Re: [Wtr-general] Using Excel

2007-06-25 Thread Brown, David
I've generated r-doc documentation for the XLS class and uploaded it to
the watir site
(  It includes
some short comments on the methods used to write to excel (also listed
below).  There should be examples of using each of the methods in the
associated unit tests.

Here are the methods for writing to excel:
def write2DArray(data, myRange,sheet = nil)
#writes out the 2D Array  *data* starting at the specified range
*myRange* on the specified sheet

def writeArrayHash(data, myRange,sheet = nil)
#writes out the Array hash  *data* starting at the specified range
*myRange* on the specified sheet.
#the keys are used as column headers starting at the specified range.

def save #saves the current workbook
def addSheet(sheetName)# Adds a new worksheet to workbook
def deleteSheet(sheetName)# Deletes a worksheet from the workbook


I've been using the XLS interface class to get data for data-driven
tests, but now I'd like to write data out to an Excel spreadsheet.

Does anyone know if there is a list of the available methods for the XLS
interface class?  The documentation at mentions that
you can write to Excel, but doesn't show the methods to use.  I've
checked the rdoc as well, but I don't see any information there either.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Watir no longer always waits for all frames to load

2007-06-20 Thread Brown, David
Bret,  I've filed the issue in Jira as low priority.  The ticket# is:
Thanks for your help.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Watir no longer always waits for all frames to load completely (gem

2007-06-19 Thread Brown, David
I've been using the development gem which includes the
re-written wait logic to test a complex SAP web application.  The main
content that I am automating is nested 4 frames deep.  Up until this
past Friday this version of watir seemed to handle waiting for all of
the inner frames to load properly.  Now however this wait logic isn't
always waiting until the pages load completely which causes my scripts
to fail.  I don't think there have been any changes in the web app I'm
testing which would cause this. I did happen to install the
important/critical Microsoft security patches for June which could have
effected watir?

Has any one else experienced this problem with the new wait logic not
waiting quite long enough when there are many nested frames?

I wish this was a public web-app so I could provide an example w/html to
look at but it's not.

-David Brown
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Watir no longer always waits for all frames to load

2007-06-19 Thread Brown, David
Gems prior to would either give me the access denied errors
as it tried to wait for the inner frames to load - or if those were
suppressed, I had to put in a manual wait whenever I navigated to a new
page:  sleep 0.1 until some_element_on_inner_frame.exists?.  After
installing 1166 all of these delay problems were fixed... Until now.  

Now that this issue has surfaced I'm forced to put the manual delays in
again. It is not a big deal to do this, but, it's always cleaner if
watir handles the delays properly.


From: Bret Pettichord [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brown, David wrote:
 I've been using the development gem which includes the 
 re-written wait logic to test a complex SAP web application.  The main

 content that I am automating is nested 4 frames deep.  Up until this 
 past Friday this version of watir seemed to handle waiting for all of 
 the inner frames to load properly.  Now however this wait logic isn't 
 always waiting until the pages load completely which causes my scripts

 to fail.  I don't think there have been any changes in the web app I'm

 testing which would cause this. I did happen to install the 
 important/critical Microsoft security patches for June which could 
 have effected watir?

 Has any one else experienced this problem with the new wait logic not 
 waiting quite long enough when there are many nested frames?
What happens if you use an earlier Watir gem, before we rewrote the
frame wait logic?

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Sample Training Presentation and Exercises posted on Wiki

2007-05-09 Thread Brown, David
 In case anyone can re-use them, I've posted a basic Watir training
presentation and some associated exercises that I've developed and used
a few times to train individuals  groups in my company on the basics of
Watir. Feel free to re-use, modify and enhance them :).

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Excelent debugging tool - Unroller

2007-05-07 Thread Brown, David
I stumbled across this handy little debugging tool the other day when I
was trying to find a tool that would display/trace the execution of my
test script. This tool called Unroller will print out each line of
code that is executed along with the values of the variable passed into
and returned from methods. (optionally it will also keep track of local
variables.)  It is very helpful for quickly identifying exactly where
your script died, and what values were causing it to choke.

For some reason I had to install the win32console gem as well to get it

Tip: when you invoke the unroller, you may want to exclude the common
classes that you don't care about ie watir, string, array ...  So that
it only traces your code.  For example:

Unroller::trace(:max_depth = 5, :show_locals=true,:exclude_classes
=[/Watir/,/String/,/Array/]) do 
# some watir test script code goes here

I hope some of you find this helpful!
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] watir execution from webserver

2007-03-28 Thread Brown, David
I had the same issue where the script would execute but couldn't find
any of the other 'required' files in the directory.  To solve this
problem, I had to add some code to the
runner\app\controllers\runner_controller.rb specifying the test suite
directory that the test should execute in.  Now it is working Great!
Here are the changes.:

Def index
suite_dir = T:/my test suite
session[:suite_dir] = suite_dir  #store it in the session so that it
can be used by the runsuite action.

Def runsuite
#added the argument: -Cdirectory   ---cd to directory,
before executing your script
cmd = ruby -C#{session[:suite_dir]} [EMAIL PROTECTED] -f -v verbose 

-David Brown


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 14:28:56 CDT
From: John Lolis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have noticed that paths in ruby are relative to file that is being
executed ( i think ). This has caused a couple of head scratching
moments on my part while i wonder they files will no longer load using
relative paths.

I'm not sure this is related to your problem, hope it helps.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Re-Usable Load Testing Example using Watir.

2007-03-15 Thread Brown, David
FYI - 
I've published a Re-Usable Load Testing Example under the Contributions
section of the openqa watir website which demonstrates how to execute
watir scripts concurrently to generate load and gather some basic
performance testing metrics.

-David Brown
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Excel Interface Class

2007-03-07 Thread Brown, David
I have noticed that this site (  works fine with firefox
but doesn't seem to work with internet explorer.

From: swarna latha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 6:49 PM
To: Brown, David
Subject: Re:[Wtr-general] Excel Interface Class

 I am unable to access the links
 and I think it would be of great help to me if I can! 
It gives me Page cannot be displayed error. I have been trying to
access it since the last 2 days..:(  Any ideas why?
Thanks Billy for the code snippet pointer to clear cache issue.
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Excel Interface Class - extend to openoffice/google spreadsheets

2007-03-06 Thread Brown, David
I currently don't have the time/motivation to extend the excel interface
class to work with Open Office and Google spreadsheet, however, If
someone really needs to do this it shouldn't be too difficult. Only the
following methods of the XLS class contain excel specific commands that
would need to be overridden:
-Initialize()#opens an excel file
-getRangebyLabel()#finds a range of data dynamically
-getWorksheet()#finds a worksheet to use
-get2DArray()#returns a 2D array of data based on a given range and
worksheet name.

-David Brown

From: Paul Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use Open Office. Having the Excel reader is handy, but it obviously
doesnt work for me. I started working on some code that would read open
office spreadhseet files. It would be great if you could make it work on
both, with the same interface, especially as things like firewatir and
safari watir work well on non windows platforms.

The open office format is an xml file in a zip, and its actually quite
easy to work with.
I can send you my code if you like

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Excel Interface Class

2007-03-02 Thread Brown, David
I've posted an Excel Interface class which I've developed over the past
few months on the Watir site under contributions:

This class provides simple methods for reading data records from Excel
spreadsheets, hides the complexities of directly using ruby's win32ole
library to interface with Excel, and makes it much easer to create
data-driven Watir tests.

I hope it will be as useful to others as it has been for me.

-David Brown
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] saving screenshots with snagit

2007-02-02 Thread david goodine
Thanks for help!

Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] saving screenshots with snagit

2007-01-30 Thread david goodine


I've found a couple posts that indicate that snagit's COM server can be used
to capture screenshots while Watir runs tests.

I've tried to implement something with this, but I am having trouble with
the Autoscroll options.  I have not been able to figure out how to set
capture options except by using integers.  However, I cannot find a
reference for which integer corresponds to which option, so the process has
been trial and error.

What I have so far is below.  When I view the resultant screen shots, they
are not scrolled, so I cannot see the lower part of the web page:

 def screenCapture(client, environment, directory)
   # this method will use snagit to capture and save a screenshot to a
   require 'win32ole'

   # create snagit ole object:
   snagit ='Snagit.ImageCapture')

   # set properties for the capture
   snagit.Input = 1  #capture a window
   snagit.Output = 2   #output to a file
   snagit.InputWindowOptions.SelectionMethod = 1  # select active window
for capture
   # set the filename for the capture
   snagit.OutputImageFile.Filename =
createScreenCaptureFilename(#{client}-#{environment}, directory)
   snagit.OutputImageFile.Directory = directory# set directy where
filename will be saved
   snagit.OutputImageFile.FileNamingMethod = 1   # set naming method to
   snagit.AutoScrollOptions.AutoScrollMethod = 0 # set autoscroll to
vertical and horizontal
   snagit.OutputImageFile.ColorDepth = 5# set color depth
to 8 bits

   # do the capture

   # verify that capture is done, then return
   while !snagit.IsCaptureDone
 if snagit.IsCaptureDone then



Does anyone have a reference for snagit that shows which integers correspond
to which options?

snagit version: 7.1

thanks in advance for any comments,
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] key codes are always zero

2007-01-21 Thread David Appledore


I enjoyed using Watir, I have one problem.

When automating tests, the text entered into text boxes does not fire key
events properly in the IE DOM, the key codes are always zero. I am testing a
browser plugin, that captures keystrokes when im doing debugging so I can
set the plugin into certain modes from text entered. Ive tried modifying the
source to generate the right codes but doesn't work. Is there a way to make
it set the correct key codes?


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Javascript Alert windows

2006-10-09 Thread David Schmidt

The problem is that when the enabled_popup method was removed from 
watir.rb the definitions for GetWindows() definition wasn't moved with 
it.  Afterwards, the definition for GetWindows was moved in the watir.rb 
file so that it is no longer found by enabled_popup.

If you look in the watir.rb file for GetWindow and move those 
definitions into the enabled_popup.rb file then it should work fine.

David Schmidt

Matt Johnson wrote:

 On 10/5/06, *Cain, Mark* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The JavaScript Alert, Confirm, Prompt, Security, File Save, File
 Download, File Upload, error message, and login (I think this is a
 complete list but there may be others) are all a special type of
 modal popup dialog window—there isn't a different one.   In order
 to handle these types of popups you have to start another thread
 independent of your $ie thread OR you have to not block the
 process by using click_no_wait.

 There are two ways (that actually both use the WInClicker).  The
 first one is listed below that works with the older versions of
 Watir.  The second (I have found after using them both) is more
 reliable than the first but require you having a Watir version
 greater than 1079 because of some fixes to click_no_wait (can't
 remember the exact version).  You can get them here:


 *_First method (works with Watir 1.4.x):_*

 def jsAlert(button, waitTime = 3)
  w =
  longName = $ie.dir.gsub(/ , \\ )
  shortName = w.getShortFileName(longName)
  c = start ruby #{shortName}\\watir\\clickJSDialog.rb
 #{button} #{waitTime} 
  puts Starting #{c}


 Then, before the button you want to click that generates the
 popup, add in:

 jsAlert(OK, 3)

 ie.button(:name, woohoo).click # This is the button you want
 to click that generates the popup


 *_Second Method (faster and more reliable):_ *

 require 'watir\contrib\enabled_popup'


 Your code


 $ie.button(Button Label Text).click_no_wait


 # use click_no_wait to click the button that invokes the JS Alert


 hwnd = ie.enabled_popup (5)   # get a handle if one

 if (hwnd) # yes there is a popup

   w =


 # OK or whatever the name on the button is

   w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd(hwnd, OK)   



 NOTE:  If you are using IE7 then the title on the JS Alert box is
 different then IE6+ so you will need to alter you WinClicker.rb
 file for either method.

 \ruby\lib\ruby\site_ruby\1.8\watir\WinClicker.rb Lines 113 and 144.

 IE6 = Microsoft Internet Explorer

 IE7 = Windows Internet Explorer


 Hope this helps,



 Wtr-general mailing list

 I have been trying to use the second method described above with no 
 success. I am trying to clear a security dialog that appears after 
 clicking a Sign In button. I can see that the button gets clicked, 
 then the script blocks. If I kill the script ( by closing the browser, 
 or whatever ) I get this error message:

 `enabled_popup': uninitialized constant 
 Watir::PageContainer::GetWindow (NameError)
 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `until_with_timeout'
 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- 
 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- 
 from C:/ruby/mattj/scanmus/scanmus3.rb:79

 Can anyone tell me what the problem is, or how I can debug this 
 further? Why is this not initialized? Does that mean I have some kind 
 of path or other environment problem. I am using WinXP SP2, ruby 1.8.2 
 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32], watir

 Thanks in advance.


Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Javascript Alert windows

2006-10-04 Thread David Munns

Does Watir have a way of processing _javascript_ Alert windows,
by clicking the OK button to dismiss the window? The code that invokes the
window issues an alert call with no window handle. I did not find anything on
this in the online docs or in the email dist.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Javascript Alert windows

2006-10-04 Thread David Munns

Clever code. My problem is slightly
different. I am testing a product that uses a web based GUI, by navigating to
all GUI controls and collecting data for validation comparisons. This product
generates the _javascript_ alert windows to kindly prompt the user that some
action has been completed. They lock up the screen until something clicks the
OK button on the _javascript_ alert window. I want to code the OK button click
for this window, which was opened by the product. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Reed
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006
1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general]
_javascript_ Alert windows


 I remember this being
in the FAQ and forum posts, but I haven't been in a while -- maybe it was
removed (I can't check at the moment). First you define your script that
closes the window (I called it jsAlert).

def jsAlert(button, waitTime = 3)
w =
longName = $ie.dir.gsub(/ ,
\\ )
shortName = w.getShortFileName(longName)
c = start ruby
#{shortName}\\watir\\clickJSDialog.rb #{button} #{waitTime} 
puts Starting #{c}

Then, before the button you want to click
that generates the popup, add in:

jsAlert(OK, 3)

woohoo).click # This
is the button you want to click that generates the popup


Adam Reed

RelocationCentral by CORT

Behalf Of David Munns
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006
12:19 PM
Subject: [Wtr-general] _javascript_
Alert windows

Does Watir have a way of processing _javascript_ Alert
windows, by clicking the OK button to dismiss the window? The code that invokes
the window issues an alert call with no window handle. I did not find anything
on this in the online docs or in the email dist.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Fwd: Managing the Watir Project -- Wikipedia entry

2006-09-28 Thread David Schmidt
Bret Pettichord wrote:
 On 9/26/06, *Sun* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Regarding documentation, please see:

 Thank you for taking the time to do this. I do have a comment that i 
 hope you won't take personally.

