[ha-Safran]: Library Hours December 2008

2008-11-25 Thread Eli Wise
Tuttleman Library Hours DECEMBER Monday9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Tuesday9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Thursday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

[ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-08-27 Thread Eli Wise
I went to Gale's web site to get a description of this work. The description clearly states that the work examines anthropological, sociological, historical, economic, and scientific theories of race and racism in the modern era. The very fact that there is an article entitled Zionism makes

[ha-Safran]: The Hasafran mailing list

2008-05-30 Thread Eli Wise
The issues and shared information on Hasafran should relate to professional concerns. Sharing life cycle events is also important because we are all colleagues in this organization and such relate both professionally and socially. Aren't conventions both a professional and social experience?

[ha-Safran]: Library Closings

2007-08-20 Thread Eli Wise
Library closings and depleted budgets are a symptom of a much larger problem. In an automated environment the public does not realize the importance of the printed word. They are under an assumption that the internet will supply all the information they need without the assistance of a

[ha-Safran]: Book Sale

2007-02-22 Thread Eli Wise
perusal. If we don’t hear from anyone we will dispose of them. Any questions call Eli Wise 215-635-7300 extension 159 Eli Wise Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL

[ha-Safran]: Professional Degree in Judaica Librarianship

2007-02-08 Thread Eli Wise
I don’t understand why there is a need for a certificate in Judaica Librarianship. What we do is a specialty within the library profession. If we think that a special credential will increase interest and provide for the continuing pool of librarians in Judaica we are going in the wrong

[ha-Safran]: Jimmy Carter's Book

2006-12-21 Thread Eli Wise
Jimmy Carter’s book and it relevance goes beyond the normal collection development criteria. Since it has been argued that many facts are incorrect and his subsequent interviews give us a loud and clear message where he stands why purchase it. If someone wants to read the book I am sure that

[ha-Safran]: FYI

2006-10-23 Thread Eli Wise
the word out about what we offer in assistance to people from the casual researcher to the academic. Our roles have not changed just the methodology of the way we assist. Eli Wise Library Director Tuttleman Library of Gratz College http://www.jewishexponent.com/article/10891/http

[ha-Safran]: Firebombing in Baltimore

2006-08-09 Thread Eli Wise
be alarmist but at the same time we should think realistically about all possibilities. Eli Wise Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL

Upcoming Event

2006-03-29 Thread Eli Wise
to the Public. For further information call Eli Wise 215-635-7300 extension 159 Eliezer M. Wise Director of Library Services Gratz College 7605 Old York Road Melrose Park, PA 19027 215-635-7300 ext. 159 [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gratz.edu Transforming Education [] Partnering

[ha-Safran]: Children's Books and censorship

2006-03-16 Thread Eli Wise
I applaud David Elazar's analysis. In the years prior to the first intifada how much did Israel actually interfere with Palestinian life? Many Palestinians earned comfortable livings working in the construction industry in Israel. When I visited Israel in 1972, 1974, and 1981 you did not hear

[ha-Safran]: Three Wishes

2006-03-08 Thread Eli Wise
I never intended to make the point that only books giving the Israeli side should be there at the expense of others. It seems clear from Ann Dubin's review that there are some ambiguous aspects of this book. She indicates that she has placed in the book a recommendation that a child discuss

[ha-Safran]: Three Wishes

2006-03-02 Thread Eli Wise
This news item that Amalia cites should bring a response. What will happen when this book starts appearing in libraries in the United States? It is so incredible that people don't see the bigger picture concerning suicide bombers. They try to somewhat justify the anger and frustration that the

[ha-Safran]: Teen Reading List

2006-02-17 Thread Eli Wise
I second the motion that the Voya list has some bizarre selections other than fiction. In perusing the list the only title suggested concerning the Palestinian-Israel conflict is by Mitch Frank. Shouldn't a bibliography address all sides of the issue, not one? The compiler of the list claims

[ha-Safran]: Children's Programming

2005-12-07 Thread Eli Wise
Since 2002 the Tuttleman Library also serves as the Jewish Public Library of greater Philadelphia. One of our initiatives has been to expand our children's collection. Last year we made a major effort to increase our children's holdings. We had a program last April to kick off that initiative.

