RE: [U2] UV Funny

2005-09-15 Thread Brian Leach
Look in the uv account at BP ED.B. Around line 270 it has: * E2835 UPCASE if casing is insensitive IF ECFLAG THEN SENT = UPCASE(SENT) It is one of a number of bugs regarding sentence casing I've found.. Try using the DELETE command on an item in a lower case file name. Brian

RE: [U2] Unusual problem w/Dynamic Connect 'speed'

2005-09-14 Thread Brian Leach
On the plus side, given current hardware costs a decent twin Xeon server probably costs about the same as that old terminal beastie ... Brian Oh for the glory days of a simple terminal for every user... (just kidding, for me I want a quad processor Opteron machine with lots of memory!)

RE: [U2] Limiting MV's in a list statement

2005-08-10 Thread Brian Leach
Bob, You need to use the WHEN connective in your LIST statement. WITH connectives (LIST file WITH expression) will select any record in which ANY value matches the criteria and return the entire set of values. This makes sense for most cases, e.g. I want to match an address without knowing which

RE: [U2] UVSH from another machine

2005-08-01 Thread Brian Leach
Andy If I understand this right, you are trying to end up running a uvsh executable on one machine on a UniVerse account on another machine. Bad idea: no least because of the locking issues. You might be better off to write a small VB Script to instantiate a UniObjects connection to the remote

RE: [U2] Trigger creation

2005-08-01 Thread Brian Leach
Tom Yes you can. For the complete syntax, type HELP SQL CREATE TRIGGER at TCL. This gives the argument list for the trigger subroutine. I seem to recall that if you are going to access the file from various accounts, the trigger subroutine needs to be globally cataloged. Brian

RE: [U2] Open Excel and Import a file or execute a command from a local PC

2005-07-28 Thread Brian Leach
Ralph, 1. There are some reporting tools that will do this: mvQuery for one. 2. If you are using UniVerse 10, you can generate XML out of RetrieVe and SQL. Take a look at the TOXML ATTRIBUTES syntax. This goes to screen, but you can divert this to file using a paragraph to do a DIVERT.OUT ON

RE: [U2] Bad Address for Breakpoint in Debugger

2005-07-28 Thread Brian Leach
Any include files that would confuse the debuggers line numbering? Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 28 July 2005 16:21 To: u2-Users Subject: [U2] Bad Address for Breakpoint in Debugger Hi all,

[U2] Win2003 Serial Printers

2005-07-27 Thread Brian Leach
All, One of my UniVerse clients is changing over from UNIX to Windows. They currently have a number of serial printers attached to their UNIX box using Xylogic Annex terminal servers. Since these are as old as the hills and not supported on Win2003, can anyone recommend a suitable replacement?

RE: [U2] UVODBC procedure call from VBScript

2005-07-27 Thread Brian Leach
Dave: AFAIR this is documented in the less-than-obvious location of the UCI Guide. Here is a quick example using local UniVerse SQL in a subroutine as a stored procedure. I've used this with OleDB though not with ODBC, using the SQL CALL statement. NOTE that if you are using ODBC, I've found

RE: [U2] UVODBC procedure call from VBScript

2005-07-27 Thread Brian Leach
Ok, Try the following. This works for me, all other routes seem to fall over :-( - Use a ? to substitute for each subroutine argument - Create an ADODB parameter for each argument - Set the value of the ADODB parameter - Append that parameter to the command Parameters collection NOTE: Using the

RE: [U2] Win2003 Serial Printers

2005-07-27 Thread Brian Leach
Thanks for all the responses, I'll pass these on to the client. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach Sent: 27 July 2005 14:21 To: Subject: [U2] Win2003 Serial Printers All, One

RE: [U2] DATABASE write problem

2005-07-20 Thread Brian Leach
Anmol, Are both of the processes UniVerse processes, or is one of them an external process (script, executable etc.)? If the latter, some contention at the OS level is probably inevitable, with the other (non-UV) process having the file open. Whenever I have had that combination, I always use a

