Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~THE VALUE OF A WOMEN IN ISLAM~~~

2010-09-05 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
* Be careful if you make a woman cry, coz Allah counts her tears A woman was created from a man's rib (Adam). Not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior over, but from his side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved.* *--

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Kewajiban Berpuasa Dibulan Ramadhan~~~

2010-08-31 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Kewajiban Berpuasa Dibulan Ramadhan* *Hadith :*** *Daripada Abi Hurairah r.a. berkata bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda; “Berpuasalah kamu apabila melihat anak bulan (hilal) dan berbukalah kamu (berhari raya) kerana melihat hilal. Apabila hilal terlindung awan daripada pandangan kamu, maka

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Pintu Syurga Terbuka Luas~~~

2010-08-31 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Pada bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkat ini juga pintu syurga dibuka * *seluas-luasnya bagi mereka yang beriman dan taat kepada perintah Allah. * *Bahkan, Allah melimpahkan pelbagai ganjaran pahala kepada Hamba-Nya * *yang menjadi penyebab memudahkan mereka masuk ke syurga.* *-- ~~~Whatever

Re: Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Daily Thoughts 09 Ogos 2010 - mengapa terjemahan ayat kamu berbeza dari sebenar?

2010-08-31 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
] Mereka menjawab: (Ugutanmu itu) tidaklah menjadi hal! Sesungguhnya kami (tidak gentar), kerana kepada Tuhan kamilah kembalinya kami. From:Sleeping Beauty To:Ikhwanul Muslimun; Date:16/08/2010 22:43 Subject:Help Palestine

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Pintu Rahmat (Belas Kasihan) Terbuka Luas~~~

2010-08-29 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Pada bulan Ramadhan pintu-pintu Rahmat dibuka. Allah meluaskan * *Rahmat-Nya agar menaungi seluruh hamba-hamba-Nya yang tekun * *berIbadah dan taat kepada-Nya dengan memberi ganjaran pahala * *yang berlipat kali ganda.* *-- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Sakaratul Maut Orang-orang Yang Bertaqwa~~~

2010-07-28 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Sakaratul Maut Orang-orang Yang Bertaqwa* *Sebaliknya Imam Ghazali mengatakan bahwa orang beriman akan melihat rupa Malaikatul Maut sebagai pemuda tampan, berpakaian indah dan menyebarkan wangi yang sangat harum. Dan dikatakan kepada orang-orang yang bertakwa: “Apakah yang telah diturunkan oleh

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Tokyo International Robot Exhibition~~~

2010-07-12 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Not a star, nor officials,the Tokyo International Robot Exhibition opening ceremony, a unique robot ribbon-cutting ceremony gave us a splendid opening ceremony. Let us appreciate these robots from the show.* * -- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Amazing Recovery Of A Toddler~~~

2010-07-12 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Amazing recovery of toddler with 32% burns on his face who healed with NO scars thanks to revolutionary treatment By Luke Salked This is the smile that Isambard Ebbutt's mother feared she would never see. He suffered horrific burns when he poured a cup of scalding tea over his head as a baby.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Gas Tank City, Vienna.~~~

2010-07-07 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Please wait images are loading .* ** *Constructed in1896, and used to store the gas that supplied **Vienna**, these four giant gasometers are now used as modern and original **living spaces**. Remnants of the industrial age, gasometers all over the world have been demolished, or simply

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Ethnic Attacks In kyrgyzstan.~~~

2010-07-05 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Please wait images are loading .* ** *Beginning one week ago, thousands of young **Kyrgyz** men rampaged through parts of southern Kyrgyzstan with weapons and torches, attacking ethnic Uzbek neighborhoods, burning homes and stores, and, according to reports, beating, raping and killing

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Unique Houses From Around the World (2)~~~

2010-06-25 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Reed Houses and Boats: Lake Titicaca, Peru The Uru people living around **Lake Titicaca** (the highest navigable lake in the world) * *build their boats and houses out of reeds. Clusters of houses stand on floating rafts, * *which are also made of reeds.* [image: [16.jpg]] *Blockhouse**: USA A

