[jQuery] locally run ADDRESS BOOK using JQ? UI? suggestions? jquery addressbook plugin?

2009-10-17 Thread yvonney
Hi, after a lot of thought I am seriously thinking about creating a webpage, sorta like tiddlywiki though really basic and just for keeping my contacts/addresses/phone-numbers/email addys in. So, on first google I found http://www.asual.com/jquery/address/ you know how it goes though. I need

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-07 Thread yvonney
wow ricardo... yes, great fun I've been having... AND your abbreviated version in your last above DOES work... SO, I use it, and remove the long duplicated version I had ONE thing.. that's kinda obvious to me now, and mentioned a bit above.. IS that of course... doing $('ul.first a,

[jQuery] malsup cycle plugin: possible to have images change with nicer transparency

2009-01-07 Thread yvonney
DURING IMAGE CHANGES the white part of the picture which I believe is transparent is visible and cuts into the next image. Is this normal and unaviodable? On firefox/linux I have 3 jpgs 3 gif (hope I did the transparency right) and 3 png images... they are mostly white pictures so if

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney
Great Ricardo! Couple of things to limit my possibility of making an error or needing to try/remember unnecessary variables: Q1: Does the doc type are at the top of the page matter much strict? transitional? xmlns line? Q2: Do I need an EXTRA }); at the bottom of the script just

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney
Hi Ricardo... http://jsbin.com/ahuce Here's the jsbin attempt I did I made a simple basic example using latest code etc. clicking on the video links get :: This URL does not have any code saved to it. THOUGH clicking on either of the actual ul class=first links gets nothing... I think I

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney
yes yes yes!!! thank you RICARDO um, so yes, I wasn't sure if the script was there or what... I guess my jsbin newbie status caused that. I DID view source after posting and saw no script there... Didn't know what to do, or what I did wrong at the time. I'm now going to have a thrilling

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney
yes, that works...! And great to know the whyfore about the extra }); . cool! Ricardo... I am fine with leaving this subject now, and yet, while we are on this subject I am thinking about how you have thought this one through. Initially you posted two situations: 1st: where the videos are

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney
I got 2 of the 3 menusections to work simply by duplicating the code 2 more times and changing the ULs to second and third. The last one (3rd section) only has one menu item in it and doesn't seem to change. I'll play with that. I kept all the additions in the same script of course. There may be

[jQuery] Re: Media Plugin (malsup site) REPLACE code uses OLD metadata.js - ALSO: nothing works in IE6/IE7

2009-01-05 Thread yvonney
Hi MIKE I did my thorough testing and found that it's now working here on my windows virtual machine (ie6 and 7) and my linux localhost server. Turns out that the slight differences '.data' and '.metadata' between version 1 and version 2 of the metadata plugin I think it is... are

[jQuery] Re: Media Plugin (malsup site) REPLACE code uses OLD metadata.js - ALSO: nothing works in IE6/IE7

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
SORRY for not getting to this point in less posts: So... turns out the functionally metadata version 1.0 AND the version that's close to this are the same enough as on FF and Opera my markup AND the 'replace' code example script WORK. I have added to the top of the replace example script a

[jQuery] How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
Hi... ALL the following occurs on ONE page of markup with ONE css file. [OBJECTIVE: when I click on my menu items I need another 'a href' to ALSO trigger it's link event. I COULD put the second set of link somewhere visible out of the way, though I just need them to be invoked, one for one for

[jQuery] Re: Media Plugin (malsup site) REPLACE code uses OLD metadata.js - ALSO: nothing works in IE6/IE7

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
nice Mike! I'll try to get that together. all currentrly localhost and virtual machines. After I do some logic testing to narrow things down I'll write back and hopefully post or whatever. Im gonna remove variables and start with a pure media plugin test page and remove all my flashvar markup

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
wow fantactic for the replies... This is SO important for me today. I need to keep my menu as it is and I figure it'll be more modular that way. BASED on my lack of skill that is. Then later I can go for something better. I have spent way want way every day on this. And yes, I'm so sorry about

