Re: [Vo]:no evidence yet of safety certificate.

2012-09-14 Thread Wolf Fischer

Thanks for this answer! Very informative!

On a side note: The site has been deleted. I of course 
don't know why, perhaps it has been hacked... ;)


Wolf Fischer wrote:

Out of curiosity: Has there ever been a scam in which a safety
certificate from a big and independent organization has been granted?

Interesting question.

I do not know much about scams. I do not have a comprehensive database 
of them. Perhaps such a thing exists on the Internet. But anyway, most 
of the ones I have read about did not involve any actual 
equipment. The machines are just a rumor, a blurred photo, or a 
blueprint that the scammer offers to sell people. There was nothing to 
certify, so it is not as if a government expert was brought in and 
somehow bamboozled. I doubt that could happen.

Many people say there have been scams involving cold fusion. I do not 
know of any, and I would probably have heard. I have been approached 
by 2 or 3 people who found me because of my connection with cold 
fusion, who I thought were either scammers or delusional. They wanted 
me to pay money to have a look at a secret machine. These were magic 
magnet machines, nothing to do with cold fusion.

I offered one of them $10,000 C.O.D. for a machine delivered to me and 
demonstrated on the premises. I never heard from him again. I did not 
expect to hear from him again.

Along the same lines, I have also never heard of a scam that might 
fool experts such as EK. Every scam I know of would be instantly 
found out by someone of that caliber. I mean they would take one look 
inside and instantly see how it actually worked. It would be like 
trying to persuade an auto mechanic than an ordinary gasoline motor 
was actually an electric motor, or like trying to persuade me that a 
sentence written in Korean was actually in Japanese.

Abd has sometimes claimed that academic experimental scientists are 
pushovers. They are easily fooled because they are not conditioned to 
look for hidden tricks. I doubt it, but one thing is for sure: 
experimental scientists know as much about ordinary electrical 
components as any electrician or mechanic does. Someone like EK, 
Storms, McKubre, Duncan or Miles can glance at any ordinary machine or 
experiment and tell you what every component is and what it does. 
These people are, in effect, glorified hands-on mechanics with decades 
of experience. They have spent these decades mainly finding 
experimental errors, which are far more subtle and difficult to locate 
than any trick that a scammer might come up with. No one plays tricks 
better than Mother Nature.

It is not as if Rossi was showing his machine to an insurance salesman 
or a mass media pundit who has never heard of the difference between 
AC and DC power.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:no evidence yet of safety certificate.

2012-09-13 Thread Wolf Fischer
Still - didn't SGS have to test this prototype in some way to find out 
if it runs within their safety parameters? How did they run these tests?


Akira Shirakawa wrote . . . or translated, I 
guess, the small print:

This certificate relates solely to the above identified prototype
machine within the limits of the request for voluntary testing of
essential health and safety requirements relevant to Annex I of
Directive 2006/42/EC. The certificate does not constitute a
product certification and cannot, in any way, be used for
commercial purposes and / or advertising by the company on whose
behalf the certificate was issued.

Ah ha! So I guess that means: this is a certificate to operate a 
prototype experimental device as such, in an experimental mode.


It is an official document certifying the reactor.

Well, that is certification, sort of. In a way. A classic Rossi-ism. 
Similar to the claim that Ampenergo made an investment. Okay it was 
not a gigantic company as he claimed. And they did not actually have 
any money, as far as I know. So it was an investment in a narrow 
sense. V-e-e-r-r-y narrow. Not as in: someone wrote a check for real 
money. You might call it a virtual investment.

This is hysterical.

The reality distortion force field is with you, Obi Wan Kenobi Rossi.

I say never bet against Rossi, and never invest with him.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:no evidence yet of safety certificate.

2012-09-13 Thread Wolf Fischer
Out of curiosity: Has there ever been a scam in which a safety 
certificate from a big and independent organization has been granted?


At 02:58 PM 9/13/2012, Craig Haynie wrote:

Can someone confirm the power output? The certificate says:

Power In: 200 kw (max) Power Out: 1MW

Water flow rate: 1500 kg/hr  Temperature in: 85C  Temperature out: 120C

As AK pointed out, this particular certificate doesn't certify the 
performance. I think the 85C-in is needed for 120C out. You can feed 
in colder water and get sub-boiling water out. The leaked operating 
manual are clearer on this.

Re: [Vo]:The secret colonel of 1MW powerplant is the leaker of the 1000C photo -- SHUTDOWN ROSSI

2012-08-13 Thread Wolf Fischer
Roger Green will be one of the presenters at the Ecat gathering / 
conference in September in Zurich, so there seems to / must? be some 
stronger connection between Rossi and him...


Wasn’t impressed with the site...
Both the NDA and the Contract with Andrea Rossi had NO signatures at all; 
from either party.  So there is no evidence yet of a *legal* binding contract between 
Rossi and E-Cat Australia.  Doesn't mean there isn't one, but this website is not showing 
Rossi's signature on anything.
-Mark Iverson

-Original Message-
From: Alan Fletcher []
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The secret colonel of 1MW powerplant is the leaker of the 
1000C photo -- SHUTDOWN ROSSI

From: Alan Fletcher
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 5:04:25 PM Also from eCatnews --

Claims to be eMails, NDA and other info between Rossi and eCat
Australia (Roger Green, Robert (?) and Gary Wright)

Re: [Vo]:The secret colonel of 1MW powerplant is the leaker of the 1000C photo

2012-08-11 Thread Wolf Fischer
Did anybody read the 100+ mails between Roger Green, the Australian 
E-Cat licencee and Robert K. on

Just some more hints as to how the scam might work...


So, he's a NATO Colonel, a Professor, an engineer the secret customer (used to 
certify the 1 MW device), and has a history with Rossi during the PetrolDragon 

ecat builder wrote:

This is the google translation... I think this is terrible news.. Since
Fioravanti certified the 1MW tests and they are known acquaintences.

Dear Dr. Rossi

I've gotten to know in 1975 (roughly the past years because there are many). I
came to Petroldragon Boffa presented by Professor of the Polytechnic of
Turin because I had plans to develop research on electrostatic filters for
industrial use. That his company was building. There were ready to export to
France. I remember he was very courteous and gave me a box of drawings and
publications on the subject. During the visit I did visit the plant for the
extraction of oil from waste. If memory serves me was the open and close there
was a large quantity of used tires for recycling.
I spoke with enthusiasm of the results obtained. When, in later years that
followed the events related by the newspapers, I derived the impression that
it was being squeezed by filibusters of various kinds because I remember
well the enthusiasm so evident and sincere
It was a surprise to discover that he managed to recover and become the
focal point of an energy revolution.
All the varied world of cold fusion is back in motion the hunt for prey. I
guess the organizational problems for the construction of demonstrators from
a MW, but between now and November months are many and the approval of the
patent will surely artificial obstacles not to mention that in the future to
defend against illegal copying of the product will be problematic.
Have you ever considered the possibility of a joint venture with a state of
muscular enough to defend the invention by means of weight (international
agreements between States, for example)?

2012/8/11 Daniel Rocha

The secret colonel tells his story with Rossi here:

Gentile Dott. Rossi

Ho avuto modo di conoscerla nel 1975 (all’incirca perché gli anni passati
sono tanti). Venni alla Petroldragon presentato dal Prof Boffa del
Politecnico di Torino perché avevo in progetto di sviluppare una ricerca
sui filtri elettrostatici ad uso industriale. Che la sua ditta costruiva.
Ce n’erano di pronti all’esportazione verso la Francia. Mi ricordo che fu
molto cortese e mi diede una cassa di pubblicazioni e disegni
sull’argomento. Durante la visita mi fece visitare l’impianto per
l’estrazione del petrolio dai rifiuti. Se la memoria non m’inganna si
trovava all’aperto ed accanto vi era una bella quantità di copertoni usati
da riciclare.
Mi parlò con molto entusiasmo dei risultati ottenuti. Quando, in anni
successivi, seguii le vicende che la riguardavano tramite i giornali, ne
ricavai l’impressione che fosse stato stritolato da filibustieri di vario
genere perché mi ricordavo bene di quell’entusiasmo così evidente e sincero
E stata una sorpresa scoprire che è riuscito a risollevarsi ed a diventare
il focal point di una rivoluzione energetica.
Tutto il variegato mondo della fusione fredda si è rimesso in moto alla
caccia della preda. Immagino i problemi organizzativi per l’allestimento
dei dimostratori da un MW, ma da qui a novembre i mesi sono tanti e
l’approvazione del brevetto troverà sicuramente ostacoli artificiosi senza
contare che difendersi in futuro dalle copie illegali del prodotto
risulterà problematico.
Ha mai valutato la possibilità di una joint venture con uno Stato
abbastanza muscoloso da poter difendere l’invenzione con strumenti di peso
(accordi internazionali fra Stati ad esempio)?

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT at NIWeek2012

2012-08-09 Thread Wolf Fischer
Did they say anything new? The audio quality is pretty bad, so I didn't 
understand everything:

They are
a) Talking to several countries (79 if I remember correctly)
b) Trying to build production lines (which might take several years? I 
thought they were already building one...)
c) Are they redesigning the whole thing? I thought their reactor was 
finished, however in Xanthoulis talk he mentions something about having 
something in 6 months..? It's a matter of materials.
d) Does Xanthoulis say, that they received money from government or not? 
I understand something like Otherwise we would never finished or 
Other persons would never have finished?

Perhaps it would be best if a native english speaker could make a 
transscript of both presentations..?

So basically just more words, no facts and more delays..?


Hello group,

This is from the official DGT forum:

Dear readers of this forum and friends,

Defkalion GT presence at NI week 2012 has been recorded in the 
following youtube links:

1. Alex Xanthoulis in LENR panel discussion at

2. The technical presentation of DGT's Hyperions at
(uploading in progress)

3. Please download this technical presentation in pdf (uploaded in 
this topic) as well as the summary of Defkalion's at NI week 2012.

4. An interesting introduction on Anomalous Heat Effects related 
technologies and science by Dr. Dunkan and Greg Morrow can be viewed 
at whilst an interesting 
introduction to LENR, with reference to DGT's Hyperion products 
photo, can be viewed at President, and CEO, Dr. James Truchard's 
kicks off NIWeek 2012 at

A presentation of DGT's technologies and progress, supported also by 
a scientific paper, has been scheduled for ICCF-17 in Korea.

We will be back to discuss all these through this forum at August 
20th, 2012

We wish you all happy summer vacations.

Defkalion Green Technologies

Unfortunately, even though I'm logged in, the DGT forum software says 

You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached 
to this post.

So I can't download the technical presentation in pdf.


[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Rossi’s E-Cat Technology to be Presented in Zurich, Switzerland on September 8-9

2012-08-01 Thread Wolf Fischer
It seems to be that none of the speakers is from a company with 
reputation... Not a good sign in my opinion.


Hello group,
This is via E-CW (as most of the text below).

In a different thread here on Vortex-L I hinted that a conference 
which might involve Rossi and his products would be held at some point 
in September. More information about it is starting to arise. Follow 
this link: 

The conference where information about the E-Cat will be presented is 
entitled “Energy Change with E-Cat Technology” and will be held on 
September 8-9, at the Technopark Zurich, Technoparkstr. 1, CH 8005 
Zurich, Auditorium.

The Conference will be hosted by TransAltec Inc., E-Cat Germany and 
E-Cat Switzerland. Full details can be found at this link:

Among the presenters will be E-Cat licensees from European regions, 
and (for the first time ever, I think) Andrea Rossi.


Re: [Vo]:More Rosey Piccys

2012-07-17 Thread Wolf Fischer
This again looks like the exact same container at the exact same spot as 
from last october. Shouldn't this one have been shipped by now?


Along with his Behemoth:

Keep hitting Next.  Some good ones of The Engineer.  None of The
Architect (re: Matrix).

Thanks to the moles.


Re: [Vo]:More Rosey Piccys

2012-07-17 Thread Wolf Fischer

Sorry, my bad.

They're from february... nothing new here.

2012/7/17 Wolf Fischer

This again looks like the exact same container at the exact same
spot as from last october. Shouldn't this one have been shipped by


[Vo]:Defkalion closes forum

2012-02-29 Thread Wolf Fischer

Understandable on one side, however what did they expect with those 
actions which they took?...


Re: [Vo]:Andrea Rossi and Siemens working together.and more

2012-02-26 Thread Wolf Fischer
As long as there is not at least a press release from Siemens about 
this, i wouldn't consider this being more than some very early 
discussions about a potential future working relation.


*Electrical Production*

Rossi reported on what he considered a significant breakthrough in the 
area of electrical production. He said that just a few days ago 
Siemens AG (German engineering 
firm) were with him in his Bologna factory and they demonstrated a 
turbine that could produce electricity at 30 per cent efficiency from 
a steam temperature of 251 C. This is much lower than the 550 C steam 
temperatures that are required in conventional electrical generation. 
Rossi said that the E-Cat becomes unstable when working at high 
temperatures. He said that because of this breakthrough he feels like 
electrical production from the 1 MW plants could take place sooner 
than expected. Electricity production from the small E-Cats will still 
take some time according to Rossi.

Siemens is one of the largest engineering companies in the world, and 
Rossi mentioned that Leonardo corporation is getting more attention 
from people in the industrial sector.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-24 Thread Wolf Fischer
I wonder where the test protocols are... It's by now nearly 16:00 in 
Athens, so when do the tests start? The protocols should be published 
before the tests begin AFAIK.

The way i see it (thanks to Jed) the first paper about Ni-H goes back 
to 1979, and the first Focardi paper about Ni-H was published in 1994.

Now, as far as i know,  Defkalion has not sold any Hyperion yet.
But if the tests are conclusive the most important result will be that 
all doubts about the technology will be lifted.

It does not matter who runs the test at all.

Later on, IP issues can be solved in court or by contract, if needed.

Re: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-24 Thread Wolf Fischer

Hm wouldn't it be better if they would announce such a change?
Now i am sitting here and constantly hitting F5 on my keyboard with 
the opened Defkalion site in front of me ;)

maybe they change their idea, under the demand of the tester,
to avoid the crazy behavior of fans and pathoskeptics.

also maybe the testers don't wan't to be identified before the test 
succeed to avoid looking ridiculous...

cold fusion is really frightening for corp and officials...