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Anger Management...~~~

2010-06-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*-- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~. ~~~Lidah orang yang berakal terletak di belakang hatinya. Hati orang yang bodoh terletak di belakang lidahnya~~~

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Sunken Treasures Of Cleopatra's Palace~~~

2010-06-17 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Sunken treasure - divers recover the stunning artifacts of Cleopatra's palace By Mail Foreign Service Last updated at 7:59 AM on 26th May 2010 Divers in the waters off Alexandria today recovered stunning artefacts from the submerged ruins of a palace and temple complex belonging to Egyptian

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Science Images Of The Week~~~

2010-06-16 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
This picture of the lunar surface shows the trail left by a rock that rolled into a crater. The image was taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and picked up by stargazer Phil Plait. A model swallowtail butterfly that can fly just like the real thing has been created by scientists

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~The Incredible Monastery of Taung Kalat.~~~

2010-06-15 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Please wait images are loading .* ** Built atop an extinct volcano plug, the Buddhist monastery of* Taung Kalat*is one of the most breathtaking sites in Burma and the world. Many people call the hill on which the monastery was built, Mount Popa, but they’re mistaking it with the much higher

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~THE PICTURE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF~~~

2010-06-15 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*-- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~. ~~~Lidah orang yang berakal terletak di belakang hatinya. Hati orang yang bodoh terletak di belakang lidahnya~~~

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Kasih Dan Sayang Sesama Manusia~~~

2010-06-04 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
* Salam,* *Kasih Dan Sayang Sesama Manusia* * * *Kasih dan sayang perlu ditanam di dalam jiwa, malah ia * *lahir sejak azali, Cuma hendaklah dipupuk dengan lebih* *mendalam, juga menjadi amalan dalam kehidupan harian bagi* *melaksanakan kebahagiaan. Ia akan timbul sendiri dari lubuk* *hati.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~ Most Expensive Real Estate in the US~~~

2010-05-19 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Most Expensive Real Estate in the US *In the real estate world from US there is a new record for the most expensive property on the market in the US today. * *This house is

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~The Fish Spa In Turkey.~~~

2010-05-05 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Please wait images are loading .* ** *This might seem weird, but it is a medical procedure known by the name ichthyotherapy, and this sort of fish is called “Doctor Fish“. The idea is that this specific specie of fish eats only rotten flesh and

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Does Stretching Increase Height? ~~~

2010-04-30 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Does Stretching Increase Height? Yes, because of a couple of reasons. First, our bones and muscles can be developed by proper and regular exercise. With proper stretching, our spine will

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Robotic Animals~~~

2010-04-28 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
[image: It Just Keeps Going and Going and Going ...] It Just Keeps Going and Going and Going ... *Built to look like a real fish, this robotic replica swims effortlessly in its London Aquarium tank thanks to sensor-based controls used to navigate through water to avoid obstacles. The hope of its

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Escape Into Life~~~

2010-04-28 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Daily Mail Reporter *First the shell begins to crack. Then there's a flurry of activity as the tiny creature curled up * *inside the egg breaks a hole in the shell. * *Next, a scaly, pink foot emerges, flailing wildly, before - bit by bit - the miniature damp bundle * *bursts forth from the

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Earth Day Observed

2010-04-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Saturday March 28, 2009, Many countries observed Earth Hour by dimming lights: [image: The Houses of Parliament in London are seen before Earth Hour...] The Houses of Parliament in London are seen before Earth Hour... [image: ...and after the lights were switched off for one hour] ...and

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] International Pillow Fighting Day

2010-04-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
[image:] *On Saturday April 3rd 2010, there were massive pillow fights in cities around the world! **The rules for this pillow fight were pretty straight forward: 1. Bring a pillow, a soft one, preferred. 2. Don't hit

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:Weirdest Bermuda Triangle Disappearances

2010-04-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*The “Bermuda or Devil’s Triangle” is an invented spot situated at the southeastern side of Atlantic coast of the America, * *which is renowned for the number of incidence that mysterious losses of aircraft, yachts and small boats. The climaxes * *of this triangle are commonly established to be

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Lovely View...and Quotes On Love

2010-04-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all..* * Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies...* * Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Girl, 9, Stuns Doctors

