[algogeeks] Re: Given sequence A_k, k=[1,n] find min{A_k} k=[i,j] in O(logn) time with O(n) memory

2014-07-26 Thread Gene
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:41:33 AM UTC-4, bujji wrote: Suppose that we are given a sequence of n values x1, x2, ..., xn and seek to quickly answer repeated queries of the form: given i and j, find the smallest value in xi, . . . , xj . Design a data structure that uses O(n) space

[algogeeks] Re: override struct definition in c ????

2012-06-08 Thread Gene
No. In C++ you can't either. You can declare a new class that _extends_ a previous one, but you can't change a declaration once it's complete. On Jun 8, 11:38 am, HARSHIT PAHUJA hpahuja.mn...@gmail.com wrote: is it possible to override struct definition in c in header.h header file i

[algogeeks] Re: interview HARD problem

2012-06-05 Thread Gene
Does this sufficae? Suppose you were using a dictionary from the frapplewonk language, which has only 5 words: tab oma to am ba Then the biggest rectangle is clearly tab oma On Jun 4, 10:39 pm, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote: preparing a sample itself is a great problem here, that is

[algogeeks] Re: MS: searching problem......help me out...

2012-06-03 Thread Gene
Finding a given element in an unsorted list in less than O(n) time (with a normal RAM model of computation) is easy to prove impossible. On Jun 3, 11:01 am, abhinav gupta abhinav@gmail.com wrote:   We have given a list 14 6 7 15 8 9 we have to find 15 in (log n ) times. --

[algogeeks] Re: Allocating memory of size 0

2012-06-02 Thread Gene
This is exactly right. If it happens to work it's probaby because a pointer to the current top of heap was returned by malloc(), and just by luck writing to it did not mess anything up. For fun, try this: main() { int *p=malloc(0); int *q = malloc(sizeof(int)); *p=2566;

[algogeeks] Re: Tree/Graph implementation

2012-06-02 Thread Gene
are often trading constant factors of memory usage for speed. On May 31, 2:06 pm, Mad Coder imamadco...@gmail.com wrote: @Gene: Can you tell some other ways of graph representation in case of sparse matrix as till now I consider adjacency list as the best method for the same. -- You received

[algogeeks] Re: Linked list using void pointer

2012-05-31 Thread Gene
You didn't say C or C++. It makes a difference. A void pointer is just a pointer that can point to any kind of data. You convert it to a specific type by using casts. So just implement an exogenous list the same way you would if data had some type Foo. The replace all the Foo pointers with

[algogeeks] Re: The following problem is a variation of Tower of hanoi problem...Plz suggest on how to approach the following problem...

2012-05-30 Thread Gene
Since the number of moves must be optimal, this seems to be a search problem. A-Star is the right search algorithm. This is an algorithm that's somewhere between depth first and breadth first. It expands the tree according to a heuristic that you choose, which can shrink the run time enormously.

[algogeeks] Re: Tree/Graph implementation

2012-05-29 Thread Gene
I'm interested to see problems where tree implementation causes a performance problem. Example? Choice of graph data structures is very problem-dependent. An adjacency matrix will probably be fastest and simplest for dense graphs. For sparse ones there are many, many answers. An efficient way

[algogeeks] Re: classic problem to tree to circular doubly linked list

2012-05-28 Thread Gene
original post I had a typo. On May 27, 9:54 am, atul anand atul.87fri...@gmail.com wrote: @Gene : NODE *convert(NODE *root, NODE *list) {  if (root == NULL) return list;  NODE *left_subtree = root-left;  root-left = convert(root-right, list);  return convert(left_subtree, root); } what

[algogeeks] Re: Amazon Q : Design a logWritter for server kind of application

2012-05-28 Thread Gene
This is a pretty nice question because it requires you to show knowledge in many different areas. In business settings, logs can make the difference between success and failure, not to mention complying with law. Here are some dimensions of the design space: * Convenience of the programmer's

[algogeeks] Re: whats a CALL BACK in C?

