Sharing sessions between sites

2001-03-19 Thread Matt Krevs
I am having a few problems sharing sessions between a secure and a non-secure web site Having read various posts to the forum I thought that adding shared="true" to the default-web-app element in each web-site.xml would do the trick. Not for me. Each web site is creating its own session when it

Whats the best technique for securing a portion of a site?

2001-03-19 Thread Matt Krevs
We are developing a web application that contains a small part that requires SSL. Its a fairly decent sized site (1000 files) and I was wondering how best to go about isolating the parts of the web app that require SSL. I have had a trawl through the archives and this seems to be a fairly

RE: Sharing sessions between sites

2001-03-19 Thread Matt Krevs
ve any good examples/ideas? Thanks Matt -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Krevs Sent: Tuesday, 20 March 2001 1:23 PM To: Orion-Interest Subject: Sharing sessions between sites I am having a few problems sharing sessions between a secure and a

RE: offtopic: Path issues

2001-03-15 Thread Matt Krevs
I havent found a better way than the tedious %=request.getContextPath()% In your web.xml, you can specify other file extenstions that can get compiled into a servlet eg !-- lets the servlet container know that anything with a .css extension is to be compiled into a jsp --

Using your own web-site.xml instead of default-web-site.xml

2001-02-26 Thread Matt Krevs
I am trying to setup my own web-site.xml for my app instead of using orion/config/default-web-site.xml However I am having a few problems In default-web-site.xml I have the following line for my web app web-app application="boris" name="boris-web" root="/boris" load-on-startup="true"/ so when

RE: How do I map a .doc extension to a .jsp execution

2001-02-26 Thread Matt Krevs
Add the following lines to web.xml for your app servlet-mapping servlet-namejsp/servlet-name url-pattern/*.doc/url-pattern /servlet-mapping -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian Kvalheim Sent: Tuesday, 27 February

RE: Servlet Cache - How do I purge it

2001-02-25 Thread Matt Krevs
There is no 'cache' where servlets are stored as far as i know Sounds like orion is loading your servlet classes from a different directory than the one you are compiling to. Do a search on your machine for yourservletname.class to see if there are any old copies of your servlets Have you

RE: Cache Problem

2001-02-13 Thread Matt Krevs
Aaah caching. My favourite subject Have a look at the following link. It explains caching pretty well Apparently the Pragma no-cache meta tag isnt the one you should use since it isnt part of the standard and has inconsistent support. -Original Message-

RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-12 Thread Matt Krevs
Yes, we had this problem. I think its an XSL thing rather than an Orion thing. We are using Xalan and call XsltInputSource.setSystemId() to set the root directory for transformations -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin Sent:

RE: JSP Syntax

2001-02-02 Thread Matt Krevs
i ran into this problem yesterday. For me its related to having 2 "" signs in a row eg, the following expression %="sometext"% id="anid" / will not get translated at all. ie the output will be %="sometext"% id="anid" / It seems Orion is getting confused by haveing 2 "" signs together when

RE: getServletContext() in JSP

2001-01-28 Thread Matt Krevs
i too had this problem when i converted from tomcat to orion about 6 months ago From memory, (and its decidedly unreliable) I think you have to change all getServletContext() calls to getServletConfig().getServletContext() -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: Session timeout

2001-01-25 Thread Matt Krevs
automatically, but... Please any little tip will help Thanks a million. - Original Message - From: "Matt Krevs" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 7:58 PM Subject: RE: Session timeout Yes session-conf

RE: Session timeout

2001-01-24 Thread Matt Krevs
Yes session-config session-timeoutX/session-timeout /session-config is where you specify the number of minutes of inactivity before web sessions are timed out I dont know for sure what setting this value to 0 does. If it means that sessions never timeout then you probably shouldnt ever

Classloader issues using Xalan with Orion

2000-12-12 Thread Matt Krevs
My web app works fine except for some Xalan transform issues (involving extension fuctions). These dont work because in a typical deployment the classes cant be found even though the jars live in the orion/lib or myapplication/WEB-INF/lib directory. I guess the extension functions of Xalan

RE: cache-control problem

2000-12-05 Thread Matt Krevs
The following works well for me response.setHeader("CACHE-CONTROL", "max-age=0, must-revalidate"); Basically it seems to use the cache for images/javascript etc (which is good) and re-requests a URL from the webserver when the user requests it again or hits the back/forward buttons

RE: OFFTOPIC: Making a page expired

2000-11-28 Thread Matt Krevs
ACHE-CONTROL setting eliminate this problem and ALWAYS force the BACK/FORWARD button to use the server page, instead of anything in cache? Thanks. -Original Message- From: Matt Krevs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 8:36 PM To: Orion-Interest Subject: RE: OFFTOPIC: M

RE: Running two instances of Orion on the same IP and port

2000-11-28 Thread Matt Krevs
Title: Running two instances of Orion on the same IP and port I'm not sure that its possible I would suggest doing the following - run 2 instance of orion - run the 'development' instance on port 8080 - run the 'internal network' instance on port 80 Why do you want to run both

RE: OFFTOPIC: Making a page expired

2000-11-27 Thread Matt Krevs
); will do the trick. Jeroen T. Wenting [EMAIL PROTECTED] Murphy was wrong, things that can't go wrong will anyway -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Krevs Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 05:37 To: Orion-Interest Subject:

