James Lowe writes:
> ERROR: Query failed (Unknown table 'disclosure' in where clause)
> Is it perhaps because it is an UPDATE?
According to the manual, MySQL 4.1 will have multi-table updates.
A while back Monty stated a target release date. I'm not quite
sure about it, but I think it'll be
Hello everybody,
I have problems with replication from master to slave over ssh-tunnel.
The port-forwarding is realized with command :
ssh -N -f -L 23306:master:3306 localhost
on the slave.
After starting mysql I've got error-messages:
011220 14:57:00 mysqld started
/usr/sbin/mysqld: ready
Hi all,
Do anyone know that how to write a C programming to connect to mysql??
Many thanks.
Before posting, please check:
http://www.mysql.com/manual.php (the manual)
http://lists.mysql.com/ (the
On 4 Jan 2002 06:27:44 -, K Jeevan used a few
recycled electrons to form:
| hi all
|We are using mySQL as our database. Our site needs multilingual support
|especially Korean. We tested inserting some Korean fonts into the database. It
|accepted the values but while retriving the values
use the LAST_INSERT_ID() sql function
On Fri, 4 Jan 2002 11:32:19 +0800, Arvin Bautista used a few recycled electrons
to form:
| I had 2 tables, the second table had a field (a key field) that is related
| to the field of the first table
| first table
hi all
We are using mySQL as our database. Our site needs multilingual support especially
Korean. We tested inserting some Korean fonts into the database. It accepted the
values but while retriving the values we are not getting the inserted values, WE do
not know weather the values we got
In the last episode (Jan 04), Quentin Bennett said:
> Using the mysql CLI, I have discovered that
> ESC-Return Return
> will put the CLI editor in to 'vi' mode, and allow me to use my
> 'normal' ksh editing keys, available in ksh after "set -o vi".
> Because I am more familiar with the v
I am Able to configure Different Mysql Server in Different port i.e 3306
(default) and 9. and able to start mysql at different port.
But when i run mysql_setpermission at mysql-2 server (WHICH IS RUNNING AT
PORT 9). i get the following message...
Can't make a connection to the mys
I've been looking hard at the FULLTEXT features of MySQL 4.0.1 on Linux
and 4.0.0a on Win32 and comparing it to MS SQL 2000 / and MS SQL 7.0 as
well as MySQL 3.XX.XX (latest stable release).
MySQL 4 on Win2K (dual 550 1gig memory) can crawl 90MB of data in about
5 minutes . MS SQL 7 and 2000 on
Hi guys,
You can also pick up an evaluation version (I think its good for 30
of the forte suite from sun's site.
Quentin Bennett wrote:
> >From the cc(1) man page for Forte Developer 6.2
> These predefinitions are valid in all modes:
I had 2 tables, the second table had a field (a key field) that is related
to the field of the first table
first tablesecond table
: client_id : client_name :: client_id : services :
>From the cc(1) man page for Forte Developer 6.2
These predefinitions are valid in all modes:
__`uname -s`_`uname -r`
__sparc (SPARC)
> "Shakeel" == Shakeel Sorathia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Shakeel> Thanks for the help on this, it seems to be working now. One question
Shakeel> though, wouldn't configure be able to take of this?
The problem is that as I don't have access to a Forte compiler, so I haven't
been ab
Dear Steve:
Thanks for your help. Actually, the table is there. the error reads
ERROR: Query failed (Unknown table 'disclosure' in where clause)
Is it perhaps because it is an UPDATE?
In Paul''s book, he says try the where clause with a select first. The
following works fine.
select fileN
Using the mysql CLI, I have discovered that
ESC-Return Return
will put the CLI editor in to 'vi' mode, and allow me to use my 'normal' ksh
editing keys, available in ksh after "set -o vi".
