Re: CS the OT list brouhaha

2002-04-30 Thread Marshalee Hallett
The OT list may be settling down, now, so it's probably a good time to carry it on over there... Be well, Mike Devour silver-list owner Dear Mike, I popped back onto the OT, to see if any of the Sitchin discussions were over there yet, and found that idiot Greg flaming you unmercifully.

Re: CSAlternative treatments

2002-04-30 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Alternative treatments Any one out there know of alternative treatments for carpul tunnel in the hands (not sure if the spelling is correct). Looking for some thing besides going under the knife. I had the cortisone shots with limited success for a short time. Thanks Bob Dear

Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2002-04-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett
helloI am just strarting to make cs now and am making it with 4--- 9 v batteries i am starting to research and read that the particle size might be to large with that method. can i get some input and maybe a good generator that would do the right job thanks Dear Glenn,

Re: CSI have Zostix virus Dental problems--

2002-04-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Maxine, Don`t forget to get plenty of Vitamin C, that helps keep the canker sores away. Melaleuca oil stops the pain too... Marshalee PS, 3 finals down, one to go!!

Re: CSnatural treatment for phlebitis or vericose veins

2002-04-20 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, List I got my 2nd cousin on CS, Initially, she was very skeptical, but after she took it, it cured her eczema. So now, she is converted. Today, she asked me if I knew any natural treatments for phlebitis or varicose veins. I don't. Does anyone out there know any natural

CSCS: Welcome back Janis!!

2002-04-17 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Janis, I`m Marsha and Marshalee both. When the idiot husband dumped me 2 years ago, I changed back to my real name. Lots has happened to me since then. I`m at BYU again, after my 29 year long break to raise four kids. I`m studying Genealogy. It`s been hard work, but lots of fun. I have

Re: CSNewbie

2002-04-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi All, Hi and Welcome!! I`m Marshalee, an oldie but goodie around here. I'm new to the list. I started making my own CS in October 01, this was the first winter in years I did not have bronchitis. Anyone who has had bronchitis knows the instant it startsI wont describe the soggy

Re: CSArgyria and Beneficial Bugs

2002-04-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Sorry, but the good bugs don`t kill the bad bugs in an aquarium. The biological filter works by the bacteria (neither good nor bad) converting nitrates from fish poo and uneated Oops, I meant uneaten... :o)

Re: CSAnyone know of any good oral chelation ideas on removing silver?

2002-04-15 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Janis, Hi, I`m still here! Still pink as a piggy... You need to write to Donna Earnest, she turned a bit gray too, she aslo switched from simple CS to some storebought stuff. Now she`s studying homeopathy, thinking it may have a cure for it. I heard that the first place the gray shows up is

Re: CSSilver Wire?

2002-04-15 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I want to start making my own CS. Where are y'all purchasing your silver wire from ? Kathie Dear Kathie, I have some available. I get it from a jewelry supplier. It is five bucks for a set of 2 five-inch .999 fine 14 gague wires. Email me if you are interested. Marshalee

Re: CSFlies

2002-04-11 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Does anyone out there know of a non-toxic solution to saving my doggies from hordes of flies which just settle on them in bunches in this hot weather? They bite their ears to pieces. Must say, however, that cs puts the bites to right rapidly! Thank you1 Yvonne Dear Yvonne, Make a thin


2002-04-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
My Pug Lacy is 1 1/2 and has had no shots. She is the smartest Pug I have ever had! she knows the names of all 12 of her toys, adn will bring me one if I ask for it by name. I`ve never had a dog do that. She gets CS in her water bowl every day, so far so good!! Marshalee An imal vaccines have


2002-04-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Marshalee, Does your state require the vaccine? I have no idea, probably... I am battling with myself right now on whether to give my two retired, rescued greyhounds the rabies vaccines. My vet does not advocate any of the other vaccines and I'm not sure where she stands on this as I just


2002-04-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Colloidal silver will probably kill the microfilaria stage of heartworm as it is one celled organism. I wish I had a way to find out for sure. I don`t give preventive here, as Utah has very little heartworm, too dry. Marshalee Hi Bonnie, I'm in Georgia. I THINK that Rabies is the only vaccine

