this academic year, or
indeed, if I will have many in my teaching career, but it's those moments I
will strive for. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
Gee Michael I am impressed to what lengths you will go for science.
Take a chum with you ;-)
Gary Peterson
> I am toying with the idea of conducting experiments in shark infested
> waters in the Daytona Beach area.My plan will be to go into the water
> and s
o. Have
a good spring/summer! Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
> Off the wire ...
> The Wall Street Journal
> Seeing the Future
> Loews Coro
covered. An upper level class may find it fun to go through Theodore Schick
and Lewis Vaughn's "How to think about wierd things" 1995 from Mayfield
publishing. Just some quick thoughts. If you need isbns just drop me a
note. Gary Peterson
Is suppression the same as repression? Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
> Dark thoughts
> Freud may have been right: people can su
Usually, "Ouch.Who said that"??
> Hi,
> Can anyone help me field this question: When patients with visual
> neglect experience pain on the unattended side of the body (say, a hard
> pinch on the unattended arm), how do they typically respond?
> Thanks!
> -- Dr. Mic
. Are apa journals or different areas more guilty than
Anyway, I am finding this to be a useful assignment, and thought
tipsters might find it useful or have similar ideas for exercises along
these lines. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of
ivations for such
study and, frankly, be curious as to such interestsbut then I'd wish her
the best. (yes, I would sigh a lot ;-)
Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
that can be more successful by offering less substance and more of what our
students want: hugs, good grades, and a job. With positive spirit, Gary
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
ith psychology (I am being facetious? ;-)Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
Enjoyed the url. Who said good scientific reporting should
exemplify tentativeness and humility? I am sure the popular book on this
would sell ha. Gary Peterson
- Original Message -
From: "George Hammond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jim Matiya" <[E
ts utility beyond particular
individuals. This argument and the problems with it are not far from the
(to me) silly treatment of so-called "state-specific" sciences popularized
by C. Tart in the sixties. It is underlying a lot of claptrap in many areas
of pseudoscience from paranormal resear
`Now that's confidence! Gives new meaning to "curve buster."
Gary Peterson
> My wife--a superlative student (I say with absolutely no bias)--used to
> march
> into class with nothing but a pencil in her hand, . It wasn't long before
she bec
would there be? Let us know what you find out. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
have other things coming:
Homework assignments, class quizzes, class participation points, more exams.
I never curve, but if I had 4 or more exams, I might consider dropping the
lowest or making it worth less. Hopefully, the straight talk, resources,
and encouragement will allow their performance
ation during
pregancy? Gary Peterson
: Re: Developmental Question
> Jean et al,
> Is the word sleep appropriate when discussing life in utero? Anyway, I
> somewhere (source amnesia) that a human fetus is in REM 100% of the time
> prior to birth.
> This makes sense bec
again to "give
psychology away." Neural network be praised, Gary Peterson
- Original Message -
From: "Jim Guinee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:31 AM
Subject: New brain scan findings
> Reading Your Mind
l research
requiring test ticklesexcept on tips. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
Linda, I am leary of some of this "giving psychology away" movement, but
of course, find it easy and valuable to share with students some ways of
thinking about psychology's relevance to their lives. Ways of evaluating
information as consumers can be tied to work on judgment and
, vivid graphics, etc. Just an old fogey remembering some cool slide
presentations with audio in the seventies, wheeze, puff Gary Peterson
-Original Message-
From: G. Marc Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I felt guilty about not having something at hand to recommend to new
faculty when Chuck Huff made his request for readings. I would suggest:
Sacks, P. (1996). Generation X goes to college. Chicago, ILL: Open Court.
Gary Peterson
rofessor still share---indeed, have inculcated
educational values that counter the above assessment? We may hope. Sorry
my reading this week is less useful to the new faculty member, but I like
the idea of such support for the new faculty and would also be interested in
readings for them. Gary
made possible
by the lived body? She seems to create a needless separation--very
Cartesian of her--but it is an illusory perception of inside and outside.
What we experience as outside does not mean that it is outside...this is the
problem many a clinoid therapist has learned painfully. Gary Pet
Jeff wrote:
In many cases, we are told to trust the verbal reports of such
>experiences ("why would these people lie about such an important
>thing?"); and again often are dismissed as extreme if we don't accept
>the report as evidence for the claim.