RE: [U2] dll File (u2libeay32.dll)

2005-07-19 Thread Brian Leach
Bjorn, A quick look with Dependency Walker shows it is exporting a set of functions for SSL, RSA encryption and certificate (X509) services. So I guess it is part of the UniVerse SSL support. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of

RE: [U2] [UV] Select Question

2005-07-14 Thread Brian Leach
The first syntax is used to ensure isolation of select lists. It is a good practice to get into, in case someone later on modifies the code processing whatever you are handling in your selection, especially if that processing involves calling an external subroutine. Personally I prefer to use


2005-07-14 Thread Brian Leach
Andy, How do you start their uv processes? If you are starting the uv process from e.g. a .profile or .login script, remember that you need to 'exec' uv to overlay the current process or it will create a subprocess to run UniVerse. In which case, the autologout will simply be returning them to

RE: [U2] THE variable names

2005-07-13 Thread Brian Leach
The oldest universe manual I have is dated from Spring1983 and is Yeah yeah, SOMEBODY had to go look ... grin Can we throw the inevitable my manuals are older/wiser/more dog-eared/obsolete than yours discussions over to the community list? Brian Walking on hind legs? That'll never catch on

RE: [U2] Voc pointer not working (fwd)

2005-07-11 Thread Brian Leach
Marilyn Hilb wrote: The trigger here seems to be files that have I_ folders on them, Index Map?. As Karl stated, the index file location is hard coded into the file header. You can amend this using the SET.INDEX command. This can either reset the index path to the local location OR clear

RE: [U2] Transferring UniVerse accounts from Windows to UNIX

2005-07-09 Thread Brian Leach
Paul, 1. Work out whether you are A. using global or reality style cataloging anywhere. B. intend to recompile/recatalog all your programs on the target platform. If A) make a mental note to safe off the catdir directory under the uv directory. If B) make sure you know which files to

RE: [U2] spool images going to word documents

2005-07-04 Thread Brian Leach
Bob, Insert br between each line. Brian I suspect that I need to pass a line feed of some sort into word but the usual char(10) and char(13) do not do the trick Has anyone seen this before and found a fix ? Many thanks Bob --- u2-users mailing list

RE: [U2] Re: U2 Users Digest V1 #718

2005-07-01 Thread Brian Leach
I have found Virtual PC to be one of the most useful offerings to have come out from Microsoft. And another thing they bought rather than developed. I remember I was trying to get the go ahead to pay to upgrade our versions, when MS bought it and added it to the MSDN subscription. So thanks

RE: [U2] Field Count from a Seq File

2005-06-21 Thread Brian Leach
James, Without knowing why you don't want to loop through it, these may or may not be helpful: 1. OpenSeq the file, get the size of it from a Status statement and ReadBlk the entire file in one go, depending on size of course. Then you can DCount. 2. Ditto, but loop through - not a line at a

RE: [U2] [UV] Disable UniObjects Access

2005-06-20 Thread Brian Leach
Does anyone know what the various services listed correspond to? uvcs - UniObjects (UniVerse) udcs - UniObjects (UniData) defcs - UniObjects default if the database type is not specified in your connection details. Brian --- u2-users mailing list To unsubscribe

RE: [U2] Use of FAST utility in Universe

2005-06-20 Thread Brian Leach
Shuchi Type 1 and 19 files are operating system directories. How are they damaged? Missing .Type1 entry? File names stored without mangling? These may need to be repaired at the OS level. Which OS are you using? Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: [U2] How to release locks (LIST.READU)

2005-06-15 Thread Brian Leach
Hi, The LIST.LOCKS command lists tasks synchronization locks. The LIST.READU command lists record and group locks. To release record and group locks you need the UNLOCK command. This is (normally) only available in the uv account, and has various options for unlocking different sets of

RE: [U2] [UV] Help with @RECORD

2005-06-14 Thread Brian Leach
Barry, @Record is primarily designed for interfacing with the query processor. As each record is processed, the id is written to @ID and the record body to @RECORD. You can then use these directly in I Descriptors when accessing specific functionality: E.g. MyPartKey 1 I Get the first two parts

RE: [U2] Best practice for Sequential IDs using TRANSACTION START COMMIT/RO...