 I find code like this to be rather embarrassing:

 # To handle general popups, use WinClicker.
 ie.button(:name, btnG).click_no_wait   # ensure popup won't block Watir

 hwnd = ie.enabled_popup(5)   # get a handle if one exists
 if (hwnd)# yes there is a popup
   w =
  (hwnd, Yes) # click the Yes button
 I keep meaning to write a simpler way of doing this kind of thing, but 
 then never really have the time to follow through. In my opinion, The 
 code should actually look like this:

 ie.button(:name, btnG).click_no_wait   # ensure popup won't block Watir
I disagree that the code *should* look like that.  That is nice code if 
you *know* that a dialog has appeared.  The problem is that after 
performing a click_no_wait you don't know what kind of popup may appear 
(or even IF one will appear).  It could be an IE security warning, or a 
Javascript dialog, or a modal dialog.  I have sites that I use Watir for 
that DO just that type of thing.  After clicking a button I may get a 
Javascript popup with an error warning, or I may get a modal dialog with 
additional input fields.

The reason I wrote enabled_popup is because Windows uses an 
enabled_popup call to give you a window handle to *whichever* popup 
window is active.  I often use it in combination with 
Watir::until_with_timeout to detect when either a popup has appeared OR 
the browser has finished loading (with no popup).  If a popup is 
detected then you can do various tests to determine which type of popup 
is present and handle it as needed.

Also, since we get error messages in Javascript popups we also need to 
be able to access any text in them, which WinClicker also provides.
 I did begin implementing an interface like this in watir once (see 
 watir/dialog.rb and unittests/dialog_test.rb), but didn't finish. It 
 used the Autoit library, which i also now think is not the best approach.

 I would love to see someone finish this work. Clearly, this is a 
 common problem for Watir users, but my view is that the problem is not 
 a lack of documentation, but rather a hard-to-user interface. I would 
 love to get this cleaned up for the full release of 1.5.

Perhaps you'd find more people willing to finish the work if their work 
wasn't partially merged without notice.  Or perhaps people would be more 
willing to contribute if their functioning code, used by other Watir 
users, wasn't removed from Watir without notice.  Maybe folks would be 
happy to contribute their hard work if they weren't summarily removed 
from the commit group after they admitted to breaking a method used by 
some users (searching for :id by regexp) but for which there were NO 
TESTS.  Referring to their code as unreliable with no evidence of any 
problem with that code or any failures of any unit tests, especially 
when the problem someone was having was not related to that code also 
shows a certain pre-disposition towards that code.

I've seen another list member censored by having all of HIS posts 
moderated after he made some statements disagreeing with some of the 
decisions being made by the Watir developers.

I believe it's better to have code that solves people's problems, and in 
making that code available to them as soon as possible rather than 
waiting to release a new version until the code is finished or 
perfect.  This is because almost NO code is ever finished or 
perfect.  Different people have different uses for Watir, and need 
different functionality.  Just because a particular method isn't useful 
for one user doesn't mean it isn't required by other users.  The best 
way for code to be tested by the community and peer reviewed is to have 
it USED by that community in development builds.  I'm not saying my 
contributions have all been perfect or the best they could be, but my 
code is working in production systems, and working well.  I think I've 
also shown a willingness to promptly fix any problems that are shown.

Sorry to vent, but I'm the author of the enabled_popup() method (which 
has been removed from watir.rb) and the one that helped Sun solve his 
problem when he presented it to the list.  Statements welcoming 
contributions aren't entirely consistent with the treatment those 
contributions receive.

I fully expect comments explaining that my code was inappropriate or 
didn't work, but I'll let my code and methods stand for themselves and I 
welcome peer review, comments and improvements to my contributions.

David Schmidt

[Wtr-general] watir and Javascript alert windows

2006-09-28 Thread David Munns

I am building test automation for a product that displays
_javascript_ alert windows, for which no window handle exists. They act like
modal windows since they wait for a user mouse click on a button (and pause the
automation run). Is there a way with watir to simulate the button click?

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] nested tables

2006-09-23 Thread David Schmidt
I've done a lot of web scraping, where we have to deal with whatever 
HTML the developer hacked together.  Nested tables without id's or 
name's can be a pain, but they can be dealt with.  The methods may be 
different depending on which version of Watir you're running though.  
I'm using 1.5 from trunk here, and I recommend using one from trunk, 
even though they're not officially released yet.

In these cases, IRB is your best friend.  Here I've opened the browser 
to table1.html in the unittests\html directory.  I then start up IRB and 
connect to that browser:

C:\Documents and Settings\davidsirb
irb(main):001:0 require 'watir'
= true
irb(main):002:0 include Watir
= Object
irb(main):003:0 ie = IE.attach(:title, /Test/)

Next, we look to see what tables we have:

irb(main):008:0 ie.show_tables
Found 6 tables
1  id=  rows=2   columns=2
2  id=t1  rows=5   columns=1
3  id=t2  rows=2   columns=2
4  id=  rows=1   columns=2
5  id=body_test  rows=5   columns=1
6  id=pic_table  rows=1   columns=4
= nil

Here we'll look for the nested table example.  Looks like table 3 
matches the nested table on the screen.  Note that table 4 is the table 
*inside* table 3!  We can confirm these guesses by showing the HTML for 
each table:

irb(main):010:0 ie.table(:index, 3).html
= \r\nTABLE id=t2 border=1TBODY\r\nTR\r\nTDcell 1 
\r\nTDcell2 \r\nT
irb(main):011:0 ie.table(:index, 4).html

Sure enough, you can see table 4 there in the middle of table three.  
The reason this is important is because you can use indexes to find 
cells in a table:

irb(main):013:0 ie.table(:index, 3)[1][1].text
= cell 1

The trick is that the embedded tables are counted as part of the 
containing table.  This is why the row_count for table 3 shows *3* rows 
instead of two:

irb(main):014:0 ie.table(:index, 3).row_count
= 3

It's counting it's own two rows, plus the one row in the containing 
table.  Row 3 is the table 4's row 1, but though row_count reports 3 
rows, it won't let you ACCESS row 3, because it's really in table 4!

irb(main):016:0 ie.table(:index, 3)[2][1].text
= nest1nest2
irb(main):017:0 ie.table(:index, 3)[2][1].html
irb(main):018:0 ie.table(:index, 4)[1][1].text
= nest1
irb(main):019:0 ie.table(:index, 4)[1][2].text
= nest2
irb(main):020:0 ie.table(:index, 3)[3][1].html
WIN32OLERuntimeError: Unknown property or method `2'
HRESULT error code:0x80020006
  Unknown name.
from (irb):20
irb(main):021:0 ie.table(:index, 3)[3][1].text
WIN32OLERuntimeError: Unknown property or method `2'
HRESULT error code:0x80020006
  Unknown name.
from (irb):21

That last row must be accessed via table 4.

There have been some discussions about fixing this inconsistency and 
I've argued towards accuracy where row_count would only report the rows 
in it's OWN table, and sub-tables would be accessed for their row count, 
but others have been afraid of breaking existing tests which already 
account for the inaccurate count.

Hope this helps you address the cells in your nested table situation.

David Schmidt

Vincent Predoehl wrote:
 I'm writing scripts to test a web site I didn't write myself.  This 
 web site has nested tables … not all of them have names … noobs.

 How do you access nested tables in watir?  I've tried everything and 
 am at my wit's end.  I'm about ready to just grep the source code for 
 the links, but I'd rather not do that.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] What happened to the enabled_popup method?

2006-09-18 Thread David Schmidt
Charley Baker wrote:

   It's still available, but in the watir/contrib directory. In order
 to use it, add
 require 'watir/contrib/enabled_popup'
 to your scripts. This is still a development version and so there will
 be some bumps along the way. Sorry about the confusion, I'll try to
 make sure changes are documented along the way to the next release.

As the author of the enabled_popup() method I'd like to argue that it 
remain in the main Watir code.  The enabled_popup call will give you the 
window handle of ANY type of popup, so it is very useful when a page may 
or may not open a popup window, and the user doesn't know whether that 
window will be a modal dialog window or a Javascript or IE popup.

The functionality is already in the ModalDialog#find_modal_from_window 
method, so no code is being saved (in fact, my original ModalDialog 
class used enabled_popup to determine if a popup window was showing).

This function is of general use and won't cost much in terms of code 
size, so why not let it remain?

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Watir Q's

2006-09-18 Thread David Munns

I want to invoke a modal dialog
window and navigate through its buttons, radio buttons, and lists. I am using
watir 1.5.1081. The object that launches it is described as follows:

Active Element: [TD], Frame:
[fraBanner], Index: [29] 



src="" width=69 

IMG height=30
src="" width=97/TD 

Based on what I see in the watir unit tests, I have tried:

 ie.modal_dialog( :title, /Modal Dialog Partial
Title/ ) = result is a watir timeout, even when I set timeout value
at 60s

It appears that the window is never found this way. Any

Once the modal dialog window is launched, if I want to click
the OK button, is this the correct way?

 ie.button( :value, OK ).click


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] watir- and popups

2006-09-15 Thread David Schmidt

The modal_dialog method uses a Win32 call that locates any popup window 
using your current IE window's  handle (HWND).  I had originally coded 
the (:hwnd, hwnd) parameters in addition to the version with no 
parameters, but they really do the same thing since there can only be 
*one* active popup at any time (though a modal dialog can bring up it's 
OWN modal dialog, but the second one will then become the only one you 
can attach to).

Once you've attached to a modal dialog your second question is easy.  
You operate on a modal dialog the *same* way you'd operate against your 
normal IE window.  This is because a modal dialog uses the same DOM 
model and loads from an HTML file.  The hard part about modal dialogs 
was that there was no easy way to attach to them and get a good handle 
to the DOM, but I found some special code written by Yaxin Wang which 
does some fancy C++ casting to give us the same type of handle.

Javascript or browser popups are different as they aren't based on HTML, 
so other methods are required to handle those, but once you attach to 
them, modal dialogs are easy!



 In that case, how do I fetch a ModelDialog instance of the popup after
 calling click_no_wait on the IE instance?

 -Original Message-
 From: Charley Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Fri, September 15, 2006 7:25
 Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] watir- and popups

 You've pretty much answered your own question - only null and :title
 methods are supported.
 modal = ie.modal_dialog   # or use the :title location method to find by

 Look at modal_dialog_test.rb in the unit tests if you need more
 information and examples.



 Could some please explain how to find and close a modal dialog using

 When I try to find the dialog using the line 'ie2 = ie.modal_dialog(:hwnd,
 hwnd) ' ruby returns the error 'Only null and :title methods are supported


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] watir- and popups

2006-09-15 Thread David Schmidt
It's been a while, but I think I found the code in WET or perhaps in 
someone's blog, but in any case my statement here was to acknowledge 
that I didn't write that code, and to give credit to the author.


Bret Pettichord wrote:
 David Schmidt wrote:
 but I found some special code written by Yaxin Wang which 
 does some fancy C++ casting to give us the same type of handle.

 It seems funny to hear that you found it. This was the code that Yaxin 
 wrote at my request and to my specifications and contributed to Watir 
 for this purpose. We were both with ThoughtWorks at the time. Using 
 Yaxin's code, I wrote the original modal_dialog method that allowed us 
 to access this dialog via Title, and then you enhanced this so that an 
 argument was unnecessary.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] WIN32OLERuntimeError: unknown property or method

2006-09-14 Thread David Schmidt
Jason, check out for a 
routine I use to wait for a page to load, checking for possible popups 
at the same time. It uses Watir::until_with_timeout. See if that helps.


Jason Alexander wrote:

 Doing some Googling, it appears that this has to do with the page 
 still loading? Which makes sense, I have a few elements that are 
 causing the page to “postback” (mechanism in ASP.NET).

 Assuming that’s the problem, what’s the best solution in most cases? I 
 saw where there was some talk of a wait_until in Jira, but what can I 
 do meanwhile?



Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Watir 1.5 and attaching to windows problem

2006-09-13 Thread David Munns

Has anyone discovered a solution to the following?

I built a test tool with Ruby/Watir (1.4). When I upgraded
to Watir so that I could control modal dialog windows, suddenly the
watir attach_browser_window call is unable to locate the main IE window by
title. I tried other title names with no success. I am using Ruby, IE
6.0.3790.1830, Windows 2003 SP1.The results of running the Watir unit tests
indicate 19 failures, but none related to window attaches:

 1) Failure: test_Button_click_only(TC_Buttons)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/buttons_test.rb:91]: false is not

 2) Failure: test_button_click(TC_Buttons) [unittests/../unittests/../unittests/buttons_test.rb:101]:
false is not true.

 3) Failure: test_button_using_default(TC_Buttons)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/buttons_test.rb:86]: false is not

 4) Failure: test_SuccessMessage(TC_CSS) [unittests/../unittests/../unittests/css_test.rb:53]:
false is not true.

 5) Failure: test_onClick(TC_CheckBox)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/checkbox_test.rb:43]: false is not

 6) Failure: test_divs(TC_Divs)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/div_test.rb:20]: false is not

 7) Failure: test_objects_in_div(TC_Divs)
expected but was .

 8) Failure: test_objects_in_span(TC_Divs)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/div_test.rb:140]: button1
expected but was .

 9) Failure: test_spans(TC_Divs)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/div_test.rb:86]: false is not

10) Failure: test_JS_Events(TC_Fields)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/textfields_test.rb:150]: keypresskeydownkeypresskeyup
expected but was .