2012-05-28 Thread Gene
A callback is a function, say B, that you provide to some other function F in order to control F's behavior. The intuition is that F is defined with a hole in its specification that it fills up by calling back to the B you furnished. A simple example of a callback is the comparison function

[algogeeks] Re: classic problem to tree to circular doubly linked list

2012-05-27 Thread Gene
Another approach is to form a singly linked, NULL-terminated list (connected e.g. by 'left' pointers). This is a harder problem, and it might be required if you have a purpose for the other (right) pointer. If you need a doubly linked list it's easy to walk down the singly linked one, creating

[algogeeks] Re: Google Q : all anagrams next to each other

2012-05-26 Thread Gene
This will work in fine, but multiplying primes requires arbitrary precision arithmetic for keys of any significant length. You don't need to compute a hash at all. Just maintain two buffers long enough to hold the longest word and an O(n) sort like counting sort. If you are using Latin (8-bit)

[algogeeks] Re: Interview Question based on histogram

2012-05-19 Thread Gene
The problem is not so clear, so you must make some assumptions to gat an answer. Since we have water, we have to envision the histogram in 3d. Then assume that the distance between histogram bars is 1 and bar i has height H[i], 0=iN, zero width and unit depth, and the base plane is at zero. Water

[algogeeks] Re: storing URL's

2012-05-19 Thread Gene
This question has no answer. Every good student of computer science will know that you choose a data structure based on the _operations_ that must be performed on it: insert, lookup and what flavors of lookup, delete, etc.. So if an interviewer uses this question, he or she is probably trying to

[algogeeks] Re: finding anagrams in a list of words

2012-05-14 Thread Gene
Ah but this isn't a key because ac would have the same ascii sum as bb. On May 14, 1:11 pm, payal gupta gpt.pa...@gmail.com wrote: @atul instead of sorting the string individually which would require tc- O(nlogn) shouldnot it be a better idea to use the sum of the ascii values of the

[algogeeks] Re: finding anagrams in a list of words

2012-05-14 Thread Gene
Yes exactly. And now I hope to convince you that it's good to learn a few languages so you can use the best one for the problem at hand. In Perl for example, your proposed algorithm looks like this: while () { chomp; push @{ $map{join('', sort split('', $_))} }, $_; } while ( (undef, $val) =

[algogeeks] Re: how to code a deterministic or Non-Deterministic finite state automata model?

2012-05-09 Thread Gene
The scanner part of any program that processes a language is probably a DFA. There are three main methods to code DFAs. Two use an explicit variable to represent state in this fashion: int state = INITIAL_STATE; while (!is_accepting_state(state)) { char ch = get_next_char(); state =

[algogeeks] Re: Permutations of a string

2012-05-07 Thread Gene
You just need to make sure that the same character is never swapped to the same position twice. Here is one way to do it. #include stdio.h #include string.h void swap(char *s, int i, int j) { char t = s[i]; s[i] = s[j]; s[j] = t; } void permute(char *s, int n) { if (s[n]) { int i;

[algogeeks] Re: Sorting in O(n)

2012-05-05 Thread Gene
constant time, but that's normal for RAM computation models used for most algorithms. Gene On May 5, 4:32 am, saurabh singh saurab...@gmail.com wrote: After giving some thought,I think even radix sort may not be sufficient. Complexity of radix sort is O(k*n) where k is the number of buckets required

[algogeeks] Re: String comparison

2012-04-18 Thread Gene
You can't solve a problem like this with only examples of . A complete definition is necessary. For example, what do you do with a1 ? 2b Report mismatch? What do you do with 1 abc ? 2 2 Do you report or mismatch? Here is one of infinitely many complete definitions consistent with your

[algogeeks] Re: String comparison

2012-04-18 Thread Gene
You can't solve a problem like this with only examples of . A complete definition is necessary. For example, what do you do with a1 ? 2b Report mismatch? What do you do with 1 abc ? 2 2 Do you report or mismatch? Here is one of infinitely many complete definitions consistent with your examples:

[algogeeks] Re: Find border of a binary tree.