I can only share some thoughts base
ion and their psych/practice skills and intuitions,
but it may be rarer to find some working to resolve such issues. Back to
grading finals, Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
). Just wonderin' Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
don't find most matching to be too challenging---I am sure they can be
tho. For example, if concepts are matched to function, purpose, or
applications? Just some thoughts before finals Dr Nance. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
onded with some
blabber about what we teach in methods classes, but his question did promote
some thinking about how we present the idea of replication and how it's
practiced in our journals. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Val
be ;-) with chapter
headings matching the typical Intro Psych text, but also coverage of psychic
Gary Peterson
As we get older, let's try to fall for less and stand for more.
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
uch issues with reference to ideas about what it means to be a student,
critical thinking, reasoning fallacies, or similar topics. Gary Peterson
>> I hope this useful. Oh, read those first few chapters of Daniel. Your
>> student's understanding of what Daniel is all about
on "basking in reflected glory." Suddenly we are all Spartans around
here---when they win. See also the power of hindsight ;-) Suddenly, our
red jerseyed (Cardinal) campus is awash in green (Spartan) color. Gary
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Departmen
Any other ideas as to the
possible value of Lykken's idea of "emergenesis"? Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
-Original Message-
From: Stephen B
lso think these issues
make for interesting class discussion about the history of the
scientist-practitioner model as well as the role of traditional shaman,
witchdoctors, and healers in contemporary and so-called, traditional
cultures (See Torrey, 1986).Gary Peterson
Barzun, J. (1983). A stro
Tipsters: I am interested in compiling a list of sites useful to psych
students interested in grad school as well as those who might want to
explore related fields. If you have some sites that you or your students
have found particularly valuable, drop me a note or post it. Here are some
Tipsters: I know some of you were more enamored of the meme idea than
I, so here is a critical (but of course, I agree ;-) perspective from Martin
Gardner reviewing Susan Blackmore's book The Meme Machine in the LA times.
Gary Peterson
outside the purvue of the class).
In my own view, content (which may includes skills and process) should be a
priority at the college level. Class climate and good relations with the
class can come about in many ways. Again, thanks for the stimulating post.
Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson,
lve the class in
fun arousal, but not promote learning of the difficult concept behind the
exercise. Any other ideas on such?Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
are E. Cardena,
S.J. Lynn, and Stanley Krippner and you can find it at the apa web site. I
just ordered a copy, as I am interested in such things, and of course our
students are too. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State Univer
earch efforts and the pop-claims put forth regarding
so-called psi.Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
in their heads,
and some even become psych teachers who revel in the draft between their
ears.Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
-Original Messag
habits and hobbies. I use the cards in a variety of ways, but most commonly
arrange groups with play money, tokens and have them play thru as many cards
as possible. It's a nice break from lecture. For ex: Who wrote 2192
rhyming couplets on the sex lives of plants? Cheers, Gar
tarot cards? ;-)Just wonderin'..... Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
I think Don McCready (sp) who was on NPR opposite Kaufman, did mention
that many don't see it. I also haven't been able to experience it, but
there must be something wrong with the moon-illusion mechanism in my brain
;-)Gary Peterson
-Original Message-
From: Bob Keef
Yes, I saw this in the paper also. Is there something new about
this? I thought this was one of the standard explanations--quite a few
years old. Perhaps some S&P folks can enlighten us as to what's new about
this?Is it really considered the most efficient explanatio
of ideas, Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
nces in psychological science during the last 100 years? Is the
contribution/popularity of cognitive-behavioral therapy solely based on
scientific knowledge? I am sure we can think of something more
constructive than parapsychology, the new "positive psychology,"
psychoanalysis, etc.? Reg
when predictions of doom are false...then you can get in to the
classic Festinger work and even have them explore web sites about this
issue. These are a few of my favorite "surprising" areas in social psych.
Gary Peterson
Saginaw Valley State Univ.
This leads to my question f
. As many
tipsters noted, the books involve reliable story lines and themes that kids
can easily relate to. I don't find the fantasies too dark or horrific, but
fun and engaging. The books might be useful for discussion about fiction,
pop culture, etc., in any number of psych classes.
not necessary. Labeling per se, does not produce an emotional state--as
some texts decree, but rather constitute part of the misattribution process.
Well, of course... Thanks, Gary Peterson
Reisenzein, R. (1983). The Schachter theory of emotion: Two decades
later. __Psychological
mistaken, I thought the role of contextually induced attribution for the
arousal was established. Anyone with more recent references? I want to
update my coverage of this classic next semester. Thanks for any info.
