Re: [Hardhats-members] Information about Vista MUSE EKG System

2006-08-02 Thread Steven McPhelan
Muse is not a VA VistA product. Muse is a GE product. VistA does have an HL7 interface to the GE MUSE system via the Clinical Procedures package. On 8/2/06, Falak Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From where can I get the documentation that explains the architecture of Vista MUSE EKG System?

Re: [Hardhats-members] open vista installation help ..

2006-07-30 Thread Steven McPhelan
If Taskman is not running then there will be certain functions that will not work properly within CPRS as CPRS queues those tasks to Taskman. So unless you want to find all such items and rewrite the code to not use Taskman, you are better off running Taskman whenever you are running CPRS.


2006-07-30 Thread Steven McPhelan
I followed the directions on the hardhats web page. I subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Some parts of Google state that I am a member of that group. Yet when I went to My Groups at Google to change the email option as Gregg mentioned, it states that I am not a member of the group. What should I do

Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS crashes trying to open Notes tab

2006-07-21 Thread Steven McPhelan
I would suspect that the problem is with the data in the way you created the note title. You said you used Fileman instead of the appropriate TIU options for creating notes and document classes. You really should not create note titles using Fileman unless you are absolutely sure you know how to

Re: [Hardhats-members] sshd and mumps process hung

2006-07-16 Thread Steven McPhelan
Two observations: 1. Do you have permission to the directory you are trying to create a file? Your $I pathis different than the MYIO path. 2. All the comments about $T value after doing an OPEN command are meaningless. The OPEN command is suppose to set $T only if you use OPEN with a timeout. I

Re: [Hardhats-members] Fileman lookup question: Aliases in PATIENT file

2006-07-08 Thread Steven McPhelan
Chuck, does Fileman reindex always kill of the index for all Regular indexes? Or does it only do this for B indexes? I thought that non-B regular indexes where reindexed using this logic: execute KILL logic and then execute SET logic for each entry. I have used Fileman reindex to try to clean up

Re: [Hardhats-members] IB Error

2006-07-08 Thread Steven McPhelan
What is the your value for ^%ZOSF(TMP)? Why is there not / following 'temp'? - Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security? Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job

Re: [Hardhats-members] Spanish?

2006-07-04 Thread Steven McPhelan
Putting text into the Dialog file is the easy part. The more difficult task (much more difficult) is converting all the existing M code to use the Dialog file instead of the WRITE and SET commands. Not only is that more difficult, it requires that the programmer understands the M code and its

Re: [Hardhats-members] SQL -- Fileman questions

2006-07-02 Thread Steven McPhelan
Boy you think your response is late Database can provide this functionality. This is not meant to be one against the other response. Cache comes with a SQL interface. Intersystems provided a Fileman mapper to SQL for Cache at no additional cost. On 4/21/06, Wolfgang Giere [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Hardhats-members] Module failure in XUS2

2006-07-02 Thread Steven McPhelan
You need to upgrade the Cache.dat file. It looks like the .dat file is a 4.1.16 version. In the %SYS directory, do the following: D ALL^%SYSCONV It will then JOB off the conversion of all your Cache.dat files. You can check the status of the upgrade by: D STATUS^%SYSCONV Cache 5.0 is the last

Re: [Hardhats-members] How to remember last user input?

2006-07-01 Thread Steven McPhelan
The problem with the Parameter approach is that you have to essentially emulate what Fileman is doing. Everytime your code is called, you have to save the last entry that user entered and then store an appropriate value in your parameter. Of course, you have to recall the parameter value each time

Re: [Hardhats-members] GUI Mail

2006-06-30 Thread Steven McPhelan
Did you install the Mail GUI KIDS build on your VistA server? On 6/30/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: is not inherent sorry- Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Friday, June 30, 2006 12:12 pmSubject: Re: [Hardhats-members] GUI MailTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Re: [Hardhats-members] A Bug in DICL2.m routine

2006-06-23 Thread Steven McPhelan
I just tried your example on my machine and got no errors or problems: DSSAPPSOLDW $$FIND1^DIC(9.44,,14,,MX,SURGERY POSITION,,,ERR)9DSSAPPSOLDW $$FIND1^DIC(9.44,,1,,MX,SURGERY POSITION,,,ERR) 0 On 6/15/06, James Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I do not think your IENS should start with a comma.

