color episodes

2021-08-10 Thread Janine L Johnson
I mostly enjoy all TAGS episodes but am particularly fond of several 
color episodes for their sentimental and loving content; Only a Rose and 
Church Benefactors come to mind immediately. I actually don't miss 
Barney much since he was such a rascal. For those who never met Don 
Knotts, I must tell you that he in no way resembles Deputy Fife. He was 
a gentleman of the highest degree. Many years ago I read in the paper 
that he was to give a speech at the university here so I called to find 
out his lodging and left a msg inviting him to our chapter meeting. He 
was gracious enough to actually call me at home and I almost fell down. 
He explained that he didn't have time as he was flying back out right 
after the presentation but wished us well. Another time, he was to 
appear out at Disney World's studios theme park for a hand-print 
ceremony at Grauman's so a couple of our chapter members went with me to 
see him. Due to rain it got cancelled but he noticed us out of a window 
with our Mayberry tees and nametags and asked an attendant to ask us if 
we would like to visit with him in that meeting room. We were absolutely 
stunned that he would be so obliging. He autographed our books and posed 
for pictures and was every bit the charming man he was reputed to be by 
everyone who ever knew him. We were unaware of the rain after that as we 
floated on home! That surely attests to a fabulous acting ability too 
IMHO; I'll never forget him.

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

color episodes

2021-04-17 Thread Janine L Johnson
I, for one, love many of the color episodes. My favorite is the one 
depicting the ultimate in friendship: when Clara gives up the blue 
ribbon and subsequent appearance in the seed catalog to Bee for her 
hybrid rose at the flower show. That one always makes me cry. And when 
Howard looks heavenward after Andy tries to give him the credit for 
solving (at least for a time) the church leveling challenge; that one 
makes me absolutely lose it every time; such a beautiful tribute to our 
Heavenly Father in one tiny but deeply moving moment! So sad those 
wonderful messages are not depicted in the media anymore.

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2021-04-16 Thread Randy Everette
TV Land is showing color episodes right now.
I know a lot of people don't like them, but several of them are quite good.
It's nice to watch them as they are so rarely shown.

WBMUTBB mailing list

color episodes

2019-04-15 Thread Janine L Johnson
I'm certainly enjoying the airing of our color episodes of Mayberry on 
TVLand. This morning when at the class reunion, Barney found out that 
Thel was married, I cried once again as I do every time. I didn't expect 
this reaction after all this time but there it was. I know he could be 
annoying and overbearing but my heart just breaks when he hears this and 
feels like his life is over. I remember really boohooing the first time 
I saw this episode decades ago. It's not quite as bad now as I know they 
got together again years later and eventually married but it still moves me.

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite Lines In Color Episodes

2017-07-30 Thread DAVID QUINN

My favorite line in a color episodes occurs in the episode "Howard and 
Millie". Howard and Millie are discussing where to go on their honeymoon.   
 Millie suggest Las Vegas, and Howard says "Fly to Las Vegas, and 
gamble..with money?". That one cracks me up.

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man.No Howard, we are going 
to gamble with matchsticks.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Hidden gems in color episodes

2017-07-30 Thread Michael Eury
My favorite lines from color episodes:

"In Mayberry, there are three main forms of communication: telephone,
telegraph, and tell Floyd."

"Somebody blackballed Howard Sprague!"

Michael Eury
WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite lines from color episodes

2017-07-30 Thread Mike Creech
Since I actually like the color episodes better than the b ones, it was hard 
for me to chose,  but this is one of them. 
Andy to Howard:  "But I thought you wanted to follow your rainbow?"
Howard: "Yeah I did,  but I guess I just followed it to the wrong end. My pot 
of gold is right here in Mayberry."

Mike Creech

WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite lines color episodes.

2017-07-30 Thread randymcf
I gotta hobby. Drinkin!
Randy in Indiana

Sent via my Samsung Galaxy, an AT 4G LTE smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Hidden Gems in Color Episodes

2017-07-29 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>Does anyone else have any favorite "Color" episode lines they love?<<<

"Now, I'm goin' over to Helen's and eat my third supper.  And then I'm comin' 
back.  And I'm gonna kill you."