2012-04-08 Thread Gene
Good question. The problem is not well-defined. It's possible that 75 should be omitted because there are deeper subtrees to the left and right. But we'll never know for sure because examples don't make a good definition. On Apr 8, 2:29 pm, atul anand atul.87fri...@gmail.com wrote: i guess

[algogeeks] Re: Interview question

2012-03-24 Thread Gene
This problem isn't carefully defined. If you have 3,4,2 then 2 is the first value smaller and of higher index than both 3 and 4. So which to swap with? On Mar 24, 10:01 am, Navin Kumar navin.nit...@gmail.com wrote: Given an array of integers, for each index i, you have to swap the value at i

[algogeeks] Re: MySql Connector/C

2012-03-22 Thread Gene
My friend, all you have to do is read the manual. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/c.html On Mar 22, 1:14 pm, Gobind Kumar Hembram gobind@gmail.com wrote: Hi Do any one know how to configure MySQL Connector ; so as to connect to MySql using C.If any one have any idea ; please

[algogeeks] Re: Check if one tree is sub tree of other

2012-03-22 Thread Gene
I'll point out that if you are building a system where this problem actually occurs (as in generating DAGs in a compiler expression optimizer), you can nearly always engineer the problem down to O(log(| T|)) if T is balanced and O(|T|) in the worst case. Trees need parent pointers, and also a map

[algogeeks] Re: Run Length Decoding... inplace

2012-03-20 Thread Gene
in the buffer before processing it. It needs to be placed carefully, and it needs to be processed from both ends to a certain point in the middle. On Mar 20, 7:32 am, atul anand atul.87fri...@gmail.com wrote: using Gene logic ,  but we need to take care of number with more than 1 digits , so updated

[algogeeks] Re: Google written test

2012-03-19 Thread Gene
is not showing on your server yet. On Mar 19, 3:16 am, atul anand atul.87fri...@gmail.com wrote: @Gene :  your code will work fine by changing the argument passed from main(), you just need to call rite  f(n, 1, 1); from main instead of  f(n, 1, 0); On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:10 AM, atul anand

[algogeeks] Re: Run Length Decoding... inplace

2012-03-19 Thread Gene
It's not hard if all the run lengths are at least 2. void decode(char *buf, int in_size, int buf_size) { int i, j, rl, p; char t; // Reverse the input. for (i = 0, j = in_size - 1; i j; i++, j--) { t = buf[i]; buf[i] = buf[j]; buf[j] = t; } // Copy to end of buffer (carefully)

[algogeeks] Re: Math Question

2012-03-18 Thread Gene
:27 pm, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: Dave, this is very beautiful. Here is a less elegant proof, though it leads to an efficient algorithm. In a different problem some time ago, there was a statement that every number with a 3 in the units position has a multiple that consists of all

[algogeeks] Re: Google written test

2012-03-17 Thread Gene
It looks from the example like you pick the largest (as if the digits were a binary number). Here's what I get: #include stdio.h unsigned f(unsigned n, unsigned fi, unsigned fim1) { if (fi n) return n; unsigned r = f(n, fi + fim1, fi); if (r = fi) { putchar('1'); return r - fi;

[algogeeks] Re: Google written test

2012-03-17 Thread Gene
It looks from the example like you pick the largest (as if the digits were a binary number). Here's what I get: #include stdio.h unsigned f(unsigned n, unsigned fi, unsigned fim1) { if (fi n) return n; unsigned r = f(n, fi + fim1, fi); if (r = fi) { putchar('1'); return r - fi;

[algogeeks] Re: select k numbers

2012-03-17 Thread Gene
When the n'th number (nk) is received, apply the following algorithm: 1. Generate random real r uniformly distributed in [0..1]. 2. If r k/n, throw away the new number, 3. else generate random integer i in [1..k] and replace the number in the i'th storage location with the new one. This is

[algogeeks] Re: Math Question

2012-03-16 Thread Gene
This is very beautiful. Here is a less elegant proof, though it leads to an efficient algorithm. In a different problem some time ago, there was a statement that every number with a 3 in the units position has a multiple that consists of all 1s. The proof needs a little number theory. Any

[algogeeks] Re: Math Question

2012-03-16 Thread Gene
, 4:27 pm, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: This is very beautiful.  Here is a less elegant proof, though it leads to an efficient algorithm. In a different problem some time ago, there was a statement that every number with a 3 in the units position has a multiple that consists of all 1s

[algogeeks] Re: Novell - Interview (Round-3 Coding)

2012-03-14 Thread Gene
; System.out.println(m= + m + chars= + suffixTreeChars(s)); } } public static void main(String [] argv) { new SuffixTreeProblem().test(); } } On Mar 14, 1:06 am, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: Let's try { reverse( $ a b a a b a a a b ... a^n b ) | n = 0,1,2

