May be the crash Joe reported is NOT due to the RR Search engine!!!
This afternoon I have experienced two unexpectedly exits from
Revolution and I restarted my machine. And then I had a very severe
crash during a normal development session. I had no problem under Rev
2.7.4 fo
is there a way to make the cursor visible on the image with the
use-revolution mailing list
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Dear Revolutionists,
A warm thank you very much to Runrev for having fixed more than 240
I would like to know how successfull is the open beta and what
criterion have been defined at the beginning of the quality way last
November. It would be interested to get the results of the las
I can view it but not go to it. Is this due to being on 2.6.1 Linux?
Hi Peter,
Is Python installed on your machine? To check that python is
installed and to know the command folder path of the python tool type
«which python». Also, try a "python -V»" command (with uppercase for
"V") in a
I have shared my stack "Python Samples with Tkinter" in the
Programming category.
This stack demonstrates some use of the Python tool called from
Revolution with two examples of the Tkinter GUI toolkit.
Set the folder for Python tool to the correct one (e.g. under
MacOSX: /usr/bin or /usr/l
Given the following form in an html page from url like "http:/
I try to "POST tData to URL "http:/myserver/mydir/mypage/myaction"
where tData contains the following data:
--> (this line is not included in data)
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03
Hello Nic,
Of course you'll get an answer but please, give an exemple of the xml
data and node content you have problem with and the function you use
to retrieve its content. Neither in my own use of xml nor by using
the Sarah's XML Demo stack (
This expression returns the expected result:
selectedNode() is the cEditedNodeID of grp "grClassEditor"
But when exchanging the two operands the following expressions do
always return TRUE even with ():
the cEditedNodeID of grp "grClassEditor" is selectedNode()
(the cEd
Here is an example script that does a ping. The handler includes the
post-processing of the result, but you can just ignore that.
function checkPing pIP
put "ping -c1 -n " & pIP into tShellCmd
put " > " & tFileName & " 2>&1 &" after tShellCmd
Thank you a lot Sarah. Your code let me d
s but let us start with the
Mac solution.
Thanks a lot,
All the Best
On 8 Mar 2007, at 11:20, Joel Guillod wrote:
How can I implement the following features:
- invoque a shell command in a separate thread, i.e. a non
blocking shell during execution of the command;
- rece
How can I implement the following features:
- invoque a shell command in a separate thread, i.e. a non blocking
shell during execution of the command;
- receive a callback message with the output and the error result
when the thread exits?
This would be some function similar to the load com
- Property profiles are nice, but it means that I have to store all
of the language data for each object within a profile, making it
harder to make changes to the text.
Many replies but none commenting about profiles.
As the gandfather of Richard used to say, "When a designer is faced
I.e. You want invent a bike? :-)
Use existed bikes? :-)
Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc
Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information
Of course the question was not targeted to a DBMS vendor. And dont be
The SQLite documentation under topic «File Locking And Concurrency»
states: «SQLite uses POSIX advisory locks to implement locking on
Unix. On windows it uses the LockFile(), LockFileEx(), and UnlockFile
() system calls. SQLite assumes that these system calls all work as
advertised. If that
I am very very happy with Tree Manager & Tree Field control from
At first there are many commands but it is very powerfull and you can
develop with only 3 or 4 commands. Since I use Tree Manager I
couldn't work without it. The examples stack is also very helpful
Alas I think you are true, Bill, I am afraid!
I have to agree with you although my work is not as impossible as you
report yours. Obviously there is some serious management issue in
Runrev which is not a new one... And this is a pity because
Revolution concept drives a very productive develo
The rev documentation states that :
«The revSetDatabaseDriverPath command is part of the Database
library. To ensure that the command works in a standalone
application, you must include this custom library when you create
your standalone.»
I have no idea but a
From a file path or a file extension or a MIME type, how can we get
a list of the applications which can open the corresponding file?
The "launch document " can open the corresponding
application like a double-click in the Finder/Windows Explorer. But
has anyone some tricks to get a list of
On Aug 13, 2006, at 3:30 AM, David Bovill wrote:
I want to call the shell command and let the user get on with other
gui stuff... wouldn't it be nice to have:
put shell("something really slow") with message "doneIT" ?
Very good idea!
Do you fill an enhancement in Revzilla? If not I'll do it,
I agree that in most instances using the name of controls is the best
BUT there is a **semantic** issue with the current behavior of the
clone command because we expect a clone to be an exact copy of the
Also, the problem of changing the ID especially for images is a nasty
How can I force to save as a 'Legacy Revolution Stack' with the save
command, i.e. without passing by the save dialog?
