, I would also set the meta header on the jsp page to be utf-8 just 
to be complete...

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;charset=utf-8 


Original Message Follows
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: utf-8 encoding problem
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 22:24:28 -0400

My problem is this:

One of my pages with an apostrophe was not displaying properly, so I added 
to my jsp:

%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8%

When I did that my content displayed correctly, but on form submission it 
got corrupted.

You can view the problem here:

One page displays correctly, but on submit the value gets mangled.  The 
other page doesn't display correctly, but if you cut and paste into the form 
from the first page the apostrophe does come out correctly on submit.

This happens in both firefox and konqueror.  So who is to blame here? The 
web browsers?  Tomcat?  Apache?

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IIS redirect to Apache

2007-08-15 Thread Tony Fountain

Scenario: we purchased a product written in Java to integrate into our
reporting tool.  Our setup is such that our web application is written
in .NET and hosted on a web farm using IIS (5 or 6 depending on the
environment).  The product we purchased runs under Apache Tomcat/5.5.23
using 1.5.0_12-b04.  The product is integrated into our web portal using
frames and sending URL requests to Apache.  We are running into issues
with javascript code from the product generating errors for what I
suspect may be related to crossing domains (our web site and the Apache
server).  I figure I can resolve this by generating a proxy on the IIS
server to handle the request to the Apache server.

My question is does anyone have any pointers on how to setup this type
of proxy?


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RE: Self-Signed Certificate for Tomcat JVM and CAS

2007-08-15 Thread Lisa Tan
I wish you would read this email earlier. I thought if I use the default
password (changeit), I don't need to have -storepass parameter. This morning
I re-read extkeytool example and tried to put the storepass parameter and it
works. After I imported my self-signed cert to JVM truststore, CAS client
can trust CAS server.

Thank all of you for providing me all the valueable links and information.

-Original Message-
From: Morris Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 10:48 AM
To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Self-Signed Certificate for Tomcat JVM and CAS

Sorry I hadn't seen your message earlier when you posted it.  But you 
should create the keystore with a keystore password.  Did you do that?


Lisa Tan wrote:
 After following the docs to generate self-signed pkcs12 key, I  failed to
import the key/certificate into my application with No password given for
keystore, integrity will not be verified. What does the reason cause this
 I read some docs which ask to create an empty Java keystore and convert
PEM formatted key to PKCS8 format. Why do I need to create an empty
  Original message 
 Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 18:25:56 -0700
 From: Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Subject: Re: Self-Signed Certificate for Tomcat JVM and CAS  

 Lisa Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I don't know if this is a right list to ask this question. I tried to
 configure shibboleth which uses Tomcat with CAS authentication. I
 an error: Unable to validate ProxyTicketValidator

 I did google search on this topic and understood the reason causing this
 problem is Tomcat JVM doesn't trust the SSL cert of the CAS server.
 am still in the testing stage, I can't get a CA certificate but the
 self-signed certificate.

 If my understanding is correct, the self signed certificate via openssl
 doesn't have jks format but Tomcat JVM only accept jks format

 If you had read the friendly manual at, you would know
 this isn't true :).  While it talks about the keystore, the truststore
 the same way.  So use openssl to create a pkcs12 file, specify this as
 truststore, in whatever way you need to do from the CAS docs, and you
 be good to go.

 I am just wondering if any one can give me some instruction how to
 self-signed certificate and private key which can be used or imported to
 both Tomcat JVM and CAS server.



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Morris Jones
Monrovia, CA
Old Town Astronomers

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Multi-Gigabyte Uploads, Tomcat 2GB and higher uploads

2007-08-15 Thread David Hesson
I am dealing with a client who needs multi-gigabyte uploads (4GB+, 
whatever he wants really, and he says it is needed/required by the 
system.)  Anyways, I currently upload a 4GB file to my Tomcat server, 
and it is set to simply post to a JSP with the file (please note that 
files 2GB work fine, forms are set up fine), and that JSP page is never 
reached.  It simply looks like Tomcat is invoking the servlets/target of 
the request or this is because something hasn't been dealt with yet in 
the request to cause this action.  My logs are all clean of errors, 
however, and the filter chain works fine (to some extent, it loops 
forever with this request because it is waiting for it to be dealt 
with).  I receive log messages in beforeProcessing, process, and 
afterProcessing.  However, the JSP is never hit, or if I post the file 
to a servlet, the servlet is never invoked.  I have already tried 
configuring the connector to use maxPostSize=0, as well as setting the 
maxHttpHeaderSize variable.  I am clearly at a loss of what to do.  I 
also tried creating a Request Listener whenever requests are created but 
the request never gets a contentLength or contentType.  The server 
simply begins looping the filter chain over and over and over and never 
hits my servlet/upload.jsp page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Multi-Gigabyte Uploads, Tomcat 2GB and higher uploads

2007-08-15 Thread ben short

Have a look at the commons-fileupload [1], it should help you out.



On 8/15/07, David Hesson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am dealing with a client who needs multi-gigabyte uploads (4GB+,
 whatever he wants really, and he says it is needed/required by the
 system.)  Anyways, I currently upload a 4GB file to my Tomcat server,
 and it is set to simply post to a JSP with the file (please note that
 files 2GB work fine, forms are set up fine), and that JSP page is never
 reached.  It simply looks like Tomcat is invoking the servlets/target of
 the request or this is because something hasn't been dealt with yet in
 the request to cause this action.  My logs are all clean of errors,
 however, and the filter chain works fine (to some extent, it loops
 forever with this request because it is waiting for it to be dealt
 with).  I receive log messages in beforeProcessing, process, and
 afterProcessing.  However, the JSP is never hit, or if I post the file
 to a servlet, the servlet is never invoked.  I have already tried
 configuring the connector to use maxPostSize=0, as well as setting the
 maxHttpHeaderSize variable.  I am clearly at a loss of what to do.  I
 also tried creating a Request Listener whenever requests are created but
 the request never gets a contentLength or contentType.  The server
 simply begins looping the filter chain over and over and over and never
 hits my servlet/upload.jsp page.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: IIS redirect to Apache

2007-08-15 Thread Rainer Jung

Hi Tony,

the Tomcat project has a sub project called Tomcat Connectors or simply 
JK. It produces web server plugins to connect the most important web 
servers directly to Tomcat via a special protocol named AJP. Tomcat has 
an incoming AJP connector built-in.