Re: CSurinary track infection

2002-04-02 Thread Marshalee Hallett
In time past there was a thing called match makers disease. It was cause by injestion of phosphorus and depleted the bones. Phosphoric acid is the active ingrediant in navel jelly [rust dissolver] There's a lot of it in colas...and a cola soda pop will remove rust. Not all sodas have

Re: CSOintment for CS

2002-03-31 Thread Marshalee Hallett
So, your is a good question - anyone else had problems - I thought and told everyone CS was brilliant for eye problems, and indeed it was in my daughters case, but it doesn't seem to work for sties very well. Tracy Dear Tracy, CS made my stye go away. Guess it depends on the CS... Marshalee

Re: CSFleme/ canker

2002-03-29 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I found that in addition to CS healing them, vitamin C helps keep canker sores away. They can be either a mild case of scurvy, or a viral infection. Melaleuca oil stops the terrible pain, even though it tastes rather yucky. I just dip a fingertip into the oil, then touch it to the sore and

Re: CSAny Suggestions?

2002-03-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Here's a question I've been burning and itching to ask! Has anyone dealt with CS for hemmorhoids? I need a creative way to treat someone (Namely, myself), and now, I hope not to meet any of you in person! Thanks! Actually, if you take 800 IU of Vitamin E, (alpha

Re: CSRE: Thrush

2002-03-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
For what it`s worth, when I was breastfeeding my last baby, oh, 23 years ago as of tomorrow, (!!!) we both got thrush, he in his mouth and me on my nipples, which cracked and bled when he`d nurse. Ouch!! The La Leche League suggested I wipe me off, and his mouth out, with a cloth dipped in a


2002-03-25 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, Listers, Just to let you all know, I have silver wire available again, 5 smackers a set, which includes postage and all. Email me if you need some. Love, Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send

Re: CSRE:Silver

2002-03-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I would be interested in obtaining some of that wire Marshalee. Please contact me off-list. OK, send me your email address please. I`m at Marshalee PS, the wire is here.

Re: CSSilver

2002-03-19 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Listers, I have a new order of silver wire on the way. If anyone wants some, just let me know!! Love, Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:

Re: CSMy first attempt at making CS

2002-03-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Darcie, Where did you get this wire from?? Marshalee Hello all, Well I got my (supposed).999 silver in the mail, it says on the package 149. fine. I am not sure this is so pure. I used 4 9 volt batteries, distilled water and am sure I put all the components right. The

Re: CSMy first attempt at making CS

2002-03-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
OOPS A BIG OOPS! See now I rellay can see how this lyme disease is affecting my brain! I went and bought a high quality distilled water, I thought... well in looking at the label again.IT WAS SPRING water. What a dummy I am!!! So I am off to the store to get the right

Re: CSQuestions...wilting dandelion

2002-03-12 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Darcie yeah it is warm here, I'm in the San Jose California area. Dear Darcie, Hi, home girl! I`m from Napa, but living in Provo, Utah right now, (going to school at BYU). I also lived in Pleasanton and Fremont when I was young...a LONG time ago... Love, Marshalee -- The silver-list is a

Re: CSQuestions...wilting dandelion

2002-03-12 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi Marshalee, Thanks for writing me! Napa is a beautiful area, my Grandmomma used to live there. I really am a country bumpkim, but am living here until the kids grow up. We only have about 5 more years to go, then it's back to the Seirra Mountains! Thanks for the High Girl! Darcie Dear

Re: CSQuestions...wilting dandelion

2002-03-12 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Marshalee, What happens to the milk I am curious. Don't you make Kefir with your Milk??? maxine Dear Maxine, The milk stays fresh. It can`t rot with no bacteria in it. I don`t make kefir, never have. Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal

Re: CSMEHPA update on proposed mandatory medicine

2002-03-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Wow I join the Colloidal Silver List and I get to read some twisted doctors science fiction!!! What a deal!! Yeah, but now and then you get some really good stuff about Colloidal Silver!!! Got any questions or ideas about it? I`ve been using it for years. MArshalee

Re: CSFw: mineral oil

2002-03-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Subject: mineral oil i use johnson johnson baby oil once in a while for dry skin, etc., it states that it is mineral oil and fragrances only. is this stuff made of the bad stuff that clark, et al, say that we should not deal with? tyia. jim Mineral oil can draw vitamin E

CS Welcome!!