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
wow Ricardo and everyone... Really kind to write and stuff. And I've actually been really crazed for about 10 days now with my experiements and things changed as I went along. um, hence all the posts. You know what it's like at 3 a.m. I bet! hehehe All fine, thanks for kind comments too, and

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
Hi Ricardo ... I should have thought to mention (with code below) that I've added id and name to each of the dozen WORKING menu lis. lia id=one1 name=one1 href=#first-atem 1/a/li lia id=one2 name=one2 href=#first-bitem 2/a/li lia id=one3 name=one3 href=#first-citem 3/a/li And I will now add

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
oops! I was thinking it, though forgot to add the question as the reason for the above last post: Would adding the ID and/or NAME to either or both sets of href make it any easier or more logical/modify-able to achieve the goal? That being. example: click menu item 1 and it does what it

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
Ricardo !!! Sorry to miss answering your question: YES... the first menu has UL around it... and that MAY be important as each of the THREE menu sections has a TOP item like so. (the id and name that I've added I left in though are not needed currently for this to work. Again: there's 3 sections

[jQuery] Re: How is it possible to have click on each 'a href' menu item and ALSO have another 'a href' trigger as well?

2009-01-04 Thread yvonney
Hi Ricardo... After no luck initially with either code I created a smallest possible test page and tried both your examples in various ways including EXACTLY as you posted them. I removed all other scripts, JQ, everything. I did have css for the divs. etc. I double checked everything as there

[jQuery] Media Plugin (malsup site) REPLACE code uses OLD metadata.js - ALSO: nothing works in IE6/IE7

2009-01-03 Thread yvonney
I am using the REPLACE code successfully (though ONLY in FF and Opera - IEs not doing ANYTHING) I found I HAD to use the metadata.js code FROM the page link/demo below as the newer version of metadata.js is quite different and does not work with the CODE example below the link (see below) I

[jQuery] Re: Media Plugin (malsup site) REPLACE code uses OLD metadata.js - ALSO: nothing works in IE6/IE7

2009-01-03 Thread yvonney
Wow Mike! Thanks for the info. Thanks for being such a star too! hehehe, um...really! It's been an amazing week of all day and night learning and trying things... Anyways, I'll go and and have a good think and try metadata etc. best wishes to all! y

[jQuery] Re: Media Plugin (malsup site) REPLACE code uses OLD metadata.js - ALSO: nothing works in IE6/IE7

2009-01-03 Thread yvonney
UPDATE: well not working. though I'm laughing as the way a person gets better is by haing problems. 1) indeed the script is the same as it has been, and it works for you with V2 metadata and in IEs. 2) I have compared the V2 version of metadata that I NOW see on your / replace.html page and YES

[jQuery] Re: Media Plugin (malsup site) REPLACE code uses OLD metadata.js - ALSO: nothing works in IE6/IE7

2009-01-03 Thread yvonney
JUST checked the metadata.js version I got earlier today from: http://www.malsup.com/jquery/media/replace.html against version 1.0 of metadata and it's almost identical except for about 4 differences. There's a lot of differences between the version of metadata that works with the replace code

[jQuery] Adding an onClick funtion to existing working menu - need 2 or 3 things to unload/load

2009-01-02 Thread yvonney
Hi All... Really sorry to be going over this again. It's been one solid week all day and night. I know more, though not enough yet. Hope this is easy to understand. I REALLY need help. I've tried 100's of things all thru new years eve and day as well. hehehe WORKING menu must stay working

[jQuery] Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney
Hi... just starting out to get this going. I'm guessing that the reason onclick code has the #, for example: a href=# onclick=someFunction.add etc code etc etc /a is because it can't do the onclick AND more typical things like this example: lia href=#myID/a/li Is because they conflict...

