Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-24 Thread Samantha L.
In a message dated 5/23/00 10:37:32 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Firstly, We ( J2- made the original claim that there is no hard evidence of intelligent alien existence on Earth )are NOT required to prove that aliens don't exist. The more extraordinary the claim, the

[CTRL] 2nd FBI leader heard of 'pressure' on probe

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
May 24, 2000 2nd FBI leader heard of 'pressure' on probe By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES A second FBI executive can confirm that a top Justice Department official said he was "under a lot of pressure not to go forward" with an investigation into 1996 campaign finance abuses, and that

[CTRL] WT: Tarnished legacy

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Washington Times-May 24, 2000 Tarnished legacy By Tony Blankley From Monday's New York Times: "With time running out for a Mideast peace accord or a new arms deal with Russia, the outcome of the [China trade] vote has taken on huge importance in the president's mind. 'He hates the word,

[CTRL] Concentration Camp Locations

2000-05-24 Thread Nicky Molloy
-Original Message- From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wednesday, 24 May 2000 14:01 Subject: Re: Concentration Camp Locations + NOTE: THE U.S. HOUSE WILL VOTE FOR FREE TRADE WITH CHINA TOMORROW! SEE URL'S

[CTRL] WND: Gore's fear of frying; took $100,000-plus credit line in 1998

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER WorldNetDaily THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2000 Gore's fear of frying VP took $100,000-plus credit line in 1998 after fund-raising scandal By Paul Sperry © 2000 WASHINGTON -- He was loaded for bear. But

[CTRL] New ruling could mean end of Tripp case - analysts

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Updated 11:48 AM ET May 21, 2000 New ruling could mean end of Tripp case - analysts By David Morgan PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Ten months after Linda Tripp was indicted in Maryland for making the secret tape-recordings that led to President Clinton's impeachment, a judge Monday could


2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Washington Weekly 05/22/2000 A LOOK INTO THE ABYSS What Elian Tells Us About Ourselves By Edward Zehr "They have become, in the fullest sense of the term, Weimar Republicans." Oh no, the reader thinks upon seeing the subtitle of this


2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Other horrible examples could be mentioned. When the mass- murdering Marxist monster Pol Pot drove the population of Phnom Penh out of the Cambodian capital in a death march, the pro- communist apologist and syndicated columnist Anthony Lewis leaped to his defense, decrying the


2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
5-21-00 UNLESS the Clinton Tontons Macoutes can find out that Rick Lazio wears a mask, carries a machine gun and hunts bear out of season with a crossbow, Hillary is looking at her worst nightmare: nobody to slag. "The Clinton doctrine of search-and-destroy is already rolling,"said Lazio

[CTRL] J.C. Watts, Jr. Remarks Before The National Rifle Association

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
EMBARGOED UNTIL TIME OF SPEECH: 9:00 P.M. Contact: Bill Shapard 202-225-6165/ 202-225-3191 [EMAIL PROTECTED] House Conference Chairman J.C. Watts, Jr. (R-Okla.) Remarks Before The National Rifle Association Annual Convention, Keynote Address Charlotte, N.C. May 20, 2000 Thank you very much.

[CTRL] U.S. Agrees to Total Nuclear Weapons Ban

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
[The new Republican President will have his work cut out for him. I understood this was a non-binding agreement. If it commits us, where is the Senate in all this? Don't they have a say in treaties? --MS] U.S. Agrees to Total Nuclear Weapons Ban Sunday May 21, 2000 The United

[CTRL] Elian Dressed in Communist Uniform at Wye: Photos

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER Inside Cover Wednesday May 17, 2000; 9:06 AM EDT Elian Dressed in Communist Uniform at Wye: Photos The latest photographs from Maryland's Wye River Plantation show six-year-old Elian Gonzalez dressed in the uniform of the Pioneers, Cuba's communist youth league, prompting concerns


2000-05-24 Thread Nicky Molloy
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Surfing The Apocalypse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: AN AIRLINE MANAGER'S STATEMENT Posted by C.E. Carnicom on behalf of the author May 22 2000 Mr. Carnicom: I read the email you received from the anonymous mechanic and felt compelled to