[algogeeks] Re: Microsoft Interview Question

2012-03-13 Thread Gene
they wanted. I proposed BFS for this solution. Anyway, there was another problem that I was able to solve; but the interviewer brought up a much more efficient approach. The problem was: Given a linked l On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: Since

[algogeeks] Re: Microsoft Interview Question

2012-03-13 Thread Gene
that I was able to solve; but the interviewer brought up a much more efficient approach. The problem was: Given a linked l On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: Since there is no mention of weights, you are looking for any spanning tree. Primm and Kruskal

[algogeeks] Re: Microsoft Interview Question

2012-03-13 Thread Gene
(error: p= + p.val + q= + q.val); count++; } System.err.println(# nodes: + count); } public static void main (String [] args) { new ListCopy().run(); } } On Mar 13, 3:15 pm, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: Copying a full graph requires a BFS

[algogeeks] Re: Novell - Interview (Round-3 Coding)

2012-03-13 Thread Gene
{ reverse( $ a b a a b b a a a b b b ... a^n b^n ) | n = 0,1,2,... } On Mar 13, 12:47 am, reynald reni reni.reyn...@gmail.com wrote: Construct an infinite family of strings over a fixed alphabet, where the total length of the edge-labels on their suffix tree grows faster than O(m), where 'm'

[algogeeks] Re: Novell - Interview (Round-3 Coding)

2012-03-13 Thread Gene
Let's try { reverse( $ a b a a b a a a b ... a^n b ) | n = 0,1,2,... } . Note that m = n(n+1)/2 + n = O(n^2) Think about adding suffixes to the tree from shortest to longest. So suppose you are now adding something of the form reverse( $ X a^L Y ) where L is the length of the longest run

[algogeeks] Re: Java question

2012-03-12 Thread Gene
This is nearly what malloc() and similar memory allocators do. If you look at an operating system book or web search you'll get lots of approaches. The overall problem of finding the best allocation is NP hard, so you must use some kind of heuristic. The most common ones are called First fit

[algogeeks] Re: Explain algo behind code

2012-03-06 Thread Gene
at 7:01 AM, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: It's a fact from number theory that  x * (x^(M-2)) = 1 (mod M) if M is prime.  So x^(M-2) is the multiplicative inverse of x (mod M).  It follows by identities of modulo arithmetic that  n!/(r!(n-r)!) = n! * inv(r!) * inv( (n-r)! )  (mod M

[algogeeks] Re: optimisation

2012-03-06 Thread Gene
This is a nice paper. I think that for matrix multiplication it ends up saying pretty much the same as we've been discussing. The OP said serial code. Vector code isn't serial. However it's easy to try vectorization these days. The latest versions of gcc will do a very reasonable job with the

[algogeeks] Re:

2012-03-06 Thread Gene
--) 53 hash = partial_name_hash(*name++, hash); 54 return end_name_hash(hash); 55 } 56 On Mar 3, 8:32 am, aanchal goyal goyal.aanch...@gmail.com wrote: Gene: I am talking about file names. On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:07 AM, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: It's possible

[algogeeks] Re: Suggest some Data Structure appropriate to the problem

2012-03-05 Thread Gene
What Don so succinctly said is this: Comparison sort _requires_ O(n log n) comparisons. If you had the data structure you're asking for, you could easily implement a comparison sort: Just insert n items, then then repeat n times: find min and delete that min. With your proposed time bounds, the

[algogeeks] Re: optimisation

2012-03-05 Thread Gene
in unpredictable ways. You might find it interesting to turn off your network and see if you can get further improvement by making blocks a little bigger than you could with the network turned on. On Mar 5, 2:08 pm, Arun Vishwanathan aaron.nar...@gmail.com wrote: @Gene: if all matrices are of N x N

[algogeeks] Re: Explain algo behind code

2012-03-05 Thread Gene
It's a fact from number theory that x * (x^(M-2)) = 1 (mod M) if M is prime. So x^(M-2) is the multiplicative inverse of x (mod M). It follows by identities of modulo arithmetic that n!/(r!(n-r)!) = n! * inv(r!) * inv( (n-r)! ) (mod M) This is what the code is computing. A basic number

[algogeeks] Re: Floyd Warshall

2012-03-03 Thread Gene
The Wikipedia entry is pretty good: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd–Warshall_algorithm Read the Algorithm section a few times and draw some examples and you'll probably start seeing it. On Mar 3, 7:56 am, saurabh singh saurab...@gmail.com wrote: Its quite trivial. At least until you have

