2004-04-14 Thread asa
I am plotting two 1-dim array in an xy graphic into a while loop (Reading continuous voltage for two sensors). I need to see the continuous trace of the plot but I only can visualize the intantaneous value of x versus y. The graphic is not keeping the trace. I really appreciate any help. thanks in

RE: Consut in spanish.

2004-04-14 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
I am writing a program in which access to different screens through different options. The screen change is done through state-machines, closing the origin VI and opening the VI at which I enter. The problem ins on the screen changes, there is an intermediate state of flickering and many

Re: ploting new plot in xy graph on button click

2004-04-14 Thread Thandal
thanks for your ans.

Is it possible to use a while loop to read data, look for a...

2004-04-14 Thread CSN
Is it possible to use a while loop to read data, look for a certain value and upon finding that value start a timer to end the while loop after a specific amount of time? If you are using a while loop to read data from various DAQ channels, upon finding a specific value on one of the channels is

DOS drivers for PXI Ethernet cards

2004-04-14 Thread Tim Streeter
Hi All I am upgrading some PXI-8156 systems to PXI-8176 systems and upgrading the PXI-8176 systems to the new PXI-8186's. To do this I want our IT to create a ghost/image of the harddisks but they need DOS drivers for each of the above PXI controllers. Has anybody got the DOS ethernet drivers

Re: LabVIEW crashes with Insane Object error.

2004-04-14 Thread pawel
I have a lot of property nodes (direct) so all of them will change to indirect and I need to wire referencees to them. But you are right, even though it shall take some hours it is worth to try. kind regards Pawel

Re: LabVIEW crashes with Insane Object error.

2004-04-14 Thread pawel
Hi Joe I have almost the same graphic adapter (G450), so I believe it is not graphics. Maybe the idea with copyying everything to another vi and resave will do the job. I shall consider that. kind regards Pawel

Re: Plantage Labwiew 7.0 mdtmgr.cpp ligne 445

2004-04-14 Thread Phb
Juste pour faire remonter le post , j'ai toujours pas compris comment marcher ce forum...

RE: This is simple???

2004-04-14 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
Seifert, George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I thought I was taking the easy way out by using available drivers with all the error handling built in. The setup on some GPIB instruments is not trivial and it's nice to have the examples supplied with the drivers. It still seems somewhat of a toss up to

Re: Ancient Version question

2004-04-14 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
Smith, Blair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We have a LabVIEW program under strict revision control. Presently, the code is at the LabVIEW Rev. 5.1 level. We are about to make changes (minor) to that code. Version upgrades are way beyond scope. My preferred editing machine is at the 5.1.1f level,

RE: Consut in spanish

2004-04-14 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
Daniel wrote: I am sorry bu this question have to be made in Spanish. If somebody can read it but cannot answer it in Spanish does not matter, I will take the answer in whatever language is provided. I am writing a program in which access to different screens through different options. The screen

Re: NI DMM 4060/4070 voltage and current measurement

2004-04-14 Thread Craig Graham
G Naveen wrote: Is it possible to measure the voltage and currents of Power supply module outputs, Without any cabling change in between test (Human intervention). You can't simply take two wires from the PSU to the card and expect to measure either voltage or current with no switching. You

come trasferire pacchetti di piĆ¹ items in datasocket

2004-04-14 Thread lucia
Salve, negli esempi vengono riportati dei vi che mostrano come scrivere e leggere attraverso datasocket ossia come trasferire pacchetti di dati di un item.E' possibile trasferire pacchetti relativi a pi=F9 items senza dover inserire per ogni singolo item la funzione datasocket read e datasocket

Create Hyperlink in Excel

2004-04-14 Thread Toni
Hi all, I looked through the excel examples that ship with labview. I found out how to get data into excel cells and read from them. But I still look out how to create a hyperlink that is connected to a text in an excel cell. I think this could be done without using the report generation toolkit,

probleme de fonctionnement avec Multiple Pulse-Train Generation with Phase Shifts (NI-TIO)

2004-04-14 Thread michenaud
j'utilise une carte pci 6602 avec labview 7 , pour information les signaux sont non p=E9riodiques et de l'ordre des microsecondes. Exemple d'un des signaux =E0 simuler 4 us =E9tat haut, 1.6us etat bas, 158us etat haut, 100.6us etat bas, 2.6us etat haut. j'ai donc utiliser pour realiser une

Re: Run time TCPIP instrument searching

2004-04-14 Thread kozlov
Thank you for your reply. It is true that it is possible to work with TCPIP instrument if the instrument does not presented in MAX. Unfortunately my task is to discovery all TCPIP instrument switched ON for performing run time dynamic instrument configuration. Mikhail

Re: Hi!!!I need help!!I am desperated!!!The serial port makes me become crazy!!!