2005-06-14 Thread Brian Leach
-Original Message- Subject: RE: [U2] Best practice for Sequential IDs using TRANSACTION START COMMIT/RO... Come on, people. A request was made for options... Okay so here goes: Write a service application (e.g. Windows service app) in Delphi that maintains a table of sequence

RE: [U2] Source code question

2005-06-06 Thread Brian Leach
Someone already mentioned the issue of TIME() which also impacts things like SLEEP and RQM and NAP. This is tuneable in the UniVerse config. As long as you stick to working in whole seconds - which always used to be the default - this should be fine. I'd also wonder about

RE: [U2] Uniobjects hack

2005-05-26 Thread Brian Leach
Just because this is a wider problem doesn't mean that UO shouldn't be called on it. So how would you go about it? UO is a tool for developers. As such, it's strength is that it is able to do anything a developer needs it to do. It is clean client/server middleware and so it can't launch a

RE: [U2] UV PE for Windows

2005-05-24 Thread Brian Leach
Mary, If you log into UV PE on Windows as an Administrator user, it will ask you for the directory to which to connect. If you specify a directory that is not yet a UniVerse account, it will further prompt you to set it up. Much quicker than using UniAdmin. Regards, Brian -Original

RE: [U2] Include Vs Call - Software Maintenance

2005-05-19 Thread Brian Leach
One nice advantage of functions, is that they must fit the DEFFUN. Which means that the compiler can check typos and that the correct number of arguments are supplied - unlike a CALL which is only resolved at run time. If you have finger trouble, that can add a little more certainty grin Brian

RE: [U2] Dymanic vs Dimensioned

2005-05-18 Thread Brian Leach
Oh dear, I feel the flood gates opening... Please resist. grin Brian Binary? Luxury. We couldn't afford ones AND zeros. Gyle, 64KB? ROTFLMAO! The first Microdata machine I worked on had 16KB, and ran a medical billing service bureau. It had 1 50MB disk drive and ran as slow as

RE: [U2] Questions about addRequestParameter

2005-05-17 Thread Brian Leach
Bruce, Am I right in thinking that you are consuming a web service here? You say the response is in XML. If so, check out whether your version of UniData supports the newer SOAP calling (SOAPCreateRequest etc) routines (I only have UniVerse here so I can't check). These might be more

RE: [U2] I'm in an Array quandry, any suggestions...

2005-05-12 Thread Brian Leach
George, It really matters what flavor you're running. If you run a flavor that puts the overspill in element zero, you may be ok. If you run a flavor that puts the overspill into the last element, that might mess up any accesses to that element in the existing code. Brian -Original

RE: [U2] Validating an email adress

2005-05-03 Thread Brian Leach
Claus, Since the MATCH operator handles alphas OR numerics and not both, this is the closest I can get using a pattern match: GoodEmail = ( Convert(_.1234567890,,Email) Matches 1A0A'@'1A0A) Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

RE: [U2] Unidata Permissions

2005-05-02 Thread Brian Leach
John, You cannot really restrict access to individual fields within a file other than at the dictionary (enquiry) level. What you can do, is to: create a new account create local dictionary files in that account (using the same names as the live files you need) copy the live dictionary

RE: [U2]

2005-04-27 Thread Brian Leach
Seems to work... Mind you I still recommend writing code in subroutines first and then calling it, rather than using the other objects, other than for smaller uses. It is so much easier to QA as you can test the routines on the server first, write test scripts and see any error messages

RE: [U2] ODBC text field

2005-04-27 Thread Brian Leach
Graham I'm assuming that you mean to return the multivalued field as a single valued text field. If your are on UniVerse (you don't say) try the following ITYPE expression: CONVERT(@VM:@SVM, , OCONV(@RECORDn,MCP)) Where 'n' is the field number of the field to return. Also make sure field 6

