[PEN-L:5846] Aborigines Demonstrate In Australia

1996-08-26 Thread SHAWGI TELL
someone in the guts with a knife and while they are dying, say we want to be friends? It doesn't happen that way." Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5835] Words of War And Peace In The Middle East

1996-08-25 Thread SHAWGI TELL
. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5836] Workers Party Support Korean Students

1996-08-25 Thread SHAWGI TELL
the U.S. working class to support the "on-going struggles of the south Korean people" and the just demands "for an end to the U.S. occupation of south Korea and for the peaceful reunification of Korea, on the basis of the will of the Korean people themselves." Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5812] Fascist Propaganda Will Not Make The People Condone Fascist Terror

1996-08-23 Thread SHAWGI TELL
lism and imperialism. The fact that they can put on such a heroic fight proves that it is the fascist regime of Kim Young-sam which is thoroughly isolated from the people. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5813] U.S. War Exercise In Korea

1996-08-23 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ied in 1968...when it was combined with a civil defense drill" due to the increasing militancy of the people against the south Korean puppet military government and U.S. occupation. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5821] Labor Leader's Incarceration Continues

1996-08-23 Thread SHAWGI TELL
more were jailed for long periods. Suharto has ruled with terror and armed might for thirty-one years, suppressing all democratic rights of the working class, national minorities and toiling masses. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5797] Jean Chretien's Self-Conceit

1996-08-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
are dashed. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5798] Most Demonstrators Were Women

1996-08-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
against the Korean people. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5799] Fascist Terror In Republic Of korea

1996-08-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
he withdrawal of U.S. troops. Instead of facilitating this patriotic activity the fascist authorities have created an atmosphere of fascist terror. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5801] Jordanians Oppose New Bread Price

1996-08-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
Reactionary societies such as these are incapable of finding any solutions to the problems they face; they must be completely renovated and modernized in order to meet the demands of the people and open the door to progress. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5809] China Denounces New U.S. Law

1996-08-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ld war, the U.S., having the United Nations in its power, stubbornly practises multilateral interventionism and succeeds in certain cases." The article says that the "serial sanctions" of the U.S. are arousing a desire for "serial condemnations...and possibly serial counter-s

[PEN-L:5810] Financing The U.S. Presidential Election

1996-08-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
for the three parties comes from the 141 billionaires and other wealthy Americans, and from the big monopolies and trade unions. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5727] Social Responsibility

1996-08-17 Thread SHAWGI TELL
le. Social production demands socialized ownership. This would create the possibility for society to be socially responsible to its members. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5729] Re: Guaranteed Human Rights

1996-08-17 Thread SHAWGI TELL
A.S. Fatemi, I have responded to you via the MULT-CUL list. Feel free to forward that post to PEN-L. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5714] Could Profit Motive be Behind the Crash?

1996-08-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
individual terrorism and it is imperialism which must end for terrorism to end. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5715] Re: 358 Billionaires = 2.7 Billion People

1996-08-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
If I'm not mistaken, check out the UN Human development Report 1996. Another helpful reference is the World Development Report 1995, Workers in an Integrating World. The 1996 version should be available in a few weeks. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL

[PEN-L:5716] Turkey: Prison Hunger Strikes

1996-08-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
y statement, the DHKC stated that "the 12 comrades who died did not only win the struggle in the prisons against this most cruel and bloody government, they also used their bodies as a barricade against the attacks of this fascist state against our peoples." Workers World, August 8, 1996 Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5717] Struggle To End privileges

1996-08-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
, at the head of all the oppressed, to carry this struggle through to the end, to create a new society where human rights are guaranteed for all. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5725] Redistribution Of wealth No Solution

1996-08-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
get richer and the poor poorer is a law of capitalist development, and can only be eliminated by the working class seizing political power through revolution. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5726] US Takes Hostile Action Against Libya Iran

1996-08-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
the danger of war, which will devastate the world and Americans. Americans should get together, to oppose these measures and fight to overthrow US imperialism. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5697] US Terrorist Scare Demands Vigilance

1996-08-15 Thread SHAWGI TELL
creases. Imperialism, as the source and cause of both individual and state terrorism, is let off the hook. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5703] Guaranteed Human Rights

1996-08-15 Thread SHAWGI TELL
not to insure the well-being of all but to preserve the privileges of the ruling class. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5710] Danger Comes from US Terrorism