The Tomcat connectors include Apache httpd modules as well as an IIS 
ISAPI plugin and a Netscape/Sun NSAPI plugin.

So you would need to download

an appropriate binary of the IIS plugin, configure and include the 
plugin correctly for your IIS to establish a reverse proxy function for 
your IIS. The most recent version of the plugin is 1.2.25.

The Tomcat connectors website

contains documentation. The IIS plugin documentation might not be the 
best part of it, but in case you get stuck, you can post more specific 
questions to this list.

I assume, that by Apache in your post you always meant Tomcat. If you 
meant Apache HTTPD web server, then I might have not completely 
understood your actual or planned setup.



Tony Fountain wrote:


Scenario: we purchased a product written in Java to integrate into our
reporting tool.  Our setup is such that our web application is written
in .NET and hosted on a web farm using IIS (5 or 6 depending on the
environment).  The product we purchased runs under Apache Tomcat/5.5.23
using 1.5.0_12-b04.  The product is integrated into our web portal using
frames and sending URL requests to Apache.  We are running into issues
with javascript code from the product generating errors for what I
suspect may be related to crossing domains (our web site and the Apache
server).  I figure I can resolve this by generating a proxy on the IIS
server to handle the request to the Apache server.

My question is does anyone have any pointers on how to setup this type
of proxy?


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Re: Multi-Gigabyte Uploads, Tomcat 2GB and higher uploads

2007-08-15 Thread David Hesson

Completely sorry, details follows:

Windows XP (Home I believe) 32 bit
2GB Memory on my system

Web Application Details/ Other Details:
JSF Framework (1.1?)
Commons File Uploads 1.2 attempted to be used
Tomcat 5.5.17
I'm going to say that Sun is my JVM vendor??
JVM is version 1.6
Tomcat is using these settings:  -Xms512m -Xmx512m (I am not receiving 
PermGens/OutOfMemoryExceptions by any means)

I'm compiling at a source level of 1.6 for the web application, the JVM 
vendor is SUN

I do have somewhat of a clue as to why the upload itself is not 
functional when just trying to use the Commons File Upload to stream the 
file to a temporary location when large uploads are detected.  The 
content-length has a maximum value of 2.x billion, which is right under 
two gigabytes.  A 2.xGB file will result in a negative content length 
from integer overflow into the final, negative bit position.  Other than 
that, I cannot explain why the servlet/.jsp target of the form post is 
not being hit and the filter chain calls filters over and over but won't 
go any further.  After pressing submit, the page acts like nothing 
happened, and no error messages are generated.  I'm fresh out of college 
so my lack of experience/knowing what you meant by JVM level kind of 
threw me off, I have JRE1.6 and JDK1.6 :(

Here is what came out in Command Prompt issuing this command:

java -version
java version 1.6.0
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode)

Thanks once again

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RE: Multi-Gigabyte Uploads, Tomcat 2GB and higher uploads

2007-08-15 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: David Hesson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Multi-Gigabyte Uploads, Tomcat 2GB and higher uploads
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Should we guess the Tomcat version you're using, or would you like to
tell us?

It would also be helpful to know the platform you're running on, the OS,
and the JVM vendor and level.

 - Chuck

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Re: Multi-Gigabyte Uploads, Tomcat 2GB and higher uploads

2007-08-15 Thread Rainer Jung
There have been fixes for 2GB size uploads and downloads between June 
10 and June 5. If we assume, that those fixes will help, you've got a 
coupe of options:

- try with Tomcat 6.0.14, which already contains the fixes. This is a 
major update, but since you are already using Java 5+, you shoujld be 
able to do it in much less than a day.

- we plan to tag a new 5.5 release very soon (end of the week or shortly 
after). If the tag looks good, you can expect a new 5.5 release in 
around 2-4 weeks. A 5.5.25 tarball will be available earlier (likely 
first half of next week), so you can already test it, although it will 
not be officially released at that time.

- You can build your own 5.5 from the sources in the publicly available 
source code management system subversion.

Of course we don't know, if there will be more problems related to libs 
and the platform with the big uploads and downloads, but at least we 
checked, that Tomcat itself handles the Content-Length headers correctly 
with the above mentioned fixes.

In case you additionally combine Tomcat with Apache HTTPD or IIS via 
mod_jk/isapi redirector: the same problem (handling large file contents) 
has been fixed there recently. This is included in release 1.2.24 of 
this web server plugin.



