Re: DVD player

2001-12-04 Thread Mike McGuire
added an encoder to it, which seems to work well. Right now it's just DivX4, but that's what you probably wanted anyway. :) Eventually it'll have more feechurz; it seems to be in fairly heavy development. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Xine-dvdnav skipping problems

2001-11-27 Thread Mike McGuire
discussion on it. You could try waiting a week or two and then get the latest kernel that doesn't have any known severe bugs (like fs corruption, that'd be bad...) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Virus incident

2001-11-21 Thread Mike McGuire
. I can also complain / rant / flame. And so I have. Thanks for making your problems ours as well, Mike McGuire

Re: GTK for Mplayer?? (Possible issues w/ GTK Ximian?)

2001-11-09 Thread Mike McGuire
to speak up... HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: mp3 --- wav

2001-09-22 Thread Mike McGuire
works, go with it. :) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: LS-120 grub boot with 1.44MB but not 120MB floppy: Geom Error

2001-09-21 Thread Mike McGuire
, Mike McGuire

Re: ssh braindamage (protocols, RSA auth) FIXED

2001-09-18 Thread Mike McGuire
is a *client* problem, when I'd been looking at the server all along, and not quite knowing what was going on anyway. :) Just so you guys can stop wondering what the hell I'm going on about, :) Mike McGuire

Re: ssh braindamage (protocols, RSA auth)

2001-09-17 Thread Mike McGuire
to me to be broken behavior. Which I'd file a bug report for, if I wasn't worried that I'm just being an idiot. eh. Again, any comments? Anybody else trying to figure out why protocol 2 won't work? :) Mike McGuire

ssh braindamage (protocols, RSA auth)

2001-09-14 Thread Mike McGuire
another host use the private key. And nothing happens. Falls through to ask for a password. My config files are the stock ones from the package, now that I've given up on messing with them. Anybody else having problems? Or an idea? Or can confirm that it's just broke? Mike McGuire

Re: ssh braindamage (protocols, RSA auth)

2001-09-14 Thread Mike McGuire
or something still seems a bit broken, as this was a bit of a mess to get working. And Protocol 2,1 never would do what it was supposed to and always fell back to v1. Still interested in comments if anybody's got any. :) Mike McGuire

Re: MPEG video trouble Radeon 64 MB DDR

2001-09-10 Thread Mike McGuire
, Mike McGuire

Re: Compiling lame

2001-09-10 Thread Mike McGuire
./config.cache ./ltconfig: ./ltconfig: No such file or directory configure: error: libtool configure failed Stupid question: got write access to the build directory? HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Compiling lame

2001-09-10 Thread Mike McGuire
/rules needs to be executable for dpkg-buildpackage to run. It's probably a feature that you have to change the perms, maybe it assumes you'll have looked at the file too? :) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: q ad mp3-software

2001-08-30 Thread Mike McGuire
to say, this makes the box useless for anything else while playing mp3s. :) His is a plain old Pentium laptop, not sure if it was that slow even (50MHz). Yeah. So you can look into scheduling system calls, sounds fun. :) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: bad superblock recovery help?

2001-08-29 Thread Mike McGuire
, and hope nothing got really b0rken. (And if all else fails, reinstalling windows is SOP anyway. ;) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: The Sound of Silence

2001-08-28 Thread Mike McGuire
. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: AW: ipmasq support in potato kernel

2001-08-24 Thread Mike McGuire
Well, I called my original post random speculation, so maybe I should just shut the hell up. :) But not before one last shot at this... On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 10:23:30PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote: On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 11:11:09PM -0400, Mike McGuire wrote: On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 09

Re: ADSL problem with large packets

2001-08-23 Thread Mike McGuire
think I remember that the default MTU is 1500, so the machines behind the gateway would get their packets fragmented, which can lead to (bizarre, seemingly random, and hard to diagnose) problems. I'd suggest you try setting everything to 1412 anyway, just to check. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Help - Large Files Support

2001-08-23 Thread Mike McGuire
if you said which program and version of said program you're trying (and probably the libs on which it depends, too), so if you did, sorry. Try asking again, anyway, with that info. Sorry I can't help you further, but I don't a thing about it other than that. :) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Upgrade

2001-08-23 Thread Mike McGuire
glitches in the upgrade of some important packages that aren't quite fixed yet. HTH, though I think I got carried away and this is probably all explained on somewhere. :) Mike McGuire