1996-08-15 Thread SHAWGI TELL
tion for the increase of state terrorism by the US. It is to frighten Americans into supporting this terrorism abroad and into acceptance of militarism at home. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5711] 358 Billionaires = 2.7 Billion People

1996-08-15 Thread SHAWGI TELL
reductions. Capitalism's failure to eliminate poverty is proof of its bankruptcy. It is an outdated economic system. Revolutionary socialism remains the best answer. Workers World, August 1996 Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5712] Likud: Made In USA

1996-08-15 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ian President Hafez Al-Assad. New instability, new tension, new resistance, and above all new explosions, are not what the U.S. government wants to see in the Middle East. And for Netanyahu and his new government, regardless of their campaign promises, what Washington wants will be the

[PEN-L:5672] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-14 Thread SHAWGI TELL
to engage in purely academic discussion. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Tue, 13 Aug 1996, Paul Zarembka wrote: Shawgi, I reject the idea that we are engaging in a "purely academic discussion" when we discuss "economic

[PEN-L:5643] State Terrorism In Indonesia II

1996-08-13 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ent Indonesian state, controlled by Suharto, is following the same brutal path that has made it infamous. The latest state-organized attack on the PDI and other organizations, and the reign of terror that has been unleashed further proves the anti-democratic and blood-thirsty character of the Suharto r

[PEN-L:5642] Israel: The Hijack State (XVI)

1996-08-13 Thread SHAWGI TELL
rea must throw the imperialists out from their region and settle matters amongst themselves on the basis of undoing the injustices of the past. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5647] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-13 Thread SHAWGI TELL
On Tue, 13 Aug 1996, Antonio Callari wrote: I can't resist: why is shawgi tell participating in this "purely academic" discussion? [not that I see it as such; but just to take it on his terms]. Antonio callari Actually, my question was: is this notion "economic determinis

[PEN-L:5626] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-12 Thread SHAWGI TELL
forces are the key, determinig influence? Do you think that material imperatives ultimately assert themselves? In my estimation, class struggle, and therefore class relations, is where explanation must begin. Any other explanatory *starting-point* will necessarily be philosophical idealist in c

[PEN-L:5617] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-11 Thread SHAWGI TELL
and Stalin's works necessarily embodied an all-sided materialist outlook. In this way, they avoided irrationalism and subjectivism, extremely pervasive phenomena in this era of imperialism and proletarian revolution. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED

[PEN-L:5615] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-10 Thread SHAWGI TELL
I'm sorry Paul, I don't understand: what is "economic determinism?" Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Sat, 10 Aug 1996, Paul Zarembka wrote: Shawgi, Are you proposing economic determinism or what? What about Engels comme

[PEN-L:5608] Politics Of Sanctions

1996-08-09 Thread SHAWGI TELL
t made during the Gulf War, there is clearly a danger that things may easily get out of hand as U.S. imperialism strikes out on its own to forge a unipolar world under its dictate Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5611] Inter-Imperialist Contradictions

1996-08-09 Thread SHAWGI TELL
grip on Asia. This activity has brought them into sharp conflict with other imperialists, in particular those in Europe. The bitter words from Germany and France, and the increasingly annoyed tone from Britain indicates that the contradictions with U.S. imperialism are rapidly becoming acute. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5612] English-Only In The U.S.

1996-08-09 Thread SHAWGI TELL
empt to block all renovation and deny the people their rights. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5613] Re: Rethinking Overdetemination

1996-08-09 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ence. They gave all-sided analyses a scientific character. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5584] Scarcity

1996-08-07 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ecognize that humans have rights by dint of being human, that all humans, by virtue of being human, have a right to food, shelter and clothing. These basic needs can easily be met today, but capitalists refuse to humanize conditions. Only in a society where peoples' well-being is considered a

[PEN-L:5567] Future Of Youth

1996-08-06 Thread SHAWGI TELL
rity of time raising the level of discussion among the youth. From that activity, optimism and enthusiasm will flow and abound. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5546] Imperialism Nuclear Weapons

1996-08-05 Thread SHAWGI TELL
, only the overthrow of imperialism will forestall another round of inter-imperialist war; a war, if it is allowed to take place, that will be many times more destructive than the two World Wars of the twentieth century. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5550] Organizing The Youth II

1996-08-05 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ive at the people with its nonsense of eliminating the debts and deficits as if this will somehow solve the basic contradictions of the capitalist system. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5531] Hard Statistics On Gender Discrimination

