Re: Hudson and frameworks reference

2011-01-15 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Jan 15, 2011, at 6:49 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

 On 15/01/2011, at 2:12 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
 I'm all for Q's approach, too. For me, Ivy is the part of Maven that isn't 
 so bad. You get the dependency management without all the other stuff on top.
 And, of course, you can interpret 'all the other stuff on top' in one of two 
 a) negatively, which seems to be the way this particular community keeps the 
 myth going that it'll be too much pain. (Perhaps certain people have a 
 hang-over from maven 1?).
 b) positively, as meaning all the additional benefits maven provides and with 
 less pain overall.
 I found the latter to be true. :) Having everything is configured in your pom 
 file(s) and thus in version control (rather than requiring external configs 
 on differing environments), dependency management, proper build lifecycles 
 (with testing, integration testing etc), convention over configuration, lots 
 of handy plugins easily adapted. It's definitely worth a serious look.
 with regards,
 Lachlan Deck

If I had to describe Jenkins(Hudson) in a sentence, I would say: A webapp for 
automating builds that is similar to Apple's Automator.

Can a Maven fan concisely describe Maven in something the size of a tweet so 
that I might understand why I would want to use it?  For me, the problem isn't 
a negative perception I simply have no idea what Maven does or why I would 
want to use it.



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Re: D2W Query Pages w/ Ajax

2010-11-28 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:07 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

 Hi all,
 On my the D2W query page for one of my entities, I have several popups for 
 searching on toOne relationships. There's a few whose possible values are 
 dependent upon the values selected for other relationship popups.
 Is there a D2W-way to have the dependent popups update when the depended-upon 
 popups change?
 If not, is it best to just create a custom query page in this instance?

I have a Ajax dependent popups example here:

Using those components, you can add dependent popups without touching page 
templates at all.  The example uses an edit page instead of a query page, but 
the principal is the same.


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Re: D2W Query Pages w/ Ajax

2010-11-28 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Re Usage:

The AjaxNotifcationCenter must come before any of the observed fields. In the 
example, I use the aboveDisplayPropertyKeys repetition to enforce that, but it 
could just as easily exist in displayPropertyKeys, as long as it is first.  The 
observers register their generated id with the notification center, so it has 
to exist on the page first.  

Notification objects are the d2wContext, so each nested page has its own ANC. 
The observers are just an Ajaxed D2WCustomComponent.  So each dependent field 
needs a couple of rules like:

int: qual = componentName = AjaxObservingSwitch
int: qual = customComponentName = OriginalComponentName

When properties change, they fire a notification and refresh the ANC.  The ANC 
receives the notification and passes the current D2WContext to the 
propertyChangedDelegate object from the rule system.  That tells the delegate 
which property changed (propertyKey) and the delegate then passes back an 
NSArray of propertyKeys that require a refresh.

Re ERModern:

I did the example in an ERNeutral project for kicks (^_^)  But I also wanted to 
demonstrate the components can be used in any D2W look and work just the same.  
That includes ERModern.  If added to Wonder, I think it would probably be best 
to put it in the AjaxLook framework.  That way, anyone can use it, whether they 
choose Modern, Neutral, Diva, etc.


On Nov 28, 2010, at 9:07 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

 Hi Ramsey!
 Wow. Early on a holiday weekend sunday morning and I get an answer. Awesome! 
 It may take me a while to wrap my head around it, though.
 Have you considered adding this to ERModern? It seems like an excellent 
 extension to it since ERModern already has a lot of Ajaxy goodness.
 On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:30 AM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 On Nov 28, 2010, at 8:07 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 Hi all,
 On my the D2W query page for one of my entities, I have several popups for 
 searching on toOne relationships. There's a few whose possible values are 
 dependent upon the values selected for other relationship popups.
 Is there a D2W-way to have the dependent popups update when the 
 depended-upon popups change?
 If not, is it best to just create a custom query page in this instance?
 I have a Ajax dependent popups example here:
 Using those components, you can add dependent popups without touching page 
 templates at all.  The example uses an edit page instead of a query page, 
 but the principal is the same.

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Re: Owns destination doesn't play well with nullify delete rule?

2010-11-25 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Should there perhaps be an error/warning in entity modeler for this?


On Sep 8, 2010, at 6:15 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 It's because if you nullify the relationship, after EOF does that it can't 
 find the related objects to do the cascade delete.  Nullify and Cascade are 
 not compatible.
 On Sep 7, 2010, at 7:31 AM, Benjamin Chew wrote:
 Thanks Chuck! Is that because of the owns destination relationship from 
 category to products?
 On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 You want No Action, not Nullify.
 On Sep 2, 2010, at 7:02 PM, Benjamin Chew wrote:
 I have a category structure set up with these relationships:
 parent category ---cascade delete rule--- child category
 parent category ---nullify delete rule--- child category
 category ---cascade delete rule/owns destination--- products
 category ---nullify delete rule--- products
 The problem occurs when I have a category with a child category that 
 contains products. When I delete the parent category, I expect the parent 
 and child category, along with all the child category's products to be 
 deleted, but what ends up happening is that the categories are deleted but 
 the products are not.
 When I remove the nullify delete rule from products to category, the 
 parent and child categories are deleted along with the child category's 
 Does anyone know why this is?
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 Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
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 knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.
 Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
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 knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.
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Re: D2W Query Relationship with multiple values

2010-11-25 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
I think the ERD2W has a sectioned query repetition so you could do something 

displayPropertyKeys = ((person),firstName, 

or maybe 

sectionsContents  =((person, firstname, lastname), (passport,, 


On Nov 25, 2010, at 8:44 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

 Hi D2Wers,
 I the following entity relationship:
 Person - Passport
 I have multiple attributes of Passport that I want to search on when 
 searching for a Person.
 Some are text fields, some are drop-downs.
 I'd like to be able to have them all be under one label tag that displays 
 Passport and then has nested labels and divs that are for each of the 
 Passport Attributes.
 I don't think that D2W currently supports this, but maybe I'm wrong. Am I 
 missing something or looking at it from the wrong way?
 Here's the basic structure I'm looking for:
   labelFirst Name/label
   labelLast Name/label
 Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Consuming SOAP (mmm, delicious)

2010-11-17 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 17, 2010, at 2:10 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

 On 18/11/2010, at 3:48 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:
 Since the SOAP in the core WO frameworks is not much useful,
 That's a fairly subjective statement. Axis ain't useless...

Yeah, Axis is okay. It's just old. Using WSDL2Java is basically the same 
process as wsimport. 

Axis2 on the other hand *is* useless (^_^)

 should we work on integrating JAX-WS in Wonder?
 nevertheless, sounds like JAX-WS is also useful as an option. :)
 with regards,
 Lachlan Deck

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Re: Consuming SOAP (mmm, delicious)

2010-11-16 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Hi Lon,

On Nov 16, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:

 I've never worked with SOAP before, definitely with XML and REST apis.  Is 
 there a good example of how to generate a SOAP request and process the 

If you're doing SOAP and WO, you might be tempted to use Axis since that is 
what WOWebServices is based on. If you are using Java 6, I would recommend the 
built in JAX-WS stuff.  Even if you are still on Java 5, the jars are available 
separately.  If you haven't used SOAP before, the process is fairly 
straightforward.  You start with the wsdl and the 'wsimport' command on the 
command line.  wsimport is a code generator.  It will parse the WSDL and the 
XSD schema files and produce java code you use to interact with the web service.

Once you've generated your code, you find your service class(es) and use them 
to produce your portType interface(s).  (the service class will subclass  The port type will provide the methods you use to 
execute the service.  The input/output classes are also generated for you, so 
the whole time, you're just working with POJOs. A very brief example:

Some of the nicer features of JAX-WS: It uses all the nice Java 5 stuff like 
generics and typesafe enums when it generates, which is something you don't get 
with old Axis web service code generation. If you don't want to handle 
threading, you can have it generate callbacks. You can also specify bindings 
and provide data converters so your service code uses the classes you want (ex. 
use NSTimestamps instead of java.util.Date).  You may find you *have* to use 
the bindings if you have badly named enums though, since the wsimport tool 
seems to just pretend they don't exist if it can't name them (^_^)

 Do WO and/or WOnder have any magic for this?

I don't think Wonder does any SOAP, just REST.  For WOWebServices stuff, you 
can find documentation on it here:

It is next to useless for consuming web services though, so it's probably not 
what you need.


 Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be of great help.

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Re: nstimestampformatter error?

2010-10-30 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

From Oct 7, 2009:

 I ran into this bug quite a while ago!  I found this code somewhere ... I 
 don't recall where ... I think it may have been the Houdah framework.  
 Anyway, I'm not going to take credit for it, but it works!
   /** Adds time to a date.BR
* This utility method replaces NSTimestamp.
* timestampByAddingGregorianUnits() which does all its computations in 
* GMT timezone. This leads to several problems. For one DST changes 
* happen as expected. Adding 1 month to a CET midnight of a first of a
* month does not bring us to the first of the next month, but only as 
* days further as there are days in the preceeding month.
* @param   datethe original 
 timestamp or date
* @param   yearnumber of years 
 to add
* @param   month   number of 
 months to add
* @param   day number 
 of days to add
* @param   hournumber of hours 
 to add
* @param   minute  number of 
 minutes to add
* @param   second  number of 
 seconds to add
* @return  a new date corresponding to original date to 
 which we add specified time.
   public static NSTimestamp timestampByAddingGregorianUnits(
   Date date,
   int year,
   int month,
   int day,
   int hour,
   int minute,
   int second)
   GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
   return new NSTimestamp(
   calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR) + year,
   calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + month + 
   calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + 
   calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 
   calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE) + minute,
   calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.SECOND) + second,


On Oct 30, 2010, at 2:50 PM, James Cicenia wrote:

 Hello -
 Here is the code:
 weekStart = beginDate.timestampByAddingGregorianUnits(0,0,(k*7),0,0,0);
 weekAfterStart = 
 System.out.println(weekStart = +weekStart);
 System.out.println(weekAfterStart = +weekAfterStart);
 System.out.println(converted weekAfterStart = 
 weekStart = 2010-11-01 05:00:00 Etc/GMT
 weekAfterStart = 2010-11-08 05:00:00 Etc/GMT
 convertedWeekAfterStart = 11/07/10  === wrong?! 
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Re: nstimestampformatter error?

2010-10-30 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Also daylight savings that week.

On Oct 30, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 On Oct 30, 2010, at 11:50 AM, James Cicenia wrote:
 Hello -
 Here is the code:
 weekStart = beginDate.timestampByAddingGregorianUnits(0,0,(k*7),0,0,0);
 weekAfterStart = 
 System.out.println(weekStart = +weekStart);
 System.out.println(weekAfterStart = +weekAfterStart);
 System.out.println(converted weekAfterStart = 
 weekStart = 2010-11-01 05:00:00 Etc/GMT
 weekAfterStart = 2010-11-08 05:00:00 Etc/GMT
 convertedWeekAfterStart = 11/07/10  === wrong?! 
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Re: build wonder sources

2010-10-24 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Oct 24, 2010, at 7:35 AM, Francesco Romano wrote:

 Hi to everyone.
 I'd like to take a look to ERModernLook and to try to create my first D2W 
 I've a new iMac that I want to set up to develop with WebObjects, but I can't 
 build Wonder...
 So.. this is what I've done till now:
 1) downloaded Eclipse 3.6 for Cocoa 64bit, and installed WOLips stable version
 2) followed this link to install WO frameworks:
 I created the file linking to my frameworks, tested a 
 WonderApplication (simple Hello World) in Eclipse and it works.
 3) tried to install Wonder:
 I checkout the repository, linked the file to the WOLips 
 file and... it can't build the frameworks:
 it fails on every import.. (just the first lines)

1. Same for me
2. Same for me
3. Instead, I install the latest SVN 
(, latest subclipse, then checkout 
Wonder 5.4 branch into the workspace.  From there, I do a File-Import of all 
the frameworks into a Wonder Frameworks working set, the apps into a Wonder 
Applications working set, the Examples into a Wonder Examples working set, 
and the tests into a Wonder Tests working set.  

Now, everything builds inside Eclipse for me and there's no command line magic 
to remember.  If I want to update to the latest version of wonder, I just need 
to select the wonder folder and right click - Team - Update to Head. Most 
importantly, I can now set breakpoints in Wonder, edit the source, a 
create/apply patches with right click - Team - * Patch.


 /Users/makaveli/Projects/WonderSource/Build/build/generic.xml:268: warning: 
 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set 
 to false for repeatable builds
 [wocompile] Compiling 58 source files to 
  package com.webobjects.appserver does not exist
 [wocompile] import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
  package does not exist
 Some ideas?
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Re: build wonder sources

2010-10-24 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
That's a little strange. I see the red Xs in ERWOAdaptor, but only in my 5.3 
workspace... I see red Xs in ERJQuery, but not in ERWOAdaptor for 5.4.


On Oct 24, 2010, at 9:31 AM, Francesco Romano wrote:

 Some frameworks/examples/applications have errors, but others are ok..
 The 2 frameworks are ERJQuery and ERWOAdaptor..
 On 24/ott/2010, at 14.19, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 On Oct 24, 2010, at 7:35 AM, Francesco Romano wrote:
 Hi to everyone.
 I'd like to take a look to ERModernLook and to try to create my first D2W 
 I've a new iMac that I want to set up to develop with WebObjects, but I 
 can't build Wonder...
 So.. this is what I've done till now:
 1) downloaded Eclipse 3.6 for Cocoa 64bit, and installed WOLips stable 
 2) followed this link to install WO frameworks:
 I created the file linking to my frameworks, tested a 
 WonderApplication (simple Hello World) in Eclipse and it works.
 3) tried to install Wonder:
 I checkout the repository, linked the file to the WOLips 
 file and... it can't build the frameworks:
 it fails on every import.. (just the first lines)
 1. Same for me
 2. Same for me
 3. Instead, I install the latest SVN 
 (, latest subclipse, then 
 checkout Wonder 5.4 branch into the workspace.  From there, I do a 
 File-Import of all the frameworks into a Wonder Frameworks working set, 
 the apps into a Wonder Applications working set, the Examples into a 
 Wonder Examples working set, and the tests into a Wonder Tests working 
 Now, everything builds inside Eclipse for me and there's no command line 
 magic to remember.  If I want to update to the latest version of wonder, I 
 just need to select the wonder folder and right click - Team - Update to 
 Head. Most importantly, I can now set breakpoints in Wonder, edit the 
 source, a create/apply patches with right click - Team - * Patch.
 warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to 
 build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
 [wocompile] Compiling 58 source files to 
  package com.webobjects.appserver does not exist
 [wocompile] import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
  package does not exist
 Some ideas?
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Joda Time Prototypes [was Re: Patched MySQL plugin]

2010-10-21 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Ok guys,

I've done some work on this and now have working Joda LocalTime, LocalDate, and 
LocalDateTime prototypes.  For any of you who are interested/adventurous, I've 
put patches to enable this up on JIRA. Feel free to give it a try and see if it 
works for you. Let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.


On Oct 6, 2010, at 2:25 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:

 Ok, I see it.
 On Oct 6, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
 i THINK it happens in EOAttribute it's like 
 On Oct 6, 2010, at 1:46 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
 On Oct 6, 2010, at 11:57 AM, John Huss wrote:
 didn't 5.4 add adaptorValueConversionClassName in addition to the 
 adaptorValueConversionMethodName that lets you get around that limitation?
 You can add this to the list of things that don't work in 5.4.  When using 
 the adaptorValueConversionClassName converts the value by assigning it 
 to the java.lang.reflect.Method object represented by the conversion 
 method; it doesn't ever invoke the method.  And it doesn't even find the 
 correct method because it looks for one with no arguments, which is 
 useless.  I guess no one ever tried to actually run that code after 
 writing it.
 I'll file a radar.
 Out of curiosity, where does it do that?  What class or classes do the 
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Re: Joda Time Prototypes [was Re: Patched MySQL plugin]

2010-10-21 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Oh, and I forgot to mention, 5.4 branch only.


On Oct 21, 2010, at 10:36 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

 Ok guys,
 I've done some work on this and now have working Joda LocalTime, LocalDate, 
 and LocalDateTime prototypes.  For any of you who are interested/adventurous, 
 I've put patches to enable this up on JIRA. Feel free to give it a try and 
 see if it works for you. Let me know if you find any bugs or have any 
 On Oct 6, 2010, at 2:25 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
 Ok, I see it.
 On Oct 6, 2010, at 2:00 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
 i THINK it happens in EOAttribute it's like 
 On Oct 6, 2010, at 1:46 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
 On Oct 6, 2010, at 11:57 AM, John Huss wrote:
 didn't 5.4 add adaptorValueConversionClassName in addition to the 
 adaptorValueConversionMethodName that lets you get around that limitation?
 You can add this to the list of things that don't work in 5.4.  When 
 using the adaptorValueConversionClassName converts the value by 
 assigning it to the java.lang.reflect.Method object represented by the 
 conversion method; it doesn't ever invoke the method.  And it doesn't 
 even find the correct method because it looks for one with no arguments, 
 which is useless.  I guess no one ever tried to actually run that code 
 after writing it.
 I'll file a radar.
 Out of curiosity, where does it do that?  What class or classes do the 
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Re: Why doesn't this rule work?

2010-10-12 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Wrong assignment class. You need a key value assignment. Although, I don't know 
if that will actually work either.  You have to at least request that value 
from the context for it to assign it to the key... but it might just assign 
that to the string key.  If you are trying to provide initial values, you may 
want to look at ERXEntityClassDescription javadocs or set it up in the init() 
method on your entity class.


On Oct 11, 2010, at 11:31 PM, Richard Palmer wrote:

 I have two entities, 
 Activity  Customer
 Why doesn't this rule set a Customer in Activity?
200 : (task = 'edit' and = 'Activity' and tabKey = 'Customer') 
 = object.toCustomer = session.customerFocus 
 session.customerFocus() is a method returning a customer stored in session.  
 This is in a ERMODWizardCreationPage whose first Tab Section is 'Customer'.
 Richard Palmer ___
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Re: D2W an Unmodeled Relationship

2010-10-06 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Oct 6, 2010, at 7:38 PM, David Holt wrote:

 On 2010-10-06, at 3:09 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 First of all, the changes to RuleModeler rock in that I could just copy 
 paste your rules below directly into my rule files!
 It's a new world!
 Second. It doesn't quite work yet. The paging controls are there, but no 
 listing. Hard to explain. Here's a screen shot (yes, I have my own Skin for 
 Your second rule listConfigurationName is named correctly?
 Your priority for these rules is high enough?
 You don't have other rules that are overriding the display somehow?
 There's nothing in CSS that is hiding the listing?

Also you might want to make sure the repetitionComponentName is the one you 
think it is.

 You can see that there are 139 items in the array, but they aren't being 
 On Oct 6, 2010, at 5:08 PM, David Holt wrote:
 For details see the thread from last week: Re: [Wonder-disc] derived 
 related non-modeled EO List display
 Short answer:
 95 : propertyKey = 'distinctPrivileges' = componentName = ERDList 
 95 : propertyKey = 'distinctPrivileges' = listConfigurationName = 
 ListEmbeddedERPrivilege [com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment]
 distinctPrivileges is the method
 I don't know if you need the second rule, it depends where you are trying 
 to display your array.
 On 2010-10-06, at 2:01 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm working on a ERModernD2W app and I have a cross-DB toMany relationship 
 that I can't model because DB is on a different physical server, so I've 
 just created a method that fetches the related object by qualifying on the 
 PK. All quite straight-forward.
 But when I add that method to the list of displayPropertyKeys for my 
 entity, the result is the toString() of the NSArray of results. How do I 
 get it to treat it like a modeled relationship?
 Dave ___
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Re: Delete of parent object triggers delete of to-one destination object

2010-10-05 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Oct 5, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 Is there another relationship with Owns Destination or Cascade Delete set on 
 it.  Those are the only things that I can think of that would make EOF delete 
 an EO.  

I can think of one other thing, because it happened to me recently...  I had a 
similar problem where the object was a subclass of another object.  Updating 
the delete rule on a superclass does not update the delete rule on the 
relationships in the subclass.


