Re: [agi] More Consciousness Interestingness (w/o NL and NN distractions)

2020-08-17 Thread John Rose
Well, the reason I linked this paper was to show the way these guys skillfully utilized some available mathematical tools to build up a model of various consciousnesses. They generalized ZX-calculus from quantum computing and as you can see their way of doing that could be coded up relatively

[agi] Re: More Consciousness Interestingness (w/o NL and NN distractions)

2020-08-15 Thread John Rose
The tools and techniques in the article are pretty amazing. -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

Re: [agi] More Consciousness Interestingness (w/o NL and NN distractions)

2020-08-15 Thread John Rose
"Religion" is a model .. or really a set of models. The concepts of "science" and "religion" are a relatively recent invention... -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] More Consciousness Interestingness (w/o NL and NN distractions)

2020-08-15 Thread John Rose
You guys are starting to make me wonder...  This is one of the coolest papers I've ever seen. You have to be familiar with the concepts involved and with that type of math... but they're really synthesizing things nicely, or attempting to do so. --

Re: [agi] How Close ("%") Are You To AGI?

2020-08-08 Thread John Rose
I think I'm mostly there.  How do you know? Your model sort of self-assembles in your mind and you adapt your behavior towards the world. Things make more sense, like a Nirvana. Anyone else experience similar? Then again could be another delusion... a mirage.

Re: [agi] How Close ("%") Are You To AGI?

2020-08-08 Thread John Rose
Napoleon Hill:  “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”  I believe it, we create the universe. The $1 quadrillion fare will be chump change after hyperinflation.  -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] How Close ("%") Are You To AGI?

2020-08-08 Thread John Rose
Does your design change and evolve the way you think verses itself. Is it a separate entity from yourself, not in the distance between sentences but in the sentences between distances. -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] 392 GB of RAM are quite a trip

2020-08-08 Thread John Rose
That's some serious RAM Stefan this is my desktop (32 gig): -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

[agi] More Consciousness Interestingness (w/o NL and NN distractions)

2020-08-13 Thread John Rose
See how nice and clean this is?  Refreshing actually: -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

[agi] Re: More Consciousness Interestingness (w/o NL and NN distractions)

2020-08-13 Thread John Rose
Trying to be serious mortal.serendipity -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-29 Thread John Rose
It's waaay more than just a witty saying!  Have you read Occam or just that one catchphrase? Science isn't based on catchphrases. -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-29 Thread John Rose
Wow this is really amazing. When you read Occam's writings from the 1300's, and are familiar with the Catholic belief system you can see the direct correlations between deity, spirituality (you know, ghosts and souls 'n stuff), and all of modern mathematics, AIT, logic, science, etc.

Re: [agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-06-29 Thread John Rose
I believe human behavior is estimable. You believe human behavior is computable IOW has a K-complexity. What's hiding in the difference there? consciousness. In humans then belief is consciousness. Makes some sense I guess but I think consciousness is nondeterministic, you think it's

Re: [agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-06-29 Thread John Rose
One cannot deny that the concept of soul exists. That is the only soul that I have ever referred to in any related discussion. One may take the position that concepts don't exist which would be a rather interesting debate. As far as some real physical soul that is what Minsky thought I was

Re: [agi] What's With the Anti-AIT Hysteria In Language Modeling?

2020-07-02 Thread John Rose
On Wednesday, July 01, 2020, at 9:02 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote: > Basically what these NNs are doing is finding very large volumes of simple/shallow data patterns and combining them together. Whereas there are in fact deeper and more abstract patterns present in language data, the transformer NNs

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-07-02 Thread John Rose
Consciousness, time symmetry, and wave function collapse... Time is actually full-duplex but nature drives it. I'd have to check though do the consciousnesses qualia people fit time-symmetry into their models? As a homework assignment please use the results of

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-30 Thread John Rose
On short and accurately simulable, or computable in reality: -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery

Re: [agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-07-02 Thread John Rose
Elon Musk there is attempting to verbalize what's going on behind the scenes with more general languages that other people besides himself are actually working on. Why serialize through a natural language for anything? It's a relic. It works and will continue to do so but really was the human

Re: [agi] Re: Boogaloo news.