Re: [Hardhats-members] kids export of a record

2006-06-20 Thread Steven McPhelan
Using the KIDS, the best that you can do is export a partial DD. Select a field to be updated that would do no harm to the target system. Then you can use the data screen on the second page to export the entries that you wish. When many have to do this they normally select the .01 field of the

Re: [Hardhats-members] vista flavors and development

2006-06-05 Thread Steven McPhelan
That statement that VistA is platform independent is not totally accurate. The VistA Kernel application is the interface to the platformon whichVistA runs. The Kernel supports several OS implementations as well as several M implementations. If you run it on those that are supported by the VA

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Input transform question

2006-05-25 Thread Steven McPhelan
As George stated, DA should be defined if you are editing an existing record. DA() is a documented Fileman variable. If you are usig UPDATE^DIE and you are absolutely sure that you want to add it, then why not use UPDATE^DIE passing in Fileman internal entry values for the fields instead of

Re: [Hardhats-members] DINUM-ish question

2006-05-18 Thread Steven McPhelan
That is correct. One should never assume that the third piece of the file header node is the last record in the file. It may or may not be. There was a recent Fileman patch which stops Fileman reindexer from setting the third piece of that header node to the last entry in the file asit used to do.

Re: [Hardhats-members] PTF Creation

2006-05-18 Thread Steven McPhelan
Are you seeing any M errors recorded in the error log after you try to admit someone? It appears that you may not have the Nursing package setup properly since you are seeing this: *Patient Admitted**Notify NURSING ADP Coordinator and Site Manager that this patient was notadmitted into the

Re: [Hardhats-members] National Drug Codes (NDC) headaches. Anyone have input?

2006-03-16 Thread Steven McPhelan
The resue of standard codes is not unique to pharmacy NDC codes.

Re: [Hardhats-members] Rewriting CPRS in Java

2006-03-15 Thread Steven McPhelan
Someone stated: JDO can use b-tree storages to store Java object trees directly.*That's* an object store. I believe that is exactly how Cache stores its objects. I do not believe that all Cache objects are stored as flat files with b-tree indexes.

Re: [Hardhats-members] field uniqueness (key index but null allowed)

2006-03-08 Thread Steven McPhelan
I will have to look. Isn't there a file DDnode that will run a routine in the pre-edit stage prior to actually doing the edit. I also vaguely remember that there was a way to get FM to quit the edit session at that point. This is all from memory. On 3/8/06, Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So kinda

Re: [Hardhats-members] field uniqueness (key index but null allowed)

2006-03-07 Thread Steven McPhelan
The Fileman DBS calls should not invoke the Input transform if the flags indicate that the values are in internal format. On 3/7/06, Cameron Schlehuber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: There are two ways to bypass the input transform, one is to use the fourslashes ( ) in input templates.The other is

Re: [Hardhats-members] local file numbers

2006-03-01 Thread Steven McPhelan
So doesn't that mean that allocating an open file number range in the 000-999 through WorldVistA conflict with the IHS file numbers? On 2/28/06, Gordon Moreshead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Because back in the early 90's, VA imported some files from IHS applications related to visit file

Re: [Hardhats-members] Protecting against indirection errors.

2006-03-01 Thread Steven McPhelan
What does your application do when it does encounter a null subscript? I think that is the more important problem than a M error thrown when it happens. In production software, why would your application encounter a null subscript in the first place? Usually it is the resultof bad data or missing

Re: [Hardhats-members] KILL'ing and NEW'ing -- what's really happening?