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Hidden Gems in Color Episodes

2017-07-28 Thread Steven Mitchell
Growing up I have always had a preference for the black and white episodes
(writing seems stronger, prefer the focus on Andy and Barney's relationship
as opposed to the focus on Andy's relationship with the town that seems
prevalent in color episodes)

Having said that we still enjoy the color episodes ("Opie's Job" is one of
the best TAGS episodes overall in my opinion) and my wife and kids have now
become real experts on the color episodes. They study 'em!

My wife recently noticed a line that I had always overlooked from "Barney
Hosts a Summit Meeting".

"Using the public typewriter and eating a pear."

This has become one of our go-to lines used in our daily lives. Does anyone
else have any favorite "Color" episode lines they love?


The Selfish Giraffes Chapter
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite color episodes

2016-11-16 Thread Daniel Santos
Aunt Bee the Swinger and the other episode with the visiting professor and Aunt 
Bee.  We see a completely different side to her.

Johnna Santos
Newly transplanted from Fayetteville, AR to Anaheim, CA

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

WBMUTBB mailing list

favorite color episodes

2016-11-16 Thread Janine L Johnson
I love most of the color episodes altho we miss Barney. I believe the 
one I mentioned just recently in which Clara gives up her ribbon at the 
flower show to Aunt Bee for her rose hybrid, accidentally destroyed by 
Opie, is my favorite for the supreme example of true friendship it 
depicts. She didn't have to do that and nobody would have criticized her 
otherwise, but she knew in her heart how hard Bee had tried and that it 
was the right thing to do for her friend. We don't witness that too very 
often so it always warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye.

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2016-11-16 Thread eric swolgaard
Although we no doubt agree the classic episodes reside in the B period, I 
feel there are many good to
excellent color episodes. My favorite is titled "The Wedding" when Howard 
Sprague inherits his mother's house
and promptly converts it into his idea of a swinging bachelor's pad! Howard's 
futile attempt to explain abstract art to Goober
is a hoot, and one has to sympathize with poor Helen being dragged into service 
for dance after dance-
the surprise capper being Emmett displaying his vaudeville era dance skills!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
" a bit of the bubbly"

WBMUTBB mailing list

color episodes

2015-12-27 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I'm glad some of you got to see the color episodes Christmas  day. I 
searched every channel we had and they were all B So, I watched  Christmas 
Story in B and it is still a great story line!  I'll take  it over 
anything...anythingthe networks have to offer in this day and  time!
Welford TheCameraNu.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2015-12-25 Thread dewey lamb
 I have never been a devotee of the color episodes.That being said,I watched the
Christmas episode & the Pickle episode tonight,both of which were televised in
color.I noticed obscure items in the color episodes that I never noticed in B & 
I can honestly say I enjoyed the two episodes.I hope CBS will repeat this next 
Dewey in NC
Marriage is a great institution,but who wants to live in an institution?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite color episodes

2014-01-14 Thread Janet Anderson
Was watching the color episodes where Andy, Aunt Bee and Opie go to 
Hollywood and was wondering what the favorite color episodes were for people 
on this group. The Hollywood ones are my favorite.

The Hollywood episodes
All five of the episodes where Barney appears (except for the part in The 
Return when we find out Thelma Lou married someone else--BOO!)
Malcolm at the Crossroads
Otis the Artist
Eat Your Heart Out
The Lodge where Howard tries to join
The Darling Fortune
Big Fish in a Small Town
Only a Rose
Otis the Deputy
Dinner at Eight
Howard the Comedian
Howard's Main Event
Howard the Bowler
Andy's Trip to Raleigh
The Church Benefactors
The Wedding (Howard's bachelor pad)

I might add more after I watch them again, but these are the main ones.

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite color episodes

2014-01-13 Thread Mitchell, Houston
Was watching the color episodes where Andy, Aunt Bee and Opie go to Hollywood 
and was wondering what the favorite color episodes were for people on this 
group. The Hollywood ones are my favorite.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Advantage of the Color Episodes - Aunt Bee's Cooking

2013-10-16 Thread Jeff Gossett
I was watching some of the color episodes this week (I love them as much as the 
BW's) and noticed how good all the food looks, It made me hungry. Now that's 
just something you couldn't get a feel for in the BW episodes.

