[osint] Colombian rebels attack village

2005-04-15 Thread Ali-Reza Anghaie
http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1690499,00.html Colombian rebels attack village Toribio - Leftist rebels attacked a remote Indian village and several police stations in southeast Colombia on Thursday, killing three police officers, a nine-year-old boy and destroying more

[osint] `US Out of Options on NK'

2005-04-15 Thread Ali-Reza Anghaie
http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/nation/200504/kt2005041517254610510.htm `US Out of Options on NK' The United States is running out of options in the North Korean nuclear standoff as it has failed to bring real pressure on the reclusive communist nation to return to the bargaining table,

[osint] 64 Maoists killed in clash with Nepal forces

2005-04-15 Thread Ali-Reza Anghaie
http://www.hipakistan.com/en/detail.php?newsId=en78296F_catID=f_type=source 64 Maoists killed in clash with Nepal forces KATHMANDU: At least 64 Maoist rebels are believed to have been killed in fresh clash with security forces in western Nepal, reports said. Sixty Maoist rebels were killed

[osint] Vatican Is Rethinking Relations With Islam

2005-04-15 Thread Ali-Reza Anghaie
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A55208-2005Apr14.html Vatican Is Rethinking Relations With Islam ROME, April 12 -- After two decades of contact and dialogue with the Islamic world under Pope John Paul II, the Vatican is rethinking an outreach program that critics say is diluting

[osint] Venezuela establishes reserve troops

2005-04-15 Thread Ali-Reza Anghaie
http://www.vnagency.com.vn/NewsA.asp?LANGUAGE_ID=2CATEGORY_ID=34NEWS_ID=147089 Venezuela establishes reserve troops Buenos Aires (VNA) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said the establishment of reserve troops is one of the Venezuelan government's key measures to cope with the possibility

[osint] Seymour Hersh fudged some stories?

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Is fudged a new PC word for flat-out lying? Bruce http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,153534,00.html Hersh Fudged Some Stories? New Yorker magazine's national security correspondent, Seymour Hersh (search), has been making speeches and radio appearances in which he has told stories of

[osint] 'Every minute in the world a woman is raped, and she has no one to blame but herself

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Maybe Islam can be laughed into obscurity. Although its ideology is dangerous it has more comic opera opportunities than even Hitler's Germany. Islamic commentary is so irrational and juvenile that close examination would make it a laughingstock for the world. It is also so non-PC that its

[osint] The Next Pope and Islamic Prophecy

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
If Europeans get conquered by Muslims they will have deserved it.won't be the first time Rome has fallen to uncivilized barbarians. Bruce http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=17710 The Next Pope and Islamic Prophecy By Steven Stalinsky

[osint] The spiritual lives of gay and lesbian Muslims...

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.well.com/user/queerjhd/ What is Islam? The fundamental belief in Islam is: La ilaha illa Allah. There is no god other than the Goddess/God. That means that there is nothing in between you and the Goddess/God. Nothing for you to worship, bow down to, envy, fear, give in to, lay

[osint] Who in the Balkans wants to destroy America?

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
How many Muslims are there in the Balkans? http://www.serbianna.com/columns/jevtic/008.shtml Who in the Balkans wants to destroy America? By Miroljub Jevtic, Ph.D. The news that a group of mujahadeens headed for Osama bin Laden's jihad were captured on the border between Pakistan and

[osint] Can the Spy Agencies Dig Out?

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Last two paragraphs are spot on and 180 degrees opposite of what will happen...they are not The Way of the Bureaucrat. Bruce Can the Spy Agencies Dig Out? By David Ignatius You have a blank slate to fix the CIA and other spy agencies, Sen. Pat Roberts told the new

[osint] Chirac pushes EU to drop hard line on Iran

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Evidently, the Iranians pay better than the Saudi does when it comes to Chirac, I bet the Iranians sweetened the deal by offering him a villa in Iran so that when he is out of office and he can be prosecuted for those pending corruption, bribery charges on hold then he can take all that Middle

[osint] Turkey kills 21 Kurdish fighters

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Turkey kills 21 Kurdish fighters BBC April 15, 2005 Turkish security forces have killed 21 members of the Kurdish paramilitary group, the PKK, in south-eastern Turkey, officials in the area say. Three members of the Turkish armed forces also died in the three-day operation in

[osint] SYRIA: Is Assad's regime long for this world?

