Re: WARNING about Tivoli

2002-02-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Sad... code doesn't earn money setting on the developer's desk :-( and the only thing upper management cares about is the all mighty buck $ What ever happened to pride ? Oh, that is what management uses to ensure someone works a 60 hour week but is only paid for 40 hours... Sorry, I'll ca

Re: Changing the name of a management class

2002-02-15 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Both the adsm.backups and the adsm.archives tables have the CLASS_NAME parameter... You could probably do something like select distinct node_name from adsm.backups where class_name='YOUR_BAD_NAME' and do the same for adsm.archives... -Original Message- From: Gerhard Rentschler [mailto:[E

Re: Renaming Node Name

2002-02-14 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Naaa, will the "~old" still be around and backup ? just make sure you set its "NODE" entry in its dsm.sys file if it will be ! When you rename a node, all its data follows it, SCHEDULED TASKS TOO ! So you will have to create a new association for the ~new~ tonis137 once you register it (an

Re: Retention question

2002-01-22 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Define (at least) 3 management classes, probably all being other than default. I always name mine to reflect their settings like B7.3_R35.95_A35 where B7.3 reflect Versions data exists & deleted where R35.95 reflect Retain extra & only days where A### is the number of days an "A"rchive is retained

Re: Entries in database

2002-01-21 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
When you have corruption with a disk entry and you want to run an audit to clear things to allow you to remove a volume, you will really want to do... 1) write a macro to delete all other disk volumes (other than the hosed up one) 2) write a macro to define back all your disk volum

Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
I would use "archive" Now with an archive you have to be disk specific but you could do something like this for each drive attached... archive -subdir=yes C:\*.pst archive -subdir=yes F:\*.pst using the -subdir=yes ~should~ force TSM to go down the tree & find all .pst files on the

Re: Software/Hardware compression?

2002-01-17 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
WOW ! be careful on the "slow down" statement... NOT THE CASE ! Actually with a big enough client it will greatly speed things up ! We have an SAP environment with a 2.7 TB data base, we back it up in less than 18 hours using client compression if we didn't use client compression it would

Re: Software/Hardware compression?

2002-01-17 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
I won't call this comparing apples to oranges but it might be Granny Smiths to Red Delicious... I suggest to all our clients that they run TSM client software compression and 90% do but some don't (and often it is because of valid reasons such as servers that house only blah.tar.Z already compress

Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

2002-01-17 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
There is a whole system of software that will let you manage an ATL from a remote PC just as if you were at the console of the library (I can't remember the name of it right off). A two part piece, one part goes on the ATL and another goes on a remote PC. We had it to manage ATL's utilized by lar

Re: Changing Retention

2002-01-16 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
The only way is to 1) retrieve the files and re-archive with a management class of the desired retention 2) DO NOT RUN ANY "EXPIRE INVENTORY" and then I won't guarantee anything... 3) Rename the node, set up another domain with an archive grace period of how long you need t

Re: Bad performance after upgrading from to

2002-01-15 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
When we went to AIX 4.3.3 we saw no problems When we went from TSM server we went (with a stop at to pick up license info) straight to and we are now going to based on apar IC30347. Our performance has always been good (same as before, maybe better) apar IC30347 has

Re: Ethernet connection IBM 3494

2002-01-15 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Oh, forgot to mention, with a lan card, if you have libraries scattered all over 10-buck-2 you have the ability to define all those libraries to a single environment and monitor their status (easily) from there. Remember, you don't need drives in an atl to be able to communicate with it. Example w

Re: Ethernet connection IBM 3494

2002-01-15 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
The main thing using tcp/ip communication method with a 3494 is that it enables you to use more tape drives. Each RS232 attached host means one less tape drive that may be put in the atl. Also if you have a network outage, you stand the chance of dropping your connection to your atl. We've run bot

Re: Disaster Recovery...Has anyone really successfully done testi ng?