[algogeeks] Re:

2012-03-02 Thread Gene
It's possible you're not getting any clear answers because the question is unclear. Linux does many different kinds of name lookup all over the system. What names are you talking about? On Mar 1, 3:50 pm, aanchal goyal goyal.aanch...@gmail.com wrote: anyone knows what hash function is used

[algogeeks] Re: Puzzle

2012-03-02 Thread Gene
My crazy guess is that you need to add 1900 and then these are important years. Maybe years when a team won some sports championship? I'm getting this from the no math or outside knowledge. You need inside knowledge. On Feb 27, 8:24 am, karthikeya s karthikeya.a...@gmail.com wrote: 3, 39,

[algogeeks] Re: count possible number of binary search trees, given number of nodes

2012-02-29 Thread Gene
A related interesting problem is counting binary set hierarchies: the number of perfect binary trees you can build over the same set of n=2^k leaves, where there is no distinction between left and right children. In other words, starting with n=2^k elements, put them into disjoint sets of 2

[algogeeks] Re: Structural Padding in C

2012-02-29 Thread Gene
This depends on the compiler and even on the options you give the compiler. The C nor C++ standards don't say. So the asker of the question hasn't give you enough information. If you assume 32-bit x86 gcc with no packing options or pragmas, I think shorts (which are 2 bytes long) are aligned on

[algogeeks] Re: optimisation

2012-02-29 Thread Gene
For big matrices, using all the caches well is very important. The usual approach is block tiling as you say. You want two blocks to fit nicely in the L1 cache. The most highly optimized schemes will have a hierarchy of tiles where two tiles at the second level will fit in the L2 cache, etc.

[algogeeks] Re: Structural Padding in C

2012-02-29 Thread Gene
-byte boundary after 5 8 + 4 = 12, so the struct takes 12 bytes On Feb 29, 12:03 pm, Karunakar Reddy karunakar.r...@gmail.com wrote: how in the second case it is 12?can u tell the clear expl.. On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: This depends

[algogeeks] Re: Longest Path in A Graph

2012-02-29 Thread Gene
This not a bad thought experiment, but sorry this isn't true. First, there is a problem of cycles. If a graph is undirected, you can pick any edge and go back and forth an arbitrary number of times along that edge to make any path as long as you want. So if there exists _any_ path there is no

[algogeeks] Re: google question

2012-02-28 Thread Gene
be 0.5 ( G(h - 1, i - 1) + G(h - 1, i+1) ) i am not clear why the parents of a cup in upper row are consecutive? Best Regards Ashish Goel Think positive and find fuel in failure +919985813081 +919966006652 On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: G is just

[algogeeks] Re: google question

2012-02-27 Thread Gene
Dave's code is good. Here is a more abstract way of thinking about it. Maybe helpful? Number the rows starting at the top with h=0, and the left i=0. Then the parents of cup(h,i) are always cup(h-1,i-1) and cup(h-1,i). When h0, i0 or i h, the parent does not exist. Let F(h, i) be the amount

[algogeeks] Re: google question

2012-02-27 Thread Gene
practical purposes. It's untested but ought to work. On Feb 27, 10:05 pm, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote: Gene, your DP is what i was thinking of but in code i could not coreleate G(h - 1, i - 1) + G(h - 1, i)  part (: Best Regards Ashish Goel Think positive and find fuel in failure

[algogeeks] Re: Constructing Binary Tree from a sorted Doubly Linked List

2012-02-26 Thread Gene
One way to think about it: Given an input list with n items, consume the first ceiling((n-1)/2)=floor(n/2) items building the left subtree. Then consume the next item to use for the new tree root. Then consume the rest of the elements, which number n - floor(n/2) - 1 to build the right subtree.