11) Failure: test_hidden(TC_Hidden_Fields)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/form_test.rb:239]: 44
expected but was.

12) Failure: test_Iframe(TC_IFrames)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/frame_test.rb:101]: false is not

13) Failure: test_frame(TC_NestedFrames)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/frame_test.rb:86]: false is not

14) Failure: test_onClick(TC_Radios)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/radios_test.rb:53]: false is not

15) Failure: test_selectBox_select2(TC_Selectbox)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/select box_test.rb:139]: false is
not true.

16) Failure: test_select_list_select_using_value2(TC_Selectbox)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/selectbox_test.rb:171]: false is
not true.

17) Failure: test_dynamic_tables(TC_Tables)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/table_test.rb:59]: 6 expected but
was 5.

18) Failure: test_simple_table_buttons(TC_Tables_Buttons)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/table_test.rb:208]: false is not

19) Failure: test_table_from_element(TC_Tables_Buttons)
[unittests/../unittests/../unittests/table_test.rb:279]: false is not

180 tests, 965 assertions, 19 failures, 0 errors

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Watir 1.5 and attaching to windows problem

2006-09-13 Thread David Munns
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/modal_dialog_test.rb:11:in `setup'

 16) Error: test_modal_dialog_use_case_invalid(TC_ModalDialog):
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/modal_dialog_test.rb:11:in `setup'

 17) Error: test_double_modal(TC_ModalDialog):
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/modal_dialog_test.rb:11:in `setup'

 18) Error: test_simply_attach_to_new_window(TC_NewWindow):
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/attach_to_new_window_test.rb:12:in `setup'

 19) Error:
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/attach_to_new_window_test.rb:12:in `setup'

 20) Error: test_attach_to_new_window_using_click_no_wait(TC_NewWindow):
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/attach_to_new_window_test.rb:12:in `setup'

 21) Error: test_click_no_wait_works_in_a_container(TC_NewWindow):
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/attach_to_new_window_test.rb:12:in `setup'

 22) Error: test_attach_to_slow_window_works_with_delay(TC_NewWindow):
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/attach_to_new_window_test.rb:12:in `setup'

 23) Error:
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/attach_to_new_window_test.rb:12:in `setup'

 24) Error:
WIN32OLERuntimeError: navigate
OLE error code:800700AA in Unknown
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
./../watir.rb:1613:in `method_missing'
./../watir.rb:1613:in `goto'
./unittests/attach_to_new_window_test.rb:12:in `setup'

35 tests, 21 assertions, 4 failures, 20 errors

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bret Pettichord
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Watir 1.5 and attaching to windows problem

I have not seen these errors before. If anyone else sees these also, 
please report.

David, It look like you are running the core_tests.rb. Ruby 
windows_tests.rb to run the unit tests for IE.attach.


David Munns wrote:

 Has anyone discovered a solution to the following?


 I built a test tool with Ruby/Watir (1.4). When I upgraded to Watir so that I could control modal dialog windows, suddenly the 
 watir attach_browser_window call is unable to locate the main IE 
 window by title. I tried other title names with no success. I am using

 Ruby, IE 6.0.3790.1830, Windows 2003 SP1. The results of 
 running the Watir unit tests indicate 19 failures, but none related to

 window attaches:


   1) Failure: test_Button_click_only(TC_Buttons) 
 [unittests/../unittests/../unittests/buttons_test.rb:91]: false is 
 not true.


   2) Failure: test_button_click(TC_Buttons) 
 [unittests/../unittests/../unittests/buttons_test.rb:101]: false is 
 not true.


   3) Failure: test_button_using_default(TC_Buttons) 
 [unittests/../unittests/../unittests/buttons_test.rb:86]: false is 
 not true.


   4) Failure: test_SuccessMessage(TC_CSS) 
 [unittests/../unittests/../unittests/css_test.rb:53]: false is not 


   5) Failure: test_onClick(TC_CheckBox) 
 [unittests/../unittests/../unittests/checkbox_test.rb:43]: false

Re: [Wtr-general] Watir 1.5 and attaching to windows problem

2006-09-13 Thread David Munns
I uninstalled all Ruby and Watir versions, installed Ruby 1.85-21 and
Watir Running the Watir unit tests (ruby window_tests.rb)
cause the IE information bar to keep prompting me allow blocked
content? which appears to mess up the unit tests (failures and errors).
Various attempts to disable this prompt have not been successful. How do
you get these unit tests to run cleanly?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bret Pettichord
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Watir 1.5 and attaching to windows problem

It seems like you are getting a mix of Watir 1.4 and 1.5.

If you used the one-click installer for 1.4, you need to uninstall Watir

(or just uninstall Ruby) and then install 1.5.


Wtr-general mailing list
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Handling (Browser Security Driven?) Modal Dialog - Resolved

2006-09-12 Thread David Schmidt
Glad to help.

Sun wrote:
 Problem resolved.
 First -- I don't actually know if this is, or is not, a modal dialog, since 
 if (modal = ie.modal_dialog(:hwnd, hwnd))
 statement cannot be parsed (because apparently, even in the 1081 code branch 
 the :hwnd parameter is not recognized for this method call.)
Since there can only be one modal dialog in control at any one time, 
you don't need *any* parameters to connect to a modal_dialog as long as 
there is only one IE with a modal dialog open at any time.  However, 
because you *can* have two IE processes running at once I had coded in 
the ability to connect directly to the proper modal dialog window that 
YOUR IE process opened.  However, that code was removed and I cannot 
replace it.

However, this window that you're seeing is NOT a modal dialog.  IE has a 
number of different kinds of popup windows.  One is the modal dialog 
which loads a normal HTML file and can even take inputs which are passed 
back to the calling window.  Once you attach to a modal dialog you can 
treat them like any other IE window and perform normal Watir commands to 
read the HTML and/or fill any forms and click the dialog's buttons.

The other type of popup is a Javascript, or Security popup.  They do 
not contain HTML and they cannot be manipulated with normal Watir 
commands.  The WinClicker class in winclicker.rb has methods which allow 
you to perform some operations on a Javascript popup including reading 
static text and clicking on buttons by button label.  Since *those* are 
the methods that worked for you below I know that your window was a 
Javascript and not a modal dialog.

Both types of popup window will block if you use click on the button 
that creates them.  This means that Watir's click() method will never 
return until the popup is closed.  This is why you need to use the 
click_no_wait() method to click the button that opens the popup.  
Click_no_wait starts up another Watir process which clicks the button 
(and blocks).  This leaves your main Watir task running so that it can 
attach or handle the popup.
 However, I resolved the problem by brute force (non elegantly.) This is how I 
 did it.
While some might consider it brute force or non-elegant, it is the 
method we must use to handle these popups.  This is because the click 
that creates the popup will block, and because IE doesn't give Watir a 
way of easily controlling these popups.
 require 'watir'
 require 'test/unit'
 class TC_article_example  Test::Unit::TestCase
   def test_search
   # open the IE browser
   ie =
   # steer to google
   # load the search field
   ie.text_field(:name, q).set(pickaxe)
   #Ensure popup won't block Watir
   ie.button(:name, btnG).click_no_wait
   #Handle the popup
   hwnd = ie.enabled_popup(5)
   if (hwnd) #yes there is a popup
p hwnd
w =
w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd(hwnd, Yes)
   # insert pause or it doesn't work...
   sleep 3
   # Validate response
   assert(ie.pageContainsText(Programming Ruby))
 The key things.
 1st, I used the click no wait feature: ie.button(:name, btnG).click_no_wait
Required to be able to continue to execute commands in your original 
Watir script.
 2nd, I made use of the new enabled_popup functionality to get hwnd.
The enabled_popup() method uses the GW_ENABLED_POPUP option of the 
GetWindow() call in Windows USER32.DLL to locate any popup window 
associated with the current window.  Watir can then use that window 
handle (HWND) to manipulate the popup.
 3rd, I used WinClicker to access and kill the security popup
Correct.  Since it wasn't a modal_dialog this is the best way to clear 
the popup.  There are even calls in WinClicker which will retrieve any 
static text displayed in the popup window before you click the OK button 
to clear it.  I've used this to retrieve error messages being displayed.
 4th and finally, I had to insert that sleep statement would fail with 
 this error on the assert call: nil is not true. Why this should occur I 
 don't know and I find troubling...perhaps someone can explain why this works.
When the popup window is closed then control is returned to the original 
IE window.  Since a popup window may be opened by a window you are 
*leaving* your assert started looking for the text before the page 
containing that text had finished (or perhaps even *started*) loading.  
Because of that you may not have even had a valid page when you 
performed the assert.  Try putting in an @ie.wait after clicking the 
button and before the assert and see if that helps.

David Schmidt
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Handling (Browser Security Driven?) Modal Dialog

2006-09-11 Thread David Schmidt
Sun wrote:
 Yes...the problem I have is that I have a corporate browser. I have in fact 
 checked this so that it should not reappear but it does anyway. Corporate 
 IT doesn't let us change the security levels for the browser so...that is 
 probably why the popups are forced.
 OK, thank you for the suggestion. I have implemented it. Problem now is, I 
 get this message:
 undefined method `enabled_popup' for #Watir::IE:0x2c61aa4

 Presumably I am missing a library somewhere? I should be requiring something 
 that I am not?
 But as I mentioned in the base note, I have installed the current Ruby 
 (1.8.4-20 stable), and the development gem for Watir (watir- is the complete script text (which I am running in freeride):
The enabled_popup() call wasn't added to the development trunk until 
about version 1079.  Version 1081 is now available at and that version 
has enabled_popup().

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] right click???

2006-09-11 Thread David Schmidt
This has nothing to do with the performance enhancements, and aside from 
the bug where I didn't check for a regexp being fed to getElementById() 
(which I fixed) I haven't seen any signs of that performance fix being 
unreliable.  All tests pass, including the ones I added to check for 
being able to use a regexp to match an :id, which weren't there or I 
would have caught the bug the first time.

The problem in this case is exactly what it says.  A DIV element in the 
DOM doesn't *have* a fireEvent OLE call.  (I just brought up IRB, 
attached to an IE window open to unittests/html/div.html, assigned the 
first DIV element to a variable and then had it show me all the valid 
OLE methods:

irb(main):001:0 require 'watir'
= true
irb(main):002:0 include Watir
= Object
irb(main):020:0 ie = IE.attach(:title, /Div/);nil
= nil
irb(main):021:0 d = ie.div(:id, 'div1');nil
= nil
irb(main):022:0 d.document.ole_methods
= [setAttribute, getAttribute, removeAttribute,...

No fireEvent, as the error message below stated.

Željko, are you sure that the right click event was in the DIV and not in 
another element inside of the DIV?

David Schmidt

Bret Pettichord wrote:
 I believe that this is bug introduced by the recent performance 
 enhancement to Watir that needs to be backed out until it can be made 
 more reliable.

 Unrelated to the error message, there is on rightclick javascript 
 event. I read my JavaScript book on the topic and it said that the event 
 is onClick but that you have to set the button bits on the event. I'm 
 not sure exactly how this would be done.


 Zeljko wrote:
 This is out of my league. Anybody familiar with this error message?



 It highligts it like it wants to do something but
 never acts as a right click. This is the message in
 the prompt that I get if that helps.

 `method_missing': fireEvent (WIN
 OLE error code:80070057 in htmlfile
   Invalid argument.
   HRESULT error code:0x80020009
 Exception occurred.   from
 :in `fire_event'
 from ../test/test2.rb:180
 Posted via Jive Forums
 Wtr-general mailing list

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Re: [Wtr-general] Handling (Browser Security Driven?) Modal Dialog

2006-09-11 Thread David Schmidt
Cain, Mark wrote:
 Will this handle modal windows and JS popups now?  Has that modal window
 code been merged into the main branch now?

It still doesn't have all of the functions I added to the modal_dialog 
branch, like Element#visible?, but it should have most of the 
modal_dialog support working and the IE.enabled_popup call is now in so 
you can tell when *any* type of popup is being displayed.

In addition, click_no_wait now works on elements in a sub-frame.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] right click???

2006-09-08 Thread David
I have been actually using a variation of that and it wont work 

ie.div(:id, detailProposal0610760).fire_event(rightclick)   

It highligts it like it wants to do something but never acts as a right click.
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Drag and Drop

2006-09-08 Thread David
If I did mouse down and mouse up commands somehow, couldnt I in theory figure 
out a way to drag and drop?
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] right click???

2006-09-08 Thread David
I posted what I get in the prompt in the post above yours(added it in) It 
should bring up a small pop up window smiliar to if you right click any where 
on a webpage, with just different options.
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How to discover and address items within nested frames.

2006-09-08 Thread David Schmidt
Here's a small hint which can make your Watir code more readable and a 
bit faster.

When you're identifying an element that may may be many frames deep, or 
even deep within a single frame, save the element into a variable.  This 
way Watir doesn't go through the entire search process every time you 
use the element:

myframe = ie.frame(:name, frame3).frame(:name, frame4).frame(:name, 
puts myframe.html
myframe.select_list(:name, fromedate).flash

Your Watir code also ends up a lot more readable without the very long 
lines :-)


haggard wrote:
 Ah, here's a tip. Use the 'html' function to get the string that Watir sees. 
 Once that is present then things become much clearer. In the previous 
 example, it now becomes obvious what was wrong and how to address the 
 'fromdate' combo.
 puts ie.frame(:name, frame3).frame(:name, frame4).frame(:name, 
 ie.frame(:name, frame3).frame(:name, frame4).frame(:name, 
 tframe1).select_list(:name, fromdate).flash
 However, I'd still be grateful for further tips from those of you who know so 
 much more than I about how to discover who to navigate about framed ASP pages.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Watir on Rails

2006-09-07 Thread David Schmidt

Very nice!

I notice that your example at tests 
the URL for the local development Rails app on the default port 
(http://localhost:3000/).  Does your plugin start the web server when 
you do the rake test:watir or do you have to ensure that the web 
server is already running?