Dan Caldwell
On my word as a gentleman
WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2013-09-09 Thread Mike Haviland
Everyone seems to like the black and white episodes. Me to, season one is my 
favorite. Consider this,  season eight had the highest rating of any year, in 
fact it was the number one show in television. Season eight had some very good 
episodes. My favorite color season. Makes ya Think
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy in the color episodes

2013-09-06 Thread Janet Anderson
Dixon and Victor, thanks for chiming in and adding your thoughts about Andy's 
change of temperament in the color episodes.  I think you both make some very 
good points.

Dixon, I hadn't thought before about the exasperated dad/husband/boss theme 
that was present in a number of situation comedies at the time, but that may 
have influenced the direction that Andy's character took.  And you're right 
that Barney's absence re-scrambled the chemistry of the whole show.  Without 
Barney, Andy had no real sidekick, not in the same sense that Barney was a 
friend, confidant, and peer of Andy.  It's as though in the later years, all 
the other characters in the show became a bit more--how shall I put 
it?--juvenile, in a sense.  That is, it sometimes felt as though Andy was the 
patriarch of the town, the dad to all the kids who lived there.  That's 
perhaps being a bit extreme because it wasn't always like that, but too often 
Andy was expected to be the problem solver and had to deal with the pettiness 
of some of the other characters, as though the whole town were dependent on 
him, and that kind of burden (in a real-life person, anyway) would lead to some 
 umpiness and anger, I'm sure.  It is true that the color episodes are more 
comparable to other situation comedies of the day, as opposed to the black and 
white episodes.

Victor, your point about more one-shot writers being involved in the color 
years had to have made a difference.  Yes, in the first five years, there were 
several writers who did many episodes (Harvey Bullock, Everett Greenbaum, 
etc.), which gave a greater sense of continuity, I think.  Aaron Ruben leaving 
the show after five years, as Dixon mentioned, was probably a big part of that, 
too.  My guess is that, aside from Andy himself, Aaron was much of the glue 
that held the series together through the black and white years.  The shows do 
take on a more formulaic feel after he left.

This is not meant to be a criticism of the color years but an examination of 
why the color years are different from the first five seasons.  I know there 
are many who will go so far as to say they don't even watch the show past the 
fifth season, but I still appreciate the last three seasons.  TAGS was a great 
show to the end, but the black and white years were certainly the heyday of the 
program, and I don't think any other show in TV history can top the quality of 
production, acting, writing, casting, and character interaction of TAGS in its 
first five years.

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy in the color episodes

2013-09-06 Thread Cheryl Langille
Thelma Lou (Janet)
I don't think I've ever heard it said any better than that. Your education was 
worth every penny. 

Marietta, GA
Philosophical meanderins' that's what they call it

Sent from Cheryl's iPhone

WBMUTBB mailing list

the best moments of the color episodes

2013-09-02 Thread Michael Eury
Every few years, the topic of the color episodes resurfaces here and how
they don't quite measure up to the first five BW seasons.

Yes, it's easy to lament the absence of Don Knotts and criticize both the
ill-fated addition of Deputy Warren Ferguson to the cast and the change in
Andy's demeanor to grumpy old Andy.

But Seasons Six through Eight of TAGS do offer some pleasures:

* Howard Sprague: I found Howard to be a delightful character, especially
in his earliest episodes when he was under his mother's thumb (too bad they
married off Mrs. Sprague; still, the episode revealing Howard's bachelor
pad was a hoot).

* Howard the Comedian is a hilarious color episode exposing the pettiness
of small-town grudges and featuring some side-splitting writing (Howard's
joke about Mayberry's three main forms of communication -- telephone,
telegraph, and tell Floyd -- makes me snicker just writing this.)

* Floyd post-stroke: Howard McNear's beloved barber became, in some ways,
funnier once his physical limitations and advancing age shifted Floyd's
characterization from manic barber to senior busybody. (He steals the Mind
Over Matter episode when telling Goober about Johnny Harris' accident.)