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney
How WONDERFUL to have had your info on this. Thank you both for the puzzle pieces!!! I will get right to it to try to get this working.:---)))

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney
OK... I'm flying fairly blind though I'm enjoying it! 1) I guess that the scrollto stuff I'm doing is irrelevant. 2)The menu items each have a different #. There's nothing in the html other than the following example. (except for a jpg call or an alt=) Each pair surrounded by unique UL # of

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney
SO nice Ricardo! I must explain and say sorry in advance for asking for help on such simple problems and my lack of understanding. I do not yet know how everything works together quite. I will be much better in the future as I am really studying though the following may be very boring, though I

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney
This now makes more sense to me. http://nettuts.com/javascript-ajax/how-to-load-in-and-animate-content-with-jquery/ I've started to attempt things. I added the UL class as there are other lis though I only need the #nav ones affected. $('#nav li a').click(function(){ One small step for

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney
Changed href to class and added: var toLoad = which was in the nettuts tutorial. (link above) 1) $('#nav li a').click(function(){ var toLoad = $(this).attr('class')+' #video'; 2) I have added a unique class to each li lia href=#first-a class=first-a-video/a/li lia href=#first-b

[jQuery] Re: Getting a menu item Li to do 2 things at once? onclick AND regular href trigger?

2008-12-29 Thread yvonney
Hi... at a certain point after trying a lot of things I went back to the nettuts tutorial. simply changed the 'href' to 'class' changed #content to my video container div #video and then sighed. hehehe The idea is to click on the already being used for other things li menu items, and have a

[jQuery] Malsup Media Plugin: hoping to click ul/li and have NEW video start and old stop - PLUS FLV-player.net tests

2008-12-28 Thread yvonney
FULL SUBJECT from above: Malsup Media Plugin: hoping to click ul/li and have NEW video start and old stop - PLUS FLV-player.net tests Hi... should be asleep though this is the last thing I need to figure out.. and it's really been a JQuery december... 100's and 100's of hours... hehehe, you

[jQuery] Re: Malsup Media Plugin: hoping to click ul/li and have NEW video start and old stop - PLUS FLV-player.net tests

2008-12-28 Thread yvonney
to move the parameter to the body code a line. Sorry for any lack of clarity and perhaps excessive 'long-ness' of my above first post. On Dec 28, 1:54 am, yvonney yvonn...@gmail.com wrote: FULL SUBJECT from above: Malsup Media Plugin: hoping to click ul/li and have NEW video start and old

[jQuery] Need help to decide on SWF/FLV/SIFR plugin - a bit unsure, for sure!

2008-12-19 Thread yvonney
Hi all! [OBJECTIVE: need best solution to have flash (and perhaps likely .flv as well) and also SIFR stuff work] Hoping to have a plugin guru advise as to whether 2 plugins whould be advised, or one, and which one(s) ??? Here's what I've thought. 1) There's a couple or a few flash/flv type

[jQuery] Is there a way to functionally IGNOR 'Object Expected' FATAL errors with IE6 IE7 ??

2008-12-17 Thread yvonney
Hi!!! Well after 1000's of newbie hours I've got my page looking nice in IE and FF. Thing is I get absolutely NO JQuery or Javascript funtioning in IE6 or IE7... I though it was the need to install the JRE java stuff as I'm running XPsp2 in virtualbox. Anyways... I get the Obect Expected

[jQuery] Re: Is there a way to functionally IGNOR 'Object Expected' FATAL errors with IE6 IE7 ??

2008-12-17 Thread yvonney
come across one :( If you don't have a live version to show us you can use this free tool.http://pastebin.com/ To share your code. Good Luck On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:56 AM, yvonney yvonn...@gmail.com wrote: Hi!!! Well after 1000's of newbie hours I've got my page looking nice

[jQuery] Re: Is there a way to functionally IGNOR 'Object Expected' FATAL errors with IE6 IE7 ??