[algogeeks] Re: Longest Path in A Graph

2012-02-24 Thread Gene
Nice. The code is very clean. It's worth noting in case anyone is intending to implement this that it's easy find graphs where exhaustive DFS runs in exponential time. One that's easy to envision is a chain of diamonds S8o8o8o ... o8D where S is the source and D the destination with all edges

[algogeeks] Re: merge two sorted list

2012-02-24 Thread Gene
Ah, this reminds me of a beautiful thing that a fine gentleman CB Falconer posted once in comp.programmer. It was so elegant that my normally bad memory still remembers it after some years. You can simplify the merge by using a dummy node for the head of the merged list rather than just a

[algogeeks] Re: use of sentinel in linked list

2012-02-21 Thread Gene
Exactly. The other trick is when maintaining a list in ascending sorted order, to give the sentinel a key of infinite. This way you need not check for the end of list at all. The key comparison will always stop before the last element. I vaguely recall Wirth uses this example in his book

[algogeeks] Re: Finding closest double in a Btree

2012-02-20 Thread Gene
Not to mention the subject line seems to be asking about B-Trees, which is no kind of binary tree, so the OP gets it wrong, too. On Feb 20, 7:28 pm, Dave dave_and_da...@juno.com wrote: @Don: By that measure, it also is trivial if the tree is a BST. You just find the largest node x and the

[algogeeks] Re: Finding closest double in a Btree

2012-02-20 Thread Gene
...@gmail.com wrote: @gene probably you are saying this on the basis of the subject of the mail?Please read the problem statement stated in the mail.Even its  a B tree doesn't effects the algorithm proposed by don which says *traverse each node and keep track of minimum.* So irrespective

[algogeeks] Re: Finding closest double in a Btree

2012-02-20 Thread Gene
Just the topic line: Finding closest double in a Btree On Feb 20, 9:37 pm, Dave dave_and_da...@juno.com wrote: @Gene: I don't know what is confusing about the OP's problem statement: Question is given a binary tree and a key K, code to find the node with the closest value. What do you

[algogeeks] Re: Finding closest double in a Btree

2012-02-20 Thread Gene
The topic of the discussion is: Finding closest double in a Btree A binary tree that is also a B-Tree is (roughly) a Binary Search Tree. On Feb 20, 9:37 pm, Dave dave_and_da...@juno.com wrote: @Gene: I don't know what is confusing about the OP's problem statement: Question is given

[algogeeks] Re: find the sum of very large binary sequence in O(n)

2012-02-13 Thread Gene
What language are you using? In most languages a bool is either 1 byte or 4 bytes long. So you'd be wasting a tremendous amount of time and space if you're doing the additions one bit at a time. Here's roughly how it work work in C, but you'll get a faster result with GNU mp on most machines

[algogeeks] Re: suggestions?

2012-02-12 Thread Gene
If you want to do something of practical importance that has not already been done many times, you can look at parallel collision detection. Collision detection is very important in physical simulations (as in mechanical design tools, CGI, and computer games). On Feb 12, 10:58 am, Arun

[algogeeks] Re: Finding pre order representation of expression

2012-02-09 Thread Gene
I think all the answers are wrong. Also pre-order is probably the wrong term here. The conventional term is prefix or Polish notation. You'd break up this expression at the level of lowest precedence as: (A - B) - C where A = ~16, B = ~14 / ~12, and C = 2 * 8 . Note I'm using ~ for unary

[algogeeks] Re: Divisibility by five

2012-01-22 Thread Gene
You can extend this thinking to finding the value mod M of any string of base B digits. (In this case M=5, B=2, and you are looking for a mod 5 value of zero.) Construct a finite automaton with M states 0 to M-1. The current state of the automaton tells you the value mod M of the digits seen so

[algogeeks] Re: Time Complexity Ques

2012-01-15 Thread Gene
To find sqrt(a), this is equivalent to Newton's Method with f(x)=x^2 - a. Newton is: x_{i+1} = x_i + f'(x_i) / f'(x_i). So you have x_{i+1} = x_i + (x_i^2 - a) / (2 x_i) = (x + a/x) / 2, which is just what the Babylonian method says to do. Newton's method roughly doubles the number of

[algogeeks] Re: Sorting for large data

2012-01-15 Thread Gene
If the interviewer actually said 10^80 data items, he/she was expecting you to say it's a silly question. Do you realize how much 10^80 is? A terabyte is 10^12 bytes. So we are talking about 10^68 1 Tb disk drives just to hold 1 byte records. The number of grains of sand that would make up the

[algogeeks] Re: hextoint program MS Q

2012-01-15 Thread Gene
Which language? On Jan 15, 8:23 pm, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote: Hi, given a string in hex, convert it into int. Write test cases for the same. Best Regards Ashish Goel Think positive and find fuel in failure +919985813081 +919966006652 -- You received this message because you