 Could it be happening in your code?
 On Oct 5, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Ricardo J. Parada wrote:
 When I remove a child from a many-to-many relationship in the parent and 
 delete the child I see EOF deletes the child in the database and  the 
 corresponding record in the join table.  That's great.  However, the child 
 object has a to-one called mimeContent and I'm also seeing a delete for the 
 destination object:
 1 row(s) deleted
 I'm trying to figure out why this record is being deleted.  I already 
 checked the Own Destination for the mimeContent to-one and it's not set.  
 The Delete Rule is set to No Action.   So I don't quite understand why 
 it's getting deleted.  I don't want it to be deleted.
 Any ideas?
 Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
 Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
 knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.
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Re: Patched MySQL plugin

2010-09-29 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Sep 29, 2010, at 9:40 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:

 On 30/09/2010, at 10:21 AM, Louis Demers wrote:
 In my app, when that's the behaviour I want, I zero out the data before 
 writing it to the database so  that subsequent checks for equality will 
 return values...
 FWIW, I've found that the only clean solution to this problem is to abandon 
 using timestamp types to represent a 1-day-resolution date.  In my 
 experience, at least, zeroing out the time part only works until you start 
 using multiple timezones.

Apple agrees with you Paul.

Calendar dates should not be represented by NSTimestamp.  The Date prototype is 
wrong for using it IMHO.

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Re: D2W Auto-Qualifying all listings

2010-09-22 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Speaking of MySQLPlugin support from committers, let's not forget Mr. Travis 
Britt (^_^)  He's been quite active making MySQL a first class citizen in 
Wonder lately.

Quoting would be an excellent addition to that plugin BTW.  I stumbled on that 
problem myself once when I used MySQL. I was trying to model 'User' and, 
drumroll please 'Group' entities.


On Sep 22, 2010, at 5:47 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

 On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:08 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 FrontBase and PostgreSQL are possibly the most commonly used among Wonder 
 Don't forget, Chuck, Kieran is a committer now.
 Didn't think about that at WOWODC when you endorsed that, did ya?
 Dave ___
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Re: More thoughts to rile MS

2010-09-11 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Sep 11, 2010, at 12:15 AM, Ken Foust wrote:

 Some more thoughts even if they are total BS
 I wonder how many people still use D2W ?   
 I would say fold project wonder into WO
 bring back WOB in HTML 5 
 Even if you make WOB a stand alone Apple Dev App leaving WO open-source
 If D2W is outdated - dump it

I guess that depends on your definition of outdated.  If you are looking for a 
stateless server/stateful client web app, D2W isn't for you.  Fat clients might 
be better handled by D2JC or some unreleased chocolate framework.  Whatever the 
case, I would hardly call the D2W style of programming outdated.  Clean 
separation of Model/View/Controller logic is always the goal, whether you're 
doing it client or server side.

 Get on the tutorials - it is the way forward
 You could even pick real apps to to a tutorial and all the gurus could join 
 This may be far fetched but just think - If all you guys got together and say 
 did a tutorial based on a WO-ebay 
 you could even launch it and share in the profits.

Or just document BugTracker (^_^)

 get rid of the fragmentation
 one click install and be ready to rock

We had one of those a while back, but the maintainer lost his appetite for it.  
I agree though.  If we want to attract new users, we don't need another 30 
minute tutorial on how to properly install this stuff.  We need a one click 
installer that installs WO 5.4 and/or 5.3, WOLips, WO docs, Subclipse, 
Jadclipse, and Wonder source directly into a workspace, already divided into 
working sets (frameworks, examples, apps, tests, etc).

A one click installer for deployment would be great too.

 How many New companies are moving to WO
 How are you going to market

If all your friends were jumping off a cliff because it was cool would you? 


 On Sep 10, 2010, at 6:01 PM, wrote:
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 than Re: Contents of Webobjects-dev digest...
 Today's Topics:
  1. Re: Does Apple stop to use WebObjects for its internal tools?
 (Pascal Robert)
  2. Re: Does Apple stop to use WebObjects for its internal tools?
 (Chuck Hill)
  3. Re: Does Apple stop to use WebObjects for its internal tools?
 (Pascal Robert)
  4. Re: Does Apple stop to use WebObjects for its internal tools?
 (Jeremy Matthews)
  5. Re: Does Apple stop to use WebObjects for its internal tools?
 (Andr? Mitra)
  6. WOCommunity 2010 surveys (Pascal Robert)
 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 19:49:24 -0400
 From: Pascal Robert
 Subject: Re: Does Apple stop to use WebObjects for its internal tools?
 To: Michael Gargano
 Cc: Apple WO-Dev
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
 Yes, the wiki do need a good cleanup. About the videos, that's one of my 
 options for my book/big tutorial...
 Looking at it as someone just starting to get very serious about WO  
 The community needs videos that describe everything from the ground level 
 up.  Not just here's how to install WO and Hello World with every other 
 video being fairly advanced.  To much is assumed for beginners.  Also, the 
 wiki needs an enema.  As I learn more I hope I can help clean it (a lot of 
 the stuff in there is outdated).  Maybe starting from scratch in a new wiki 
 or blog would be best.  Other than that the community has been extremely 
 helpful overall!
 On Sep 10, 2010, at 7:39 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:
 And we will try to help out the community even more. I have a couple of 
 ideas about that...
 In the meantime, while we wait for the apocalypse, whoever wants to keep 
 making apps with Java and WebObjects is welcome to hang around.
 On Sep 10, 2010, at 5:43 PM, Ken Foust wrote:
 From the outside looking in:
 It appears to me as thought WO is on the end of life list.  As good as 
 it may be I don't suspect in can survive in the future.  
 Apple has elected to leave web development to the open-source.  I would 
 suspect they only possible way Apple can compete in the 
 Enterprise market is to make it proprietary and in ObjC.  Short of that 
 you have too many people working for free on Rails, Grails and all 
 the open-source programs. 
 There is no way to get enough new users to come aboard as WO now has 
 poor documentation and terrible tutorials.
 Sorry if I offend anyone but 

Re: ERModernDirectToWeb Formatter Bug?

2010-09-09 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Committed.  I noticed this yesterday too.  D2WDisplayNumber didn't like it.


On Sep 9, 2010, at 5:58 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

 Hi all, mostly David LeBer,
 I see that a little over a week ago David LB added the following rule:
 40 : *true* = formatter = %Y-%m-%d 
 And now any number field that doesn't have a higher priority formatter rule 
 on it fails with:
 IllegalArgumentException: The pattern string (%Y-%m-%d) does not contain a 
 numeric character or symbolic placeholder.
  ... skipped 118 stack elements
  ... skipped 1 stack elements
  ... skipped 1 stack elements
   ... skipped 3 stack elements
 I'm guessing that the rule above's LHS shouldn't just be true, it should be 
 smartAttribute.className = ''
 If this is right, I'll create a patch and Jira ticket for it, but since I'm 
 just feeling my way through D2W, I want to be sure this is right.
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Re: D2W Auto-Qualifying all listings

2010-09-09 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
On Sep 9, 2010, at 6:03 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

 Hi all D2W Gurus,
 I'm starting a new D2W app, and one of the things it needs to do is 
 automatically pre-qualify all listings of of entities to filter down to only 
 the EOs that the user is allowed to see. The logic to tell if a user is 
 allowed will be somewhat complicated as a user can belong to one or more 
 organizations, and may have one or more roles within each organization.
 I want to add a qualifiers to all searches that they perform that take their 
 Organizations and Roles into account. Each entity that they search on will 
 have their own set of qualifiers to do this filtering.


I don't think it works with queryAll though.

Rams... er, Non-Dave (^_~)d

 I'm figuring on adding the qualifiers to the session so I can grab them from 
 there. There are hints of how to do this in this email chain from a couple 
 years ago: but I'm 
 not sure where to start implementing this for my project, and I didn't see 
 any obvious examples in the BugTracker demo app.
 Any tips or pointers to other apps that do this?

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Re: Eclipse setup

2010-08-16 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Ditto.  3.6 at home. I'm stuck with 3.4 at work.  The difference is truly 


On Aug 16, 2010, at 7:30 AM, Paul D Yu wrote:

 I'm on Eclipse 3.6 and WOLips 3.6.6122.  Works great.  This is where all the 
 performance and other fixes is happening.
 On Aug 16, 2010, at 7:25 AM, wrote:
 Hi list,
 I absolutely love WebObjects but I find Eclipse rather slow and erratic. Are 
 there any links on the correct way to setup Eclipse for WebObjects and does 
 any one have any tips for making it perform better and more Mac like?
 My development setup is a MacBook Pro 2.93GHz 4GB, OS X 10.6.4 (64bit), 
 Eclipse 3.4.2 and WOLips 3.4.5744. I have increased the memory used by 
 Eclipse by setting -Xms512m -Xmx1024m in eclipse.ini which has helped, but I 
 still find I'm having to wait for the editor to catch up with my typing.
 I would really appreciate hearing from other people on how they set up 
 Eclipse and how it performs for them (would I get better performance on a 
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Re: Dates (1-day resolution) redux

2010-08-11 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Perhaps this is a stupid question, but is there any reason a GregorianCalendar 
wouldn't work?  It seems it only needs a simple subclass providing factory 
methods for an EOAttribute prototype.


On Aug 11, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

 Julian Day is a really handy way to store days, too ... You get easy relative 
 comparison, and there are plenty of impls in java for making covers on your 
 On Aug 11, 2010, at 10:27 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Aug 10, 2010, at 10:04 AM, Jon Nolan wrote:
 IMO, this fight is absolutely not worth the effort. Store your birthday 
 attributes as integers (19700302) or strings and create cover methods on 
 your EOs to convert to date and back.
 This seems the most accurate way to handle it. Noon GMT just displaces the 
 problem to the opposite side of the planet, no? It would have to be noon in 
 the timezone in which the event is recorded, but then, what if the user 
 moves? A mess.
 This is something that we are going to be dealing with as our markets 
 expands globally. Some dates are locale-specific, some aren't, and some can 
 even be locale-specific but only when compared to other local-specific dates 
 (it would be helpful to know that you're wishing someone a happy birthday on 
 the day they recognize as their birthday and not a day late).
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Re: Multiple databases and migrations causing weird side affect

2010-08-04 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
A possibly helpful email from May 6 on the wonder list:

 Hi Ricardo,
 I'm usually adding the relationships programatically in such situations.
   contactModifier, // name
   PDBUUser.ENTITY_NAME, id, // from
   PDCrmContact.ENTITY_NAME, modifiedByID, // to
   true, // toMany
   false, // mandatory
   false, // class property
   false // propagate PK
 Another more complex example:
 private void setupDynamicRelationships() {
   String ownerEntityName =  
   if (ownerEntityName == null || .equals(ownerEntityName)) {
   log.warn(PROPERTY_OWNER_ENTITY_NAME +  is not set, not setting 
 owner support!);
   } else {
   EOEntity ownerEntity =  
   NSArrayString primaryKeyAttributeNames =  
   if (primaryKeyAttributeNames.count()  1)
   throw new RuntimeException(Composite primary keys are 
   String ownerEntityPrimaryKeyAttributeName =  
   PDIBArticle.ENTITY_NAME, ownerID,
   ownerEntityName, ownerEntityPrimaryKeyAttributeName,
   false, EOClassDescription.DeleteRuleNullify, false, 
 true, false);
   ownerEntityName, ownerEntityPrimaryKeyAttributeName,
   PDIBArticle.ENTITY_NAME, ownerID,
   true, EOClassDescription.DeleteRuleCascade, false, 
 true, false);
 For frameworks, I execute that in the framework principal. See  
 For applications, in the Application class  
 (ERXapplication#didFinishLaunching() or finishInitialization()).

Am 07.05.2010 um 01:51 schrieb Ricardo J. Parada:

 Framework A has an entity named 'A'.
 Framework B has an entity named 'B'
 I need to setup a to-one named toB which takes me from A--B.
 The only catch is that I don't want to introduce a dependency on  
 framework B in my application or framework A.
 If my application links against framework A only then Wonder throws  
 an exception at startup, which is a good thing. :-)
 But I do need to join from A to B somehow and keep these frameworks  
 independent of each other.
 Has anyone done this?
 I created a SimpleB entity that maps to the same table as B.  Then  
 setup A--SimpleB.  That works...  but I'm wondering if there's a  
 better way.  Like defining SimpleB in a core framework and then have  
 B entity extend SimpleB or something like that.

On Aug 4, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Joe Little wrote:

 I'm on to something here. When I remove the relation and try to run,
 this application is simply not fetching the model and loading it for
 admitarch as defined in the Properties files below. Is that normal?
 On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Joe Little wrote:
 I have two databases, and two models with their own migrations
 pointing at each. When I kick off an application tied to database and
 model B, the migration kicks off with a fresh db as expected.
 However, since one relation exists in B to an entity in A, it would
 appear that migrations are kicking off to generate the model tables
 for both A and B in Database B. Thus, after migrations, but code is
 searching against empty tables generated in B for data in that was in
 I hope you followed along with the bouncing ball. It took a while to
 see that the model was migrating these duplicate but empty tables into
 db B. My Properties file only makes mention of migration models for B,
 but I'm presuming that some dependency is being kicked off incorrectly
 to cause this. Anyway to force a migration not to happen?
 Here's an example from my dev machine and DBs. I have to define the
 global for ERAttachment to work, and both Models A and B do have
 references to ERAttachment.
 gradoffice.DBUser = postgres
 gradoffice.DBPassword =
 gradoffice.DBDriver = org.postgresql.Driver
 gradoffice.DBPlugin = PostgresqlPlugIn
 gradoffice.DBJDBCInfo =
 admitarch.URL = jdbc:postgresql://localhost/admit-archive
 admitarch.DBUser = postgres
 admitarch.DBPassword =
 admitarch.DBDriver = 

Re: Inverse to-one relationships

2010-07-24 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
I tested it using a ERD2W edit relationship page subclass. I believe the code 
that sets up the edit relationship page uses addObjectToBothSide. 

On Jul 23, 2010, at 8:33 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:

 On 23/07/2010, at 11:44 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
 Nice trick Chuck (^_^) You are awesome!  And it seems so simple now, I 
 wonder why I didn't try it sooner. This appears to work in both directions 
 for me.
 Are you using Wonder, Ramsey?  If so, does it work automatically when you set 
 the updateInverseRelationships property, or are you manually calling 
 addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey()?  This is the last tiny detail I 
 wouldn't mind ironing out.
 I must have looked through 10 years of archived list messages and never 
 found an answer to this one.
 You and me both!
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Re: D2W How does one use a variable in the RHS of a rule?

2010-06-30 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
I don't think you'd actually use @@ in your localized key.  That template 
string would go into your Localizable.strings file like 

blahblah.userPurchaseList.whatever = @@object.fullname@@ Purchase List;

and then in your rule you'd use

blah = displayNameForPageConfiguration = blahblah.userPurchaseList.whatever 


On Jun 28, 2010, at 2:01 PM, David Holt wrote:

 As soon as I enter the @@ string in RuleModeler, the cursor disappears and 
 RuleModeler hangs and won't let me continue to save the file unless I delete 
 those characters. Is there a special way to enter these @@?
 On 25-Jun-10, at 11:29 PM, Anjo Krank wrote:
 Using a delayed localized assigment and a pattern. Like
 bla = displayNameForPageConfiguration = @@object.fullName@@ Purchases 
 List [ERDDelayedLocalizedAssigment]
 (untestet, but should work if the page actually inspects the user).
 Cheers, Anjo
 Am 26.06.2010 um 01:33 schrieb David Holt:
 Hi all,
 Let's say I have a list of a person's purchases and instead of having 
 something generic like:
 RHS displayNameForPageConfiguration = Person Purchases List
 I would like to use a variable in the RHS such as
 displayNameForPageConfiguration = +user.fullName +  Purchases List
 Is this possible?
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Re: [OT] Room reservation at the Gouverneur

2010-06-14 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
For a moment, I was confused!  I thought you meant early bird pricing for the 
hotel (^_^)  I assume August 14th is still the deadline for discounted lodging. 
 June 21st ( Only one week left! ) is only the deadline for WOWODC tickets.  Is 
that correct?


On Jun 10, 2010, at 1:02 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

 Just a quick note for anyone who are going to make their room reservation at 
 the Hotel Gouverneur for WOWODC : if you make your reservation online, the 
 system (sadly, it's a Flash app) says that the event is August 26 to 28, the 
 event is really August 27 to 29.
 Don't forget that early bird pricing ends on June 21!  WOWODC 2010 will have 
 18 sessions + 3 labs + 2 case studies, covering a lot of topics.
 Pascal Robert
 WOWODC 2010 : August 27th-29th, Montreal.

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Re: @sum and

2010-06-13 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Jun 13, 2010, at 8:33 PM, Theodore Petrosky wrote:

 userList = User.fetchDistinctUsers(timeListEC, 
 I have a repetition fed with this
 UserListRep : WORepetition {
   list = userListDG.displayedObjects;
   item = theUserListItem;
   index = session.index;
 The userList if perfect... however I have a row of my table like this:
 tdwebobject name = AmountOfTime //td
 AmountOfTime : WOString {
  value = theuserlistitem.etim...@sum.amountoftime;//valid
  numberformat = ##.##;

Hi Ted,

Does work?  If 
theUserListItem.etimes produces an array, wouldn't that path produce an array 
of Projects instead of a single project for the qualifier comparison?  What 
does your theUserListItem.etimes() array look like before you try to sum its 
amountOfTime attribute?


 the Value displayed is the sum of ALL entries in the ETime table for ALL 
 I was expecting that:
 value = theuserlistitem.etim...@sum.amountoftime;//valid
 would only display the sum.amountOfTime for the row (theUserListItem) 
 am I doing something wrong?
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Re: D2W/ERModernLook in non D2W app

2010-06-09 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Jun 9, 2010, at 8:31 PM, Jim Murry wrote:

 On Jun 9, 2010, at 4:07 PM, David Holt wrote:
 Hi Andrew,
 On 9-Jun-10, at 3:34 PM, akinnie wrote:
 OK, that all makes sense.
 I didn't think I needed a home() method as I was putting it in a 
 subcomponent, so I commented it out.
 homeAction() is just a name. Don't be confused by that. In this case, David 
 arbitrarily made the choice that the homeAction was the customary QueryAll 
 page for the ERModernMoviesDemo. It might just as easily be a list of users, 
 or a search page for bugs, or whatever you want. You just need to call the 
 method from your Admin tab, whatever it is called. For example you might 
 want to call it adminHomePage(). That just doesn't matter.
 The D2W.factory().defaultPage called in the homeAction is set in the Rules. 
 If you open up the rules for JavaDirectToWeb framework you'll find
 0 *true* startupTask = queryAll
 This is what is being used by defaultPage to render the QueryAll page 
 If you prefer a different task to be your beginning task, set your new 
 'startupTask' at a higher priority in the rules and make sure that you 
 specify a 'startupEntityName' as well (any task other than queryAll acts on 
 an entity).
 I have tried this just briefly:
   100 *true* startupTask = list
   100 *true* startupEntityName = Customer
 I get an error No matching ? records found., I am sure it is because there 
 is not a query defined for the list.  Where is the most appropriate spot in 
 which to add a qualifier for the list?  Is the Factory class the most 
 appropriate spot?  I have not mucked in the Factory class and would not quite 
 know where to start.
 Thank you.

