Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-12-06 Thread agbagb
slartibartfast wrote: > The current available online schedule runs to Jan 7th so no need to > worry yet [emoji3] > > Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk I have a feeling that here in France we seem to get (both on a BBC web stream on my laptop, and via Sounds on LMS) some extraneous messages

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-12-06 Thread agbagb
Man in a van wrote: > I think it's the terminology that is mixed up. > > It should be Linear (live Broadcast) and Non-linear (streaming) > > The changes were announced back in May of this year. > > Live Broadcast is to stop and content made avaialble via streaming. > > What format the

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-12-05 Thread agbagb
Is anyone clearer than me what the import of the upcoming "Schedule and Format Changes" to BBC R4 Extra? The Beeb are saying that this week it will become Non-Broadcast and Non-Linear, but will still be accessible via BBS Sounds. I'm wondering is "Non-Linear" means that it won't simply stream

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-04-01 Thread agbagb
How cool! Something of a game changer, for me, I think - many thanks Stuart! Will be interesting to test it with the longer R3 music programs, which sometimes have a slightly odd view of the start and end of a given broadcast LMS 8.2.1 - 1639114554 Win11 Control: Web GUI; MaterialSkin

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-03-06 Thread agbagb
Am I missing something? No current problems with saved streams via Sounds, but I thought I'd just check which version I am now running (I have Stuart's Beta Repository saved). I can't find Sounds at all under SETTINGS > PLUGINS . It's always been there before.. I do see it under

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-03-02 Thread agbagb
expectingtofly wrote: > Release 2.23.3 includes : > > - A fix to address an issue where some users experience a audible gap in > streaming on live radio when at the transition to the next live > programme. > > It has been available on the beta repository for a couple a days, it > will be

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2022-01-19 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > Streams from the BBCSounds plugin use DASH format and so I think only > the server needs to be in VPN as DASH streams are not played directly by > players. > > If you are playing the general http/MP3 or the R3only http/AAC stream > which can be played directly by the player then

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Stream What You Hear

2021-11-12 Thread agbagb
I put SWYH on auto-boot recently, after we'd discussed here why I could't get it to work from favorites... These days, I'm sure I'll ask exactly that again, soon-ish! LMS 8.2.1 - 1628023316 Win10 Control: Web GUI; sometimes OrangeSqueeze on Android phones / pads Machines / devices are

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Stream What You Hear

2021-11-12 Thread agbagb
I believe it was you who first pointed me at it - and most useful it is. But I've been trying to see what was causing my laptop fan to be running all the time, and the chassis to be red-hot,, and SWYH turned out to be the culprit. I use it only once a month or so. LMS 8.2.1 - 1628023316

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Stream What You Hear

2021-11-12 Thread agbagb
[Apologies that I mistakenly first posted this in 3rd Party Hardware .] We talk from time to time of various ways of streaming audio from a laptop / desktop into the LMS world, and a neat and handy one - for Windows users - is Stream What You Hear I

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-09-01 Thread agbagb
expectingtofly wrote: > Unfortunately that is the case, some of the BBC Sounds content is not > available outside the UK due to restricted broadcasting rights they have > for some content, especially sport. Obviously a VPN is the OP's friend .. But the Beeb doesn't necessarily police this

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > My understanding. > > Where the program is a BBC originated even such as a Panel show, drama > or a live performance such a concert, in studio or Proms - BBC makes > sure beforehand it has agreed all the rights to broadcast (live & > repeats) with the performers. > > Sports

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread agbagb
Raymond Woodward wrote: > Well you live outside the UK. Exactly what did you expect to hear? > > The BBC do not hold the rights to broadcast the programming to listeners > outside of the UK. > > It is precisely why Sports Extra is limited to the UK 24/7. Rightly or wrongly, I expected to

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > If you are in France you should not be able to play UK only streams > except with a VPN but VPNs are not guaranteed to provide the UK only > streams - the bitrate will indicate this. > > BBCiPlayer plugin is out of date and shoudl nto be used. UK vs nonUK > options is no longer

