CiKEAS> Makna Senyuman

2009-06-10 Thread muhamad agus syafii
Makna Senyuman By: agussyafii Ditengah kehidupan kota besar seperti kota Jakarta semua berlalu lalang dengan cepat. Menghentakkan jiwa penuh dengan kejutan.  Kebahagiaan, penderitaan, tertawa dan menangis, Semua silih berganti datang dan pergi. Sejenak merenung, mendengarkan Hana yang senantia

CiKEAS> Isu Neoliberalisme Tak Turunkan Citra SBY-Boediono

2009-06-10 Thread vanihui
JAKARTA - Mendekati pelaksanaan Pemilu Presiden 8 Juli 2009, pasangan calon presiden dan calon wakil presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dan Boediono tetap diunggulkan dibanding dua pasangan capres-cawapres lainnya. Meski isu neoliberalisme menghantam pasangan itu, namun citra SBY-Boediono d

CiKEAS> ILO renews criticism of Kuwait

2009-06-10 Thread sunny
Refleksi: Perhatikan ini jika Anda, suadara atau kenalan Anda diajak bekerja di Kuwait! Local News ILO renews criticism of Kuwait Published Date: June 10, 2009 KUWAIT: The International Labor Organization (ILO) has renewed its criti

CiKEAS> Youth may be challenge for Ahmadinejad in poll

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Regional News Youth may be challenge for Ahmadinejad in poll Published Date: June 09, 2009 TEHRAN: The young Iranians cruising noisily around upscale northern Tehran in cars plastered with election posters have only one thing on thei

CiKEAS> Kaum Muda Kristiani Siap Menangkan Mega-Prabowo

2009-06-10 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Domba-domba dengan gembala setengah buta biasanya mudah menjadi mansa serigala berbudlu domba. Selasa, 09/06/2009 17:33 WIB Warta No. 1 Kaum Muda Kristiani Siap Menangkan M

CiKEAS> Tiap Tahun, Utang Pemerintah Naik Rp 100 Triliun

2009-06-10 Thread sunny
Refleksi : Syukuralhamdullilah, rupanya makin banyak hutang makin baik untuk perekonomi kerakyatan. Jumat, 05/06/2009 17:33 WIB Warta No. 1 Tiap Tahun, Utang Pemerintah Naik Rp 100 Trili

CiKEAS> Talibans [1 Attachment]

2009-06-10 Thread ANDREAS MIHARDJA
  The way of punishments -under the Talibans fundamentalist regime

CiKEAS> Rafsanjani slams Ahmadinejad 'fabrications'

2009-06-10 Thread sunny§ion=0&article=123456&d=10&m=6&y=2009 Wednesday 10 June 2009 (16 Jumada al-Thani 1430) Rafsanjani slams Ahmadinejad 'fabrications' Agencies TEHRAN: One of Iran's most senior politicians accused President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday of

CiKEAS> Is Indonesia's anti-corruption court in danger?

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Is Indonesia's anti-corruption court in danger? Written by Our Correspondent Wednesday, 10 June 2009 An anticorruption court has to be rescued by lawmakers, some of w

CiKEAS> Neo-liberalism a dirty Indonesian word

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Jun 11, 2009 Neo-liberalism a dirty Indonesian word By Megawati Wijaya JAKARTA - Indonesia's presidential election campaign has swung towards economic policy debate, with challengers to incumbent and frontrunner Susilo Bambang Yudho

CiKEAS> 11 killed in Peshawar PC blast

2009-06-10 Thread sunny\06\10\story_10-6-2009_pg1_1 11 killed in Peshawar PC blast * Attackers fire at security guards from one vehicle, blow up second inside hotel's compound * 60 injured, 2 foreigners including Russian UN official among dead PESHAWAR: A massive

CiKEAS> Reformists hit the streets in tight Iran vote

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Latest Update: Wednesday10/6/2009June, 2009, 11:07 PM Doha Time Reformists hit the streets in tight Iran vote By Roshanak Taghavi/Tehran Supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi atten

CiKEAS> Reform unlikely in Iran

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Reform unlikely in Iran By Mohammad Akef Jamal, Special to Gulf News Published: June 10, 2009, 23:17 With just a day to go before the presidential elections in Iran, tension is high in the region and

