Re: Curosity Question About ESTA and MSTA

2018-06-11 Thread Bob Raicer
The short answer to your question is No. I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the operation of the Linkage Stack mechanism. You should carefully read "Chapter 2. Linkage stack" within IBM publication SA23-1394-00 "z/OS MVS Programming:  Extended Addressability Guide" (this is the z

Re: SVC99 DEALLOC Failure

2018-10-30 Thread Bob Raicer
How about posting a hex dump of your complete DYNALLOC interface data structures upon return from your Unallocation request: S99RB: the DYNALLOC Request Block S99RBX:    the DYNALLOC Request Block Extension S99TUNIT:  the complete set of DYNALLOC Text Units IGDMCSMG:  the set of SMS/DYNALLOC

Re: Modify ECB COMECBPT Intermittent response

2018-12-06 Thread Bob Raicer
The scenario you describe creates, at the minimum, race conditions and you can (and likely will) get a S301 ABEND.  (Attempting to WAIT on an ECB which already has its WAIT bit set to one).

Re: Getting the Last Condition Code

2018-12-09 Thread Bob Raicer
Speaking as someone who has worked on OS and I/O subsystem development for more than 45 years, I wholeheartedly agree with the comments and observations posted by Brent Longborough.  I've always found the style of invoking some function and depending upon the Condition Code upon return to be worse

Re: Questionable Instructions in Obtaining EAX documentation

2019-11-08 Thread Bob Raicer
Well, the statement from Peter Relson (and others) which is essentially: -- LA R1,1 is exactly equivalent to LA R1,1(0).  Just look at the generated object code. -- is not totally true.  It all depends upon which USINGs are in effect. Take a peek at the following example (admitted

The Condition Code as a return value from a called function and LEAVE in Rexx

2020-06-09 Thread Bob Raicer
d that block, and any active block inside it, are then ended. Control then passes to the clause following the END that matches the instruction of the selected block." The ANSI Standard for Rexx (X3J18) has not been updated since 1998 and consequently does not reflect the notion of the "Label" keyword on "Do", etc. Bob Raicer

Re: z390 RLD Entries ... Bug or Feature?

2020-07-03 Thread Bob Raicer
0001 0016   A 2  + 0001 0001 0000001C   A 3  + 0001 0001 0023   A 4  + Bob Raicer

Re: Deep Cuts

2020-09-09 Thread Bob Raicer
On Sun, 6 Sep 2020 16:48:18 -0700 Charles Mills wrote: > I'm familiar with the use of NULL as a "special" value. I think > the C standard says that 0 may never be a valid address. The ISO/IEC 9899:20xx "C" standard cites no restriction on the value zero being an invalid address. An extraction f

Re: Deep Cuts

2020-09-11 Thread Bob Raicer
On Wed, 9 Sep 2020 13:17:24 -0700 Charles Mills wrote: > Doesn't that say "0 is never a valid address"?  Or at least "zero > never compares equal to the address of any actual object"? "0 is > never equal to any valid address"?  Seems about the same to me. No, it doesn't say "0 is never a valid a

Re: Conditional MVCL macro?

2020-10-21 Thread Bob Raicer
On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 16:58:52 -0400 Steve Smith said:   And for something completely different... sometimes I use MVCK for   a variable-length move instead of EX/MVC or MVCL.  I haven't done   any performance tests, because I haven't used it in   performance-critical code (and it does have a wa

Selective upper casing of assembler source code

2020-10-26 Thread Bob Raicer
Also, long ago and far away, I wrote a Rexx program to read the assembler source file, perform selective upper casing and write a new file.  Comments (both free standing and line end) were left as is; labels, operation codes and most operands were upper cased. My Rexx code did its best to parse th