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread agbagb
And I should add, this seems to apply only to Radio4 FM - I'm not getting it on R3 or R4Ex (so far as I can tell). LMS 8.1.2 - 1622353561 Win10 Control: Web GUI; sometimes OrangeSqueeze on Android phones / pads Machines / devices are in France, in two locations. a) Livebox 4 Internal HDD

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > I only listen to a few BBC "Listen Again" and so don't encounter rights > restrictions but from dealing with BBCiPlayer plugin I got to know when > rights restrictions messages typically occurred. > > You should not be getting any rights restrictions messages on UK > streams. > >

[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Rights Restrictions

2021-06-29 Thread agbagb
I listen to the BBC (usually Radio 4 FM) here in France, usually these days via the Sounds plug-in. Lot's and lots of interruptions these last 2 days with that annoying "Rights Restrictions" message over-riding the programming. I'm getting that same message via Sounds, the old iPlayer streams

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-07 Thread agbagb
I've now - at long last - moved fully over from the trusty old iPlayer to the Sounds plugin, for which thanks. One thing - and maybe it's just me or my particular set-up - is that the experienced volume is as much as 15% lower in Sounds than in iPlayer. Anyone else notice this? Not that it

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > I assume referring to the imda URL. Strange I use ffox and it opens OK. > It has XML content so FFox interprets the XML and highlights the text. I can get it to open in a FFox Private Window, and in Chrome - but both say "This XML file does not appear to have any style

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread agbagb
agbagb wrote: > Hmmm - now I can't find that BBC App [ie, not iPlayer, not Sounds but > the old LMS BBC App?]... I surely used to have it - where should I > look? > > And that URL won't open for me in F'Fox - blank screen. Sorry - I now see what you said - it's the BBC app *w

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > > > snip > > The BBC App for should be kept up to date with the > international MP3 streams ( I haven't tested). > > Most BBC stream live stream URLs can be found at link below. MP3 > streams are: media type="shout" > > IIRC it's aimed at 3rd party equip

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-06 Thread agbagb
Raymond Woodward wrote: > The only things I use the iplayer plug in for these days are Radio 4 LW, > Radio Scotland MW and the 25 BBC Live Event streams (though I do > appreciate that sooner or later it will 'fall over' and that will be > that). ... > > -- > > Ray Woodward Where are with the

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-05 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > Shouldn't be be using BBCiPlayer plugin anymore - not sure about how > well it works under 8.* . 595 error means problems with network data > not being received from source (i.e BBC) > > Consider upgrading LMS from 8.0.1 to a 8.1.* - IIRC https support was > improved since 8.0.1.

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-05 Thread agbagb
expectingtofly wrote: > Hmmm, that is odd. I can't think why it would behave differently on > the device, as it does from the browser/controller.Next time it > happens, would you mind turning temporarily turning on debug logging for > bbc sounds in settings->advanced->logging, then select

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-03 Thread agbagb
expectingtofly wrote: > Hmmm, that is odd. I can't think why it would behave differently on > the device, as it does from the browser/controller.Next time it > happens, would you mind turning temporarily turning on debug logging for > bbc sounds in settings->advanced->logging, then select

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce : BBC Sounds Plugin

2021-06-03 Thread agbagb
I usually access the BBC Sounds plugin via LMS - and it always works fine! Occasionally I access Sounds from one of the various devices, and it usually works fine. But every now and then, the device tells me to log in to my Sounds account via LMS > Settings etc etc. But, I am already

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Order of Players in Web GUI

2021-01-29 Thread agbagb
chill wrote: > The list sorts alphanumerically, so just rename your players to include > a number at the beginning - e.g. 1) Kitchen Boom, 2) Lounge etc. Ha! Brilliant - thanks. Done and dusted.. Given that I'm forever doing that in Win 10 folders etc etc, maybe I should have

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Order of Players in Web GUI

2021-01-29 Thread agbagb
This is a trivial little point - but it annoys family members. I use the Default GUI for LMS in my browser. Top right is the ACTIVE PLAYER, which drops down to CHOOSE PLAYER (+ Sync). Is there a way of changing the order of displayed players? The one the family most often want is in the

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2020-09-14 Thread agbagb
Though I don't actually like the Riva Arena I've added to my set-ups (don't like the sound, think it has connectivity stability issues), I did have it easily working via AirPlay Bridge PlugIn in the second of my set-ups below. Having moved it to the first of the set-ups, I'm having very little

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music Source PlugIn?

