A question about monitor drivers

2005-10-17 Thread Brad Helden
I am using a Compaq Presario monitor on a G3 but can, understandably, 
only get a resolution of 480x640 now. Does anyone know if there is a 
Mac driver for a Compaq Presario V410 monitor anywhere and if 
installing it might help give me a wider choice of resolution?


Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Zips for sale

2004-10-12 Thread Brad Helden

Hi all,

Have 10 x 100MB Zip disks for sale at best decent price offered.
Can contact me on 9330-4139 or 043 125 7345.

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Has anybody seen this Dialog box warning before?

2004-09-07 Thread Brad Helden

Hi all,

A while back I wrote that I installed some soft on my G4 but it would 
not run. I have now installed it on my PM 7200 and the same thing 

The software is a bit old I know - it is Live Picture 2.5 and the box 
had never been opened so all the bits are there I believe. It 
installs but will not open. The dialog box reads as follows -

The protection key cannot be identified!
You cannot open this application.

Has anyone come across this problem before and if so is there a 
work-around? It would be great if the bloody thing was still being 
produced as then I could register it and get help but...

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Re: Canvas vs omnigrumble

2004-08-26 Thread Brad Helden
There is an easy solution - Canvas 6 was released free on the 
ComputerArts CD #CD29 2002. It is legit and comes with a Serial 
number. I am running it under Classic without any problems. If you 
want a copy just drop me a line.

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Seeking opinions on Tinker Tool

2004-08-25 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,

Has anyone downloaded and installed Tinker Tool? If so I would 
appreciate any opinions as to its effectiveness and any possible bugs 
as I am considering using it.

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Seeking an update file

2004-08-16 Thread Brad Helden

Hi all,

Further to my prior comments about Live Picture, both Robert Howells 
and myself are after the Live Picture 2.6 update. Does anybody have 
it or know where we could get it?

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

A question about Live Picture

2004-08-14 Thread Brad Helden
Would you believe I have just got hold of an unopened Live Picture 
2.5? Problem is that for some reason it will not open on my G4 
running 10.2.8. It comes up with a dialog saying 'The security code 
is unrecognised so the software cannot run on this computer' (or 
something to the like).

If anybody is a Wiz with this software or has an idea what is going 
on can they drop me a line or call me on 9330-4139?

Many thanks,

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Re: I can't live without my.....(insert favorite software)

2004-07-13 Thread Brad Helden

Well, there are a few things I love using for both work and pleasure -

Photoshop - the only one to go with
Extreme 3D - a great 3D application now extinct, even though under 
Classic it runs a bit woggly

EasyFind - great to locate, move, copy and delete files etc
Macsolitaire - a game to relieve boredom
Internet Explorer - rely on the web for almost everything
Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Valuable old computers

2004-06-19 Thread Brad Helden

Now if you had a Lisa (Mac XL) that would be something!


Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

A job in Japan

2004-06-11 Thread Brad Helden
I can't remember who, but I'm sure someone on the WAMUG mailing list 
once asked me about work in this field in Japan so I'm posting it 
hoping that he or she sees it. (by the way, that money is quite a 
nice drop!)

Company: NumeriX Japan Co., Ltd
Position: Quantitative Developer
Location:  Chiyoda-ku
Salary: JPY 8,000,000/year, Negotiable
For complete information:

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Thanks for the PDF suggestions

2004-06-09 Thread Brad Helden
Thanks to all who replied and there were many suggestions, however 
the one I opted for was offered by Mike Murray which was to try a 
small app called PrintToPDF. It worked just fine in my test run. The 
real test will be when I have created all my pages and embedded the 
graphic files.

Thanks very much to all who were considerate to help.

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

PDF suggestions wanted

2004-06-07 Thread Brad Helden

I have a puzzler that I am looking for an answer to.

I am running Pagemaker 6.5 on Mac OS 10.2.8. I want to save my file 
as a PDF but every time after I have set it up to do so a dialog box 
comes up saying that i must select a Postscript printer to do so. 
Problem is that I do not use a PS printer. Does anybody have a work 
around for this PM version used with this Mac OS version?

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Thanks people

2004-06-03 Thread Brad Helden
It's amazing how one can know different applications down to a T and 
then get thrown by something as simple as how to print a record of 
e-mails from Eudora mailboxes. I blush with my ignorance. Thanks so 
much for all responses.

For those who are curious - the simplest way is to simply select all, 
copy, then paste into a word processing app. The only annoyance is 
that it captures all display facets including Labels etc. even if 
they are not shown. Still, that is not a lot of editing to do.

Cheers to all,
Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Any suggestions?

2004-06-02 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,

I am wondering if there is any way to print the list of e-mails I 
have received using Eudora. I don't need content - just the name of 
sender, date and subject line.

Does any body have a clue how to do?

By the way, I must say that the WAMUG mailing list members are really 
great the way they help each other. In this day and age it is nice to 
find people being...um..well..nice.

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Any work suggestions

2004-05-26 Thread Brad Helden
I know I am taking liberties posting this here but as there are 
people involved in such a broad range of businesses I thought it 
worth a try.

I am looking for work full time, part time or even consider casual in 
any field that might utilise my skills which are:

Graphic design, copy writing and media
Teaching English (TEFL)
Japanese language and culture


Ba English
Cert. Trade Studies in Printing
Diploma of TEFL

I live in Melville so anything stretching from here through to 
Subiaco would be best as the old car is exactly that - old.

If anyone knows of something going that is worth a try please they 
either e-mail me or call me on 9330-4139.

Many thanks and apologies again for using this mailing list like this.

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Re: Further attempts at virus spreading!

2004-05-23 Thread Brad Helden

Hi Rob,

I have told iPrimus of the problem and they informed me that 'for 
just a few dollars more' they have a anti-virus system available that 
will weed out those nasty virii.

Aint it nice to know they are so obliging to help.

cheers all,

On Friday, May 21, 2004, at 11:05  PM, Brad Helden wrote:

I now receive at least 2 e-mails a day from e-mail addresses all 
over the globe with virus attachment files. I have my Eudora 
filtered in such a way that I notice the files quickly and I know 
being a Mac guy I am fairly safe but they annoy the hell out of me.