Searchingly, Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
line. If she persists, then take school action that hopefully is spelled
out in some institutional procedure. Don't immediately take a
confrontational stance, but rather one of concern over her work and
performance in the class. Just some thoughts, Gary Peterson
>Hi folks,
I won't be teaching General Psych for a
while. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
Coover, J. E. (1993). The feeling of being stared a
Gerbner, G. (1987). Science on television: How it affects public
conceptions. __Issues in Science and Technology,__ 3(spring), 109-115.
Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
The Mozart effect may be featured on the Fox Family channel tues
nite--the show is Exploring the Unknown and the producer tries to present
some scientific skepticism about paranormal issues. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley
and reality. __Skeptical Inquirer,__
20(5), 57-59.
Peterson, G. L. (1998). The debasement of reason and realism in the
Academy. Presentation at Michigan Academy of Arts, Science, and Letters.
March 27, Alma College.
Gary Peterson
Jeff Ricker wrote:
>I suppose this increase in popular
n education are trying to find ways to encourage critical
thinking. I have put Harry Potter on my reading list and will check them
out for myself. Has anyone else heard of them, or had discussions about the
books? Ask your Wiccan students? You can find some reviews at
of course.
lving? Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
eria by which such correctness can be judged; such as the
>fit with more basic principles, the development of testable predictions
>are supported, integration/explanation of new findings, etc.
>don't usually confuse Event theory with Construct theory. Psych
t or separation-individuation ideas, or
infusion of other cultural perspectives on so-called "object-relations"
views of child personality? Just beginning my search for a broader view...
Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley St
Yes, I also thought it was good for a laugh. Gary Peterson
-Original Message-
From: Jim Guinee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 3:05 PM
Subject: freud freud freud
>I was curious what others
the later assessment approaches--such as projective tests and qualitative
forms of assessment. I felt I had a better foundation on which to build and
compare these other forms of assessment. just a few memories, Gary
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
his request--at least I do not believe there is a problem with it. I posted
my reply to Jim's post merely as a comment on our own reliance on
note-taking, not to cast aspersions on Jim for making a simple request.
Sorry Jim!Now, how about that problem in East Timor? Gary Peterso
I was thinking, I could get Zimbardo's notes for General--just assign
the students to use his notes and I would come to class for
discussion/demos, and assessment. Of course, some profs would still have to
lecture so that students could get their notes, but since people don't think
much of le
We should have hired note-takers to distribute his presentation to TIPS.
Gary Peterson
-Original Message-
From: Jim Matiya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: High School list serve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; tips
Cc: Kent Korek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; [
Title: Touch and aggression
covered her difficult-to-refutetheories that massaging (touch therapy)
premature infants translates into a 40%weight gain. But her most
provocative (to me) point was a tantalizing suggestionthat Americans
have more violence in our culture b
Interesting news piece. Just think what they would do with Anna O? Or
is that already being done? re: the mpd hindsight analyses? Was deja vu
ever a "sign" of mpd? Ws dja vu evr a "sin" of mpd? Have a fun weekend,
Gary Peterson
G. Peterson, Gerald Peterson, Gary Pet
llusion by
which to live? Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
human authority" (See Hooykaas, 1972; Merton, 1938 cited in Myers,
1998, P. 13). Religious institutions today, seldom express such a view.
Cheers, Gary Peterson
Hooykaas, R. (1972). __Religion and the rise of modern science.__ Grand
Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
Merton, R. K. (1938). (1938; r
Witch project and a lecture on creationism see, and .
Well, I am really just interested in a source for S & P
equipment/materials/software. Thanks, Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 4
the presentation of "theories" in class?Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
Paul Brandon wrote:
>Definitions from Merriam-Webst
AAgh! Sorry about that incomplete post. I was interested in whether anyone
who uses movies in class would find the Blair Witch Project useful. I was
not impressed with the movie, but students have told me I should use it in
class. Perhaps it would be useful in a discussion of fear and the
Anyone find the Blair Witch project useful for class? I
e far more
attuned to such discussions than I. Gary Peterson
Some references I have found thought-provoking on such issues:
Becker, E. (1973). __The denial of death.__New York: Free Press.
Berger, P. L. (1967). __The sacred canopy: Elements of a sociological
theory of religion.__Garden
It's been an adventure. Just finished my spring class on the paranormal and
will now go to see Mickey and Minnie and maybe Mikey in Florida---now that's
paranormal! Thanks for cool tips and even the threads during the year! Gary
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psycholog
xity (which
is at the heart of scientific inquiry) enhances rather than detracts from
that wonder.