2004-04-14 Thread Bichillo
I have tried this, but it sometimes works and other times not, so , it is not a good solution for me!! Thank you!! Graci

Re: Hi!!!I need help!!I am desperated!!!The serial port makes me become crazy!!!

2004-04-14 Thread Bichillo
Hi JLV!! Thank you for your solution, but this vi works . The vi that doesn=B4t works is, the first one that I attached. And the problem is in the the frame 1(0...1), when I write other command and I try to read the answer, the answer is one byte,and I have to receive 10

Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-14 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi all, I try to use the intensity graph as an xy-input device. The user should be allowed to drag the cursor to enter the value. However, the user can always move the cursor outside the plot area, which causes the corresponding axis to rescale. I want to have strictly fixed upper and lower

Re: probleme de fonctionnement avec Multiple Pulse-Train Generation with Phase Shifts (NI-TIO)

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Il me semble que les cartes d'acquisition fonctionnent avec les exemples NI-DAQ et non NI-TIO. Cherchez un exemple NI-DAQ pour r=E9alisez la fonction que vous d=E9sirez et testez le ! N'h=E9sitez pas =E0 me recontactez si probl=E8me ! Cordialement, Julien

Re: More details on Concurrent applications using System...

2004-04-14 Thread PEHO70
I had a similar problem, starting a sub-vi parallel to the system, esp. communicate with a power supply to switch on after my firmware loader (external apllication) waits for the power-up sequence of the D.U.T. The problem was to wait for the completition of the loader for getting any

Re: Change the selection of tree control with a right click

2004-04-14 Thread Filippo
Sorry for my english ! If you can send me an example, it could be very useful for me. My e-mail is : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks. Regards, Filippo

Re: NI-IMAQ 1394 image display

2004-04-14 Thread Sanaa
Hello Vanessa, You must install the newest version of NI-IMAQ IEEE 1394 1.5.1. You can do that for free by downloading it from : Use the part Number : 850 413 E-03 Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Plantage Labwiew 7.0 mdtmgr.cpp ligne 445

2004-04-14 Thread Phb
merci ... =E7a marche

Seeking LabVIEW drivers for Anritsu 37xxxC lightning VNA

2004-04-14 Thread Matt Moose
Hello, I'm currently waiting to hear from Anritsu (US) as to whether they have a definitive set of LV drivers for this RF vector network analyser. Meanwhile, does anyone out there have these drivers, or know where they might be obtained please? Best wishes, Matt Rhys-Roberts.

VISA port binding info

2004-04-14 Thread kostya
Hi all. Is there a reliable way to programmatically get know a com port to which a serial visa resource is bound? E.g. I can see in MAX that ASRL1 is bound to COM1 but how can I get this info in a VI at runtime? (LV7.0 PDS, VISA 3.0) Thanks in advance

Re: VISA port binding info

2004-04-14 Thread shoneill
Hi kostya, Using property nodes with your VISA wire, you can get the information under Interface Information and then Interface Description. This should give COMx as a string output. I use this to differentiate between COM ports and LPT ports, something which it otherwise hard to do. Hope this

Re: probleme de fonctionnement avec Multiple Pulse-Train Generation with Phase Shifts (NI-TIO)

2004-04-14 Thread michenaud
tout d abord merci d avoir repondu aussi rapidement mais j utilise cette exemple avec le driver NI-DAQ Est ce que l on peut simuler un signal sans rajouter d'appareil exterieur tout en fesant varier la fr=E9quence pour diff=E9rents signaux afin qu 'ils soient synchro et non periodique. merci,

RE: Consut in spanish.