2010-04-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
'I want to be a ballerina': Girl, 9, stuns doctors with miraculous recovery after half her brain is removed during surgery Daily Mail Nine-year-old Cameron Mott had half her brain taken out during major surgery, but it has not stopped the youngster pursuing her dreams. Cameron has stunned

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:Baby Wombat Cared By Humans

2010-04-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Meet orphaned Karmann, the waving wombat nursed back to health by humans Mail Foreign Service Last updated at 11:26 AM on 03rd April 2010 She may only have a tiny heart - but luckily for Karmann the orphaned wombat, she was rescued by an animal lover with a large one. The helpless little

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] The Top 10 Sky Bars

2010-04-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
From the inception of civilization, man has always aspired to go up near the clouds through his elevating handiworks. The *modern sky bars* that we see towering over some of the major cities of the world are an evidence to man’s love for heights. These not only serve as stunning structures kissing

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Perlukan DVD / CD Muqhadam

2010-04-13 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Salam untuk semua, Minta jasa baik teman-teman, bagaimana dan di mana untuk mendapatkan sebuah DVD / CD Muqhadam. Terima kasih.* -- *~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:Unbelieveable Wedding Marriage Records

2010-04-11 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Our hearts melted when we read this piece Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher of North Bern, N.C., who hold the record for

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] PICMEL:Zipline To School.

2010-04-11 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Please wait images are loading .* ** *In remote village in Colombia kids go to school using a high-altitude zipline.They carry their younger sibs in hemp sacks. The top speed is 38 mi/h (62 km/h). The length of the zipline – 1,312 ft (400

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:Eyeglass

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Eyeglass-like display lets patient monitor dental treatment Osaka-based organization Kenkyu Kaihatsu Kiko said it has developed an eyeglasses-like image display enabling a patient to see inside their

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Keindahan Alam

2010-04-07 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*-- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~. ~~~Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.~~~

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:How to clean your keyboard

2010-04-06 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
It’s important to remember to show your keyboard some love every now and then both for the sake of good hygiene and to ensure it functions properly. Those keys take quite a beating everyday, and all the little crevices are excellent at trapping things like dust and hair, and if you ever eat near

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:Last Chance to Get a Good Look at Mars Until 2012

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*On Thursday night, March 25, many people may look up at the sky and ask the question, * *What's that bright star next to the moon?* *The answer for Thursday night is Mars, but that answer changes night by night as the moon * *travels along the

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Daily Qur'an Hadith 26 March 2010 (10 Rabiulakhir 1431)

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
** *Al Qur'an* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *English Translation of Al-Quran * [5]. Surah Al-Ma'idah [The Table Spread With Food] Ayat *68. *Say O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! You have nothing (as regards guidance) till you act according to the Taurat

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:The Power of Body Language

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*You’ll definitely notice a whole new reaction from people if you unleash the power of body language. Everyone communicates non verbally even without having to think about it. If you want to have a powerful edge in life, you need to convey the proper body language signs, with or without having to

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:Natural Remedies for Diabetes | Natural Cures for Diabetes

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Natural Remedies for Diabetes | Natural Cures for Diabetes Diabetes is a condition in which there is unusual rise

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] INFO:Amazing Earth. Who Needs A Space Shuttle?

2010-04-03 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Who needs a Space Shuttle? Amazing pictures of Earth captured by one man, a balloon and his compact camera. By: Tom Allen *He used GPS tracking technology similar to an in-car sat-nav to follow its progress - and an* *attached radio transmitter to find it when it parachutes back to earth.* *The

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] SIFAT SABAR DAN TABAH

2010-03-26 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Manusia yang hidup di dunia ini tidak akan dapat lari daripada menerima qadak dan qadar Allah Subhanahu Wataala seperti musibah-musibah yang menyebabkan penderitaan dan kesusahan sebagai cabaran dan ujian dari Allah Subhanahu Wataala dan harus dihadapi dengan penuh kesabaran. **Sesungguhnya

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Miracle Baby

2010-03-26 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Happy feet! Toddler takes first steps after losing her toes to meningitis Daily Mail Reporter Young meningitis sufferer Molly Fisher has taken her first steps since having her toes amputated - thanks to her special 'magic shoes'. The toddler lost all the toes on her right foot and the tips of