1996-08-03 Thread SHAWGI TELL
and in the Caribbean 49 percent. Women make up 34 percent of the workforce in Latin America and 21 percent in Northern Africa. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5535] Revolution

1996-08-03 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ture. Conscious human history at an advanced level will begin at that point and the human species will make a real break from the animal kingdom. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5458] TWA Flight 800 II

1996-08-01 Thread SHAWGI TELL
-loving people of the world to remain vigilant, step up their struggle for their rights and defend all those who are engaged in the fight for their rights. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5494] Emancipation Of Women and Youth

1996-08-01 Thread SHAWGI TELL
oisie and its tendency towards lawlessness and arbitrariness. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5306] Re: farewell

1996-07-24 Thread SHAWGI TELL
Was the decision to expel Etchison reached democratically and with the full approval and participation of list members? Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5320] Capitalism Retrogression

1996-07-24 Thread SHAWGI TELL
. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5238] The Way Forward

1996-07-19 Thread SHAWGI TELL
o have this fairy tale told repeatedly in order to ensure that the workers do not look at the capitalist as the exploiter. Once the enterprise is shut down, the same capitalist investors blame the workers for their high expectations or blame fate for the lack of a market for the goods manufactured there, or both. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5223] Dictatorship Of The Proletariat

1996-07-18 Thread SHAWGI TELL
xist between the opinions of Marx and Lenin diverts attention from the task at hand, which is to analyze the concrete conditions of the present and deal with the contemporary problems of the current struggle, the aim of this struggle and how this aim can be achieved. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5194] Dividing The Youth

1996-07-17 Thread SHAWGI TELL
to divert the youth from putting an end to the real cause of violence in society, which is the antagonistic class divisions of the capitalist system and its philosophy of "dog eat dog." Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5202] Society's Duty

1996-07-17 Thread SHAWGI TELL
looms for the people if the present course is maintained. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1996-07-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
FYI Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Forwarded message -- Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 07:19:39 -0400 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: STARVING THE PALESTINIANS - MER Special M I D - E A S TR E A L I

[PEN-L:5189] Recent World Developments

1996-07-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
reject it. To save the situation for the bourgeoisie, social democracy is creating illusions that it can perform better than the conservative political parties who have created such misery and problems for the people and have solved none of the outstanding problems. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5152] Setting The Agenda

1996-07-12 Thread SHAWGI TELL
sly lowered the level of political culture throughout the twentieth century using medieval notions of "might makes right," "the carrot and the stick," the introduction of outright fascism and militarism, or liberal and social democratic illusion mongering about the possibilities of solving the problems of capitalism without resolving its basic contradictions and bringing into being a new society. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5135] Last Stage of Capitalism

1996-07-11 Thread SHAWGI TELL
nt and all the other features of the crisis. The private ownership of the means of production and the virtually absolute rule by the executive is the basis of the economic and political crisis. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5008] Elections In Turkey

1996-07-08 Thread SHAWGI TELL
1.37 percent higher at a record high of 73,531.30 shortly after the vote was completed. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:5010] Russian Social Democracy

1996-07-08 Thread SHAWGI TELL
of social development, and the workers of all lands must persist in this regard and not submit to the illusions spread about the so-called easy and peaceful path of social democracy. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4995] Fall Of Capitalism

1996-07-07 Thread SHAWGI TELL
to this, the bourgeoisie today is trying to turn back the wheel of history, to reverse the gains over medievalism, to entrench the absolutism behind which stand the monopolies and oligopolies. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4969] Coalition Politics

1996-07-03 Thread SHAWGI TELL
tuation. This is the politics of the pro-social program and opposing the anti-social offensive; it is the politics of developing the human factor/social consciousness. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4397] Reckless Bankrupt U.S. Imperialism

1996-05-23 Thread SHAWGI TELL
heir "divine right" to do so. The same fate awaits the absolutists of today who like their ancestors have become totally bankrupt. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4372] U.S. Imperialist Dictate

1996-05-21 Thread SHAWGI TELL
and launches such a criminal assault against the peoples of the world, this will be its last act. The peoples of the world will overthrow it and all its collaborators and create a world according to their own interests, a world without the domination of any people over others. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4262] Israel: The Hijack State (XV)

1996-05-14 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ak and has not been able to take advantage of the situation. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4276] Methods Of The Imperialists

