Didn't get out of my yard today, but still found a few FOY birds:
Great Crested Flycatcher
Nashville Warbler
Chipping Sparrow
Reports from a friend in SE Dakota County included these FOY birds:
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Baltimore Oriole
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Eastern Towhee
She also reported a bro
Springbrook Nature Center
Bird Banding Volunteer
-- Forwarded message -
From: Susan anderson <027be96b2ba4-dmarc-requ...@lists.umn.edu>
Date: Sun, Sep 8, 2019 at 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: [mou-net] About the Metro
I have been seeing a number of American Redstarts on
I have been seeing a number of American Redstarts on Tower Hill in Mpls. Susan
> On Sep 8, 2019, at 10:43 PM, Brian Tennessen
> wrote:
> I saw Nashville Warblers at both the Bloomington bass ponds and at Crosby
> Farm park Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. I also saw what I believe
I saw Nashville Warblers at both the Bloomington bass ponds and at Crosby
Farm park Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. I also saw what I believe
was a Palm Warbler Sat morning.
I saw a lot of Blue Jay activity at Crosby Farm Sat. Morning, they were
noticeably active and flying here and there i
I can report that a loose flock of 50-100 robins passed through the woods at my
home in Mendota Heights last evening, and have had a few hummers visiting the
last few flowers on our trumpet vine.
Bernard P. Friel
Motivational Program:
A Change of Heart-Taking Charge of Your Health
Beginning to see early signs of migration about the yard. Today we had a
Swainson's Thrush feeding on dogwood berries. We also had an immature
Chestnut-sided Warbler fatally hit the window, which, for some reason, is a
rare occurrence here. I posted photos of it on eBird.
We have had daily visits f
It's spring! It's spring!!!
The snow is gone from the back yard and about half the lake is open water.
The yard is snow free, but there have been few transient birds around. The
crocuses are in bloom and Siberian squill are just beginning to flower in
the front yard. Everything is still brown, exc
On Monday night I headed down to the Frontenac area near Lake City to run
my first Frog & Toad survey of the season. I figured this might be the only
night this week that I wouldn't be rained out and if I waited any longer I
would loose any chance of finding Wood Frogs, which have the shortest
Just got back after spending three months in warm Florida. Best bird: a
Fork-tailed Flycatcher. My wife's comment when I got back in the car after
having her pull off onto the shoulder: "Don't get the idea that we are
going to stop for every bird you see!" It was a good day.
I got back just in tim
In the last couple of weeks I added two species to my yard list: Merlin and
Sand Hill Crane. I am still occasionally seeing a Tufted Titmouse at the
feeder. But, now we are only seeing a single bird, rather than a pair. My
wife believes that we are seeing much fewer ducks on our lakes than
The soundscape around my house has been evolving. A month ago the Copes
treefrogs were a loud drone sound track at night that would have drowned
out a rock band with the amps turned all the way up. You could only hear
the occasional plunk of the green frogs and the high pitch of the mind
numbing h
On Sunday a few of us went out to the Canon River bottoms and hiked the
state trail off of Collishan Road. We had six to eight or more Cerulean
Warblers singing, but saw only a few. We also had a Blue-winged Warbler,
Wood Thrushes, and three calling Yellow-billed Cuckoos, one of which we got
this weekend I got to spend a little time outside at home for a change.
Besides the regular yard birds little else was around. Spending time
outside I did get to hear the Titmouse calling several times.
The things of interest was the frog and toad calls. During the day I heard
for the first time
I did have a new yard bird today: a Tufted Titmouse. That is probably the
first new yard bird in the last couple of years! I believe that I have only
found it once before in Dakota County.
I got back about an hour and a half ago from my frog & toad survey route. I
go out three times each year to
Driving along I-494 just south of Bass Lake Road in Maple Grove last week I
saw a couple of Sand Hill Cranes on the lawn of Prudential Insurance.
Around the yard lately I have been hearing Wood Peewee, Broad-winged Hawk,
Barred Owl, Red-eyed Vireo, and Great-crested Flycatchers.
Yesterday I clean
This morning I was delighted to find a hen Hooded Merganser assembling her
brood of about 14 brand new hatchlings in the water by one of our houses.
They were a mass of energy all closely clumped by her. Even with a photo,
it was impossible to get an accurate count. Hopefully she will bring them
In contrast to last night's frogs and toads in Goodhue Co, where the
treefrogs were mostly gray treefrogs, here on Quigley Lake in Dakota Co, it
is mostly cope's gray treefrogs.
this year appears to be an off year for waterfowl production at least in
the Metro. All of the Mallard, Wood Duck, and
I saw 1 common Nighthawk Thursday evening around 7:00 PM
Calling and moving north!
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 23, 2014, at 11:49 PM, Steve Weston wrote:
> Last night I saw my first C. Nighthawk flying just above the ground at the
> Minnesota River Valley Wildlife Refuge visitor's center.
Last night I saw my first C. Nighthawk flying just above the ground at the
Minnesota River Valley Wildlife Refuge visitor's center.
Today I saw my first Wood Duck with a small brood of four to six just on
their way to the lake marching through the grass. Today was the first that
I heard Great-cre
At Loring on Thursday I saw a sora in the main lake, common yellow-throat and
yellow along with your finds.