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Volcano erupts in Iceland, hundreds evacuated

2010-03-26 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Sun Mar 21, 2:01 AM ET *By GUDJON HELGASON, Associated Press Writer Gudjon Helgason, Associated Press Writer ** – 42 mins ago* *REYKJAVIK, Iceland – Authorities evacuated hundreds of people after a volcano erupted beneath a glacier in southern Iceland, * *Iceland's civil protection agency said

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Motor Show in Geneva in 2010

2010-03-24 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Motor Show in Geneva in 2010

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Yang Pasti Teruskan Hidup

2010-03-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Apa yang penting walau siapa kita dan di mana berada hidup kena teruskan. Susah dan senang kena harungi, berusaha, berdoa dan selebihnya tawakkal. Semua orang Islam wajib bekerja untuk memenuhi keperluan hidupnya. Juga kesederhanaan dan Islam benci orang yang malas berusaha. Hadith : Rasulullah

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Some Unsolved Mysteries of the WORLD....

2010-03-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Mary Celeste* [image: The-Mary-Celeste] *Mary Celeste, originally named “Amazon” was launched in 1860 at Nova Scotia; Mysteric disappearing of its crew and captain is one of the most fascinating mysteries of all time; the captain of the ship (Benjamin Briggs), his family and ship’s crew all

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Events In Pictures

2010-03-14 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Norway's Prince Haakon inspects the Royal Malay Regiment Guard of Honour at a welcoming ceremony in Putrajaya, outside Kuala Lumpur Hundreds of people under their umbrellas watch the lighting of the falla 'Literato Azorin' in Valencia Hostesses pose for photographs on Tiananmen

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Agonising Decision To Make

2010-03-14 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
The agonising decision faced by the parents of conjoined twins who share a heart... and must be separated Daily Mail Reporter It is one of the most agonising decisions any parent could have to make. Conjoined twins Emma and Taylor Bailey, three, will die if they are not separated because too

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Stunning Pictures Of A Solar Corona

2010-03-14 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Stunning pictures of a solar corona where temperatures around Sun reach 2,000,000cBy Michael Hanlon Shooting a million miles or more out into the hard, cold vacuum of space, this fiery halo is one of the wonders of the universe. Whipped into gigantic swirls by the Sun's ferocious magnetic

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Stunning South Pacific

2010-03-14 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
[image:] South Pacific may refer to: In geography: - Australasia, a region of Oceania, including: New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea and neighbouring islands - Oceania

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Hasil Kerja Tangan Manusia Dari Peperangan

2010-03-14 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
[image: Война через объектив Steve McCurry (33 фото)] [image: Война через объектив Steve McCurry (33 фото)] [image: Война через объектив Steve McCurry (33 фото)] [image: Война через объектив Steve McCurry (33 фото)] [image: Война через объектив Steve McCurry (33 фото)] [image: Война через

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] PUISI:Menelan Dosa-dosa

2010-03-14 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Berjatuhan dedaunan nan putih helai demi helai terdampar didada bumi terantai, kudrat dan iradat * *menitis, peluh noda, meniti dipipi berbaur air mata Menelan bara dosa, kehidupan nyalanya dikerongkongan membakar setiap roma dibadan Dosa kerana, Rapohnya akal Imanpun terbakar takwapun terhenti

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Kata-kata hikmah

2010-03-10 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Please wait images are loading .* *-- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Human Tree Man

2010-03-10 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Tabah menghadapi ujian hidup* [image: a human tree man1 The Human Tree man *Warning Graphic* (13 photos)] Indonesian fisherman, Dede Koswara, has been suffering from a rare skin disease called Human Pappiloma Virus since

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] STRESS

2010-03-10 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*STRESS* is already a part of daily *living*. You may never know it but you are already affected by this issue. You shout at your kids or nag your partner about something. You seem to raise an issue out of a particular event even if it is not true. You also tend to be suspicious at some points.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Bracing- The newborn line of Buses in Cuba

2010-03-08 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty Public transport under no circumstances got any weirder. Click through to view how citizens of Cuba are moved transported from one locality to another.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Geo Discoveries