[algogeeks] Re: hextoint program MS Q

2012-01-15 Thread Gene
And it ought to. Did you try it? On Jan 15, 9:55 pm, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote: a 0x should come as a negative number Best Regards Ashish Goel Think positive and find fuel in failure +919985813081 +919966006652 On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 8:19 AM, Gene

[algogeeks] Re: hextoint program MS Q

2012-01-15 Thread Gene
*s = '9') i = (i 4) + (*s - '0'); else if ('a' = *s *s = 'f') i = (i 4) + *s + (10 - 'a'); else if ('A' = *s *s = 'F') i = (i 4) + *s + (10 - 'A'); else break; if (i 0xf00) break; s++; } return i; } On Jan 15, 10:01 pm, Gene gene.ress

[algogeeks] Re: Time Complexity Ques

2012-01-15 Thread Gene
To find sqrt(a), this is equivalent to Newton's Method with f(x)=x^2 - a. Newton is: x_{i+1} = x_i + f'(x_i) / f'(x_i). So you have x_{i+1} = x_i + (x_i^2 - a) / (2 x_i) = (x + a/x) / 2, which is just what the Babylonian method says to do. Newton's method roughly doubles the number

[algogeeks] Re: Time Complexity Ques

2012-01-15 Thread Gene
I'm sorry for not being specific. I meant it doesn't converge for all roots, e.g. cube root. On Jan 15, 10:18 pm, Dave dave_and_da...@juno.com wrote: @Gene: Actually, Newton's Method for sqrt(a), where a 0, also sometimes called Heron's Method, converges for every initial guess x_0 0

[algogeeks] Re: MS Q

2012-01-11 Thread Gene
) { if (arr[i-1][j]==0 arr[i][j-1]==0 arr[i-1][j-1]==0) count++; else if (arr[i-1][j]==1 arr[i][j-1]==1 arr[i-1][j-1]==0) count--; } On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 8:10 AM, surender sanke surend...@gmail.comwrote: @gene in that case ur erase() should even consider diagonal elements

[algogeeks] Re: MS Q

2012-01-11 Thread Gene
surend...@gmail.com wrote: @gene in that case ur erase() should even consider diagonal elements as well, else there would be 2 islands in example surender On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 7:19 AM, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote: Guys, You are making this way too hard.  It's really

[algogeeks] Re: extracting vector (digitization) from an ECG image

2012-01-10 Thread Gene
This is pretty funny because modern ECG machines generate digital output. You might first look into whether you can get the digits directly from the machine rather than scans of paper. But suppose you can't. I assume you asking how to find numerical coordinates for the curve by scanning and then

[algogeeks] Re: MS Q

2012-01-10 Thread Gene
Guys, You are making this way too hard. It's really a graph problem. The nodes are the 1's and adjacent 1's are connected by undirected edges. You must count components in the graph. So the algorithm is easy: Find a component, erase it, repeat. Count components as you go. What's an efficient

[algogeeks] Re: Maximum size square sub-matrix with all 1s

2012-01-10 Thread Gene
The 1's and 0's are in matrix R. We want to compute an integer matrix M of the same dimensions as R such that Mij is the size of the largest square of 1's of which Rij is the bottom right corner. As we go we can keep track of max(Mij), and this will be the answer. So how to compute Mij? The

[algogeeks] Re: Binary Search Problem

2012-01-09 Thread Gene
Exactly. And note that if pointers and unsigned integers have the same number of bits, overflow can't be a problem as long as the array elements are 2 bytes or more long. I.e. if you have an n-bit machine, the last 2-byte array element can't have index more than 2^n/2 - 1 = 2^(n-1) - 1.

[algogeeks] Re: find point lies in side circle

2012-01-07 Thread Gene
If the graph is planar and you have it's embedding, then you can do better than O(N), at least on a random graph. Otherwise this has to be impossible because the graph gives you no information, and you must look at each vertex. On Jan 5, 1:17 pm, dabbcomputers dabbcomput...@gmail.com wrote: you

[algogeeks] Re: find point lies in side circle

2012-01-07 Thread Gene
sravanreddy...@gmail.com wrote: @Gene: I didn't understand on what you termed as embedding Can you provide more insights on this? @dabbcomputers: also, listing set of points (not just one) isn't going to be a better than O(n) solution. for eg: a value of R that eliminates only half the points outside