Re: Table processing question

2021-04-25 Thread Bob Raicer
n some folks use the "list digest". Bob Raicer

Re: Base-less macros

2021-11-08 Thread Bob Raicer
I've been using (for a shockingly large number of years!) the approach that Keith Moe and Charles Mills described.  It has worked very well and caused no trouble for my product development and support teams.  All of the products on which I've been a designer and developer have been nearly 100 perc

z/Architecture Principles of Operation pdf

2021-11-14 Thread Bob Raicer
Resourcelink user ID and the pub seems to be in a machine model specific library (for example, the "z15 Model T01 library"). Is there some (sensible) reason for this? Thanks. Bob Raicer

Re: z/Architecture Principles of Operation pdf

2021-11-16 Thread Bob Raicer
I somewhat agree that z/Architecture is not "a feature of z/OS", however, access to Principles of Operation is mandatory in order to to write (or even study) assembler code.  Numerous other z/OS pubs make many references to Principles of Operation.  For example, the statements shown below extracte

Re: Is it possible to update CSA from an unauthorized user-key program?

2021-12-09 Thread Bob Raicer
Using XCF Note Pad might very well be a good choice.  I *think* the service was introduced in z/OS 1.13, and enhanced in z/OS 2.2 Here are some links to a SHARE presentation from 2013 which describes the facility a bit and offers an example of how SAP has exploited it.

Re: Vector Ops

2021-12-15 Thread Bob Raicer
Very Cool, Dan!  Thanks for putting together an excellent and very interest provoking presentation! Bob

Re: Determining a group item

2021-12-30 Thread Bob Raicer
I'm not clear on what you (Joseph Reichman) are attempting to accomplish.  If you are going to produce a Rexx program that does something with symbols which appear in some form of an assembler data structure, then you could do something like the example shown below and (as others have suggested) s

Re: Making Encoded Bits Human Readable

2022-02-03 Thread Bob Raicer
Here is another possibility that uses instructions which have been available since the publication of the original z/Architecture Principles of Operation in December 2000. It is only one instruction longer (and four instruction bytes longer) than the scheme offered by Dan Greiner, although not as

Re: Making Encoded Bits Human Readable

2022-02-06 Thread Bob Raicer
OK.  Let's go through the code one instruction at a time. I1   LLGC  R0,BYTE  Low order byte of R0 *   contains byte of interest. * *   Bits 56-59 contain the two *   ad

Re: Making Encoded Bits Human Readable

2022-02-07 Thread Bob Raicer
Making Peter's approach even more old school, use R14 and R15 instead of R0 and R1, and do the character conversion stuff with Load Address instead of Add Halfword Immediate. ICM   R14,B'1000',BYTE   Put the byte into bits 0-7 SRDL  R14,30 Move BYTE.0-1 to reg 14.30-

Re: Making Encoded Bits Human Readable

2022-02-07 Thread Bob Raicer
Just for fun, here is yet one more variation on Peter's scheme, using only S/360 instructions.  In the comments, YY and ZZ represent the two bit pairs of interest, lower case x represents bits or bytes of unknown value.  Bit strings are enclosed in square brackets.  Bytes are separated by undersco

Re: Branch-and-Link nomenclature question

2022-02-11 Thread Bob Raicer
The notion of whether some of these linkage instructions could be thought of as "save" and "then branch" is interesting and hasn't changed since the introduction of the S/360. The fundamental concept is that as a part of normal instruction sequencing, the addressing information found in the PSW i

Re: Rules for Zoned Overpunch

2022-02-14 Thread Bob Raicer
Here is another table based scheme which combines sign validation, sign classification (i.e., the sign is negative or positive) and recognition of the preferred sign values. LLC R14,BYTE Fetch the rightmost byte * of the Zoned Dec

Re: Interpreting Explicit Decimal Numbers

2022-02-18 Thread Bob Raicer
Dave -- I'm not clear on what you mean by "precision" and "scale" when you say: "transform a zoned-decimal number with up to 31 digits of precision and up to 15 digits for scale with an external sign and an explicit decimal point into a packed number that is properly aligned." Do you mean "prec