2002-01-14 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
In this case what you do is 1) bring up yout tsm environment 2) put all your copypool tapes into the atl 3) check them all in 4) do an "UPD VOL * ACC=UNAVAIL WHERESTG=yourprimarypool" might need to make that acc=destroyed... then any restore request

Re: Handling spikes in storage transfer

2002-01-14 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
e files/objects in the file spaces. Anybody have any sql to do such ? Thanks, anyway ! Zoltan Forray Virginia Commonwealth University - University Computing Center e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - voice: 804-

Re: Handling spikes in storage transfer

2002-01-14 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Do a "q occ " and look for what file systems are out on your diskpool in great quantity. That is, if you send all data first to a diskpool and then bleed it off to tape (daily). That will give you an idea of what file systems are sending the most data, currently. Then you may perform something lik

Re: Problem accessing Virtual Volume data on target server

2002-01-10 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
uhmmm I believe you need to set your target server up to itself... the device class has to reference a server definition just like on the server the export was performed on... look through for mail messages from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on virtual volume or server to server I gave a

Re: Recovery Log behavior after 100% util reached

2002-01-10 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Double check the status of your DB ! I glitched the other day in that my log was doing odd things like going to 100.1% utilized, then would zero back out (oh, check to see if you have logmode normal or rollforward ! ) with logmode normal you should rarely see it get much over a few % utilized...

Re: Archive problems

2002-01-10 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
check out on and look for messages along the lines of subject: "Clean archdir commands and context" you are probably running into that... and if you are seeing any ANR0104E imarupd.c(548): Error 2 deleting row from table "Expiring.Objects". there is a new TSM Serv for aix TS

Re: Restoring multiple filesets from command line.

2002-01-10 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
You will find that command line objects are specific at the file system level... and since the "restore" command gives you the ability to ~rename~ the file (aka restore to a different location) you can only process one item (at most one file system) at a time restore sorce

Re: How reliable are your 3590 K media

2002-01-10 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
We have about 3,000 K tapes in service currently within two atl's (one with 16 drives the other with 8) One environment takes in between 700 & 1,300 GB a day (ok, average about 1 TB) of compressed client data the other isn't as heavily used (yet) and takes in about 200 GB daily In the past 6 mont

Re: Reuse the tapes.

2002-01-09 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
generally, normal data expiration allows for the tapes to ~roll~ scratch again. files will expire based on associated management class copy group settings. (and having "expire inventory" run, "expireinterval" of 0 says don't automatically run expiration and you need an admin schedule to ru

Re: TDP for R3 uses two tapes in each session.

2002-01-09 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
How many different management classes are defined for use within your TDP/R3 configuration file ? (are all the management classes the same one ? ) For example, we have a different management class used for the logs because they are more important than the db files themselves... that is, if

Re: Long-Term Storage

2002-01-08 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
for really long term storage... if you have any management class with long term retention you get screwed by all your directory info being stuck in it and I've learned the error in my ways with (10yrarch management classes ! ) Here is a "best bet" ! register a node with name "blah_exp" have the c

Re: New device

2002-01-08 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Do as Kelly suggests... When we moved a server out of one 3494 with 3590 B1A drives into a different 3494 with 3590 E1A drives, basically the same sort of action... we just set up the new library set the next pool of all our diskpools to nothing... took the old storage pools and renamed them to b

Re: Setting up event monitoring

2002-01-07 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
ANR2121W ATTENTION: More than megabytes changed MB of the database has changed and the last database backup was more than hours name hours ago. Use the BACKUP DB command to provide for database recovery. ANR0362W Database usage exceeds utilization percentage % of its assigned capacity. are two t

Re: 3590 Tapes.

2002-01-03 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
FYI #3 won't do anything to the data... I talked with someone that had relabeled (by mistake) some tapes (with valid data) on new 3590 E1A drives they then put the labels back on with the 3590 B1A drives and experienced only limited data loss. I believe just the first file on the tape(s).

Re: Restore error message

2001-12-31 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Long ago in a 3.x version there was a (client) bug that went something like... there were 4 bytes of control info, the last byte indicated if a file was compresses, routines always assumed the 4 bytes would be together within an inbound record... when the randomness of data actually split the 4 b

Re: Piping output to a file

2001-12-28 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
what you will find is that "dsmc" doesn't like to process > or >> what you will need to do is use "eval" such as eval dsmc incr -pass=blah >> /somepath/sched.log or eval nohup dsmc incr -pass=blah >> /somepath/sched.log & that should work for you... later, Dwight

Re: moving log volume

2001-12-21 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Yep, works just fine... need to make sure it is the same size as the others... and all you have to do on the one you want to get rid of is "delete logvol blah" one does get paranoid the first few times doing a delete dbvol or delete logvol ;-) later, D -Original Message- From: Ka