2004-04-14 Thread Paul F. Sullivan
Diego wrote that Daniel wrote: I am writing a program in which access to different screens through different options. The screen change is done through state-machines, closing the origin VI and opening the VI at which I enter. The problem ins on the screen changes, there is an intermediate state

RE: Reading sub-VI paths

2004-04-14 Thread Andreas Nilsson
Thanks a lot! For anyone interested: It turns out that the sub-VIs that were loaded, resided in another version of my application. Oops! After a reorganization of our group's folders, LV could not find the sub-VIs on the supposed location and therefore started to look in its search paths.

Re: Auto indexing and wrap around

2004-04-14 Thread shoneill
Hi Oliver, With Autoindexing it won't work, but manually indexing with index i mod Arraysize should do it. Not the MOST elegant solution, but it should do the trick. Regards Shane.

Re: MSWord ActiveX

2004-04-14 Thread Joe Guo
It is possible to record a macro that corrects the alignment, and call the code inside the labview. -Joe

Re: VI wich lists Windows' currently running tasks.

2004-04-14 Thread Luca P.
Hi Richard, Download the utility which you find here: This library has the VI which you're mentioning with block diagram. Hope this

Re: Reading sub-VI paths

2004-04-14 Thread Paul F. Sullivan
Andreas, You wrote: ...I'm very curious but can't figure out a way to see what copy of Out was loaded the last time my top VI was saved, since both copies I know of, seem to generate a change (*) in my top VI. So, I'm wondering if there is a way to look inside a VI and see the subVI

Re: probleme de fonctionnement avec Multiple Pulse-Train Generation with Phase Shifts (NI-TIO)

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Si vous voulez simuler un signal re=E7u =E9tant donn=E9 que vous =EAtes sou= s LV7 vous pouvez utiliser un VI Express. Si vous avez la version francaise de LabView vous le trouverez dans la palette de fonctions Vi Express - Entr=E9e - Simuler un signal. Je n'ai pas la version anglaise mais

stopping a nested loop without stopping the whole application

2004-04-14 Thread oultramc
I have a while loop within a case statement within a while loop. When the inner while has done what it needs to do I need it to 'break' rather than stop. At the moment it stops and stops the whole application, which kinda defeats the object. Is there a 'simple' way of getting the inner loop to

Re: File not found when starting LabVIEW

2004-04-14 Thread mohadjer
hey Are you launching LabVIEW by itself or through a VI? If its through a VI it could be a corrupted file! If its by itself then it would help if you gave some more info. What version of LabVIEW are you running and what OS are you using? Did you have any problems with the installation of LabVIEW?

current directory problem

2004-04-14 Thread nrp
Hi there. How can I force LabVIEW to go to a specific directory on the hard-drive? I have a DLL function which loads some .exe files into a DSP, but if (for example) a different directory had been previously specified by the file dialog then the DLL function fails (to locate the .exe files). I

Re: MAX crashed XP system

2004-04-14 Thread BradW
Understood. I have to comment that this is serious enough that it should be made more plain and should be fixed ASAP. I reiterate that until I found and deleted all new files (not really knowing what I was deleting...just assumed all data files in the MAX/DATA subdirectory were configuration

Re: stopping a nested loop without stopping the whole application

2004-04-14 Thread oultramc
Tacking a Boolean constant (TRUE) to the case structure seems to do the trick.

Re: Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-14 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, thank you for your answer. Autoscale has always been turned off for both scales. The problem is not the scales being rescaled due to data, but due to cursor movement. This does not seem to be affected by the Autoscale properties. Matthias

Re: stopping a nested loop without stopping the whole application

2004-04-14 Thread Dennis Knutson
Do you have the stop condition in the inner while loop wired to the stop in the outer while loop? If that's the case, you need two different stop conditions so that the outer while loop continues to run. If that's not the case, it would be nice to see an example of your VI to determine what is

Re: probleme de fonctionnement avec Multiple Pulse-Train Generation with Phase Shifts (NI-TIO)

2004-04-14 Thread michenaud
je pense que je peux maintenant r=E9aliser un des signaux en jouant sur les delais mais je ne sais pas comment convertir la sortie du signal du vi express signal en task id qui correspondrait a l'entree du controle compteur merci encore, cordialement didier

Re: Graphing Problems...