Right now I am contemplating changing my e-mail address in order to 
stop them being spammed to me.

Anybody have any other suggestions?

Yes !   Why is your ISP not filtering the virus out before it gets to you ?


Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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be protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for 
the named recipient/s of this email.

-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
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Unsubscribe - <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
Unsubscribe - <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Further attempts at virus spreading!

2004-05-21 Thread Brad Helden
I now receive at least 2 e-mails a day from e-mail addresses all over 
the globe with virus attachment files. I have my Eudora filtered in 
such a way that I notice the files quickly and I know being a Mac guy 
I am fairly safe but they annoy the hell out of me.

Right now I am contemplating changing my e-mail address in order to 
stop them being spammed to me.

Anybody have any other suggestions?

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Re: What the? AGAIN

2004-05-12 Thread Brad Helden

Hi again everyone,

No, Onno, I was not sending HTML ( I know enough not to send that! ).

I think I may have found the problem though...  I just received 
e-mail back from someone with the same Undeliverable Message 
statement including the time that I sent the original. ONLY problem 
is - I wasn't even home at the time and also I have no idea who the 
person is I was supposed to have e-mailed.

As I receive bogus e-mail almost everyday now usually with a nice 
suspicious attachment file I dare say a virus spreader has taken hold 
of my e-mail address. I never open these files but they keep coming. 
I wonder if a virus is actually in my machine.

I have the latest Virex Update and scan regularly and never open any 
files that I do not expect or can confirm.

Has anyone else been having the same trouble?

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

What the?

2004-05-10 Thread Brad Helden
I tried to send mail to the group twice by typing directly into 
Eudora - not pasting. Twice my mail got rejected by WAMUG with the 
following reasons (Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 

Can anyone tell me what this means?


Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Anyone know this software?

2004-04-13 Thread Brad Helden
Does anyone know about this software  - MacPhoneHome security app to 
track & locate stolen Macs .

I found it listed on Versiontracker and read the spiel. sounds quite good.



Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Re: FW: Housekeeping for Macs

2004-04-09 Thread Brad Helden
Make sure you have at least 15 - 20% of your HD disk space unfilled 
as files need to be expanded when copying etc.  To assign extra RAM 
to P/S is easy - just select the P/S application with a single click 
then Get Info by Command-I  then select memory and adjust to what you 
want. Also check in P/S what you have set as the Scratch has plenty 
of space left to work with files expansion and tasking.


Thanks for reply,
Yes, I do mean rebuild the desktop. And I try not to have too many Apps open
at once, usually just Entourage & Photoshop. And yes the problems seem to
only be with Photoshop. I've gone into System, Preferences & deleted
Photoshop's preferences, rebooted but still have probs.
When I go to save my 250meg PSD files, it seems to take forever. And I'm now
having problems trying to save my Photoshop raw files to JPG's. This has
never happened before. I get an error message saying: Could not save because
of a program error.

on 8/4/04 4:30 PM, Robert Howells at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday, April 8, 2004, at 04:21  PM, Denise Williams wrote:

 Hi All
 My G4, running OS9.2 is becoming VERY SLOW

 But when ?

 Is this all the time ? How many Apps do you have open ?

 Is it only when you have Photoshop open ?

 Is it only when you are using photoshop ?

 When you say " rearrange  " the desktop do you mean "rebuild" the
 Desktop ?

 You should not need to regularly Zap the P Ram !


 & I'd like to know what is best
 to do to in the way of 'housekeeping'. I regularly zap the P Ram (and
 down for at least 4 pings) and I also rearrange the Desktop. What else
 can I
 do? How do I delete cookies? And yes I am using huge photo files all
 time. When going into 'About this computer' I have 832MB of built in
 and Photoshop's blue bar is almost full, at 293MB. Should I allocate
 space to Photoshop? If so, How?

 -- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
 Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
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 Unsubscribe - <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

 -- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
 Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
 Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
 Unsubscribe - <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

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WAMUG is powered by Stalker CommuniGatePro

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

RE 7200/200 RAM

2004-03-24 Thread Brad Helden
The RAM you need is 168pin DIMMS with a minimum speed of 70ns. 
Maximum RAM on a 7200 is 512MB spread over 4 sockets.

If you find some let me know as I also need some.

Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

A follow up to attempts to spread a virus

2004-03-14 Thread Brad Helden
I sent the e-mail address of the mail I got that was trying to put a 
virus in my works to hotmail.com. Unfortunately I only sent the 
e-mail address and not the whole message.

For those who receive suspicious e-mail from a Hotmail account please 
read the following response from Hotmail (remember I only sent the 
address but they need more to go on)

Unfortunately, we cannot take action on the mail you sent us because 
it does not reference a Hotmail account. Please send us another 
message that contains the full Hotmail e-mail address and the full 
e-mail message to:


 To forward mail with full headers

Using Hotmail:
1.  Click "Options" to the right of the "Contacts" tab. The "Options" 
page appears.
2.  Under "Additional Options", click "Mail Display Settings". The 
"Mail Display Settings" page appears.

3.  Under "Message Headers", select "Full" and click "OK".
4.  Forward the resulting mail to:

Using MSN Explorer:
1.  Open the message, and then click "More" in the upper right corner.
2.  Click "Message Source". The message opens in a new window with 
all the header information visible.

3.  Copy all the text and paste it into a new message. Send this message to:

Using Outlook Express or Outlook:
1.  On the unopened mail, place your cursor over the mail, 
right-click, and click "Options".