* Aunt Bee's character was better developed in the color episodes, as was
her friendship and occasional rivalry with Clara Edwards. (I defy you to
hold back the tears when Clara concedes her rose award to Bee after Bee's
hybrid flower was destroyed.)

* Without Barney as a driving force for many of the episodes, the town of
Mayberry became the focus of or backstory in several shows, and we learned
more about its history.

* Opie's aging: True, Ron Howard was no longer the adorable moppet, but the
color episodes offered viewers the chance to experience growing up,
Mayberry-style, as Opie got his first job, started to date, etc.

Happy Labor Day greetings from Concord, NC,
Michael Eury
WBMUTBB mailing list

Black and white vs color episodes

2013-09-02 Thread David
Y'all it's like we say down south. There is no such thing as bad BBQ, just some 
is a lot better than other but it's all good. Same with TAGS. Some episodes are 
better but there ain't no bad ones. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Color episodes

2013-09-01 Thread Jim and Nancy
I agree that the colored episodes were not as good, in large part to the 
supporting cast.  Emmet, Howard, Warren and Goober were not asgood as 
Gomer, Barney and Floyd.  Another factor was Opie was getting older and 
was not as much the cute little adorable kid that he had once been.

WBMUTBB mailing list

color episodes and ads for Mr. Schwump

2010-09-29 Thread jlj9675
My all-time favorite episode is a colour one; Only a Rose, in which Clara 
gives up her blue ribbon to Aunt Bee; a greater sacrifice in the name of 
friendship and fairness you'd be hard to find! As for ads in USA Today 
in hopes of finding Mr. Schwump, I would be afraid of wasting money if none 
of his kinfolk read this publication; I only read it when I travel and it's 
free in the hotel.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes on TVLand Marathon

2010-09-28 Thread PLV
Actually, I agree with you, Lisa. Several of the color episodes are also among 
my TAGS favorites - including The Battle of Mayberry and The Return of 
Barney Fife. What I meant was that TVLand decided to show only the really bad 
color episodes - including the blonde lawyer in a swimsuit one and the Helen as 
an author one - both of which I still maintain are bottom-of-the-barrel!


Lisa Jackson
Tue, 28 Sep 2010 09:49:35 -0700

The absolute bottom-of-the-barrel color episodes, which no living TAGS fan 
would even think of voting for.

***I hope I'm not dead b/c I did vote for one color episode - Dinner at Eight 
- I will say that I enjoy the earlier episodes better but I really love Dinner 
at Eight.  It is one of my favorites.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy with Barney in the Color Episodes

2009-10-14 Thread Silvia Boosten
Hi TAGS Friends,
My daughter and I have also noticed that Andy is different in the color 
except when Barney is back.  When Don Knotts makes a guest appearance,
Andy seems like his old self, relaxed, happy and jovial.
Silvia - AKA Josephine Pike

WBMUTBB mailing list

Best color episodes

2008-11-11 Thread Brian Rose
In response to which color episodes are the best, I would have to say the ones 
that are in Black and White.  No just kidding.  Now I don't want to seem 
negative, but I'm not a fan of the ones with Warren.  The best way to watch the 
color episodes is to goto the settings on your TV and the one that says color, 
turn it all the way down so that the show appears to be in BW.  Makes it alot 
more enjoyable.
Brian Rose
I Can't Tell Ya 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2008-11-07 Thread Ted Kamprad
I overheard a co-worker explaining about TAGS to a foreigner who had never
seen the show. He said it was on from 1960-65. I told him it was on until
1968. He said-Oh, I dont count the color episodes! Geez. Many people don't
like 'em, but what are the best color episodes?

Ted in MD
WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2008-10-22 Thread Ted Kamprad
I just realized how everyone can enjoy the color episodes now that they are
once again upon us. Get that old Black and White TV out of the basement! Ted
in MD
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Color Episodes

2008-10-22 Thread dudleygl
I just realized how everyone can enjoy the color episodes now that they are
once again upon us. Get that old Black and White TV out of the basement! Ted
in MD

Now THAT'S using your thinkin' bucket!