2004-04-14 Thread John Rich
In its current state your vi is very difficult to read. I don't understand why you have the sequence structure in parallel to your main loop. This appears to be an initialization stage but could cause problems since it is running in parallel. I think, though, that you may have already run into

Re: Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-14 Thread Greg McKaskle
I try to use the intensity graph as an xy-input device. The user should be allowed to drag the cursor to enter the value. However, the user can always move the cursor outside the plot area, which causes the corresponding axis to rescale. I want to have strictly fixed upper and lower limits.

Re: Graphing Problems...

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Your VI is far too difficult for me to read because it is not legible at all (sorry for that). The thing is that you don't plot your graphs for each parameter but after all testing, and that's what LabView does. - First of all you have to get rid of all the sequences you have except the first one

How can I write continuous data into a file for about 15-20 min? Welcome any suggestion.

2004-04-14 Thread Azad
The DAQ card I am using LabView 7.0. and DAQ hardware is PowerDAQ PD2-MF-16-400/14H. How can I write continuous data into a file for about 15-20 min? Welcome any suggestion.


2004-04-14 Thread Sam Behashtei
Does LabVIEW support (display) Unicode strings. It seems to me that it doesn't. Can we add it to the wish List. -Sam

List Move Postponed.....

2004-04-14 Thread Scott Hannahs
Due to other duties (ie day jobs), the list move has been postponed until next Monday (4/19/2004). This has the added benefit that any problems can merely be chalked up to the Monday Effect! -Scott

Re: How to read MPEG with Labview 6.1

2004-04-14 Thread Liz F
Jeff, Yes, it would be nice if there was some consistency to the WMP properties and methods, but they seem to vary drastically from version to verion. You have convinced me not to move up to WMP 9.0! I'm sorry we could not find a cleaner solution. My guess is that there is some prescribed

RE: Unicode

2004-04-14 Thread Sam Behashtei
Thanks to Craig. and PJM for replying. From 1997 post: If you need Unicode support, please let NI know. We would also be grateful to hear how you think it would make your life easier (data storage, localization, etc.). We are also grateful for any suggestions you might have on how we should

Re: Unicode

2004-04-14 Thread PJ M
Sam, Here what NI said about it in 1997 " Subject: Re: Unicode support in Labview?From: Stepan Riha [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 16 Oct 1997 10:50:04 -0500 I'm wondering if there are any plans to support Unicode character strings in Labview? I'm working on a multilingual embedded product, and we'd

Re: How can I stop a VI that is running via ActiveX?

2004-04-14 Thread AnthonyS
Hi, There is actually quite a complicated issue with the abort vi call through activex. It does work in many cases, but is failing when there are multiple references of a vi open at the same time. Abort VI does work via activex, just make sure you are closing un-needed references. Try making a

Re: current directory problem

2004-04-14 Thread nrp
Dennis, the DLL is looking in the current directory, but using the kernel32 function worked perfectly! :-) thanks a lot!

Shutting down LabVIEW runtime engine

2004-04-14 Thread hollywood
We created a data analysis presentation vi and then produced a dll from it to be called from C#. It seems to run fine the first time, but on subsequent (interactive) calls, the front panel does not display. It appears that the LabVIEW run-time engine starts up on the first call (creating app. 6

Re: counting consecutive events

2004-04-14 Thread jhoskins
If I remember correctly that when you expand the index array and do wire a any constants to it then it will automatically do this for you. Check the help and see. Joe

Re: How can I write continuous data into a file for about 15-20 min? Welcome any suggestion.

2004-04-14 Thread JoeLabView
Hi Azad, Here are some basic steps to get you going. Sorry I'm not going into details... Place the vi's that acquire the data within a while loop. Initialize a timestamp (using a Get Date/Time vi) and wire it to the same while loop. Place another Get Date / Time within the while loop and

Re: File not found when starting LabVIEW

2004-04-14 Thread JoeLabView
Hi Les, You are right. I do get the same message. I simply start LV and then use the File Open and select the file to open it. It's a bit annoying, but doesn't prevent from opening the file somehow.. ;o) JLV

Re: counting consecutive events

2004-04-14 Thread Bernd R.
Yeah, never mind, I got it. Thanks anyway...