Re: Interpreting Explicit Decimal Numbers

2022-02-19 Thread Bob Raicer
. Which is he using? Do they differ? Is GAAP a requirement? Does . either Rexx support GAAP? Does COBOL? Does DFP? Let me start off by stating: - I don't know what "GAAP" means. - I am fully aware that Dave Clark is implementing code for z/VSE. I didn't have any of the IBM z/VSE publicati

Re: Interpreting Explicit Decimal Numbers

2022-02-22 Thread Bob Raicer
. Just to be clear, the original implementation of ReXX was for VM . in about 1980, well before OS/2. Oh yes, I totally agree. What I was attempting to say was that the original implementation published by RexxLA was based upon the implementation I cited in the IBM announcement letter. I stil

Re: Interpreting Explicit Decimal Numbers

2022-02-22 Thread Bob Raicer
Thank you, Dave, for your explanation of your use of Rexx stem variables, and your definition of terms. Bob

Re: Fun with RXSBG

2022-03-04 Thread Bob Raicer
I have used similar logic to "round up" a length or address value with the same architecturally integral constraints. In this old code fragment GPR 15 contains the initial value to be adjusted. Yes, the code needs to be tweaked for 64-bit values. I guess if I hurt my head a bit I could use the R

Re: Fun with RXSBG

2022-03-05 Thread Bob Raicer
Hi Dan. I believe you have run into a couple of glitches in the z390 assembler. There is another issue with your WIF macro. The line: &LABEL LAY &S,-1(&A,&P) references variable symbol "&A" which is not defined. The HLASM Language Reference states: : Use the MEND statement to indicate th

Re: Test Decimal Instruction

2022-03-08 Thread Bob Raicer
You might want to consider using this (or a similar) code sequence. It eliminates the use of EXECUTE instructions and verifies that the length of the source data is acceptable, i.e., the length is positive and does not exceed the length of the "work area" (field PWORK16). And, of course, it valid

Relative Addressing

2022-04-02 Thread Bob Raicer
I'd like to attempt to clear up some common misconceptions about the Relative Addressing instructions. The "relative immediate" operand of the relative addressing instructions is a signed value representing a number of halfwords. The immediate operand value is effectively doubled and algebraicall

Fun Youtube video about the z16

2022-04-07 Thread Bob Raicer
A former colleague sent me this Youtube video link about the IBM Z16. If you haven't seen the video I think you're in for a treat -- it is pretty cool and funny too. Bob

Re: Quadword constant

2022-04-19 Thread Bob Raicer
A couple of more general instructions which require quadword aligned storage operands and 128-bit values in even-odd pairs of 64-bit GPRs: Compare Double and Swap (CDSG) Compare and Swap and Store (CSST) Having the ability to assemble quadword aligned 128-bit items for use with these instruction

Re: Quadword constant

2022-04-20 Thread Bob Raicer
Ed; Of course, what you said about the LQ type of DC is true, and I too have used LQ data types in some of my code too.  However, the SECTALGN requirement is a bit of an issue when assembling code with 2**3 (double word) section alignment and which also contains DSECTs which map quad word aligned

Re: Quadword constant

2022-04-21 Thread Bob Raicer
-  begin snippet (from Steve Smith) That's the old-fashioned way.  This is the new way:     ORG *,16 -  end snippet The assembler still cares about SECTALGN.  The "old fashioned way" works fine, independent of SECTALGN.  Also, note that I explicitly stated mapping quad word a

Re: Unexpected C code

2022-04-27 Thread Bob Raicer
The behavior of LCR, LNR and LPR have not changed since the introduction of the S/360.  Here are some quotes from GA22-6821 "IBM System/360 Principles of Operation:" For LCR: "An overflow condition occurs when the maximum negative number is complemented; the number remains unchanged." For LNR: "