On May 17, 2014, at 7:20 PM, manley olson wrote:
> Saw 2 broods today in Loring Park in Minneapolis. Few migrants, a single
> White-throat and a small flock of Yellow-rumps
> Manley Ols
Saw 2 broods today in Loring Park in Minneapolis. Few migrants, a single
White-throat and a small flock of Yellow-rumps
Manley Olson
Downtown Minneapolis
On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Steve Weston wrote:
> Yesterday (Friday) I saw my first two Canada Goose broods of the year.
> Interesting
Yesterday (Friday) I saw my first two Canada Goose broods of the year.
Interestingly, they were on a small pond bordering the rail yards by
highway 280.
Today, the warblers are interfering with my concentration on a project I
have been working on pulling me outside for a walk around the yard.
This is the time of the year when I do not feel in command of the yard.
With three wood duck boxes in the yard I feel as if I have to sneak up to
the window to avoid frightening off the skittish ducks. I had already
stopped short once by a pair of Woodies this morning, but when I glanced
out the
First of Year birds seen today (Saturday) in Dakota County:
Orchard Oriole - several seen at Blaine's oriole & tanager sanctuary near
Farmington. One also seen at Lake Byllesby
Indigo Bunting - heard near Blaine's
Bobolink - several pairs seen at Great Western Ind. Park near Randolph.
None were si
Today (Friday) we had a new arrival at the feeders: Pine Siskins. A
glance from a distance gave me a preliminary ID. I ran downstairs to get a
second pair of binocs, so I didn't have to approach the window and scare
off the birds. When I got back up, I was disappointed to see a house
finch, but
Yesterday and today I have had one to two female Purple Finches on the
feeder. Also in the yard: Pileated, Red-bellied, and Flicker woodpeckers
and a flock of Juncos. I haven't noticed anything else out of the ordinary
in my wanderings. I am seeing a lot of birds on Minnesota River.
This time o
This morning I heard a trill song added to the morning chorus, which now
includes Chickadee, WB Nuthatch, E. Phoebe, Canada Goose, Hairy
Woodpecker. It did not sound like our resident Chipping Sparrow. I
suspect it was a young Junco practicing. It wasn't steady like either song
should be.
Saturday: A thrush at home was cooperative, but the binocs were not available,
so I could not distinguish whether it was a Swainson's or a Gray Cheek.
Checked out Lake Bylessby at dusk. A flock of 10 Snow Geese and 2
White-fronted Geese were chased from the lake by a Bald Eagle. The flock of
Friday: With the wind whipping through, there were not many birds about. I
watched a Kestrel riding the wind, when suddenly it saw something of interest,
spun a 360, and stopped in its "tracks" and hovered effortlessly in the wind
with just a few sporadic wing beats to keep it stationary. t
Already on nests: Canada Geese and Red-tailed Hawks. Two nests with birds
(probably Red-tails) are located at:
1) at Hwy 7 just south of the exit from south bound Hwy 100 in St. Louis Park.
2) at the northbound entrance from Hwy 5 onto Hwy 694 in Oakdale.
I would appreciate confirmation from so
On Friday I stopped at the Princeton Sewerage Ponds at found at least ten
species of waterfowl including at least 80 Bufflehead.
Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
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I have been working around the yard (in Eagan) evenings after work. The most
interesting visitor is the young, somewhat downy Barred Owl that has been
hanging around the yard. She is quite comfortable with me and has landed as
close as about twenty feet away. Her begging call is similar to th
I saw the first gooslings on Wednesday and am seeing many more, but these are
the smallest clutches I can remember.Most have been only one or two
gooslings. I think I have seen one with four. Mallard broods seem to be
average in size. I have counted one or two at 12 and 15. It might have
Yesterday I saw the first Canada Goose goosling of the season. I assume that
this was a first year nester, because she had only one goosling. The last
days' chilly winds were not conducive to birding, Best bird of Monday was FOY
Baltimore Oriole, Tuesday: a probable Peregrine Falcon flashing
drove through Dakota County, especially Vermillion township yesterday. Found
Horned Larks along all of the gravel roads and Kestrels everywhere. Eurasian
Collard Dove at the farmstead at Hogan and 190th. Lapland longspurs flying and
Loggerhead Shrike along 180th west of Fischer. Bluebirds, b
I believe that I found two Great Horned Owls on nests along the interstate in
the northwest metro. In both cases I was going too fast and did not get back
to get a better look. both birds were in easy to spot red-tailed hawk nests
along the edge of the woods.
The first nest was on the south
Ah, spring.
Bare ground and birds singing, but drowned out by a noisy pair of honkers that
have arrived on the lake to carve out their fiefdom. A pair of Mallards have
arrived and apparantly have found a small patch of open water across the lake.
A muskrat popped up along the shore. Thi
I stopped at Purgatory Creek pond behind the Flagship Athletic Club in Eden
Prairie and found some 520+ Caspian Terns and one small tern (Common or
Forster) or perhaps one of each. The view of the small tern was obscurred by
the larger terns. Also Spotted Sandpipers and a Least Sandpiper.
On Monday night when I drove up to the house on Quiggley Lake, I was greeted by
dueling Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. One was on my neighbor's house banging on
the metal cover for his chimney. The other was on the other side of the house,
probably on a dead limb. After a while, the one on the ch
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