2.  Under "Internet headers", copy the contents of the full header.
3.  Open the e-mail in question and forward a complete copy of the 
message, including the full message header you copied at the 
beginning of your message, to:


If you're not a Hotmail member, consult the Help associated with your 
e-mail program to determine how to view complete header information. 
Then forward the message to:


If the unsolicited junk e-mail or "spam" comes from a non-Hotmail 
account, you can send a complaint to the service provider that sent 
the mail. Make sure that you include full headers when you send your 

In the full header, look at the last "Received" notation to locate 
what .com domain it came from. It looks something like:

[service provider domain name].com

Forward a complete copy of the message, including the full message header, to:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] provider domain name].com

If the domain does not have an abuse service, forward your complaint to:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] provider domain name].com

All Hotmail customers have agreed to MSN Website Terms of Use and 
Notices(TOU) that forbid e-mail abuse. At the bottom of any page in 
Hotmail, click "Terms of Use" to view the Terms of Use document in 
its entirety.

Thank you for helping us enforce our TOU.
Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Attempts to infect

2004-03-13 Thread Brad Helden
Anybody else recently been sent e-mails saying 'Here is the file' as 
the subject complete with a Word file attached?

Twice happened coming from different e-mail addresses - both unknown 
to me. Obviously someone is trying to get a virus to me.


Brad Helden

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.  It is only intended for the 
named recipient/s of this email.

Re: uploading web site blues

2004-03-06 Thread Brad Helden


As all have pointed out already, there is a lot of gobbleydigook in 
the link source that been inserted for some reason by the software 
you used. This is one reason that I never use these 'instant web 
maker' software but taught myself HTML instead.

If you want to learn how to make a simple website like the one you 
are making by writing your own HTML it is very easy - contact me and 
I will tell you how.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

It's now down to...

2004-02-19 Thread Brad Helden
For the umpteenth time I am putting my printer for sale here again. 
It is a great printer and the quality is fantastic so I decided it 
must be the price. It cost me $300 less than a year ago. Will now 
sell for $210 ono and 2 Mid Strength stubbies (threw the last bit in 
just to sweeten the deal for me as they say).

It is an Epson Stylus Photo 830 with the five colour heads. Prints on 
photo quality paper exceptionally well.

Contact me on 9330-4139 if interested.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Re: Japanese Language Conversion

2004-02-19 Thread Brad Helden

Can anyone assist please.

I have a friend in Japan who has little English and I have little 
Japanese.  Is there a program
which will convert my English e mails , or word docs to Japanese so 
he can read them and vice
versa, so that I can convert his Japanese e mails to English so I can 
read them.

In short - no. I lived in Japan many years and although I have seen 
some attempts at programs to do the job I have not found any that do 
it well. The main problem is that Japanese is a much smaller language 
that often deals in concepts rather than literary translations. I can 
only recommend having someone help you or take up the study. Sorry.

One thing you can buy that might help is that you can get Pocket 
Electronic Dictionaries over there. I had a small Seiko one and it 
was not bad. Just make sure you buy one that is in 'Romaji' which 
means Romanized letters or you wont be able to read it unless you 
know Japanese writing - and there are 3 writing forms!

By the way ( a shameless plug ) I am running a course at UWA Autumn 
Classes on Tuesday nights from the 3rd of March through to Mid April 
on Demystifying Japanese Culture. You might find it useful before you 

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Appleworks updater

2004-02-14 Thread Brad Helden
The international version of 6.2.9 updater for Appleworks is 
available through Versiontracker website - I just downloaded and 
installed it.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Mac work

2004-02-10 Thread Brad Helden


As of the end of this month I am closing down my Japanese 
consultation business - at least on the full time basis. As such I am 
in desperately looking for some part-time work to make ends meet.

If anyone knows of some work available on Macs can they let me know. 
I know a fairly large variety of software (mainly DTP or graphics) 
and I have installed several cards and bits and pieces into Macs 
(including older models).

Any other work also welcome -especially Media or English teaching.

I can be reached on 9330-4139 or leave a message here. CV is available.

Many thanks,
Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Looking for an OS update

2004-02-08 Thread Brad Helden
Does anyone living towards Freo have the 100MB OSX 10.2.8 update 
combined file that I can get burned on a CD?

I tried a few times to download but my connection is via a pokey 
modem and when I tried to download overnight the connection gets 
dropped sometimes (iPrimus?).

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

WAMUG Warning notices

2004-02-05 Thread Brad Helden

Every day I get e-mail from WAMUG with the subject being WARNING and a number.

 It says (in part ) that -

This is an automated message from the
   mailing list manager

List messages sent to your address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> have bounced.

If you read this message, your mail system has been probably fixed.

Obviously my mail system has not been fixed otherwise I wouldn't get 
them regularly.

Does anyone know why I am getting them and how I can rectify the situation?

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

More than coincidence???

2004-01-28 Thread Brad Helden
Today's e-mail included a nice attempt to send a virus to me with the 
sender listed as a Vic Park car-yard. I contacted the yard and warned 
the owner what had taken place and of course the nasty file labelled 
'data.zip' was promptly trashed.

What amused me was that when I checked my 'real' mail in my letter 
box I found a letter addressed to me  saying that I could have 
complete virus protection for only $200.

Hmmm... I wonder.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Opening a keyboard question

2004-01-25 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,

I have an Apple extended keyboard that came with my G4. It is white 
plastic with the USB connections and a CD eject button. Recently I 
spilled some drink on the keyboard (I know -keep drinks away from it) 
and I want to open it to clean.

When I looked there doesn't seem to be any screws or tabs to open it. 
The keyboard works okay but did stick on a couple of keys at first 
use after the spill. Anyone know how to open one of these and how 
easy it is?

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

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protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

PM7200 USB or not to USB

2004-01-22 Thread Brad Helden
Can anyone tell me if it is possible (and to what cost outlay) to put 
some sort of USB card or connector to a PM7200 so I can use a scanner 
and digital camera?

Also does anyone have any RAM for sale for the aforementioned machine 
(size and cost)?

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Re MP3 downloading

2004-01-16 Thread Brad Helden
I know this has been said before here but feel it should be 
reiterated - not all MP3 downloading is illegal.

