Re: CSDegenerative disk disease

2006-03-17 Thread starshar
From: Jim Holmes Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 12:54 AM What about the FIR mineral lamps; worth a try? Cheap[ compared with other therapies. Don't let them cut if you can possibly avoid it. Are you taking MSM? Hi Jim, I've saved all the posts on the FIR lamps; there are

Re: CSDegenerative disk disease

2006-03-17 Thread starshar
From: V Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 1:17 AM Right no cutting. once they cut it cant be healed properly. there are ways to heal anything you jsut need persistance to find the caues and counter it. most disease has mental emotional root causes and also dietary. Work on all

Re: CSWOW!!! Hubble

2006-03-16 Thread starshar
From: Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:30 PM Clean your computer screen and watch this. AMAZING!!! Sorry for taking up bandwidth, but I HAD to say thankyou for this wonderful slide show! Sharon -- The Silver List

Re: CSDegenerative disk disease

2006-03-16 Thread starshar
'Scuse me everybody, I just stopped by to scream and I can't believe the topic I just got the results of Tuesday's MRI Degenerative Disc Disease! L4+L5 bulged. L5+S1 subtle bulging I'm so freaked out it took awhile to guess that S1 must refer to the sacrum. In addition to this dandy

Re: CSDegenerative disk disease

2006-03-16 Thread starshar
From: Carol Ann Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:55 PM Hi Sharon, Sorry to hear of your news. It must have come as a shock. If I might, suggest some Rescue Remedy by. Bach. Flower Essences. It will help to keep you calm and your wits about you while you decide how to


2006-03-15 Thread starshar
Hi Listers, I sent this article in it's entirety last night, not realizing it was too big for the server to handle. Mike suggested I divvy it up into 3 parts. I tried to view it on the site's archives but the format is quite unfriendly. Sharon ** Avian


2006-03-15 Thread starshar
There is another nightmare though that might blindside humanity. Dr. Leonard Horowitz essay The Avian Flu Fright: Politically Timed for Global Iatrogenocide[iii] offers a whole other view of what might be going on. Biotechnology in the service of bioterroism and biological warfare is able to take


2006-03-15 Thread starshar
What is being used to prove viral existence are indirect test methods which tell absolutely nothing. Dr. Stefan Lanka The use of antibiotics continues to rise globally and use by poultry producers has risen by over 300% per bird since the 1980s. In the US alone, over 12,000 tons of

Re: CSRe: Townsend Letter

2006-02-24 Thread starshar
From: Sandee George Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 7:17 PM Thanks Ole Bob if you can find the article on the website please let me know as mention is definitely there of it's existence however I cannot find where one can access it - Take good care Would this help?

Re: CSUnresponsive sickness

2006-01-29 Thread starshar
From: Acmeair Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 10:43 PM i read an older report on this, and it should be in the archives () that aspirin had just come out, and was used as a miracle medicine on the wounded of WW1, and was used to break the fevers of the infected wounded.

Re: CSCS staining?

2006-01-26 Thread starshar
From: Pat Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:44 PM Has anyone had a problem with CS staining anything? I have some brown stains on my Corian-type (Surrell) bathroom countertop and in the white sink. I was pouring some very strong CS into a spray bottle there a

Re: CSVarious yeast posts

2006-01-04 Thread starshar
From: Terry Chamberlin Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 8:50 AM Terry, thanks for your reply and the link to Red Star. I hadn't looked at that product in a long time, and in my memory it was just another brewer's yeast. Once I run out of my Lewis Lab's brewer's yeast, I'm

Re: CSGood breakfast ideas

2006-01-02 Thread starshar
From: Terry Chamberlin Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 2:06 PM Nutritional yeast (also called 'brewers yeast' or 'farm' yeast) contains a rich source of minerals and B-vitamins. Terry, is there any particular brand of nutritional yeast that you use, or would recommend?

Re: CSAcne, CS, EIS, and what?

2005-12-30 Thread starshar
From: Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 1:58 PM Since she's going to be away at school, compliance with a full nutritional program might be difficult for her. Since I raised 2 daughters, I'm aware of the reality of campus life/eating---tough for good health programs! My son,

Re: CSRE: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSRe: Heating CS

2005-12-22 Thread starshar
From: Ode Coyote Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 10:38 AM Being alive is what you do when heaven gets boring? taking a vacation from perfection. That struck me as so right I just had to save it in my collection of quotes! Thanks, Ode Sharon -- The Silver


2005-12-13 Thread starshar
** Phosphate... 27.3 mg ** Vitamin C 60 mg 100% Sharon starshar wrote: After watching all the debate on Gatorade I'm wondering if anyone has ever used this: It is said to be a bit healthier than Gatorade. Any comments?

CSA better electrolyte?