2010-03-07 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*10.Ultra-Rare Megamouth Shark Found, Eaten* [image: megamouth shark eaten Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009] In March, the 41st megamouth shark ever found went from swimming in Philippine waters to simmering in coconut milk. *9. Ancient Gem-Studded Teeth Show Skill of Early Dentists* [image:

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Huge jellyfish Nomura sank the Japanese fishing ship

2010-03-06 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Nomura’s jellyfish* is a very large Japanese jellyfish. It is in the same size class as the lion’s mane jellyfish, the largest cnidarian in the world. The diameter of these jellyfish is slightly greater than the height of an average fully grown man. It grows 2 meters (6 feet 7 inches) in

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Penodaan KeAtas Masjid Ibrahim, Palestin

2010-03-02 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI MAHA PENYAYANG* Silsilah Penindasan ke Masjid Ibrahimi *Khusus-Infopalestina*: -Tanggal 25 Februari adalah bertepatan dengan 16 tahun pembantaian di Masjid Ibrahimi di kota Khalil (Hebron), selatan Tepi Barat. Pembantaian yang dilakukan seorang pemukim

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ENAM PERUSAK UKHUWAH.(Refresh)

2010-03-02 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*ENAM PERUSAK UKHUWAH.* ** Mengingat kedudukan ukhuwah islamiyah yang sedemikian penting, maka memeliharanya menjadi sesuatu yang amat ditekankan. Disamping kepentingan meneliti kebenaran suatu berita buruk yang menyangkut saudara kita yang muslim. Ada beberapa hal yang harus kita hindari agar

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Balancing Work and Family Life in 3 Easy Steps

2010-03-02 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Balancing Work and Family Life in 3 Easy Steps People used to think that balancing work and family life is impossible. But I'm here to let you know that it's not. There are a lot of ways by which you can have a great career and still maintain a wonderful relationship with your family. To find out

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Selamatkan bahtera anda daripada karam

2010-03-02 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
From: mOsHiMoShI Date: 2010/3/1 Selamatkan bahtera anda daripada karam *Oleh Ustaz Ahmad Baei Jaafar* Dalam hubungan suami isteri ramai yang tersilap percaturan hidup. Mereka silap dalam menilai kasih sayang dan kebahagiaan. Mereka selalu terjebak dalam kancah dosa dan


2010-03-01 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*TO CALL THE POLICE WHEN YOU'RE OLD AND DON'T MOVE FAST ANYMORE. George Phillips , an elderly man, from Meridian , Mississippi , was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. George opened the back door to

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~UNUSUAL BUILDING IN THE WORLD~~~

2010-03-01 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
-- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~. ~~~Kebahagiaan Hidup Yang Tertinggi Adalah Keyakinan Yang Diri Kita Dicintai. Cinta Ibarat Seperti Petir, Anda Tidak Dapat Meneka Di

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] HOW TO BRING UP A CHILD

2010-03-01 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*As children grow, they are surrounded by many people other than their parents. Their behavior and personality is influenced by their teachers, friends and relatives. In fact, they add traits to their own life. We must provide space and freedom to children to help them learn and recognize their

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Window to the World~~~

2010-03-01 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Window to the World [image: Endeavour] [image: Space Shuttle Endeavour] [image: Nicholas Patrick] -- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~. ~~~Kebahagiaan Hidup Yang

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] How to Deal With People You Don't Like

2010-03-01 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
How to Deal With People You Don't Like in 3 Simple Steps *Gone are the days when you have to fume silently as your neighbor makes that awful racket with his lawn mower, or when your co-worker becomes too nosy. After you read this article, you'll know some secrets on how to deal with people you

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Deepest Part of the Ocean

2010-02-28 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
The Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean, just east of the 14 Mariana Islands (11″21′ North latitude and 142″ 12′ East longitude ) near Japan. As you probably already know, it is the deepest part of the earth’s oceans, and the deepest

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Artistic Water Tanks

2010-02-25 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Artistic Water Tanks

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] How to Make Work Feel Effortless

2010-02-24 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*How to Make Work Feel Effortless* Sometimes work can be a drag. You get caught up in trying to be more productive and suddenly your life turns into a series of to-do lists. You gauge your measure of success by how much you accomplish. You even determine how happy you allow yourself to be by how