I feel like a kid waiting for santa klaus in front of the chimney.

2012/2/24 Wolf Fischer

I wonder where the test protocols are... It's by now nearly 16:00
in Athens, so when do the tests start? The protocols should be
published before the tests begin AFAIK.

The way i see it (thanks to Jed) the first paper about Ni-H goes
back to 1979, and the first Focardi paper about Ni-H was
published in 1994.
Now, as far as i know,  Defkalion has not sold any Hyperion yet.
But if the tests are conclusive the most important result will be
that all doubts about the technology will be lifted.
It does not matter who runs the test at all.

Later on, IP issues can be solved in court or by contract, if needed.

Re: [Vo]:[JONP] About Leonardo Corp. property + end of partnership with NI

2012-02-22 Thread Wolf Fischer

Turns out there seems to be another side to the story (again):

Betts confirms that the partnership has ended. She however also confirms 
Rossis statements on how the relation between both parties has been. 
Further, the term discussion seems to be meant as a deeper 
collaboration in the beginning.


Some weeks ago, Rossi said that NI, he and the customer were working 
together on the 1MW plant. And now the customer wants something 
different? Why change a running system (if it ever was running)? And 
why is it important to the customer, which company supplies the 
controlling mechanism for a heating plant?

Earning a place for your business on an approved vendor list can be 
your ticket to winning more government-contract work. Nearly all prime 
contractors maintain lists of preferred vendors and subcontractors 
based on the quality and timeliness of their work and other 
attributes. Many businesses work diligently to get on these lists 
because they put these businesses one step closer to participating in 
a government procurement.

If secrecy is involved, the approved vendor has been cleared to do 
secret work with employees that have been vetted to the appropriate 
security level. The vender also assigns a security officer that 
maintains a confidential file system in a secured location within the 
vender’s facility and handles and maintains the security clearances of 
the employees.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Wolf Fischer wrote:

Some weeks ago, Rossi said that NI, he and the customer were
working together on the 1MW plant. And now the customer wants
something different? Why change a running system (if it ever was
running)? And why is it important to the customer, which company
supplies the controlling mechanism for a heating plant?


 From Rossi:

Also our Customer has chosen other
suppliers for the first generation of the domestic E-Cats and
of the 1
MW plants. 

It is possible that a simple PLC/PAC could have been chosen.
 I don't
think stabilization would be that big a challenge.  All Rossi
was some feedback.


Re: [Vo]:[JONP] About Leonardo Corp. property + end of partnership with NI

2012-02-20 Thread Wolf Fischer
Some weeks ago, Rossi said that NI, he and the customer were working 
together on the 1MW plant. And now the customer wants something 
different? Why change a running system (if it ever was running)? And why 
is it important to the customer, which company supplies the controlling 
mechanism for a heating plant?


 From Rossi:

Also our Customer has chosen other
suppliers for the first generation of the domestic E-Cats and of the 1
MW plants. 

It is possible that a simple PLC/PAC could have been chosen.  I don't
think stabilization would be that big a challenge.  All Rossi needed
was some feedback.


Re: [Vo]:NI and Rossi not related anymore

2012-02-19 Thread Wolf Fischer
Hm if NI was working under an NDA they would use another choice of words 
to deny a relationship with Rossi, I think, wouldn't they? Betts words 
are pretty clear (if it is correct what Krivit states on NET) and do not 
seem to leave much room for interpretation... Further as they explicitly 
mention Leonardo Corporation in their 14th November press release, why 
would they by now be working with a partner company of Leonardo Corp.? 
Of course this might be possible but by now it seems as if you really 
have to digg deep to find something that supports Rossi. Some weeks ago 
this was the other way round...

For me personally, the NI statement was one of the main reasons to give 
Rossi some credibility, but as this argument is gone now, I wonder whats 
still there that speaks for Rossi?

Let's hope Defkalion's tests (starting next Friday) have more substance 
and can really provide irrefutable evidence of LENR...


Did Krivit ask if NI was working with any partner/customer/joint 
venturer of Rossi/Leonardo Corp.

At this point if Rossi is legit he has to Partner with an entity with 

Frankly, it would be just like Krivit not ask that question or tell if 
he did.

Also, NI could be working under an NDA.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 18, 2012, at 11:37 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Confirmed by! NI.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion GT willing to accept Dick Smith's offer + Official tests info

2012-02-18 Thread Wolf Fischer
It seems to me as Dick Smith doesn't want to understand what Defkalion 

Where do they talk of a minimum COP of 3? They just say, that 3 will 
definitely be met and even surpassed... This is totally in line with the 
proclaimed COP of 20 and above as Defkalion originally mentioned. The 
COP of 3 was proposed by Mr. Smith originally somewhere...

He even doesn't want to understand, why Defkalion currently just offers 
bare reactor tests... This seems to go exactly that way which some 
already imagined: They can't agree on the terms and conditions and 
therefore everything stays the same... I really hope that real tests 
begin on next friday and will be finished around february 28th, so that 
we soon know if this thing is real or not...

I find this to be just annoying...


On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 6:50 PM, Patrick  wrote:

Dick Smith will make offer official to DGT. below his replies

Assuming it really is him.

Dick Smith
February 16, 2012 at 9:03 pm
Yes. I am the real Dick Smith and the offer is genuine.
I will contact Defkalion and organize the simple testing protocols. Does
anyone have the best email address?

If you wish to answer:


Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-14 Thread Wolf Fischer
I don't understand the comment about the amount of Hydrogen being 
consumend by a 5KW unit... Does Defkalion really not know how much 
Hydrogen it consumes if running at full power for 6 month?

About the temperature: I think this is quite interesting as Rossi 
somewhen stated that his reaction starts at 60°. So either Rossi was 
misleading us or Defkalion really did some further development and 
improvements over Rossis technology.


I think we have to focus on what he says about
the Company, not who says it.
And his report is convergent with other direct information about 

The season of tests will start soon.
Very interesting- it is about High Temperature LENR 450-900 deg Celsius.

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Andre Blum wrote:

Amidst all these discussions about credibility of LENR and the
different groups working on it, we send out our clown Stirling
Allen to investigate.

From his report (

When I went out to grab a bite for dinner (Defkalion had prior
appointments or they would have taken me to dinner; in fact they
had to cancel two other appointments as it was, in order to meet
with me), I walked by a group of younger people milling about
outside an establishment (some kind of party). I pulled up a
chair, stood on it, and started saying, May I have your
attention, please. I would like to tell you about some hope that
you have for Athens.

But then two security guards came up to me and escorted me away
because I was interrupting a party. When I told them briefly what
I was going to say, they looked at me like I was some kind of
idiot and walked away.

I nearly decided to take the (in retrospect, shallow) attitude,
Let Greece burn, then, but I realized that I shouldn't let that
single experience jade me. They had no clue about the significance
of what I wanted to say. That's okay...others will.


On 02/13/2012 07:52 PM, ecat builder wrote:

Wow. I find it pretty interesting that Sterling is saying he is
convinced of this technology. I'm also hopeful that he can indeed
bring a unit home with him... and get off the NDA.

Stirling Allen is in Greece now and has seen Defkalion's final test
setup... in operation and producing heat.!/PESNetwork

Here are some links to John Bedini's pages.

- Brad

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-14 Thread Wolf Fischer

Thank you for the clarification!


I believe the hydrogen loss they are referring to is centered about hydrogen 
containment, not hydrogen consumption.
As for Rossi's 60°C reaction point, that was the temperature of his surrounding 
water during the EK testing. At around 60°C water temp, the slope of 
temperature gradient changed; the nickel temperature would necessarily have been 

Wolf  wrote:

I don't understand the comment about the amount of Hydrogen being
consumend by a 5KW unit... Does Defkalion really not know how much
Hydrogen it consumes if running at full power for 6 month?

About the temperature: I think this is quite interesting as Rossi
somewhen stated that his reaction starts at 60°. So either Rossi was
misleading us or Defkalion really did some further development and
improvements over Rossis technology.


I think we have to focus on what he says about
the Company, not who says it.
And his report is convergent with other direct information about
The season of tests will start soon.
Very interesting- it is about High Temperature LENR 450-900 deg Celsius.

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Andre  wrote:

 Amidst all these discussions about credibility of LENR and the
 different groups working on it, we send out our clown Stirling
 Allen to investigate.

 From his report (

 When I went out to grab a bite for dinner (Defkalion had prior
 appointments or they would have taken me to dinner; in fact they
 had to cancel two other appointments as it was, in order to meet
 with me), I walked by a group of younger people milling about
 outside an establishment (some kind of party). I pulled up a
 chair, stood on it, and started saying, May I have your
 attention, please. I would like to tell you about some hope that
 you have for Athens.

 But then two security guards came up to me and escorted me away
 because I was interrupting a party. When I told them briefly what
 I was going to say, they looked at me like I was some kind of
 idiot and walked away.

 I nearly decided to take the (in retrospect, shallow) attitude,
 Let Greece burn, then, but I realized that I shouldn't let that
 single experience jade me. They had no clue about the significance
 of what I wanted to say. That's okay...others will.


 On 02/13/2012 07:52 PM, ecat builder wrote:

 Wow. I find it pretty interesting that Sterling is saying he is
 convinced of this technology. I'm also hopeful that he can indeed
 bring a unit home with him... and get off the NDA.

 Stirling Allen is in Greece now and has seen Defkalion's final test
 setup... in operation and producing heat.!/PESNetwork

 Here are some links to John Bedini's pages.

 - Brad

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Ian Bryce's Agenda

2012-01-31 Thread Wolf Fischer

Hi Vortex,

as it seems, Ian Bryce got hold of the possiblities of the Internet and 
tries to spread his word... He makes appearances in some of the 
Ecat-News-Site's comment sections as well as, e.g., on the Defkalion forum.
To be honest - i am a little bit surprised by the effort that he puts 
into of spreading his prove (or whatever you wanna call it). I am 
currently thinking about his motivation.

1. He is a philanthropist and wants to save people from wasting their money.
2. He is just what he claims to be: A skeptic and wants to spread the 
3. He has some kind of hidden agenda...? Although I don't know what this 
might be... Perhaps he was mocked by some Ecat-fanboys...? ;)

I am just curious about the fact that he seemingly posts everywhere that 
he finds the opportunity to do so. Especially with the kind of prove 
that he got (there is nothing new, some of the things seem to be based 
on speculations and the rest is word of mouth). Details can be seen in
Also I wonder how a person which claims to have lectured for 7 years and 
holds a BSc (physics) and a BE (Hons), bases his prove on claims and 
word of mouth instead of really doing his homework, looking at the 
numbers and facts and then, based on that, draw conclusions. But perhaps 
this is, what skepticism is all about today: If you cannot prove the 
definitive existence of the thing, you have to be against it absolutely. 
There is no room for for interpretation.


Re: [Vo]:Ni-64 enrichment

2012-01-30 Thread Wolf Fischer


if they don't know Rossis catalyst - why do they allow independent 
parties to test the reactor? They seem to be pretty sure about what they 
are doing.

Perhaps they are just trying to optimize the reaction?


This thread on isotopic enrichment of nickel, from a couple of weeks 
ago, is being revived in light of the recent mention from DGT that 
they are still trying different catalysts ...

... which is about as close to an admission that they do not really 
know Rossi's secret, as we will get at this time. It is almost 
imperative, if progress is going to continue on this without Rossi for 
information or disinformation, to learn the results of the so-called 
Swedish analysis, assuming it will be a full isotopic analysis with 

Maybe that will not happen, but assuming that DGT has tried all of the 
'usual suspects' (i.e. Mills' catalysts) and is not satisfied with the 
results (which is strongly indicated by the current state of affairs), 
then by process of elimination, it is looking like the 'secret sauce' 
is indeed enrichment in heavy nickel.

This is defined herein as the crude enrichment of nickel in the two 
heaviest isotopes, 64Ni and 62Ni by simple ultracentrifuge techniques, 
using electroless nickel (liquid) as the feedstock. If this is true, 
then enrichment would also explain why Mills has not reached Rossi's 
robust results despite a twenty year head start. He simply did not 
think it was possible to do it.

I realize that Peter, who is an expert on isotopic enrichment, of the 
traditional precision variety - has discounted this possibility of 
enrichment, due to cost. But perhaps he has not considered that this 
application does not demand any kind of precision, and simply going 
from less than 1% 64Ni to ten times that level, mas o menos, could 
make an enormous improvement in ongoing stability of the reaction.

Or else Rossi's major breakthrough is another way to accomplish the 
same enrichment and that will be the subject of a patent which is 
still not published (filed in the last 18 months).

Much of this speculation is still based on the fact that 64Ni is a 
singularity in being the heaviest natural isotope (in terms of the 
ratio of excess mass, compared to the mass of the most common isotope 
of the element) of any metal in the periodic table. Only deuterium is 
higher and it is not a metal.



From prior thread:

The most interesting set of facts that can come out of the Swedish 
analysis (if we the public do get to see the report) is IF the fuel is 
enriched in 64Ni but the copper in the ash is natural ratio.

That will essentially mean that some kind of non-transmutation 
reaction is occurring but with energy at the level of nuclear. This 
would also explain the low gamma signature and the lack of radioactive 
copper, which MUST be there if nickel transmutes. The fact that 64Ni 
is the heaviest isotope in the periodic table based on the criterion 
of percentage increase over the most common natural isotope cannot 
be overlooked.

There is a way to fit all of these disparate parts into one model -- 
and it is the non-quark proton mass model which is evolving from my 
improvement to Nyman's work found in:

In this paper,  simulations made with two different kinds of physics 
software both show the following:

1.  Two protons placed closely together will repel each other most of 
the time.

2.  Two protons shot at each other will bounce off and repel each 
other most of the time.

3.  However, it is occasionally possible for two protons to approach 
each other with the right speed and **quark alignment** so that they 
latch onto each other (strong force) instead of repel...

IOW quark placement will overcome Coulomb repulsion in standard 
physics and QED plus QM entanglement can alter that quark alignment... 
with a little help.