David Schmidt

Dave Hoover wrote:
 I have just released a Ruby on Rails Plugin that allows for easy Watir
 testing in Rails.  To install the plugin in your Rails project,

   ./script/plugin install svn://

 You can then use the generator to get you started on writing your
 first Watir on Rails test...

   ./script/generate watir SuccessfulLogin

 Your Watir tests will live in test/watir and can be executed from Rake
 like this...

   rake test:watir

 In your Watir tests you will have access to all the standard Rails
 testing conveniences, such as fixtures and ActiveRecord APIs.

 More information can be found at

 Watir on Rails supports both Watir::IE and Watir::Safari.
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] right click???

2006-09-07 Thread David
Here I go with another newb question, how can you do a right click? instead of 
.click would it be .rightclick? I do look for the answers before I post these 
things, but im lost again.
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Click Link In Table Based on Row and Column Numbers

2006-09-06 Thread David Schmidt
Be warned that this method will only work if there are no sub-tables 
contained in the rows searched.  This is because row_count will show the 
number of rows in a single table, but ie.table[row][column] will find 
every row located in OR BELOW that table.

So, if the cell at ie.table[1][1] contained a table with 2 rows then 
ie.table[2][1] would be the first row of the sub-table, NOT the 2'nd row 
in ie.table.


Attebery, Bill wrote:
 One way I can think of - not necessarily the best, based on some posts
 I've seen there seems to be the concept of cell in 1.5 that I haven't
 been able to try.  But for what it's worth I think this would work.

 if ie.table(:index, 2).exists?
row_count=ie.table(:index, 2).row_count
unless row_count == nil
   for i in 1..row_count
  #assumes you're looking for data that is displayed in the
 browser as text, use a different attribute if not
  #could also use regexp ie.table(:index, 2)[i][1].text ~=
  if (ie.table(:index, 2)[i][1].text == 'Column1Data' and
 ie.table(:index, 2)[i][2].text == 'Column2Data')
 ie.table(:index, 2)[i][3].click
   puts table not found

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MR
 Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 9:38 AM
 Subject: [Wtr-general] Click Link In Table Based on Row and
 Column Numbers

 This is a rephrased question because i realized what i was
 asking before didn't capture what i was trying to do.
 Basically, I need to click on a link that may or may not
 exist in a table. The table doesn't have an ID, but I do know
 that it is the second table on the page. I need to indentify
 the possible link by contents in the same row. For example, I
 want to search the table for rows that contain 'Column1Data'
 and 'Column2Data' in columns 1 and 2. Once I find this data,
 I want to click on a link in the same row, but in column
 three IF it exists. This link may not exist.

 Thanks again


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] I am a newb

2006-09-05 Thread David
Doesnt work
Posted via Jive Forums
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Re: [Wtr-general] I am a newb

2006-09-05 Thread David
I cant pull up irb. I am in the command prompt, it is defaulted at 
C:\Documents and Settings\user I have typed in irb here, I have changed the 
directory to just C:\ and tried.
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] I am a newb

2006-09-05 Thread David
1 javascript:logout();
  Log Out
lyst_UserGuide.pdfUser Guide (PDF)
lyst_UserGuide.pdfUser Guide
lyst_TechnicalDescription.pdfTechnical Description and Algorithms
lyst_Assumptions.pdfPurpose and Assumptions
6 javascript:showSessionDialog('Restore');
  Restore Session
7 javascript:buildClusters();
  Create Panels
8 javascript:backHome();
9 javascript:revertPanels();
  Revert Panels
11undoButton  javascript:undo();
12redoButton  javascript:redo();
  Clear Reviewers
  Match Reviewers
  Export Data
  Save Session
  Restore Session
  Export All Panels With Proposals
  Export Reviewer Data
  Export All Panels with Assignments
= nil

OK I hope this helps, I want to click or select the link on line 30.
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] I am a newb

2006-09-01 Thread David
Ok so I just started using ruby and watir, when I say just started I mean no 
programming experience. The company I work for has me using/learning Watir. I 
can't make it click a button. I can make it click other buttons though. The 
software we developed doesnt use buttons per say, but something using href's 
and that such. I was wondering when you tell watir to, 
Cancel).click , does it search the page source for just cancel? We have 
several  so-called buttons named cancel. Does watir just hit the first cancel? 
If so how do I make it hit this specific cancel? Any thought are much 
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] I am a newb

2006-09-01 Thread David
I want to say thanks to everyone, I am trying to understand. With the 
$ie.button(:index, 2).click command how does it know that it is looking for 
Cancel. This is the html source I am trying to pull from: 

a class=right button id=sessionDialogCancel 

I have exhausted all of my ideas, I havent tried to do the $ie.button(:index, 
2) command yet. I am going to buy a book on Ruby, but college textbooks come 
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] I am a newb

2006-09-01 Thread David
Apparently I need more help than thought. I have tried all of the ideas every 
one has given me(thank you). I am still unclear on how to use index or flash 
method. The button or link I am trying to get to, I have done many others just 
like it, but for some reason I cant get it to press cancel this time. I have 
been using, Export Data).click format, but I figure the one I 
am trying to do watir is grabbing one of the first Cancel's in the source. In 
the ruby prompt, it will go through and act like everything went smoothly. It 
is laid out the same way as others, but I dont know.
Posted via Jive Forums
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Modal Dialogs via Remote Desktop on Win XP

2006-08-24 Thread David Schmidt

We routinely run web scraping sessions using Watir on remote Win2003 
server and XP Pro machines, and a number of our sites have modal dialog 
and/or Javascript popups.  However, we always run the scraping sessions 
on the console session and have set up our remote desktop sessions to 
show that same console.  (Normally when you remote desktop in you get a 
new, virtual display that doesn't show the current console contents.)

 From :

Connecting to Console session on a Remote server.

When you use Remote Desktop Connetion 
(Start-Programs-Accessories-Communications-Remote Desktop 
Connection) to remote into an XP machine you get connected to the 
console session. I could not find a way to connect to the console 
session of a Win2K3 server using the Remote Desktop Connection UI 
Options button.

The trick is to use the command line with the /console argument. 

*mstsc /v:servername /console*

**Hope that helps,

David Schmidt

Lillis, Dara wrote:
 I run my Watir tests on remote pc's. I would like to manage the remote
 pc's using Remote Desktop, but encounter the following problem:

 When running tests that click on Modal Dialogs, tests that run fine
 (i.e. click successfully on modal dialogs) on my local pc and when
 managing the remote pc via netmeeting, hang forever when using Remote
 Destkop, at the point where the modal dialog appears.

 Anyone else had this problem? Anyone got a solution?



Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Setting Textbox throws unknown

2006-08-23 Thread David Schmidt
As stated in the bug, this problem was caused by some performance 
improvement patches I submitted a while back.  I don't normally use 
Regexp matches in my :id or :name elements so I didn't see this problem 
in my working code.

There are actually two different problems in place here.  First of all, 
IE doesn't understand regular expressions, so I've added code to make 
sure we only pass strings into getElementById() and 
getElementsByName().  That will stop the crashes caused by the regular 

The other problem is the one that causes the test case failure listed in 
WTR-77.  That is caused by the fact that IE's getElementById() not only 
matches on :id, it will also matches on the first matching :name.  I now 
double check the element returned by getElementById() to make sure that 
it really HAS a matching :id, else we fall back to the slow method.

Lastly, not every element supports the fast get calls, but we can't use 
#respond_to? because these are OLE methods, not Ruby methods.  Thus, the 
fast code is wrapped in a begin/rescue block so any element not 
supporting the get method will drop down to the slower code.

All core tests now pass, including some new tests using regular 
expressions in :id and :name searches.

David Schmidt

Charley Baker wrote:
   Actually I can tell you why this is happening, it's related to the 
 issue I was looking at yesterday, ie.element(:id, 'foo') actually 
 searches by Name:

   Both are failing in the locate_input_element method. In the case of 
 the Jira issue mentioned above
 getElementById() isn't working as it should be. In the case of regular 
 expressions, it's simply sending the regular expression into 
 getElementById or getElementsByName, straight ole_methods which causes 
 problems for ie. We don't currently seem to have any regex searches on 
 the input elements I've been looking at which is why they don't show 
 up, regexs do work for non input elements which uses a different 
 locator. Once we figure out how to handle this I'll add more unit tests.

   This is also related to the other issue you mentioned:
 WIN32OLERuntimeError: Unknown property or method `scrollIntoView'
 HRESULT error code:0x80010004
   The caller is dispatching an asynchronous call and cannot make 
 an outgoing
  call on behalf of this call.

 Somehow after the call gets screwed up there seems to be a hung 
 connection to ie or something so that further calls to connect to 
 other elements can cause this error. I've gotten it as well.

  As a temporary hack you can open watir.rb, go to the 
 locate_input_element method, delete the whole begin/rescue/end block 
 at the beginning and replace it with
 elements = ole_inner_elements

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Solution for accessing showModal Dialogs yet?

2006-08-23 Thread David Schmidt

Try your tests with the latest 1.5 revision (1079).  I've made some 
changes in the way click_no_wait works and one of them was to attach to 
the IE window using the window handle (HWND) instead of by title, which 
can sometimes find the wrong window.

I'm running multiple web scraping sessions on one Windows box with many 
modal dialogs and I'm not having any problems with simultaneous modal 
dialogs because I have click_no_wait attach by HWND instead of by window 

David Schmidt

Bret Pettichord wrote:
 James wrote:
 I should note, this script will work just fine, if it happens
 that two dialogs are not attempted to be opened simultaneously.
 Once this happens, the process hangs.
 If the opening and closing of modal dialogs occurs sequentially, no problem.
 but simultaneously won't work for me.

 Have you had success testing this sort of thing?

 Upon reflection on the methods we use to open modal dialogs, i can see 
 how they could get confused and not work correctly. Please open a bug 
 report in Jira for this.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] RegEx 151.1054

2006-08-23 Thread David Schmidt
Watir should fix this problem.  A patch of mine improperly 
allowed a Regexp to be passed to DOM's getElementById() call.


Adrian Lewis wrote:
 I think we got a problem with RegEx  watir 151.1054

 this'll work fine

  def password_field;$ie.text_field(:name, 'password');end


 def password_field;$ie.text_field(:name, /password/);end

 rurturned on error of

 test failed: \nOLE error code:0 in Unknown\n  No Description\n
 HRESULT error code:0x80010108\n  The object invoked has disconnected
 from its clients.
 `method_missing', c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-
 /./watir.rb:3863:in `doKeyPress', 

 Why am I using RegEx?  Cos in different environments my objects may have
 different prefixes or suffixes



Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Determining if control is hidden

2006-08-23 Thread David Schmidt
I had this same problem, and the problem is deeper than it seems. I had 
an element and I had to determine if it was visible or not, but 
sometimes the element was NOT visible, even when it didn't have 
display: none or visibility: hidden. Turns out a parent DIV a few 
levels up *was* hidden, and all it's children were thus hidden.

I've added a #visible? method to the modal_dialog branch which iterates 
up to the top of the DOM tree checking to make sure every parent element 
is visible. Note that this is a relatively SLOW call because the only 
way to ensure an element is visible is to make sure every parent is visible.

If you place the following code in a file and require it you should be 
able to do an element.visible? call.

class Element
# If any parent element isn't visible then we cannot write to the
# element. The only realiable way to determine this is to iterate
# up the DOM element tree checking every element to make sure it's
# visible.
def visible?
# Now iterate up the DOM element tree and return false if any
# parent element isn't visible or is disabled.
object = document
while object
if'visibility') =~ /^hidden$/i
return false
if'display') =~ /^none$/i
return false
if object.invoke('isDisabled')
return false
rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError
object = object.parentElement

David Schmidt


 Is there an easy way to determine if a control (a checkbox in my case) 
 is hidden?

 I have a checkbox that exists in a TD that (through several wrapped 
 divs) ends up being hidden sometimes. Is there an easy way to 
 determine this?

 I’ve tried:

 if $ie.hidden(:id, control id”)


 if $ie.hidden(:name, control name”)

 And neither seems to work.



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Re: [Wtr-general] Subject:,Re: launch broswer as another user ?

2006-08-23 Thread David Schmidt
We've also had a need to start up multiple instances of IE, each in 
their own process.  (This allows us to run multiple scraping sessions to 
the same site and not have the session cookies over-ride each other, as 
long as the cookies don't have an expiration date which writes them to 
the file system.)

Try this function in your app to start up each IE in it's own process:

  # This function starts each window as a unique IE process.
  # This allows the session cookies set for each IE scrape and
  # not overwrite session cookies set in other scraper sessions.
  def start_ie
tf =
basename = tf.path.sub(/^.*[\/\\]([^\/\\]*$)/, '\1')  # get base 
html = sprintf(htmlheadtitle%s/title/head/html, basename)
system(start iexplore #{tf.path})
ie = nil
Watir::until_with_timeout(5) do
ie = Watir::IE.attach(:url, /#{basename}/)
  rescue Watir::Exception::NoMatchingWindowFoundException
return ie

This does bring up a problem that we've had, however.

If you try to start each IE as a different user then this method doesn't 
work, and click_no_wait doesn't work either.  Apparently a process 
spawned from that IE running as a different user doesn't have the same 
permissions as a process running under as the logged in user.  The call 
to find a window using Windows Shell.Application cannot see *any* IE 
windows if the spawning process is running as a different user.  In 
addition, the logged in user cannot see any IE window created by another 

We haven't come up with a solution for this problem as it appears to be 
a problem in User32.dll used by Shell.Application.


Bret Pettichord wrote:
 Lonny Eachus wrote:
 Wow. Seems like an awful lot of work. Why not just use shell to start 
 IE as any user you want using the Windows RunAs command, then attach 
 to the window?
 Two short lines of code.
 In my case i needed to start up several browsers concurrently and in 
 this scenario, the only way to attach to them reliably and cleanly is to 
 know the process id of each browser. I stole most of the code from Alex 
 Verk, so it wasn't really a lot of coding on my part.

 If you know of an easier way (Two short lines of code) to help Marco, 
 i'm sure he and others would appreciate seeing it.