2002-03-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Thanks Marshalee I am very new to the CS scene. if I have any questions I will direct them to you personally, per your invitation! Thanks, Mike G Dear Mike, I`m always glad to help! I am one of the oldies on the List. CS cured me of Lyme Disease when nearly 6 years of antibiotics

Re: CS OT, help!

2002-03-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, Malcolm, Well it went OK. It hurt some, but was bearable. I did jump off one needle when he hit a particularly bad spot, but he was behind me, so I didn`t get to kick him!! Actually the zappers were worse than the needles. Now I have to wait to find out what it all means! If it is just

Re: CSStevia (was: Re: CSMalaria)

2002-03-08 Thread Marshalee Hallett
PS, I want to try stevia!! I've been using stevia for years; it's great stuff. It comes in several forms: powdered whole leaf, brown whole leaf extract, clear purified liquid extract, and powdered purified extract. My favorite is the clear purified liquid extract because it doesn't have the

CS OT, help!

2002-03-08 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Silverlisters, I`m supposed to have a nerve induction test this afternoon. Has anyone had one of them? Is it gonna be nasty??? Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:

Re: CSMalaria

2002-03-07 Thread Marshalee Hallett
You should mention stevia as an alternative sweetener on the diabetes list and see what happens. -- John A. Stanley Those people were downright vicious to me. I hope they enjoy their misery, `cause they are going to keep it!!! Marshalee PS, I want to

Re: CSMalaria

2002-03-06 Thread Marshalee Hallett
A couple times awhile back, I had posted a message on a homeopathic site and got bombed for mentioning colloidal silver as a possible cure for strep throat or bronchitis. Don't you feel good that you can talk about homeopatic remedies on this site without getting insulted and bombed? :-)

Re: CSOT, welbutrin

2002-03-04 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Marshalee, I looked it up .. And didn't like what I found. I suggest some colloidal gold. There are some on this list that make it and can supply you with it. The results of my seach on Wellbutrin follow your original message below. I made bold what I did not like. Your decision, my

Re: CS? on dosage approach

2002-03-04 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi CArl, It's great that you have found CS, but don't be too upset when your friends will not try CS no matter how hard you try. It is very frustrating when you know it will help them, but they won't listen. You can only try. Nancy Yeah, yand ou should see all the crap the members

Re: CSMarshalee

2002-03-01 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Hilary, I had your wires all ready to go, but never received a check, so they got sent to someone else. I emailed you twice, to see if you still wanted them, but didn`t receive a reply. Sorry, got the wires crossed somewhere... Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for

Re: CSOT, welbutrin

2002-03-01 Thread Marshalee Hallett
in the barrel too long and don't care. Warmest regards, Craig Marshalee Hallett wrote: Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin to try for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any knowledge or experience, good or bad with this stuff?? I

Re: CSCS Argyria

2002-02-28 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Argyria is not a concern with electro-colloidal silver. The particles are so fine they are easily excreted. Take it with no worries! I have for almost 6 years now. It literally saved my life. Marshalee I am new to this list. I ordered my CS generator a few days ago, and I can't wait to get

Re: CSOT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Not necessarily. Many pathogens can hide in secluded places wreaking their havoc. CS is supposed to go anywhere to get the bugs. It can`t reverse nerve damage though... Were were screened for chlamydial infection? HHV-6? If they didn't extract it from cerebrospinal fluid, how can

Re: CSOT, welbutrin

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Another thing, dear Listers, my doc gave me some samples of Welbutrin to try for the depression I`m having recently. Anyone have any knowledge or experience, good or bad with this stuff?? I hesitate to take stuff like that... Marshalee