[ha-Safran]: Suggestions for Core Collection of Middle School

2005-10-02 Thread Eli Wise
My suggestion is to first divide your list into specific areas. Mishnah, Talmud, Halachah (Codes), Midrash. It is also important to evaluate the level of the material and the language. There are many translations of primary sources in translation. Some go beyond the translation and actually

[ha-Safran]: Job Posting

2005-07-07 Thread Eli Wise
The school is located in Northeast Philadelphia. I was speaking to the principal the other day and he indicated that their librarian/teacher has left the position. I offered to post the job on hasafran. Part-time Librarian Needed: Progressive, innovative, young religious high school seeks

[ha-Safran]: Convention Costs

2005-06-29 Thread Eli Wise
Now that the convention has passed, it seems like a good time to discuss costs and direction. What is the goal of the AJL Convention? Isn't it to bring Judaica librarians together to share professional knowledge and trends? The costs to go to these annual meetings are incredibly high. I did not

[ha-Safran]: Marcia Goldberg ZL

2005-02-28 Thread Eli Wise
I was shocked to hear about the passing of Marcia Goldberg. She was a part of the Jewish library community in Philadelphia for fifteen years. Although our professional paths did not cross at Gratz College, Marcia was my neighbor for awhile and my family and I would be guests in her house and

[ha-Safran]: I Don't get it?

2005-02-23 Thread Eli Wise
I would like to echo Glenn's comments. It seems to me that this line should have a moderator that keeps discussion professional. It amazes me that there should be such agony concerning a piece of rabbinical literature and silence concerning the growth of interfaith titles. I realize that I have

[ha-Safran]: Defining What is Jewish

2005-02-15 Thread Eli Wise
I agree that we are not to judge what is appropriately Jewish in general. Am I to understand there is no basic definition in AJL for what is appropriately Jewish. If this is the case what is purpose of the organization and the book recommendations it makes? People look to a professional

[ha-Safran]: What is Happening to AJL?

2005-02-10 Thread Eli Wise
I read Heidi Estrin's post about the Sydney Taylor award in disbelief. Why are interfaith books allowed in the competition for the award. Is a book with the name Jesus acceptable as an award given by a Jewish organization? Is a book that describes celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas acceptable?

[ha-Safran]: Library Conventions

2005-02-02 Thread Eli Wise
The discussion seem to be centered around the timing of the convention. I echo the concerns and suggest that the organization poll the membership and find the time that is mutually acceptable and enables most people to attend. I would also like to voice another concern. The conventions are

[ha-Safran]: Conventions

2005-02-02 Thread Eli Wise
This discussion seems to be focused on the date of the convention. We cannot forget the financial burden of the members who decide to go. Hotels in downtown areas are very expensive. I was told that members want to be able to go from their hotel and see the sights. I don't see why more

[ha-Safran]: Theodore Bikel

2004-11-02 Thread Eli Wise
The Tuttleman Library of Gratz College presents: The 9th Annual Tuttleman Foundation Cultural Award for a Lifetime of Contributions to the Arts to Theodore Bikel Award Presentation and Response to this Honor The Artist as an Activist Thursday November 4, 2004 at 8 P.M. Eliezer M. Wise

[ha-Safran]: Orthodox and the Public Library

2004-06-02 Thread Eli Wise
Collection development in any public library branch reflects the patrons who use it. This is an old professional axiom. I once went to a library in a blue collar neighborhood and found a complete set of Chilton's auto repair manuals in the reference section. Therefore if a neighborhood is heavily

[ha-Safran]: Learn from Russell Crowe

2004-04-28 Thread Eli Wise
There is a news story circulating today that Russell Crowe (not Jewish) the actor has offered to help rebuild the destroyed United Talmud Torah elementary school and library. He was very upset about what had happened to a place of learning. His offer becoming public is beyond a publicity stunt

[ha-Safran]: Our Voices are Silent

2004-04-26 Thread Eli Wise
There was an interesting article in the Jewish Exponent, April 8, 2004 by Lori Lowenthal Marcus. Ms. Marcus is the President of the local chapter of the ZOA. Her article made the point about ho Jews themselves give impressions to the non-Jewish world if something is anti-Semitic or not. This

[ha-Safran]: Why No reaction?