No magic required (so far). This is where Nyman fails to make the 
right conclusion however. He opines the protons will fuse, which is 
forbidden for fermions in these conditions. However, the net reaction 
which is instigated by strong force attraction can still be strongly 
gainful, as Rossi demonstrates. The Ni64 connection to it all is the 
final piece of the puzzle but I will await the Swedes on connecting 
all the dots.

ØIt could easily be the case that Rossi has found that nickel with 
~10% 64Ni and ~15% 62Ni works well, and that this enrichment ratio 
need not be precise but can be obtained from electroless Ni feedstock 
with one pass in an ultra-centrifuge, and that the lower weight 
feedstock is more valuable than natural, so that it all fits together 

ØI have no problem with any of those premises standing alone, but it 
is all of them together that seems unlikely. Stranger things have 

ØThat could be Rossi's main secret, for all we know, and he may have 
learned this from his contacts in DoE where, yes, they do fund 
precisely this kind of thing.

Re: [Vo]:A huge Rossi (bad) thing to be revealed soon. (Daniele Passerini)

2012-01-29 Thread Wolf Fischer

On the LENR Facebook page, someone wrote that it perhaps is not a
bad thing but more of a joke:
  Bettini @Patrick.
  It's not properly a "bad news". In Italian it's something like a
  joke IMO

Passerini says it is bad news for Rossi, Focardi, AND
  On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Alain
maybe they
  are the same ?

  2012/1/28 Alan Fletcher
  has been banned, AG left (presumably) voluntarily.
  (I've seen a few recent MY posts elsewhere).
- Original Message -
 On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Jones Beene
 MY has gone as silent as AG.




  The daily puzzle everyone can finish but not everyone can perfect!
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Re: [Vo]:insightful and concise...

2012-01-24 Thread Wolf Fischer

Hi Mark,

there have been two different news lately:
The first one being that Ampenergo seemingly has gone inactive 
(although I don't know what this exactly means, if this is even the 
company which is related to Leonardo, how this would affect Rossi, etc.):

Second: The University of Bologna has seemingly terminated the contract 
with Rossi, as Krivit has posted:

I would like to know what Focardi and Levi think of that. Doesn't look 
like a good start for Rossi, the riddle...


In the interim, while the Collective was being purged of trolls, there 
were a few comments that went on thru the backup vortex, and I'd like 
to bring one very insightful comment by Mr. Beene over to this, the 
main forum, for posterity...

The thread was about Rossi and DGT, what the coming year will bring, 
and the likelihood of who gets to commercialization first... Jones 
summed it up like this:

I think it will probably **be neither, but it will be **because 
of** both

That is almost poetic...


Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Wolf Fischer
Probably Rossi has some NI persons on the controlling front...? If 
Rossis statement about production facility planning is true there must 
be other engineers involved (although the thought of Rossi doing every 
single piece of engineering on himself makes me laugh :))

Perhaps (my theory): Defkalion started gathering professionals and 
therefore working on their own reactor from the beginning of August, 
whereas Rossi started the more professionalized work after the 
successful 1MW plant test (at least it seems like this to me). 
Therefore Defkalion might have a 3 to 4 month lead on Rossi?
However, what interests me then, is: How long until one can buy a 
Hyperion? (given that the certification runs fine for Defkalion). As 
they only sell licenses the licensee has to first start developing a 
concept on what the production looks like. This in turn might Rossi give 
some lead back, doesn't it?


I think Rossi's best chance is to stop giving out contradicting 
information / statements. A couple of weeks ago the home e-cat was 
going to ship at the end of this year, then yesterday he states that 
it won't be for another 12-18 months. What happened? There is the 
continuing inconclusive specification of the home e-cat, not to 
mention all the issues with the 1MW plant. It strikes me that he seems 
to be in a bit of panic mode as he's realised that DGT may indeed have 
something and beat him to market with a superiorly engineered product.

Rossi really needs to get a team of professional engineers to take his 
products and engineer them to refined commercial products. That is 
assuming he hasn't already got a team doing this. If he has there is 
not much evidence of it.

As for Ampenergo, it still exists and is still active 
Why the e-mail address doesn't work is anyone's guess. Saying that has 
anyone managed to get in contact with Hydrofusion? I sent a couple of 
e-mails in the past and never got a reply or any acknowledgement of 
them receiving my e-mail. It's things like this that fuel the sceptics 
and the scam rumours.

What is surprising, assuming DGT have what they say they have, is how 
quick DGT managed to come up with their own reactor technology. If no 
information transfer occurred between Rossi and DGT as Rossi states 
(which I don't believe) then DGT really pulled one out of the hat. I'm 
surprised no one else has managed to replicate yet if DGT managed it 
without any IP transfer from Rossi. In a way I feel sorry for Rossi as 
he has possibly found the answer to clean cheap energy but his 
personality may prevent him from actually being the first to market it 
commercially. Rossi is his own worse enemy.It may be as Jed said that 
he could be doing this deliberately to keep people off his back and to 
keep competitors from homing in.

On 24/01/12 12:18, Vorl Bek wrote:

Wolf Fischer wrote:

there have been two different news lately:
The first one being that Ampenergo seemingly has gone inactive
(although I don't know what this exactly means, if this is even
the company which is related to Leonardo, how this would affect
Rossi, etc.):
Second: The University of Bologna has seemingly terminated the
contract with Rossi, as Krivit has posted:

It seems to me Rossi's best chance is to hold conference calls with
mom-and-pop investors and ask them to contribute $100 so that Rossi
can do the last bit of engineering needed to stabilize the e-cat
and allow him to run it for more than 4 hours.

In return, they will get a $500 credit on whatever e-cat model they
decide to buy, whenever the model gets made.

The way it looks now, Rossi's enterprise is tottering, but he seems
to have a number of Believers who would probably fork over the $100
or even more.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

2012-01-24 Thread Wolf Fischer


I also agree. However one question: Why does DGTs reactor provide an 
inferior ratio? As far as I remember, DGT claims a COP larger than 20 
for a single reactor, whereas Rossi speaks of 6.


Thank you, Robert. This is essentially what I have been saying for 
many weeks: Rossi has the ability to achieve a short run of nearly 
infinite COP-- 6-8 hours, after which there is inevitable quiescence. 
That is both his problem and his ace-in-the-hole. He has not shown an 
ability to move beyond that stalemate.

Problem is -- thousands of man-hours of high quality engineering are 
now needed, and he cannot come close to doing it alone, BUT the 
biggest monetary value for him would only be possible if he could do 
it alone.

However, if he could have done it months ago, then DGT would never 
have split, and Rossi would have adequate capital, even if not the 
entire 100 million. Now he is essentially penniless and cannot even 
give the University a pittance for desperately needed help.

His time for monetizing even this slight developmental advantage is 
running out. Once DGT puts on a convincing show-and-tell, Rossi is 
nearly toast. That could happen this week. They may succeed with what 
is an inferior ratio of gain. Since they have never claimed 
self-running - this is indicative of having success through another 
route that does not involve a few of Rossi's secrets.

Rossi's wife is smart enough to see this. Rossi's ego is too big. 
However, his wife will win this argument and Rossi will act like it 
was his idea. It is said this particular family dynamic is common in 

Look for a Rossi independent demo before the end of February, where -- 
among other things - he just admits the E-Cat will go quiescent at 
some time, but in this demo he does show the significantly long 
unpowered mode (except for the RF) which removes the possibility of a 
chemical reaction.



*From:*Robert Lynn

ØIt wouldn't even matter if it only ran for 6 hours before falling 
into quiescence, clear incontrovertible independent validation of 
powerful LENR would still have the world beating a path to his door to 
give him millions.

ØRealistically Rossi is in the game of selling a developmental 
advantage for a massive new field that will advance far ahead of his 
understanding within months or years.  It is naive for him to try to 
sell a commercial product - he doesn't have the skills or resources to 
match what bigger players will do in a year or two (see how far ahead 
Defkalion appear to be now if their latest claims are true).  If he 
doesn't realize that soon then he will ultimately be left poorer and 
probably embittered by his bad decisions.

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi and the 6 Oct data is so busted

2012-01-22 Thread Wolf Fischer


I don't know if you know the following thread but this topic has been 
analyzed before:
Further, Rossi answered to a question regarding the thermocouple placement:


Image of heat transfer material and location of thermocouple bead 
before the insulation was removed.

I'm no expert but those who are always tell me to get valid 
temperature data with a bead thermocouples, the bead head needs to be 
covered with a thermal transfer compound and the bead head needs to be 
in full face contact with the heat source.

Knowing that and looking at the Lewans close up, that seems to have 
been taken earlier than any other image of that location I can find, 
where the bead head was located and the removal path it followed 
during it's removal is clear.


On 22/01/2012 5:00 PM, Shaun Taylor wrote:

I refer the reader to this report by your own Horace Heffner
Please to to the bottom of page 3 where Horace discussed the placement
of the Tout thermocouple and in particular these 3 images

You need to look at the first 2 images before looking at the smoking gun
evidence in the 3rd image.

The device in the images is a parallel plate counter flow heat exchanger
in which the input primary heat inlet is applied at the same end as the
secondary heat outlet.

This allows a dual function manifold, which is the big brass thing in
the images that couples the input primary steam tubing to the heat
exchanger primary inlet and in the same solid assembly couples the
secondary heat exchange outlet to the outlet piping.

Doing this, I have read, increases efficiency in counter flow heat
exchangers as there is heat transfer occurring from the hot steam end of
the manifold through the manifold body to the cooler outlet water flow
end of the manifold.

As the inlet water temperature was reported as about 23 deg C and the
inlet steam was at about 110 deg C, the temperature differential across
the manifold body could span that temperature range.

You could then selectively place a thermocouple bead somewhere on that
manifold body and get anything from 110 deg C to 23 deg C. With just a
bit of trial and error you would be able to find the perfect spot to
make the Tout appear to be anything you desire. Like 10 deg C above the
inlet water temperature.

Horace assumed from the 3rd image that the thermocouple was suspended in
the air in front of the stainless nut or attached to the nut.

I contend, from my brief usage of thermocouples, they need some thermal
goop around the bead head to ensure a good heat transfer from the
measuring surface to the thermocouple head. In 3rd image do you see any
goop anywhere? Any on the stainless nut? Nope. Any anywhere else? Yup.
On the brass fitting to the right and below of the stainless nut. In
fact it sure looks like there was a thermocouple sized head placed in
the goop and then withdrawn as the insulation was opened and removed.
Zoom in to get a really good look at the goop. See the withdrawal track
in the goop that is about the same size as that of the thermocouple
bead? There is your smoking gun as to where the bead was located. It was
thermally attached to the upper surface of that brass coupling that is
thermally attached to the manifold body.

Now ask yourself, if your intention was to accurately measure the
temperature of the water leaving the dual manifold head, why would you
attach the thermocouple to the manifold and not insert in into the
stream of the exiting water?

Well just maybe as the manifold was also heated by the 110 deg C steam
flowing into the heat exchanger it would be a good place for the Tout
thermocouple to pick up a higher than reality temperature for the
exiting water flow.

The goop and the necessary kink in the wire is there to allow the
thermocouple head to attach where the goop is and are more than a
smoking gun of intentional fraud. It is proof of fraud.

I also suggest the kink in the wire was there to allow the bead position
to be easily altered, moved or slid across the surface of the brass
fitting so as to tune the Tout temperature to be exactly what Rossi
needed to best fake the 6 Oct data.

The 6 Oct Ecat data is rubbish as Horace Heffner originally claimed.
Horace got it right and most of the rest of you got it wrong.

Rossi you are a serial liar and you are busted for intentional
measurement fraud.

You rigged the Tout thermocouple placement onto the manifold body to
generate a higher than reality temperature of the exiting water stream
instead of inserting the thermocouple head into the stream of the
exiting water and directly measuring the temperature of the water.

Busted, Busted, 

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi and the 6 Oct data is so busted

2012-01-22 Thread Wolf Fischer


I didn't say anything about believing or not Rossi. I was more kind of 
questioning if this topic has to be discussed once more.


On 22/01/2012 10:15 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:


I don't know if you know the following thread but this topic has been
analyzed before:
Further, Rossi answered to a question regarding the thermocouple 


Please, no one not even Rossi would position the Tout thermocouple 
bead floating in the air and expect it to accurately measure the 
temperature of the water in the yellow tube.

The position you see is after the insulation was removed and the wire 
straightened out.

Why do I say that? Look at how tightly the white insulation is 
compressed around the right side of the stainless nut. That amount of 
pressure on the thermocouple lead would have forced it to bend to 
conform to the shape of the nut. There is no evidence this occurred.

Instead the thermocouple wire has a prominent kink about 50% of the 
way between the bead and where the wire is taped to the outlet 
fitting. This suggests the wire was bent in the middle and pushed down 
into the insulation, allowing the bead to come into contact with the 
brass fitting and the thermal transfer material and to be exposed to 
thermal leakage from the 110 deg C hot end of the manifold.

Then the valley that is visible in the thermal transfer material image 
was formed when the insulation was removed and the bead was removed 
from being in contact with the brass fitting.

As for Rossi saying the placement was checked to have no bias, (small 
lie on his part) he also said the BBB was shipped to the customer and 
that he had visited the customer to install the BBB (really big lie). 
Both of those big lie statements we now know are false. Why do you now 
give his Trust Me statement that he checked the placement and there 
was not temperature bias.

I say BS Mr. Rossi. There is no way that thermocouple placement could 
have measured the real water temperature. No way in hell. Rossi is 
lying. Just liked the lied about the BBB. He has no regard for the 
truth and has proven that on many occasions.

So please don't say to me it must be so because Rossi said it was so. 
He is a liar of top level lies. Stop believing his lies.


Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi blog

2012-01-22 Thread Wolf Fischer
This is were you clearly crossed the line. Get some air and do something 
else besides insulting people and repeating yourself!


You are not very bright are you Jed.

*From:* Jed Rothwell
*To:* John Milstone
*Sent:* Sunday, 22 January 2012 10:09 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on 
Rossi blog

John Milstone wrote:

If the water was at 5 to 10 bars, it could easily be heated to 150
- 180 C. in the preheating process. At that point, being wrapped
up in that massive insulation blanket, it would stay over 100 C
for hours.