Jethro Bodine, Sofistikated Enternatunel Playboy
Beverly Hills, Californy
WBMUTBB mailing list

Color episodes

2008-04-19 Thread Curt Granger
I've started watching the Season 6 DVD set, and what's the first thing I 
do?... Set the color on my TV to zero/off. Does anyone else do this?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Color episodes returning soon on TV Land??

2007-02-20 Thread Silvia Boosten
Did TV Land lose the rights to the black and white episodes that they skipped?
  The black and white episodes only started again on February 7th.
  Has anyone heard if TV Land is taking TAGS off?  They have been airing the 
  very strangely... skipping seasons, etc.
  Silvia from California, who wishes she was in Mayberry

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Color episodes returning March 2nd

2007-02-20 Thread Silvia Boosten
Did TV Land lose the rights to the black and white episodes that they skipped?
  The black and white episodes only started again on February 7th.
  Has anyone heard if TV Land is taking TAGS off?  They have been airing them
  very strangely... skipping seasons, etc.
  Silvia from California, who wishes she was in Mayberry

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Today's Topics:

1. Andy, Cranky in BW?? (GRITTON, JOE A (ATT-OPS))
2. color episodes return soon (Mike Peacock)
3. Ramp Festival (John Frungillo)
4. Ramps (lisa jackson)
5. Yahoo Fantasy Baseball (Steve Cooke)
6. A Mayberry Kind of Day! (Rene S)
7. Another Mayberry Day (Ken Anderson)
8. Local TAGSRWC (Kim Cooney)
9. Re: Ramps ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
10. Howard Morris Voices ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
11. opens and closings (Dennis Ernest)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:17:36 -0500
Subject: Andy, Cranky in BW??

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I think tonight's episode where Goober dismantles a car and brings it
into the courthouse was the angriest I have ever seen Andy. When Andy
tells Goober he would shoot him, I said, Geesh.

Well you just went and added to my list without even thinking about it,
or knowing it.
...another time that Andy get irritable in Black and White


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:24:48 -0500
From: Mike Peacock 

Subject: color episodes return soon
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

Hi Gang,
Looks like the color episodes are returning to TVLand on March 2 at 8:30pm 
with Opies' Job! To me, they are all good!
Mike Peacock
Connersville In. 


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 15:03:35 -0500
From: John Frungillo 
Subject: Ramp Festival
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

Up here in the North, Ramps are called Wild Leeks. And as in the 
South they are popular. Every Spring we have Ham  Leek dinners put 
on by local Churches, Volunteer Fire Departments and other non-profit 
organizations. I'm sure anyone who has eaten Ramps or Wild Leeks will 
agree...they stay on your breath for a few days.

Please pass the mouthwash.



Message: 4
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 16:05:26 -0500
From: lisa jackson 

Subject: Ramps 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

I hope y'all will forgive a somewhat non-TAGS posting, but I had to talk 
about ramps, given that they are a large part of the springtime activities 
close to where I live. Richwood, WV has a gigantic ramps feast in the 
spring. I used to work there and I always said that you could smell the 
ramps from far, far away!

There was a little tiny, cute-as-a-button 4- year-old girl that I was 
helping with her kindergarten screening when I worked in the Nicholas Co. 
School system here in WV, and I thought I smelled something rather pungent 
when I was screening her speech. I said, Sweetie, what did you have for 
lunch today? She smiled sweetly and said, I had BRAMPS! That is one of 
my favorite memories from that time in my life.

Also, I remember that my grandfather loved ramps and my grandmother hated 
the smell of them and would make him take the electric skillet out and hook 
it up on the back porch to cook the ramps instead of letting him cook in the 
kitchen! Well, sorry about the non-TAGS posting, but those are sort of 
Mayberry-like memories that I have of small-town living, so I guess it 
wasn't totally off-topic. :) Thanks - Lisa 


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 18:33:34 -0600
From: Steve Cooke 
Subject: Yahoo Fantasy Baseball
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

For anyone who wants to play...I have created a Mayberry TAGS League on The league ID # is 76390 and the password is Fife. Try to use a 
Mayberry Character reference in the naming of your team. If anyone has a son or 
daughter who likes to play this is a for fun league and it will be kept clean 
or the manager will be deleted. Thanks for this site I look forward to reading

Andy color episodes

2007-02-08 Thread MERRILL JOHNSON JR
I thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth on the issue. I broke out a couple 
of the color seasons this past week and watched them. I personally think Andy 
had to act this way because of the people around him acted so... well to put it 
nicely moronic at times. I mean you have to treat Otis,Howard,Goober and at 
times Floyd like children.I don't mean to upset anyone but I hope you can see 
my point.