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Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] More details on cells not found by text

2006-08-23 Thread David Schmidt

That test works fine under so it may be a problem in 1.4.1 
that's been fixed since.

If you need to remain with 1.4.1 then perhaps you can try an alternate 
method to get to that cell? I don't have 1.4.1 loaded, but try 
ie.table(:index, 1)[1][1].exists? and see if that works in 1.4.1. (Find 
table with index of 1, then find row 1, column 1.)


Mike Townley wrote:

 Using the following HTML:













 I attach to the window and run ie.cell(:text, “test”).exists? and irb 
 returns false.

 ie.show_all_objects returns ‘nil’

 ie.show_tables returns:

 “Found 1 tables

 1 id = rows=1 columns =1


 I’m currently running ruby 1.8.2 and watir 1.4.1, which the test was 
 developed in.

 Thank you,

 Mike Townley

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Determining if control is hidden

2006-08-23 Thread David Schmidt

The wiki editing isn't exactly obvious, and it kept complaining about 
the page title I used.  Feel free to pretty it up if you like, but 
there's an example of extending Watir up there now.


Charley Baker wrote:
 Hi David,

Can you post this to the user contributions wiki page?
 This is a good example of how to inject additional functionality into 


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Click on the Tab

2006-07-31 Thread David Schmidt
You can use the cell text contents to find the cell to click:

table = ie.table(:index, 1)# Find the tab table using some 
tab_cell = table.cell(:text, 'Parties')

If you know that this cell is the ONLY one with that text then you can 
just look for it anywhere on the page with:

ie.cell(:text, 'Parties').click

You can also regular expressions in the search:

ie.cell(:text, /Par/).click

David Schmidt

Chintakrindi Meghanath wrote:
 I am trying to click a Tab in my application . I tried with various 
 combinations, but couldnt succeed.
 Here is the source code can anyone help me ?
 I have to click on the Parties tab.
 div id='Zeroth_HdrTabId' style='position:absolute;  left:0px; 
 top:12px; width:595px; height:300px; 
 table width='595' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border=0 
 trtd width='10'img name='a' src='/tc/img/en/a.gif' width='10' 
 height='20' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/on_tab.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'Orderbrimg name='a' src='a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'*Parties*brimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'Transportationbrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'Compliancebrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'Holdsbrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'Line Itemsbrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'LineHoldsbrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='22'img src='/tc/img/en/aro_right.gif' width='15' 
 height='20' border='0'  





 Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Click on the Tab

2006-07-31 Thread David Schmidt
OK, that may be a feature of the 1.5 development thread, which I'm 
running here.  Did you try it with the quoted version?

ie.cell(:text, 'Parties').click

I've found the 1.5 versions to be very stable and worth running, BTW.


Chintakrindi Meghanath wrote:

 I tried with ie.cell(:text, /Par/).click
 but its not working.


 -Original Message-
 From: David Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 2:33 PM
 Cc: Chintakrindi Meghanath 
 Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Click on the Tab

 You can use the cell text contents to find the cell to click:

 table = ie.table(:index, 1)# Find the tab table using some 
 tab_cell = table.cell(:text, 'Parties')

 If you know that this cell is the ONLY one with that text then you can 
 just look for it anywhere on the page with:

 ie.cell(:text, 'Parties').click

 You can also regular expressions in the search:

 ie.cell(:text, /Par/).click

 David Schmidt

 Chintakrindi Meghanath wrote:
 I am trying to click a Tab in my application . I tried with various 
 combinations, but couldnt succeed.
 Here is the source code can anyone help me ?
 I have to click on the Parties tab.
 div id='Zeroth_HdrTabId' style='position:absolute;  left:0px; 
 top:12px; width:595px; height:300px; 
 table width='595' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border=0 
 trtd width='10'img name='a' src='/tc/img/en/a.gif' width='10' 
 height='20' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/on_tab.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'Orderbrimg name='a' src='a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'*Parties*brimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'Transportationbrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'Compliancebrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'Holdsbrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'Line Itemsbrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
 align='center' valign='bottom'  
 style='cursor:hand'LineHoldsbrimg name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
 width='1' height='3' border='0'//td
 td width='22'img src='/tc/img/en/aro_right.gif' width='15' 
 height='20' border='0'  





 Wtr-general mailing list

 Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] DL::DLError too many callbacks defined from winClicker.rb (with fix)

2006-07-31 Thread David Schmidt
While running a web scraping application under Mongrel we started 
getting a DL::DLError too many callbacks defined exception from 
winClicker.rb (which we're using to pull the static text from Javascript 

I finally tracked this down to two problems in winClicker.rb where DL 
Callback blocks are defined.  The first problem is that some of the 
callback blocks do a return from within the callback.  This return 
doesn't just return from the callback, it returns from the winClicker 
function, bypassing the normal termination of the Windows EnumWindows or 
EnumChildWindows call.

I've fixed this by properly setting the callback return code 
(bContinueEnum) so that the Windows call is properly terminated.  In 
cases where the callback was trying to return a value from the callback 
I simply set a Ruby variable that is initialized outside the callback.

However, this didn't solve the DL::DLError problem.  Turns out that the 
DL library keeps it's own callback table (set in the DL.callback call).  
After digging through the DL C source code in dl.c I noticed that there 
is a DL.remove_callback call which is used to remove the callback from 
the DL table.  I've added that call to all of the winClicker.rb methods 
which use DL.callback and my testing confirms that I'm no longer having 
a problem with that exception.

I've checked this fix into the 1.5 development trunk as revision 1070.

David Schmidt
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Running Watir under Wine/CrossOver Office?

2006-07-10 Thread David Schmidt
I've seen comments here and there on the net about folks running Watir 
under Wine or CrossOver Office.  I've been trying both and have been 
having some problems.

I've installed the latest Ruby one-click-installer and added c:\ruby\bin 
to the Wine path, and confirmed that path:

$ wine ruby -e puts \#{ENV[\'PATH\']}\

While Wine can find C:\ruby\bin\ruby.exe using that path, Ruby isn't 
able to locate commands using the same path, like IRB or GEM.  I was 
able to get gem to work by using the full path to the gem command (wine 
ruby 'C:\ruby\bin\gem' list)and was able to get into IRB using wcmd. 

Has anyone else been running Watir under Wine that could give me some 
pointers on how to get Ruby and Watir configured correctly to run under 
Wine or CrossOver Office?

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Interesting link problem

2006-06-27 Thread David Solis
I have a table that dynamically has an "n" number of entries as links.  The table can sort by the last entry made in the table. I want to be  able to click on the last entry or the last link that appears on the  table. The problem is that I don't have attribute values to able to  identify the link I want. I can't access the link by the inner text  value because the text is also dyanmic. I will not know the name of the  link until I access the page. The name changes as the table  grows. So I'm not sure how to click on the link I want.Below is some of the html code and a list of the attributes from the  sample. As you can see I don't have much that I can search by. Does  anybody have any idea how I can click on the first link?a href=""AUTOTEST8142855/a/td  tdJoe Player/td  tdautouser9/td  td[EMAIL PROTECTED]/td 
 td0.00/td  tdSterling/td  td2006-06-23 01:00:33.0/td  tdActive/td  td1966-09-02/td  td1/td/tr  tr class="even"  td  a href=""AUTOTEST9229432/a/td  tdJoe Player/td  tdautouser9/td  td[EMAIL PROTECTED]/td  td0.00/td  tdSterling/td  td2006-06-23 00:51:27.0/td  tdActive/td  td1966-09-02/td  td1/td/tr  tr class="odd"  td  a href=""AUTOTEST8570615/a/td  tdJoe Player/td  tdautouser9/td  td[EMAIL PROTECTED]/td 
 td0.00/td  tdSterling/td  td2006-06-23 00:45:51.0/td  tdActive/td  td1966-09-02/td  td1/td/tr  tr class="even"  td  a href=""AUTOTEST6130026/a/td  tdJoe Player/td  tdautouser9/td  td[EMAIL PROTECTED]/td  td0.00/td  tdSterling/td  td2006-06-23 00:37:37.0/td  tdActive/td  td1966-09-02/td  td1/td/tr  tr class="odd"  td  ---  inner text: AUTOTEST8142855 
 type: link  id:   name:   value:   disabled: false  href:  inner text: AUTOTEST9229432  type: link  id:   name:   value:   disabled: false  href:  inner
 text: AUTOTEST8570615  type: link  id:   name:   value:   disabled: false  href:  inner text: AUTOTEST6130026  type: link  id:   name:   value:   disabled: false  ___
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Issue with gem 1.5.11037

2006-06-26 Thread David Schmidt

Your problem is that that second require should be include Watir 
(with no quotes).  When you did the second require you got messages for 
all the constants that were being re-defined.


Zeljko Filipin wrote:
 I do not know if this has any value:

 gem list

 *** LOCAL GEMS ***
 watir (1.4.1)
 Automated testing tool for web applications.

 ruby -v
 ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32]

 irb(main):001:0 require watir
 = false
 irb(main):002:0 require Watir== should be include Watir

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] very neat trick with Ruby system() (or any otherlanguage on Windows)

2006-06-15 Thread David Schmidt

The current method is quite a bit different than the method that I 
wrote, and I'm not sure it will be as flexible.  (For example, you can't 
attach to a Frame the way you can to an IE or Modal window.)  My method 
is designed to completely re-create the exact method string to get back 
to the element to be clicked, and is working well for me right now, 
though there are some inconsistencies with table related elements (which 
is what got me looking at our current container/collection issue).

I will probably give it another try once trunk settles down a bit and 
after we get the container/collection settled, but right now I'm getting 
ready to work on the container/collection issue first.

Mark, you may want to look at the modal_dialog branch, which is what I'm 
using where I work, but right now it's missing a lot of the recent 
changes to trunk.

It's at and 
I'm doing lots of click_no_wait's from within frames.  Feel free to 
contact me if you have questions about the code in that branch as it's 
pretty much my branch right now and it's probably a dead end until it's 
decided to port that code to the current trunk.


Bret Pettichord wrote:
 This is a known problem. (In other words, i knew about it, but it 
 wasn't well documented.)

 The fix is for a Watir developer to write attach_command for Frames. 
 David, this bug is currently assigned to you, but the surrounding code 
 has changed since you signed up for this. Do you still want to do it?

 BTW, click_no_wait was recently enhanced so that it works in any 
 context as long as you are not using frames. (If you see otherwise, 
 please report it).

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Understanding WATIR

2006-06-14 Thread David Schmidt
Actually, that *is* supported.  However, if you look a sample HTML 
INPUT element from a page I'm scraping you'll find a clue why that 
particular example didn't work:

INPUT  id=SSNEntry_txtSpouseSSN style=\WIDTH: 95px\ value=999 

For text_fields, the current text in the field is contained in the 
value attribute.  Thus:

ie.text_field( :value, 'xyz' )

Should work for you.


Manish Sapariya wrote:
 This explains why I was getting all of my field getting flashed multiple 
 when I was traversing them by tables.each { cells.each { flash } } method.

 I have another query, hope you don't mind.
 We at work are using another tool QEngine, which basically makes available
 all the controls in flat space irrespective of whether the controls are 
 in cells
 of nested table.

 So e.g. if i have a text box at nth level of table cell, watir does not make
 it available so that I can simply access it using

 ie.text_field (:text, 'xyz').

 However QEngine makes this text box available like this.
 Where do watir lack in this regard?

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Wait for control to exist

2006-06-13 Thread David Schmidt
How about the easy way.  Just alias your nice until_with_timeout to 
wait_until so both names work and just use that your first format with 
the block.  That way the block can contain any code that returns a 
boolean, which will allow Andy's request for multiple element support to 
work like:

wait_until(timeout) { ie.button(:id, 'btnOne').exists? and ie.span(:id, 
'blah').exists? }

with the timeout being optional and using a default_timeout like Bret 
suggests below.

This can then support all *sorts* of things that folks wait for, 
including thing like the displayed spinners that I was waiting to 
appear and then disappear.


Bret Pettichord wrote:
 How about this:

   wait_until(ie.button(:value, OK).exists?, 10)

 The advantage of this form is that we could use any boolean 
 expression. So you could wait until a control was disabled or 
 whatever. I'm not 100% sure that i can code this, however. I know i 
 can implement using a block. Thus:

   wait_until(10) {ie.button(:value, OK).exists?}

 This, of course, is the existing until_with_timeout method. Or:

   ie.button(:value, OK).wait_until_exists?(10)

 Which follows the normal Watir practice if putting the methods on the 

 Note that in all these examples the timeout would be optional and 
 would default to a user-configurable value. Probably 
 @@default_timeout. Also, if the timeout were exceeded, it would raise 
 a TimeOutException.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Problem finding a link URL with RegEx

2006-06-13 Thread David Schmidt
Adrian Rutter wrote:
 Is it not possible to get the second link on a page? Something like:

 $, 'New';:index, 2).click
It is currently possible to access the second link on a page, but not 
with a filter.  '$ie.links[2]' will give you the second link on the 
page, and you can open the page in IRB and do '$ie.show_links' to see 
which index to use for the link you want.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Wait for control to exist

2006-06-13 Thread David Schmidt
Our solution is better than that.  Bret already has a method that I've 
been using and it's generic enough that you can wait for just about 
anything.  He's stated that he'll just be renaming it to wait_for.

On a web scraper I have there is an AJAX request that fires when one of 
the fields is changed.  When this happens, a graphical spinner image 
appears to let you know it's making a request.  The spinner is always 
there, but the DIV containing it gets changed from hidden to visible and 
back again.

I'm able to wait for the style to change to visible and then wait for 
the style to change to hidden (even though the DIV *always* exists) like 
this (using the new wait_for() method name):

  # wait for Updating spinner to appear
  wait_for(5) do
@ie.div(:id, 'pnlLoading')'display') != 'none' 
@ie.div(:id, 'pnlLoading')'visibility') != 'hidden'

  # wait for Updating spinner to hide
  wait_for(30) do
@ie.div(:id, 'pnlLoading')'display') == 'none' ||
@ie.div(:id, 'pnlLoading')'visibility') == 'hidden'

The wait_for method will just keep trying the supplied block until the block
returns true or the timeout has passed (where it will throw an exception).