Many places and in fact many groups have legal free sample downloads, 
many complete songs. It is illegal only if the MP3s are illegally 
available for downloading through hacker sites or bootlegs without 
artists' consent. If in doubt you can always check directly with 
music artists' agents who are easy to find.

bye for now,

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

If anyone is interested in working in Japan

2004-01-16 Thread Brad Helden

Hi all,

Just a note to say that if anyone is looking for a job teaching in 
Japan I know a website that will send you e-mail with all the latest 
positions. (I am not selling nor promoting nor affiliated with them 
in anyway - just passing on info). Drop me a line if interested.

Just wish i could score a job here!

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Epson Printer cheap

2003-12-23 Thread Brad Helden
Earlier this year I bought an Epson 83- Style Photo Printer for $300 
. Now I must sell. Best offer over $200 gets it. It gives excellent 
Photo-like prints and the software with it works well under OS9 and 

Call on 9330 4139 if interested.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Re: junk mail problem

2003-12-07 Thread Brad Helden

I might have a solution for those with SPAM issues.

I use Eudora and always set my filtering to send any mail that is not 
directly addressed to me to be put in the trash. This setting also 
picks up WAMUG mail and others that are lists. All I do when mail 
arrives is to check the trash to see what is worth reading and then 
quit when finished (making sure it is set to empty trash on quit).

I have been using this filtering for a long time and find it is the 
easiest way to ensure 'unwanted's" get trashed.

Hope this info helps someone.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Sony camera manual sought

2003-12-02 Thread Brad Helden
Does anyone have a User Manula for a Sony DSC-P8 camera that I could 
copy? I only have a Japanese manual and it takes me a long time to 
translate it.

Can call me on 9330-4139

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Re: Check out the new Apple Store (in Tokyo)

2003-12-01 Thread Brad Helden
By the way, anyone going to Tokyo should definitely go to Akihabara 
(Electric Town) for the best buys.

Please note that the Ginza strip is considered the most expensive 
shopping district in the world so I'd like to know what the new 
shop's prices are like. If anyone wants more info drop me a line as I 
lived in Japan for over 12 years until last year.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Epson printer for sale

2003-10-16 Thread Brad Helden

Still have a good printer for sale if anyone is looking to buy one.

6 months old EPSON Stylus Photo 830 colour (has 5 colour divisions); 
USB connect for Mac or PC; excellent printing photo quality. Cost 
$300 will sell for $240 and will include a Royalty free photo CD.

Can call me on 9330-4139 after 10am

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

DVD burning & RIMM memory enquiries

2003-10-09 Thread Brad Helden

Many thanks to all the people that contacted me. So many. Much appreciated.
Now if only I could get the same amount to contact me about buying my 
Mac I'd be happy.

Many, many thanks to all,
Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

A (shudder) PC ram question

2003-10-09 Thread Brad Helden
My brother in-law in Japan wanted some RIMM memory for his PC but 
tells me it is very expensive there and near impossible to get hold 
of. I am not familiar with this type so if anyone knows anything 
about it or where to buy some at a reasonable rate I'd be grateful.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

G4 Computer package for sale

2003-10-09 Thread Brad Helden
Someone was going to buy the following but problems arose and the 
sale fell through. If anyone is interested in it I am asking $3,200 
ONO or trade down for a decent laptop model with a cash adjustment.

Apple G4 (mirrored doors) 1GHZ CPU, 60GB hard drive, 750MB RAM, CD 
ROM burner / DVD player - 6 months old ; 17 inch Viewmaster monitor 
(menu controlled) - 1 year old ;  Epson Stylus PHOTO 830 printer 
(photo quality prints) - 5 months old ; wooden computer desk from 
Harvey Norman - 1 year old. Will also install OSX, some 3D software 
(not pirated - runs under OS9) and any bits and pieces I find.

All are in extremely good condition.

Phone: 9330-4139


Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Looking for a video to DVD service

2003-10-09 Thread Brad Helden


Someone I know is trying to get some VHS videos transferred onto 
DVDs. Does anyone know a company or individual who offers this 
service and the probable costs involved?

Thanks a lot,
Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

duo 230 battery

2003-09-29 Thread Brad Helden

Anyone have one of these batteries they don't need?

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Computer set-up for sale

2003-09-26 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,

Here's the details of my computer system for sale soon (will burn CD 
backups before selling). All in VERY good working order.

Apple G4 (mirrored doors) 1GHZ CPU, 60GB hard drive, 750MB RAM, CD 
ROM burner / DVD player - 6 months old ; 17 inch Viewmaster monitor 
(menu controlled) - 1 year old ;  Epson Stylus PHOTO 830 printer 
(photo quality prints) - 5 months old ; wooden computer desk from 
Harvey Norman - 1 year old. Will also install OSX, some 3D software 
(not pirated - runs under OS9) and any bits and pieces I find.

All are in extremely good condition.
Price : $3,200 ONO

Phone: 9330-4139
Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

another mail test -ignore please

2003-09-26 Thread Brad Helden

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

The great Microsoft viral file

2003-09-23 Thread Brad Helden
All my Eudora accounts have been set up to filter to the trash any 
files that are sus so it was no surprise to see the "undelivered to 
Microsoft" e-mail in there. Straight to the trash it went as well as 
searching for any copies - I use a great Freeware Find File program 
called EasyFind that allows you to gather and move found files to the 

All I can say is "I'm glad I'm a Mac person!"

Cheers all,
Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Zippidy Doo Dah

2003-09-04 Thread Brad Helden
Anybody know where I can rent or borrow* a USB ZIP 100 drive for a 
day? I had a ZIP drive in my old G4 but the new one hasn't. 
Consequently I want to burn all the info from my ZIP disks on to CD.

BTW afterwards I will have quite a few ZIP disks for sale .

*If someone can lend me a drive I will reciprocate with ZIP disk or two.


Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

What a great bunch of folk!

2003-09-03 Thread Brad Helden
Many thanks to all those who replied to my request for OS8. I will 
soon contact one of you for a copy.

One thing I like about this group is that people try to help each 
other - many thanks.


Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

The missing system I need

2003-09-02 Thread Brad Helden
I have OS7.5; OS9; and OSX but I made the mistake of giving away my 
system 8 with a Mac I sold. Anyone know where I can get a copy south 
of the river (I'm in Melville)?