Re: SCSI Channel to LTO drive rule of thumb

2001-12-20 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Well, I can fill you in on 3590 drives and that might be close to LTO's for each drive on the chain, add half of the previous drives thruput with 3590-B1A's a single drive on a scsi card all by itself is rated at 9 MB/sec add another one on the chain, you will gain another 4.5 MB/sec (9/2) or

Re: Select command

2001-12-20 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Well, right off I'd say q auditocc now besides that use select sum (num_files), sum (physical_mb), sum (logical_mb), node_name from adsm.occupancy group by node_name Dwight Unnamed[1]: 46132 Unnamed[2]: 1554.47 Unnamed[3]: 1523.37 NODE_NAME: Unnamed[1]: 10992 Unnamed[2]: 1317.63 Unnam

Re: Help with scheduling

2001-12-19 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
I would use backups (nightly incrementals) to cover op system, application code (the installed oracle code, etc...) and I would use "archives" to save all the oracle .dbf files... This way (as you said) all the open/active oracle files are excluded from nightly incremental processing. OH, the TDP


2001-12-19 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Yep, just define a devclass like and use it... (I set the est/max capacity to the size of the filespace) tsm: >q dev flatfile f=d Device Class Name: FLATFILE Device Access Strategy: Sequential Storage Pool Count: 0 Device Type: FILE

Re: TDP Domino crashing

2001-12-19 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
OK, just an off the wall, slightly related observation. On an NT Domino server just using normal TSM archive, I hit a Dr. Watson error and was dumped back to a C:\> prompt from my dsmc session. What my problem was I was performing an archive, using a management class that didn't have an archiv

I hate it when TSM doesn't tell me I have a DB & LOG vol offline !

2001-12-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
AIX 4.3.3 TSM In our test environment I had forgot to set the db copy and log copy file system to mount automatically upon system boot. Well, in testing something today I performed a reboot of this box. When the TSM server started it issued absolutely NO message what so ever about its db

Re: Recover log at 5120MB and full - Cannot start TSM

2001-12-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Are you in NORMAL mode or ROLLFORWARD ? I run NORMAL mode and I've noticed my 2 GB log fill now & again (very rare) but after a few failed actions (because the log was full) the hang breaks free and all is OK again. (normally I never see the log get much over 1 or 2 %) Never had the system die

Re: Lock acquisition failed

2001-12-13 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
I would look into other activity currently going on within TSM at that time... I see things like that when (say) expiration is running at the same time a client is backing up... another time might be when reclamation is running and a client is backing up and/or some combination of such ev

Re: Is a mix of 3590E normal tape with long-tape possible?

2001-12-12 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
apes. Jeff Bach Home Office Open Systems Engineering Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. WAL-MART CONFIDENTIAL -Original Message- From: Cook, Dwight E (SAIC) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 7:53 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:

Re: Is a mix of 3590E normal tape with long-tape possible?

2001-12-12 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
3590E normal tapes & long tapes ? ? ? are you referring to "J" tapes & "K" tapes ? (that is all I know of...) J tapes are 3590-B1A tapes which may be written to by 3590-E1A tape drives (a reformat is performed) and K tapes are the 3590-E1A tapes from the start... If this is the case, yes, you can

Re: TSM upgrade

2001-12-11 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Have you ever had a finger check in an admin session and when you ment to issue a "q pr" you only hit "pr" ? PREPARE (Create a Recovery Plan File) I have some environments that I've done that and it has put some hook into the system where those environments have the DRM in use flag and I haven't

Re: Point system has me very confused

2001-12-07 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
The big thing behind the "point system" is that you buy a bunch of Tivoli points. Now, you have them all sucked up in TSM, TWS (workload scheduler) and software distribution. You now expand your data center but a dozen machines but you've used up all your points and you don't want to buy any more

Re: Moving 2 multiple tape pools

2001-12-07 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Na (for the most part) it doesn't matter what pool data resides in you could create two new tape pools, point things where they will be used have absolutely nothing point at the old tape pool and all would function just fine. eventually most of the data would expire off the tapes in the ol

Re: backup retention

2001-12-06 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
it is your "versions data exists" says keep only two copies... Works like this... Versions Data Exists : how many copies to keep as long as the file exists on the client only keep inactive versions for up to Retain Extra number of days Versions Data Deleted : upon deletion of the file fro