David Hesson wrote:

Completely sorry, details follows:

Windows XP (Home I believe) 32 bit
2GB Memory on my system

Web Application Details/ Other Details:
JSF Framework (1.1?)
Commons File Uploads 1.2 attempted to be used
Tomcat 5.5.17
I'm going to say that Sun is my JVM vendor??
JVM is version 1.6
Tomcat is using these settings:  -Xms512m -Xmx512m (I am not receiving 
PermGens/OutOfMemoryExceptions by any means)

I'm compiling at a source level of 1.6 for the web application, the JVM 
vendor is SUN

I do have somewhat of a clue as to why the upload itself is not 
functional when just trying to use the Commons File Upload to stream the 
file to a temporary location when large uploads are detected.  The 
content-length has a maximum value of 2.x billion, which is right under 
two gigabytes.  A 2.xGB file will result in a negative content length 
from integer overflow into the final, negative bit position.  Other than 
that, I cannot explain why the servlet/.jsp target of the form post is 
not being hit and the filter chain calls filters over and over but won't 
go any further.  After pressing submit, the page acts like nothing 
happened, and no error messages are generated.  I'm fresh out of college 
so my lack of experience/knowing what you meant by JVM level kind of 
threw me off, I have JRE1.6 and JDK1.6 :(

Here is what came out in Command Prompt issuing this command:

 java -version
java version 1.6.0
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode)

Thanks once again

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RE: IIS redirect to Apache

2007-08-15 Thread Tony Fountain

To clarify our setup, our site receives the initial HTTP request and the
application server in question is IIS and the site is written in
ASP.NET.  Some of the pages that will be served will include a frame
that hosts pages from this product hosted by Tomcat on another server.
The current configuration is such that the product invokes some
javascript on the client and the javascript is generating errors
preventing the pages from working properly.  The vendor states that this
is due to security issues with the javascript executing across domains
and the way to fix this is to implement a proxy from IIS that redirects
the request (I'm assuming server side but I'm not sure) to the Tomcat
webapp.  I'm looking to see if anyone else has any experience they could
lend in creating a proxy from IIS that redirects a request to a Java
webapp hosted by Tomcat on another physical server.

My understanding is I will then be able to reference the URL and make it
look like it's part of the domain running in IIS instead of formatting
another URL in the form of

Tony Fountain
Benefit Concepts, Inc.
(419) 244-9936 x9010 (office)
(419) 249-7221 (fax)

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:10 PM
To: Tony Fountain
Subject: Re: IIS redirect to Apache

Kinda O/T here...Which system is front-ending..e.g. which box will be
first to get the HTTP requests?

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- Original Message -
From: Tony Fountain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 1:39 PM
Subject: IIS redirect to Apache


Scenario: we purchased a product written in Java to integrate into our
reporting tool.  Our setup is such that our web application is written
in .NET and hosted on a web farm using IIS (5 or 6 depending on the
environment).  The product we purchased runs under Apache Tomcat/5.5.23
using 1.5.0_12-b04.  The product is integrated into our web portal using
frames and sending URL requests to Apache.  We are running into issues
with javascript code from the product generating errors for what I
suspect may be related to crossing domains (our web site and the Apache
server).  I figure I can resolve this by generating a proxy on the IIS
server to handle the request to the Apache server.

My question is does anyone have any pointers on how to setup this type
of proxy?


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RE: IIS redirect to Apache

2007-08-15 Thread Tony Fountain

Thanks for the information.  I'll read up on the IIS ISAPI plugin and if
I have any more questions, I'll post them.

Tony Fountain
Benefit Concepts, Inc.
(419) 244-9936 x9010 (office)
(419) 249-7221 (fax)

-Original Message-
From: Rainer Jung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 3:55 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: IIS redirect to Apache

Hi Tony,

the Tomcat project has a sub project called Tomcat Connectors or simply
JK. It produces web server plugins to connect the most important web
servers directly to Tomcat via a special protocol named AJP. Tomcat has
an incoming AJP connector built-in.

The Tomcat connectors include Apache httpd modules as well as an IIS
ISAPI plugin and a Netscape/Sun NSAPI plugin.

So you would need to download

an appropriate binary of the IIS plugin, configure and include the
plugin correctly for your IIS to establish a reverse proxy function for
your IIS. The most recent version of the plugin is 1.2.25.

The Tomcat connectors website

contains documentation. The IIS plugin documentation might not be the
best part of it, but in case you get stuck, you can post more specific
questions to this list.

I assume, that by Apache in your post you always meant Tomcat. If you
meant Apache HTTPD web server, then I might have not completely
understood your actual or planned setup.



Tony Fountain wrote:
 Scenario: we purchased a product written in Java to integrate into our

 reporting tool.  Our setup is such that our web application is written

 in .NET and hosted on a web farm using IIS (5 or 6 depending on the 
 environment).  The product we purchased runs under Apache 
 Tomcat/5.5.23 using 1.5.0_12-b04.  The product is integrated into our 
 web portal using frames and sending URL requests to Apache.  We are 
 running into issues with javascript code from the product generating 
 errors for what I suspect may be related to crossing domains (our web 
 site and the Apache server).  I figure I can resolve this by 
 generating a proxy on the IIS server to handle the request to the
Apache server.
 My question is does anyone have any pointers on how to setup this type

 of proxy?

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Re: IIS redirect to Apache

2007-08-15 Thread Rainer Jung
Yes, this will be possible with the plugin. Be careful: a redirect is 
something else (it sends the browser a new URL, to which it should 
connect). A reverse proxy send the request forward to another servber 
and returns the response to the browser in a way, such that the browser 
will not notice the indirect setup.

A necessary precondition is, that you can relatively easily decide, 
which URLs should be handled by your .NET app, and which ones you will 
forward. Good criteria would be URL prefixes and similar easy rules. 
Such rules can be used for the plugin, to configure, which requests the 
plugin sould handle.

The plugin is also able to do very basic replacements in the URLs before 
forwarding them.