Because I am more familiar with the vi editing keys, and they are more
powerful than the standard My
Greetings MySQL Enthusiasts:
If any of you are interested in MySQL running on Mac OS X and you're
planning to attend next week's Macworld Expo in San Francisco, please
be sure to drop by the Blue World booth (#3426) to say hello. We'll
be showcasing Lasso Professional 5 with its embedded MySQL
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
The following SQL gets an error
"Disclosure" table not found
UPDATE patents set patents.clientNumber=disclosure.clientNumber where
Any help would be appreciated.
Jim Lowe
Patent Attorney
At 17:36 -0700 1/3/02, Mat Murdock wrote:
>Can you do something like this in Mysql? The following lines are part of a
>much larger sql query that we use on a MSsql box.
MySQL has had CASE since earlier 3.23.x releases.
>case ar_open_items.doc_code
>when 'I' then 'Invoice'
>when 'C' then
Can you do something like this in Mysql? The following lines are part of a
much larger sql query that we use on a MSsql box.
case ar_open_items.doc_code
when 'I' then 'Invoice'
when 'C' then 'Credit Memo'
when 'D' then 'Debit Memo'
when 'F' then 'Finance Chg'
when 'O' then
case ar_open_items
Greg, I agree with Tom H.
PHP can also do an excellent job of this, even as a standalone
script (ie no web server interaction). And you won't have to figure
out how to load the DBI module! I'll adapt an example
from something else I did: (Warning, not tested code...)
Is there any way to hex-dump a BLOB column using a Select statement on the
mysql command line?
The documentation for the "hex()" function says that
should print
But in fact it prints 0. (on 3.23.36 and 3.23.43, the two versions I have
installed - the former on RedHat
Not quite sure what you mean, but you can use
load data infile 'file' into table mytab (col1, col3, col2)
to specify in to which columns the data should go.
-Original Message-
From: Douglas Potter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 4 January 2002 12:27 p.m.
I want to set a field for all of the records I import while importing
using load data local infile. The field is not specified in the file I
am importing. Is there a way to do it? Mysql database importing tab
delimited file.
On Fri, 04 Jan 2002 00:58:19 +0200, "P.Agenbag"
| Hi
| I have two tables, one contains a persons name and an ID number. The
| other table contains the ID number and another field. Is there a way of
| moving this collumn to the first table to corrlate with the ID's, ie
Hi All...
Here is my table...
mysql> select * from SearchTest;
| UID | SomeText |
| 1 | Hello this is a test field |
| 2 | And this is another field |
| 3 | And because we are t
You'll likely want to use INSERT INTO .. WHERE statement to populate a
new third table based on the content of the two you've mentioned,
joining on the ID.
Look at http://www.mysql.com/doc/I/N/INSERT_SELECT.html for details on
the syntax and usage.
Eric Mayers
-Original Message-
I have two tables, one contains a persons name and an ID number. The
other table contains the ID number and another field. Is there a way of
moving this collumn to the first table to corrlate with the ID's, ie,
table 1 must now contains name, ID and another field that is specific to
the per
Your best bet is to feed the data into Perl -- relatively simple Perl script
can deal with variances you indicate, and feed the data into MySQL using
Tom Haapanen
-Original Message-
From: Greg Peretti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 03 January, 2
This is my first post on this list, so bear with me.
I have a text file with 10,000 stories in it (about 130 MB). I would
like to break it up into 10,000 separate files and am trying to figure
out a way to feed it into a MYSQL database.
I have set up the database with the pertinent fields, excep
Create index for the keys, like A.c, B.c A.d B.d ?
Best regrads,
- Original Message -
From: "Dan Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:21 PM
Subject: left join
> Hi everyone,
> I ran a query which is:
> select A.a as a,B.b as b from
Do not rename tables.
-Original Message-
From: Philip Molter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Heikki Tuuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 03, 2002 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: FOREIGN
> -Original Message-
> From: Jens Collin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:44 PM
> Subject: RE: MyODBC leaking handles...
> Hi again,
> From what I can see, when the driver is unloaded (I guess whe
I have no pride - I'll use a binary if I can find a recent one
for 2.6 - I just can't seem to find any. I've tried backing up
from 3.23.47 to 46, 45, and 44 - my compile is getting stuck at
the same place for all of them.