2020-08-17 Thread agbagb
garym wrote: > It's Sunday afternoon now, and I've moved on to a nice cold local > brewery beer and some jazz. Love Paris. We were last there a couple > of years ago (in a January) staying in a small hotel on the Île > Saint-Louis. Fantastic, and without the normal summer/early fall >

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music Source PlugIn?

2020-08-16 Thread agbagb
garym wrote: > Worth trying, but you'll likely find the slight audio delay unbearable. > Same problem if you try to watch movies on your PC and listen to audio > via this method. Yes - even on the try-out I did a few minutes ago, the lag between the (very decent quality) audio coming via

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music Source PlugIn?

2020-08-16 Thread agbagb
garym wrote: > glad it worked. I've found it a very simple, easy to use solution for > streaming things I can't otherwise access on LMS. I wonder whether it would work pushing the audio of a Zoom conference to my main audio, via LMS>Touch? I'll give it a try on my next call - would be quite

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Music Source PlugIn?

2020-08-16 Thread agbagb
garym wrote: > Hey, it's Sunday morning, but I've already had 4 cups of good coffee! > :cool: You're a genius! Perfect solution, working as I type. BTW, one possible use for this relates to a another thread

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Music Source PlugIn?

2020-08-16 Thread agbagb
On the Home Panel of my LMS Web GUI I see "Music Source", which says it enables streaming from my PC to an LMS Player. I've never noticed it before, but maybe it's been there for ages. Clicking on it identifies my PC by name (+ and attempts to connect to an IP. But nothing then

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Test Match Special

2020-07-24 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > They'll probably be MP3 or maybe HLS. I think live program metadata may > be missing. Not sure if Listen Again would work Ahh - I was wondering why the program info seemed to have vanished. AGB Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.1 - 1522157629 @ Fri Mar 30 12:17:59 WEDT

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Test Match Special

2020-07-24 Thread agbagb
slartibartfast wrote: > So almost two years ago you installed version 1.5.3 and you have gone > back to 1.3.1 alpha3. > > > Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk Ahhh - different machine, different location.. This particular machine

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Test Match Special

2020-07-24 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > In the "Listen Live" menus - at the bottom after Local Radio. > > Edit: > > There is no 5 Live sports menu in the "Listen Live non-uk" - what > version of BBCiPlayer plugin are you using ? BBC iPlayer 1.3.1alpha3 I do see a "5 Live Sports" menu in the "Listen Live non-uk".

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Test Match Special

2020-07-24 Thread agbagb
Thanks to all... Can't get 5 Live Sports to play under either UK or non-UK in iPlayer. In the past there was sometimes a geo-locked error message - but I'm just getting silence. Odd - as I say, I can listen to TMS here in France on my PC via the TMS webpage, with no geo-locking. But not via

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Test Match Special

2020-07-24 Thread agbagb
I'm listening here in France - on my PC, without any VPN - to Test Match Special via the BBC 5 Live Sports Extra link provided here: However I can't seem to find any link that works via LMS and either the iPlayer App or even just a radio stream

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] OrangeSqueeze Future / Alternatives

2020-06-12 Thread agbagb
DeeToot wrote: > Although Orange Squeeze is very good, Squeeze Ctrl is superb. It is > highly customisable (don't be put off by the default appearance) and the > dev, angryGoat, is very active and responsive as you can see from the > support thread: Annouce: Squeeze Control... >

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] OrangeSqueeze Future / Alternatives

2020-06-10 Thread agbagb
Apesbrain wrote: > Material Skin is a good alternative: > > LMS > Settings > Plugins > 3rd party plugins > Material Skin > > Many thanks! Be interesting to see how long OrangeSq carries on without problems AGB Logitech