2020-06-30 Thread John Rose
This is AGI related. Judging by the way China handled the accident at the Wuhan lab I don't know if I trust China  handling any sort of existential AI risk or grey goo accident. This topic used to be often discussed on this forum but not so much now... --

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-30 Thread John Rose
On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, at 8:38 AM, Matt Mahoney wrote: > You could write a program to print any next number you wanted. But both the > code and the English language description would be longer. Occam's Razor and > Solomonoff induction says the answer is 32. That's an absolute answer but

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-07-01 Thread John Rose
IMO the "perfect" language would be synergistic or integrated with a "perfect" (or generally efficient protocol). I have a partially worked-up universal communication protocol (UCP)...  "Perfect" would depend on the communicating agents computational complexity in real environments, not an AIXI

Re: [agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-07-01 Thread John Rose
Reading Kant can give you an idea of souls and concepts. If anything has and will effect human behavior throughout history it has been the concept of soul. I'm not for or against transferring or uploading individual souls one way or another but an AGI concept modeling system can be tested by

Re: [agi] Formal Language Theory Has Its Head Up Its Ass

2020-07-07 Thread John Rose
Need something akin to an LED, a Qualia Emitting Diode (QED), bidirectional... like a DIAC to communicate direct consciousness using a concept language, time symmetric. An array of quantum dots as conscious connect coupled to nervous system excited states... dots to DIAC to DIAC to dots... or

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-30 Thread John Rose
You right! Thanks for reposting that Matt quote I somehow missed it so I reread a few times - he actually pre-answered the question I asked afterwards, uh duh.  -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-30 Thread John Rose
Still though you have to have a computational resource topology to process the theories. We immediately assume a single executable program funneled down to CPU registers as Turing machine emulation but as there's more strings and theories the resources need to distribute on the computational

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-30 Thread John Rose
Carefully crafted masterpieces of strings also have an aesthetic effect. Like the one Matt created. You might not know immediately what they mean... but then it sinks in. It's art too. Some strings you never know what they mean but the aesthetic effect impresses. For example some crazy

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-07-01 Thread John Rose
This - "These are languages for computation, for expressing algorithms, not for mathematical reasoning. They are universal programming languages that are maximally expressive, maximally concise." IMO, computation, expressing algorithms, AND mathematical reasoning  PLUS Etc.. - An estimably

Re: [agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-07-01 Thread John Rose
There still are a lot of Cobol programmers out there I guess... Natural languages will become like old database formats with companies trying to port off of them. Unfortunately they are currently a major bottleneck on distributed intelligence. Don't let me discourage you though. Have a go at

Re: [agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-06-29 Thread John Rose
On Monday, June 29, 2020, at 11:13 AM, Matt Mahoney wrote: > Surely anyone who believes that AGI is possible wouldn't also believe in souls or heaven or ghosts??? Your brain is a computer, right? Matt, do you believe the K-complexity of the Earth exists?  I don't think it does but perhaps you've

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-29 Thread John Rose
Tear down that statue! (Occam that is) Just figured I'd try to join the zeitgeist... though I do like Occam (Ockham ?) being from a Catholic upbringing :) -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-15 Thread John Rose
What's better Q# or Silq? -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-23 Thread John Rose
Related, verified and interesting: -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

Re: [agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-06-24 Thread John Rose
There may have been physics envy then since the technological convergence of AIT and QIT had yet to materialize. Perhaps another way the gods punish people is by giving them everything after they expire. Minsky had another envy and was perhaps too cozy with Epstein?  *screeching vinyl

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-22 Thread John Rose
Seems as though individually and societally sometimes advances in intelligence are preceded by expansions of consciousness and sometimes vice versa. Almost like two "waves". For example, when you become aware of a "bigger picture" of something or when a society does, it's as if there is a

Re: [agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-06-28 Thread John Rose
The only interaction I ever had with Minksy was regarding the existence of one's soul. My position went along the lines of the soul being like an avatar referenced after a person's passing. Kind of like ghosts. Do ghosts exist? People have always talked about them. There are mental artifacts

Re: [agi] Re: Goertzel's "Grounding Occam's Razor in a Formal Theory of Simplicity"

2020-06-28 Thread John Rose
I like simplicity. It's race neutral, gender neutral and non-violent. Occam’s Razor gives me mental images of an enraged white medieval guy coming at me with a knife :) Seriously though nice paper Ben. I try to think of ways to criticize it, reread, and you got if covered. Though I do try to

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-28 Thread John Rose
This is huge for a potential distributed AGI, the coupling between electrons proof of concept, think of the possibilities: Is moving so fast now... -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