Try something like

D2WPage page = (D2WPage)D2W.factory().defaultPage(session());
D2WContext c = page.d2wContext();
EODatabaseDataSource ds = new 
EODatabaseDataSource(session().defaultEditingContext(), c.entity().name());
return page;

 The Factory class in BugTracker gives you all sorts of options for actions 
 that you could call from your navigation scheme (for example you could 
 display a qualified list of entities based on your logged in user). This is 
 where ERXThreadStorage comes in handy because it is accessible from your EOs.
 I think.  I am in school at the moment, so I do have it in front of me.  
 Hopefully, if I'm not a zombie, I'll be able to look at it after 10:30 
 Thanks to you and Ramsey for all your help. . . not to suggest I won't need 
 more tomorrow.
 Not a problem. It is my hope that I can be of some help!
 On Jun 09, 2010, at 05:27 PM, David Holt wrote:
 Hi Andrew,
 On 9-Jun-10, at 1:12 PM, Andrew R. Kinnie wrote:
 yeah, I just noticed that.  I was still doing it the old (Ajaxy) way.  I 
 also noticed that I didn't replicate the MenuHeader (and instead just 
 included an ERXNavigationMenu directly in Admin), so I changed that, and 
 then I got a session timed out error.
 I don't think you need the menu header unless you want the extra 
 navigation buttons at the top of your header.
 I have an admin() method in my Main component (which I use as a wrapper . 
 . . in the non d2w sense, i.e. it's not bound to that key in the rule, 
 it's for general site visitors).  All it did was check which component 
 was loaded as currentPage, and load that into the wrapper's content area. 
  Obviously not appropriate in this case.  I changed it to just return a 
 WOActionResults which is an instance of Admin.
 That has the same result as before.  NPE because the context is null.
 ERD2WHead.java32  displayNameForPageConfiguration
 How should I do this?
 You need to use the D2W Factory to create your admin page. So you first 
 decide what kind of page it is (list of all entities?) and then use the 
 interface to create it.
 So if you take a peek in MoviesNavigationController you'll see a bunch of 
 actions such as:
 public WOComponent queryMovieAction() {
 return queryPageForEntityName(MOVIE);
 public WOComponent createMovieAction() {
 return newObjectForEntityName(MOVIE);
 Which then call:
public WOComponent queryPageForEntityName(String entityName) {
QueryPageInterface newQueryPage = 
 D2W.factory().queryPageForEntityNamed(entityName, session());
return (WOComponent) newQueryPage;
public WOComponent newObjectForEntityName(String entityName) {
WOComponent nextPage = null;
try {
EditPageInterface epi = 
 D2W.factory().editPageForNewObjectWithEntityNamed(entityName, session());
nextPage = (WOComponent) epi;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
ErrorPageInterface epf = D2W.factory().errorPage(session());

[OT] Yay Apple!

2010-05-27 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Our favorite fruit company just surpassed Microsoft and is now the second 
largest company in the US behind Exxon-Mobil (^_^)

Congratulations to everyone at Apple!


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Re: Eclipse/WOLips Strange Chinese Characters

2010-05-13 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
That sounds promising.  I'll have to try it again sometime Ken.  Last time I 
attempted it, only UTF-16 worked for me.  UTF-8 would be better because when I 
create a new project using a project template, the .strings are always UTF-8.  
WOLips doesn't seem to have a way to mark them UTF-16 in a template.  I'd 
prefer one encoding so I simply don't have to think about it.


On May 13, 2010, at 2:40 AM, ISHIMOTO Ken wrote:

 In my Project every file is UTF-8, also the .string files.
 With UTF-8 everywhere Multi language Application are happy and no trouble 
 FrontBase do a got Job in UTF-8 do and it is much easier to use it everywhere 
 as have to deal
 with a lot different encodings in an application.
 Greetings Ken Ishimoto
 On 2010/05/12, at 21:34, Anjo Krank wrote:
 You can edit the files with the built-in editor, which replaces, say, .AN| 
 with \U00e4. Then you can save them as plain ascii.
 Cheers, Anjo
 Am 12.05.2010 um 21:28 schrieb Ramsey Gurley:
 UTF-16 big endian, no BOM (UTF-16BE in Eclipse)
 On May 12, 2010, at 2:53 PM, David Holt wrote:
 It's my understanding that the .strings files still need to be in UTF16. 
 Has something changed recently?
 On 2010-05-12, at 11:50 AM, David Griffith wrote:
 In case it should help anyone else in this kind of situation, the problem 
 here was definitely to do with the encoding of the individual files.  
 Somehow, a small number of the files in the project must have remained in 
 another encoding, probably ISO Latin 1, to be honest I don't even know 
 what encoding they had - thanks to BBEdit - it just opens them using its 
 auto-detect feature and allowed me to re-save them as UTF8 or whatever 
 other format I need and having re-imported them to the new project they 
 are now working great.  This seemed to happen a lot in XCode, 
 particularly with the localizable.strings files.  I don't know why but I 
 remember I had to constantly reconvert them to UTF8.  Must be some 
 setting or bug somewhere in XCode.  Anyway, I'm starting to feel like all 
 the files in my projects are now getting some kind of consistency with 
 regard to their encoding, thanks to Eclipse, WOLips and BBEdit :)
 On May 12, 2010, at 8:29 PM, David Griffith wrote:
 Hi Ken,
 I think this may be the solution.  If I try and open the file in BBEdit 
 with UTF8 it says it's corrupted or badly formatted.  If I leave it on 
 auto-detect, I can re-save it as UTF8 and it seems to then open correctly.
 On May 10, 2010, at 2:12 PM, ISHIMOTO Ken wrote:
 For change the encoding on an text file (HTML) file the best solution is 
 using BBEdit.
 I mostly use Japanese and have sometimes problems like that with imported 
 Ken Ishimoto
 On 2010/05/10, at 8:38, David Griffith wrote:
 Well I've checked this in the Properties for the project, where else can 
 I set it?  I haven't found any other points where it can be changed.
 On May 10, 2010, at 6:14 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 It sounds like you have the wrong encoding set.  Check this under the 
 various file / directory Properties in Eclipse.
 On May 9, 2010, at 12:16 PM, David Griffith wrote:
 Hi all,
 In one of my apps that I've converted over to Eclipse, I am having 
 trouble updating the HTML pages.  I've noticed that on some of the 
 pages I am getting two strange symbols as the first entries in the HTML 
 file.  Then, if I click in some text and try to delete it letter by 
 letter, I have to delete twice each time to delete one character.  If I 
 then type some new text, it appears fine in the file but when I load it 
 in a browser it shows as chinese characters.  The rest of the page is 
 fine, only the new characters appear like this.  If I delete the two 
 strange characters at the beginning of the file it seems to create even 
 more strange behaviour.
 I am currently updating Eclipse to the latest version in case it might 
 be a bug in there, but it looks to me like something to do with 
 encoding.  I have set the workspace encoding to UTF-8 but I'm not sure 
 how to check the actual encoding on any given page.  I have had this 
 problem (or something similar) before in XCode and as I remember I had 
 to use the 'convert' command to actually convert the file to UTF-8 as 
 it was either saved in some other format or was corrupted.
 Anyone ever seen this?  Or anyone know if there is an equivalent 
 'convert' command in Eclipse to specifically set the encoding for any 
 given document?
 David. ___
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Re: Dependent popUp with D2W

2010-05-10 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Jul 31, 2009, at 11:01 AM, Daniel Mejía wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have a D2W edit form with three dependent PopUps,  something like country- 
 state - city. Is there any component or example where I can find out how to 
 have dependent popUps in a D2W forms?

Hi Daniel,

Perhaps this is too little, too late, but I put together something exactly like 
that Saturday morning.  You're welcome to have a look at it if you are still 
interested.  There are two projects in the zip file.  If you open the zip and 
import them into your Eclipse workspace, you should be able to simply launch 
the example app and create a new Address entity to see it working.  I haven't 
tested it exhaustively, but it seems to work pretty well.  

It's funny.  It uses ERNeutralLook and adds ajax to it (^_^)


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Re: AppleInsider | Apple developing Flash alternative named Gianduia

2010-05-09 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
This one is front paging on digg.  It has 228 diggs in an hour and a half, and 

I guess the secret's out (^_~)d

On May 7, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Gaastra Dennis - WO Lists wrote:

 But only in French...
 On 2010-05-07, at 3:50 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:
 Hum : 
  It is likely that more information will surface at this year's WOWODC and 
 WWDC events.
 If it's going to be show at WOWODC 2010, I would like to know :-)
 With Kind Regards,
 Dennis Gaastra, 
 Chief Technology Officer,
 WEBAPPZ®  Systems, Inc.
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Re: Switch from 5.3.3 to 5.4.3 breaks tomcat deployment

2010-05-05 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On May 5, 2010, at 10:42 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:

 We're in the midst of converting some WO apps from 5.3.3 to 5.4.3.  
 Everything works well in Eclipse, but when we deploy to tomcat 5.5 via a .war 
 file, the app basically does nothing.  Remote debugging shows that the 
 Application constructor gets called, but the notification center never fires 
 the appDidFinishLaunching event.
 We're using Java 1.6 if that matters...  Any thoughts?

Known issue if I'm not mistaken...

Begin forwarded message:

 Date: October 23, 2008 5:13:02 PM EDT
 To: Apple WO-Dev
 Subject: Wonder App doesn't receive   
 ApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification notification when   deployed as a 
 I was banging my head on this, so I thought I would share it with the group:
 Our Wonder App doesn't receive ApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification 
 notification when deployed as a servlet, this results in 
 ERXRemoteSynchronizer not being started when initialized using 
 ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorSynchronizer.initialize(); since initialization 
 depends on that notification being received (Line 87 in
 NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(this, new 
 NSSelector(startRemoteSynchronizer, ERXConstant.NotificationClassArray), 
 WOApplication.ApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification, null);
 You can bypass that by doing this instead 
 As a confirmation I also overrode didFinishLaunching() from ERXApplication 
 and that doesn't get called either when deployed as a servlet...

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Re: D2W - Do the pros use dummy tables?

2010-04-19 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Apr 19, 2010, at 5:06 PM, James Cicenia wrote:

 Hello -
 This has baffled me about D2W. It definitely seems to need to have an entity.
 So my question is ... how do you model custom screens?
 Do you create a dummy entity with dummy attributes associated with the 
 areas on the screen?
 James Cicenia

What is going in the areas on the screen specifically?


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Re: D2W - Do the pros use dummy tables?

2010-04-19 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Apr 19, 2010, at 8:01 PM, James Cicenia wrote:

 well say let's talk hypothetical.
 In portion we have some dynamic graphs and in the other
 are we have a dynamic spreadsheet of changing values.
 All of this is read only data compiled from many different EO sets.

Well, if they're changing, they can't be read only (^^)  But they're EOs... 
that's what I really wanted to know.  Ok, so lets say you have a live stock 
price chart... You're really just displaying an embedded list configuration.  
The dashboard component that produces the pretty chart can be written using D2W 
as a subclass of the list page template with something like SVG to display your 
data.  You would embed it in your UserHomePage configuration using a D2WList.  
If it isn't related to your user in any way, you'll need to generate your 
EODataSource using logic from somewhere.  If it is somehow related to the user 
(the user's personal profolio or something), then you can create a detail 
datasource off the user object.

I don't see why you would need a dummy entity for any of these things so far.  
Your UserHomePage entity would be your user entity. Your embedded stock 
dashboard list page would be your stock quote entity, and so on.

 On Apr 19, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 On Apr 19, 2010, at 5:06 PM, James Cicenia wrote:
 Hello -
 This has baffled me about D2W. It definitely seems to need to have an 
 So my question is ... how do you model custom screens?
 Do you create a dummy entity with dummy attributes associated with the 
 areas on the screen?
 James Cicenia
 What is going in the areas on the screen specifically?
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Re: Basic question - lightweight to-one relationship from entity to POJO/enum

2010-04-15 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Apr 15, 2010, at 8:07 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

 On Apr 14, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 Well, there's only going to be one of each enum in memory.  So, that's a 
 Memory is cheap. :-)
 They are fast to access... I don't block a thread waiting on a fault.  
 That's good too. On that same line of thought, there's no need to prefetch 
 Well, reading in 5 key-value rows from a table can't take all that long, even 
 if you don't prefetch them. Obviously if they are used thousands of times in 
 a transaction, then you'll need to speed it up, but I'd optimize it only if 
 it's actually slowing things down.
 Does any of that make a big difference? I don't know.  Can't hurt though 
 Depends on your definition of pain., I guess. :-)
 I've always looked at it as a case of if the value is defined only in code, 
 how do people who are reading the data directly out of the DB know what the 
 value in the DB means? How do you make everything consistent between your app 
 and a reporting system reading data out of it?
 DBA: Oh hey, this transaction has a status of 1. What does 1 mean? Is it 
 Active? Is it Closed? What? Now I've got to track down that bleeping 
 developer and ask him to interpret this data. Would it have been so hard for 
 him to just include all the context of his application in the DB where anyone 
 can get at it? It's not like a few 5-row key-value tables are going to bring 
 the DB to it's knees...

Wait, what is the DBA doing with some dumb DB tools when he has D2JC? (^_~)  

I believe the enum prototype in wonder stores them as a string.  So, continuing 
with Mark's example, your DBA would just see NORMAL, SIGNS_ONLY, MODERATE, etc. 
 He doesn't see some fk and need to jump to another table to figure out what 
that fk happens to be.  It sounds like you're arguing against enumeration 
entities now (^_^)

 At least that's what I hear in my head whenever I think about it.
 cue: Chuck.
 On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:
 Hi all, please forgive a very simple question but I'd like to create a
 lightweight (non-EO) to-one relationship from an EO. I make heavy use
 of D2W so I want to fulfil the WO/EOF rules and use to-one
 relationship components
 I usually create a new entity and have a genuine heavyweight EOF
 relationship but I have several properties for which this seems
 I have an entity (FormEdssFull) which can have a visual field score
 for both right and left eye.
 Can I do this with a java enum?
 public enum VisualAcuity {
 NORMAL(0, Normal),
 SIGNS_ONLY(1, Signs only:),
 MODERATE(2, Moderate),
 MARKED(3, Marked);
 /* insert enum constructor etc... */
 and then create the appropriate accessor and mutator in the entity?
 What do other people do in these situations?
 Many thanks,
 Dr. Mark Wardle
 Specialist registrar, Neurology
 Cardiff, UK
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Re: Basic question - lightweight to-one relationship from entity to POJO/enum

2010-04-14 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Apr 14, 2010, at 6:07 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

 I've always just created Entities for these types of things so all 
 relationships work the same.

For me, it depends on the usage.  If it is something like a transaction state 
(e.g. ACCEPT, DECLINE, ERROR) I would go with an enum. In a case like that, the 
enum value is going to determine program logic. In other words, I'm not going 
to add a new state to the database (REVIEW for instance) and then have the app 
magically know what to do with it.  I know there are cases where an enumeration 
entity makes sense, but for me, those are synonymous with a shared editing 
context.  If it is possible, I avoid them.  

Besides, enums are pretty nifty! (^_^) I like them. I can use them in switches, 
they make great singletons, and they can work like operators... pretty neat 

 Is there substantial savings to doing things this way over simply having EOs?

Well, there's only going to be one of each enum in memory.  So, that's a bonus. 
 They are fast to access... I don't block a thread waiting on a fault.  That's 
good too. On that same line of thought, there's no need to prefetch them.  Does 
any of that make a big difference? I don't know.  Can't hurt though (^_^)


 On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:
 Hi all, please forgive a very simple question but I'd like to create a
 lightweight (non-EO) to-one relationship from an EO. I make heavy use
 of D2W so I want to fulfil the WO/EOF rules and use to-one
 relationship components
 I usually create a new entity and have a genuine heavyweight EOF
 relationship but I have several properties for which this seems
 I have an entity (FormEdssFull) which can have a visual field score
 for both right and left eye.
 Can I do this with a java enum?
 public enum VisualAcuity {
 NORMAL(0, Normal),
 SIGNS_ONLY(1, Signs only:),
 MODERATE(2, Moderate),
 MARKED(3, Marked);
 /* insert enum constructor etc... */
 and then create the appropriate accessor and mutator in the entity?
 What do other people do in these situations?
 Many thanks,
 Dr. Mark Wardle
 Specialist registrar, Neurology
 Cardiff, UK
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Re: Basic question - lightweight to-one relationship from entity to POJO/enum

2010-04-08 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
For an enum specifically, you can use a custom component like

Or you can just use rules and the ERDEditToOneRelationship component.  That 
component is flexible enough to handle the job.  Spoiler: I actually plan on 
covering exactly this example in detail at WOWODC this year (^_^)


On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:

 Hi all, please forgive a very simple question but I'd like to create a
 lightweight (non-EO) to-one relationship from an EO. I make heavy use
 of D2W so I want to fulfil the WO/EOF rules and use to-one
 relationship components
 I usually create a new entity and have a genuine heavyweight EOF
 relationship but I have several properties for which this seems
 I have an entity (FormEdssFull) which can have a visual field score
 for both right and left eye.
 Can I do this with a java enum?
 public enum VisualAcuity {
  NORMAL(0, Normal),
  SIGNS_ONLY(1, Signs only:),
  MODERATE(2, Moderate),
  MARKED(3, Marked);
 /* insert enum constructor etc... */
 and then create the appropriate accessor and mutator in the entity?
 What do other people do in these situations?
 Many thanks,
 Dr. Mark Wardle
 Specialist registrar, Neurology
 Cardiff, UK
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Re: Basic question - lightweight to-one relationship from entity to POJO/enum

2010-04-08 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Apr 8, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

 Ramsey: thanks for this.
 More thought on this I should frame this as two questions:  how to
 adequately model a property as a java enum and how to use such a
 property via conventional and D2w components.
 The former isn't clear cut AFAIK. In particular, I've been bitten by
 the bug (?) highlighted in this email:
 I only came across this when I managed to find out that I would need
 to use com.eldrix.MyClass$MyEnum rather than the dot notation.

Well, you can either update templates or you can make the Enum free standing in 
its own java file rather than nesting it inside another class. That's what I 
would probably do personally, but updating templates shouldn't be all that 
difficult either.  I just prefer to keep them separate.

 Am I missing done documentation on this or do I need to update the
 template file as suggested in that email?
 For the second issue, I see ERD2WEditToOneRelationship will handle
 this although I haven't quite got the hang on the possibleChoices
 binding and in particular trying to use the enum's own values getter.
 All hints gratefully received!

Ok, so, you model an enum attribute, then set your componentName like you 
normally would

100: = 'FormEdssFull' and propertyKey = 'visualScore' = 
componentName = ERD2WEditToOneRelationship [Assignment]

Now all you need to do is provide a keypath that gives the list of allowable 

100: = 'FormEdssFull' and propertyKey = 'visualScore' = 
restrictedChoiceKey = object.visualScoreChoices [Assignment]

Which means you'll need to create a method on your FormEdssFull object like

public NSArrayVisualAcuity visualScoreChoices() {
//TODO Based on your object state, return what possible choices are 
available. This just returns everything.
return new NSArrayVisualAcuity(VisualAcuity.values());

And then for the display string in the popup, bind your keyWhenRelationship

100: = 'FormEdssFull' and propertyKey = 'visualScore' = 
keyWhenRelationship = toString [Assignment]

That will give you choices like


Unless you set localizeDisplayKeys of course!

100: = 'FormEdssFull' and propertyKey = 'visualScore' = 
localizeDisplayKeys = true [BooleanAssignment]

At which point you can return localized display strings by putting them into 
your Localizable.strings file like

NORMAL = Normal;
SIGNS_ONLY = Signes Seulement;
MODERATE = Moderate;
MARKED = Marqué;

Pardon the French if it is incorrect.  Translation provided by babel fish (^_^) 
 Anyway, I think that should work for you.  Standard warnings apply: Completely 
untested code, your milage may vary, objects in mirror are closer than they 
appear ... (^_^)


 On Thursday, April 8, 2010, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 For an enum specifically, you can use a custom component like
 Or you can just use rules and the ERDEditToOneRelationship component.  That 
 component is flexible enough to handle the job.  Spoiler: I actually plan on 
 covering exactly this example in detail at WOWODC this year (^_^)
 On Apr 8, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:
 Hi all, please forgive a very simple question but I'd like to create a
 lightweight (non-EO) to-one relationship from an EO. I make heavy use
 of D2W so I want to fulfil the WO/EOF rules and use to-one
 relationship components
 I usually create a new entity and have a genuine heavyweight EOF
 relationship but I have several properties for which this seems
 I have an entity (FormEdssFull) which can have a visual field score
 for both right and left eye.
 Can I do this with a java enum?
 public enum VisualAcuity {
  NORMAL(0, Normal),
  SIGNS_ONLY(1, Signs only:),
  MODERATE(2, Moderate),
  MARKED(3, Marked);
 /* insert enum constructor etc... */
 and then create the appropriate accessor and mutator in the entity?
 What do other people do in these situations?
 Many thanks,
 Dr. Mark Wardle
 Specialist registrar, Neurology
 Cardiff, UK
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Re: Can an entity be promoted in single table inheritance?

2010-04-01 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
I suspected as much, but I was curious and had to ask (^_^)

Thanks to everyone for the replies!