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Is Assad's regime long for this world? By Michael Young Daily Star staff Friday, April 15, 2005 As the leftovers of Syria's order in Lebanon struggle to salvage some power by manipulating and delaying an election that, if it were fair, would surely obliterate most of them, one wonders whether

[osint] Turkey kills 21 Kurdish fighters

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Reports say the fighting broke out about 40km (25 miles) from the Iraq border near the town of Pervari, when a group of PKK rebels responded with gunfire after being ordered to surrender by Turkish security forces.] Last Updated:

[osint] Pakistan covers its bets on the US

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: However, Pakistan has point-blank refused to allow any external investigation into Khan (who is under house arrest), former chief of army staff Mirza Aslam Beg and former Pakistani president Ghulam Ishaq Khan. Instead, Pakistan has passed on details of interviews with these people to

[osint] Pakistan's Islamists focus on women

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Despite his avowed policy of turning Pakistan into a modern, enlightened Islamic democracy, Gen Musharraf's government has so far made no headway in dealing with discriminatory religious legislation such as the so-called Islamic penal provisions introduced by Gen Ziaul Haq back in the

[osint] Cuba rejects UN rights resolution

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Cuba now wants the commission to look at alleged American human rights abuses.It is presenting a last-minute resolution calling for an independent inspection of conditions among prisoners in the Guantanamo naval base, which Cuba describes as a concentration camp.] Last Updated:

[osint] UN peacekeeper shot dead in Haiti

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: The area is the most dangerous slum in the capital, says the BBC's Claire Marshall in Port-au-Prince, and is a stronghold of support for the ousted Haitian leader, Jean-Bertrand Aristide.The soldier's death underlines how unstable Haiti still is, our correspondent adds.]

[osint] Bangladesh a terrorist hotbed

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: There is also evidence that HuJI's arms conduit has fueled the Marxist insurgency which has brought Nepal to the brink of collapse. In April 2004 the largest arms seizure in Bangladesh history - 10 truckloads of weapons including heavy machine guns, assault rifles, and RPGs - was made

[osint] PetroChina boosts efforts to find more oil sources

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Aktobemunaigas, which operates oil and gas fields in Kazakhstan, planned to increase crude output in 2004 by 18 percent to 5.5 million tons (110,450 barrels per day), from 4.65 million tons in 2003, Jiang Qi, director general of Aktobemunaigas said last year. PetroChina might also buy

[osint] Don't purge Saddam loyalists, US tells Iraq

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/04/13/wirq13.xmlsSheet=/news/2005/04/13/ixnewstop.html Don't purge Saddam loyalists, US tells Iraq By Adrian Blomfield in Baghdad (Filed: 13/04/2005) Iraqi MPs close to the new ruling coalition reacted frostily yesterday to a blunt

[osint] Terrorism 'used as excuse for China to crush Muslims'

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/04/13/wchina13.xmlsSheet=/news/2005/04/13/ixworld.html Terrorism 'used as excuse for China to crush Muslims' By Richard Spencer in Beijing (Filed: 13/04/2005) China was accused by human rights groups yesterday of a crushing campaign

[osint] Britain defeats EC over military nuclear sites

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/04/13/nec13.xmlsSheet=/news/2005/04/13/ixhome.html Britain defeats EC over military nuclear sites By David Rennie in Brussels (Filed: 13/04/2005) The Government won a rare court victory against the European Commission yesterday, when

[osint] The bungled raid that left a policeman face to face with an al-Qa'eda assassin

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/04/14/nbour114.xmlsSheet=/news/2005/04/14/ixnewstop.html The bungled raid that left a policeman face to face with an al-Qa'eda assassin (Filed: 14/04/2005) Operation that ended in murder of Stephen Oake was flawed from the start,

[osint] From the Taliban camps to the poison factory over a north London chemist's