[SlimDevices: Plugins] OrangeSqueeze Future / Alternatives

2020-06-10 Thread agbagb
Been an OrangeSqueeze user for years I was just installing it on a new Android phone this morning, and saw this: "Attention! As of April 2020 and version 2.5, Orange Squeeze is in maintenance mode only and no new features or bug fixes will be made. You can still purchase the app if you

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-26 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > Most of the suggestion are irrelevant as NpordVPN thinkyou are using a > browser. > > Tell them you are using a dedicated DASH media player. No cache, no > incognito mode, no location active, no cybersec stuff. > DNS is same as PC. No webRTC. Do their request for IP address and >

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-25 Thread agbagb
agbagb wrote: > Done: thanks. Let's see what happens. I'm away from home for a few days, so can't try out the options suggested by NordVPN: but here they are anyway - NordVPN (NordVPN) Sep 25, 18:07 EEST Hello, Thank you for your letter. If you are still una

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-19 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > I'm a believer in simple messages. > > Just ask nordVPN why does this UK BBC Radio three URL fail > > > and this UK BBC Radio three work > >

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-19 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > The akamai UK feed fails - denoted by the "ak" > > > The Limelight Networks UK feeds succceeds - denoted by "llnw" > > > Not sure how this feed is provided - MP3 sometime uses a different CDN > > > > I think above shows that BBC can block non UK use of UK akamai feeds but

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-18 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > I wonder if this was a tweak done in 1.5.4. Anyhow you should upgrade > to V1.6.0 (available last night) to fix latest BBC problem which broke > "Listen Again". > > Not the Settings - the normal Home/Radio/BBCiPlayer menu whose top two > entries are "Listen Live" and "Listen Live

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-18 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > I wonder if this was a tweak done in 1.5.4. Anyhow you should upgrade > to V1.6.0 (available last night) to fix latest BBC problem which broke > "Listen Again". > > Not the Settings - the normal Home/Radio/BBCiPlayer menu whose top two > entries are "Listen Live" and "Listen Live

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-18 Thread agbagb
agbagb wrote: > I'm not seeing that option in the LMS BBC iPlayer menus > > From LMS, I've also tried >SETTINGS > PLUGINS > BBC iPLAYER > but I'm > not seeing an > alt CDN option (the last line being > BUFFER FULLNESS > THRESHOLD.) > > What am

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-18 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > Logs show the VPN is being blocked by BBC. The plugin works OK when > playing a non UK stream. For completeness you could try the alternate > CDN Limelight instead of akamai via the "listen Live alt CDN" menu. > > The log also show very poor performance of the playing BBC link

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-17 Thread agbagb
agbagb wrote: > As you noted above, it's difficult to reproduce the "fault" without > ready access to know region-restricted streams. > > > ak/bbc_radio_three.mpd=

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-17 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > I understand that you tried the LMS BBC App which is MP3 but without > trying both DASH non-UK stream and DASH UK stream to be compared - I > cannot characterise the problem. The plugin works for many others - so > your issue seems to be something to do with VPN. The fact that MP3

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-13 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > Your 2 logs of with and without VPN are both using the UK only URLs - I > cannot see any attempt to use non-UK streams. > > The error is as expected > > Code: > > > [18-09-11 18:32:21.6883] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (744) Failed URL:

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-13 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > Your 2 logs of with and without VPN are both using the UK only URLs - I > cannot see any attempt to use non-UK streams. > > The error is as expected > > Code: > > > [18-09-11 18:32:21.6883] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (744) Failed URL:

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-11 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > If there are significant errors, the plugin will produce error mesages > in the log file without any additional changes. > > To get the plugin to produce additional info, you set the log control > plugin.bbciplayer and plugin.bbciplayer.dash to INFO. The player.source > can be

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-11 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > To check whether problem is LMS or network. You can test BBC DASH > stream using BBC Web pages as long as browser is setup NOT to use Flash > - see . When BBC web pages are setup to use > HTML5 they are using DASH for video and audio. > > Use a

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-11 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > The baseline to get working is a live non UK playing "normal" programs > (e.g. R2 or R3) using DASH. Once that is working then problems brought > by restrictions/geo locking can be isolated. Got it. Will do. AGB Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.6 - 1521467459 @ Thu Mar 29