[agi] Re: Minsky's Physics Envy

2020-06-23 Thread John Rose
Was he being sarcastic? when he said: "Everybody should learn all about that and spend the rest of their lives working on it." referring to the infinite amount of work part ...and... even the estimable part.   -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-09 Thread John Rose
Insects could isomorphically compress into much smaller models. Let's say there's an AGI Demoscene. Anyone ever do Demoscene? 64K AGI I would say allocate 2-4K to consciousnesses synthesis. Assuming an advanced quantum computer system not like the model T's they're pioneering now. Though I just

[agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-07 Thread John Rose
Exactly! -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

[agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-07 Thread John Rose
Seems to me this would be rather important to sort out ,no? But, you could say that collapsing the wave function is not needed for AGI I guess... but if it did it would explain some important things about biological brains... and algorithms that could be snagged and reused. Related discussion:

[agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-07 Thread John Rose
The representation of me in your mind. See me smiling and waving? Now picture my hand slapping you back and forth across your face. That's the wave function collapsing, it's real. God is an emergent pattern in the mind. Commies try to eliminate God as a threat to their authority by killing

[agi] More Doesn't Always Mean Better

2020-06-07 Thread John Rose
Thought this was interesting: -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

[agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-07 Thread John Rose
You want God? You already have it. It's a real example of an interference pattern in your mind, love it and be happy :) -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

[agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-07 Thread John Rose
If consciousness is part of the interagent systems signaling component of bio brains and wave function collapse is involved what does that tell you?  Assuming that natural GI is really multibrained... and a natural environment is multiconsciosnessed, natural GI evolved in a natural environment.

Re: [agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-08 Thread John Rose
On Monday, June 08, 2020, at 2:28 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote: > An observer does not need to be conscious. An observer is any measuring device with at least one bit of memory. How many bits does it take to be conscious? What's the minimum. Not one apparently from your observing viewpoint so is it

[agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-08 Thread John Rose
How do you know it's recorded? Something has to observe it. And consciousness is synthesizing information, recording it into molecules or whatever, otherwise how would we know? -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

[agi] Re: AGI Guaranteed to Think

2020-06-09 Thread John Rose
Uhm, I don't know how to break the news to ya... MSIE is all but dead. Might want to go with Edge or Chrome or something. Just a heads up. -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-09 Thread John Rose
Gods may be emergent structures in the complex systems of societies. Essentially state machines that govern individual behavior to some extent automating some of our decisions until... And these emergent gods go through cycles as mortals rebel. Then there's the gods god.. wait, this was

Re: [agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-08 Thread John Rose
On Monday, June 08, 2020, at 4:02 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > Anyone on this list that has a good understanding of the human brain would > not mention god or orbs. I guess JR is on the other side =D What's this mean -> immortal.discoveries ?   Sounds spiritual...

Re: [agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-08 Thread John Rose
Matt are you saying that a rodent or an insect is not conscious? They do show some elements of consciousness no? Trying to understand the minimal system as an agent that qualifies as conscious. -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] Re: Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-08 Thread John Rose
Hey Bill never saw that thanks it's getting queued :) How about those Greek Gods in the sky scenes from Jason and The Argonauts (1963) those were something else ha?  Could be a past reflection of the future... -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-11 Thread John Rose
Demos are 4K, 64K.. often they are pure asm, or c/c++ with inline assembler for specific optimizations. So imagine an AGI demo with inline quantum. Why simulate reasoning with classical fuzzy, probabilistic, neutrosophic when you can pump the real flow with qudits? I suppose you could emulate

[agi] Re: AGI Guaranteed to Think

2020-06-11 Thread John Rose
I can hear Mentifex's tears... MSIE had a long and prosperous life but it's time has come. I told you Mentifex a few years ago if you had a *cough cough* protoAGI in a browser convert that shit to typescript. Now it has widespread adoption it transpiles to javascript browser specific... For a

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-11 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, June 11, 2020, at 2:09 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > The ones who actually _understand_ blackbox AI. < me Listen to you all brimming with attitude!  I don't know whether to bow down, shake your hand or run away :) -- Artificial General

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-12 Thread John Rose
If gods are emergent structures from complex systems of humankind, religion may very well appear irrational to individuals. Do ants understand the anthill? No, they just perform their "ceremonies". That's just one aspect of it. -- Artificial General

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-08 Thread John Rose
Miles Davis said that the gods don't punish people by not giving them what they want. The gods punish people, he said, by giving them what they want and then not giving them time. Save us a few clicks and clock ticks. What mistake did von Neumann make in his version of quantum logic?  The

Re: [agi] Uhm, Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave Function?