Re: 4.2.1 IMAGE client

2001-11-29 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
used for "image" backups ;-) for backing up "raw" volumes (or any logical volumes...) Say you have a file system with only 10 GB but it has a million files in it... the overhead in backing up a million files is BAD but you could perform an image backup of the logical volume on which the file syste

Re: Script to cancel certain sessions

2001-11-29 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Title: Message Well, just remember that if you want to cancel either a session or a process, you can't have any commas in the number so you can't just do a query & cut the number out. Here is an example of how I deal with process numbers   #!/bin/kshfor PROCNUM in $(dsmadmc -id=someid -pass=

Re: Problem sending SNMP traps

2001-11-27 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
do you have your "dsmsnmp" agent running ? ? ? (found in the server install directory) > ps -ef | grep snmp root 8072 28022 0 Sep 18 - 0:00 ./dsmsnmp root 17118 26478 0 Nov 26 - 0:00 ./dsmsnmp zdec23 23154 19598 1 09:27:06 pts/1 0:00 grep snmp root 26478 807

Re: Can't empty diskpool volumes!?!

2001-11-26 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
It is a pain (sort of) but do this... Empty all disk volumes Perform queries to ensure you know what disk volumes are in what storage pools... Delete all disk storage volumes Halt TSM Perform dsmserv auditdb diskstorage fix=yes that will clear any hanging pointers to that volume Start TSM

Re: One server, two ip-addresses

2001-11-20 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
We have one that uses three (3). Two fast ethernet & one GB. You have to remember that your standard TCP/IP routing is what determines how these boxes talk ! Client traffic will go in which ever interface you point to and will return out to the client based on standard routing in the system (but w

Re: One server, two ip-addresses

2001-11-20 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
-Original Message----- From: Cook, Dwight E (SAIC) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 8:20 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Re: One server, two ip-addresses We have one that uses three (3). Two fast ethernet

Re: Library offline to host

2001-11-20 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
IF your routing on the ATL's pc isn't right, you can see a message such as that. (that is if you are using tcp/ip communication method) or if that specific host for some reason got wiped from your list of LAN hosts (that is if you are using tcp/ip communication method) If you are using the RS232 c

Re: ATAPE/ATLDD device driver install question

2001-11-19 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
I think you are getting the wrong idea on "delete definitions" ! Delete them from AIX, not TSM ! Just stop TSM sure go ahead & delete your rmt# & lmcp# definitions. I think the install will kill the /etc/lmcpd deamon install your code run cfgmgr you will probably notice all devices come ba

Re: Help Please with 3590 Hardware Compression

2001-11-19 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Look at the format of the device class for the drives. If you let it default to "DRIVE" it will use all available hardware compression... I always tell clients to use compression and I also have the drives set to use compression. tsm: TSMSRV10>q dev f=d Device Class Name: 3590E1A

Re: TDP R/3 Restore Problem

2001-11-16 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Uh, I don't remember where I saw it but isn't the old 2.x stuff actually "backint" code where the newer 3.x stuff is the TDP and I don't think you can restore any 2.x stuff with 3.x code I've told all my users that as we upgrade from "backint" 2.4.x.6 code up to "tdp" 3.2.0.x that none of the

Re: Collocation - on or off

2001-11-15 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
In an event like that the normal tape selection goes like filling tape with node's data already on it if not then scratch tape if "MAXSCR" for storage pool hasn't been hit AND scratch tape still exists in the ATL if not then any filling tape within the storage pool when yo

Re: Web Registered Users?

2001-11-15 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
you need your tivoli customer number go to the "getting support" page then there is a link to fill out a "registration form" Dwight -Original Message- From: mrkirra2001 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 5:45 AM To: [EMAIL

TDP/R3: 3.1.x.x APAR IC31783 (upgrade to

2001-11-14 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
FYI. if you are running 3.1.x.x you will probably want to advance to APAR IC31783 is an event that we ran into the other day when building a dev environment from a prod backup IC31783 is NOT the type of problem you would want to run into when trying/having to restore a production e

Re: Help on reset commands

2001-11-12 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
I have an admin schedule run them weekly, that way if at any given time I happen to see something strange, I know it has happened within the last week... Dwight -Original Message- From: Robert Ouzen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 3:01 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to move clients and their data to another TSM-server with ATL