Tony Fountain wrote:


To clarify our setup, our site receives the initial HTTP request and the
application server in question is IIS and the site is written in
ASP.NET.  Some of the pages that will be served will include a frame
that hosts pages from this product hosted by Tomcat on another server.
The current configuration is such that the product invokes some
javascript on the client and the javascript is generating errors
preventing the pages from working properly.  The vendor states that this
is due to security issues with the javascript executing across domains
and the way to fix this is to implement a proxy from IIS that redirects
the request (I'm assuming server side but I'm not sure) to the Tomcat
webapp.  I'm looking to see if anyone else has any experience they could
lend in creating a proxy from IIS that redirects a request to a Java
webapp hosted by Tomcat on another physical server.

My understanding is I will then be able to reference the URL and make it
look like it's part of the domain running in IIS instead of formatting
another URL in the form of

Tony Fountain
Benefit Concepts, Inc.
(419) 244-9936 x9010 (office)
(419) 249-7221 (fax)

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Installing APR on Fedora

2007-08-15 Thread Ole Ersoy


I'm trying to get the APR native capabilities working on Fedora.  I first 
checked that apr and opensll was installed like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -qa | grep apr

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# rpm -qa | grep openssl

Then I try to compile like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure  make  make install 
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for working mkdir -p... yes
Tomcat Native Version: 1.1.10
checking for chosen layout... tcnative
checking for APR... no
configure: error: APR could not be located. Please use the --with-apr option.

And like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure  make  make install 
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for working mkdir -p... yes
Tomcat Native Version: 1.1.10
checking for chosen layout... tcnative
checking for APR... no
configure: error: APR could not be located. Please use the --with-apr option.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

- Ole

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Re: IIS redirect to Apache

2007-08-15 Thread Martin Gainty

Hi Tony-

Browser clients by and large are prohibited from doing anything on the 
clients box except write cookies
the exception for client writes is of course is Applets and Flex objects 
..assuming you have neither I would concentrate on using your IIS server as 
the reverse proxy as Rainier mentioned both to get LB and Security 
Thankfully someone at MIT actually wrote a reverse proxy for IIS
Be cognisant that any ReverseProxy will get ALL traffic and unless you have 
configed for max performance you could be placing excessive load on the IIS 
box..if you have 1000 connections / day not much load (unless you are doing 
alot of file/upload/download activity) is being placed

but 100,000 connections /day requires performance planning
That said
Tomcat was never designed to handle static pages (plain html) and thus the 
reason for Apache HTTPD server to handle those pages
The usual scenario is to transmit all requests to Apache HTTPD and then thru 
mod_rewrite or VirtualHost send the jsp and servlet to Tomcat

Here are some sample configurations

Forward vs Redirect
I would use forward instead of redirect as it causes the request to be 
bounced back to the client and then up again to the new server

(Then again Im sure Rainier has a reason for making that recommendation)

I hope this works for you sounds quite challenging!


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- Original Message - 
From: Tony Fountain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:47 PM
Subject: RE: IIS redirect to Apache


To clarify our setup, our site receives the initial HTTP request and the
application server in question is IIS and the site is written in
ASP.NET.  Some of the pages that will be served will include a frame
that hosts pages from this product hosted by Tomcat on another server.
The current configuration is such that the product invokes some
javascript on the client and the javascript is generating errors
preventing the pages from working properly.  The vendor states that this
is due to security issues with the javascript executing across domains
and the way to fix this is to implement a proxy from IIS that redirects
the request (I'm assuming server side but I'm not sure) to the Tomcat
webapp.  I'm looking to see if anyone else has any experience they could
lend in creating a proxy from IIS that redirects a request to a Java
webapp hosted by Tomcat on another physical server.

My understanding is I will then be able to reference the URL and make it
look like it's part of the domain running in IIS instead of formatting
another URL in the form of

Tony Fountain
Benefit Concepts, Inc.
(419) 244-9936 x9010 (office)
(419) 249-7221 (fax)

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:10 PM
To: Tony Fountain
Subject: Re: IIS redirect to Apache

Kinda O/T here...Which system is front-ending..e.g. which box will be
first to get the HTTP requests?

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- Original Message -
From: Tony Fountain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 1:39 PM
Subject: IIS redirect to Apache


Scenario: we purchased a product written in Java to integrate into our
reporting tool.  Our setup is such that our web application is written
in .NET and hosted on a web farm using IIS (5 or 6 depending on the
environment).  The product we purchased runs under Apache Tomcat/5.5.23
using 1.5.0_12-b04.  The product is integrated into our web portal using
frames and sending URL requests to Apache.  We are running into issues
with javascript code from the product generating errors for what I
suspect may be related to crossing domains (our web site and the Apache
server).  I figure I can resolve this by generating a proxy on the IIS
server to handle the request to the Apache server.

My question is does anyone have any pointers on how to setup this type
of proxy?


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Re: Installing APR on Fedora

2007-08-15 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On 8/15/07, Ole Ersoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Then I try to compile like this:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure  make  make install 

? Shouldn't you run ./configure --with-apr=/usr/lib  make...

Off the top of my head... :-)

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Installing APR on Fedora

2007-08-15 Thread Ole Ersoy

Hi Hassan,

I tried that as well:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure --with-apr=/usr/lib
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for working mkdir -p... yes
Tomcat Native Version: 1.1.10
checking for chosen layout... tcnative
checking for APR... configure: error: the --with-apr parameter is incorrect. It 
must specify an install prefix, a build directory, or an apr-config file.

I think I liked it better before :-)

Thanks tough,
- Ole

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

On 8/15/07, Ole Ersoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Then I try to compile like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure  make  make install 

? Shouldn't you run ./configure --with-apr=/usr/lib  make...