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Formatting a CD

2003-08-24 Thread Brad Helden
I am running OS10.2.3 on a G4 but want to burn a CD with OS7.5 
install disks on it for an LC575. Problem is that when I burnt it 
before the CD kept getting popped out of the LC. I'm pretty sure it's 
because the OS format of the CD is HFS+ and the LC only takes 
standard HFS.

Does anyone know how I can burn a HFS CD on a computer formatted with 
HFS+? Tried Disk Utility but no go.

Any other ideas most welcome.

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Printer for sale

2003-08-24 Thread Brad Helden
I have an Epson Photo 830 printer for sale that is only 3 1/2 months 
old and in excellent condition including all paperwork, packaging and 
I will sign over so the warrantee is covered. It cost me $300 but 
will sell for $250 or best offer.

Phone 9330-4139 after 11am for quickest contact

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Seeking a Duo 230 Battery

2003-08-16 Thread Brad Helden

Anybody knows where I can get a cheap battery for a Duo 230?

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Re: Seeking an old system

2003-07-31 Thread Brad Helden

Have found OS7 and downloaded, now looking for OS7.5

Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Seeking an old system

2003-07-31 Thread Brad Helden

Anyone can tell me if Mac OS7 or 7.5 floppies or a CD is available anywhere?
I have both but they are Japanese versions and this time I need an 
English only system for a Powerbook 170.


Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Trouble with Mac Help

2003-07-21 Thread Brad Helden
Recently the SEARCH text input box and button have disappeared from 
Help Centre through the Menu bar help. Also clicking on some of the 
topics just causes the spinning ball to go on and on and on. To top 
it off if I click a topic and actually get there, there is no Back 

I'm sure trashing some pref might help but which one? Anybody else 
had this problem?

(I'm using OS 10.2.3 )


Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Sorry, it's sold, however...

2003-07-17 Thread Brad Helden
Sorry to all those who contacted me but the firewire case was snapped 
up within 30 minutes of me posting..damn, should have held 
out as better offers followed. ;-)

As for the games I posted earlier I will take best offers. Also found 
2 more and some movie DVDs etc.

They are as follows:
Civilization II
Myth Soulblighter
Wing Commander III (Star Wars)
Beat The House Casino ( a real buzz)

Mad Dog Morgan (Dennis Hopper)
Mad Max 2 (Japanese version - English with Japanese subtitles)
Cartoon Classics Vol. 2

PC Movie CD's -
Joan Of Arc (Modern version)
8MM (Nicholas Cage)

Phone: 9330 4139 to get 'em quick


Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.
It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Firewire burner case for sale

2003-07-17 Thread Brad Helden

I have the following items for sale. If interested call me on 9330-4139.

* QUEFIRE! CD Firewire burner case (actually has non-working burner 
still in it) $ Best offer over $40

* Civilization II complete with packaging $25
* Myth Soulblighter complete with packaging (will also supply updates 
if req'd) $25



Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

* The contents of this email transmission are confidential and may be 
protected by professional privilege.

It is only intended for the named recipient/s of this email.

Re: pictures of g5

2003-06-23 Thread Brad Helden

By the look of things it is indeed a G5.

Just one point, Eugene, it's Chinese not Japanese so can't translate 
it for you. Sorry.


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

Hardware: G4 1Ghz 750MB RAM, 60GB & 30GB HD, AGP graphics; 
Viewmaster 17 monitor; Canon Flatbed scanner, EPSON 830 printer

Re: Emails not getting through...

2003-06-20 Thread Brad Helden
Thanks Matt. That explains a lot. I've been going crazy trying to 
figure out what's been going on. Only today did I start to receive 
WAMUG email again.

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

Hardware: G4 1Ghz 750MB RAM, 60GB & 30GB HD, AGP graphics; 
Viewmaster 17 monitor; Canon Flatbed scanner, EPSON 830 printer


2003-06-01 Thread Brad Helden
Anyone has seen a Mac mag CD with the OS10.2.6 combo update on it? I 
have a very slow internet connection so waiting for the 80MB or so 
download is not on. Currently using 10.2.3.


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

Hardware: G4 1Ghz 750MB RAM, 60GB & 30GB HD, AGP graphics; 
Viewmaster 17 monitor; Canon Flatbed scanner, EPSON 830 printer

RE: Adobe Reader 6 Installation

2003-05-28 Thread Brad Helden

I also have not been successful at getting Reader 6 to install
Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

Hardware: G4 1Ghz 750MB RAM, 60GB & 30GB HD, AGP graphics; 
Viewmaster 17 monitor; Canon Flatbed scanner, EPSON 830 printer

Re: This from the G4 list

2003-05-25 Thread Brad Helden
Personally I think my G4 is the anti-Christ but that is only because 
of the ungodly things it can do.

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

Hardware: G4 1Ghz 750MB RAM, 60GB & 30GB HD, AGP graphics; 
Viewmaster 17 monitor; Canon Flatbed scanner, EPSON 830 printer

Opinions sought

2003-05-21 Thread Brad Helden
Any opinions on OS10.2.6 would be welcome including warnings of bugs. 
Currently using 10.2.3 without too much grief but the reviews at 
Version Tracker indicate the new update 10.2.6 is overall a good one.


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

Hardware: G4 1Ghz 750MB RAM, 60GB & 30GB HD, AGP graphics; 
Viewmaster 17 monitor; Canon Flatbed scanner, EPSON 830 printer

Re : Blocking Spam

2003-05-02 Thread Brad Helden
Similar to what Kelly Duffy reported, my wife's e-mail with iPrimus 
got spammed with a bullshit Mail Undelivered letter which says my 
wife tried to contact a porn site e-mail address but it couldn't get 
through. She, of course, didn't, but what I think they were hoping 
was that those who got their BS e-mail would reply or contact the 
site therefore submitting themselves to a life of spam hell.

I'm all for free enterprise and promotion as much as the next person 
but some of these creeps are over the top.