[CTRL] Buy some gas, bomb a village

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Buy some gas, bomb a village Every time you fill your gas tank, you are helping Russia buy a nuclear missile. Bill Clinton is trying to leave a legacy, and Al Gore is trying to get elected. The combination of Bill and Al has raised

[CTRL] Patche's stance on tort reform mau soon shift

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
From: Patches' stance on tort reform may soon shift by Howie Carr Friday, May 19, 2000 Pity poor Patches Kennedy. Always the runt of the litter, never the sharpest knife in the drawer, now the Boy Congressman from Rhode Island is

[CTRL] London Times: Gun Law Protest Backfires

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
London Times-May 19, 2000 Gun law protest backfires FROM DAMIAN WHITWORTH IN NEW YORK A SURGE in support for tighter gun control laws has resulted in record numbers joining the National Rifle Association, America's most powerful pro-gun group. The NRA has seen membership leap to a record 3.6

[CTRL] AP: FBI Memo Cites Fund Probe Pressure

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
FBI Memo Cites Fund Probe Pressure By John Solomon Associated Press Writer Thursday, May 18, 2000; 8:47 p.m. EDT WASHINGTON –– FBI Director Louis Freeh wrote a memo in the earliest days of the Democratic fund-raising investigation suggesting a top Justice Department official was under pressure

[CTRL] Latest Clinton Body Count

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
From: Clinton Body Count Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Friday, May 19, 2000 Six are left to determine license case of Clinton By MICHAEL ROWETT Five more members of the Arkansas Supreme Court committee that will

[CTRL] Gertz: Russia sends cruise missiles to China for new warships

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
BILL GERTZ THE WASHINGTON TIMES May 19, 2000 Russia sends cruise missiles to China for new warships Russia recently delivered the first shipment of supersonic cruise missiles to China for a new missile destroyer and more of the weapons will be sent later this

[CTRL] Ignorance of Freedom

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Thomas Sowell May 18, 2000 Ignorance of freedom Five years ago, there was great consternation when the Supreme Court ruled that carrying

[CTRL] AP: Justice Said Pressured on Fund Probe

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Justice Said Pressured on Fund Probe By John Solomon Associated Press Writer Thursday, May 18, 2000; 8:29 p.m. EDT WASHINGTON –– FBI Director Louis Freeh wrote a memo in the earliest days of the Democratic fund-raising investigation suggesting a top Justice Department official was under

[CTRL] AP: 7 Bow Out of Clinton Disbarment Case

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
7 Bow Out of Clinton Disbarment Case by KELLY P. KISSEL Associated Press Writer LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- Half the members of a state panel with the power to strip President Clinton of his law license have bowed out of the case. The recusals leave barely enough members to consider whether

[CTRL] AP: Kudges Probe Clinton Letter Release

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Judges Probe Clinton Letter Release May 18, 2000 Filed at 12:29 p.m. EDT By The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal appeals court today sharply questioned a judge's ruling that President Clinton committed a crime in releasing friendly letters from a woman who accused him of groping

[CTRL] Criss Matthews Worries About White House File

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Newsmax-Inside Cover Wednesday May 17, 2000 9:11 PM EST Chris Matthews Worried About White House File Allegations that the Clinton White House has been using confidential government files - including FBI files - is not new. In 1996 it was discovered that at least 1,000 FBI files on

[CTRL] Top FBI Expert: Reno Should Have Been Fired

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Top FBI Expert: Reno Should Have Been Fired Thursday, May 18, 2000 The FBI’s former top hostage negotiator instructor says that the Miami raid to seize Elian by federal agents was "unwarranted" and should have led to firing Attorney General Janet Reno. "The raid was unwarranted.