CiKEAS> Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan pledge to eliminate terrorism

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan pledge to eliminate terrorism Indo-Asian News Service Tehran, May 25, 2009 First Pu

CiKEAS> Earth-Venus smash-up possible in 3.5 bn years: Study

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Earth-Venus smash-up possible in 3.5 bn years: Study Marlowe Hood, Agence France-Presse Paris, June 10, 2009

CiKEAS> Wiranto defends human right record

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Wiranto defends human right record The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Wed, 06/10/2009 8:23 PM | Presidential Election Vice presidential candidate Wiranto, who has been linked to various atrocities involving

CiKEAS> Police retake airstrip from `TNI deserter'-led group

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Police retake airstrip from `TNI deserter'-led group Angela Flassy , The Jakarta Post , Jayapura | Mon, 06/08/2009 11:11 AM | The Archipelago After more than a month, police have finally

CiKEAS> Four years sought for ex-W. Java governor

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Four years sought for ex-W. Java governor Irawaty Wardany , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Wed, 06/10/2009 1:03 PM | National The long arm of the law: Former West Java governor Dani Setiawan listens to

CiKEAS> State ignores the right of citizens in polls

2009-06-10 Thread sunny State ignores the right of citizens in polls The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Mon, 05/11/2009 9:14 AM The failure of up to 40 percent of voters unable to cast ballots in the legislative elections is evidence of massive violation

CiKEAS> Anti-immigration party member becomes Italy's first black mayor

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Anti-immigration party member becomes Italy's first black mayor By Michael Day in Milan Wednesday, 10 June 2009 A card-carrying member of Italy's anti-immigration Northern

CiKEAS> The Thinker: Divides of Borneo

2009-06-10 Thread sunny June 10, 2009 Karim Raslan The Thinker: Divides of Borneo The Indonesian love balladeer, Diana Nasution, captured the essence of Indonesia-Malaysia relations with her song, "Benci Tapi Rindu" - "I hate you but I miss you."

CiKEAS> Iranians dare to dream of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad losing his job

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Iranians dare to dream of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad losing his job It may not be a revolution, but Tehran sees poll as the first to matter in a decade Ian Black in Tehran Wednesday 10 June 2009 19.57 BST If Mah

CiKEAS> Terrorist Commander surrenders; 23 terrorists killed: ISPR

2009-06-10 Thread sunny Thursday, June 11, 2009 Jumadi-ul-Sani 17, 1430 AH Terrorist Commander surrenders; 23 terrorists killed: ISPR 'Pakistan Times' Federal Bureau ISLAMABAD: A terrorist Commander has surrendered before the security forces which have killed 2

CiKEAS> Muso dan Hartono Mati Dibunuh Oleh Dalang Yang Sama

2009-06-10 Thread Hafsah Salim
Muso dan Hartono Mati Dibunuh Oleh Dalang Yang Sama Muso adalah Dubes RI di Soviet, dan Hartono adalah Dubes RI di Korea Utara. Keduanya dipaksa pulang untuk kemudian dibunuh ditanah airnya dalam judul kemelut politik yang berbeda. Tidak banyak dice

CiKEAS> Workshop Pengembangan Klaster Industri Hilir Kelapa Sawit di IPB Bogor

2009-06-10 Thread Promotor
Dear All,   Pemerintah Indonesia harus mengambil langkah strategis mengembangkan industri hilir kelapa sawit agar nilai tambah tersebut dapat dinikmati oleh daerah penghasil CPO. Dengan melihat posisi Riau yang strategis baik dari sisi penyediaan bahan baku maupun wilayah, maka pendirian klaster

CiKEAS> joint...

2009-06-10 Thread suara_rakyat_indonesia
i wanna to joint . approv yahh..

CiKEAS> Luar Biasa, Ternyata BLT Hasil Utangan dari Pihak Asing

2009-06-10 Thread Al Faqir Ilmi
Luar Biasa, Ternyata BLT Hasil Utangan dari Pihak Asing Kamis, 11 Juni 2009 03:55    Jakarta, NU Online Penggunaan dana Bantuan Tunai Langsung (BLT) yang diperoleh dari pinjaman utang asing, justru akan menghancurkan Presiden SBY. Upaya program untuk menghilangkan kemiskinan yang digembar-gemb