RE: OFFTOPIC: Making a page expired

2000-11-27 Thread Matt Krevs
PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Krevs Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 05:37 To: Orion-Interest Subject: OFFTOPIC: Making a page expired I am trying to get the browser to display the "this page has expired" message when the user hits the Back button on the browser. We have the luxury? of

Reusing compiled JSPs on another machine

2000-11-27 Thread Matt Krevs
We often deploy our web app on multiple machines Currently this is a painful process as we have to hit each page on each machine (we run a script to do this) so the pages are compiled when the testers test the app. I have played around with compiling the pages one 1 machine and copying the

OFFTOPIC: Making a page expired

2000-11-26 Thread Matt Krevs
I am trying to get the browser to display the "this page has expired" message when the user hits the Back button on the browser. We have the luxury? of only needing to support IE5.5. No matter what meta tags i use I cant seem to get the browser to display the standard "this page has expired"

RE: Christian Sell et al.... Re: Deploying a servlet ear, war: help an oroin newbie

2000-11-22 Thread Matt Krevs
Are you using IE as your browser? If so, go to Tools - Internet options - Advanced and make sure the "show friendly HTTP error messages" option is turned OFF. You should get a slightly usefull error message coming back then. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: Deploying a servlet ear, war: help an oroin newbie

2000-11-22 Thread Matt Krevs
t;/EmployeeForm/*" as servlet mapping (that is the example I have working). regards - Original Message - From: "Matt Krevs" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 1:04 AM Subject: RE: Deploying a servlet ear, war: h

RE: Deploying a servlet ear, war: help an oroin newbie

2000-11-21 Thread Matt Krevs
Christian/anyone else I noticed your servlet mapping is servlet-mapping servlet-nameEmployeeForm/servlet-name url-pattern//url-pattern /servlet-mapping What effect does specifying '/' as the url-pattern have? Specifically what effect does it have on the action string in a HTML

RE: error page

2000-11-21 Thread Matt Krevs
Yes you can have custom error pages Have a look in the JSP examples that come with orion http://localhost/examples/jsp/error/error.html -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim Sent: Wednesday, 22 November 2000 12:04 PM To: Orion-Interest

RE: Client hits STOP there a way to detect this before sending a response?

2000-11-15 Thread Matt Krevs
How about you have one hidden form field which is a unique key that identifies the bean that should be used Basically a user's session would have some sort of hashtable in it containing a number of beans keyed by your hidden form field? Then you dont have to send heaps of data around when doing

RE: getServletContext().getRealPath() bug?

2000-11-02 Thread Matt Krevs
this isnt the behaviour I get in Orion 1.4.0 I get c:\projects\leadsdb\deploy\web\test.xml when I call this.getServletContext().getRealPath("test.xml"); or when I call this.getServletCOnfig().getServletContext().getRealPath("test.xml"); I think you may have something setup incorrectly in

RE: Very weird bug - Property not found in bean/tag

2000-10-29 Thread Matt Krevs
Are you trying to set or get the property? If you are trying to get the property you need a getSid() method -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike Cannon-Brookes Sent: Monday, 30 October 2000 13:05 To: Orion-Interest Subject: Very weird

RE: Using an ORB from Inprise

2000-09-11 Thread Matt Krevs
This was an absolutely huge pain in the bum to finally sort out for me I finally have managed to get this working using java.exe and the Inprise ORB My startup commands running java.exe are java -Dxml.parser=xerces -Djavax.rmi.CORBA.UtilClass=com.inprise.vbroker.rmi .CORBA.UtilImpl

RE: System.out.println

2000-09-05 Thread Matt Krevs
What version of Orion are you using? Version 1.2.0 has a bug in it where System.out.println()s dont appear -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of rosely kumoi Sent: Wednesday, 6 September 2000 13:31 To: Orion-Interest Subject:

forward Vs redirect. Stopping multiple form submits

2000-07-12 Thread Matt Krevs
I have an intranet website that has a lot of display/edit/delete functionality using forms. For example - to create a new customer the user would open customerMaint.jsp, enter the details and click submit. Clicking submit calls a servlet (lets call it SaveServlet) that saves the details. This

RE: What is definition of session-timeout ?

2000-07-05 Thread Matt Krevs
As far as I know its the number of minutes since the session was 'used' (number 1) -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven PunteSent: Thursday, 6 July 2000 7:47To: Orion-InterestSubject: What is definition of "session-timeout" ?

RE: Multiple web-apps sharing some dir

2000-06-18 Thread Matt Krevs
I experience the same behaviour Basically I have the following code at the top of each JSP String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); For each resource on the page i append the subdirectory and resource name to the contextPath. I am wondering if there is a better way. eg a javascript


2000-05-07 Thread Matt Krevs
When I was messing around with WML I remember I got the same error. Are you specifying a doctype for your xml? eg in the orion config files the first 2 lines are ?xml version="1.0"? !DOCTYPE orion-application PUBLIC "-//Evermind//DTD J2EE Application runtime 1.2//EN"

RE: Problems with URL to getRequestDispatcher()

2000-04-24 Thread Matt Krevs
Just converted from Tomcat 3.0 to Orion and we were experiencing this problem A solution that worked for us is to use getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("theUrl"); I still dont know why this actually works but it does. Another possible reason is that the JSP/Servlet