Re: Again... Graphing Problems...

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Ok Erick, give me a little bit of time and I'm gonna show you what I meant earlier by telling you to get things legible. The problem you have with your copy is that there is only one color because there is a single plot. I'm gonna also try to show what I meant. The initialisation has to be done in

Re: Shutting down LabVIEW runtime engine

2004-04-14 Thread LarsRoe
I'm not sure about how your specific application is set up, but here are some things to look at: 1) There are several VI Properties in the Window Appearance section that you can set, such as Show front panel when called, Close afterwards if originally closed, and Show front panel when loaded. 2)

Re: FIR Windowed Filter Coefficients

2004-04-14 Thread Jeremy Braden
NI's coeficients are not normalized.

Re: counting consecutive events

2004-04-14 Thread Bernd R.
I have two elements in the 1-D array and use Index Array and wire the first index(row) and index(col) to a constant 0 and the second to a constant 1. The first element output gives me the first element, but the second element output returns 0 instead of the second element. Bernd

VI wich lists Windows' currently running tasks.

2004-04-14 Thread Richard Kurvers
I have a VI called Get Task List.VI and has no diagram. This VI lists Windows' currently running tasks. Now I have labview 7 it is not possible to convert this VI. I need this VI. Please can anyone help me?

Re: Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-14 Thread jumarion
Hi Matthias, You've got 2 solutions. One on the front panel, one dynamically. On the front panel, right click on your intensity graph - Properties - Scales - no auto scale for X, no-auto scale for Y and your intensity graphs won't scale automatically anymore. On the diagram, create a property node

Re: Unicode

2004-04-14 Thread Craig Graham
Sam Behashtei wrote: Thanks to Craig. and PJM for replying. we are now in 2004 and the use of Unicode is growing. I am looking at Unicode so that I can display and process text in other languages than the ones mentioned above. I remember now why I gave up; the MS controls don't let you get

RE: Unicode

2004-04-14 Thread Sam Behashtei
Vb or .NET or any other way its going to take a lot of work and I probably have dive deep into the subject. For now I am going to put on the back burner, -Sam -Original Message- From: Craig Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 12:01 PM To: Sam Behashtei

Queues and built application

2004-04-14 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet
Hi, I have a LV7 built application that works well on many computers here but, of course, doesn't on the customer's computer. As far as I can tell, the queue (LV6 VIs) of the UI state machine doesn't work as none of the events queued are triggered while event structure works when event is

How to replace a VI's default menu with a custom menu?

2004-04-14 Thread Boeing
After making some changes to my application, my custom Run-Time Menu for some VI have been replaced with the Default Run-Time Menu. I still have the *.rtm files.

LabView 6.1 compile issue

2004-04-14 Thread STSC
Hello, we have trouble to build an application (make a exe file) from a LabView Programm. The error message is as follows: Error 1 Occurred at PIN\. LabVIEW: An input parameter is invalid NI-488: Command requires GPIB controller to be in charge Any ideas how to solve the

Re: Trying to control a car using the Digital Control Unit

2004-04-14 Thread Jeremy Braden
You may want to post to the daq forum and include information about your hardware. Are you using any hardware? Do you have drivers? The speed of dc motors depends on the voltage applied to them but the problem is that motors can require lots of current. If you are just using a daq card to

Re: How to replace a VI's default menu with a custom menu?

2004-04-14 Thread Ed Dickens
The path the custom menu is saved in the VI relative to itself. If you move the VI, saving to an .llb or building an executable moves it since the path changes, the VI can no longer find its menu. You can dynamically build a path the menu by getting the current VI=92s path and checking to see if

setting up a .net event hanler for msgqueue

2004-04-14 Thread atk_nut
I wish to set up an event handler for a msgqueue like in the following c# code: any ideas? private const string PROVIDERQUEUE= @Archimedes\SMTLabelQueue; /// summary /// The main entry point for the application. /// /summary

Graph Xscale properties don't work well with multipliers

2004-04-14 Thread mlenz
I have a wave form graph. High sample rate data (5Khz) is displayed on the graph and the x scale has the appropriate multiplier to show in seconds. I use the property node to move the cursor and another property node to read the cursor position. The specification for the move does not agree

Re: NI Motion + PXI 7344 + s-curves

2004-04-14 Thread Bates
Stephane, You can use the motion assistant to visually determine the response of the parameters that are entered. At this time the exact formula is not available. Austin Talley Applications Engineering National Instruments

Re: Passing data out of a while loop?