Re: Unsigned 64-bit numbers

2022-04-29 Thread Bob Raicer
There has been a lot of discussion about the representation of signed binary integers and the common operations of signed addition and subtraction on these items. Since the introduction of the S/360 and continuing on through all of its largely compatible successors, the representation of signed b

Re: Unsigned 64-bit numbers

2022-04-30 Thread Bob Raicer
- begin snippet (from Dave Clark) That's all well and good, but not germain to the issues being discussed in this thread. - end snippet No worries, Dave. My post was not intended to be a direct response to you. I'm also guessing you meant to use the word "germane" (but that's

Re: Unsigned 64-bit numbers

2022-04-30 Thread Bob Raicer
-  begin snippet (from Paul Gilmartin) I believe what it intends to say is that the two's complement of the maximum negative number is not its algebraic negation. -  end snippet I agree with you, Paul, about the "algebraic negation" part of your reply.  However, as perceived by th

Storage-Key-Removal Facility

2022-06-06 Thread Bob Raicer
While browsing the SA22-7832-13 version of Principles of Operation I saw this text on Page 1-28: |Storage-Key-Removal Facility | |The storage-key-removal facility may be available on a model |implementing z/Architecture. A configuration with the |storage-key-removal facility installed does not h

Re: Is True Skip-Sequential Processing Possible with RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS?

2023-11-11 Thread Bob Raicer
More than a decade ago when I was working as a developer on the implementation and support of Extended Address Volumes, the plan of record was to "functionally stabilize" BDAM.  At that time there was zero work planned or being done on BDAM for EAV support.  To be honest, I haven't paid any attent

Re: Is True Skip-Sequential Processing Possible with RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS?

2023-11-11 Thread Bob Raicer
I agree with Paul regarding the absurdity he mentioned. Here's another scheme you might want to consider. Let's call the set of logical records currently at the beginning of the data set the Restricted Access Set.  Presumably, the remaining records comprise the Unrestricted Access Set. You coul

Re: Is True Skip-Sequential Processing Possible with RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS?

2023-11-13 Thread Bob Raicer
A PDSE is essentially a form of VSAM Linear, where the physical data set is a collection of 4K-byte blocks.  It does not have the notion of CA's and CI's like other VSAM data sets.  The notion of BLKSIZE is synthesized and mapped onto the internal PDSE structures; the BLKSIZE value is not the phys

Re: Is True Skip-Sequential Processing Possible with RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS?

2023-11-13 Thread Bob Raicer
There have been a few posts in this thread that more or less stated that only complete physical blocks could be read into storage from a device. This is not strictly true. There is the obvious case of truncation, where the number of bytes the device has been requested to transfer is less than th

Re: the fine manuals

2012-12-09 Thread Bob Raicer
First, the mandatory disclaimer: The content of this message is my personal view only and does not in any way reflect the opinion or position of my employer. I couldn't agree more with the overall sentiment about Infocenter -- it's miserable. As a developer, I find it very challenging to get th

Re: how to: document usage of bit(s) of a register.

2013-06-27 Thread Bob Raicer
If what you're really trying to do is to copy the low order 32 bits of GPR 13 into the high order 32 bits of GPR 0, while leaving the low order 32 bits of GPR 0 unchanged, then the following I-stream will do the job. RLLG R0,R0,32(0) Exchange the high order and *

Re: Relative Branches / IBM macros

2013-11-19 Thread Bob Raicer
It seems to me that the real problem is that the assembler is inconsistent with respect to the evaluation of expressions and using the result of such an evaluation in various contexts. The HLASM Language Reference clearly states the requirement of Immediate Data operands for machine instructions:

Re: Relative Branches / IBM macros

2013-11-20 Thread Bob Raicer

Re: The Future of the ITSO

2014-01-28 Thread Bob Raicer
IBM is thrashing about, trying to find ways to reduce the erosion of profit margins. Producing high quality product documentation is time consuming and necessarily involves the resources of many people. Internally, this is regarded as essentially pure overhead. When this is coupled with the bel