I contacted iPrimus by form on their website a few days back to tell 
them that maybe their customers are getting targeted but no reply. Oh 

My 2c worth (excluding GST)

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

Hardware: G4 1Ghz 750MB RAM, 60GB & 30GB HD, AGP graphics; 
Viewmaster 17 monitor; Canon Flatbed scanner, EPSON 830 printer

New free OSX software

2003-04-28 Thread Brad Helden
Don't know if this has been mentioned here but I just got this 
posting off the Macusers Group in Tokyo and thought it might be of 
interest here.

Clutter is a pleasantly small freeware OS X application that fetches 
the album cover of your current iTunes song from Amazon.com and puts 
it in a brushed aluminum window on your desktop and in your dock. 
Drag the album cover out onto your desktop, and you now have another 
way to select your music... just double click the desired album cover 
and iTunes starts on a playlist of the album.


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Bits to sell

2003-04-22 Thread Brad Helden

* 64MB RAM suits G4 400mhz AGP - $ whatever you can manage

* SHARP AJ 1800 printer , one year old. A very good PC printer but 
also works with Macs up to OS 9.2.2. Excellent condition and still 
with original packing and CD $120

* Firewire external CD (&DVD?) case (still has Que Fire CD burner in 
it that doesn't work) $100 or best offer

Contact me by phone on 9330-4139 (preferred) or by e-mail

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner


2003-04-14 Thread Brad Helden

Hi all,

Have heard some disturbing things about the 10.2.5 OS update 
regarding kernel errors etc. Anybody have some light to shine on 
this matter?



G4 for sale

2003-04-13 Thread Brad Helden
Selling my G4 400, 1GB RAM, 10GB HD, Zip drive installed, AGP 
graphics, OS9.2.2 installed. Bought in Japan but has English system 
on board. Comes with mouse and keyboard. In very good condition 
except the modem is dicky. A fast machine.

Will pack in original box. Need to sell this week. Best offer over 
$1,000 will take it.

Call me on 9330-4139 preferably or e-mail me


Virex updates

2003-04-12 Thread Brad Helden

Hi all,

Thought I sent this the other day but maybe no, so sending it now.
Some have been asking about Virex updates and it so happens I have 
just been in touch with them about the a related issue. What follows 
is their reply which includes an e-mail address. Hope it helps.

This afternoon Network Associates forwarded us your email regarding 
Virex 6.1 and updating to Virex 7. PICA Software is the local 
distributor of Virex in Australia. It is great to hear that you are 
an avid fan and user of Virex 6.1.

Virex 6.1 is verified for compatibility with OS 9.x. Virex 7 is 
verified for compatibility with OS X 10.x. If you have upgraded your 
system to OS X 10.x then you will need to use Virex 7 while under 
this Operating System. If you are able to restart you computer in OS 
9.x then you should have Virex 6.1 installed under this operating 

Unfortunately there isn't an "upgrade" as such. You will need to 
purchase Virex 7. Network Associates has recently changed their 
distribution method for all Virex products. Virex is now available as 
part of a two-year licence agreement. It is no longer available as a 
retail product, on CD. This licence agreement enables you to download 
the version of Virex that is compatible for your current Operating 
System. It also enables you to download any upgrades that become 
available as well as the monthly virus definition updates.

This two year Virex licence is available from all Apple resellers and 
distributors, as well as directly from PICA Software. The current 
cost of the license is $89.00 which includes GST. Purchase of this 
licence provides you with a grant number which can then be used to 
access the applicable updates and upgrades.

If you have any further queries regarding this information and/or 
Virex please contact us.

Mairian Gildea
Software Support

Bye for now,


sorry, a test

2003-04-12 Thread Brad Helden


Price or recommendation wanted

2003-04-03 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,
Anyone can recommend an external USB modem 56k for my G4? Price?
My internal got fried in last Saturday's electrical storm.

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Hardware test CD

2003-03-28 Thread Brad Helden
Does anyone know if when you buy a Mac (G4) you get the Hardware Test 
CD included for free? I don't recall getting one, but as I bought 
mine in Japan I thought perhaps it might be different there.


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Re: just a thought ...

2003-03-26 Thread Brad Helden
So it would seem that craziness comes from breaking down stereotype 
images. :o)

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

G4 woes

2003-03-24 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,

Finally have a system prob that has stumped me.

Recently connected my G4 (0S9.2.2) by ethernet to a 7200 (OS9.1). My 
wife tried to file share without having the G4 on and since then 
everything started going crazy. The G4 has 2 hard drives (30GB 
partitioned with main startup and a10GB blessed also). Suddenly 
programs crashed out and lots of stuttering to the point that I 
completely re-initalialized the 30GB complete with writing all zeros.

What happens now is that when I try to drag the apps from the 10GB to 
the other (incl. prefs) I often get system errors of Type 2 or 3 
when I try to start those apps. Sometimes I also get bad address 
errors when I try to start up. This is driving me crazy.

If anyone has some ideas (especially if someone has the chance to 
chat by phone on 9330-4139) I would really appreciate it.


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Looking for RAM & a computer

2003-03-20 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,

Anyone have some168pin 70ns DIMMs suitable for a 7200 available. Can 
possibly swap 64MB PC100 for G4 if wanted. Call me on 9330-4139.

Also if anyone knows of a cheap Power Mac up for grabs with monitor 
and keyboard please let me know.


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Connecting the old to the..um...slightly newer

2003-03-06 Thread Brad Helden
Can anyone recommend the easiest, best, and cheapest way to file 
share between a 7200 Power Mac (thanks Mark :o) ) and a G4 400? Also 
where I might be able to pick up the cables etc reasonably. I thought 
maybe ethernet is the way to go.

many thanks,

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Hard drive prices

2003-02-18 Thread Brad Helden
Just logged on to the Macusers' Group in Tokyo and read that one guy 
bought a 120GB HD for 15,500 yen which is about $217.40AU. Can anyone 
tell me how this compares with what's available in Perth?