Andy Sipe wrote:
 I'm not sure just exist is enough for what I'm talking about.

 If I have a span that already exists in the document and I do something that 
 causes an async request/update to the server then the span always exists so 

 span(:id, ...).wait_for_exists?

 may blow right through without pausing because the span is there.

 Maybe something like

 span(:id, ...).wait_for_change('text', 'blah')

 where 'text' is the attribute i'm waiting to change and 'blah' is the value 
 I'm waiting for it to change to.

 So you could also do

 span(:id, ...).wait_for_change('exists?', true)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Wait for control to exist

2006-06-13 Thread David Schmidt
Yup, my bad.  I just typed the wrong name out of habit.  New name will 
be wait_until.



OK, I've been punished.


Bret Pettichord wrote:
 On 6/13/06, *David Schmidt* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The wait_for method will just keep trying the supplied block until
 the block
 returns true or the timeout has passed (where it will throw an

 We want it to be called wait_until -- correct? 
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Table Row Bug -- How to fix?

2006-06-09 Thread David Schmidt
Bret Pettichord wrote:

 inetdavid (6/8/2006 9:38:31 PM): Just found a problem with
 row_count with embedded tables. row_count counts *all* the rows,
 even rows in sub-tables, while show_tables shows the correct count
 because it uses a different method. I've first added a test to
 show the problem (using table_test on table(:index, 3) of
 table1.html) and I think I have the proper fix to just show/add
 rows from within the current table. This is the right way to do
 rows, but how do you want to make the change given that some folks
 may have coded using the incorrect value? 

 This is

 My view is that we should do the right thing. This has been a common 
 complaint and i don't think there is really much value in trying to 
 retain the old, incorrect behavior. Is anyone depending on it?

I agree, but wanted to check with you before fixing the problem and 
possibly breaking some existing script.  However, I think it's more 
likely that Watir users have just learned to not trust row_count rather 
than depend on it's results where it may be in-accurate.

To demonstrate the problem you can load one of the unittest html files 
that contains a nested table (unittests\html\table1.html).  On that page 
table 4 is a sub-table of table 3, located in row 2, cell 1 of table 3.  
Table 3 has two rows and table 4 has 1 row, which is properly shown in a 

irb(main):004:0 ie.show_tables
Found 6 tables
1  id=  rows=2   columns=2
2  id=t1  rows=5   columns=1
3  id=t2  rows=2   columns=2 ==
4  id=  rows=1   columns=2   ==
5  id=body_test  rows=5   columns=1
6  id=pic_table  rows=1   columns=4
= nil

The row_count for table 3 is not accurate though as it includes one row 
which is really inside table 4.  (The row_count for all other tables is 

irb(main):005:0 ie.table(:index, 3).row_count
= 3
irb(main):006:0 ie.table(:index, 4).row_count
= 1

The to_a method has the same problem.  You see the embedded table's 
values in multiple places, and the last array element is really an array 
from the embedded table.

irb(main):007:0 ie.table(:index, 3).to_a
= [[cell 1, cell2], [nest1nest2, nest1, nest2, Normal], 
irb(main):008:0 ie.table(:index, 4).to_a
= [[nest1, nest2]]

The reason for the different counts became apparent when I looked at the 
DOM calls available that are being used.  Using nested tables as an 
example, there is a rows call for tables, and that rows element has 
only two calls available:

irb(main):017:0 ie.table(:index, 3).document.rows.ole_get_methods.sort
= [_newEnum, length]

This is the method used in show_tables, which is always accurate and 
gives you a count of how many rows are in the table.

However, the method used within Watir to get all rows is 
getElementsByTagName, which returns *all* objects with a given tag below 
the current element.

If you examine the DHTML Reference document for the TABLE Element 
you can see that the rows method returns a collection of tr elements 
for the current table:

irb(main):034:0 ie.table(:index, 3).document.rows.each do |row|
irb(main):035:1* print \nNew row:
irb(main):036:1 puts row.outerHTML
irb(main):037:1 end

New row:
TRTDcell 1
TDcell2 /TD

New row:
TDNormal /TD
= nil

This works as it should.  We can now re-code the Table#to_a method to 
properly iterate only over the proper rows.  However, the 
getElementsByTagName method is called from many different places within 
Watir, and one of the places is Container#locate_tagged_element, which 
uses getElementsByTagName for many different tag types.  The problem 
with this is that while the same method is used to get ALL tags of a 
given type, each DOM element has it's own *specfic* method to return the 
collection of specific child nodes (like rows for table rows, cells 
for table cells, etc).

I think we'll have to look at each of those calls to 
getElementsByTagName to see if the call is appropriate, and re-code each 
if not.  (The show methods can still use the getElementsByTagName 
because they can then show all sub-elements of the desired type, like 
the ie.show_tables method.)

I think the first step will be to create unit tests to show each of the 
problems and then put in the code to fix each of the count problems till 
all the unit tests pass.

Bret, do you want me to start on this?

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] BUG: New IE windows share session state with existingopen windows

2006-06-06 Thread David Schmidt
There's another issue which may be affecting your test that is also NOT 
a Watir bug.

Sessions are often set by having a server save a session ID cookie on 
the IE's PC.  For IE, these cookies are saved in a per-user directory.  
If you run multiple IE's to the same site then the cookies can be 
overwritten, causing much confusion!

IE1 browses to and a session id is saved.
IE2 browses to and a DIFFERENT session id is saved to 
the same cookie
IE1 browses to another page under, returning the cookie 

We had this problem running some web scrapers simultaneously to the same 
site from the same computer.  We solved the problem by running each 
scraper under a different user so each scraper got it's own folder for 
cookies and they then stopped overwriting each other.


Michael Bolton wrote:
 This isn't a bug in Watir, so the BUG: title for your message isn't
 appropriate.  There are lots of bugs here, but they ain't in Watir.

 Does your script include 'require watir.rb' and 'include Watir' at any

 When you try to attach using a string literal, it's unlikely to work for
 attaching to the window by title, unless it includes the entire title string
 exactly.  A regular expression needs only a subset, so when you're trying to
 attach, do this:

 foo = IE.attach(:title, /Google/)

 However, you don't NEED to attach, so in this case, don't bother.

 There's no need for the call to WIN32OLE; there's no need to call system().
 Watir takes care of all this stuff.

 You've set up an array presumably to hold three browser instances, but
 you're assigning all three instances to the same element in the array.

 I gather what you're trying to do is this:

 require 'watir.rb'
 include Watir

 ie_array =
 ie_array.each do |element|
   element = IE.start('http://localhost:8080/kmdm8/signon.jsp')


 ---Michael B.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Methods that can be used within a frame?

2006-06-01 Thread David Schmidt

What I've done in the past is to create a new method, Element#html= 
which allows you to replace the outerHTML for any element:

class Watir::Element
  def html=(new_html)
  @o.outerHTML = new_html

Unfortunately, when playing with your top level document that contains 
the frameset there wasn't any Watir::Element I could grab.  I tried 
doing it manually by taking different document elements on that top page 
and trying to do the change like:

ie.document.body.outerhtml = BODYtest/BODY

Even though e.document.body.ole_put_methods shows that we should be able 
to do this (an outerHTML put call exists) when tried I got the following 

irb(main):029:0 ie.document.body.outerhtml = BODYtest/BODY
OLE error code:800A0258 in htmlfile
  No Description
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
from (irb):29:in `method_missing'
from (irb):29

So in Tyler's case, I was unable to find a way to change the frame 
element in his top HTML.  However, I often use this replacement 
technique to prevent popups by changing the HTML attributes like this:

ie.text_field(:id, 'xxx').html = ie.text_field(:id, 'xxx').html.sub(/ 
onclick=\S+/, '')

which clears out the onclick=... from the element.


Bret Pettichord wrote:
 On 6/1/06, *Tyler Prete* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well I may not even have to deal with it anymore, but how would I
 change this manually?  I do not have control over the HTML in the
 page, I am only interacting with it via Watir.

 By design, Watir is a tool for automating things that you can do 
 manually. If you don't know how to do it manually, then Watir is 
 probably the wrong tool for you.



 Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Determine HTML property

2006-06-01 Thread David Schmidt
Zeljko Filipin wrote:, id).readonly?

 On 6/1/06, *Adrian Rutter* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have an HTML field that once saved becomes read-only
 Apart from doing a regex on the source how can I determine this



I've just encountered a situation where this doesn't work, and written a 
fix for it, though I'm not sure where this fix would best be integrated.

The problem is that while an input element may NOT be read only, a 
containing element like a table cell, table row or div may have their 
visibility turned off, which prevents Watir from setting the focus on 
the input element and effectively makes the input element read only even 
though the readonly attribute is false:

irb(main):014:0 ie.text_field(:id, 'Detail_Date').readonly?
= false
irb(main):015:0 ie.text_field(:id, 'Detail_Date').set('01/01/2000')
WIN32OLERuntimeError: focus
OLE error code:800A083E in htmlfile
  Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not 
enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus.
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `set'
from (irb):15

In this case, a TR element a few levels higher has a style of 
visibility: hidden; display: none so the control is invisible and thus 
read only.

I see a few solutions.  The first would be to try to update the input 
element and then rescue the WIN32OLERuntimeError exception.  I'm not 
particularly fond of this, especially since the exception isn't an 
exception specific to this problem.  Another option is to iterate up the 
DOM elements checking every element to make sure that is is visible.  
This could be done in
Element#readonly?, but then we wouldn't be able to see the value of the 
actual readonly attribute.  I chose to implement another method which I 
called writable? which first checks that the element exists, is 
enabled and not readonly and then moves up the DOM tree and reports 
false if any element is not visible (visibility != 'hidden' and display 
!= 'none').

I've tested this and while it can be slow if the input element is deeply 
embedded it *does* seem to be accurate:

irb(main):016:0 ie.text_field(:id, 'Detail_Date').writable?
= false
irb(main):017:0 ie.text_field(:id, 'Detail_DOB').writable?
= true

You can try this by adding the following method in your Watir script or 
by adding just the writable? definition inside class Element in 
Watir.rb.  I can add this to trunk once I get some tests written to test 
it if we decide this is the way to go.  Does anyone have a cleaner or 
faster way to do this?

module Watir
  class Element
# Determine if we can write to a DOM element.
# If any parent element isn't visible then we cannot write to the
# element.  The only realiable way to determine this is to iterate
# up the DOM elemint tree checking every element to make sure it's
# visible.
def writable?
  # First make sure the element itself is writable
  rescue Watir::Exception::ObjectDisabledException, 
return false
  return false if ! document.iscontentEditable
  # Now iterate up the DOM element tree and return false if any
  # parent element isn't visible or is disabled.
  object = document
  while object
  if'visibility') =~ /^hidden$/i
return false
  if'display') =~ /^none$/i
return false
  if object.invoke('isDisabled')
return false
rescue WIN32OLERuntimeError
object += '.parentElement'

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Methods that can be used within a frame?

2006-05-31 Thread David Schmidt

I know this isn't supported right now.  I did some investigation and I 
don't see a navigate function in the frame's OLE object (which is used 
by the base IE object in goto).

I even tried to do a raw substitute in the IE document that contains the 
frameset, but was unable to find an element that IE would let me modify 
that would include the frame src string.

There *may* be a way to substitute a frame source, but I've not been 
able to find a way yet.

To find which methods work with different elements you can do 
element.methods.sort, or if the method is an OLE method being sent 
to IE you can do things like element.document.ole_methods to see 
what IE will let you do.

Hope that helps,


Tyler Prete wrote:
 I am trying to get a frame on a page to load a specific page, i.e. 
 $ie.frame(:name, 'name').goto('', but when I do this I get a 
 NoMethodError.  I know that show_all_objects works within a frame, as 
 well as most of the interactive methods (text_field, button, click, 
 etc), but is there anyway to know which ones will work and which ones 
 won't without trying it?  Also, is there another way to do what I am 
 trying to do?


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] 1.5 modal dialog. Syntax of supported tags ?

2006-05-30 Thread David Schmidt

Looking at your HTML below I think that the problem is that your button 
is located inside a frame, which is loaded via another URL.  Because of 
that, the element would be in a different Watir container and wouldn't 
be found inside the top level container for that modal dialog.

Assuming that the frame main has the button you want, you should be 
able to click on it by using:

modal.frame('main').button(:text, 'Yes').click

Let me know if that works for you.

David Schmidt

Neri, Marco wrote:


 I'm running v1.5.1.1017. I need some help re modal dialog.

 I'm using this code to access a modal dialog:, Delete).click_no_wait
 modal = @ie.modal_dialog(:title, 'Confirmation')
 modal.button(:text, 'Yes').click

 In the console the puts shows #Watir::ModalDialog:0x27c0970. Based 
 on this I assume it has found the dialog using the title because no 
 error is thrown. I'm not 100% sure though. I had a look in the src for 
 ModalDialog.rb but cannot see a method that I could use to to get a 
 list of all elements in the dialog.

 The button click is not working the console shows the error:

   1) Error:
 Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate object, 
 using text an
 d Yes
 C:/visual studio 
 projects/VictoriaPolice/AttendanceTests/bug802.rb:61:in `te

 I have the same issue if I use value and insert a value=Yes into the 
 src for the dialog. I also tried using :index

 The src for the dialog:

 meta name=GENERATOR content=Microsoft Visual 
 Studio.NET 7.0
 frameset border=0 rows=0,100% frameSpacing=0 
 frame name=header src= scrolling=no noresize
 frame name=main src=ConfirmDelete.aspx

 The src for confirmdelete.aspx:

 div id=ConfirmDelete
 img src=../Images/ICO_EXCLAMATION.gif
 plabel id=MessageLabel runat=server/label/p
 div id=confirmbuttons
 button type=submit runat=server 
 button type=submit runat=server 

 Is the issue that the buttons are defined using submit instead of 
 input type=button value=Close - does this means that the modal 
 dialog support in 1.5 is restricted only to dialogs implemented 
 similar to the example in unit test. ?