Re: CSOT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Marsha: It sounds to me like your lyme disease has flared up as the symptoms are the same. No, they are not the same at all. I know what Lyme feels like, this ain`t it. With Lyme my joints ached, I had brainfog, I was really TIRED, and so on, for about 45 more symptoms. Now I have ringing in the

Re: CSEye test

2002-02-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett
The brain cannot process the word OF. Hmmm...I don't know about that. Unless I have something in my head other than a brain, I counted 6 while scanning quickly for F. Catherine Me too! Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To

Re: CSOT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I have been taking CS for nearly 6 years now, don`t you think that if MS is an infection, the CS would have nailed it by now? I seriously think the Lyme Disease did permanent damage to my nerves, and even though the Lyme is gone, the nerves are still in bad shape. We shall see...

Re: CSOT, diabetes and MS

2002-02-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Marshalee, I've been trying to find your email address so I could send you some information off list. You may have seen some of my messages about my MS. The CS has definately changed my life, and improved it 80%. Nancy DeLise Try

Re: CSFlesh Eating Bacteria

2002-02-23 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hi, Does anyone know if CS will work against this horrible bacteria? There are two new cases in Charleston SC this week. Thanks, Peggy I don`t know from personal experience, but CS should work, as it can kill bacteria easily, as well as viruses. Why don`t you tell the parents about it, so

Re: CSlist

2002-02-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett
i have not received any email for 2 days i would like to know if i am still on the list You are, I just think no one has anything to say! Watching the Olympics, maybe? Or looking at the nastiness on the OT list, which I left because of it... Anyway, Silver is STILL great stuff... :o)

Re: CS? about using electrolytes

2002-02-12 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Carl, No need to use any electrolytes at all. Period! The CS made without them works just fine, and no worry about making any silver compounds. Good luck! Marshalee I am just beginning to make my own CS, and I have a number of questions: (1). If I should use salt as an

CSRe: CS: dog lump

2002-02-11 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear List folks, Here`s something weird. My 11 year old Pug dog Willy had a lump on his neck for about a year. About the size of the end of my little finger. Well last week I was feeling it, and it squished. I squeezed it and it popped open. Out came some stuff that looked like fine black sand! I

Re: CSRe: CS: dog lump

2002-02-11 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Seems to be healing up OK. Any idea what it could be? Thanks, Sounds like a sebaceous cyst. I saw them a lot when I owned a grooming shop, they're kind of like huge, huge pimples. They often recur in the same spot unless every bit of the junk is out of it. IMO the tendency toward these

Re: CSMagnesium oxide help

2002-01-23 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hello Can anyone tell me if when using magnesium oxide to cleanse the collon that it did not work at all. I recently purchased some and have not had one single movement. I take a heaped teaspoon with lemon juice and apple cider for a boost in acidity and still nothing. THe way people rave

Re: CSsource for silver wire

2002-01-20 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Houser and Miller in ST. Louis-about $7 to.-$50 min for wire. That`s where I get mine from. Their number is 800-462-7447. Minimum order is one ounce. Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an

Re: CSNewbe with news and questions.

2002-01-18 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hello All, New at this list business and hope I am doing it right. I seem to get duplicates of many messages, is this necessary evil? I will say that I have problems following the scientific side of the conversation,PPM, generators, Neon ect, but enjoy what I do get from it. I have been

Re: CSYeast infections

2002-01-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
You may be surprised at what does emerge when you cleanse adequately. A sixty year old lady I know couldn't comprehend what the small brightly coloured bits were that she was passing, so she had them analysed. They ended up being pieces of crayon that she had chewed as a child. Regards,

Re: CSLYME disease

2002-01-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett
LYME diseaseDear Philip, I HAD Lyme Disease, contracted in Arkansas in 1990. No more...CS did the trick, when 6 years worth of anitbiotics couldn`t. Let me know if you want my story... Marshalee Since I have yet to unsubscribe from this list (the interest an my curiosity keeps me

Re: CSLYME disease

2002-01-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett
, thanks to the CS. I also give it to my Pug dogs and birds. It stopped a vet-diagnosed case of Giardia in a baby cockatiel. I now have 2 missions in life, working on the genealogy, and sharing the CS information with all who will listen! Love, Marshalee Hallett, mom to 4, and grandma to 4

Re: CSChronic Renal Kidney Disease CRF

2002-01-14 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dyslexics of the world-UNTIE!! Yes, and don`t forget to attend the Dyslexics Convention. Topic: Nug control! :o) -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:

Re: CSanother newbie...