[CTRL] Wash Times: English Fluency Soars in Los Angeles Schools

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
[I remember when this initiative was on the ballot. Those radical liberals who opposed it claimed the sky would fall down, and worse. To me it just made good sense. If somone cannot be fluent in English in this country, that person is basically condemned to be on the absolute lowest position on

[CTRL] Chemtrails over Desert Storm

2000-05-24 Thread Nicky Molloy
-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 24 May 2000 Subject: Chemtrails over Desert Storm --- Forwarded message follows --- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Buyea) Click at bottom to see Chemtrails over Saudi Arabia and Iraq during


2000-05-24 Thread lloyd
.. From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]: Conspiracy Shopping Cart: From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: "\"American Patriot Friends Network\"" [EMAIL


2000-05-24 Thread Nicky Molloy
-Original Message- From: Surfing The Apocalypse [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wednesday, 24 May 2000 20:11 Subject: [surfingtheapocalypse] CONTRAILS VS CHEMTRAILS - FACTS AND CHRONOLOGY Contrails Vs Chemtrails - Facts And Chronology From Kim Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-24 Thread Mary K. Gemmato
The more you listen to the crap coming out of Congress and the White House and Washington DC in general...I have trouble finding intelligent life here period @@ @@ @@ - Original Message - From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] signoff ctrl

2000-05-24 Thread Bill Huey
A HREF="" DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,

[CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-24 Thread Nicky Molloy
TIme to recycle this. -Original Message- From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Friday, 5 November 1999 07:31 Subject: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky? --- Forwarded Message Follows --- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-05-24 Thread Nicky Molloy

Re: [CTRL] INS Investigating Beating of Elian Camera Crew

2000-05-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld
The Immigration and Naturalization Service is actively investigating allegations that a federal SWAT team beat up an NBC camera crew as it was preparing to film last month's raid on the home of Elian Gonzalez's Miami relatives, has learned. "That issue is now being taken up by


2000-05-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld
...why Michael Spitzer gets to send 20+ posts in one day to this list, while I and the rest of the list are restricted to only 7 per day... June A HREF="" DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing

Re: [CTRL] Chemtrails over Desert Storm

2000-05-24 Thread nessie
[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: Click at bottom to see Chemtrails over Saudi Arabia and Iraq during Desert Storm War 1991, What, exactly, makes thes things "chemtrails" and not ordinary contrails? Be specific. A HREF="" DECLARATION DISCLAIMER ==

Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-24 Thread nessie
[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: -Original Message- From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED] (snip) From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (snip) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (snip) This morning Art Bell had a guest on his show named William Thomas. He is a

Re: [CTRL] You are a fraud.

2000-05-24 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley
On Tue, 23 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote: 5/23/00 It's over now Yair. Genetics have put an end to your con game. No more extracting book money from those pathetic Biblical Israelite wannabes. You should be made to pay back every penny you got from these idiots. If I lived in

Re: [CTRL] Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

2000-05-24 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley
On Tue, 23 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote: How could this ever compare with my main rival Allan Greenspan whose economic theories are based on those of yet another co-religionist of ours, Ayn Rand. Are all you co-religionists atheists or do you all have the same "genetic markers" for

[CTRL] Media Miasma-fication

2000-05-24 Thread Alamaine
From }}Begin c o m m e n t a r y May 22, 2000 Trade liberty for safety or money and you'll end up with neither. Liberty, like a grain of salt, easily dissolves. The power of questioning -- not simply believing -- has no friends. Yet liberty depends on it. Note from the

[CTRL] Fwd: The Week of Peace

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
-Original Message- From: Steven Plaut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Subject: The Week of Peace Ok so let's see if we can sum up the debacle of the past week. Days after promising to hand Arafat parts of Jerusalem, in response to which Arafat orders an auto da fe of a Jewish


2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
In a message dated 5/24/00 4:51:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: ...why Michael Spitzer gets to send 20+ posts in one day to this list, while I and the rest of the list are restricted to only 7 per day... June June, Michael had asked if he could awhile back and he has been made an "editor"

[CTRL] Les Follies des foux et folles du Village

2000-05-24 Thread Alamaine
Extracted from: n=1 }}Begin Taki LE MAÎTRE A Village of Idiots With apologies to the great Thomas Sowell (imagine how much better the black American community would be if it had Sowell and Ward Connerly as leaders,

Re: [CTRL] Giuliani, A string of bad luck??