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/04/14/nbour314.xmlsSheet=/news/2005/04/14/ixnewstop.html From the Taliban camps to the poison factory over a north London chemist's By John Steele and Sue Clough (Filed: 14/04/2005) On a hot day in August 2001, a wiry, intense and


2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://menewsline.com/stories/2005/april/04_14_2.html EGYPT TO DEPLOY HELICOPTERS ALONG ISRAELI BORDER JERUSALEM [MENL] -- Egypt plans to deploy combat helicopters along its border with Israel. Israeli officials said the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has approved a plan for the


2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://menewsline.com/stories/2005/april/04_14_4.html AL QAIDA DEVELOPS CW IN IRAQ WASHINGTON [MENL] -- The U.S. intelligence community has determined that Al Qaida joined the former Saddam Hussein regime to develop chemical weapons. The CIA said a network of Sunni insurgents sought to

[osint] EU shocker: Hamas are 'freedom fighters'

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=43788 EU shocker: Hamas are 'freedom fighters' Official blamed terrorism on 'Israeli occupation' in secret meeting Posted: April 14, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Aaron Klein A top European Union official held a secret meeting in Gaza

[osint] Police killer and his plot to poison Britain

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=391582005 Thu 14 Apr 2005 The chemicals and equipment found in the flat could have made enough poison to kill hundreds. Picture: PA Police killer and his plot to poison Britain KAREN MCVEIGH Key points • Al-Qaeda suspect

[osint] Thousands arrested in Pakistan

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: The violence took place Friday the day before planned rallies celebrating the return of Pakistan People's Party leader Asif Ali Zardari, who had been visiting his wife, former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto in Dubai..At least 5,000 PPP workers, leaders and members of parliament were

[osint] Hassan al-Basri Brigade Attack British Intelligence Officers in Basra

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://siteinstitute.org/bin/articles.cgi?ID=publications35805Category=publicationsSubcategory=0 Hassan al-Basri Brigade Attack British Intelligence Officers in Basra By SITE Institute April 13, 2005 In a communiqué issued April 13, 2005, al-Hassan al-Basri Brigade detail a bombing

[osint] Allies pull out of Italy coalition (Italy politics)

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Berlusconi must now decide whether to try to forge ahead with the remaining coalition partners or enter negotiations with the UDC on the formation of a new administration.He also could choose to resign and refuse to head a new government. If Berlusconi does resign, Italian

[osint] London Ricin Finding Called a False Positive

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A49564-2005Apr13.html London Ricin Finding Called a False Positive By Walter Pincus Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, April 14, 2005; Page A22 The claim that traces of the deadly poison ricin had been found in the London apartment of alleged

[osint] Cuban Terror Suspect Sets Off Propaganda Battle

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A52413-2005Apr14.html?nav=hcmodule Cuban Terror Suspect Sets Off Propaganda Battle By Jefferson Morley washingtonpost.com Staff Writer Thursday, April 14, 2005; 7:47 AM It's the kind of propaganda duel that Fidel Castro relishes. As the United

[osint] $4.5 Billion in Aid Pledged For Postwar Efforts in Sudan

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A45986-2005Apr12.html $4.5 Billion in Aid Pledged For Postwar Efforts in Sudan By Glenn Kessler Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, April 13, 2005; Page A11 OSLO, April 12 -- Nations and international organizations on Tuesday pledged $4.5

[osint] Known for moderation and tolerance, Jordanian city at center of storm over Islam

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.tkb.org/NewsStory.jsp?storyID=63453 Known for moderation and tolerance, Jordanian city at center of storm over Islamic radicals The Associated Press, Apr. 14, 2005 SALT, Jordan This city _ with its numerous churches, its liquor stores and its past as a cosmopolitan trading hub _

[osint] Anti-Castro Cuban militant seeks asylum in United States

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.tkb.org/NewsStory.jsp?storyID=63396 Anti-Castro Cuban militant seeks asylum in United States The Associated Press, Apr. 13, 2005 CORAL GABLES, Fla. A Cuban linked to assassination plots against Fidel Castro and wanted in Venezuela for a 1976 Cuban airliner bombing asked Wednesday