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-11 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > If there are significant errors, the plugin will produce error mesages > in the log file without any additional changes. > > To get the plugin to produce additional info, you set the log control > plugin.bbciplayer and plugin.bbciplayer.dash to INFO. The player.source > can be

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-11 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > Fogot to add - once changed to DASH please try to play a live non UK > sttaion and then check if there are any error or warning messages from > Plugin::BBCiPlayer in log file So, I shall have time later today to go through all this thoroughly. But a question before I get too far,

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-10 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > [ > > The log was good. It tells me that new plugin is installed but uis try > to play HLS format. > > Can you check the change that BBCiPlayer Setting "Live Preference" > setting is "DASH > HLS > MP3> Flashacc" ? Ahh - my apologies. It's set as HLS>MP3>FlashAAC>FlashMP3 as

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-10 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > If it happens for Touch then all players will be affected. > > The LMS WebUI Setting/Plugin page does show the plugin "active" and > version 1.5.3 > There are no problem with plugin setting ? > When you try to play a station do any logo or station picture appear > (they are

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-10 Thread agbagb
agbagb wrote: > Thanks - will try all that tomorrow morning, and report back. But many > thanks for your time and suggestions so far. BTW, I've just replicated > the same Touch fault message on a Radio too. Actually have a few moments this evening.. I've not used Logging bef

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-10 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > One user of VPNs last week had to update their VPN as BBC blocked it so > just consider this as a possibility. That said it shouldn't affect > non-uk stations. MP3 are considered non-UK > > The "Can't Open file for" is unusual whgen playing on a Touch as there > should be no

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-10 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > That version barely worked on Windows when it came out - I'm v. > surprised you heard anything. > If you only listen to Live streams - would the MP3 stream of the > Logitech BBC App be adequate ? It may not be if you want to listen say > country cricket. > > The googlecode URL

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-10 Thread agbagb
agbagb wrote: > I'll get back to you on the rest later, but a couple of quick points: > - The "Owing to Rights" is quite common on live sports commentary > streams (so, if out of UK, you need to VPN into the UK-only stream) > - Oddly, my saved BBC Favorites have bee

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-10 Thread agbagb
bpa wrote: > Whater vwersion of BBC Ipplayer plugin ? > What setting to play LIve stream ? > > I'm non-uk and Listen Live works OK for so it seems like an issue > specific to you or your locale ( streaming is organised into have > regions). > > "Can't Open file for" - is unusual for Touch as

[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer "Listen Live" Not Working?

2018-09-10 Thread agbagb
'Morning All, Haven't made any changes to my system for quite a while, but today I can't get the "Listen Live" on BBC iPlayer to stream any radio at all: the Touch screen gives me a "Problem: Can't Open File for Radio [Whatever]". Oddly, if I go into the "Listen Live (Non-UK)" option, I can

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pandora IP Restriction Error

2015-12-07 Thread agbagb
Nobody else getting this problem? Pandora tech support originally told me that this was a VPN issue, but in fact I was not using a VPN at all, just my regular New York ISP's IP. Pandora eventually told me they had unblocked this IP - but I still have (most of the problem). When I first

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pandora IP Restriction Error

2015-12-07 Thread agbagb
garym wrote: > Go to, login to your account, click on settings. > Double check that country is United States. Yes - I'd already done that in I don't see a Country setting in LMS Settings themselves though - is there one buried somewhere? And, BTW, where in LMS /

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pandora IP Restriction Error

2015-12-07 Thread agbagb
garym wrote: > not sure if there is a location in LMS to enter country. But re: > password, in, login, then click on myapps, then > pandora. There is a place there to enter userID and password for > Pandora. And while at that location, click on player tab and make sure >

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pandora IP Restriction Error

2015-12-07 Thread agbagb
Hm So, I deleted my original free Pandora account and opened a wholly new one. I can play that via PC, phone and pad. I activated the new account in LMS / If I connect either the Touch or Controller to I can play all Pandora channels. However, if I connect the

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pandora IP Restriction Error