2000-05-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn
In a message dated 05/20/2000 11:29:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Those who are familiar with the long list of people connected with William Jefferson Clinton who have died under strange and mysterious circumstances should perhaps add Mayor Giuliani's

[CTRL] OEN 5/24/00

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
from: Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A - Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid Janet Reno Declares Taiwan Hostile Threat Why can't they just pay us for secrets like China does. The Clinton administration, in a

[CTRL] Fwd: VoteFraud Convention

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
Sorry if this is a duplication. I've just subscribe under this alternate email address. Please help restore honest elections to save America. Support the upcoming VoteFraud Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio on August 25-27. Visit for details. Godspeed! /s/ cia

[CTRL] American Investigator

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
from: Click Here: A HREF=""American Investigator/A - American Investigator Exclusive: Janet Reno sends secret document to Louis Freeh classifying China as terrorist state! Click here to view document. * Will this

[CTRL] BRITLAND NEWSBYTE [nwo in scotland]

2000-05-24 Thread Andrew Hennessey
NEW WORLD ORDER has hard time in SCOTLAND by andrew hennessey Scottish daily Record editorial as NWO kid control policies go public . wed 24 may 2000 page 8 They've banned school sports days, canned kids' football medals and denounced Noddy [cartoon character] as a danger to our childrens

Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-24 Thread Tony Dickinson
Dear J2, many thanks for your considered contribution to this thread, a few further commments of clarification re my position if I may: Dear Ten, I would be happier if you could qualify your claim. What is your evidence for there being 'absolutely no "hard" evidence for

[CTRL] George W. Bush's Booze And Drug Problems...

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
from:alt.conspiracy As, always, Caveat Lector Om K - Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:617107"George W. Bush's Booze And Drug Problems.../A - Subject: George W. Bush's Booze And Drug Problems... From: A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] "[EMAIL PROTECTED] /A (Abemarf) Date:


2000-05-24 Thread Yardbird
-- Forwarded message -- Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 12:49:51 + From: MER [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: MER [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: ISRAELIS TAKE REVENGE TARGETING JOURNALISTS ___ __ / |/ / /___/ / /_ //M I D - E A S T R E A L

Re: [CTRL] Gladiator; Argentus Scoutus? OHIO-RIVER . . . AWAY!

2000-05-24 Thread Daryl Stambaugh
THE MARKET PLACE SPEAKS! AOL maintains a running poll [ YUCH!! gag me with a spoon] in their movie review section wherein visitors vote on several characteristics of currently running movies. I have listed below, the totals for several movies on that list; I have included only two of the

Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-24 Thread Byron R Wahl
I don't understand how the sickening aerial spraying is kept out of the 6 o'clock evening news. How? And why have no "scientists" taken up the topic. Which is worse, the media lid, or the aerial spraying. I've seen the chemtrails and I wasn't hallucinating! -- On Wed, 24 May 2000 05:49:04

Re: [CTRL] Rejected posting to CTRL@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

2000-05-24 Thread Byron R Wahl
I received no indication that my earlier questions and comments on chemtrails had been successfully transmitted by Yahoo is the only one that doesn't drive me nuts but it's already busy with prj and M.O.M. (M.O.M. certainly presents some astounding info at times.) -- On Wed, 24

Re: [CTRL] Mind Chemtrol From The Sky?

2000-05-24 Thread nessie
[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes: I've seen the chemtrails and I wasn't hallucinating! I've seen 'em, too, twice. That doesn't mean I know what they are. Unlike some people, I have the common decency to not say that I do when I know that I don't. More importantly, I don't repeat hearsay and

Re: [CTRL] George W. Bush's Booze And Drug Problems...'