And how to know if the saved format is 'Legacy Revolution Stack' or
'Revolution Stack'?
use-revolution mailing list
I don't think the imagedata has changed, and my thought would be to
check and make sure the images are set to their respective
formattedHeight and formattedWidth BEFORE checking the imageData.
I hope this helps.
Not of help... Actually before submitting the question I checked that:
For image processing I have to extract the RGB values from an
imagedata of an image but I got different results under MacOSX and
I found that the imagedata values is different between the two
platform: every color component of pixels is slighty changed. I have
not found in the docume
I notice that the system messages order for list field differs
depending on the hilited state of the clickline:
case 1: when clicking on a *unhilited* line: mousedown ->
selectionChanged -> mouseUp
case 2: when clicking on a *hilited* line: selectionChanged ->
mousedown -> mouseUp
Is i
Throw some votes on it if you like :-)
Also do it for features request/bug ID 1893: revInsertXMLNode and
XSLT routines ID 2809.
use-revolution mailing list
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Hi Ken,
On 3/21/06 10:21 AM, "Klaus Major" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
I am currently working through the XML docs and am desparately
looking for
something llike -> "revXMLfindNodeBycontent"
Sorry, Klaus, AFAIK you can't find data information with the revXML
Damn!!! What a pi
On 2004-07-26 I requested the revInsertXMLNode feature. This
enhancement has been assigned to runrev component owner the same day
but since >18 months no activity happens! If you work with xml you
know that this is a must feature!
So please support this feature by voting for «bug» #1893.
The following Applescript does work successfully when run in the
Script Editor but return an execution error when run with «do fld
"theScript" as Applescript»:
tell application "Address Book"
set theCard to person id "808C7253-74EA-4619-
I would like to hear about advices how to address this problem in
- data of my system is based on a number of sets of xml documents;
- a set is a repository of xml documents;
- there is a registry of the sets which references the address of
each set;
- to avoid complic
Hi Malte,
My test with the 2 different versions of the function shows a 25%
faster with the one using atan2 (test with 1000 and 1 loops, 200
runs)... on a G4/1.67 GHz/RAM 2 Go/Mac OS X 10.4.2. Probably you
loose time with testing x1=>x2... But you are right one loop was less
than one
Should the ArcadeEngine be optimized for speed from ...
Function findAngle
put abs(x1-x2) into oppositeLeg
put abs(y1-y2) into adjacentLeg
if adjacentLeg<>0 then
put atan(oppositeleg/adjacentLeg) into alpha
put alpha*180/pi into alpha
put 90 into alpha
There is a simple solution which is to have a group containing an
image. The lockloc of this group should be true, then you dimension
the image according to the scale you choose and you set the image
location according to the rect of the image you want to display. The
container gro
The other way around is harder - you have to script / use a lookup
Not so hard to build a map between ColorNames and RGB: create a field
and name it "fColors", then put the following script in the card
script and type build in the message box: now the field display for
each color a
external plugins
available for other competitors IDE and their success. Today let us
know the delay, please!
Joel Guillod
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 09:27:31 -0700
From: Mark Wieder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sunday, August 21, 2005, 12:19:31 AM, you wrote:
feedback, did I miss som
You are most welcome, Joel.
And Howard, you are not actually stopping the animation which
continues in
the background. As in the original posting and repeated when
uploaded to ssBk
Online, set the repeatCount of the image ID to -1 to start the
animation and
0 to stop it.
On what plat
external plugins
available for other competitors IDE and their success. Today let us
know the delay, please!
Joel Guillod
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 09:27:31 -0700
From: Mark Wieder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sunday, August 21, 2005, 12:19:31 AM, you wrote:
feedback, did
Thanks for the nice 16x16 24-frame animated gif !
I wonder to know if there is a way in Revolution that animated gif
are going to be automatically animated during the execution of a
script. This is in fact the reason of your new 'chasing arrows' to
show the user that a process is currently
In the RunRevExternalSDK found at:
many features remain undocumented in the "Externals" stack and the
other files. I know this has been a recurring and annoying problem
for many years and that a great step has been made last y
Ken ,
Yes, I would be pleased to get your conversion routine.
My problem is that I dont know exactly know how to convert in MacOSX
from: "/Users/toto/Desktop/Image 6.png"
to: "Main HD:Users:toto:Desktop:Image 6.png"
or from: "/Volumes/My Device/toto/Image 6.png"
to ...?