There was a TC in the reactor. It measured over 100 deg C, but not 150 
to 180 deg C.

Also, in that scenario, the surface temperature of the reactor would 
be very hot when the internal temperature reached 180 deg C,then it 
would gradually cool down. That is not in evidence. The surface 
temperature was measured several times. It did not vary much.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on Rossi blog

2012-01-22 Thread Wolf Fischer
You (and people like you) really dont get it. This mailing list is about 
people discussing topics of different kinds, among them, e.g., LENR as 
well as Rossi. As long as there is doubt (on either side of the coin, 
i.e., either pro or contra) there have to be discussions, i.e., people 
allow other people to think and interpret the things they see and tell 
the rest how they see it and what they make of it. This is already the 
point, where you are being lost, as your behavior clearly shows! I could 
also translate this to such a simple concepts as freedom of speech and 
live and let live that you don't seem to get. The way that you try to 
push your opinions (because it is nothing more than that despite your 
saying otherwise) down our throats is just disgusting. I (and I think, 
although I myself am pretty new to this group, can speak for the rest 
here) have absolutely nothing against people who think otherwise on any 
topic, on the contrary! It is especially this process of at first 
disagreeing on a topic, then each person making their point with 
_constructive arguments_, then again letting the other person react to 
your arguments and so on, which creates a productive and constructive 
environment for new thoughts and theories that could actually be able to 
explain everything that is going on (because rarely a topic is just 
black and white!). In contrast to that, you stop at your very first 
thought (no matter if it is positive or negative, I am adressing both 
kind of people), you just leave absolutely no room for any kind of 
interpretation / doubt / whatsoever. And therefore its just not science. 
Its just some stupid blather which doesn't do anyone any good (except 
probably your self-inflated egoes). So just get off here, we really 
really really (have I said really?) have read what your thoughts are, 
more often than we actually care. And, believe it or not: We took 
notice! And, again, believe it or not: Most of the people already took 
notice a long time before you arrived here.


Oh I am sorry.
I forgot that Rossi is such an honest man that he would of course have 
put the temperature probe inside the pressure cooker


*From:* Andre Blum
*Sent:* Sunday, 22 January 2012 11:48 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked on 
Rossi blog


On 01/22/2012 07:45 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:
This is were you clearly crossed the line. Get some air and do 
something else besides insulting people and repeating yourself!


You are not very bright are you Jed.

*From:* Jed Rothwell

*To:* John Milstone
*Sent:* Sunday, 22 January 2012 10:09 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:University testing of the E-cat question asked 
on Rossi blog

John Milstone wrote:

If the water was at 5 to 10 bars, it could easily be heated to
150 - 180 C. in the preheating process. At that point, being
wrapped up in that massive insulation blanket, it would stay
over 100 C for hours.

There was a TC in the reactor. It measured over 100 deg C, but not 
150 to 180 deg C.

Also, in that scenario, the surface temperature of the reactor would 
be very hot when the internal temperature reached 180 deg C,then it 
would gradually cool down. That is not in evidence. The surface 
temperature was measured several times. It did not vary much.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

2012-01-22 Thread Wolf Fischer
Yup. The way they argue I think Shaun Taylor and Eff Wivakeef are 
actually the same persons... I think I might also start creating a kill 
list like Jed although perhaps there is a time when one of both might 
actually have something worthwhile to contribute to a discussion 
(although this seems unlikely at the moment)...


So here was Shaun's acknowledging the FACT that he doesn't know, or have
evidence that Rossi is even aware of the Australian licensee (Millin):

*While I have no proof*, I would expect a few of those going to the meeting
would have emailed Rossi to check on the validity of Millin's claim to be
the Australian licensee. No one would invest money with Millin without that
being made very clear and at least sighting the necessary executed documents
to back up Millin's claim.


So it is perfectly clear, from Shaun's own words, that *While I have no

So when he then states as a fact, that,
He [Rossi] has been caught working with licensees...

SHAUN gets caught in an irrefutable LIE!!  A fabrication!

What a friggin' hypocrite...


-Original Message-
From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint []
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.

Shaun states as fact:
He [Rossi] has been caught working with licensees to take green family
investor money despite saying he would never do this.

I think I have read all the postings so far, and Shaun was specifically
asked, I think twice, by others if there was any evidence that *Rossi*
himself has *specifically acknowledged* that the 'licensee' in Australia was
indeed legitimate, or had all the statements of Rossi's involvement been
made by the licensee, and not Rossi???

It is a real possibility that the licensee is making false statements about
having licensed Rossi's technology for Australia, when in fact they have no
such contract.

So far, I have not seen any confirmation that Rossi is even aware of the
licensee that held the investor meeting which Mr. Bryce attended.  The
licensee stating that there was supposed to be a Skype session with Rossi is
not proof that Rossi agreed to any such thing.  If that evidence has been
provided, I'd appreciate it if you could please provide the link to the
vortex posting that proves Rossi is aware of, and working with, that


Re: [Vo]:Ian Bryce and Rossi

2012-01-21 Thread Wolf Fischer


Bryce may be well respected but he is doing a very poor job regarding 
his research on the technology (and LENR in general).
Regarding his calculation: This is also no prove of Rossi conducting a 
scam but just leaves the possibility that there could still be something 
else going on.
And as to Rossi not attending this Skype meeting: If it is true that he 
should attend there (who knows except for Rossi and the organizer of the 
meeting? Was there an official statement from Rossi / Leonardo etc. that 
Rossi will attend? Perhaps the meeting organizer intended to create his 
own scam?), then his excuse with the bad timing is another strange (and 
negative) point in his already erratic behavior. But again: This is also 
no prove! So do not jump to conclusions too fast...


On 21/01/2012 9:57 PM, Ransom Wuller wrote:

Well, maybe the scam doesn't work anything like your speculation.

Listen, that interview was a huge waste of my time.  This Bryce guy 

far less about any of this then anyone following this on the Vortex.
Maryyugo could have done a much better job then Bryce discussing why not
to invest or MORE importantly why to insist on INDEPENDANT TESTING if 

plan to invest.

But what was most distressing about this guys interview was the lack of
any information on the connection of this group with Rossi, the 

plan, the people organizing the meeting and their connection with Rossi
all of which would have been of some interest.  Please stop wasting my
time, I spend enough of my day on this topic as it is.


What part of Rossi was to do a live video Skype link and presentation 
to a meeting that was organized to raise investor funds for this 
licensee don't you understand? It was promoted that Rossi would, in 
effect, be there via the Skype link. The word went out far and wide 
and the money flush green investors flocked to hear what they wanted 
to hear, cheque books at the ready to contribute to the cause. To bad 
Ian Bryce was there. Well bad for the Rossi licensee. Good for the 
investors that put their cheque books away.

But when Rossi learned there was a respected aerospace engineer coming 
to ask questions, the Skype connection never happened. Timing problems 
it was claimed. What these guys can't phone or text each other to get 
the timing right? The excuse of bad timing was a very bad one and one 
that doesn't stack up.

As for Bryce's lack of knowledge, he knew enough to understand how 
much energy it takes to raise the temperature of a known amount of 
water at a measured rate of increase over time. Bryce did the calcs 
and the rate of increase was twice that of the applied power, even 
when increasing the water temperature from 23 deg C.

So the rate of water temperature increase versus the amount of applied 
power is doggy at best and intentionally fraudulent at worst.

The longer this continues, the more it will unravel. Rossi's 
statements will dig his own grave.


Re: [Vo]:Ian Bryce and Rossi

2012-01-21 Thread Wolf Fischer

I did a little research on this investor and so on.
From what I see:
This Bryon New Energy Group has been formed by a man called Sol 
Millin. This guy once (or still?) advertised a car running on water, 
using a cosmic water cell... See here:
This Bryon New Energy Group itself seems to have a record of highly 
speculative investments, to say this in a politically correct way.

So, coming back to your mail: Yes, the Rossi talk was announced. But by 
whom? Rossi himself? Or just by this Sol Millin and his strange Bryon 
New Energy Group? And your speculation that he dropped out because he 
might have gotten information about this Bryce and Smith guy 
attending... Really? a) Rossi showed his device to some much more clever 
guys than this Bryce person (all those well known professors, and they 
have seen this thing hands on). So why should he have been afraid of 
this one person? b) Perhaps Rossi just found out later about this Sol 
Millin guy and his very strange Investment Group. Could also have 

What I am saying: I don't know. But you don't know either :) There are 
still perfectly valid interpretations for both sides of the coin.


On 21/01/2012 11:01 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:


Bryce may be well respected but he is doing a very poor job regarding
his research on the technology (and LENR in general).
Regarding his calculation: This is also no prove of Rossi conducting a
scam but just leaves the possibility that there could still be something
else going on.
And as to Rossi not attending this Skype meeting: If it is true that he
should attend there (who knows except for Rossi and the organizer of the
meeting? Was there an official statement from Rossi / Leonardo etc. that
Rossi will attend? Perhaps the meeting organizer intended to create his
own scam?), then his excuse with the bad timing is another strange (and
negative) point in his already erratic behavior. But again: This is also
no prove! So do not jump to conclusions too fast...


Dick Smith sent Ian Bryce there to talk to Rossi because the Rossi 
Skype video link was announced to be happening. That Rossi was to be 
there via a Skype link was stated in the first newspaper account.

I expected the attendees would be potential home E-Cat buyers. When I 
found out the attendees were there as investors for the Rossi 
Australian licensee, it all became very clear what was going on.

Seems the penny dropped about what was happening with Bryce and Smith 
as well.


Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer
I searched a little bit online. I can find some websites claiming that 
the Ecat was delivered to the customer. However I am not capable of 
finding a statement from Rossi where he says that the plant had been 
delivered to the customer. Just that the customer is happy and so on...


I think, this is the first time for me that Rossi was caught in a 
direct lie... Or is it just me, remembering Rossi saying that the 
container had been shipped? Of course this also sheds some light on 
all the insider sources ;) Or Rossi is lieing again...

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Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint schrieb:

This is comical! Ya gotta laugh. So, did Rossi confirm what the
Collective seems to be converging to??? Y Thnk!!! BTW,
Thanks go to Patrick Ellul for taking the direct route, and just
asking the horse! Good job Patrick! -Mark From: Robert Leguillon
[] Sent: Wednesday, January 18,
2012 10:03 PM To: Subject: RE:
[Vo]:Interesting new video from You guys must have missed
the post by Patrick Ellul: 1. Italo R. January 18th, 2012 at 2:02
PM Dear Ing. Rossi, I have watched this interview with you in
Bologna realized on the 12th of January 2012 In it appears a 1 MW
container. May I ask you if that container is the same used in the
last test with ing. Fioravanti and already sold to your customer?
Thank you. Kind regards, Italo R. 2. Andrea Rossi January 18th,
2012 at 6:44 PM Dear Italo R. Yes, it is the same: we are still
working on it with National Instruments and with the Customer. It
will take another month before it will be ready. Warm Regards,
A.R. - the floor strings are a moot point...someone must have mopped 

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer


Can you give us a link where he said that? I can't find any except for 
some websites (not directly related to Rossi) which say so.



Rossi has stated the plant was shipped and installed in the customers 
US location and that he attended to do the install.


On 19/01/2012 7:17 PM, Energy Liberator wrote:

This is what I said earlier. I don't recall Rossi ever saying that the
container was shipped. The seems to have been assumed once Rossi said
the customer was happy and the plant was sold.

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer
Thanks for searching and clarifying that. So he lied, plain and simple. 
Someone should confront him with his earlier statements, although this 
is probably useless...



On 30 Oct 2011, Andrea Rossi said the 1 MW plant had been shipped to 
the customer and he was building the next 1 MW plant in a new container.

Andrea Rossi
October 30th, 2011 at 2:15 PM

Dear Luke Mortensen:
1- yes
2- yes
3- yes. gaskets
4- different
5- Miami (Fl), Boston (Ma), Manchester (N.H.)
Warm Regards,
Luke Mortensen
October 30th, 2011 at 12:54 PM

Dear Andrea,

1. Is the 1MW container gone?
2. Have you started building another 1MW in another container?
3. Any improvements you want in version 2?
4. Will the buyer of the next 1MW container be the same customer or a 
different customer?

5. What city will you be working (hiring) in the US?

Best wishes,
Luke Mortensen


On 19/01/2012 10:38 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:


Can you give us a link where he said that? I can't find any except for
some websites (not directly related to Rossi) which say so.


Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer
I think, this is actually one of the better explanations pro Rossi so 
far that I have heard of... Then the question remains where he did build 
the other 1MW cats..? In the US directly? And the more general question 
to me is, why he has a place in Italy at all if he is seemingly doing 
most the stuff in the US and he wants the technology to be American?
Still, I took the liberty of asking Rossi directly on his journal about 
the confusion. I tried to be as politically correct as I can :) still I 
fear the chances of getting a proper response might be very low...



Is the container gone?


Can't be much simpler than that.

Maybe the container in the video and picture is a demo, like the
ones in car showrooms. The one the customer actually buys is the
one from the lot or the one being manufactured that is shipped in
a week later.

When Rossi says the container is 'gone', maybe he means another
container from some other factory.

Or maybe it is the container in the picture that he is talking
about, but he means it is 'gone' in some legal sense - it is now
the property of the buyer and Rossi is just putting on the
finishing touches.

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer


Thanks for the info! Just for verification: When did you write Rossi the 
Mail and when was has this same interpretation been posted here on 
vortex? There was a user which thought of the same interpretation...


I emailed Andrea Rossi this morning about this issue and recieved the 
following supply:

 Of course there has been a misunderstanding due to my bad 
translation. The 1 MW plant has been accepted and sold ( hence gone) 
but it remained in our factory of Bologna for fixings and for National 
Instruments improvements of the control systems.

Warm Regards,

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:


Yup. The BBB never moved, was never gone, was never shipped, was
never returned, is not currently operational and is not in testing
despite what Rossi has claimed.

Also that facility is not heated with an E-Cat.