2020-06-09 Thread John Rose
Conscious systems are more efficient than non. Communication is enhanced. Conscious agents can predict other similarly conscious agents behavior and make decisions based on those predictions with confidence. Take two systems of ants, one natural and the other p zombie robots. Will the emergent

Re: [agi] More Consciousness Interestingness (w/o NL and NN distractions)

2020-08-15 Thread John Rose
You could look at it as horizontal layers of vertical strata. Text processing layer would be several layers up from the consciousness layer. Prediction is time asymmetric. -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] Paraconsistent Foundations for Probabilistic Reasoning, Programming and Concept Formation

2021-01-21 Thread John Rose
"There is also another kind of uncertainty though, which we may call "evidential error (EE) uncertainty" - there is the possibility that some of the observations of rocks being hard, were actually wrong ... that sometimes one perceived a soft rock to actually be hard, due to some sort of error in

Re: [agi] Comrade Biden.

2021-01-21 Thread John Rose
Biden and AGI are two very very disparate subjects.  C'mon man! You know the thing! the AGI thing! Describe the mathematical morphism between AGI and Biden.  Betcha can't do it! -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] Comrade Biden.

2021-01-22 Thread John Rose
Here's the thing I thought about this. Using some Ben math combined with my AGI mental model I can explain how Biden is there. Trump v. Biden in people's conscio-intelligent intention to vote is a societal logic. How the votes are accurately counted and represented is a morphism. The EE

Re: [agi] Comrade Biden.

2021-01-22 Thread John Rose
On Friday, January 22, 2021, at 9:16 AM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > a stiff old robot, Hey I used to be able to sing and dance the tin man song :) The heart is an integral part of human cognition IMO being more accurately modelled holistically using brain, heart and gut we often focus

Re: [agi] Paraconsistent Foundations for Probabilistic Reasoning, Programming and Concept Formation

2021-01-13 Thread John Rose
Ben, This is an amazing paper. I would suggest anyone researching AGI and the associated logics, probability, reasoning and concepts to give it a read. ArXiv needs an AGI category. I'm still working slowly through the Metagraph Folding and Theory of Simplicity papers... Thanks for creating

Re: [agi] Paraconsistent Foundations for Probabilistic Reasoning, Programming and Concept Formation

2021-01-14 Thread John Rose
Good idea.  The p-bits is clever but does open up a whole thing on emulation. I noticed you pulled out the Sheldrake reference. One of the reasons this paper is so good is that it relates to an actual AGI system in advanced development, the OpenCog framework.  And then all the logics

[agi] Re: update?

2021-06-10 Thread John Rose
immortal.discoveries, Please try to group your messages together each one of these comes across as a separate email to every list user.  Also, I know that you're very enthusiastic but remember that this email list is about AGI in general. The minutia of coding technicalities related to a

[agi] Feast Your Qualia on this One

2021-06-25 Thread John Rose
Paper specifies a quantum-like C/UC duality model: Interesting quote: "Unconscious-conscious modeling of the brain’s functioning matches well to the philosophic paradigm of the ontic-epistemic structuring of scientific theories. The ontic level is about reality

Re: [agi] Colin Hales mention in Salon editorial

2021-05-10 Thread John Rose
On Monday, May 10, 2021, at 1:47 PM, Dorian Aur wrote: > The first step is to shape/reshape the electromagnetic field and its > interaction within a  biological structure, see the general hybrid model    > That was a very pleasurable read,

Re: [agi] Colin Hales mention in Salon editorial

2021-05-11 Thread John Rose
On Monday, May 10, 2021, at 11:13 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > And yeah, that's all a brain can do is predict, only patterns exist in data. Some patterns exist in the data and some exist in the perceiver like those patterns where one brain perceives one image and another brain perceives an

Re: [agi] Colin Hales mention in Salon editorial

2021-05-11 Thread John Rose
On Monday, May 10, 2021, at 10:48 PM, Mike Archbold wrote: > Plainly a lot happens at the cell level with electric field action. Ions are moving around, eg into cells, subject to electric fields. What happens at a macro brain level or the middle stages with EMF? Why is there a presumption that

Re: [agi] Colin Hales mention in Salon editorial

2021-05-09 Thread John Rose
On Wednesday, May 05, 2021, at 2:15 PM, James Bowery wrote: > Notepad vs vi?  I thought the holy editor war was EMACS vs vi.  Do you mean > notepad++ or do you mean, literally, than POS from Microsoft? Notepad++ is a great utility if you're in Windows for the non-IDE coding experience... Do you