2006-03-01 Thread Steven McPhelan
You are addressing issues that have always been of concern to enterprise developers versus individual PC developers. Yes, Yes, Yes, there are individual PC developers that care about efficiencies. I do not want to go there. In an enterprise implementation a 1000 NEWs versus 1 NEW and a 1000 KILLs

Re: [Hardhats-members] Protecting against indirection errors.

2006-03-01 Thread Steven McPhelan
I understand all this. I also made some assumptions in my statements. I had assumed that a process was initiated either through an RPC Broker connection or invoking an OPTION from Menuman through proper Kernel sign-on. In both of these cases, the Kernel sets an initial error trap for that process.

Re: [Hardhats-members] KILL'ing and NEW'ing -- what's really happening?

2006-03-01 Thread Steven McPhelan
I will give an example of enterprise versus local programmers that I have experienced in over 20 years of hiring programmers. A programmer who has only programmed in the situation where the application will run on a standalone single-user PC may not think twice about locking a record or a file.

Re: [Hardhats-members] local file numbers

2006-02-28 Thread Steven McPhelan
Isn't the entire 9,000,000 range assigned to IHS? If not then why are there IHS files in FOIA VistA in the 999.xx range?

Re: [Hardhats-members] Silent Fileman calls not silent

2006-02-07 Thread Steven McPhelan
Mike explained the problem again. The problem is not with READing from the null device, it has to do with what does the application do if it gets a null value from the READ. Fileman and other applications display a message a prompt again. Since M answers the READ command, one cannot check for $T

Re: [Hardhats-members] Silent Fileman calls not silent

2006-02-06 Thread Steven McPhelan
Opening a NULL device is an option if you are certain all your IO is in the form of Reads. On 2/5/06, Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Kevin, Try setting ZTQUEUED (to anything) right before making the DB call.Yeah, a kludge - but it might stop some of the messages. Don't do that. Lying

Re: [Hardhats-members] Silent Fileman calls not silent

2006-02-06 Thread Steven McPhelan
You never want to READ from the NULL device, especially with something like Press return to continue as the application may get stuck in a infinite READ loop especially if the READ answer is required. On 2/6/06, Greg Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- Steven McPhelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: [Hardhats-members] Silent Fileman calls not silent

2006-02-03 Thread Steven McPhelan
The write statement may or may not be in a cross reference. The VHA DBA and SACC did come out with a standard stating that there should be now direct WRITE statements in any DD data elements. If WRITE statements are required, then the application is suppose to use EN^DDIOL. Thus you could have

Re: [Hardhats-members] More problems after power outage

2006-01-19 Thread Steven McPhelan
1. Do you have a entry called VISTA in your VOLUME SET file (#14.5)? 2. Do you have need to have linked volume sets? If the answer to 1 is NO or if the answer to 2 is NO then you can do the following at the programmer's prompt: K ^%ZTSCH(LINK) If you have need for linkage, then I would still do

Re: [Hardhats-members] Attracting developers

2006-01-19 Thread Steven McPhelan
I was referring to the parameterization in the Kernel in that the sign-on division for the user over-rides the default devision for the system in the initial setting of the DUZ(AG) variable. I agree that the way that DAOU implemented the changes is not a true parameterization. It was a local

Re: [Hardhats-members] Language shootout - Ackerman function

2006-01-18 Thread Steven McPhelan
How fair is this test to a M implementation that adheres to latest ANSI M? If I am not mistaken, the ANSI standard specifies the depth of the stack that any compliant implementation must adhere which I believe is 128. So to compare one language adhering to its standards to another language which

Re: [Hardhats-members] Attracting developers

2006-01-18 Thread Steven McPhelan
What additional parameterization of this variable is needed over and above what the Kernel already provides? On 1/18/06, James Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - Original Message -From: Gregory Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Jan 17, 2006, at 7:48 PM, James Gray wrote: Is it possible the VA

Re: [Hardhats-members] Interleaving

2006-01-17 Thread Steven McPhelan
Your increment example would show the interleave by looking at the subscripted global. Why not do this as: S ^GLB= J1 ; F I=1:1:100 S ^GLB=$G(^GLB)_A Q J2 ; F I=1:1:100 S ^GLB=$G(^GLB)_B Q Wouldn't that show interleaving within standard M without using the explicit LOCK command.