On Mar 31, 2010, at 10:54 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 On Mar 31, 2010, at 7:48 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 I can't see this being possible in Vertical or Horizontal, but with single 
 table... could the qualifying attribute be updated to 'promote' an entity to 
 a new class?
 F**k No!
 Do NOT try this.  Use the Role pattern or something that won't make EOF 
 Let's say we have we have an abstract Person entity with three subclasses, 
 Peasant, Knight, King.  If I wanted to promote a knight to king, is it 
 possible to simply update my type attribute from knight to king and EOF will 
 start treating that record as a king instead of a knight?  I would assume I 
 would need to invalidate the existing knight object after saving changes so 
 it could be refetched as a king... and if I had multiple instances, I'd need 
 to invalidate it in those instances too... but is it possible?  Or will EOF 
 just flip out in the saveChanges() and refuse to do it?
 Just an academic question, of course (^_^)
 You could mybe get it to work if you invalidated enough things.  But, 
 really, do you want hair on your palms?
 Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
 Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
 knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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Can an entity be promoted in single table inheritance?

2010-03-31 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
I can't see this being possible in Vertical or Horizontal, but with single 
table... could the qualifying attribute be updated to 'promote' an entity to a 
new class?  Let's say we have we have an abstract Person entity with three 
subclasses, Peasant, Knight, King.  If I wanted to promote a knight to king, is 
it possible to simply update my type attribute from knight to king and EOF will 
start treating that record as a king instead of a knight?  I would assume I 
would need to invalidate the existing knight object after saving changes so it 
could be refetched as a king... and if I had multiple instances, I'd need to 
invalidate it in those instances too... but is it possible?  Or will EOF just 
flip out in the saveChanges() and refuse to do it?

Just an academic question, of course (^_^)


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Re: Document/literal Style WebServices

2010-02-16 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
I wish I could, but I've never used the other style.  From your description, it 
doesn't sound like there is an easy way to convert from one to the other.  
Maybe someone here has used document literal and can be of more assistance.


On Feb 15, 2010, at 10:18 PM, Kalpana Vaka wrote:

 Hi Ramsey,
 Can you please help me with this?
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Kalpana Vaka
 Date: Feb 16, 2010 12:10 AM
 Subject: Document/literal Style WebServices
 Hi Group,
 We are using WO-5.4.3 for our application. Our application has WebServices 
 support with RPC style.
 The code that we are using to install web services is 
 WOWSDDRegistrar.registerWebService(myServiceName,myClass,true).With RPC 
 style, we are able to define many operations (methods) in my service class 
 Now, we have the requirement to change the encodingStyle to document/literal. 
 When we call the registerWebService() method with false value for last 
 parameter, it is throwing IllegalArgumentException saying that only one 
 handler should exist.
 Is there a way to have to work make the webservices to work without defining 
 a service for each handler with document/literal style? How to test the 
 document style web service from Soap UI?
 Any help?

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Re: What would it take?

2010-02-16 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Feb 16, 2010, at 8:33 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

 He's alluding to that still as yet all mysterious, apparently sweet tasting, 
 hazelnut flavoured chocolate treat. The question is: when's desert going to 
 be served? :-)
 actually not in this case ... just that if you were thinking about making a 
 new template that was ajaxy, you might want to wait.

The plot thickens (^_^)

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Re: D2WEditRelationship

2010-02-15 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Feb 15, 2010, at 5:32 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

 Dear all,
 I'm trying to subclass and customise D2WEditRelationshipPage to create
 a custom look (in fact, I'm subclassing ERNEUEditRelationshipPage).
 Specifically, I want to be able to customise the page using the rule system.
 Firstly, I want to hide the query button and the query panel.
 In the WOD file, I can see:
 DisplayQuery: WOConditional {
   condition = displayQuery;
 but the displayQuery attribute of the component is part of
 D2WEditRelationshipPage, and I don't have the source code to that.

Jadclipse is your friend (^_^)

That isn't rule based. It is simply a boolean returning internal page state.

 Secondly, I want to customise the browser component - in fact, replace
 it with an embedded D2WList instead but all of the actions link into
 D2WEditRelationshipPage and without decent documentation (and the
 source code), it is very difficult.

I'm not sure I follow you exactly, but it sounds like you may want to look into 
subclassing a master-detail type of page.  It looks a bit like an edit 
relationship page with no query.

Or perhaps a edit list page from Wonder.

 This is an issue with subclassing more generally obviously.
 Am I missing some obvious source of documentation for these
 components, should I fire up a java decompiler, and is there a rule
 that is checked by D2WEditRelationshipPage to disable/enable querying?

If you ever want to see *all* the rules (And you're using Wonder), just paste

into your properties file.


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Re: What would it take?

2010-02-15 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Feb 15, 2010, at 5:46 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

 I think the idea of a very robust Ajax capable template would be ideal. That 
 way it can at least have its footing on the right foundation.
 Don't spend time working on this.

What you talkin' about Willis?


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[OT] Javascript editing in Eclipse

2010-02-10 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Hi all,

This is probably a little off topic, but here goes: What are you using to edit 
javascript?  I've noticed the default editor in eclipse has a tendency to 
autocomplete quotes and braces, but does not auto-un-complete when you press 
the delete key.  It also doesn't do a very good job in the outline view. So I'm 
just wondering what everyone else is using.


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Re: JavaScript is not Working with AjaxSubmitButton

2010-02-10 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Hi Venu,

For the benefit of others, please keep replies on the mailing list.  With 
regards to this question, I'm not sure how to answer.  The part that is failing 
is not included in the message.  Perhaps if you were to post the js for 
Validator, I or someone here might be able to assist you.  

Generally though, I find it easiest to find where a method fails by stepping 
through it with the debugger.  It can be time consuming, but that is sometimes 
the only way.


On Feb 10, 2010, at 9:44 AM, Venu A wrote:

 Hi Ramsey,
 I called a javascript function when a ajaxsubmit button is clicked.But it is 
 not working fine
 My java script function is as followed
 SCRIPT TYPE=text/javascript!--
 function checkAddPreProducts(){
 var formObj = document.MyFormName;
 if(formObj != null){
 alert(Form obj:+ formObj);
 var frmvalidator  = new Validator(;
 if(document.getElementById(Avail PrerequisiteProducts).length  0)
 Avail PrerequisiteProducts,notselected=0,Please select atleast one 
 Available Prerequisite Product);
 alert(List is empty);
 // --
 In wod file
 JavaScript1: WOJavaScript {
 scriptFile = gen_validatorv2.js;
 AjaxSubmitButton contains the binding as followed
 onClick  = checkAddPreProducts();
 when i clicked on AjaxSubmitButton  the javascript function is executing 
 (means it is coming in to the if or else part of the function), when it is 
 coming to the
 else part it is showing the message(alert message),but in case of if 
 condition it is not working(it is coming to inside if but not executed the 

 PrerequisiteProducts,notselected=0,Please select atleast one Available 
 Prerequisite Product);
 could u suggest me in this? how can i make it is working well(JavaScript)? 
 thanks and regards

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Re: [OT] Fact about Apple Store and WO

2010-02-09 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
+1 with David and Lachlan here.  Besides, listing speculation under the 'facts' 
section seems a bit of a stretch (^_^)  There's no need to defend WO or 
belittle anyone else.  Demonstrate why WO is the best solution available, and 
the rest will take care of itself.

On Feb 9, 2010, at 9:12 PM, David LeBer wrote:

 On 2010-02-09, at 8:48 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:
 All interesting speculation - but why does this need mentioning on 
 wocommunity at all?
 As was mentioned in the recent thread, this kind of stuff is all too 
 defensive / negative. WOCommunity should be sprouting the positives... what 
 do you get with WO?
 I can understand the desire to counter the webobjects is teh suck! 
 tweets/posts/whatever, but I concur with Lachlan, I think this really just 
 smacks of feeding the troll. The correct response is more like That comment 
 doesn't warrant a response
 On 10/02/2010, at 12:36 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 They probably also close it so when they bring it back up there are no old 
 cached pages without the new product.  People would go insane if they went 
 to the store and could not see the new iPad and their friend could.
 On Feb 9, 2010, at 5:31 PM, Gaastra Dennis - WO Lists wrote:
 Good point. Probably Apple does that on purpose to generate hype...
 On 2010-02-09, at 5:19 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:
 As usual, when the Apple Store goes down, people on Twitter starts 
 blaming WO because of store being down for minutes or sometimes hours. So 
 I was thinking of adding a fact in the Facts section of 
 about this. Suggestion :
 Q. Why does the Apple Store goes down every time they release a major 
 A. Since we don't work for Apple, we can't answer this question in 
 details, but we don't see a reason why they have to put the store down 
 even if they only added a new product. Funny thing is that the iTunes 
 Store is also running WebObjects and does it goes down everything a new 
 song is released? Nope. So our guess is that when a new major Apple 
 product is released, maybe they close the store to do some maintenance or 
 for marketing reasons. What we DO know is that it's not a limitation of 
 WebObjects, and at WOWODC West 2009 some engineers from the Apple Store 
 team were there and they are very bright people, so we guess that they 
 close the store for very valid reasons.
 Adding a fact like this might help for people who search about this on 
 Google or to sent as replies to some tweets :-) 
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Re: AjaxSubmitButton

2010-01-22 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Jan 22, 2010, at 8:08 AM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

 On Jan 22, 2010, at 2:24 AM, Venu A wrote:
 Thanks for giving reply,I have the image is in my project's Resources/folder 
 it self. If i given only WOImage (without AjaxSubmitButton) it is appearing 
 on UI. But not appearing when i used the WOImage with AjaxSubmitButton.
 Am sending the code which is i have,
 So if you change this to
 then Image1 shows up on the outside of the button, but not on the inside???  
 That would be really weird. If you change elementName=button; to 
 elementName=div; do you get the same thing also?
 Ok, so if that doesn't work, try to put the image on the button using CSS.  
 Something like:
 AjaxSubmitButton3: AjaxSubmitButton {
 updateContainerID = MyUpdateContainerID;
 elementName  = div;
 style = background: url('mybutton.gif');

I should have probably put a height on that div, otherwise, it will be flat and 
you won't see anything.  Also adding display:block just in case... Something 

style = background: url('mybutton.gif');height: 50px;display:block;;
 action = myAction;
 AjaxSubmitButton3: AjaxSubmitButton {
 updateContainerID = MyUpdateContainerID;
 elementName  = button;
 action = myAction;
 Image1: WOImage {
 filename = mybutton.gif;
 AjaxUpdateContainer2: AjaxUpdateContainer {
 id = MyUpdateContainerID;
 The image is placed at my project's Resources/mybutton.gif
 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 8:15 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
 If you are not seeing an image it is because the WOResourceManager is not 
 finding your image file.  On your eclipse console, you will see a log line 
 that includes something like ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. Continuing with the 
 example below, you would need to make sure you have an image named 
 submitImage.jpg in your project's Resources/ folder.  If you have the 
 image anywhere else, it will not be found.  If, for example, you had your 
 image in an Images folder in your resources folder (Resources/Images/), 
 then you would need to include that like filename=Images/submitImage.jpg;
 On Jan 21, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Venu A wrote:
 Thanks for giving the exact information what i want, but it is not working.
 The problem is the image(image which is given for WOImage) is not appearing 
 in the UI.
 It is appearing without any image, the small empty button is appearing(but 
 action is working fine
 when i clicked on it),what do i do for getting button with image.
 Thanks and regards,
 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 Please keep the replies on list so other's can benefit from your question.
 An example would be
 webobject name=SubmitButtonwebobject name=Image//webobject
 SubmitButton: AjaxSubmitButton {
 elementName = button;
 updateContainerID = someID;
 Image: WOImage {
 filename = submitImage.jpg;
 Or, if you prefer, you could use elementName=a or div or something else 
 since no version of IE really handles the button element correctly.
 On Jan 21, 2010, at 2:35 AM, Venu A wrote:
 thanks for helping, but am not getting exactly, can u post clearly with 
 required properties for AjaxSubmitbutton and WOActiveImage. I want to use 
 WOActiveImageButton insted of normal html button which is generated by 
 Thanks and regards,
 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley 
 You can use a binding like
 And then wrap your image with the button.
 On Jan 21, 2010, at 1:22 AM, Venu A wrote:
  Hi all,
  When i use AjaxSubmitButton it is generated a normal html button, insted 
  of that normal html button i want to use rich button which is created by 
  the tool like
  submit.jpg button.How can i use the submit.jpg button with same 
  AjaxSubmitButton functionality.plz help me.
  thanks and regards,
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Re: Inline Task into Task component extravaganza

2010-01-20 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Jan 20, 2010, at 6:40 AM, Riccardo De Menna wrote:

 Hi all,
 A D2W related question...
 I want a component that allows me to edit a record and also edit another one 
 through a relationship. An InlineEditRelationship thing. I want it because I 
 often have correlation tables in to-many relationships that only hold a few 
 fields and it's too confusing for the user to force them to jump and edit 
 another record all together. To the average user, fields of a correlation 
 table are often viewed as data of one or the other side of the relationship.
 Let's say we have a Movie  Correlation  Actor scenario. And we need to 
 keep track of what was the name of the character the actor played in a movie 
 (or his salary or anything related only to that movie). I want to build an 
 EditMovie page that allows me to select the actors that participated to the 
 movie via a very simple and straightforward popup menu and every time I add a 
 new actor I get also a single field for the character name to appear directly 
 inline in the ui. No faults... I'm assuming the actor list is a short one.

It sounds like you need something like Movie -- Roles -- Actor rather 
than a simple many-to-many join from Movies to Actors.  Perhaps that is the 
correlation table you mentioned?

 Now my question... how should I do this? I thought about two examples.
 Example one:
 I build a D2W component that edits a relationship by basically sticking a 
 InspectRepetition in it (obviously in a compact short form). When I try to do 
 this I constantly fight against the fact that the D2WContext is setup to edit 
 another entity. So I thought I could build a subcontext by cloning the 
 current one and setting it to edit the other entity and pass this via the 
 d2wcontext binding of the repetition component. Would it work or am I going 
 to face a million problems? Forms into forms being the first I can think of.

ERXWOForm prevents nested forms for you.  But you're right, it's not going to 
work without a separate d2wcontext because you're trying to stick one page 
configuration into another.

 Example two:
 I generate a totally different EditPage via the D2WFactory methods and stick 
 it in my parent component via WOSwitchComponents. This also basically does 
 what I'm doing in example one since the newly created page will have it's own 
 Or is there a simpler way? I tried just sticking embedded components without 
 touching the d2wContext by simply binding everything I could think of 
 (d2wContext, datasource, object, keys for the relationships... everything) 
 but I constantly run into something that get's pulled out of the d2wcontext 
 instead of the bindings and messes everything up.
 I'm in a wonder enabled scenario so I can use anything there as well. I saw 
 Ravi does something similar in one of his tutorials but it's a single field. 
 I want a full fledged edit-in-edit thing. Will I be fighting windmills by 
 Any opinion is welcome and btw, happy start of year to everyone,

Using a WOSwitchComponent is still going to leave you with the same problem as 
above.  You need to use an embed component if you want to embed one page 
configuration into another one.  A D2WEdit or perhaps an ERXD2WInspect.  If you 
ran into problems using the embed components, I would suggest you have a look 
at something like the ERNEUEditRelationshipPage.  It uses an embedded edit, 
list, and query all in one page.  It should be enough to help you figure out 
what you're missing in your bindings.


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Re: AjaxSubmitButton

2010-01-20 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
You can use a binding like


And then wrap your image with the button.

On Jan 21, 2010, at 1:22 AM, Venu A wrote:

 Hi all,
 When i use AjaxSubmitButton it is generated a normal html button, insted of 
 that normal html button i want to use rich button which is created by the 
 tool like
 submit.jpg button.How can i use the submit.jpg button with same 
 AjaxSubmitButton functionality.plz help me.
 thanks and regards,
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Re: Is there a User pattern/framework out there?

2010-01-16 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
The only thing I'm aware of is the user preferences stuff in 
ERCoreBusinessLogic.  You can see how it works with the bugtracker example.  I 
think basically all it remembers is batch sizes and sort orderings, but you can 
replace the delegate to extend that.


On Jan 16, 2010, at 10:18 AM, James Cicenia wrote:

 Hello -
 I was looking through wonder et al and noticed a People class. 
 Where is this used? Is there a framework out there that handles the usual:
 forget password
 email validation 
 password validation
 I am surprised to not see that as part of Wonder or such.
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Re: D2WS Assistant

2010-01-15 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
I couldn't get the WSAssistant to work at all.  With or without wonder, it 
seems totally broken. Also, D2WS in 5.4 will not work with Wonder's D2W, 
because it requires that the rule model descends from D2WFastModel or some 
such.  Also, WOWS fails on WSDLs with XSD imports, so if you are trying to 
client with a server that isn't WO, be aware.


On Jan 14, 2010, at 11:15 PM, Mat Johnson wrote:

 Does the Assistant still work in WO 5.4 and Eclipse or is it right to the 
 Rules Editor?
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Re: How to get the failing EO when a unique constraint violation occurs?

2010-01-12 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Hi Amiel,

That's basically what I'm doing with Postgresql right now too.  I managed to 
retrieve an EO if the operation is updating the EO instead of creating one.  I 
cheated and used the editingContext for the database context from 
_databaseContextState().objectForKey(editingContext).  Even then, I was 
unable to use that context to retrieve the object if it is a new EO.  Given 
Chuck's mention of deferred constraints, I could see how that might throw 
another wrench into the process.  I was expecting to use the bindings from the 
statement that failed to figure out which EO to grab.

Anyway, at this point, I've pretty much given up hope on retrieving the EO.  I 
spent wy too long trying to find a cure for that problem. (^^)  An index 
name is at least sufficient to return a somewhat informative message.


On Jan 12, 2010, at 1:26 AM, Amiel Montecillo wrote:

 Hi Chuck,
 I'm not sure if I got you correctly (english is not my natural language). But 
 this what I am doing:
 1. Determine the unique constraint violation exception
 2. Get the table and constraint name
 Next exception:SQL State:23000 -- error code: 1 -- msg: ORA-1: unique 
 3. throw new ERXValidationException(constraintName, null, null);
 4. In ValidationTemplate.strings:
 WATCHLISTDEV.WATCHLISTUSER_CON_UEMAIL = This email address is already 
 It works, but I am not sure this is the best way.
 On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 Hi Amiel,
 You can only get it if you are not using deferred constraints.  If you are 
 using deferred constraints, the exception is only thrown at the end of the 
 transaction and EOF has no way of knowing which EO caused the error.  The 
 best solution that I have found is to parse out the table name and use that 
 to infer the entity.  If you are using single table inheritance, this is not 
 perfect, but as all entities in the inheritance hierarchy will have to have 
 the same constraint the error is probably also consistent.  If you can get 
 the entity name, you can then form a reasonable error message.
 On Jan 11, 2010, at 9:56 PM, Amiel Montecillo wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 Is it possible to get the failed EO instance when an unique constraint 
 violation occurs? I have been digging in EOGeneralAdaptorException but I 
 couldn't figure out how to get the instance of the EO that has failed.
 socket error: unable to connect to
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Re: UTF-8 forms and database, still some special characters get through as things like #64257; Why?

2010-01-10 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 13, 2009, at 4:04 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:

 - Johan Henselmans a écrit :
 Op 12 nov 2009, om 14:44 heeft Pascal Robert het volgende geschreven:
 6) Localizable.strings should be encoded in UTF-16
 And to be more specific, they should be in UTF-16LE
 What happens if you use UTF-16 or UTF-16BE?
 In my case, WO wasn't able to find the strings, they only load if I use 
 UTF-16LE with BOM (I do my encoding conversion in BBEDit, I don't trust 
 Eclipse for this task).

I wonder what version of WO you are using Pascal.  I'm running 5.4.3 and I'm 
getting the opposite here...  If I use UTF-16BE with no BOM on my .strings 
files, everything works fine.  If I try to use LE with or without BOM, I'm 
getting a partially translated page and plist parsing errors (once for each 
.strings file in UTF-16LE) like the stack trace at the end of this email.  Only 
UTF-16BE with no BOM works for me. If I insert a bom using hexedit for either 
format, I get At line number: 1, column: 0 instead of column 1. So, it 
appears to choke on the bom itself too.