Frank Johnson
Centerville,Indiana WAY TO GO COLTS!! 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy and the color episodes

2007-02-06 Thread weenie man
I don't know if Andy was angry as much as just not really into the show that 
much. He seemed like he was going through the motions in some shows. I 
wonder if part of that was because of the big changes in the cast. With Don 
gone ( and Howard too in later shows ), I wonder if maybe he was just down 
about all that. Who knows? It's hard to believe that his personality would 
have been written that way ..oh well.

FREE online classifieds from Windows Live Expo – buy and sell with people 
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2007-02-05 Thread Cheryl
/Many people talk about Andy changing in the color
episodes.  I even had this opinion.  Recently I
finished watching the three color seasons on DVD and I
came to the realization that that idea was greatly

As Helen said regarding Aunt Bee, Clara, and Myrtle's trip to Mexico, 
Sometimes a few unfortunate incidents can color one's whole outlook!

Marietta, GA
This time we ALL had window seats!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy seems so different in the color episodes

2007-02-02 Thread Silvia Boosten
Dear TAGS friends,
  I much prefer the black and white episodes.  I agree that the black and white 
  seem more relaxed, down home and kinder.  The color episode plots resemble 
  television shows.
  The stories are more seriously plotted, like Helen's past, or the school play.
  What I don't like is how Andy changes in the color episodes.
  He seems angry a lot of the time, and especially towards Opie.  Like when 
Opie says, I think you have a cold coming on, in the Andy gets the flu 
episode.  Why does Andy have to get cross and snap, do you want to eat your 
  I think Andy was a much kinder father in the black and white episodes.  
  Maybe Andy Griffith was sad about Barney leaving, and it shows.
  I like the color episodes with Warren, and when Howard tells jokes about
  the citizens of Mayberry.  
  We watch the colored episodes, but our family likes the black and white
  episodes much better.  
  -Silvia from California who wishes she was in Mayberry 

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes vs Black and White Episodes

2007-01-31 Thread keepsake68
Hi Mayberrians,

I know this has been discussed far too many times, but I had to say something 
now that my local tv is showing all the color episodes back to back.I 
love the black and white episodes best.  In my opinion, there is just something 
about those first few seasons.  Everyone seems so down home and so humble and 
just plain funny. I simply can't get enough of them. On the other hand,  when I 
see the color episodes, they aren't as funny, but everyone does looks nice in 
colorlol.   And in the color episodes, things seem more sophisticated and 
it sometimes reminds me of a regular 70's sitcom.  And, of course, my dear 
Barney Fife is missing, too.  ThereI knew there was a reason why I loved 
the black and whites better.

Take care,
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: What I noticed in the color episodes- (Marie/Allan)

2007-01-16 Thread Albert Acevedo
Sorta' the way I always looked at it w/Andy's vocal complaints involving 
Aunt Bee, was that he was anticipating the problems to be had if Aunt Bee 
went ahead and did the things she wanted to do. He could use more tact and 
diplomacy, but whining and no-no'ing Bee seems to be a natural thing that 
Andy would do. (afterall... Aunt Bee is headstrong at times, and entrenches 
herself into a way of thinking that's hard to dislodge her from)
Now on Keevy and the song:  It looked to me that Andy was bent about having 
Keevy over because he knew Bee and Clara would drag out an otherwise quiet 
evening by them working on Keevy to get him to record their song.  It also 
put Andy in an awkward position... him being the sheriff and his own 
relative was trying to push her song onto an established star. Andy 
probably figured that My Hometown, although good, was strictly small-town 
stuff and that all of Aunt Bee's / Clara's efforts would be for naught. Andy 
couldn't possibly envision the deluxe treatment that the song would be given 
as the final version.
A classic TAGS episode!
(I like the fast version better, but the sound quality and flavor on the 
slow one reigns supreme!!)