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Pintu Taubat Terbuka Merupakan Satu Nikmat

2010-02-24 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
* Bertaubat dan menyesali diri. Jika Allah menghendaki kebaikan kepada hambaNya. Dia pasti membukakan pintu taubat, penyesalan, kepatuhan, merasa hina dihadapanNya, merasa perlu kehadhiranNya, minta pertolonganNya, berlindung kepadaNya, memohon dan berdoa kepadaNya, mendekatkan diri kepadaNya

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Weird creature measured 6ft long~~~

2010-02-24 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
A mysterious creature horrified holidaymakers after it washed up on a beach on the Gower Peninsula in Wales. The writhing mass of tentacles, which measured at least 6ft from end to end. The barnacles – long writhing stalks or pendulates, tipped with shells – are normally found deep below the

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Worlds Dirtiest Rivers and Lakes~~~

2010-02-23 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
While it is hard to rank rivers and lakes around the world in terms of who is THE worst, there are a few that stand out in the crowd. Pollutants like industrial waste, sewage runoff, overpopulation and agriculture discharges all make for quite a toxic brew. When you count in the fact that many of

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] King Tutankhamun

2010-02-23 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
CAIRO – Egypt's famed King Tutankhamun suffered from a cleft palate and club foot, likely forcing him to walk with a cane, and died from complications from a broken leg exacerbated by malaria, according to the most extensive study ever of his more than 3,300-year-old mummy. The findings were from

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~The Biggest Dam in the World~~~

2010-02-23 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric river dam that spans the Yangtze River in Sandouping, Yichang, Hubei, China. It is the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. With a

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Colossal sea monster~~~

2010-02-23 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Colossal sea monster of Dorset that could have eaten T Rex for breakfast* The skull of a prehistoric sea monster so large it could make mincemeat of a T Rex has been unearthed on the Dorset coast.The ferocious creature, called a pliosaur, terrorised the oceans 150million years ago during the

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Nine-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth to Healthy Child in China

2010-02-23 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
A shocking story took place in China. A nine-year-old girl gave birth to a healthy baby in Changchun Hospital in China’s northeastern province of Jilin. Doctors performed Cesarean section on the little mother after she started having contractions.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Colossal Squid

2010-02-23 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
* Colossal Squid** No round-up of deep-sea monsters would be complete without recognition of the largest invertebrate in the world – * *the colossal squid. It’s estimated that this animal can grow up to an impressive 14 metres long, and has a body * *that’s both wider and heavier than the giant

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Menuntut Ilmu~~~

2010-02-23 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
[image:] *Dan orang-orang yang berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh kerana memenuhi kehendak agama Kami, sesungguhnya Kami akan memimpin mereka ke jalan-jalan Kami (yang menjadikan mereka bergembira serta beroleh keredaan); dan sesungguhnya

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Amazing Living Statues Art Pictures

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Amazing Living Statues Art Pictures

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 10 Most Diabolical Fish On Earth

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty [image:

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Snow Donuts

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Snow Donuts The spherical snow rings known as snow donuts, or snow rollers, only happen when conditions are perfect. The temperature must be around freezing, the snow easily packable and there must be strong winds. A bit of a hill always helps too. [image: snow donuts] *These strange looking

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Unknown creature found by Russian soldiers

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*This creature was found by Russian soldiers on Sakhalin shoreline. * *Sakhalin area is situated near to Japan, it’s the most eastern part of Russia, * *almost 5000 miles to East from Moscow (Russia is huge). People don’t know * *who is it. According to the bones and teeth – it is not a fish.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Supercell

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Supercell Going purely by the name, Supercell sounds as cool as it is. It is the name given to a continuously rotating updraft deep within a severe thunderstorm (a mesocyclone) and looks downright scary. [image: huge supercell] *Mark Humpage via Winchecter Weather

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Red Sprites and Blue Jets

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Red Sprites and Blue Jets Appearing as cone bursts, glows or bright discharges, blue jets and red sprites occur only in the upper atmosphere, and are therefore very faint and often not visible to the naked eye. [image: diagram]