2001-11-09 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
very easy just set up the new environment to look like the old restore the tsm data base to the new environment stick all the tapes in the new atl run inventory run audit library things should be fine... look out on in the archives for this list for mail messages wher

anyone else notice, log doesn't clear during expiration...(even w ith logmode normal)

2001-11-08 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
anyone else notice that with the server Storage Management Server for AIX-RS/6000 - Version 4, Release 1, Level 4.0 even with log mode normal, the log doesn't clear for the ENTIRE duration of expiration... When expiration runs for 6-8+ hours a day and clients initiate a half million sessions p

Re: manually ejecting a tape from a 3494 library

2001-10-24 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
use mtlib -l/dev/lmcp# -C -s -tFF10 -V__ # is the proper number for your control point the -s is the source category (use -qV -V to find out what its current category is) the -V is the volser the FF10 is "EJECT" -Original Message- From: Shawn Bierman [mailto:[EMAIL PR

Re: kernel extension problem???

2001-10-22 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
did you shut down HSM & unmount the file system(s) which HSM runs against ? sounds like the HSM code didn't install because it was running. Dwight -Original Message- From: Jason Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 11:02 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: ker

Re: How many scratch volumes in library?

2001-10-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
or... select count(volume_name) FROM LIBVolumes where libvolumes.status='Scratch' -Original Message- From: Lawrence Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:28 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: How many scratch volumes in library? "SELECT LIBVOLUMES.VO

VM TSM server, just some thoughts...

2001-10-04 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
OK... The new IBM Z series processors are being pushed as consolidation servers. rum VM with a whole bunch of virtual LINUX servers... The only TSM server for VM is functionally at 3.1.2 VM LINUX client is at 4.2 ( I don't know if 4.2 clients would talk to 3.1.2 server ?) I do see there

Re: Ask again.

2001-10-03 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
just add the -pass=blah to your dsmc incr and it shouldn't ask for the id... dsmc incr -pass=blah now this would be with passwordaccess prompt which is what we run our unix clients with... Dwight -Original Message- From: Sean McNamara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wed

Re: compressalways

2001-10-02 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
correct compression yes|no goes in the dsm.sys compressalways yes|no goes in the dsm.opt -Original Message- From: Joshua S. Bassi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 8:52 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: compressalways Offhand I think it go

Re: Gb settings

2001-10-02 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Without changing anything we went from 40 GB/hr (compressed data across fast ethernet) to 56 GB/hr (compressed data across Gb, aprox 224 GB/hr client SAP data base filespace) with an 7017-S70, that took the processor up to around 90+% Dwight -Original Message- From: Leijnse, Finn F SITI-

Re: need help urgently!!!! to restore by force from server. n't login to client...

2001-10-01 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
you can set a scheduled event for that box that will run a command dsmc restore -pitdate=mm/dd/ /etc/passwd using a date (for mm/dd/) from which you know the password file is good... -Original Message- From: Thida Chin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, October 0

Re: Day of Week Select Statement

2001-09-25 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
Under the Unix environment there is the "date" command zdec23@tsmutl01/home/zdec23/bin > date +%a Tue zdec23@tsmutl01/home/zdec23/bin > date +%A Tuesday zdec23@tsmutl01/home/zdec23/bin > I use that a lot in scripts... Dwight -Original Message- From: Alan Davenport [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: volume status being changed erroneously

2001-09-24 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
I would label them again. Or at least check them out and check them back in with "checklabel=yes" Dwight -Original Message- From: Taylor, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 10:11 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: volume status being changed erroneously T

Re: SAP backup

2001-09-24 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)
On the first part, nope, not that I've found... if you elect to go directly to tape, you want to make sure you have enough tape drives available when it starts... This is why I like to go to a diskpool first (even though we are about to roll out our first "direct to tape" environment) On the BKI,

Re: Is there a way to delete all files that were backed up last n ight for certain clients

2001-09-19 Thread Cook, Dwight E
You aren't alone ! If you are like here, things seem to be "code blue" and/but I believe "code blue" has been out there for a year. (this is just some of the stuff I've heard) You could probably use your "sched.log" to get a list of what was backed up, then use it to build delete statements/comma

ANR7821S Thread 30 (tid 52) terminating on signal 11 (Segmentatio n violation).