2000-05-24 Thread Thomas A. Butler
A very interesting commentary on the past of Bush. Can we ever get a candidate for prez that does not lie, cheat, or embarass themselves? - Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html ) The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere! A

[CTRL] state of CTRL list

2000-05-24 Thread Andrew Hennessey
hi, I signed off the CTRL list a month or so ago - and have recently rejoined to find that the nature of the conspiracy information coming through has polarised itself into several basic sets. 1. the long running jews and nazis thing 2. NRA vs. the FEDS 3. pseudo skeptical denial of the

[CTRL] Fw::afp- Macedonian police seize Albanian with 57 kilos of marijuana

2000-05-24 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General
-Original Message- From: Aleksandar Stojsic [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 9:30 PM Subject: SN796:afp- Macedonian police seize Albanian with 57 kilos of marijuana SKOPJE, May 23 (AFP) -

[CTRL] Fw: SN790:Bosnian Posavina (Part Eight)

2000-05-24 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General
- -Original Message- From: Elich, Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 'siemvesti' [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 8:01 PM Subject: SN790:Bosnian Posavina (Part Eight) PART EIGHT 3.5.3. Humiliation, Harassment and Intimidation The testimonies of all the former inmates of the

[CTRL] Fw: SN791:Bosnian Posavina (Part Nine)

2000-05-24 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General
-Original Message- From: Elich, Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 'siemvesti' [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 8:06 PM Subject: SN791:Bosnian Posavina (Part Nine) PART NINE BLAGOJEVIC DESANKA, a nurse from Tesanj, was killed during the transfer of the Serb inmates

[CTRL] Antiglobalization

2000-05-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research
The following article appeared in Left Business Observer #71, January 1996. It was written by Doug Henwood, editor and publisher. It retains its copyright and may not be reprinted or redistributed in any form - print, electronic, facsimile, anything - without the permission of LBO.

[CTRL] Boom for whom?

2000-05-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research
Boom for whom? This is an update, and not an exhaustive treatment of the subject. For a more thorough income and poverty workout, see articles in LBO issues 61, 65, 66, 69, 80, and 86, the supplement on income and poverty on this site, or Doug Henwood's book A New Economy?, due later this year

Re: [CTRL] Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

2000-05-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research
Franklin Wayne Poley wrote: On Tue, 23 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote: How could this ever compare with my main rival Allan Greenspan whose economic theories are based on those of yet another co-religionist of ours, Ayn Rand. Are all you co-religionists atheists or do you all have

Re: [CTRL] You are a fraud.

2000-05-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research
Franklin Wayne Poley wrote: On Tue, 23 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote: 5/23/00 It's over now Yair. Genetics have put an end to your con game. No more extracting book money from those pathetic Biblical Israelite wannabes. You should be made to pay back every penny you got from

Re: [CTRL] CIA, AFL-CIO, and Pinochet

2000-05-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research
What a spectacular find Kris. This is superb. This will go into my " understanding the New World Order " under Foxes in the Hen House. A section which explains why the Labor Elite are part of the Corporate Elite. Thanks. Joshua2 Kris Millegan wrote: Click Here: A

Re: [CTRL] allegations against priests

2000-05-24 Thread Smart News
Dear List, Below please find an article about allegations against priests. Sincerely, Neil Brick excerpt from This article may be triggering for survivors of abuse. all accusations are alleged Sexual Abuse by Priests Citizens of

[CTRL] Message From Lloyd Pye

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Hello, Everyone! For four hours tomorrow night I will be on the Coast To Coast show (Art Bell's old haunt) with Mike Siegel. This will be my "get acquainted" session with Mike, and I look forward to meeting him. We are supposed to be going over some of my old material about hominoids and


2000-05-24 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 5/24/00 10:58:02 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: So yes, Michael can posts more. If he oversteps his "power", this is an electronic jungle and the "club: will come out 'da sky. I'd suggest that this power is being abused then...granted his posts are

[CTRL] Bush And The Jewish Vote...

2000-05-24 Thread William Shannon
Houses of the holy George W. Bush offers an olive branch to Jewish voters while trying to set a different tone from his father's squabbles with pro-Israel lobbying groups. - - - - - - - - - - - - By Jake Tapper May 24, 2000 | In a speech to the country's most influential Zionist interest group

[CTRL] Nealz Nuze Editorial

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
From: SO --- YOU PEOPLE THOUGHT I WAS KIDDING, HUH? Well ... You're wrong. You are right to doubt though. As I say, don't believe anything you hear on my program or read on my site unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true, or you have

[CTRL] A Thomas Sowell Editorial

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
"Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity."