WARN  ( - Exception loading: Localizable.strings - app - 
(English):java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property list parsing failed 
while attempting to read unquoted string. No allowable characters were found. 
At line number: 1, column: 1.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property list parsing failed while 
attempting to read unquoted string. No allowable characters were found. At line 
number: 1, column: 1.
at er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer.load(
at er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer.init(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at er.extensions.appserver.ERXSession.setLanguages(
at com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession.languages(
at er.extensions.appserver.ERXSession.localizer(
at er.extensions.appserver.ERXSession.awake(

Re: Localization problem, hello world too [solved]

2009-12-26 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Dec 26, 2009, at 6:16 AM, Johann Werner wrote:

 Am 24.12.2009 um 17:10 schrieb Ramsey Lee Gurley:
 Hmm, beyond that, I'm not really sure. Maybe someone who does session-less 
 WO apps has better advice. 
 Since writing that bit of info, I've accepted that attempting to use WO 
 without sessions is a practice in masochism.  You lose all the real power of 
 WO without sessions.  No component actions, no D2W, no Wonder Ajax, etc.  
 All the best parts of WO depend on a session, and in your case, you're 
 already setting a cookie.  Ask yourself, What difference would it make to 
 set a session cookie instead of (or in addition to) a language cookie?  Is 
 that going to be worth the pain of hand crafting pages, battling accidental 
 session creation, and managing page state entirely through DAs and cookies?  
 Why use a session when you don't need one?

Why reinvent it when the work has been done already? (^_^) It is one thing to 
want to remember the language setting for a user when they return to your site 
later.  It is an entirely different thing to want to manage the language 
setting on your own, in lieu of using a session that handles the job 
beautifully.  It would appear to me that you do need one, but I won't dwell on 
that point any further.  I've reinvented plenty of wheels too. (^_^)  I've 
learned quite a bit the hard way.  You are free to do so as well.

 Sessions will cost extra resources.

I was under that same impression initially.  I asked the list and...

The impression I got from that discussion, and from my own testing, is that 
sessions don't actually cost that much in resources.  Sessions only require 
lots of resources when you have lots of real visitors filling up backtrack 
caches and such.  And in that case, I'm sure sessions are still an order of 
magnitude more efficient than I could hope to produce with a homegrown solution.

 The behavior I see in WOContext to only rely on the browser languages is 
 logical as ERXLocalizer is not part of the base WO but ERXWOContext should 
 honor the current language of it. But before I put a patch on jira I am 
 really curious what that _languagesAction ivar of WOContext is doing and how 
 (as it is private), where or in what circumstances it gets changed 

I'm still not sure why the original approach is not working for you, but if you 
want to set _languagesAction, call your direct action's setLanguages() method 
(Inherited from WOAction).  It calls _context._setLangauges() which sets 
_languagesAction directly.  I don't see why you would need to patch the 
ERXWOContext to do so.


 I didn't find any info on it anywhere.
 Naturally, those questions are rhetorical.  Since I don't know what exactly 
 you're trying to accomplish, I'm certainly not saying what you're doing is 
 somehow wrong.  I'm just afraid this little exercise in page state 
 management is only the tip of the iceberg if you plan on doing much without 
 a session.
 On Dec 24, 2009, at 10:16 AM, Johann Werner wrote:
 Hi Ramsey,
 my default language is English. In my performActionNamed method I am 
 already doing this:
 String lang = request().cookieValueForKey(language);
 NSArrayString languages = null;
 if (lang == null) {
 languages = request().browserLanguages();
 } else {
 languages = new NSArrayString(lang, English);
 but when I invoke pageWithName the current localizer is ignored.
 Am 24.12.2009 um 15:59 schrieb Ramsey Lee Gurley:
 On Dec 24, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Johann Werner wrote:
 Hi list,
 I have the same problem as described in this thread. I have an app that 
 uses only direct actions (no sessions) but stores the current language in 
 a cookie. By default I check for that language setting and set the 
 current ERXLocalizer accordingly. But when calling pageWithName I get 
 every time the German component (there is a German and an English 
 component) even if I set the localizer to English.
 German is your default?  Did you try
 Second paragraph from the bottom (under Direct Actions).  Instead of 
 just looking at the browserLanguages(), you could check for the cookie 
 value first.
 The setting er.extensions.ERXApplication.fixCachingEnabled=false as 
 mentioned by Ramsey didn't show any effect and digging inside the 
 WOContext source I found the method _languages() that should return the 
 language(s) to be used:
 If there is no session that method returns a _languagesAction array if 
 non-null but this var and its setter are private so I don't see how to 
 change its value.

 If it is null, which is its default value, then the browser languages are 
 returned. I think

Re: Localization problem, hello world too [solved]

2009-12-24 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Dec 24, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Johann Werner wrote:

 Hi list,
 I have the same problem as described in this thread. I have an app that uses 
 only direct actions (no sessions) but stores the current language in a 
 cookie. By default I check for that language setting and set the current 
 ERXLocalizer accordingly. But when calling pageWithName I get every time the 
 German component (there is a German and an English component) even if I set 
 the localizer to English.

German is your default?  Did you try

Second paragraph from the bottom (under Direct Actions).  Instead of just 
looking at the browserLanguages(), you could check for the cookie value first.


 The setting er.extensions.ERXApplication.fixCachingEnabled=false as mentioned 
 by Ramsey didn't show any effect and digging inside the WOContext source I 
 found the method _languages() that should return the language(s) to be used:
 If there is no session that method returns a _languagesAction array if 
 non-null but this var and its setter are private so I don't see how to change 
 its value. If it is null, which is its default value, then the browser 
 languages are returned. I think there should be a check, if the localization 
 is enabled in the app and return the language of the current localizer 
 instead, shouldn't it?
 Any thoughts? I altered my ERXWOContext for now and could put a patch on jira.
 Happy Christmas,
 Am 02.12.2008 um 23:55 schrieb Ramsey Lee Gurley:
 On Dec 2, 2008, at 2:53 AM, Anjo Krank wrote:
 Am 02.12.2008 um 08:04 schrieb Anjo Krank:
 If it doesn't, rewrite the method so it re-orders the nsarray so that it 
 still has all items from _expectedLanguages, but the ones from nsarray 
 come first and in order and post a patch.
 I checked in an (untested) interim patch. See if the problem persists.
 Cheers, Anjo
 Nice patch :-)  Oh, and for the record, what I was saying earlier about 
 needing to return something from session languages() is complete garbage... 
 I see you've already taken care of that in ERXSession's setLanguage().  The 
 problem here was my test app was returning null from the updateLanguage() 
 action instead of a page. [Are you listening to this Mike? :-) ]  I think 
 this must be different from Mike and Chuck's debate though, because even 
 returning context().page() causes the contents of the current page object to 
 be re-rendered instead of refreshing the localized  component.  I actually 
 needed to do
  public WOActionResults updateLang() {
 WOApplication.application().pageWithName(context().page().name(), context());
 to get the right localized page component when changing languages.  Perhaps 
 there's another way to invalidate the page and cause the whole thing to 
 refresh, but I'm satisfied with that for now...
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Re: Localization problem, hello world too [solved]

2009-12-24 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Hmm, beyond that, I'm not really sure. Maybe someone who does session-less WO 
apps has better advice. 

Since writing that bit of info, I've accepted that attempting to use WO without 
sessions is a practice in masochism.  You lose all the real power of WO without 
sessions.  No component actions, no D2W, no Wonder Ajax, etc.  All the best 
parts of WO depend on a session, and in your case, you're already setting a 
cookie.  Ask yourself, What difference would it make to set a session cookie 
instead of (or in addition to) a language cookie?  Is that going to be worth 
the pain of hand crafting pages, battling accidental session creation, and 
managing page state entirely through DAs and cookies?  

Naturally, those questions are rhetorical.  Since I don't know what exactly 
you're trying to accomplish, I'm certainly not saying what you're doing is 
somehow wrong.  I'm just afraid this little exercise in page state management 
is only the tip of the iceberg if you plan on doing much without a session.


On Dec 24, 2009, at 10:16 AM, Johann Werner wrote:

 Hi Ramsey,
 my default language is English. In my performActionNamed method I am already 
 doing this:
 String lang = request().cookieValueForKey(language);
 NSArrayString languages = null;
 if (lang == null) {
   languages = request().browserLanguages();
 } else {
   languages = new NSArrayString(lang, English);
 but when I invoke pageWithName the current localizer is ignored.
 Am 24.12.2009 um 15:59 schrieb Ramsey Lee Gurley:
 On Dec 24, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Johann Werner wrote:
 Hi list,
 I have the same problem as described in this thread. I have an app that 
 uses only direct actions (no sessions) but stores the current language in a 
 cookie. By default I check for that language setting and set the current 
 ERXLocalizer accordingly. But when calling pageWithName I get every time 
 the German component (there is a German and an English component) even if I 
 set the localizer to English.
 German is your default?  Did you try
 Second paragraph from the bottom (under Direct Actions).  Instead of just 
 looking at the browserLanguages(), you could check for the cookie value 
 The setting er.extensions.ERXApplication.fixCachingEnabled=false as 
 mentioned by Ramsey didn't show any effect and digging inside the WOContext 
 source I found the method _languages() that should return the language(s) 
 to be used:
 If there is no session that method returns a _languagesAction array if 
 non-null but this var and its setter are private so I don't see how to 
 change its value. If it is null, which is its default value, then the 
 browser languages are returned. I think there should be a check, if the 
 localization is enabled in the app and return the language of the current 
 localizer instead, shouldn't it?
 Any thoughts? I altered my ERXWOContext for now and could put a patch on 
 Happy Christmas,
 Am 02.12.2008 um 23:55 schrieb Ramsey Lee Gurley:
 On Dec 2, 2008, at 2:53 AM, Anjo Krank wrote:
 Am 02.12.2008 um 08:04 schrieb Anjo Krank:
 If it doesn't, rewrite the method so it re-orders the nsarray so that it 
 still has all items from _expectedLanguages, but the ones from nsarray 
 come first and in order and post a patch.
 I checked in an (untested) interim patch. See if the problem persists.
 Cheers, Anjo
 Nice patch :-)  Oh, and for the record, what I was saying earlier about 
 needing to return something from session languages() is complete 
 garbage... I see you've already taken care of that in ERXSession's 
 setLanguage().  The problem here was my test app was returning null from 
 the updateLanguage() action instead of a page. [Are you listening to this 
 Mike? :-) ]  I think this must be different from Mike and Chuck's debate 
 though, because even returning context().page() causes the contents of the 
 current page object to be re-rendered instead of refreshing the localized  
 component.  I actually needed to do
public WOActionResults updateLang() {
 to get the right localized page component when changing languages.  
 Perhaps there's another way to invalidate the page and cause the whole 
 thing to refresh, but I'm satisfied with that for now...

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Re: Getting strange KVC error concerning width and ERXSortOrder

2009-12-24 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Dec 24, 2009, at 8:18 PM, Daniel Beatty wrote:

 Greetings all,
 I was just toying with a D2W example and got a rather weird error.   The 
 error states the following:
 Application:  Forum
 Error:valueForKey()]: lookup of unknown key: 'width'. The WOComponent 
 er.extensions.ERXSortOrder does not have an instance variable of the name 
 width or _width, nor a method of the name width, _width, getWidth, or 
 _getWidth' object '' key 'width'
 Reason:   [er.extensions.ERXSortOrder name: er.extensions.ERXSortOrder 
 subcomponents: null  valueForKey()]: lookup of unknown key: 'width'. The 
 WOComponent er.extensions.ERXSortOrder does not have an instance variable of 
 the name width or _width, nor a method of the name width, _width, getWidth, 
 or _getWidth

I'm gonna say clean your project and your ERExtensions framework, because on 
line 157 of ERXSortOrder, I see

public Object width() {
return hasBinding(width) ? valueForBinding(width) : 9;

The error message is wrong. In fact, why is it reading 
er.extensions.ERXSortOrder.  That should be 
er.extensions.components.ERXSortOrder unless you are using an ancient copy of 


 At the time it was trying to list the elements of a table (Forum type).   
 There is no width property in the forum table, nor should there be.   
 Any ideas?
 Dan Beatty, M.S. CS (B.S. EECS)
 Ph.D. Student 
 Texas Tech University
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Re: Can't create new project.

2009-12-20 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Happened to me once before.

Something in the upgrade process borked my setup. Reinstall starting with a 
clean copy of eclipse


On Dec 19, 2009, at 8:21 PM, James Cicenia wrote:

 Hello -
 I haven't created a new project in a while anyway, I just updated Eclipse 
 to 3.4.2 and a nightly wolips.
 I tested it on one of my projects and it seems ok.
 Now I went to create a new project.. and nothing. no dialog.. nothing.
 James Cicenia 
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Re: Reference Docs -- Where?

2009-12-19 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
And those are available for download via ADC.

On Dec 19, 2009, at 8:58 AM, Johann Werner wrote:

 Hi Drew,
 the URL of the latest reference documentation has changed to
 Am 19.12.2009 um 14:26 schrieb Drew Thoeni:
 I've been away for a while and, while keeping track of the changes that 
 Apple has made in their support (which I consider as good changes), I note 
 they no longer provide the WO reference documentation at developer central.
 I used to get them here:
 Where might they be these days and are they available for download for use 
 in Eclipse?
 Drew ___
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Re: You backtrack too far problem. Analyzing ERXRequests...

2009-12-18 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Dec 18, 2009, at 3:18 AM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:

 Then I click an AjaxSubmitButton which will update a dummy AUC, this one 
 will  onRefreshComplete update a AUC inside the Second AjaxSelectionList with 
 a unique ID generated in the server side, 

Hmmm... I'm not sure this is your problem Gustavo, but it might be worth 
checking.  Set breakpoints on your generated update container id methods server 
side.  Log them to the console if there are a lot.  Make sure your unique ids 
are really unique! (^_^)  I recently had a problem where there were two update 
containers inside an update container, and the first was in a WOConditional.  
Something like


The problem I encountered was that my AUC2 was not being shown the first time, 
and the ID generated and cached using 
ERXStringUtilities.safeId...(context().elementID())  for AUC3 was the SAME as 
the value generated when AUC2 appeared!  My AUC2 had an ajax trigger in it to 
update AUC3 on refresh.  Since they both had the same ID, that caused AUC2 to 
spin out into an infinite loop, updating itself instead.  I've never seen a 
backtrack cache error as a result of an Ajax update though, so this may not be 
your problem. It took me forever to find this problem.  Be persistent.  You 
will find your problem too!


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Re: JUnit test method generation

2009-12-13 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Thank you for pointing that one out Katya.  I did not know about it.  It looks 
really helpful for cases where I would want to include my tests in the same 
project.  It doesn't look like it will handle something like ERXTest very well 
though, since all the tests are in a separate project.  I've just installed it, 
so I will see if perhaps I'm wrong about that though.

Thanks again for the tip!


On Dec 13, 2009, at 2:45 AM, Katya Yurukova wrote:

 Hi Ramsey,
 You should try the moreUnit plug-in for Eclipse. It is capable of adding 
 single method stubs for already existing test classes. It needs a bit of 
 adjustment so it can find your test classes, but if you have some naming 
 convention for your test classes you should be OK. Here's the link:
 On Dec 13, 2009, at 2:30 AM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 On Dec 12, 2009, at 7:02 PM, Ray Kiddy wrote:
 On Dec 12, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm wondering if there is an easier way to generate a JUnit test method 
 stub for a test class that already exists.  Let's say I have a class Foo 
 with method bar().  When I generate the JUnit test FooTest in eclipse, I 
 can select the methods and generate the source stub for testBar() and all 
 the other methods on the class.  Now if I add the method baz(), is there 
 an easy way to generate the stub for that test method, or do I have to key 
 them in manually ever after?  Is there some way to link the two classes so 
 that Eclipse automatically generates the test methods as new methods are 
 added to the class?
 You are asking for a sort of eogeneration for junit tests. (In other 
 words, the EOGenerate keeps a model and the java file synchronized and an 
 analogous thing would be useful for junit tests.) This is not a bad idea. 
 It does seem like a good idea. But, looking at what eclipse provides now, 
 it seems clear that this is not available now.
 - ray
 It doesn't even have to go that far, really.  I'm just hoping for something 
 like 'generate getters/setters' where it gives you a list of checkboxes and 
 greys out the ones you already have.  But it doesn't appear that there's any 
 way to choose an existing test class and insert new tests into it.  It 
 always generates a new one.  Which means I have to generate a temporary one 
 with all the methods, copy the body, paste it into the old class, then go 
 though the thing deleting the dupes. Yuck :-/
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JUnit test method generation

2009-12-12 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Hi all,

I'm wondering if there is an easier way to generate a JUnit test method stub 
for a test class that already exists.  Let's say I have a class Foo with method 
bar().  When I generate the JUnit test FooTest in eclipse, I can select the 
methods and generate the source stub for testBar() and all the other methods on 
the class.  Now if I add the method baz(), is there an easy way to generate the 
stub for that test method, or do I have to key them in manually ever after?  Is 
there some way to link the two classes so that Eclipse automatically generates 
the test methods as new methods are added to the class?


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Re: JUnit test method generation

2009-12-12 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Dec 12, 2009, at 7:02 PM, Ray Kiddy wrote:

 On Dec 12, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm wondering if there is an easier way to generate a JUnit test method stub 
 for a test class that already exists.  Let's say I have a class Foo with 
 method bar().  When I generate the JUnit test FooTest in eclipse, I can 
 select the methods and generate the source stub for testBar() and all the 
 other methods on the class.  Now if I add the method baz(), is there an easy 
 way to generate the stub for that test method, or do I have to key them in 
 manually ever after?  Is there some way to link the two classes so that 
 Eclipse automatically generates the test methods as new methods are added to 
 the class?
 You are asking for a sort of eogeneration for junit tests. (In other words, 
 the EOGenerate keeps a model and the java file synchronized and an 
 analogous thing would be useful for junit tests.) This is not a bad idea. It 
 does seem like a good idea. But, looking at what eclipse provides now, it 
 seems clear that this is not available now.
 - ray

It doesn't even have to go that far, really.  I'm just hoping for something 
like 'generate getters/setters' where it gives you a list of checkboxes and 
greys out the ones you already have.  But it doesn't appear that there's any 
way to choose an existing test class and insert new tests into it.  It always 
generates a new one.  Which means I have to generate a temporary one with all 
the methods, copy the body, paste it into the old class, then go though the 
thing deleting the dupes. Yuck :-/


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Re: Dr. Miguel 'Optimistic Locking' Arroz [was Re: WebObjects stress Testing tool?]

2009-12-05 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Dec 5, 2009, at 1:40 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

 On 05/12/2009, at 12:02 AM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 Hi Kieran,
 Have you tried vertical inheritance with MySQL?
 He wouldn't have. I have and continue to.
 I have Animal-Cat-Leopard. I try to create a leopard and it fails because 
 com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException: EvaluateExpression 
 failed: com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor._MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: INSERT 
 INTO Leopard(spots, id) VALUES (?, ?) withBindings: 1:33(spots), 2:9(id):
   Next exception:SQL State:23000 -- error code: 1452 -- msg: Cannot add or 
 update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`example/leopard`, 
 CONSTRAINT `Leopard_id_id_FK` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `cat` (`id`))
 Yep. I've avoided using fk constraints since mysql doesn't play nice with 
 It gets the adaptor operations for Animal, then Leopard, then Cat... and 
 blows up at leopard because there's no cat yet (I think).  I had to google 
 for What are deferred constraints so I could be very wrong, but I think 
 it's blowing up because of lack of deferred constraints (^_^) It looks like 
 I'll need to have an EODatabaseContext delegate override 
 databaseContextWillOrderAdaptorOperations to fix it, unless there is 
 something in the ERXSQLHelper that can get there first.
 This just happens to be a timely thread since I was messing with my 
 MySQLPlugin last night (^_^)
 What does your plugin do? 

It exists because there's no way to run migrations for ERAttachment in 5.4.x 
without it. It's modeled after the Wonder plugins, so it does the automatic 
loading and the jdbcInfo thing the others do too.  I was going to repair the 
inheritance problems, try to find a way to do case insensitive searches without 
using UPPER, add indexing support, and a few other things, but after 
discovering that problem is due to the database, I'll probably just look for an 
alternative db (^_^)  The plugin is freely available here if you're interested 
in it.


 with regards,
 Lachlan Deck

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Re: Dr. Miguel 'Optimistic Locking' Arroz [was Re: WebObjects stress Testing tool?]