Is there another facility that is making fully functional E-Cat,
has a production line, has an advanced RD facility and the US
customer has one of these units? Maybe. But we have no proof of that.

All we need is ONE photograph of another E-Cat on a production.
Rossi claims to be making another 13. Why not post a photo of that
line? Will that give away trade secrets? Instead what we get is a
video of the 28 Oct BBB. Is that all Rossi has to show?

If so I have wasted a lot of my and my companies time and money.


On 20/01/2012 12:47 AM, Energy Liberator wrote:

It's obvious that there is not much
going on in that workshop.

Frank Acland
Publisher, E-Cat World
Author, The Secret Power Beneath

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer
As far as I am correct, you should have received the mail from 
andre_vortex at about 8:01 a.m. US central time. When did Rossi answer?
But perhaps this is just too paranoid from my side and just not worth 
the thought...


I wrote just this morning.  It was 7:17 a.m. US central time.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Wolf Fischer wrote:


Thanks for the info! Just for verification: When did you write
Rossi the Mail and when was has this same interpretation been
posted here on vortex? There was a user which thought of the same


I emailed Andrea Rossi this morning about this issue and recieved
the following supply:

 Of course there has been a misunderstanding due to my bad
translation. The 1 MW plant has been accepted and sold ( hence
gone) but it remained in our factory of Bologna for fixings and
for National Instruments improvements of the control systems.
Warm Regards,

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:


Yup. The BBB never moved, was never gone, was never shipped,
was never returned, is not currently operational and is not
in testing despite what Rossi has claimed.

Also that facility is not heated with an E-Cat.

Is there another facility that is making fully functional
E-Cat, has a production line, has an advanced RD facility
and the US customer has one of these units? Maybe. But we
have no proof of that.

All we need is ONE photograph of another E-Cat on a
production. Rossi claims to be making another 13. Why not
post a photo of that line? Will that give away trade secrets?
Instead what we get is a video of the 28 Oct BBB. Is that all
Rossi has to show?

If so I have wasted a lot of my and my companies time and money.


On 20/01/2012 12:47 AM, Energy Liberator wrote:

It's obvious that there is not much
going on in that workshop.

Frank Acland

Publisher, E-Cat World
Author, The Secret Power Beneath

Frank Acland
Publisher, E-Cat World
Author, The Secret Power Beneath

Re: [Vo]:Rossi often says things he does not mean

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer
Some of us tried to find where he said that the thing was shipped. The 
only thing that we found was his answer on the question Is it gone? 
-- Yes. The question leaves a little room for interpretation in my 
opinion, but really - it's only very little room...


On 12-01-19 10:11 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
This discussion about Rossi's 1 MW reactor is silly. The reactor has 
not shipped anywhere. He said it has not shipped, and it is obvious 
from the photos it has not.

Previously he said he did ship it. Now he says he did not. He is 
contradicting himself. He often does that. I would not call it a lie

He said it shipped.  That's a binary statement, either true or false.  
If false, I, personally, would call it a lie.

In fact, for the most part, when a vendor says they shipped something 
and they really didn't, most folks would call that a lie.

Photos indicate Rossi didn't ship it.  That makes his statement false, 
thus, as I said, making it what most folks would call a lie.  
(That's what a lie IS, for goodness' sake!  It didn't ship, he knew 
perfectly well it didn't ship, and he said it did ship.  Right?)

Now Rossi says it didn't ship, which most people would characterize as 
an admission, though he didn't couch it quite that way.  (But of 
course he didn't say I admit it didn't ship -- if you're covering up 
an earlier lie, it's always better to make it sound like the current 
story was true all along, and anything else is just mistakes, 
misunderstandings, or stuff to be ignored and/or dismissed.)

Just what would he have to do, Jed, for you to say he lied ?

in the usual sense because he makes no effort to cover up or explain 
the contradiction. He says X on Monday and not X on Tuesday as if 
it makes no difference.

Yup, he's what most folks would call a pathological liar.

Yet you seem to be saying that because he lies habitually, nearly 
constantly, we should conclude that he really doesn't lie at all.

I don't quite follow that.

As if he never expected to be believed in the first instance, and he 
did not mean it.

This is a totally bizarre characterization of his behavior, IMHO.

 Truth is malleable in his imagination.

Maybe; I don't have a direct line into his imagination.

From where I'm sitting he just looks like a pathological liar.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's behavior is more tragic than deceptive

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer


NI is not publishing _such_ a press release on any NI customer (again: 
Remember the mentioning of CERN / LHC in the same section as Leonardo 
Corporation). We had this topic here before.


On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Who knows what to make of it. I am sure that NI is really working
on it. Their VP wrote to Forbes, after all. Or they were working
on it . . . Maybe Rossi threw them out.

It would be better to be more precise.  The VP of NI wrote a news 
release of a general nature saying that they assist many companies in 
fitting control systems to their products including Rossi's.  That 
makes Rossi a customer of NI's and nothing more.  And there are 
millions of those.  Nothing about working with NI or what the VP wrote 
lends the slightest credibility to Rossi's claims.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's behavior is more tragic than deceptive

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer


Great statement! And (just to point this one out again): The cherry on 
the pie in the press release is the mentioning of CERN / LHC in the 
sentence prior to the one about Leonardo Corporation / Rossi.


Chemical Engineer wrote:

As long as Rossi pays for NI's hardware and software they are
probably satisfied and don't mind the free advertising.

This would be the worst advertising imaginable!!! What corporation 
wants to be associated with Rossi? Do a Google search and you find 
hundreds of attacks against him. Check his background and you find it 
is dripping in scandal.

This is NOT good PR for NI. Not, not, _not_.

If I were them, I would not respond to Forbes, or I would say we 
can't comment on whether we are in a relationship with this company.

  They do not require a deep knowledge of what he is doing or
even if his reactor works or not. 

If they do not have deep knowledge they are crazy to let themselves be 
associated it.

John Milstone wrote:

Maybe they just got tired of the hundreds, if not thousands of
annoying emails and phone calls from Rossi's fans, demanding a
detailed accounting of just how great Rossi's invention really is?

In that case, all they have to do is issue a statement saying no 
comment. Or, as I said, we never talk about customer relationships 
of this nature. A company that is annoyed will deny everything and 
make no more comments.

The lady in charge of PR at the company issued a statement about 
Rossi. So did a VP of development. Believe me, NI is aware of this at 
highest levels. As Mary Yugo pointed out, they have millions of 
customers. The VP does not know them all by name, and will not make 
statements about 999,900 of these customers.

It isn't at all unusual for a company to release a statement on an
issue that is generating more than typical interest.

It is unusual for any company anywhere to make any statement 
pertaining to cold fusion. _Extremely_ unusual!

NI made the most insignificant acknowledgement possible . . .

Nonsense. I can think up any number of less 
significant acknowledgement, starting with no comment.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Lewan Mats says he never thought the reactor shipped

2012-01-19 Thread Wolf Fischer


you have to admit that it just must be difficult for some people to 
believe in Rossi because of the way he behaves (and therefore also 
separating the behavior from his claimed inventions as this requires 
some abstract and very rational thinking, no harm intended). The fact 
that you have insider knowledge is really nice for you (I envy you for 
that and I would really like to know more about that :)). However, this 
is your information only, therefore it doesn't help the rest of us 
because (understandably) you cannot reveal who your sources are and what 
they say. Therefore, the rest of the normal people is left with Rossis 
claims, his behavior as well as the claims from NI, NASA, DGT and of 
course people like you etc. And as much as I appreciate statements from 
you, the fact that this is the Internet and there are other people with 
different Insider knowledge (like, e.g., Jones Beene) simply makes it 
difficult to trust anything and anyone. Therefore there is not a lot of 
things that we can hold onto (regarding Rossi its some more or less 
conclusive test during the last year as well as the NI press release; 
we, e.g., don't know about the independent tests by 3rd parties). And 
from all those claims and statements everyone constructs his very own 
image, necessarily. This is where the big confusion and noise comes from...

So have a good night (here it is 1:10 AM).


Yamali Yamali 
(who also has the e-mail response parameter wrong) wrote:

Jed Rothwell wrote: ... Rossi has no credibility. ...

How can you come this far and still believe his e-cats work and he
never faked anything? Haven't we dicussed endlessly how easy that
would be? And yet you seem to believe that a guy without any
credivility had his one honest moment in life just when it came to
what would probably be the greatest breakthroughs in the history
of science? I'm... ahh... puzzled.

Look, this is not complicated. Please, take it one step at a time:

1. Scientific credibility comes when you are independently checked or 
independently replicated. It is _never_ a function of your personal 
credibility. If it was, no one would believe Robert Stroud (the 
birdman of Alcatraz) -- to take an extreme example -- because he was 
an habitual liar and a homicidal maniac. We believe Stroud because 
people have read his books, confirmed his observations, and used his 
techniques successfully.

2. Rossi has been independently replicated by Defkalion, and his 
devices have been carefully checked by many experts.

3. He cannot have faked devices checked thousands of miles away from 
him at Defkalion.

4. It is not physically possible for him to fake heat that burns 
someone. It is not possible for him to conduct 5 kW of electricity 
over a thin wire. No one can do that.

You must separate the person from the claim in your mind. The 
personality or behavior of the person has no bearing on whether the 
claim is true or false. You can only judge the claim by experiment. 
Rossi has been independently confirmed by experiment. That's all there 
is to it. Discussions of his personality may be interesting but they 

Yugo and others say that the experiment was never done except in 
Rossi's presence, and he might have used stage magic. That is wrong on 
two counts:

1. It has been done repeatedly thousands of miles from him, with 
equipment he never touched. He denies the equipment exists!

2. No such stage magic tricks exist, or can exist. It is physically 

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-18 Thread Wolf Fischer


thanks for the vid! I have taken the liberty of creating a little 
collage where I try to compare pictures of the different 1 MW units 
which I have found (one version from mid september, one from the 
beginning of october, then the 1MW plant from the end of october as well 
as the newest one)

(You might have to download the complete picture to your HDD in order to 
see all the details, as this is over 4 MB in size!)

You can see slight changes between the newest one and the one from the 
end of october (compare row 2, columns 1 and 2, on the first picture, 
the newest one is missing two reactors, perhaps they haven't been put 
in), however this doesn't prove anything (as always...). Then the 
sheath of the tubes next to Rossi in the 6th october test seem to be 
of a different material than the one on the newest cat (however this 
might be due to different light exposure). On row 2, column 2 you can 
also see an additional red vessel (hydrogen container?). In row 3, 
column 1 and 2, those red vessels all seem to face the same direction.

Regarding new information: One thing that you didn't mention: 
says that domestic Ecats will be ready for the market 12 to 18 month (I 
think they mean 12 to 18 month from now, as they do not state this 
precisely; so this means that availability might be pushed back until 
summer next year; this doesn't really surprise me...).


Hello group,

Have a look at this interesting Youtube video by

Apparently it's been filmed on January 12th. It shows that:
- Rossi is currently in Bologna
- Rossi's test site appears to be cold
- The 1 MW E-Cat container shown during the last public demo is in 
Bologna too

- There appears to be a new control box.

Have I missed anything else?


Re: [Vo]:New Krivit Stuff : National Instruments

2012-01-18 Thread Wolf Fischer
The National Instruments press release (although interesting) is quite 
old (from November 14th). Here is the original:


At 12:19 PM 1/18/2012, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

On 2012-01-18 21:12, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Two new entries .. both interesting

High-Energy Meets Low-Energy: A First at CERN 

According to Daniele Passerini (22passi), who's received a copy as 
well, Celani's email about CERN was supposed to remain confidential, 
and I think there might have been good reasons for that.

22passi also has a National Instruments (Italy) Press Release  -- with 
CERN and Rossi (Leonardi) in the same paragraph !

Link to 

Google translate :

National Instruments provides solutions in the field of high energy

PRESS RELEASE - National Instruments continues to provide measurement
and control technologies for high performance in research and physics.
NI offers standard commercial tools (COTS - commercial off-the-shelf)
to support thousands of technicians and engineers working to meet the
challenges of the alternative energy sector with sophisticated devices.
With the design of software systems NI LabVIEW , modular
instrumentation PXI platform, reconfigurable control and acquisition NI
CompactRIO and other tools, National Instruments has supported many
researchers to simplify the development of projects, offering advanced
control solutions that would otherwise be been prohibitively expensive.
For over 35 years, National Instruments has offered to innovators
tools they need to cope with major engineering challenges in the
world, said Stephen Concezzi, sciences segment manager at National
Instruments and big physics. We are excited about the many
opportunities to support our customers to simplify the development of
energy projects or advanced physics. Innovators around the world
the approach of the graphic design of NI to respond effectively to
major engineering challenges in the medical field , in urban
infrastructure, alternative energy and other critical applications in
character. Especially in the field of physics, NI has provided
solutions to some of the most advanced projects including the ' LHC
(Large Hadron Collider) at CERN and the control systems of Tokamak . In
addition, the Corporation intends to enter Leonardo NI tools in its
control system. For more info on NI solutions for big physics
applications visit / physics . About National Instruments
National Instruments ( ) is revolutionizing the way in
which engineers and scientists design, prototype and deploy systems for
measurement, automation and embedded applications.

Re: [Vo]:New Krivit Stuff

2012-01-18 Thread Wolf Fischer
I don't like Krivits behavior, still: Why don't they just throw him out 
/ cancel his membership / whatsoever? Shouldn't be too difficult, or? 
Also, if information should be kept confidential, then why post it on 
any kind of semi-public forum?


It wouldn't be the first time that Krivit would have released 
something that he shouldn't have.
All of the recent info that comes to mind was all derived from CMNS 

 Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 21:19:41 +0100
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Krivit Stuff

 On 2012-01-18 21:12, Alan J Fletcher wrote:
  Two new entries .. both interesting
  High-Energy Meets Low-Energy: A First at CERN

 According to Daniele Passerini (22passi), who's received a copy as 

 Celani's email about CERN was supposed to remain confidential, and I
 think there might have been good reasons for that.