2008-12-17 Thread yvonney
UPDATE: ! Hi just went back into FF3's error console and whatever I did earlier to VIEW errors is way different (output-wise) now... There's JUST 2 errors... one JS and one CSS. This could be great and, they are exactly the same line numbers etc. that the IEs complain about... js

[jQuery] Re: Is there a way to functionally IGNOR 'Object Expected' FATAL errors with IE6 IE7 ??

2008-12-17 Thread yvonney
um.. TA DA Fixed If it wasn't for your reply CAM I would not have gotten to the point ofre-checking, what I THOUGHT I saw error-wise earlier.. So although it's not totally debugged it now works in the IEs AND I know what the problems aregenerally... Amazing how the

[jQuery] Re: has anyone come across a plugin like this ?

2008-11-23 Thread yvonney
and all standards compliant browsers. Thanks, Jason On Nov 20, 6:14 pm, heysatan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am just finishing up version 0.1, it will be up tomorrow morning (Pacific time). On Nov 18, 2:04 pm, yvonney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oh YES!!! that WOULD be fabulous

[jQuery] Re: has anyone come across a plugin like this ?

2008-11-23 Thread yvonney
23, 2008 at 9:42 AM, yvonney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: yes, hehehe ... at some point I'll be trying to figure out how to get Jason's very cool breadCrumb plug to link (i guess) to the main menu... It'll be easy once we know how... I'm puzzled about this right now though Any thoughts

[jQuery] Re: has anyone come across a plugin like this ?

2008-11-21 Thread yvonney
 pm, yvonney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oh YES!!! that WOULD be fabulous I know how busy life gets of course... Jason! when you have time we'd all love to play with a plugin version I bet! best wishes On Nov 11, 2:32 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd

[jQuery] Re: has anyone come across a plugin like this ?

2008-11-18 Thread yvonney
Oh YES!!! that WOULD be fabulous I know how busy life gets of course... Jason! when you have time we'd all love to play with a plugin version I bet! best wishes On Nov 11, 2:32 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd be interested in this as a plugin as well. On Nov 11, 4:21 pm,

[jQuery] Re: SUPERFISH 1.4.8 need way in superfish's css to extend full width or close to it

2008-10-05 Thread yvonney
That is extremely wonderful thank you. I'll have to have a look at the css as you suggested...

[jQuery] SUPERFISH 1.4.8 need way in superfish's css to extend full width or close to it

2008-10-04 Thread yvonney
Hi... Is there a way within the standard superfish css to extend the basic horizontal menu fully across the screen from left to right. If so I guess it would be great to know if we can have the menus themselves left center or right... big thanks! I've had some great suggestions to doing this by

[jQuery] Re: Superfish Basic (horizontal)- How to go right across the screen

2008-10-01 Thread yvonney
MUCH appreciated... very concise... so... on the full width thing... yes... hadn't thought of that at all... though I'm thinking.. hey, isn't there just a line in the CSS I can mod.. dunno... I guess I'm saying cool great idea... and, geez, seems like Superfish should have some hooks to do that?

[jQuery] Superfish Basic (horizontal)- How to go right across the screen

2008-09-30 Thread yvonney
Hi everyone... [FULL width across the entire page needed] Loving Superfish got the basic example up... just need to to go RIGHT across the entire screen even if there's just the 4 menu items on the left. Also i'd like to remove the padding and be able to have it totally at the top of the

[jQuery] Re: jFrame does load with IE7

2008-09-28 Thread yvonney
nice Rey! well, as it was my first post I had difficulty getting back here yesterday to add that it was a css 'something' that caused me to not see things n IE7... then it worked! and now I'm having weirdness again... way to much juggling today so just writing back to say the above and a

[jQuery] jFrame does load with IE7

2008-09-27 Thread yvonney
Hi All... Great to be here... So, I've finally managed to get my some lumbering code I pieced together to work with FF3. Doesn't do a thing in IE7. I know I'm not giving much to go on though I would love to hear that other are having similar problems before I attempt to be clearer. Many thanks