2009-12-04 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Hi Kieran,

Have you tried vertical inheritance with MySQL?  I have Animal-Cat-Leopard.  
I try to create a leopard and it fails because 

com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException: EvaluateExpression failed: 
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor._MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: INSERT INTO 
Leopard(spots, id) VALUES (?, ?) withBindings: 1:33(spots), 2:9(id):
Next exception:SQL State:23000 -- error code: 1452 -- msg: Cannot add or 
update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`example/leopard`, 
CONSTRAINT `Leopard_id_id_FK` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `cat` (`id`))

It gets the adaptor operations for Animal, then Leopard, then Cat... and blows 
up at leopard because there's no cat yet (I think).  I had to google for What 
are deferred constraints so I could be very wrong, but I think it's blowing up 
because of lack of deferred constraints (^_^) It looks like I'll need to have 
an EODatabaseContext delegate override 
databaseContextWillOrderAdaptorOperations to fix it, unless there is something 
in the ERXSQLHelper that can get there first.

This just happens to be a timely thread since I was messing with my MySQLPlugin 
last night (^_^)


On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:17 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

 Fair enough. Finally, we have one specific strike against it. ;-)
 Since we have Delete rules in the EOModel, is this feature a safety net 
 that is needed for external non-WO apps that are accessing the database? I 
 have never implemented constraints and have yet to have an orphan record 
 since transactions/rollback protect against that, right?
 On Dec 4, 2009, at 12:39 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 On Dec 3, 2009, at 5:44 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:
 On 04/12/2009, at 12:25 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:
 I was just wondering why people were saying disaster, toy, etc  
 wondering if I am missing something and going to lose all my data next 
 Like I said, I have not used FrontBase or PostgreSQL in production and 
 have never touched PostgreSQL, so if it is comparison you are after, I 
 don't have one. However I will say that I started using MySQL at 4.0, then 
 4.1 and now 5.0. Being the stickler for learning as much as I think I need 
 to do something right, I bought the original Jeremy Zawodny book Advanced 
 MySQL and that gave me a clear understanding and confidence of how to set 
 the thing up. I have never used the cluster engine (NDB) yet. I have 
 always used InnoDB. I used MyISAM once for a readonly database (about 5 
 tables only) that has geocode lookups on tables of about 100 million rows 
 because at the time it appeared faster (with mysql 4.0 at the time) to do 
 points in radius operations which sometimes selected up to 500,000 rows in 
 a select. My main ongoing project is InnoDB and every user is a user that 
 does edits, with a small percentage of users absolutely hammering the 
 database with production processing during business hours each day. I 
 replicate to 3 slaves on that project purely for backup. It runs 24/7 and 
 almost never have any Scheduled Maintenance downtime garbage because of 
 the fact that the replication slaves are where the backups happen. One 
 slave is remote and 2 onsite with the master. The binary logs on the 
 master are written to a separate phyaical drive
 Why do I like it?
 - It is free
 - It has never left me down - no data/table corruption
 - It is simple to set up and configure
 - replication is a breeze to set up
 - It has multiple engine types for different scenarios
 - and finally the reason that most people like what they use: I am 
 comfortable with it ;-)
 What would I like that I think I might be missing?
 - transactional structure changes (ie., create table and roll back.) 
 transactions in InnoDB only apply to table/record edits themselves.
 + Deferred constraints!
 That is a pretty big strike against MySQL in my books.
 Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
 Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
 knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.
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Re: Handling DB Unique Constraints

2009-11-29 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 24, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 On Nov 24, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Anjo Krank wrote:
 Not really sure of the messages can be useful, tough, as they use the name 
 of the constraint:
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint bb
 and not the key (postgres). So the end user probably won't know about this. 
 But it may still be better than a real exception.
 Run the constraint name + entity name through the validation exception to 
 nice message part of Wonder.
 LoginUser.uniqueUserName = You have already registered under this user name.
 Where uniqueUserName is the constraint name.

That'd be awesome on 5.4.  EOEntity.indexNamed(foo).  If only I could get an 
index name... Look at what MySQL returns for a table with a two column unique 

EvaluateExpression failed: 
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor._MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: INSERT INTO 
Parent(parentLastName, id, parentName) VALUES (?, ?, ?) withBindings: 
1:bil-ly(parentLastName), 2:9(id), 3:blanks(parentName):
Next exception:SQL State:23000 -- error code: 1062 -- msg: Duplicate entry 
'blanks-bil-ly' for key 2

What a disaster... Even if I wanted to parse that to construct an error 
message, I don't get all the keys that are required by the unique constraint. 

Anyway, I do have a question related to this: Is it possible to get a handle to 
the eo in there?  I can't find it in the db context or the throwable.  Right 
now, the best I can do is throw a


and return a message like

Could not save your changes: The value was not unique.

I suppose that's better than crashing, but it's not exactly helpful either.  
Perhaps I could reconstruct the object in a disposable ec from the failed 
AdaptorOperation and pass that 'clone' object to the validation factory?  Or is 
that asking for trouble?  If I could just get 
Parent.parentName.UniqueConstraintException I could at least make a 
reasonable assumption about the unique constraint in some/most cases.


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Re: Handling DB Unique Constraints

2009-11-29 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 29, 2009, at 10:54 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

 On Nov 29, 2009, at 10:12 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 On Nov 29, 2009, at 6:01 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 On Nov 24, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 On Nov 24, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Anjo Krank wrote:
 Not really sure of the messages can be useful, tough, as they use the 
 name of the constraint:
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint bb
 and not the key (postgres). So the end user probably won't know about 
 this. But it may still be better than a real exception.
 Run the constraint name + entity name through the validation exception to 
 nice message part of Wonder.
 LoginUser.uniqueUserName = You have already registered under this user 
 Where uniqueUserName is the constraint name.
 That'd be awesome on 5.4.  EOEntity.indexNamed(foo).
 Except that is not completely implemented.  Maybe in 5.5.
 If only I could get an index name... Look at what MySQL returns for a table 
 with a two column unique index:
 Yet another reason to not use MySQLToy.  :-)
 Blah, blah, blah .
 EvaluateExpression failed: 
 com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor._MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: INSERT INTO 
 Parent(parentLastName, id, parentName) VALUES (?, ?, ?) withBindings: 
 1:bil-ly(parentLastName), 2:9(id), 3:blanks(parentName):
  Next exception:SQL State:23000 -- error code: 1062 -- msg: Duplicate entry 
 'blanks-bil-ly' for key 2
 What a disaster... Even if I wanted to parse that to construct an error 
 message, I don't get all the keys that are required by the unique 
 constraint. :-/
 The constraint name is what you really want.  Maybe you can dig down into 
 the SQLException and extract it.  Every database is different.  Some are 
 more different than others.
 If you execute the SQL SHOW KEYS IN tablename, you get back a list of 
 keys. key 2 above in your message corresponds to the second item returned.

That also seems strange.  2:9(id) has a unique index, but the id isn't the 
cause of the exception.  I assumed key 2 was 0, 1, 2 where the bindings were a 
1, 2, 3 you know, just to add spice to our dull lives.  The cause of this 
exception in this case is 1:bil-ly(parentLastName) and 3:blanks(parentName) 
bindings.  I can change the existing, saved object to violate the 2 key unique 
index by removing that hyphen and I get...

com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException: EvaluateExpression failed: 
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor._MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: UPDATE Parent SET 
parentLastName = ? WHERE (id = ? AND parentLastName = ? AND parentName = ?) 
withBindings: 1:billy(parentLastName), 2:5(id), 3:bil-ly(parentLastName), 
Next exception:SQL State:23000 -- error code: 1062 -- msg: Duplicate entry 
'blanks-billy' for key 2

Anyhow, if I can't get an EO I don't think it will matter.  Without that, I 
don't get anything in my validation exception's localized key except 
UniqueConstraintException, so that's only a partial victory.

The eo should be obtainable from the editing context on the databaseContext 
though, right? The entity is easy enough to get, and the pk should be in the 
bindings. It might be worth a try...

Anyway, If anyone would like to take a whack at it, in the MySQLSQLHelper class 
I've added:

public boolean handleDatabaseException(EODatabaseContext databaseContext, 
Throwable throwable) {
if(throwable instanceof EOGeneralAdaptorException) {
EOGeneralAdaptorException e = 
EOAdaptorOperation failedOp = 
if(failedOp != null  failedOp.exception() instanceof 
JDBCAdaptorException) {
JDBCAdaptorException ae = 

// MySQL error codes:
switch(ae.sqlException().getErrorCode()) {

case 1062: //Violates unique constraint

handleUniqueConstraintAdaptorException(databaseContext, failedOp);


return false;

 * Throws a validation exception for a unique constraint failure.
 * @param context The database context
 * @param failedOp The operation that failed
 * @throws NSValidation.ValidationException The exception thrown
protected void handleUniqueConstraintAdaptorException(EODatabaseContext 
context, EOAdaptorOperation failedOp) 
throws NSValidation.ValidationException {
NSValidation.ValidationException ve = 

Re: Handling DB Unique Constraints

2009-11-29 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 29, 2009, at 10:12 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 On Nov 29, 2009, at 6:01 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 On Nov 24, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 On Nov 24, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Anjo Krank wrote:
 Not really sure of the messages can be useful, tough, as they use the name 
 of the constraint:
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint bb
 and not the key (postgres). So the end user probably won't know about 
 this. But it may still be better than a real exception.
 Run the constraint name + entity name through the validation exception to 
 nice message part of Wonder.
 LoginUser.uniqueUserName = You have already registered under this user 
 Where uniqueUserName is the constraint name.
 That'd be awesome on 5.4.  EOEntity.indexNamed(foo).
 Except that is not completely implemented.  Maybe in 5.5.

Out of curiosity, what is incomplete about the 5.4 implementation?  I've been 
considering adding support to the MySQL plugin I'm using to generate 
EOEntityIndex... Will that not  work?  Just not supported by Wonder?

 If only I could get an index name... Look at what MySQL returns for a table 
 with a two column unique index:
 Yet another reason to not use MySQLToy.  :-)
 EvaluateExpression failed: 
 com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor._MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: INSERT INTO 
 Parent(parentLastName, id, parentName) VALUES (?, ?, ?) withBindings: 
 1:bil-ly(parentLastName), 2:9(id), 3:blanks(parentName):
   Next exception:SQL State:23000 -- error code: 1062 -- msg: Duplicate entry 
 'blanks-bil-ly' for key 2
 What a disaster... Even if I wanted to parse that to construct an error 
 message, I don't get all the keys that are required by the unique 
 constraint. :-/
 The constraint name is what you really want.  Maybe you can dig down into the 
 SQLException and extract it.  Every database is different.  Some are more 
 different than others.
 Anyway, I do have a question related to this: Is it possible to get a handle 
 to the eo in there?  I can't find it in the db context or the throwable.  
 Right now, the best I can do is throw a
 and return a message like
 Could not save your changes: The value was not unique.
 I suppose that's better than crashing, but it's not exactly helpful either.  
 Perhaps I could reconstruct the object in a disposable ec from the failed 
 AdaptorOperation and pass that 'clone' object to the validation factory?  Or 
 is that asking for trouble?  If I could just get 
 Parent.parentName.UniqueConstraintException I could at least make a 
 reasonable assumption about the unique constraint in some/most cases.
 You can get the exact EO if the constraint is not deferred.  If it is 
 deferred, you are out of luck.  You can match up the table name to the entity 
 name (give or take some inheritance quirks).
 Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
 Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
 knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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Re: Frames and AjaxUpdateContainer

2009-11-25 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Hi Raghavender,

I assume you're talking about Wonder's Ajax framework?  You can update across 
frames by calling something like


So, if you're in your 'content' frame, and you want to update an update 
container with an id of brillig in the 'header' frame, you'd call


I feel like I've forgotten a dot something, but I think that should work. (^_^)


On Nov 25, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Raghavender wrote:

   I am working on a web page that has multiple components placed on 
 different frames,  I have to define multiple ajax update areas on these 
 different pages and do an ajax submit from one page.  Any help on providing 
 examples, or references or sample code snippets.
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: State of Windows deployment in 2009?

2009-11-24 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 24, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

 If you had your magic wishing well, what would you wish for WO to do that it 

I wish that when I find on line 409 of WOWebServiceClient that someone decided 
to hand the WSDLReader's readWSDL a null instead of url.toString(), thus  
borking any possibility of using a web service that has XSD imports and thereby 
forcing me to JAD and re-implement four classes to fix such a small oversight 
... I *wish* WO were OSS like Wonder.  Then I could simply fix it locally, file 
a patch, and have that patch applied within a few days or weeks time.  That's 
all.  I don't think that's a lot to ask. (^_^)

So Apple, you've now heard my request!  And as you know, Xmas is coming.  
Please keep me in mind. (^_^)


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Re: Is this a violation of the EOF commandment?

2009-11-13 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 13, 2009, at 12:05 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 On Nov 12, 2009, at 7:12 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 On Nov 12, 2009, at 9:32 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 On Nov 12, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 In this case though, he would be changing the value passed.  It is my 
 understanding from the javadocs that this is what validateKey methods are 
 for, explicitly.
 They even put 'coerce' in bold text.  This certainly wouldn't be the first 
 time Apple's WO docs were wrong, but the way that documentation reads, it 
 seems coercing the value passed is one of the primary reasons the method 
 Perhaps we are not communicating.  This is good and intended
 public Object validateValueForCpt(Object value) {
 if (value != null) return value.toString().toUpperCase();
 return value
 This is an abomination:
 public Object validateValueForCpt(Object value) {
 if (value != null) value = value.toString().toUpperCase();
 return value
 Oh, I see what you were saying.  So then I assume that something like
 public Object validateRelatedEO(EnterpriseObject eo) {
  if( something ) {
 public String validateColorAttribute(String color) {
  if(orange.equals(color) ) {
 are both equally bad.
 Yes, that method should not change EO state, just return a coerced value if 
 I'll be honest and say I find this particular commandment confusing.  I can 
 understand not wanting to change the value if it is an EO 
 (validateRelationship), but I'm not clear on how changing the value passed 
 would confuse EOF.  The fact that validateKey is being called on an 
 attribute would indicate that EOF knows the object has been changed.  Is it 
 perhaps the difference between being inserted vs updated that causes the 
 Not really sure what you are asking.  The rule that (I think) you are 
 referring to is Don't change the behavior of methods that EOF uses.
 I'm afraid I took that rule quite literally (^_^)  Hence the alter methods 
 mentioned in a previous post.  Thank you for these examples.  They are very 
 You are welcome.  I apologize for any confusion I may have caused you.

Oh, no apologies necessary.  Thank you again! (^_^)


 This does not violate that rule:
 public void setCpt(String value) {
   if (value != null) value = value.toUpperCase();
 Though it does come a little close to it.  This does violate it:
 public void setCpt(String value) {
   if (value != null) {
 value = value.toUpperCase();
 And this does too
 public String cpt() {
   return cpt() != null ? cpt.toUpperCase() : null;
 Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development
 Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
 knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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Re: Writing maintainable and extendable D2W rules

2009-11-13 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 13, 2009, at 10:30 AM, David LeBer wrote:

 On 2009-11-13, at 10:16 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:
 ... Added a new Documentation field to RuleModeler. Stores as a key named 
 documentation inside the rule (which is just ignored by the runtime).

Toootally! (^_^)

Thanks Mike!


 On Nov 12, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Anjo Krank wrote:
 Well.. RuleModeler *is* open Source... not a big deal to extend it.
 Cheers, Anjo
 Am 12.11.2009 um 21:22 schrieb Mark Wardle:
 Not to hijack this thread but as a related issue, I wish I could add
 comments to my rule files It would be so helpful while learning...
 David LeBer
 Codeferous Software
 'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
 Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:
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Re: File Upload Example or Project Import Problem

2009-11-12 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
If you're using Wonder, ERAttachment framework is the way to go.


On Nov 12, 2009, at 4:47 AM, Chan Yeow Heong, Jerome wrote:

 Is there an example on how to use file upload in WebObjects? Most of my 
 google hits return the developer/examples/javawebobjects/ project. The 
 problem is I can't seem to import the files into eclipse. I create a new 
 project and drag the files from the finder and drop them into where they 
 should go but I'm getting 500+ errors on the template files. Most of the 
 /CENTER occurred before /BRBasicUploadSTFPPage.html
 FileUploadSample/Components/BasicUploadSTFPPage.wo  line 68 WebObjects 
 Template Problems kind. 
 Is a work around or another example?
 Thank you!
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Re: Is this a violation of the EOF commandment?

2009-11-12 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 12, 2009, at 9:32 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 On Nov 12, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:
 In this case though, he would be changing the value passed.  It is my 
 understanding from the javadocs that this is what validateKey methods are 
 for, explicitly.
 They even put 'coerce' in bold text.  This certainly wouldn't be the first 
 time Apple's WO docs were wrong, but the way that documentation reads, it 
 seems coercing the value passed is one of the primary reasons the method 
 Perhaps we are not communicating.  This is good and intended
 public Object validateValueForCpt(Object value) {
   if (value != null) return value.toString().toUpperCase();
   return value
 This is an abomination:
 public Object validateValueForCpt(Object value) {
   if (value != null) value = value.toString().toUpperCase();
   return value

Oh, I see what you were saying.  So then I assume that something like

public Object validateRelatedEO(EnterpriseObject eo) {
if( something ) {


public String validateColorAttribute(String color) {
if(orange.equals(color) ) {

are both equally bad.

 I'll be honest and say I find this particular commandment confusing.  I can 
 understand not wanting to change the value if it is an EO 
 (validateRelationship), but I'm not clear on how changing the value passed 
 would confuse EOF.  The fact that validateKey is being called on an 
 attribute would indicate that EOF knows the object has been changed.  Is it 
 perhaps the difference between being inserted vs updated that causes the 
 Not really sure what you are asking.  The rule that (I think) you are 
 referring to is Don't change the behavior of methods that EOF uses.

I'm afraid I took that rule quite literally (^_^)  Hence the alter methods 
mentioned in a previous post.  Thank you for these examples.  They are very 


 This does not violate that rule:
 public void setCpt(String value) {
 if (value != null) value = value.toUpperCase();
 Though it does come a little close to it.  This does violate it:
 public void setCpt(String value) {
 if (value != null) {
   value = value.toUpperCase();
 And this does too
 public String cpt() {
 return cpt() != null ? cpt.toUpperCase() : null;

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Re: Writing maintainable and extendable D2W rules

2009-11-12 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 12, 2009, at 3:22 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

 Not to hijack this thread but as a related issue, I wish I could add
 comments to my rule files 


If I had the time, I'd patch it myself.  I'm afraid I am more than a bit rusty 
with XCode and Obj-C.  I'd probably do more harm than good (^_^)


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2009-11-12 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
I can't read a word of it, but looks like an awesome site (^_^)  Nice work!


On Nov 12, 2009, at 2:19 PM, Ken ISHIMOTO wrote:

 It's a long time to write here, but I am alive^^
 I am using WO now for two years. Also 100% in my 3 Project's that I am 
 developing. I am reading this Mailing list 
 but hadn't time to write, because to busy. 3 Developments running the some 
 Today I would like to announce 1 of my Projects a new Online-Platform.
 Company :
 Address :
 We created an auction System for new cars. Last week we sold our first KIA 
 Rio for 1,14 Euro. (lesser than 2 USD)
 Other cars are added, and in about 2 weeks some bikes are coming.
 We are new in this kind of business and we are growing with ideas every day^^
 The Application is written in WO 5.4.3  Eclipse 3.5.
 At the Core Level we use Project WOnder, and also thanks very much to Mike 
 for his nice private Support.
 This Site started now in Austria / Europe and we are try to expand to Germany 
 slowly. Also the Translation work for
 an English version is going on. Because we like to go to all EU and the US 
 next year. A Japanese Version also is on the way.
 Greetings, and hope that will help some Developer to stay with WO. WO is 
 great and I am loving it.
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Re: Postponed validation possible?

2009-11-11 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Nice :-)

I learned something today.


On Nov 11, 2009, at 5:38 PM, Anjo Krank wrote:

 Because then the user loses what they typed which can sometimes be 
 annoying (e.g., if it's too long a string etc)
 As i said: then push the invalid value. This is what ERXValidation does.
 And if the value's of the wrong type or can't be coerced?
if (eo instanceof EOEnterpriseObject) {
// the exception is coming from EREnterpriseObject
if (pushChanges)  {
try {
} catch(NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException  ex) {
// AK: as we could have custom components that have 
 non-existant keys
// we of course can't push a value, so we discard the 
 resulting exception
} catch(Exception ex) {
log.error(Can't push value to key ' + key + ':  + 
 value, ex);
 Cheers, Anjo
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Re: Owns destination implies mandatory?