Re: [agi] Colin Hales mention in Salon editorial

2021-05-12 Thread John Rose
On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, at 7:06 PM, Colin Hales wrote: > Currently I am battling EM noise from the massive TV towers a few km from > here.  > > Kindly stop misrepresenting things.You have no clue what I am doing and are > not qualified to comment. > Advocatus Diaboli

[agi] Re: I G A - My Favorite place to shop

2021-05-25 Thread John Rose
Hey! Same longitude as me (Malta, NY) a few lats up from here. 300 klicks due north :) -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

Re: [agi] rules...found something slightly undesired I think...very interesting

2021-06-01 Thread John Rose
On Monday, May 31, 2021, at 2:06 PM, James Bowery wrote: > This probably isn't the place to get into a discussion of the philosophy of > cryptocurrency, but I tend to trust Szabo's opinion on the relative merits of > things like proof-of-work vs proof-of-stake. > If markets were only

[agi] Re: openAI 100 million $ fund for startup company

2021-05-27 Thread John Rose
You know you want a piece of that pie immortal... it's there waiting for someone like you to grab it. -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink: Delivery options:

Re: [agi] Re: What are your predictions for OpenAI?

2021-05-27 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, May 20, 2021, at 10:17 AM, Matt Mahoney wrote: > My prediction is OpenAI will be bought out by one of the trillion dollar > market cap AI companies (Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, or their Chinese > equivalents) and remain ClosedAI. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.”

Re: [agi] Re: The conservative perspective.

2021-05-27 Thread John Rose
On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at 11:23 AM, James Bowery wrote: > In AIXI terms, the difference between lossless and lossy compression is the > difference between AIT's and SDT's notion of "utility":  The former being > concerned with what "is" and the latter being concerned with what "ought" to >

[agi] Re: Why can't you replicate DALL-E results ;p

2021-05-27 Thread John Rose
On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at 9:15 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > Sketch this: Very creative LOL.  I don't need to take my psychedelics today :) -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

[agi] Re: Why can't you replicate DALL-E results ;p

2021-05-27 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, May 27, 2021, at 8:32 AM, stefan.reich.maker.of.eye wrote: > LOL... we all fail at being visual AIs, I tell you that much Yes, in many ways but still only a tiny fraction of what the mind's eye can do. I suppose taking DALL-E and adding some of that creative stuff are tasks... but

[agi] Re: rules...found something slightly undesired I think...very interesting

2021-05-29 Thread John Rose
OVH is in Montreal too you could get on your bike and ride over there.  Talk all French 'n stuff :) -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

[agi] Re: rules...found something slightly undesired I think...very interesting

2021-05-29 Thread John Rose
If you use a cloud, I use Azure and OVH is very good, you can spin up many cores/GPU's for a short period of time with low cost. So dev on your local machine for a few cores but allow scaling to many cores. While there is a virtualization layer in cloud on the cores allocated newer CPU's have

[agi] Re: tonite's transhumanists party talk.

2021-05-27 Thread John Rose
On Sunday, May 23, 2021, at 11:19 PM, Alan Grimes wrote: > Website: Mucho good info and links there!  If you're into BICA... explicitly or implicitly. -- Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI Permalink:

Re: [agi] rules...found something slightly undesired I think...very interesting

2021-05-29 Thread John Rose
Well, you can design a new crypto where mining is replaced by compression such that new benchmark improvements result in larger reward claims. Tie it in to some BOINC type of system where compression jobs are being worked on and payments feed into the rewards pool incentivizing developers to

Re: [agi] rules...found something slightly undesired I think...very interesting

2021-05-30 Thread John Rose
On Saturday, May 29, 2021, at 11:47 PM, James Bowery wrote: > Several years ago I suggested to Nick Szabo financing something like the > Hutter Prize with a cryptocurrency in which the proof of work was increased > compression.  He's familiar with algorithmic information (has written on his >

[agi] Supporting Consciousness as UCP

2021-06-03 Thread John Rose
I think these two recent papers support the idea that consciousness is Universal Communication Protocol. Though it could be thought of more of as pre-protocol hmmm… There are arguments for and against conscious AGI but it still must be explored.  The first paper describes conscious AI from a

Re: [agi] Supporting Consciousness as UCP

2021-06-04 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, June 03, 2021, at 11:17 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote: > No, the thing that nobody can agree on the meaning of because nobody can > define it. So we argue about completely different things without realizing it. The physical you is different from the informationally projected you outside of