2005-12-12 Thread starshar
After watching all the debate on Gatorade I'm wondering if anyone has ever used this: It is said to be a bit healthier than Gatorade. Any comments? Sharon -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are

Re: CSAluminum cookware

2005-12-07 Thread starshar
From: sol Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 5:47 PM Speaking of aluminum cookware, just try to find any. Uncoated with teflon, I mean. I am beginning to wonder if some of my problems are from nickel leaching from stainless steel, though I'm very carefu, never scour


2005-09-28 Thread starshar
GLOBAL WARMING: DEATH IN THE DEEP-FREEZE By Kate Ravilious The Indpendent September 28, 2005 Last week, the latest study to track global warming revealed that Alaska's snowless season is lengthening. As the world warms and

Re: CSOther things

2005-09-24 Thread starshar
From: Just recently, all my fingernails are splitting and chipping. I know this means something is wrong somewhere, but I don't know what. Any ideas? MA So many possibilities! Could be need for minerals; could be need for protein; could be need for oil as in essential

CSWalk in the Woods for Monoterpenes

2005-08-30 Thread starshar
Walking in the woods, cancer, obesity, and other related subjects Subject: Graffiti is bad for your health. Walking in the woods is good for you. According to a recent study, People living in concrete jungles surrounded by graffiti are more likely to be obese than those on the edge of green

Re: CSAvian flu

2005-08-28 Thread starshar
My natural inclination is to agree with Ernie's thoughts. After the SARS hype, I've been noticing, but ignoring, the increasing reports on this Avian Flu. Ignoring, that is, until I read a newsletter from Dr Robert Rowan last month. Many of you may recognize his name; he seems to be well

Re: CSre: Snoring/Obstructive Sleep Apnea

2005-08-22 Thread starshar
DH had the sleep study done about 2 months ago. The ENT had already dxed a deviated septum, then he looked at his throat, the uvula, and told him it was about the size of your calf. DH didn't appreciate the humor. He came home from the study too early in the AM, complaining that he barely had

CSSkin tags (was: iodine and DMSO)

2005-08-20 Thread starshar
From: In a message dated 8/19/2005 9:35:41 PM Central Standard Time, writes: I experimented with essential oil of cinnamon on them. It made them disappear. So Sharon -- did you just dab the oil on the skin tag? MA Sharon, how often did you apply,

Re: CSiodine and DMSO

2005-08-19 Thread starshar
From: Raine This is interesting news to me- skin tags caused by a viris. Years ago I had read that skin tags were a warning of present and/or future blood sugar problems. My ex husband had many of these, and I learned recently that he's been dxed with Type II

Re: CSasthma and CS, again/OZONE IONS

2005-08-05 Thread starshar
From: Nenah Sylver Ken, you don't *need* to be a rocket scientist. If you want, you can call the Aranizer company and ask them for a reprint of an article that explains how so many conflicting opinions came to be. In my sauna therapy book, I quote that article and bring

Re: CSasthma and CS, again/OZONE IONS

2005-08-05 Thread starshar
From: Connie Howard Sharon... Do you think that your Ozone machine would work in my basement? My house is 100 years old and has gone through a lot of moisture being dumped under the house; that couple with Racoons, cats, skunks, etc the smell coming from the basement is

CSMint Mouthwash Brand?

2005-07-21 Thread starshar
From: Charles Sutton I tried the cheap mint mouthwash on a tick. I soaked him in it and put him in a bottle overnight. The next morning he was still alive. Obviously I need to know the brand name of this mouthwash. The one I bought was from Dollar General. Brand name

Re: CSfleas and ticks OT -- for Sharon

2005-07-21 Thread starshar
From: Ode Coyote ...and when they get hot enough, they can fly. BTW Fleas and ticks can't take fast drops in air pressure. You and your puppy can. Take them flying. Me'n'ManicDog heading for the roof.. Another EO just popped into my head,

Re: CSfleas and ticks OT -- for Sharon

2005-07-20 Thread starshar
From: Bruce Anderson Hi Sharon; Would you mind shareing the ratio of EO to water? Deer ticks are especially bad this year (lots of rain). A friend went berry picking, looked down, feet and legs were black with them. Hi Bruce, This is a totally unscientific method

Re: CSfleas and ticks OT -- for Sharon

2005-07-20 Thread starshar
I love both the simplicity and ingenuity of this one! There's that mint factor again, too. I don't know why the mouthwash couldn't be misted around the body, though I guess it wouldn't be as potent as straight EOs. Sharon From: Acmeair did a search on ticks and fleas,

Re: CSfleas and ticks OT

2005-07-19 Thread starshar
From: sol I still prefer lavender essential oil. It doesn't have the photosensitizing effect of lemon essential oil. Of the citrus oils, I believe grapefruit oil is the only non-photosensitizing one. Eucalyptus oil can be very irritating to the skin. Eucalyptus

Re: CSHELP!!!!!