: Making all in libmysql
: make[2]: Entering directory `/local/src/mysq
Hello Sinisa,
Wednesday, January 02, 2002, 6:21:59 PM, you wrote:
No. This happens then mysql is completely restarted.
I Understand this should not happen but somehow it does.
>> I've found the following problem often happens to me:
>> Then mysqld restarted unclear (sigsegv or server reset) t
Thanks for the help on this, it seems to be working now. One question
though, wouldn't configure be able to take of this?
Michael Widenius wrote:
>>"Sinisa" == Sinisa Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Sinisa> Shakeel Sorathia writes:
>>>I just downloaded th
i am using perl DBI and have a query from a table called usernames. here is
the query...
$sth2 = $dbh->prepare("select * from usernames where state =
$quoted_the_state order by $the_sort_criteria limit $point, 25") ;
i then execute the query, pulling off various columns...
Unless he's got a recent backup he's USCWAP
-Original Message-
From: Rick Emery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:04 PM
Subject: Big Problem...Need Help Quick
I apologize for cross post; however this poster is not on MYSQL list and he
I apologize for cross post; however this poster is not on MYSQL list and he
needs help.
He executed DROP TABLE command on MYISAM files and wants to restore them. I
informed him, he cannot do that.
Any help, guys??
-Original Message-
From: Kelvin Yip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thu
What does your CREATE TABLE statement look like? That's where the error
would be.
-Original Message-
From: Tom Strom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: MySQL on Valueweb Server - Max number of fields
Hello there,
I have r
Mysql gurus:
I have anxiously been watching the list for a response to this question, but
still no joy. Does anyone have information on how to make an ssl connection
with the mysql client? I have support compiled into the server, but
unfortunately I cant find any documentation on the client side.
It works fine for me.
How big is your password field in the table? It should be: char(16)
-Original Message-
From: Jose Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: PASSWORD function
Dear friends, I am quite new to MySql
Yeah, you could use SSH to forward local port or some other
random port to the remote 3306, with something like: ssh -N -f -L
:otherserverhostname:3306 jshmoe@otherserverhostname.
Then to connect to the other machine via the ssh tunnel, run the client and
connect to that port on
Dear friends, I am quite new to MySql and database
development in general. I am doing my first db ever. I
came across a problem following the instructios in teh
book beginning PHP4 by Wankyu et al., Wrox.
The exercise is to create a user table, contaning user
id?s and passwords. The authentificat
Try mapping your remote mysql to a different local port, then specify that
port number when you connect.
For example:
'ssh -L 3307:hostip:3306 hostname' will map port 3306 on the remote machine
to port 3307 on your local machine. Then, use
'mysql -P 3307 -u x -p etc.' to connect to port 3307
Try this:
echo "REPLACE INTO table_name (dr) VALUES ('0');" |
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u user -p password activity
or mysql -e "REPLACE INTO table_name (dr) VALUES ('0');" activity
-Original Message-
From: Webmaster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 10:57 AM
Here is a select statement, as example:
mysql -e "select * from user \G" mysql
Add user and password as required.
Xi2 ('sE-'tü)
-Original Message-
From: Webmaster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 8:57 AM
Subject: Updating tables
-Original Message-
From: TOMASSONI Dominique [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 8:34 AM
To: 'MySQL_mailing_list'
Subject: Remove PRIMARY KEY attribute
Hi the list,
I use MyISAM tables.
How to remove the primary key attribu
I tried to search the archives for this but I can't find it. (Not saying
it isn't there just I could not find it.) I have a table that tracks
events on a monthly and daily basis. Currently I am resetting the
appropriate fields to 0 on a daily and monthly basis (not fun). Is there a
You use a different port # for the tunnel.
MySQL baby wrote:
> If I've got one computer with MySQL client and server on it, running everything
> but I want to reach out to another MySQL server, through an SSH tunnel, for some
> does anyone know how to differentiate
Anything is possible, this will depend on your situation.