Thanks very
I am looking for a script to convert a filepath to an Applescript
file statement. For example:
"/Users/toto/Desktop/Image 6.png" => file "Image 6.png" in the
folder "Desktop" in home
My current version is as below but it does not deal with files
outside the /Users directory. Who can help
As far as I understand the indexing of stacks by Spotlight (MacOSX),
scripts only are used as the text to index. Of course this is of very
high value for developers and I am willing this feature. But on the
other side it could impair security if the password of the stack has
not been set (w
Why do you bother with the second parameter pType? Just drop it and
change the following from:
put urlEncode(last item of pFilePath) into tItem
delete last item of pFilePath
put the directory into tOldDir
set the directory to pFilePath
if pType = "file" then
put the detaile
and type are
not set for the OS plateform.
@version 30.7.2005 - Modified by Joel Guillod from a proposal by Eric
function file_getCreatorAndType pFilePath,@pCreator,@pType
local tDefaultFolder,tFile,
put the defaultFolder into tDefaultFolder
set the itemdel to slash
set th
Dear Mister X,
I mentioned such a bug (#3019) in build 91 and it has been
wonderfully fixed for the current downloable build.
In the msg box, "put version(), buildnumber()" should reply
"2.6.5,108". Otherwise download and reinstall Rev 2.6 again.
Also I agree with Eric, you should place
Thanks all folks for the advices.
I have now been able to build a standalone by commenting the
"savingStandalone" in the main stack. In the IDE this handler works
properly without error but when executed by the standalone builder it
unexpected quits Rev. I am going to update the bug in this
Since Rev 2.6 I have not been able to build any standalone: after
setting the Application Setting, then chosen the Save as Standalone
Application menu Revolution unexpectedly quits after less than 1-2
secs. I have tried to change settings but could not fix myself. For
such a very very annoy
From: Dan Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Then my second favorite language was Python. The GUI-building tools
for Python are pathetic to non-existent. But the language is powerful
and elegant and extends naturally. If the PythonCard project I was
engaged in before I discovered Revolution had been
TMI> Will someone that was at the conference please tell me the hint
of the
TMI> future for rev. please
It will all be revealed in the RevCon 2006 keynote.
2006? What a smart future for Rev!
I'm still dreaming about some REALly Rapid Release Plans. Maybe we as
developers are not fill
I had a dream that Runrev also has «Rapid Release Plans» for
Revolution. Constructive ideas can be found at:
use-revolution mailing list
I had a dream that Runrev also has «Rapid Release Plans» for
Revolution. Constructive ideas can be found at:
use-revolution mailing list
Le 16 mai 05, à 18:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
I'm not sure if you are on the Valentina mailing list or not but Ruslan
is one of the most helpful developers I have ever come across. True
there is not example stack and Chipp has created an *excellent* example
stack but to say that Ruslan has pr
What a good opportunity to explain you some of the reasons why you
probably miss so many users. My own experience of Valentina has been a
failure because I have never been able to easily operate Valentina with
Hypercard/Supercard and more recently with Revolution. Dont reply that
I sho
Anybody familiar with Ruby or WideStudio?
Personnaly I use Eclipse + PyDev + Ant + wxDesigner for GUI (I am
trying it currently) + wxPython (i.e. a wrapper for the wxWidgets as
the multiplatform GUI). At first a bit more complex than Revolution or
RealBasic IDE but opensource, much more reliable
Is there a way to access to the Mac OS X Address Book from Revolution?
I found that RealBasic provides classes to do this so you can read from
or write to the
Address Book.
use-revolution mailing list
Having problem in understand a strange behavior for a stack of mine, I
realised that the doc explains that the suspendStack message is also
send when closing a stack. But I need to distinguish two situations:
(1) when user click on another window than the default stack (which is
that the curren
he plugins folder is placed inside the
bundle folder.
This is just a summary. If many are interested, I will take some hours
to polish my own stacks and put them as a complete sample downloadable
from the net. I wrote some usefull utility scripts to manage the
application settings. Let me know!
Joel Guillod -
use-revolution mailing list
Dear Revolution Developers,
As far as I have been enable to test it these last weeks, Revolution appears as a very
mature and advanced product. Being a first days Hyper- and Supercard user, I am
convinced that Runtime Revolution Ltd should be very proud of their product because
have done
Dear Revolution Developers,
As far as I have been enable to test it these last weeks, Revolution appears as a very
mature and advanced product. Being a first days Hyper- and Supercard user, I am
convinced that Runtime Revolution Ltd should be very proud of their product because
have done
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