[algogeeks] Re: All possible permutations of a given string

2011-12-28 Thread Gene
Don't forget repeats. The string aaa has only one permutation. A related interesting question is how to write a permutation iterator. Here is the interface: typedef struct { // your code here } PERMUTATION_ITERATOR; /* Initialize the given permutation iterator with the string of n

[algogeeks] Re: Frequency Sort Algo

2011-12-26 Thread Gene
Any reasonable algorithm is goingto compute a histogram of the data then sort into frequency order to produce the output. The histogram (map from data values to frequency counts) can be stored in a simple array if the data are small integers as in the example. If the data are not nice, then a

[algogeeks] Re: correctness of point inside polygon: algorithm ?

2011-12-23 Thread Gene
The description is fine. It is tricky to get implementation exactly right for the cases where the ray pierces a vertex or coincides exactly with an edge, especially with floating point rather than rational arithmetic. Franklin's code (link is given on the page) works well. I'd never code it

[algogeeks] Re: Facebook Question

2011-12-22 Thread Gene
The simplest algorithm is probably to check each point against all others while maintaining a list of the top 3. Since 3 is a small number, you can just maintain the top 3 in sorted order by insertion. For a bigger K top-K you'd use a max heap. This can also be done in O(n log n) time by building

[algogeeks] Re: Dynamic programming question

2011-12-14 Thread Gene
Longest path won't work so well because it will return infinity if a path contains a positive cycle, which doesn't apply here because once you pick up an apple, it's gone. On Dec 13, 7:17 am, vikas vikas.rastogi2...@gmail.com wrote: Graph take up, right  and bottom as nodes connected to current

[algogeeks] Re: Cliched 'k' largest elements in billion numbers: Heaps or median-of-medians?

2011-12-12 Thread Gene
of research. So this is a useful thing to discuss. Gene On Dec 11, 8:11 pm, bharath sriram bharath.sri...@gmail.com wrote: Hey group This is kind of a cliched question but given a file with billion numbers and the task is to compute 'k' largest numbers from this file, what approach

[algogeeks] Re: Backtracking algorithm for binpacking-like problem

2011-12-12 Thread Gene
Guys, if you can find a solution that is not exponential time in the worst case you are going to be famous because this problem is NP-Hard in the strong sense. I.e. there is not even a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm. To get a perfect solution every time, you can't do better than heuristic

[algogeeks] Re: Find Largest number in log(n)

2011-12-12 Thread Gene
Exactly. Really you should see this with almost no thought. It's called an adversary argument and goes like this. Since you don't know the order of elements in A, envision them as being put in order by an adversary that always knows in advance what element you're going to examine next. Now no

[algogeeks] Re: A binary tree question

2011-12-11 Thread Gene
You can do a zig-zag traversal of a tree by using 2 stacks in place of the 2 queues you'd use for level order traversal. As you do the zig- zag traversal, just keep track of the current and previous node visited and set previous-zznext = current at each visit. On Dec 11, 1:52 am, AMAN AGARWAL

[algogeeks] Re: convert a sorted DLL to bst

2011-12-11 Thread Gene
This is nice. There is also an article on how to do this iteratively with a stack: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.programming/msg/41f46b2801c4f84e This solution actually traverses a BST of any shape, tears it apart, and reassembles it as a perfectly balanced tree. However, it will also

[algogeeks] Re: finding duplicate set of paranthesis

2011-12-11 Thread Gene
We talked about the problem of removing as many parentheses as possible: http://groups.google.com/group/algogeeks/browse_thread/thread/26ce36ad34dce9dc/e8fb40ab2ba0ecc0 You didn't define duplicate. For (a*b)+c, the parens don't add any information. Should they be removed? The algorithm given

[algogeeks] Re: A binary tree question

2011-12-11 Thread Gene
possible but messier. You have to track the last node added at each level or something equally messy and error prone. By the same logic, you can do the zig-zag order with a single deque, but it's also messier this way. On Dec 11, 12:23 pm, atul anand atul.87fri...@gmail.com wrote: @Gene : if i am

[algogeeks] Re: Java Collections

2011-12-07 Thread Gene
You can make them immutable and hide the constructor (make it private), then provide a factory function public createPerson(String firstName, String lastName, Date dob) that internally maintains a hash of all Person's created so far and never creates the same one twice. If you request the same

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