A. Acevedo  (MPk)

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: What I noticed in color episodes

2007-01-15 Thread Allan Newsome
The earlier Andy respected Aunt Bee and her decisions, right or wrong. He 
would have supported her right to wear the wig, tho he knew it was wrong.

I have to disagreehe told her over and over to Call the man.  
Just call the man!

So I don't think this was something that started in the color episodes.  
Andy was always trying to take care of Aunt Bee and you have to 
admit.she shouldn't drive a car or wear a wig...I did like her 
version of My Hometown better but I don't think Andy was telling her 
that she was wrong there...just saying that you can't tell a singer how 
to sing your song if you're the song writer.

I think you show respect at times by trying to help folks keep from 
making a mistake.  

Just my thoughts.


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What I noticed in color episodes

2007-01-15 Thread Marie
has anybody noticed in the color episodes that Andy treats Aunt Bee like 
she is a child?

When she wants to purchase a car he has to give her permission. What, 
she can't spend her own money however she wants?

Then she and Clara want to ask Keevy to sing their song Andy keeps 
insisting no! You can't do that that like she was a toddler trying to 
stick her hand in an empty electric socket.

Tonight he tells her she can't wear the wig. The earlier Andy respected 
Aunt Bee and her decisions, right or wrong. He would have supported her 
right to wear the wig, tho he knew it was wrong.

I am sorry but this just isn't right, in my opinion. I was taught to 
have respect for my elders.

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Epilogues, Color Episodes and Cheese

2006-11-03 Thread Cheryl
The episode that mentions Romeena's father is a great epilogue. Barney 
expresses a lack of understanding as to why a quiet, demure (he 
pronounces it dee-moor) girl would be interested in a man like Ernest T. 
seeing as how she's heir to the Ankram Charcoal Company. Andy tells 
Barney that Romeena is the daughter of Rotten Ray Ankram who came down 
out of the hills and burned down the town to which Barney replies And 
THEN went into the charcoal business? Well it just goes to show you 
'breedin' will out'.

Yes, that was Rob Reiner working at the print shop and whereas I agree 
that Howard McNear didn't sound so good in that episode, I have read 
that his last appearance was the episode where Howard buys the building 
and raises Floyd's rent. I heard that he really had to struggle to get 
through it, but I thought he did a great job.

As far as bringing in the cheese goes, when we were kids we thought it 
was bringing in the sheep. We didn't know what a sheave was, but we 
sure heard a lot about sheep in the bible.

Marietta, GA

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Favorite Color Episodes

2006-07-27 Thread bcunnin107
OK - since we are on the subject, what is everyone's favorite color episode? 
Mine is Howard's New Life. If you have ever seen the epilogue it shows one of 
the great Mayberry moments. Other favorites are  The Battle of Mayberry and Old 
Sam. There are others, but I can't find my bucket.
Brad Neil Bentley Cunningham
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Color Episodes

2006-07-24 Thread Bob Bravetti
This subject has come up over time and it's good that it's here again as 
we are now into the color DVDs.  I like the colors years because more 
characters were developed.  We learn more about Mayberry and the 
workings of its government.  And my favorite character, Floyd is 
utilized more.  If you're a fan of Mayberry in general, you probably 
won't make much distinction between bw or color years.  If you're 
mainly a Barney Fife fan, you'll go for the BW.  The color years 
delivered the best TV ratings for the show.  I'm glad I like 'em all.  
What a great series. 

Just 4 more months til our 15th anniversary here.  We should honor 
ourselves with special T-shirts.  I wonder how many groups like ours 
have lasted that long?


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Color episodes and the hangover cure

2006-07-24 Thread lisadanj
 Then watching Dogs, Dogs, Dogs and I saw Andy making Otis is hangover
 cure (tho it wasn't called that. I recognized A-1 Steak Sauce, Lee 
 Perrins Worcestershire Sauce (thank God for spell check), and Tabasco.