Re: [CTRL] A Thomas Sowell Editorial

2000-05-24 Thread William Shannon
OK...5 million posts a day is one thing but now we're subject to every right-wing republican's editorials too??? Yuck! Please cease the insanity! Bill. A HREF="" DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing

[CTRL] FOX: Paula Jones Fears Vengeance From Clinton; Says No to Penthouse (fwd)

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
Paula Jones Fears Vengeance From Clinton; Says No to Penthouse Fox News-Tuesday, May 23, 2000 NEW YORK — Paula Jones said she fears that when President Clinton leaves office he may have her killed or injured out of vengeance for her allegations that he sexually harassed her. During an

Re: [CTRL] A Thomas Sowell Editorial

2000-05-24 Thread M.A. Johnson
Bill OK...5 million posts a day is one thing but now we're subject to every right-wing republican's editorials too??? Yuck! Please cease the insanity! MJ Why not explain WHY Dr. Sowell's piece is 'nonsense' rather than utilizing Hillary Clinton's tact at diverting attention from

Re: [CTRL] A Thomas Sowell Editorial

2000-05-24 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 5/24/00 6:52:42 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Why not explain WHY Dr. Sowell's piece is 'nonsense' rather than utilizing Hillary Clinton's tact at diverting attention from substance and to personalities -- real or imagined. Who said it was

Re: [CTRL] FOX: Paula Jones Fears Vengeance From Clinton; Says No to Penthous...

2000-05-24 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 5/24/00 6:49:08 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: NEW YORK — Paula Jones said she fears that when President Clinton leaves office he may have her killed or injured out of vengeance for her allegations that he sexually harassed her. So what? She's a

[CTRL] 'I Won't Pose Naked': Paula Jones fears Clinton's Revenge (fwd)

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
[I think she's damn justified in being cautious about the vengeance thing! Also, if my memory serves me correctly, not long after the harassment case broke she posed for Playboy, I think, not nude but close. That kinda takes the bite off the "never" statement, no? --MS] Newsmax-Inside Cover

Re: [CTRL] A Thomas Sowell Editorial

2000-05-24 Thread M.A. Johnson
MJ Why not explain WHY Dr. Sowell's piece is 'nonsense' rather than utilizing Hillary Clinton's tact at diverting attention from substance and to personalities -- real or imagined. Bill Who said it was "nonsense"?? MJ Note 'nonsense' in quotes ... this was implied.

Re: [CTRL] Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

2000-05-24 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley
On Wed, 24 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote: Franklin Wayne Poley wrote: On Tue, 23 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote: How could this ever compare with my main rival Allan Greenspan whose economic theories are based on those of yet another co-religionist of ours, Ayn Rand.

Re: [CTRL] A Thomas Sowell Editorial

2000-05-24 Thread Tenorlove
--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I simply lamented the fact that this fellow is posting TONS of info and now he's posting right-wing editorials... There's always the Block Address feature __ Do You Yahoo!? Kick off your party

Re: [CTRL] Nealz Nuze Editorial

2000-05-24 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a message dated 05/24/2000 6:31:57 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: It's Republican. The culprit is none other than Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah. _ His full name is Orrin Rodham Hatch..or it should be. And the

[CTRL] What it means to be an American

2000-05-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER
From: What it means to be an American I once had the good fortune to interview Chinese dissident Harry Wu. Harry spent a good portion of his life

[CTRL] The Terry Nichols Haircut Debacle

2000-05-24 Thread William Shannon
Vol. 6, No. 1338 - The American Reporter - May 24, 2000 JAIL IN TURMOIL OVER NICHOLS' HAIR by Bill Johnson American Reporter Correspondent Oklahoma City, Okla. OKLAHOMA CITY -- There's a hair-raising problem concerning convicted bombing conspirator Terry Nichols that is causing some fallout at