2005-07-13 Thread starshar
From: using Adele Davis/R. Shulze/ Wallace emergency protocols. Does anyone have any advice? Yes -- take magnesium tablets -- large quantity at first, dropping quantity gradually. The magnesium softens the stones so that they can pass painlessly. My Mom did this at the

Re: CSfleas and ticks OT

2005-06-14 Thread starshar
I had just filed these articles a few weeks ago, so here's more grist for all your tick mills! Sharon Safe and Effective Tick Spray - Formula Inspired by Better Basics for the Home, by Annie B. Bond (Three Rivers Press, 1999).


2005-05-23 Thread starshar
this is a GREAT question and answer piece about CODEX. Please post this attachementon your websites and pass on to patients, family and friends. Thank you. Sherri Codex Questions© 1.) What's the difference between the EU Food Supplements Directive and Codex? EFSD is the regulatory body of

Re: CSOh my feet

2005-05-06 Thread starshar
A. It's got to be the natural A, not palmitate. Sharon -Original Message- From: starshar [] . A web search should bring up the connection between the dry, cracked skin on the feet and the need for high dose Vitamin A. Another clue for this need

Re: CSOh my feet

2005-05-05 Thread starshar
Hi Lori, The one thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet is the classic deficiency of Vitamin A which manifests exactly as you describe. Perhaps because of the Vit A 'scare' a few years ago, where everyone was told that no more than 10,000 IUs were needed or safe, and pregnant women were told

Re: CSuti

2005-05-03 Thread starshar
From: I am working on vitamin C, but have considerable trouble finding one I am not allergic to, and does not cause unpleasant reaction due to the acidity. One person on the list suggested taking 30,000 units of C to knock out a UTI in one day. I am still buying different


2005-04-17 Thread starshar
From: Deborah Gerard I am totally stumpedabout four years ago I had an awful bout with IBS and after a strict diet, Nystatin, Zyfulcan...and teeth redone it went awaywell now it is back and my biggest problem is being kept awake at night with which feels like

Re: CSphantom pains and their remolval

2005-04-13 Thread starshar
Marshalee, There are two amazingly effective devices that will absolutely get the lymph moving, and according to about a zillion reports, cure all kinds of ailments. They are a rebounder and/or a Chi Machine. A quality rebounder would cost in the neighborhood of $200, the junk at Walmart et

Re: CSre:eye washers??

2005-04-11 Thread starshar
I just (last week) bought a brand new old fashion glass eyecup from either my local CVS or supermarket, can't remember which. I did do one of those almost fall overs when I found it! Keep looking, you never know what may show up Sharon From: David S Osborne could be??

Re: CSWarning for LV CS

2005-03-28 Thread starshar
From: sol I have always wondered what the heck the mechanism for the two different outcomes of a big bump could possibly be other than a strictly mental control over the bruising process. Unless it is the rubbing of the sore spot, vs not rubbing it? It's late and

Re: CSLooking back...

2005-03-26 Thread starshar
, Mike! Sharon/starshar -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive:

Re: CSHELP PLEASE Sinus Infection

2005-02-23 Thread starshar
A big thank you, Louise, for the time you took to put these resources on the list! Due to a hard drive reformat, I had lost all my bookmarks. You just replaced most of my homeopathic sites. CS listers are very fine people! Sharon From: Louise For a lot of the

Re: CStype of silver

2005-02-21 Thread starshar
From: Betsy Coffey does anyone know the effectiveness or safety about a product that I keep hearing about ? It is a type of collodial silver and the web site is One click and I recognized product names from the old Kaire International, a multilevel

Re: CSjust some other options for fatty acid supplementation

2005-02-17 Thread starshar
From: Betsy Coffey Emu oil and hemp. I just got the Herbal Healer newsletter in my email. She is now carrying Emu Oil and posted this lengthy description of what it does: (Disclaimer--I have nothing to do with this product/company!) Sharon

Re: CSHelp with...

2005-01-29 Thread starshar
Hi James, I hope by now you are feeling a bit more comfortable. Following the pc so necessary these days, I can tell you what I would do if I were in your shoes. I'd find a nearby practitioner who carries the Standard Process line of products and I'd get a couple of bottles of their

Re: CS)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

2005-01-28 Thread starshar
Hi Brooks, Thank you for posting this wonderful idea. I would be very interested in further information on the care and cultivation, not to mention a home processing method to achieve the greatest amount of benefit. I have a feeling that I might have some long forgotten book around here that

CSHere's a new one (to me)

2005-01-18 Thread starshar
I pulled this out of a longer email posted to a general type health list. The writer talked about her results with CS in glowing terms, then the following lines about muscle wasting jumped out at me. any comments on this claim? Sharon If you are going to be on it CS long term you should

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