 Any suggestions? thanks


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Need help reading a file

2006-05-25 Thread David Schmidt

I'm not sure what commands were added in the different versions, and 
without the actual error you're getting and without the actual HTML it's 
hard to be certain what's wrong.  In particular, I'd like to see the 
HTML for the radio buttons that you're trying to set.  The form of the 
radio command I gave you assumes that the id is the value of the radio 
button.  If that value is the id in the radio button you'd use a 
different form like, id).set (set the radio 
button with the id equal to the value in your id variable).

What I'd do in this situation is to run these commands in IRB and see 
what output I get after each command.  For example, after the cell 
command you should see a valid id.  You could also enter 
test_site2.cell(:text, Arbitration).html to see the entire html for 
the cell.

Once you're sure that you have the right value in your id variable then 
you need to make sure that you are able to find the correct radio button 
with the value equal to the id variable.  Working in IRB lets you try 
different things very quickly to find the exact command you need.

If you could be more specific about where things are failing and send 
along the HTML for the radio buttons then we'll have a better chance to 

I'm going to be away from the computer for a few days, but if you're 
still having problems next week I'll continue to try and help.


Jassi Akkal wrote:

 Do I have to have 1.5 version of the watir because I
 am using 1.4 version.

 Also here is the updated code and still it is not

 test_site2 = Watir::IE.attach(:url,

 id =test_site2.cell(:text, Arbitration).id, selectionids, id).set


 Appreciate that.


 Jassi Akkal
 --- David Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 One thing I see is that you didn't include the Watir
 object for the 
 radio button.  Also, you placed quotation marks
 around the id in the 
 radio setting line.  You don't want an id that is
 equal to id, you 
 want what's in the variable id so there would be
 no quotation marks 
 around the variable name.  The line to set the radio
 button should read:, 'selectionids', id).set

 David Schmidt

 Jassi Akkal wrote:

 Thanks for the help. But it is not working for me
 here is my code

 test_site2 = Watir::IE.attach(:url,

 id =test_site2.cell(:text, Arbitration).id

 radio(:name, selectionids, id).set


 Any help will be appreciated.


 Jassi Akkal

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] `method_missing': document (WIN32OLERuntimeError)

2006-05-24 Thread David Schmidt

This is the same problem that was occurring in wait().  The COM object 
document method is called when the document method isn't available.  
I've seen this if a page or frame immediately kicks off a new page load 
before all the wait checks are complete or perhaps if the check is 
called before the page/frame is completely ready.

Fix would similar to the one in wait where you make sure a document is 

(from IE#wait)
  until suppress_ole_error [EMAIL PROTECTED] do
sleep 0.02; s.spin


Bret Pettichord wrote:
 This looks like a new problem, although related to problems we've seen 
 before (and mostly fixed). I'm puzzled how it could happen -- but i'm 
 not sure what information to ask for.


 On 5/24/06, *Manish Sapariya* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is this one known?
 I searched through the archive and could not find anything similar
 to this.
 I saw this only first time, and I am not sure whether I will see this
 again with the same script.
 Please let me know if HTML page or code will help isolate this

 Thanks and Regards,

 `method_missing': document
 OLE error code:80070005 in Unknown
   Access is denied.

 HRESULT error code:0x80020009
   Exception occurred.from c:/program
 from c:/program
 from c:/program
 from c:/program
 files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `upto'
 from c:/program
 from c:/program
 from c:/program
 from c:/program
  ... 6 levels...
 from riGuardSelfTest_2_2_1.rb:374:in `CreateAndScheduleFTPSearch'
 from riGuardSelfTest_2_2_1.rb:371:in `each'
 from riGuardSelfTest_2_2_1.rb:371:in `CreateAndScheduleFTPSearch'
 from riGuardSelfTest_2_2_1.rb:759

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] `method_missing': document (WIN32OLERuntimeError)

2006-05-24 Thread David Schmidt
Bret Pettichord wrote:
 On 5/24/06, *David Schmidt* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is the same problem that was occurring in wait().  The COM object
 document method is called when the document method isn't available.
 I've seen this if a page or frame immediately kicks off a new page
 before all the wait checks are complete or perhaps if the check is
 called before the page/frame is completely ready.

 The reason for my concern is that this error is in 
 check_for_http_error. This method isn't called until after all the 
 wait checks are complete and Watir thinks that the page is already 
 fully loaded. So that means that there is a bug in the core wait code.
Not necessarily.  I have pages in my web scraper that load and then 
immediately run code to load a *different* page, just like a redirect.  
Yes, this is ugly and not great web design, but it is being done.  If 
Watir is still checking return codes on the first page while IE starts 
the process to load the NEXT page then the COM document method may not 
be valid when we're still trying to check the results of the first page 

 Fix would similar to the one in wait where you make sure a document is

 (from IE#wait)
   until suppress_ole_error [EMAIL PROTECTED] do
 sleep 0.02; s.spin

 The problem with this is that it would only suppress the symptom 
 without addressing the cause, and the same problem could just as 
 easily arise somewhere else. Do we wrap guards around every call in 
 Watir to @ ie.document and every other COM call we ever make? That 
 would only make errors nearly impossible to diagnose. Do we need to 
 add more wait checks to the core wait logic? Why haven't we seen the 
 problem before?
I suspect that this isn't a common occurrence, which is why it hasn't 
shown up frequently in the past.  In addition, wasn't the code to check 
the status of loaded frames added only recently?  That could cause this 
to show up more frequently if the base page or a previous frame triggers 
a new page load.

I don't see what we can do but abort the checks and perhaps start 
checking all pages (base IE and frames) again, because we can't continue 
checking old pages if they're no longer there.  This is why I 
recommended placing the frames.each inside the begin/rescue block for 
WIN32OLE errors in IE#wait, because we may have a different number of 
frames if a new page load is triggered while Watir is in IE#wait.

Since calls to check_for_http_error would normally only occur when we're 
expecting a new page then I think we should just let the WIN32OLE 
exception filter to up the method calling check_for_http_error and then 
make sure those spots handle the exception as appropriate.  In IE#wait I 
would propose we assume that we are seeing a new page load and re-start 
the entire wait, re-checking the base IE document and all the sub-frames.
 This is the reason for my puzzlement. If there is really a flaw in the 
 wait logic i suspect we'll be seeing problems elsewhere. Is this a new 
 problem cause by the recent rearrangement of the wait code that i 
 thought would have no impact? Is this a problem that was previously 
 masked by other bugs and is only now showing up because we've added 
 guards to other places (where they reasonably belong)? Have i missed 
 something serious in my analysis of this area?

 We don't really have unit tests for this code, and it has always made 
 me the most nervous. These problems all show up as race conditions. 
 And yet the ability of Watir to have reliable synchronization has been 
 absolutely key to its success. So we have to get this right.
I'm not sure there is a way to determine for sure if the page has been 
reloaded or not.  The title and url may not change, and the COM object 
doesn't change either.  We can restart the error checks and make sure 
any NEW page has completed successfully, but we just may not be able to 
detect a new page load while we're checking the status of the first page.

BTW, since there can be framesets within an existing frame the code in 
IE#wait should really check each found frame to see if there are 
additional frames being loaded from within that frame.  I have some 
sites where I see 3 levels of frames 


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] [question] Accesing images?

2006-05-23 Thread David Schmidt

Examining the HTML I see that the image with id of img2 isn't even in 
the div with id DIVImageFile_2. In addition, the img2 image doesn't 
have any events associated with it, so clicking that image won't do 

I think the link you wish to follow is the link following img2:

a href=javascript:quitar(2) id=quitar2 


$browser_popup.frame('responseFrame').link(:id, 'quitar2').click

to click the link following the img2 image.

David Schmidt

Rodrigo Julian Martin wrote:

 Thanks for the answer Lonny, and sorry for that untidy HTML! I’ll 
 download TidyUI…

 I’m trying to click the image with this:

 DIVImageFile_2).image(:id, img2).click

 And the output shows:

 c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:856:in `getImage': undefined 
 local variable or method `document' for #Watir::Div:0x558 

 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:2690:in `initialize'

 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:608:in `new'

 from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:608:in `image'

 from subir_fotos:27

 Or directly with this sentence…


 That sentence doesn’t throw any error, but it doesn’t click the image 
 as the popup that should appear doesn’t….

 Any help would be really appreciated..

 Thanks in Advance!

 Rodrigo Julian Martin

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] frame error in waitreadyState

2006-05-20 Thread David Schmidt

It's a bit hard to tell exactly what's occurring without seeing the HTML 
or the Watir script involved, but I've seen this type of error before.  
It's a COM error trying to send a command to IE, and from the trace I'd 
guess it was a wait command.  Since it was right after a click I'm 
guessing that perhaps the wait executed at a time when the object state 
wasn't stable.

Could you give us an idea what you were clicking?  Was it in a frame or 
in a popup or just a normal web page?

I'm also not sure what you mean by defaulting function below.  Could 
you explain in more detail what changes you make betwen this working and 
not working?


Manish Sapariya wrote:
 I get following error when I run my script. However when I run script with
 the defaulting function alone, it works fine.
 Any ideas? Has anyone run into this kind of issue.
 Please let me know if you need more details to help.

 W, [19-May-2005 16:15:24#3268]  WARN -- : frame error in waitreadyState
 OLE error code:0 in Unknown
   No Description
 HRESULT error code:0x80070005
   Access is denied.
 files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `wait'
 files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `upto'
 files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `wait'
 files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `wait'
 files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `click'
 iManager.rb:151:in `CreateImageSearch'
 iManager.rb:346:in `CreateAndScheduleImageSearch'
 iManager.rb:343:in `each'
 iManager.rb:343:in `CreateAndScheduleImageSearch'
 `assert_exists': Unable to locate object, using text and Images 
 from c:/program 
 files/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- `click'
 from iManager.rb:152:in `CreateImageSearch'
 from iManager.rb:346:in `CreateAndScheduleImageSearch'
 from iManager.rb:343:in `each'
 from iManager.rb:343:in `CreateAndScheduleImageSearch'
 from iManager.rb:750
  Exit code: 1

 Thanks and Regards,
 Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] WaitForObject

2006-05-18 Thread David Schmidt

I have this on my list of things to add to Watir once I get the modal 
dialog support and tests finished, but I have a method which I include 
in my Watir scripts to wait for specific objects.  You can copy it from and paste it into your own 
Watir script and modify for your own use.  (The current script calls our 
own log method so that will probably need to be changed.)

Hope that helps.

David Schmidt

Adrian Rutter wrote:

 I was wondering if Watir had a method that will make the script wait until
 a specific object appeared?

 Also, is there a method to wait until a page has successfully loaded?



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Re: [Wtr-general] need help with radio button

2006-05-18 Thread David Schmidt

I'm guessing that there is a close quote after the 'name=selectionids' 
below?  If so, then this should work for you:, 'selectionids', 
'8bf19f48-9462-4285-90ef-241f4fd5f7f7').click  (or .set)

If the HTML isn't well formed and there *is* a missing quote then 
perhaps you can click on it by just using the value as in:, '8bf19f48-9462-4285-90ef-241f4fd5f7f7').click  (or .set)

If there *is* a closing quote then either of those should work.

David Schmidt

Jassi Akkal wrote:

 I am very new to the watir and i have been struggling
 with not being able to select the radio button. My
 HTML code is listed below

 input type=radio

 I used,
 but it is not working for me.

 I will appreciate any help.


 Jassi Akkal

 jassi akkal

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Re: [Wtr-general] Tricky select list

2006-05-17 Thread David Schmidt

You can do something like

 ie.select_list(:index, 1).select('All')

to select the All option.  I'm assuming here that this is the first 
select_list in the HTML since this is just a partial.  If the select 
list had an id or name you could do something like

ie.select_list(:id, 'select id').select('All')


George Hawthorne wrote:

 Could anyone suggest the correct way to select option 0 from the
 list shown in the following HTML example? By default option 1 is
 selected and I can't figure out how to get WATIR to change the
 selection. TIA.

 input type=hidden name=people$hSelectId id=people_hSelectId /
 div id=people_divXtable class=genTable style=width:480px;
 div id=divXTableD style='width:480px'
 div class='mainGenDiv' style='overflow:hidden;'
 tr class='header'
 div style='width:62px;'
 a href=javascript:OnSort('D',0);First Name/aimg
 src='img/filterup_off.gif'/img src='img/filterdown_on.gif'/br /
 select onchange=OnFilter('D',0,this); style='width:54px;'
 option value=0All/option
 option selected='selected' value=1Assigned/option
 option value=2A/option
 option value=3B/option
 option value=4C/option
 option value=5D/option


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Thoughts on modal dialog implementation in development Watir

2006-05-12 Thread David Schmidt
I got the SVN URL and checked out watir/trunk into RadRails, but I see 
that the repository is set up with what looks like sub-projects.  I 
tried to grab just the watir project directory (watir/trunk/watir) using 
SVN, but got the following error:

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/watir/!svn/bc/982/trunk/watir'
svn: Processing PROPFIND request response failed: XML document 
structures must start and end within the same entity. 

Does anyone have a good setup for using RadRails for Watir, using the 
Subversion from within RadRails?  For now I'll load up an external 
Subversion client and see if I can import the projects from a local 
directory checked out using Subversion.


Bret Pettichord wrote:

 Zelko sent you the SVN url. Please send a patch (or attach it to a 
 Jira task).

 We'll need to make sure we have unit tests for your code before it is 

 Appreciate the help!


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Thoughts on modal dialog implementation in development Watir

2006-05-11 Thread David Schmidt
Bret Pettichord wrote:
 On 5/11/06, *David Schmidt* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bret and all,

 I was overjoyed to find the Watir::IE#attach_modal() method in the
 current development tree and quickly started experimenting in IRB
 to see
 how best to use it.  I quickly found that the last method call in
 attach_modal(),, hasn't yet been implemented (at
 in the tarball I got).  