I don't consider intuition and the misattributions it may give rise to,
as inherent nonsense howeverthere is a lot of psychology to study there.
Gary Peterson
Intuition does not sa
In response to Jeff's post about the art of psych practice: I was not
trying to indicate or imply some celebration of the vagueries of clinical
judgment and intuition. (I would include teachers' judgments too ha) I agree
with Dawes' position about that. I was using the term art in a more gen
Jim wrote:
>I do _not_ in the slightest find it unfortunate that students
>want to learn about themselves and work in professional arenas.
>There is little point in developing a scientific understanding of
>human behavior and experience if that knowledge does not get
>transmitted to people w
Yes, for me it was that Jesus-Mary-Joseph nite light that was supposed
to be protective, but I guess it led to my nearsightedness and an early
curiosity about visual illusions (e.g.,autokinetic effect). ;-) Gary
-Original Message-
From: Miguel Roig <[EMAIL PROTEC
al science, leads to disparaging
attitudes/stereotypes of our field. H Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
>Educational Psychologist--Assistant Professor
>(Available Jan. 2000 or Fall 2000)
>The Department of Psychology at Saginaw Valley State University
>invites applications for a new tenure-track position in the area of
>Educational Psychology. Qualitative research techniques, De
in chem, biology, physics. Does anybody have some ideas on
this before I start my library search? Problem is, are any of these texts
respectful of psychology as science, or will they just perpetuate the lack
of dialogue with our science colleagues? Hmmm.Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L
doubt. Does anyone have an idea as to the possible source? I checked
Varieties and Principles, but it was probably in a collection of his
letters. Thanks for any help/info. Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
develop a final oral/ or poster presentation
of this paper, but I find the papers really lack insight. Perhaps, a
different kind of paper? Any ideas appreciated, Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center,
quot; It would be
interesting to find socio-historical research on the changes in social
support and grief work from the 1920's to now, and the problems in providing
support then and now. (Possible paper in Abnormal or History classes?)
Getting my red/black ink pens ready for finals week
line---in red ink of course ;-)Gary
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
Thanks Jeff, for the phantom smell article. I wonder if there are ways
to induce phantom sensory experiences for classroom demos. I discuss the
power of suggestion, set, and expectation and of course, these can be used
to create illusory sensations, but I wonder if there are not other possib
I teach a Personality Lab and Social psych lab. I look for projects
that will enable the students to learn about the methodological approaches
in these areas while demonstrating classic principles. I have no difficulty
finding projects in the Social Psych lab, but am looking for ideas in the
Is anyone aware of a reasoned critique of the self-growth/actualization
ideas (Maslow, Jung, Rogers) from a cross-cultural perspective? Gary
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
ve ways to handle the
advisement of your students.Regards, Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
>Kristina and TIPSters,
>I'd be interested
don't have refs handy but had thought that it had demonstrated superiority
over psychoanalysis? Gary Peterson
Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
> The
years I am sure you will find yourself developing a style and type
of letter that best represents the accomplishments and goals of your
students. Best wishes, Gary Peterson
Saginaw Valley State University
>As a beginning faculty, I have already been asked to writ
The tips archives probably has loads of other topics that tipsters
felt needed debunking or de-mythologizing, so I won't vent any further ;-)
Gerald L. (Gary) Peterson
Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710
Phone: 517-790
I would second Bob Wildblood's choice of the Muchinsky text. I have
used that and supplemented it with material from business texts on
Management when I taught the class. Gary Peterson
-Original Message-
From: G. Marc Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
dated with various
psycho-social analyses of the telatubbies, so I thought I would brainstorm a
few. There probably are some interesting class discussion topics in all of
this, but I think I will just lie down a while ;-) What class is this? Is
the weekend here yet? Gary Peterson
mind, etc., implied dynamic, on-going processes more in keeping with what we
may learn from neuro, but it is fascinating to see how our language efforts
promote static images of such ideas. Again, I think students might benefit
from such discussion of the treatment of these concepts. Gary
construction, mind and mental, etc. It is easy for the reader as
well as the author of such arguments to get confused when terms are not
clear nor used consistently. See new-age gurus such as Deepak Chopra, but
also other pop writers. Gary Peterson
Saginaw Valley State
-Original Message
now I don't know which might be the better explanation. I
better turn my purifier up and get ready for class.
>Guess I am not ready for the mature teaching list yet, sorry. Gary
> Gerald L. (Gary) Peterson,Ph.D.
> Professor and Beleagered Chair
> Department of Psychology
> Saginaw Valley State University
97 matches
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