2002-01-10 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hello all, I am new to colloidal silver, and to this list. I want to learn Hi, Allison! I`m Marshalee, and oldbie around here. CS cured me of Lyme Disease several years ago, and I still use it. Good stuff!! I was told about colloidal silver recently and decided I wanted to use the

Re: CSFiltering CS

2002-01-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Some folks think the silver oxide particles that form are a problem in some way. Well, I`ve never filtered my CS, and in 6 years, no problems. I don`t heat, or stir, the water either, I`m too lazy...It still works! Marshalee I've noticed that several people talk about filtering the completed CS

Re: CSblood pressure

2002-01-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Potassium (K) is the key to lower blood pressure. One needs to have 4 times the amount of Potassium than Sodium. There`s a book called The K Factor that explains it all. Marshalee Hello Terry and other members. I think your two cents correct but I have still a question on high blood pressure.


2001-12-30 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Well Marsha, you made me look it up. According to Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary, unabridged 2nd edition, 1974, you are nice. [Synonym for exact, correct, right, normal,precise and some others I can't remember]. It says for preventative...same as 'preventive'. James-Osbourne:


2001-12-29 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Tisk Marshalee, Tisk Tisk! (By the way, for the Newbies out there, who missed my rant of several months ago, the word is preventive, not preventative, ie.what CS is so good at doing!) OK, I`ll shut up for now!!! :o) Love, Marshalee My 3 nearest dictionaries [each is a standard

Re: CSRe:Preventative

2001-12-29 Thread Marshalee Hallett
What's the difference? James-Osbourne: Holmes The extra ta is redundant. Marshalee nuff said... -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or-

CSCS: Bettas

2001-12-28 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Can one put CS in with our Beta? We've had it for 8 months! and: You ask about a Beta. I'm not familiar with this term, so can't make any suggestions. As for fish--I have no idea! I tend to think not, but perhaps someone else has had experience with this. OK, you guys, listen up, Marshalee the

Re: CSThe Spot: Off Topic

2001-12-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
But again, this is California and people do have their own reality here. Ed Kasper L.Ac., Acupuncturist Medicinal Herbalist Santa Cruz, California Dear Ed, You are SO right!!! Love, Marshalee, who`s from Napa, the Wine Country! (I used to canter my Arabian through

Re: CSGotta Brag!

2001-12-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Congrats on conquering another semester. Now you have the perfect opportunity to track down the BYU profs who have (still are?) researched CS and let us know the latest findings. --Steve Dear Steve, I sent an email to the Professor, but never got an answer. I`ll check the index and see if I

Re: CSGotta Brag!

2001-12-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Marshalee, Definitely worth bragging about!! Congratulations :o)) For us elderly types, school is a bit more difficult, especially after taking a few years off. When I finished school in May, I was wiped out!! But sooo glad it was over. Those were my Echinacea hootin' days. I lived

Re: CSQuestion: too much cs

2001-12-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I am getting a cold and sore throat and wonder if I have over done the cs as I have just started taking it. I recently read about an effect that causes flu like symptoms when someone uses too much cs at first. Could someone refresh my memory and if this is what I am feeling, what should I

Re: CSHello - New to List

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
with all who will listen! Love, Marshalee Hallett, mom to 4 and grandma to 4, 3 living. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- silver-digest-requ

Re: CSquestion about purity of CS wires

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Above .999 comes 100 % pure, not 1%. Marshalee List, I would think that the designation regarding the purity of the silver wires, 99.99% pure, would be correct. Why, then, do I see . stamped on silver bullion? Because the next designation is 1.0, and 1.0 % pure doesn't make sense. Please