Off the top of my head... :-)

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Re: Installing APR on Fedora

2007-08-15 Thread Stephen . Morris

Hi Ole,
I may be wrong but I think the command, based on what you have 
listed below, should have been:

 ./configure --with-apr=/usr/lib/  make  make install

The other problem that I think you have is that given you are 
compiling, I think it is looking for the source  header for apr, hence 
depending on how your distribution does things you may need the apr-devel 
packages. The naming conventions that my distribution uses indicates that 
the apr packages you have indicated are the binary files. Assuming you are 
compiling Tomcat all that may be necessary is to copy the .so files that 
provide the apr api's into the appropriate Tomcat lib directory depending 
on which version of Tomcat you are trying to use.

Stephen Morris 
Security Technician, IT Security Access Management 
Technology Security  Risk, National Australia Bank 

Level 8, 800 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 
Tel: +61 (0) 3 8634 1755   |  Mob: 0438 537 569 

16/08/2007 08:02 AM
Please respond to
Tomcat Users List


Installing APR on Fedora


I'm trying to get the APR native capabilities working on Fedora.  I first 
checked that apr and opensll was installed like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpm -qa | grep apr

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# rpm -qa | grep openssl

Then I try to compile like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure  make  make install 
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for working mkdir -p... yes
Tomcat Native Version: 1.1.10
checking for chosen layout... tcnative
checking for APR... no
configure: error: APR could not be located. Please use the --with-apr 

And like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure  make  make install 
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for working mkdir -p... yes
Tomcat Native Version: 1.1.10
checking for chosen layout... tcnative
checking for APR... no
configure: error: APR could not be located. Please use the --with-apr 

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

- Ole

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Re: Installing APR on Fedora

2007-08-15 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On 8/15/07, Ole Ersoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure --with-apr=/usr/lib

 checking for APR... configure: error: the --with-apr parameter is incorrect. 
 It must specify an install prefix, a build directory, or an apr-config file.

 I think I liked it better before :-)

? But before, configure wasn't seeing your --with-apr argument
at all; now it is, but it's wrong. :-)

I just tried it on my local SuSE system where the APR header (.h)
files are in /usr/local/httpd-2.2.4/include using
and it cranked right through...

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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DefaultServlet, WebDAV, and Permissions

2007-08-15 Thread Robert J. Carr
I sent this out last week and didn't get any responses ... just wanted
to make sure it hit the list and didn't get dropped somewhere.  Any
help is appreciated!

I'm using the WebDAV servlet in tomcat 5.5.22 and I'm having some
issues that I was hoping I could get sorted out.  First of all, I'm
seeing reams and reams of these in the logs:

Aug 8, 2007 5:15:30 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: webdav: DefaultServlet.doPut: couldn't delete temporary file: null

They seem to happen on every access ... lists, puts, etc.  Ideas?  Are
they benign and should I just turn down the log level?

The second problem is much more involved, so please bear with me.  I
have started tomcat as myself, say 'jack'.  The user 'jack' is a
memeber of the group 'hill'.  The user 'jill' is also a member of the
group 'hill'.  In web.xml I have specified a dav folder of /webdav.
That folder is owned by 'jack' and group writable by 'hill' (755).
Inside of /webdav I have two folders:

drwxrwxr-x  2 jack hill  4096 Aug  1 14:01 f1
drwxrwxr-x  2 jill hill 69632 Aug  8 17:15 f2

As user 'jack', on the server, I can create (or touch) a file in both
folders 'f1' and 'f2'.  If I remotely mount the file system with
WebDAV, I can also write to the folder 'f1', but now I can't write to
'f2'.  Mounting with Finder on Mac gives me a strange (and incorrect)
error (talking about filenames being to long), and using sitecopy I
get a 409 (conflict) error.

I understand that Java doesn't deal with permissions, but shouldn't it
just try to write the file and respond to what the OS tells it can be
done?  Or is something else going on?  Are my two problems related?
Is this a problem in DefaultServlet in general?

Thanks for taking a look!

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Re: Configuring Webalizer on tomcat

2007-08-15 Thread Matthew Kerle
this may be a silly point, but check your PageType defs, they're 
currently only mapping to html's or php's, (granted this is all that seems to contain), but if your actual pages are jsps and 
you're rewriting urls somehow, try adding jsp to the PageType defs?

sorry, I've only used webalizer with apache  php files, and it always 
worked fine, so i'm no expert on webalizer+tomcat...

also, your config file is only looking at access.log, with no wildcard. 
maybe try adding a wildcard in the filename to pick any other logs.

can you run webalizer manually and post the logfile it generates?

* Matthew Kerle
* * IT Consultant *
* Canberra, Australia*

Mobile: +61404 096 863
Email: Matthew Kerle mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web:  Matthew Kerle

Kanchana Welagedara wrote:

Hi All

I'm struggling to configure the webalizer on tomcat.I followed one of the
archives written long time back by Dan patton at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg69842.html
I followed exactly what he has pointed out .I can see files are generating
at [tomcathome/logs/access/access*.log].But usage folder in webapp is still I can see usage.Any help would be appreciated

I' m on linux

I have installed webalizer and my web site is running on tomcat

following are my configuration for webalizer.conf

LogFiles where my tomcat logs files are

 LogFile  /logs/access/access.log (logs folder is inside the Tomcat

LogFile  /logs/access/access.log
OutputDir /webapps/ROOT/usage

# PageType lets you tell the Webalizer what types of URL's you
# consider a 'page'.  Most people consider html and cgi documents
# as pages, while not images and audio files.  If no types are
# specified, defaults will be used ('htm*', 'cgi' and HTMLExtension
# if different for web logs, 'txt' for ftp logs).