[osint] Guantanamo prisoner ignorant of Sept. 11 attacks until he arrived in U.S. prison

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.tkb.org/NewsStory.jsp?storyID=63477 Guantanamo prisoner ignorant of Sept. 11 attacks until he arrived in U.S. prison camp The Associated Press, Apr. 14, 2005 KUWAIT CITY Nasser al-Mutairi, who returned home in January after three years in locked in Guantanamo Bay, said Thursday

[osint] Bangladesh Border Security Force agrees to put off fencing within 150 yards of b

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/detailed_news.asp?date1=4/14/2005#10 Bangladesh Border Security Force agrees to put off fencing within 150 yards of border Daily Star has reported that on the first day of the Director-General level meeting between the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) and Indian Border

[no subject]

2005-04-15 Thread sentto-412809-53532-1113584776-archive=jab . org
Bulgarian police official warns terrorists could target the Balkans Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message Poster X-Originating-IP: X-eGroups-Msg-Info: 1:12:0 X-Yahoo-Post-IP: From: gwen831 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[osint] Tycoon Decries Russia's 'Criminal Bureaucracy' as Trial Ends In Impassioned Spee

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A44182-2005Apr11.html Tycoon Decries Russia's 'Criminal Bureaucracy' as Trial Ends In Impassioned Speech, Founder of Yukos Oil Tells Court He Worked for Benefit of Country By Peter Finn Washington Post Foreign Service Tuesday, April 12, 2005; Page

[osint] Mujahideen Seize Control Of Al-Qa’im

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2005/04/11/3697.shtml Thu, 04 14 2005, 19:48 Djokhar Time Mujahideen Seize Control Of Al-Qa'im The Mujahideen issued several communiqu#1081;s on Thursday morning announcing that the city of al-Qa'im on the Iraqi-Syrian border, had

[osint] Supremacy of Islam - The Inane Fear of the West

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2005/04/14/3704.shtml Thu, 04 14 2005, 19:50 Djokhar Time Supremacy of Islam - The Inane Fear of the West It is an established fact that the west has, since time immemorial fostered its rigid notion of dislike towards Muslim

[osint] Russia goes after another oil major

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?ID=0 Russia goes after another oil major ISN SECURITY WATCH (14/04/05) - Russian tax authorities have increased a 2001 back-tax claim against oil major TNK-BP to nearly US$1 billion, shaking the market, the Russian business community, and

[osint] “Wrath of Ghost – Citadel of Resistance”

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.globalstrateji.org/EN/Haber_Ayrinti.asp?haber_id=237 Wrath of Ghost – Citadel of Resistance USA and the comprador Iraqi Government had started the Fellujah Operation which they have prepared for a long time on 9th November. This operation which is directed to Fellujah where has

[osint] Iran eases its social strictures

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Following stiff resistance to the measures, however, the unpopular right wing appears to have shifted tactics. With presidential elections looming in June, hard-liners will take advantage of discontent over the failure of reformist President Mohammed Khatami to deliver fully on promises

[osint] Lebanese PM resigns again

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?ID=11106 Lebanese PM resigns again ISN SECURITY WATCH (14/04/05) - Lebanon's pro-Syrian prime minister, Omar Karami, abandoned efforts to form a new government on Wednesday and formally announced his resignation to the press in Beirut. Speaking on

[osint] NATO denies anti-missile program with Russia

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?ID=11105 NATO denies anti-missile program with Russia ISN SECURITY WATCH (14/04/05) - NATO officials said on Thursday that the alliance had no plans for a joint anti-missile defense system with Russia. The denial comes just a day after Russian Defense

[osint] China's Economy: Crash or Slow Decline?