RE: [U2]

2005-04-27 Thread Brian Leach
George, You just use a command with a selectlist, sort of as you would at TCL. The UniSession CreateUniSelectList provides access to the regular numbered select lists. For example, assuming Sess is a UniSession: Dim ACmd As UniCommand Dim ASelect As UniSelectList Dim T As

RE: [U2] [UV] Version Control

2005-04-14 Thread Brian Leach
catalog items: * Version Stamp * - VERDATA='' VERDATA := 'Version=001001009;' VERDATA := 'VerDate=12345;' VERDATA := 'VerProd=TOOLS;' VERDATA := 'VerCopy=Copyright Brian Leach Consulting Limited;' VERDATA := 'VerCo=Brian Leach Consulting Limited;' VERDATA := 'VerDesc=Description

[U2] RedBack Training

2005-03-30 Thread Brian Leach
I'm cross-posting this for a member of the rbsolutions list. Thanks.. Brian Can you tell me where I can find RedBack training? I am a Universe Basic programmer and very well versed with it for the past 20 years. I am in the New York area and have an open availability. Thanks, John

RE: [U2] Two Questions

2005-03-14 Thread Brian Leach
Cesar, 1. Yes, you can use either: A. The BCI (Basic Calling Interface) to open an ODBC connection to SQL Server from within UniVerse BASIC. B. You can use SELECT ... TOXML ELEMENTS statements to generate XML using UniVerse SQL if you want to move static data. C. You can write a program on

RE: [U2] [UV] Web Services for Dummies

2005-03-14 Thread Brian Leach
-Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cooper, Rudy Sent: 11 March 2005 21:00 To: Subject: [U2] [UV] Web Services for Dummies Has anyone developed a web service for Universe ? Yes, I used Delphi to create

RE: [U2] Include Equate record Errors Compiler

2005-03-14 Thread Brian Leach
Dave, Just a thought - what are you using to edit the INCLUDE source? It is possible that the last line of the file does not end in a CRLF or LF (depending on the OS). I've seen that cause similar problems. If that is the case, go into each include in ED and FILE it. Brian -Original

RE: [U2] Using an I descriptor in a UniBasic program

2005-03-02 Thread Brian Leach
Let me add that dictionaries should be under source control. Definitely. And worth a couple of tips: 1. Script the dictionaries I write little scripts that contain file definitions in a source-like form, for example: BEGIN TABLE PARTS SUBJECT Parts List FIELD DESCRIPTION FNO 1 LEN 20

RE: [U2] U2 to web software

2005-02-25 Thread Brian Leach
George, I'm just going by experience here: I've written various web stuff at various times, and found CGI versions to be slow on turnaround time - individual requests complete quickly but the overheads mount up quickly as the number of requests grow until it becomes noticeable. Of course, I'm

RE: [U2] U2 to web software

2005-02-21 Thread Brian Leach
Will, What I'm still a little fuzzy about is, say I'm already using .asp to connect to and extract a response from my U2 database. What does a product like Redback do for me extra? Why would I need it? Thanks Will Let's start from the basics. Apologies as you will know this already

RE: [U2] Redback Startup

2005-02-18 Thread Brian Leach
John As with all things it depends on your existing knowledge! As a minimum you will need to know: Database programming (UniBasic or UniVerse Basic) HTML Active Server Pages VBScript You will also need to be confident designing and building web sites. RedBack is an enabling tool, not a site

RE: [U2] Memory cannot be written to

2005-02-05 Thread Brian Leach
Graham, It means a process is trying to access memory outside its process space: ususally an uninitialized pointer or an object reference to an object that has been destroyed. This generally points to an incompatibility with system DLLs, COM sub-system or some equally painful-to-find problem ...