2015-12-07 Thread agbagb
This latest from Pandora Tech Support: "Thanks for writing back. Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, your Logitech device is no longer supported by Pandora, so we cannot provide any specific activation or troubleshooting steps for your device. This is why you can access Pandora on Firefox, but

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Pandora IP Restriction Error

2015-12-07 Thread agbagb
mherger wrote: > > H - is running somehow through a proxy server outside > the > > USA? > > Please run "traceroute" or similar, or at least > "ping" to get an idea which datacenter you're > hitting. > Michael Ping: is

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Pandora IP Restriction Error

2015-12-03 Thread agbagb
(There's a thread on this in the MySB forum - - but I don't think MySB is the problem.). Sitting here in New York I'm suddenly getting a "Client restricted due to licensing restrictions (are you not in the

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer Plugins - an alternative quick fix guide

2015-07-21 Thread agbagb
bonze wrote: Both these streams are the old MP3 streams, not related to the fixes in the first post. They would have been originally taken from the Radiofeeds plug-in not the BBC iPlayer plugin (hence the url link) Heavens, you're right of course! I always used to have may favorites stored

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer Plugins - an alternative quick fix guide

2015-07-21 Thread agbagb
I applied all the fixes above, with great success! Just recently - last week or so - though I've had BBC streams cutting out every few seconds. I suspect this is in fact a system or ISP problem (the penalty of living in rural France) but I thought I'd just check here in case there was some

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-11-12 Thread agbagb
is more of an issue than the start / pause. Rebuffering though does seem much less intrusive under iPlayer than either Alien or WMA. -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 (was: 7.3.2 - 24695) under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 127 [was 123] on both) LinkSys

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-11-11 Thread agbagb
To interject a lighter note, we learn today that the iPlayer, uh, reaches parts that other net radio software just doesn't reach: AGB listening now to his little blue radio... -- agbagb AGB

[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer Inconsistent Volume

2009-11-07 Thread agbagb
. Doesn't seem to happen with Alien or WMA streams (or with any other playback, FLAC library or other net radio). I *think* it's confined to Live iPlayer, not Listen Again. Anything that I might need to look at within my set-up, or is this being generated at Beeb HQ? AGB -- agbagb AGB

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-10-30 Thread agbagb
, is 23:45: Beatrix Potter..., which is of course an early Saturday morning program for the Beeb itself in London Small problems, all in all... AGB -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 (was: 7.3.2 - 24695) under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 127

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - sound drop outs

2009-10-29 Thread agbagb
rebuffering, every few minutes. AGB -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 (was: 7.3.2 - 24695) under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 127 [was 123] on both) LinkSys WRT54GX2 / SRX 200 Router, WPA2. Controller 7.3 r6038 (was:7.3 r3993

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC vs BBCiPlayer plugins

2009-10-27 Thread agbagb
faves in it): sometimes the Play icon under playlists works, sometimes it doesn't.. d) The change in Alarm behavior is very annoying - but I'm going to raise that in a separate thread. -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 (was: 7.3.2 - 24695) under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless

[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer / Playlists / Alarms

2009-10-27 Thread agbagb
; Stop your player - but it's a tad awkward, and doesn't allow you to fall asleep to one audio stream, and wake up to another. Also, in my case, doesn't work if you have a program running that reboots your server in the middle of every night, after the virus check is run...) -- agbagb AGB

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer / Playlists / Alarms

2009-10-27 Thread agbagb
of coffee, I can easy switch to the iPlayer feed, or whatever Two (dumb) questions: a) where within SC do I find the rest of those BBC URLs, so I can play and save them? b) R3 is my go-to - but occasionally I like R7 as a wake-up. Is R7 available on a WMA feed, or just R1-4? -- agbagb AGB

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Test Match Special via Alien

2009-09-09 Thread agbagb
- and all I got was the no rights loop. AGB -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 (was: 7.3.2 - 24695) under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 127 [was 123] on both) LinkSys WRT54GX2 / SRX 200 Router, WPA2. Controller 7.3 r6038 (was:7.3 r3993

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Test Match Special via Alien