2001-09-17 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Well, in the following environment Session established with server TSMSRV10: Solaris 2.6 Server Version 4, Release 1, Level 4.0 Server date/time: 09/17/01 14:27:09 Last access: 09/17/01 14:25:39 I've found that a "show archive " of a node that was renamed will kill the tsm server every

Re: TDP for SAP level ?

2001-09-12 Thread Cook, Dwight E
check -Original Message- From: Walter Ridderhof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:06 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: TDP for SAP level ? Fellow TSM'rs, What level of TDP for SAP should I install on

Re: Command Output in the Activity log

2001-09-07 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Uhmmm I don't think you would want all that ! Could end up in an infinate loop ! ! ! what if you did a "q act begind=-7 endd=today" if all the output were put in the log, you have just increased your activity log (space occupied in your db) by the last 7 days. If you only keep 7 days, you've just

Re: 3494 sharing

2001-09-07 Thread Cook, Dwight E
With the 3494, if purchased and installed with RS232 host communication method, you will need an MES to upgrade to TCP/IP communication method. Need to make sure you have the drivers for the tape drives & library... see ftp site in the /devdrvr directory or somewhere down fro

Re: IBM 3494

2001-09-06 Thread Cook, Dwight E
nal Message- From: Thomas Denier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 10:45 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: IBM 3494 Quoting "Cook, Dwight E" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Are you on a ship ? His telephone area code indicates that he is in California.

Re: Client node admin

2001-09-06 Thread Cook, Dwight E
register admin some_admin_name some_admin_name_pswd grant auth some_admin_name class=node auth=owner node=node_name Dwight -Original Message- From: Diana Noble [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 9:31 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Client n

Odd retrieve behavior with Sun sol6 & TSM client

2001-09-06 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Just a FYI on something real strange we saw here... Say you have CLIENTA and you have an archive /d105/oracle/blah.cntl Now over on CLIENTB you set up a SErver entry to pretend to be CLIENTA and issue a retrieve like... dsmc retrieve -serv=myserv_clienta -pass=mypass /d105/oracle/blah.cnt

Re: Multiple TSM Servers

2001-09-05 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Try this... specify different prefixes for the tsm environments in the different environments DOUBLE CHECK THIS but I believe if you insert a tape with a volser already on it and you try to use it as scratch and it has a wrong prefix, the tsm environment will whine about it and not use it... (the

Re: IBM 3494

2001-09-05 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Are you on a ship ? If this is to mainly keep the equipment from walking off (like a 3494 would) I would just do the following... Remember you have to be real careful not to screw up the alignment when you attempt to "bolt it down" I would pull a caster to get the bolt pattern for it on the atl f

Re: Passwordaccess Generate Fails to Work on NT server

2001-09-04 Thread Cook, Dwight E
try performing an initial command line session from the nt server console you will need to do something to force a connection, like a "q sched" I believe you will then be forced to enter the initial assigned password set for the client when registered on the tsm server, after that I believe the pa

Re: Verification

2001-08-23 Thread Cook, Dwight E
If they doubt this, then they basically doubt all networking... If someone wants verification, tell them to retrieve/restore the data to a different named file and compare the two. Dwight -Original Message- From: Matthew Large [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 9:


2001-08-21 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Now I don't know about mvs anymore but under aix there has to be the dsmsnmp subagent running... there might be another required task started under mvs also... might look for the mention of a/the subagent in the mvs tsm info... Dwight -Original Message- From: Thierry ITTY [mailto:[EMAIL

Re: Raw Devices

2001-08-15 Thread Cook, Dwight E
I have both in use... with JFS file systems you get the benefit of journaling... with raw you get the benefit of having the entire device available for use & reduction of the overhead of journaling and with raw you don't have to spend time doing dsmfmt against them... Dwight -Original Messag

Verification TDP/R3, Sun, 2+GB files OK...