# UseHTTPS should be used if the analysis is being run on a
# secure server, and links to urls should use 'https://' instead
# of the default 'http://'.  If you need this, set it to 'yes'.
# Default is 'no'.  This only changes the behaviour of the 'Top
# URL's' table.

#UseHTTPS   no

# DNSCache specifies the DNS cache filename to use for reverse DNS lookups.
# This file must be specified if you wish to perform name lookups on any IP
# addresses found in the log file.  If an absolute path is not given as
# part of the filename (ie: starts with a leading '/'), then the name is
# relative to the default output directory.  See the DNS.README file for
# additional information.


# DNSChildren allows you to specify how many children processes are
# run to perform DNS lookups to create or update the DNS cache file.
# If a number is specified, the DNS cache file will be created/updated
# each time the Webalizer is run, immediately prior to normal processing,
# by running the specified number of children processes to perform
# DNS lookups.  If used, the DNS cache filename MUST be specified as
# well.  The default value is zero (0), which disables DNS cache file
# creation/updates at run time.  The number of children processes to
# run may be anywhere from 1 to 100, however a large number may effect
# normal system operations.  Reasonable values should be between 5 and
# 20.  See the DNS.README file for additional information.


# HTMLPre defines HTML code to insert at the very beginning of the
# file.  Default is the DOCTYPE line shown below.  Max line length
# is 80 characters, so use multiple HTMLPre lines if you need more.


# HTMLHead defines HTML code to insert within the HEAD/HEAD
# block, immediately after the TITLE line.  Maximum line length
# is 80 characters, so use multiple lines if needed.

#HTMLHead META NAME=author CONTENT=The Webalizer

# HTMLBody defined the HTML code to be inserted, starting with the
# BODY tag.  If not specified, the default is shown below.  If
# used, you MUST include your own BODY tag as the first line.
# Maximum line length is 80 char, use multiple lines if needed.


# HTMLPost defines the HTML code to insert immediately before the
# first HR on the document, which is just after the title and
# summary period-Generated on: lines.  If anything, this should
# be used to clean up in case an image was inserted with HTMLBody.
# As with HTMLHead, you can define as many of these as you want and
# they will be inserted in the output stream in order of apperance.
# Max string size is 80 characters.  Use multiple lines if you need to.


Re: tomcat performance on static content over SSL/non-SSL

2007-08-15 Thread Matthew Kerle

good security is hard.

I've seen state governments using the reverse-proxy layered approach 
described below, and that worked extremely well. I've also seen a 
federal government with an open database port to the internet (won't say 
which! lets just say they're not known for prompt security fixes...), 
but who won't allow a proxied http tunnel inside for security reasons. 
just crazy, talk about take the log out of your own eye...

The only *really* safe option (against internal compromise) I've seen is 
to replicate databases into the DMZ, and disallow all connections from 
the DMZ to internal. But then you have problems with replication, and if 
you database is compromised then you risk data exposure. Which means 
there is no final solution, but it helps to raise the difficulty for 
attackers and minimise your risk. then make sure your backups work!!!


* Matthew Kerle
* * IT Consultant *
* Canberra, Australia*

Mobile: +61404 096 863
Email: Matthew Kerle mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web:  Matthew Kerle

Leon Rosenberg wrote:

security by obscurity, that is.

since the httpd just sends all requests further to the tomcat, if
there is a security relevant bug in tomcat code, it would be accessed
by the remote side either way. Further, are your machines, on which
httpd is running, running under different OS than your tomcat
machines? Cause if they are the same, the same security issue would be
present on both, so the attacker could easily reach the tomcat machine
from the httpd machine via the same hole once he's there.

It sounds like a good idea to put a firewall between tomcat and a db.
But your tomcat machine and your webapp will have to access the db
somehow, so why shouldn't the attacker use the same method to access
your db, once he's on the tomcat machine?

Therefore, your security infrastructure sounds like a good idea, but
in fact it doesn't add any security. Just put a decent firewall
between the internet and your cluster and that is it. Once its passed
your security infrastructure wouldn't prevent the attacker to go on

just 2 cents.


P.S. Btw, some (recently fixed) buffer overflows in mod_jk connector
(and in httpd itself) will actually reduce your security, since httpd
is far less secure than java.

On 8/15/07, Lizak, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We use httpd to sit in between firewalls and handle all incoming traffic.
Static content is served from there and dynamic content is proxied through
to the Tomcat server behind another firewall.  SSL is only needed from the
client to the httpd server.

The Tomcat server then handles the database access which passes through
another firewall to hit our internal network where the database lives.

I'm not a security expert but it seems like a good idea having your database
connections far removed from the Internet connection.  At the very least it
would seem you would have to have multiple layers of server compromised
before any data is exposed.

Is this not a good reason to use httpd in front of Tomcat?




Matthew Kerle wrote:

Apart from integration into a larger site or static content, when would
you put httpd in front of tomcat?

This might count as integrating into a larger site, but I use Apache
httpd to front multiple instances of Tomcat through a single port number
(by mapping webapps individually through mod_jk). This allows me to
start and stop a single webapp, upgrade the JVM and/or Tomcat running
it, and then bring it back up again without disturbing the other

- -chris

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Re: utf-8 encoding problem

2007-08-15 Thread Joseph Shraibman

Nathan Hook wrote:

A few things...

First, what type of apostrophe are you using?  Are you using a typical 
ascii apostrophe (') or are you using the Microsoft slanted apostrophe 
that comes out of word documents (#8242;)?

It's #8217;

Here are two links that describe the problem:

That basically says that some windows chars doesn't display properly. 
That isn't my problem.  It displays properly when I set the char 
encoding to utf-8.  My question is why doesn't it submit properly if the 
original page was sent utf-8 but does submit properly if the original 
page ISO-8859-1?