2009-11-11 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Whoops, I just noticed you started this thread (^_^)  I was wanting to say one 
other thing in regards to this anyway.

I'm not sure this is the 'advised' way to do things, so we might want to wait 
for Chuck's approval on this... (^_^)  However, the strategy I've settled on 
recently is to use a cover method for anything that might cause side effects 
beyond setting a value.  

Let's say I have a car object.  It has a make and a color.  If it is orange, it 
can't be a Ford, because there are no orange Fords... so instead of binding 
directly to color, I bind to a getter/setter that not only set the color, but 
also do the checks necessary to ensure the car is not a ford.  something like

public Color alterColor() { return color(); }

public void setAlterColor(Color color) {
Color oldColor = color();

//Run regular validation first if desired
color = validateTakeValueForKeyPath(color);

//Alter the EO to conform to whatever business rules you have
if(Color.ORANGE.equals(color)  Make.FORD.equals(make())) {


Then when binding the form element, instead of binding car.color, I bind to 
car.alterColor instead.

I _was_ doing this sort of thing in my validateKey methods until I learned that 
updating values in validateKey goes against the EOF commandments.  So I've 
mended my ways and this seems to be working pretty well so far.


Oh, and the push changes thing appears to be controlled by a property. It 
appears that if you want to turn it on you would put


In your properties file.

On Nov 11, 2009, at 7:28 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

 Hi Ricardo,
 I think Anjo's reply was in regards to postponed validation, not your issue 
 with ERDEditOwnedRelationship.  I'm honestly not sure why you're getting 
 validation errors with that component, because I've never actually used it.  
 Try searching the list, I've heard David LeBer mention it a time or two.  
 That said, have you tried an edit fault component instead?
 That will take you to an edit relationship page where I can attest that 
 mandatory relationships for newly created EOs works just fine.  
 As for making the owns relationship mandatory vs. optional, there was some 
 discussion regarding this back in March.  You might find the discussion 
 On Nov 11, 2009, at 5:37 PM, Riccardo De Menna wrote:
 Does the owns destination concept imply that the relationship is also 
 mandatory for the owned object?
 If yes, is it enforced somehow if I don't turn on the mandatory flag in the 
 I'm asking since I'm having issues with ERDEditOwnedRelationship (I posted a 
 message on the wonder list for that but didn't find someone to discuss it)...
 I have something like the following:
 Person  Membership  Club
 A person HAS to have at least one membership to a club. I'd go with:
 Person owns membership
 Club owns membership
 Person.memberships is mandatory
 Membership.person is mandatory
 But this is conflicting with ERDEditOwnedRelationship that wants to postpone 
 relationship linking to the NextDelegate phase. This clashes with validation.
 So my question is... if I drop the two mandatory concepts does the ownership 
 still imply they are needed and will anyone enforce it?
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Re: Numbers Only in WOTextField

2009-11-10 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 10, 2009, at 3:21 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2009, at 3:07 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2009, at 11:52 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 Never mind! Great minds think alike, right Lon?
 And not so great minds don't read the docs?  :-P
 What?! There's docs now? :-P
 WOTextField extends WODynamicElement, not WOComponent.  WODynamicElement 
 same same, but very different.  No have template.
 The WODynamicElements are not really intended to be sub-classed.  There were 
 not written with that in mind.  You will pretty much have to re-implement 
 it.  The other approach is to wrap it in a WOComponent and, yes, pass in all 
 the possible bindings.
 Yeah, I jumpt to a conclusion. I saw the subject Subclassing a Component 
 and that you had responded with something that wasn't quite completely clear 
 to me at first and thought, well it must be just over my head. I'll figure it 
 out eventually.
 Once I figured out that it wasn't at all what I was talking about, you (and 
 Ricardo) had already busted me.
 You might also be able to add to the bindings in Application using
 public WOElement dynamicElementWithName(String aName, 
 NSDictionaryString,WOAssociation someAssociations, WOElement anElement, 
 NSArrayString aLanguageArray)
 On Nov 10, 2009, at 2:29 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 Hi all,
 Okay, brace yourselves, this isn't a Java Client  testimonial!
 There are lots of places in our Web apps where we have a WOTextField that 
 should only ever be given numbers. I don't want to deal with any chance 
 that anything other than numbers will be passed on the server, so I added 
 this javascript to the page:
 script language = Javascript
 function isNumberKey(evt)
var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
if (charCode  31  (charCode  48 || charCode  57))
   return false;
return true;
 And added this binding to the WOTextField:  onkeypress=return 
 This works great. Exactly what I want, but I have literally hundreds of 
 places that I need to use this, and since the code will always be the 
 same, is it possible to simply extend WOTextField so all I have to do is 
 simply replace calls to WOTextField with MYNumberField without having to 
 manually pass through all of WOTextField's bindings (value = ^val)

100 : (task = 'edit' and (smartAttribute.className = 'java.lang.Number' or 
smartAttribute.className = 'java.math.BigDecimal')) = componentName = 
DavesJSEditNumberThingy [Assignment]

(^_~)d [--Thumbs up!]


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Re: D2WQuery embedded loses state

2009-11-08 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:17 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Hi Ramsey. Thank you for your help here. I think the best thing I did
was to create my own look as it's forced me to spend time reading the
source code and wod files to try and work out why stuff happens! Some
is *still* magic but I'm starting to see the hands moving under the
table now!

That's how I learned it.

On Sunday, November 8, 2009, Ramsey Lee Gurley rgur...@mac.wrote:

On Nov 7, 2009, at 4:58 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Hi all. This may be a stupid question...

I've embedded a D2WQuery within a ListPage. It acts as a filter for
the list; in fact I use ERDQueryAnyKey exclusively to allow a
google-like search of the listed entities.  Thank you to all who
helped me make the mental leap to D2W - I don't think I'm quite there
*yet* - and getting me this far

It's actually working quite well  BUT!

If I type text and click submit, then the list (displaygroup) is
filtered appropriately. However, the text is cleared from the
textfield. I wish to visually indicate that a filter is applied - I
assumed the text would remain within the textfield for the query, but
this is not the case.

I'm guessing when you reload your page, you're loading a fresh  
embedded query page which loads a fresh ERDQueryAnyKey which wipes  
out your entered value.  ERDQueryAnyKey is not stateless so I think  
it should be storing the value.

In addition, every time I click submit, I get a wholly new page, even
though I've bound the action binding to a method that returns null.
Therefore, my list page Back button (Cancel) no longer returns to
the calling page but to the previous search.

What action binding?  The one on the button?  The one on the  
D2WQuery?  What is your cancel button bound to?

I originally bound the d2w to displaygroup.filter and changing to this
an action within the customised list page didn't help.

The cancel button is set to the nextpage which becomes the last
search page instead of my main landing page. presumably this is
because somehow a new list page is being generated? I hadn't expected

The action binding of a D2WQuery ends up as the nextPage() of the  
embedded query page.  If that is where you see the cancel button, then  
that is probably the reason you're going back to the previous search  
instead of the back page you expected.

As always, I'm in danger of being too specific and asking the wrong  

You'll need to be more specific (^_^)

ha! But the danger is one misses the wo way!

1. Is there any way of getting a D2WQuery to maintain input state
after submission?

If you use the showListInSamePage, and set up a specific page  
configuration for this, it should work with no additional effort.  
No?  You would just have your list embedded in your query instead  
of your query embedded in your list.

I did try that originally but I would like to have a list displayed
immediately for users. I don't wish to force a query.

Sounds perfectly reasonable.

Maybe I should
look at a way of showing all objects in an embedded d2wlist before a
query is set?

I suppose there are two alternatives. Copy the methods used in the
filter button and try to do the same with Ajax. Otherwise, forego the
emedded filter idea and simply use the filter button as is.

Ajax?  Feature creep? (^_^)

Anyway, it depends on how you bind it.  If you store something in a  
component's local var, then you're subject to that var being wiped  
out with a reload.  If you store the value in a place you can find  
it outside of the component (On the displayGroup or something) then  
you can reload it from that known place, even if your component is  
stateless.  I think this is more of a WO question than a D2W one  

I thought of that. AFAICS, I couldn't persist input state as there
wasn't a public binding for the input state.

So you write a replacement (^_^)  That component appears to be a  
property level component and you need something very similar, but a  
page level component.  So, starting with ERDQueryAnyKey as an example,  
create a new one.

2. Is it possible to pass the cancelAction to the *next* page, or
somehow keep the same list page instance?
3. Am I still making things overly complicated? Should I use an
aboveDisplayPropertyKey and use an embedded component there rather
than customising my list page?

Won't work without modification, because aboveDisplayPropertyKeys  
in ERNeu doesn't give you a displayGroup or dataSource binding to  
filter against.  You only get your property keys and d2wContext  
there.  Given what you want to do, I think I would still go with  
the filter field in the batch navigation bar rather than an entire  
embedded query page.

I think you are right. Thank you


Ok, so let's do it.  Starting with the ERNeu list page template (Since  
I can't see your code) change the FilterDisplayGroupButton bindings to

FilterDisplayGroupButton: WOSwitchComponent {

Re: D2WQuery embedded loses state

2009-11-07 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 7, 2009, at 4:58 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Hi all. This may be a stupid question...

I've embedded a D2WQuery within a ListPage. It acts as a filter for
the list; in fact I use ERDQueryAnyKey exclusively to allow a
google-like search of the listed entities.  Thank you to all who
helped me make the mental leap to D2W - I don't think I'm quite there
*yet* - and getting me this far

It's actually working quite well  BUT!

If I type text and click submit, then the list (displaygroup) is
filtered appropriately. However, the text is cleared from the
textfield. I wish to visually indicate that a filter is applied - I
assumed the text would remain within the textfield for the query, but
this is not the case.

I'm guessing when you reload your page, you're loading a fresh  
embedded query page which loads a fresh ERDQueryAnyKey which wipes out  
your entered value.  ERDQueryAnyKey is not stateless so I think it  
should be storing the value.

In addition, every time I click submit, I get a wholly new page, even
though I've bound the action binding to a method that returns null.
Therefore, my list page Back button (Cancel) no longer returns to
the calling page but to the previous search.

What action binding?  The one on the button?  The one on the  
D2WQuery?  What is your cancel button bound to?

As always, I'm in danger of being too specific and asking the wrong  

You'll need to be more specific (^_^)

1. Is there any way of getting a D2WQuery to maintain input state
after submission?

If you use the showListInSamePage, and set up a specific page  
configuration for this, it should work with no additional effort. No?   
You would just have your list embedded in your query instead of your  
query embedded in your list.

Anyway, it depends on how you bind it.  If you store something in a  
component's local var, then you're subject to that var being wiped out  
with a reload.  If you store the value in a place you can find it  
outside of the component (On the displayGroup or something) then you  
can reload it from that known place, even if your component is  
stateless.  I think this is more of a WO question than a D2W one though.

2. Is it possible to pass the cancelAction to the *next* page, or
somehow keep the same list page instance?
3. Am I still making things overly complicated? Should I use an
aboveDisplayPropertyKey and use an embedded component there rather
than customising my list page?

Won't work without modification, because aboveDisplayPropertyKeys in  
ERNeu doesn't give you a displayGroup or dataSource binding to filter  
against.  You only get your property keys and d2wContext there.  Given  
what you want to do, I think I would still go with the filter field in  
the batch navigation bar rather than an entire embedded query page.

Many thanks,


Dr. Mark Wardle
Specialist registrar, Neurology
Cardiff, UK

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Re: WO Mini conference in Southern California

2009-11-05 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 5, 2009, at 5:51 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

Hey Daniel, Josh and Tim,

Andrew Kinnie and I are trying to work out the details for  
webcasting our WONoVA meeting this Tuesday (the 10th). Maybe the  
three of you can get together and we can at least link the two  
meetings together! WONoVA and WOSoCA.


Hey, don't  forget about WO Miami Beach aka WOMB!  Just kidding (^_~)   
Well, maybe ...  Are there any WO people in South Florida interested  
in having these sort of meetings?


On Nov 5, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Tim Worman wrote:

Josh and Daniel:

I would be interested in having a meeting for So Cal. My schedule  
is pretty tight right now but it would definitely be good to get  
something going. There's other options for presentation - I work at  
UCLA and I could possibly host something. Apple also has a place in  
Santa Monica where they host events, do trainings, etc.


On Nov 5, 2009, at 1:40 PM, Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D  

Greetings Josh,
That reduces the time from about 3 to 2 1/2 hours at best.  It is  
do able though.   Although, we might want to ask the Apple Store  
if they would be willing to allow us to use their theater, at for  
a couple of presentations or occasions.  Besides, it allows them  
to get my undivided attention in their toy shop.


Daniel Beatty
Computer Scientist, Detonation Sciences Branch
Code 4743000
2400 E. Pilot Plant Rd.
China Lake, CA 93555-6107
(760) 939-7097

-Original Message-
From: Josh Paul []
Sent: Thu 11/5/2009 9:40 AM
To: Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D
Subject: Re: WO Mini conference in Southern California

Would Burbank work for you?

On Nov 4, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D  

Greetings Josh,
Any place a guy driving in from the valley can get to.  From what
Google maps said, the Grove is a good 3 hour drive.  Well worth it,
but still 3 hours.

I would be driving in from North of Mojave.  If that helps.  One
thing that would be nice if the Grove store would game to produce
podcasts of our meetings for community benefit.  The last place I
did that, I kind of had to provide my own.  That was alright as it
was an university and I could hodge-podge some Macs and Suns  

I look forward to such a meeting and plan to spread the word,
Daniel Beatty
Computer Scientist, Detonation Sciences Branch
Code 474300D
2400 E. Pilot Plant Rd. M/S 1109
China Lake, CA 93555

-Original Message-
From: Josh Paul []
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 10:34
To: Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D
Subject: Re: WO Mini conference in Southern California

Off the top of my head, no.

I know the Store at The Grove has (had?) a theater, and I used to
present sessions there. But I'm not sure if they still are open  
to it.

I can call and check.

Also, Apple Corp. has (had?) an office in Santa Monica that we used
to be able to meet at.

Do you have a preference where in LA? Beaches (Santa Monica,
Venice), Downtown, Sunset, Burbank, Valley?

On Nov 4, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D

Greetings Josh,
Got a spot where we can meet?  I thought there was an Apple Store
somewhere in LA.  Hopefully, I don't run into characters named  

either on my way in or out.

Are weekends good?

Daniel Beatty
Computer Scientist, Detonation Sciences Branch Code 474300D 2400  

Pilot Plant Rd. M/S 1109 China Lake, CA 93555

-Original Message-
From: webobjects-dev-bounces

[mailto:webobjects-dev-bounces] On Behalf Of Josh Paul
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 10:04
Subject: RE: WO Mini conference in Southern California

100% in.

We used to have a meetup in the LA area, but it slowly quite down.
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Re: Validation errors inside a sub-component

2009-11-05 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Maybe drop all your validation handling into your page component  
instead and then you can get at it with  Extra bonus:  
use the same page super class everywhere and your validation handling  
is done in one place for your entire app. (^_^)


On Nov 5, 2009, at 9:12 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

I'm trapping validation errors like this :

   private String error;

   public void validationFailedWithException(Throwable exception,  
Object value, String keyPath) {


   public String error() {
return error;

   public void setError(String error) {
this.error = error;

And in my component, I had this :

 wo:AjaxUpdateContainer id = saveState fullSubmit = true
 wo:ERXWOConditional condition = $hasErrors
 div class = warning
   pwo:ERXLocalizedString value = Errors.Header /:/p
   wo:WORepetition list = $errors item = $error
 wo:WOString value = $error escapeHTML = false /
 br /
   wo:WOString value = $succesString /

That was working fine when this code was directly in my components,  
but having the same stuff inside multiple components is not good, so  
I moved this logic to a sub-component, and I'm calling this sub- 
component from all my other components. Problem is, the sub- 
component is called (if I put static text before the conditional, I  
see it when I submit the form) but no errors are showing up and the  
repetition don't iterate over  the array. A breakpoint in  
validationFailedWithException does show that the error is being  
added to the array, so I have no idea on why it's not displaying  
anything when it's in the sub-component.

BTW, validationFailedWithException is inside a superclass that every  
component inherits from.

WO 5.4.3/ERExtensions from the current source.


Pascal Robert

Skype: MacTICanada
AIM/iChat : MacTICanada
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Re: WO Mini conference in Southern California

2009-11-05 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
So that's three including me for south Florida so far.  I wonder if  
any of the Apple stores would be willing/able to host us.  What do you  
think Ricardo? Would Naples sound feasible to you?


On Nov 5, 2009, at 7:34 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

Hi Ramsey, I am 30 mins north of Tampa  might be a bit far to  
Miami  5 hours! .. Fort Myers/Naples would be half-way if  
there are any WO Devs around that area.


On Nov 5, 2009, at 6:29 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

On Nov 5, 2009, at 5:51 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

Hey Daniel, Josh and Tim,

Andrew Kinnie and I are trying to work out the details for  
webcasting our WONoVA meeting this Tuesday (the 10th). Maybe the  
three of you can get together and we can at least link the two  
meetings together! WONoVA and WOSoCA.


Hey, don't  forget about WO Miami Beach aka WOMB!  Just kidding  
(^_~)  Well, maybe ...  Are there any WO people in South Florida  
interested in having these sort of meetings?


On Nov 5, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Tim Worman wrote:

Josh and Daniel:

I would be interested in having a meeting for So Cal. My schedule  
is pretty tight right now but it would definitely be good to get  
something going. There's other options for presentation - I work  
at UCLA and I could possibly host something. Apple also has a  
place in Santa Monica where they host events, do trainings, etc.


On Nov 5, 2009, at 1:40 PM, Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D  

Greetings Josh,
That reduces the time from about 3 to 2 1/2 hours at best.  It  
is do able though.   Although, we might want to ask the Apple  
Store if they would be willing to allow us to use their theater,  
at for a couple of presentations or occasions.  Besides, it  
allows them to get my undivided attention in their toy shop.


Daniel Beatty
Computer Scientist, Detonation Sciences Branch
Code 4743000
2400 E. Pilot Plant Rd.
China Lake, CA 93555-6107
(760) 939-7097

-Original Message-
From: Josh Paul []
Sent: Thu 11/5/2009 9:40 AM
To: Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D
Subject: Re: WO Mini conference in Southern California

Would Burbank work for you?

On Nov 4, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR,  
474300D wrote:

Greetings Josh,
Any place a guy driving in from the valley can get to.  From what
Google maps said, the Grove is a good 3 hour drive.  Well worth  

but still 3 hours.

I would be driving in from North of Mojave.  If that helps.  One
thing that would be nice if the Grove store would game to produce
podcasts of our meetings for community benefit.  The last place I
did that, I kind of had to provide my own.  That was alright as  
was an university and I could hodge-podge some Macs and Suns  

I look forward to such a meeting and plan to spread the word,
Daniel Beatty
Computer Scientist, Detonation Sciences Branch
Code 474300D
2400 E. Pilot Plant Rd. M/S 1109
China Lake, CA 93555

-Original Message-
From: Josh Paul []
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 10:34
To: Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D
Subject: Re: WO Mini conference in Southern California

Off the top of my head, no.

I know the Store at The Grove has (had?) a theater, and I used to
present sessions there. But I'm not sure if they still are open  
to it.

I can call and check.

Also, Apple Corp. has (had?) an office in Santa Monica that we  

to be able to meet at.

Do you have a preference where in LA? Beaches (Santa Monica,
Venice), Downtown, Sunset, Burbank, Valley?

On Nov 4, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D

Greetings Josh,
Got a spot where we can meet?  I thought there was an Apple  
somewhere in LA.  Hopefully, I don't run into characters named  

either on my way in or out.

Are weekends good?

Daniel Beatty
Computer Scientist, Detonation Sciences Branch Code 474300D  
2400 E.

Pilot Plant Rd. M/S 1109 China Lake, CA 93555

-Original Message-
[mailto:webobjects-dev-bounces] On Behalf Of Josh Paul
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 10:04
Subject: RE: WO Mini conference in Southern California

100% in.