If you just want to replicate the data once, you can dump it all
in text format (say, tab-separated fields, CRLF-separated records)
onto a few CDs, and import them into MySQL using mysqlimport.
If you have the two machines networked, it'
Using the -h should do it.
mysql -h -u user -p password yadayadayada
-Original Message-
From: MySQL baby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 10:28 AM
Subject: SSH tunnel MySQL traffic: BOTH remote & local?
If I've got one compute
If I've got one computer with MySQL client and server on it, running everything
but I want to reach out to another MySQL server, through an SSH tunnel, for some
does anyone know how to differentiate between the two?
Usually, for SSH tunnelling, you access a port # at local
On Thu, 03 Jan 2002 09:21:45 -0600, Dan Liu used a few recycled electrons to
| Hi everyone,
| I ran a query which is:
| select A.a as a,B.b as b from A left join B on A.c=B.c and A.d=B.d order by A.c,A.d;
| Both table A and Table B have about 3000 records.And there are about 3000 records in
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 05:21:49PM +0200, Heikki Tuuri wrote:
: Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)
: mysql> CREATE TABLE child(id INT, parent_id INT, INDEX par_ind (parent_id),
Hi All
I am not very experienced in databases so excuse me if the question is a
bit weird.
We have a SQL2000 database (about 15GB) and we want to develop some
webapplications to present the content. We dont want to use the current
DB-server but insted make a replica to run the application on, i.
From: Tom Strom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have a table with about 3900 records.
> The table consists of 7 fields...
> ...Id, name, address, address cont'd, city, state, phone#.
I don't actually know anything about WinMysqlPro, but maybe I can help set up some of
the base information that we'll ne
> Hrmm. Is that a "feature" that's planned to be fixed. Obviously,
> if you have a table with thousands or millions of rows in it, ALTER
> TABLE is a lot easier than copying the table to a temp table,
> dropping the original table, creating a new table, and copying the
> data back in.
Hi everyone,
I ran a query which is:
select A.a as a,B.b as b from A left join B on A.c=B.c and A.d=B.d order by A.c,A.d;
Both table A and Table B have about 3000 records.And there are about 3000 records in
the result.But it takes 3 minutes and 50 seconds to run the query.
Does anybody know how t
* Ville Mattila
> I was wondering how would it be possible to delete those records from
> database which has just same data? There can be also up to ten
> copies of the record in database, and all but one should be deleted.
> Do you have any easy way to do this?
You could do it by creating a new
Hello there,
I have recently started fiddling with bringing data online so it can be
searchable from our web site,
but am running into problems.
I have a table with about 3900 records. The table consists of 7 fields
and goes like this : Id, name, address, address cont'd, city, state, p
-Original Message-
From: Philip Molter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Heikki Tuuri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 03, 2002 3:21 PM
>On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 01:48:21PM +0200, Heikki Tuuri wrote:
A long hand way to do this is use count to find out how many times this
Then use limit to one less than count?
Hope this helps
-Original Message-
From: Ville Mattila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 January 2002 15:03
Subject: Removing duplicat
I was wondering how would it be possible to delete those records from
database which has just same data? There can be also up to ten copies of the
record in database, and all but one should be deleted. Do you have any easy
way to do this?
Thank you,
Ville Mattila
> "Sinisa" == Sinisa Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Sinisa> Shakeel Sorathia writes:
>> I just downloaded the 3.23.47 source for mysql, and I tried to
>> compile it using Sun's Forte Compiler (6.2) however when trying to
>> build libmysql/hash.c I got the following error.
Hi the list,
I use MyISAM tables.
How to remove the primary key attribute from a column, without removing the
column itself ?
Before posting, please check:
http://www.mysql.com/manual.php (the manual)
On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 01:48:21PM +0200, Heikki Tuuri wrote:
: Hi!
: This is a feature (= documented bug). Look at
: http://www.innodb.com/ibman.html:
: ...
: Updated December 13, 2001: Added a note that you should not do an ALTER
: TABLE to a table which has or is referenced in a foreign key
I have aproblem with mysql.