Re: [Vo]:Congress responds quickly to opposition to SOPA and PIPA -- how this relates to cold fusion

2012-01-18 Thread Wolf Fischer


I agree with you that it all depends on how fast the LENR community gets 
the truth out. Therefore, as much as I would prefer your scenario over 
Eds, getting the truth out is exactly the problem IMHO: The media will 
brainwash people and the big energy lobby will brainwash the 
politicians. Let some mass media promote the idea that cold fusion 
involves a nuclear reaction (also including some gamma rays) and nuclear 
reactions are bad (just look at Fukushima). Just some stupid statement 
like this and it will become much more difficult and will take a longer 
time to get the truth out. Additional time which will help lobbyists to 
force some political actions regarding the protection of the economy 
(which is not that far fetched regarding a short term view and this is 
what it is mostly about today, sadly enough). Therefore you would have 
fear for your health (gamma rays...) and fear for your job. It's fear 
which helps you steer the people.


Google, Wikipedia and many other web sites are campaigning against the 
proposed laws governing the Internet, the so-called SOPA and PIPA 
acts. Key supporters of the acts in Congress have already bowed to 
public pressure. The acts are not likely to pass. See: 

If it becomes generally known that cold fusion is real, and that it 
will save thousands of dollars a year per person, there will be an 
enormous brouhaha in the mass media. There is likely to be opposition 
to cold fusion from the fossil fuel industry, the DoE and others. Some 
people, including Ed Storms, predict that it may take many years to 
push aside this opposition to allow reactors and commercial 
development in the U.S. I suppose that is possible, but I predict 
another scenario. I predict that people will be outraged when they 
learn that vested interests are preventing them from saving huge sums 
of money. Nothing excites people more than money. Nothing is more 
likely to trigger widespread activism. I predict the voters will raise 
hell, the way they are today with SOPA and PIPA. Within months, or 
perhaps even weeks, the opposition will be swept aside.

I predicate this prediction on the hope that the public becomes fully 
aware of the potential of cold fusion. It is possible this potential 
will not be reported in the mass media. Perhaps the mass media will 
continue to report the kind of nonsense Mark Gibbs in Forbes has been 
publishing lately. In that case, all bets are off. Cold fusion will be 
effectively suppressed if that happens.

It all depends on whether we can reach the public, and motivate the 
public. I quoted a British engineer in the intro to my book, who 
described how it was that effective anti-pollution laws were finally 
passed in England, after centuries of dithering: on public opinion, 
and on it alone, finally rests the issue.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-18 Thread Wolf Fischer
Just some speculation from my side, but I think that the reactor has 
been moved at least once. In the following video

taken from the october 28th, the camera man starts at the back of the 
BBB and then moves along the left side of the reactor to the front. On 
the left side, there is another table standing and still the camera man 
seems to get though without problems. If you compare this to the 
pictures from my collage (especially at 1,1), there seems to be less 
space on the picture, especially at the opening to the front. But 
perhaps this is just my perception.


Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Thanks for the collage. It looks like the container has never been
moved from its original location.

It is probably the same container, in that case. I think it would be 
difficult to place a second one in exactly the same spot.

I was watching people erect a concrete parking garage the other day. 
They were moving huge beams and pre-formed slabs into precisely 
aligned positions, with a crane. This can be done, but it is a lot of 
work. I assume if they brought in a second shipping container they 
would not go to the effort to set it down precisely where the first 
one was.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-18 Thread Wolf Fischer
I did some further analysis of the picture and I am now pretty sure that 
the Ecat has either NOT been moved or it has been put back to exactly 
the same position. I have reuploaded the picture in the following link:
The important stuff is in the pictures in row 3 (i drew a red circle 
around the additional black lines and the crossings which I think are 
important; At the back of the ecat I only inserted the vertical black 
line, the crossing horizontal black line is from the window / wall / 
whatever). Both vertically as well as horizontally this seems to be the 
same position (give or take a few centimeters because of the picture 
resolution as well as the slightly different angle / position of the 
camera man).



Then are you saying Rossi was a bit untruthful when he said the customer was
completely satisfied with the demo, and took delivery?

Anyway - I'm not so sure that it is exactly in the same position on Jan 12
as Oct 28.

It is in a similar position, as it would need to be, near the loading dock
door and on the mat.


-Original Message-
From: Akira Shirakawa

It looks like the container has never been moved from its original



RE: [Vo]:Interesting new video from

2012-01-18 Thread Wolf Fischer
I think, this is the first time for me that Rossi was caught in a direct lie... 
Or is it just me, remembering Rossi saying that the container had been shipped? 
Of course this also sheds some light on all the insider sources ;) Or Rossi is 
lieing again...

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit GMX Mail gesendet.

Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint schrieb:

This is comical! Ya gotta laugh. So, did Rossi confirm what the Collective 
seems to be converging to??? Y Thnk!!! BTW, Thanks go to Patrick Ellul 
for taking the direct route, and just asking the horse! Good job Patrick! -Mark 
From: Robert Leguillon [] Sent: Wednesday, 
January 18, 2012 10:03 PM To: Subject: RE: [Vo]:Interesting 
new video from You guys must have missed the post by Patrick Ellul: 1. 
Italo R. January 18th, 2012 at 2:02 PM Dear Ing. Rossi, I have watched this 
interview with you in Bologna realized on the 12th of January 2012 In it appears a 1 MW container. May 
I ask you if that container is the same used in the last test with ing. 
Fioravanti and already sold to your customer? Thank you. Kind regards, Italo R. 
2. Andrea Rossi January 18th, 2012 at 6:44 PM Dear Italo R. Yes, it is the 
same: we are still working on it with National Instruments and with !
Customer. It will take another month before it will be ready. Warm Regards, 
A.R. - the floor strings are a moot point...someone must have mopped 

Re: [Vo]:Forbes and Gibbs Garbage: NASA says Cold Fusion is Nothing Useful

2012-01-17 Thread Wolf Fischer
This depends on how you classify the statement. If you expected it to 
help in the Rossi case, sure, it's not useful. But this was not NASA 
intentions. In the other case, where they are promoting LENR, this is 
tremendously helpful / useful. Therefore, I think, Gibbs headline is 
misleading and therefore not useful at all.


Well, I have to agree with Gibbs, at least in the title. He said that 
NASA didn't say anything useful and not that cold fusion is useless

2012/1/17 Ron Kita

Greetings Vortex:

More Gibbs Garbage:

Gibb is not useful.
Ron Kita, Chiralex

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Rossi on the Smart Scarecrow Show

2012-01-16 Thread Wolf Fischer
Can't this type of gamma rays be shielded (I think he meant 511 keV 
gammas)? Using google I found, e.g., the following (although I don't 
know how well the shielding works):

Further here
They are talking about 3-5 cm of lead shielding which would be required. 
Levi, e.g., says that the majority of the reactors weight comes due to 
lead shielding (about 2cm).

By the way: I tried to ask Rossi about this on his journal. Seems as if 
he didn't like the question...

Defkalion however just answered that shielding is easy:
They refer to this company:


 512 keV 180 deg Gammas have been detected.

Then why is he still alive - and how can he possibly claim to put 
serious effort in developing home units when from that factor alone it 
is abundantly clear that none of this technology will ever run 
anywhere that somebody calls home?

Re: [Vo]:Rossi on the Smart Scarecrow Show

2012-01-15 Thread Wolf Fischer
 year expected life.

Customer price between $400 to $500 for a home E-Cat 10 kW thermal unit.


On 1/15/2012 10:29 AM, Wolf Fischer wrote:

Hi there,

Rossi was just on the Smart Scarecrow Show. There were some new 
information / clarification (although I can't remember them all; the 
information below should be correct however I sometimes had problems 
understanding Rossi because of a pretty low audio quality and me not 
being a native English speaker):

1. He sold another 1MW reactor (in addition to the 13 which have 
already been sold), but many potential customers are in line...
2. Production should start in autumn, distribution in winter (if 
everything works out as planned)
3. He wants to sell one million Ecats next year (this is what they 
are aiming for in a complete year regarding production)

4. Price of the Home Ecat is down to 500$
5. Ecat is thought for heating the home, not for heating the water 
for showering etc.
6. Refueling the Ecat is done by replacing a cartridge. This 
cartridge will cost around 10$ and will then be sent back to a 
factory where it will be recycled.
7. The testing of the Ecat through the University of Bologna is 
currently not at the top of his priority list (there is currently the 
engineering of the production facilities) but he said something about 
starting with this next month
8. I wanted to know something about the stability of the reactor (I 
was referring to the uptime of the reactor, however Sterling 
shortened the question). According to Rossi, especially the 
temperature output was stabilized with the help of NI (at least this 
is what I understood).

9. On patenting - his lawyers are working on that.
10. Regarding the radio frequency generator: He didn't want to reveal 
anything. He compared this to Martial Arts and said something about 
that it is important for overcoming the coulomb barrier.
11. If I understood him correctly (If!), while explaining the working 
mechanism of the reactor core, he said that in the reaction gamma 
rays will be emitted, then hit a lead shielding which then will heat 
up and therefore heat the water.
12. The first question regarding the first customer was (of course) 
not answered because of an NDA

This is what I did just remember from 1:30h... There will surely be a 
transcript available soon.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi on the Smart Scarecrow Show

2012-01-15 Thread Wolf Fischer

Just another point from the interview:

Rossi has admitted that last year they had peaks even when the reactor 
should just produce about 120C°. This problem seems to have been 
resolved (because of NI), so no more peaks. Besides that NI is 
especially helping in the problem of getting the reactor up to 400C° in 
order to produce electricity. Somehow the customer of the first 1MW 
plant is helping in solving those problems, as it is not as trivial as 
just putting the Ecats in serial in order to reach higher temperatures.

What I learned from the interview.

10 kW home E-Cat is the size of a portable computer.

Rossi calls the recharges Energy Sticks, fits with the ball point 
pen refill statement.

Replacement is simple and can be done by anyone.

No H2 canisters used. Reactor stores and recycles the H2. Only uses 
picograms of H2.

Reactor control is via regulation of operational heat point.

Fuel lasts 4,320 operational hours (180 days at 24 hours a day).

E-Cat will signal when refill is needed.

Customer can purchase several refills and keep them in stock.

Cost of the refill to the customer will be $10 plus installation if 

Will be available via internet sales.

Home units will run in self sustain mode.

512 keV 180 deg Gammas have been detected.

1st 1 MW plant is in modification. Should be operation in 1 - 2 months.

12 additional 1 MW plants are being built.

1 additional 1 MW plant has been sold to another customer.

UL certification of the home E-Cat is in process.

2.7 to 2.9 kWs needed for 1 hour to start the home 10 kW E-Cat.

Home E-Cat has only 1 reactor.

Rossi claims the RFG helps the Coulomb barrier work with the reaction 
and not against it.

First E-Cat factory is in Florida. Rossi is going to Massachusetts to 
further discuss building another E-Cat plant there.

Home E-Cat production will start in the US fall. Sales will start in 
the US winter.

Rossi is not interested in family investors as the business is still 

Large hedge funds are welcome but only with a small % investment.

Does plan to go public.

Home E-Cat has a 30 year expected life.

Customer price between $400 to $500 for a home E-Cat 10 kW thermal unit.


On 1/15/2012 10:29 AM, Wolf Fischer wrote:

Hi there,

Rossi was just on the Smart Scarecrow Show. There were some new 
information / clarification (although I can't remember them all; the 
information below should be correct however I sometimes had problems 
understanding Rossi because of a pretty low audio quality and me not 
being a native English speaker):

1. He sold another 1MW reactor (in addition to the 13 which have 
already been sold), but many potential customers are in line...
2. Production should start in autumn, distribution in winter (if 
everything works out as planned)
3. He wants to sell one million Ecats next year (this is what they 
are aiming for in a complete year regarding production)

4. Price of the Home Ecat is down to 500$
5. Ecat is thought for heating the home, not for heating the water 
for showering etc.
6. Refueling the Ecat is done by replacing a cartridge. This 
cartridge will cost around 10$ and will then be sent back to a 
factory where it will be recycled.
7. The testing of the Ecat through the University of Bologna is 
currently not at the top of his priority list (there is currently the 
engineering of the production facilities) but he said something about 
starting with this next month
8. I wanted to know something about the stability of the reactor (I 
was referring to the uptime of the reactor, however Sterling 
shortened the question). According to Rossi, especially the 
temperature output was stabilized with the help of NI (at least this 
is what I understood).

9. On patenting - his lawyers are working on that.
10. Regarding the radio frequency generator: He didn't want to reveal 
anything. He compared this to Martial Arts and said something about 
that it is important for overcoming the coulomb barrier.
11. If I understood him correctly (If!), while explaining the working 
mechanism of the reactor core, he said that in the reaction gamma 
rays will be emitted, then hit a lead shielding which then will heat 
up and therefore heat the water.
12. The first question regarding the first customer was (of course) 
not answered because of an NDA

This is what I did just remember from 1:30h... There will surely be a 
transcript available soon.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi on the Smart Scarecrow Show

2012-01-15 Thread Wolf Fischer
Mary, aren't you getting tired of repeating yourself all the time? 


Mary Yugo schrieb:

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Alan Fletcher wrote:  Last I heard, Rossi was 
still saying you need a WATER line to the eCat. I  hope that's changed.  If 
it hasn't, I'm sure it will. All you have to do to hear just about any claim 
from Rossi is to wait a bit. 

Re: [Vo]:1MW delay

2012-01-14 Thread Wolf Fischer

Didn't Ampenergo put some cash into Rossi last year in May?
Here it is:


On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:30 PM, Alan J  wrote:

January 13th, 2012 at 5:51 PM
The 1 MW Customer is not yet working with the 1 MW plant, because we are
still completing the control systems with National Instruments.

I wonder how he is running financially.  Not a single eCat delivered
to date; but, already pricing mega eCats for the future.

No wonder the skeptics are skeptical.


Re: [Vo]:1MW delay

2012-01-14 Thread Wolf Fischer
Where did you get the information that the customer sent the 1MW plant 
back? Are you an employee of the customer? (as you mention the word we)


Why read something else into this? LOL. You must be joking.

Because Rossi spoke it, for one thing - and because it is misleading for
another, just short of complete dishonesty.