Re: [Hardhats-members] Backup / Restore Question

2006-01-09 Thread Steven McPhelan
The Cache documentation also describes how to do live backups. On 1/9/06, Marc Krawitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Excellent - the ability to do live backups already puts VistA ahead of some of the competition. --Marc-- Steven McPhelanAction springs not from thought, but from a readiness for

Re: [Hardhats-members] Cannot load a KIDS file

2006-01-09 Thread Steven McPhelan
I will say it again, the KIDS LOAD A FILE option requires a properly defined HFS device in the DEVICE file. Jim was not having a problem with his user setup. If it was that he would never have gotten to the device prompt in the LOAD option. The %ZISH utility does not require any device to be

Re: [Hardhats-members] M syntax question

2006-01-01 Thread Steven McPhelan
@((J(N),DK)=+$piece(_R_0),U,2)),R=$piece(^(0),U) would this be the same thing?set (J(N),DK)=+$piece(@(R_0)),U,2)set R=$piece(^(0),U) ThanksKevin-- Steven McPhelan Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility. - Dietrich Bohhoeffer

Re: [Hardhats-members] Output transform question

2005-12-23 Thread Steven McPhelan
2:10 On 12/23/05, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If I have file A with a field 2 that is a pointer to file B, then when I do an fileman inquiry to print out a given record, then for field 2 it will display the .01 field for file B as the value for the pointer. But what if I wanted field

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: IENS formating for database server calls

2005-12-23 Thread Steven McPhelan
my example was namespacing my FDA. You are right. I think I have gotten funny results in the past when I didn't do that. I forgot that in my example. Thanks!Kevin On 12/23/05, Steven McPhelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes and my example explicitly would place an entry in record# 1 provided

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: IENS formating for database server calls

2005-12-23 Thread Steven McPhelan
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That looks right.Thanks!And in your example (copying my example), the target record number was 1. Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!KevinOn 12/22/05, steven mcphelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As you saw it was in the documentation.But what you did is not quite correct.I

Re: [Hardhats-members] Output transform question

2005-12-23 Thread Steven McPhelan
: THEN EDIT FIELD: On 12/23/05, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm not sure where I would put this 2:10? Could you elaborate?ThanksKevin On 12/23/05, Steven McPhelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 2:10 On 12/23/05, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If I have file A with a field 2

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: IENS formating for database server calls

2005-12-22 Thread steven mcphelan
As you saw it was in the documentation. But what you did is not quite correct. I will change some of the numbers to make it more obvious what needs to be done. S TMGFDA(2706.3,+19,,.01)=My Name S TMGFDA(2706.3,+19,,1)=Kevin S TMGFDA(2706.3,+19,,2)=Toppenberg S TMGIEN(19)=1 D

Re: [Hardhats-members] Big brother is alive and well and living in NYC

2005-12-17 Thread steven mcphelan
Isn't this a violation of HIPAA? When did the labs get the patient's written approval to send their test results to a metro database unless all patient specific identifiers where removed prior to sending that data to the Health Dept. In that case it would not be a HIPAA violation. I guess I

Re: [Hardhats-members] Formatting *.m and *.rsa files

2005-12-06 Thread steven mcphelan
When you say you are viewing a saved routine, how are you viewing the saved routine and how was the routine saved (ZSAVE vs. GT.M HFS file vs. a routine save utility to HFS)? I have not looked at the complete M ANSI standards in awhile. What is the official definition of line start character? I

Re: [Hardhats-members] Functional notation for MUMPS?