 Please look again. Here is the code in watir.rb. I'm not sure where 
 you got that tarball. CVS? Rubyforge? You need to find our current 
 code. Dev builds and source on

Well, I can't even *find* where I got it now even though I got it 
Tuesday, but it was Revision 1.282, version 1.4.  I just grabbed the gem but would still like a repository URL if there's a public 
one.  Do you have a CVS (or better yet, Subersion) URL that I can get 
the latest version from?  Then I can generate a patch against that (or 
possibly get commit rights) and have you check it out.  I think I have 
all the pieces and we just need to integrate them and flesh them out 
with all the how/what options.
   class ModalPage  IE
 def initialize(document, parent)
   @ie =
   # Bug should be transferred from parent
   @document = document
   @url_list = []
   @error_checkers = []
 def document
   return @document
 def wait

 (If you look closely, you'll see my subtle implementation of 

Your masterful implementation of ModalPage#wait was exactly what was 
called for.  Select now works fine and doesn't block.

 In addition, I saw that the only way to select a
 modal dialog was by :title. 


 I manually entered the Watir::IE#attach_modal() code into IRB and was
 able to get an htmldoc variable pointing to my modal dialog.  From
 I could get the html using htmldoc.documentElement.outerHTML()
 (WHOOHOO!).  However, the modal dialog that I'm attaching to has a
 select_list and for our application (a scraper application, not a QA
 application) we need to be able to read the values from the
 select_list.  Now, of course I could just take the HTML I now have and
 use a regular expression to get the data we need, but it sure would be
 nicer to use the functions in Watir, wouldn't it?

 OK, so I started to look at how to implement the WatirDialog class as
 called in the current Watir::IE#attach_modal method and I think I
 out why this wasn't implemented yet.  Watir::IE#attach_modal is
 able to
 find a Document object, but I don't see any way to get an Internet
 Explorer Object to place into the @ie instance variable.  I also still
 have the problem that the current Watir::IE#attach_modal method only
 connects to the modal dialog by using the dialog's title.  This
 can give
 us problems if multiple dialogs have the same title, as could easily
 happen if you are running multiple concurrent IE instances (as we

 See how we did this above.
I added my implementation into the latest gem I found ( from and it's working 
for both :hwnd and :title:

irb(main):001:0 require 'watir'
= false
irb(main):002:0 include Watir
= Object
irb(main):003:0 ie = IE.attach(:title, /SAM/)
= #Watir::IE:0x2f9aa50 [...]
irb(main):004:0 dialog = ie.modal_dialog
= #Watir::ModalDialog:0x2f95c08 [...]
irb(main):005:0 dialog = ie.modal_dialog(:hwnd)
= #Watir::ModalDialog:0x2f924b8 [...]
irb(main):006:0 dialog = ie.modal_dialog(:title, 'Determinant Select')
= #Watir::ModalDialog:0x2f8ddd8 [...]
irb(main):007:0 dialog.button(:id, 'btnCancel').click
= nil
irb(main):009:0 Watir::IE::VERSION

 I then though, since a given instance of IE can only have ONE modal
 dialog open, wouldn't it make more sense to find a modal dialog by
 the current IE object?  

 Yes, if you can do it. Frankly, i don't know how.
I found the methodology in WET.

 Also you can have more than one modal, namely a modal can itself 
 launch another modal. I know it sounds sick, but the app i'm testing 
 actually does this.
ACK!  I just confirmed this by taking my dialog object above and doing: 
dialog.document.parentWindow.showModalDialog('URL') and it brought up 
a child modal which blocks the first one.  That truly *is* sick.  We can 
get to it by title, but to get to it by inheritance I'll have to save 
the hwnd_modal value of our first modal dialog into the container so 
it's available to the following modal_dialog() call.  I've never found a 
way to get the HWND from an IE Document or Window object.  It can be 
done though and would look like this:

second_dialog = IE.attach(xxx, xxx).modal_dialog.modal_dialog

How does that look to you?

 I've been digging

Re: [Wtr-general] frame.html fails in development version

2006-05-10 Thread David Schmidt
I added a comment to that JIRA bug and can make a patch if necessary, 
though the fix is simply moving the html method from Watir::IE to the 
Container Module.

David Schmidt

Paul Carvalho wrote:
 This is a known problem in 1.5.  The description is perhaps not clear 
 enough to be found by a search, but it is in JIRA:

 Technically, there's nothing wrong with the google_maps.rb script... 
 it just fails because the frame.html fails in the script.


 On 10/05/06, *David Schmidt* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have some code which was using Frame#html which was inherited from
 Watir::IE in 1.4.

 In 1.5 this broke because Frame is no longer inherited from IE.  I
 Watir::IE#html to the Container module and now it's working fine
 both Watir::IE and Watir::Frame include Container.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Trouble closing JavaScript pop-up invoked from a frame in Watir

2006-05-10 Thread David Schmidt

I've been using Watir for about 6 months now and I may have a fix for 
this problem that I just wrote today for 1.4.1 and re-wrote tonight 
after finding the newer development sources.  I wrote a to_identifier() 
method which generates a string containing the full classes to find the 
current object to click.  This can then be run in another thread to do 
the click_no_wait().  Because the application I'm working on doesn't 
always have a unique title I also modified the 1.4 
attach_browser_window() function to also allow attaching to a running IE 
identified by :hwnd in addition to the normal :name or :title.  This 
*guarantees* that you are clicking in the same window that your current 
Watir process is working with.

Here's an IRB log of how it works after digging down to a button inside 
nested framesets:

irb(main):001:0 require 'watir'
= true
irb(main):002:0 include Watir
= Object
irb(main):003:0 (added to_identifier method here)
irb(main):022:0 my_ie = IE.attach(:title, /SAM/)
irb(main):023:0 frame1 = my_ie.frame('Main')
irb(main):024:0 frame2 = frame1.frame('workarea')
irb(main):025:0 button = frame2.button(:id, 'btnCont')
irb(main):026:0 button.to_identifier
= IE.attach(:hwnd, 198076).frame(:name, 'Main').frame(:name, 
'workarea').button(:id, 'btnCont')

This method should be able to be added to the Containers module so it 
should work fine with elements in nested frames like above.

  def to_identifier
current_object = self
array = []

  # generate a string to identify the current object, suitable for 
passing to
  # an external process or thread for click_no_wait.
while current_object and !current_object.instance_of?(Watir::IE)
  parent_object = current_object.instance_variable_get(@container)
  class_string = current_object.class.to_s.sub('Watir::', '').downcase
  how_string = current_object.instance_variable_get(@how).inspect
  what_string = current_object.instance_variable_get(@what)
  # Get object string (like Button(:id, 'button id')
 #{class_string}(#{how_string}, \'#{what_string}\')
  current_object = parent_object
array  IE.attach(:hwnd, #{})

This is NOT a complete solution, as I didn't look at images yet, only 
the buttons and links.  Here's the snippet I added to 
attach_browser_window() in the case statement to allow to attaching to 
an IE instance by :hwnd:

  when :hwnd
# find window by HWND
log  hwnd is: #{aWin.HWND}
ieTemp = aWin if (what == (aWin.HWND))

David Schmidt

Yes, this problem will need to be fixed before we release Watir 1.5.


On 4/28/06, Rosalind de Vera  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a link in a frame that brings up a _javascript_
popup-up. When I try to use click_no_wait, I get the
following error:

irb(main):015:0 ie.frame(topFrame).link(:text,
Reset Settings).click_no_wait
NoMethodError: undefined method
`eval_in_spawned_process' for
from (irb):15

Will this be fixed at some point? I saw a posting on
March 24 by lyoungz in the forum asking
about the same problem, but I didn't see a response.

Thank you,
Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Running Multiple Instances of IE

2006-05-10 Thread David Schmidt
The company I work for is running multiple screen scraping sessions and 
we ran into some of the same problems.  The biggest problem was that the 
session cookies would get overwritten and the scrapes would get crossed.

Our final solution was to run each scraper under a different user, which 
places their cache/cookie directories into different directories so that 
the session keys don't overwrite each other.

I didn't set up that environment so I don't have the exact commands 
handy, but I know our other engineer found a way to spawn all the 
sessions from one login, using some 'run as' parameter to specify the 
user for each Watir process.

Hope that helps,

David Schmidt

John Fitisoff wrote:
 Help! I'm new to Watir, and am trying to get my
 company to use it, but am running into a problem. I'm
 trying to run multiple, independent windows without
 having them interfere with each other. I've tried a
 few different things: 

 -ie, ie1, ie2 etc... (no globals)

 -Using winclicker to launch an existing HTML page and
 then attaching to it.

 -Looking at the concurrent_tests example.

 The reason that I'm doing this is I need to fit this
 in with what the build engineer is already doing. To
 make him happy, I need to deliver a suite of tests
 that can be run against different servers on the
 network, and at least some of the time these tests are
 going to be run simultaneously on a system that will
 host the test. In some cases, two different test
 suites would be running at the same time.

 I don't think I can use the concurrent example because
 these tests won't be run at exactly the same time and
 I also need to pass the test suite a base url for the
 server I'm testing against.

 No matter what I've tried, the instances end up
 interfering with each other and some of the tests fail
 with errors. Is there some way to work around this?
 I'm not the most technical person in the world but
 this is a really cool automation tool and I'd like to
 get it adopted here for UI testing. I'm not sure if
 I'll be able to do that if I can't figure out how to
 get past this. 

 Please don't make me go back to HTML Unit. :-)



Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Undefined Method Error

2006-03-20 Thread David Solis
   $, "Pay Model").click();   table = $ie.table(:index, 9)   #table.flash   sleep 1   table[1][5].image(:name, "updatetop").click   assert($ie.contains_text($no_permission_msg))   !
 $, "Game Library").click();   table = $ie.table(:index, 9)   sleep 1   table[1][3].image(:name,   "updatetop").click   assert($ie.contains_text($no_permission_msg))
$, "Game Settings").click();   assert($ie.contains_text($no_autho_msg));   $, "Game Menu Tabs").click();   table = $ie.table(:index, 9)   sleep   1   table[1][3].image(:name, "updatetop").click   assert($ie.contains_text($no_permission_msg)) $, "Community Games").click();   #table = $ie.table(:index, 9)   
#sleep 1   #table[1][3].image(:name, "updatetop").click   #assert($ie.contains_text($no_permission_msg))   $, "Community User Migration").click();   # No update button available. Need to figure out how to assert false for no   buttons   $, "Community User Upload").click();   # Need address attaching files   #$, "Community Management").click();   #$ie.text_field(:name,
 "newCommunity").set("Test")   #table = $ie.table(:index, 10)   #sleep 1   #table[1][3].image(:name,   "form_top_singl_create").click   #assert($ie.contains_text($no_permission_msg))  <f!
 size="1"> $, "Jackpot List").click();   # Jackpot lists allowed - research test case   $, "Jackpot Details").click();   table = $ie.table(:index, 9)   sleep 1!
  table[1][3].image(:name,   "updatetop").click   assert($ie.contains_text($no_permission_msg)) $, "Jackpot Adjustments").click();   $ie.text_field(:name, "AdjustAmt").set("1000")   $ie.text_field(:name, "ReasonText").set("This is a test")   table = $ie.table(:index, 19)   sleep 1   table[1][3].image(:name, "createbottom").click   assert($ie.contains_text($no_permission_msg)) !

  $,   "Settings").click(); end  endAny ideas?Thanks  David  ___
Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Another JavaScript Question

2006-01-25 Thread David Solis
All,I've been trying desperately for over week to figure out how to click on _javascript_ button to no avail. I have tried just about everybody's suggestions. Mark Cain's solution posted last weeklooked very promising, but can't get it to work. Here is the code that contains the buttons (cancel  update) Ineed to click on:table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="300"   trtdimg src="/images/admin/form_top_left.gif"/tdtd background="/images/admin/form_top_tile.gif"img src="/images/admin/spacer.gif" width="10" height="48"/tdtda onClick="return validate_form('ADMINPayModelUpdate','enable')" ONMOUSEOVER="imgswap('enablealltop', 'form_top_enableall_over'); return false;" ONMOUSEOUT="imgswap('enablealltop', 'form_top_enableall_up'); return false;"img NAME="enablealltop" src="/images/admin/form_top_enableall_up.gif" value="Enable all" border="0"/aa onClick="return validate_form('ADMINPayModelUpdate','disable')" ONMOUSEOVER="imgswap('disablealltop', 'form_top_disableall_over'); return false;" ONMOUSEOUT="imgswap('disablealltop', 'form_top_disableall_up'); return false;"img border="0" NAME="disablealltop" src="/images/admin/form_top_disableall_up.gif" value="Disable all"/a/tdtd background="/images/admin/form_top_tile.gif"img src="/images/admin/spacer.gif" width="226" height="48"/tdtda href="_javascript_:document.ADMINPayModel.reset()" onClick="return validate_form('ADMINPayModelUpdate','cancel')" ONMOUSEOVER="imgswap('canceltop', 'form_top_cancel_over'); return false;" ONMOUSEOUT="imgswap('canceltop', 'form_top_cancel_up'); return false;"img NAME="canceltop" src="/images/admin/form_top_cancel_up.gif" border="0"/aa href="#" onClick="return validate_form('ADMINPayModelUpdate','update')" ONMOUSEOVER="imgswap('updatetop', 'form_top_update_over'); return false;" ONMOUSEOUT="imgswap('updatetop', 'form_top_update_up'); return false;"img NAME="updatetop" src="/images/admin/form_top_update_up.gif" value="Update" border="0"/a/tdtd background="/images/admin/form_top_tile.gif"img src="/images/admin/spacer.gif" width="6" height="48"/tdtdimg src="/images/admin/form_top_right.gif"/td   /tr  /tableThanks!
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[Wtr-general] Unable to run watir from IRB

2005-12-30 Thread David Solis
I am trying to do the scripting 101 tutorial. I installed everything as directed. The server is running, ruby and watir is installed. In fact, I am able to run the unittest demo that came with watir. However, when i try to execute watir from irb I get the following error.irb (main):001:0 require 'watir' dError: No such file to load -- watir from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/loadpath_manager.rb:5:in `r  ire__' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/loadpath_manager.rb:5:in `r ire' from (irb):1 (main):002:0 my first instinct is to think the path is not cor!
rect. Any
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