You should know this, AG - if you talk to Rossi as much as you claim; and if
he is being straight with you.

Rossi did deliver, yes, but the customer has sent it back.

Rossi's spin: we will add controls. Only Rossi has NOT even admitted that
it has been returned. That would sound too much like failure.

Customers complaint: *did not work over extended periods*, so of no value
for intended use, despite the fact that it does work for short periods. Thus
we sent it back to Bologna.

-Original Message-
From: Aussie Guy E-Cat

Rossi has delivered a 1 MW E-Cat, has said they are building the other
13 x 1 MW E-Cats and he has ample cash. What he said here was they are
not yet finished with the optimization of the NI system. Why read
something else into his statement?


Re: [Vo]:1MW delay

2012-01-14 Thread Wolf Fischer

Thanks for the info! Can you share some more information? If so:
- Do you know, if works for a short time means that it actually 
delivers more energy than has been put in? How long is short? ;)
- Is the customer waiting for a new and improved version or has he 
canceled all the contracts?


No, I am not an employee of the customer, but it is a rather large group...

... ever heard of any large group keeping a secret secure, once too many
tongue-waggers know about it? People talk.

If J. Edgar could not suppress the incredible secret (that he was a gay
cross-dresser) during the 40s, back when 'gay' - meant something else - AND
- the USA was better about keeping secrets than today, AND the FBI pretty
much could do what it wanted to, does anyone really think that Rossi can
keep this kind of thing quiet for long?

BTW - new movie out about Hoover.

-Original Message-
From: Wolf Fischer

Where did you get the information that the customer sent the 1MW plant
back? Are you an employee of the customer? (as you mention the word we)


Why read something else into this? LOL. You must be joking.

Because Rossi spoke it, for one thing - and because it is misleading for
another, just short of complete dishonesty.

You should know this, AG - if you talk to Rossi as much as you claim; and


he is being straight with you.

Rossi did deliver, yes, but the customer has sent it back.

Rossi's spin: we will add controls. Only Rossi has NOT even admitted


it has been returned. That would sound too much like failure.

Customers complaint: *did not work over extended periods*, so of no value
for intended use, despite the fact that it does work for short periods.


we sent it back to Bologna.

-Original Message-
From: Aussie Guy E-Cat

Rossi has delivered a 1 MW E-Cat, has said they are building the other
13 x 1 MW E-Cats and he has ample cash. What he said here was they are
not yet finished with the optimization of the NI system. Why read
something else into his statement?


Re: [Vo]:1MW delay

2012-01-14 Thread Wolf Fischer


thank you very much for this long and interesting post!
Although I don't really understand the Payola reference (and Google 
didn't help me here), I still think I know who you are referring to (I 
think, this customer that you are referring to, has been mentioned all 
along after the test in October because of the Colonel who was making 
the measurements).

I don't want to be rude or anything, so if you don't want to or cant 
answer any more questions, I am absolutely fine with it. Of course, 
however, if you can (and want to) I would be very happy to ask you some 
further questions:

Are there more problems with the BBB besides the quiescence?
What about the sum of energy being generated? Does it produce 1MW? Is it 
a constant 1MW or is it varying? If it is varying, how much?
If the BBB goes quite, is it easy to restart? Or does it need to cool 
down first? Or is there some other way of reseting it?

Do you mean by come out soon that the buyer will go public with it?

Thank you again!



The following is strong on opinion and weak on fact, for the obvious reason.
Whenever you see the word apparently below, the factuality of the report
cannot be verified. Several insiders know about this, and I am not an

You may remember that Defkalion backed out of the original deal with Rossi.
However, the contract milestone called for a 48 hour run and apparently
Rossi could not even provide 12 hours continuous. Ergo, they feel completely
justified to blame AR for the split-up.

IOW, Rossi reneged on the original contract and not DGT. That part is what
DGT publicly stated, but regardless - the problem of 'quiescence' could not
be overcome then, and it highlights the ongoing situation which is relevant
to the future of BBB, the big blue box.

Apparently, this problem of self-extinguishing operation (aka 'quiescence')
has not been solved. I have some technical information to share on that
subject, for a later post.

Rossi claims that this has been solved (in principle with better controls)
but... is that more Rossi-speak? Apparently the customer is willing to buy
several more if the problem of quiescence can be solved, but has written-off
the cost of this one, if it cannot be fixed. There will be no refund, but
there is no animosity.

The BBB apparently had to be sent back to Bologna, instead of fixed in situ
since as you know, Rossi installed some kind of anti-tamper device to keep
it from being analyzed.

On the positive side, the device does produce massive excess heat for
periods up to a day, maybe more. There is a bona fide and massive thermal
anomaly, but this unit should not have gone out the door until it was
further along in development.

Personally, I think it could take several years to engineer a commercial
product, and that DGT could easily get there ahead of Rossi, since they are
better staffed and funded (apparently due to saving the ~100,000,000 Euros
that they were able to legally keep when AR could not perform up to the
terms of the contract).

As for the identity of the customer, it is kind of a don't ask, don't tell
since taxpayer money is apparently involved and even AR's detractors
(insiders) believe the technology is valid and do not want outside

Yet this will probably come out soon. Rossi has mentioned the N-word
before. Another clue is that the report - which others on vortex know about,
apparently comes out of Brussels. A hint: there could be some kind of
Payola involved. Use the Italian spelling.g

-Original Message-
From: Wolf Fischer

Thanks for the info! Can you share some more information? If so:
- Do you know, if works for a short time means that it actually
delivers more energy than has been put in? How long is short? ;)
- Is the customer waiting for a new and improved version or has he
canceled all the contracts?

Re: [Vo]:1MW delay

2012-01-14 Thread Wolf Fischer

Hi AG,

Jones gave a lot of hints in his answer to my questions 4:30 hours 
earlier. The customers name seems to start with N, is an organization 
in Brussel, Rossi also once mentioned the name in the context of the 
28th october 1MW test while talking about the Colonel (my guess, the 
name has four letters and ends with O ;)).


Interesting info. So you are confirming Rossi DID ship the 1 MW 
reactor to his customer. That it did not work over extended periods is 
to be expected with new technology. If this has happened it says 2 

Rossi did ship the reactor to his customer. Excellent news
The reactor did work but not as the customer expected. Also excellent 
news as it does work.
Rossi is working to rectify any issues. Again excellent news as Rossi 
is working to meet the customers needs.

So the customer is real, the device works but not as reliably as the 
customer expects and Rossi is working with NI to meet the customer's 

This is a real world result. This is an excellent result. This is 
product development in the flesh.

So Mr. Beene now that you have started talking, who is the customer?


On 1/15/2012 2:23 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Why read something else into this? LOL. You must be joking.

Because Rossi spoke it, for one thing - and because it is misleading for
another, just short of complete dishonesty.

You should know this, AG - if you talk to Rossi as much as you claim; 
and if

he is being straight with you.

Rossi did deliver, yes, but the customer has sent it back.

Rossi's spin: we will add controls. Only Rossi has NOT even 
admitted that

it has been returned. That would sound too much like failure.

Customers complaint: *did not work over extended periods*, so of no 
for intended use, despite the fact that it does work for short 
periods. Thus

we sent it back to Bologna.

Re: [Vo]:1MW delay

2012-01-14 Thread Wolf Fischer


I am just repeating what Jones Beene has posted (look at his post and 
what he said there). Perhaps I misunderstood him.
His reference to payola and its italian wording could mean Giampaolo 
Di Paola, the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.

But yes, I also know Rossis statements... We will see, hopefully soon...



Rossi has stated the customer is a US organization engaged in military 
research, the first 1 MW plant was at the customers site in the US and 
that he and others have attended to install the plant. Later he 
stated, he, the customer's engineer and NI are working on the advanced 
control system and they have made excellent progress.


On 1/15/2012 9:17 AM, Wolf Fischer wrote:

Hi AG,

Jones gave a lot of hints in his answer to my questions 4:30 hours 
earlier. The customers name seems to start with N, is an 
organization in Brussel, Rossi also once mentioned the name in the 
context of the 28th october 1MW test while talking about the 
Colonel (my guess, the name has four letters and ends with O ;)).


Interesting info. So you are confirming Rossi DID ship the 1 MW 
reactor to his customer. That it did not work over extended periods 
is to be expected with new technology. If this has happened it says 
2 things:

Rossi did ship the reactor to his customer. Excellent news
The reactor did work but not as the customer expected. Also 
excellent news as it does work.
Rossi is working to rectify any issues. Again excellent news as 
Rossi is working to meet the customers needs.

So the customer is real, the device works but not as reliably as the 
customer expects and Rossi is working with NI to meet the customer's 

This is a real world result. This is an excellent result. This is 
product development in the flesh.

So Mr. Beene now that you have started talking, who is the customer?


On 1/15/2012 2:23 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Why read something else into this? LOL. You must be joking.

Because Rossi spoke it, for one thing - and because it is 
misleading for

another, just short of complete dishonesty.

You should know this, AG - if you talk to Rossi as much as you 
claim; and if

he is being straight with you.

Rossi did deliver, yes, but the customer has sent it back.

Rossi's spin: we will add controls. Only Rossi has NOT even 
admitted that

it has been returned. That would sound too much like failure.

Customers complaint: *did not work over extended periods*, so of no 
for intended use, despite the fact that it does work for short 
periods. Thus

we sent it back to Bologna.

[Vo]:Rossi on the Smart Scarecrow Show

2012-01-14 Thread Wolf Fischer

Hi there,

Rossi was just on the Smart Scarecrow Show. There were some new 
information / clarification (although I can't remember them all; the 
information below should be correct however I sometimes had problems 
understanding Rossi because of a pretty low audio quality and me not 
being a native English speaker):

1. He sold another 1MW reactor (in addition to the 13 which have already 
been sold), but many potential customers are in line...
2. Production should start in autumn, distribution in winter (if 
everything works out as planned)
3. He wants to sell one million Ecats next year (this is what they are 
aiming for in a complete year regarding production)

4. Price of the Home Ecat is down to 500$
5. Ecat is thought for heating the home, not for heating the water for 
showering etc.
6. Refueling the Ecat is done by replacing a cartridge. This cartridge 
will cost around 10$ and will then be sent back to a factory where it 
will be recycled.
7. The testing of the Ecat through the University of Bologna is 
currently not at the top of his priority list (there is currently the 
engineering of the production facilities) but he said something about 
starting with this next month
8. I wanted to know something about the stability of the reactor (I was 
referring to the uptime of the reactor, however Sterling shortened the 
question). According to Rossi, especially the temperature output was 
stabilized with the help of NI (at least this is what I understood).

9. On patenting - his lawyers are working on that.
10. Regarding the radio frequency generator: He didn't want to reveal 
anything. He compared this to Martial Arts and said something about that 
it is important for overcoming the coulomb barrier.
11. If I understood him correctly (If!), while explaining the working 
mechanism of the reactor core, he said that in the reaction gamma rays 
will be emitted, then hit a lead shielding which then will heat up and 
therefore heat the water.
12. The first question regarding the first customer was (of course) not 
answered because of an NDA

This is what I did just remember from 1:30h... There will surely be a 
transcript available soon.


Re: [Vo]:I wish Krivit would come out of the closet pertaining to the WL theory

2012-01-13 Thread Wolf Fischer
Excellent post! I wondered about Krivits behavior too. Some days ago I 
wanted to post a comment on one of his articles, where he started to 
repeat himself. I just wanted to show what I think of Rossi and his 
behavior (just to give a little IMHO reasonable counter weight to his 
article) and how all of this seems to work together. But my post was 
censored. However I got an email from Krivit saying that he wants me to 
retain my speculation because he doesn't want to add to the wild 

And then all those boring and repetitive recent articles... I mean, what 
does the closing of the school, where Rossi got his degree, have to do 
with LENR or Ecat? Yeah, of course I can see the connection, but it is 
not really relevant (at least to me) and sounds more like another way of 
simply wanting to bash Rossi (for whatever reason). And then currently 
those articles about again the failure of Rossis reactor on June 30th... 
Perhaps Krivit doesn't seem to have anything more what he can put up and 
just sees his ship sinking right now..?


I just received another email alert from New Energy Times. The content 
of the email states:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
* * * *

*Where Does the Energy Come From in LENR?*

I received a question from a /New Energy Times/ reader a few days ago:

What exactly is causing the energy to be produced in the LENR 
reaction according to the Widom-Larsen theory? Is it energy produced 
due to the transmutation of elements, or something else entirely?

Click here to go to the article

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
* * * *

I wish Mr. Krivit would just come out of the closet and state for the 
record what kind of a relationship he has established with the 
Widom-Larsen camp is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with 
advocating for a particular group, cause, or theory. For example, the 
Pure Energy Systems web site makes it very clear that they have 
established a working business relationship with Andrea Rossi. PESN 

*Full Disclosure:*
PES Network has a business relationship with Andrea Rossi.

Readers can then take such disclosures into account when they read 
information posted at such web sites. Often, the information posted, 
slanted it may be, can still be high quality. There is also the 
implication that such web sites may also have firsthand knowledge 
pertaining to their favorite subject that may not necessarily be 
available to the rest of the population or news sources. IOW, there 
can be advantages to making it clear to readers that such web sites 
have established themselves as an advocate outlet.

However, Krivit seems to be attempting to give readers the impression 
that NET is an impartial news service. To that end I suspect there are 
few within the Vort Collective that perceive NET as behaving as if 
it's an impartial news service, particularly when it comes to cold 
fusion news. Krivit has relentlessly promoted the Widom-Laren theory 
above all other theories.

The fact that Krivit supports the Widom-Larsen theory doesn't bother 
me. Why shouldn't the Widom-Larsen camp have a few supporters of their 
own, advertising the theory's alleged advantages.