2005-12-06 Thread steven mcphelan
I guess M is not a real language as you stated: Just as an example of how lambda abstractions work in a real language I believe both syntaxes will be difficult for the average M programmer to understand. But this statement is conditional. If that programmer has programmed in other languages,

Re: [Hardhats-members] Setting up HL LOGICAL LINKs problem - No response

2005-12-06 Thread steven mcphelan
Actually, now 10,000 - 20,000 is mostly assigned also now. I meant to ask Cameron what the VHA is planning to do about this. The VHA had reserved 10,000 - 20,000 for local VAMC port use. Yet now this port range has mostly been assigned. - Original Message - From: Gregory Woodhouse

Re: [Hardhats-members] Time Zones in VistA

2005-12-06 Thread steven mcphelan
For good or bad there is much M code out there outside of XLFDT and Fileman date handlers that assume the internal Fileman date matches 7N.1..6N. This code does things like W $E(DATE,4,5)_/_$E(DATE,6,7)_/_(1700+$E(DATE,1,3)). Thus I find it difficult to understand how one could have a field that

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do variable pointers work?

2005-11-15 Thread Steven McPhelan
Variable pointers are stored as ien_;_global root Why not use VPE to list the pointers?

Re: [Hardhats-members] Y=-1 After a ^DIC call

2005-11-10 Thread steven mcphelan
Did you set DLAYGO before calling ^DIC as the FM documentation states?

Re: [Hardhats-members] DEBUGGING IN CACHE

2005-11-10 Thread steven mcphelan
If you are using Cache, why not use the GUI debugger that comes with v5.x instead of the old way of Cache debugging?

Re: [Hardhats-members] A troublesome and concerning error.....

2005-11-10 Thread steven mcphelan
^ZU is doing EXACTLY what is was programmed to do. If the process encounters an error, an error handler is invoked. If you started ^ZU from the programmer's prompt, ZU knows that and returns you to the programmer's prompt. If you started ^ZU from a secured login it knows that and gracefully

Re: [Hardhats-members] NOLINE error while accessing CPRS

2005-10-28 Thread Steven McPhelan
From the error, it would seem that the routine RGRSUTIL exists but it does not have the line label EXCEPT. If EXCEPT^RGRSUTIL exists, then look at the other items in the XU USER SIGNON EVENT. If you are missing the EXCEPT line label, then I do not know what to recommend. I do not know how you got

Re: [Hardhats-members] NOLINE error while accessing CPRS

2005-10-27 Thread steven mcphelan
in the OPTION file. Thanks Usha - Original Message - From: Steven McPhelan To: Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:09 PM Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] NOLINE error while accessing CPRS My

Re: [Hardhats-members] NOLINE error while accessing CPRS

2005-10-26 Thread Steven McPhelan
My second guess on the LOOP+6^XQOR1 problem is that you have a OPTION being executed somehow that has an ENTRY ACTION that has a line^routine reference that is invalid. Your mail problem most likely is that a message is trying to be sent to a remote domain that is open and should not be. On

Re: [Hardhats-members] M statements

2005-10-25 Thread steven mcphelan
Because ANSI M is strict left to right processing with no regard to precedence except for grouping using (...) - Original Message - From: Usha To: Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:24 AM Subject: [Hardhats-members] M

Re: [Hardhats-members] NOLINE error while accessing CPRS

2005-10-25 Thread steven mcphelan
Try rebuilding all menus. I suspect that you have bad data in the temporary menu tree. You will find it under EVE - MENU MANAGEMENT - Original Message - From: Usha To: Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:38 AM Subject:

Re: [Hardhats-members] Scanning and pdf issues.

2005-10-25 Thread Steven McPhelan has a PDF print driver for, you guessed it, $9.95. Their whole suite of tools is only $29.95. If you do not want it installed in your C:\ root, they have instructions to install it in another folder. On 10/25/05, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm in a Windows

Re: [Hardhats-members] Cost to convert CPRS to Java

2005-10-15 Thread steven mcphelan
That is only because you chose not to use the functionality that COM offers within CPRS. There are many applications that do make extensive use of the COM object within CPRS. Without a COM like replacement, those applications would loose their appeal. Preserving the COM functionality is one of

Re: [Hardhats-members] Turning off CPRS splash screen

2005-10-15 Thread steven mcphelan
When running CPRS in Windows, I do not see where the splash screen stays open. Isn't this just a problem with Wine? - Original Message - From: K.S. Bhaskar [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 1:42 PM Subject: Re:

Re: [Hardhats-members] Wish list?