Re: AW: ipmasq support in potato kernel

2001-08-23 Thread Mike McGuire
without needing the ipmasq package, and might be slightly faster. HT(random speculation)H, :) Mike McGuire

Large Files (was Re: something or other)

2001-08-23 Thread Mike McGuire
just be a compiler option or something that's needed. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: AW: ipmasq support in potato kernel

2001-08-23 Thread Mike McGuire
. :) Mike McGuire

Re: Encrypted Filesystems

2001-08-22 Thread Mike McGuire
(in the standard kernel). (I compiled them all as modules, but I think you meant some other non-standard kernel patch / module.) Anyway, there's a howto on, Loopback-Encrypted-Filesystem-HOWTO. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Encrypted Filesystems

2001-08-22 Thread Mike McGuire
fs/fs.o ipc/ipc.o NETWORKS=net/network.o CRYPTO =crypto/crypto.o LIBS=$(TOPDIR)/lib/lib.a SUBDIRS =kernel drivers mm fs net ipc lib crypto DRIVERS-n := ... HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: how to make exim run queue only when ppp link is up?

2001-08-22 Thread Mike McGuire
with diald a while back, but I just gave up instead. Not to discourage you or anything, I'm just lazy. :) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Why so big(2)

2001-08-21 Thread Mike McGuire
. ;) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: sshd

2001-08-21 Thread Mike McGuire
the Invalid argument error. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: IDE errors on mounting DVDs

2001-08-19 Thread Mike McGuire
a CSS-enabled version. OMS has a deb line for apt/sources.list on their site. Take your pick, try 'em all. Find one that works best. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: ipmasq/ipchains/reading TFM

2001-08-14 Thread Mike McGuire
at this because it can hurt some latency specific programs like TELNET and games but the impact is only slight. On the other hand, most HTTP and FTP traffic will SPEED UP! (And then explains how to change it for Linux, Windows, etc.) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: IP masquerade not working!! :( (fwd)

2001-08-13 Thread Mike McGuire
could help a bit more. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Searching in dselect

2001-08-13 Thread Mike McGuire
this. As long as apt knows about packages, and if dselect uses apt as its get method or whatever, it does. As for searching descriptions in dselect, I'd like to know too. I'm surprised one of the dselect evangelists hasn't piped up on this yet... ;) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: HELP broken dpkg ( previously HELP - installing broken libglib1.2-dev)

2001-08-12 Thread Mike McGuire
*think* that much of dpkg will work, even with the broken packages. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: CrushLink Welcome!

2001-08-09 Thread Mike McGuire
... NNN Yeah, this thing's amusing / annoying. The admins of the LUG list tried to get removed, I think, but every once in a while we get some confused email from someone (who also probably didn't sign up either) who's been told CWRULUG has a crush on them. Argh. Mike McGuire

Re: -- where?

2001-08-09 Thread Mike McGuire
packages Eh. You running testing? I don't think it's in stable, and in sid it needs libqt3. And it sounds like something that would happen with testing. :) You could use dpkg-deb and just extract from it tho. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: CrushLink New Password

2001-08-09 Thread Mike McGuire
addy for this crap, and/or there probably is an admin for the lists. But I'm busy. Somebody else do it. ;) Mike McGuire

Re: -- where?

2001-08-09 Thread Mike McGuire
with dpkg-deb shouldn't be a problem either, other than having things floating around that dpkg doesn't know about. :) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: port forwarding

2001-08-06 Thread Mike McGuire
a 2.2.x kernel. (2.0.x has ipfwadm, 2.2.x has ipchains, and now 2.4.x has iptables (with backward compatibility for the other two)). You might want to read some docs, this kind of thing should be explained. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: proftpd : 2 anonymous areas?

2001-08-06 Thread Mike McGuire
visible directory (like a in your example) without giving everyone access to their projects. I don't really know much about the other stuff you posted; I'd suggest trying the permissions first. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-06 Thread Mike McGuire
how to kill a process (ie the worm or IIS) or shutdown a windows system from the command line? Ooh! Ooh! And I never thought this would be of any use whatsoever. :) Ok, in Win95 at least, this works (pretty sure this is right): rundll32 user32.dll,ExitWindows w00t. Mike McGuire

Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-06 Thread Mike McGuire
easier to just make something crash. ;) Mike McGuire

Re: DNS [subtopic: Re: Internet Connection Sharing, was: Re: Ethernet]