Re: CSHello - New to List

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Marshalee, I still love your battery tester. Gives me a smile every time I see that! :-) Gary What, my cold? Yeah, that was pretty weird. :o( Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an

Re: CSmilk bad

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
So did I; I was a dairy famer's daughter. But at the other end, I stopped the day I turned 45! Ah bliss! So. it did not kill you in 45 years? Guess what? It has not killed me in 63 years. I still drink about a gallon per week. Few people ever give the technical PLUS

Re: CSHello - New to List

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Marshalee, I still love your battery tester. Gives me a smile every time I see that! :-) ** Gary, Ok, what am I missing? Hu? hu? Hu? Marilyn~~** Marilyn, When my batteries were dead, I`d catch a cold! I was trying to cure it with Distilled water!!! Didn`t work. Marshalee

Re: CSGotta Brag!

2001-12-21 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear List, Thanks to CS keeping me well, today I took my final final and finished my Fall Semester at BYU!!! What an experience! I have met so many lovely students, and nice professors, and one not so nice... I began here on May 1st, and have earned 26 credits so far. I have also shared the

Re: CSHello - New to List

2001-12-20 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hello, my name is Kathy Neff and I have just joined this list. I have been working with CS for about a year and am interested in the discussion and findings of others working with CS. I want to learn as much as possible about CS and what others find really works or does not. Kathy Dear

Re: CScs in milk

2001-12-19 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Re: CScs in milkI think God.whoever that is, made the right decision. Babies and everyone else likes them just as they are. James-Osbourne: Holmes Except those who have them, they are either too much or not enough... Sorta like how guys feel about what they were born with!

Re: CSIntroduction

2001-12-19 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Marlyn, Hi! I`m Marshalee, an oldby on the list! I use CS for my 2 Pug dogs, and my birds too. I have finches and cararies. CS also cured a cockatiel I had a few years ago of giardia. I take some myself every day as a preventive. CS cured me of Lyme disease. Good stuff!! What kind

Re: CScs in milk

2001-12-18 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Re: CScs in milk Some bovine hormones are structurally identical to human hormones: same atoms, same bonding angles. I think insulin is one of them. Hopefully, the vibes are different per radionics theory. One or more cow hormones are probably mainly responsible for all the precocious

Re: CSargyria

2001-12-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Argyria following the use of dietary supplements containing colloidal silver protein. Cutis 2000 Nov;66(5):373-4 _uids=11107524dopt=Abstract This study has doubtless been discussed here on this list. Would


2001-12-15 Thread Marshalee Hallett
SAMe is the ONLY thing that has any good effects on my chronic depression. Connie Dear Connie, Just for curious, have you tried Colloidal Gold? I`ve heard it is good for depression. Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit

Re: CSsilver in Europe?

2001-12-10 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hello, group, I'm happy to have found this list. I'm off antibiotics for Lyme, have been using Silver100 that I imported (I'm in Switzerland)--quite expensive--but I have been reading that some people have just as good a result using homemade CS with only 5 - 8 ppm. I would like to

Re: CSRe: Dosage

2001-12-05 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I'm sort of new to this list and am interested in taking CS for general health reasons. Not only for me, but my wife, daughter and her 5 year old son. What is the RECOMMENDED dosage of 5 to 10 ppm. CS? Adult? Per Day? Child?Per Day? I

Re: CSCancer Cure

2001-12-05 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Woormwood tencher, walnut tencher, cloves tenture are all used to kill the 3 stages of paricites, who Dr. Clark says cause cancer... Tel Tofflemire Phoenix, AZ Do you mean tincture?? Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit

Re: CSspelling fun

2001-12-05 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Of course I mean tincture...I can make it with everclear booze, just couldn't spell it. Thanks. Tel Tofflemire Phoenix,AZ But if you knew what it was why did you ask ? Thought mybe you had some new kind of teeth...wooden dentures!! heh heh heh... Love, Marshalee PS, How`s the weather in

Re: CSasthma.........