RE: [U2] [AD] UniBasic Program with arguments

2005-02-03 Thread Brian Leach
Mats, Clever but not quite there... That would only work if the subroutine used arg 1 as a return argument. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mats Carlid Sent: 03 February 2005 10:22 To: Subject:

RE: [U2] UV 10.1.2 bug

2005-01-18 Thread Brian Leach
Sounds like the kind of thing that would happen if the file had a lot of overflow. Or a very badly designed index, or trigger. Any of those possible? Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, January

RE: [U2] [UV] xml and socket functions

2005-01-18 Thread Brian Leach
They are in the UniVerse Basic Extensions manual in the online PDF documentation. Blink and you'll miss it. IBM have been a lot better at adding new facilities to UniVerse than they have been at telling anybody they are there. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [U2] Passing parameters to a paragraph?

2005-01-13 Thread Brian Leach
Wendy, The inline prompt format is: Cn,Prompt Or In,Prompt Where n is the number of the argument on the command line (arg 1 being the verb). C will read from the command line or substitute an empty string if the value is not there. I will read from the command line or prompt if the value is not

RE: [U2] UV Pre-printed forms

2005-01-05 Thread Brian Leach
I did something similar for one of my clients. Again this used RTF with merge fields, then had a VB program sitting on a PC spooling documents by controlling Word as an automation source. The program used a UniObjects connection to poll for new documents to print and for the name of the

RE: [U2] Where Will the .NET Apps Live ?

2004-12-29 Thread Brian Leach
Putting some logic at a middle tier, not necessarily at the DBMS server, also has advantages. At the risk of yet more bandwidth, but not consuming licenses, many basic validation rules can be exposed as client-independent web services. That approximates that interpreted layer,

RE: [U2] wIntegrate (on Universe) Question

2004-12-16 Thread Brian Leach
'Cos plenty of applications already use PageUp to mean - er - page up. E.g. scrolling up and down a window of multivalues. Take a screen editor for example: can be very frustrating when the emulator wants to reserve the cursor keys for itself. That's when a decent toolbar can help. Brian

RE: [U2] UniVerse Backup/Resizing Questions

2004-12-14 Thread Brian Leach
Whoa. That took almost 2 days to arrive. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach Sent: 14 December 2004 14:29 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [U2] UniVerse Backup/Resizing Questions Dave, There have been some

RE: [U2] [ot] hpux11/uv10 validate user login

2004-12-08 Thread Brian Leach
Gerry, RedBack uses a request/response model. Each RedBack request(e.g. setting or getting a property or actioning a method on a RedBack object) is considered to be a single atomic action and is picked up by the first available RedBack responder. There is no concept of a user or session in the

RE: [U2] UD file indexing

2004-12-08 Thread Brian Leach
Simon, Just to dismiss the obvious, does the dictionaryitem exist on the second machine and can it be recompiled there locally? (ie. Does not contain a reference to another dictionary that might be missing?) Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[U2] Certification

2004-11-18 Thread Brian Leach
Hi all, I've been asked by a potential client to take the IBM U2 Family Developer certification exam - tomorrow morning. There doesn't seem to be any real material on the web to prepare for it. Without giving away any of the contents grin could anyone tell me: Is it generic across UniVerse

RE: [U2] [UV] Help with EVAL in SELECT statement

2004-11-17 Thread Brian Leach
Martin, Not true! Selection uses external format data. Where a field with a conversion code is compared with a constant, the constant is converted to internal form prior to the comparison. The LIKE operator works the other way around and converts the data to its external form as it couldn't

RE: [U2] PICK Assembler Language

2004-11-12 Thread Brian Leach
Ok so we're just talking cross purposes. Is this what you're saying: mvBase is a wrapper for a VM. That wrapper can only only run under Windows. The VM it wraps, however, is hardware independent and could be ported if anyone had the code and the desire to produce a new wrapper e.g. for Linux. I

RE: [U2] [UV] controlling selects with unconverted data used for selection errors

2004-11-12 Thread Brian Leach
Troy, IF you want more rigour in the selection, you can switch to an SQL selection, e.g. SELECT @ID TO SLIST 0 FROM MYFILE WHERE MYDATE = '31 FEB 04'; This will fail date recognition, swap to string recognition and then throw out the statement because of the data type mismatch. Brian.