Re: [agi] Supporting Consciousness as UCP

2021-06-03 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, June 03, 2021, at 10:32 AM, A.T. Murray wrote: > Mentifex Theory of Consciousness Yes Mentifex, I'm sure Chalmers deeply considered your diagram before publishing his paper.  I'll paste it below let's see if it maintains formatting. We know the consciousness isn't labeled since

Re: [agi] Supporting Consciousness as UCP

2021-06-03 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, June 03, 2021, at 7:25 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote: > We already know how to engineer empathy. We do this all the time. It's called > user friendliness. The software anticipates what we will want and does the > right thing. We even invent new symbols to do it, like menus, icons, and >

Re: [agi] Supporting Consciousness as UCP

2021-06-03 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, June 03, 2021, at 6:58 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > I think yous are using the wrong word, try something else maybe? > Consciousness means ghost or spirit or something that cannot be made/ a > machine made of particles. At least it sounds like you mean that meaning > (ghost

Re: [agi] Supporting Consciousness as UCP

2021-06-03 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, June 03, 2021, at 9:23 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > Eating a consciousness is how you become a bigger consciousness orb. Well if you eat brains you become smarter because of the chemicals... there are nootropics you can purchase as pills or get from eating raw brain. So it's

Re: [agi] Supporting Consciousness as UCP

2021-06-03 Thread John Rose
That’s a very thoughtful post Matt. In the first paper they’re talking about the emergence of consciousness. They argue consciousness is important to AI (assume AGI too) for at least on very important thing - empathy. This consciousness/communication structure is very close to what I’ve been

Re: [agi] Feast Your Qualia on this One

2021-06-26 Thread John Rose
On Friday, June 25, 2021, at 5:00 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > Well, maybe that's because some of them look like long hair and cat ears... > And the goal to have variation on a woman, lol. On Saturday, June 26, 2021, at 5:02 AM, Matt Mahoney wrote: > Utter nonsense. Quantum theory says you

Re: [agi] Who want Sundar's job?

2021-06-26 Thread John Rose
Infighting in woketopia. Woke verses woke. Who's woker? NYT went downhill for years and Google went full bore into political censorship + Covid censorship. Twitter, Facebook, the same. It's inevitable that ramifications occur. -- Artificial General

Re: [agi] Feast Your Qualia on this One

2021-06-26 Thread John Rose
On Saturday, June 26, 2021, at 6:41 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > it is not hard to see DALL-E is very general purpose and can get so general > purpose that it starts storing and using pieces of memories to do very rare > prediction solving. Splooging text to images and vice versa is not

Re: [agi] Feast Your Qualia on this One

2021-06-27 Thread John Rose
On Saturday, June 26, 2021, at 9:31 PM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > DALL-E turns on all qualia hypermeters, it is breakfest and dinner. It can visually render map between image and text. and complete sentences, while mapping. There is a vast void of what can be conceptually rendered into text

Re: [agi] Who want Sundar's job?

2021-06-27 Thread John Rose
I think that Sundar is not cooperating enough pro-actively with the political powers that be. There is some high-level fusion with the government that is occurring and frankly it’s frightening. All the Google censorship yet Google now is commonplace and required in schools, used in local

Re: [agi] Who want Sundar's job?

2021-06-27 Thread John Rose
On Sunday, June 27, 2021, at 2:06 PM, James Bowery wrote: > I'd had the idea of a "truth speaker" for several years before that, but it > hadn't crystalized in my mind as a lossless compression competition until I > came up with the idea of what I called "The C-Prize" and Matt Mahoney >

Re: [agi] Re: It is sometimes useful to expand data before compressing it

2021-04-26 Thread John Rose
An AGI can learn to decompress data where the compressor is unknown or partially known to it. IMO a conscious AGI can learn to decompress more efficiently data that was compressed by another similarly conscious entity. Compression and consciousness effect communication protocol. IOW compressed

Re: [agi] Re: Making an AI from a compressor

2021-04-30 Thread John Rose
On Thursday, April 29, 2021, at 10:49 PM, Jim Bromer wrote: > I was reading your comment that, "Storage is transmission," and I realized, > based on an idea I had a number of years ago, that if digital data was in > constant transmission form then the null signal could be used for a value >

Re: [agi] Re: Making an AI from a compressor

2021-04-28 Thread John Rose
On Wednesday, April 28, 2021, at 11:55 AM, immortal.discoveries wrote: > What matters here is brains can solve many problems by predicting solutions > based on context/ problem given Single brains specialize. Multibrains generalize. That's why they communicate. Multiparty intelligence on a

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