2001-12-03 Thread Marshalee Hallett
We have a bunch of brilliant minds here, and many people who have had experience with many things...any suggestions? Thanks for your time, God Bless, Christiane Dear Christiane, I once had a DO adjust my spine and it stopped an asthma attack immediately. I`d gone

Re: CSPiggies

2001-12-01 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Oh Marshalee - how could you :) Tracy Hey, pigs are yummy! So are cows, chickens, turkeys and goats. Hmm, I wonder how my Pug would taste??!! Orientals like nice, fat puppy... Heh heh heh Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or

Re: CSGiardia

2001-11-30 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Unless I'm mistaken, Colloidal Silver does not affect parasites such as amoebas and worms. Giardia is an amoeba. However, the CS will work on any bacteria or viruses that emerge from the parasites. Perhaps your friend will prove me wrong. I certainly hope so! Best, Nina Silver (no relation

Re: CSPiggies

2001-11-30 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. I like them too. After all, I`m a member of PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals. I enjoyed some pig today... :o) Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit

Re: CSWent wrong

2001-11-29 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I got and equal amount of milk with in two containers. I then add 2ml of cs to around 20ml of milk, and leave both sitting for a couple of days. When i opened they had both gone off and neither of them had any growth. I am beginning to believe either cs is snake oil or that i am making

Re: CSRe: CS,OT, but good!

2001-11-28 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Twas the night before Payback and all through the Land, They're running like rabbits in Afghanistan. Hi Did you see rabbits in Afghanistan? IK The comparison word is LIKE...

CSRe: CS,OT, but good!

2001-11-27 Thread Marshalee Hallett
TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE PAYBACK Twas the night before Payback and all through the Land, They're running like rabbits in Afghanistan. Osama's been praying, he's down on his Knees, He's hoping that Allah will hear all his Pleas. He thought if he killed us that we'd fall and Shatter, But all

Re: CSNew Scientist article in No:2136.

2001-11-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Buckminister Fullerene was the inventor of the geodesic dome I think you mean Buckminster Fuller. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or-

Re: CSA Spot of Humour..

2001-11-26 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Aren't we all lucky to have grandchildren! Judith. Yeah!! And mine are the cutest and smartest!! It must be all that Colloidal silver... :o) Marshalee -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail

Re: CScerebral palsy

2001-11-23 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Does anyone know if there are benifits using CS on a child who has Cerebral Palsy? Sure! it`ll keep him or her from getting any infectious diseases. Marshalee

Re: CSMaking CS the 2nd time around

2001-11-22 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Leacy, Sounds mighty good to me!!! Now, go get well, you and Kitty both! Happy Thanksgiving to you. Love, Marshalee I made my 2nd and 3rd batches of CS today. In retrospect, I'm glad I made the 1st batch with KCl because I was able to actually SEE what was going on. Just goes to show,


2001-11-15 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I am living proof that CS will help. I have MS, and have been drinking CS for over a year. It has given my life back to me. The strange Organisms are mycoplasmya, and they are the cause of all auto inmmune diseases I`m going to send that article to my sister, who has MS, as well as

Re: CSCS in the gall bladder??

2001-11-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
I`m just wondering what is wrong with the gallbladder, and why they didn`t just remove it? I`m doing fine without mine... Keep up the CS, IMHO it won`t hurt. Marshalee Hello All, I know that this is a question that no one has any concrete experience with, but I know that some of you may have

Re: CSHi horsey folk!

2001-11-09 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Can anyone horsey help me with advice? A friend has a 16.2 hands horse (weight about 500kgs) who was a v successful 'C grade jumper - used to sail over the real big 'uns. He's done something to his back or hip - loin region behind the saddle. Vet said he's too big to x-ray and merely

Re: CShi list

2001-11-08 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Hello List When everybody are talking about taking CS, one takes 3 swallows a day, the other a liter a day, third mixes up it with food ... PLEASE MENTION WHAT PPM are you using. Otherwise it is waste of information and our time. Thanks and ... thanks, IK Mine is 18 PPM, plus or

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