If you're using mod_jk make sure that the ajp connector is set up to 
encode using utf-8 like so:

Connector port=8009 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 
protocol=AJP/1.3 URIEncoding=UTF-8 /

Next, make sure that the request AND response have been set to use utf 

Aren't all requests submitted as application/x-www-form-urlencoded which 
is an encoded form of unicode?

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Re: utf-8 encoding problem

2007-08-15 Thread Mark Thomas
Joseph S wrote:
 When I did that my content displayed correctly, but on form submission
 it got corrupted.



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Re: Installing APR on Fedora

2007-08-15 Thread Ole Ersoy

Hi Hassan and Stephen,

Thanks for all the tips :-)

I have a lot more progress now!  I get the following (The only important part 
is the bottom i think):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure --with-apr=/home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/ 
 make  make install
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for working mkdir -p... yes
Tomcat Native Version: 1.1.10
checking for chosen layout... tcnative
checking for APR... yes
 setting CC to gcc
 setting CPP to gcc -E
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for JDK location (please wait)... /usr/lib/jvm/java from environment
checking Java platform... checking Java platform...
checking for sablevm... NONE
 adding -I/usr/lib/jvm/java/include to TCNATIVE_PRIV_INCLUDES
checking os_type directory...  linux
 adding -I/usr/lib/jvm/java/include/linux to TCNATIVE_PRIV_INCLUDES
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... no
checking whether gcc accepts -g... no
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for OpenSSL library... using openssl from /usr/lib and /usr/include
checking OpenSSL library version... ok
checking for OpenSSL DSA support... yes
 setting TCNATIVE_LDFLAGS to -lssl -lcrypto
 setting TCNATIVE_LIBS to 
 setting TCNATIVE_LIBS to  /home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/ -luuid 
-lcrypt  -lpthread -ldl
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating tcnative.pc
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing default commands
make[1]: Entering directory 
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `local-all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: Entering directory 
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `local-all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory 
/home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/build/ /usr/local/apr/include/apr-1 
/usr/local/apr/lib/pkgconfig \
/usr/local/apr/lib /usr/local/apr/bin
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 tcnative.pc 
list=''; for i in $list; do \
   ( cd $i ; make DESTDIR= install ); \
/bin/sh /home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/libtool --mode=install 
/usr/bin/install -c -m 755 /usr/local/apr/lib
libtool: install: warning: relinking `'

..I'm chiming in here.  I think it's talking about this command at the bottom...

(cd /home/ole/Desktop/tomcat-6.0.14/bin/tomcat-native-1.1.10-src/jni/native; 
/bin/sh /home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/libtool  --silent --mode=relink gcc 
-pthread -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions 
-fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic 
-fasynchronous-unwind-tables -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DLINUX=2 -D_REENTRANT 
 -I/usr/lib/jvm/java/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/java/include/linux 
-I/home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/include -version-info 1:10:1 -o -rpath /usr/local/apr/lib src/user.lo src/sslinfo.lo 
src/ssl.lo src/stdlib.lo src/os.lo src/file.lo src/thread.lo src/poll.lo 
src/sslcontext.lo src/ss
etwork.lo src/lock.lo src/misc.lo src/shm.lo src/proc.lo src/sslutils.lo 
src/address.lo src/network.lo src/info.lo src/jnilib.lo src/multicast.lo 
src/error.lo src/dir.lo src/pool.lo src/mmap.lo os/unix/uxpipe.lo 
os/unix/system.lo -lssl -lcrypto /home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/ 
-luuid -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl )
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lapr-1
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
libtool: install: error: relink `' with the above command 
before installing it
make: *** [install] Error 1

Any idea what this means?

I tried running this part again by itself:

(cd /home/ole/Desktop/tomcat-6.0.14/bin/tomcat-native-1.1.10-src/jni/native; 
/bin/sh /home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/libtool  --silent --mode=relink gcc 
-pthread -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions 
-fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic 
-fasynchronous-unwind-tables -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DLINUX=2 -D_REENTRANT 

Re: tomcat performance on static content over SSL/non-SSL

2007-08-15 Thread Matthew Kerle

doh! load-balancing of course...

I don't know, I'm a stickler for the old do one thing, do it well, 
tomcat rocks at serving dynamic java, apache rocks at being internet 
facing serving static  CGI. the jk connector is good  solid, so I'm 
happy to keep everything separate and only have tomcat serving dynamic 
pages. plus that way if you ever run into scalability problems you have 
the infrastructure to scale right there!

* Matthew Kerle
* * IT Consultant *
* Canberra, Australia*

Mobile: +61404 096 863
Email: Matthew Kerle mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web:  Matthew Kerle

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Matthew Kerle wrote:

Apart from integration into a larger site or static content, when would
you put httpd in front of tomcat?

This might count as integrating into a larger site, but I use Apache
httpd to front multiple instances of Tomcat through a single port number
(by mapping webapps individually through mod_jk). This allows me to
start and stop a single webapp, upgrade the JVM and/or Tomcat running
it, and then bring it back up again without disturbing the other

- -chris

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Re: Removing the port identifier

2007-08-15 Thread Matthew Kerle
no worries. I didn't know about jsvc or commons-daemon before (I do 
now!), so I learnt something too! best of luck with your app.