2004-04-14 Thread madengr
Dennis, Your listbox2 does what I need. Using this I can put the Active X stuff inside the while loop and only have the while loop execute if there is a change in the list box. Thanks for your help, Lou

Write to file produced a file of concatatenated array data.

2004-04-14 Thread wetdog
During a continuous aquisition (60 channels; 200 Scans/s)I used AI to read 100 scans at a time, then the sampled data was processed and written to a file as a 2D array of single precision numbers to a file using Write File+ [SGL].vi. When the data was read back, I found with each call to

Re: What causes the error window.cpp line 2978 Labview 7.0?

2004-04-14 Thread KathyLH
One more piece of information about this error: The error happens to us when a few radio buttons are pushed and the program is getting around to handling them as an event, and then the front panel window is scrolled via mouse or scroll bar. Kathy

Re: How to talk my company into allowing OpenG usage?

2004-04-14 Thread andrew johnson
At 3:21 PM -0500 4/14/04, Swinarsky, DJ Derrick (5453) @ IS wrote: Problem is that I work for a big defense contractor that is not too keen about the idea of opensource. Have some paranoid individuals somewhere in the chain that think code developed on sourceforge is not reliable and shouldn't be

Re: How to talk my company into allowing OpenG usage?

2004-04-14 Thread Craig Graham
Swinarsky, DJ Derrick (5453) @ IS wrote: Just curious if anyone has any tips on convincing the corporate types that using software developed by the opensource community is a GOOD thing. I would love to be allowed to use all the OpenG tools and think that many in my group would also benefit

Re: SCXI Strain throws -10005 error

2004-04-14 Thread RLD
I understand the usual causes of -10005, but this time things are different. I can read the channel with AI SingleScan or with AI Read, but the same scxi string errors out on SCXI Strain Null. The only thing that might be unusual is the remote computer is a PXI-8146. Also I have not setup any

RE: How to talk my company into allowing OpenG usage?

2004-04-14 Thread Michael Aivaliotis
I'm not really an expert to answer this question but I don't need to be, there are hundreds of others that have gone down your path before. Here is a link to dozens of documents that show the US government and other governments around the world are embracing the Open Source movement. Since the

Re: Write to file produced a file of concatatenated array data.

2004-04-14 Thread Rolf
wetdog wrote: During a continuous aquisition (60 channels; 200 Scans/s)I used AI to read 100 scans at a time, then the sampled data was processed and written to a file as a 2D array of single precision numbers to a file using Write File+ [SGL].vi. When the data was read back, I found

Re: File not found when starting LabVIEW

2004-04-14 Thread Rolf
Les Hammer wrote: I see the problem too - running LabVIEW 7 on Windows XP, while starting by clicking on the vi icon. It normally only happens when the computer is very busy. That is, just after a reboot when all the services are being started. It's acting as if LV is expecting a response

running statistics

2004-04-14 Thread Bernd R.
I have a series of values one at a time and would like to calculate the average, SD and CV of these values. I use the Statistics Express VI, but I'm not able to configure it so that previous data is included in the calculation and the calculation is updated after every incoming data point.

Can PCI-6601 be used to control a solid state relay?

2004-04-14 Thread kohokoho
I have a PCI-6601 and a CB-68LP connector board. I want to control (turn on/off and change turn directions of) two 110V induction motors through labview using a solid state relay. Is this possible using the PCI-6601 card? If so, could you give me some hint as to how I can start?

Stuck in Step Mode

2004-04-14 Thread KBClark
I am running LabView 7 and for some reason when I click the run button it automatically goes into step mode... Or what looks like step mode. I tried cutting and pasting the code into a completely new VI and it still won't run continuously. Any help would be so very appreciated.

how to decide the shift in wavelet

2004-04-14 Thread linsensor
in 2-order wavelet,the shift is decided by what?thanks.