2001-08-13 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Does anyone currently use Sun Solaris 2.6, TSM 4.1, & TDP/R3 3.2 and process data base files greater than 2 GB ? I have an environment with Sol 2.6, TSM 3.7 & backint (yes, so old it has gray hair) and it doesn't like files over 2GB. I'm seeing that BKI0005I: Start of ba

Re: Deleting log volumes

2001-08-09 Thread Cook, Dwight E
do a "q logvol" to see the size of the two little logs you want to remove then do a "reduce log " where is the size (in MB) of the log files you want to remove then do a "del logvol blah" so, roughly speaking, to delete a log (or dbvol) you have to have that amount of space listed under t

Poor mans guide to fixing a 3590 tape

2001-08-09 Thread Cook, Dwight E
I went out an pulled my note from the archives to provide a FYI... DWight Did it really eat the tape or just say pop of a foot or two from the front ? You wouldn't believe the amount of confetti that 1 ft. of 3590 can make inside a drive ! Now, naturally IBM has a bunch of

Re: broken tape

2001-08-09 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Many years back I posted a note along the lines of "a poor mans guide to fixing a snapped 3590" I believe #2 pencil & pair of round nose safety scissors was all that was required. I'm sure it is out at still ;-) Dwight -Original Message- From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROT

Re: Help please, how to format log and db with adsm 3.1 under OS/ 390

2001-08-03 Thread Cook, Dwight E
ONLY DO A SINGLE LOG & A SINGLE DB ! I ran into the same thing... I exceeded the max continuation of a EXEC card ! Just to the single log & single db vol then do formats of the other db vols like normal and go into the running tsm that you started with the single log & single db vo

Re: Moving vol

2001-08-03 Thread Cook, Dwight E
The device classes probably are not compatible ??? right ??? like 8mm tape & DLT tape or 3590 tape ??? you would have to do move data old_vol_ser stg=stg_pool_using_some_other_devclass like move data AAA001 stg=diskpool hope this helps later, Dwight -Original Message- Fr

Re: copypools using tsm server to server

2001-08-03 Thread Cook, Dwight E
1) well, this is why I set up a domain just for remote servers, they have no backup copy group and their archive copy group has a default of never expiring archives. (I'm big on covering my a$$) 2) IT is always nice to easily see just what in the heck is going on utilization wise with a remote se

Re: Server Down

2001-08-03 Thread Cook, Dwight E
I don't know if this is available to 3.1 or if it came about in 3.7 but DSMSERV EXTEND LOG (Emergency Log Extension) Use this command to extend the size of the recovery log when you need additional log space to restart the server. After the server is running, you can do the following: v Back up th

Re: Mount Retention Period

2001-08-02 Thread Cook, Dwight E
change it in the device class with upd devc blah mountr=# where # is the number of minutes... tsm: TSMSRV06>q dev 3590devc f=d Device Class Name: 3590DEVC Device Access Strategy: Sequential Storage Pool Count: 3 Device Type: 3590

Re: Backup Trigger

2001-08-02 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Where are you seeing the name "dbbk.1" ? if you use a device class that is a file out on a disk somewhere I believe the names you will see under Unix will be things like 96577202.DBB if you are going to a tape device, the label should not change. tsm: TDCDSM03>q volhist t=dbb Date/Time:

Re: Another Upgrade Question (Windows Platform)

2001-08-01 Thread Cook, Dwight E
You will need to first put on which will require the install CD. If you have support for your product you can call tivoli support and they will send you the 4.1 install pack. I just did my first AIX 3.7 to, had to make the pit stop at Dwight -Original Message- Fro

Thoughts on really old clients and newer servers...

2001-08-01 Thread Cook, Dwight E
My problem is the vast number of support groups across client machines... getting them to do things :-/ Yes, I know looking at the support matrix we currently see things such as a TSM 4.1 server works with TSM 3.7, 4.1, & 4.2 clients. I'm thinking about the making a statement that I can NOT allo

Re: LUN sizes in TSM hardware config

2001-07-31 Thread Cook, Dwight E
Not that I know of... We have some around 32 GB These are in an ESS storage unit...This server has about 1 TB of disk storage pools Volume Name Storage Device EstimatedPct Volume Pool NameClass Name Capacity Util Status

Re: Admin changes in last 2 years?

2001-07-27 Thread Cook, Dwight E
iled to backup shows as failed schedule but its a success schedule. -----Original Message- From: Cook, Dwight E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 11:11 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Admin changes in last 2 years? On the failed client schedules... You could set a

Re: TDP not using diskpool

2001-07-27 Thread Cook, Dwight E
remember that TDP is not going to your server as a "backup" it is going as an "archive" look at where the archives are pointed to in the management class you've specified in your init.utl file... Dwight -Original Message- From: Gisbert Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, J

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