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.stratfor.com One of the most important factors is the inability of China's central government to control regional and local officials. China's Economy: Crash or Slow Decline? By Rodger Baker The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is warning that China's seemingly unrestrained

[osint] Pakistan Airports on Alert After Terror Threat

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Security at both these airport has been beefed up on an intelligence report, he said without providing detailsEarlier this week, the U.S. consulate in Karachi remained closed for three days after its officials received threatening telephone calls.] Pakistan Airports on Alert After

[osint] Mauling for Chirac over referendum show

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/04/15/weu15.xmlsSheet=/news/2005/04/15/ixworld.html Mauling for Chirac over referendum show By Colin Randall in Paris (Filed: 15/04/2005) President Jacques Chirac began an uphill struggle last night to win French approval for the

[osint] We must show our opposition to Islam, says Danish queen

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/04/15/wqueen15.xmlsSheet=/news/2005/04/15/ixworld.html We must show our opposition to Islam, says Danish queen By Hannah Cleaver in Berlin (Filed: 15/04/2005) Queen Margrethe II of Denmark has called on the country to show our

[osint] Passion? Vision? Perhaps the EU referendum will be more lively

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://news.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2005/04/15/do1501.xmlsSheet=/news/2005/04/15/ixworld.html Passion? Vision? Perhaps the EU referendum will be more lively By Tom Utley (Filed: 15/04/2005) In the early hours of yesterday morning, I woke up in a cold sweat from a

[osint] Arms and ammunition from Egypt into Israel and the Gaza Strip.

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.intelligence.org.il/eng/sib/4_05/lull_a.htm Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S) April 7, 2005 In the wake of the lull in the fighting, terrorist organizations step up efforts to smuggle arms and ammunition from Egypt

[osint] Court Rules Coerced Confessions Are Illegal

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
Court Rules Coerced Confessions Are Illegal http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-briefs15.4apr15,1,6430794.story?coll=la-headlines-world From Times Wire Reports A provincial appeals court has issued what it says is China's first ruling that confessions or evidence obtained by

[osint] Arab League Ambassador to Britain in Talk to Conservative MPs: 9/11 Was Not a Go

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD89305 Special Dispatch Series - No. 893 April 15, 2005 No.893 Arab League Ambassador to Britain in Talk to Conservative MPs: 9/11 Was Not a Good Justification For Enmity Towards Arabs and Muslims; Israel's Hand in the Matter is Clear The April 1,

[osint] Arab Feminists on Women's Rights: Cats and Dogs in the Developed World Have More

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD89005 Special Dispatch Series - No. 890 April 12, 2005 No.890 Arab Feminists on Women's Rights: Cats and Dogs in the Developed World Have More Rights than Women in the Arab and Muslim World Marking Valentine's Day and International Women's Day, the

[osint] Hamas leader: You can't get rid of us

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=24878 Thursday, April 14, 2005 Excerpts: Sweetheart interview of Hamas. 14 April 2005 HAARETZ 14 APRIL '05: Hamas leader: You can't get rid of us By Danny Rubinstein, Haaretz Correspodent QUOTES FROM TEXT: suddenly there is a fairly realistic

[osint] Syrian Infiltrates Israel, Attacks IDF Outpost

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=24887 Friday, April 15, 2005 Syrian Infiltrates Israel, Attacks IDF Outpost April 15th, 2005 IDF SPOKESPERSON UPDATE A Syrian man infiltrated the Israeli Syrian border, northeast of Kazerin, this morning and approached an IDF outpost near the border. The

[osint] =?iso-8859-1?q?Japan=92s_nationalism_risks_its_power_position?=

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?ID=11103 Japan's nationalism risks its power position Japan's nationalism is a response to what it perceives as a changing balance of power in East Asia. By Erich Marquardt for PINR (13/04/05) Anti-Japanese protests that spread through China over the

[osint] Srebrenica puzzle almost complete

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?ID=11099 Srebrenica puzzle almost complete While Bosnian Serb wartime general, Ratko Mladic, is still on the run, enough members of his inner circle may now be in The Hague for the final questions about the genocide to be answered. By Alison Freebairn

[osint] Former Georgian official believes 1993 killing of CIA officer was terror attack

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/ Former Georgian official believes 1993 killing of CIA officer was terror attack The former head of Georgia's security service said last week that he believes the 1993 murder of a CIA officer in Georgia was a terrorist attack. Irakli Batiashvili told

[osint] Dutch intelligence officer spied for terrorists

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/ Dutch intelligence officer spied for terrorists An interpreter for Dutch intelligence has provided data to terrorism suspects, according to the ANP news agency. The interpreter, Ben Amar, gave information to a terrorist network known as the Hofstad group.