RE: [U2] [u2] remote paragraphs

2004-11-12 Thread Brian Leach
Adrian, You can call a paragraph from a PROC, thus: CT VOC RUN.PA 0001 PQN 0002 [%2 %3] You use this to execute paragraphs by specifying the file and paragraph on the command line, e.g. ed HELLO New record. : i 0001= PA 0002= DISPLAY HELLO WORLD 0003= Bottom at line 2. : fi

RE: [U2] DATA Statements

2004-11-12 Thread Brian Leach
Don't fear UDT.OPTIONS, embrace them. Bear in mind that you're not changing anything system-wide. You're only impacting the session that invokes them. You can do some wonderful things by flipping these bad boys on and off. Yes, like create a support nightmare when someone forgets to reset the

RE: [U2] Universe SHOW Command and Group Locks

2004-11-11 Thread Brian Leach
Anthony, One thing you might want to look at is the PAKTIME tuneable. This holds the number of seconds the system will wait at a 'Press any key to continue' message before releasing a held group lock. It defaults to 300: you might want to reduce that. Another option might be to set an autologout

RE: [U2] PICK Assembler Language

2004-11-08 Thread Brian Leach
Actually, I guess what I really mean is CAN MvBase run as the ONLY O/S, whether or not it's running in a virtual environment .. No, it's a windows executable. Brian --- u2-users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe please visit

RE: [U2] Uniobjects.NET speed/performance

2004-11-05 Thread Brian Leach
I find .net to be slow and cludgy in virtually all situations - even with a fast processor and 512MB RAM. I've been completely unimpressed with it since it was released. The classes never seem to expose what I need, and you don't get source code to feel safe changing them. The WebForms are

RE: [U2] Question about Triggers

2004-11-02 Thread Brian Leach
Jay, The following works for me: CREATE TRIGGER STUPID_TRIGGER BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON STUPID-FILE FOR EACH ROW CALLING '*STUPID.TRIGGER'; Adding trigger STUPID_TRIGGER ED STUPID-FILE TEMP New record. : i 0001= HELLO 0002= Bottom at line 1. : fi Message from trigger

RE: [U2] [UD] Where does UniObject get @DATE and @TIME from?

2004-10-27 Thread Brian Leach
@DATE and @TIME are not necessarily the current date and time, they are the date and time the current command/program started. I've seen this as differences in a program between @TIME and TIME(), which always returns the current time. I'm away from my server at the moment and can't verify this,

RE: [U2] UniObjects and Delphi

2004-10-25 Thread Brian Leach
Chuck, I've used UniObjects with Delphi since it came out. I still rate Delphi by far the best tool for developing Windows applications - far superior to .Net. Regards, Brian Anyone using UniObjects with Delphi? -- - Charles Barouch --- u2-users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [U2] [UD] running a subroutine

2004-10-21 Thread Brian Leach
I'll just add a small footnote to that one... We version stamp every program, by insering a block that reads e.g : ADGVERDATA='' ADGVERDATA := 'Version=004003054;' ADGVERDATA := 'VerDate=13394;' ADGVERDATA := 'VerProd=MVQUERY;' ADGVERDATA := 'VerTM=MMT mvQuery;' ADGVERDATA := 'VerCopy=Copyright

RE: [U2] BY.EXP Levels

2004-10-19 Thread Brian Leach
Shaun, I guess it's more likely to be the max number of sort fields (U_MAXSORT), since BY.EXP is a sort function. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Renfrew Sent: 18 October 2004 21:50 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [U2]

RE: [U2] writeseq

2004-10-15 Thread Brian Leach
? What version of Unidata is that supported in? -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 3:21 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [U2] writeseq Dave, Use WriteBlk rather than WriteSeq. Brian

RE: [U2] [UV] Strange Select Results?