I have to say that I am glad to see the support that is coming in for the 
color episodes.  I already expressed my support for them, altho I have to 
say I just like to watch TAGS no matter what - black and white episodes or 
color episodes!  They're all good! If you really watch the color episodes, 
even tho Andy doesn't seem as happy or whatever, there are some really funny 
parts to the color episodes.  I just finished watching my season 6 dvds and 
they are really funny!  For example, the Hollywood story line was good, the 
Ernest T. against Malcolm story line was hilarious, and the episode that 
first saw Howard Sprague as the insurance man (he had a different name) 
upset that Andy was filing a claim instead of buying more insurance was 
funny.  I would never try to say that the color episodes have the same 
hilarity as when ol' Barn was in Mayberry, but there are definitely funny 
places in all of the episodes.  I can't wait to get to the spaghetti 
episode.  That one is great!

One other thing, since the hangover cure was mentioned before - I noticed 
that Warren fixed Otis a hangover cure with some hot sauce, juice, a raw 
egg, and (I think) some steak sauce.  I think that Otis drank those hangover 
cures from Andy and Warren because he wasn't given a choice!  But it seemed 
like in both cases, he ended up liking them and feeling better after he 
drank them.  Yuck - Warren would've been sorry if he ever made me drink 
something with a raw egg in it - my stomach couldn't take that!

Y'all have a nice day...Lisa 

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color episodes

2006-07-24 Thread Gary Wedemeyer
I think the reason why most folks are more partial to the black and white 
episodes is because they have seen them more. Most of the re-runs are the black 
and white ones. There are some really great story lines in the color episodes. 
Do yourself a favor and purchase the color seasons (from Weaver's) . The color 
is FANTASTIC! I was used to the washed out looking episodes that have been 
around for so long. The new DVD set looks like they were just made with 
brilliant and vivid color.


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Lots of green in color episodes

2006-06-20 Thread Doug Gibson
I just bought Season 6 and the color is much sharper than any episodes I saw on 
TV. I have a question though: There seems to be A LOT of green -- green walls, 
green appliances, green furniture, ... I was wondering, is this a glitch from 
early TV color, or was green a favorable color for early TV color? Just 
  Ogden, UT

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Gomer, color episodes

2006-06-08 Thread G Stefanow
I am elated to hear about the Pyle show coming out on DVD. What an excellent 
potential Christmas present! I should already know this, but does anyone know 
if the first season is in color or not? I know that someone will know. I have 
to agree with the post last week about some of the wonderful color episodes of 
TAGS. The characters of Howard, Goober and Emmett really do make me laugh 
albeit in different ways than Barney, Otis or Floyd. Who could ask for more 
than that?
  Gus Stefanow
  Enon, OH

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Re: If it hadn't been for the color episodes

2006-05-09 Thread K . Darden
And... we would have never met... TA DAH: Flora!!! (Or gotten to know 

On May 9, 2006,
 From: Maurine Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 we might never have seen Aunt Bee all vamped up to scare away a the 
 suiter that just wanted a replacement for his late wife.  We might 
 never have heard one of my favorite lines.  Aunt Bee is all flustered. 
  After spending the check from the insurance company to compensate her 
 for the missing brooch, she finds the brooch in the pocket of her 
 painting smock. In a tizzy, she can't seem to manage dinner as usual, 
 and Opie, seated at the dining room table, says, TA DAH:  Aunt Bee, 
 don't we get any meat or plates or anything?

WBMUTBB mailing list

If it hadn't been for the color episodes

2006-05-09 Thread Maurine Taylor
we might never have seen Aunt Bee all vamped up to scare away a the suiter that 
just wanted a replacement for his late wife.  We might never have heard one of 
my favorite lines.  Aunt Bee is all flustered.  After spending the check from 
the insurance company to compensate her for the missing brooch, she finds the 
brooch in the pocket of her painting smock.  
  In a tizzy, she can't seem to manage dinner as usual, and Opie, seated at the 
dining room table, says, TA DAH:  Aunt Bee, don't we get any meat or plates or 
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