[osint] Saudis mop up Al Qaida cells at home, but thousands bide time in Iraq

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/ Saudis mop up Al Qaida cells at home, but thousands bide time in Iraq ABU DHABI - Al Qaida's Saudi operatives, under increasing pressure at home, are using Iraq as a safe haven. Islamic sources said Al Qaida has brought thousands of Saudi fighters to Iraq

[osint] Mastermind of Spain bombings dies after shootout in north Saudi town

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/ Mastermind of Spain bombings dies after shootout in north Saudi town The killing of Abdul Karim Al Majati by Saudi security forces represents a major blow to Al Qaida in both Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf region. But the presence of Al Majati, a

[osint] U.S. tracks disinformation campaigns to Al Jazeera, Mideast web sites

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/ U.S. tracks disinformation campaigns to Al Jazeera, Mideast web sites WASHINGTON - The United States has concluded that the most popular television channel in the Middle East deals in disinformation. State Department officials said much of the

[osint] Report: Iran's cruise missiles pose threat to U.S. bases, ships in Gulf

2005-04-15 Thread gwen831
http://www.geostrategy-direct.com/ Report: Iran's cruise missiles pose threat to U.S. bases, ships in Gulf Iran has deployed an anti-ship cruise missile arsenal causing great concern to the United States. According to a recent report, Iran has been developing new cruise missiles that enhance

[osint] Hacking the Papal Election (was Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, April 15, 2005)

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 12:37 AM -0500 4/15/05, Bruce Schneier wrote: Hacking the Papal Election As the College of Cardinals prepares to elect a new pope, people like me wonder about the election process. How does it work, and just how hard is it to hack the vote? Of course I'm not advocating voter

[osint] Iraqis Find Graves Thought to Hold Hussein's Victims

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/15/international/middleeast/15graves.html?ei=5065en=c85059724268b94eex=1114228800partner=MYWAYpagewanted=printposition= The New York Times April 15, 2005 Iraqis Find Graves Thought to Hold Hussein's Victims By ROBERT F. WORTH AGHDAD, Iraq, April 14 -

[osint] Two-Thirds of Lethal Asian Flu Virus Destroyed - WHO

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
http://reuters.myway.com/article/20050415/2005-04-15T130210Z_01_N15548691_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-HEALTH-FLU-DC.html Two-Thirds of Lethal Asian Flu Virus Destroyed - WHO Apr 15, 9:02 AM (ET) By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) - Some two-thirds of the 3,700 laboratories worldwide that received

[osint] Row deepens over UN oil scandal

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/americas/4448775.stm The BBC Entertainment | Have Your Say | Week at a Glance Friday, 15 April, 2005, 14:21 GMT 15:21 UK Row deepens over UN oil scandal The US and Britain have rejected allegations by UN chief Kofi Annan that they turned a blind eye to oil

[osint] Columbia's Bigotry

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/23189.htm The New York Post COLUMBIA'S BIGOTRY By CHARLES E.F. MILLARD April 14, 2005 -- COLUMBIA University, only a few miles north of Ground Zero, treats young people who are training to defend this nation as second-class citizens.

[osint] South Park Conservatives: Snapshot of the Culture Wars

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
Somewhere out there there *must* be an Eric Cartman for President t-shirt... In 6XL, of course... My people won't come unless there's punch and pie, RAH That's 6XL*T* to you... --- http://www.techcentralstation.com/041505D.html Edward B. Driscoll, Jr. South Park Conservatives:

[osint] Bolton's Hair: No Brush With Greatness

2005-04-15 Thread R.A. Hettinga
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A54802-2005Apr14?language=printer The Washington Post washingtonpost.com Bolton's Hair: No Brush With Greatness By Robin Givhan Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, April 15, 2005; Page C01 John Bolton, President Bush's nominee for ambassador to