2004-10-15 Thread Brian Leach
HFSA is not in your VOC.~ @SELECTED = 1 @SYSTEM.RETURN.CODE = 0 Does this help? Bjorn -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach Sent: 15 October 2004 01:11 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [U2] [UV] Strange Select Results

RE: [U2] writeseq

2004-10-14 Thread Brian Leach
Dave, Use WriteBlk rather than WriteSeq. Brian. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Raven Sent: 13 October 2004 23:17 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [U2] writeseq I am using a writeseq to build a record for flat file, I have 5 to

Re: [U2] [UV] Typo leads to discovery of new feature

2004-10-13 Thread Brian Leach
Except in one regard - we have seen a bug in 10.x that breaks this behaviour. It has affected two sites - one on Solaris and one on HPUX and has caused a lot of grief (one was a bank) Brian On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 12:30:29 +1000 Ray Wurlod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The stuff in quotes is a

RE: [U2] Readu lock lost after 1 hour.

2004-10-12 Thread Brian Leach
Do you have AUTOLOGOUT set? Issue an AUTOLOGOUT 0 (zero) to unset it, or AUTOLOGOUT to check it. Regards, Brian Leach -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sibut Pascal Sent: 11 October 2004 17:12 To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: [U2] Readu

[U2] New Direction

2004-10-11 Thread Brian Leach
will be remaining in the MultiValue arena as an independent consultant, offering client/server and web development services. As things settle down, this should also give me more time to devote to activities such as the U2 User Group and relaunching the mvOpen project. Thanks, Brian Leach Email: [EMAIL

RE: [U2] Enforcing uniqueness of two fields per record?

2004-10-11 Thread Brian Leach
Wendy, I know it's not good db theory, but how about having two files: File 1 - key:UserId, holds PersonId File 2 - key:PersonId, holds UserId Then only allow access if both records are consistent. This combination can only be true if both UserId and PersonId are uniquely cojoined. Brian

RE: [U2] Syntax for WRITE ... ON ERROR

2004-10-11 Thread Brian Leach
Wendy, Write MyRecord On MYFILE, MyID ON ERROR Crt file write failed e.g. permissions error End Then Crt This worked a treat End Else Crt This failed miserably End Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wendy Smoak Sent: 09

RE: [U2] JDBC and Unidata and Virtual Fields

2004-10-05 Thread Brian Leach
Kathy, Sorry but your post doesn't make sense! How are you using UniObjects with JDBC? JDBC provides a relational view of the database, UniObjects is an mv-native transport - very different things. Could you give us some more background? Thanks Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL

RE: [U2] thoroughbred basic

2004-09-30 Thread Brian Leach
Stu, The problem is you obviously haven't *embraced* the new technology ! Flat files - Sooo yesterday. Now what you should have done is spent a few weeks designing and building an XML schema (preferably using an overpriced and complex 'now' tool like Visio or .Net), then exported the data from

RE: [U2] Uniobjects for Java

2004-09-24 Thread Brian Leach
Just to complete the reply - FM is 254, not 252. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wendy Smoak Sent: 24 September 2004 16:54 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: John Castilletti Subject: RE: [U2] Uniobjects for Java John Castilletti wrote:

RE: [U2] [UV] [OT] SOX - TCL command logging / auditing

2004-09-17 Thread Brian Leach
-pusher jobs they could create to administer it. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach Sent: 17 September 2004 09:22 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [U2] [UV] SOX - TCL command logging / auditing I guess the only sensible means

RE: [U2] ANNOUNCEMENT: Commercial MultiValue Database released as Open Source under GPL

2004-09-17 Thread Brian Leach
Bjorn, It certainly is. Anything that adds to the multivalue model and helps to get it out there is an aid to U2, as far as I am concerned. I've long wanted a free mv database to compete with the likes of Access for simple, low cost multiuser systems: many shareware and open source

RE: [U2] Universe Debugger - compile from different path with run-timeissue

2004-09-17 Thread Brian Leach
I presume he's using RAID or hitting the break key. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Veenhof, Peter Sent: 17 September 2004 14:46 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [U2] Universe Debugger - compile from different path with