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 5 Most Ugliest Bald Animals

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Like in humans, baldness can be seen in animals as well. Hair loss in animals can be because of a lot of reasons including hormonal imbalance. We may have seen bald cats where there a lot of spot on the cat which are bald. This can be because of stress and is called as alopecia. Best Health

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Top 10 Devil’s Plants

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*What looks red all over and has a long tongue and tail, a pair of horns on his head and holds a huge fork? * *This creature is very bad that’s why he was banished to a very hot place called hell. The Devil has always * *been depicted as a creature looking like this. Any of the description above

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Gravity Wave

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Gravity Wave The undulating pattern of a gravity wave must seem a bizarre sight, especially if you’re more used to seeing waves of the water, not in the sky. Seldom seen gravity waves are caused when air is displaced in the vertical plain, usually as a result of updrafts coming off the

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Giant Hailstones

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Giant Hailstones Of all the crazy weather phenomenon that blasts the planet, a giant hailstorm would be the most likely to cause direct personal injury, judging by the size of the hailstones in these images anyway. Just imagine being pelted from a great height with hundreds of hard golf balls

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Non-Aqueous Rain

2010-02-22 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Non-Aqueous Rain Although a well-known phenomenon, non-aqueous rain is seldom reported or documented but when it is a media frenzy usually ensues, although with cries of the world ending. [image: fish rain] A shower of frogs in Wiltshire, England made the headlines in 1939, as did a coal storm

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] FREE Advice !

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*FREE Advice ! * * * * * * 1. Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved. 2. Don't be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can carry easily. 3. Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been, but also where you are going. 4.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Just remember,

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Just remember,* *No matter how small the deed, it really does makes a difference. Make a difference today. Do something nice for someone else.* * Do not give up in life because there are lot of difficulties. Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you; but to help you realize your hidden

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~6 Personality traits to admire and acquire~~~

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*I’ve written numerous articles and posts on difficult people, personalities and relationships: Everything from Manipulative Marys to Bullies in the workplace to people who break boundaries to toxic relationships. Let’s face it: In life, we come across all kinds! As humans, we often focus on

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~'Like Science Fiction'~~~

2010-02-21 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
'Like science fiction': Astronauts awe-struck by gleaming International Space Station Glowing in the sunlight, this is the latest stunning shot of the International Space Station, taken from the shuttle Endeavour as it came in to dock. Astronaut Stephen Robinson was awe-struck when he drew

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] GOOD MORNING HAPPY WEEKEND

2010-02-19 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Forget about what if and* *pay attention to what is.* * * [image: Click the image to open in full size.] -- *~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~. ~~~Kebahagiaan Hidup Yang

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] 3 simple tests that can predict and prevent a heart attack

2010-02-19 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Your doctor can order a host of complex tests to gauge the health of your heart, but *Prevention*’s resident cardiologist, Arthur Agatston, MD, shared three new methods of predicting heart disease that are surprisingly simple and effective. One can be done with your eyes closed—literally.

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Indian Chillies

2010-02-11 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
[image: Chilli Whole] *Family name :* Solanaceae,*Botanical name :* Capsicum Annum *Arabic name :* Filfil Ahmar, *Part used : *Fruit Indian Chillies and chili powder are one of the famous in the world and have huge demand in the overseas market. India continues to be the main producer and

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Iraq On War... Devastating Moments For Iraq Or Americans Army ?

2010-02-11 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
Iraq On War... Devastating Moments For Iraq Or Americans Army ? Thursday

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] ~~~Jangan Kamu Marah~~~

2010-02-09 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
*Jangan Kamu Marah!* *Hadith :* *Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a bahawa seorang lelaki telah berkata kepada nabi SAW yang maksudnya:� Berwasiatlah kepada ku.� Sabda Rasulullah SAW: �Jangan kamu marah.� Maka lelaki itu mengulangi kata-katanya berulang kali. Sabda Rasulullah SAW:� Jangan

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] How are Afghan carpets

2010-02-09 Terurut Topik Sleeping Beauty
How are Afghan carpets *Afghan carpet weaving - an ancient art, handed down from generation to generation. Previously rugs woven

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