Re: REXX interface

2014-03-22 Thread Bob Raicer
I'm not really sure what the original question was all about: === On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 9:04 AM, John Walker wrote: Rexx execs are EASY. But, Rexx interface, is that something different? ===

Re: Rexx substr not retiring string

2014-04-02 Thread Bob Raicer
Take a look at the EXECIO topic within "Chapter 10. TSO/E REXX commands" in IBM pub "z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference Version 2 Release 1" (SA32-0972-00). Among other things you'll see that specifying "*" as the first EXECIO operand (this is the "lines" parameter) when DISKW is specified as the second

Re: Rexx substr not retiring string

2014-04-04 Thread Bob Raicer
John (Walker); I believe you are confusing the notion of a null terminated string and a "line" whose length is zero. A "null" character (in both ASCII and EBCDIC) is a byte whose value is 0x00, i.e., all bits are zero. In the "C" programming language (and many other programming languages), the


2014-06-07 Thread Bob Raicer
On Fri, 6 Jun 2014 10:43:57 -0600, Paul Gilmartin wrote: > I suspect the restriction (we have it at 1.13) spans many > releases. How silly to go to trouble to avoid doing nothing. > > DISP={OLD|NEW} seems to make no difference. I suspect that DISP > is among many DD options that are simply ign


2014-06-07 Thread Bob Raicer
DUMMY allocation). Bob On 2014-06-07 9:30 AM, Robert A. Rosenberg wrote: At 08:30 -0600 on 06/07/2014, Bob Raicer wrote about Re: ADRDSSU VTOC -- also IEBCOPY: I certainly cannot look at the source code for IEBCOPY, but I suspect that IEBCOPY simply checks the device type associated with the

HLASM treatment of RMODE for an ENTRY point label

2015-03-17 Thread Bob Raicer
I've noticed that the IBM CELQPRLG macro emits the following statements unconditionally (the numbers in parens at the start of each line below are for reference; they are not an actual portion of the emitted statement). (1) ENTRY &CEEEPNM (2) &CEEEPNM DS 0H (3) &CEEEPNM AMODE 64 (4) &CEEEPNM RMOD

Re: How to create a pdf file from Mainframe

2024-01-08 Thread Bob Raicer
Are you intending to perform the entire document creation process on z/OS, editing the content by perhaps using some GUI based product, or perhaps using some form of a "batch" type of a product that uses markup tags (something similar to the old IBM BookManager product)? Whatever the tool, if that

Re: Hiding COPY text

2024-02-23 Thread Bob Raicer
I do not believe the suggestion about putting the COPY statement within a macro definition will work as desired.  Here is an extraction of the description of the COPY statement as it relates to macros (Chapter 7. How to specify macro definitions, page 227 of SC26-4940-09 High Level Assembler for z

Re: OPCODE tables

2024-03-21 Thread Bob Raicer
What David Cole said is sad and true. After the dissolution of marriage and Kay Bond taking over the business, David and Kay asked me if I would be interested in helping Kay with technical support and maintenance of the Tachyon software suite.  I said Yes, and, for a brief time, I did what I coul

Re: Where to find old manuals

2024-03-26 Thread Bob Raicer
place the content of the ilrjava directory as found on the z/OS V1R8 "Tools" CD (from the IBM SK3T-4269-17 Collection) on a site such as Dropbox for you; let me know. Bob Raicer On 2024-03-26 2:35 AM, Jonathan Scott wrote: where can I find the assembler macros manuals from the old z

Re: Where to find old manuals

2024-03-26 Thread Bob Raicer
Yes, that is the variant which is Java based and which is available at the URL I included in my post.  That variant was constructed as a native 32-bit Microsoft Windows application which does not require any additional JRE components.  Here is a snippet of prose from the related "install.txt" file