[U2] RE: UniData Sockets

2004-09-15 Thread Brian Leach
I have used the socket API in UniVerse without encountering serious issues - it's all raw stuff (accept/read/write). Also you cannot fork, so you're limited to one listener per port, which may be an issue. Unless you have a clear reason not to, interfacing with UniVerse or UniData is really best

Re: [U2] major (?) @var security hole

2004-09-13 Thread Brian Leach
Whether IAM is a good or bad thing is irrelevant. It's been there since the dawn of time, and systems have taken advantage of it. You couldn't get rid of it now without breaking them. And following the old PICK practice, if anyone don't like having it on their system, they can just delete it

RE: Unclassified RE: [U2] UniSession.connect error

2004-09-13 Thread Brian Leach
AFAIR if you set up PAM to use a windows domain controller, UniRPC ignores that and still looks to the /etc/passwd file. Sorry if I misremember: none of our machines are running PAM. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of HENDERSON

RE: [OT] [U2] Technical Product Manager opening in Boston (PICK /UniV erse/U2)

2004-09-08 Thread Brian Leach
I agree wholeheartedly. Without a degree in English Mediaeval Studies and a Licenciate in Chinese Traditional Acupuncture I wouldn't be the technical chap I am today. Ok, so it came down to money. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of

RE: [OT] [U2] Technical Product Manager opening in Boston (PICK /UniV erse/U2)

2004-09-08 Thread Brian Leach
] On Behalf Of Brian Leach Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:31 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [OT] [U2] Technical Product Manager opening in Boston (PICK /UniV erse/U2) I agree wholeheartedly. Without a degree in English Mediaeval Studies and a Licenciate in Chinese Traditional

RE: [U2] Dynamic File Question

2004-09-07 Thread Brian Leach
Adrian, Dynamic means completely different things on UniVerse and UniData. Just to be confusing. And yes, it will. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adrian Matthews Sent: 07 September 2004 14:46 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE:

RE: [U2] UniObjects.Net

2004-08-31 Thread Brian Leach
David, The history of ODBC and OleDB on U2 shows what a bad idea that is. Frankly, accessing U2 using relational methods is pretty much a waste of time - certainly a huge waste of resources as it tries to map between two totally different data access models. UniObjects is fast, lean and performs

RE: [U2] UniObjects.Net

2004-08-31 Thread Brian Leach
Tony, I'm not suggesting that IBM shouldn't have a route into ADO.NET. RedBack would seem an obvious candidate here, due to the disconnected/lockless nature of the recordsets. But I'm glad wasn't mangled into an ADO.NET provider of some kind. That wouldn't be appropriate, since if I do

RE: [U2] [UD] Windows PE - can UV UD co-exist on the same box ?

2004-08-19 Thread Brian Leach
Ross, Is you want to play with multiple databases on the same hardware, I would recommend using virtual PC. It saves a lot of headaches. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ross Ferris Sent: 19 August 2004 00:31 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [U2] [UD] Windows PE - can UV UD co-exist on the same box ?

2004-08-19 Thread Brian Leach
I find the problems usually occur when I want to upgrade one or other: different versions of client software (e.g. UniObjects) caused me issues in the past. So I just load each one onto a Virtual PC. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

RE: [U2] Question on Unidata tables access speeds

2004-08-10 Thread Brian Leach
Brian Leach [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Sent by: Subject: Re: [U2] Question on Unidata tables access speeds [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [U2] Question on Unidata tables access speeds

2004-08-09 Thread Brian Leach

RE: [U2] UniVerse/AIX - COMMON error message

2004-08-06 Thread Brian Leach
If this is the case, also check your login does a CLEARCOMMON ALL. Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin King Sent: 06 August 2004 14:26 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: [U2] UniVerse/AIX - COMMON error message The two programs

RE: [U2] Mvquery Row

2004-07-26 Thread Brian Leach
Dave, You can't - it is used internally for most of the result processing routines. If it is an issue (generally only in exporting) most of the new exports will allow you to deselect it. Regards, Brian -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of

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