* Matthew Kerle
* * IT Consultant *
* Canberra, Australia*

Mobile: +61404 096 863
Email: Matthew Kerle mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web:  Matthew Kerle

Stephen Caine wrote:


Thank you for your response.  Apart from using iptables (which may or 
may not work in OS X), the Tomcat setup link,;, seems to be the 
best way to go.

the only way to get rid of the port number is to have something 
listening on :443 (that's the way browsers are, sorry), and then hand 
requests over to tomcat, so to get what you want something will have 
to bind to :443 at some point, requiring root privs. What you want is 
something that will bind to the port as a privileged user and 
subsequently drop priv's to a limited user. the Apache web server is 
excellent for this kind of thing.

The easiest way to do this would be with apache sitting in front of 
tomcat with either mod_jk2 or forwarding requests with mod_rewrite. 
It doesn't really matter where the port forwarder sits, but usually 
you want to align with existing IT infrastructure and use an existing 
internal/internet web server to redirect requests to your app. If 
your company already has apache then this is a cinch, otherwise 
you'll have to figure out how to reverse-proxy with the web server du 

Is this close to what you're after?

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Re: tomcat memory realms tomcat-users.xml

2007-08-15 Thread Matthew Kerle

Hi Charles, thanks for you help.

what if the memory-realm was configured in the context.xml for the 
application? then it should only be available to that particular 
app...?  I'm currently working on a mock to see if I can get this to 
work, if something as simple as defining the memoryrealm and the client 
adding http auth headers will be turned into a principal by tomcat 
available to my code, then it's all good. but things are never that 

Does anyone know what circumstances have to be true for tomcat to run 
the request against the memoryrealm and create a Principle? The access 
control will all be happening inside my code (well, in database access 
code more precisely), my dilemma is how to turn HTTP or SOAP headers 
into role names and where to store all that...

thanks for the security filter link, I'll check it out and see if it 
meets our needs.

* Matthew Kerle
* * IT Consultant *
* Canberra, Australia*

Mobile: +61404 096 863
Email: Matthew Kerle mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web:  Matthew Kerle

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Matthew Kerle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: tomcat memory realms  tomcat-users.xml

I've read the tomcat docs on memory realm:, 
and I want to expose the org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase 
class to the web service context via a ResourceLink

You probably don't want to do that (even if it's possible, which I
doubt), since all code in the webapps would then have access to the

I'd like to be able to authenticate users without having 
to add a security-constraint to my web.xml, so that

unauthenticated clients can still connect.

URL patterns in the security-constraint allow you to control which
portions of the webapp are accessible to unauthenticated users.  If you
want something with finer granularity, a filter is probably appropriate.
Take a look at:
for a popular one.

 - Chuck

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Re: Installing APR on Fedora

2007-08-15 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On 8/15/07, Ole Ersoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a lot more progress now!  I get the following (The only important part 
 is the bottom i think):

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure 
 libtool: install: error: relink `' with the above command 
 before installing it
 make: *** [install] Error 1

 Any idea what this means?

I'd suggest re-running this with a specific prefix to avoid potential
conflict with anything currently installed, e.g.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apr

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Installing APR on Fedora

2007-08-15 Thread Ole Ersoy

Hi Hassan,

I did the following:

rm -dfr tomcat-native-1.1.10-src/ 
tar xvfz tomcat-native.tar.gz

cd tomcat-native-1.1.10-src/jni/native
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apr --with-apr=/home/ole/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/  
make  make install

And I still get:

le/rpmbuild/BUILD/apr-1.2.8/ -luuid -lcrypt -lpthread -ldl )
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lapr-1
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
libtool: install: error: relink `' with the above command 
before installing it
make: *** [install] Error 1


Thanks again,
- Ole

Hassan Schroeder wrote:

On 8/15/07, Ole Ersoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a lot more progress now!  I get the following (The only important part 
is the bottom i think):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] native]# ./configure 


libtool: install: error: relink `' with the above command 
before installing it
make: *** [install] Error 1

Any idea what this means?

I'd suggest re-running this with a specific prefix to avoid potential
conflict with anything currently installed, e.g.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apr


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catalina error log

2007-08-15 Thread Hoa Doan
I have tomcat 6 and it is getting the jvm.dll from my jre1.6.0_02/bin/client 
directory.  Everytime I start it I get the message below.  My server is able to 
parse file but the message scares me...  So how do i fix the this message?

Aug 16, 2007 12:32:22 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in 
production environments was not found on the java.library.path: 
 Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\;D:\server\MySQL\MySQL Server 
5.0\bin;C:\Program Files\ImageConverter Plus;

Thank you,

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Re: utf-8 encoding problem

2007-08-15 Thread Joseph S


Mark Thomas wrote:

Joseph S wrote:

When I did that my content displayed correctly, but on form submission
it got corrupted.



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Re: catalina error log

2007-08-15 Thread Matthew Kerle
you're missing the Apache Portable Runtime library from your PATH 
variable. this  is not a serious problem, but if you don't want to get 
this error then download the version of the library for your OS and 
install it to a directory on your PATH (eg - %JAVA_HOME%/bin, or another 
dir and add it to your path)

the apr is a performance enhancer, it basically allows tomcat (or any 
application) to use the same fast file access (among other functions) as 
the HTTPD web server. If you don't have it you don't lose anything, but 
the error message is annoying.

hope this helps.

Hoa Doan wrote:

I have tomcat 6 and it is getting the jvm.dll from my jre1.6.0_02/bin/client 
directory.  Everytime I start it I get the message below.  My server is able to parse 
file but the message scares me...  So how do i fix the this message?

Aug 16, 2007 12:32:22 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in 
production environments was not found on the java.library.path: 
 Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\;D:\server\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin;C:\Program 
Files\ImageConverter Plus;

Thank you,

Building a website is a piece of cake. 
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.

Matthew Kerle IT Consultant
Canberra, Australia
Mobile: +61404 096 863
Web :

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