2005-10-15 Thread steven mcphelan
It would be nice if the Patch module on Forum was fixed so that new versions could also be released via the Patch Module. It does not seem like it would be difficult to do. It would also be nice if the patch module would make all patches installable, even informational patches. Then there would

Re: [Hardhats-members] Cost to convert CPRS to Java

2005-10-15 Thread Steven McPhelan
When you said that you removed the COM objects from CPRS, I assumed you had also removed the components that allow a COM object to be invoked from within a template as outlined in the manuals. On 10/15/05, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 10/15/05, steven mcphelan [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [Hardhats-members] Newbie installation

2005-10-06 Thread steven mcphelan
Title: Newbie installation Did you search the documentation that comes with Cache for Disk? Right click the cube and select documentation. DISK During an attempt to access a block in a file, the request to the operating system failed. This failure may have occurred

Re: [Hardhats-members] Station Numbers for institutions in VOE

2005-10-06 Thread steven mcphelan
How do you consider a phone number as a unique identifier? It is unique today. But somebody else could have that number tomorrow. - Original Message - From: Chris Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 9:11 PM Subject:

Re: [Hardhats-members] How to select another record in ScreenMan form?

2005-09-28 Thread steven mcphelan
- Original Message - From: steven mcphelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:37 AM Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] How to select another record in ScreenMan form? This cannot be done safely. Remember, Screenman has

Re: [Hardhats-members] Importing legacy patient data

2005-09-28 Thread steven mcphelan
Assuming the practice mgmt system allows for this, have you tried exporting the data in a TAB delimited format? This presumes that the system which has the source data does not allow the entering of a TAB character as part of any data element. - Original Message - From: Mike Schrom

Re: [Hardhats-members] Importing legacy patient data

2005-09-28 Thread steven mcphelan
I had thought about the quote approach. But does the originating system allow quotes in data elements line name such as John The Man Doe. Now you have the same problem with assuming as a delimiter. The fixed length record does seem to be the best approach. - Original Message -

Re: [Hardhats-members] Data dictionary question

2005-09-27 Thread steven mcphelan
This is a false statement: Turns out that the screenman way doesn't allow one to specify the node to store data on. I use screenman exclusively for creating new fields in files. I am always prompted to for node and piece to store the data. - Original Message - From: Kevin Toppenberg

Re: [Hardhats-members] VOIP

2005-09-05 Thread steven mcphelan
At home I use VOIP from my cable provider. I converted to cable TV, Internet, and VOIP. I previously had Cable Internet, regular phone service, and satellite TV. By converting to my cable provider, I ended up saving about $50-60/month on my entire monthly utility bill. Be forewarned. If you

Re: [Hardhats-members] Shared lab data/We DO Care

2005-09-02 Thread steven mcphelan
You have another option. You can get the lab results form the lab provided they will give it to you. Then you only need to do the ROI once with the lab itself. You bring a copy of the labs to each doctor you go to. Once we have SkyNet in place, you should be able to electronically say who can

Re: [Hardhats-members] We DO Care

2005-09-02 Thread steven mcphelan
The ASP backup scenario is more complicated than that. Katrina demonstrated this as the disaster covers an area of over 90,000 sq miles. An ASP might have a backup facility in another city or state rather than providing a local backup to individual clients. Local backups is also an option.