1996-05-14 Thread SHAWGI TELL
interests which lie in the overthrow of the capitalist system and imperialism, and in frustrating the efforts of the warmongers to plunge the world into a new cataclysmic inter-imperialist war. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4143] Violence Against Workers In Turkey On May Day

1996-05-04 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ers of demonstrators and six policemen were wounded in a clash in the western port city of Izmir during that city's May Day demonstration. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4106] Livelihood Is A Right (II)

1996-05-03 Thread SHAWGI TELL
as the leader, constituted as the nation, under the modern banner - A Livelihood Is A Human Right. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4113] Human Rights (II)

1996-05-03 Thread SHAWGI TELL
levels of development. The People's Daily also said that China would, as always, support the United Nations and endeavour to improve and safeguard human rights. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4080] Israel: The Hijack State (XII)

1996-05-02 Thread SHAWGI TELL
of the region will also be making a contribution to a lasting peace in the world. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:4056] References

1996-05-01 Thread SHAWGI TELL
uot; (New York: International Publishers, 1935). This is only a partial list of references demystifying, all in their own way, the broad campaign of disinformation propagated by the bourgeoisie, especially its representatives and agents in academe. There are many other references that debunk the

[PEN-L:4063] Re: References

1996-05-01 Thread SHAWGI TELL
I forget to mention another reference: - Ludo Martens, "Another View of Stalin," 1995? I have not read this book, but hear that it is reasonable. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3939] Israel: The Hijack State (X)

1996-04-25 Thread SHAWGI TELL
of undoing the injustices of the past. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3886] Re: Livelihood Is A Right

1996-04-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
On Sun, 21 Apr 1996, Blair Sandler wrote: At 3:45 PM 4/21/96, SHAWGI TELL wrote: The main thing with regard to the capitalist system is that it cannot provide for the people. The very motive of production is the making of the maximum capitalist profit and not the guaranteeing

[PEN-L:3897] U.S. Bourgeoisie: Anarchy Violence

1996-04-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
. They use the existence of anarchy and violence as a pretext to do that very thing. The 1996 elections are a step in this direction. The war of dogmas has also the same implicit and explicit aim. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3880] Israel: The Hijack State (IX)

1996-04-21 Thread SHAWGI TELL
the region. Moussa and Mubarak do not want to discuss these pertinent matters regarding peace in the region. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3881] Livelihood Is A Right

1996-04-21 Thread SHAWGI TELL
the worker is merely beginning to think. The thinking matures and becomes a revolutionary demand when the demand for a livelihood is transformed into a struggle for the overthrow of capitalism and the building of socialism through revolution. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3793] Israel: The Hijack State (VIII)

1996-04-16 Thread SHAWGI TELL
on against Lebanon. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3738] Israel: The Hijack State (VII)

1996-04-11 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ns as part of their efforts to bring about a unipolar world under their dictate. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3681] Reactionary U.S. Imperialism

1996-04-09 Thread SHAWGI TELL
ng both. The working class cannot hide behind pacifist slogans or calls for change in this or that policy, or the renewal of an imperialist state. The working class must oppose imperialism and all reaction as an integral part of its social revolution. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate

[PEN-L:3535] Israel: The Hijack State (VI)

1996-04-01 Thread SHAWGI TELL
have wholeheartedly adopted this infamous policy, all the while proclaiming to the world that they are involved in a "peace process." Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3554] U.S. Income Poverty Stats.

1996-04-01 Thread SHAWGI TELL
31.1 With related children under 18 years42.3 With related children under 5 years 57.4 Source: U.S. Census Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3523] FYI (fwd)

1996-03-30 Thread SHAWGI TELL
FYI Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Forwarded message -- Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 19:45:40 -0500 From: Emiliano Zapata [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: FYI -- Forwarded message -- Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 18:39:02

[PEN-L:3518] Israel: The Hijack State (V)

1996-03-29 Thread SHAWGI TELL
nians have actually abandoned them. This state-organized collective punishment against an entire people must not be allowed to continue. Does Israel have genocide in store for the Palestinians? All justice and peace-loving people must condemn these crimes and do everything possible to put

[PEN-L:3484] Human Rights

1996-03-27 Thread SHAWGI TELL
U.S. could publish reports on other countries without first looking into its own backyard. He said that although he had been interviewed on numerous occasions about the human rights situation in China by foreign media, his views have seldom been published. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Gradu

[PEN-L:3492] Israel: the Hijack State (IV)