2009-09-09 Thread agbagb
Ah-ha - we suddenly joined it in the 7th over.. -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 (was: 7.3.2 - 24695) under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 127 [was 123] on both) LinkSys WRT54GX2 / SRX 200 Router, WPA2. Controller 7.3 r6038 (was:7.3 r3993

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Missing Alien Playlists

2009-08-06 Thread agbagb
into the PLAYLIST folder? If so, why? -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.2 - 24695 under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 123 on both) LinkSys WRT54GX2 / SRX 200 Router, WPA2. Controller 7.3 r3993

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Missing Alien Playlists

2009-08-06 Thread agbagb
playlists) AGB -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.2 - 24695 under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 123 on both) LinkSys WRT54GX2 / SRX 200 Router, WPA2. Controller 7.3 r3993. agbagb's Profile: http

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Missing Alien Playlists

2009-08-06 Thread agbagb
Forum will figure it out. AGB who would not be without the Beeb, and Alien -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.2 - 24695 under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 123 on both) LinkSys WRT54GX2 / SRX 200 Router, WPA2. Controller 7.3 r3993

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Missing Alien Playlists

2009-08-06 Thread agbagb
, right clicking, looking at Properties, and copying that entry. In the actual playlists folder - called RADIO - in my system, if I dive into that via Windows Explorer, what is saved for the BBC R3 entry is just: Radio 3 Live.m3u. AGB -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.2 - 24695 under

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Missing Alien Playlists

2009-08-06 Thread agbagb
, no-one could tell - but at home tonight perhaps I can, on the full audio system. bpa;446306 Wrote: Regarding the playlist - did you rescan all the files ? Duh Now I have, and now the old lost Playlists all work again AGB occupying the idiot of the day chair.. -- agbagb AGB

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Experimental BBC AAC/Flash Streams in WAV

2009-08-04 Thread agbagb
Will this work for those of us outside the UK? AGB -- agbagb AGB SqueezeCenter Version: 7.3.2 - 24695 under Vista. 2 x SB3s, wireless, usually in sync. (Firmware 123 on both) LinkSys WRT54GX2 / SRX 200 Router, WPA2. Controller 7.3 r3993

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Non-Alien BBC?

2009-05-17 Thread agbagb
/ Stations (12) Now most of the offered BBC streams on that page won't play for me. But the BBC R7 stream does - how mysterious! I though I could only get BBC here in the US via trusty old Alien? AGB -- agbagb agbagb's Profile

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Non-Alien BBC?

2009-05-17 Thread agbagb
a couple of steps backwards before you take three forward I upgraded to Alien 2.5 (under SC 7.3)this morning in 2 mouse clicks, with no problem at all. Perfect. AGB -- agbagb agbagb's Profile: http

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2008-10-26 Thread agbagb
Question, as I'm slightly confused. Does this PlugIn only work if you are in the UK, or will it work for non-UK users? I'm a build behind on SqueezeCenter so haven't had a chance to try it out myself. AGB -- agbagb

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2008-10-26 Thread agbagb
Yes - that title was a giveaway! I just wondered whether you'd all found a fiendish way to make UK-only streams more widely available. AGB -- agbagb agbagb's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2008-10-16 Thread agbagb
the live stream straight away, without the announcement. Any work-round for this? AGB (amazingly grateful to you Aliens for doing all this anyway...) -- agbagb agbagb's Profile:

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2008-10-16 Thread agbagb
blank text box should appear under the entry you just made. But there's no APPLY button for me to click. I'd expect it to be below those now-filled-in boxes, but there's nothing there, just a grey bar across the bottom of that column... AGB -- agbagb

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2008-10-16 Thread agbagb
. By then backing out, and switching back to CLASSIC and then driving down to the Alien SETTINGS, I now find the R3 ignore command firmly in place, and working. But there's no way - seemingly - of making that work via the CLASSIC interface AGB -- agbagb

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Alien BBC and SqueezeCenter 7.2

2008-09-13 Thread agbagb
, everything works fine, all the Live Streams, and all the Archive / Listen Again streams. I haven't needed to install the Addon referred to (unless it was included in Alien 2.01.). AGB -- agbagb agbagb's Profile: http

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