2001-08-03 Thread Mike McGuire
BIND? ie: gets a DNS request, if it doesn't know it passes it on to a real (ISP's) DNS and caches the result. hm. I think I remember hearing the term caching DNS, is that what I'm thinking of? Mike McGuire

sites not responding

2001-08-03 Thread Mike McGuire
, and dies. I'm at a loss. Can anybody think of some other reason this is happening? Mike McGuire

Re: sites not responding

2001-08-03 Thread Mike McGuire
with iptables some more sooner rather than later... Mike McGuire

Re: sites not responding - FIXED

2001-08-03 Thread Mike McGuire
to myself. Woo. :) Mike McGuire

Re: using convert to batch convert

2001-08-01 Thread Mike McGuire
couldn't figure out how to do in Linux / bash. :) I think I found it in a script since man bash is a little incomprehensible. Take a look if you're brave. :) Mike McGuire

Re: Adaptec Raid

2001-07-31 Thread Mike McGuire
) for lines similar to those, and put the added lines following those. Probably, there's been some small change and the lines don't appear exactly as the patch expects them to. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Adaptec Raid

2001-07-30 Thread Mike McGuire
, and if you're in the linux directory everything should work since it will look for drivers/scsi/, etc. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: lilo does not work!

2001-07-30 Thread Mike McGuire
the floppy to point to a kernel on the HD, but that didn't work. So, as I see it, those of us with the problem are stuck booting from floppies unless they've got some other working install, and waiting for someone who knows better to figure out what's going on. Joy. :-/ Mike McGuire

Re: lilo does not work!

2001-07-30 Thread Mike McGuire
On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 08:07:02PM -0400, Mike McGuire wrote: ...stuff... So, as I see it, those of us with the problem are stuck booting from floppies unless they've got some other working install, and waiting for someone who knows better to figure out what's going on. Joy. :-/ Mike

Re: Arrg! I want DVD

2001-07-12 Thread Mike McGuire
-of-date DVD-HOWTO out there which should still be useful for making sure you have all the necessary kernel support. HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Disk related system hangs

2001-07-10 Thread Mike McGuire
too. is good. Thanks. sure thing. HTH. Mike McGuire

Re: [OT] Port numbers

2001-07-10 Thread Mike McGuire
...And also I'd like to know how to see which ports my computer has open. Others have suggested netstat, but nmap is another tool that can do the same thing, and has the added bonus of seeing which ports other people's computers have open. :) Mike McGuire

Re: Debian/Woody and kernel 2.4.6

2001-07-10 Thread Mike McGuire
in the source tree, which lists what versions of some tools are required for the that kernel. Specifically, what gcc/make is needed to compile, what versions of filesystem utilites and PPP-type stuff. Testing should have all these by now, probably. Or you can always try unstable. :) Mike McGuire

Re: Funny Story

2001-04-13 Thread Mike McGuire
... a certain operating system encouraging horribly, shoddily written, lazy, poor excuses for programming. I think that other flame war is enough for the list already (and they might have covered this already). hehehe ;-) Mike McGuire

Re: Funny Story

2001-04-12 Thread Mike McGuire
the ship and it had to be towed back to port and the software replaced, some other stuff repaired. I heard about it in this book a friend of mine was reading, something like a biography of the number zero- yeah, I know a bunch of math geeks. :) Mike McGuire

Re: Saving some real radio file

2001-04-05 Thread Mike McGuire
the site to use a different (more open) codec. ;) Mike McGuire

Re: could not autodetect X server: *discover* not found

2001-02-17 Thread Mike McGuire
to worry about it since you're upgrading and it should be configured already. It's been working fine for me. HTH, Mike McGuire

anybody else having loopback problems?

2001-02-14 Thread Mike McGuire
. (have to put it in some init script...) the only explanation I can come up with is that some package got updated and broke something since I didn't do it. ;) but I'm not sure, so I thought I'd ask if anybody else had/has the same problem. Mike McGuire

Re: anybody else having loopback problems?

2001-02-14 Thread Mike McGuire
. (yay unstable. :) next project is to get mutt so as to have people reply to the list. this one probably won't take three days to fix, gods be praised. :) Mike McGuire

Re: Cat-ting binary files to the console

2001-02-08 Thread Mike McGuire
(and backspace over any crap it put on the command line first) And if all else fails, you've (probably) got five more terminals. :) HTH, Mike McGuire

Re: Console question (2x)

2001-01-25 Thread Mike McGuire
1. I have heard that its possible to run console in multiple resolutions. How do I do this in debian, specifically? 2. How can I have more console windows than the default 6? I want to bump up tty7 and above used for X. Also, what happens if I want more terminals than 12?