1996-03-27 Thread SHAWGI TELL
tion of Palestine. Unless this historic injustice is rectified, with the guilty punished and victims compensated, there will be no peace in the region. Down with the barbaric line of collective punishment! U.S. imperialism, Get Out of the Middle East! Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3432] Israel: The Hijack State (III)

1996-03-22 Thread SHAWGI TELL
iolence. Only determined resistance and revolution against state terrorism and all terrorist attacks against the civilian populations can bring about the new conditions necessary to end all injustices and ensure a new era of peace and harmony. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3414] Israel: The Hijack State (II)

1996-03-21 Thread SHAWGI TELL
people there. At the same time, all injustices against the Palestinian people must be undone and all people irrespective of their background must be encouraged to work together to create a new situation in which they can defend each others interests and establish their own rule guaranteeing peace, prosperity and security for all. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3409] Israel: The Hijack State

1996-03-20 Thread SHAWGI TELL
nt of being human; and all countries, big or small, are equal. The time has come for the people to capture centre-stage and create a world that is consistent with their aspirations. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3404] Closures in Palestine - MoH Report (fwd)

1996-03-19 Thread SHAWGI TELL
FYI Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Forwarded message -- Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 23:48:07 +0200=20 From: Daniel Ben-Avraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Closures in Palestine - MoH Report (fwd)=20 -- Forwarded message

[PEN-L:3372] Imperialism Medievalism

1996-03-15 Thread SHAWGI TELL
eople must be in the forefront to ensure that this does not happen. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3275] Re: Communism. Turkey.

1996-03-06 Thread SHAWGI TELL
Ceyhun Merhaba Fikret. Yes, Dilek supplied me with a helpful intro to this topic. I will forward his post to the list. I hope he does not mind, as he sent it to me privately. Also, any additional info. would be helpful. Thanks. [snip...] Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School

[PEN-L:3276] Communism. Turkey. (fwd)

1996-03-06 Thread SHAWGI TELL
Here is the intro to this thread that Dilek supplied me with. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Forwarded message -- Date: Sun, 03 Mar 1996 11:47:47 -0500 From: dilek cetindamar karaomerlioglu [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL

[PEN-L:3199] Communism. Turkey.

1996-02-29 Thread SHAWGI TELL
. on Communist parties in Turkey. So, any general info. would be helpful. I know I have posed many questions. Please do not feel rushed to respond. But I look forward to hearing from you. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:3152] Changing U.S. Demographics

1996-02-26 Thread SHAWGI TELL
of the predominantly white staff can often work to the academic and social advantage of white students and to the disadvantage of others (Pine and Hilliard 1990, p. 597). Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1996-02-14 Thread SHAWGI TELL
FYI Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Forwarded message -- Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 10:31:52 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: PERES: "WE SCREWED PALESTINIANS...NEVER A PALESTINIAN STATE!"

[PEN-L:2953] Re: Israeli/Palestinian economics

1996-02-13 Thread SHAWGI TELL
: The Inside Story of Arab- Israeli Peace" (Harpercolloins, 1995). Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:2738] Illiteracy

1996-02-04 Thread SHAWGI TELL
93 187080 189056 190044 191030 192023 193016 194011 195010 Joel Spring, "The Intersection of Cultures. Multicultural education in the United States," 1995, p. 16


1996-02-03 Thread SHAWGI TELL
- James Rinehart, "The Ideology of Competitveness," MONTHLY REVIEW, 47(5), Oct. 1995, pp. 14-23. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:2725] Re: Israeli/Palestinian economics

1996-02-03 Thread SHAWGI TELL
strength is its plausible class analysis. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:2726] Poverty Women

1996-02-03 Thread SHAWGI TELL
Campbell, "Choosing democracy. A Practical Guide to Multicultural Edcuation," 1996, p. 84. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:2706] Culture Reference

1996-02-02 Thread SHAWGI TELL
t develops. Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:2708] Re: Culture Reference

1996-02-02 Thread SHAWGI TELL
along with Woolfson's is David Lethbridge's "Mind in the World: The Marxist Psychology of Self-Actualization." The sections on language and speech development in both books complement each other well. Thanks, Lisa anthropology grad stu From: SHAWGI TELL [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subjec

[PEN-L:2715] Re: More job loses coming (fwd)

1996-02-02 Thread SHAWGI TELL
exactly does "outsource" mean? What is the definition of this term? TIA Shawgi Tell University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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