I tried to install the Binary version 3.23 and 4.01 for AIX.
1.) I did gzip -d the gz-file
2.) tar -xvf the tar file
3.) I executed the command ( safe_mysqld in Verison 3.23 ),
mysqld_safe ( in Verison 4.0.1 ) and did get the message below:
I use debian 2.2.19 & my customer wants me MySql support. I want to give the
customer only this right: INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT, INDEX, CREATE.
But create: is a danger command as you know like process & the other. I must
limit create right on a db_customer.
I did for a long time..
And, alas, by the time MySQL finishes building my 500 MB fulltext index
(more than 12 hours) the table is throroughly corrupted, and myisamchk can't
even recover it with -o.
I'm waiting for 4.01 to go beta, and will then give it a try to see if
things are happier there.
Tom Haapanen
Hello udayashankarl_n,
Thursday, January 03, 2002, 4:12:11 PM, you wrote:
There is no mechanism to manage it alike to SQL , for it needs many knowledge
such as schema discovery for semi-stru data and so on , and it
is more complex .
Best regards,
Shakeel Sorathia writes:
> I just downloaded the 3.23.47 source for mysql, and I tried to compile
> it using Sun's Forte Compiler (6.2) however when trying to build
> libmysql/hash.c I got the following error.
> /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc "-DDEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME=\"/opt/mysql/3.23.44\""
>With InnoDB tables under 3.23.4x, if you perform an ALTER TABLE on
>a table, any foreign key declarations that point to that table fail
>to work (they always return a failure).
>Is this a known bug? I don't see it on the InnoDB todo or bug
>list, but I seem to remember hearing about it al
Does the mysql support internationalisation?. If so, Kindly let me know
what settings I need to configure
to insert korean strings into the table and retrieve the same and show it in
a browser(jsp page)?.
Is there any GUI tool for mysql(like Toad for Oracle)?. if so where can I
get that?.
> Si je crée ma base de données avec le client MySQL (programme mysql)
> sous
> Windows et que j'y accède en mode web ( via Apache et php-4.0.6) je
> perds les caractères accentués.
> La conclusion est qu'il y a un bug dans le programme client mysql sous
> windows.Pouvez vous me le confirmer?
J'utilise MySQL avec Apache et php-4.0.6 sous windows 95, 2000 et Linux,
Dans ma base de données, j'ai des données avec des caractères
Lorsque je crée ma base de données avec le client MySQL (programme
mysql) sous
Linux et que j'y accède en mode web ( via Apache et php-4.0.6) c
Hi Greg!
> Due to budget restraints (and the fact that I'm sick of every system
> here being a proprietary, closed source system that I can't even
> configure without the vendor holding my hand because they refuse to
> document anything) I've decided to implement the system using Linux
> and myS
On Jan 02, Shane Allen wrote:
> I checked the archives for this list and saw that in 2000 Sergei
> recommended changing GWS_IN_USE to GWS_IDF to disable the 50%
> weighting mechanism.
> The MySQL manual, however says to change it from GWS_PROB to GWS_FREQ.
> I'm inclined to go with the
Yes, you can add a FULLTEXT index to that table including all 15 fields, e.g.
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX findtext ON mytable (field1, field2, field3,...field15);
The fields must be of type VARCHAR or TEXT to work, (CHAR can be changed to
VARCHAR easily, and often is silently changed.)
foo wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a mysql table with columns pts_t2, pts_ext and pts_other which hold
> each player's point total for that category. I have it displaying player's
> ranks by ordering by each of those points. However, I would like to have an
> overall ranking (all categories combined)
Arvin Bautista wrote:
> I'm new to mysql/sql thing
> thus mysql can efficiently handles a database even it has a hundred tables
Yes, but you need to make sure to set your table cache large enough
to cache all these tables to stay fast. This is for MyISAM tables,
the default. BDB suppos
Is it possible to load,retrieve,query data from MySQL thru XML data
structures? I've gone thru the MySQL manual but, no mention of it.
Please point me to the right direction.
Before posting, please check:
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