Re: [Hardhats-members] Starting TASKMAN no interactive way

2005-09-01 Thread steven mcphelan
Taskman and VistA tasked options can be enhanced to support the functionality that you mention Bhaskar. However, the job is monumental. All existing processes that queued to Taskman would have to be reexamined and mot like rewritten. Taskman would have to be enhanced to automatically restart

Re: [Hardhats-members] Starting TASKMAN no interactive way

2005-08-31 Thread steven mcphelan
There is no reason to start up these VistA processes using some external script except for Taskman. Once Taskman starts up he can start up whatever background process you desire. Most, if not all, of these background processes already have VistA options to be run as scheduled tasks at startup


2005-08-26 Thread steven mcphelan
ADPACs who can set up these packages from scratch. Knowledge of M programming is NOT a requirement for these positions. Some travel will be required. For anyone interested, please send me a separate email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steven McPhelan"Good judgment comes from experience, and exper

Re: GTM on OSX WAS: [Hardhats-members] more M read questions

2005-08-23 Thread steven mcphelan
The VA has been running Cache and VistA servers on a 64-bit platform for years. They have been running on the Alpha chip on VMS with no problems with Cache. - Original Message - From: jae kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005

[Hardhats-members] JOB OPPORTUNITY

2005-07-22 Thread steven mcphelan
in Juno Beach FL which is just north of West Palm Beach. Some travel will be expected with this position. Steven McPhelan"A can't change the laws of physics. A've got to have 30 minutes!" - James Doohan as Scotty BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:McPhelan;Steven FN:McPhelan, Steven NICKNAME:sgm OR

Re: [Hardhats-members] Data dictionary question...

2005-07-11 Thread steven mcphelan
To my knowledge there is no way to do what Kevin is asking by doing it using standard FileMan APIs only. There are standard Fileman APIs to get you: 1. All the attributes for a field if you know the field number and file number. 2. All the attributes for a file number But I could not get any of

Re: [Hardhats-members] Does not ask DEVICE while exporting

2005-06-16 Thread steven mcphelan
I do not see the difference between your two open statements. I do not see the open statement that shows the successful opening of the file when it was in the OpenVistA folder. Anyway, your original problem is improper path (or directory) syntax. The path must include all trailing punctuation

Re: [Hardhats-members] == VistaWeb Missing Apps ==

2005-06-15 Thread steven mcphelan
I purchased, installed, and managed an entire hospital system with over 1500 MS workstations consisting of laptops and desktops. I hired experienced, knowledgeable network staff. In general, I did not have any of the problems you mentioned here. Of course we had occasional problems, but given

Re: [Hardhats-members] XML data export

2005-06-15 Thread steven mcphelan
If all a someone wanted was a noting application, isn't VistA way overkill for such a purpose? It would seem a simpler, less complex application would be appropriate. - Original Message - From: Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Monday,

Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista-Office - ..worldvista..openvista...opensource... off-topic eh?

2005-04-26 Thread steven mcphelan
There is one issue I have with the WorldVistA VistA codebase. I mentioned this at Boston. But it needs to be brought up in this larger context. 1. Who has access to this code base to make any supposed modifications to it? 2. What relationship will all these scripts have to the official codebase?

Re: [Hardhats-members] Error message when enterering D^ZU

2005-04-24 Thread steven mcphelan
You may have to edit the %ZOSV routine. What you edit depends upon which version of Cache you are running. In any case, you may trick the Kernel into believing you have enough licenses. But you may eventually encounter another message which is generated by Cache with some comment about job

Re: [Hardhats-members] Configurability of fields in FileMan

2005-04-20 Thread steven mcphelan
You are looking at old code. There was a feature of Fileman years ago which has subsequently been addressed. You could not create a multiple field entry if the zeroth node of the multiple did not exist. So we were forced to hard set the zeroth node of the multiple prior to calling the Fileman

Re: [Hardhats-members] problem issuing item from warehouse to primary inventory point

2005-04-12 Thread steven mcphelan
Did you get the documentation from the VA web site for IFCAP? There is an extensive initialization of files that needs to be done for site configuration. Have you done that step first? If not, I suspect that you will continue to run into things that are not working properly. - Original

Fw: [Hardhats-members] Maintaining database integrity

2005-04-06 Thread steven mcphelan
can create subtle interactions. Thanx for your help. -- Bhaskar -Original Message- From: steven mcphelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 15:57:19 Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Maintaining database integrity That is what I recommended