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Thanks for the support

2003-02-14 Thread Brad Helden
I just wanted to say thanks to those who contacted me at various 
times since I returned from Japan last year giving advice about 
settling back into Perth. My wife and I have now been given a 
government grant to help conduct our own business as of the 27th 

The services we are offering are:

Graphic Design
Desktop Publishing
Copy Writing
Japanese Cultural Consultation (as applied to business negotiating)
Japanese and English Language Tuition
Japanese Translation

Anyway, now comes the hard part of finding clients.

Many thanks again,

Brad & Tomo Helden
Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

If you get offered an iMac.....

2003-02-07 Thread Brad Helden

Hi all,

Another stolen Mac report.

My cousin has recently had her lime green iMac stolen from her house 
in Palmyra. As it belonged to her brother who died a year and a half 
ago it means a lot to her. Unfortunately as she is not a computer 
geek like the rest of us details a to the model are sketchy. All I 
know is that it was a 1999 model and lime green.

If anyone gets offered one of these by some 'shady' character please 
let me know. I realise it is almost impossible to ever find these 
again, but you never know.

Just in case it can't be recovered if anyone has an iMac for sale 
cheap (she's on a special pension) please drop me a line with the 
details and your phone number (pref. land line).

Many thanks to all,

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Cheap Mac wanted

2003-02-04 Thread Brad Helden
I'm looking for a cheap old Mac for my wife so she can just do some 
text work and possible database stuff. What I need is a computer that 
has either a CD built-in and a monitor. A Centris or 608040 (trying 
to remember the number here) would be ideal with about 20mb RAM and 
at least a 230MB HD.

Anybody has one or seen one please let me know. Have seen an LCII 
with monitor at an OP shop for only $20 but it doesn't suit all our 

Call me on 9330-4139 and leave a message if not there or drop me a 
line by e-mail with what you have and price wanted.

Thanks all,

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Book wanted

2003-01-29 Thread Brad Helden
Anybody have an old Quicken 5 manual they don't need? If so drop me a 
line or call me on 9330-4139. Many thanks.


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

DC power adaptor advice wanted

2003-01-27 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,

I have got hold of a pair of sturdy looking IBM computer speakers 
however there was no DC adaptor with them and they don't take 

I tried using two DC adaptors I have which are 240V to 9V 500mA and 
240V to 13.5V 400mA but when I used each of them one of the speakers 
began to hum unhappily (without even being turned on).

Anyone can advise which adaptors might work with these speakers?


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Viewmaster 
17 monitor; QUE Fire CDR; 100MB USB Zip drive; Canon Flatbed scanner

Re: Browser ? or OS?

2003-01-08 Thread Brad Helden
For what it's worth, I am using OS 9.2.2 and never have trouble with 
Bankwest Log Ins.

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Sony E200 
monitor; QUE Fire CDR; LaCie 10GB Firewire ext. HD; 100MB USB Zip 
drive; Canon Flatbed scanner; NEC MN-128 TA

Internet Provider Question

2003-01-05 Thread Brad Helden

Hello all,

Recently on TV I saw an ad for an El Cheapo Internet Provider at 
around $8.50 per month. It has limitations on downloads etc but might 
suit my purposes for now. Problem is that I can't recall the name of 
them and need to contact them soon.

If anyone knows the name (and phone if poss.) please drop me a line 
here or phone on 9330-4139


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Sony E200 
monitor; QUE Fire CDR; LaCie 10GB Firewire ext. HD; 100MB USB Zip 
drive; Canon Flatbed scanner; NEC MN-128 TA

Request for TV manual and advice

2002-12-29 Thread Brad Helden


Anybody have a NEC N4856 (or similar model) TV with a manual I could 
copy? Also looking for a remote control to suit so if anyone has an 
idea where I could buy one please let me know. Phone number is 

On other thing is we are looking for a place to rent anywhere from 
Freo to Mt Pleasant close to Canning Hway. If you know any please let 
me know.

BTW, I have a 51cm RANK TV in good working order for sale at $40 if 
anyone is interested.

Sorry this is not MAC related but thought you could help.

Seasons Greetings to all!


Brad Helden
Graphic Designer
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Sony E200 
monitor; QUE Fire CDR; LaCie 10GB Firewire ext. HD; 100MB USB Zip 
drive; Canon Flatbed scanner; NEC MN-128 TA

Re: Spammer Info

2002-12-21 Thread Brad Helden

Phil see below -


Hiya all,

Something I just saw on another email list. The amount of equipment 
and infrastructure that goes into these activities sure is amazing.

Does anyone on here know anything more about Wayne Mansfield, the 
Perth spammer?


I just stumbled across an article from a few weeks ago that's
absolutely brilliant!

It's to do with a very successful U.S.-based spammer that has earned
enough from his activities to recently build a large home for himself.
The original article, by the Detroit Free Press, is here:


Needless to say, SlashDot got all over this one within a matter of


Now - here's the good bit - another article in the Detroit Free Press,
with the spammer complaining that he is now being flooded with
advertising e-mail and snail mail:

(That page has two other unrelated but interesting articles on it

The best summary for the whole affair is the Ars Technica article,
complete with user comments that tend to be more interesting than their
SlashDot counterparts:



Sent from the Apple PowerBook G4 of:
Phillip McGree Web: 

Perth, Western Australiahttp://chat.iinet.net.au
Mobile Phone: 0418 922 500  Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macs for sale - new and secondhand  http://mac.iinet.net.au

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Brad Helden
Graphic Designer
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Sony E200 
monitor; QUE Fire CDR; LaCie 10GB Firewire ext. HD; 100MB USB Zip 
drive; Canon Flatbed scanner; NEC MN-128 TA

Moving sale

2002-12-14 Thread Brad Helden
Hi People,

As we have to move soon I have a few goods to sell:

* Belkin CD Labeler with 106 blank CD labels (used once) $50

* Pentax SFX SLR camera 28 ~ 70mm zoom, Auto Focus, built-in flash.
Excellent condition. $330 ONO

* Rank 51cm VHF colour TV. Works very well. $50

* Panasonic Phone Answering Machine (takes regular size tapes) $8

All goods working well.