2000-05-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED] So yes, Michael can posts more. If he oversteps his "power", this is an electronic jungle and the "club: will come out 'da sky. I'd suggest that this power is being abused then...granted his posts are informative but c'mon!!! I second

Re: [CTRL] Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

2000-05-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research
Franklin Wayne Poley wrote: On Wed, 24 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote: Franklin Wayne Poley wrote: On Tue, 23 May 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote: How could this ever compare with my main rival Allan Greenspan whose economic theories are based on those of yet another


2000-05-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld
This is the 2nd time in as many days that I've gotten the following message back when trying to post to CTRL Maybe if Michael didn't overwhelm the list with 20+ posts a day, some of the rest of us could have a chance to get our rationed 7-a-day in.. Either restrict him to 7 posts a day like

[CTRL] Why America is fucked in one easy lesson

2000-05-24 Thread Edward Britton
Nakano: Hey...if it worked once...why not tell the same lie again and again? Precisely! The fat, lazy and, unfortunately, overwhelmingly large majority of Americans couldn't care less as long as their trash is picked up three times a week. They'll keep voting for the same pricks over and over

[CTRL] Fwd: Nuke the Moon

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
U.S. Considered A-Bomb on Moon A secret U.S. project in the 1950s called for detonating an atom bomb on the moon as a demonstration of the nation's Cold War might, according to a physicist involved in the plan. The project, innocuously titled ``A Study of Lunar Research Flights,'' was never

[CTRL] Fwd: What it means to be an American

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan What it means to be an American I once had the good fortune to interview Chinese dissident Harry Wu. Harry spent a good portion of his

[CTRL] Fwd: Hereditary Politics

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
"Nothing has changed since the feudal era,'' said Shigenori Okazaki, a political analyst at Warburg Dillon Reed. ``Being born into a political family, or getting into the national bureaucracy, is one of the only ways to become a politician.'' Dynasties Vs. Democracy in Japan By MARI

[CTRL] Castro's Water Boy?

2000-05-24 Thread lloyd
.. From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]: Conspiracy Shopping Cart: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Castro's Water Boy? Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 9:12

Re: [CTRL] state of CTRL list

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
Yes, and with a national election escapade going on, I strongly suspect it shall get worse before it gets better. Excusa myself, I have been busy and haven't been able to input as much material, but I shall. The US [population is being subjected to huge amounts of blather and propagnda

Re: [CTRL] Alien Presence? Evidence. .

2000-05-24 Thread tenebroust
I don't think this issue is being singled out. J2 merely points out that it is up to those who make claims to offer support of them and not up to those who assert the negative to prove the negative. Of course you also have the option of proposing something and then decline further comment or

[CTRL] Fwd: British envoy sent Pope bulletins on the Holocaust

2000-05-24 Thread Kris Millegan
Times of London May 24 2000 EUROPE British envoy sent Pope bulletins on the Holocaust FROM RICHARD OWEN IN ROME DOCUMENTS found by chance in a Rome flea market prove that Pope Pius XII, accused of having turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, was given a daily account of Nazi atrocities


2000-05-24 Thread Edward Britton
Oh, Jume: If Michael was only sending 8 to 12 posts, it wouldn't be so bad, but this 20+ a day has got to stop, or else grant the same privilege to all of us. Excuse me, but when did CTRL become YOUR list? I mean, it must be for you to make such arrogant pronouncements. Start your own list and

Re: [CTRL] state of CTRL list

2000-05-24 Thread tenebroust
Andrew, I don't understand exactly what it is that you are getting at here. Are you saying you are disatisfied with the list because we are not discussing issues that you believe are important? If that is the case then please post away, I would be happy to hear what you have to say.


2000-05-24 Thread Alan Howard
but he has a point... If there's a limit on postings per person, and a limit on total emails per day, then by one person having the freedom to break the personal limit means that other people's posts are delayed. That can get pretty annoying. Isn't CTRL about the exchange of information and