We used to have a meetup in the LA area, but it slowly quite  

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Re: Frameworks and Subcomponents

2009-11-04 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 4, 2009, at 8:09 AM, David Griffith wrote:

Well I discovered that there was an empty folder in the Dist App  
Build directory for the component that I was getting a blank screen  
with.  Not sure how that happened.  Anyway, I did a Clean and  
Rebuild and it seems to have sorted it.  So it appears to be working  
now, but I'd still like to know if this is the correct way to go  
about it?  It seems logical enough and so far seems to work.   
Any comments?


On Nov 4, 2009, at 1:39 PM, David Griffith wrote:

HI all,

I have a questions about reusable components in frameworks.  I've  
never done this before so please bear with me.

I have an application, let's call it Distributor.  This has a  
component called Wrapper which is basically the page wrapper I use  
for all pages.

I then have another component which I want to make more reusable and  
which I would like to use in 3 different apps.

I have that component already put into a framework and that seems  
fine.  The problem is, the component originally contained an element  
which referenced the Wrapper (so that everything would be inside  
that).  Clearly the 'Wrapper' can and will be different for each  
application that I want to use it in.  What would be the normal  
procedure to do this?

I thought about having a component in my Distributor App that would  
hold the reference to the Page Wrapper and inside that would insert  
the shared component that I am trying to use.  Doing that I am  
getting the Page Wrapper but just a blank page where I expect the  

Any help would be appreciated.


Sorry, I missed your original email.  The WO way of doing this would  
be to use D2W (^_^)  The wrapper is specified in the project, the  
components are in the framework, and the framework is given the  
wrapper component name via the rule system.  So your wrapper looks like

webobject name=WOComponentContent/
Other stuff

Your page looks like

webobject name=Wrapper

and your page WOD looks like

Wrapper: WOSwitchComponent {
WOComponentName = d2wContext.pageWrapperComponentName;

The name for the wrapper is in your d2wContext dictionary.  It got  
there by way of the rule system.  In each new project, you would have  
a rule file and the file would contain a rule like

100: *true* = pageWrapperComponentName = MyWrapper [Assignment]

That's a brief explanation though.  If you would like to know more,  
you can find an overview of D2W here


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EntityModler - EOEntityIndex

2009-11-03 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

Hi all,

Is there any way to make use of EOEntityIndex in Entity Modeler?


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Re: EntityModler - EOEntityIndex

2009-11-03 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

Very cool indeed (^_^)

Thank you Mike!


On Nov 3, 2009, at 8:20 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

yeah, just do a new entity index on an entity

On Nov 3, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

Hi all,

Is there any way to make use of EOEntityIndex in Entity Modeler?


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Re: The requested application was not found on this server.

2009-11-03 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

Hi Lon,

I've found it imperative to use the updated mod_Webobjects.  I don't  
know if it's a 5.4 thing, the apache 2.2, or what, but I get plenty of  
No Instance Available pages without it.  You're probably aware  
already, but I just thought I would mention it ...


On Nov 3, 2009, at 4:11 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:

Only the WO gods know.


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Chuck Hill ch...@global- wrote:
Maybe it started before network services were ready and got the  
wrong hostname?


On Nov 3, 2009, at 1:07 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:

Weird, I restarted Apache and now it's fine.  :/


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:
This always seems to be an area of WO dark magic...and I just don't  
have the right schooling. :P


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:

Yeah, tried that too. :)


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Chuck Hill ch...@global- wrote:

Try stopping and restarting wotaskd from the command line.

On Nov 3, 2009, at 12:46 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:

Yeah, in the Properties file I have


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Chuck Hill ch...@global- wrote:

On Nov 3, 2009, at 12:39 PM, Lon Varscsak wrote:

I rebooted my development machine (because installing QuarkExpress  
wanted me to :/) and now I can't connect to my applications when  
running through Eclipse:

Each application has the WOAdaptorURL set to 
, they have a WOHost option of

Does wotaskd have that too?


 JavaMonitor on my machine is configured as

This is a Mac running 10.5.8 and WebObjects 5.4.3.

Any help would be appreciated,


Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: Customising D2W - adding filtering to list pages

2009-11-02 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

Three things,

I can think of three things you might find helpful...

1) as Mark has already pointed out, you can use the  
useBatchingDisplayGroup key.  That will cause the list page to use a  
ERXBatchingDisplayGroup instead of a regular WODisplayGroup.  The  
difference there is that the ERXBatchingDisplayGroup fetches raw rows  
and only converts them to EOs when needed.

2) Travis Cripps has recently added a ERDQueryValidationDelegate to  
the ERD2W query page. It is bound to the queryValidationDelegate d2w  
key.  You can use this to validate input on a query and throw  
'validation' errors related to the query.  It looks pretty handy (^_^)

3) check here:

Specifically the part regarding the  
ERDQueryDataSourceDelegateInterface.  You can step in and hijack the  
process there.  You'll have complete control over the fetchspec, the  
qualifier, the datasource... the whole shebang.


On Nov 2, 2009, at 10:23 AM, Daniel Beatty wrote:

Greetings Ramsey,
Got a follow up question for you.   Is there a way to have D2W use a  
throttle back mechanism for queries that would otherwise overwhelm  
the server?   For example, I am building a D2W app for a database  
schema that was badly designed, and some queries, especially wild  
card, will overrun the memory quickly.Thus in those cases,  
something like the old Display Groups mechanism for limiting results  
to the first 100 or so would be nice.

Is there such a thing, and how do I use it?

Thank  you,

On Nov 1, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

On Nov 1, 2009, at 6:37 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

Hi Mark,

If you're starting with ERNeu then you could always display the  
result list embedded in your query page with the  
showListInSamePage d2w key.  That way, your search results simply  
load embedded in your query page and if you'd like to add/update  
query parameters, they're right there.

However, if you want something simpler like a query any field in  
your batch navigation bar, look at the ERNeu list page.  There is  
a ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton wrapped by the nav bar.  That could  
easily be updated in your subclassed list template to use a switch  
component and a custom search component like a query any field  

Or if you prefer to stick to ERNeu, you could update ERNeuListPage  
component locally to use a switch component that defaults to a  
ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton.  Give it a sensible d2wKey binding  
name if one doesn't exist in ERD2W already ...  
filterDisplayGroupComponentName or something.  Then file a jira  
and have it updated in Wonder at some point in the future :-)  I  
think the current filter component is impossible to enable anyway,  
so someone needs to add a allowsFiltering =  
d2wContext.allowsFiltering; binding, at the very least.

I went ahead and jira'ed the allowsFiltering binding so it wouldn't  
be forgotten.


On Nov 1, 2009, at 6:05 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Apologies for all the posts on D2W. After watching David's
presentation on D2W and buying the book suggested on his blog, I  
rediscovered D2W and am very happily deleting lots of components  

replacing them with (more powerful) D2W components. I've created a
custom look subclassed from ERNeutralLook and am busy recreating  
of custom components in D2W. So thank you all for making it  

I'm using Project Wonder obviously.

My old components used a display group and I usually added a filter
search box that allowed users to filter down the displayed list -
essentially creating a custom qualifier and applying it to the  


I'd prefer not to make this a three step process from the list page
(1. Click on a query button, 2. Set query parameters, 3. get  
but instead have a search box adjacent to my D2W list that I can  

to build queries on.

I wondered whether I should customise my D2W list page and embed a
ERDAnyField - but this results in Attempt to insert null key  
into an as clearly the
queryAttributes binding is not being set and
stringAttributeListForEntityNamed is returning a null value.

Then I thought: this isn't the D2W way. Do I instead add a fake
aboveDisplayPropertyKey and get that key displayed using a
D2WQueryAnyField and then somehow bind it to the right displaygroup
and a submit button?

Any pointers would be much appreciated. I'm sure I'm making this  

complicated than I need to

Many thanks,


Dr. Mark Wardle
Specialist registrar, Neurology
Cardiff, UK
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Re: Customising D2W - adding filtering to list pages

2009-11-01 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

Hi Mark,

If you're starting with ERNeu then you could always display the result  
list embedded in your query page with the showListInSamePage d2w key.   
That way, your search results simply load embedded in your query page  
and if you'd like to add/update query parameters, they're right there.

However, if you want something simpler like a query any field in your  
batch navigation bar, look at the ERNeu list page.  There is a  
ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton wrapped by the nav bar.  That could easily  
be updated in your subclassed list template to use a switch component  
and a custom search component like a query any field instead.

Or if you prefer to stick to ERNeu, you could update ERNeuListPage  
component locally to use a switch component that defaults to a  
ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton.  Give it a sensible d2wKey binding name  
if one doesn't exist in ERD2W already ...  
filterDisplayGroupComponentName or something.  Then file a jira and  
have it updated in Wonder at some point in the future :-)  I think the  
current filter component is impossible to enable anyway, so someone  
needs to add a allowsFiltering = d2wContext.allowsFiltering; binding,  
at the very least.


On Nov 1, 2009, at 6:05 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Apologies for all the posts on D2W. After watching David's
presentation on D2W and buying the book suggested on his blog, I have
rediscovered D2W and am very happily deleting lots of components and
replacing them with (more powerful) D2W components. I've created a
custom look subclassed from ERNeutralLook and am busy recreating lots
of custom components in D2W. So thank you all for making it available.
I'm using Project Wonder obviously.

My old components used a display group and I usually added a filter
search box that allowed users to filter down the displayed list -
essentially creating a custom qualifier and applying it to the display

I'd prefer not to make this a three step process from the list page
(1. Click on a query button, 2. Set query parameters, 3. get results),
but instead have a search box adjacent to my D2W list that I can use
to build queries on.

I wondered whether I should customise my D2W list page and embed a
ERDAnyField - but this results in Attempt to insert null key into an as clearly the
queryAttributes binding is not being set and
stringAttributeListForEntityNamed is returning a null value.

Then I thought: this isn't the D2W way. Do I instead add a fake
aboveDisplayPropertyKey and get that key displayed using a
D2WQueryAnyField and then somehow bind it to the right displaygroup
and a submit button?

Any pointers would be much appreciated. I'm sure I'm making this more
complicated than I need to

Many thanks,


Dr. Mark Wardle
Specialist registrar, Neurology
Cardiff, UK
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Re: Customising D2W - adding filtering to list pages

2009-11-01 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Nov 1, 2009, at 6:37 PM, Ramsey Lee Gurley wrote:

Hi Mark,

If you're starting with ERNeu then you could always display the  
result list embedded in your query page with the showListInSamePage  
d2w key.  That way, your search results simply load embedded in your  
query page and if you'd like to add/update query parameters, they're  
right there.

However, if you want something simpler like a query any field in  
your batch navigation bar, look at the ERNeu list page.  There is a  
ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton wrapped by the nav bar.  That could  
easily be updated in your subclassed list template to use a switch  
component and a custom search component like a query any field  

Or if you prefer to stick to ERNeu, you could update ERNeuListPage  
component locally to use a switch component that defaults to a  
ERDFilterDisplayGroupButton.  Give it a sensible d2wKey binding name  
if one doesn't exist in ERD2W already ...  
filterDisplayGroupComponentName or something.  Then file a jira and  
have it updated in Wonder at some point in the future :-)  I think  
the current filter component is impossible to enable anyway, so  
someone needs to add a allowsFiltering = d2wContext.allowsFiltering;  
binding, at the very least.

I went ahead and jira'ed the allowsFiltering binding so it wouldn't be  


On Nov 1, 2009, at 6:05 PM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Apologies for all the posts on D2W. After watching David's
presentation on D2W and buying the book suggested on his blog, I have
rediscovered D2W and am very happily deleting lots of components and
replacing them with (more powerful) D2W components. I've created a
custom look subclassed from ERNeutralLook and am busy recreating lots
of custom components in D2W. So thank you all for making it  

I'm using Project Wonder obviously.

My old components used a display group and I usually added a filter
search box that allowed users to filter down the displayed list -
essentially creating a custom qualifier and applying it to the  


I'd prefer not to make this a three step process from the list page
(1. Click on a query button, 2. Set query parameters, 3. get  

but instead have a search box adjacent to my D2W list that I can use
to build queries on.

I wondered whether I should customise my D2W list page and embed a
ERDAnyField - but this results in Attempt to insert null key into an as clearly the
queryAttributes binding is not being set and
stringAttributeListForEntityNamed is returning a null value.

Then I thought: this isn't the D2W way. Do I instead add a fake
aboveDisplayPropertyKey and get that key displayed using a
D2WQueryAnyField and then somehow bind it to the right displaygroup
and a submit button?

Any pointers would be much appreciated. I'm sure I'm making this more
complicated than I need to

Many thanks,


Dr. Mark Wardle
Specialist registrar, Neurology
Cardiff, UK
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Re: Actions from D2W pages

2009-10-26 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Oct 26, 2009, at 7:53 AM, Mark Wardle wrote:

Hi all,

Would be grateful for advice regarding invoking actions from D2W
pages, specifically, List and Inspect pages.

I don't know if this is exactly what you want, but you might want to  
check out ERXComponentActionRedirector.

I'd like to invoke a directaction from a D2W list page. I don't wish
to have a separate button with a drop-down menu, but instead make a
property a hyperlink. I've spotted D2WHyperlink but that doesn't seem
to have direct action bindings.

Still no DA, but D2WDisplayToOneFault perhaps?  That will give you a  
hyperlink to the page with your inspected object.  Combined with  

I am aware of ERDBranchDelegate and specifically, found the tutorial
particularly useful.

However, that is a bit heavyweight for what I would like.

I assumed there would be a component ERD2WDisplayDirectActionHyperlink
with bindings such as directAction and actionClass settable via
D2WContext, but there isn't! Normally that means there is a better way
and I'm missing something obvious?

task = 'list' and = 'Patient'   = componentName =
task = 'list' and = 'Patient'   = directAction =  
task = 'list' and = 'Patient'   = actionClass =  

you should probably also include at least propertyType = 'r' and  
smartRelationship.isToMany = '0' or else every property level  
component on your list page is going to try to use your custom  

Of course, not clear to me how one would then pass parameters  

How does one turn a property into a hyperlink (be it a component
action or directaction) from d2w? All help gratefully appreciated!

Many thanks,

Dr. Mark Wardle
Specialist registrar, Neurology
Cardiff, UK
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Re: Actions from D2W pages

2009-10-26 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Oct 26, 2009, at 9:28 AM, Anjo Krank wrote:

You mean ERXComponentActionRedirector.Restorable

ERXComponentActionRedirector by itself is (for good reason!)  
considered bhighly/b experimental...

Cheers, Anjo

About that ...  Do you have any ideas on what can be done to make it  
less experimental?  I'm all ears if you do (^_^)  I like how automatic  
it is.

I'm in the midst of backing out some DA stuff I did in my own  
framework that I don't like so much.  What's the right way to do it?   
How do YOU do DAs in d2w? (^_^)  Inquiring minds would like to know.


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Re: 2009 surveys results

2009-10-25 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:28 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:

- Chuck Hill a écrit :

On Oct 24, 2009, at 11:57 AM, Don Lindsay wrote:

I agree with Robert, I created several tutorials for WebObjects as

well as an installer for windows and linux.  This is something that

I use my spare time to support.

Based on my review of hits to the tutorials, they are rarely


I probably knew about these at one time, but forgot.  Self promotion

might be a good thing here.  :-)  Are there links from the WO
Community site?  I think they should be.

I didn't add them to the podcast feed because iTunes won't handle  
Flash files. I guess I have to find a way to add Flash podcast to  
the new site and filtering them out from the RSS feed. But  
QuickTime, MP3 and PDF files are prefered, for more visibility :-)

If quicktime can handle it, iTunes can load it.  It might not play on  
an iPod, but you can wrap the video in a SMIL and hand it to Quicktime  
like I did with my 'hire me' podcast back in January.  Here's the file  
that does the magic...

smil xmlns:qt=;
root-layout id=main width=1280 height=720 
background-color=black title=R2D2W /
region id=r1 width=1280 height=720 top=0 
left=0 title=Movie Sequence /
src=; region=r1 
alt=Introduction dur=00:10 /
video type=video/quicktime title=Introduction 
src=; region=r1 
alt=Describe the reasons for the video. /
src=; region=r1 
alt=Standards Compliant poster frame dur=00:03 /
video type=video/quicktime title=Introduction 
src=; region=r1 
alt=Demonstrates that R2D2W produces fully validating markup./
src=; region=r1 
alt=Localization poster frame dur=00:03 /
video type=video/quicktime title=Introduction 
src=; region=r1 
alt=Demonstrates that R2D2W is fully localized./
src=; region=r1 
alt=User management poster frame dur=00:03 /
video type=video/quicktime title=Introduction 
src=; region=r1 
alt=Demonstrates R2D2W user management features./
src=; region=r1 
alt=RSS amp; Podcasting poster frame dur=00:03 /
video type=video/quicktime title=Introduction 
src=; region=r1 
alt=Demonstrates R2D2W's use of direct actions./
src=; region=r1 
alt=Section 508 poster frame dur=00:03 /
video type=video/quicktime title=Introduction 
src=; region=r1 
alt=Demonstrates some accessibility features of R2D2W./
src=; region=r1 alt=The 
End dur=00:03 //a

the trick is to add SMILtext to the very beginning of your SMIL file.   
Then just change the extension to mov.  If you can work with QT's  
quirky implementation of SMIL, then iTunes will love you.

Unfortunately it seems QuickTime's flash support is pretty weak these  
days.  It once was able to play up to flash 5 videos I think.  Trying  
to open in  
QuickTime today was rather disappointing.


If they were used more, I would create more of them.

The tutorials I made are available at:

 as is the installer.  (I havent updated the installer in a couple

of months)  I think you mean.


On Oct 23, 2009, at 4:16 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

The problem with this is time... I was thinking of a online book
where you can ask O'Reilly or other publisher to print it and sell

it to give back to writers, like Thinking in Java or the MySQL
manual are. And frankly, based on the number of people who wanted

to attend WOWODC East for the beginner track was so low that's part

of the reason we dropped it (the 

[OT] Pre-selecting a printer?

2009-10-25 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley
Is it possible, if I have control of the client machines, to select a  
printer based on the printed page size?  Also, is it possible to  
bypass the print dialog?  I tried searching the Apple printing list  
but didn't come up with a lot of answers...


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Re: [OT] Pre-selecting a printer?

2009-10-25 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

On Oct 25, 2009, at 4:26 PM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:

Hi Ramsey;

Are you able to just print directly to the printer from the  
application server?


Is it possible, if I have control of the client machines, to select  
a printer based on the printed page size?  Also, is it possible to  
bypass the print dialog?  I tried searching the Apple printing list  
but didn't come up with a lot of answers...

Andrew Lindesay

I was thinking of something like a star printer hooked to a client  
machine.  Is there anything in OS X that would let me configure the OS  
to automatically send jobs to the right place?  I found


and it it started me thinking about it.  Looks pretty cool.

Just wondering... (^_^)


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Re: [OT] Pre-selecting a printer?

2009-10-25 Thread Ramsey Lee Gurley

No, that would be crazy, even for me (^_^)

I was just wondering if it were possible to set up a client Mac to  
print automatically to a specific printer based on characteristics of  
the print job.  So, let's say I have a color inkjet printer, a black  
and white laser printer, and a star receipt printer.  If I print out a  
picture, I want the picture to go to the color printer.  If I'm  
printing a black and white, text only document, then I want that to go  
to the laser, and if I have a print job that is 7cm wide, it should go  
to the receipt printer.  Automatically... or at the very least, pre- 
selected in the print dialog so that all I have to do is hit the enter  
key to print.  It seems the only options I really have is to select a  
specific printer, or default to the last printer used. I'm wondering  
if it is possible to select the most appropriate printer based on  
characteristics of the print job.

CUPS looked pretty neat.  I imagined there might be some hidden  
configuration magic in it, so I thought I would ask the list to see if  
anyone know of any. (^_^)


On Oct 25, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:

Hi Ramsey;

Do you mean that you would like to change the default printer on a  
users' machine from a web page?


Are you able to just print directly to the printer from the  
application server?

Is it possible, if I have control of the client machines, to  
select a printer based on the printed page size?  Also, is it  
possible to bypass the print dialog?  I tried searching the Apple  
printing list but didn't come up with a lot of answers...

I was thinking of something like a star printer hooked to a client  
machine.  Is there anything in OS X that would let me configure the  
OS to automatically send jobs to the right place?  I found

Andrew Lindesay

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