If interested give me a call on 9330-4139

Brad Helden
Graphic Designer
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Sony E200 
monitor; QUE Fire CDR; LaCie 10GB Firewire ext. HD; 100MB USB Zip 
drive; Canon Flatbed scanner; NEC MN-128 TA

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Ergonomic chair to sell or swap

2002-11-09 Thread Brad Helden
I have a very good HÅG ergonomic chair to sell or swap for a decent 
CD burner, legal OS 10 or Mac what-have-you. It is orange cloth and 
black piping and in very good condition.

Anyone interested call me on 9330-4139 or e-mail me here.



Brad Helden
Graphic Designer
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Sony E200 
monitor; QUE Fire CDR; LaCie 10GB Firewire ext. HD; 100MB USB Zip 
drive; Canon Flatbed scanner; NEC MN-128 TA

Parts wanted

2002-11-03 Thread Brad Helden


Hoping someone might have a Floppy Disk Drive for free, swap, or sale 
for a Powerbook Duo 230 I was given today. I also need a T8 Torx 
Driver so I can unscrew the T8 screws underneath.

This is actually my first laptop though I have used Macs for a long 
time so if anyone has owned one of these and has any advice or 
opinion (especially on upgrading) please let me know.

If I can get the Floppy Drive I will also be looking for some OS 8.6 
disks to update it from 7.1 which it is now.

I can be reached here or by phone on 9330-4139



Brad Helden
Graphic Designer
Japanese Culture Consultant

Perth, Western Australia


Hardware: G4 400mhz 1GB RAM, 10GB & 30GB HD,AGP graphics; Sony E200 
monitor; QUE Fire CDR; LaCie 10GB Firewire ext. HD; 100MB USB Zip 
drive; Canon Flatbed scanner; NEC MN-128 TA

re WWW Site Weirdness

2002-10-16 Thread Brad Helden

No problems using Netscape 7 on a G4 with OS 9.2.2 International


Re: keyboard wanted

2002-09-26 Thread Brad Helden
>Mark Secker wrote -

>The only downside is the loss of the power key on some PC keyboards.

you mean like the Apple PC keyboard... hmmm not there... not here
nope can't see a power button on this apple keyboard.

Actually if anybody has a stash of the quicksilver keyboards in stock
I'd like to grab one myself... the new white ones look a tad "uncool"
white - the new beige.

>The Apple Pro Keyboard is great to type on and nowonly $125 from
>Apple / an Apple Reseller.
My keyboard has a Power Button but I brought with me from Japan. If 
you're not in a hurry for it a friend runs the Tokyo Macusers group 
and could probably send one down.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Eddy Wajon's problem

2002-09-23 Thread Brad Helden
Bill Parker stated:

> 1) Update OS to 9.2.2

That bit I would not bother with. I still find 9.2.1 OK

The reason I suggested 9.2.2 is that it is recognized as being stable 
and addresses some problems found on 9.2.1

> 3) As a Netscape fan would suggest moving over to that browser and
> also allocating a decent amount of RAM to it.
Dont use it, but agree with the principle below of allocating much higher
RAM to IE 5.0 which I use all the time.

The move to Netscape was that IE still has some security problems yet 
to be fully addressed and that Netscape 7 has many new features that 
make it easy to set-up and use

The bottom line Eddy is that it will be your own personal decision on 
software choice.the most important thing is regards RAM 
allocation which many people often forget to attend to even though 
they have a fair amount of memory installed.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Dr Wajon's G4/OS problems

2002-09-22 Thread Brad Helden


Dr Eddy Wajon wrote -
I have found my G4 with either OS 9.1 or 9.2 to be very unstable. I
continually have Word quitting because of memory problems, especially when
going to print, and Outlook Express or Internet Explorer freezing when
sending or downloading. Lately at work on a PC using XP instead of Windows
95, I don't have these same kind of computer problems. If anyone can
explain why I have these Mac problems and how to solve them, I would be most
grateful. I have had MacDoctor come in and re-install everything, download
OS9.2 and partition my disc, and I still have these same problems.
I have been running my old (but good) G4 400 on OS 9.2.2 for some 
time without any troubles noted that I can directly relate to the 
system version.

My suggestions on Eddy's troubles are as follows:

1) Update OS to 9.2.2
2) Allocate as much RAM memory as possible to Word and (especially) 
Outlook Express
3) As a Netscape fan would suggest moving over to that browser and 
also allocating a decent amount of RAM to it.

With regards to RAM allocation my Mac has 1GB RAM with 75,766K 
assigned to IE (when I use it)



Camera for sale or swap

2002-09-20 Thread Brad Helden
I have a Pentax SLR model SFX fitted with a 28-70 Zoom that I want to 
sell so I can my CD burner that died - asking $310 ONO or will swap 
for new or near new CD burner (prefer Firewire connection but will 
consider USB). Camera works very well and is in good condition.

If anyone is interested call me on 9330-4139 after 11am most days



A change of e-mail address

2002-09-12 Thread Brad Helden
Just a quick note to those who have contacted me before that my new 
e-mail address is:-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] or you can still use [EMAIL PROTECTED]



A shameful plug

2002-09-05 Thread Brad Helden
I know this may not be the right place to plug oneself, but I am in 
the process of setting up a new business and need all the promotion I 
can get.

If anyone is in need of Japanese typesetting or graphic design work 
aimed at the Japanese market, or are thinking of marketing in Japan 
and need consultation on Japanese business ethics and culture please 
get in touch with me on 9330-4139 or drop me a line at 

Many thanks,

Brad Hedlen

Re: Old imac question

2002-08-29 Thread Brad Helden

Hi Dave,

If you are talking about the (5 flavours) iMac that were Power PC 750 
266 and 333 mhz machines they can take 512MB RAM using 2 PC66 DIMMs. 
They can be upgraded to OSX.



Hi people,
I am confused about the upgradabilty of old imacs, can anyone give me
the definitive limits of an imac 266? I need to know how much RAM I can
put in it and what system it will support without getting impossibly
thanks for your help

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