Re: [Hardhats-members] Maintaining database integrity

2005-04-05 Thread steven mcphelan
level. Does M have this functionality? From what I am reading, the entire system is vulnerable to whether a novice programmer (like me) properly handles the errors that fall into his trap... i.e. they ALL fall in. Kevin --- steven mcphelan [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [Hardhats-members] Fileman drop-out on pointer update

2005-04-05 Thread steven mcphelan
There may not be such a need. I would have to check to verify this. But I believe that ^DIC may check for the archive flag and filter out those records automatically. I have not actually looked at all of this routine to see if that indeed is what it is doing. But on the surface, it appears to

Re: [Hardhats-members] Maintaining database integrity

2005-04-04 Thread steven mcphelan
There is no way in Hades I would support this unless it was done properly. I do not want an EHR written by the average John Doe Programmer who is doing his own error trapping. I was in the VA for 29 years, I know/knew many many of those programmers. There is no way I would trust them with error


2005-04-04 Thread steven mcphelan
I thought you might find this article interesting. --- SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide Read honest candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users. Discover

Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Maintaining database integrity

2005-04-04 Thread steven mcphelan
What is one not among friends - Original Message - From: George Timson [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Hardhats Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 11:19 AM Subject: [Hardhats-members] Re: Maintaining database integrity Steven, you ended your disquisition this

Re: [Hardhats-members] Maintaining database integrity

2005-04-04 Thread steven mcphelan
: Monday, April 04, 2005 6:48 PM Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Maintaining database integrity --- steven mcphelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: There is no way in Hades I would support this unless it was done properly. Are you suggesting that I'm saying it should be done improperly? Two

Re: [Hardhats-members] Mailman 8 on Cache 5 on VMS

2005-04-03 Thread steven mcphelan
Can you be a little more specific on what you mean by interfacing Mailman? I have Mailman running on Cache 5.0.9 and Windows. - Original Message - From: Charles G Lambrecht/HOSPOPS/VET/UTIA [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 9:33 AM

Re: [Hardhats-members] Another example of Fileman Search being unreliable

2005-03-20 Thread steven mcphelan
I would not call this a bug. I suspect that Fileman is doing everything properly. However, because of the Output Transform on field 1302, this causes Fileman to fail to find the matches. By putting an output transform on a pointer field you are asking FM to lookup a .01 field value in the

Re: [Hardhats-members] Another oddity - scope of NEW in DSM

2005-03-11 Thread steven mcphelan
There is nothing wrong with either DSM nor Cache. Both are strictly within the ANSI standard M. They both respond with exactly the same results. DSM executes the line and thus the variable is UNDEF after executing the line of code as it should. Cache does so also. On my system, it shows me

Re: [Hardhats-members] Wanted: Fileman class at upcoming VistA conf.

2005-03-11 Thread steven mcphelan
If enough people will sign up (and pay) I am sure Greg Kreis would be willing to teach a class on Fileman if he has the time. I am sure he would not allow it to be videotaped. If WorldVistA wants to survive and propagate the deployment of VistA, then members should be the first to support other

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I do a silent read?

2005-03-10 Thread steven mcphelan
help if you want to do a password style read (i.e., with user input echoing as asterisks) and then get the cleartext value. But that's something you can do with XGF (the VistA equivalent of curses). --- steven mcphelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: SIG^XUSESIG(): Verify Electronic Signature Code

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I do a silent read?

2005-03-09 Thread steven mcphelan
above shows parameter passing, there is no parameter passing. Also, this call verifies the signed-on user's esig. - Original Message - From: steven mcphelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:41 AM Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I do a silent read?

2005-03-08 Thread steven mcphelan
Why not just use the Kernel API for this purpose? - Original Message - From: Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Hardhats Sourceforge Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 11:13 PM Subject: [Hardhats-members] How do I do a silent read? Hey all, I

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