[osint] Two shipments of deadly flu missing, WHO says

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Lebanon, imagine that. Two shipments of deadly flu missing, WHO says Two-thirds of viral samples destroyed; search continues for others The Associated Press Updated: 1:21 p.m. ET April 15, 2005 GENEVA - Health experts have destroyed two-thirds of the specimens of a

[osint] Virginia man charged with illegally wiring millions to the Middle East

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Note this terrorist is a US CITIZEN. Infiltration of American society by Muslims has been going on for years. Bruce Virginia man charged with illegally wiring millions to the Middle East By LARA JAKES JORDAN Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON A Virginia man who defended small money

[osint] Bloomberg Distances Himself From Activist

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
(good idea. Fulani was previously liked to Lyndon LaRouche through her mentor, Fred Newman /ed) Bloomberg Distances Himself From Activist NEW YORK news://newsclip.ap.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mayor Michael Bloomberg distanced himself Friday from a left-leaning political activist accused of

[osint] 'Algerian group' arrested in Bosnia sues US for torture

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?ID=6 'Algerian group' sues US for torture ISN SECURITY WATCH (15/04/05) - Lawyers for six Algerian men arrested in Bosnia and detained at the US Guantanamo Bay prison camp have sued the US government, claiming that their clients have been

[osint] Terror trail that led from Algeria to London

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Terror trail that led from Algeria to London One jailed, four freed after jury deadlocked at end of eight month, £20m, trial Duncan Campbell and Rosie Cowan Thursday April 14, 2005 http://www.guardian.co.uk/ The Guardian The complex and lengthy trail that led to Kamel Bourgass's

[osint] Blair believes mass immigration is good for Britain - do Britons?

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Blair believes mass immigration is good for Britain - do Britons? By Charles Moore (Filed: 16/04/2005) Daily Telegraph Warrior Square, St Leonards-on-Sea, has tall, imposing houses, the remnants of late Victorian gentility. At its lower end, the Queen Empress herself, in statue form, gazes out

[osint] China row shows how little EU cares for democracy

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
China row shows how little EU cares for democracy (Filed: 16/04/2005) Daily Telegraph Having hurtled to the edge of the cliff, Europe's leaders have paused on the brink. Last year, they decided in principle to lift the arms embargo on China; now they are agonising over when and how to do so.

[osint] Lewis Atiyatallah: The Wahhabite Who Exposed the Ulema of Hypocrisy

2005-04-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Saudi Academic Discusses Background of Jihadist Writer Lewis Atiyatallah London Al-Quds al-Arabi in Arabic 19 Feb 05 p19 [Article by Dr. Madawi al-Rashid, writer and academic from the Arabian Peninsula,: Lewis Atiyatallah: The Wahhabite Who Exposed the Ulema of Hypocrisy] Lewis Atiyatallah is

[osint] Nepal schools obey Maoist shutdown order after rebels bomb schools

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Schools outside Kathmandu, where the Maoists hold sway, heeded the rebel closure order that marked the latest challenge to the authority of King Gyanendra who seized power February 1But educational institutions in the tightly guarded capital, Kathmandu, functioned normally after

[osint] New Lebanese premier vows transparency

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: It comes two days after Omar Karami, also pro-Syrian, turned in his resignation as prime minister when he failed to form a new governmentLebanon has been in a political crisis since February, when Hariri was killed in a car bombing. It prompted large-scale demonstrations calling for

[osint] Chirac's appeal on EU constitution fails to convince French voters: polls

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: But since mid-March, a string of opinion polls have all suggested that the 'no' camp will win outIn his television appeal, Chirac warned that a 'no' vote would weaken France's influence and make it the black sheep of the European Union.] http://sg.news.yahoo.com/050415/1/3ry5y.html

[osint] At least eight killed in Grozny gunbattle, bombing rocks Dagestani city

2005-04-15 Thread Mike Lee
[Excerpt: Meanwhile, in Makhachkala, capital of the troubled neighbouring region of Dagestan, two explosions largely destroyed a local prosecutor's office, injuring six people, Interfax quoted local police as sayingThe blasts occurred within seconds of each other, setting the one-story