2004-04-15 Thread Eli Wise
There has much discussion concerning the firebombing in Montreal. From all indications it was a hate crime. It is very admirable that AJL is trying to find ways to help the victims restore the library itself. Is this organization missing the bigger picture? If in fact a library and place of Jewish

[ha-Safran]: Job Opening (Wynnewood, PA)

2004-03-16 Thread Eli Wise
A local synagogue called informed me about a part time job opening. Part-Time Librarian 10-15 Hours Per Week Salary $15-20 per hour Contact Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El Lancaster and Remington Road Wynnewood, Pa. 19096 Att. Sharon Stumacher 610-649-5300 Eliezer M. Wise Library Director

[ha-Safran]: Clarification

2004-03-02 Thread Eli Wise
I am surprised that anyone would suggest that I want to make this forum a place for discussion of Mel Gibson's film. When I suggest reaction it is in the way we do our professional work. I hardly think that creating a resource is tantamount to preventing Christians from observing their faith. We

[ha-Safran]: Duke University is the Tip of the Iceberg

2004-01-14 Thread Eli Wise
There has been much discussion about the Duke University site and its presentation of ant-Israel materials. There is a much more brutal location where every hater of Israel can step up and take from the cafeteria of Israel hate, the American Library Association. Take a short trip- go to

[ha-Safran]: Recruiting Judaica Librarians

2003-12-11 Thread Eli Wise
The great sage Hillel taught, if I am not for myself, who will be for me (Avos 1:13) I have brought up the issue of the future of Judaica Librarianship. Many responses range from complete resignation to the dreary outlook to total apathy. This listserve is sometimes more preoccupied with

[Ha-Safran] Evenhandedness?

2003-10-29 Thread Eli Wise
It is amazing how the discussion of a video made this conversation into a forum on evenhandedness. Did anyone ever hear of a collection development policy? Don't we collect materials at different levels to serve the public that uses our library? This conversation is just as political as the

[Ha-Safran] Announcements

2003-10-29 Thread Eli Wise
-7300 x 115 or 172 or call 800-475-4635 Finding the Key to Unlock Resources for Jewish Learning Rabbinics/Librarianship - 41204 Eli Wise, MLS The Jewish people have been referred to as the People of the Book. This course will familiarize students with the arrangement and bibliographic relevance

[Ha-Safran] Why don't the Palestinians Care About Us?

2003-10-23 Thread Eli Wise
The conversation on this line has been quite interesting in recent days. There seems to be anxiety over materials that relate to the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. I think that people are confusing their professional outlook with their personal outlook. I echo Dr Sheynin that

[Ha-Safran] Information business

2003-10-01 Thread Eli Wise
Not only are we in the information business we promote information literacy. The marketplace may have many flaws when it defines our profession but one thing is certain we indeed provide information. When a researcher asks a reference question they may ultimately acquire knowledge and wisdom,

[ha-Safran]: Cataloging

2003-09-02 Thread Eli Wise
One of the most common complaints by librarians is budgetary limitations. Our institutions because of various reasons seem to tighten the budget when it comes to the library. I have spoken to colleagues outside of the Judaica field and have also found that even in non-Judaica locales the library

[ha-Safran]: Future of Judaica Librarianship

2003-06-24 Thread Eli Wise
I haven't discussed the subject of who will fill our ranks in the future. It seemed that there wasn't the kind of concern for this potential problem because there was little reaction to my posts. Most of the reaction was centered around the low pay aspect. This is true for experienced