What bothers me is that apparently in order to enhance the perceived 
credibility of the Widom-Larsen theory Krivit has felt the need to 
attack the credentials of prominent CF researchers who are not in the 
Widom-Larsen camp. Krivit has also attacked Andrea Rossi, claiming the 
Italian inventor is a fraud. Some of the evidence Krivit recently 
presented in regards to Rossi was incredibly shoddy, such as when 
Krivit quoted verbatim a conversation he had with Rossi last year when 
he personally visited him. Krivit quoted Rossi's halting English 
speech patterns verbatim in an attempt to insinuate to gullible 
readers that the Italian lacks clarity in his thinking processes. That 
was an incredibly stupid thing for Krivit to have posted out on NET. 
It really drove home to me what lengths Krivit was willing to go to in 
order to find fault in those he perceives as the opposition, or 
perhaps even as the enemy.

Meanwhile, Krivit has claimed that he would stop promoting the 
widom-larsen theory if he learned of new information that would 
suggest there is a better theory out there. However, based on the fact 
that Krivit has refused to listen to advice from credible experts who 
have serious reservations about the Widom-Larsen theory, and the fact 
that Krivit was willing to perform incredibly cheap posting theatrics 
to make others, like Rossi, look feeble minded, I don't believe 
Krivit's sincerity one bit. Not one bit at all.

I just wish Krivit would simply come out of the closet state for the 
record what is 

Re: [Vo]:video from NASA about lenr (cold fusion)

2012-01-13 Thread Wolf Fischer

I am a little bit surprised to see such comments...
The technologygateway is not intended for scientists or for details on 
science which is going on at NASA. It is for showing the / a broader 
public what NASA is doing. It's a kind of advertisement place for NASA 
to a broader public! This is, why there are no details in the video (for 
this, see also the quote of Zawodny at the end of Krivits recent article 
And this is also why there are subtitles: Deaf people really have 
problems in understanding what is being said in the video.

The reason, why this is a breakthrough, is not because of technical 
details or new inventions, but because NASA is so sure of LENR that they 
are willing to publicly stand behind LENR and defend it (and I don't 
mean public in the sense of let some scientists and the community know 
this might be real but let average Joe know this is real!)! There is 
no other organization of this weight and with this reputation which is 
doing that at the moment! (and there aren't many organizations in the 
world with this reputation at all, perhaps MIT / Stanford and some 
others, although wasn't it MIT which discredited the FPE back in 89?).


You can reach the video from here: it's headlined like this 
Feature Stories: NASA's Method for a Clean Nuclear Energy For Your 
Power Operated Technology

This is, well... sort of weird.  I wonder if anyone in NASA's PR 
department or higher management has seen it.  First of all, the 
production values are lousy.  It looks as if it was shot with a cheap 
web cam.  It features Zawodny who is mostly out of focus during his 
strange, hesitant talk which is hard enough to understand, it's 
subtitled!They talk about an un-named fuel of some sort which is 
unchanged in mass by the reaction which is basically unexplained.  
They don't say where the excess heat is from.  They keep referring to 
this fuel as it.  And they only say somehow carbon, nickel and 
hydrogen are involved.  The rest is the usual obvious and irrelevant 
comments about how inexpensive thermal energy can be used.  Everybody 
already knows that.

As Angus wrote on the Moletrap forum:  Oh goodie. Another we're 
looking at it, and if we can get it to work it could heat your house 
and do other wonderful things video.  There's nothing new about the 
idea of using surface plasmons to bung neutrons into atomic nuclei. 
NASA has been looking at it since 2005 So far nobody's 
house is getting heated.  I might add nobody has made a cup of tea 
with it either.

Craig Brown, still, amazingly enough, a Steorn believer, is promoting 
this clip as a breakthrough.  It's nothing of the kind.  There is no 
real theory presented, there is no experiment, and there are no 
results.  I am disappointed that NASA would air such a contentless 
clip.  I have no idea what they're thinking.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi : customer can refill

2012-01-13 Thread Wolf Fischer
Also if it is just an extra dose of powder: How do you contain the 
vacuum..? What kind of cheap and save mechanism could it be to contain 
the vacuum? Or to create a new one after refueling? Or will the reactor 
core completely be replaced and recycled in a factory?


At a minimum a replaceable cartridge needs to have an additional 
supply of hydrogen - and that means a sealable connection (not 
something you would necessarily trust a muppet consumer with - a lot 
of people don't even know how to tighten a nut.  Also if we are to 
believe recent speculation about RF excitation that that would need to 
be delivered to the inside of the cartridge somehow.

My speculation is that it is just the addition of an extra dose of 
powder through a sealable port into an oversized reaction chamber - 
the old powder may be somewhat inert but the new powder's activity 
isn't hampered by the presence of the old.

On 12 January 2012 23:56, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

At 03:46 PM 1/12/2012, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Yes it is a BIG change. The reactor design must be VERY
different. It is a good development. Go Rossi Go.

It must be an integrated Nickel+Hydrogen cartridge.

Re: [Vo]:Request volunteer assistance revamping website

2012-01-13 Thread Wolf Fischer

Hi Jed,

I think, what you are looking for, is a Content Management System (CMS), 
e.g. Joomla, which is free and seems to have a 
nice and big community.
Once you have a layout (there are also websites which provide free 
standard and minimalistic layouts), you can easily add new components 
and edit everything directly from within your webpage. So you wouldn't 
need to install a separated program on your computer but you can do 
everything from within any web browser.

There is, e.g., the following component
which seems to allow you to manage your own private or public library, 
which could be especially useful in your case..?

What your provider must offer in this case is PHP and MySQL support. 
Then the rest shouldn't be too difficult, I think / hope (however I am 
no expert on CMSs).


Ed Storms, Akira Shirakawa and others have suggested I update the look 
and feel of the website. In particular, the library 
indexes are badly out of data and useless. I was thinking of doing 
this a few years ago but a large organization said they might take 
over the maintenance of the site, so I put it off. I have not heard 
from them lately so I guess that's on hold. Anyway, I've been thinking 
about doing this.

The actual work is trivial because the website is simple. I could do 
it in a week. It would save me time and prevent errors if someone who 
knows about modern rituals would assist. I could pay a consultant but 
it am a cheapskate and this is a volunteer effort anyway so I don't 
feel like paying.

Please contact me by direct e-mail if you're interested in 
assisting. This is off topic here, but let me briefly what I have in mind.


Converting the screens to a modern look should take a week. It could 
use some reorganization along the way. I welcome any suggestions. The 
thing about the look and feel is, I do not like the way modern 
websites look so I have not bothered to do it. I have no strong 
opinion about this, but changing it seems pointless. If someone who 
likes modern web design would be willing to lend a hand and get me 
started I would be happy to finish up. I do not want to burden it with 
pop-ups or lots of graphic images.

Akira suggested I look at Wordpress instead of HTML editors. I see it 
has some advantages but it seems more suited to blog-style web pages 
than a library. I use Namo Webeditor 9. That is a creaky, unfriendly 
old program. pages is so rudimentary I often just edit 
the HTML directly by hand.


In the present version of the indexes are crude, static 
HTML code. The obvious way to do this is with SQL. When we started, 
the ISP did not even offer an online utility SQL. Later we moved to 
ISPs that offer this kind of thing but it cost a lot of money. So I 
never bothered to convert. Now that MySQL and PostgreSQL are free, I 
might as well use SQL instead of my home-grown indexes. I downloaded 
the manual. Relational databases have no changed much since the 1980s. 
This is simple database with only 3000 items so it is a piece of cake.

I tested the PostgreSQL at our ISP, which is There is 
nothing to it. I can reformat the database into their import format 
and make the one-to-many links and whatnot.

The problem is, Namo Webeditor 9 does not want to talk to Jumpline's 
SQL utilities. Maybe I just can't figure out the right parameters. 
Companies such as Jumpline and Namo offer no help for things like 
that. I have been poking around with and some other SQL 
utilities. I do not like the idea of using two different programs to 
maintain the website.

Perhaps someone can recommend an integrated solution? One program that 
does it all and works with the latest version of PostgreSQL? I don't 
mind paying for a program. I am not that much of a cheapskate! I do 
not want any Microsoft web programs such as Frontpage. I 
am allergic to Microsoft. Frontpage was a nightmare to work with. It 
generated outrageously bloated HTML with lots of nonfunctional stuff. 
I mean stuff like HTML that does not display! You wonder how they 
managed to do that. HTML is an idiotic standard in many ways. It has 
lots of ad hoc stuff lying around. But it is simple and relatively 
foolproof. How do you manage to crank out HTML code that flies off the 
screen or makes the background the same as the foreground?!? It takes 
a kind of genius. I have to convert Word files to HTML sometimes, for 
the abstracts in the database. I ended up writing a Pascal program to 
clean out the garbage. I see that Frontpage has been replaced with 
Microsoft Expression. Probably just as bad.

As I said, contact me directly if you would like to assist. For free. 
Bearing in mind that virtue is 

Re: [Vo]:video from NASA about lenr (cold fusion)

2012-01-12 Thread Wolf Fischer

It is even directly featured on the Technologygateway main site:
On the right, headlined with the words: *NASA's Method for a Clean 
Nuclear Energy For Your Power Operated Technology*


David, I wonder how did you find that video?!

That NASA site is really a chaotic.  There ugly presentation reflects
bad implementation: trying to search for LENR related keywords and
nothing comes out.


2012/1/12 Akira

On 2012-01-12 08:16, David ledin wrote:

video from NASA about lenr (cold fusion)

Wow!, Just... wow!


Re: [Vo]:video from NASA about lenr (cold fusion)

2012-01-12 Thread Wolf Fischer
I didn't follow the discussions on the potential catalyst here (as I am 
no physicist), but could carbon be the missing ingredient (as C is being 
mentioned in the video)? Have there ever been publications on a H-Ni-C 
LENR experiment? Or is this something that NASA is working on and hasn't 
published any details yet?

video from NASA about lenr (cold fusion)

[Vo]:Ecat production will be robotized...

2012-01-11 Thread Wolf Fischer

   Hi all,

   Rossi made the following statement on his journal:

   /Andrea Rossi
   January 10th, 2012 at 4:05 PM/

   /Dear Keith W:
   We are making the certification .
   Attention: I did not say that we will begin to deliver in August, I
   said we can be ready to make order confirmations in Autumn; we are
   right now making the engineerization of the factory ( *the
   production will be completely robotized to squeeze down the price as
   much as possible*) and, even if we will be very good, the first
   deliveries will start perhaps within the year, but I cannot promise
   it; I can say that the price will be lower than expected and that it
   will be a revolution. We are making a tremendous work with top level
   Warm Regards,

   I wonder how difficult it is to set up a complete and fully
   robotized production facility for such a product. Of course the Ecat
   should be pretty simple, but does someone here have experience on
   how likely it is that this could happen until summer / autumn of
   this year? Perhaps they are reusing the production facilities from
   other partners?


Re: [Vo]:Ecat production will be robotized...

2012-01-11 Thread Wolf Fischer

Dear Peter,

could you elaborate? How do you come to this conclusion, especially 
about the robotization (does this word exist? ;))?
However I would agree on some of your points like kill the competition 
and this strange list with 10.000 domestic E-cats.


Dear Wolf,

This, the Customers, the list of 10,000 domestic E-cats, dumping to 
kill the competition, the Catalyst,
and many other things are marketing tricks and fairy tales for adults 
(Kindermarchen fur Erwachsene)
Interesting but untrue in their greatest part, mixtures of fiction and 
reality, of desires and facts.

Not as good as the 35th of May.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:

Hi all,

Rossi made the following statement on his journal:

/Andrea Rossi
January 10th, 2012 at 4:05 PM/

/Dear Keith W:
We are making the certification .
Attention: I did not say that we will begin to deliver in
August, I said we can be ready to make order confirmations in
Autumn; we are right now making the engineerization of the
factory ( *the production will be completely robotized to
squeeze down the price as much as possible*) and, even if we
will be very good, the first deliveries will start perhaps
within the year, but I cannot promise it; I can say that the
price will be lower than expected and that it will be a
revolution. We are making a tremendous work with top level
Warm Regards,

I wonder how difficult it is to set up a complete and fully
robotized production facility for such a product. Of course
the Ecat should be pretty simple, but does someone here have
experience on how likely it is that this could happen until
summer / autumn of this year? Perhaps they are reusing the
production facilities from other partners?


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Ecat production will be robotized...

2012-01-11 Thread Wolf Fischer

Dear Peter,

I didn't know your blog, thanks for the link. I have read some of your 
posts until the beginning of october and will continue reading, some 
nice thoughts there.

@others: Regarding my initial questions: Can someone with more 
experience in production automatization comment on Rossis statement? Is 
it technically possible?


Dear Wolf,

I have elaborated, and many times, and step by step in my papers 
labelled NEW ENERGY published via my blog

following Rossi's series of experiments and statements.
Be so kind to tell me where or why do you not agree with what  I have 
stated and I am ready to discuss - with pleasure.

Robotization is good, the great drawback is that you need robots.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:

Dear Peter,

could you elaborate? How do you come to this conclusion,
especially about the robotization (does this word exist? ;))?
However I would agree on some of your points like kill the
competition and this strange list with 10.000 domestic E-cats.


Dear Wolf,

This, the Customers, the list of 10,000 domestic E-cats, dumping
to kill the competition, the Catalyst,
and many other things are marketing tricks and fairy tales for
adults (Kindermarchen fur Erwachsene)
Interesting but untrue in their greatest part, mixtures of
fiction and reality, of desires and facts.
Not as good as the 35th of May.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Wolf Fischer wrote:

Hi all,

Rossi made the following statement on his journal:

/Andrea Rossi
January 10th, 2012 at 4:05 PM/

/Dear Keith W:
We are making the certification .
Attention: I did not say that we will begin to deliver in
August, I said we can be ready to make order
confirmations in Autumn; we are right now making the
engineerization of the factory ( *the production will be
completely robotized to squeeze down the price as much as
possible*) and, even if we will be very good, the first
deliveries will start perhaps within the year, but I
cannot promise it; I can say that the price will be lower
than expected and that it will be a revolution. We are
making a tremendous work with top level Partners.
Warm Regards,

I wonder how difficult it is to set up a complete and
fully robotized production facility for such a product.
Of course the Ecat should be pretty simple, but does
someone here have experience on how likely it is that
this could happen until summer / autumn of this year?
Perhaps they are reusing the production facilities from
other partners?


Dr. Peter Gluck

Cluj, Romania

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania